Application - Crane Rental FacilityNEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEAS€ ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPL]CABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" iL-27 Ll APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLfCANT'S NAME: Walter Pete Avery, McKin]ey Bui.Lding Corporaticn DEVELOPER: 5531 3arb3dos, LLC CITY: castLe Hayne PHONE #:8a4-2t).-941t PROIECT ADDRESS: 553I Barbados B1\:c. OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAiIE: !,i.o. Grubb crane Rental PROPERTY OWNERTS NAlilE: 5531 Bar:bados LLC OUINER'S ADDRESS: 5-r20 Jeffe!S!n Da1,1s Highway CfTY: Richnond CONTRACTOR: McKinIev Bui Idinq co LICENSE #: 30896 ADDRESS: 3807 Peachtree AverLue Sulte 200 CITY: wi Lmingtoq PHONE S: acl-2 t 7-94T r 5T: vA ZIP:212i1 ST:NC ZIP:2414: EMAIL ADDRESS: pavervGmckinlevpuilding.com or jearfeL4mckinfeybuilding.com PHONE #: 910-395-6036 PROIECT CONTACT PERSoN: Pete Averv and/or Jonathan Ear.Le (Check All That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: N ALTERATION J-I RENOVATION I-I GENERAL REPAIR5 TI RELOCATION lf Relocation. rs there a Natural Gas Lrne on the -cr.rrrent srte? [vFIN" ts BLDG sPHliKLEneoz Ives f] r.lo N EI,{ CONSTRUCTION:EREcr NEW srRUcruRE fl rasr rnrcr ! snrr-r- [ unrrr f] aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *:Is Elect Power on this Building Ives Ero ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: Lisle Arch./David LasLe PH: 910-?53-5053 NC REG #: 7903 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOT{AL: David Srms and Assoc.PH:910-?91-8016 NC REG *: 1122? DESCRIPTION OF tl0RK: Construct 126a0 Sl ',rith 26lE SE Mezzanine fc. Crane Rental Eacirilt-v te Building Code and all other applicable StateDISCLAIMER: I hereby cerlify that all information in this applicalion is correct and all work willcomply with the Sla and local laws and ordinances and reoulanons The NHC DeveloDmenl Seruces Center will be notified of anv cha or c'ranqe rn contraclor or conlraclor iiformalrcn. "'NOTE' Aay Work Pe.formed w/O the Appropriate Permiis willSubiedio Fines Up To 5500.00"' noes rn the aooroved bie in Vrolatioir ot the B OWNEFYCONTRACTO SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST: sr.s rLrriron BU|LD|NG HEtcHT:# OF UNITS: IOTAL AREA SQ fl; walter Pete Avery/McKinley Bl.dg Nol6: Domolidm rct ffcatlorE & €r6tEb6 rsno€l pomlt appllcado.B ar€ b bo submhlod using th6 applicalion bm (DHHS3768) whotrer tlo fadllt o. bulUho waa fourd to conbin Asb6b6 or not You aro l€qtimd b calliir€ tlslirEl Emirsion SlDrdards for l'lszadous Ajr PollubnE (NE.SHAP) at (319)7075S50 at l€st 10 days prior b th6 d€.yrolldon of arry hdlity or bulldlno. 560 fubGto6 W6b Slt6: htFjtuvnx.6plstab.nc.us,/spyasb6t dahmp.htnl SQ FT PER FLR: 1260.#OFSTORIES: 2 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: l2 6..# OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FLOORS: 3-_!lr=::3!.us ACRES DISTURBED:2 .53 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I YES NNo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:]]!/!_!-l_ SQ FT D(|ST|NG IMPERVIoUS AREA: Ff '. 125A0 ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: B-2 B.rsiness REMSED DATE /Ul 1/12 SO FT pRopERry usE: floFFrcE Enesrnuaalvr lurncru,,rnle !eouc APT @NDO OTHER:lusi:ess WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA fl coMMUNrrY SYSTEM flWELLE CENTRAI. SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNTTY SYSTEM PAYTVIENT METHOD:flclsn ficnecK (pAyABlE ro NHc) EAMERTcAN ExpRESs I tucnlse I otscoven "' SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS " (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) Comment PERM|T FEE: ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH: RH:_ B: Approval:_ City:-DATE: FLOOD: --- BFE+2ft--- AVN ,,(-'it", i_ffi, DATE : ..-l:li:ft_ ZIP:2s429 PHONE #:910-395-6036 ***** rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occuPANcY usrr Ives [ruo ***** IFYe5,ufiatwa5thePreViousoccupancyType?-t.Jhatisth€Newoccupan.yType?- ls food or beverag€s p.sptrBd or servod ln ttrts snrtrret ! ves fl No b The Prope y Located ln The Floodflain? [ ves I No Appointment of Lien Agent: Details - LiensNC Lien Service DO NOT REMOVE! Details: Appointment of Lien Agent Entrg #:536796 Deslgnated Llen Agent Projecr Properrs Print & Post Page I of 1 lL-27c1 Fll€d on: O 9/ 2 8/2016 lnltl.llU fll€d bg: paverg Chicago Title Company, LLC O!lin.: W,!or&-Io0]!5-!rria@ Addr*: 19W H-8ctl Si, Suile 50? / Ral.,gh. NC 21CAI Pton.: 888-69G?184 Frt:911489-t2ll Eniil: $!!!dAi$6&.!!Erajresas! 5531 Barbados Blvd. Caslle Hayne, NC 28429 New Hanover Countv F4ETiH f,Effi Propertg Tgpe Olher D.te of First Furnishlng TechDicrl Support Uolline: (888) 690-7184 Please post rhis norice on the Job Ste Suppliers and Subconlrnctors: Scan this imrge trrth your smat phonc lo liew this filing You can then UIe a Notice 10 Lien Agent lbr this projccr O*ner lnform.tion View Comments (0) 5531 Barbados. LLC 5120 Jefferson Davis Highway Richmond, VA 21234 Unil€d Srat€s Email: smcdougle@wogrubb.mm Phone:804-271-9471 08r01/2016 https://apps.liensnc.com/scr/appointment/details.html?entryNumber:5367 ... 912812016