JANUARY 13 2017 BUILD PERMITS$-\h\q2 AT,PLICAiTI ' S OEVELOPER: t CITY: 3L0C( it DATEI LoT *l zll! APPLIC/TTIOXI'ir en (offI.. 1.)8.) PRO]ECT ADO'I SU0DIVIS loil I PNOPERTY q.NERJ 5 N .IEI O.INEN'S IDDRESSI COIITRACTOE, ADDNESS n,lill nDDnrss: PRoJECT coruIACT PEnsotll VanessaEomerman TOTAL HEATID SQ FI: TOTAT PROJECI C05T (.osoioo 13 ArU' ll"Eclilcil, PIUHBIiIG If th€ prcJ€ct Is a fteldc Is there Electrical Pqltsn on thls Buildlng? PNOPEBTY UsE / OC a-SINGLE LY DESCRIPT]ON OF I'Oi(: PltoNE trr cITYi rn LICENSE I: 73E-I{ crrv, Lf,l onT-srrNI;P;re EI:rE *,W5&-a& ST! AJC zrp.A?Oo& ACfoU T $i ProrE r:qllllItlafgl D(rsTI{6 corlsnucEoil. I ALTFMTToiI I Rrmvmou I e erciriv- REpArRs. El nELocATroN NEr,{ tousrRucrrol{, [f rnrcr nru REsmENcE or I loorrtx ro EiEsrt[a REsroErJcE ,'PLEASE CHEC( nro ill$HER pELOll ,\IL TIAI lpptV tO YOUI pnOrdCrr ftnrr <;rnlrcr 48t''sr flDgr cAM6e-sFEpofict-S&lz-sr I sumoor ---sF E poor-- sr n sronaer sflED --.---- sF I oReruutsr- sr E oscx - sr oTHERT SF FT UiIDEN OOT:: 3b 3U . TOTAL 'IRElr SQ FT' - i? oF sTo8rEsr l'5 olhg DllE to tho A(crs6ary strtcturcl E yes E llo Nat$al Gas Lin! on the cdrrent st&l frves f]uo I a Yes flno . u.rpr.p< :fl romsorr $ 1 t1EIIAllrciL rs rrE PBoPERTY loCrTEo rll A rLooDpL rfl? E YEs p m E(ISTIIIG I]IIPERVI0US IREAr -sQ Ff TOYAL ACFES DTSTURIEDT lrEri rllPEnvlors ln!A? -sg FT E(r5T LAID Dr5rURBrN6 PERllrr:',LJ YEs LJ lo ltnrEfl: fl trAA E cofluNrrY svsTEl4 n PftrvATE l{Ett n cEiIrnAL [,ELt sEuEn: E ctpu [J cEiilIhAL sEPTrc f] PRTVATE sEFrrc .Ll cd'l4uNrrv sYsrE l 1.' sEpllllte,pERurs tEqurlr.D rot ELECTT'ltEcltr pL!F, gas EgJrP, PREFts & rtaElr5 "r pAyllElir frETnoDr E ia"rr E.ut.,c (pAYABL! To uuc) E g:Lr. lrconr - [ lcTwil. florscovtn r****''r+*t+r*rtr*iat**ttaft artra*ltrttttlt*aa*,}****l**ill+{'**'tf**i}*+tl**1+*1..*llti ,*,, g-E(!,13), r.+++ r+, *r r i {+ti+***r*"**Jl{il*lT}*** s5000c|.- +t**********i*ttltltl*+**+tilli*r'+*'i:l u]/uf, bflt uhl/r,(ror ofrla! or! .rrLY)*t<"sd'raacxsr r:-fii u:-9.5 Mt 1.1 at Zo Approvali- clty,:- D TE,jdz brrwo, -x:- BFE+2ft - coffleht:tr6 I (-^-k-.-', CCPot\ IJ PERHIT TEE' &n-sn r1- l5NEH TIANOVER COUTTY BUILDTNG PERI',IIT iP? Lr cA'tl0tl flPE I ITESIDENIf AL ptEAsE issIrER rtl gJSSrD.$ Appuc.tglE r0 voui pioltd (?rcJest ResFonsibl}lt3P ptoxr *rElp!!8'411L SIGNATUNE I *pp &r NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TTPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QT]ESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" /n "r( d*rrn*s c CITY: BLOC( #: PROPERTY OWNER,5 iIAI'IE: D ' M- rtC LLC.ProNE *: qb-Lto- /?t/7,rr- lT-srt?zzlPtz?/d- &n-?E:o tq-+g APPLICATION Number (offi.e Use) oare: l- L' l1 DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:f1o APPLICANT,S NAIiIE: SUEDIVISION: OWNER,S ADDRESS; CONTRACTOR: PHONE S: LOT #: LICENSE S: CITY: ACCOUNT S: ADDRESS: POOL _ SF DECK SF f ';?- *.*bzriWj ptaue *,?2Jh228fu' PH.NE #: a' tZo ?t-'{ SF SF suNRooM _ sF 6REENHOUSE 5F DESCRTPTION OF I,.IOR(: EIi,IAI L ADDRES5:e PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:,4-f t/.:vlanzg EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALIERATION RENOVATION I errurnnl nrcarns f]RELOCATION NEI,U CONSTRUCTION I ERECT NEtl RESI0ENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RES IDENCE **PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSI4ER BELO'J ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT ATT GARAGE - 5F ! oer crnner sr ! eoncH - sF STORAGE SHED OTHER; TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: _ ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: _ TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: _ TOTAL PROJECT COST lress roe : $ 4.@@ # OF STORTES: Is any ELECTRICAL, PLUI'IBING or HECHTNICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structu.e? [ V"t fi no -If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the current Site? [v"s flruo f s thene Electnical Power on this Building? [ v"t ffr,ro PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:Z SINGLE FAI4ILY DUP LEX TOI{NHOUS€ and odin€nces and regularions The NHC Oevelopmenl Servic€s Cenle. willbe notfied ofany changes in he approved plans and specilications or change in conllaclor or conkacror inbrmation. "'NOTE: Any Work Perfomed W/O lhe ropriale Pemitswrll be in OWNER/CONTRACTOR: SETBAC(S: F: LH: RH: B: Vlolarion of rhe NC Sra SlGNATURE : s Up To $500 00"' * * )r** *,i ,i *,*;f ***r(,r** * *** * ** * *(Illl l. itil"J * * * * **, * * * *** *r r,r * *,** **,r + *,r ** **,i ** * ,i ,r +,r ***+ * *,r *,r+ +*,** rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN o rloooo,or*, ffrs t-l Ho EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DTSTURBED: NEI.I IMPERVIOT,S AREA: - SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBTNG PERTTIT: E VTS I--I rc *orr* ' fiarrro ! cowururrv svsre r,n I pRrvATE wELL I crtraal wtlt- sEwER: D creua I CENTRAL sEPTrc / ealarc seerrc ! coMMUNrrY sYsrEI\4 +*+ SEPAIRATE PERII4ITS REQUIRED fOR ELECT, ItlECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFAES & lNSERTS *** payr4ENT r,lErHoD: [ .osr ff.r..K (PAYABLE ro trcl I ertl rccollr E mclvrsa f]orscovtn *+*+,f ,** * * + * * )*,**,N,i++ **)*,t * * * ** * * *,8* * * *,* *,t*+ +* *,* *,**** ** + *,i* ***'t*,t *+ *,t * ,t +,t * +++ rt+* *,*+ +,* r*x:**,** (FOR OFFICE IJSE ONLY) REVISEO DAIE O4l11/12 ZONE: _ OFFICER: Approvat:-City:- DATE:- FLOOD: - BFE+2ft= AVN Comment; PERMIT FEE: $ CITY: 15 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CAT lO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PI.EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TOYOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibillty" ctw (offi€e usel APPI.ICANT'S NAME PROIECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: Date zlP: J64d I LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:drf( Aill-tfro{-- owNER'sADDRESS: lrl &uza>< caffi CONTRACTOR --- Crhlzz-llMAN\ \akbFa PHONE S:qt0-\10 3z3o CITY BLDG UCEN5E #: bbZI" O EMAII. ADDRESS ! Greenhouse (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? Myes ! No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER AOOF lJor proposed wotkl Heated: l\?.O TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S o crw: WlLA4lA.6 tua.-) srtNLapt ,91 ta PHONE 1/o- 20q - 71t{ n storage shed (sF)_ D other (sF) ADDRESS Property Use/ Description of o( I . cov,,t EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation 'I.'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTi''I' ! Attcarage(SF)_ E Detcarage(SF)_ tr porch (SF) ! Sunroom (SF) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E/Ves tr t{o lsanyEledrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lftheproiectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLlneonthecurrents,te?EYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? dyes E lo Occupancy: dGinsle eamily Cl ouplex E Townhousework: R\rr-D kDDr n dr..l aF MSnJ MA{'ral- Ktl?ttu,t A^,O Uwr,l- 2c0,t r DISCIAIMER: I hereby.ertify that all th€ information in this application is correct and allwork will comply laws and ordinan€esand regulations.Ihe NHC Development Services Cente.willbe notified ofany c information. .'.NOTE: Any work perforfted without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the Owner/Contractor:utufa+th&*J ',\aJ.D8,Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print Nome lsthe property located in afloodplain? E Yes fl No Existing lmpervious Area: _ 5q Ft Eldg Code subj fines up to S5oo.o0"' Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing P€rmit: E Yes E NoSq Ft State Building lother applicable State and local cations orchange in contractor 505 WATER: E CFPUA E Community System {r2u"r. *"r, E Centralwell E Aqua :::i:. "H".:-,"',,,;','J"1n1"'1,.',"5,:;'1:[,"j" $ Approval: _ city: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft- _ New lmpervious Area: Comment:Permit Fee: S @ ,ot}- 376 -+tr'+Hr-.'i,' ffi pRoJEcrcoNrAcrprnsor, iIASOr..i C.lhrZzd-Ht1v.j,ron, 4l0-LC/-1qt{ D Pool (SF)_ D Deck (SF)_ untreatea, {32 \., L _ *F3+2rl+- 3& APPLICENT's NAMT: PROtfCI ADDR€S5: J 7{ SUADNF,\oN: La,+-< PROPTRTY OWNTR'S NAME OWNfn'5 ADDRESS:o2l7 OR Cwl \ APPLT cAT,oN |YPE: RESIDENTTAL PI.€AST ANSWIR AIL OUf5IIONS APPI.ICABtt TO YOUB PfiO,tC.t -Prol.cr ResponsibililY" CITY AJr'pHoNt # -tDat€C-,ar zlP TOT T (ONTRACT ADDRtSS: ---15_CITY OJ zl? gK rcIDG Tl[TNSE ' ST zlP B4 IMAIT ADDRTSS v, rnfo Q. PROJTCT CONTACT PERSON Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy:ingle Fami ly D Dup o CITY PHON I /o. PltoNt IXISTING CONSTRUCrTON: I Alreration E Renovalion 0 Gene.atfiepairs NEW CONSfRUC'ION: n Erect New ResiOence @ddirion lo txisling Residence D Relocarion .T'PLEASI CHTCI( AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJTC'"' E An Garage {SF)D Del Garaee (sF) _n Porch (sr){8 fl sunroom (sF)D storage Shed (st) .---. D Greenhouse {sF) _B orher (sr) unheared:- - t038 t ls the proposed work changang the number o, bedrooms? E} ves Pr'ro /1 ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work bein8 done to the Accessoty structure PYes E No lltheproiecrisaRelocation,asthereaNaluralGasLineonlhecutrentsite?OvesOno lsther€ ElectricalPower onthis Building? D Yes E I'to U 7o,Description ol Work: DlSCtalMtR: I hereby cenitl lhal allth€ inlormalioo in thii aPpli'at ionis(orredandallworkwrllcomplY$,,lhthtsr.reBuildin8Codeandalloth€r:pPlicabkst'ieandlo(t l.wsand ordin.nce5 and re8ulationt The NBC Deve'!opm'nl Service 5 Cenler will be nolified ol.nv.hange3 in ihe approved plan5.nd specittetiont or chanSQ h'o lacto' rnrorrnalion. "'NOftr AnY worl P€rlotm?d wnholt !he 'ppropnal€ p€rmilr willbe in violat-ron ot lhe NC Code and 5uble(r lo fines uP 10 5500 00"' Owner/Contraslor: 'Lt ehs?d Quo liet- 3.-"et Signature ls the ploperly locared in a lloodplain? B ves pt" Existing lmperviour Area: ..-."--.- 5q ft N€w lmpervious Area: sq rt wArERi pcf PUA El communilY SYsrem stwER: @FPUA E Community sYslem Existing Land Distutbing Permilr D ves D ttto E Privat€ well B cenltalwell El Aqua E PrivaleSeptic n Centlal septic D Aqua zon€: ,-- olticefl -....- setbacks [f] - (tH) - IRH] - (B) -$-15(Appioval: __ Ciryi -- Date: -----rlood: (A) -- (v) - (N) - BrE+2lt: ---Permit fee: S l E Pool (sr) -- E Deck (St) -- ls lhe proposed wort (hanBing the existing foolptint? E Yes P No ToTAt sq fi uNDt Aeooc lfor proposed wo*) Hearedt -!$!l-TOTAT PRo.,EcT GOST (Less tot): S 9@, dX) . Total Acr€s Disturbed: - Comment: l\lsc fifL .,il1-lL - IJo Fg* {tr NEI{ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIUIIT APPLTCAqIOII TYPE: CO,IIIERCIAL PLEASE AllSl'lER ALL qUISTIOI{5 APPLICIaLE TO YA''R PflOIECT -Project ResPonslbllity'' )ot+- )87 14.-t4.tt APPLICATIOI{ Iu6ber (Offlc. ut.) DAIEt t2/5/2016$B APPLICANT'S IIA'IE: CA Fea: Maineenance Inc. OEVELOPER: lrHco sheri.ffs offrce Animal Servrce s Unlt PROIECT ADORESS: :80 Divrsion Dr.CITY:l,li lminqton PR(PERW OT{ER,s ItAItE: NHCO Prope !L v Mana enent O|{ER's ADOnEss: 2oo Divrsron Dr CITY:t{i 1m 1nq ton CO TRACTOR:Cape Fear Maintenance Inc 'LICEI|SE t: -ry-- ADDRESS: 1{05 s 39rh sr.CITY:'ri1lm too EIOIL AIDRISS: cape fearnainEeaance0 omail . com TOTAL PRO,ECT @ST: 2?soo BUILDING TIEIGHT: 20'S OF UNITS: TOIAL AREA SO FT :200 SO FT PER FLR: sooo t OF STORIES: 1 TOT LSQ FTUTOER R@F: lq_ I OF SIRiTTURES:I OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:ssr LAND Drsn Rauo ernurn f]v=s [t no PHOI{E #:910-?98 -'7 50 C zlP| 28 401 PHO'{E *: ST gZIP:4 5T:g zlP:4 -'?98-4330 EXIST COHSTRIrcTIO{: lI Ralocdon, rs lher€ a Natwal r{EH ctrtsrRgcrro.{: !:necr ilEr srRuctunE I rlsr rucx I sler-r ! urrur I am ro ExrsT sTRt CTURE If UPFIT - The SheU Penrit *: Is Ele<t Porjcr on this Bulldlng .r... rs rxts a clr/rlrcE oF oca,pllrcy rc:r lws @m .,... I ves fl ruo tF Yc', rarat E5 tha P.avlo{s Oc.uPan<y Typ€? ARCH TESIGI{ PROFESSIOIAL: M fl willard tftat ls thc ld O<cupancy TyP€l PH: 910-29?-3665 NC REG *: 10180 DESCRIPTIoN OF I{ORK: replace existj.ng counter lrith secutity storefront q!4s qqq qAqrs bt d r b.lf,reE Ftpi€d a sv.d h tL rtr.Etrd [v". Etrm b Tlr PioFty Locd rn nrc noo4*rz Ef ves @No Code and all oth6r appllclbb Stat and soeolicetroar3 BlCg Code sM OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Peter O'Brien SIGNATURE:(o'-i, l.JiHllt HJtrffild S g'ltr- :'J.tt:*H-Hr#',fi ves n ruo i* D..i.Iql tt&r f e. 'rrErd '.tti Trbr - n !. rinLd l.5e lr.ed*o b.rt G,H{S{,W) ff: !r Al, - htp E hrd bccfr^-- ard, Yar.t {r.d bd Ir ttu E n5oo hrn t. }dlr A} Uffi G{EEHAP, t pielfOf+O itn tO Oqt ptot S frd'&rd.t:rych&{. E-^.!B$la* tBrtH.rl.r.rt.Lr.C-edln Jd 0 NB/Y IMPERVIOI,,S AREA O soFT EOS t{c ntERl/torrs AREA ___ so FTpnopcnryusE EoFFrcE f]arsrarR rr []xencrrne lorrc flerr ficoroo on5g wrER @cf,prrA Ecomnr{frys!€rq!-ElwEJ. flaisErrsEct-AsstFtcrirrc}tsEwER E cFpla ElcEMnA[ sEpnc D pRtv TE sEprrc f]comru{Ty sysrEil -. SEPARATE PEF TTS REOUIREO FOR ELEC', UEOT. P[sG. GAS €OUIP. PREFASS E NSERTS -'pAytrtrr Erxoe flcasr floreo<p yA8rETt,rfic) fiemeacueoaess l]uerlrsr ftuscorcn Scanned by CamScanner PIE E *: 9tO-232-3L63 PIInE S:9Lo-264-50't5PROIECT COIIACI PERS(II: Elank Nve EraG* OESTO{ P;UrfESSIq{AL: Pll: lic RE6 S: (FOR *F|CE lrSE OiaY) m/[*D oArE .ulrn2ZO,IE: OFFICER: SETBADT(S: F: LH: Rl+ E.eppr-ar'_ctf -rE ruooe - - -#ilTc"n-"ttt ^ v **rrr=UF il 'm"NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Project Responsibility" )ot+ - vq .1 AppltCANT,S NAME: Penton Construction, LLC Date PROIECT ADDRESS: I Westp sUBDtvtstoN: Westprong Phase 2 ctTyr Wilmin ton, NC 21p 28403 LOT #i I pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: Westprong 2, LLC pHoNE f: 910 452-1410 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC BLDG LtcENsE #: NC 50903 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs/ NEW CONSTRUCTION: g Erect New Residence Il Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation pRoJEcT coNTAcT pERsoN: Howard Penton pxOrur: 910 452-1410 I.,}*PLEASE CHECK AND ANs ER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY To YoUR PRoJECT,I.** O Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (SF)*1 f Pooi (SF) tr Att Garage (SF) E Sunroom (SF)tr Storage shed (SF)_ n Greenhouse (SF)f Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No l,ls31g{; 680 DISCLAIMER: T hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and all work will comply with t State B!l laws and ordinances and regu ations. The NHC Development Services Center wr be notlfied of any changes information.'*'NOTE: Any work e appropriate permlts wi be in violation of the NC dg ding Code and all other applicable State and local plans and speciflcations or change in contractor nd subject to fines up to 5500.00't* Owner/Contrador: "Licensed QuoIilier" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? I Y", /rtro Existing lmperviousArea:5337 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 New lmpgrv;6u511g3;32,549 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: /v", ! rtro WATER: dCFPUA E Community system ! Private Well E Central well E Aqua SEWER: gCFPUA E Community System ! Private Septic E Central septic E Aqua zone: _ officer; - setbacks (F) - (l-H) - (RH) - (B) -Approval; _ City: _ Date:- Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment: Permit Fee: S $*to oWNER,s ADDRESS: 6'105 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 Ctw: Wilmington, NC 21p 28403 ADDRESS: 6'105 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 CtTy: Wilmington St: NC ztp. 28403 EMATLADDRESS: howard@pentondevelopment.com PHONE: 910 279 3131 ! other (sF)_ TOTAT SQ Fr UNDERROOF (Jor proposed work)unhg3lgd; 144 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructure!YesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes i No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Famity E/Ouptex ! Townhouse Description of work: This permit is for one side of a Residential Duplex NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N fYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" ,ol+-- 2--ttj Z Number (office use) APPLICANT,S NAMEi PENTON CONSITUCtion, LLC PROJECT ADDRESS:ron SUBDtVtStON: Westpronq Phase 2 Date ctTy Wilmington, NC 71p. 28403 LOT H: lj pROpERw OWNER,S NAME: Westprong 2, LLC oWNER,s ADDRESS; 6105 Oleander Drive, Suite 20'l pHoNE f: 910 452-1410 ctTy Wilmington, NC 1p 28403 -q- CONTRACTOR: Penton Construclion, LLC BLDG L;CENSE #: NC 50903 ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 611y Wilmington Sr: NC 2tP 28403 PROJECT CONTACT pERsoN Howard Penton pxOrur: 910 452-1410 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs ,/ NEW CONSTRUCTION: g Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ,},} TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER 8EI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**'} n Att Garage (SF)! Porch{sF) 144( D Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) E Det Garage {SF)_ Lr 5torage 5hed (5r-) ! Greenhouse (5F)f Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes I No TOTAI, SQ FT UNDERROOF (Jor proposed work)unhg3lsd; 144 DISCLAIMER: I hereby ce laws and ordinances and information. +*'NOTE: A owner/contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" Print None is the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes d ruo Existing lmpervious Area; 5337 sq Ft rtify that all the information in this application is correct and all work will comply with t Stat ild ng Code and all other applicable State and local regulations. The NHC Development 5ervrces Center wi be not fied of any ch.nges in t ved p ans and spe.lf catlons or chanSe in co.tractor performed wlthout the appropriate perm ts wi be in I de and subject to fines up to SS00.00+" Signature: heNftate Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 New lmpe rv;6u51vss; 32,549 Sq Ft / Existing Land DisturbinS Permit: El'yes D t{o WATER: d CFPUA E Community System E Private well E Central well E Aqua SEWER: M CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E central septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - $+tc Comment:Permit Fee: S EMAILADDRESS: howard@pentondevelopment.com pHONE: 910 279 3131 ! other (sF)_ Hg31g{; 680 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes ! No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYeslNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Famih douplex E Townhouse Description of work: This permit is for one side of a Residential Duplex I v RECEIYED JAN 1O ?017 frddts Iwr,ltncki 3 ( n-4 APPLICASIf'S Nrrt4E: APPLICATxoI'l t umber (Offtce Usa) DEVELOPE&: PROfEC' AODRESS: Pn0PERTY oll[IER'S tlA E: oldilER's A0DRESS: Plt0ilE LoT l*: - - f 'c -44c '7zq'l* R- 178- 3t1- Tatso s"t z l&- zlP: 1q4n<- s?,NLz*;e|hh *z \ri *il,-lhlt7 PHONE *: PHONE ?IP:crw CITY: LICENSE *; BLOCT( *: t Itcol'{TfitrjTQR ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CO TACT PERSOiI: ENTSTINS CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION Q *et ororro* f! aenenar- rcemns f] RElocArlsl riEll coNsTRucTIoN, fJ gnecr E!,1 iEsrDENrE or fl oorrron ro ExrsTrilc sEsmENcE *TPLEiSE CIIECI( ^rU, Ar{Sl{ER 3€L$i ALL TtlnT APPLY m YoUR piof,EcT: f] orr ermee sr fironcu -sF rl EI,IAIL A'DRESS: f] rrr enmer - sF flsunnoou --sFfl eRr:mousr - sr TOTAL TOTAL crIY: I eoor- - sr I IDECK II. PHof,rE *: 4(,- a'aa-'obfl f] smnaer sHED -_ sF ornrn: &{h tbo sr HEATED sQ rr, Uc SF d-TOTAI- SQ FT Ut{DEn ROOF: - TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: pRolEcr coST Lc{)250 * OF STORIES i HECHTUIrCAL ork EeLng t}one to the Accessory Stnrctu.€? b Is Atly LUIIAfnlc It INE 1 aRe atlonr ls there a Is there Electrlcal Po{er on Buildint) PROPE*Ty UsE / OCCT P DESCBIPTIOiI 0F ttl0RKr AMY i sTNGLE FAri{rLY f] ourlex f] roulnouse t{atug 6as Line on the Current site? ffvu' fluo Iv"s No -/ fin" 1x[qe4' adfurJ bl-btbn Dtsctilt EE is colrecl ,nd d! lxort wl! comply wlrl tr. SEr. Aoilhg Coda ad .I ohdr Eprr.alb SriE efld local laws ird odindrl6es 6d lsg[laionE. The NhC t}6\clopm€nt Ser,/ics! Cenlrr .rri! be norned oI any ch.l!!s h h. srproved @s and 9eclilcaUon9 cnaE€ h confacbr or connrEbr lnsma!6n. "'l\loTE: nay OInNEUfiINTRACTOR: worx Ffiormed wlo tne ADpdopnaG Pemlls wfll !e h \4o!?{on 0l$6 Nc sllE Eltlg and SubJccl Up To S5m.00-' +*x**:r.++*+:**i.r!t******* t*t".(!iIl ISI*. .*:tttr:*.** rs rflE propERTy LocATED rN a FrooDPLAIfir f"l YEs E ,!t ,i {.****ic*f +:}*****ti*)g*:t*s**+***1.*)a NO EXISTIII€ TPERVIOIE AftEA: -5q FT TOTTI ACRES DISnnBEDT t{Eu rlpERwot s aREr: -s8 FT EXIST LAIO DTSTURBT 6 pERTUT: fi VeS fl nO HATER: 5Ei{ER r Crrruo flrrruo E comuurw svsrrm fl enwarr ue r-l ! cENTRAL IIELL f] cntrmr- seerrc I PRrvArE sEPrrc f] coum.rurw svsreu PAYII}I{' HETHOD:flasu flcnecx lcrvrble m urc1 [ ruetnrcm ooness .:rtj5 :r, :Lis;i',5'..r"f] r,rcrv:sn n orscovrn EP';!:A] E ::ilr:J E n;O..jJn:La io:'. 'laI. ;rfc:ir FL3{;r G4S:!i'"r't'J P:r Coroert: **a*****raa*tti*r**t*rl****a*,at*****ri*:.***tl****t*tr**tt**r**'tr*****++***:t+{l:rtl***t**rBlF*'**a* (FOi Otgrf,E u'E olr8 iEVrSE! O t€ O4l1',l12 ZONE: . OFFICER:SETBAC(S: F:- LH: RH:- B:- Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLoOD: - BFEr'zft= - Avl{ PERIiIT FEE; $.-_..._- NEh{ HANXDVER COI,INTY zuILDING PERNIT aFPL?:CATI.N rYPE: RESIDENTIAL . PLEASE AiIS}GR ALL qJESTIOI5 A}PLIIASLE M Ti!N'R PBO]EC' ?roject iesPonstbiliqf o$rl -!-fu-!l- SUBDIViS]OTI : dn'n &j:l AP P ll CAT,O N TYPE: RtslDE NTIAL PLTASE ANSWtR AII. OUTSIIONS APPIICABI.T TO YOUR P "Ptoiecl ResPonsibilitY" 7 -3+0 lb-'sy+ 3, rr,,h)ltsolAPPLICANT'S NAMt PROJECI ADDRTSS:clTY: (I I LM Oale Z 2 9.\ zlP lb qo L4 <QL\T RA\L D(L SUBDIVISION:E LAEj-c S TOT #2- PROPTRTY OWNTR'S NAME 5US v.: tu+or{PHONT H _-- ctTy: \,tJ IUY\ t[J zp ZB 4V w Soi') ST ztP 7t"4 tZ ADDRT SS CITY TMAII- ADDRTSS PHONT PROJTCI CONTACT PERSO* ?tN ALD t\) iL9oi^{ IXISTING CONSTRUCTION: [] Alteralion D R€novation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E trect New Residence I aaO,rion to t]istrng Residen(e D Relocal'on LEASr CH AND wtR BErow HAT APPI.Y UR PROJ f] Del Garage (st)-D Porch {sF) rl t^J, t )L. PHoNE:q\O -b\z -11b E Srorage shed lst)-- fl orher (sr) l- E All GaraBe (sr)- f) Greenhouse (5f) - fi Sunroom (Sf)5 D Pool (St) B Deck (Sr) lsthe proposedworl cha nginB the exist ing foorprint?(Yes fl No TOTAI Sq Ff UNDTR ROOr Uor p rogosed work'l Heated" TOIAI PROJECT COST (tess [or): 5 ooo proposed work changinS the number o,bedrooms? D v", !' r.ro Unheated: A /-.tt sr ls the ls any t, the ls the ",x!nPlumbint or Mechanical work being done to lhe Accessory Structut Yes I No pro is a Relocation,is there a Natural Gas Line on the cutrent sire? tl Ycs re Electrical Power on this Building? ( v.t tr lo Property Use/ Occupancy ff sirgtr r"-ity Duplex O Townhouse Description ol Work:'ut)5L) No fuum mEc.[4Nr.]tL idc{z-k-', Som IE "Lrcensed Qualiliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? D ves I no f xisting lmpervious Atea lSco sq tt Total Acres Dislutbed New lmperviou5 Area qa Sq rt txistin8 Land Disiurbing Permit: D ves \fl' ruo waTtR: $ cf PUA ! communitY Syslem E Prrvale well D centra! well fl Aqua srwtn: { CFPUA D communitYsvslem E PrivaleSeptrc fl central septic fl Aqua zone: - Ollicet: .- serback! lt) - (tH) - IRH) - (B) -Approval: ciry: - Dale: --- Flood: (a) - (v) - (N) - Bttl2lt= - o Flo a-s ou Dl3crJqtMtR: I hereby cenify rhat a the intormerion in rhas apphcarion it (orred and all work will complv wnh th€ slrte Buildin8 code and all other applicabk sl'le and loti taws and ordinances and reBUtaiions. The NHc oevelopmenl servic€5 cenler wil be nori{ied oi any chant€s in the approved plans and sPe.ifi'ations or 'han8e n (onlratlor rntormalaon....NoIt any wqrtrleiqlmep withou rh€ approp at€ permir5 willbe in violalion o, lhe Nc srale Bld8 code and subjert to {ines up 10 5500 00"' ;^";;,.,,":,.,, i4Xhtiiltl.-"-^ sisnarure: Rvlnt l'rtttsol l€ctrica Comment:Permit fee: $ r.l owNrR,s ADDREsS, 50 24 SPL t-I- {2AtL 9L. CONTRACTOR I ,.,^,,^i'J,:l?1"',xllif;,[:l',,.,:"lli^,^",?ol1 "Proiecl Re5ponsibilitY" Dg r< e. a-rHAPPLICANT'S NAMT:?oZ€e{ PROJTCI ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION 5 ea- PROPTRTY OWNER'5 NAIVITe2f Dare: /J Dee 2o/G z,P: P?a toT&/4e (to a\ ?44-tcts np A?ia ? v Iir :t '56&r*; tL-7EC8 vC- c) \3€z-r- €. )g,s<o-rH4.-PHONT fr crrY: (r' /.-,, CONTRAcTOR oJ3E A-f F.j-ers'aaril ADDRTSS aas-p) "4uu 'C ITY TMAIL ADDRTSS r 2tS-O r'r-A-a-Q. CAta/\ PRO.JtCI CONTACT PERSON e)€c_1- f, )er=eer4 PHONT txlsTlNG coNsTRUCfloN: 3 Alteration fl Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: E trect New Residence D Additionto €xislin8 Residence fl Relocation .rrP[EASf CHTCI( AND A swtR BEtow AI.I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJfcTri. E Att Gara8e (sr)fl Det Garage (sF) - D Porch (sr) ErDG t-tctNst,q,rl(z.p,2('/ PHON (s o))be3 f] Sunroom (5t)E Pool (sr) I Deck (sr) Estoraee shed (s r\ 2 ? ? ! other (sF) -?39 E Greenhouse (SF) - ls the proposed work changing the exisling lootprinl? I-l Yes E No TOTAT Sq fT UNDTR ROOr Uor ptaposed work\ Aealed TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less l-ol): S Unheated ls the proposed work changinE lhe numtrer oI bed ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical wotk be ll the proi€ct is a Relocation, is there a Natural Ga l5 there tlectrical Power on this Buildin8? E) Yes lex fl -IownhouseProperty Use/ occupancy: E single tamily D Du!"C.,,ts{.r rooms? fl v", / t'to;;;"";';fi;,,-o,y sr,,.'u'" tr v",Xruo s Irne on the current sil€? D Yes A ^oX*' p Description ol Work:o DlSCl.AlMtR: I hereby t€rttfy rhal all lhe inlormatlon in lhis applr.etion B rorrect 3nd alt wo,k will comply wnh the slare BuildanS code and all olh€r appiicable sril' and lo'i la\/vs and oldinances and ,P8ulalion5. The NHC Developm€nl SEtvicps tenler wallb€ notil'€d oi anY ch3n8€s in lhe approved €circatlonl or.hanSe rn (onltaclor inlormation. "'NOTI'Any worl Perlormed w(hotr rhe apptoptiat € permii5 w,ll b€ in violalion ol lh? Nt slare BldS 55O0 00"' U+ (- \, Owner/Contraclor "Lrcensed Quolfjer" Zohe ?"-lzts<ar*Signature6€ef- r. Permitfeer $ -,- ls the property located in a lloodplain? D yes D t'lo [xistinB lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Atea: .'--- Sq tt ExistinS Land Disturbin8 Permit: D yes E t'to WATER: A CTPUA E CommunilY System D Plivale well D cenlral well fl Aqua stwER: )(ctPUA n CommunltY Syslem D Plvale Septtc fl cent(al septic n Aqua Oll i(e r serbacks (r) - {lH} - (RH} - (B) - - Approval: Ci.ry: .- Dale: -- tlood: (A) - (V) - (N) - Bf t{2lr= -- -)v t2 ctw: owNtR's AoDRt ss: Q.2) ?41- /6e3 Comment: *' rj't ltrPrx I{EId I{AIWVTE COUNTY BUILDING PERI,IIT AppLtcaTrdt IypE: CO*IF ERC IAL PLEAST Attstaq aiL cu€sTlot{s AppllcarLi To yoJR l>io]lai ."pr.rj ect Responsib j.]lty- ,il<S &"ii u1alfiurxl_ ?or1 '11, APPL:CI : )B Hunber APPLICANT'5 N.AIIIE: owrloern: _fl.!piPRO]['' ADORESS: _ .._ DATE :V _ P|lCLE #: O . --.-lL-\ '. . I.,U .C^ZIF:a . OCCUPAII,/&ISIXESS AJrirE : ] NqOPERTY O&B'ER' S AISTER, S ADORESS: .ri ) PhoilE r: qO .:.*1letua\ ) x_l_ EXIST COITSTRUCTIT)i{ : X lf Flsbcs:lo. is there a Narural r{E[. corslRu.rror.r: l]l EB accEssoiY sT&LdtsRE: If UPFIT - The Shetl. pef"nit i: .l.r:r Is lHrs a cHAit6t :F Yes, LAat ras the 9aevLo,rrs Oacupancy Tirpet ARCH DISI6I{ PROIISSIO AI: l6R OfSIGlr PnOreSSlOUr: I Pti .rrl ( /Cb..k rll rh.r A@IyrAL-:rarror [[nircvlrrol IXJ cElirnal nepn:ns i-.i RELocrrrDar uas L:ne on the'cun-ent Sitez l'- v --I-']to ts aiDG spqrN xi eng'? !- yes l- lo Ecr sl!r., srBUcruRE lras': rnxxl sxeli- l....iupr,-.:-:_-' aDs ro Er(:sr sT&u.-firiE Is Slect Parer cn thls Buitdlng E yes I Ho oF fi(uPlr{cy usrt II ws -XaC f uh;t"is the ie, occupancy lyee? AS-'.*gul ftr Rlc r: clqZa OESCRIPTIOII OE WORX:u1"rt+\al i.lft- is food or beverages pr : ZON!:oFFtcERr {re App.olrd:_Oy._ City:- V{ruo,r On": comnnrit- \rt{e(rlB. r,\6gg P$u'l -*c xee *,tf_ .2f:-jZ) Nr.h,affiH5_)-:ec !n T,le Frcodpl8in? ves - . No TOTAL AREA SQ !': : TOTAL SO :- UN'-i1 ROOF sa Fr PER FLR: -l)@_ _ # OF S:IJCTURES: I f OF STCRIES: e, _ ACRES DISTUFB'N.(-,Exsr I-AND DtsruRsr*c nenunrf*l res E rcNEW IMP!i"4OUS AREA:SC EXISTING IMPERVIoUS nnEe: if(I f:?OFEqTYUSE: -..]F:'CE R=STAURANT f]$:i:A','.-E r:rc [r r-:ER ?Zd- sEll .: :oMMUNIIY SYSI: 'l :_: y,rELL .:.lNtNG USE CL SSTFTCAIoN:i 'CEN:.iAt Si:i1TtC ! .,ii7,1-'. Semrc - bOt*l,lUNrry SySTElv; ;Avi -ii - ic;- IASH ,- cHEcK rpAyAar: "' NHcj -Av .rcAND :ss A r,qc.ry,sl DrscovER :- :;TA:!?iEA^ .n,. ^lh nx.l\n- ad.l* r?: t,llr Fr.3OD:--- ' le{!l _ B-F -2fi=AVN - P'qMF FEE.S coirrl{cToR: P(S-{Ii-f;-rfaif:ri}r _ _. Lr..rsE *, 1fu{.'i:,i EHAIL ADDR;9;: . i___. t. -..U*_. (r,r]-i -.* _ _' pro*ri,i :,(r,, PRolEo cor{racr pERso.{r \ ,,, -.-U -inf-;? __- - ,**i i,: -- .,:)\:q ToTAI. PRoJECT CoST: A tJ i. :. i.a NEt'l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLIcATIott rYPE: COni ERCIAL ?or1 '5+5 penmrr-PE* tb -3332 APPLICATION Number (office Use) PLEASE AI,{S{ER ALL QUESTIOI{s APPLICABLE TO YOIjR PRO]ECT "Project ResponsibilitF LICENSE #: CITY: (Check AIl That Apply) DATE :t, P}ONE #:r{zrP:8BUC\ PrnirE #: aUlb-tLo|u sr: l.lczrP: sr:lJ- zrp:}8LI(a- PTONE #: PTONE #: APPLICANT'S tlAI'lE: DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDRESS: OCCUPAI{T/BUSINESS t{A}tE : PROPERTY OTfiER,S NAfiE: oMER'S ADoRESS: ,Pl CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EIIAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: CITY: CITY:o \ EXrSr CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTOT fil_nrrcvrrrOr [x CErenAl neelrRs lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Lrne on lhe 6nrr-ent slteu Ivd-[lo lS BLDG S RELOCATION KLERED? [ ves I r.ro rr ffilres tr PRIN If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is El.ect Pouer on this Building [!ves E *o 1594.^e,Lq NC REG #: **+** IS THIS A CHAI{GE OF cuP IF Yes, hfiat uas the Previous Occupancy Type? NO '''l **i. t{hat is the Nev occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL : ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOI{AL: PH PH C REG *:I 7 Na{B/rTtl6- ln The Floodplain? [ Yes RNo SQ FT REVISED DATE 4/1I/'I2 Yes No Bu Code and other applicable State in and the State OWNER/CONTRACToR: \NJl uU fr\] V+A(z-.rJ<1T sIGNATURE: (aEtn€r) coitain Asbosto6 or noL You ar€ rcquircd to csll the Nato.El Emlssion Stardards fo. Hazardoo6 Ar Pdlutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at l6asl 10 days frtq to lhe d€mdilion of any fadllty or bolldng.see fub€slG wbb sttr: hrlp:/ ryvvl.epr slaie nc us/epr/asbeslotahmp.hlml # OF UNITS:, *' SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS A INSERTS .............. (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: BFE+2ft= @ t-luTOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :# OF STORIES: 3. TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES: I # OF FLOORS:A. ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LAND DrsrunetNc peRutrz f-'l ves [J uo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE: EOPTrcC E RESTAUMNT luencarnu fleouc nlrr ECONDo OTHER: 6€ CFPUA CFPUA BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: WATER: SEWER:ft - coMMuNnY S\6TEM [-]wEtr flZONll{G USE CI-ASSIFICATION: E cerrner- seprrc I e-Rverr sErnc E coMMUNtrY sYsrEM PAYMENT METHOD: ECASH f]CneCX lenVeeLE TO NHC) flrulenrcel o<eness {rcrursn Eorscoven ZONE:_OFFICER:Afprovd:-Crty:-DATF: FLOOO,----;----T N Comrn€nt IMM'TEAUEiEEJi Ilta ):(l PERMIT FEE: $- Eh, coNsrRucrroN, ! rnrcr Et,ll srRUcruRE ! resr rnecx ! sxsr-r- [-j urrrr ! aoo ro ExrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: No ftre l.lo Env lt LtNo (fP]A NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPr; CoMMERC IA L PLEASE ANSl,iEi ALI QUISIIoNS APP!I(ABLE TO YoUR PROIEaT "Project Responsibillty" OI^INER'S A00RE55: 6635 conservation !.Jay $N-l I 2ct + ' 321t ,tffi5&t: APPLICATION Number z I 7 1 APPLICANTTS NAME: Hevfare roiro cenle! LP DATE: DEVELOPER: PHONE S: OCCUpANT/BUSINESS NAI4E: suire Jrl5 Al'M RelocsLion PROPERTY OUINER'S NAl.lE: Mevtare :oun cenLer :P 12 /23 / t6 ZIP t2a405 CoNTRACToR ! pH Griffin consLrucLion trLC LICENSE #: 353?5 ADDRESST 600 Green va]ley Rd. suitse 301 CITY: creensboro CITV: !qitmj.ngron PHoNE #; :!LZI::I4_ SI: NC ZIPr 28,105 ST: ric ZIP: 21403 PHoNE Sr 136-316-1098 (<h.<k All thJt Appty) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf R€locatlon, is there a Na ALTERATToN f--l nelrovartoru Gas Line on the Currenr Sire? LJ GENERAL REPAIRs NELOCNTION lural Yes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I ves [ ruo NEW COI,ISIRUCTION: f} CNECT NEU] 5TRI]CTURE FAST TRAC(SHELL unrrr fl ADD To Exrsr srnucruRr ACCE5SORY STRUCTUNE: DESCRIPTIoN 0F WoRK: lelocate ATM mach.ine, decrease size of equip room, widen storefronL 6id local I Sublecllo Fines Up To 35 r..lor inio'.,alion "' rhls applcarro lsco ecl dnd 61, wort wllcomply wth rhe Stsre 8ulNHC 0€veloom€nt Se'vi(es Cenre.willbe noufiad otanv cndnoes.NO]E. Any lvo'h PerlormFdWO Iho Appropflalc Permrls \\, r b; ", aoorov€d orans 6nd sDecilcaI on oI lhe NC St.te 8ld9 Cod lding Code and oll orherapplicabls Stale ls food orbove{a0qs pr€p8rod o. Eewed In thls struaure? [Yes fl No lsThe Propsty Localod lnThe Floodplaln?Eyes I No OISCI,AIMER: l 00.00"'Gary Allen Rogers /<( 1'1 IOTAL PROJECT COSTr i 22 825, i.] BUILDING HEIGHI # OF UNITS TOTAL SO FT I..,NDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES S OF FLOORST ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr rAND DrsruRBrr.rc ernutrr nves f] ruo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA;SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERTy usE: florptce nnesreuml{T [uencru'n[e fleouc [nrr f]c-or,roo ortea: WATERI SEWER: .Btr CFPUA CFPUA CoMMUNIW SYSTEM IWELL ff ZONTNG USE C|"ASS|F|CATION CENTRALSEPTTC L-l PRTVATE SEPrlC LICOMMUNTW SYSTEM .. SEPANAIE PERT1ITS R€OUINED TOR ELECT. M€CH, PL8G, GAS EOUIP. PAEFABS & INSEBTS "' pAyTvtENTMETHoD: flcesx f]cnrcx (PAYABLE ro NHc) flmtrnrcet rxeness I mcnrrsr Elorscovrn (FOROTFTCE USE ONLY)FEV]SED DA'TE 4I ]/ t 2ZONE:_OFFIcER:SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B:Appmvol:_ City:-DATE:_ FLOOD: --_-- _- BFE+m=_AVN * oulNescorurRACroR:*SIGNATURE: conhln tubslto! ornol Yo!.m l.qukld tio callth6 NatonalEmlrrlon SEnd6nt6 for Ha:.rdour Alr Pollubnb (NESHAP).t (9r0)707-5950 al ts.!r tO d.yr r or to lha d.nolldon !l Bny bdlllyorbulldlng. Soo Arb€€tos Wob Sl16: htlp}|!$r?..pl.sb[r.nc.us/opU0lb!!loal6hmp,hrrnl SO FT Comment: PRoJECT AooRESS: 683.7 Main srreet CITY: Hitninq!on EIIAIL ADDRESS: sadansedhqc. con pRolECI CoNTACT PERSoN: sLe1,e Adams PHoNE S: 336-315 1098 If UPFIT - The Shell Per it il: Is E1ect poNer on thrs Blilding E Yes E tO .*r.* rs THrs A 6HAN6E oF occUpANCy uset IVrs filo r-.-- fF Yesr Nhat uas the Previous Occupan(y Type? --_ What ls the Nelll ocaupancy Type? _ ARCH DESI6t'l PnOTESSIoI'IAL: Goodr j.ch AEchit€cture Blai r coodric) pH,:!]!::l!_.1!!!_ NC RE6 I: ?434 ENCn D€SIGN PROFESSIONAIT PN: -- NC RE6 t: _ TOTALAREA SO FT: 04 sr.affecLed SOFTPERFLRT--f OF STORIES: PERMIT FEE: $-- d*fitr..<E _ APPLICAiIT'S t.IAItE: DEVELOPER: )ot+- 3b1 t6-345111 APPLICATION Nunber (oFrice us.) NElrl HANOVER COUNTY BUfLDTNG PERMIT APPLICATIaN ryPs: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI''SI{ER ALL QUTSTIONS APPLICAEL€ TO YOUR PRO]ECT dProj ect Res pon s ibil itld' LLC. CITY: it) A BLOCK #: rz-L, ),"uJ /- r, rA6 I (o 11136,rr.o <DATE:tz-7-t6 PHONE *: PRO]ECT ADD*ESS: SUADIVISId{: PROPE RTY OI.{IIER'S t,IA}tE : o.,lNER'S ADDRESSl. 14q LOT f: ZIP: z fi42\Z!7 PHONE #:-r..\uo.lV i)A CXTY;sT:A( zrP: zgll& COITITRACTOR3 {- EMIL ADDRESS: SUNROOM I C- rrcrrse *:7./ 367 '^.,ADORESS: ,lZ, /n,t, rA C-u'to K 8) crrY:sr:ArzrP: ?8\a-e PHONE *: prmirE s: 1tD 632- 37e5 a1I a. PRO]ECT COffTACT PERSO : EXISTING CO$STRUCTION:ALTERATION I ner,rwarrou f] e rrueml neearns fl RELocArroN NEli coNsrRucrroNr fr[ enrcr NEU REsrDEitcE or f]ADDITION TO EXISTING RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHECI( AND AiISWER BELO{ ALL IHAT APPLY TO yOuR pROIECTTuATT GARAGE 7n '.osr sF f| orr canaer o sr [noncx5 371 SF PooL o SF I sroRner sHro SF SFI enrrruHoust () sr I orcx SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT:'237 t TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:ZZ5 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ AL F\ TOTAL PROIECT C0STlr"s.roe: $ 36 l,C44.A0 Is Any ELECTRTCAL, pLU AIil6 or &IECHANTCAL Work Belng Do If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natura Is thene Electrical Power on this Bui.Iding? Eye E srN€LE FArlrLy fl ouer-rx f] ro,lunouse<.FR. # OF STORIES: a _)ne to the Accessory Structure? lKVes fl ruo l Gas line on the current situl f]ves I rrro'Fo PR@ERW USE / OCCUPANCY : DESCRIPTIOI{ OF },'ORK:fu P, r-)trust eltuall<11 TRAC DISCLAIME R iherebv cerfry fiat all inlrrmatjon in fiis a?ptcation is conecr snd a, *ork wjl compty wih the SIare Buitding cade and a]t ober sppficabb StaE and tcd tau,ssnd odinances ahd €guladons. The NH C De vetopment Serices Cen Er wifi be no8lied of any ct.nges in tte approved plans ard specifications dchrnoe h conlracbr orconU_acbr inblmalion- T"NOIE: Any Work Pedo,rned WlO ihe AppDpriab P€mirs w r be in Volalion ol lh€ NC StaE Bldg Code ahd SubFcr To $500.00"' OWNE /A 'il IA2 ZE 4 5IGMTURE: (P* !i * * ** * **:** +*)i+:t* t r )t*:i +++ + {.,t *;f*,1**l***)***t*t r. *****:*+ *a* ***** ***,**,t +*t)t *** ***,r*** rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN I rlOOOpU$rl f--'l vrs B ro EXISTING II,IPERYIq,S AREA: -5q FT ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: r{EH r}pERLtor,s AREA: _ SQ FT Et(rsT LAND DT5TURBTNG lrmrrr, E[ ves f] ilo ) ERI,IAT S[ crnur I coruuurw svsrru I pRrvArE r.rELL S croua I cerurnar- serrrc I pRrvArE sEprrc I cerurml well f] co.uuxrw svsrruSEI^IER: .':'.i.,',,:l']-.::.'.:..::l..j'.:l.:].::':)').|... pAyrENlrFrHoD: f] casn [.nrcr< (nAvABLE ro rrr; I arrnr.o* .rr*.r, f]'rcTvrsa -fl orsco/ER*****r************l***********************!r****************************:**:|************** (FOi OfFIEE UsE flI-Y) NEWSID DAIE O4l1V12 ZONE:OF FICER:SETBACKSI F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: _ BFE+2ft= N Coflune nt :PERAIT FEE: $+v1-