DECEMBER 30 2016 BUILD APPSffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PL,CAT| ON WP E; R€51 D€NTlAt PLEAS€ ANsi!TI ALL QUESTIONS APFIICASLE TC YOUR PRO]I I i "Proie<t Responsibiliq/' 7otb* DSq{ lu " z ts'1 AppucANrs NAME: g.larli€ Connor _ _-,-_- Date: 122012016 ---PRoJtfi ADDRtss: 1913 Adars Sl ClTy Wilnrlogtgn 71p 28441 sugotvtstoN: S!nsel Park LOr #: pROprfi'ry OWAIIR'5 NAMEr Cie3. Skies LLC ppgxs s 910-7ii-9539 cONTaAcToR: Eiye:w3lk Construclion LLC AOOR€S5:307 S 2nd St EMA[" aDDREss: tlq9pj!9l_es,a-(!!!k.tet _,, PROJTCI CONIACT PlII50 N: Charlie Connor ExlsTlNG CoNSrRUCt,o*, /on"|.u, "" !<-r F.:: evaric: * 6e.!:rl Rep.r. j NEw CONSTRUCTIO : a-- €rect New Residen:.- I Addirion to Exl!t!:r8 Residen.e l- Re..:tlon .T'PIEAS€ CHECX AND ANSWER 8EI.OW AI.L THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJTCT"' BLDG UCTHSE fl 71349 cry: Ivilminglo1l _ sr: NC zrp, 28401 - eHoNrr!!01;--7 -q539 pH61,is. 910-777 9539 ! Att Garage (SF) -- -[f Sunroorn {sF)_ -- -O Greenhouse (sFI- EI oet Glrage (Sf) . Pool{SF} - oeck {SF) j Porch (sf) a Storage shod (sF)- 15 the proposed work changing the eri5ting footprnt? I Yes I No TOTAL 5Q FI UNDEfi ROO! Uot propased work)1.1n"1"6' 700 Unheated TOTAL PROJTcT coST (Less totl: S?!Q9Q 15rheproposed\^Jo.kchangingthenumberof bediioms? E ves D No ts any €lectri.al, PlumblnB or Me.hanicalwork beine dcne to the Ac(es5ory Structr,:e E lf ahe projeat is a Relo(atioi, ie there ! N3tural Gas tin? ri the currelt tite? 3 Yer a N rs r'r,re tlectflc.l PoweronthisBuildrnSl p ver D ffo I orher 1sr) Yes d uo o property Ure/ occupan(y: E single ramily E ouplex E Townhouse oescriptionotworkS,9gIl!Egi-t9@l',CPqA!1RCEie!9-iIe3!!Sj}!!9m..,.. . B*, and o.dinanc.r and re8qt.tio.s. The NHC Oevelrfee.! 5!.r iei Cpnrd wril !€ ncrined o, i^r Cfuntet rf, ths oF3..red plror a.d gpecilicalion9 or <han8e in conr..ctot ,nil,r,:'ili.r tr'NOTf Anr worltf.irrxi,d ealh r!1 :h. .r.::ra ijle i:..ni3 wlllbe 6 !,olir:icn ol the NC 5tite to I'nes up lo S500,0O"' owner/contractor: 9!91!i9 t-ollgl*---, ..-.- sitn;tltei , , "Liceated Quoliliel ?'ia' N?-c ts the property lo.ated in a flooiplain? l-l ves $-1to Existing lmperviou5 Atea: ---, Sq Ft Total A.re9 Disturbed: New lmpeiJious Area 5q at txistint tand Disturbi.g Permit: 0 Ye5 .] No WATTR: Ei C;PUA 0 coml','lrrnitY Svrtem C Private well g Centrallv€ll . aqua SEWTR: SCFPUA E^cq4tro,.mitv sYstem : Private Septic O CentralSepta. E Aqua 1 A./ t1 :: zo"e, (-ib &r;Li)'\f.t*1;l s*ba.ks (F)[Lr: (tH] N.flRHI\.\] (8]l.l!p App.ovali --* city:- oatei)-?7 lro rbod: (A)-,-** (v);*. O ( sri.zrt= --PerBit Fee: 9 -, Cgmrnent: -._ alA ']^4t - O !.), :riJs*- owNii's ADDRE55, 30zSal.q:t-." 61ry' Wilmington ---- *-- zt?: !$! - ,a':' t ... r-]yy'ti;./ l.: '..',ulffi @s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResPonsibilitY" Totu't23e< lb' 35911 Number (office use) Charlie Connor Date 12t20t2016 APPI.ICANT,S NAME . 19'13 Adams St CITY Wilmington 21p. 28401 PROJECT ADDRESS SUBDIVISION ; Sunset Park pRopERTy owNER'5 1111yg; clear skies LLC rlonr r: 910-777-9539 307 S 2nd st CITY Wilminqton ztP 28401 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 611y; Wilmington BLDG LICENSE # 5T: NC ztP 28401 71349 CONTRACTOR Riverwalk Construction LLC AD onsss: 307 S 2nd St EMAIt ADDRESST hoops ter @earthlink.net PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Charlie Connor / ExlsTlNG coNSTRUcTloN: 6 Alteration g Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: [f Erect New Residence f] Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSW R BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT** + n Att Garage (5F)E Det Garace (SF)-D Porch (SF) pxote: 910-777-9539 PHOx9 910-777-9539 ! Sunroom (SF)n Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) ! Storage Shed (5F)- n other (sF)E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes F No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor prcposed work)11ss196; 700 Unheated: TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot): S 25,000 Property Use/ OccupancY: $si ngle Family E Duplex n Jownhouse ure from 2 bedroom 1 bath to 3 bed room 2 bath. Kitchen update,Replace heatino svstem. lstheproposedworkchangin8thenumberof bedrooms? p ves D ruo ls any Electrical, plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re E Yes 6j-ruo lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Build ing? p ves E t'lo Description of Work: Reconfiq DISCLAIMER: I hereby certifY that all the information in this application is correct and al laws end ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Sewices Center will be not information. ***NOTE: AnY work performed without the appropriate permits will be in I work will comply with ihe Stale Building Code and all other applicable State and local ified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor to fines up to 5500.0O*" Signatu.el he NC State Owner/Contractor:Charlie Connor "Licensed Quotilie( Print None ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes B{o Existing lmpervious Area: .=- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E lto WATER: Ei ctPUA E communitv system E Private well E central Well E Aqua SEWER: #cFpuA El Community system fl private septic E central septic E Aqua zone: _ officer: -- Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: -....-.......- city: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (v) -- (N) - BFE+zft= -Pelmit Fee: S Comment: LOT fi: =........=------ Ac"-"u )otQ'ta3934 NEI{ HANOVER COI'NTY BUILDING PERIITIT APPLI6ATI(N rYPE: RESIDEI{TIAL PLIASE A'{sIER ATI. Qt'E5TIOT6 APPLI(A8LE TO YGJR PRO]ECT 'Projest Responsibiliqd')an= ,6 - 3'lqi :]APPLICATIO'I l&.der (OGft.e Use) APPLICAtrT'S tIAiE: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADORESS: ,.4-?/a*oATE: _pr nE *t 9/) -7y2-/4?r CITy I LL/L /21 /.v 2 7. /1/zrp.-s.f<;,7 BLOCX *: LOT s: - PKIPERTY OTSIERJ S IJAITE:-(+<^xt lL a lLit/. ( CITY:t.,t-n,,ua7O,- nnte *:9:- 4'j -1cl t' PtIttE $:l1t 7?2- /LL- /L2": OI.TER'S ADOR ess: c/tk P,,-€DC CITY:(L./ L,.2t i.Vc /C /.v sr .*r zrP i({; .;' LICEEE S: --ACCq.F{T *: ST,u. zlPr*?.-3CONTRACTOR: ATE}RESS: E'{ATL AIDRESS:e. ) PROJECT COTTACT ?Etsolll:. ,J F-#PHO E f: ExrsTrlt6 cotrs1nuc1lo : l-l alremrror I nrrorarror* [ esrrner REPAIR5 E RE tocATloll irEu c$rsTRucrr {, I enecr t{Eti RESTDEIEE o" p},-lmrnor ro Ersrritc REsrDEilcE T.PLEAsE OIECI( AI{D AISIER BCLOI ALL IIIAT APPLY TO Y(l',R PROJECT: l--']rrr eanaee sF DET GARAGE - SF l-l poncl sF I surnoon -sF I nmr- - sr ! sronree sHED - sF I enermrnurst - sr @d-tcx - sr orHER:5F PRopEnTY USE / OCCI,PATTY: 6*', FA,,IILY N UJPLEX N TO'IN}OUSE DFTL ,-kf TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: .-.- TOTAL 5Q FT U{DER R@F: / TOTAL AREA SQ T:3AII.- Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLJiaIxG or f,Ecruurcl! lbrk Being DorE to the Accessory StructurE? QVrJt @{A- --If the project is a Relocation, is there a tlatural Gas Line on the cunrent Site? Qves @-lo Is there Electrical Po{er on this Building? @['v"t $no 4D),n6 .4DESCRIPECX OF IiOR(: c l-k n|€ o€CLAIER I tr€eby cottt tlaldlint natunh tis apptcai)o b corect td dl tort wjl and ordid-ce6 drd legutations. The NHC Devehp$eni S€rvi-s Cener ail bo mtfied ol al cpntacb, inbmaion "'I{OTE: Ary Wolt perbmed w/O lhe Apgopriae Pemit9 wll be in (miER/cO{TRACTOR '. I txl-r,*a^ EXISTIIS IxPERvIqE AREA: -5Q FT IIEU IfiPERWOJS AREA: - SQ FT cDrrply tritl il€ s6!e Bui5t{ code ald aI oher applc&le stac ad bcal laws r t- /o;t- h te €pp.o\ad Phs ac speof.atoos o, ch-{e !. cDnF&b' or Vt blion oftie NC Sb!".Up ToS5&.0O" SI ** * 'I* *** rt tr:+t r* r r *:t*,r. *,t r ' * *t,r.'. **. " ' *.(l:ll 'l:Tl ' r * *.. * +* * *'!* ***!r' I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED II{ A FLMOPLAI ? O YEs W'O TOTAL ACRES DI5TI.IRBED: - Exrsr LAro DrsrtnBr G ,.*t tf p YEs O ilo pAyrEtrr rtEn(p: 'Ct* 0 ar.o (*r*.rrold€) UBrLL accsffr 0 "cmso ff orsco'rn ** rrt *t*a**,| !:*r *J*1, t j!:a ttt* **aa rt* l')*** *+**rt)'*r 't"trt:|'rl' "s*rI ltr'*:: ll'**' t:l '3 +*': *')t*t tt r* ** - l'oR ofFrc' u5€ grtY) REVTSED OA-r€ 04/11/12 zo E. { -,') oFrtcrn, -\w = sErBAcKs: r: rlb Ln: io' nx: E' e: 25' L'A *rr r$*i^) m,lt{ t{WE( torAr t'i\\u^ terBA'\c Qeq'$R300tl1(5 9.aDrWsrol: uarratrtrpua I co+rulrw sYsrc[ E PRrvArE wELL I crnrml wrll setlElt -VcFplA ! crrrnar- sEPTrc n PRTvATE sEPrrc ! com'r-rlrw svsrru RECEIVED cir. 14 2010 NEW HAM)VER COUNTY BUILDING PERI,IIT APPLTCATI(N TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE A'ISI'ER ALL OIJESIIOIiS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT 'Project Responsibilitf JE*e / /-7o"-) DEVELOPER: DQ-L:Z. *1..o 2.*-zr,o -z L a tE-<.lP #y aolb*ta3ql \6;44 ppipliia I{urDer (oFflce use)ffi APPLICATTT'5 tt^IIE: CO TRACTOR: ADDRESS: ET,IAIL ATDRESS: mOIECT CO{TACT PERSan J'€-FF EXTSTT G CCnSTRUCTTOfl: l-l ArrrnnrrOl ! nenwarror I r{Eld cot{srRt crror: ! enecr I{Et{ REsrDEl{cE o, ffi-aoonIl(,n DATE: Pt$nt *, 9tt -?,/zn L 2 - CtTy z (/,/Lrr, /n/6 Z/V zw..)Ft;r? BLOCX #: LOT #: _ wane *:?H;*l -?f't-DA crrY:u../ L--rt /,L/c 70 /v 511uC Zre 6zP(og LICET{SE #: "?-ACCOT {T #: CITY:t1,1L.,./67o.e Sr:/t-/c ztPl2fu-3 Pr0{E *:fl. -7?}- /Lz- t t-7<zt c enne *zl4fl,Z1p!o PROJECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISIOI{: PROPERTY OdI{ER, S l{A E: ffiiER's Ar,|f,(Esst c//k 'l*<-rt iLE-L,u)AC P,pe *{'PLEASE CHECK A}lD Al{Sl,lER EELq{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOt R PROIECT: ! oer eruee SF [eoncn -sF trtrn TOTAL HEATED SQ GEilERAL REPATR5 fl RELOCATTOIi TO EXISTII{G RESIDEI{CE STORAGE SHED - SF OTHER:SF ATT GARAGE - SF SuNRoo _sF GREEI{HOI'SE SF 5F SF E o*. @drcr FT: .-2/TOTAL SQ FT U DER ROOF: / TOTAL AREA Sq N:Z?O_ TOTAL PROIECT COST (ress r-ot) : $62il. o" DESCRIPTIO{ OF }iORK:,A-u), ^/L .,1 PtZds -r7*rt-X, 116 |YZL 7/ttt Eacrz Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLlfiBIrc or IECHATUCAT Hork Being Done to the Accessory Structurel Q Yes If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a l,latural Gas Line on the Cunrent Site? Q Is there Electrical Pouer on this Building? @l'v.t O lo pRoPERry tsE / occuPAt{cY r fftrc* FAHTLY fl DUPLEX n ro.lNtlousE gfr ves pl-to bE ME OECLAIITER I herebycertify fiatal info{marion in ttis sppticatdn is conect and all work willcomply wit| he State Building Code and dl oher applicable SLac and bcrl laws and ordinances afld reoulatons,The NHC Delebpment SeNic€s CenEr willbe nolifed of ary chaues in he approled plans and specifcatbns oI c-t|aalge in conlrebr or contebr inbrmalion. ".'{OTE: Any WoIk Perfsmed W/o lhe Appopriab Permits will be in Viobtion of fie NC SlaE tc Fines Up To $5oo.0o" Ottlt{ER/CO TRACTOR:lEtr 4r^tPTo/\)SI * * * r r + + * * r * * *,r r* * * * * * * * * * * * *(I1'Il Iil"J * * * * * * * * * * I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIil? tr] YES EXISTIiIG IIIPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT Et{ I}TPERYIOUS AREA: -SQ FT c$0.ruNrw sYSTEil E PRrvArE WELL l-l crrlnal wrrl cElrrRAL SEPTTC fl nnrvarr sEPrrc E co ruNrw sYSTEl'! ,&,* *,& * x * * )k,* * * * WATER: SEHER: ! NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: -Exrsr LAND DrsruRBr G PERil;;-cD YEs rrJl No REVISED DATE O4l11/12 r..* SEPARATE PER'IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, iECH, PL8G, GAS EqJIP' PREFAAS & II{SERTS *+* pA,,Ef,r r'rHo; -i5;; -O.;; at *rt. - **1 ["tt *tt" Or.cmsr Qorscomn r*** **rtt,tt t*r* **** r,it t*':t***t t*t +i** *t*t *tt:t lal l**l t**t *** t * 't t***,} l**t l** 'll:* **** "t* *t CFPUA (FOR OFFTCE UsE oiLY) ZONE: - 0F FICE R:SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- {-tS,OC # OF STORIES: --.-.- \ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERITIIT AlPLICAftdt rypt: RESIDENTIAI- flLrs! ANSrrtB ALL g"lsr:Crs AetLI(AttE TO YOUR '&C.lraidProject Rerpon!tblf 1t)/ ?ot1o-{a+cT APPL ICATI OtI (or+Lc usa) .(&)9 DAIE:DEVELoPER::h-":3* PROIECT AIDRESSi r:o; !{.bL.er:.-:. st.i/ Ptlollf t : 91o-?62-s.:ao CITYi t iliiaqrcn ZIP | 2SuL SUBDIVISTOlI: PROPERIY 01,J|] ELCCX 3:LOT *: _ l: 609-55:-9?69ER'5 I{A'TE: (lil€R's ADDXESS: 1266 Hr*!!ri.r st CrTy: l!!f!& Pljiri: sT: lL zIP : _!!ga sY: g: zIP: 3!1i Pro.{E S: l;S_ll::!:j:_ P}x}:E 8: llg::j:j!gJ_ C:lil,liiiii :i,{riDr:r: s.r " ,'-a,!r-i LIcErijsE f:€r5l: AoDRES5: 6i:16 sr : EPAIL ADORESS i --rr- CITY i PRoJECT COIITTICI PERSo.{: t--'.. sr.-; ExrsrrN6 cofts'r,ru(r lJil: :] AlrEhArroN I trrurror RELOCA]ICN N€ll COflSiRUCTTONT f enrCr len RcsroEllcE o. I aourrrol To Extstrllc RESTDE CE rrpL€ast aH[c1( aM, txsl{ER !!LOt{ ALL iHAT 'DpLy rO YOUi pto]8cT: I arr omce _ sr f] crr enneer sr ! coacx --_ sF f sulnoon ._-- sF f] poor ._.'--- sF I sroRAcE 5lrED _ sF f]cneexrouse __ __ sr f] oecx _ sr TOfAL HEATED SQ rT: 1<c.. IoTAL SQ FT UNDER R@F 5F TOTAL ABEA SQ rT: _ TOTAL pROlECr CO5T 0.,BiLo0 , t 6.W:TOOA * oF STORIES: 1__--_ 15 Any Et[CrrIC^1, plrlrrarr{G o:.. i?ariruc.[ r|o.L pEiiS oo.e tc tn! A((tsrory st.txtl.r.!? f] v., f] lroIf the p.oject is e Relo(otion, is thene a NaturaL Gas Llne on the Current Sltei f]ye: E ^roIs there Electri(El Pou.r on thls BuildinglEves I tto pRopERTy us[ / ocruPANCY I E] SrHerr rAmuv fJ ctpi.Ex I TctuNHousE oE5CRTPTIS{ OF riorx ..al13 du. !D r.1r h1trl1o orre.e. ihc.. !.i!: 5 @rribl nO,s.lonr '_N nlE Arrw.rl F.rtrd\1/rO ,1.ADp-:'i.E P.FiEeilrb. n vi.l.rjon ol r,r NC g!.D E,SCLdlI€ltlhi6by;.arr$.rr!antmxhnntE.gp||.ro.i@md-dCdtrilcmplr,|!lr.SrrEn!Ji.,Cod.r.6.Iond,Donclobar.t.7rob.rirjrt .I. o.!i,-<!r /! r.a ,.:r.5 :if NB O alvrr )rt c.r sa.r{a"-. ae .rir \rl L ^oliri or -y.h.ie a h rho .rlrovid p+... sd .D6on 1lb.6 e..h.ng. h c..,qw d rs rnE pRopERTy LocArEo rI{ n rroorrurnl I ws E m EXISTII{G IiIPESVIflIS ANE:A: -SQ FI TOTAL ACRSS OISTURIEO: NEIlI Ii{PrRVIOlrs lsEA: - 5Q FT EXIsr tAr'JD oISTURBrtlG PErurrI: El ws f] |lro 0'/]NER/CO\TRTCIoR: !,awi:: rrir-: i (trr"t lln) !,IATER: D CF PUA sewrn: fl creur (cvj.uNrry svsr:r f] enware IJELI n cENtiAL NELI CENTF.AL SEPTTC E puvare sunrrc f] cott'oNrTY sYsrEr'1 1o S50l!0f" i'l,r.I.cl*.r/1r/l: ," SEPARAiE PtR ',i-s PAYfiEIT ,!tf]rco: CaSt E IEQUTRIJ rol Elsgl, r'l:cHr PL86: GAs Eg,rp, 2REFAa! & t sfhls .d orto( (PAyIBLE ro r*r) E l'lr*lcan txpnrss [-i 'rc7vr:a Llorsr{'vlr fsb) zu,e, lllf- L otrtc,i App.ovrl.:-&- cltY: ,*h a, adE-r!- i$ 3FEr.zfl. - 1w rrm orEcE ut{ cArLYl - s LrBacKs: r,dE- r.n,!b- nn oA : rll ?ll, rlocr Jr*nr, ,aa, )^'tq'5q4co",ent'JG 0*al6€ lJ llsf I PA.lto.l #*r vJ( (.ry rrrilH.,riv'1 ii"urieO' r lulix{r APPLTCATT'S ilail6; roE./ sieed NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT aPPLrcArIoN rYPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AN5I,IER ALI QI]EST'ONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Prqject ResPonstblllty* aolV -laYo? r@.1 APPLT CATIOII itunber (0fftce Use) APPLICANT,S I,IIT,IIE :DATE: DEVELOPER:Th PROIECT ADDRESS: 3 SUBDIUISIO$i i{PHOI{E f: 91o-752-8i80 ZIP t 2s412CITY: (,i'l BLOCX *: _ LOT *: _ O,INER'S A0DRE55;32 66 HBbbertiEe st CITY| wilmi.oton ST: Nc ZIP: 2E4rz CONTRACTOR:Ttrorllpson Re6toraii alba Ser!.Dro of NH LICEN5E *: 6?933 ADDRE55:5605 rindmitl WaY CITYi wllmlnqEon SY: IS_ zIP: i13.s EIiIAIL ADORESS;cooeer@s.nDroolnErhanover, c PtlOl'lE S: 910 ?62 Brso PRO]ECT COI.ITACT PEFSOfl :PllCf{E *: 910 367-0641 EXrsrrNG cfi{srRucrroNr ! ALTERATION ! neruOVlrrOr I ernrner REPAIRS E RELOCATTON NEW CONSTRUCTTONT ! rnrCr EW RESTDET{CE o" ! Aoorrrou To ExrsTrMi RESTDEI'ICE 'I*PLEASE CHECK AI\ID AI\ISI{ER EELO]I AtL THAT AFPLY 10 YOUR PROJECI: I arr eanace - sF E surunoon --sF! entewouse - sr TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:0I ! orr crnner sr E poncr --,-5FI nool sr I sronear sHED - sF l-l orcr sF orHER:SF T 5Q FT UNDER ROOF I TOTAL AREA Sq FT: # OF STORIES: Done to the A(cessory Structure? [ v.t ff rc q6O, OD*TOTAL PRO]ECT COST 15 Afly ELECIRICAL, $ ng If the project is a Relocation, is there.a Natural Gas Llne on the Curnent Sitel IV"= [ ruo Is there Elestricrl Po e. on this Buildlngf Ives flHo pRopERry usE / occuPA cY: [l srruele FAltrLY E DUpLEx E ToIJNHOU5E OSSCRTPTION OF WORK:stluctsural repalrs due to car hlEEinq r xhere wil.l be no chan,rea to cxi.ci,t souare foot3oe DISCIAIMER lhEEby€nifyrh6r E,linfEmaiion in lnas +plic6ion G conEcr and dle*tillcomply sitr hr Sfdtc Euilding Code and nllothcr npplhroL Slalr .nd lo.d law! and odinarcsE ad Egulirio.s, rhe NHC ocveloDhcnt EeM,*a Ceoier wlo be n6tned 613ny.h.ngee lh lh. lppro!€d p'l€na sd Epodfc6dDn6 orch6nqo h conlrsDbror Eonr.cbr htmrlon. "NgtE:Any Wori Psdomsd WIO t'€ AppEpriEE PsEnft!wilbe h Violeiion oftfis NC SEE OI,IN ER/CONTRACTOR: Davis rborDEon STGNATURE: To S50[00 " **+ 15 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLq]DPLAIN? E YES fi TTO E)GSTII{G IITPERVIqJS AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTIJTGED: NEI.J IiIPERVIOUS AREA: -5Q FY EXIST LAND DISTURBING PER ITI M YES E O tdArER: E crnur I coH]rruNrrY SYSTEM I PRIVATE t]ELt I CrUrRar Uerl sEwER: E crpuA E cEI,trRAL sEPTrc E pnrvare sEPTrc E coml!\rNrrY sYsrEI'l ,i** SEPARAIE PER''I TS NEqUIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PLBO, GAS EQUIP, PREFAB5 8 IiISEBTS 14' oo"ru* ,rrroo, E aorn ff arra* (PAYABLE To t$c) E AI.IERTCA|I ExpREss S lrcT*so I o'sco"" * *** +** ** ** 1*+* ***+*+ * ++* + '*.+***++a*** * t* ***i **t +aa!* *.rt+ +** +*:* ++++:* * **+ ++'* +*:t* + + +++ +'tt* 't (FOR OfllCE USE ONLY) REVI5ED DATE 94/11112 ZoNE: - oFIICER: - SETSACKS: F:- LH; RH:- B:- BFE+2ft- ****+**+**+)+**+**++****++***,t*+*+++i.+****++ Approval:- cityl- DATEI- FLooD: - - AV Eoment: ,,, ,,... .- . --,.- -PERHTT FEE: $1s''co \ \ \j\ _.- +r PROPERTY OhIIER'5 Ml'iE: pete. & siqnE McDede -.. PHOITE S: 609-6s1-9750 ,:-'-.' iffi,NEW HANOVER COUNry BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATrcN TYPT,. RESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSW€R AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJTCT "Project Responsibility,, futtr - tl'1 o{ 16-3s17 Applicarioo Number {of{ice use) APPLICANT's NAME: Charlotte Palmer ga1s. 12h512016 PROJECT AODRESS: 7890 Champlain Drive ClTy: Wilmington 1e. 28412 SUBDtVtStON: Woodlake LOT s: 111 PROPERIY OWNER,S NAME: D. R, Horton. Inc PHONE *: 910-821-8558 OWNER's ADDRESS: 7483 Chipley Drive CONTR.ACTOR: D. R. Horton s1p5 11ssr!96 6 29676 ADDRtSST 7483 Chipley Drive ctTy. Wilmington 5T: NC ztp: 28411 EMAIL ADOREsS: ccpalm er@drhorton.com pHONE: 910-821-08558 PRoJEcr coNTAcr pERsoN Chadotte Palmer PHoNE: 910-821-8558 EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: - Alteration [] Renovation I General Repairs NEw coNsrRucroN: lglrect New Residence u Addition to Existing Residence r Rerocation IT'PL€ASE CHECI( AND ANS '*,g Att GaraSe (sF) 444 E Det Gara8e (sr) -- Vqorch {sFl 250 D Sunroom (SF)a Pool(SF)! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF)X Oeck (SF)[] other (sF) ls the proposed wo.k changing the exjsting footprint? I yes n No TOTAI SQ fi UNDER ROOF Aot ptoposed wotk|Heated:3475 Unheated:694 TOTAT PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 222355 15 the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? EI ves E trlo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure dyes D No lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Naturat Gas Ug€ on the current srte? D yes E|-tto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Ves d lo -/. Property Use/ Occupancy: d5ingle Family E Duplex EI Townhouse Description ot work; New sinqle residence lawJ and o.dinances and regulafions. The NHC Deve,opment seryices Center willbe hotified of any chan8es in the approved plans aod apecifications or(hange in.ontractor information....NOTE: Any pe.formed u/ithout the approprjate pernrits witl be in violation ofthe NC Srate Btd€ Code and to fines up ro s50o.00... owner/contractor: "Licensed Quolijier" r'Signatu ls the propefty located in a floodplain? E yes /lto Existint lmpervious Area: 0 5q Ft New lmpervious Ars3; 2828 5q P1 Total Acres Disturbedr .18 Existint t.and Disturbing Permit: El'ves E t'lo J,PUA E community System El Private well n central well E AquaWATER: SEWER:CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone; - Officer: - setbecks (Fl - (tH) - {RH} - (B} -Approval: - Clty: - Date: - flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft' -Comment: Permit Fee: 5 /? C11y. Wilmigton y1p.28411 ..(v,u <_2 /4/1r' /e qob 16-3516 Nurnber (otfice use) ..t t ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PL ICATION rYPE: RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESIIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responsibility,, APPL|CANT's NAME: Charlotte Palmer 6ap 12/'15116 PR0JtCT ADDREss: 7878 Champlain Drive ctrY Wilmington 21p. 28412 SUBDIVISION: Woodlake 1p1s1 108 PRoPERTY owNER,s NAME: D. R. Horton, lnc PHoNE #: 910-821-8558 OwNER'5 ADDRESS: 7483 Chipley Drive CONTRACIOR: D. R. Horton, lnc 61p6 Ugsx5g s. 29676 AoDRESS: 7483 Chipley Drive Crry. Wilmington sr: NC Zrp. 28411 EMAILAODRfSS; ccpalmer@drhorton.com PRoJEcT coNTAcr pERsoN: Charlotte Palmer EXISrING CONSTRUCTTON: I Alteration - Renovation ! General Reparrs NEw coNsrRucfloN: fErect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence I Rerocation LTASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AIL THAT,APPLY PHONE: 910-82'1-8558 PHONE:910-821-8558 TO YOUR Sln 63r3gs 1561 397 E sunroom (sF) 234 D Greenhouse {SF) E Det Garage (SF) .-_ Deck (SF) n Pool (SF) -- V Porch (SF 53 :l storage shed (SF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existlng footprint? i yes I No TOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF (fot proposed work) xeated: 1967 96hs3196.450 TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot)5 128435 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? El-Ves D No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicar work being done to the Accessory structure n yes E Nolfthe proiect is a Relocation, isthe.ea NaturalGas Line on the current site? D yes El-No ls there Electrical power on this Building? D yes f*,fo Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy: Msingle ramily D Duplex E Townhouse D€scription of worl: New sinqle famil V residence laws and o.dinanaes and reSulations, The NHc Development services center willbe notified of any changes ln the approved plans and speciliaation5 or change in tontractorinformation. 'r'NoTE: any wor( performed without the appropr,ate permits will be in violation of the Nc state Bldg code end rubiect to fin€s up to S5oO.Oo... Owner/Contractor "Licensed QuoliJier" a Signatu ^Ov-- ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes N/no Existint lmp€rvious Area: _ Sq tt New lmpervious Arg3; 2895 5q P1 Total Acres Dislurbed: .16 Existing land Dlsturbint Permit: dv", 0 fvo WATER: U/CFPUA E Community System n Private well E Central Well fl Aqua SEWERT dCFPUA fl Community System E Private Septic C CentralSeptic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ setbacks (F) _ (tH) -_ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Datei _ Flood: (Al _ (v) _ (Nl - BFf+2fl= - Comment:Permit Fee: S 077, tD CfTy. Wilmington Ap: ?8/11 I other (sF) '--- I 2citt 24rt I-t RECEIVEODECOT[! NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM]T aPPLICATI1N rvPE: SIGNS / BILLBoARDS APPLICATION Number (office use) oar..t tr--Zl-Zo!E (ii PLEAsE PRINT CLEARLY & ANSI,I€R ALL QI]EsTIONs "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'5 NAIV1E:Ioxr'ffr'oN LA lt.^J h i,- n PHONE #;7qt-//"DEVELOPER i PRO]ECT AD ot)CITY:ZIP i o6DRESS : OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'4E : PROPERTY ol,JNER'5 NAI'4E i owNERrS ADDRESS: ? o }D ixr,'ov zAva /'c\raF. ov tA ^/ oe--rH tl olD r'v,C P /44 PHoNE s: 6 o)<Jt(a CITY: Lv P.f lrcetrsr *, sf I NLITP t:!x_.tLo 6 srtitt zrPtlY L. Aa tt n (-r7.0N CONTRACTOR: !F) VTO A c, iz-i\ f/a-l" /" ADDRESS: P . O a EMAIL AODRESS:6R PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:e R /f G>< 1/5 CITY: I, i e PH}NE #t 7qt-tr9€. (*l ptn'rre *, Q//t -b/l'3/4/ (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY ) REPAIR ENLARGE CHANGE OUT rvl.lAuc 7 t oY f u E a ,lr'f, vy'tDESCRIPTION OF i.,lORK: C o rs srcN(s) oN oR oFF PREtlrsEs? @| oru [ orr ard o.dliarc€s and regutarrons..I.e NHC Devetopment derutces cenrerwntbe norlled olsny chsnges in the approved plans snd speclficEfions s chang€]n ontrgcior or conracror tnfonnauon. -.Nore,eny wo,t eerormei wo irra epproprrae permis will bs hvobt;n ol the NC sratc Blds cod€ and stibj€cl to Flms upTo1500'00'- .D OWNER/CONTRACTOR: *x*,i+*)i****** TYPE OF SIGN(S) SIGN 1 Height: SIGN 2 Heieht: sIGN I Height: SIGN 4 Height: It-'( " tl t o i.i. SIGNATURE: **** * ** **** ** **,t '**,**x** ***+******+* * ******* E* * +* * *r< ** ** ****r(* t'i**** ******** Tbtal Number of signs on this Project: -sign Dimensions: 5' 3 " x 3' V t'{ Totii :9' !I' ol siln Dimensions: x- Total SQ'FT' of .Si[n oimensions: x - Total SQ'FT' of Si-gn Dimensions: x.,-. -Iotal" SQ'FT' of MARQUEE i.]A L L PRO]ECIION CANOPY ROOF OTHER t1.2 o IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?Yes @| ruo Slgn: Sign: sign: sign: TOTAL PRO]ECT COST: $o oo. +** SEPAfuATE PERMITS P^YI4ENT HETHOD;CASH *** )t* * * '** ** * ** * * ZONE: -- OFFICER )pnoval:_-- cit (FOR OrFlcE llsE oNt.Y) SETBACKS: F:-LH:-_ Rtl:- B:- REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I{ECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP' PREfASS & INSERTS *+i fl cutcx lonvnale ro mc1 f, arnrnrcan exenrss [ 'tclvrsl E orscoves ,t**,t**'*,t***,t!***********)********"1't***x't*'t**:t*ri* ****** * * * * * !* i'** * i! * * * '** * + )F * 8EVISEO DAIE 3/30/12 BFE+2ft= '-y,---------- oATE: FLooD: - -;- -;- Comment: PERMIT FEE: tFw f,| rnecr I nr-rrn ll T n }) @ rarrsrnruorrc (Ground) EI srrn:crr Ll NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility'' _Joll"_ I rmait | | prtnt I lLbly (office use) Appg6ANT,S NAME: Catherine Balding p31s. December 20, 2016 pRorEcT ADoREss: 1417 Market Street 611y. Wilmington 71p. 28401 SU BDIVISION toT # pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME. T mothy R. Fussell, PhD pHsxs s 954-980-2405 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation *i.l.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT'}'}'* tr Att Garage (5F)_ D Det Garage (SF) _ tr Porch (SF) ! Sunroom (sF) D Greenhouse (SF)_ n Pool (sF) tr Deck (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed workl 11631s6.7,850 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 109.610.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the prolect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E ves D No Property Use/ occupancy: E sin8le Family ! Duplex E Townhouse Description of work:Demolition of interior finishes, structural shoring & installation of a temporary roof tarp to prevent further water infiltration. No Exterior Work. No work outside of the existing footprint taws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developm€nt Services Centerwillbe notified of any changes in the approved plans and specificatio informarion. "'NOTErAny work performed withoLrt the appropnate perm ts wil be invio atlof ofthe NCSlate 8 dg Code and s!b owner/contractor: Nick Balding signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: - sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land oisturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: El CFPUA ! Community System I Private Well E Central well ! Aqua sEwER: E CFPUA ! Community System n Private septic E central septic E Aqua zone: - Oflicen - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Dater - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S \JV\ .1-. , .i ,m coNTRAcToR. Balding Brothers eLoc TTCENSE #: 66865 4pptg55. PO Box 1947 61ry. Wilmington sT. NC ztp. 28402 gwu1149ppg55; Catherine@baldingbrothers.com pHoNE 910-251-2721 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pERsoN. Casey Williams pHoNE. 910-622-2450 owNER,s ADDRE55: 1007 N. Federal Hwy. Suite 292 ct1y. Fort Lauderdale 2qp 33304 Unheated: _ \l * appUcANT,s NAMEi catherine Balding Aotto- /Zj1+-liiril -'t"tl"'---tzuNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP LICAfl ON WPE : RESIDENTIAL PTEAST ANSWER ALL QUES]ION5 APPI.ICABLETC YOUR PROJECT "Proj.ct Responsibilit/ dt, 66' pnOJ€Cr ADDRESS: 14'17 Market St.set oaie Decemb6r 20,20'16 SUBD'VISION __-- - LOT f,l pROpERry owlittR,s NAME. Timothy R. Fussetl. PhD pHsNs g. 954-980-2d05 a9pss55. PO Box 1947 alry !llmrngton BLOG LICENSE 4 sr:NC 66865 EMAtt AODRESS: Cathenne@baldingbrothers.corn .. PHONE: PHONE ? pROlEcT CONTACT ptRsoN. Casey Williams EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: . - Alte-r',o- Renov.! on / Gereral neOa;rs NEW CONSTRUCTION: a Ere.r New Resid€nce I AdditioniotxirtingResidence:: Retocarion "rPt€ASE CHECX Al'lO ANSWER BE ALI, THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT"' 914-622-2450 . Att Garage (5F)_ - Sunroom lsf ) f-: Det Ga.age (SF) *_ - Pool (stl_ I Porch {SF)**'._ : Srora8e Shed {Sf) --- : other l5F). Grrenhouse {5F)_ : ueck (SF)___ ls the propored work (hanging lhe existlnE footprint? :- Ye! : No IOTA! SQ FT UNDER ROOF Var proposed workl Hg31g6 7 850 unheated: IOIAL PROJtCf COST lLers Lot): S 109,610 00 ls the p.oposed work chang:ng lhe number of bedroomr? . Yei B No ls any Electrical, Plumblhgor Mechani€3lworl bein8 done to theAccessory S!.uctt,re n Yes: No ll rhe projecr ir a Relocation, ri there a Natlral Gar Lrne on rhe (urrenl 5ite? E Yes 3 No It there flecrncal Power on rhis Suildint? E Yes : No Propeny use/ o..opancy: f, single ramily E Dupler 0 Tow6h6use oes.riprion ot work: !j1!9ll!9!f1l]tf!9l19!!1!{9!!:!,3ctul@! !qip,t! P|919!l- _ furlher water inllllration. No Exterior Work. No work outsid€ of th€ oxisting footprinl rrwt Jn, ord r,^cer.nd reSurcro.i lhe NHC Oeveropme.r 5etu'.e1 C..r er w'tl be .oriij.d ofan! rrrrger trr rhe ipirov.d planr.rd spe(:._i:6nt nrloi.:.'!oo "'{clt. Any rort Er/f..,,nd a{roJr the app/o2nare F..,,,.,rl B,rl be rn vrol.ton ol rhe ^lc sairlr BidE code r.d s.bt?(!rc nn ,Licentcd Qvoiiler" Pt)nlNome Ir the property locared in a floodplain? u vesp no Erlstint lmpervious Arear --Sq Ft TotalAcre3 D-ltturbed: New lmpeNiorrs Area: - Sq Ft ErisrinS L.nd Dinurhint Permit: l: Yes E No WAT€R: fi CFpUA: Communiry System E Priv.te well Cl CentralWell E aqua SEWER: X !: PUA D ...", {-z .%HJ Fr]1mu'liry Syrtem D PrivateSepli( E CenlralSept;c 0 Aqua @ . setba.k (tt N\A rtnt NlB rnxr NiO rer t'ilF -- ., oate, lL&!:Ia Fbod: (Al .- (v) - (Nl *X B;E+zft= --,- cortra.tor. Nick Balding Apgroval:, City: Commentr _fug -aatexieY',., lc.J Permit tee:5 ),++Z ctfl. lrfilmington .,- zrp: ?!1I- - owNER'r ADoR€ss: l-0!1,_I,19!g.el"I!L..9_u-rle ?s2 - ,-_______ ciry: .f9j"!9y.€19*."-......, _._.__ Zrr,p04. CONTTACTOR: Balding Br9!e.s .._ r\ # NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT APPLTCAT@N TYPE: RESTDENTAL PLEAE ANsWER ALL QUESTIONSAPPLICqEIE TO YOUR PROJEgT 'Proiect R.iponilbili/qf Zotu tztlt- t6-3+9+ AppUCA[r,S NAME: Todd piper/ Tidat Wav€ Construction 661s.'1219/16pROJEST ADDRESS: 6058 Otler T.iil 'Trail OTy. Wilmington NC ztpSUBDtVtStON. Willow Glen LOT f: 1 pROpERTy OWr!ER,S NAjUE. Butch Briflon PHoNE s. 832-877-3588 OWN€R'S ADDRESS:CITY ztP: CONTRACIOR: Tidal Wave LLC BLDG LtCEiaSE B 59419 ap9x955.413 Clarendon CtTy. Carolina Beach 5T. NC ZtP. 28428 EMAII ADDRESSi Todd @tidalwaveconstruction.com P8ONE. s1s547-9283 pROJECT CO1{IA6 pGR5gp. Tcrl Proer PHONE.910-547-9283 [] sunroom'(sF) _ a Greenhouse (SF)_ ! Pool{St) E Deck (sF) O SloraSe Shed (SF)-- 1794 E cnher (sF)-._ ls the proposed work changing r: I.r/istinBfootprint? L yes E No y65g61661 1452 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Les5 Lot):S,i50,000.00 lsthe proposed work changing thc numberofbedrooms? E] yes E llo lsanyElecttkal,PlumbingorMec:i.iicalworkbeintdonetotheA.cessorystructur€EYe6Efao It the project,is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Une on the current site? E Ye5 E o ls there Electrlcal Power on this Bullding? E Yes E No or'crafila:r h€reol ce niiy tha! dir rlt ir iw! and ordrnancer.ftd reSulations. Tl() I nfom.tDn. "'NOT!: Any wot& D€rfo..ri orler/contraaor: W Todd Pi: "Licensed Oudlilet" Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed: 0 25 j ' r'r lon rn thrs .p pll.atron ls correct 3nd all yvort yall cornply widr the state Buildin! Code a nd rll other apdfable sEt€' De@lopment Serui.es Cente, will be rotifred ot .ny chenSes in lh€ appro)f,d pla.s and speif.ationr or .h : ,, thout the aoproprl.te p€mlts will be i. vloL.lm nr th. ilr stat€ Bl,a<odo ls the property located ifl a floodpiair) E ves E No E stiq lmp€rvious Are",3d,3'" - sqrt New lmpervlous Arear !89,- SqFt ExistinS Land DliturbinS Permlt: D Yes E No wATEn: D CEPUA tr Comml.]r ,, iynem E Private well E Centralwell E Aqua sEwfR: El CFPUA E commr' :iynem O Private septic E centralseptic E Aqua Zone: - Officer: - jctbacks (F) - {tH) - (RH} - (B} -App.ov.l: -- Citvr - : :,1e: - flood: (A) - (v) - (Nl - 35E+2lt- .- Cgmment: Permlt F€e: S oo')L LIZ €XISTING COI{STBUCTION: a Alteration i,] Renoyation D GeneratRepai6 NEW CON$nUCflON. Il Ere,:r ew Residence .] Adilitio ro ExistinS Restdence O Relocation r. ! Pt tAsE €HEC|( ANO ANSWCR EEIOW All THAT Appty TO YOUR pRoJECt.t. ii Att Garase (SF) 767 | Det Garage (SF)_ G porch (Sn 649 TOTAL SQ FT UNOEF ROOF Vot prcpsed wotk) Heated: 3538 P,operty Use/ Occupancy: E sin:le Famlly D Otlplex tr Townhouse Description otWork: Construct a !e i,t &\,r 11l APPLICAT,ON T YPf: RESIDtNTIAt Pt€AST ANSWTR ATL OUfS]IONS APPLICABI-T TO YOUR PROJIC] "Proi€cl ResPonsibilitY" \CITY:\-,l-\ 2db- tzsq#i:#'" -4'lr.-354ff") APPLICANT,S NAMT PROJTCI ADDRESS: Date \ )-,- \t-aotu ztP: \'t\Dl\b<\s\q \-^Sc>o.\:i tosuBDlVlsloN: t-\,r.-\rr PHONT fl \3- \\-\8i \t zp &8\4PROPTRTY OWNTR,S NAME OWNfR,S ADDRTSS:\D \ L-\V\Q r,'-r e_CITY: \.'-l> CONTRACTOR f\^-*\ql'- So-r t =-,r-rc- -\is \\-\\a-- ADDRTSS \n'CITY BLDG l-lctNst tl sr:\)_LzlP TMAII. ADDRTSS o_\ \'\^\e b \cb\)Q--\s -q ?"*-llY -Q-D!-n PHONT PROJTCI CONTACT PTRSON (\as\\,.s\\a_PHONE txlsTlNG cONsTRUCftoN: ! Altelation dRenovation D General Repairs NEW CONSIRUCTTON: L Erect New Residence E addrtion ro txisting Residence f) Relocalion . 'lPLEAST CHEC (ANDA NSWER BEI,OW ALI- THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO'ECT... D Det Garage (Sr) - [] Porch {sr)fl Att GaraBe (st)_-_=- D Sunroom {sf)tr Pool (sr) D Greenhouse (5t) - L-l Deck (St) ls the proposed worl chanBinB the existing foorplint? [ ves f] t'to TOTAL 5Q fT UNDTR ROOr (/or p roposed wotk\ Healedl \1 D unheated: D storage shed {st)-- E olher (sr) \SD {s^gt"e"^ity 7n:tcr g^elek fl Duplex fl TownhouseProperty Use/ OccuPa Bri.\\r.n L/-5\S\\(\o-.e- Description ol work: \\us's D\5\.\D r \\\ DrsclalM d--\\t-Si 'r-lt alllh€ inlo rcalion is (otr€d and allwotk will(omplv wrh lh€ Star€ Building Code laws and ordinan(es and teBulaliont. The NHC Developmenl Scrvi(es Center will b€ noli{ied oi anY chanS€s in lhe apptoved plan5 and rnrormalrcn "'NOIt Any wort perlorm?d w(hou rhe ial€ permit! will be in violalion ol lh€ NC Srale Bld8 Code and subje't Signature e- Owner/Contractor "lrcens?d Ouol)lPi' ls th€ properly located in a rloodplarn? f) yes D no txistin8 lmpervious Atea: .- 5q tt Total Acres Disturbed Existing l-and Oisturbing Petmit: D yes E) t'to D Privale well fl Cenrral well fl Aqua D PllvateSeptic E Cenrral septr( C Aqua NV New lmpetvigus Area: . -- Sq tt wartR: B Lt PuA C (ommL,nrlY sYslern L,ruo D communitY svstem \\ and a orhet applicableslat€ and lo'i sp€cil[atlons or chatr8e in ronlracto' ro frne! uP ro 5500.00"' $ StWE R Zone ollicer: - -- setbacks {r) - (Lhl) - (RH) - (B) -Approvalr,-City:---Date:--tlood:(A).-(V)-(N)-iBft+2lr= Permit fee: 5 TOTAL PRO,ICT COST (Less Lor): s 3D\DbD lsthe proposed wor* .n.nr,n, ,n" * bedrooms? D V"' /*o -r/ -ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessoly stl ucl ur e tsl Yes LJ No l{the proiect is a Relocation, is th€re a Natulg}4as tine on the (urlent site? fl yes Odo l! there tlectrical Power on this Buildrng? Ef Yes E No NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT GBR010 aPpLIcarI1N ryPE: RESIDENTfAL PLTASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIOiIS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]TCT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAI',IE: H&H CoNSTRUCToR, s oF FAYETTEVT LLE, LITC DEVELOPER: PROIECT ADDRESS: 7841 Bristfecone Drive CITY: wILMINGTON SUBDIVISIONT Gable Run BLOCK f: ? 841 2nlto - lLtto3 APPLICATION Number (o+flce Use) PHONE '}:ztP : o10 284r.1 PROPERTY OtalNER'S NAME: HEH coNsrRUCroRs oF FAyErrEVrLl-E, Lrrc ohlNERrS ADDRESS: 8209 Market street suite c CITY: l,Ii lminqton CoNIRACToR: H&H coNsrRUCToRs oF FAYETTEVTLLE, Lrrc LICENSE #: 741s I ADDRESS: 8209 Market srreet. Sui re c CITY: wILMINGTON LOT f: PHoNE #: 910 21s 148s ST: JS- ZIP: 28411 sT: l!_ zIP: 28411 PHONE *: PHONE #: 9AO-279 t4A5 PRoIECT CoNTACT PERSON: .r.r Brenninq EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION 6ENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI{ RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE i'*PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSI,IER BELoW ALL THAT APpLY T0 yoUR PRoIECT: 910-219-1485 I arr ennaer 425 sF I surunoou _sFI enrelrHouse _ sF DET GARAGE - 5F PooL _ 5F DEC( SF Z PoRCH re2 STORAGE SHED OTHER SF SF SF ToTAL HEATED 5Q FT: 2as2 TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: ro6e TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: re?e T0TAL PROIECT COST rress ror) : $140,493 # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBING or IIIECflANICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves fl ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cunnent Site? [ ves [t lto Is there Electrical power on this Building?r v"s l*'l ro PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF I{ORK: SINGLE FA}IILY DWELLING and ordlnances and regulatlons. The NHC Developmenl Sewices Cenler lril be notlied otany changes in he appov€d pbns and spoclficalions orchang€ ln conracbr or contactor lnrormadon. '"NOTE: Any Work Perlorrned WO lhe Approp ale Permils will be ln Vlolslion of the NC Slate BHg Cod€ 8nd Subiecl lo Fh€s UpTo$500.0e" OUJNE R/C0NTRACTOR: JJ Brennrnq SIGNATURE:(Xtr>r--r".-*o -.---,(print ita0€))x* *)* * *,* *** + *,* ,t * *+{,x * ** *+ +* +*++ * *+ * *** * t * * ++*+ ++ + ++,*+,ti.)t:t )**i! * * ----fjs------------- '-'.'--.-- * ,* +,*,* )i. ,1. {. + * * * rt ,lt:t * t ,( )* * * ,lt,} i.,* *:t I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEI^I IMPERVIOUS AREA: 2!!!- Sq FT YES CFPUA COM[1UNIry SYSTEM PRIVATE WE LL T NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:YES lf r,ro CENTRAL I,ELL AQUA COMMUNIIY SYSTEI'I AQUA tf WATER; [] SEhIER: fl cFpuA fl CENTRAL sEPTrc f| enrvnrr sEPrrc f] r'* SEPARATE PE$ITS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PLBG, GAS EqjIP, PREFABS & IIISERTS "I ,orrrn, ,rr*orr fl cmx E c}recK (PAYABLE ro rlnc) ff N{enlcaN ExPREss ff Hc/vrsl fl orscovtn *:i*,t)t*)t)i(*,*,t*r.**+*,t ,*rt:i,!,t***:*+**)t+l+,1:i+***+*;i,1.:+*)i{?,4*+:**)*,t:*)****x*,*,t)*,F+:*+:tt:*,i)**l***+)t'k***'h*,t (FOR OfTICE UsE OILY) REVISED DAIE 04111/12 SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:-ZONE:OFF]CER: Approval:- CitY:- DATE:- FLo0D: -ftBFE+2 I I Comment: N PERmIT FEE: $)b+ - L6:35e2 DA"IE| t2/ t4 / 2at6 Eii'IAIL ADDRESS ; i Lrticaf f ertv@hhhones. com/ JerrvBrennilrq@hhhomes, com lott,- IZLIo( +€.-3€€€-NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT HOR077 APPLICATI1N ryPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NA E: DEVELOPER: H&H CONSTRUCTORI S OF FAYETTEVITLE tLC DAIEt 12/ 16 /2oi-6 PHONE S: PROIECT ADDRESS: 7280 sanctuarv Drive CITY: wr LMTNGToN ZtP i 2a4at SUBDIVISION: Eqnctuary at Hanover Reserve BLOCK #: ?280 LOT #: 077 PROPERIY OI,{NER, S NA]UE: H&H coNsTRUcToRs oF !.AYETTEVILLE, tLC OIJNERTS ADDRESS: 8209 Market street suire c CITY: wi lminqton ST:Ig-ZIP:28411 CONTRACTOR: H&H CoNS?RUCToRS oF F'AYETTEVIILE, LLC ADDRESS : 8209 Market srreerJ-_Sl]lgj_ LICENSE fl: 741s I CITY: wILI4INGTON sT : IS- zIP: 2!31! PHoNE S: 910,219 14ss PRoIECT CoNTACT PERSON: JJ Brenninq PHoNE #: 910-219-1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION:ALTE RATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEl.^l CONSTRUCTION:a ERECT NEt^l RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXIS'TING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: AIT GARAGE 533 SF suNRoof4 _5F GREENHOUSE SF DET GARAGE - SF PooL _ sF DECK SF OTHE R: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 2a sB TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: 3221 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: zsor TOTAL PROIECT COST Gess ro0 : $ ras,sez # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING or I.IECHANICAL l.lork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Yes I No DUP L EX TOhNHOUSE PoRCH 1e0 STORAGE SHED SF SF SF If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Slte? [Ves I No Is there Electrical Powen on this Building? pRopERTy usE / occupANcy r tr] srrucrr rnnrrv DESCRIPTIoN OF t,lloRK: STNGLE FAI"lrty DWELLTNG ves fino OWNE R/CONTRACTOR: rJ Brennins SIGNATURE: (prtnt Name) * + + *,i )** *,t r, + +,i :t + * * * * ** + ** + * +,* * )* + * t * ** * ** * * * ** + ** + * ** * + * *,t **+ +** )t**r.*,t ** {r )*+* + +*:i ***t,t*** 'i,} and ordinances snd regulaUons, Tho NHC Oevelopmenl Services Cenler willbe nolilled of6ny changes ln he appro\ed plans and specllicalons or change in conlractor oa conrscbr informatbn "'NOTE: Any Work Perforrned Wr'O he Approprlab Pemits will be in Violation ot lh€ NC SiaE Bldg Code afld Subjecl k) Fines Up ro t50O.00"' IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: --SQ FT NEUI IMPERVIOUS AREA: 31{3 SQ FT yEs T NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .15 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERI'IIT:I YES l-l ruo CENTRAL NELL AOUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM AQUA WATER : SEI,JER:cFpuA n CENTRAL sEPrrc I enrvare sEPrrc f] l,it SEPAIIATE pERl'lITs REqJ:RED FoR ELEcl, l.lE€H, pLB6, GAs EQIJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS i|l pAymENr r,rErHoD; tr.^t* ficxscr (pAYABLE ro **.1 fi *t*r.oN ExPREss E rnczv,sr fl orscovrn * + ** )t r.:i :i * **:t ++ * *)* +t *,* ,* )t,if * **+* + + 'I **'t *,'**:t ++ 't )* ** '* )t '* '* 'i **t( '* *** *l* *+** 'Jt. it:'* + )* {( *:}** *** 't:l'*** )** CF PUA COMMUNITY SYSTEIVI PRIVATE I^JE L L ZONE :OFFICER: (FOR OFTICE USE Or,lLY) SETBACKS: F:-- LH:- RH:-- B: Approval:- CitY:.-- DATE:- f looD: ;-u T REVTSEo DATE ?4/11/!2 -J t,tll - BF E+2ft= PHoNE #: 910-219-148s EI4AIL ADDRESS: i ulicaffertv@hhhomes . com/ JerryBrenninq@hhhomes . com NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaN rypE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE At'tSflER ALt QUESTIOIS AppLICAEtE TO YOUR pRO]tCT "ProJect Responslbillty,, APPLICANT'S NAIiIE: Robuck Homes Trianqle, folb- tZ+t3 APPLICATION Number (office Use) DEVELOPER:Robuck Homes Trianqle, pROIECT ADDRESS: sl10 r,aurenbridqe Lane CfTY: t.9i tminqcon - BLocK *: - Loilf zrP | 23392_ 018SUSDMSION: Laurenbr.idqe CONTRACToR: Robuck Homes Trianqle, LtC LICENSE S: s?oB3 ADDRESS: 5131 Fal1s of Neuse Rd. ste 200 CITY: Raleiqh ST: NC ZIP: 27609 EtIAIL ADDRESS: inorbech@robuckhomes. com PHoNE #: 91e-s?5-9200 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:ai Norbech 'I norbech@r khome PHoNE *: 919 -2't't -7t2aJ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION NEtl] CONsTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE *'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSI,{ER EEIOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ffiarr eanaee 4B]. sF fl orr canacr _ sF f] sunnooN _sF I noor- _ sr PORCH 1sa SF STORAGE SHED SFI enrruHouse _ sr f] orcr SF OTHER:SF TorAL HEATED sQ FTr 2s05 ToTAL sQ FT UNDER RooF r 3441 TorAL AREA sQ FT: i441 TOTAL PROIECT COST lressral z $ za,o,ato. # OF ST0RIES: 2 rs Any ELEcrRrcaL, PLUIiIBTNG or }{Ec{atttrcAL h,ork Being oone to the Accessory stnucture? [ v"s [l lorf the project is a Relocation, is there a t'taturaL Gas Line on the current site? [ ves fl uo rs there Electrical power on this Buildingt fives l-l to PROpERT USE / OCCUPANCY, trl SrruClr raurlv f] ouer_rx I To!,lNHousE DESCRIPTION OF WORK:home afld ordinances and regulauons, The NHC Developmenl S€Nlces Centerwillbe notfied ofanychanges ln the spproled pt€ns and specitications or change in contracir r orconraclrr hbmalion. "'NOTET Any Work Perrormed W/O E16 Appopriab Permits wittbe lo Violatton otlhe NC Stab ahg Code aod Subject tic Ftnes Up To g50O.00-. OWNER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE :cnarles !t_ Bl IV ,r,l,t:r:i +,i + **+* +*+ ** ** ** * *****(llTllflfi,***++* **** *** ***,*,i,t+* *** *** * )* *,* * ** + *,t )t * 'i* * + * )t,i * *r.,* * ** EXISTING II4PERVIoUS AREA: o SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: 2e. st NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 24?o SQ FT EXIST LAND DIsTURBING PERMITI I-I YES EI NO $1,52: *** SEPARATE PERI.IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I'IECHJ PLBG' GAS EQ{JIP' PREFABS & INSERTS paynEl{r &!ErHoD: ! crsn [ orec( (pAyaBLE ro nff) E afirnrcAir ExpREss E r,rclvrsn E orscovrr 't*,ri*'r{.****+it*****+*x***t*+***t*tt*,r,r*ttt*t*+****)t++**,*:rl(:t,*1.,},*t++**ri,})r.{..kr.'i**)i:t*:l{i:i+:ti*)t+jFl ZONE: OF FICER: (FOR ofFlCE USE o{LY) REVTsEO oATE 04/11/12 SETBACKS: F:- LH: RH:- B:- Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLoOD: - BFE+2ft= AVT{ -lffi DATET t2/t3 / t6 PIONE *: e19-876-9200 PRoPERTY owNER's l,lAlilE: Robuck Homes Trlanqle, LLc pHoNE #: g:,g-a16' g2oo OWNER'S ADDRESS: 6131 Fa1ls of Neuse Rd. sLe 2oo CITY: Raleiqh ST:JLZIP:27509 rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN a rloooplatru? l-l yes E xo t,rArER: fl crnur ! coMr4uNrry svsreu I pRrvArE I.{ELL I ceurnar well sEr,lER: I creua fl CENTRAL sEprrc f] enrvare srerrc ! co l"[JNrw sysrEM PERT1IT FEE:Coment:(