JANUARY 30 2017 BUILDING APPSflbl @; lAtNeL+\l" Oora-o.olz NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaN ryPEj €S4,IIERCTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]E€-T "Project Responsibillty" 16-3458 #APPLTCATIOI{ Number (Office Use) APPLICANT'S iA E:q !.1a!ini ch DEVELOPER; )eiphi Coistruc:ion fcr Ca-" and Greo Marin i ch DATE: -2. ?.15 PROIECT ADDRESS: 113- :4i_-.-a:... :u ioff Rc sLlit e 10{CITY: r.r11rn:-ngron PHONE *:9':c.3i2.a4aj ZIP:23{03 OCCUPAI{T/BUSINESS NAIE: Cat and Greq ]1arit,::.n / ]ictnir, PROPERTY OdItlER'S NAIiIE: cape Fear coni€.ciai OLlt{ER' 5 ADDRESS: :.ts: yi:::ar PlOl{E *; 91c .344.-!i\2 5T: ):c ZIP:23.rc. LrcENsE *: 3i6i(i AccoLsrr *: CITY: '.1 ArL,sattc'nt .€ 9't z gl{zlPr J4f L/s PHONE #: I No q B,r.C! Cakes CITY:'/ij.lrniig:on CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EI'IAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PER 4 o0 ,Lo PHONE #: i':a .312 . 6;:: EXIST COT,ISTRUCTION: lf Rolocalion, is there a Natural NEtl coNsrRucrrotl t f] en:cr E!{ srRUcruRE Irrsr rucr fl sxer-r- f]uerrrI mo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Dino Psi.los (Check Atl Ihat Apply) ALTERATToN I nenovrrorl, fl5gneur- nerrrns f] RELocArrol cas Lrne on the Current Site? [ yel INo rs aLoC SpRINxt-Eneoz flves r.c If UPFIT - The Shell permit *:Is ELect PoHer on this Buildj.ng I Yes n*o **T.** I5 THIS A CHAI{GE OF OCCUPANCY USE?I YES f]no ***** IF Yeg, shat uas the Previous Occupancy Type? Unknown I,$at ls the New occupancy Type? Mercantife ARCH DESI6I{ PROFESSIOML: Ii:!e!:clan - ia./:c tsc yre PH:4Cf6-4550C8 NC REG s: 8198 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: :i:e=Dla: - S:acy Hensca PH:40761550C8 NC REG *: .l43 63e DESCRIPTIOTI OF ['JOR(: Ai;eraticn of exist'racant s.rite ii.,o a rake-our and deli.ve.y cake sto:e ls bod or b€veragss Prsp€red or s€rvsd ln this stnraure? pve" I tlo f me eropaty Located ln Tho Floodptainf I ves Q ruo DISCLAIMER: I hereby certfy lhat all nformarion ln and local laws and ordinancea and reoulaliohs. Theor chanqe in conlraclor or contractor r-nformalion, ".Subjectlo Fines Up To 5500.00"' the state Build Code and allother applicable State cha ln roved cationswillof the B loll8li@ SIGNATUR and so Fr .oot ln lsb6to. or not You aro GqoirEd b call th€ N.rdo.ul E rirslon $sld..d. br Hszsrdous Alr Po utanB (NESIiAP) ar (919)707€950 Et t€6sr 10 dey. prio. to t16d6ndldo.l ot any lsdliv o. bllldho. Se Asb€b8 Wbb gt!: i,i1p:/,r,1.!!1,,,.8.,. sEte. nc usrept, asbBslosrahrr p nlfi I IOTAL PROJECT COST: 1or, ccc.0. BUILDING HEtcHT: exisri # OF UNITS: ex1s.i.s TOTAL AFEA SO FT :SQ FI PER FLR:ex i s:1. c TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: tr!is::.q # OF STRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DTSTURetHe pennrre l-'l ves NO # OF STORIES: 2 # OF FLOORS: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: noae - exisrii.ro SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ex:stL::s : no chanoe pRopERryusE: florrrce [nesrnumr,n Buenar.nru [eouc [mr f]mnoo OTHER: WATER: IICFPUASEWER: EICFPUA PAYMENT METHoD: flcnsn flcnecx pavmlE ro NHc) flaru nccouur f]ucnase I orscoven E coMMUNny sysrEM Ll WELL flzoNtNc usE ctASstFtcATloNf] CENTML SEPIC LJ PRIVATE SEPIIC ff CIIi,IMUNITY SYSTEM usE o Ln^ REVI*O DATE aat V12 KS: F: ,I,O LH: O RH: O B: /I)D:-_ X BFE+&_ ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACApproval:_ City:_ DATE FLOO Comment crt 6e SEFARATE PE?I,4ITS REOUIRED FOA ELECT, IIECH, PLAG, GAS EOUIP PREFABS & INSERTS (FOR OFFTCE N PERMIT FEE: I r(\){,)/P1 rc-,C-{,1 It eQ_c-) a OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ]lr o psr.ics q ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICAT lO N WP E : RESTDENnAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESNONS APPLICIBLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT Qatl-la IyH+* Applkat*rn (ofllce u$€)"Project Responsibif hfhDnv,,/'AeNb u>aa,-u,Date:/- ra- /zAPPUCAI{T5 Nff{E: PRO'ECT ADDRESS:l4 D LL D/2, v e clTY: )<2'b'4' SUBDIVISIONT **-A#LEy-/4/ \L > PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: . I 44 C* l),at,,t at4 owNERs ADDRE5S, _l-9 /..llt LOT T: ,=_ PHO!{E fi:arc 7b7-ebg clw: kt ' Llh 'at/8*o7 ' a--? BI,,DG IJC.I{SE fl: crIY sr 4ZztP: z*427 exoxt 2l tz ,? <"-) t Z -p S- pHoN€.: ?ta 36? t76s- g @IITRACIOR: ADDRESS; EMAII. ADDRESS:LAI') PRO.IFCT COITACT PERSON:4vttz Ae a^--g, 7 /P o L 6 EfETliE COfiSTRUCnON: I Alterdtion t'Renovation E Generdl Repatrs l{Ew @I{srRucno : D Ere€t New Resioence daition to Existing R€sidence E Relocation +* IPIE/q!tE AND ANSWER BELOW ATI THAT APPTY TO R pROrECr..* Property Use/ Oestrhtioil oI occug.n"g, {sinaLwork: 4 Pt;ti Family D Duplex D Townhous€fi ctN te 1L i.q O t1o 7o rt<eryA bo- AN3CI TMCf,: I hereby .erthty that all tfie lnformation in this applicatioh is coffect and all wort will comply with the Stdte Boilding Code and 3[ other applicaue State alld h.al laxrs and oftlinanres and reg!lations. Ihe NHC Develophent Servjces Center wijl be notjfied o,any changes in the approved p,ans and specifi€atbni or chante h coot aciorinftrmatioo- "'tloTt: Any worl perform€d yrithsrrt the appropnate pennits will be an violation of th€ Nc State Sldg Cod. end or,lrner/contractor: - DAr, U AO* u r--I 'Liensed Anfifref print Nome lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? [] yes E t{o CdtthE lmperyious Area: __._ Sq Ft ,{€{ lmp€ bur &€a: __,*- _ - - Sq Ft SigrBture: Total Acres DisturH: Existing Land Dlsturbing Permi* D yes E o up to ztP 2I {O7 4m ! Att CaraBe (SF) _ E Det Garage (SF) --_._- n porch (SF) _ E sunroom (5F) - tr Pool (sF) ---- tr storage shed (sF) - D Gre€nhqse {sF} dDeck tSFl Jl O O D Orher {sF) _, ls the proposed work changing tfte existing footprint? /Ves D tto TOTAI.sQ F UIIDGR Ro(F lJor propaed wo*l XeatA,, ? 0 7 Unh€.ted: _ rorAr.piorE(.rcoctlLesstotl:g*lzlLg!' "'o ( *of €tsoLL)r' ) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? dv." E lo ls any EMcd, plumblry or Mcchankal work being done to the Accessory structuru dyu, E leo lf the proiect is a Reloc.tlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curent site? tr Ves E/tfo ls there El€ctrical Power on this Building? E/V"o D to 1€,*" fr;it.a- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLJCATIoN TyPE: RESIDENTIAL prEASE AIS{ER aLL QUE5TIOT6 rppl:cr3rE ro youa pRolEc]- -prroject Responsibitttliu Pltot{E crw: flotz-X\\APPLICATION rmber (Cltfl.€ us€ ) APPLTC$JT'S T{AHE: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDTYISfON : DAIE. / - )o- )7 PROPERTY O$.IER's TrA E: O^INER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMATL ADDRE5S: lat ALOCK *: LoT *: PHONE }: sr:dr..lf zrp: lt\cl3 *'ilZ6,fu UP, PHONE *: PtotE t* ?/o- 6, r l'!62t CITY i Lrc€t6E #: CIIY: PRO]ECT COTITACT PERSO : fl rrr eaanor _ sF fl surrtnoa.r --sF ! orr oanloe sr ! eoacx --srI eoor- _ sr I sronaee SHED _ sF 6REEt,ttt0lse _ sf floecx _ sr OTHER:SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: ---.- TOTAL SQ FT UiIDER ROOF: - TOTAL AREA SQ FT: \o E,'" pRopERw tsE / ocqjpAfKy: ffisrmre rnurlv I](JPLEX DEscRrp[o oF r.ioRxr ?.nottrl t1"l) l-l roulu-ro;sr 7,,t I r '1tr a-d l l i,' ." n 8",.'r- (.-/Jl-r a/1.5-Evn dtToTAL PROJECT C0ST €essrot | $ J \ot'o 7 * oF STo&tES I is Any ELICTRICAL, pLUt'l8IN6 o. iIECHAI{ICAL t,lo.k 3ein8 Oone to th€ Acce3so.y Stl.uc.:ur€l ffi V"t IIf the pr"oject is e Relocaii.on, is there a Naturnl 6as Li.e on the Cu.rent S:re? fiVesIs the.e Electrical Power on rhis BuildinglffiV"s f]to d11" RACT DtscltiuER lhe,ely c.ri', tl!.3 lrlttaion h l'iir.pprcat n i; co.,icrg1d.illlo*$iil ro.lrlrl{ill t1e Sbb AujBhg eode snd sI ot€r.pprca$o S6b rn bc.r Irrv6 6116 rlirlEtons. Tho n lC DE!€apms ! Sorvic€g Gnb.wiu 5o notf6d ofaly dt*ges h ,rB a9p.o!€d prrn6 snd Gpocjicsljols cr.ha.gEi.rirti.br.r.onl.3cl;l nbrs3liq. "NOTET A,ry Worl( Poilonned w/c ho Appop.iab p€mlBwit b€ mVlobte orAaNC 9t 5I6'IATURE:;7^*r***+*;*;***i*+********** ffim TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: fiTST LA'8 DIsTUREIIIG PERflTT:l-'j vrs l--'i ro ONNE MTER: K CFPUA SEhI€R; lVI CFPUA .*r' €-.4 orrrcrn, { (roR orrtcr use oiLY) 5rT8.ACKS:F:Al}titLH;f *hgRH r\i.Stl9?; n-4' nEvrsr0 oart ,4/:r,71t 9F Ef2ft= PERI.4IT FEE: '-- :,t*a*:**:l:l* *********r+*** +*** +,* * *,.* )** *** 7lI** ******** ** rs rHE pRopERTy LocrreD r a rloooruul f] ves DGSTII'IG IIIIPER\II0IE AREA: - sQ FT IIB,I IiIPERyIoI}s AREA: - sQ FT .IT sEPA&ATE PESJTIIS REgIIBED FOX ELECI, AECli, pL86, GAs EqUIp, pREFrEs A T SERTS r.* PAYrlf tfi l,rETHoo. f, .*, I cliEcx (payaBLE ro rurry f] s:ll lrcclm I r.rcTvrsa I orsc*.n I cormulrw svsrer I pRrvArE rtlELL f] crrrr,ll well fl crrrnal sEprlc n pRrvATE sEprrc fl conm.rrurw svsrer 54roaq.9 ldrnt dJ i** tr*, *.J* ***;:ii a4* r* j***i.*i*.* tl!.***.r***r**s:***tr**iri.*t **r***:i *x*, *,ia, *** r*** *rla****:t Approval:_ Cjtyr_ oATE Coflient: \-zo-t1 i LOOD ,1 irty inpectrcn Requreo, 9l S254.tr1, .:i,Ei]\. '--'Y /.i '"1td%..: i4V6 : I'GS_:' oGsnI'lG cor6rRucEOn: p ALTERATTON I CeUOVarror I earemr- nelarcs I RE LoCATTON ilEw cot'lsTRr.,cTlotl, I rnrcr NE]] RESIDEi|CE o" p OOrr:or Io EcsTIr{c RESTDEICE ..PLEAsE C}iECI( AiD AIISXER BELOI ALL T}iAT APPLY TO YOUR PRA'E'I: tr p^1 QtL 11-\bo NEt4l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING pER!|ITLot)?oQ'78\ APP I.ICATIOI lluaDar (Offlcc tt.) DATE: I l9 PRO]ECT €5S:c Z OCCUPA T/BUSIIIESS MNE:Z ot, A Zl?: 26 PiOPEiYY O$ 8t,5 TA'TIE: f T.nwct rnr x/< a -I 0<vr.lo rT-pH, E l: Q1o (tz tteljoll ER',s ADOiESS I /o 5.ItD tr CITY:r\h,}l"r(Bvtt J I'u".li.- 9o,i+ sL LICE SE r: '10 2 L AI'DRESS :11 CJTY: Ca.'o \ r ( APPL,CAIT@I ryee : C0rI}IERCIAL PTEASE Ar,tsl,'ER atL QuEsTto s AppltcASlt ,o your plotto "ProjGct icsponslblli tf APPLICANT, S [A}tE:/1 5 beP tA,".lri< Pnol a,) Se^- DEVELOPEi :I ?nrv cJ 6r.1. S c- I t^< *,1- ( De-- ETUIL ADONESS:.o \ a'^2 t^ai' PiOIECT COI{TACI PCTSOJ! fYl (Ctu(r All Th.t rpply) EXIST CONSTRUCTIO{:D ATITRATIOiI RE}loVATIO ff EiAL NEPAIRStrDl{ R€locrtion, is ther€ s Nslural G8s Line on (he Cunent Site?trYes Ero rs BLDG s E$ COI{STiUCTIOI3 ftfinrcr t{Etr, STRUCTURE FAST TRACX fl nrlocruor PRmxlrneor I ves ftwotr&-\E sxrr.r. fl uer11[ ADD ro Exrsr sriucnnE PHotIE r I PHONE sT I E!= zrp:z sr:N C zrp tzq to 1L8 ,928 ,3 fL PlDl{E l: 9 to rz 813 f} ACCESSORY STiUCTiE: ,J If UPFIT - Th€ Shcll P€rnit s:Is Elect Porei on this Building s Ito'3... JS rHlS A Clt lJ6t Or ocqrPr{cY rEE? ElEs Q6 .,.,,fF Ycs, brhat rng th! Prcviolra Occupancy Tr?a?. Ih.t ARo{ OESIG prOrtsstout, sf fu thc ttar Occup.ncy fyD€l N.!! to' 8, { -,t1 ?t *, *offi PtI: - c REG,: 0 tQ f'vqt t2t,t p,1 EICR o€SrG PrcrESSlOlAL: DESCRI PTION OF [{ORK: -I-u Vcwq ) S (,- | pRopEFryusE: EpFFEE Enesraumrr fluenmilnu leouc trarr Elbroo ourn: ACRES DISTURBED: -NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: EGT LAND DISTURBTNG Pgptrm flves firu0SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIoUS A&A -.---- SQ FT LH: RH: -l-. B: eErrsED o^.tt an fil WATER: SEWER: " SEPAM]E PEBMITS REoUIRED FoR EIICI, MECH, PTTG, GAs EouIP pA\q4ENT rrErHoD: fic,Asx [CXeCx leavesu ro NHc] EN,ER ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE t SE Oi{LY) SETBACKS: F ptrnffiserrrc ErBfJiiili#:=rHtnc^TloN: . PREFAAS t tNSEi\,- tcAN E(PRESS EucMsA EDSGIVER NE ECFPUA CFPUA COMMU ]TY SYSTEM cENrRAr SEPrE E -- BFE+2ft=I Apprc\rEl:- Ctty:- OatE:-__. FLOOD: PERMIT FEE: S C0 TiACTOn 3 (q,.lhd ts 6od or bct,.(!!cs pGperGd or.lr€d ln rtl|s :rraucl flVes E}i{/h ThG Propcrty tocild tn Ti,c Eood?Lh? E Ves ffi- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT IO N TYPE.' RESIDENTIAI PLTASE ANSWER ATL QU€ST]ONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility,, hrt- 8?J- L7 -34 Appliaation AppucANT,s NAME: Ptantation Building Corp Date 1t3t17 PROJECT ADDNESS: 141 SPTJ ng Creek Lane C|Iy. Wilmington ztP 411 suEDtvtstoN: springc reek Estates Lot l: 14A pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: Jon & Jill Kaess PHONE d. 440-387-3714 owNER'S aDDRESS. 10142 rspering Cove c,Ty. Leland 2r. 2u451 cO TRACToR: Plantalion Building Corp 68712 ADDRES5. 3'14 Wainut St. Surte 200 crly. Wilmington BTDG I.ICENSE #: sl, NC 28441ztP: EMAtt ADDREss: roseman@pl antationbuitdingeorp, com PllONEi 910-763-876I* pROIECT CONTACT pERSON. Steve Scharf PHONE.910-899{702 tr Storage Shed (SF)_ I Deck (sF)! other (sF) ls the proposed ixork changing the existing footprint? a yes lf No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RAOF Vor prcposed work) Heated:3295 TOTAL PRO.IECT COST (Less Lot): S 720,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Ves Ei(o ls any Electrical, Plumbing i:r Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure B4es E t,to lf the project is a Relocation, is the.e a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Ves druo ,s there Electrical Power on this Building? tr fes B ttto n Greenhouse {SF)--- P.operty Use/ Description of occupancy: dngle work. Bur d a srngle Fami lamilly D DuplexD Townhousey house w/ an afiached qarage Dlso.AlMlRr I herebYcenifv that allthe information in this applicerion is co.re.t and a work wi .omDly witi rhe state Builaws and otdtrrances 3nd regulations rhe Nllc Developrn€or sewicer center will b€ nctrlied of afiy ch!nges in tfie approvedioformation. ".NOTE] Any work perrormed withoufthe approp,tare permrts wrlt be rn viotation of the NC State gtdg aode a ldingCode and allotherapplkabte Slate and toc.1 plans and sp€(illc.tlons or chan8e in contraflor nd subiert to fin€s up ro 5500.00.I Owner/contra..or: Angela Roseman Signature "Licensed Quolifie(" ls the propeny located in a floodplain? B/y", n lto Existing lmperviour A."", 0 SqFt TotalAres Oisturbed: 70 New lmpervious Area' -lt-o) ) sqrt Existing Land Disturbin8 permit: tr yes Eifio WATER: E CFPUA D Community System Mivate Well E Centrat WeI E Aqua SEWER; E CFPUA D Community System B-frate Septic fl Central Septic E Aqua Zone:_ Officer: _ Setbacks (F)-- ltH) _ (RH)_ (B) _ Approval: -. City:-- Date: _ Ftood: (A)_ {V}.- {N)_ SFE+2ft_ _ Comment:PerInit Fee: S 7 2ll . ao n Sunroom {SF)_= Pool(SF)..- EXISTIN6 CONSTRUCTTON: - Alteration - Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: Gffrect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence : Relocation ,* r, +a, G-fu e ur"ge {st} 890 5; Det Garage {st).- feorctr 1sr1 802 unheated: 1692 :ffi Slorfrr] Ntw HANOVER COUNTY BUILD|NG PERMIT -TLnAPP LI CAT IO N TYPE,. RESIDENTIATDn*h PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility,, 0 J{- Applicatr <,) Number (office use) fi"2 )20APPLICANT'S NAME: PROjECT ADDRESS:ott suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: DateICtfl:Wt ztP *t\ PHONE #lo- CITY it BI.DG LICENSE # .r;4 zn, )[4O! CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:$n CITY PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON; E Alteration D Renovation General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Rerocation CH AND WER LOW THAT PLY T UR sr,r/C ztP 1to q'),'?7s n sunroom (SF) ! Att Garage (sF)-.--_ n Storage shed (SF) ! other (sF)te fao (-\rn Greenhouse (sF)--b ls the proposed work changing the existjng footprint? tr ye's tr tto d"^* TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work)3oo Unheated: ^l; on w 1 'f o*6/tht TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the num er of bedrooms? tr yes E-t(6 ls any Electrical, plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E yes tr Nolf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Ga s Line on the current site?w{o !Yes Nols there Electrical power on this Buildin g? E ves Property Use/ Occupancy; Description of Work: Single Family fi Duplex E Townhouse fl\.il DISCI-AIMER: I hereby c€rtify that aI the information in this application is correct and a work willcomplv with the State Buitdi ne Code and all oth€r applicable State and locallaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Develo ment Services Center wi be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor t Heated:& I R*f information. ..+NOTEj Any performed withour the appropriate permits wjttbe in violation Etdg fines up lo 5500.00.+* Owner/contractor: "Licensed Quoliler', Signature:0 ls the propeny located in a floodplain? E yes E tno Existing tmpervious area' l3DO sq rt Totat Acres Disturbed 0a New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft WITER: $ CFPUA E Community System E private We E Central Welt E Aqua SEWER: 6CFPUA D Community system E privateseptic E Centrat septic fl Aqua Zone: .--- Officer: -- Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: -- City;_ Date: _ Ftood: (A) -- (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Permit Fee: S EMAIL ADDRESS: E Det Garage (SF)-- ! Pool (sF) -- )E Deck (5F)-..--- ! Porch (sF) -- Existing tand Disturbing permit: ! yes ! No Commenl: U ${ ?u,1,8\7fl'tl APPLICATION Number (office Use) db, ffift'-1* CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS : NEttJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|ION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEAS! ANSU/ER ALI QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]E(T "Proj ect Respons ibility" ).li c(.,*-,...-.-APPLICANT'S NAIiIE:frr.^^, (r' OEVELOPER:tr a ,< r^ E o <-r €.r ottt ./o -)a -4- PRO]ECT AODRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'5 OWNER,5 ADDRESS: €^'. <r Ua.^e € 2../ CIIY I /2 /L c CITY: LICENSE #7{?g L/ACCOUNT #: CITY: (J o ztP I Zf ,?Z2,/ PHONE S:3i 3-33)/srtN(zrPtzgraJ *,Nlup..@c' /, PHONE #: PHONE $:2" - 3fJ 2 SF 5F :^. t,<( E'{ATL ADDRESS:6/ttol c , .2, Jo.--r{L"'-Ls<)^(z-c LPROI E CT CONTACT PERSONi EXISTIN6 CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCAT ION ,r* ao*rr*rarror, E tr arr canncr J ERECT NEW RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO EXTSTING RESIDENCE *iPLEASE CHECK AND ANSIJER BELoH ALL THAT APPLY T0 YoUR PRoIECT: PORCII Aoc, sr6sFDET GARAGE 5F suNRooM _ sF GREENHOUSE SF POoL _ SF DECK SF STORAGE SHED TOTAL TOTAL PROPERTY USE ,/ OCCUPANCY ' SDESCRIPTION OF TJORK: ,t) HEATED 5Q FT:Qo/7 TOTAL sQ FT UNDER ROOF: z-TootOtAt AREA 5Q fit 17eo OTHE R: GLE FAI4ILY OUP L EX TOI.]NHOUS E PROIECT COST1r""r"q : $aao # oF STORTES | / Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUtlEING or IiIECHANICAL wo.k Being Done to the Acces50.y Structurel ! V"r ffi nio If the pnoject is a Relocation, is thene a Natunal Gas Line on the current Site? [ves P to Is there Electnical Po!/er on this Buildin etE Yes No tt./ z'y'e,e4Q-- DISCLAIMER: lhereby cerlit lhat allinb.marion in his applaadon is correct and attwork v\,ittcompty wih h€ Steie Buildmg ald ofdinances md regulatuns. The NHC OevebpmentS€rvices Cenler witlbe notifed o,aoy changes in he approved ptan Code and alloher applicable SlaE and locallaws s and specitrcalons or chanqe in contraclor or conractor in brma[on "'NOTE Any Work Per,o,med \/Y/O he Appropriate Permjts wil be in Vlohrion of rhe NC SraE de and S'rbjecr b Fines Up To t500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR:7o//r,:t a 8t'o/(SIGNATU (p.inr Nane)i( ,f rt * * ,t ,t * * * + ,t t ,f + + ,t * ,t ,i * ,i + + * * * * + t + t + t * + * * + + + + .l + + + + ,t + + t t r + r + + * * t + * * * * * * * * * * ,* ,* ,* * * * * * * ,* * * * * * * * jy' NEr{ IMPERVIOUS ARE^I <J'Z.T) SQ FI EXIST LANo DISTURBING PERI'IIT:Fol ves [--l Ho WATER:CF PUA S[ cowurrrv svsrrm ! pRrvATE I,IELL CENTRAL WELL sEwER: E creun f] cENTRAL sEPTrc PRIVAIE SEPTIC COI'IIYUNITY SYSTEM r+I SEPA]qATE PERI1ITS REQUlRED FOR ELECT, IilECH, PL86, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERIS i'1 pAyMENr r{ErHoD: Ecos, [.rr.( (payaBLE ro tHc; Iarrr rccor-,rr Emc/vrsr Iorscoven*+*+***t**+*,t,f*+,i,t+,t**+t{*trt,**r***r,*****,t*,},i+,ti.,t,t****,i*,*;**;*******,i+***+,t,f,i,t+*+*,i******** ZONE:OFFICER (FOR OfFICE USE OilLy) &EVIsEo OATE O4l1rl12 SETBAC(S: F: LH: RH: B: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOO: _ BFE+2ft= _ AVN PERI|IIT FEE: $_Comment: PHoNE s: Ztu -z-? ? - 3232' BLOCK r: LOT S: tr rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN a rlooopurru? [-l yrs E ro EXTSTTNG rr{p ERvrous aaa: ,t/, ,f /y'sq n roral AcREs DrSruRBED: 2ol1'ct* Application l{umb€r (office use) NEW HAI{OVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPIICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PI.TASE ANSWER AII QUESNONS APPLICABTI TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiecr Responsibilif ,dLr*^ G,.]..(.(ON LL<- Ave c[Y: l-,J i \r.n r,,ckrv APPTICANT,S NAME: LJ PRO.IECT ADDRESS: suBDlvtstoN:plA Date: l-Za'la ztP z3q o/(or*, PIA PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:o Avs PHoNEs: 1)o--) bA-aE{a CITY Ur;l vu t*<k,v N <-ztP 22fu/ coNTRAcToR: t,^S.,rn lh,cr-.o C*rlh-d-*u LL<-BI-DG LlcENsE #: /J / A ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS;(? cIrY: [aJ i{rt,trn a/a,u srN<- ZtP' Z vt/ PHorlrI ./lo -SZq- 3532 fui)4i I , <otPt p11sx6; ?/o-5zq-35'3?PRoJEcr coNrAcT Pensoru: li J E Greenhouse (SF)_ O(lsTlNG col{sTRucnon: I Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs N€W CO SrRUCnON: D Erect New Residence l Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *..PI.EASE CHECI( AND ANSWER EELOW ATI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**' 4q D Deck (sF) TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work) Heated:unheated: 33 q oo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PLdgorlll(tEblworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructure!YesEruo lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes E tto lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? I Yes E No Property Use/ Occupa , single Fam E Dupl E Townhouse Description of Work:<i-J I DI'O.AIMER: I hereby certir that allthe inlormation in thisapplication is correct and allwork willcomply with the State Building Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinancei and tegulations. The NHc Development services center will b€ notified olany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. r"NOTI: Anywork p€rformed without the appro priate permits willbe in violation of the NC State Code and su p to 55m.0O'*'J",d r(.-Owner/Contractor: 'Licensed Quolilie/ Approval: _ co.,,.nt, y'/9 ls the property located in a floodplain? O Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit tr Ves E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E private Well E Central We E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zon, ?-3 otficer: 7ff- s€tbacks (F) /s (rHl t {RH} 6 1a1 zs f,jir; lpspectlon Reoureo, 9 I S254.0m0 Signature: City: _Date: I rlood: (Al_(v)_(N) X BFE+2ft- _hu"Permit Feei S B t, ,;i WL t} -\'tt5 E Det Garage (SF) n Pool (SF) _ tr Porch (SF) _ n Storage shed (sF)_ n other (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes C No rorAl PRoJECT cosr ltess totl: S 7 fl I 69,