S17-01 Draft Consistency Statement2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN  The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the comprehensive plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties.   Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential  Place Type Description Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Housing for the area is typically single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Recommended types of uses include single-family residential, low-density multi-family residential, light commercial, civic, and recreational.  Consistency Analysis A personal services use is consistent with the place type description, providing community services in an existing non-residential site located along a major highway.   Relevant Goals of the Comprehensive Plan  Goal III: Promote fiscally responsible growth Desired Outcome: Growth patterns that achieve efficient provisions of services and equitable distribution of costs between the public and private sectors  Consistency Analysis: One strategy to achieve this goal is to encourage development where existing infrastructure is available. The proposed use expands upon an existing development in an area with existing infrastructure.  Goal V: Revitalize commercial corridors and blighted areas through infill and redevelopment Desired Outcome: Strong existing neighborhoods and corridors where the highest and best uses are promoted in an effort to increase economic revitalization  Consistency Analysis: The proposed development re-uses and redevelops an existing non-residential property in an appropriate area, immediately adjacent to a major highway.  Goal VIII: Integrate multi-modal transportation into mixed land uses that encourage safe, walkable communities Desired Outcome: A community with a mixture of land uses that allows for individuals to perform daily tasks without the use of an automobile. A community where individuals can safely walk, bike, and access transit.   Consistency Analysis: One of the guidelines outlined for this goal includes providing alternatives to automobile transportation by providing a network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. No pedestrian or bicycle linkages to the adjacent residential neighborhood are proposed, and no provisions for the recommended greenway along N. College Rd. are included in the proposed site design.  Goal IX: Promote environmentally responsible growth Desired Outcome: Development that accommodates population growth while minimizing negative impacts on natural resources.  Consi stency Analysis: The comprehensive plan recommends encouraging infill and development as one method of strengthening and directing development toward existing communities. The proposed use is a re-use and redevelopment of an existing non-residential property and could provide services to the community.  Goal VI: Increase public safety by reducing crime through the built environment Desired Outcome: New development patterns that focus on increased public safety.  Consistency Analysis: The comprehensive plan recommends encouraging design strategies to reduce crime and encouraging a walkable community to create more human interaction between neighbors. The proposed site design limits access to the property to the one entrance/exit along Kings Grant Rd., removing an existing informal drive from W. Rye Lane that could otherwise provide access to the rear of the facility. Limitation of access is one method of reducing crime through design features, but this element can further limit integration with the existing community via pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure as recommended in this and other plan goals. An access point across from the covered drop-off area could provide pedestrian access in a high-visibility location.  Goal XVIII: Increase physical activity and promote healthy active lifestyles Desired Outcome: A built environment that encourages active lifestyles and increased health through walking and biking.  Consistency Analysis: The proposed site design does not include elements linking the property to the adjacent residential area or provisions for the recommended greenway along N. College Rd.   Staff Consistency Recommendation The application is consistent with the goals of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, given recommended conditions, as it re-uses and expands an existing non-residential site along a major highway with a use that can provide community services. However, the proposed site design does not include features supporting the recommended bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure recommended in the plan. In order to bring the application into full compliance with the comprehensive plan, staff recommends the following conditions: The applicant shall dedicate a public easement for a multi-use trail twenty feet in width along N. College Rd. A pedestrian access point to the property shall be provided along Kings Grant Rd. at the covered drop-off area.