JANUARY 17 2017 BUILD PERMITS:i Ii C: Date lorll(e uJr)l\'ttot-D'/7ol ArrltLrlt rlttv , ,rr. nErllrElt I lAr pi.tast ANSwtR Att outS'rloNs aPPtlcAStt lo Youn PRoJt "Proiect R€sPoneibililY" APPLICANT'S NA'VIT PROJECI ADDRESS:-ta 0c y'0".r s C L+,CITY .1 ,10€ suEDlVlsloN tDu 1p-k tol I €d t<cl {eJr4-4o y'ao -5qaoPHONT fiPROPIRTY OWNER'S NA]OT OWNER'S ADDRTSS CITY u); I ''''-P { A@,L ^ol 0b4s0 TMAII. ADDRTSS PROJTCT CONTACT PTRSON hl h;,+ txlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: t l Alteration ( nenovarion O General Repairs Ntw coNsIRUCrloN: [J trect New Residence E Addrtion to txi5tin8 Residence D Relocalion E A1t 6araBe (Sf)- CITY H tc(NSWTR BEIOW THAT APPI. fl Del Gara8e (sf) Bt-DG llctNst i t44 s1: &/c zP 4ro @/ R PROIT D Porrh lsr) fl storage Shed (sr)- CONTRACIOR ADDRTSS: Jlv fl Pool (sr) D Greenhouse (5f) - D Deck (Sr) ls the proposed work chanBin8 the existin8 lootprint? D yes ! t'to IOTAT SQ FI UNDTR ROOf Uot ptoposed wotk) Heated ,)4oo Unh€ated r00 TOIAT PROTECT COST (Less l-ol): $a00 M'Etl)i'00 '^-/ a lw eS - €ct etq tslheproposedworkchangangthenumberolbedrooms? D vus ff r'ro ls any gectrical, plumbing or Mechahical work beingdone tolhe Accessory Str,rcture I Yes D No llthe project is a Relocation, is therea Nalural Gas Line on the current site? O Yes B I'to lslhere tlectricalPower onthisBuildinel h ves O t{o Property U5e/ Occupan Single tamilyf C 4 D Tow Description of W k:d o krt c df llt,-t lx ./zS( DlSCt lMtn: Iher€by !€n y lhat all rhe inrormation in this applrtation i! .orred and all wotk wlll complv wnh rh€ Srare aliBtn8 Code and allolher appiicabk SDlt and lo hw5 and ordiEn.ee and r€Sulaiton5 Th€ NHC DeveloPmenl Se,vr€s Cenle' wilj b€ nolilred ol anv (han8€s s or chan8e rn (onnatlo hlormatron "'NO-It Ant wo,t ptrloimed wilhoul lhe ermilt willbe in vDlalion ol lhP NC d sublert ro frnes uP lo S5o0 00"' ls lhe properly located rn a lloodplain? D v.s fl no txillinB lmpervious Area: - Sq ft New lmpervious Area: -.--=- Sq ti r signal fotal AcIes Dill urbed: - txistin8 Land Dislurbint Petmit: D yes E t'to lt.-t .a u.1Owner/Contra.tor 'L tce nsed Quol4ier" WATER srwtn 2on€: E { CfPUA D CommlnrlySyslem n Plrvalewell E Centlal Well O Aqua CFPUA fl Community Syslem D PIrvaleSeplr( D CentralSeptrc fl lqua Ollicer serba.ks lf) - {!H} - IBH) - {B) Approval. city: Dale: - rlood: lA) -- {V) {N)- Btt{2{r= PeImil teer$Commenl z.tP PHONT ,ro*, 4lo €'/Q' 3/{b E Sunloom (SF)- \!r ,fr..,al o /)0,, or, ANswf R Ar.r outsrroNs appltcABtt ro youR pRo,t(y',- I "Proi€ct Responsibility" WZ L YUI Dat€ LOT # BIDG I.NSt 'J vbq5et, APPLICANT,S NAMT PROJECI ADDR€S5:CITY SUBDIVISION PROPI RTY OWNTR'S NAIVIT PHONT d OWNER'S ADDRTSS CITY CONTRACTOR ADDRTSS CITY TMAII- ADDRESS O oo.COA PRO.]ECI CONTACI PERSON PHONI TXISTING CONSTRUCTION Alteration ! Renovation C General Repairs NtW CONSTRUCITON: fl trecl New Residence n Addrrionlo [xisling Restden.e f] Relocation .r.PLEASt CX AND ANSW R BE I.OW ALT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJ ECT.. . I Del Garage (sF)_lJ Porch (SF) STt@t, Ll Att Gara8e (Sf)- [J Sunr oom (Sf) Property Use/ occupancy: I single fa Descriplion o, Work D Pool (sr) sLi on the currenl site?tr Du fl Towobolre6 Be Shed (5f) d1a re tr E Stora /o,n"€4'r (sr)a No TOTAI. SQ Fr UNDIRROOi llat proposed wo.t) Heatedi -_=__-- U D Greenhouse (St) - tr Dlk (St) ls the proposed wolk (han8ing lhe exrsling lootprinl? dyes l) t{-?rc F'u.\nE. u,{c.d r., ToTAL PROJICT COST (tess lot) S ls the proposed work thanBing the number ol bedrooms? D Yes No ls any Eleclrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work bei nB done to the Accessory Slru No l{ the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Nal is there tleclrical Power on this BuildinB?No b DlsclalMtR: lhe,eby cenfy thar alllh€ intormallon in rhi5 applicalion rs (ortect and el! wo,k witl tomPly wnh th€ Sl laus and o.dhan(€s and re8ulationr -Ihe NHC Developm€nr Servic€! Ceniei will b€ nolified ol any than8es in lhe ap 'ntoimal,on "'NOIt Any wort p?rlorm€d wilhour th€ apploprrale permil! willbE in violarion oJ rhe NC 5ra1€ gld uplog Owner/Coniraclor: 'Ltc?ns?d Auollter" al€ AuiBing tode and allolh€r a Ppl.able slalr and lo{ proved plans and 5P€olitatDnr or (h.ngt in.onlra'1o ls the properly located in a floodplain?Yes fl No t D s {r) Permit fee 5 -, f xistint tmpcrvious 4r"", I I 9A sq rt New tmpervious Ar"", // 6? ro * WATER: fl CTPUA fl (rmmunllySyslem,/StwtR. n ttpua d (ommunrlysys!em Zone: _ Ollicer:_--, Setback Approvalr City: _ Oale: _ Commenl: txistin8 Land Disturbing Permit: D Ye5 E No Privale vvell D Cenlral Well fl Aqua Pllvaleseplrc fl Central Seplrc I Aqua _ (rH)__ (RH) (B) _ tlood: (a) _ {v) _ (N) __ Brt+2lr= _ iIflr,, ztP PHON t 1rc.?<a,.Sl*A SiSnature: fotal A(re5 Dislurb€d: YIt. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcarIOI,t TYPE: COIIIIERCIAL PLEASE ANsI./ER ALL QUESTIONs APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit)/' APPLICANT, S NA,.IE: I.ranK Lewis DEVELOPER: PROIECT ADDRESS: r5 Bridqe Road CITY: wifminsron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS I{AFIE: Eisure I Island Yacht Club PROPERTY OI'INER'S NA E: liqure 8 ls]and Yacht Club oUI{ER,S ADDRESS: 1s tsrldse Road CITY:wllmjnqton CONTRACTOR: Lewis Builder.s, rnc, APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATE: 1-5-17 PHONE *: PHONE *: 6B 6-0 6 31 ADDRESS: Po Box 1 414 EI'IAIL ADDRESS : f rank0 lewisbui lders i nc. com CITY: Wrightsville Beach ST: Ig_ zIP: 28480 PHONE #: 620-1902 (check A11 That Appl,y) EXrST CON5TRUCTION: E ALTERATTON E RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION If Rslocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?trYes I No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I ves [ ruo NEI,J CONSTRUCTIO'I:ERECT I{E}I STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESsORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shell Penmit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? Is Elect Pouer on this Building I Yes flro What is the New occupancy Type? PH:ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOT,IAL : ENGR DESI6N PROFESSIOI,IAL: NC REG #; NC REG #:PHi 4 AeP/4eE ti,2' qaaaoA.a,a 4t 6:tcta€ao DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Repface decking at dgg\ q4 gtaqe al lC!!i! gClle! av to tennis center all other applcable Slate lare Bldg code and ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND OISTURBING PERMIT?YES r NO S (otrcair) (Pftt ta.m) Mt6: D€moldm notifcations & asbestG rernoval p€mit applicalions sre to b€ submiu€d usirE t|e appllcauon brm (DHHS-3768) wheth€t the fdcility o( bulldhg wss found to cootatn Asb6to6 or not. You are r6quir6d to call th€ Na{onsl Emisslon Standards {or Hazardous At PollutantB (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days pdor to the dornolition of any facility or bullding. See Asbestos Wsb siite: http:ln*1{/w epi. stale nc. uslepi/asbeslos/ah mp hlrn I TOTAL PROJECT COST: $l0,0oo BUILDING HEIGHT: llri NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: i,lA SQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NA SQFT PROPERTY USE: flOrrtce RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT @NDO OTHER:AssembIy A2 f]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: ECoMMUNTTYSYSTEM pAyMEr*MErH.:::".=:f.:.-*E*-"::::s:lf.*':.Hfl.-q*'::.1.:f.::::.".E-.ff.:::l noscoven ZONE:-OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE USE Oi{LY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval:- Ciry:- DATE'-FLOOD:- BFE+2ff=- AVN REVISED DATE 4/II/]2 Comment:PERMIT FEE: $ t%t) B 1 c( ZIPi28AtT ST: NC ZIP:28411 LICENSE #: 36299 PROIECT CoNTACT PERSOI{: Frank ]-ewis PHONE *: 6a9-5221 *,r**. rs rHrs A 6HANGE oF occupANcy usE? EyEs pro.'r*,r,* ls food or beverages prapared or served in tris *ucrweu [v"" I lto l" Tt " Propefty Located ln The Ftooo4alnz E] ves I No OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: Erank r,ewis # oF uNtTs: TOTAL AREA SO FT : J!!!-- SQFTPERFLR:- #OFSTORIES:- ToTALSoFTUNDERRooF:9-#oFSTRUcTUREs:-#oFFLooRS:- WATER: ECFPUA fICOMMUNITY SYSTEM EWELL sEwER: - CFPUA fr Cer.rrnal sEPTlc a P-RIVATE SEPTIC Cct-t-'t3 t t1- s(DNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING pE RI,{IT APP Llcarrou ryeE: C$iIIERCIAL PtEASt ATSTER arL Qutsllos appt tcaSLE ro your ploJtcr "projcct Responribility- APPLICANT,9 M}II:fa, u t< Lf,/1t APPLICATIO{ l{uJrbcr (offi.. U!.) ofiEt l-6'/2 DEVELOPEn I ADDiESS: € n cr-a.c PTOJECT AODiESSI occuPAr/BusllEss MnE: PioPEiTY O^fiEi'S l.Ar'tl : { /4znr Ct!I P}E E t: ZIP: Zka / / nrtaius:OtrL'dL3/ SlIrJ.ZrpzZks/r.-l sldc zp?'i U<) P}EllE ':P}O E T: &z-2- 2 ,z-2_ CITY: a6y 4 zxr3 OUIIER., S AI'DRESSI / 5-I ^ t Dz,E COIJTiACTOR 3 clw:L".2//-v,J r:tctt&e tt 3c- z?? ClTll t At,12 nc, fi-a-+o tl//-D€ O4 EiAIL ADORESS ]rz-ntt- 2 k-2..tt PiO,ECT COI{TACT PTRSO{:€Z -z * r.-/f 21,o 2, - , 2-?-> :T:r .g'rsly.nT:p. e.remrror F.,Jilifr E?Ji[* REparRs E rErocarror{r Rctoca$on, is ther€ r N:lirral Gas Line on rhe Cunenl Site? [ves-f!No E BLDG SpR*iltd;E;; ffi Vo ftto E$ coNsTRucrror: I rnecr ilE$ crnucruiE ft rA5r rnlcx I sxrr.t I urrS g oo ro rusr sTRUcru[EACCES5OiY STRT'CIUiE: If UPFIT - Th€ Shcll Perjnlt *:Is EI.ct Porcr on this Building B y€s E *O...r. Js THIS A CltA 6E Or ocorpArJcy tsE?Ll rEs @ iD ..... fF Y.s, h,hat ms thr Prcviars Occup.ncy TtDG?Ih.t ls th. ll.ry Occup.ncy t]p!? AtOl DESI6t'l PiO;ESSIO{AL I t/+Pti: E]IGT DESIG}J PrcTE$IO{AI:!--_-_ t,c REG {: -__ rc RtG t:PT: DESCRIPTION OF T,IOR(:D*i tt/m ett.lrt ,'To Nep tfc h bort or bevert06 ltBpcred or $w8d ln rt*s rrraurc? sves ftt,lo ts ne eropsry Loct dlnTtG noooerrnrpves [m Code ond SLt TOTAL AREA SO FT :?LfrorALsoFruNDeeaooFru ACRES DISTURBED:/v4 ln ol u! bdlly or hrtshC Et bfibhln l0 dlF grbr tot r *oFSTOR|ES: )f 0r FLOORS:) SQ FT PER FL8: _f OF STRUCTURES: -,EGT LAND DISTURBING ftst m[ EXISTING IMPERVIOUS ARE,\:NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:tlA'SO FT ffi......n*tffiffi-.*.h.'..6 (FOR OFFTCE l/SE ONrY)ZoNE: OFFICER:SETBACKS:F: LH: RH:-8:Apprcrol: CI'Y:-OATE: FLooD: -- AV BFE+2ft= rts ftfto SQ FT pRopEFTyusE: fprrce Enesreumrr fluencexnu fteouc Eapr EOroo oruen,tir'wb wArER: ICFPUA EAMiluNrYsYsrEM @ ElzoNlNGUsEqJ\sStFtGAnoN: SE\{ER: QCFPUA ECENTR^T SEPTIC HPRIV-AIE SEFTIC DCOI'TJIUNITY SYSIEIiI ." SEPARA'TE PERMTTS REOUIRED FOR EIECI, MECH, P|'8G. C*S EOUIP, PREFABS t INSEils .. pAyMEt{TMETHOD: ICrSX ffCHeCxleevreUrOHrcl f]rmenlcANE(PRESSEucrusr florscrven RB/BED M'IE "I1N: It /(n-Commenl: PERMIT FEE: $ N t1 (ol.mi CrhlX.irl tsfi 59 a?Pt r(A,ar s rulf: DrYf Lrtr i a ^InoJE( r loot€ss: *Nc flL/,NJs-r ffz\t S*?3-tzs NEI{ HAIiIOVER COtfftITY /[PPL ICArtai rllt. BUILDTNG PTRITIT CE9{TRCIAL mtt. Flpllt t: r,,r -'l i.:', (IlY: ...!.,,a,.,. LI(tllsf l: ..,.r(,'.' CIIY: ,-!rn:,nr 8.r,: b irt ((}aIRA(!m I :. _.l TOORESS: j,,, . r rr-.rrl:s \..e.r. EtAlt AIXI|t}\: i_ ! i... r r_:,' r-..r:.rr. .qci FlOlt(I C(XTA(I PEI5{II: r'.,-': {.--l s, FHOraf r: Plm ti r zlP txltl (OlSTRtKrI{rr, Ar ItnAIIOa l./i nuovlrlqr Gtr*i r" Or*- lEr co6TRtx: l(,a; txlt I l*l (Tltl(ltit acctlsotY SlPtx rtnr:l rlsr nrcr - sntr-l , .r,rrt --l rn to txrsT lltu(rt,tt tu. ,*r. >r r rr, r ..ri coacrcl. I1@!, i'drE! - ir tpflT Ih,.stall te-ilt F lr tlc(t Pe. or, thls iiu.I.tdi.tl:'1 -....! rs rxrt a o{rrr o. o(or^rrcy ut.r Ot t l(F ""' tf Y!t, Jrrt '.-, tl! trndolt octuP-E!, rl0lcl ltat f, Eta lfrr Oc.tl9-q IYF] ra(Jt u{516r DQltf stl(lalr F!6r tl lrai riolalltoliaL rrbd6.6;lqp6slFdsr6dhltalhtrltrQr,=/'"'.ntrrE9.trl'..dnrfin<pQlrar(i"',,'+'' OIVNERICONTRA rcRas orsl (J*{3tD: Ntvt- |UPf?1^OUS AnEA pnopenrvuse Torre nElITAn rt lYAlE t ,y:CFPtlA @aflt lTY SrETtU SfvTR, -7CT}1A CEXIRASEPIE - ervrrxr nrnrn Qcesx ct€cr( (PAY rttE To l{'€) (rcH..i}!{t trfi ol. n S€'IBAC|(S: F: l'}t alir LAro oslrrrnra r*arrt Q ws - r'x: SO FI FXBNII} TFfl&JS AREA SO FI i{x.E rgr @aloo orHFR* * ryGlr df,E IJSC cL llsFcrnC.t ---Pg5I'ATE S'P1IC _ 6"LDIIY SYSTEI e(PRfss ll()l/ls^ Il*SCOvth !.r. r-r-r, r**r- l e r'orl E tt.dcrEt & t' E il.rnir r-! .r ilH't ith {or+g t iO t'rt n' E<}ti t d'*E tC *HE oli.,^lt--d d yorrEar!r.at ElErt t-c. g.r-. E tirt- & pia- {tf5(^F}. {9t17ar, D-l- i!{.tEbE lltd.r r 5y *y d nranE 3- rff- 5 * {F q-t 1r ar. r ric-l-r*!.Fc r?nr ;o]r{ PttOJrL -()sl TOTAIANf,ASOFT,',;1U ror^l so F I uh&FR ,roff B.A,DeaC, lrErerT , , SOFIttHtl.lt: i.,,oL, I G Sr}ttETuRfI] ,(}t { S: * oa. sroFrEs , a* Ft (rFs 2Or€: Coanirgi: t-c OFFICER, Ctnr.: . - r1.,tl B, BFE.2rts Pl }.IMIT FFF t_k\ ,.:*s: a $NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATI O N TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" RECEIVED :::2 zsfi 2ot1r1zQ tL;s{L{ Application Number loffice use) AppLtCANT,S NAME: Jason Walker 671s 1211412Q16 pROIECT ADDRESS: 5212 Old M rtle Grove Rd 61ry. Wilmington 71p 28409 pROpERTy OWNER,5 1141y9, Donald Spinks p69xs 6. 9'1 0-398-879'l OWNER,S ADDRESS. 5212 Old lVyrtle Grove Rd ctTy. Wilmington 71p. 28409 CONTRACTOR: Carolina Creations Landscape, lnc 61ry. Shallotte s1p6 u66x5s 6. 73105 srr NC ztp. 28459ADDRE55: P.O. Box 2327 EMATL ADDREsS: jwalker@carolinacreations.biz pnoru r: 910-755-641 1 pRoJEcT coNTACT pERsoN: Jason Walker p119x9 910-755-64'11 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION:EErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation ** I.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'I'** n Porch (SF) E Pool (sF)ZZv n Storage shed (SF)_ E Det Garage (sF)_ ! Greenhouse (5F)! Deck (sF)! other (5F) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes ts tlo ls a ny Electrical, Plu mbing or Mecha nical work being do ne to th e Accessory Structu re ! Yes E No lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E} No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fi Ves ! tlo ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes El- No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work) Heated:O Unheated: D TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 63,930.00 Total Acres Di5turbed: Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family E Duplex E Townhouse se ol a,txok-Description ot Work:L &\ cAe Qee.- laws and ordinancesand regulations. The NHC Developm ent Se rvices Centerwillbe notified of any ch.in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information *"NOTEr Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the N Owner/contractor: Jason Walker Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodptain? tr ves ! no Existing lmpervious lrea, 621D sq rt New lmpervious Ar€a i.{Sq Ft Existing Land Disturblng Permit: E Yes ! No WATER; E cFPUA E community system E Private well ! Central Well E Aqua sfwfn, fr CFPUA tr communitysystem E Private septic E central Septic E Aqua Zon€: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - and subject to fines up to 5500.00+rr Comment:Permit Fee: S LOT #:SUBDIVISION: ! Att Garage (5F)_ . Sunroom (sF) L(-Ju''lr's oEc ls ut APPLICANTJS N,\ME: DEVELOPER: )o/7 ((,1 \b -155q NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICaTIoN typE : COI{I4ERCIAL PLEASE ANSTJER A!L QUESII0NS appLICABLE TO YOUR pROIECT "project Responsibility,, qtQ APPLICATION NL/nber OATE; PHONE f: t2/16 /76 PROIECT AoDRESS: 2392 Caro I i na Bea ch Roa d crry: ldi lmi ngton oCCUPANT/sUSINESS Nrrr'4E: sOUth sqUare PlaZa pRopERTy O!{NER,S NAftE: Dav i d Jones Renta I s OWNER'S ADDRE55: 2392 CATO 1 71p 1 2840 L CoNTRACTOR: serv t.r ROOfi ng & cITy: lil l lml ngton Sheet l{eta I LrcENsE s: 16541 *., 910-763-6780 sr:Tr;;;:--2s[D 1 srr NC zrP. 28401 prcnr *: 910-343-9860 prore *, lT0-tT4Ilg$60 PHONEina Beach Rd. ADDRESS: 48 3 8 US Hwy. 421 N crry: l.i i 1mi ngton E!!AIL ADDRESS:pcfasprv'icproofino-comrl in PRoIECT CoNTACT PERSoN: Parr I Davis icheck all rhat Aooly)EXrST CONSTRUCTION: I ALTERATION !RENOVATION lf Relocation, rs lhere a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [Yes NEi4l CoNSTRUCTTON' I enrcr EW STRUCTURE I rmr rnacx ! ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION *o IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?flves flruo SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE X If UPFIT - The Shell ae.mit #; '-*** IS THIS A CHANGE IF Yes, what was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? oF occuPAllcY u5 lect Porrer on this Building E yes il *o e I Ivrs ftm ---.- Hhat is the Neu o(cupancy Type? -- Is € Pll NC RE6 # NC REG *PH DESCRIPTIoN 0F WORK: Rpc ver of exi tinq roof. ls iood or beverages prepared or serv€d ln lhis srruaurea Ives S No E The props.ry Located tn The Ftoodflain?fl ves I llo DISCLAIMER: I "erPo' Lerti{. 'rl'd. r rorrr\arinr n th s appllcar o_ s:o recr anl a[ wor( w,rcompy wtlr Ine Slate B-itdtng code aro at. otfe. apo rcabe slaleand locai aws and ordllafcei and 'eoutallons. Trg"ilttiii$jl4& Cir.,.ti(i,l'e";",'i,oJsd"':e.\\3erDilJ",f[al:,"#ll3: i:U:;Jlg?;3.',:i'"e;,""11,";i,'8.".;l*ifet;l*{*fSCti;l,*il;iy;+ OWNER/CONTp.ACTOR: Pau I Dav i s TOTAL PROJECT COST: 25.900 BUILDING HEIGHT: ?5' rOTAL AREA SQ FT 000 SQ FT PER FLR IOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF 7 .OOO # OF STRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED # OF UNITS # OF STORIES: EXST LAND DtSTURe$rC eenurr I vES E NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SIGNATURE: EzoNrNG usE cLAssrFtcATtoN: COMMUNITY SYSTEM conlaln Asbecos or not. You are requked lo caliti6 Natonal Emin3ion stsrdards for Haz6dous Ar polltrtlrns OEsHff)a (gtgito-sgo a t"a* io aeys prror rotredemolilloi ol any bdlity o. butk, ng See Asbesos Wsb Sit€r hltp:/l*1vw.opi.sir(s.nc.us/epuas,b6st6/ahmp.ttmt NEW II\4PERVIOUS AREA WAl ER: ECFPUA SEWER f] CFPUA n coMMUNtrY SYSTEU EWELL L]CENTRAL SEPTIC LJ PRIVATE SEPTIC SO Fi pRopERry usE: [oFFtcE E Resreunerur fiuencerlr[e I EDUC [ner [coNDO OTHER PAYI\4Ei.IT METHOD ficnsx [cnecK (eAvABLE ro NHc) EAMERIcAN ExpRESs EMc lsA I oscoven SEPAiAiE ]EIIMIIS REOUIREO FOR ELECT,II/ECH. PLBG. GASEOUIP. PREFABS A INSERTS -' ffi ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL; ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL, # OF FLOORS: _ (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) F€ytsED oarE {J1r12ZONE:_OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: ___ BFE+2ft=_ AVN Comment_ PERMIT FEE: $_ Q(:t-t-+tcl APPLICATION tu NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPLICATI)N ryPE; RESIDENTIAL MOBILE HOME PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & ANShER ALL QUESTIONS"Project Responsibility" CITY: LJ ' l,t,,ral on slocx *J CITY: 0tCENSE #:L ACCOUNT #: PHONE $: Lq-+Pr DATE : (Office Use) t-6 t}APPLICANT,S ilAME: DEVELOPER:PHONE #: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAI'IE: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: ET1AIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTAC] PERSON: ztP tZtlll:li.|tlLOT #: PHoNE *: 1o 3q)-5u4{{: n.' z,.P atLbl sr: nLzrP | .1.tr 1[ I PHONE #: qIO Z[t1044 (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) rNsrALL NEW MoBTLE HoME ffi nelocnrror oF usED MoBTLE HotyE {a (lct)(DESCRIPTION OF rs rHE pRopERry LocATED rN A FLooDeLATN? f] v"r [ ruo pRopERTY USE/OCCUPANCY: ffi nrSrOrNCr / OTHER? Ma', r *N,*+*r*,****:t *****tr(,*,*)********l**,t***r(*****)***)**)*******,t**,t**i<+**,***)*****************,t***** HUD LABEL: YEAR IV]ADE:1-6oD 1 t^IIDTH: tQ 2 3 Gncril-ib SERIAL *: COLOR: ves f] no GARAGE: f] SF ,rt s ,oSMOKE DETECTOR: Ml sF PoRcH: E ws S-r'ro I4ANUFACTURER: \ti D SF TOTAL PR0IECT COST tress rot):$ lFr,0.0a TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXI5T LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: [--I VES I_"I ruO -l'SfPAfiATt PeP.,^1ITS efQlllRED FOR ELECT, tltCH, PL-BG' G4S l:QUIrr, piI|ABS & ir'.lsI:R'fS "' pa$rENr ETI,D: ....L::::..*.I:::::..'.'.::::.::.::1....:.:::::::::.".*=:::':i,,,,.?o,i"o"* (foi oFFrct LlSc orltY) ZoNE: _ 0F FICER: Appnoval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: - BFE+2ft= AVN Comment: { (,I r, l- PERIiIIT FEE: $ Anrrl Tre',0J CITY: olsct lilER: I hereby c.rtty rha(allinloft arion'^ 1^- OWNER/CONTRACTOR:a HURRICANE ZONE, E DEcx: fl vrs fr,ro tr wArER: I crnua fi[ coMl.luNrrY svsrrm ! PRrvArE t^rELL ! crnrnnl wrrr srwEn: I crcua I CENTRAL sEprrc I enrvarr sterrc ffi coMtvluNrrY sYsrEr'l SETBACKS: F :_ LH :_ RH:- B:_ NAA' HANOVER COUNTY BUILD]NG PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt qUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Ptorect ResPonsibilttlr 0_ot'l- aq'L F.S.,L.L.C. dba RamJack / Charlie Lewis (agent)6a1s. 11312017APPI.ICANT'S NAME: 6524 Murayville Road CITY Wilmington ztP 28411PRO.IECT ADDRESS: SUBDtVtsloN:PARTO R0350G.004-004-002 Neighborhood F7C01 LOT S: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Clyde Wisecarver / Angie Steele PHONE S:910-6 1 9-721 5 OWNER'S ADDRESS:6524 Munawille Rd CITY Wilm y1p. 284'l'l CONTRACTOR:F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack BLDG LICENSE f:53778 ADDRESS:4122 Bennett Memorial Road suite 304 .lTv' Durham sr: NC 2tP 27705 EMAIT ADDRESS:charlie@ramiackusa.com PHON E: 919-309-9727 PRoJECT CONIACT PERSONi Char,ie Lewis PHONE. 919-309-9727 EXISIING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration n Renovation El'lceneral nepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation '*.PLEASE cHEcx AND ANSWERSELoWALLTHATAPPLy *' tr Att Garage (sF)- E Det Garage (SF)- fl Porch (sF) D sunroom {SF)tr Pool(sF)tr Storage Shed {SF)- tr Greenhouse (5F)-D other (SF) -- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes Ellt'to ToTAI- SQ FT UNDER RoOt Uor proposed work) Heated:Unh€ated: - TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)19250.00 tr Deck (sF) - ls the proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? tr ves EIzruo ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Strudure E yes dno lf the project is a Relocatlon, isthere a Natural,Gas Line on the current site? tr yes IB16o ls there Etectrical Power on this Building? gtv* A no Property Use/occupanclt &ngte Famlly E Duplex El Townhouse lnstall helical oiers,as designed by structural enqineer,to stabilize foundationDesoiption of work: DISCLAIMER: lherebY c€^ify that all the information in this application h corect and al{work willcomply with the State BlildinS code and all otherapplicable state and local lavJs end ordlnancs and reaulations. The NHC OevelopmentS€Nices Center wlllbe notifred ofany chenges in theapproved phns and spedftatlons or ciange in contractor inf ormation. "'NOTE: Any work Performed without the appropriate permitswillbe in vlolation of thE NC flnes op to S50O.00r" Owner/Contractol: Charlie Lewis Signature: 'Lkensed Quolifiel' Print None ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes D f\lo Exirting lmpervious Area: -- Sg Ft Total Acres Disturb€d: - New lmpervious Atea: -- sq Ft ExBtlng Land Oisturblng Pcrmit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA D communitysynem n Private well E centralwell E Aqua SEWER:OCFPUADCommunitysystemEPtivatesepticECentralsepticEAqua zonei - officer: -- setbacks (F) - (ul} - (RH} - (8} =- Approval: - City; --- Date: - Flood: (Al -(Vl -(N) -. BFE+2ft= -- Comment: Permit Fee:s 8 5,oo #,1^,, 20ft- 3P,-rffi AI'PLILA l rUrV ' rrl,'llE)luEltIlA! PI.IAST ANSWTR ALI. OUISIIONS APPI'ICAEtT IO YOUR PROiTC'I "P,oie.t ResponsibililY" Irao I/Vton Date - t0-17 5 zrp: 1X1PROJECT ADDRTS5: suBDlVlsloN:lJo,Jr,{nJvr tor, PROPT.RTY OWNTR,S NAI T 5+tl OWNER'5 ADDRESS h +on y1 e,"/o-4-lPHON CITY np2 0 7 CONTRACIOR ADDRtS5 CITY TMAIT ADDRTSS oo PHON PRO,JICT CONTACT PERSON ./l)1*d^) a, t t PHONT tXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ll Alteraiion Renovation fl General Reparls NEW CONSTRUCTTON: fl trecl New Residence fl Addirionto txistin8 Residence D Relocalion a)a BtDG UCtNSt 'zlto q N( zp 2g4D,4 51 It tr o It st cHtc N AN ALT THAT UR PROJ d6orch lsr)qu D slorage Shed (st) - E orher (5r) [n"w t -. CorQoltE Au Gar,ge (5f)D D Del Gara8e (Sf) n Sunroom (Sf) fl Greenhouse {sf) - ls the proposed work changing lhe number o{ bedrooms? D ts any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to ll the project is a Relocation, is there a Natulal -Gas Line on th ls there tlectrical Power on this Building? E/ves fl no Property use/ occu g.nry, {single family f) Duplex D rownhouse .l^l;^n<-cJ K)Description ol Work:Q- 15lhe proposed work chaoging the exislinB lootprint? D ves fl No TOTAI SQ rr UNDfR ROOf t/or proposed work\ Healed TOTAT PROJECT COST {Less Lot). S o oo o into,malion "'NO-It AnY woit perlolmed wnhout lhe apploptr'1€ 0W<,1/Owner/Contraclor: "Lrensed CtuoliJrct' unheated: 2L v"r WG the Accessory stlu(tue [B/tve, D tto e current sit€? D Yes tl No il/fl e tAC dt/lo \.loovb-t Dl3Cl^lM!A: I helebY certfY thrr all lhe intormarton in lhi5 aPptrlation ir rorr€cl and altworl will.omplY wilh the Slat€ BuildanS code and allolh€r apPl'abLslalt and lo( laus and ordin.ncee 3nd tegulationl The NHC D€velopmenl S€rvices Cen1e, wrll be noirliPd oJ any (han8e! in !h€ app,oved n! and spec rcalronl or chan8e rn conlraclor d 10 line5 uP to 9500 00"' r<{; 5l<^l"tl ls the property located in a lloodplain? f) Yes [xisr.ing tmpewious ar"", -2DXol sqe, ,llbe in vlolalion o{ lhe NC Btd8 Signalure Total Acres Disturbed:/i/A o di New lmpervious Area o sq tr fxistinB Land Disturbint Permitr D Yes K waTER: MPUA D Communtty system E Prrvale weil f} centralWell fl Aqua stwtR: [B/crPUA E Communrty Syslem E PrrvaleSeplrc I Central Septrc f] Aqua zone: __ ollicer: _-- selbacks (f ) - (rB) - (RH) - lB) -Approval: CitY: - Datei - tlood: (A) - (V) - (N)- Bfta2tr' - - commenl: Permil tee: 5 - CITY D Pool (sr) --fl Deck {sr)_-- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PTEASE ANSWER AI.L QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TOYOUR PROJECT "Project R€sponslblllV' ,N1^1.qtr L7 -77 Appli..tion Number lofljce use) AppgcANfs NAME; Charter Bullding Group s21s; 1227116 pRorEcT ADoREss; 8715 Lowos Island Drvie ctTy: Wilmington 71v.2841'l suBDtVtstON: Porters Neck Plantation Glen Oaks LOr *211 OWNER,S AODRESS:CITY: coNTRACT9R: Charler Building Group BLOG LICENSE #:67679 A9DRES5: 108 Gilss Avenue Suita '104 g1n; Wilmington sr:!qztP 28403 EMA[. ADDRESS; tonya@charterbullding group.com PHONE, 910-7 69-2440 PROJECT CONTACT pgx56p; Saan Lewls p69xs; 910-262-5899 EXISTING CONSTRUCfION: fl Alteration [] Renovatlon D GeneralRepalrs NEw coNsTRUcTloN: ! Erect New Resid€nce E Additlon to Exlstlng Residence [] Relocatlon .I'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECTITT E}/Au Garase (sF) 638 o Det GaraSe (sF)- tr Porch (sF)473 tr/Pool (sr) D Deck (SF) ls the proposed work chanSing the exlsting footprlnt? E Yes E No TOTAI sq FT UNDER RO0F lfor proposed work\Heated:3098 Unheated: 1'111 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot); Saa,l 292 D Storage Shed (SF)_ ! orher (sF) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanl€al work being done to lfthe proiect is a Relocation, ls there a Natural Gas Llne qn th lsthere Electrical Poweron this Bullding? tr yes tr f't/ Property use/ occup ^n yt {sngl" r" lly El Duplextr Townhouse voKo the Accessory Structrre O.Yes B/No e current stte? tr Yes #Uo DBscrlptlon of work:Now Single Famlly dwelllng wllh attached qaraqs DlsctAlMERr I hereby certlfy that alllhe lnformatlon ln thh app,icallon is correctand 3ll work wlllcomply wlth thestate Bulldl0S Code and allother eppllaable State and local l6ws and ordlnan(e5 and regulallons. The NHc Development setylaes cent€rwillbe notlfled ofany ahange s in the approved pl d lpealfla6tlont or(han8e ln contractor lnformation. "'NOTE: Any worl performed wlthovt the appropalate permltJ wlll be lo violatlon ofthe BLdg code end to Ii to $5m.oor" owner/contra*6n Charter Bullding Group/Tonya Nesselroade slgnature: 'Llcensed Quowel Pint Nome lsthe propertylocated ln a floodplaln? E Yss E No Exlstlnt lmpervlous Area: - Sq Ft New lmperulous Area: !9ZL - sq rt TotalA€res Dlsturb sd: <1/3 Exlstlng tand Dlstulblng Permlt: E Yes E No WATERT E/CFPUA E community system E Prlvatewell El centralwell E Aqua sEwER: /CFPUA E communlty system El Private septic E centralseptic fl Aqua zone: - ofrlcer: - srtbacks (Fl - (tHl - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - Clty: - Date: - tlood: (A) -{V)-(Nl -BFE+zlt=- Permlt Feei S Comment: ctruR a) pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: Paul & Andrea Johnson pHoNE fr -- I sunroom (sF) - D Greenhouse (sFl _ NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI0N IyPT: RESIDENTIAL PL€ASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIOXS APPIICABLE 10 YOUR PRO]ECI -project Responsibillty- At1-vsx L7-68 APPLICATIq{ Number (office Use) APPLICANT's NAI'IE: Robe rt Parke DATE: o5.lat117DEVELOPER; N/ PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY: wilmi.4qron PHONE $: {ero 232- 52A8 5T: NC ZIP: 28409 ST: NC ZIP: 28401 SF SUBDMSIoiI: 312 rrai.ls End R ZIP i 28409 BLOCK S: LoT f: PROPERTY 0ll ER'S NAtrilE: Michael Enqland OI.INER'S ADDRESS:,1i L f'.il f 'e.d kl CfTY: witninqton CONTRACTOR: ca e Fear LICEiISE *: CfTY: I/Ii.lmi 65617 ADDRESS: 90L Malrirl srreer ton EIIIAIL ADDRESS: supporr@CapeFearSolarSvstems . com PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: RoberE parker EXISTING CONSTRUCTIOI{:ALTERATION n RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEN CONSIRUCTIOTTT: f] CNECT NEU REStDEtiCE O" I NOOTTTOII TO EXISTING RESIDENCE *TPLEASE CHCCK AND ANSbIER BELOtt ALL THAT AppLy TO ydrR pROlECr: ATT GARAGE SF tr DET GARAGE SF n PORCH SF STORAGE SHEDSFnsuNR@4 -' sF GREENHOUSE - SF p00 L DECK 33 ,996 5F OTHE R: TOTAL PROIECT COST Gess Loi) : g SF # OF STORIES: DISCLAIMER: lher€by c6dit hat a[ inb,matior in his appticaijon is correcr and all work wil compty wifl ths Stale Buitding Cod€ and a[ oher applicable Statie and tocat lawsand ordjnances and reoutations. The NHC Dsvelopmenr Services Cenler will be norj,iod ofan) chang€s in h6 approved ptans and sp€cifications or change 6 contracbr orcontaclor informa6on. 'ltNOTE: Any Work pertorlnsd WO tle Appropriare Permitswilt bein Violarion ofihe NC S SIGNATURE : iare Bldg code cr ro Fines upTo $500.00.., OhINER/CONTRACTOR: ao *,*,!+ *)**,i,! ** )r*, * - * * * **. *** * *(I i',I I Jil.,l ** +* )t* * * )t:l *,x,t ****,t,i*:* *)t* *,***,**** *t,**,1*!t,*******,t **** *rrs rHE pRopERTy rocATED rN r rlooopurrul l-l yrs f] rlo EXISTII{G IMPERVIOUS AREA: -.--sQ FT ToTAL AcnEs DISTuRBEDI NEI{ IUPERVIOUS AREA: --sQ FI ExIsT LAND DI'TURBIiIG PERMIT: ff ves [ ruo CFPUA I corulururrv svsrru I cnrvarr werr f] cENrRAr wELLWATER: SEtIER:f] crnun ! crurmL senrrc fl eRrvnre seerrc I coMr,ruNrry sysrEm rl Park **t SEPARATE PERi,IITS R€QUIRED FOR ELECT, MTCHJ PLB6' GAs E$JIP, PREFABS & INSERTS '**pAynErr rirErHoD: I cnsn ftcrccK (payABLE , ,r.l D *r*r; ;;;;, '-ij ,lrrrro"'- E orr.orr.*rt*'l'**'i **)** +*)** *)**+ *'** x**:r *'t+,*:*,N*,**** ******,t* *****+ * **** *** *,k*,*!**)************,* )t*** **,** )r !r ZONE:OFFICER: Appnoval:_ City:-- DATE:_ FLOOD: _ (FOn OFfTCE U5E OiLy) REVTSEO OATE O4l11l12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= N { \ Plot',lE #: (910)5re-9060 P!6NE *: (s7o) 232-62aa PK)ttlE *: tgta\ 232 - 6288 ToTAL HEATED SQ FTr _ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: -_rs Any ElEctircAl, pLul'rBrilc or IrlEcHA[rcAL Hork Being Done to the Accesso.y structurer [t v", f] rorf the project is a Relocati.on, is thene a Naturar. Gas Line on the current siter I E 6 *oIs there Electrical pob,er on this suilding?ffiV"s f-l r,ro PROPERTY USE / oCCUpAr{Cyr I srtelr rnmrrv I cruelex I TowNHousE DESCRIPTIO{ OF !'IORK: Installation of 6o]ar pane16 on the roof of the Enqland,6 home Cofinent: pERtrtIT FEE: 20tT vao-t6+4oNEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCA|ION ryPE j COIiIfiIERCIAL PLEASE A'IsUER ALL QUESTIOIIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO'ECT "ProJect Responslbllity" DEVELoPER: Robe.t Hiqh Development, LLC PRoIECT ADDRESS: 5760 cordon Road CITYi.'liIningLoa oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI4E: cordon Rcad, LLC PRoPERTY OIINER'S NAfiE: Gordon Road LLC oWNER'S ADDRESS: 223 creenvllfe Avenue cITY: vlilminsron CoNTRACTOR: Robert HLsh Development, LLC LICENSE *: ?0647 ADDRESS: 223 Greenville Avenue CITY: Hi lminqton EiIAIL ADDRESSt Robert0Roberthighdevelopment.com PROIECT CoNTACT PERSON: Robert High oR Toni Johnson APPLICATION Number (offl<e use) PHONE *:910-790-9490 ZIP i 28 41,1, ST: Nc ZIP:28403 sT:qZIP:@ PHoNE #! 910-790-94 90 PHoNE *:910-790-9490 Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: n ArrERArro,, [*r*Iifrffi Eil'ill*r. nren:ns fl RELocArrou lf Relocarlon, isthorea NoturalGas LIno on the -Cwrent Site? [ vF[ r',ro ts auDG spRf't-xleneot Iv"" fltto NEI,I CONSTRUCTION,EREcr NEr,l srRUcruRE ! rnsr rRacr I srrr"r- f] unrrr I aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE If UPFIT - The sheu Permit #:Is ELect Powen on thls Buildlng EI Yes E ruo r**.r rs rHJs A cHAllcE oF occupA,lcy use r fives [!]io .*.t* IF Yes, hhat Has the Previous occupancy Typel _ llhat ls the New occupancy Typel ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIOML: Cothran llarrls Architect!re PH: 910-793-3433 NC REG S: Nc 4290 ENGR DESIGN PRoFEssfoNAL: Charles 4,'!Vltl,lll- K&w Engineering Solurions,PLLCPH: 512-6jg-1111 Nc REG #: 042817 DESCRIPTIoN OF l^rORK: serf stor:ase FacillLy- Bulldlns c 11,700 sE ls tood or boversges p.epared orse ed ln thts stnr,aure? [ve" [ ruo l" Th" Prop€rty Locatod ln The Hooaflaln? fi ves [l l..lo all other 6ppllcabl6 Stat6olam and soedficatlons |.lC Slat€ Sldg Code snd OWNEFYCONTRACTOR:Robert M. High SIGNATURE: (onltt..) (PtttNtr'.) Noto: Damdlio.l nodncsuons A albalhq .arnoval potmlt lp9lkatorl! 0r. l,o !a auboltt€d qtlng 0ro ,pdlcaton ham th. l6cmv o( bdldh0 was lo0nd to .drhtn Ab..tos o. nol You.r. roqdnd to c.ll tho Na{on6l Emb.lo Slsndard! lbt H.lardou. Ar PotlubnB (NESHAP) !t (8'lS}707S950.t l.!!l l0 d.yr !,Lr lo lhc dofioftlon ol 6ny fad{ly oa hdldlng. Se€ ASbo3tot W6b Slto: httpr/v/rrrv.€d.5tata.nc ud€rvalbeatodahmp hunl TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ 503 442.87 BUILDING HEIGHT: 14'0' ZONE:OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:-RH:-B pRopERTyusE: EoFFlcE lResreunerur f]uencaHrrc Eeouc nnpr [coHoo orHERqsgs- wArER: |--'ICFPUA r-ICOMMUNITY SYSTEM fl WELL flzoNlNc usE CLASSIFICATION: - sEwER: -cFPUa I ceHrner- s-eertc I e-nvare sEPTlc f] coMMUNlw s\6rEM .. SEPANATE PERiIITS REOT,,IRED FOB ELECT, MECH, PL8G, GAS EqUP, PREFABS E INSERTS "' pAyMENT METH9D, g"** ficnecx leevmlE To NHc) flruurnlcan rxenrss ]litrilcrvse E otscovrn Approval:- CltY:- DATE:-FLOOD:-- - BFE+ N Commenl PERMIT REVISEO DAIE '.I1 1/12 APPLICaNT'S NAiIE: DATE:_L1!qL:.!lq_ PHo E *: 910-790-9490 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: # OF UNITS: .g3_- # oF SToRlEs: 1TOTAL AREA SO FT : !Lz99- SQ FT PER FLR: f]4]!!- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: f]llqg- # oF STRUCTURES: -1- fl OF FLOORS: !-- ACRES DISTURBEO: E.I-3.gIeE-. EXST I.ANO DISTURBING PERMIT? E YES EI NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:3!I/g?-JI-_ SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: !..]Q--- SQ FT @ NEt,iJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE., COMMERCIAL PLEASE A,I]sWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICA8LE TO YOUR P8O]ICT "proJect Responslbitlty,, APPLICANT'S NAIiI E: Robei:t. High DevelopmenL. 1,1,C DEVELoPER: Roberr Eiqh Deve Iopmen LLC PROJECT ADDRESS: 6?60 Gordon Road occuPAr{T/BUSINESS NArilE: Gordon Road, LI,c oI'INER,S ADDRESS: 223 creenvl116 Avenue CITYT I,Illmlnqton CONTIACToR: Robert. uiqh Development . LLC LTCENSE r3 7064'7 CITY: trilmingron EI'IAIL ADDRESS:RobertGRoberth t. con PRO]ECT COiITACT PERSON:Robert Hlqh OR Tooi Johnson 9Dt1 ,lt, APPLICATION Number (offlce Use) +6=84L PHOI'IE S: 910-790-9490 sT: NC ZIP:28403 ST: NC ZIP: 28403 PHoNE #:910-790-9490 PHoNE *:910-790-9490 ((h€(k All Tftat apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: n ALTERATTON fl nrrOVarrOu I crHrRal nsplrns l-l RELocATToN lf Rstocatton, ts rhere a Neruralcas Ltno on rhs;;r6nr sire? [vF[ ruo ts aLDG spRtN-xLeneoi fi v", f] no ofa all olher applicablo State olans and so€cmc.tlonsNC State aldg Cod6 snd NEW CONSTRUCTION:EREcr NEH srRUcruRE f| rasr rmcx I sner-r- f] urrrr ! aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRIJCTURE: If UPFIT - The she11 penmit #: Is Elect por{er on thts But}ding EE yes ff ruO *.r.* rs rHrs A cHAn6E oF occupAr.rcy usrr f]vrs lllto ..r.. IF Yos, Hhat uas the Prevlous Occupancy Typel l.lhat ls the ilew Occupancy Typel ARCH DESIGII PROFESSIOML: Colhran Har.rLs Architecture PHr 910-?93-3433 ltc REG #: Nc 4290 EI{GR DESIGN PROFESSIOML:Charles A.lviu,llt, (&w rnglneerings solurions, PILC pH: 5t2-639-3131 Nc REG $!o42At7 DESCRIPTION OF WoRK: self storaqe Pacillby- Buildinq D 13,650 SE ls food or bovoragos proparod or s6rv6d ln lhls struaure? [Yes l] uo b The eropony Located ln ThB Ftoodplatn? E Yes El No all work \rill Yvith th. Slal€ B Cod6 End be OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Robert !1. Hlgh SIGNATURE: (o(lrlrr.r)(Ptul llroe) co{Eln Arb$io6 o, mt You .re requlod lo call lhr Netonal Emb5lon Standard! tor Har.rdo6 Ar PollutanB (NE6HAP} at (918}707.59:0 al l6tt 10 daya pdor to Ul. domolldofl ot 6ny l6dlty or bulk h!. Ae6 Asb€to. W6b Slt6: hlprr1ftfl.od..t to.nc.u./opytsb€losJ.hmp.hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST: $s87.349. 95 BUILDING HEIGHT: 14,0., TOTAL AREA SQ FT :13, 650 SQ FT PER FLR:13, 650 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: l3J.gIg- # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS:1 ACRES DISTURBED;8.1 Acres EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMM E YES EI NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AFIEA: 25 4, ? 02 ST SOFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUSAREA:0.0 SQ FT pRopERryusE: [orrtce [nesrnuRANr f]uencnrnn f]eouc f]npr lcoNoo OTHER:self sto!ase WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA -r SEPARATE PERI'|ITS REOUIRED FORELECT, t ECH. PLBG, GAS EOU,P, PREFABS E TNSERTS -' eAVuENT METHOD; ffCnsu ftcuecx lervnalE To NHc) fialaeatceru ExPREss I racrrltse fl otscoveR (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- T]COMMUNIIY SYSTEM I]WELL I]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: ficerurnrusserc E p-RrvATE sEPnc naoMMUNtrY sYsrEM Approval: CIIY:-DATE:- FLOOD:--AV Comment RH:B:_-REVISEO OATE /ViV'12 DATE: 11.0 4.16 CITY: .r.rilmingtoo ZIP t 284]1 PROPERTY O,fi,lER'S NfirlE: cordon Road, Lrc PHONE *: 910-790-9490 ADDRESS: 223 Greenville Avenue # OF UNITS: N/A f oF sToRlEs:!_ RECEIVEDJ,ii]11M16 NEhI HAI{OVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIIIT APPLIAII I N?E.. RESIDE]iITIAL PLEASE AI{SI{ER ALL QUESTIOIS APPLICABLE TO rcUR PROJECT "ProJect Responsibilitf )al+- r{v3 APPTICATIOT{ tltmber (Office Use ) APPLICA T'S M}tE: DEVELoPER: Na PRO]ECT ADORESS: SUBOIVISIOT{: stFwFn. Rrri'ldind a^h-rnv 1r/! ql-DATE:i lr 1 t PTONE f : 910 -794-8699 e (&CfTY: wiLminqton ZIP'.2a4os Ib PROPERTY 0l ER'S Mlt4E: srevens Buifdinq companv PtDl{E *: OiNIER'S ADDRESS: 5?10 oleande! Drive sui.re 2oo CITY: wilminqron CONTRACTOR: stevens Buildinq Cor0pany LICEI,ISE #: 31626 ADORE 55 :Suite 200 CITY: wilminoton EttAIL ADDRESS : . sn j.chol son@sEevensf inehomes. com ST : Xg_ ZIP:234q ST: !e_ ZIP: 29493_ PIO E *: 910-7e4-8G99 Pto E #: 910-332-Bs1sPROIECT COiITACT PERSOI{: Scaci Nicholson EXISTII{G CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION I ntrcvarrou ! errrnll REeATRS E RELocATToN EW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEt{ RESIDET{CE or ! mOrrrOr TO EXrSTI]{G RESIDEilCE **PLEASE CHEC( AiID AI{SI{ER BELO{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOT'R PRO]ECT: Arr GARAGE 411 sr ! orr crnaee - sF PoRcH lo o sF I surnoom _sF f] eoor- _ sr STORAGE SHED ! cneemrcuse _ sF ! oecx SF OTHER: sf SF roTAL HEATED SQ rr: A,lA7 T9TAL sQ FT lJt{DER asAe, A,bbl rOrAL AREA ,q rr, 2,bbl TOTAL PROIECT COST 1res" ra1 : $120. 000 f OF STORIES:e Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLt llEIl{G or iTECHA ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessony Structure?Iv", frHoIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas/Line on the Cunnent Site? [Ves f,foIs there Electrical Power on this Building? J-'lY"s MHo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPAIICY:SII{GLE FA}'rrLY ! rurr-rX ! TOWOUST DESCRIPTIO OF w()Rl(:Ncu Paei Aanr- i:1 a^h DISCLAIMER lhereby certj, hat all inlomation in this applicaton is correcl and allwork will comply wifr tre StaG Building de and all oher applicable Stat and locat taws and ordinances and regulatbns. The NHC Development Services CenEr will be nolif€d ofEny changes in lhe +pfoved plan contacbr inbmalion. 'TNOTE: Any Work Perform€d w/O he AppropriaE PemiGwillbe in \roHion of lhe NC Stae Adg ,r )i )*,r )r:****** )r**)r******* **** *(ilTl,l?f]*)i *)i,l* **:** ++++++:t ++i+ ++*++ + * ++ + or change in coatracbror ines Up To Ssm.Otr" + +r* ++ +)r+ + +)*+,*,** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED I]iI A FLOOOPLATN? I-I YES E] TO EXIsTII{G IiPERvIoI,s AREA: AIA I SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: 1/3 l{EH TTiPERVTOUS AnU: 716l SQ rr EXIST LAND DISTURBIT.IG PERMIT:l-l ves Fl ruo MTER: SETER : cFpuA E coll4uNrry sysrEM E pRrvarE I{ELL ! crrrnal wrll CFRJA fl CEITRAL sEprrc I eRrvarr sEprrc E co ]{,Nrry sysrEr,4 *I.* SEPAIIATE PERIIITS REqJIREO FOR ELECT, FIECH, PL8G, GAS EqJIP, PREFABS & II'IsERTs *'I pAyrErr Erxoo: ! osn I cnro< (IAvABLE m mr) E AnERrcAr{ ExpREss E lclwsl I orscwrn ,t rt rt:i rt:*:t + +:t * *,* *,* ,* *,t * ,*,*,* *,* *,* *,1.,f * *,*,* *,f,|,t ,a *,t * ,i *,*:* ****,*** t * *,t * *:t,*,*,* ,t,*,*,* * *,i *,* *,t,i. +,i.:i + :t +:|,t,i r. 't t,* * (FOR OFFICE UsE OiIIY) REVIsED OATE O4l11l12 ZONE: _ OF FICER:SETEACKS: F: LH: RH: B:$\t!-Appnoval:_ city:_ DATE:_ FLooD: - BFE+2ft= 4t@da AVtl Cqment: PER}iIT FEE: R+r+rot BLoCK *: _ LOT f: Offi{ER/CONTRACTOR: craio ste.,,ens SIG ATURE: $\:NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD!NG PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE: REStDENTtAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResponsibiliV' )olr_ \':-;-tta -*+fa Appiication Number loffice use) APPUCANT,S NAME: Penton Construction, LLC PROJECT ADDRESS:West SUBDtVtStON: Westprong Phase 2 g,21s. 1211612016 CtTy: Wilminqton, NC 21p 28403 pRoptRTy 9WNER,S NAME: Westprong 2, LLC pHoNE #. 910 452-14'10 owNER,s ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Drive Suite 201 Wilminqton ,NC 4p. 28403CITY: CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC groc Lrceilse r 50903 ADDRESS: 6'105 Oleander Dr. Suite 201 CtW Wilmington Sr: NC Ztp: 28403 EMATL ADDRESST howard pentondevelopment.com pHoNE: 910 452-1410 PRo.,Ecr coNTAcr pERsoN Howard Penton pHoNE: 910 279-3131 EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: [] Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs, NEw coNsrRucfloN: E/Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence [] Rerocation '}..PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ATt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT..* E Attcarage(SF)_ tr Detcarage(SF)_ tr porch (SF)144 E Sunroom (SF)! Pool (5F)n Storage Shed (SF)_ n Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF)! other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes tr No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work)Heatedr 680 unheated: 144 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E singl€ Family E Duplex {to*nnour" Description of work: This permit is for one side of a resjdential duplex DISCIAIMER: I hereby ce lawt and ordinances and information. "'NOTE:A Owner/Contractor: -iflrtify that all the information in this application is correct and att work witt compty with regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in t Buil ng Code and all other applicable State and local ns and specifications or change in contractor d subject to fines up to 5500.00"' "Licensed Quolifier" Priot Nome ls the property located in a floodpiain? O Y", /r'ro Existinglmpervious4ls3; 5337 5qp1 N€w lmoervious Are *otr*, /.rrro sEwER: /cFPUA Zone: _ Offi ed with theappropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC A.r{Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 a;32,549 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: /v", O rtro E Community System fl Private Well E Central Well E Aqua E Community System D Private Septic E Cdntral Septic D Aqua c€r: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BfE+2ft= - *ro Comment:Permit Fee: S LOT {: lL ,\ -. '-i ''ttl"\.,.'ffi. -. .,:::-:__ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATIO N rYPE: RESIDENTTAL PLEA5E ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility" lot+ +W Application (office use) APPTICANTS NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: : Penton Construction, LLC We ron s21s. 1211612016 CIW: Wilmi ton. NC 71p. 28403 suBDtvtstoN: westpronq Phase 2 LOT8: I pROpERTy owNER,S NAMEi Westprong 2, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 PHONE fi 910 452-1410 CtTy Wilminqlon, NC 71p.28403 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construclion, LLC g1p6 g6sx56 6. 50903 ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Or, Suite 201 Clw Wilmington srr !q zlP 28403 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs, NEw coNsrRucrroN: E/Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation EMAIL ADDRESS: howard@penlondevel opment.com PHoNE: 910 452-14'10 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Howard Penton pHoNE 910 279-3'131 ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER 8ELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT'* * D Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_ I Sunroom (SF)n Pool (sF) D Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? ! yes n No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work) Heated: 680 Unheated: 144 ! Porch (SF)'t44 n Storage Shed (SF)_ TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes D No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory structure E yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this BuildinB? E yes i t',to Property Use/ occupancy: E singte Famity fl Duptex dto*nhour" Description of Work: This permit is for one side of a residential duplex DISCIAIMtR: I hereby ce laws and ordinances and information. "'NOTE:A Owner/Contractor: rtify that all the information in this apptication is correct and a work wi compty with the State ilding Code and allother applicable State and locatregulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center wiI be notified of any chan8es in the app nd specifications or change in contractor he NC State EJdg de ds ject to fines up to 5500.00.r.ed without the aooroofiate oermtts wrll be rn A. 0..-. * "Licensed Quolifret" p nt Nome ls the property located ih a ftoodplain? tr yes /No Existint lmpervious 4y63; 5337 5q p1 SiSnature: Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 New lmpervious Arg3; 32,549 5q61/WATER: St CFPUA E Communitysysrem Sewrn: /Crpua E Community system Existing Land Disturbing permit: E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood; (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BfE+2ft= _ Yes E No Comment: permit Fee: S 'tl0 rd=5s:=t tr Deck (sF)_! other (sF)_ ,y\.- I .ffi;r NEW HANOVER COUNW BUTLDING PERMIT APPLI CAT t O N TYPE : REStDENTtAt PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,,ECT "Project Responsibilitl/, Application Number (office use) AppltCANT,S NAME: Penton Construction, LLC p21s. 12116120'16 PROJECTADDRESS: l4l ! Westprong Way CtTy. Wilmington, NC 21p. 28403 SUBotVtStoN: Westprong Phase 2 LOT#: lO pROpERTy OwNER,S NAME: Westprong 2, LLC PHoNE #: 910 452-14'10 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Drive , Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington, NC z.P. .28403 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC gt-oc t-rceNst s. 50903 ADDRESS: 6'105 Oleander Dr, Suite 201 CtW. Wilmington sr: NC ztp 28403 PROJECT CONTACT pERSON: Howard Penton EMAIL ADDRESS: howard@pentondevel opment.com PHoNE: 910 452-1410 pHoNE: 910 279-3131 HECI( AND A R BELOW ATL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}'I* tr Det Garage (SF)--D Porch (SF)144 ! Pool (SF)n Storage Shed (SF)-- tr Deck {SF)D Other (5F) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs, NEw coNsrRucrroN: E/Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Rerocation ***P|-EASE C ! Att Garage (SF) n Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes tr No TOTA| SQ FT UNDER ROOF llor proposed work) Heated: 680 Unheated: 144 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicar work being d one to the Accessory structu re. E yes D Nolfthe project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D yes E trlo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fl yes E No Property use/ occupancy: E single Family tr ouptex /rownhouse Descript ion of work: This permit is for one sideof a residential duplex DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that alt the information in this application is correct and aI work wil comply with tdi ordlnances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in t pl information. "'NOTE: A Code and ell other applicable Srate and tocat s and specifications or change in contractorny wc[k performed wrthour rhe appropriate permrts wr be In-lL-. a. 0...*- *violation of the NC Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 biect to fines up to 5500.00"' Yes E No 'Licensed Quolifier" ptint Nome ls the property located in a ftoodplain? n v", /lro Existing lmpervious 41s3; 5337 5q p1 Owner/Contractor: New lmperviousArg3; 32,549 5q 61'/ WATER: E, CFPUA E Community System srwrn: /crpun E community system Existing Land Disturbing Permit; E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua E Private Septic E Cdntral Septic E Aqua Zone; _ Officer; _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: -....".......- City: _ Date;_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2tl= _9r oComment:Permit Fee: S pol+wt wa-fr5 i$) - ''.,t,'.,. iimil' ...':..-, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIE'T "Proiect Responsibility,, &cp- H( Application (office use) AppUCANfs NAME: Penton Construction, LLC PROJECT ADDRESS:Westpro suBDtvtstoN: westprong Phase 2 oare. 1211612O16 ctTyr Wilm ton, NC 4p.28/03 LOT # PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: WESTpTon g 2, LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Drive. Suite 201 PHONE #: 910 452-1410 Ctw: Wilmington, NC 71p ?84.03 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC gloc r-rctrrtst s. 50903 ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Dr, Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington sr: NC 2rp 28403 EMAII- ADDRESS: !9yard@pentondevelopment.com PHONE: 9'10 452-1410 PRO.,ECT CoNTACT PERSON: Howard Penton pHoNE: 910 279-3131 n Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprjnt? n yes I No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: 680 unheated:144 TOTAL PRO.,ECT COST (Less Lot): S 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E sintle Family E Duptex {ro*nnoun Description of Work:This Dermit isfor one side of a residential duDlex Owner/C DISCIAIMER: r hereby certify that att the information in this apptication is correct and a work wi compiv laws and ordinances and regulations_ The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany changes in th p Code and all other applicable State and local ans and specifications or change in contractor violation of the NC Stat ldc d subject to fines up to 55@.00.+. Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 . "'NOTE:Any wqk pe4ormed wrtho_ul lhe appropriate perm(s wi be.1 or,,".,o,, JI*r-. A. 0..-- * "Licensed Quolifier" p nt None ls the property located in a floodplain? n V", #o Existing lmperviousArea: 5337 5O p1 New lmpervigus Arg3; 32,549 5q 61/ WATER: MCFPUA tr Communirysystem SfWtn: lrPUa E Community system t", o *"Existing Land Disturbing Permitl E Private Well O Central well E Aqua E Private Septic E Cdntral Septic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Dare: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment Permit Fee: S +\o- EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEw coNsrRucrlon: y'trect r'lew Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Retocation **.PI.EASE cHEcK AND AN ,,** E Attcarage (SF)_ EI Detcarage(SF)_ f] porch(SF) 144 n Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (sF)_ ,,i+;.,.,,).*ffi )a1+ +t+ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N ryPE; RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPLICAEI"E TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" ffi-# Application (office use) APPI,ICANT'S NAME: Penton Conslruction, LLC 9212. 1211612016 PROJECT ADDRESS: ItIL WESIprong Way CtTy: Wilmington, NC 21p. 28403 SUBDIV|S|ON: Westprong Phase 2 LOT#: A PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: WEStpTon 9 2, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 PHONE f: 910 452-1410 CtTyr Wilmington, NC 21p. 28403 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC 9196 U6sx56 s. 50903 ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Dr. Suite 20'l CtTy Wilmington sT: NC Ztp. 28403 EMA|l, ADDRESS: howard@pentondevelopment.com PHONE: 910 452-1410 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON. HOWATd PENTON PHONE: 9',I0 279-3131 EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: ! Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs, NEw coNsrRucrroN: E/Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Rerocation D Greenhouse (5F)_ ND ANSW ALL TH E Det Garage (SF)_ D Pool (sF) ! Deck (SF) n Storage Shed (5F)_ I.EASE TO YOUR ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes E No Unheated: 144 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesENo lf thepro.iectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Butlding? E yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Family E Duptex #o*nt orr" Descripti on of work: This permit is for one side of a residential duplex DISCLAIMER: I hereby certjfy that atl the information in this apptacation is correct and a work wi| com w th thelaws and ordinances and regulations_ The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified ofany changes in t J,o, rnforflation. "'NOTE: Any wqrk performed wrrhout the aooroor,ate oermlt! wi be ,n owner/contractor: -lL-. A. 0a.-- * "Licensed Quolifret" Print Nofie ls the property located in a ftoodptain? n v". /No Eristing lmperviousa1g3; 5337 5q pg violation of the NC Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 Code and all other applicable State and tocal pl s and specificatrons or chang€ in contractor subject to fines up to 5500.00**+ New lmDervious warte: d*p srwrn: /crp Zone: lrea:32,549 Sq Ft ^/Existing Land Disturbing Permit: El yes E No UA fl Community system E Private well E Central well D Aqua UA El Community System E private Septic E CCntralseptic D Aqua officer: _ setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City; _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S $c- n Att Garage (SF)-- ! Sunroom (SF)_ n Porch (SF) 144 ! other (SF)_ TOTAI- SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:680 ,y5 ,::.11: . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMlT A P PLICATION ryPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility,, APPLICANT's NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: : Penton Construction, LLC Westpron Application Number (office use) Da|3. 1211612016 CtTy: Wilmington, NC ztP. 28403 SUBDIvtStON: Westpron g Phase 2 t-oT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Westprong 2, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 6'105 Oleander Orive, Suite 201 PHONE #: 910 452-1410 CtW. Wilmington, NC z'P. 24403 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construclion, LLC s1p6 Usgxgs s. 50903 ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Dr, Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington Sr: NC ztp 28403 EMA[, ADDRESS: howard@pentondeve lopment.com n Att Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF) n Greenhouse (5F)D Deck (5F) PHONE: 9',l0 452-14',I0 p3sxs 910 279-3131 PROJE D Porch (SF)144 D Storage Shed (5F)_ ! other (sF) PRO.IECT CONTACT PERSONT Howard Penton EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: [] Alteration ! Renovation n General RepairsINEw coNsrRucrloN: E/Erect New Residence D Addition to Existin8 Residence n Relocation K AND BE AT APP ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes n lto TOTAI- 5Q FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work) Heated:680 Unheated: 144 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot):5 70,000 lstheproposedworkchan8ingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes D No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeinBdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on th is Build ing? D yes E l,,lo ,/Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family E Duplex M Townhouse Descripti on of Work: This permit is for one side of a residential duplex DISCLATMER: r hereby certify that aI the information in this apprication is correct and al work wi comlaws and ordinanceJ and reSutations. The NHC Devetopmeni Services Center wil be notified ofaninformation. "+NOTE :"' if:"r:^pi:"j';*" -',"- -' " " td Code and allother applicable State.nd tocal and specifications or change in contractor bjectto fines up to s500.00r*. Owner/Contractor violation of the Signature Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 'Licensed Quolifier" print Nome ls the property located in a ftoodptain? L". /*o Existinglmpervious4lg3; 5337 5q61 t New lmpervious Area: 32.549 - Sq tt Existing Land Disturbing permit: /ves tr rrro./ WATER: Etr _CFIUA fl Community System E prtvate We fl Central Well E Aqua SEWERT /CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Cdntral Septic E Aqua Zone; _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Ftood; (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S 2ot: q= l@(r E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (5F) _ 0- ,r(,/::-lrr:;-r':1 \ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPL'CATIO N ryPE,, RESIOENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Pro.iect Responsibility,, 2017 Ll-13 t{z--3}*l Application APPI,ICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: nton Construction, LLC ro s21s 1211612016 CtW. Wilmington, NC 4p. 28403 SUBDtvtstON: Westprong Phase 2 5 PRoPERTY owNER,s NAME: Westprong 2, LLC PHONE d: 910 452-1410 OwNER'S ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Drive , Suite 201 ctTy Wilmington, NC 71p. .284Q3 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction. LLC g1p6 1169t!59 s. 50903 ADDRESS; 6105 Oleander Dr, Suite 201 61ry Wilmington 5t: NC Ztp: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: &ward@pentondevelopment.com PHONE: 910 452-1410 PRO.IECT CONTACT PERSON: Howard Penton pHoNE. 910 279-3131 *r,*PLEASE HECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOU R PROJECTT*'* E Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (SF)144 ! Pool (SF)! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Deck (SF)! other (sF) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs,NEw coNsrRucrloN: E/Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation E Att Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work)Heated:680 gn6g31s6; 144 Descripti on of Work: This permit is for one side of a residential duplex Owner/Contracton "Licensed Quoliliet" print Nome ls the property located in a ftoodplain? I v", /lro Existinglmperviousllgs; 5337 5qp1 violarion ofthe Nc srate ltdS code and rubject to fines up to 5500.00'.. 5ignature: Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 /ves n rrro laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified of any cha p y wrth the sta/e'!u'ldr nges rn tne appro,Jelpt ng/ode and att otler applicable State and tocatOISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that atl the information in thts application is correct and alt work will com information. ".NOTE: A atu and specifications or chanSe in contractornV wry\ periormeo wrthout the approp iaie permrts w,lt be In-lL-. a. 0..-- * New lmperviousArea: 32.549 _ sq Ft'/ WATER: Ef CFPUA ! Community System s:wtR: /crpul E community system Existing Land Disturbing permit: E Private Well a Central Well E Aqua D Private Septic E Cdntral Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: .............- City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+Zft= _$q''oComment:Permit Fee: S LOT S: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory structure E yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Buitding? E yes E No ,/Property Use/ occupancy: E single tamily E Duplex 5 Townhouse .T\NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATION rYPE: RESTDENTTAI PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO,I€CT "Proiect Responsibility,, Dot+- +u Application APPIICANT's NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: : Pent Construction, LLC Wes ron Wa 9212. 12116120'16 CITY: Wilmi ton. NC 21p. 28403 SUBDtvtstON: Westpron g Phase 2 pROpERTy owNER,S NAME: Westprong 2, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS; 6105 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 pr.rOrr l. 910 452-1410 CtTy. Wilmington, NC y1e.28403 coNTRACTOR: Penton construction, LLC 9196 116pt!55 6 50903 ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Dr, Suite 201 CtTy.Wilmington St: NC Ztp: 28403 PRoJECI CONTACT PERSON. Howard Penton EMAIL ADDRESS: howard@pentondevelopment.com PHONE: 910 452-1410 PHONE: 910 279-3131 D Sunroom (SF) n Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl yes ! No TOTATSQ FT UNDERROOF Vor prcposed work)Heated: 680 Unheated: 144 TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot)s 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory structure E yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Ljne on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Famity tr ouplex /Townhouse Descripti on of Work: This permit is for one side of a residential duplex Owner/Contractor DrscLArMtR: r hereby certify that aI the information in this apprication is correct and aI work wir comlalvs and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notilied ofaninformation. ".NOTE ply with the St/rfqB rn8 e and allother applicable State and tocal y chan8es in the alpr and specificalions or change in contractor violation of the NC state and ubject to fines up to 5500.00... Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 /v"s I r'ro any wqk performed w(ho-rrr lhe approonate permrts wr be ,1 , -lL-. a. 0..-" * New lmpervious Args; 32,549 5q 6g/WATER: E CFPUA tr CommunitySystem Sfwrn: /Crpul E Community system "Licensed Quolifiet" print Nome ls the property located in a ftoodptain? I y", /rrro Existing lmpervioustrls3; 5337 5q p1 ExistinB Land Disturbing permit: E Private Well E Centrat Well E Aqua D Prjvate Septic E CCntralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S $q\0- i':.r toT f: EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: D Alteration D Renovation D General Repairs, NEw coNsrRUcTroN: E/Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Rerocation ...PLEAsE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*IT ! Att Garage (SF)_ tr Det Garage (SF)_ n porch (SF) 1rg ! Pool (sF)_ n Deck (SF)_ D Storage Shed (SF)_ ! other (SF)-- .ajt'j\.sw Construction, LLC Westpron CtTy: Wilmington, NC )ot+-qoq #+b45+a- Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: s714 '1211612016 2p-2MO3 SUBDtvtst6N: Westprong Phase 2 LOT f: 7^ PROPERTY OWNER,5 141y15; Westprong 2, LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 pHoNE #: 910 452-141O CtW Wilmington, NC aP. 28403 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC st-oc uceNse s. 50903 ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Dr. Suite 201 CtW. Wilmington ST: NC y1p 28403 EMATL ADDRESS: howard@pentondevelo pment.com PHONE: 910 452-1410 pROJECT CONTACT p5j56p. Howard Penton pHoNE: 910 279-3131 n Greenhouse (SF) ! Pool (sF)! Storage Shed (SF)_ n other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes E No Unheated: 144 TOTAI" PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Ves E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbintorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E trto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family O ouplex /townhouse Descripti on of work: This permit is for one side of a residential duplex OISCLAIMER: I hereby certlt that all the information in this apptication is correct and aI work wil compty with the lawsand ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Developm€nt Services Centerwillbe notified ofanychanges in the ode and all other applacable State and local and specifications or change in contractor violation of the NC statefldg Code a bject to fines up to S500.00... Signature: sf) a4oi apprbved olrnformation. "'NOTE:Any wqk performed w'thout the aooroorrate oermrts wtll be,n owner/contractor: .lL-. A. 0a.-" * "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ts the property tocated in a ftoodptain? I v", /f,fo €xisting lmpervious Area: 5337 Sq Ft I Total Acres oisturbed: 2.65 - New lmperviousArss; 32.549 5q pg Existing Land Disturbing permit: (Ves E ruo/WATER: E qFPUA tr Community System E private Well E Central Well D Aqua SEWER: dCFPUA fl CommunitySystem D private Septic E Cdntralseptic D Aqua Zonei _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ 8FE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N ryPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Proiect Responsibility" EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration D Renovation n General Repairs,NEW CONSTRUCTION: gErect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence n Relocatjon **APLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTTT* n Attcarage (5F)_ tr Detcarage(SF)_ ! porch(SF) 144 n Sunroom (5F)_ n Deck (SF)_ TOTATSQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work) Heated: 680 ..hr $\ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYP€; RESTDENTTAI PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility,, )ot qoK Appiication Number (office use) APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: Pe lon Construction, LLC p212. 1211612016 ron way CtTy Wilmington, NC 21p. 28403 SUBDtVtStON: Westpron g Phase 2 toT # PROPERTY OWNER,5 1141;16; Westprons 2, LLC OWNER'S ADDREsS; 6'105 Oleander Drive. Suite 201 PHONE B: 910 452-1410 CtTy Wilmjngton, NC 71p 28403 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC gsp6 U6Et!59 s. 50903 ADDRESS; 6'105 Oleander Or, Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington ST: NC ZIP: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: howard@pentondevelo pment.com PHoNE: 910 452-1410 PROJECT CONTACT PERsoN. Howard Penton psexs 910 279-3131 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration E Renovation D General Repairs, NEW CONSTRUCTTON: E/Erect New Residence r Addition to Existing Residence ! Rerocation K AND WER B ALL T PPtY n Att Garage (SF)_E Oet Garage (SF)_ n Sunroom (SF)! Pool {SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? n yes tr No TOTAT SQ FI UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: 680 TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 70,000 Description of Work: This permit is for on R n Porch (SF)144 n Storage Shed (SF)_ D other (sF) lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E NolsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenyesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E Nols there Electricat Power on this Building? D yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E sinde Family tr ouplex /rownnouse e side of a residential duplex DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that alt the information in this applicatioo is correct and allwork will comlaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oeve lopment Setuices Centerwi be notified of aninformatio.l. r*'NOTE: anv wTk penormed wrlhout tne appropriare permts w, be ,n tdi ode and all other appticabte State and to.et pla s and specifications or change in contractor ubject to fines up to 55OO OO..* Signature:Owner/Contractor: 'Licensed Quoliler" / ls the property located in a ftoodplain? E yes dt\lo Existing lmpervious Ars3; 5337 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 2.65 Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= -- New lmpervious Area: 32,549 _ sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: /ves tr rrro/WATER: Etr{F_pUA E Community System fl private Well n Centrat Welt E Aqua SEWER: dCFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Cdntral Septic E Aqua Comment:Permit Fee: S Unheated:144 ;i (\ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N W PE. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility,, tot+ qor lc-39? Application {office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: Penton Construction, LLC West oate. 1211612016 CtTy Wilmington, NC 71p. 28403 SUBDIVISION: Westprong Phase 2 LOr i: (O PRoPERw owNER,s NAME: Westprong 2, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Drive. Suite 201 puOnr r. 910 452-1410 CtTy. Wilmington, NC ztP. 28403 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC 9196 U961155 s. 50903 ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Dr, Suite 201 Ctw. Wilmington St: NC Ztp: 28403 EMAII- ADDRESS: howard@pentondevelopment.com PHoNE: 9'10 452-1410 PROJECT coNTAcT PERsoN. Howard Penton pHoNE 910 279-313 1 n Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I yes ! No TOTAI- 5Q FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work)Heated: 680 TOTAI, PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicarworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesENo lftheprojectis a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Ves E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes D No Property Use/ occupancy: E single family E Duptex #o*rnt orr" Descripti on of Work: This permit is for one sideof a residential duplex DISCLATMER: I hereby certiry that a the intormation in this apptication is correct and a work wi r he l"le he app/o s and specifications or change in contractor Code and allother applicabte State and tocat violation of the NC State dE Code an subject to fines up to 5500.00... SiSnature: laws.nd ordinances and regutations. The NHC Oevetopment SeNices Center wil b€ notified ofa +irdi information.'..NOTE Any wTk performed w(hout the appropriate permits w, be in , -lL"r-. A. Uc...- u.Owner/Contractor 'Licensed Quolifiel / ls the property located in a floodptain? D yes d ttto ExistinglmperviousArea:5337 SqFt TotalAcresDisturbed:2.65 New lmpervious Areat 32,549 Sg Ft/ WATER: El CFPUA E Community System SEWER: Ef CFPUA n Communirysystem ExistinS Land Oisturbing permit: E Private Well E Central well E Aqua E Private Septic E Cdntral Septjc E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval; _ City: _ Date:_ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ /v", tr r,ro comment: Permit Fee: s ..tto- EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEw coNsrRucrroN: y'e rect t'tew nesidence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation t*a r*a ! Attcarage (sF)- E Detcarage(sF)_ n porch (sr) 144 D sunroom(sF)- n poot (SF)-- D Storage shed (sF) _ n Deck (SF)_! other (sF)_ Unheated:144 t}N NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" jt Application Number (office use) APPI.ICANTS NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: : Pen n Construction, LLC Lwe ron oate. 1211612016 ctwr Wilmington, NC 71p 2MO3 SUBDtvtStON: Westprong Phase 2 LOT #: I pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: Westprong 2, LLC OwN€R,S ADDRESS: 6105 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 pHoNE #: 910 452-1410 CtTy Wilmington, NC ztP. 28403 CONTRACIOR: Penton Construction, LLC s1s6 Uggr{5g s. 50903 ADDRESST 6'105 Oleander Dr, Suite 201 CtTy: Wilmington St: NC Ztp: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS : howard@pentondevelo pment.com PHONE: 910 452-1410 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Howard Penton PHONE: 910 279-3131 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT ! Alteration D Renovation D General Repairs, NEW CONSTRUCTION: E/Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation CHECK AN E Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF)_ ELOW EI Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (sF) ! Deck (sF) YOUR PROJ ! Porch (SF)144 E Storage Shed (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes n No TOTAL 5Q FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed workl Hg31g6;680 Unheated:144 DISCLAIMER: I hereby ce laws and ordinances and information. ++*NOTE: A Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifrer" rlify that allthe information in this apptication is correct and a work willcompty with t Buil ing Code and allother applicable State and localregulations. The NHC Development Services Center wi be notified ofany changes in app ns and specifications or change in contractor ny wryk performed w,thout the approplate oermrts wi be r.-lL-. a. 0.,.-- *violation of the NC SSte B dg Code d subject to fines up to S50O.00.*. Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed: 2 65 Yes ! No ls the property located in a ftoodptain? I v", /lfo Existing lmpervious 4193; 5337 5q p1 New lmperviousArg3; 32.549 5q p1 /WATER: Etr CFPUA fl Communitysystem SEWER: Etr CFPUA E Communitysystem Existing Land Disturbing Permitl E Private well ! central well E Aqua E Private Septic E Cdntral Septic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date; _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _0 Comment:Permit Fee: S }ct?- VaSfi=:iqol ! other (sF)_ TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 70,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structu re E yes E] No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E singte Famity E Duptex {to-nnour" Description of work: This permit is for one side of a residential duplex $Lll