2016-12-07 Regular Meeting Minutes New Hanover County Airport Authority December 7, 2016 Page 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING December 7, 2016 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, December 7, 2016, at Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m., led a moment of silence in remembrance of Pearl Harbor Day, led the Pledge of Allegiance, and then read Code of Ethics statement. No conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest were identified at that time. Airport Authority members present were; Thomas Wolfe, Chairman; Carter Lambeth, Vice- Chairman; Dan Hickman, Secretary; Tom Barber, Jonathan Crane, Donna Girardot, and John Perritt. Also present were Julie Wilsey, Airport Director; Gary Broughton, Deputy Airport Director; Robert Campbell, Finance Director; Whitney Prease, Facilities Director; Carol LeTellier, Business Development Director; Rose Davis, Executive Assistant; and Wanda Copley, New Hanover County Attorney. Guests present included Steve Bright and Amy McLane, Talbert & Bright, Inc.; Tom Goodwin, Chris Stevens, Bill Cherry, Josh Lopez, Tony Karafas, Eric Canup, Monte Coughlin, Steve Hedges, Floyd Price and Robin Spinks. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Authority has reviewed the minutes of the Regular Public Meeting on November 2, 2016. Mr. Lambeth MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Hickman, to approve the minutes of the November 2, 2016 Airport Authority Meetings as submitted. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. FACILITIES Mr. Prease, having met with the Facilities committee, recommended the approval of the NCDOT Grant in the amount of $1,500,000 for the North General Aviation (GA) Redevelopment 166,668. Mr. Hickman MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Crane to approve the NCDOT Grant as described above. The MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Perritt asked, regarding the RWY 24 Category II ILS Project, if Mr. Prease could confirm that the King Air flying by during the meeting was the FAA check flight and Mr. Prease confirmed that the FAA was scheduled to do the flight check on December 6 and 7. A brief discussion followed. Mr. Prease reported that staff should have the results for the next Authority meeting. FINANCE REPORT Mr. Campbell October 2016 cash summary, monthly financial summary and New Hanover County Airport Authority December 7, 2016 Page 2 October financials. passengers arriving at ILM, Mr. Campbell stated ILM gets the landing fees from the plane and collects a $4.50 Passenger Facility Charge (which are restricted funds) and Mr. Wolfe pointed out that 7% indicates a good increase in that revenue. th on December 6 and ILM received an unqualified opinion. The auditing firm is printing copies and they will be shared for review upon receipt. GENERAL AVIATION Mr. Barber recommended the approval of a lease with Bruce Chappell for a hangar. Mr. Lambeth MOVED, SECONDED by Mrs. Girardot for the approval of the lease with Bruce Chappell. The MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Barber updated the Authority on GA Committee progress, where ILM is with general aviation and the various general aviation projects. Mr. Barber reminded everyone that the Authority approved a Master Plan in 2004 which included all FBOs moving to the North side of the airfield. Considering the history of FBO failures and not meeting minimum standards, and with limited apron capacity and 1960s era hangars and the remote location, the South side was just not considered convenient for general aviation. The plan was presented to the FAA to move general aviation to the North Ramp. Also, as part of that process, the Authority committed to try to get a second FBO on the North Ramp. The Authority also committed to determine what the best use is going to be for this area on the South side of the field once we get those things completed. Mr. Barber continued, stating that in 2015, the Airport Authority reaffirmed that Master Plan and that the Authority is continuing down that path. Here we are in late 2016 and we have about 6 months to go and we are going to get this achieved. It has been a 12 year project and it is exciting to see it come to a closure. We are going to have a nice facility on the North Ramp and then the next big project is going to be trying to figure out what to do with the facility on the South side, once we solve this problem. Mr. Barber indicated he would have Mr. Prease brief everyone about the $1.6M grant that was just approved and how that money will be spent to bring this project to completion but before that he would like to address hangar space on the field and a couple of other things. Mr. Barber continued, that on the east side of the field, there is a hangar for sale or rent and there is a hangar for sale. On the North side of the field, our current FBO, Air Wilmington, has about 6,000 SF of hangar space available. Some of that space is currently being used as temporary hangars but it could become available soon for pilots if they choose to move to the North side. In May, when LOB completes their hangar construction, we are going to have about 12,000 SF of additional hangar space available at Air Wilmington and the GA committee has asked Mr. Cherry to consider whether he would offer space to our pilots on the South side on a first come, first serve basis if they would like to move to that hangar space when it becomes available. New Hanover County Airport Authority December 7, 2016 Page 3 Mr. Barber continued, tha located on the South side of the field. No decision has been made to tear down the South side hangars. Any decision to do that would have to come before the Authority for a vote. The GA Committee is not recommending termination of any month to month aircraft leases on the South side of the airfield until we can offer hangar space to those aircraft owners somewhere on the North side of the field. The GA Committee is really focused on trying to solve this problem. Mr. Barber stated that in an effort to keep all the pilots interested and knowledgeable about progress on the North Ramp, the GA committee will recommend that the staff conduct update meetings starting in February, as to where things are in terms of the fences, parking lots, and the things that need to get done to complete the $1.6M grant from the State and to get this project completed. Mr. Barber continued that with the Master Plan the Authority committed to the FAA that we ndth would issue an RFP for a 2 Fixed Base Operator and that response is due December 15, so we nd are very close to knowing whether or not we are going to have any bidders as a 2 FBO. But if nd we are unsuccessful in getting a 2 FBO then the GA Committee will discuss recommending a feasibility study to construct T hangars on the North side or East side of the airfield, which could include the Authority participating in taxiways or not. We need to see, if we get an FBO, whether or not they want to build hanga. Mr. Barber stated that the GA Committee is also getting ready to conduct some marketing efforts to identify the highest and best use of the South side facilities, which could include a flight school; some other kind of SASO; warehousing; or a drone manufacturing company. Mr. Barber stated this study would follow after the project is completed and turned the floor over to Mr. Prease to review the project. th Mr. Prease reported that ILM received the grant award letter on November 28 from the NC Department of Aviation for $1.5M with a local match of $166,668, for a total of $1.6M. Using a slide of the North Ramp redevelopment project, Mr. Prease identified the areas that are under current construction, which are hangar construction and the hangar taxilane project. Mr. Prease identified the following projects that are being funded with the $1.6M state grant: a vehicle access gate with cameras; a walk thru pedestrian gate on the North Ramp; storm water pipes on the North side of the hangar taxilane project that will connect to the existing storm water pipes adjacent to Trask Drive; storm water pipes for the new parking lot; perimeter fencing meeting TSA regulations; a wash pad for aircraft, etc. that will connect to existing storm/sewer; and, additional tie downs within existing parking positions for smaller aircraft. Mr. Prease reminded the Authority that several permits will be required for this project. New Hanover County Airport Authority December 7, 2016 Page 4 which were too wide for some aircraft, Mr. Prease confirmed that the existing tie down locations will have the flexibility to accommodate large and small aircraft tie down capabilities. The AIP 52 project that is currently under construction will have the smaller tie downs. There will be a total of 46 tie downs once the North Ramp Project is completed. Mrs. McLane, with Talbert & Bright, clarified the process of getting FAA approval to change current FAA standards for location of tie downs in parking positions to accommodate smaller aircraft. Mr. Barber asked for and received confirmation from the Authority that the GA committee is moving in the right direction GOVERNMENT & PGA Golf Mrs. Girardot, reporting for the Government committee, recommended the approval of a $10,000.00 expenditure to join other NC airports for a lobbyist in Raleigh. Mr. Hickman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Barber to approve this item as recommended. Discussion followed. The MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. Girardot reported that the NCAA has instituted a task force to develop legislative recommendations to the NC State Airport Funding and Mrs. Wilsey has been asked to serve on that task force along with others from Onslow County, Piedmont Triad, Burlington and Statesville Airports. ILM will have input not only in the drafting of the legislation but in carrying it through every step of the way. Mrs. Girardot further reported that Senator Rabon has just been appointed as the Rules Committee Chair for this year which is very important for southeastern North Carolina and which makes him the third most powerful man in the State Senate. The Rules Committee committee; and, what goes to which committee. There was no report from the PGA committee. HUMAN RESOURCES Mrs. Wilsey advised the Authority of the hiring of an auxiliary public safety officer, Brooke Pittman, to fill an opening as a full time dispatcher. MARKETING Ms. LeTellier reminded the Authority of the opening reception for the ILM Art Gallery on th December 14, from 5-6 pm. Ms. LeTellier shared that there is a mobile app that you can download with information about the art, artists and prices. Ms. LeTellier also reminded the Authority that the SeaHawk Aviation Grand Opening is th December 11, from 11 am 2 pm. New Hanover County Airport Authority December 7, 2016 Page 5 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT/TERMINAL EXPANSION Nothing to report. OPERATIONS REPORT stth of Monday, November 21 Sunday, November 27, were 8,773 passengers, which is 8% better than last Thanksgiving. Mrs. Wilsey reported that ILM did exceed its $12,000 goal for the United Way campaign and thanked the Authority members that helped ILM exceed that goal. Mrs. Wilsey shared the 2017 Meeting Schedule for review and approval and indicated if there were no changes, it would be posted on the New Hanover County and ILM websites as our official meeting schedule. Mrs. Wilsey shared copies of the updated Wilmington Chamber Scorecard for Authority review. Mrs. Wilsey complimented the ILM staff on a successful month of November indicating it was a challenging month from start to finish with all of the VIP election activities, a heavy Thanksgiving season, and a challenging grant cycle with NCDOT Aviation. UNFINISHED BUSINESS th Mrs. Girardot shared that the last Planning Board work session is December 8 on the Special Use Permit and that she has worked with Ms. LeTellier on the Table of Permitted Uses (TOPU) reminding the Authority that the airport had quite a bit of difficulty with the old TOPU regarding businesses permitted in the airport zone. Mrs. Girardot stated she plans to bring a copy of that updated TOPU to the January meeting. Mr. Prease, following up on a question from the November Authority meeting regarding Engineer of Record, stated that the current contract ends June 30, 2018. Mr. Perritt acknowledged the presence of the Regional Director of AOPA, Steve Hedges, and complimented Mr. Hedges and Mr. Coughlin on following up and giving leads to investigate to become more informed on hangar availabilities, processes, costing, etc. that fit nicely in Mr. ongoing plans. Mr. Perritt shared information regarding the decrease in the number of pilots in this country and Dr. Crane shared information that the number of students enrolled to become pilots has jumped up and Mr. Perritt encouraged the Authority to stay aware of how aviation is trending. NEW BUSINESS None. New Hanover County Airport Authority December 7, 2016 Page 6 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Wolfe adjourned the meeting at 5:42 p.m. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Rose M. Davis _______________________________ Dan Hickman, Secretary Date of Approval: 1/4/2017