DECEMBER 10, 2016 BUILDING APPSAPPLILA' IUN I YYE: XE>IUI,N I IAL PLEASE ANSWIR ALT QUESTIONS APPTICABLI TO YOUR PROJTC] " P r oie cl Resp o ns i bi I it Y" APPLICANT,S NAMT: PBOJECI ADDRCSS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER,S, 'OWNER,S NAME: ADDRESS: [21 T+ lor # fl Det Garage (SF) - D Pool (sr) D Deck (Sr) PHoNr o 1191to Lot lIls ztP: .t8r+o3 LtcENSt f PHONT: PHONI Z'P tb 9lo 6s< lbt< D Storage Shed (Sr) D other (sr) tc\\.trot - D tto f,I6 oCONTRACTOR ADDRESS: TMAIT ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON 9\o 6 s(4s&ro fl< D D tr GxtsTtNG coNsTRucTtoN: D Atteration d"nolu,oH D GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: u Erect New Residence D Addition to txisting Residence D Relocation .'*PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW ALI THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTIT+ D Porch (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No ToTAt sQ FT UNDER RooF (/or proposed work) Heatea, 2,9(io a\\<l Unheated: ToTAt PRorEcT COST (Less Lorl: $ 2 l, OiCt| ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E tto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ll the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes ls there Electrical Power on this Building? p ves El tto Property Use/ OccuPancy: Description ol Work: DlscIAlMtR: I hereby rertify thar all the inlormation in this applicalion is (orrect and all work will comply wilh the slar€ Buildint code and all olher apPlicabl€sla1e and lor laws and ordinances and,eButaiions. The NHc Devetopmenr services (enler wlll be notilied ol anv thanges in lhe approved ,?lt:,1!.trj:.1:t:l::i:".t *'Htjn{oniraclol rnformalron. . . . Not t . Any wor k perlor med wit houl lhe approqj,lale pe rmils will be in violalion ol I he Nc slale Bldf cornd s ubject 10 f rnes up 10 s500'00"' i:l,','i,T:: ::,,',::" ( - ,- {or\o ' signature: Att Gara8e (Sr) - Sunroom (5F) Greenhouse (Sf) - rpYes Bno ls the property located in a lloodplain? D Yes E ttto Existing lmpervious Area: =.--_- 5q ft New lmpervious Area: ........-....-..-._-----. Sq Ft WATER: f) crPun D CommuntlY SYstem STWER: D CrPua D CommunitY SYslem Zone: Ollicer: Setbacks Tolal Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes D ruo E Privale vvell E Central Well D Aqua D Prrvale Septic f) Cenlral Septic D Aqua (r)-(LH).=-(RH)--tB)- Approval: Comment tLtef.l-or 6 ztP l-8 !o5 CitY: -- Date:Flood: (A) tv) '- (N) =-- BrEr2lt= Permii f ee: $ .rf'ffi), .',$) Nt /{:''- '' wl APPLICANT'S DEVELOPER: -PRO]ECT ADDR SUBDIVISION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIOII TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANShIER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" MllE: Tribute construction, Inc. ESS: 7224 Kaneohe Bav p1.CITY: wil-minqton !4yrEle Landinq BLOCK #: PHONE ZTP: w PROPERTY OhINER'S OtilNER'S ADDRESS: Ml4E: t"tyrtle lre4qures, LLC LICENSE #: 5ooo1 LOT #: #:.@4 ST: mc zIP:28403 ST: r.lc ZIPi W #: gro-zs:--so:o #:910-d12-8148 PHONE 10 S. Cardinal- Dr CITY: wil-minqton CONTRACTOR: Tribute construction, rnc. ADDRESS: 1o S. Cardinal Dr. EIt'lAI L ADDRESS : c I ane@t r ibut e const ruct j,on . com CITY: wilminston PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Kent ranner PTIONE PTIONE sF ! orr GARAGE ! eoor- _ sF sF E PoRCH 3q- sF f] sronaee sHro SF SF btt",lNbx rk-3Jbl APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATE: 11 . 18 .16 #:910-25r--5030 Exrsrrtrtc coNsrRucrroru: I ALTERATToN ! nrruovarroru f] crrurnal REpATRS fl nelocarroru NEW coNsTRUCTroN: I rnrcr NEW RE5TDENCE or ! aoorrroN To ExrsrrNc RESTDENCE *,TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER I nrr GAMGE f] sur,rnoom _ sF f] cnrrruHousE _ BELOII ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT: SF I orcr _ sF orHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FTi \2'ts TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: r-ss8 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT CoST(r-essuot) : $ g:,ago # OF STORfES: z Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIiBIiIG or iIECHAIIICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves [ ruo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Cunnent Site? [ Yes E ruo Is there Electrical Power on this Building? l-']Y"r E ruo pRopERw usE / occupANCy: I srr,rcr-r FAMTLY I ouelrx I rowuHouse DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: construct new townhome and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Se rvices Cenler will be nolified of any changes in the approved plans and specincations or change in contracbr or contaclcr inbrmalion. "-NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O he AppropriaE Permits will be in Violation of the NC Stab J34g Code and Subiect Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTORI rribuEe qq4slluction, rnc. SIGNATURE: *****,****,f****)*,**)i*,i*******(IiTlJil1**********,******)i***,r*,r**,r(,r rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN A FLOODPLATN? [ VrS EI ruO SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: o 1ss8 5Q FT EXrST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERilrT: ffi VeS E UO MTER: [l creua ! cor,t"rur'rrry sysrEM f] enrvnrr wru f] crrurnnl wrll sEWER: I crnun ! crrurnal sEprrc ! enrvarr sEprrc E cop['ruNrry sysrEM *X* SEPARATE PERIiIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECTJ I{ECH' PLBG' GAS EQUIP' PREFABS & INSERTS *** *yill.i:'l'.'i-..H-'l::-F-.'l:'l.lll'#ff.]:.1i'.'.-tr...lxll'11.fl:l=.'-'....H-1YJ-':I--.H:l::'J'- (FOR oFFTCE USE orrrLY) SETBACKS: F: LH: EXISTING I}IPERVIOIJS AREA: NEhI IIi,IPERVIOUS AREA: ** * *** * **,|(,t**,i,t*** **rt*,f )t REVISED DATE O4/77/L2 i_ RH:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= J.*rrr rrr, r $9-L ZONE: _ OFFICER: F LOOD: Colrment: OATE: ttu€110 APPLICATION l&der. (Offtce ose) /l- 5-/(APPLICAT{T'S DA'EL(PER: PRO]ECT SUBDIVISIO : . PROPERW (MIER's M'48: (x IER'S Aq'RESS: Ptpt{E *:@a BLOCK *:Lor s: Jl_ PHONE *: CTTY:ST: _ZIP:_ LrcEilsE *: a 9,Sz'Ctw: l^.1,I wl- P}IOITE srrilc zprzYfu6 *.qlr-7?8:4-2jb PIoNE S: E/d -w1- t16 ) ADDiESS: EfiAIL ADDNESS: pRorEGr co rAcr ezraiot. Vtc{ot S-tello EXrSrIllG Corsr rcrroflr fl rlrenArron ft nErorarrox I eenrnal REpArRs E RELGATT0II NElt GoETmrcTI(n, ffa*a* tEH REsrDEr{cE or I morrror ro EXISTII{G REsrDEt{cE '.PLElllE OGCr tm AlsIE! BEUII ALL IHAT Apply TO yun DmtECT: [arr eanner ,5 ;.'[ t fioer ermes sr lnoncr LYY sF Esunnoom n0\ se fl rool _ sr I sronaae sHED _ sFI eneeuousr - sr I oecr _ sr or]rER: _ sF rorAl HEATED * n, ?-O){:9ral_s9 Fr rmER R@F: -rll( , TOTAL PROIEGT C0liTn-sr-q | $ L Lt ll * OF STORIES: I TOTAL AREA SQ FT: rs a,.. ElEetnl@L, plt BrrG or [Ectu{rcAl }brk BetrE Done to the Accessory structulr? E ves I uorf the proJect is a Relocation, is there a ltatural 6as. Line on the current slter I ves [t ro Is there El.ectnical porer on this Buitdlnt? flves ffilno pRopEnw USE ,, ocClFarEY, [t Srneu- ran4.v I ouer-or I ToH$toUsE DESCRIPTIOfl OF t0rtr: 3{,cJ< LVAiU rs fiE prcpEiTy LG,ATO rtr A FLOOPI.AI i E ves E rc EXISTITIC IIIPER'IOE MEA: ItE|d $PEM'T'ruS ANEA: ZONE:OFFICER: Apprcval:_ clty:_ DATE: FL@D: ComDnt: rnrER: S creur f] co {.lrrry srsrer,r I enware uer_r- [ cErrML HELL SBER: ffi cretn ! CB{TRAL sEprrc I enwarr serrrc fi €o+{nrry sysrEx (fon oFFICE LISE Ot!Y) ,,: j:t};j.,,).':'l l::t-:::i-_:::::.!::: :it jr,:t r:,tr,::.r r;:i:::_ :1":j::_, r: r::J .:;].:iii- lj:r:,-..:,.:r : -::-..;i-:i i:_::::: D^vr6,r rEn@: !a* flcxrcx (payarLE ?o ,*l E o*.rcno, .o*.it tr *-^* t] DrscovEn 'l:l*****:lrtiii'ltt*ti**!t***.a*.t****+tr****:ii*******rit***a****,t*+tt*****t+,r*t***rr,*i.*alB:Far+** 3^c { -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURAED: sQ Fr ExrsT LAID DrsIlnEu{G PENrr: f] vrs E rc REVISED OAIE o4larlU SETBACTS: F:_ rJ{:_ nH:_ B:_ BFE+zft= It PEruIIT FEE: 2o tl -//s 6? I{EhI H'II{)VER COT'I{TY BI'IIDIIIG PER}TIT APa.Ic Tl0fr rYPE: REIDEITIAL PI..EEE AffiE ALL O|eiIITT6 A'PLICABLE 1Il }'U.n FiO]ECT Tr"o, est Rcsporstbillt3f NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO,I TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Mi'lE: Tribute Construction, Inc. PROIECT ADDRESS: 7226 Kaleohe Bay Pl.CITY: Wilminqton SUBDMSI0N: MyrtLe Landins BLOCK #: APPLICAITIT'S DEVELOPER:PHONE #: e1o-2s1-so3o ZIP:2s4r2 LOT #: PROPERTY OWNER'5 OWNER'S ADDRESS: NAIttE: Myrtle ventures, LLC PHONE #:910-251-5030 ST: gZIPI3@ ST: NC ZIP.. W #: gro-zsr-so:o #: 910-G12-Bl-48 CONTRACTOR: Tribute ConstrucLion, rnc. ADDRESS: 1o S. cardinal Dr. 10 S. Cardinal Dr CITY: wilminqton LICENSE #: Goool CITY: wilminqton -Jn.,- PlroNE PI{ONE ,},}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOhJ !nrr GARAGE _ sF flsurunoor,r _sFI cnrrruHousE _ sF El'lArL ADDRESS : . Clane <rI( r\e-,\e, Cr:**ru:A-.rn PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Kent ranner ExrsrrNc coNsrRucrroN: ! ALTERATToN ! nrruovarroru ! crrurnnl REPATRS f] nrlocnrron NEW coNsTRUCTroN: I rnecr NEhr RESTDENCE or I aoorrroN To ExrsrrNc RESTDENCE TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: to22 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: t2s6 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT CoSTlresslor1 : $ zs,teo # OF STORIES: r Is Any ELECTRICAL, PtUIitBING or iIECHAIICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves il lro If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ ves il ruo Is thene Electnical Power on this Building? l-'l y"r E ruo pRopERry usE / occupANcy: ! srrucr-r FAMTLY fl ouelrx I rowruuousr DESCRIPTION 0F l^lORK: construct new townhome and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Devebpment Services Cenler will be nolified of any changes in lhe approved plans and specifications or change in contracbr or OhINER/CONTRACTOR! rribure Consrrucrion, Inc.SIGNATURE: (Print Name)*******,t**:t***,f,*:***,***********,t**,t,t,t)t,***,***,f*,t,t)t,t,t*,t*****,t***,f IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? F-I VTS NO EXISTIITIG IMPERVIOUS AREA: O sQ FT NEhI IIi,IPERVIOUS AREA: 1.256 SQ FT PERITIIT: ffiVTS EUO MTER: EI crpun E coNmuNrry sysrEm f] enrvarr wrll I crrurnal wrll sEhrER: [] creun ! crurnnl sEprrc ! nnrvnre sEprrc f] coNrqururw sYSTEt"t *** SEPARATE PERMITS REQU]RED FOR ELECT, I{ECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pAytrENT trETHoD: I crsH ffi 0recr (PAYABLE To NHc) [ menrcm ExpREss E ncZrrso E orscor=* ******,t,1.**,1***************rk****,t****,*)t**r1.,**,******,1**************,8*******,***,t************ ZONE:OF FICER: Approval:- City:_ DATE:- FLOOD: ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ! orr GARAGE sF EIPoRCH 2i4 sF I eoor- _ sF ! sronncr sHro SF florcr SF OTHER:SF TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING (FoR oFFTCE USE oNrY) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: *,* *)t ** * *,t,i*,i,t *,*** )t REVISED DATE O4/IUL2 B:_ BFE+2ft= N PERMIT FEE: a/b//&b lt!-3)8L APPLICATION Number (Offlce Use) DATE: rr. rg . re Comnent: . *hnt.t n/l *ess'r s, lt3 Q, )r "Jt r1rr-,s l u,. 0r Zotu l(t-11 NEU.' HANOVER COI'NTY BUILDING FER,fiTT apPLrcarrott rrpE.. COISIERCfAL . pl-t^sr A,.strEi tL QUESrIorS At?l"I(ABtE iO YoUR PRC-'iaI 'ProJc(t Respo[siDillty" ApPLICIXT'S ilAilE: clermsood B:a!I thiEe DATE: 10/31116 DEVELOPER: cardlnat ;toldj,:1d:; LLc pHO E *: ,10 2s6 oO!.1 Pno:Ecr oonEss, .:s,i".al"+ offi -iiiiiol-0CCIJPI!{T/BUSIr,,ES5 NAIE : ]!S.-E$L:9!_Je!!9!y___ PROPERTY OI{NER'S M}tE i cardinal tloldinq6 l.lc *: lt9-3!g-!931-- sT: Nc zIP:28aos ST: Nc ZIPi 28r05 r, lf!-liL1f9!-- *: 9tc 44i 4385 OW,I{FR'S ADoRESS: r13! Nititar/ orioff pd ste 1oq CITY: Hllni ioioi (OilTRA.rOR: clennwo.,.i Br.rd Ht.i Le LICENSE *: 12a99 APPLICAT IOI/ l,ftmier (offi<. ui.) ADORESSi 1133 I'ti1ii:-v crrcot! Rd s:..r 100 EIAIL AOORESS : Noaha-:.i.. builders PHCHE PHOl.lT (ch.<k all rh.t atplyl EXrST Coi6lRrrclrclr: f ALTERATION ! nrrOVlrrOn ! Crnrnt ngp.rrn. E RElocATIof{ rf Retocation, bh€{ea Natu..'.;as Line on lhe Cu.-enr S{te? fl'c" l:lruo ls BLDG SPR,\(LERFD? i- lYe6 IlJ^,lo r{EH coilsrRucrro ! [ rnecr rrx srRtrruRE f] rasr rnacx [] srer-r !urrrrf] rDo ro €xrs, srRt cruRE ACCESSONY STRUC'URF: CITYI tii Ii,inqton PROIECT CONTAC"I PERSOiI: NoaL zin8clrlran crrr,. Is THIS a (HAllGE If Ycs, rrrat uas th. P!'.vioui OccuPlncy TyP.? If UPFIT - The Shell Peroit *:Is El,cct Pr!.e. on tlts 8ullding f] Yes E tto OF O(CUPAIiCY USE? I YES lA i!'L\ ""tXr.rt is the Id Occupan<y Typ.? PH: l"Ig-M_259l Nc REG $: {5, pH: l!9_123_5:!f_ rrc nE6 *: !3!3:2_ENGI OESIGII PROFESSJo{aL3 .ii Jones Fnq:necrir}q PLLC ARCH DESTGN p?OFESSIOIAL: Becker Ucri!: Glorrp inc 0ESCRIPTfON 0F rOR(: _'l::l&I[e!c j.a]. construclion b lood or beveraoe€ depai\:d or servsd h this strrctlre? [ves li]lo b TtE P.peii'Locatad h"fhr Floodpleh? fri Yes ENo otsct nER: I i€r.tv cer v 0!3l a1t rnlormato. m thE 6(dL€lbn i3 cdro4 rld 3n \ryort Blu.EmFy xit\ lrE st.io 8uld.'0 codo lnd al, otB ofdrc5d€ Surlo 1B*A.r;gst9'T1T.:T^r"$*$:-lre*8ftffi1#:iff.$ll,E#q:' ,*t?trtriluqFfifHtdeffiB,ifffii$gl" :ilr#*;;; o, /,-uu-o Roo ,,r€ srcr,r:ee: / F,*/ 1-W. - -lc€.. {F/n rEi.) R.rr Orl|!d.. rldt dall A..t!.r6rtli.ld Fanit rpd-lrj*. is bEainlilldlinaaOo{ca!,lk (DtlH9\!Fg) si.e6.A:t l!.{V atihlwl' ton,' c.ddn ti@. o. ru. Yd, &1) requnod n rtl $e Udcra EmLd.n S!,t(irt 1.l lhadnr. Al Poiius'€ (i{ESfUg a,tlg)ir(r,-S050 a lGr 10d.r.,i.k rot danda.r ot .rt dly d u*tit se ArDeto6 $e.! al!: lnqrlBr.erir6o.ral,3/Gd/ldGlot Enni!-r'!nl rcrAL PROJECT COSTT -t3L1JSZ,:J3- EulLDlNG HEIGHT: ZLE!- fl OF LrrlITS TOTAL A,REA SO TT :SQ Fr PER FLR; 34gq- # OF SfOFES:;--- TCTAL SO FT UNOER ROOF: gg42- , OF STPT CTURES: 1 * CF FLCORS ] ACRES DISTURBED: I.5--=--=-E<sT I-AND Drsn FBrxc penurnEres l-'lr*o rlgw lf,4PEf6 Ot S ARE !u.:el5----=-- So FT D(|STING lMPEFVloUrs AFEA:SO F? pRopERryusE: fF,F. i:F i]lnestnunam [Z*rrnc*mr f]rouc [l nrr flcoxoo orxm WATEF: mCFPtJA LICOMMUNry S\ISTEM DWELL EZONING USE CLASSIFICATDN: sE:wER: tE CFPUA f crrrax- seenc n pn.tvnre seplc Dcc!,'!.lutlrrY sYSrEir ... :-ii.:iii' '.r.tir:i:l ,.:-)..r.,r,i.iirit;Lrli i,i;;,rr!.",lr,ari:'1i-' pAy:.rENT riErHoD flcisn l] c:recx pAYAEIE To Nxc) flrurntcer rxrnrss f] rucrvrsr I oscoven (FOR OFFICE USE O$.Y} , - SETBACKS: F: # LH:f":#"= '*- TJr^rnr*=,r-*- FLOOD:-- Comm6nt 3e(ZONE: @M'YQor ( ,tli "F \uilrn ( NEhI HA]$VER COT.E{TY APPLTCATIOOI TYPE: BUILDI]IIG PERFTIT cq{ilERcrA,ArlA rr 3'-> t 5 pLEAsE ,r$..R ALr eu*srr,rs AppLTcABLE ro yfl.n pRorEcr l?3 Or,1,i,<l APPLrcATroil 'Project Respomibiliqf E**nS., n 0f . t*ri.. L.l AITPLICA{T'S l{AItiE: Glenrrwood Brad flhlre DEVELOPER: .Cardinal Holdinqs LLC PROIE€T ADDRESS: L2? Cardinal Drive CfW: Wilminsron ffiCLrPAtT/BlrSIt{ESS IlAtrtE : rc Educarion Lotrery PROPERW OlilIER'S iUlIttE: Cardlnal Ho1di4qs LLC O,{|ER'S AIDRESS: L133 Milieary curoff Rd Sre 100 CITY: Wilmineton COTITRACTOR! Glervrwood Brad Wtr:ire LICEIIISE *: 72299 AIDRESS: 1133 Milirary curoff Rd sre ].oo CITY: wilminqt.on EffUL ADDRESS: Noah@acc.buildere PROIECT COiIIACT PERSON: Noah zi.ntmerman Exrsr cot{srrucrrot{: fl arrrmrrox f] *t#ffi'EEiL-* REpArRs flJ Rrrocnrroru tf Re|ocdon, is &ere a Natural Gas Line on the ilurrent siter flyes-Eln o s BLDG spffixt-eneD? E ves flruo t{Elf ctxsrnlrcrror: [J rnrcr ilEH srnwrunr flrnsr rRAcx f] str-l ff unrrr fl eoo ro Exrsr srRWnnE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: C(tcu }onh'f po.s\, /-rrrec4 Lblb- ll S 11 DATE: rol31/1G PllOllE *: e1o 2s6 oa44 ZIP: zeqos P}IONE f: g:.0 zse ooaa ST: Nc ZI;PI 294os ST: r,rc ZIPz zeeos PIIOI{E *: e1o 4J3 4385 PllOilE *: e1o 4{3 4386 If TPFIT - The She1l Permit *: fF Yes,r$at ras the Prctrlous Occupancy Tlpe? ARCII I}ESTGN PROFESSIOTIAI.: EiIGR DESIGil POFESSIOIOL: Becker Morqan Group Jnc iVD Jones Enqineerinc PLLC DESCRIPTIOiI OF lCIRK: New Commerclal Consrrucrion Is Elect Pwer on this Bullding f] ves EI Uo lftat Ls the I{u Occupancy l}pe? PH: 910 341 7600 t{C REG #: 4s3z PH: 910 s23 5381 NC REG #: o251s2 b lbod or bovcragos prcpced a eeved h tlls stsrrctre? flves [l Ho b The ftoperty t cabd tr The Eoodffir? El v"" EI ruo 999l|l$,1ly-e}l_91. $lt all infonnatbn ln tf.-s applic?dct is con€ct ard-a[ norkreitl cornpy wiun rre S:tata BuitdrB Code and a[ g6pr agpficags tu ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi EHhffi !#**hleil8ff,trfl ffi fr Effi fi ny;XoEffio,*?m-cf,tr",ffi msGffi ,#ryffi f. OUUNER,COiITRAC'rOR 7 / .. ,, R. ,, /,1,,,e SGNATURE:{arlrl {rnrffc)lloleostdonlffitdffilsroudFnn.rHaEacrDeotnfrrduiptreaplcdorhm(DH|{S^3,,I$ffhe,tuedrya.ifficulcturdr, coilrhAserard.Yqlrel€qllldlo€iltleilthElEmbdsrffifrrlladoisAtpomrrsOeotena(B16fuf.S0soabtlrioqcdilr!|€ dindor d au tfi s h{fi$ so A$ffi trltD e iiltrJ ruw'€c-sEbrc.uaefldsb.rdlnpjtnl ErALFRGTECTCOSn $443,627.78, BULD|ilGHEKIHT: g2 ft _ TOTAIAIIE/\SOFT: so42 SOmPmFlfi; gooo TIALSQFTUITOERRffF: so42 #OFSTRUGIURES: r B(sT r.rND DlsruR8Nc pERilrm EI vcs E no SQFT E(|{iTING IMPERVIOI,SAREA 83?06 PRoPERwust flpFncE [nesrntnnnr ffiuencer.mLE EED1E []nnr [oonoo o'nER !v{rn: mcFPUA ECOMMUNITYSYSTEM flwBr [JZONINGUSECI-ASS|F|CATION: SEr/vER: mcFPUA flcENIMLsEPTtc flpRMATEsEprrc ficutruunrysysrEy*'ilt:pAHATf: PFRI/llIS l-li. QUltlEi) FCR IL!:CI, tu [ CH, Pt.U(i. (iqs fjQtIlF,. Ug1:g.1F]S & IHSFRTS *' PAYTTENTITEII{OD: ficnsn florecrpavEalEToN{c} EerTERtcAltptnnEss firtrcrursr Eorscolen (FOR OfFICE USE ONLY)RE1/lsED DATE 4/I'lI2ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACI(S:F: LH:_RH:_B:_Approtak CII!r.__DATE_FLOOD: - BFF+2flF_ Cornmont --- A V- N ;,PERMTT r!r**r rs Tltrs A o{ANGE oF occrrpAt{cy user fivrs ffil'tro ***** #OFUNITS: s #OFSTORIES::. #OFFLffiS 1 ACRES DISTI,RBED 1.5 NEUY il|PEFIVIOUS ARE r 3g?os SOFT NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESTDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" tlAlilE: Tribute Construction, rnc. PROIECT ADDRESS: 7228 Kar,eohe Bav pI.CITY: witminston SUBDIVISION: Mvrtfe Landi4s BLOCK #: APPLICANT'S DEVELOPER: &at{]y I,#3 APPLICATION Number (office Use) DATE: rr. ra. re PHONE #: e1o-2s1-so3o ZIPi 284L2 PROPERry OHNER'S MTIIE: OIINER'S ADDRESS: 10 s. Myrtle Ventures, LLC Cardinal Dr CITY: !!t-1q!14s!srr PHONE LOT #: *:lf@ 5T: lrc ZIP:. 28403 sT: Nc zTP' w #: gto-zst-so:o #:910-612-8148 CONTRACTOR! Tribut.e Construction, rnc. ADDRESS: 1o S. Cardinal Dr. EMAIL ADDRESS: cfane@tribureconsrrucrion.com LICENSE #: 60001 CITY: wilmi PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Kent ranner PHONE PTIONE ! eoor- I orcx SF ! sronner sHro -SF SF Exrsrilrtc coNsrRucrroru: ! ALTERATToN fl nrruovarroru ! e erurnnl REPATRS ! nrlocarroru NEI,,J CONSTRUCTION: I ENTCT NEW RESIDENCE or f] morrrON TO EXISTING RESIDENCE ,T*PLEASE CHECK f]arr GARAGE ! orr GARAGE SF E PORCH L- SF I surunoom SF I cnrrruHouse SF AND ANSWER BELOI.J -SF AtL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: 5F OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: r+ro TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: r-410 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT COSTluessr-or1 : $ sae oo # OF STORIES: z Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIiIBING or MECHAIIICAL tdork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves il ruo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site? fl ves E ruo rs there Electnical Power on this Building? l-'l y"r il ,,ro pRopERTy usE t oCCUpANCy: ! srr'rcr-r FAMTLY fl ouer-rx I rowruuouse DESCRIPTION OF hlORK: Conatruct new townhome and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notfied ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractcr or contracbr inbrmalion. -'.NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O the Appropriate Permits will be in Violation of the NC Srare Plyg Code and Subjecr Up To OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rribure Consrrucrion, rnc.SIGNATURE: ,r,r*)i)i*,r**,***,r,r*************(iitfl,Iil"]*****,r,*:r,r***)r****r.****{.***r(** *x** x*x *r( ** **** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? I]X VTS EXISTIITIG III,IPERVIOI,S AREA: o SQ FT NEhl IiPERVIOUS AREA: t4to SQ FT tirATER: I creua E com,{uHrry sysrE}l f] enrvnrr wrll f] cerurnnl wrll sEhrER: [] creua I crrurnar- sEprrc I enrvnrr sEprrc f] coNllururw sysrEm *** SEPARATE PERI-1ITs REQU]REO FOR ELECT, HECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & JNSERTS *** PAYritENr itErHoD: fl cmn fllorecx (nAvABLE ro NHc) f] nmenrcm ExpREss fl nrc/vrso I orscoven ,1.*** *** **** **** *** * *** ** ** ***rk *** **** ** **,t*** **x *x** **** *** ** * ***** **,1.* *x* * *** **)t )t *)*** ** ZONE: _ OFFICER: Approval:_ City: Comment: EI ruo TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: O EXrST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERilrr: fTl VeS [f nO (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: REVTSED DATE O4/tt/12 LH:_ RH:_ B: DATE:_ FL00D:BFE+2ft= CPPbQ, Jr*rrr rr., $--\i?b- 70\6-\\8qw j. l. ffi, APPLICAI{T'S T.IIWE: DEVEL@ER: p7.g NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIATI0iI ryPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSHERfi XilXr:'-ii[H#' "*- PR'r Ecr Robere Parker CITY: Wilminqton L6-3404 APPLICATIO{II Number (0ffice Use) DATE: oznecre PRO]ECT ADDRESS: CITY: wilmi.ngtoq PHONE #: (gro) zrz-ezae ZIP:2B4oe LOT *: PHoNE *: ,{336) eo8-3452 5T: r,rc ZfP! 28409 SUBDIVISI0iI: 55oo N warrendale BLOCK #: PROPERW C,i'JI,IER'S OUS{ER'S ADDRESS: NAIIIE: lqarqo Packheiser 5500 Warrendale CONTRACT0R: Cape Fear Solar Systems LICENSE *: 65677 ADDRESS: 901 Martin Street CITY: I,{ilminston sT; l{q zIPi 2e4oa EMAIL ADDRESS: support@capeFearsolqJisvstems.com PIONE #! (9Lo)232-6a88 PROIECT COI'ITACT PERSON: Robert Parker PIONE *: (91-o) 232-G2e8 f] nrr GARAGE _ sF [suunoou _sF flenreruxousE - sF sF fJ PoRcH -sF fl sronner SHED _ sF TOTAL AREA SQ FT: SF Exrsrruc coilsrRucrron: [J ALTERATToN fl nrNovarron I arrcnnl REeATRS f] ne loclrroru llEt{ coNsrRUCTroN: fJ rn:cr NEht REsTDExCE or f] noorrron To Exrsrrruc REsTDENcE **PLEASE CHECK AilD ANShIER BELOlil ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT: florcr _ sF orHER: TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: TOTAL PROIECT C0STgesslor; : $ ze,zrs * OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIIBING or mEcHANfCAL tdonk Belng Done to the Accessory Structure? fl Ves f,] ruo TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: If the proJect is a Relocation, is thene a Natunal 6as Line on the Current Site? fl V"r Lf no Is there Electrical Power on this Building? [Tl yes I to pRopERw us1 / occUpANCy: ffi srrucr-r FAmrLy fJ ouelrx I rowruxousr DESCRIPTION 0F trl0flK: rnstallation of solar panels olr Ehe lsof of the Packheiser,s home DISCI-AIMER lhersby cerfiry hat all infurmslion in his app$cafon is corl€ct and aH wo* wi$ complywih he Siate BuiHing Code and at otrer applcable Stab and bcd laws and ordinanc€s sld regulalions, Th€ NH C Developmenl Sorvbes Cen€r will b€ notificd of any changes in he approvsd plans snd specilications or change in conlracbt or contractor inlb,mation. '*NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O fio Appropriate Permitswillbe in Molation of ths NC StaE Bldg Code OIdNER/CONTRACT0R: Robert, parker SIGfiIATURE: ./- * ** * * * * ** *** ** /i** * * *** **,r* *!r** ** rs THE pROpERTy LOCATED rN A FLOODpLAIN? f| VrS EXISTING IIiPERVIoUS AREA: _ SQ FT NEtl IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ rT ExIsT LAND DISTURBING PERiIIT: I-ll vrs fl r,ro MrER: f] creun fl cowur'rrry sysrEu I enrvnre wrll f] crrurnal well sErrrrER: f] creua fl ceurnal sEprrc fl enrvnre sEprrc f] commuurw sysrEpt *** sEP&llAT[ p[RI4rYS REQUTRED F*fi [LE{T, FIICH, pL8G, SAS [SJrp, p&trF*&s & 1ru5[HT5. *** PAYnEur ilErloD: Elcasx flcxecx (nAvABLE ,, *r.) fl nre*rcm ,rr*6r il riruri; - il DrscovER*'*'i*x****** ****,t**,1't'r*!**** ******* *,t**x*******x******:t****** *:t* ***** *,t** **,i *,***,t*** *,*** ** Z0lrlE: _ OFFICER: Approval :_ Clty:_ DATE : Cmment: I oer cARAGE f] eool _ sF NO (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F;LH: RH; B: REVISED DATE U/!1I12 BFE+2ft= N PERIIIT TTE: $ FLOOD: V\ \2r !;, APPLICAT'ON I YPL: HIsIL'IN I IAL PtIASE ANSWEB AtT QUESlIONS APPI.ICAETT TO YOUR "Project Responsibility" ,^d,fle uq <,.v^rAPPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRCSS:ZIP SUBDTVISION: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAMT: OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRTSS: flo t4z-34(o , B,,l&rs PHONE f CITY: PHONT: BrDG LrctNSt f rJ sr: fuLzte: Z94ZZ TMAIL ADDRTSS: D Det Garage (SF) - C Pool (5F) D Deck (Sr) ! Porch (SF) E storage Shed (5t) tr otrrer (sr) ls the proposed work changing the existing lootprint? D ves Etr No TOTAL SQ Ft UNDER ROOF (/or proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROTECT GOST (Less totl: $ 75 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes F tto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure El Yes D tto lf the projeci is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes O No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? .$' ves El no Unheated: Applicalion Number (oflrquse),'w //Q pRorEcr coNrAcr pERSoN: T-'r U.Jc-,qr.^,,^.{ pHoNE: b t o)qq "D ilZ IXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: D Alteration p. Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION. E Erect New Residence fl Addition to txisling Residence n Relocation +'*PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWTR BELOW ALI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTTT} E att Garage (SF) - E Sunroom (Sf) -- D Greenhouse (St) - Property Use/ Occupancy: El O Duplex D t Description ol Work: o{L axis{r.t\ DISCLAIMIR: lhereby certify that all the inrormalion in lhis appliration is (orrecl and all work will h the Slale Building Code and all other applicable Slate and loca laws and ordinances and retulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be noti{ied ol any changes in lhe apProved plans and specili(ations or change in conlractol ( t,llt,cr'vr nle.l ( . t- signature:Owner/Contractor: "Lrcensed QuoliJier"Print Nome floodplain? D Yes F-t'Jols lhe property located in a Existing lmpervious Area: . New lmpervious Area: _-sqtt Sq rt WATER: flCrnUn D Communitysystem n STWER: S. Cf PUA E Community Syslem tr Zone: -_-- Ollicer: Setbacks (t) Total Acres Disturbed: txisting Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes E ruo Private Well D Central Well D Aqua Privale Septrc D Cenlralseptic fl Aqua (t H) _ (RH) - (B) -_ Flood: tA)-- {V)- (N)- BF[+2lt=Approval: Comment ( City:Date: Permit tee: S ( I (Y\oue ru1. oorw- ar.$,,...( :^i:IfJ rvlavL Vt,lrnb,,y E^1c"6 a p.r.ry Qo*- V,L.l* + Ut\, 6 , k,'l.Le^s,n Lr^d &-^o -. 7or{ of \o.J \ror^.,r.o{u"A anA le1>laac -'{h vt..'^j llt-^r b-'tV6'tt3'1 w) V\ lzli:! APPLTCATION IYPL: HtslDtNllAL .*)Ctt -- //'(it ') Apprirarion prrAsr ANS*ER ^:;i:::l i:,'#:;;:,i:)vffy i[+isr( / \* \ *,#Ii::, Gu-uAPPLICANT,S NAMT: PRO.lECI ADDRCSS: Date: or a, 7 +f'.2SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAMT: OWNER,S ADDRESS: IT*r*o.o*,-/ ooo*rrr' L'^''o"* UJN PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Greenhouse (5F) -_ ls the proposed work changing the existing lootprint? D TOTATSQFT UNDER ROOF (/or proposed work) Heated: (-Lu^ i.* *o *ru PHoNt fo tr( zii4-" sr'.ALz,,Ptz{ FA t, f za cto ls' .' txrsrrNG coNsrRucnoN: E Alteration {nenovation {n"ng"l Repairs Sunroom (5F)D Pool(SF) NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence I Addition to Exisling Residence D Relocalion i'*PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW AIL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT*}* D n u Att Gara8e (Sr) _f) Det Garage (SF) - n Porch (SF) D Storage Shed (Sr) I ortrer (sr)ts4ck (sF) Z6t t E(r- vu, [(No Unheated: )(roror' PRorEcr cosr (Less Lorl: $ / lrad o, oo / ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes d *o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure lf the project is a Relocation, is there a NaturazlGas Line on lhe currenl site? D Yes , {r", o *o f, tto ?* €Lu,Bo"{Ctl, \*W PHoNro ft q Z+tze l4' ztP z?4t Bt-DG UCTNSE # PHONT:7ta Property Use/Duolex EPuf h Townhouse€d//eDescription ol Work: L D|SCLAIMIR: I hereby certify fhal all the inrormation in this appliration is correci and all work will comply with the Slale Buildin8 Code and all olher applic laurs and ordinances and reBulations. The NHC Developmenl Services Center will be nolified ol any in lhe approved plans and specilications oI inlormation. "'NOTI: Any wbrk perlormed without th€ approptiat€ p€rmits will be in State BldB Code and 6"ircontractor:\Jdnsed Quoliliei'Prinl Nome ls the property located in a {toodplain? E yes 6 Existing lmpervious Area: _=-- Sg Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq rt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes D tto WATER: /arrro il Community System D Privaie wetl D Central Well D aqua SEWER: {CfpUA, D Communirysyslem E Privateseptic f} Central Septic D Aqua Zone: ____=- Ollicer:Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: City: _ Comment: No Total Acres Disturbed: Date:Flood: (A) {V) .- (N) -- Bf t+2ft= Permit f ee: $ \:Itt ,.: arpk.ttoo llumbaf (ot{r(? urr} Datc tite ?*62 .-7+lzCl4:--ffi L'l Porch lstt O StorageShed(SI) E other lsrl----- 7":i ;. r , . l.1o tt,. *,.,. .. o.r, ,l.r"h, "(-\ PRorEcI ADDRGSS: / ? 0S Q*et SUBDIVISION: PBoPERTY owNER'sNAMt: LA*I7, -$ Q PHoNr " -ft-t ovva'.*', o m a*s: i!-! P V: G;;;* -gL -crY:UlLr1;:yl IT**oton .--O.hJ-,.ug MC* d* ' BIDGuctrst, -*--.-.../ ennnrtADDRtss:- 'ru Xl - pHort' 7i9-ZEo-.o9-ls --.L_ --t i p*orEcrco*rAcrpERsoN Qle,*--/-g.gr€ge<---- plroN€ -ttt-l:tzlt!-:- N[wCONSIRUCItON, tt IreclNewResiden(p LJ addrtionto[xislrngResidence ['l Relocarion ' . r PLEASI CHt CI( AND ANSWER BttOW Att rHAr APPLY Tolguu.BglEq' ' ' EXISTING CONSIRUCTION: tJ Alletati on lrt"nor"rron ,{O"n"ral Reparrs I I att Garage (Srl--*_ f-J Suryoom tSr) --.- I I Greenhouse (5f) _- f) Det Garage (Sr) ....-.- f) Pool lsrl ts lhe proposed work changing the exlsling tootp,intl U ve, dHo TOTAL SQ rr UNDER ROOF (/or proposed worlr) Heated: )(rourpnortcrcosTlresstorl 5/2roo-9-::2.- / ts the proposed work changrng lhe number of bedrooms? E vcc d xo / ls any flectrical, Plumbing or Mechanical worl being done to the Accelsory Structure d ves E tto l{ the proiect is a Rclocation, is there a Natura}Gas Line on lhe currenl sile? E Yes f; tto l! ther€ tlecrrical Power on this puilding? dYes O t'to , /r,n6*Property Ure/D Townhouge Description ol Work:tri' DISCI,A|MIA: i hct?by (enfy rhal ell the rnlorma!&n rn lltr' apglBation B ro(cct tnd rll worl wrll romply wrth lht Stalr Burldloc, ( ode and ell oth.l l)ws and o(drnrn(ar eno rtguttt,onl Tht NHC Oavelopment Servxe: Centrr will b3 nottltod ol any (hlnter n tt,r approwd gltni and tpecilrtalronr ot nlormalrori "'NO'II Aoywb.lpedorm?dwrlhoullhaapgroprralePetmrllwillbotn @ t coHt ractor: G.r rl e-rk-l n-<.-f-&\-lclattd Ouollrcr' hnt l,lorne ls thr prope,ly located rn a lloodplarnr! ,",I&'lr" txisting lmperviour Area: .. . *- 59 f t Total Aaer Dislurbed: "-" :" . .. - . .,i: New lmplrviou3 Area: " . * -.-*- 3q tr txisting tand Disturbin3 Permil: B Yes {J tto I WATTR: i9 ( rpUl :l ((/rrmunrlylyslr.nr C pilv;rt, Vteil E Cent,al y,r.11 ! aqoa l;&,x1st1 Unheated: D .lt D-uplex 0rtt pt:tb-llqc2 APPLICAT'ON IYTI: Ht}IULNI I'U p,rAsrANswr'^:!il::l'i:,'f;i::;:,i:,,vuy-il.lrrsrt stwt,R. d Crpua f,l Lr*guunrty Svsltni D l'rrral('stptrr E (er)lr;!l Sr-ptrr ll Aqu; eon", f = t"t)i,:,(6d) serbackr rrretr*5tnrafu4nxr(llfrfre tryiid*ex, t 1Approvar city cL,r...tioare lZ-i[f[r;""J,;ffiPidi'-'';),'^'"'Yr,u* l]' / ')'' i \" '' -' ) ' commenr fi\l-,cn6lt U ,r|/J n^114t- t , SJ..g++l- 4-gf stati ftr peimir ree s -- -.fi ffi-dtt;; ")-^;i' ;'mf;;-nnI*" *o lryy ( Eee to' tZ'S,)".)ttlct*r &€ f-t a.fl7c*l€ @27* (A4 rTttL) -t7- ? 7 - APPLICANT'S NAMt: --\ NEw HANovE .?"tlk',4;3,.-t#u rr*r,r l-Emairl rP'rntl APPLICA| ION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" W\to- pRoJECr ADDRESS: 1 t'l lsheffietd ct ctw. wtLMtNGTON (office use) 7"JP.28411 SUBDtVtStON. brittany woods tOT #: 87 pROpERTy OWNER,S t\lAMt. melvin building PHONE s. 910-470-5443 owNER,S ADDRESS tPO BOX 221 cffi. HARRELLS ztp.2%44 GoNTMCTOR; MELVTN BU|LD|NG BLDC uCENsE f . 35359 OOOartt, PO tr. ttC a'* Za+++ EMAtt ADDREss: iohnmelvin@melvinbuilding.com PHONE. 910-470-5443 PROJECT CONTACI PERSOI: iOhN PHONE. 9104705443 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: El Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation 'T*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATI THATAPPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*I* E att earage (srl 395 ! Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) E Porch (sr) 213 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No ToTAt sq FT UNDE RROOT Cor proposed workl Heated:2225 unheated:608 TOTAT PRO.IEcT coST (Less t-o11; 5176,875' ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes E No Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy: E sintle Family E Dupler D Townhouse Description of Work: erect new home I Det Garage (SF)_ D Pool (SF) D Deck (5F) n Storage Shed (SF) ! Other (SF) information- +"NOTIi Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifret" melvin building Signature: 8ld8 Cqde arl6\bi.R td t nes up to SsOO.m... Total Acres Disturbed: 071 Existint Land Disturbint Permit: E Yes E No E Central well E Aqua ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: {!Sq Ft WATER: E CFPUA El Community System O Private Well SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic El Central Septic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: Comment: L,C-FP** Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Permit Fee: S \$1-lN\;5 W APPUCANTS NAMG. MELVTN BUILDING laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development SeNices Centerwillbe notified otany changes in the approved in contractor APPL!?AT,oN TYPE: RESIDENTI at,) il U* I t PLEASE ANS*ER ^[i:::l':[r,*fffi:' #T'iu' - 15 1b4 [6 t Applicalion Numbet (of{ice use) ?*,ir/,c5 APPTICANT'S NAME; PROJECI ADDRESS;D +$ suBDrvrsroN, Ci ,cJ--\J.!. enontRw owNER's \J owNER's ADDRESS: ree LOT #: R -A.rD ^n.rD [) . a +/a?) ln e ,-4 1o n\ L-{o^. > .Tru . -BLpG ucENs r o, 4/D Z,? X CONTRACTOI U*R/I(ZOt-l l- u\2 'z)./\ f1z)27tq r -+- un-t----------.- DlutrLILEIY)Ei.-- ----9' ^^hDEtG' ttd €" *c G yt y''cztpt zaq// Y Avv^rJr. ? rMArrorr^rrr, ;ione!. 4/o-za1 -3770 J I n , ./ t/\ 22or-?ql jf, PH,NE: q/Q-Zl3iz3a-\]' pRoJECT coNTAcT PERSoN: PtruNt: <\l eY \- / I \ NEW coNsrRUGTtoN d Er".r New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation t\- ^rr^ ^.rir.ED Drr^r^, Arr rllar aDDtvrovrtltR pRr)lFcr't*\-}\ ,'*PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW AIT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTTi' ;:Q --u\ D atrGarage tsrl 57 A D oerGarage(sr)- D Porch tsrl Zi7- '\ D sunroom (sF) - D pool (sF) -.- D storage Shed (st) E Greenhouse (SF) - D Deck lsil LIZ O D ott'rer (sr) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes fl tto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure fl Yes fl No ll the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes D No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? EJ ves E tto Property Use/ occupa nrr, {rrngre Family Description ol Work: (' o ,S \)-N $ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprinr? E TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (/or proposed work) Heated: ToTAt PRorEcr COST (Less rot1, 5 3a {, O OO@ Yes D No ZA6L unheated: x7( D fl Townhouse i--/4 rc:-tdeoa"-- DtsctAlMtR: thereby certify thal all the inlormalion in this application is cottecl and all work will comply with rhe Slat€ Build Code and all laws and ordinances and retutations. The NHC Development Services cenlel will be noti{ied ol anI cltalt_e1:"'}ll.".pplou,"a ns and specilic iate permits will be in violation ol lhe I'lC subiecl 1o Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoliJier" i/Signature: applicable 5la1€ and loca or change in tonltaclot up to 5500.00"' ls the property located in a {loodplai nl il* El wo Existing lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft New tmpervi f Area: QJE-tlrOn Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes E/ltro WATER: #CrOrO D Communitysystem E PlivateWell D Central Well D Aqua STWER: {rrOUO C Communitysystem I PrivateSeptrc f] Centralseptic D Aqua Zone: ---olficer: Setbacks (r) - (LH) -- (RH) - (B) -Approval Total Acres Disturbed:,37 Comment: City: .- Date:Bf E r 2lt= Permit tee: $ ,**'&;, r-I CITY:w:2 6/ 01