DECEMBER 5 2016 BLDG APPS& APPLICAIT'S Ml,lE: DEVELOPER: NEW HANOVER COTJNTY BUILDING PERI,IIT aPPLIcatIott rYPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI{SXER ALL qJESTIOI{S APPLICABLE TO YOI,R PRO]ECT "ProJect ResponsibilitF Tbn,lvt t{umbe P (oFflce ue.) LOT S: *; ]-71- t1oa stt Pt ztPt434.e5 PRO]ECT ADDiESS 3 slrBorvrsr(I{ : CITY: BLOCK PROPERTY OI{{ER' S d ER'S ADORESS: CONTRACTOR: ADORESS: I, EiIATL ADORESS: PROJECT COi'TACT LICEI{SE S: CfTY: lil',li4 Pror{E *: 211"11O'7 nn If the project is a Is there Electrical u trSF SF POOL DECK ,r'POf *ll" 0'{'q+1rq foorcr t rorAL HEATED sq rr, E'l-,1 4 rorAl sQ Fr uilDER RooF:TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT COST ta*s t-crr : i &O, Cc c * OF STORIES: ) ,-5' Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLlIlSItlG or IECHAT{ICAL Uork B€1ng Done to the Accessory Structurel I Ves I ffo PRoPERTY rrsE / occupA cy, [tlr*Gl., FMrLy fl ourrex ! rohlNHousE DEscRrprrct{ oF h,oRK: ? f Q^te A << e >ot,t-. Apt - OISCLAIMER I *ld od,n'lce! td raCulrlions' The NHC De!,.lopnl.nt Sarvic.s Contr wtll b. nofiLd of lny .trdtgBs h lls applovod pbns and sp€dfcado.r3 o. ch8oga in contlclr orclnrlEbr hbrmaioo. -NOTE:Any Worr Perbmed WIO fie ApproprtEE pomtE w b€ h Vlotatbn of the NC StaE B|dg qdo a,1d s|jbj.cl b Finas l, To S5oO.Ool-r.. - --tz- n Relocation, is there a tiatural Pouer on thts Building? f] Yes 6as Line on the current 51te? flves I lro fiHo vTAq><- - ftlru lrtiiel,V , NAA lOLl) <r4*{. U4 q-t +ll5 - thal alr in6rm6lion n hrs appllcation is corEct 6nd 6 u/ork fi[ compty wih he Stat6 Buitdino Code snvdl oh€r appticabt€ SlrE aod tocal tsyis oarct 10-19 tr*: )17 'r l Orl ztP I PK'NE *: I sronacr sxeo SF EXrST${G CON{STRUCTTO : ffi ALrenA l{Er{ cor{sTRUcTIo{r f- rnecr NEH RESTDENCE o" ! 6pp1116X TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE *.PLEASE CI,IECI(ALL THAT APPLY TO YO(,t PRO]ECTI ! arr eemce ! osr canree sF fl PoRcH - sF At[, ANSHER BEL0|{ -5F SUN R@I4 GREENHOUSE ATroN f] GEITERAL REpArRs ! ner-ocnrrcxl SF _ sF SIGI{ATURE: rs rHE PRoPERTY LOCATED r{ A FLOOOPLAIN? [ VrS Et rc Exrs? {c riirpERvrqrs nea: j-fu@_sQ rr TOTAL ACRES DTSTURBED: " I Ql EI{ II.IP ERVIO{'S AREA: :-J€ ='b <Da) =:o =F(D.() =IDo ; fJ N>(, {= .:;t !i) a( 00 SQ FT EXIST LA'IIO DISTURBT G PERUIT: FI YES FI ilO r{ArER: trcFpua fl co,r"ruHrw svsrrr.r ! pRrvATE r,lELL ! ceurml uell sEr{ER: EfcFpuA I crrrnal sEprrc E pRrvATE sEprrc I cortrurw svsreN t*' SEPAqATE PEslrrS. REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, IiEcH, PLBG, GAs EQtjrp, PREFABS & rirsERTs .*. pAyrE[T ttErHD: El cAsn E cxrcx (DAYaBLE m nrrl [ Arrrnra* ,*r..r, n ,a-* - n DrscovER:|++{i:iil+l*t***111t* **+,}**lt+*, ,.tt+*t*l:ll*t,!iii***t++**+a**t*tt} +,},} *t ti I I t*t t *,r * t+r*+,at*t,} ll ,N zonr: K- lt- oFFrcER: € f.sft (roi oFFICE usE Or!y) , , RE\arsED O rE 04,/11/12 sErBAcKs: r:il/q LH:AIA nx,N/q e,A/A qwft^t+N&'ff. 3ooe ,orb-t)bcB'ffi{a+l-- alPLrcATror -*#';E:'::". approvat: OIL city:lD\lr.n DArE !{1r]y'yi'; bit]6 RECEIVEDJUL2s?O1O NEtl HAI{OVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI,iIT APPLICAIIOII ffPE; CffiIERCIAL PL€ASE $lsr,tt ALL QUESTTOT{S APPLICASLE TO YO,JR PRolECr "ProJect Responsibillt1f l{AllE: r*ilminqloq Builders P*OIECT AIDRESS: 2 Silva Terra Dr.CITY: witmrnqton OCCUpAiII/8USII{ESS NA}IE : uoe: i e itol d:.r,ss "iorVltral$ /b.: 2.!-71 APPLICATISI llurbcr (Ofilrc U3.) OATE:--H_APPLICAITIT' S DEVETOPER:P}I(XE *: ZIP:zarrz PROPERTV (H{ER'S (M{ER'S ADORESS: llAll[ : !:oet I e Hc I <li ngs LLC 5 Srlva ?ef,ra 0r.CITY: w:.tmington t:910-200-2200 5T; tic ZlPi 28412 5T: NC ZIP: 28457 I:91C-202-8042 $:919-600-65?4 COffRACTfi : wi lrxr nqton Buil<lers AIIOnESS: llC woodland Dr. EIIAIL ATDRESS: susan€ur lmlngton-bui lders -com tICEiISE ,: 6e12r) CITY: t eland PROIECT COIIITACT PERSO{: steve }iienieyer Pt{ottE proiltE (Chr(k All rnrt Apoly) ExrsT coilsrRtcTro{: fi alrraauan fl nerrnvarrfl [ crr{Enm REpArRs f] nrlocrrror tf Hocdon, is rhere a Narural Gas Line on the Curront Sirez flvFfilNo ls BLDG sPRtNt<tEREot I ves lllr'ro NEt{ coi}srRtrcTro{: f] enrcr ilELr srnucrunE flFAsr rRAcr f] sxer-r- flunrrr [l rco ro Exrsr srnrrcrurE ICCESS0*Y STRICTtnE! addinq ha*clicap rarnp, br:insinq to be ADA comp:iant If tfFIT - The shcll Pennlt S: IF Ya3, hirat ANCH OESIOI ET{GR T'ESIGI{ laata : Has the Prcvloss PiOFESSIOfiAI: rS THIS A OU"GE Occupancy Typel PROFESSITh{AL: PH: PH: rlocr -g!.1- TIC ftEG *: t{C REG f : DESCRIPTION OF I{oRl(: add.inq handlqap rainp a[d-,brL!s14g !o be ADA comp].lanr. erhrh) b bod c bcrllegr pryd r mrd h I{r trd.re? flv"" [l ruo E Trp Propcty Lod kr Thr rtffir? f] ve" El No DlSCLAlllER: I h€reby c€nity lhsl tll itrformsl,on in lhia rlpptcjtidr is corrEt and ell x,o* Hllcomdy wifh th! gate Burtdrng Codc and dl orher applcsHc Slate ond local bty3 and oftSnanc€s md .eoulations. The NHC DevcloomGnt S€wices Csnlcr wll De notrfred of any chano€r in lhi aore$crlrcs and i'iecitrcatisrsg.ilplCg S-e!,u,ggqortornrado, mtormatlon. ''}*OTE: Any Wo* Per{onned wlo 0le Appropriats Permile wll & ir ViolatiQol rhaNe Btie BIdg Coae anaoi chino.ii conu8clor or c.dracror fird,rmitlon. "'tloftlSutiecllo Finor Up To i5&1.00"' OYTINER'CONTRACTOR:grt,SIGNATURE: Hcf.: Diln#on ndtteen t r!-E rtnovll F m ffiil rl b b.lrlf Drfplcdonhnn dhlftf r-hr{toonbhA$.iE rrsr. Yql .lr rr6fr ScJ tr Xdod hlUl ktda.t h tbrtra Ah Fdrrr,rr (I€${AF,.r dletrocyrro.bll.d*ren dary lrQ or rr.'.n!g. tr A6-ts $ib 8r: ill[Dfu.?arI.lr.rr,lar&rrh,rp.ttnl TOTALPROJECTGOST: SI IOOO.OO BUILDIITJGHEIGHT::r. - TOT LAREASQFT: i300 SOFTPER FLR: 1300 . TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 13OO # OF STRL'CTIJRES:1 EGr LAND DtsrURBll{G FERHTm Elvrs ff xO SA FT D(ISN}IG IMPERVICIT.ISAREA C PRoPERTYUse Elorrrce Eneerrelnrln flurncrrnu-e flsotr flrer ffmnoo or]€rty4r EcFPt,^ I-'lffilr$rYsYurEiLr Elltr+___._ _Ezoilstcu8Ecr ssGtc^rK,n 3s:sElrER: Eicrnn Clcexrner-BEprrc EldfreresEpnc gEnmmxrrrCysrEt i!' SEPr&rlE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR F-LECT, M€CH. PLBG, cAS EOt.lrP, PREFABS l, ITISERTS -' PAYllENTtrETtloD; flcrsx fitoeo<pavnalETot*ic] f]rmenrctrExpREss ftmcrvru florsCOrfn Z0NE:-oFF,cER:- Strtr'H--.", Rl*-B:- f OFUNITS: #OFSTORIES: l TOFFLOORS:1 ACRESDISTURBED: NETI, |I|PERVIOUS AltEit o SO FT BttfD0AIE{r1fi2 Is Elect Poser on this Butlding B Ves E *O oF occrrPAr{cY ur:} fitvrs ftrtr ..... F-15 l$at ls thc t{€r, Occupancy ,)ffu/r/ ,2$u, Ht, NEW HAN.,ER couNry BUTLDTNG pERMrr @ffi' ll!o5L APPLICAT,ON TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" Appt-tCANT,S NAME. Penton Construction, LLC Application Number {office use} Date. Nov. 26, 2016 PROJECT ADORESS:1928 Springwood Drive ctw. Wilmington ztP.28409 sUBDtvtstoN: Shinnwood West LOT d: oJ pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME. Penton New Homes, LLC oWNER,S ADDRESS. 6105 Oleander Drive Suite 201 PHONE #. 910 452-1410 aTY.wirminm CONTRACToRT Penton Construction, LLC - BLDG LICENSE #:50903 61w. Wilmingion 51. nc 4g. ZAaOSADDRESS.6105 Oleander Dr., Suite 201 EMAtt ADDRESST howard @pentondevelopment.com PHONE.910 452-1410 PROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Howard Penton PHONE.279-3131 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: n Alteration E Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation 'I''}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.'ECT'""I' Att Garage (5F)4 ! Det Garage (sF)_ Sunroom (SF)D Pool (SF) n Deck (SF) n Storage Shed (SF) Greenhouse (SF)_a Other (SF) tr ! ! tr Porch (Sr) 342 ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF lfot proposed work) Heated:zp unheated:776 ToTAt PROJECT coST (tess ro11; 5180,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lfthe projectisa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on thecurrentsite? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family D Duplex ! Townhouse Description of work' erect single family residential home DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this application rs correct and all work wlll comply with the laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC owner/contractor: Penton Construction, LLC signature: "Licensed Quoliliet" Code and all other applcable State and local and specifications or change in contractor to fines up to 5500.00"' ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: m Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 0 10 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E trto E Central Well E AquaWATER: E CFPUA ! Community System ! Private Well SEWER: E CFPUA n Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua officer:Setbacks (F)_ (LH) (RH) _ (B)_ Approvali _ City: _ Date: Comment: Floodr (A) _ (v) _ (N)BFE+2ft= Permit Fee: S l, ttSO I NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N ryPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" 6t6ost' Application Number (office use) Date. Nov. 26, 2016 z,P.2UO9 APPUCANT,S NAME. Penton Construction, LLC PROJECT ADDRESS: '1944 Springwood Drive CtTy. Wilmington sUBDtVtstoN: Shinnwood West LoT g: 81 pRopERTy owNER,5 114|y16. Penton New Homes, LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS. 6105 Oleander Drive Suite 201 PHONE #. 910 452-'1410 g;1y. Witmingrton, NIC ztpl8403 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC - BIDG tlcENsE # 50903 ADDRESS:6105 Oleander Dr., Suite 201 ctTy Wilmington 91. nc 21p.28403 EMAtLADDREss: howard @pentondevelopment.com PHONE. 910 452-1410 pRoJEcT CONTACT pERSON. Howard Penton PHONE.279-3'131 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration I Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIONT E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** n ntt Garage (sr)428 ! Det Garage (SF)_n Porch (sF) 340 ! sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (sF) tr Storage Shed (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:2p Unheated: 768 TOTAT PROJECT COST (r,ess Lot): S189:990 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes El No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family n Duplex n Townhouse Description of work' erect single family residential home OISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this application i5 correct and all work will compty with BuildinS Code and all other applicable Stat€ and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any changes in plant and specifications or change in contractor to fines up to 5500.00"'information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in viotation of the NC owner/contractor: Penton Construction' LLC signature: "Licensed Qudliter" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 0 10 New lmpervious Area: 3397 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well C Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Centrat Septic E Aqua Officer:setbacks (F) _ (LH) (RH) _ (B) Approval: _ City: _ Date: Comment:),903 Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= PermitFee:S IJ IvY B trr,t,\ l58 APPLI CAT,ON TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWIR ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAEIE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility"lorb#,&s8 /(" APPLICANT,S NAMT:L n,rlt O,nt#.^l.u Date: PROJECT ADDRCSS:8)oo l\old Da<l. Lc.ryc Cttt: [n) ', ln i ^,,9 .- ,,, ZIP: ,? ? 4 // SUBDIVISION:J)^ nY.". ,,.J r-lz LOT fr: pRoptRTYowNER'sNAME: Lo",l ', Cr\1lo-/.- PHoNtfl q/O-43/- /129. owNER,sADDRESS: ?roo 7ol"! FoSl, to^. Cl'ltt: Ltil,,z,,(*S\/...r zlp'.281// pRorEcr coNrAcr pERSoN: ;trT - - Ll^Sht- PHoNE ?to-2s/-t51'/ CONTRACTOR: ADDRTSS: E Sunroom (SF) EMAIT ADDRTSS: EXISTING coNsTRUcTloN: D Alteration E Renovation E- General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: E Erect New Residence f) addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation ''*PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTTI* E ett Garage (sf) _D oet Garage (SF) _D Porch (SF) BTDG LICINSE fl St: tvC- ZtP: 3 8'/ O 3 PHONI:9to -lz/ -85/./ D Storage shed (St)tr Pool(SF) D Deck (SF)D other lsil A,, llc-h,ao/E Greenhouse (SF) -- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (/or proposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROTECT GOST (Less totl:5 ,l6rCoO ' ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes @. ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes EI. nfo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes I No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes F tuo laws and ordinances and retulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be noli{ied ol any changes in the approved plans and specirications or change inconlraclot inlormation. ...NOJI:Any work perlormed wilhoul the appropriate permits will be inviolation ot the NC Slale\BldB Code and subjectJqfine! upto S5O0.00"' Owner/Contractor: "Lrcensed Quolilier" Property Use/ Occupancy: 6singte Family l-l Duplex E Townhouse Descriptionorwork: "''({)'ir)',|)"' J"i')=JL""1))i'lL.^n' * ,"f^1r,.. ',* ,--;Ll'L cL A)e"o l^., tl. [^ -n.J ls the property located rn a floodplainl d ves E t',to Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: --- Sq ft WATER: IB Cf PUR E Community System D STWER: E Cf PUn E Community System D Zone:Ollicer:Setbacks (t) Total Acres Disturbed: 0') o ^ e txisting Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes E lvo Private Well E Central Well D Aqua Private Septic D Central Septrc D Aqua _ (rH) _ (RH) (B) -Approval: City: -- Date: -- Flood: (A) (v) -- (N) - Bf E+2lt= Comment: Permit Fee (- s34 o Print Nome ,r APPLICATION TY PE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICAEIE TO YOUR PROJECT 'rProrect Responslblllt/' 2,: l@ -11&S7L6-2900 \ppUcANTs NAME, KEN COFFEB ne.,'. 10t12t2016 ,ROJEC' ADDRESS: - --'- *ry-,uaorvtstotv,PARffi tot*, F-"'- ,ROPERTY OWNERS NAME. PMILLLLC pHoNE#:910-458-5805 ,w.rrrrooo*io. i2o2 ;;;cAFi@ joNrBAcroR: SECOF CONSTBUCTTON COMPANY INC 48248 rrrntr. eo -;Ho6Tro-.mi4d6',r-' ,ROJECT CONTACT pERSoN. KEN COFFEB JR PHoNE. 910-833-4065 XISTING CONSTRUCrION: E Alteration I Renovatlon D General Repalrs IEW CONSTRUCTION: E} Ered New Residence E Addltion to Existing Residence ! Relocation .I *PIEAsE{HECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATL THAT APPTY TO YOUB PROJECT*+I 3 ett carage (sr) 498 D Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (sF)257 I sunroom (sF)tr Pool (st) ! Deck (sFl - Storage Shed (SR I Greenhouse (sFl_tr Other (st) ; the proposed work changing the exlstlng footprint? [O Yes [O No oTAtsQFT UNDER RooF (Jot proposed workl Heatedt 2227 unheat"d:496 oTAt PROJECT cosr ([ess tog; 5 145'000 , the proposed work changing the number ofbedrooms? [O Yes E No , any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure l- Yes O No the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes [l No there Electrlcal Power on this Building? El Yes li No roperty Use/ Occupa!9y: E_slntle.Famlly E Ouplex tr Townhouse cscrlptlon of Work. Single family homebn slab. Enorgy code porspBctive. ISCiAjMERT I hereby .ertfy th at alllhe lnlormatlon ln thb applicatlon Is coned and allwo* wlllcomplylttth the Slate Bullding Code erd allother appltcableState and lo.al lvs and ordhances and re8ulatlons. The NHc D€velopment Servlc€i Centerwlllbe notmed of ary changes ln th€ approv€d plans and speciflcations or chanSe ln cont6ctor formatlon. *rtNOTE: Any work peformed without the approprlate permits wlllbe ln vlolatlon ofthe Nc state Btdg Code and sublect to line6 up to S5OO.OO... q16s46611o.1o. KEN COFFER JR Slgnature: kensed Quolfilef'P nt Nome the property located ln a floodplaln? O Yes E ,dstlnt lmpedous Ar"., 0 sq Ft No TotalAcres Dlsturbed: ew lmpervlous Area; j{!Sq Ft E(lstlng land Dlsturbing Permlt: [O Yes [3 No JAIER: El CFPUA fl Community System n private Well E CentralWell E Aqua EWER: El CFPUA E community System E prlvate Septic E Centralseptlc E Aqua ,ne: _ Oftlcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ [tH)_ (RH] _ lB) _ pproval: _ Clty: _ Datc:_ Flood: (A) _ {V) _ [N) _ BFE+Zft= cf,o(A, APP LICATIO N TYPEi RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responslbility" l?tvdw Appllcatlon Number (offlce use) E Det Garage {SFl- ! Pool{sF} f) Deck {sF) E Porch (5F| E Storage Shed (SF) tr other (sF) 132 i the proposed work changing the existinE footprint? D Yes Il No OTALSQFT UNDER RAOF Vor prorysed work) Heated:9 unheated:638 oTAt PRoJECI cosr (rcss lotl: 5 30$0iP i the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? [O Yes ltr No , any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure I Yes [O No the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? IO Yes [D tUo ithere Electrical Power on this Building? lO Yes E No roperU use/ Occupancy: El slnsle Famllv E Duolex D Townhouse "r.rtpiton oi wori. Sidgle family homebn slabi Energy code perspectlva \pplrcANrs NAME. KEN COFFEH Da:y!. 11l12t2}1e ,Rorecraoonts, --'- ;;25429- ,uaotvtstolrr, PAR jrg]TT- ,ROpERry OWNER'S NAME. PMTLLLLC pHoNE6: 910.458-5605 )wNER,sAoDREss, 1202 Ty.cABry :oNrRAcroR: sEcoF coNsTRUcTtoN coMpANy tNc atoe ucerse r: 48248 oDnEss. i2o aEaA; r" Nc;-za-aa- MAIT ADD ---P6G-sm.65r!- ,ROJECT CONTACT pERsoN, KEN COFFEB JR pHoNE. 910-833-4065 XISIING CONSTRUCIION: E Alteration D Renovatlon E General Repalrs IEW CONSTRUCTION: A Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation TTTPLEASE CHECI( AND ANS AT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.'ECT*II 'll l Att carage (sfl 504 Sunroom (SF) Greenhouse (sF!_ lsClAlMES! I hereby cerliry thatallthe informatlor ln thh applLatlon b correct and allworl wlll.ompvrvlth the State BulldinS code ard allother appllcibte state and locel ws and ordlnanc€. end regulallons. The NHC oevelopm€nt Servleg Center wlllhe nolmed o, any chanSeEln theapproved plans and spe.mcattons or change ln contractor Iorma{on, tt*NOTE: Any wotk performed whhout the approprtate permits \,1lll be ln vlolatlon of the Nc state BldE Code and subrect to flnes up to $soo.oor}r ,wner/contractor: KEN coFFEB JH Slgnature: .lcensed Quoltfle/P nt Nome the property located in a Roodplaln? D Yes ltr xistlng lmp€rviour Ar"., 0 sqFt No TotalAcres Disturbed: ew lmpervlous Area: 3159 Sq Ft Exlstlng Land Dlsturblng Permlt: [O Yes [I No /ATER: B CFPUA E Communitysystem fl Private well E centralwell E Aqua EWER: E CFPUA O community System E private Septic El Centralseptic E Aqua ,ne: _ Otflcer: _ setbacks (t) _ (LH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ pproval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A)_ (V)_ (N) _ BFE+2ft. crR)ft t'1r1D.