HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 2 2016 Meeting Minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 1 REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 2016 ASSEMBLY The Parks Advisory Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 8:00am in Conference Room 119, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington NC. Present: Bruce Shell (Chairman), Frank Amoroso Patrick O’Mahony, Shawn Spencer and Nikki Zeldin. Absent: Rebecca Powell and Linda Reece. Staff: Tara Duckworth, Tanya Gurganious and Andy Johnson. WELCOME AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES The meeting was called to order by Bruce Shell who asked if there were any changes or corrections to the minutes of the October meeting. th MOTION: MOVED; SECONDED Shawn Spencer by Nikki Zeldin, that the minutes of the October 5 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY meeting be approved. Upon vote, the . 1.Directors Report. Tara Duckworth provided a presentation of the draft copy of the Master Plan. After the presentation, she asked for the board’s approval and the following motion was presented: MOTION:MOVED; SECONDED Frank Amoroso by Patrick O’Mahony, that the board approve the draft Master Plan which will be brought to the County Commissioners for their approval in December. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Upon vote, the . 2.Park Operations Update. Andy Johnson shared that the fencing and landscaping has been installed at the splash pad. Staff is currently being trained on the proper operation and winterization. There will be a big splash pad event in the spring. He also shared that the skate park construction is progressing with th progress being made on the snake run. Substantial completion is expected by December 28. 3.Other Business. Tara shared that a “Beautification Day” was recently held at Murray Middle School. The Airlie Oyster Roast was another successful and great event. Enchanted Airlie will begin soon and staff is making the final preparations. The Food Truck Rodeo enjoyed another great crowd. There were 19 food trucks, the most we’ve ever had at this event. Frank Amoroso’s new book will launch the Friday after the Super Bowl. ADJOURNMENT MOTION:MOVED; SECONDED Nikki Zeldin by Shawn Spencer, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY vote, the . The meeting adjourned at 9:30 am. Respectfully submitted, Tanya Gurganious Administrative Coordinator - Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Parks Advisory Board meeting.