JANUARY 31 2017 BUILDING APPSm r>\?otG,_Tfi"- \"|og \ l{Et{ HAI{OVER COUNTY BUILDII{G PERIIIT .t ? ^ ^ - A APPLIatrut rr"r: CO TERCIAL IO-S5OU APPLTCATTOiI uusber (Offl.e U.e) PLEASE A}lstlr AlL q#St:OlS AIPLIC.|SLE T0 yOlJf, pftO)ECT -Project Responslblllty" APPLICAIII'S !lAr{E: L. !'lark Louderrifk, AIA (aqents)DATE: 11- 30 .16 D€VEL@ER: PfiOIECT AD{TRESS: t1o Dunqarnon BLvd *150 OCCLPA!|T/BUSf ESS llAllE: Don But larat Insulance r'- CITY: wllrniuqton LrcE tsE r: -5 7a.cr: Pl$NlE *: 910. 341.'/5oo ST: NC ZIP:28403 *l{<lzw, JtyaCADDf,ESS: EX'ItrL ADD&ESs:an Pllot{l S: 910.641.?600 If tpFIT - Ihe Shell Pernlt *: 15-]sB? Is Eloct P6nr on this Btildint El Yes frHO *r... tS Tl{s A clAXGr Of (xcupAry Usrr lVes llrc **n". It Yes, *at Bs th. ft"ev1oqs (kcupafty Ttpe?|.r{t ls tte rd occupancy T}r?e? ARC}I aESIGN PfiOFESSIOIAL; L. Mark l,oudermilk, ArA 9r0.f41.7600 llc REG *: 107?6 E,t& [XSIOI F*OF:SSISIAI: Sid A. Becdah.lane, pE 910.470.9687 I'lC RFG $: 12918 DESCRIPIIoI{ OF loRX: office upfil blbodorbdrsrglctrrp:da.sslrdhttsshmr,.?flvol3r.r" b lhc Prropsry l-ocrl.d mnp rfooaCam flves @ m an6 ,/ Clrv t4,t),rh u i.--,a.L Exrsr cqsrRucrroi: fl ALTERAEo tr *J:fil$,"E?r'il*. nrparns l-l R€LocArror. l,t R.locdon, ts fiero a Nak{d c6 Line onrne rrent Sner @vF[No rs aloc spa]ixr-eneor @ ves f,f ruo i{El{ coErRrJCTIOi: f] rn:cr xfl srRrrcTrnE I rasr rucx ! snrr-r. fl urrrr f] m ro Exrsr srRlrc[rRE ACCESS(NY STRT,CTLNE: PH Pti atl d,er appli.s$l€ Slda !aa",s ard soci{lcrtcnsIIC SlaG Bhq Code arld OWNER/CO|{TRACTOR: L. ttark Loudemilk, ArA (aqeat) SIGI,IATURE: {q!ar} PrlrlE TOTAI- PROJECT COST: $80. ooo ae Defio&oo io$csdor! E -ne lqnovra pdmn a0rHonc ra !o ba ia.nAd rrr! tD rpdLrdon furl $]H]6-yr68] ihedr. ria fr@ or brEtE i..s tultld t) oln*r A.6G d rEr Ydl rr ltqirt D cCl lr lSord &.bdoi sb.xgrl b. ttr.nb(I AI Foft-at8 (l€stlAP) d (9191107{050 d h6.r 10 dBF gior b !E d6ndoo d ri, h.rfy cr bd&10. Se Lb.G f$6 SB iaP:/tuxi.rd-8EE .sribd/as5@firp.ttil BUILDING HEGHT; SO FT FER FLR: # oF i.},, TS: TOTAL AREA SA # OF STORIES # OF FI-OORS: WATER: mcFPtA ECOlflLtrrY S\ STEM EwEr E:lzONhlG t S€ Ct,rSSlRcATlOl* sEwER m cfPUA fl CENTRAI SEPrrc Ll PnVATE SPrc nCOrihrU{TY $ysrErr .' SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIR€O FOR ELrcT, M€CTI, Pt8G, G''s EOLXP, PFEfABS t INSERTS "' pAyuENr METHOD: flC*Sn flCneO< eAYAELE To {q fierenrCrn e<eaess Encvvrsn ffi uscovrn FT | 1, 352 TOT I- SO FT UNDER ROOF: _'__ # OF $TRUCTT RES: ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LA}.ID DIS'IURBING PERMIT?YEs EINo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT E(ISTIi{G IMPERVIOUS AFEf\:sQn FRopEfiry risE: EloFFrcE [nrsrrumErr fta,gnc*nnr.e ileruc fl^Pr fiouoo or]GR-- i i iJ.i-; zollE M )i_oFFrcER 4w App{aral: 0v- Otf--U$.sc- I Confi|ont N PERM]T FEE: RE\GEO OA-TE 4i fi2 CIW: xit inqron ZlPi 2a4og mOPERTY qflER's ilAnE: Aurumn HaIL pvc, rJrrc pt€t{E 8, s7a .622 .46s.t o&&{En, s AmREss: 62onr-a-t pnOlECT C(NIIACT PERS{lll: ltark r,oudermilk pt{OalE *: &,$-\' AP PL, CAT, O N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLtast ANSwtRAi.L OUtSIIONSAPPII(ABlt IoYOUR PRoitCr /l 1 a,,rrolect nesponsiJi,:,i:'i;ry'^ii\1 ) QOtl applicalron,$5t APPLICANT'S NAMT PROJECT ADDRESS: Date SUBDIVISION orl OWNER,S ADDRTSS PHoNr fl l:t -4, t \(lllrn ^i[t. u,284 llCITY CONTRACIOR ADDRTSS: BtDG r-rctNst ff ST:z 7x\LfrCITY: W\L PHONT 6't 2-7 PHONT IP -? I Greenhouse (5t) - PROJTCI CON'IACT PTRSON Prop€rty Use/ Occupan Description ol Work: D Deck (SF) Yes No 8 Dou lex D Townhous€ n orher (sfl ls lhe proposed work chanBing the exisrinB lootprinr? E TOTAI Sq FI UNDTR ROOr Uol p roposed wotk\ Heated TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less tot): 5 Strrttr ,v Unheated: lslhe proposedwork changingthe number of bedrooms? fl Yes fl t'to ls any El€ctrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work bein8 done to the AccessolY Strylture O Yes D No ll lhe proJe(t rs a Relocalion, rs there a Nalury'Gas Line on the (ulrent site? EI Yes fl No ls lhere tlectrical PoweI on this Building? E) Yes D No /singre ra-ity Nl N PoSSrB t-6 (E(AiKS DlSCtAlMln: lhereby cenify rhar all laws and ordinanc€s and r€Sulation5 hlormalion. "'NO-II Any work pe the intormarrcn in thi5 appticarion re corred and all worl will complY w h lhe Srale BurldinS code and all olher applicabl€ sr3le and lo!a .TheNHcDevelopmtnlse,vice'cenl€!w.llbenolifiedoJanYthanSe5inth€approv€dplansandspecdlcatlonsor(ha.8ein(onlractol rJo,med withoul the appropriat€ p€rmi15 wjll be in violalion ol lhP Nc stale BldS code and subre.t to liner up ro s5O0 0o"' Owne./Contrarlor: "Lrensed Quoliliet-'atiVr E-7w No o ls the property localed in a lloodplain? D Yes txisting lmp€rvious ar"", 3 80# sq rt New lmpervious Area: -.-- Sq Ft s D NJ Tolal Acres Disturbed txisting Land Disturbin8 Permit: D yes D t',to WATER STWER Zon e: F CfPUA C communitysystem f) Privatewell D cenlral well C Aqua cFPUA C communitysvslem D Privateseplic fl cenlral Septrc f) Aqua Olficer: setbacks lt) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval:-ciry:.-Dale:-tloodla)-{v).(N)-BItr2lr= Permitfee: $ --- r,li\ (-- , l!l t- t-l? zrP: ? 8a*S5CITY PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAMT: TMAIT ADDRTSS: 0 Leta-t'3{X ,/ tXlSTlN6 CONSIRUCI|ON: U Altelation E Renovarron E Genetal Repatts/ NEW CONSTRUCTION: E trect New Restdente E Addrtron lo txistin8 Residence E Relocation ."PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW ATL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PBOJECI" ' E AttGarage(sf)- fl Del Garage (5F) fl Porch (sr)-- fl Sunroom (St) - tr Pool(5t)- E StorageShed(st)- ).Signature: ai 1,1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT ION rYPEi RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility"t^;ffi APPLICANT,S NAME:t_.lW pRorEcr ADDRESS: tcrl Sl'torp-.wccd ilirts Dervc rl. Date t-3\-lt-? ztP @ J(qqctwn roT I PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESSI o'4 S[,r.o suEDrvtsroN CONTRACTOR ,ttia PHONE #?Ea'q,ou'LtL,q,u CITY ztPs.(-ii &lu I ADORESSI CITY ELDG TICENSE # ST:ztP EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO.'ECT CONTACT PERSON S{e&*uo \( ,l\ i^4Lt^ c-U.-c{-PHONE PHONE Gq EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation ** *PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AtT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI"I'} n Att Garage (SF)E Det carage {sF)tr Porch {sF) ..fsunroom (SF)l'2u tr Pool (SF) D Greenhouse (SF) ! storage shed (sF)- n other {sF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n ves Z-t'lo ToTAt SQ FT UNDERRoOF llor proposed work) Heatedi TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S- Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedroom s? I ves no ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes ,EI No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes,,Z tto ls there Electrical Power on this Buildine?E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupan ngle Family E Duplex Townhousetr Description of Work: DISCI-AIMER: I hereby ce(al A n{)t D r\Y Y-zvious +o w()\a. Naw ation in thrs a icat ind allwork will comply with the State Eualding Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and reg ulations. The NHC Development ServicesCenterwillbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and spec ifications or cha nge in contractor information. "TNOTE:Any work performed without the appro priate permits will be in vaolation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S50o.00**' U,StaOwner/Contractor:{dait J.t.liitian*Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes ! No Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Petmit: E Yes I No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System ! Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA ! CommunitySystem E PrivateSeptic E Central Septic ! Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: _- Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Commenti Permit Fee: S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TY P E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect R€sponsiblllty'' oe1-q7) L7 -L54 Applicatlon Number {ofli(€ use) APPLIcANT,S NAME; SEVENTY WEST BUILDERS, INC oat.e 0111612017 pRoJEcTADDRESS: 3548 SHELL QUARRY DRIVE CIrY: WILMINGTON ztlt 28412 SUBDIVISION: RIVERLIGHTS LoT f: 30 PR6PERTY owNER,s NAME: SEVENTY WEST BUILDERS, INC OWNER's ADDREsS: '127 GRACE STREET PH1NE i: (91O) 324-4447 CITY: WILMINGTON 21p. 284A1 CONTRACTOR: SEVENTY WEST BUILDERS, INC sg96 Uq6Ngg s. 64926 ADDRESSI ,127 GRACE STREET CtTY: WILMINGTON srr NC ztp: 2840'l EMAIL ADDRESS:MELISSA@TOWESTBUILDERS.COM PHON E:(91O) 324-4447 pROJECT CoNTA6T pss56x. RYAN BAILEY PHONE: (9'10) 547.9362 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ( Erect New Residence [f Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW AlL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"I l, Att GaraBe (sF) 516 E Detcarage(sF)- E Porch (SF) tr Pool (sF)E storage Shed (SF) _ TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vot proposed wotkl Heated:2289 Unhg3lsd;3547 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 240,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves S. ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work beinB done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No IftheprojectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo ls there tlectrical Power on this Building? EI yes E trto Property Use/ occupancy: ts Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descriptio n ot work: SINGLE-FAMILY NEW CONSTRUCTION DWEYER KITCHEN LETT/ ELEVATION "A" lnformation. "'NOTE: Any work performed withoul the appropriate pe.mits rvlll be ln vlolauon of the Slate e and subje.t to flnes up to S5o0.0o"' owner/con rractor: CRAIG S. SMITH Signature: "Llcensed Quoliret" Priot Name ls the property located ln a floodplain? tr Yes E( t'to Exlstlng lmpervlous AIea: 0 sqFt Total Acres Disturbed: 0.10 New lmpervlousAres; 2814 5q Ft Exlstlng Land Dlsturbing Permit: E yes ts xo WATER: F CFPUA EI community system E Private Well E Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: .6 CFPUA El community System E Private septic E Cenkalseptic El Aqua zone: _ Ot icer: - Setbacks (Fl - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft' -Comment: Qi-,CrRlq Permit Fee: S 6.) E Sunroom (SF) -- El Greenhouse (5F) tl Deck(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint?! Yes E No E other (sF) _ APPLICANT,,S NAI\4E: Ti:.e1e5., Prooert:e:i rnc NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" -a6459A APPLICATION Numbe r (office Use) DATE: r.25 2:r6 DEVELOPER: East ern CaroLina Comr,ercial PHONE *: PROIECT ADDRESS: 415 s ao]leqe Frd unirs 1s ,16 CONTRACTOR: Time l--ss proDertl,os Inc CITY: wrrmlnoron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIiIE: i...ia.: , . ::: : ' rr.r--: j-.' :l PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: ,;,t: :rr .::: PHONE #: CITY: wr lninotor ST: r"a ZIP: :Era{ EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE S: 91r-51r-a611 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: vic.-.r F.ale,,PHONE #: 91!-r.r ,--t6- L (ch€€k AIl rhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes Elro IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I v""!No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHE LL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building I Yes Eto "ffi*. ***** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?!YES I o r'**** fF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Typet ta ?rl^,1 What is the New Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: LrsLe er:hitect-ure F PH:910-763-5053 NC REG #: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL:PH: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Renovate space add 4 offices rework b NC REG #: ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? [Yes T No ls The Property Located ln The Flood lain? [ Yes No DISCLAIMER: I hereby c nd ordina r applrcable State or conlractor informalis500.00*' erlify that a I information in this a nces and regulations. The N OTE:Any HC pplica Develoomerl Servrces Center will be nolilied ol arvWork Perforned W,O the Appropflate Permris tion is correct and all work will comply w lh the State Bui and ocallaws a chanwlll lrsand s fications SubjectioWrc onrr"' Aa tn contractor Fines Up To \at ate B Code and -37ffi) whelhgr ity or building was found to least 10 days prior to th€ # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: /0.. Jo,'-o.n conlaln Asbestos or not. You are requir€d to calllhe Nalional Emission Standards for Hazardous Alr Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 demolilion of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Siter htipj rww.epi.slate.nc.us/epi/6sbesto9/ahmp.htrnl ONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE:(O@meO (Pnnt Nsme) Note: Oemolililon notfcations & asb€5t06 r€.noval p€mit opplbalions are lo bo submitbd using the 6pplicalion form TOTAL PROJECT COST: r.-.:. TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? E YES EI NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERTY USE: @OrrrCe ! nesrnUnnrur MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHER: flWELL flzoNrNG usE CLASSrFrcATloN: COMMUNITY SYSTEM *, SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. IVlECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHOD ficesx flcuecx leavmLE ro NHc) flnuentcaru ExPREss fi ucnrtsn I otscoven ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:-REVISEO DATE 4/11N2 Approval:- City:- DATE: FLOOD:--- BFE+2ft= AVN WATER: flCFPUA fl COMMUNITY SYSTEM SEWER: Z- CFPUA - CENTRAL SEPTIC N PRIVATE SEPTIC Comment PERMIT FEE: d all the ! 2-) ZIPi.,.) :, )al+gi2 CITY: witminqr:on ST: I!_ ZIP::lllL LICENSE #: .! i 8.i. ADDRESS: pa Ecx tr92 BUILDING HEIGHT: ,. #OFUNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : -:.:r-!_- SQ FT PER FLR: _ \l) .N' htuut"uo Ec zrtrl rffi" Enull Prlnt 5 NEW HANOVER COUHTY BUIIDIiIG PERMIT A P PUCANON TY PE : REStDEI{TIAL PTETSE ANSWES ATTQUEIT]OiIS AfELICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Frolect Rcrpon5lbltlty" it (ofilaa !ra) SUBDIVISION: OWNTR,S ADDRFSS:2825 Worth driv6 OTY. Wilmington ZlP. _ Cot'{TRACTpR: Cad Bllings eY BT.T'G LICENSE S: loonrss, 5e2 Firsl St 61ry, Ayden 51 NG 2sp.28513 EMATL aDDRESST Bllingslgyat€li€r@gmail,com PHONEI 252-746-3675 pRolEcT coNTAcT pERso : Carl Billingsley pp61,1g. Cel. 252.327.0360 EXISTING CON.srnuCrlON: C Alteretion E Ron,rvrrion D GereralRepalrs flEW CONSTRUCTION; L I Erect New Reiidence Ll Addltion to Exisung Re5ldence D Relocation I T'PTEAIIJIIEC( AN D AII SUTTR BII.OW ATL fHAT APPLY TO YOUR PEOIECT'" E Att cirage (5F)_ U Det Garage (SF) _ tr Porch (sF) O Sunroonr iSF)|] Pool (SFl E storage shed (sr) !!!-- i ereenhou.:e (5F)_tr De<k ISF) lsthe progosed worl chan8ios the ei isti,rg footpr ,rt? E Y6s G t{o TOTAL SQ Ff UNDER RafiF lJo. proposed rrorll ' :ted'gflhgalg6; 3€0 TOTAI- Pfi,olEcf aOST {tes: Lct).52.300.00 lsth€ propored workchEngingthe nuntber oI bcdr:,0m3? E YEs El flo ts arry Electrlcsl, Plumbingor MEchailcdlwork berngdonpto the AcEesgoty strucure OYesE o lf the project is a Relo(rtloIt, ir there a Naurra l Gas Lin6 o n tho current site? EYEEB o ls therp f,lectrl(al Poweron thi! gulldloS? E Yc: E ilo Property uc€y' Orcuprncy: E Single ramlh E Duplex E Townhouse Deicrlprlon of wo(k: Storaos building, 16 x ::( 10 ll tal . Eredtcd on concrete piers. wood lr6m6- OlsCtA Mai lherebr Enh,/ 1i.r a I the i.dotrn.don lnthi.,r,r -ill6h & c6rrlcl ttt allBo.k will @mFlvwith tlE SbtE BuildintCcde!nd llo$et Bppli.BbbStaL art lo..l lou3 rnd ordlaanca,! and,aeub i lon3- Y h. NB C D 6.€loFmat s. r ,r.r:s i:Enter wiE be l1{rined ot tsry dr.IEes in lha Ioni or chrntein comBdor anfom.rton "'NOrE ArnlKrr ptrilrh&lwirlsln rh. ri ! t. r.rmitr titlbe inviol.tmo'ttfl€NC fln.i !Fto S$r.ooe" olvner/Contranor: 9!{l B llingst6y si8natuEi 'Li.erEaJ Qvolafiei hht l'rdrP lsthe property located rn a floodplnin? E Y.' r{ rtq Erlsting lmgeMousArea;-- 5q Ft Sq Ft ExistlnS Land Oldurblm Permit: O Yes O No rDtal r,cros Distu/badl New lmoerYlous Ateo: *o,,Q/,,uo o stwrn: A crpua D i.ornmuni(y sysrem O 1 fale Well E Centr€l Well E Aqud communiry sylrem L 'ale Sepltc fl CentralsePtic D Aqus zoner --- Otfker: -- Sqtnacls lrl ,- (IHl - {Efll - (B} -t$provaL - CrtY, - Date:- Flood: lAl- {vl -(N} - 8fE+Zi= - \_t-- Perfih Fee:9 AppucAtl1,s r,lArvtE: Carl BillihoslE,, -.. pslg; D6c. 0.5,2016 __ pp6g6gT 4pgRESS. 2825 Wonhdriv€ _- CtTy: Wlmington Bp:_ LOT f: -. pROpERry OwtiER,S 61agg, Eeniamin ELllinC', ,.r nrprvr r: 9i0-200-7579 n o{her (s#} -- Cofinrent: _ RE 2020fi Jc tl 1zu Application Number (office use) Date: tlz"l4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUI1DING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PI.EASE ANSWER AI.L QUESTIONS APPUCABLETO YOUR PROJECT 'Project RerponsibllM APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:t 0 00 te afi CITY:Wilmington zlP z&og sUBotvtstoNr Tralee Place LOT #: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:Stevens Fine Homes OWNER'5 ADDRESS:57ro Oleander Drive Suite 2oo CoNTRi{CTOR: steveDs p1611g s. 910-794-8699 Cfi: BrDG UCEI{SE S. 31626 gp;284o3 sr' NC ztP,284.0gADDRESS: 5710 O 2()0 crY EMAIL ADDRESS:snicholson @ stevensfi nehomes.com PHONE: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Staci Nicholson EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO : D Alteration n Renovation D General Repairs NEW CO STRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER AlI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO'ECT*'} * p;91g. 910-332-8515 ! Greenhouse (sF)! oeck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n ves d tto TOrAt SQ FT UNDERROOI Vor proposed work) Heated:z,5bo unheated: r,LlL TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 12O,OOO d rtt e"r.e" (sr) { 6tl E sunroom (sF) Property Us€/ Occupa tr Det Garage (5F)_ n Pool (sF)tr storage shed (SF)- D other (sF) ls the proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? E Yes E! No ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Medranicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure DYes6 o lf thepro.iectisa Relocation, isthere a NatuGl Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E! lto lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No ncy: E gnSle Family D Duplex E Townhouse New residential single family home.Descrlption of Work: DlSCl,AlMtR: I hereby certfi that allthe information in thi5 application is corred and allwork willcomplywith the State BuildingCode and all other applica ble State and lo.al laws end ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopmert gMces Center willbe notified ofanYchangei in the approved plans and sPecifrcations or drange in contractor information. ...iloTE: Any work performed without the a ppropriate permits will be in violat-ron o, the Nc state and subject to frnes up to SS00.00"'c ichrel Crni Slutno Signature:otrrner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoliJiet"t Nome lsthe property located in a floodplain? E Yes d fo Total Acres Disturbed:'lt ExistlnS lmp€rvious tuea:21 L Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Z+qL sqft Eristing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes d lto WATER: E CFPUA tr CommunitY System E Private Well E Central Well d oo,, sEwER: d CFPUA tr communitY System El Private septic E central septic E Aqua zone: - Officer: -- Setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RH) - (81 -Approval: - Gty: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (ill - BFE+ztt= - $\,*zt - Comment:Permit Fee: S Stevens Fine Homes d porcn $l l0A t/).)? %NEW HANovAb,,Rhffi ,ro,*G PERMTT APPLICANT'S NAME:r' €4y o/ AP P LICAT ION TY P E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO.IECT "Prorect ResponsibilitY' ua-f-CITY: Date zs u/ ztP 2*q0 .t lo t*t^ Q tF+<{- *:Cztoyrboue.<-??7-uso CITY:ztP 72/-,1/ BTDG TICENSE qEryg ior/ gf IP Zr.y'al PHONE:I 6 Application l{umber (ofrice use) PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: 58c., PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: 9r*rr-/uzLc C/lrtoif a)L_3 /^-C NA-- LE- COMTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRESS: CITYr PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: za ," EXISTTNG CONSTRU IIION: fiteration 3'lRenovation Meneral Repairs ,{EW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *** a** D Attcarage (SF)_ n Det Garage (SF) tr Porch (SF) ! Sunroom (SF)n Pool (SF) lonn, Ay Duplex tr Townhouse -oo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure VYes E lto TOTAI Sq FT UNDERR@F (Jor proposed uygrkl Heated: rorAt PRoJ€cI co st ltess toti: $?{, O O U /U ? unneatea: 36 K lfthepro.iectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturajFasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? [VYes E No / Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Family E Description of Work:4 Lr,4+r utl-c- € DItCIAIMER: I hereby ce(ify that allthe information in this application is correct and allwork willcomplywith the State Building Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center vrillbe notified otany changes in the approved plans and spe€ifications or ractor information. "'NOTE: any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC state Code and to owner/Cont rcaor: /4 aen*-f 1L-Q'^ 'Licensed Qwlilief Print Name ,/ ls the property located in a floodplain? O v." /no Signature: Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New -sqFt Exiding Land Disturbint Permit:D Yes No WATER:PUA Community System Private Well tr Central Well Aquatrtr SEWER:CFPUA E community System E Private septic E central Septic El Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Sctbacks (Fl - (tHl - (RHl - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (vl - (N) - BFE+2tt= - ( Comment:Permit Fee: S Atc tru? toT #: ! storage shed (sF)_ n other (sF)_n Greenhouse (SF)_ n Deck (SF) z l-ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes p No ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIIIT aPPLIcatION rYPr: COiIIiERCIAL PLEASE AI{s}IER ALI- QUESTIOT{S APPLICABLE TO YOTJR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" v.lAi-Wr tZtd 6!D 5AutlD6n-.. lo, PRolEcT ADDRESS I irt0 (o.ltt'ttz'( e qB tzot@ CITY: l,.l t Lt-'ttOUaTo I 0ccuPAl{T/BUSINESS NAI{E: cdP6 €€UL ec uuftz< c.49 pRopERTy ouilER,s 1AfiE: eLPe €ELa k)Lu?A< trLa(a Otil{ER'S ADDRESS I t Sle bLtfitli a&B eoto CITY: ult tl.-ttIiIJTC t) CONTRACTOR: lal^ L,E lPttJ auD s^u |Dtlt-g @ .11651155 1; l3?? L ADDRESS: 0.0,6ox tll'7 CftY: tUt Ct<t DllTo uJ EIIAIL ADDRESS:f, d qldl.i?Lh C acl, e "+,iztt /{Ano \4ALDYI|Z|tt z: 7 1 ).t,+ - Q Z.tTH APPLICATION Number (Office Use) APPLICA T'S NAI,IE I DEVELOPER:t)/A DATE: I /L P}ONE f : ZIP':44ea PIONE *: 7e Z -4751 SI iUc Ztp: ZO4a 7 91i ut 71p 2 '28 4o L PlOt{E f: zgt-?b3o pto E $: Z5t -lLZe EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: n ALTERATTON lf Relocatofl, is there a Natural Gas Line on the (Check A11 REM)VATION Cunent Site?tr rhat apply) fDl'crrrnll Yes L-lNo REPAIRS RELOCATION IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?ffiv"" flro ACCESSORY STRI'CTURE: NEW CONSTRUCTTd{: ! enecr NEH STRUCTURE I resr rnacx ! sxrr-r- f] urrrr ! aoo ro Exrsr srRucruRE If UPFIT - The SheU Permit #:rs E1ect pouer on this Building El Yes E uo *.r.r,' rs rHrs A cHAr{GE or occlrpai(y user fivrs Bro *'**' IF Yes, rfiat Has the Previous Occupancy Type?Hlrat ls the Nfl Occupancy TYPe? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL : IAU J o,r {97o q/Ptt '7/t5'5731 NC REG # : 'l 2-L+ NC RE6 #:€NGR DESIGI{ PROF r?i< DESCRIPTION OF ?D(:&%t(L ts tood or bweragcs pr€pared or s€rvsd in tris slnrctre? fives I No b Ttle P]op€rty Located ln The Floodplain? [ ves [l ruo (Orrdfi6r) Note: Dernollton nodfi caidls & asbestoG r€rno.al pollnh apdi:aioos are !o b€ subnltt€d uslng t|e apdlcaton iom (DHHS-3768) u't|€Ul6r the fsdltly q hildhg w3s bund t0 cootain Asb€d6 or no(. YotJ aro requircd to cdl tl6 Nalo.d ErnbCm Sardards for H@dot s Air Pdluta.ts (NESHAP) at (91s)70r-5$0 st lst 10 &F trid to olo darndhim c, any tedlity Web Sile: TOTAL PROJECT BUILDING HEIGHT:u/b # OF TJNITS:u/a TOTAL AREA SO FT :231 L SQ FT PER FLR k/A # OF STORIES: L TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: O # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T'IYES EI NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREi\' &A SO FT OTHER: cou u(44 cll.l P, REVEED DATE 'N 1N2 1 y3,lE[:93"'"UlEH$f"X[$n*[,*trnffir.*'"ilF#,ll]iff {sEcr^SsrFrcArroN: PAYMENT METHOD: flcesH [cnecx (pAyABr.E ro NHc) EAMERICAN EXPRESS EIMCMSA I orscown ACRES DISTURBED.. O pRopERrYusE: flornce f]nesrauneNr flurncN'ntu fleouc lanr f]coNoo zoNE:-Z-\5 oFFlcER:OTG (FOR OFFTCE US€ ONLY)'' -i'EreAcis: r' io ts+:3-RfiJ2-Bi 2' Crtf-FLOOD: -- x BFE+2F N PERMIT FEE:t0^rApproval: D DN h 1 4 City lnPeclion Requrreo, 9l &254$iSO <Gn:>>,--i-\ PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: \4ALDzl12 clr AIJ 0 tiUL\@4 eo s1611s11ss- [l^.Lo^L L)nl/z-*€r a-rra 04 hiALO lzl t, c (r