FEBRUARY 17 2017 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS! ffi NEW HAN.,ER couNw BUTLDTNG pERMrr r"1'll Ei"tl AppLtcArtoNrypE:REsrDENlA, effi 9q 38 Pi EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT NUMbET APPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: "Project Responsibility"(office use) J-b-tl ru,2.**.ll I ?*W-Y,?MPHONE #: CITY:f ) CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: BLDG LICENSE #: CITY: - ST: -_ ZIP: -----. PHONE: 4IO . PROJ ECT CONTACT PERSON :PHONE: EXISTING CONSTRUCTIOru:p ntteration L. Renovation [. . General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: U Erect New Residencu FROOition to Existing Residence If Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW-ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** I Det Garage (SF) _p eorch (sil( fU^ar-?)- 7D' I Pool (SF)fl Storage Shed (SF) E Deck (SF)__---tl other (sF) E Att Garage (SF)- E Sunroom (SF) - E Greenhouse (SF) --ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? i I yes I I wo unheated: JffiTOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work) Heated: .- TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S lsthe proposed workchangingthe numberof bedrooms? D ves ptrto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure U Ves M ruo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNatural GasLineonthecurrentsite? E Vesp fto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D ves p No Property Use/ OccuPa Description of Work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. **.NOTE: Any flrk performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NpFtate to fines up to 5 Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" Total Acres Disturbed: - - Existing Land Disturbing Permit: l-J Yes [] No wATER: / Creua ! Community System E Private Well E Central well E Aqua SEWER: @ CreUn ! community system D Private septic ! central septic E Aqua Zone: - Officer:setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) - (B) -Approval: City: - Date: *'--- Flood: (A) (V) - (N)- BFE+2ft= V,{> sisnature: Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? l-j ves $l ruo Existing lmpervious Area: __.., - .. -- Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: --_---- 5q Ft Comment:Permit Fee: S OWNER,S ADDRESS: \ t f,tt-\\ CU, \-=\ NEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUr LDrNG PERMTT s)F,APPLICATION TYPE : COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 2ot7- 5 +5-1H6 APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATE: 1i9'1rAPPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER:PHONE #:9111-679-1551 PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS: 109 Pier Master pt. #104 CITY: wilmington ZTP2 284t2 NAIvIE: Towne Bank Mortoage NAME: 3410 River Rd New.l-and Communit ies PHONE f: e1o-473-5409 CONTRACTOR: r;. M. Jordan Co CITY: Wifmington ST: NC ZIPi 28412 ST: r'rc ZIPi 28403 LICENSE #: 2926A CITY: wilmingtonADDRESSi 7172 Easrwood Rd EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT sspeightGwm jordan . com PERSON: Seth Speight PHONE #: PHONE #: 970-61 9-4557 910-619-4551 ***** IS THIS A CHANGE IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Upfit space for new tenant Exrsr coNsrRucrroru: @ ALTERATToN g *.*Jifr;l;'^i 'EEi'.*o. *roor*, ! nerocnrroru lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the drrent Site? flv"Tfl No ts BLDG spffixr-rneD? El ves ffi uo Permit #: 2oL6-G36a Is Elect Pohrer on this Building ffi Ves ffi *O NEW coNsrRucrroN: ! rnecr NEht srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK ! sHell I uerrr ! noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheII ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structurez flves El tlo ls The property Located tn The Floodptain? fl ves EJ ruo DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable Stateand local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of anv chanoes in th5 aooroved olans and ibecificationsor chanoe in conlraclor or contractor ihformation. ---NOTE: Any Work Performed WO the Appropriite eermiis witt U'e in VotaaiSfibfih; Ne Srai; dfdg Cil;;niJSubject"to Fines Up To $500.00.'. OWNER/CONTRACTOR: setn Speisht SIGNATURE:(Qualitier) (prinr Name) contain Asbestos or not. You are required to call the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to the demolition of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site; http:/ mvw.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1oo, ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: N/A SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES: # OF UNITS: t TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 1 , ooo # OF STORIES: t ExsT LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtr? [VeS ElrO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o PROPERTYUSE: EoFFtcE ERESTAURANT [uencnruTtLE nEDUc EApr EcoNDo orHER: wATER: ECFPUA ECoMMUNIrySYSTEM flwELL EZoNINGUSECLASS|F|CATIoN: SEWER: ECFPUA f]CENTRALSEPTIC fIENIVNTESEPTIC f]COMMUNITYSYSTEM*- SEPARATE PERIVIITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *- PAYMENTMETHoD: fficnsn fficnecx(eAvABLEToNHc) ffinurnrcaNEXeRESS flrrlcrursn ffiorscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE 4111112ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH: RH:- B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: Comment oF occuPANcY usE? [ves What is fl No ***** the New Occupancy Type? PH: PH: NC REG NC REG #i #: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: r.r, A. ACRES DISTURBED: I] NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: i #OFFLOORS:1 SQ FT Business A v N arE+2ft=-1il>r - PERMIT FEE:$ - u NEW HANOVER COUNTY BU!LDING PERMIT AP P LICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAt nt=nA8 Application Number (office use) PLEA5E ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPIICABLe rO VOU* t*OjeCr 4(1 "Proiect Responsibility" U\ ( c APPLICANT,S NAME:0 Dal",: 2'.111.: /7 A?: ?8<l OSPRO.lECT ADDRESS: suBDtvlstoN: pRopERry owNER',s "orr, Mon,,t[ fJ{^ PHoNE #: OWNER'SADDRESS: V^t'14I CITY; CONTRACToRI ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration F Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation *,}'}PtEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*T* /ntt carage (sr)n Det Gara8e (sF)tr Porch (SF) n storage Shed (SF) BI.DG LICENSE #: zeb E creenhouse (SF)- n sunroom (sF) Property Use/ Description of ! Pool (SF) ! Deck (sF) 6, Unheated: work: fi otirer 1sr} Gc.+l too /h J6 s( ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? B Yes D No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work) Heated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less tot): 5 \,20O.0C) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes E t',to Is any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure El Yes E ttlo lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes El No d single ramily E n Townhouse laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the apProved plans and 5pecifa.ationt 9llla19:-i1 conlractor BldB subject io fines uP to 5500.00"'information. *"NOTI: AnY work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violataon of the owner/contracror, l{qllrlel lJ'i,ct sisnature:- "Licensed Quotiltet" Print Noilhe ls the propeny located in a floodplain? fl yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes ! No WATER: E CFPUA I community System E Private well D central well E Aqua SEWER: Kl CFPUA I Community System C Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) - Total Acres Disturbed: zone: officer: Approvalr - City: - Date: Commenti tlood; (A) - (v) - (N)I F E+2ft= Permittee:S ?S@ ub 4lh NEhr HANo'ER couNry BUTLDTNc pERMrr Jarr'1+6'; itl ffi )d &pLE,,TTott 7vpE.. REsrDEr{rrAL @\g#l *'"'*T*:[T:J:TA:;youRpRorEcr *llffiTo' (OFftce lj3e)APPLICA T'5 MI,IE: .DEVELOPER; DATE: PROJECT ADDRESS:1,r,, - ./- . -.c 'crw: PlOtfE #: lto ..tL) );9 - SUBDIWSION: _ -Lrrr; :--::------:--- ZIPI .,: BLOCK *:"_ LOT *: PRoPERTY O{NER,S MtilE: ( ^ ,l-; s D, l- ol^INER's ADDRESS: ,t/"l PK'ilE #: CITY: colrJIR/{CTORT ]-1aooneii,-,','p LTCBEE *: Accout'Ir *: HqArr-ADD- -,.-..... -- PRO]ECT COIIIACT PERSON: pHOitE *: 1t;. dL), - )i\ l PHONE *: oct'Trr[G co SrRUC',O : I ar-renarrou I nmovnrrou f] earenar- REpArRs n RELOCATTON r{EH CONSTR.TTT,*: I rnecr NEhl RESTDE.$CE o" I aoorrrw ro rs.. G RESTDE*.E .IPLEASE CfiECK A}A A sI{ER flarr ennaoe l-l sultnocn,l <F I onerrurotsr sF SF E po*.ri - sFI eool_ sr I sronaae sHED :-.SFI oecr SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:TOTAL AREA SQ Fr: ToTAL PROIECT COST 6s uos l $ 13, i@,..# oF sTo&tEs: rs ArDr ELECTRTCAL, pll,ttBrNc or IECHA TCAL tlork Being Done to the Accessory st.uctu.e? ffve" I Norf the p.oject i.s a Rer.ocati.on,, is thene a Natunal Gas Line on the curnent site? E[yes ErNoIs thene ElectnicaL powen on this Building? E Ves ffiHo PRoPERTY UsE / agq.p41ipy, I srrue u rel,trr-v I cuRLo< [ rouurouse DES CR:IPIION OF hIOR(: Sfffl$m-ry_]]t-:n T|TSY h htsappfica&n b oo.,caand.l yprk*l -rpry*it t s"e albirg cod" *d atotu "pplo;;;ffiand odinancs rnd ,"suraions Th6 NrJc oevaropm€nr_se ie cenbr \Nil bo nom"o or-,ya,rilioil ti;;;;G";;;;;rT*"ng" " -n*o,o.oonr$bf inbrm€tm' -NorEi Ahy wprk Perbnn€d wo tle Appiorylsl9 P€.mts wlt b€ in v'oldon or fie Nc abt, Bdg cod6 €nd &rbirct D Ftne6 l+ To qflo.oc- :Olut ^t iL.,-z t*:l *+t***+***+*** **** ***** J!ffiJf*o]*** *** *****++:r*** *+++:B**:r+i.**+** *+:r+ *** **:r*:r:i** *+:r* **I5 THE PROPERW LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAII{} TI YES EI*TO EXISTII'|G IfipERWOtB AREA: _ SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEl,tl II4PEnnfiOl5 AREA: -, ."; SQ FT EXIST LA5E DISTURBI;T pERrrIT: fi yeS l]I rrrO t+arER:-B creua I cof4r"tuNrry sysrEM n pRrvATE wELL I cmnner- uell sEhrER: FcFpuA E ceNrmr- sEprrc E pRrvArE sEprrc I comururw svsra,r ..* SEPAIATE PEPXITS REqUTRED FOE ELECT, AECH, PLBG, CAS EgUtP, PREFABS & IIISERTS '*}payl{: r. ErHoD: ! crsx [ *recK ('A,ABLE - ,.*l t] ,rii *;;- 'd***-'--fr-or""*.* *;t*:t 'ht *:*:i**:t *:l * **:t * *:t *+* ***,t:a* i;Fa,r.ll *:a* +,t:r:! '*+* ***Et*r,*******++**{.:!:r.t**i*;*r*rt:t*** t,t****.trtt,r. rEWs@ DATE O4l1rlr2 - B:- BF E+2ftt-.--1 -.t=N- q:lR- PERIi,IIT FEE: S -y,_I:Z_ EELOI{ ALL TIIAT APPLY TO YOI,,RsF n oEr ernnse PROJECI! SF STe{ATURE: ZOI\,IE: ApprovaL: Comrerlt: OFFICER: (FOA OtErcE t SE OtaLY) SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH: - City:_DATE:- FLooD: 7aq ?ot1,l{'{j la.N* APPLICATION Number (office use) DATEi t/?,5/1'.l PH0NE *:9)a-798-r;33s ZIPi za4a5 - PHOll€ #: ei*-i9e-4310 ST: NC ZIP.2e4c-1 LrcElrsE *, 4a3\"''@i]qEo{ffii, PHONE #: eic-26.-ci;. (Clrrk A11 lhat Apply) Exrsr coNsrRUCrroN: fl nlremrrou f] nrHovarroru [l eenrnal REPATR5 [ nrr-ocluoN I Relocation, is rhere a Narural Gas Line on the Currenl 5;1", f]V"?fl No lS BLDG SPRINKLERED? EJ Ves flruo NEt/ll coNsrRUCrrON: fl rnrcr NEW srRucrunr ! FAsr rRAcK I sHrrL f] uerrr fl aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ts food or b€verages preparad or served in this structurel f]ves [lruo ls The Property Located ln Tha Floodptaln? [ Yes El *o DISCIAIMER: I hereby certify lhal all inforrnatjon in this appiication rs correct and all work willcomply with the State Euilding Code and a,ll olher applica-ble Slate arld local laws and ordinances and regulatrons. The NHC Development Services Cenler will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and speciltcations or ihanQe rn conrractor or contraclor ihformarron. '-'NOTE: Any Work Perlormed wio the Appropriate Permits will be in Violation of the NC State Bldg Code and Subiect'io Fjnes up To S500.00"' /- -, 0F [alORK: in$r"all" new ceilinq qr-j"cl and ceiling tj.Ie jn conjuqction witllAc,-qellscgmgnL- SIGNATURE: Note: Demo,ition notificalions & asbestos removal permit applhations are to form (DHHS-3768) whether the lacility or building wiJ'fii'irnd to contain Arbestos or not, You are required to call the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least '10 days pior lo lhe dcmolirion of any lacility or building. Seo Asbestos Web Site: http:llwww.epi.stale.nc.usJepi/asbestoslahfip.hml pRopERTyusE: floFFrcE IIRESTAURANT [uencerurLe [rouc f]nnr [coruoo orHER.i',iss_-?s.!_- WATER: ffiCFPUA ffCOMMUNITYSYSTEM DWELL f]ZONINGUSECLASSIFICATION: sEWER; mCFPUA flCrrurnelSEPT|C UPRTVATESEPTTC fICOMMUNITSYSTEM "- :r; i:!:ri^:'i t ; .-li,r -'. t::i:i_. rl:-=i: ':r': I : PAYMENT METHOD: fiCnSn f]Cr-reCX (PAYABLE TO .# ,. TOTAL PROJECT COSI; ;+*,tt:E*8ITI"X BUILDING HEIGHT: NEt^, HANOVTR COUNTY BUILDINC PERMIT APPLI(ATIqN rYPf : COMFII HCIAL PLEASE ANSrilR aLL QUESTION5 APPLICABTE TO YOUR pRC)lECr "Project Responsibllity" APPLICANT'S NAME: Kevin caison DEVELOPER: Ner.r Hanove!- counry PROIECT ADDRESS: s90 t" iirrr!:a.,nriIie p.i CITY: Wilmj-nq1cn PROPERTY OI.JNERTS NAF1E: Ncw ,;e r Corn;v OIINER'5 ADDRESS: 2irJ f,icvcrrlmeni Cenr-er ifr CONTRACTOR: ADDRE55: ET4AIL ADDRESS: CITY: wi lninqton b PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Kevi ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shelt IF Yes, Hhat ARCH DESI6N I ENGR DESIGN 1 DESCRIPTlON Permit #: t+'F+* IS THIS A CHAIIGE was the Previous Occupancy Type? PROFESSIOT{AL: PROFESSIONAL: )a.vi.C Sims & Asscciales Is Elect power on this Building fi ves fl oro oF occuPAilcY usE? ilYES ffiilo ***** l.lhat is the New Occupancy Type? NC REG *: PH: 910-?91- 801-6 NC REG *: 7i38 OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (Oualif€4 (Prior Nam) TOTAL PfiEA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DI$TURBED: 3 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o # OF UNITS: # OF STOR]ES # OF FLOORS: EXSr LAND DtSTuRBtNG pERMtr? fl vrS EI *O SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SCI FT !. !1 i -- r--1.. i:.-_; i:.. 1. .: . ,\i,.ta L li;i=-:.s ... NHc) []AMERTcAN ExpREss flucrursn norscovrn ZONE:_OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE USE 0NLY) SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= REVISED OATE 4/1 11 12 Approval :_ City:- DATE:- FLOO D N PERMIT FEE:$Comment \: OCCUPANTISUSINESS NA,ME: l;:,i: r:r€,:par:lrtr:: ,..$',9- APPLICA'{f, S DEVELOPER 3 CoI'TRACTOi 3 ADOiES! : E AtL ADDNESS: PiO]ECT COTTACT PETSOII: NEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PE RI{IT aPPLIcAtrod ne,r: COOIERCIAL ptEAsE Ar,6rrER ltt Qt IStIoxs a?pt ICIttE ro youfl pio)tct -projGct icaponsibility- P}€ E I: sI:\[7tP: 2&+C) I 2at1 ASq ririiffi uiDar (O+ftc. tt.) taltt: PiO'ECT ADDRESS: occuPA[/EUSIXEgS PIO?ETTY OI{'{EI,J orflEi's ADOiESS: DATE: r/3o { l-I crw:-rorrrrGur --IiiiIBOl| Nr;,.nxrua r.}N..ll..le r pve<s,"^e*Jr uuC_ plo E l: ,ttq.4t1 .qZZo t 5alu ulJlc\J €r2,O$€ O.+uZO,t OEfWI . rA.FE t- i+lt-,r- ...:. , BqZi.\,oA + STew /af Ato6aSo,\)LtCE}6E f 3 _l(j N ..1 rrr CtW! Wt!-^.t r.. PlOtlE t: 2O1 ,4<-)114 prorr r,ffi-.2r.4 ;tr#ff IH:[,H,t:Lh':$.F,"::*[$,F$[1",:r,:r.,Hff.,,Tjrfi ,*tr-" E$ cotsriucrror: I e ntcr ilE]r srRucrulE I rrcr rucr I sxrr.r. I upFrT E 1pD ro rxrsr srilr.'ur Hi --- c fifG t: DEscRrprroN or rom, p.bsg set *.r*.**<ro r//oilArcAv\L- vrF,l b tbod or OGvorelrGt frcrd orlnr..d h 0* rr,a,rrf @Ve. I fo t n" e.gaty Lqd h Tr EoodphnfflVes fltfo tra .ll tlDrt wtll co.ndy witr the SiBh BLtE CanDr wll bc ho{fiad o{ anv c}ErD. Ed W/o fE Apprc0rbia Pcmis wlll6--ir .r... rs r rs a ou 6r or ocorplltcy usrt ftlrcs firo.....)at tl}t Pr.a\.ioua Otcuplncy fpcl 5 f+XtXJ lhrt ls thc Iar Occupancy PlOtESSlOlAL: _ pH: PMTESSIOTTAL: Is Elcct Poucr on thts Buitding E yes E *O DOct e€rrAl L_ IlC REG {: Code rnd s =a,l,o*o**f ?1l.I!g Is:1;:g^:*iH:xl *-Tgr Fp ^rl porum._(r€6rup) r oiailu,im JGlo iil;;;,lliil darD0rbn o{ lry Lcfilv or biLi9. 8} Aroaatla r&b sL: htDrrrt..raDl.dda.rE.l. ac,t&.n6ilvngJran{ TorAL pRoJEcr cosl $#ao BUttDtt16 HETGHT: t oF u*ns: tT9TALAREASOFT:--57L- sa FT PER FLR: (-1O I or SrOnrST-ror LSOFTUNDERRooF: 6-'Jc) I or srnucrunE*;1_ rCnOonJ, -]---. ACRESDISTURBED, Nlt, oGrt NDDtsTURBtNGpERymftYB Etxg NEWIMPERVIoUSAREA: NI A. soFI EXISTING IMPERvIoUsaqA Tf ; " son pRopERrYUsE: BrncE Enrsraumrr p.rercennu fleouc flrrr flOxm onrn, WATER:E3CFPUA ECOMUUNTYSYSIEM EWEI EzoNnlcrrsEqlsstFtcArbN: SEWER: p CFPUA E CEMTR L SEPTIC [J PRMAIE SEPTIC ff COUtJtt NITY Stttg; pAyltENT METHOD: flCesx f]CxrCx (pevrslE To NHC)EcREss EMcMsr I orscoven (foR oFFtCE t,st ONLYI tFyEEDDATE.^lruZONE:-OFFICER:- SEIBACKS: F: LH: RH: B.npp.oll--ciry-:DArE,-.-rr-ooo: - - lJrEfrl_co.,'.,,, ^ ' Iffi;Agg M''IE: ACCESSof,Y sTtlrcrutE 3 rf UpFrT - The Shcll If Yca, lrt.t mor DESrel ET'6[ DE5I6 Pernit *: - S€PARATE PEBMITS R€OUIRED FOF EIECT, MECH, PLAG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS t INSEF\.. NllC f,'r@, r do zy\o \\du APPLICATION Number (office Use) DATE:@ PHONE #: ZIP i 284t2 PHONE #: ST:qZIP.ry ST: Nc ZIPi 28428 PHONE #: 910-232-5453 PHONE S: same (check AIl That Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTToN: ! nlrennrrOru ! neruOVnrrOru [ Crruenar- REpArRs ! nelocarron lf Relocation, is there a NaturatGas Line on the Cuirent sitez IveiIr.ro lS BLDG SPRINKLEREoI Ives flruo NEht coNsrRUCTroN: f] enecr NEW srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK f] sxer-r- [ unrrr ! mo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: {.+*'r+ Is THIS A IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Is Efect Power on this Building [l ves Eno CHANGE ' Type? oF occuPANcY usE? [ves flNo ***** What is the New Occupancy TYPe? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: PH: _ NC REG NC REG #: DESCRIPTION 0F hlORK: Repfacj-ng deck boar4s on 1st run of steps, a ROOF: BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: - # OF STRUCTURES: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: EXST r-AND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? [VeS E UO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERTyusE: EoFFrcE ERESTAUMNT f]uencnrurLE f]EDUc !eer ficor.roo orHER: WATER: ECFPUA flcoMMuNlry SYSTEM [IWELL flzoNlNc USE Cl-AsslFlCATloN: SEWER: ECFPUA fICENTRALSEPTIC LIPRIVATESEPTIC fICoMMUNITYSYSTEM *'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT. IV]ECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS -' PAYMENTMETHOD: f]CnSn flCneCr(PAYABLETONHC) [nUrenrCeNEXPRESS firt,tCnrrSn IOtSCOVen (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE lU11/12 ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval: City:- DATE:- FLOOD: - BFE+2ft= AVN SQ FT qfz n4i5 RECET'ED rAN ,?rfll? - l\b{ NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATIaN rrpE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUEST]ONs APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S [![fvt!; Sonny Rusself DBA: port City Fence and Railing, LLC DEVELOPER: .rhe cape PRoIECT ADDRESS: 516 Llnksider prive Unit A-1 thru A-8 CITY: .wilminqton OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME: l,inXsider Townhouse owners Association OWNER'S ADDRESS: 902 rhe cape B1vd.CfTY: wilmingrton CONTRACTOR: Port cj-ty Fence and Railing, LLC LICENSE #: NA ADDRESS: Po Box 1488 CITY: carolina Beach EMAIL ADDRESS: portcityfenceGhotmai I . com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: sonny or Christ ls food or beverag€s prepared or served in this structuref fives I No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? [ves E *o DISCIIIMER: I hereby certify that all information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the Slate Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinance's and requlations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in.the appro_ved plan! andlpecifications oictiinsitiri coniracioi 6i contracior iiformation. '--NOTE: Any Work Performed WO lhe Appropriate Permiis will bt in Violation of the NC State Bldg Code and Subiec{Io Fines Up To $500.00't- OWNEF/CONTMCTOR; sonny Russell SIGNATURE: (Qualifier) (Print Name) contain Asbestos or not. You are required to call the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 al least 10 days prior to the demolition of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: http://www.epi.state.nc.uyepi/asbestos/ahmp.htsnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 3e80.00 # OF UNITS: z TOTALAREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER Comment:PERMIT FEE:$_ \*\1.53{RECEIVEDJANSc?017 NEr^r HAN',ER couNry BUTLDTNG pERMrr Nt1- 1t468 APPLIcATIqN TypT; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAI{E: Sonny Russql-f DBA: Port City Fence and Rail-inq, LLC DEVEL0PER: ,rhe cape PRoIECT ADDRESS: 524 Linksider Drive unit B-I thru B-6 CITY: wilminsron APPLICATION Number (Offlce Use) DATEZW PHONE f: ZIP z 284L2 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAl,lE : PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME; l-rnt<sider Townhouse Owners Association OhINER'S ADDRESS: 902 rhe cape Blvd.CITY: wilminston CONTRACToR: Port Cj-ty Eence and Railing, LLC LICENSE #: NA ADDRESS: Po Box 1488 CITY: carotina Beach EMAIL ADDRESS : portcityfenceGhot44tI -ce![ PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Sonny or Chrlsty PHONE *: PHONE PHONE ST: ZIP:284u sT: NC zlPz 28428 *zW #: Same (check AIl That AppIy) EXrST CONSTRUCTToN: I nlrenArrOru ! neNoVnrrou EI crr,renal lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? l-lYes l-l No PH: PH: #: #: NC REG NC REG DESCRIPTIQN 0F IJORK; Replacing deck boards on 1st run of steps, addinq kick boards TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SQ FT PER FLR: ls food or beverages prepared or seNed in this structuref [Ves I f.fo b The Proporty Located ln The Floodplain? [Yes E f'lo DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all information in this application is correct and all work willcomp-ly wilh the State Building Code and all other appliclble State Subjectlo Fines Up To $500.00-.. OWN ER/C ONTRACTO R : -:::lvn"""..]]SIGNATURE: (O@lifier) (Print Nare) contain Asbestos or not. You are required to call the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to the demolition of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: http://www.epi.state.nc.us,/epi/asbestos/ahmp.htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 2e45.0c BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS: '7 # OF STORIES:_ # OF FLOORS: - TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED:EXSr I-AND DTSTURBTNG PERMIT? [VeS El*O NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT pRopERryusE: EoFFrcE I]RESTAURANT f]rraencnrurLE f]EDUc !ner @coHoo orHER: WATER: ECFPUA flcoMMuNlw SYSTEM -WELL flzoNlNc USE CLASSIFICATIoN: SEWER: g- c reun fi c e r.rrnnl s Epr c I e-n vere sEPTlc a -courvrur.r lTY SYSTEM "'SEPARATE PERIVIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENTMETHOD: [CeSr-r flCneCr(PAYABLETONHC) [eUenTCANEXPRESS fltrlCnrtsn EOtSCOVen (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE 4/11N2 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:- B:_ Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: - BFE+2ft=. REPATRS ! nelOCArrOU lS BLDG SPRINKLEREoz flves INo NEW CONSTRUCTTON: fl eneCr NEW 5TRUCTURE E FAST TRACK ! SXer-r- ! Uerrr I aOO To ExrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: oF occuPArcY usE? f]YEs flNo ***** What is the New Occupancy Type? +***r( Is THIS A CHANGE IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: Is El.ect Power on this Building [l ves Ero ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: Comment:PERMIT FEE:$ *1,. ) HEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII{IT AppL rcATrON rypf I fOIvltrlERC IAL PLEASE AltlSt{ER ALt QUESTIONS ApptICABLE TO yotR PROIECT 'project Respoftslbility,, APPLICANT'S NAf;tE: DEVEL0PER: Mg.tej.rh c OCCUPAI{I/8USINESS NAIIE: llilmj.noton Munj-c:-oa j- colf Csurse PfiOPERTY OWNER'S NA,TIEI Oh{NER,'S ADORESS: fj l"rr nf l[i lhi h^+^-v4!, vr ri*1itlr:rvrurr CIW: e*HTf,A(TOR I yaniq r.i:h qei$ i r{qr!o,r AOORESSI 32 i'r. rrcnr gr , LICET{SE *, *3:.s "CITY: iriininqotn EfiAIL ADIIRESS: f dandrea8mcnreirhco. com plpttlE pf,OIECT (Oa{TACT ptBSON! rrank nrAndrea ...- p,$NE txrsr corirsrnUCrroN: f, ru.rrnarrox n *rJifri#'[i^l?,il*ol REpArRs f, arrmnrrox lf Rslocalien' is there a NaturalGas Line on the Current srtez flves fi r'ro ls BLDG spdrruxlrnEp? n ves flNo IttEt'I c0NsrRUCTrol{: fl rnrcr NEhI srRtcruRE flrAsr rRAc( f snrr-r- f}uerrr f] aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSOHY STRUCTURE: AftCH EN6R If UPFIT - The $hell Permit #: ,lrr*** Is THIS A CHAIreE IF Yes, rrrhat uas the Previous Occilpancy Typet DESI6,I PROFESSIOML: DESI6|.I PROF ESSIOI{AL : ACRES DI$TURBES; NEW IMPERVIOUS ARrA: ruir Is Elect Pouer on this Buitding I ves fl HO oF oco,PArtlcY usE? flYEs Elio ***** l{hat ls the }letl Occupancy Type} PH: PH: NC REG $: r.lc RE6 #: DEscRrPTrON oF t,l0RK: E.ect r.c,s10' sheo over ,.rrisaricn puap head ls food or beverages preparad or sery€d in this stnrtursr flves ffi ruo ls ThE Propwty Locatd ln The Flo*dplain? ftves Hl rtro OWNER/CONTRACTOR: r'ran!:', Ardr ea SIGNATURE: (PrirtNffi) IOTAL PROJECT COST: b, 0cc.00 BU|LD|NG HETGHT: 12 '# OF UNITS: i #OF STORIE$: r #OFFLOORS: t TSTALAREASOFT: rur) sqir SAFTpERFLR. 1uu TOTALSQFTUNCIERROOF: J"'.)') #OFSTRUCTURES: . Note; Demolllon notlfice{o*s & agb€stos r€rnovd pcrmf appfcauons ar€ to 06 sub.nnt€d us,ng tre apdhaion bm @HHs-376g) whofor s$ hcfny or bulrd*ro wss f$nd rocortl*ln Agbestos o{ troL You 6re roquirod b csll lh€ Nslhnal EmEsion staldalds for Hararddrs AIr Poltutsna NESiAp) st (gt$iZOz*sSo at teasr iO uays prti to ttredemolltlon of any fadllry or buiknng. s€e Asbesbs w€b slis: hts:IAM M/,epi.slau.nc,ug6plasbsstoslahmp.ht nt s0 rT A -; BFE+Zft= ^ott-14'l I ailffiiior'r f{umber (Offtcs U$e) DATE: 1 i3C t17 PHONI *: gic-Bgg-i ssz zrP::l.in? PK)l,lE fi: 5T:ZTP: 5T: nc ZIPt zB4Ci *:910:7g9-81CS #; g:.0-agg-tar:3 EXST I-AND DTSTURBTNG PERMIT? m yES n NCI SQ TT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERTYUSE: noFFrcr flnesrnumNr fluencaNlLE fJEDUc flepr fJcor.roo orHER/",ru/{ts&su_ y-Argl, mlrpuA fiOOMMUNITYSYSTEM flwELL EzoNINGUsECLA$$lFtcAnoN:SEWER: IJCFPUA T]CENTRALSEPTIC f}ffiiVETESEPTIC A.COUUUNITYSYSTEM PAYMENTMETH0DT fl:cAsH ffcHEcK(pAyAsLEToNHc) ffnuenrcaNExpREss fiucnrrse f,f prscovrn lli**t,*&ttttlatt*tt*tfi*sttlatttttltttlttttatfstrtt*tffttffrrfiltrttlttttatttttttt*ti*t*affar*r (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISED OATE lU11/1?ZONE:_OFFICER;SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:Appmval:_ Crty:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: Commentr Qff4rfu,C.Z,, PEftMIT FEH: $ ith the State 8!icable Slate q6L \-{-#q REcEr ,r\^n,;}'l?i NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaN ryPE: COMITIERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" LICENSE *: NA CITY: carolina Beach APPLICATION Number (office Use) DArE:_!zo;@l_APPLICANT,S NAME: Sonny Russelt DBA: Port City Fence and Rail-ins, LLC DEVELOPER: rhe cape PROIECT ADDRESS: 608 Linksider prive Unit p-1 thru D-6 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : CITY: wilmrnston PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIvlE: tint<sider Townhouse owners Association OWNER'S ADDRESS: 902 rhe Cape Blvd.CITY: wifminston CONTRACToR: Port city Fence and Raifins, LLC PHONE S: ZIP i 284).2 PHONE #: ST: q ZIP:!{I ST: lrc zIPz 2842e PHONE *: et0-232-5453 PHONE #: same ADDRESS: Po Box 1488 EMAIL ADDRESS: portcityfenceGhotmail.com PROJECT C0NTACT PERSONi sonny or Christ (check All That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTToN: ! nlrennrrOH I nenOVnrrON @ Cenrmr- lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? LlYes ll No REPATRS ! nelOCArrOru lS BLDG SPRINKLEREoz Ives Iuo +*:rr'n,rc I5 THIS A IF Yes, what was the Previous 0ccupancy NEI.I CONSTRUCTION: I CNTCT NEW STRUCTURE f]FAsT TRACK ! SXCI-I ! UNTTT ! AOO TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - ThE ShCII Penmit #: oF occuPANcY usE? [ves flNo ***** t'lhat is the New Occupancy TYPe? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: EiIGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: DESCRIPTION 0F WoRK: Replacing deck boards on 1st run of steps, adding kick boards ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structuref [Ves I r.ro ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? [ Ves E ruo DISCHIMER: I hereby certify that all information in this application is correct and all work willcomp-ly wilh the State Building Gode and all other applicable State Subjeaio Fines Up To $500.00..- OWNER/CONTRACTOR: sonny Russerf SIGNATURE: (O@lifier) (Print Nare) contain Asbestos or not. You are required to call the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 6t leasl 10 days prior to the demolition of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: http://www.epi.state.nc.uyepi/asbestos/ahmp.htrnl pRopERTyusE: f]oFFtcE IRESTAURANT f]uencar.rrLE EEDUC leer flcor.roo orHER: WATER: ZCFPUA ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM fIWELL E]zoNlNG USE CLASSIFICATIoN: sEWER: ECFPUA fICENTRALSEPTTC LIPRIVATESEPTIC fICOMMUNITYSYSTEM *'SEPARATE PERiIITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' PAYMENTMETHOD: flCeSH flCHeCX(PAYABLETONHC) [eUenTCnNEXPRESS [UCnnSe EIO|SCOVEn (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:_ RH:- B:_ Approval:-City:-DATE:-FLOOD: - v NgpE+2ft=, CHANGE Type ? Is Elect Power on this Building P ves E ruo NC REG NC REG #: #: PH: PH: TOTAL PROJECT COST: 346s.0c TOTALAREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: - # OF STRUCTURES: # OF UNITS: 7 # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERM|T? [VeS El*O SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT Comment PERMIT FEE: REVISED DATE /U11N2 v* t1 -5\0 RECEIVEDJANSOzClT NEhr HAN',ER couNry BUTLDTNG pERMrr 3ot1 - l'{? 6 APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTION5 APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAME: qlnny RusseJ-l DBA: Port City Fence and Rai-1inq, LLC DEVELOPER: .rhe cape PROIECT ADDRESS: 610 LirJksider prj-ve Unit E-1 thru E-8 CITY: E41g13g OCCUPANT/BUSINE55 NAME : PR0PERTY OWNER'S NAME: l-inrsider Townhouse owners Association OWNER'S ADDRESS: 902 rhe Car:e Blvd.CITY: wilmi-ton CONTRACTOR: Port City Eence and Raj-l-inq, LLC LICENSE *: NA ADDRESS: Po Box 1488 CITY: carolina Beach EtiilAIL ADDRESS : portcityfenceuahotmail. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSONI Sonny or christy ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The 5he11 APPLICATION Number (office Use) DAIE:-!\\ PHONE #: ZlPi284-2 PHONE #: PHONE PHONE ST: ZIPt28472 ST:q zlPi 28428 *i 910-232-54s3 #: same (Check A1I That Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: ! alrrnarrOn f neUOVarrOr E14ruennr- REpArRs ! nelocarron lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cuirent sitez flvef I no lS BLDG SPRINKLEREoz I ves I r.ro NEht CoNSTRUCTTON: I rneCr NEW STRUCTURE E FAST TMCK ! SXer-r- ! Uerrr n mO TO EXrST STRUCTURE Permit #: 'i++*+ Is THIS A IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: CHANGE Type ? t !i *tl. rt Occupancy Type? PH: PH: NC REG #: NC REG #: DESCRIPTIoN OF WORK: Replacing deck boards on 1st run of steps, addinq kick boards BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES: # OF UNITS: u # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: EXSr LAND DTSTURBTNG PERM|T?flveS fJ*O SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERTyusE: f]oFFrcE IRESTAURANT [uenceruILE EEDUC [err flcoruoo orHER: WATER: ECFPUA fICOMMUNITYSYSTEM f]wELL flzoNlNcUSEclsSslFlCATloN: SB^/ER: ECFPUA ECENTRALSEPTTC fIPRTVATESEPTIC ECOMMUNTTYSYSTEM *'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *- PAYMENTMETHOD: ICaSH flCneCr(PAYABLETONHC) f]nUenrCeNEXPRESS [UCnrtSn EOtSCOVen (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE lv11/12 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:- B:_ Approval:-CiW:-DATE:-FLOOD: - v NBFE+2ft= SQ FT Is Elect Power on this Building I ves E uo oF occuPAircY usE? [ves Ir'n What is the New ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structureZ [Ves [ ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? [ Ves f] *o DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all information in this application is correct and all work will comp_ly wilh the State Building Code and all other applicable State Subiect-to Fines Up To $500.00--' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: sonny Russe]l SIGNATURE: (Qualifier) (Print Nam€) Note: Demolition noti{ications & asbestos removal permit applications are to be submined using the application form (DHHS-3768) whether the facility or building was lound to contain Asbestos or not. You are required to catl the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior lo the demolition of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: http://www.epi.state.nc TOTAL PROJECT COST: 3475.00 TOTALAREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: Comment:PERMIT FEE: $. (€" 11-64\RECET'ED rAii' o ffor1-l tto NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIQATION rrPE: COI{MERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT,S NAlt'lE: Sonny Russell DBA: Port City Fence and Raj-Iing, LLC DEVELOPER: .rhe cape PROJECT ADDRESS: 612 Linksider Drive unir F-l rhru F-8 CITY: wit-minsron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI4E : PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: rinxsider Townhouse owners Associati-on OWNER'S ADDRESS: 902 rhe cape Blvd CITY: wilmington CONTRACToR: Port City Eence and RaiIing, LLC LICENSE *: NA ADDRESS: Po Box 1488 CITY: carolina Beach EttlAIL ADDRESS: portcityfenceGhotmail . com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Sonny or Christ APPLICATION Number (office use) DArE:_!l![ PHONE #: ZIP:284:-2 PHONE *: ST:Nc ZTPi284t2 ST: zIPi 28s28 PHONE #: 910-232-5453 #: SamePHONE (check A1] That AppIy) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: ! AlrenArrOU fl neruoVnrroru @ ceuenal lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? l-lYes f-t No REPATRS ! nrlOCarrou lS BLDG SPRINKLEREoz Ives Iuo Is El.ect Power on this Building fl Ves E tto +++'t:r Occuoancv Tvoe? ROOF: BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES: # OF UNITS: I # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: EXSr LAND DTSTURBTNG PERM|T? ftVeS E UO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERTyusE: EoFFtcE ERESTAUMNT lr'aenceuflLE EEDUC f]eer @cor.roo orHER: WATER: ECFPUA f]COMMUNIWSYSTEM EWELL EZONINGUSECISSSIFICATION: SE\/ER: g-CreUe fiCerurnnr- sEPIc f] e-nvnre sEPlc f]coMMUNlwsYSrEM *'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *- PAYMENTMETHOD: flCnSH flCHeCr(PAYABLETONHC) [AUenTCANEXPRESS f]UCnrtSe flOtscoVen (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:- Approval:- CiW:- DATE:- FLOOD: - gpg+2ft1 AVN SO FT ZONE:_OFFICER: NEhl coNsTRucTroN: I rnecr NEht STRUCTURE E FA5T TRACK ! SHer-l f] Uerrr ! mo To ExrsT 5TRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The 5he11 Permit #: cHANcE oF occuPANcY usE? EYEs Ino Type? _ tJhat is the New ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: NC REG #: NC REG #: PH: PH: DESCRIPTIoN 0F tdoRK: Replacinq deck boards on 1st run of steps, adding kick boards ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structuref Eves Elr.ro b The Property Located ln The Floodplain? !Yes El No DISCI-AIMER: I hereby certily that all information in this application is correct and all work will comp]y witn tne State Building Code and 9J! olheJ-aPPl]9,a-b^le State Sub.iectlo Fines Up To $500.00""- OWNEFUCONTRACTOR: sonny RusseII SIGNATURE: (Quali6er) (Print Nare) contain Asbestos or not. You are required to call the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (9 19)707-5950 at least 10 days prior !o the demolition of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: hltp://www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.hrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 3 4 s 0 . 0 0 TOTALAREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER *'i*,i:i Is THIS A IF Yes, what was the Previous 0ccupancy ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: Comment PERMIT FEE: REVISED DATE 4/11N2 HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PE RI,IIT t-742LAPPLIcAtrot ryps: CSTIERCIAL AlslrER att qt ESt ols lp?ucl3t G ro yow prclrrt 'Prorect Responrlbiltty* oerc, 7'1- /7 Plto E tt 7/o-?3J Plot{E 3:loss Sl: t /12tP z ,at / "ryA *:tzr* - SEPARAT€ PERMIS R€oUIRED FoR ErEcI, uEcH, PIBG, GAs EouIP, PREFABS t h,sERII.i PAYr'ENI METHOD: ICASX ICXECX IEAVrSU rO Nrc) EAUENIGAN UPRESS EMCMS^ EIDECIVER (FOt OTFEE USE ONLY) aC1ISEDUAIE a llu ^t3^Il_r-otlj^",I"': sErBACr(s: F: LH: RH:- B:Apploval:- Cty:- DATE:-_,,_ FLOOD:Ll'vr,r: __ _ BFE+2fr= comment:-- :i..uoro* Jotl-lL/8f piiiEiiil llulrbrr (offlc. tx.) APPL ICAIiIT, S DEVTLO'ER ! PIO]ECT ADDiCSS: ocqrPArr/BUgIIIESS Pio?EiTY odt{Ei's ol{ Ei', 9 IDOiESS: PiO]ECT COI{TACT PCRSO{: Exrsr corsrrucrror: B o.nnrrr,. d..ffiid EEil* nrrurc [ rrrccrrrorrRdocdi.,n.b$eresNsrurstcasLineonrhecunernsirer flvi-ftm EBloGspRXGE;;ijvofl11o ilEu cotlsriucrtfi: I rnrcr EN srRucruiE f] rrcr rMcr I sxrr.r f] upru E ,, ,-rxlsT srnucnnE Pt€llE r: PtofiE r: Is Elcct PoGp on this Building Ey€s [xOIS IHIS A CXA 6E Or OCCJI,P${CY t sE I LJ lEs l31l l}0 oto Occupency TtDtl Al't is tlle tlcu Orcup.ncy fyD€? NC nf,G t: IJC REG ': ACCESSoRY STnUCIURE I If UPFIT - The Shcll Per0it *: lf YGt, hrhet Aior 0Esl6t, EX6[ oESIC aaaaa EE th. Prcvio,r Ptoftsslo{At: PIOTESSIO.{AL: b lbod or Derr.''gsr I..F."d or slnad h tttl,r,a,r"r @v"s fito r ne rrogary Locird lnTl." Floodplr"rE;ffi :,sHlH*',#H;*ls*trR,Tdry#ffi ffi ffi#r#ffiffiHfi[ffi,iffi#ffi Hffiffi ffit'#ffiEi#Urlgl[f5F*'*'"o t . , owNER/coNrRAcroe: t /?z{t /. rVV//c.t S;GNATURE: /LJ,. /1{t/r^);/,/(o-t0 . - Z p*'rr.r.1 Not :D.rdltc|tdlrc.dotrt.tbtts rrlo'dFfin4gfi[wrirotrltnfillthgtta.rgacibhtnD;*nmgrf*;r,.ro; il:S**j.d*1"#ffif*r.*rilf;lffitH,1,HH,H*' DESCRIPTIO',I OF IORK: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: - f OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED:- NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 3qn ToTALPROJECTCOBT: 2O)PO BUI.DITIGHEIGHT: TOTALAREA SO FT:-___ SQ FT PER FLR:_r 0F uN[s: t q sroRtEs:{otFLooRs:- E{sT IAND DFnRBlrc EnilrnfiyEs I xs EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AnEt - SQ FTpRopEnwgtE: $rrcr EnesrauMlr fluencanrru Eeouc Earr Ebnoo orurnpRopEnwuf;E: LpFFEE LlREsrAuFAtn luenca,nrru Eeouc Earr Ebx yAH. ffif,fi En$ffiT[FA*b Fffi.,*" DBf,liffi#:tHEZONING uSE qAsStFtCATtoN:---- 'r?1 -* EIIAII. ADDNESS: ApPLICtTtqi l{unbat (offlcr tr.) APP]TCA|JT,S DEVELOPER 3 Mit: PiO]ECT ADDNCSS: oCcUPofi /IUSIIIESS MriE : PioPERTY Olo{Ei,s ilAttE: o|mEi's ADOiESS: CO'TTRACTOR 3 ADDiCSS : ETUIL ADDRESS: PiO]ECT CONTACT PEiSOI: If UPFrT - The Sh€Il Perrit t: If Yct, hlhet Aror DEsrdJ EIC DESIGII yat thc Prryiour Elect PoICr on this Buildtng E y€s [m tl5Er Erts [m ..... lrhlt & thc Xan occupancy lypa? t r ZltAlJ - /r,{.,, lwc ws c, Pl{)t{r ZIPz*+g t: ST3 Zl9: PT0FESSIO{AI: PrcrESStottAt: DESCRIPTION OF }OR( : {FritrXri.lHfffi ffi*j"':mffiJ::HH3mtlI":*Y-X-T.TIH lg9l319r *,.orr ur bd,ry oi ld,rr *., brdh;ffi ffi f$;ffi X-.ffi,trX*liPHg.:.*t*Sp.*#';fi i#HTHI'HHfJ6t|tEl|biof .rry tdlty q h,|dfu. 8.. AlEno. uf6 sr.r rOt ,r.erur.r*.rl+ll..*&tliliil (FOR OFFICE t.|sE ONLY)RSiSEDO^iE a wI9-[f-oF[!ER'-p SETBACKS:F: LH: RH: s, -- BFE+2ft= { NEW HANovE* .orrrrffiffi=J1*, ao,+. l+B? AppLrc trdt ry"r: COil{ERCIAL PIEASE ^]Sl'lEi Atr eUrSrrOxS A?rUcA8[f rO V)Un pi0]rcl CITYr LICE}ISI r: IS TllIS A CI{I}'GE Or OCCUPA'ICY Occuprocy T,rcl ,,*t:.:42r%* sxerr I urr11 5 ADD ro Exrrr smucruE Appmvat: _ CJIy:-DATE: FLooD: |ERMIT FEE:3 t{E}, co sTRucTIO{: ACCESSORY STRUCIUiE; NEl{ STNUCIUiE icapon!lbility" Exrsr coiErru.'ror: I rlrrnrrror 6 nruiiiiirf iiEit. . arrurs I iEpcArtof{ rf Rebcarrn, b trerea Nsrups Line onrre bu,'enr sirer fivFftrlors BIDG spRfial;l;;[jvo ftruo (thrrtAllntrFly) b llt propcrf Locild tr no nooO6f,f [Ves ffi ::=:X::,P::.F".13:31 Euencexnu fiewcElerr f]5les o'u" E; wArER: 0&CFPUA fIOOMMUNrYS\ETEM t--lvr,Er SEWER: fi GFPUA EC€NIRAL SEPTIC $e-nnrarr SemC. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIFED TOR EICT. UECH, PI3G, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS I IIIISER]! " PAYXTENT METIIOD; flCeSX ftamencar ocREss Errc,vtsA fi orscwen ffi a?PllcAflr's Nrrltr: DEVELOPEN: PiOJECT ADDNESS: occuPAraT/BUS$lEJs lulrE : PiogEnw od Ei',s tlar.tt: o En'S ADDRESS: 3ll? cornAcToB: ADDNESS : E tAtL ADOiEss: PBOJ ECT CO}JTACT PIBSOTJ : ACCESSORY STiUCIlriE: rf uPrrT - Thc shcll ff Yrr, lrrat lar tltr Prtrdour GcspaDcy ft?rt q€a \1 -?7\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PER',IIT APpLIcAt ot nar: COJSIERCIAL Pttast aiErlrn atr Q(,tsuotrs Ap?ltc 8!G to yotn pm:rcr .prorcct Rcaponsibitlty- CITY: '.K)o)\LICCIGE T: fu1-t+s1 APPI.ICAIIO{ l{uabrr ue tXt 4o3 Exrsr coi'rf,ucrlor{, B[ ar.rruuon tr r*JiiX;'#i tiHit 'Rsbc,bn,b$erea,usru,stoosr-ineJn;;#;;EtHfr ;'Jt,ltJ,fiqnF*fituffffi ,*n*" ilElr cot{sTnucTror: I en:cr NEU sTRrrcruRG I rrcr rnrcx I sxEtt E upFrrE ,, ,I-ror, ,, 'ctrv; triln,r,.t7fT xzdue tAth{tttrlr tzqto. A)l: Zijo PlOllE t:: .r "'.. ts rrtrs l cxe $ or oco,Plry tlsE? lEFrrs 17s.,... Gviour occup.ncy r)?rr ft@ih_ nfr r. drfi- occupr1gy ry!€i _ PHi PH: err|ra a,4to'411 '3nq+ ST: ,/iD ZtP: 1 a,a c: ,: AiO{ DESIGN Etlcg OESIOI PtoftsstofiAt : PNOTESSIOi{AL:I,I' REG IJC RtG DESCRIPTION OF IORK: b tbo{, or DGv.ftgG. [(Ep.lrd or sGwsd h Urt rrurm? flves [f(o b ftc progeny toctr,ln ltrc Foo@h?Eyca 3SH"fS,l5pJ,:?gm;JJHHT#ffi*E##ffi #,#,ffi #ffi.*HHt'sl$ Eisurlg sm*' *"''"o owl{ERToNTMCToa:L414 SIGNAWRE: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:- SQ rf O{SI,NG tMpERvOUS eq^," ' - ' * '-- t;r '- ,O ,, (o-r., fri.lt".l Notr: Dstlolt oa rdbdon t |rt .toa lliovtt ,.lftn 4pbtbr ri ro b r*ffirsffi HLHHfr* ToTALAREASOFTi - t<oo _s.9lT_!FnFLnr_ *orsrorue$ ToTALSO FT UNDEF RooF:- rOF sTRuCTUR- r""|&E: ACRES DISTURBED: O E .,T .AND DlSIURgrte r.o.."r, t-t-,- -*Er^,,rr,,EDvdrs apEA. -.--..^u?-1tT1?Ne ftnNmfl\t5 ffiq ZoNE:-oFIlcER, ::=. GoSffi[j,Ht ar,-RH.- B: RGT,*GDD^]E*',, Approval:- Otty:-Oafg'-__, FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2ft= commenr---Avtt-eenunree,s-]$ ! ::i:rAZ, P::. F:=.*r*or fimencarnre Eeouc Epr Ebroo orn.o_ti,r,,r,iL.J !'AF';EtHUlE*$[HT[*E*b,E*ffi,.*Dffi,li]f*Y3ffi rrf mx: ..SCPARAIEPERMITSREoUIREDToBaEcI.uEcH.P[aG,GAsEoUIP.PREFessrINsg,...,/ pAyl.rEirr METHOD: flCrSx Egnro< teavaar ro rtrcl ftruenrun prpness'El(c/vrs,r E orscoven DATE:L/ tr s3l'&)o (Off!(. ur.) AppUcANT'S NAME: Bill clark Homes of wilm PRoJECT ADDRESS ': 2t2: C:- RECE lt--i; 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" LLC g;1y; Wilmington s71s. 0210312017 Lori: ZC> | pHoNE #: 910.350.1744 7p.28403 SUBDIVISION: pROpERTy OwNER,S NAME: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 cry: Wilmington CONTRACTOR: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC sroc Lrcrilsr r. 34586 ADDRESS: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 20'1 EMATL AODRESS: cbain@billclarkhomes.com pRSJECT CONTACT pERSON: Courtney Bain EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration I Renovation n General Repairs NEw CoNSTRUCTION' Ei4rect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation dtoto"r"r"(sF) qqtl O Det Gara8e (sF) E Sunroom (SF)Pool (SF) Deck {SF)E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No Description of Work:new constructjon of sinqle familv residence slTy; Wilmington St: NC zrp. 28403 pxorrrs: 9'10.350.1744 p11sx9.910.350.1744 OJECT'i| - - -t - lZ2^ i**oUri'ia't = D tr ! Storage Shed (SF) tr other (sF) ToTAL sQ FT UNDERRIII llor prcposea wortl xeatea: i,6l-l unfreatea: -l 6 \ TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes 6/no ,, ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure D 1ts D-ttlo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas LDeon the current site? D yes ffio lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No ,t' Property use/ Occupancy: El Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services center will be notified ofany chan8es in the approved plans and specifications or change in contrador information. **TNOTE: Anywork perlormed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subjed to flnes up to S500.0o"* owner/contractor; Courtney Bain Signature: setbacks (Fl _ (l-H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ "Licensed QuoliJie/' tuint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? A V., gd Existing lmpervious Area, .---.--- sqFt rotatAcres Disturb"a, O'I I New tmperviousA r"^, -)-.tfl!/sq rt Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: A y", Ai // WATER: Ef CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well D Aqua -a'-SEWER: EfCFPUA E community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: Approval: _ City: Commenti Date:Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Permit ,"",r[Ftg PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: APPLICANI' 5 DEVELOPER: COI{TRACTOR ADDRESS: l€,"-ien NE[^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIOfl rypf ; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI,ISI,IER AI-I, QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT ect Responsibllity" ELOCK #: CITY:ti ;( ) o*oJ A,...- Ll-e l.^.6 ^c 4..- RECEIVEDI.1 ?':I(€2ffi PHONE oAr* 2-/o-/'7 LOT 8: %81q1 APPLICATION tlumben (office Use) i,l-553 / lJLzw, )R/o/; s: PROPERTY OT{IVER' S 0t {ER,s AooREss: 7 70l^ oL/"Q ae-', sr:!LGrp: *:EI,IAIL ADDRESS; PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: PHON E PHONE f:12r- 351?\ *'PLEASE CHEC(ffi, oo*e, ! suunooll EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: ! arrrnArrOru ! nercvnrrolr ! crrurRal nrearns ! RELocATToN NE!,I CONSTRUCTIO N, fr{AECT NEW RESIDENCE o" ! aooTTToII To EXISTING RE5IDENCE BELO}I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: sF ! oer canacr ,, 6o r, 2) Q sr ! eoor- - sr rorAl HEATED 'q '"r, 2 slrorAL sQ Fr UNDER noor,3j os, ToTAL PRolEcT CoST qress rory : $ -Zi S ,C.ea # oF sToRrEs: _ ! cneennouse - sr ! orcr Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUllEIl{G or IIECHAI,IICAL Wo.k Being Done If the project is a Relocatior), is there a Natural Is there tlectrical Power on this Building? l-'] Yes dr*oru ranrrv ! ouelrx fl DISCLAIMER: lhoroby c6rtfy hatsll inbrmatjon h hls spplicaton b corrocland allworkwi[ complywih he Sr,ai€ AuiEing Cods and a0 ot|€r apptacablo Siab and locallaws AIIO ANSI{ER 6qC SF r,^--l- /:€sf: SF! sronacr sxro oTHER: A{5F SF orAL AREA ,q ,r,3(o o S structure? [ vut [ruo cument site? !v"r [ruo ) to the Accessory Gas Line on the Eruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPAT.ICY: OESCRIPTION OF WORK:I and ordinances 8nd rcgulalloru. Tho NHC Oovolopmonl S€rvjcos Cenbr willb6 nolifi€d otanychang€s in tre app.oEd phns and specilicatoos or cnapo6 in contracbrorffiffi#fil'\::.., H'd."x SIGNATURE: * +*:* **:l r.:r*:i,i,*,r.* ** * * *r* * *** *(!l'll lil",lr * * *, * ** * * *******9n***9.ffi**,i,l*+*,***,i,i*,i*)r***,i*,i,i rs rHE pRopERry LocArED rN a rlooopr-lrl? l-'l yes d* y'' EXISTIIIG IMPERVIOT,S NNEA: 8 7( 2 Sq rr ToTAL AcREs DISTURBED: , I < NE[.I IJ,iPEryIOU5 AREA: 5, ( Z 5Q FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PTNMTT: J'] VES J-I UO-/- wara.: {g;nue ! comururw svsrrr,r I pRrvArE I^,ELL ! crrrnal wrll sEuERt WcFpuA ! crurnnl seerrc ! pRrvArE sEprrc f] commuNrw svsrrm }*i SEPARATE PERI1ITS REQUINEO FON ELECT, IIECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS '*' payr,rElr nErtoo: fl cosx flcrecx (pAyaBLE ro txc; I ar.rearcaN ExpREss E nclvrsa fl orscorr* ,* *)t* *,i,t,tt+)t + + + * * ++* ++ * * +,t rt,i,t * * * )t )i )t )** + + *,i I * i,i * +,tt +,tt ri(,t t )t )i *,i *,*,* * ,i,i * + ,t +,* ,* + *,| * * )t rt *,t )t,*,*+ + +* +*,t+ (FOR OFFTCE U5E O{rY) SETBACKS: F: LH: REVTSED DATI O4l 11/ 12 RH:- B:ZONE: Approval: OF F ICE R: City:DATE :BF E+2ft= Corment : '^Jr7l\0, r cPflra- FLOOD: J.*rrr rrr, $-Jga CITY: )otl- I DATE: DmNE * ?/0- LOT NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI(N TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AJ{ TER ATL QUESIIOTs APPLICAALE To Y(},R PRO]ECT "Project Res ponsibilitf APPLICATTO l&mber (Office Use ) APPLICAITI'S DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: suEDrvrsro{ : PROPERTY (X{ER's O {ER's ADDRESS:CITY: LICENS E #: PIoNE *: q/A- t/tl3-30 /l s't: N;zrP: JNt//l s'ttlLLzrP; JtllS P}0NE *: ,/lO-A7q-6765 PrDirE *: ltO- lZ 1' A'26 S CTTY:(EIiIAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: * OF STORIES: I Gas Line EI*o ztP':;Kql ExrsTrr{G cor{sTRrJCTro : I llrunarrou I nrxovarror ! ornrnal nrnarns f] RELocATToN NEhr corr6TRucTrot: [l rnrcr NE]l RESTDENCE o" f] amrrror To ExIsuNG RESIDENCE ..PLEASE CHEC( ! arr anae r AM) AIISTdER BELO}I ALL T1{AT APPLY TO Y(I'R PRO]ECTI sF E oer eanaee sr Ieoncr 147,5 sr I suunoon SF fl coor- - sr l-l sroRacr snro SF SF! eneruncusr _ sr f] oecr 5F OTHER: rorAL HEATED sqfi: iA48 TOTAL PROIECT COST 6ess rcry : $ - rorAr sQ Fr rn{DER aoor. 1377,5 rorAl AREA sq rr. i377,5 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLt IBIiG or ltBClU[iICAL t,ork Being Done to the Accessory St.uctu.e] [ VeS ffi ffO Dls:cLAI{ER I heGDy cenify ba al anbrmatbn in his spptaa!fi b cfiec! ar d work vril co.nply wit| &e sble tuihing code and al oher applicable saE dd bcallaws and odhaEs and Ggulatbos The NHC De\rebpnenl SeNiL:es CenEr lil be notfed ofany drd€es h tne 4prD,red pbns a'd specificahs or change h cont-acbr or If the project is a Relocation, is there a ltatural Is there Electnical Powen on this Building? EYes on the Current site? [ ves [t lo PROPERTY USE / DESCRIPTIq{ OF OCCUPAI{CY: I'IORK: cootacbr hirrmaliro. "'NOTE: Any llbrft Perbrmed W0 he ApgopriaE Permats wf, be in Vbbtb.l or tle NC Stat NEil lrpERutqrs nea: /3'77,5 q n EXIST LAID DTSTURBITS pERntT: I-'i yES n rp hrrarER: f| cFpuA E ccrf,m,lrry sysrEM E pRwarE I{ELL f] cemnar war sewen: I creua I cE]rrRAL sEprrc [l cnrvlrr srnrrc I co$ifirw sysrEr.t *** SEPAIIATE PErulTTS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, HECH, PLEGJ GAS EQUIP' PREFABS & pAyrEf,r ,lErt{(xr: ! asn fi orro< (pavaBLE n urcl fl arrnron :xercss I xcfvrsl f] ,rsco** * 'i,*+ *,t+ *,t+,i *d.*+ **** *:i * ** ** +*++ *+* * *** * '*** * *** *** * ****** * ** * *a* *+*+* +*** **:t +***,t*,t* ** )ti. ** ZONE :OFFICER: Apprcvaf :_ City:_ CqrEent: (roB oFFrcE ust o{LY) SETBACKS: F: f,EyISED OATE O4l11/12 B: N PER IT DATE:- FLOOD: LH: RH: BFE+2ft= ,rr,r&!LL{ CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: IS THE PROPERW LOCATED II{ A FLO@PLATN} N YEs ffi TO EXISTIT{G ITPERVTdTS AREA: & SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTITRBED: i/a 20/7- /L/ ?? L7 -400NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAflAN TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PIEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTTONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibili$' Appficatl0n Number (office use) 2t3t17 pROIECTADDqg55; 7476 Chipley Drive CITY:Wilminqton 71p-284.11 SUBDIVISION: Jlgserve at West Bay tOTfl: 101 pROpERw OWNER,S NAME: D.R. Horton, lnc pHoNE *:910-612-7127 owNER,s ADDRESS: 7483 Chipley Drive 91ry; Wilmington 4s.28411 CONTRACTOR; D.R. Horton BIDG LtcENsg s. 29676 ApDRESS: 7483 Chipley Drive EMAIL ADDRESS: sdgunn@drhorton.com TOTAT SO FT trNDfR ROOF {for proposed workl Heatedt 322f Ctw:lVifmington ST: NC 71p. 28411 PHoNE: 91A-il2-7127 pROJISTCONTACTpERSON: Sean Reynolds pHONE: EXISTING CONSTRUCflON: n Alteration D Renovation il General RepairsI NEW COI{STRUCTIOf{: \S Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence il Relocation Mon Garaee (sF) C Sunroom{SF}_ tl poot(SF) D Greenhouse {SF}.- droecr< tsrl ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint?$ yes D I 910-524-1689 389 105 105 . Storage Shed (SF) I other{sF} Unheatedr 599 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less l-ot): $ 2041 10 I ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? $ Ves EI tto I ls any Electrical, Plumbiag or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E ves [J tto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas tie on the current site? E Ves U ruo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes \0 no Property Use/ occupan.y,{ singt" Family [3 Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: New sinqle family residence laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. a'*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S500.00n.' Det Garage (SF) _ "Licensed Quolifier"Print Name I ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E no Existing lmpervious Area: - 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .r, , New tmpervfus Area: 2536 5q p1 Existing Land Disturbing permat: I ve, tr ruo WATER: VrCtrro E Communiry System O private well B Central Well Et Aqua SEWER: M arrUo E Community System E private Septic E Centraf Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Offirer: Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (BI _ ApprovaL City; -- Date: _ Flood: {A} (V} _ (N} _ BFE+2ft= Comment:t , b?/, . fb Permit Feet$ ..' lv 'u ' - APPLICANT'S D.R,