FEBRUARY 3 2017 BUILDING APPLICATIONSNEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIiATIaN IYPE; CO&II4ERCIAL PLEASE ANShIER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proj ect ResPonsibilitY" APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAME: YSEIS.WIRELESp DEVELOPER: VERIzON WIRELESS PRO]ECT ADDRESS: 5226 SIGMON ROAD CITY: WTLMINGTON OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI4E : WAL-MARq WAL_MART BENTONVILLE Y ADAMS KIMLEY-HORN AGENT EOR VERIZON (check A11 That Apply) LICENSE * 4f{3'/ ACCOUNT il: nL,LA,m PHONE#:<1 to 323-c:eO NEUJ CONSTRUCTION: I ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: REPATR5 [ neloclrroru ls BLDG sPRINKLEREDz [lYes EN" EREcr NEht srRUcruRE flrmr rRAcK f] sue r-r- fl uerrr n ooo ro Exrsr srRucrunE Is Elect Power on this Buildlng fl ves EI *O oF occuPANcY r,rsE? flvrs fiNo ***** hlhat ts the New occuPanry TYPe? PH:NC REG #: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: ***** IS THIS A CHANGE was the Previous occupancy Type?IF Yes, hrhat ARCH DESIGN ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: PROFESSIO!,IAL:CHRISTOPHER 14. ISER PH:803-403-8558 NC REG #: @!|- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: (3) wAr,L M0JJNTEp ANTENNAS & (1) WAIL MouNrED EoIPMENT CABINET ts food or beverages prepared or senred in this structrre? ff y", EIf.ro h The Properly Located ln The Flooddaln? f] Yes EI No is correct and all work will comply with the state Bulldlng code and all other appllcable.state fi i*y'ifi S:f^r8itylLT'i'"Li#r"J'?l'Y""&i,E?"\,W?f;tr:ifi Wffi EB"f BBAl?,i/4e SIGNA (alJallfiar) (PrhtNma) Note; Dcmdidon ndtlcatlons & a3b.dos r€movsl p€mit appl'rcadons ar6 to b6 submittEd uskrg the spdhation form contain ABbosto€ or not. You Ero requlred to call the National Emission Standards fof Hazardous Air Polhrtants &motition d any fadllfy or hullding, Sos Asbostoc W€b SItr: hug;#!.rt A,v.Gpi.state.nc.uslepilasbe-stos/ahmp.htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST:BUILDING HEIGHT: # OF UNITS: TOTALAREASQ FT:SQ FT PER FLR:#OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED: NE\^/ IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTYUSE: IOFFrcE I]RESTAURANT [mencnNrLE f]EDuc flner lcottoo orHER: wATER: ECFPUA fICOMMUN|TYSYSTEM flWeU- _ilZONINGUSECLASSIFICATION: SEV\IER: fr creua EicerurnllSEPTIc fle-nvaresEPrIc flcouuuttlTYSYSTEM -. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIFED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS "' PAVUENTMETHOD: f]CnSn [CnrcxlenvnBLEToNHc) [eru-AccouNT fil'rcnnsl flotscoven ta*ttHtrttttffi *Hal#iffi tttaiffi lffi atffi ft ffi ff Ha*Stlffi tat*aall|*ttHttt*ttff lltt EXST LAND DTSTURBING PERMI?nYES nNO REMSED DATE 4/11/12 SO FT (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B'.- Approval:- City:-DATE:- FLOOD:- BFE+2ft= AVN hcth6ts5) 16- 18 01 DATE: o6/L7 /t6- , PHONE f: f9a-s]g;s684 zIP:28403 PHONE *: N/A sT: ZIPzI!72 PHONE S: e79-618-4\E R,S ADDRESS; DISCLAIMER: I hereby certiry that all information in and local laws and ordinances and requlations The or chanoe in contractor or contractor ir{orQathn. "' Sublectlo Fines Up To $500.aO*' a "\X - ^ . Comment PERMIT FEE: $ ,a'-.r.. W EXIST lf Relocation, is there a Nalural Gas 7;orr - ?ll APPIICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: \\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PLt CAT,O N TY PE : RESI DENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit/' ire Application Number (office use) lor*: l6C-r PHoNE: 9\O aS,f f"'Z t 9 n Storage Shed (SF) fl other(sF) Oos CONTMCTOR: ADDRESS:\er EMAIL ADDRESS:(Y\e v o*\rue PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: X Greenhouse (SF) _ tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes d N" TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF ffor proposed work) Heated: Ur)' $c tee..6,.1. Unheated: t5Ob TorAtPRoJEcrcosr(Less totl:S LIDO,AOO t oC> ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes 6" ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes dn" lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Lirg on the current site; tr ves {No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D 'tes /no Property Use/ Occupa n"v,{single Family E Duplex E Townhouse \U \h llElrT zlP: '&8+(]3 E Err\,\i EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration f] Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUC'll0N:,rilErect New Residence tr Addition to Existing Residence f] Relocation E Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF) _n Porch (sF) I b 7 n Sunroom (SF) laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and information. +**NOTE: Any work performed the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" ue Signature: or change ln contractor up to S500.O0*" ls the propefi located in a floodplain? E Yes K Existing lmpervaous Ar"", O ,O ,,TotalAcres Disturbed: O, \a 5 New lmpervious Area: .3Oti T sq ta Existing tand Disturbing Permit: D Yes E No WATER: L,rUO E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: fCfeVe E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) (V) _ {N} _ BFE+2ft= Print Nome Comment:Permit Fee: S pHoNE#: 9utO 3oO H3a tn' D 5r BIDG ttcENsE #' boLtq q -tt,\L*,.EiS6t l ECE1flE[.r :"y 1 br$* nr'rswER ALL euEsroNs AppLTcABLE ro youR pRorEcr "Pro.iect Responsibility" APPLICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY APPLICATION TYPE: BUIL['ING PTKMI I RESIDENTIAL 2an-q,7 ^',iJTl"i^tr*a7a (offac€ !se) SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'5 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 7 D CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: IMAIL ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON i BI-DG LICTNSE #; o- I Det Garage (5F) D Pool (SF) E Deck (SF) ! Porch (sF) doraceshedlsFl fl other {SF) :H:1:H:llII:' :: ::il: ":-:ffi;,: :i:::1ff:::",,e r Re .ca, .n D.rac(d A...,' or'1 e*rturz .T*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'*'} tr tr tr Att Garage (SF) Sunroom {sF) Greenhouse (sF) ls the proposed work changin8 the existing foorprint? 3 Yes ! l)o rorAtseFr uNDE eeoor rsor pro,pns"o *rrrr' r,""r-0, lJ f L urn.o.o, f 6 D S?t lt. TOTAL PROTECT COST (Less Lot): S--- ./ ts the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes d/ttto . -/' ls any Electrical, Plumbin8 or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure E Yes ErNo lf the proiect is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Lingj,n thecurrent site? fl Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on thrs Building? E Yes EfNo Property Use/ Occupancy: Description of Work: "Licensed QuoiIier" Print Nofie ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes 6 lto Existing lmpervious At€a: - Sq ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: p CTPUA - Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua sfwfn: $ CFPUA E community System E Private Septic fl Central Septic fl Aqua setbacks (F) - {LH) - (RH) - (B) - Total Acres Disturbed: Approval:- City: - Date: Zone:Olficerl Comment: C;L-' Flood: (A) -- (v) - (N)BFE+2tt= Permit feei S m/ /um, z?rciro 3 PHONE: laws and ordinances and regulalion!- The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ol any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor inlormatron. '**NOTt:[AnY work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of Owner/Contracto; f Backto Message 2017-918_Oo1.pdf 'l /1 J, stslfi APPTICAIIT'5 NAMT: PROIECI ADDRESS: SUBOlVlSlOi,l: PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAMT: OWNTR'5 ADDiES5: collwcloR ,-JL(a4L\BLDG t-lctt{st, ? ,. ADORt55: -. tMAlt AODRT 55: - ' e4lr .-Y, PROJTcI CONTACI PIRSON L-l Alt Gat.8e lsfl O Sunroom (5Fl- [-] Gre€nhoutc (!f]- O oer Garage (5r ) o Poot (sf) tr Ded (5rl - rs rhe p.oposed worl (han8rnt lhe crrstint lootprinl? D ves Ll f9 5oD -, Lf , o.:OTOTAT PROTECI CO5I (l'es3 !ol): 9--j.d - --:j r:iii:::::r :::-s:'Jsiiin:,r!/t - unhc"'d:aP+U I tXtSTtNG CO STRUCnO :E Alleralron O Renovation E General Rep:rrl Ntw coNsrRucroN D trecr New Re5rdence !for,,,on,o trstrng Rcsden(e O Relocatron D'{tlck/ ...PIIA5E CHTCX AI{D ANSWER BTTOW AI.t THAT APPTY TO YOUR PFO'ECI"' ts rhe proposed wott chan8in8 lhe numbet ol bedtooms; O Ycl 9 o ^-/t! any €l.ctrlc.l, Plumblnt Or MGchanlcal wort berng don€ lo lhe ArcessorY Slru(l!re O Vc5 Btilo It rhe projecl ri a RGlocatlon, i5 rhere a Natural G.r I'rne on lhe current rrte? 0 Yes D NoD rr there I lecttical Porret on thi! Euil;i ng? D vas {No ProgGrty U3c/ OccuP.ncY:fl Iownhoutc O?scrlption ol work: Ottcrlurtt; I h?abl..(.ly th, .ll lh. rnlo.m.llon ln tll|r.Pplr.ttoh rt ao,ta<i .n.l.ll rorl r 2ol\'1tt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITUING PEKMII ',.:. APPLICAI,ON TYPE; RESIDENTIAI ; I eCe.f f fU :J I il(!F eruswtR Ar't outslroNs aPP.rcA.r't ro YouR PRortcl "Proleci ncrponrlbllily" R J-,t 11311'17, 3:21 PM Iix Gl),/^ar[*a- rr' n-_lexoyr ib^^y"ZZa D Porch (S;l #o,aeesn"atsrlo-x I D Other (stl tawt ard ordma.Gt and ,.3ul.l.oni Thl LHC o.v"loPttr.nl sa'vraa, ('nt't iJl b! nolrl'6 ol 'nYntorrn r,on " 'NOII hny *orl Partornl.d *tliorrl lhc apDrogrDta partnil! wll bt d vlol'lbn ol rl nc,Icoat ta- sienlw) 'lt<a^ted Otfrl{/tr.r' Ptunl No,,c about:blank Page 1 of 1 atK NSL q'r\Un.+t NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI,,IITAppLrcArrou TypE : C$4IIERCIAL ANShTER ALL QuEsTroNS ApPLICABLE T0 yoLjR "Project Responsibilitye, appffiii& Irlumber (Office Use)APPLTCANT'S DEVELOPER: PROIECT eoonrsS: 2glf Hanover Lakes DE 0ccuPAt{T/Bu5ril[ss !{AilE : PROPERTY OICI{ER'S MitE: &trtER'S ADDRESS: ,n PtOf{E *r W ADffiEss: -llit^o1o:. 715o4 PROIECT CorrlTAcT rr plpt{E *,LZllg*Zd PlOttE *: tft?. turrfa*r* Exrsr co{sr*ucrron, n ALrERArrom n *rdifr;!;ii 'li*""rr*eroca*on,isrherear,ratiilr;;;il'ffi"il,;i'J,*'ffr"?,ffH*,SfrH:rHf:ff#Hr* ilr'offlr:ffi-$lffi*FEREcr ilElt srRucrunr flFAsr rRAcx fJ sr,.r. fJunr:r fl am ro Exrsr srRucru*E rF yes, ,*,at xas.* #il,?I;:r:rtlffi I If UPFIT - Ihe Shel} permit #:Is Elect pqrer on this Bullding S v",IrooccuPAr{cy usrr flves S* **r.* hhat is the iIeH Occupancy Typet -1 ,/1@ ARC'I DESI6I{ PBOFESSIO}UIL: EilGR OESI6T{ PROFESSIfiIIL: DESCRIPTIOT{ OF ITIORK: I{C REG I{C REG ls food or be'sag€s preptred or s€rired in this st,ctrrez flves 8," b r]E plopcty ffiffiffi;ffi'#fiffi,ff-{dfi:trj.'b-$i6Bg[ig:xru.s3gltgly1,^elpyrg rre gare Buik*m code and e,,.,,her am,i--u e.d- i,Ywr-s..,r;;F*: :ylr*,ffi**-, yto,a-,Ea/a rffi',*trffifiUiHfu;Fiqffi; Nce: Damoruilffiag*" a sb""roo rsro!^t pomtr a*ffir] " _ r,*r,r* _* *,Tgl:Y *_ffififffiffi;* Nes,o$Erersim.sss0Jb;ido"v,p,ro,ou. ToTALPROJECTCosT:/ailTn;;;.''.v.,.[ww'gla.uEl€.nc.U$epyabeetoa/drrrc.hBnl rorAl sQ Fr uNoEnE€# & ffiGir"er----___ #oFsroRres,_F NEW rMPERVrous *@se Fr ffilj#"-"r:#,:?Xffff,,'' fl ves fl ruo PRoPERwUsE:fJornceDnesTAt,RANTf|uencnrrn.ef|ecucfJerrn;-msQFT pAyMENr rr*,;.tH:T-H::.:tl:ED FoR ELEcr, MECH, pLBc, cAS Eeurp, PREFABS & ,NSERrs...iffififfiX#::"n McMsA I oscoven#arfr*aarHnrtl*rata*r$l*a*ttffirlff.....-.l*- - - - . ZONE:-OFFICER: (FoR oFFEE usE oilLY) Rpprord---"*r LH: nu:-^]=, =- RE,ISEDDATE4TII/'2 ZlP:Zgfa/ PERMIT FEE: $ . mre: rz/zh/. *z ?16-3s6-hqv NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATIO N TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" APPUCANT'S NAME: Keith sanders ht't-lo$ t6-35oo Application Number (office use) Oate: 121412016 pROJECTADDRE55: 61 Pelican Point Rd ctTy: Wilmington 71p 28409 suBDtvtstoN:LOT tl PROPERTY OWNER's NAME: KEith SANdETS pHoNE #: 9'10-367-5420 oWNER,s ADDRESS: 61 Pelican Point Rd ctTy: Wilmington ctw: pROJECT CONTACT pERSON: Keith Sanders EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence Mddition to Existin8 Residence ! Relocation t,'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT**{' Att Garage (SF) _ Sunroom (SF) _ Greenhouse (SF) _ E Det Garage (sF) 1280 ! Porch (SF) tr Storage Shed (SF) n other (sF) 71p. 28409 cownacron'lq (,e;ry', 54r< BLDGLTcENsE#: ADDRESS:iu,ariao rrone, ZIP:ST: pHoNE:910-367-5420 D ! n ! Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less rot): $ 40900 Yes E No Unhg3lsd;'1280 ls the proposed work cha nging the number of bed rooms? tr y", Ezlro u ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re [E/Yes E No lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas tine on the current site? E Yes [I]-llo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingl y'Ves ! ttto Property Use/ occupancy: E single tamily D Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: 26' x 30' detached qaraqe with storaqe above laws and odinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. .**NOTE:Anywork performed withoutthe appropriate permits willbe in vaolation ofthe NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5O0.00"* owner/contractori "Licensed Quolifier" Keith Sanders Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? tr v", /rtro Existing lmpervious4vg3; 1800 5q g1 New lmperviousArg3; 780 5q 61 Totat Acres Disturbe o, <' A O 7 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! ves n No WATER: E CFPUA fl community system dprivate well E central well D Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua Officer:setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH)_ (B) Datet _ Floodr (A) _ (V) _ (N)Approval: _ City: - Comment: 8FE+2ft= Permit Fee: S e)r-1 -to4t L7 -2L9 APPLICANT'S NAfiE; sour,hern NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIoNS AppLICABLE T0 yoUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" HomeBuilders Inc. CITY: Wilmington APPLICATION Number (office Use) l\lfi2 t17, 24./2)11 llp2 21aa9 DEVELOPER: rRS Hordinq.s PHONE #: PROIECT ADDRESS; 1555 Grove Lane SUBDIVISION: rhe Grove BLOCK #: PROPERTY OIdNER'S NAME : O}INER,S ADDRESS: 108 N Southern HomeBuifders Inc Kerr Ave, Suite K-3 CITy: Wilmington LOT f : lia5 pHONE #: 9tA-1 99-0192 ST: NC 7lp2 284a5 ST: NC lap.. 28445 PHONE #: 9La-199-At92 PHONE #: 9tl-361-2116 CONTRACTOR: Southern HomeBuilders rnc ADDRESS: 108 N. Kerr Ave, Suite K-3 EMAIL ADDRESS; vance@southernhomebuildersinc. com LICENSE #: 3001 5 CITy: Wilmington ExrsrrNc coNsrRucrroru: ! ALTERATToN ! neruovnrroru f] crrurnal REPATRS ! nelocnrroru NEW coNsTRUcTroN: I rnrcr NEW RESTDENCE or f] aoorrroN To ExrsrrNc RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ! oer GARAGE PRQIECT CONTACT PERSQN; Gary Burrows I nrr GARAGE s31 trn SUNROOM SF ! eooL GR E ENHOUS E SF ! oecr TOTAL HEATED SQ FT i Lee4 ToTAL SQ FT TOTAL PROI ECT COST (ress t-ot) 3 $ 23t , e 47 ANSWER BELOW SF SF sF E PoRCH 382 5p I sronncE sHED _ sF SF OTHER: UNDER ROOF: 2e0l TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 2ee5 # OF STORIES: 1.5 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING on ITIECHANICAL t^Jork Being Done to the Accessory Stnucture? fi Ves E'VoIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Cunnent Site? fl V"r E ,o Is there Electrical Power on this Building? !-ly"r E ro PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: I STruCI-T FAMILY ! OUNIEX ! TOWTHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Single Family Residence, Woocl Frame, Brick Veneer & Raised Sfab Foundation and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notifled of any changes in he approved plans and specifications or change in contractor or confactor information. ..-NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O tre Appropriate Permits will be in Violation of the NC State Bldg Code and Subject to Fines Up To $500.00--' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: southern HomeBuilcers rnc.SIGNATURE: (Print Name)***i(i(*tr<i<************r.*{.*****r(X*************:t****+***********X**r(**Xi(*r(*******r(**{.r(,Fr(r.**X IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? fi YES EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 38OO SQ FT PERMTT: [*] yrs FEl ruo wATERt I creua ! couNururry sysrEM ! enrvarr wrll ! crrurnal t^lELL sEr^rER: I creun f] cerurnnl sEprrc ! enrvarE sEprrc ! commururry sysrEM *** SEPARATE PERJY'IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS {'*'I' *'1.'|l.l:'.1'.';...H.'llH.T:'l.l:111'-1'.]:.1i'.,..tr...1T111'll-:H',.'.'-.-H-yJ.',:l...F.:-',:::"* ZONE: _ OFFICER: Approval:_ City: CFRJ+ (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: SF TOTAL EXIST NO ACRES DISTURBED: LAND DISTURBING REVISED DATE 04/ 1,1,/ L2 DATE:F LOOD: LH:RH: B:ffi1.=lbD* nQ-l6f L7 -131NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAME! Robuck Homes Trianqle. LLc DEVELOPER: Robuck Homes Trj-anqle, LLC PROIECT ADDRESS: sl-s? Laurenbridqe Lane CITY: t.lilminqton APPLTCATION Number (office Use) DATE, J\Ljtn ZTPi 2g4oe BLoCK #: _ LOT #: 014 PH0NE #: 9r9-BzG-9200 PHoNE #: 91e-8?6-9200 sT: NC zlP:27609 5T:IqZTPi 276oe *z gtg-gl6-gzoo *i 9L9-Z'77-L728 SUBDIVISI0N: Laurenbridge PROPERTY Oh'INEB'S NAME: Robuck Homes Trianqle, LLC ohiNER'S ADDRESS: 613L Fal1s of Neuse Rd. ste 200 CITY: Raleiqh CONTRACTOR: Rolryq@ LICENSE #: s7083 ADDRESS: 6L31 Fall-s of Neuse Rd. sEe 200 CITY: Raleiqh EHAIL ADDRESS:'inorbech@robuckhomes.com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: ,fai Norbech - inorbech@robuckhomes.com PHONE PHONE EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: I ALTERATTON fl nrUOVRrrOru flerffinal REPATR5 f] nrlocarrou NEN CONSTRUCTION: EI rnrCr NEW RESTDENCE or I aOOrrrON TO EXTSTTNG RESIDENCE T*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: [lnrr GARAcE 4Bl sF f] suNnoom -sF D orr GARAGE I noor- - sF sF m PoRcH r"Bz sF f] sronncE sHED - sF I enerruHousE - sF florcr SF OTHER:SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 2326 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R@F: 3658 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: :eee TOTAL PROIECT COSTGusslot) : $ 2s675o.oo # OF STORIES: 3 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUiIBING or MECHANICAL hJork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? fl Ves EI fto If the proJect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site? fl V"t EI Uo rs there Electnical Power on this Building? FIves ff r,ro pRopERTy usE / occuPANCY: I sruelr FAMTLY f] ouelrx flroulruuousr DESCRIPTION OF IlIORK:new home DISCLAIMER: lhereby cerlify trat ail inhrmation ln hls sppticafion is conect and a[ workwill comply wih he State BuiHing Code and all other applicabb ShE and local lass and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Dewlopment Services Cenlsr wlll be notlied of anychanges in &re approved plans and specifications or change in conlracl,)r or contractcr informadon. "'NOTE: AnyWork Perbrmed W/O he Appropriae Permitswillbe in Vblalion of the NC Stae BHg Crde and SubJect lc Fines Up To $500.00"' OI,'INER/CONTRACTOR: Charles .f , Bishop IV SIGNATURE . @ ****x**:r**(*****************(Ii'll#i1"i******************** *********{**x****************t* rs rHE pRopERTy L0CATED rN A FLOODPLATN? f] VrS E] r,rO EXISTING IMPERVIoUS AREA: o Sq FT NEW IHPERVI0US AREA: 1e61 SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: 26,O2 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: f-I VES EI ruO i,lArER: [l crnua f] cofiMuNrry sYSTEM f] enrvarr wrll f] crrurnel hIELL sErarER: ffi creun fl crrurnnl sEPTrc fl enrvarE sEPTrc I comMuNrrY sYsrEI4 ZONE:OF FICE R: (FO& OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: **5I SEPARATE PERf!IIT5 REQUIRED FOR ELECT, f{ECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pAymENr mErHoD: il casn f,I crr.cr (nAvABLE ro NHc) flamenrcnr,r ExpREss fJ mc^rsn fl orscovrn ***************************************************rix****x*********,F***,1.********,r******* REVISE0 OATE a4/1uL2 Appnoval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: LH:_ RH:_ B:ffi6.=!LA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII..DING PERMIT APPU CAI/ON TY PE : RESIDENTIAT PIIASE ANSWER AI-tQUESTIONS APPI.ICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect Responsiblftf App,CA ',S NAME. StevensI'ine Homes PROJECT ADDRESS:Wllmirrgton suBDtvtsto : Tral€€ EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: ! Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation **+PLEASE CHECK AI{D AI{SWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT** * d ,rtt e"r"ge 1sr1 { 0 0 tr Det Garage (SF)_d Porch (sr)g0 )0)T tO5Z Application Number [OT#: L 6gifrR/ACTgX. Stevens Building Company BLDG ucENSE #. 81626 ooo*rtt. szr - rr,lq;q-gy411apppg55; snicholson@stelensfinehomes.com pHoNE: pROJECT CO;{IACT p6X59X. Staci Nicholson p1191p. 9ro-332-85r5 E sunroom (sF) _ E Greenhouse (SF) ! Pool (SF) tr Deck (sF) ! Storage Shed (SF) tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes d ruo ToTAt sq FT U DE RRooF Vor proposea wor*1 Heatzaz I'101 unheated: 5bO TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $ po,ooo ls the proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? E Yes El lto lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf theprojedisa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E t{o lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: EI single Family D Duplex E Torvnhouse Descrlption of workt New residential sinde family home. laws and ordinances and regulatioos. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notifi€d of anychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor inforrnation. "'NOTE:Any work performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State and subjectto fines up to 5500.00.r* own€r/contractor: rttichreI Crni{ ittvena "Licensed Quolifie/' Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed: lsthe propertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes d lo Existtng tmpervious *"r' 'L1LL gn WATER: tr SEWER: d Zone: 'lt New tmpervious Ar.., L1L'l- Nn Existing Land Disturbing Permh: tr ves d to CFPUA tr community system E Private well E central Well d Aqua CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua setback (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ Nl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment: \,(rU4 zlP: 2uo9 Permit Fee: S &1-tfft APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATEi t/l.31L7 ZIP: za+og 013 PHONE Falls of Neuse Rd. Ste 200 CITY: Ralelgh C0NTRACTORi Robuck Homes Triansle, LLC LICENSE #: s7o83 ADDRESS: 6t-31 Fa11s of Neuae Rd. ste 200 CITY: Ealelst! EMAIL ADDRESS: inorbech@robuckhomes.com PROIECT CONTACT PERS0N: ilai Norbech - inorbech@robuckhomes.com PHONE *i 9L9-277-7728 NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT L7 -L32 APPLTCATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANsWER ALL QUESTIOilS APPLTCABLE T0 YOUR PRoJECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAfvlEi Robuck Homes Trianqte, ttc DEVEL0PER: Robuck Homes Trianqle, LLC PHONE *2 eLe-876-9200 PROIECT ADDRESS: 51s3 Laurenbridqe Lane CITY: Wj.lminqton SUBDIVISION: Laurenbridqe BLOCK #:LOT #: *i 9a9-875-92A0 sT: NC z\Pr276oe ST: ttc ZIPi 2?609 *z gtg-ate-g2\o PROPERTY OIdNER'S OIdNER'S NAT,IE: ADDRESS: 613r- Robuck Homes Trianqle, LLC PHONE AND ANSTJER BELoIJ 48L SF ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: POOL DECK 5F SQ FT: 34Bz EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: f] ALTERATTON fl neruOVarron I eerurnnl REPATRS f] nrlocarroru NEhr coNsTRUCTr0N: ffi enecr NEW RESTDENCE or I nOOrrrON TO EXTSTING RESIDENCE *+PLEASE CHECK E]nrr GARAGE I orr GARAGE sF EPoRcH gz-sF f] surunoom SF flenrrruHousE - sF uu SF I sronacE sHED - sF SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 2B\e T0TAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 148'? T0TAL AREA TOTAL PROIECT C0ST(r-esslog : $ z+qogo.oo # OF STORIES: z rs Any ELECTRICAT, pLUMBING or MECHANICAL Wonk Belng Done to the Accessory Structure? f] Ves EI No If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ V., EI Ho Is there Electnical Powen on this Building? FlVes E No pRopERry usE / occupANCy: p srNele FAMTLY fl ouelrx f] rowruHousr DESCRIPTION OF hJORK:new home DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all information in rhis applicaton is conect and all work will comply wih he Slale Building Code and all oher applicable Stab and local laws and ordinances and reoulallons. The NHC Development SeNic€s Cenbr wlllbe notilied of anychanges in lhe approved plans and specificalions orchange io con{ractor or contracbr lnfurmalion. .'"NOTE: Any Work Performed WO the Appropriat8 Pennitswill be in Violation of the NC State Bldg Code and Subject to Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR : charle€rl-Eishgp_ rx 5TGNATURE z #7 (Prlnt Name)**ri*,frF:t{<*****,t**,t<,t*t******li**}**f,{*****,1.*+*************d(*******i.**,tr***X**{.*,tt*{.**{.'t**i'd(* rs THE PROPERTY LOCATED rN A FLOODPLATN? f,f VeS EXISTING IMPERVIOIS AREA: Sq FT NEtd ImPERVIoUS AREAI 2s33 _SQ FT l.tArER: [l creua fl commur'rrry sYsrEI"l f] eRrvRre well sEhIER: [l crnun f] crrurnnl sEPrrc fl nnrvnrr sEPrrc **X SEPARATE PERMITS REQIJIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQIJIP, PREFABS & TNSERTS *** J casr fl cxrir (nAvABLE ro NHc) f] nr,renrcnN ExpREss fJ ,clvrsn fJ orscovrnPAYMENT I4ETHOD: L * **,t *** **** )f r(** X*** )F** ** *,t *{(** *X* *{(* * *** * ** *(* *** {<*** *r<** ** * *** ***t<* ****,N+* ** ** **** *,1'* * ** ZONE: TOTAL EXIST NO ACRES DISTURBED: 41.97 LAND DISTURBING PERI,IIT: T-I YES EI NTO fl crr'rrneL IIELL fl commururrY sYsrEM (FOR OFFTCS UsE Or'rLY) SETBACKS: F: REVTSED OAIE O4ltL/12 OFFICER: Appnoval:City:-DATE:_ FLOOD: LH:_ RH:_ B: BtE+2r.=hfi,