FEBRUARY 20 2017 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONSHANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LTCATION TYPE.. R ESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI4ER ALL QUEST]ONS ADPLTC$LE TO YOUR PROf,EfT..pro:iect Res pons ibil.iq,P2 ?e+neE56 APPLTCATTON Numbe r (office Use) NEId APPLICANT,S NAJ,IE: DEVELOPER; PRO]ECT ADDR SUBDI\ESION: ESS: -/ D4 PHONE *: L zTP:) F"'o/ DATE: CITY: BLO Cl( +: .---".- LOT *: PROPERTY O}JNERJ S I,I,A}IE: O,|^lNERr S ADDRESS: ' CONTRACTOR: :t 8<o/o'(4 - J .1 <A ee- Z CITY; LTCETIS E #: CTTY; sr.:ftL zre .2 /z/A 7 {2 ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS; PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTII1G CONS]TUCTION: ACCOUNT*:r-- t ztP PHON E ?)- )3 J eHolre *{ *lbZle:-_E I ERATION I nelrovarroru [ oerrrenal aeearns I RELocAr]oN t'lEl,i C0IETRUCTI0N;RECT NEhl RESIDENCE or I aoorr:or* To EXISTING RESIDENCE**PLE EC( Al'lD AHS$IER BELOl,t ALL THAT Apply TO yoUR PROJECT: ATT GARAGE )31 sr suNROqq --.- sF GREENHOUSE --.-"- SF DET GAR,AGE --.-.- SF P@L -- 5F ltLPOR'U STORAGE SHED ...- SF SF TOTAL HEATED sQ FT: ._- ToTAL SQ FT UNDER RooF:'7 TOTAL AREA SQ FTT TOTAL PROJECT COST (uass Lo0 . $ l)7 0OO + oF SToRIES I J Is Ahy ELECTRICAL , PLUI'IBING or MECHTd{ICA! Work Being Oone to the Accessony Structure? E yesIf the project Is there El"ectrical powen on this is a Relocationr !s there a NaturaL Gas L o the cur,nent site? n yes AG--ilding? f-lyes No PRoPERW USE / occupAtlcy I SINgLE FAMILY f] ouer-u l-] roruu.louse DESCR]PT]ON OF WORK:G- (zr DlSeT3lMER thorobycoajry hita[ inbr,nadonin ,li$€pplicaton bcq?oc!and alt*orkvi comptywitr ho S6rs Buitd i'rg (tEe and ail ortpr.A)lica blo SBb srd b(:ll Ia*Ecnd oldinancosand rogulatjons, Tho NHC Dor€lopmont S€rvic€6 C€nEr willb€ notfrod oiany chengoe h h6 approvod ptan6 anC spcciticer'ons orch ange h conn-dcbror oi{NER/CONIRACTOR: conr€clrr mbmaton, -.NOTEi Any illb+ violadon ol$e NC.lBb I ds 1// .z re u, t /-1 <tlt,. . SIGiIATURE: iJ Li ro S500.oCr" 9:tf ntwseo oate e</rrl:z ** * 1: *** * * *+** + * ** ** +***++**+****+*+*:F****+****+*:t+*ir::r****x***** ZONE: A.pprova.l: r (\071 Lrnn/J * * ** * * * * t. **.x t *:i:l'i'lf (or$l "*'s;Plnata PEA\.ITs REQUIRED FOR ELECT liEctt, pLB6, GAS EQrrp, PREFAES & rt{-sERTS *++ PAY'{ENT HETHOD:U CAsH n cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc)I e:lu rcca.rrr FTClvfSA I orscovea****&*:*****:i*************t*:Fx;t ***********:f *** ******r )t*x* *****x ICER: Cjty: ff\ I LL- t (FCA OFFICE LtSt OfLV; I s :_!_*'-3J*",35 DATE; / Corynent: o -E qS i,TrI br LOOD: PERJ4IT FEE: S n nfl oecx _-- SF OTHER: IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? T-'] YES E T,TO EXISTING I PERVTOUS AREA: -.--SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEI^I rJ'lPERWous AREA: =.- sQ FT E{rsr LAI{D DrsruRBri,}G ornr."* 5 ygs [--:l ruo *TATER: L_l cFpuA LJ ccnr,vulrrw svsriN f, pRfvATE I,ELL I c:rrml wrlL- SENER: LJJ CFPUA I CCTTNAI SEPTIC N PRIVATE 5EPTIC [] COI.,IIUTIW SVSTE,V X 1FE+2fr.= *(-p t 'V 2ol1 --1 I' l-. / II I )L\l APPLICATION NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIaATION TTPF: COIV]IIERCIAL .LEASE Al,lSllER ALL Qt ESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PSoIECT -----lProject Respoosibilit l{unber (office use) APPLICANT,S NAI{E: Ttvlc TayIor DATE:1/30 / 207 t DEVELOPER: CITY: wllminqLon PHONE S: (910)342-0602 ZIP i 284a3 ST: Nc ZIP: 284c1 PHOIIE #: _pf!.13!l:1131_ PHONE #: (er.0)7??-0825 PRoJECT ADDRESS: 2129 wriqhrsvllle Ave OCCUPANT/BUSIiIESS NAiIE: DoqB Ar play PROPERIY OWNER'S NAl,lE: whltnev Doremus OI4NER, S ADDRESS: 2 1 2 ADDRESS: 1406 casr.le ltayne Road EiIAIL ADORESS: ccoleoLmctavlor LICENSE #: 18885 CITY: wilminqton PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: chris cole (che.k Alr nrrt Apply) EXIST CONSIRUCTION:tr ALTERATION RENOVATION ,"Fffi^'RELOCATION rreneoz fl v.. ffiruo REPAIRS lf Relocatlon, is ihere a Natural Gas Llne on the Current Slte?IS BLDG SPRIN NEW cor{sTRucrrsr: f] rnecr NE}r srRUcruRE ! rlsr rnacx I snru ! urrrr f] ADD ro ExrsT STRUCTURE ACC EssORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheU Permit fi:Is ELect Power on this Building E Yes E Ho ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Replace Btorm damaqed sldiDq and roofinq lE food or bqremgpG tropel€d or serv8d ln thls strucuez Q v"" [[ No bThe Propqty Located ln fln Floodplah?ff ves frlruo 0ISCLA m: lh€rBbr c€rdfy lh8l alllnfomadon ln this applicarion lsconecr srd sllwork yrill comdy wllh rha Siste B.rlldln€ Code Bnd all other appl coble Sr.ere ard loc.al laws and ord,nanc€s 6nd'eoularhris. The NHC Develooment S€rvicos C€ntor wfllb€ notifi€d ol aflv chanoeSln fi€ soorov€o olans and soeci'icalons o, chanqe ln clntraclol o( conuaclor lilollml:on. "'NOTE: Any Wo* Performed WO lne Approprlale Pemfu wlll 66 h violaUoi ot theNC S:ale Bldg Cod€ and Suojecllo Fines Up To1500.00-' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: cn,rs core Commert SIGNATURE:((rl*) 0ndrbE) Nolr: D€molidl mficaiohr A ab€sbs r.novll p6.mh appllcadoN *eb bo lubrnltbd uslm tt6 applkation lorm (DHHS376") wrroth*r|€ fadlhy or hiHtp wa! foud io conbln A!b6to5 of nol You arE rsquhEd & cal tha Natmal Embslon Sldl(hrd8 br tlazeddE Aa Poluants (NESHAP) at (910)707-5S60 at le6st l0 daF Flor b rh6 d€lnolltlon olany lbcllly or bulUl,lg. S€€ Arbestos Web SI€N titpr $rfl.ad.li.b.llc.l!/epyasb6to6,fEhmp,hlrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: .10, ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: 1s # OF UNITS:1 TOTAL AREA SO FT :SQ FT PER FLR: 2 . Eoo #OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SQ Fr UNDER ROOF: 2.600 #OFSTRUCTURES:1 # OF FLOORS;1 ACRES DISTURB ED: N/A Exsr IAND DrsruRatHo eenurrre f] ves f[Ho NEW IMPERVIOITS AFEA: N/a SO FT E(STING IMPERVIOUS AREA:N/A SQ FT pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE I nesmuRarr f]UrncnHrru Eeorc n npr f]@NDO OTHEFI eet Daycare WAIER ECFPUA sEvl/ER m cFPrlA N'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECII. PLBG, GASEOUIP, PREFAAS & INSERIS "' pAyMEt{T METHOD: pCnSn ffiC+reO< (PAYABIE TO NHC) fieUenrCAru oeReSS E MCM${ fi OSCOVTn (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REVISED B'|TE 1/1,IN2 ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS:F: LH: RH:-B: Approval_ Clty:- DATE:- FLOOD: - BFE+2IF- N ff coMMUNrTy S\4SrEM flWEtI IIZONTNG USE CLASSTFTCAIoM _E CENTRAL SEPTIC LIPRIVATE SEPTC ECO 'MUNITY SYSTEM CrUr0 U- PERMIT FEE:\(]J.C\) PHONE *: J!!:l_l!3::3:!_ CITY: E lEi!s!g!__ ST: Jg- ZrP: 28403 C0 TRACTOR: r4C raylor ***.* rs rHrs A cMfiGE oF occupatcy user ffves fr no -.--- IF Yes, lrhat rlas the Prevlous Occupancy Type? .- tftat ls the New Occupancy Type? _ Pl-l:_ NC R€G #: _PH:_ tlc REG *: _ l l 1 I I i i i I ffi Appt"lCANT,s NAME. Plantation Building Corp NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A PP Ll CAT I ON TYPE; RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect Responsibility" ?or7- /57tb L7 -44L Application Number (office use) 2nfi7Date PROJECT ADDRESS: 5033 Dockside Drive C,Ty. Wilmington 28409ZIP sUBDtvtstoN: Helms Port 26LOT S: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Eric & Alecia Barbee 91 0-452-7 1 57PHONE $ owNER,s ADDRES5. 893.1 Shipwatch Dr,cry. Wilm ington up:?112. CONTRACTOR; Plantation Building Corp 6A712BtDG LICENSE fl ClTy. Wilmington sr, \C ztr 28401ADDRE5S: 314 Walnut St. Suite 200 EMATL ADDRtss: roseman @plantationbuitdingcorp.com PHONET 910-763-8760 PRoJEcr coNTAcr pERsoN. \{ill weir PHONE. 910-599-5462 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration - Renovation - General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: /f rect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *IIPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJEcT'** o7Ebl,,Att Gara8e (SFl "' " I Det Garage (SF) Eforch (SF)405 n Sunroom {SF)-*-- ll Greenhouse (5F)_!.-Other {sF)163 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes I No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work) Heatedi 4111 unheated, 1408 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot); S 735,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E ves D ttto ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure fl yes E No lf the project is a Relocition, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildtng? E}4s tr ruo I Pool (SF) n Deck (SF) I storage shed (sF)_ Property Use/ De5c.iption of occupancy: p'single Family E Duplex n Townhouse 1111or1. Build a single family home rivith an attached garags laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developfient Seruices Center will be notified of any chsnges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information 'r*NOTET Any work performsd wlthout the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subjeat to ftnes up to SS0O.O0+.* Owner/contractor: Angela Roseman Signature: "Licensed QuoIiliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? E fes fl No Existin8 lmpervious Area: 0 Sqrt Total Acres Dlsturbedr'50 New lmpervious Area:6500 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Pe,mit: Ely'e, tr No WATER: g4FPUA El community system E private Welt D Centrat We E Aqua SEWER: O/CFPUA EI Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks {Fl _ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: -- Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= --Comment:Permit Fee: S /q Vi. cE RECEIVED FtB 13 2O]7 lfl ilr-a' )a E NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT ION TY PE: RESIDENTIAL PI IA\I ANSWER AI L OULSTION5 APPII(.ABT[ IO YOUR PNO,JTC-I "Projcct ResponsibilitY"{oftr(e use) t C oate /'lo'1|APPLICANT'5 NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: 22 CITY ztP 7zU SUBDIVISIONi PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMT;Clqnrnqin " br; 5 tY1;'\rout \f$wz owNER's AoDREss' Iqze2 '.r)l/fcL,\ co N r RA cro R : f I r,Skp!--.- ? PH lo.???.111 71 nq{an. PC zp 2t4o7C ITY J A D DR ES5: Dr PROIECT CONTACT PERSON B;)l Gris*ar#o- -IExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration 0<. Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: - Erect New Residence a Addition to Existing Residence --. Relocation * * * PLEAS€ CHEC( ANO ANSWER BELOW ATL THAT APPLY TO YO UR PROJ ECT" T T LOG IICENSE # c sI: Ft-ztP:8H8o HoNEr qlo ,?3<.j oGI PHONE 1p.<s3.zat -. Att Garage (SF) _ j sunroom (SF) I Greenhouse {5F)_ tr Det Garage (5F) _ :l Pool (SF) : Deck (sF) : Porch (sF) I Storage Shed iSF)_ f other (sF) ls the proposed work changinS the existinB footprint? n Yes ff No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Aealedi @ unheated: l53C TOTAL PROIECT COST {Less Lot): S ooo------- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? O yes E tto ls any Electrical, PlumbinS o. Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re D Yes E No lf the project ls a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes El No l5 there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No 5otr P.operty Use/ Occup Descriptlon of work: SinB Famlly E Du lex E Town 5ean + D'I3 6.iM @tt i;+&* t1 rnlormanon. "'NOTE: Any work ,erformed withoul the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC St Code and subjecl to fines up to S5m 0C"' Owner/Contractor "tcensed Quolilier" ?Llr,'l+1.-Signature: Print udmie ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes [B No Eristing lmpervious Area:72oo 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed:L) New lmpervlou5 Area:o Sq Ft ar lawr and ordmances and reSulrtroos. -rhe NHC Oevelopment Services Cent€r will be notified ot any change5 in the approved plans and speciticatrons or chaoge rn aontractor WATER: Q CFPUA D Community System E Private Well E CentralWell E lqua sEwER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem D PrivateSeptic E Central Septic D Aqua zonei _ _ offlcer: __ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) __ (RH) -- (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Oate: ___ Flood: (A) __ {V) _ (N) _ BtE+2ft= _ Comment Permit Fee: S bT)-' CITY l EMAIL ADDRE55T Existing Land Disturbing Permit: EI ves E ruo Nrr,*fu<o-rJHcr")orl*15tL L#!T APPLICATION Number (offlce Use) o NEh,I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSU]ER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NA[ilE: tlew ttanover county Property Management att: xevin caison DATE: 01 20 2 017 DEVELOPER:Bordeaux Construction C an PHONE #: 9a0-7 62-2060 PROIECT ADDRESS: 24 N rhird sr CITY: Wilminqton ZIP i 2840t oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIitE: 'l. Al.Ien cobb Judiciat Annex (par:kinq T,ot) OWNER'S ADDRESS: 2oo Division Diive CITY: llilnington CoNTRACTOR: Bordeaux construction company LICENSE *: 92 6 6-U ADDRESS: 135 E Martin st CfTY: Raleiqh ST: Nc zIP i 27 60L EMAIL ADDRESS: bencbordeauxconst ruction . com PHONE #: 9t0-162-2060 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: watson snider PHONE #: 970-'7 62-2060 (check AU That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Llns on the Curr€nt Site?tr Yes Em IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?ffiv"" flr,,ro NEhl coNsrRucrron: ! rRecr NEtlt srRUcruRE I rasr rnncr f] snrr-l I unrrr f] ADD To Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: I o ozr If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: IF yes, ubat uas the Prevlous occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGI'I PROFESSTONAL: *r'*** rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupANcy usrr fives flNo ***** rs Elect Power on this Building E Yes fl wo Ulhat is the New Occupancy Type? PH:NC RE6 #: state 8u Cod€ and allothor applicable Ststo chanoos i will 5e in ofth6 EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL:PH:NC RE6 S: DESCRIPTION 0F t^iORK:furp-rah'qn - ls food or beverages prepared or sorvod ln thls structure? lves [l ruo b The Propo]ty Located ln The Floodplaln? [ ves fl ruo DISCLAIMER: I horoby certify that all informalion in this applicalion is corect and 6ll work will comDtv with the and local laws and ordinances and requlallons. The NHC DeveloDment Servic€s Center will be notifl6d of anvor chanoe ln contractor or contractor informatlon. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed w/O tho Appropriate PermllsSublectlo Flnos Up To $500.00"' plans and ai€clflcatlons Nc srar€ BIdo Codo and n OWNEFYCONTRACTOR:kn v'l&tt SIG €lE,i,Lr) (Pffi rl.r|€) Nolo: Damollton notlficauoru & asbos!06 llmoval pomlt sppllcadons olE to bo submltbd uslrE tho sppllcadoh conbln Asb.sbs or not You a'o EqulrEd lo call th6 NaUonEl Emls.slon Stendsrd3 tbr Haz€rdou3 Alr pollutEhb domolnhn o, any fEdlity or bulldlng. Seo Asb€.b. Wsb Sh6: htts/w.6pl.siaie.nc,us/6pya8b€€t6/.hmp.htnl ToTAL PRoJECT cOsT: $164.846 BUILDING HEIGHT: TOTAL AREA SO FT :SO FT PER FLR: - TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ # OF STRUCTURES: -- ACRES DISTURBED: .1] !C Exsr LAND Drsrunarruo eeRurrr fives [J Ho NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:13. sBs SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 14, OOO SO FT PRopERryusE: florrrce Enesrnunmr luencaNr[e leouc nepr n CONDO OTHER: PARKTNG WATER: EICFPUA SEWER: @ CFPUA *,SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHOD:lcnsu flcHecxleevneLETo NHc) lruenrcnru o<enrss flucruse Iorscovsn tHffi (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY}ZONE:_OFFICER:_SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOT,_ o , N BFE+2ft= ECoMMUNTTYSYSTEM IIWELL fIZON|NGUSEC|-ASSTF|CATTON:Ll CENTRAL sEpTtc Ll pRrvATE SEpTtc flcoMMUNtrySysTEM th6 faclllv or bulldlng w€B lound b {950 at le66t 10 dsys prlor lo ths # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES:_ # OF FLOORS: - oArE4t11l'12 (oHHS-3788) E ECrltIf EEC. 6 d w PRoPERTY OhINER'S NAItIE: New Hanover County Propertv Manaqement Att: Kevin c PHONE #: 910-?98-4338 sT: NC ZrP: 28401 RE vEDFE800l0l,2ot1-- lSzs APPLICATION Nunber (Offlce Use ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM APP LIcArIort ryPE: CO ITIERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibilit/, APPLICANT'S l,lAIilE : Itowell Electrical. contracEi I!1c. DEVELOPER:l nc PROIECT ADDRESSi 7t2z MaikeE Siree!CIry;n OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAl.lE: odoen Market Place PROPERTY O ER'S I.IA'48:P Ohll{ER'S ADDRESS: 5200 Roswell Roa d, NE CfTY: A -anra CoiITRACTOR: Howe11 Electrical contracti'rq, Inc LICENSE *: 31r84-u ADORESS: tTso williame circle CITY: cummi EItAIL ADDRESS: rdou fectrical . com PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSOTI: (che.k All Ih.t Apply) le f R 0 318 PHoNE #: 77o-1s1 0118 ST: GA ZIP: 30342 ST: cA ZIPi 3 rr (J41 PKINE *:9s4-444-9841 Plol,lE *:'j'ta - 3st- c 4'72 LOCATIONEXIST CONSTRUCTION: E ALTERATIOI,I ! REHOVITTOH Gas Line on lhe Current Site? Ll celrrnel nepnrns l-'l L_.1No lS BLDG SPRINlf Relocation, is there a Natural Yes neor I ves I r.ro r,rEw coNsrRucrror{: fl rnrcr NEht srRUcruRE I rsr rnacx f] snrr-r- f] uerrr ADO TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRIJCTURE:i'tr ARCH OESIGN PROFESSIOML: ENGR DE516I{ PROFESSIONAL: oESCRIPIIoN 0F i^loRK: PH: PH: ls food or beverages prspared or seved h tfds.t,xrture? !v".I No ls Ths Propgrty Locatod Floodplain? Eves EI ruo state Euild Code 3nd a ober eppiicable Slate chaooes i will 6e rn Dlans and NC Star€ sbecifications Bldg Code and -5950 €l l6a51 10 c,ay6 p.io. to lh€ TOTAL PROJECT COST: :.9!!!_ TOTAL AREA SA FT ; - TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: EUILDING HEIGHT #OFU #oF ES: # OF STRUCTURES:#OFF ACRES DISTURBED: - NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: EXST LAND DISTURBING PE fives flno SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERryusE: EoFFrcE [nesreunerr fluencanrrr-e [eouc [ner f] If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *: IF Yes, xhat uas the Previous occupancy Type? *.1r rs rlrs A clrlrcE oF occupArrcy ustt I vrs [l ro "** Is Elect Povrer on this uildins E Yes EI rc l.ihat is the Nex Occ cy Type, SO FT ICATION: the OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: licL,aet Ho',e -1 SIGNATURE (Os.tl{) (F*n n.6) No(6: Domolfto.l nadtcado46 ll albe6los rsnovsl permh apdlcauo.r6 ..o lo b. Bublnlt d uilno tlo appllcdon form (OHHS-3768)$e fadltly or biilldho was lound lo DISCI-AIMER: I hereby c$ify that all inlorlhaton In lhis aOdic,aton is corroct €nd all $/ork will cccrdy with dle and locallaws and ordinances and rooulatons. The NHC oevelooment Services Center u/ill be notifid ot anv or chanee in conuacto{ or @ntraclor i-n,onnatjon. -NOTE Any Worft Per,ormed w/O the Appropriale Permis Suhjecl io Frncs Up To S500 00- .ofiEln L6b.€aos o( nor, Yos 316 roqulr6d b call ths Nadoial E nbddl Siand6rds b H6z8rdoiJs A. Potkr€nl. (NESHAP) sr (01 d6molEo. o, ally ftdllt, o, b!Mn!. S€a fulostG Web Sltei htF:/ r.l'r.ep.slale nc.us/epilasb€s1c9almp.h1r:rl WATER: r]CFPUAsEwER: I CFPUA T.I @MMUNTTY SYSTEM T..I WELLfi cer.rrm- serrrc E r-RMATE sErnc f]CIMMUNTY SYSTEM EZoNING USE pAYME!{r METHOD: fICASX f]CXeCX lrrVmLE TO NHC)AMERTCAN e(PREss fl Iorscown (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:-RH:-Approvel:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _;vNCommont PE 2fr= x( lT FEE: $ REVISEO D IE,V1V12 tfl Atk r(-:t-r DATE: 1/ 17l 17 ZIP:2B4rr NC RE6 #: NC REG #: SQ FT PER FLR; - oTHER_ dor fis not-t - lbL{ L7 - 467 APPLICATION llmber (af{rce UIe) APPLICANT'5 IIAfiE: DEVELOPER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaN rYPEr RESIDENTIAL PLtAst Arlsli{ER Atl QUlsJlq{S APPLI(AOIt T0 YOUS PR0lt(l "ProJect Resporslbillty" ru tr,{tri*c CITY: BLOTX J: CTTY:t1 LrcEilsE {i H>ACCoi ilT f: CITY:ST: o.rus PHO{E #; DATEI J I 1 PHONE #:3+B ZIP I Lo"I t r Pt{/in 11 1D qse 717{ sr't l,Y) zrPt ?8'751 rrcNr r, 1q-..5{sl:13[8 firu. PRO]ECT ADDRTSS: SUBDIVISIOI,Ii PXOPERTY O|.INEN'S }'lA Ei O,'T'IER' 5 ADDRESS i 0 CO TRACTOR!Dh1/id ADDRESS: riBIL ADDRESS:iL) PROJECT CO'{TACT PERSO : EXISTI'IG CONSTRUCTIOIII r filkvi ALTERATION I nrrovarroru f] eeruenal nrrerns f] RE LocArroN itE!, cor6rRucuoN: [-l tnrcr IEH RE5]DE CE or" f] aoorrron ro Exrsrmc RESToEME S Wt lfnf 'iPLEASE cHECx Ar[} AllSllER lELot, ALL IHIT APPLY TO YOt I moJEC]l ! arr emlcr - sF D orr carner sr f)norcr _ sF I sutnmu _ sr I roor- _ sr f] srouer SHED _ sr f] enrrmrouse -- sr I oecx 5F OTHER:sr TOTAL HEATED SQ FTI - TOTAI. SQ FT UNDER ROOF, ' TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: " TOTAL PROIECT COST lurr r-oq : f *oo $ OF STORIES: I5 any ELtcTRlcAL, PLUilSIl{G or hECl{tNrCA[ tlork Being Done to the A..essory Stru<turet f] Ve5 fi Yes No If the project ls a Relocation, is there a Natural 6as tine on the Current Site? Is there Ele(trlcal Powe. on this Buildinrl f-]y", [Tl Ho-?r PROPEiTY USE / OCCUPANCY :SINGLT FAI.IILY U tT,P LEX fl ror.rnxousr 3DESCRIPTIO}'I OF LIOR|(:1 W ?0r Dlscl o/ER I ne,6!l c€r{t ir$ r[ bbrmclbn h lhls apdlcsaor i6 conocr snd a! work $r conqly wih rre 6t!re Bufldn, cod. lnd .I on.r op,i..bL s[.b .rld brlr t.ws e^d qdhanes ad,esolalbni lhe NHC s€wIcEs @rts *ilrbe rbiied ota[y crl3ace! h n. 4protEd Bns .na specfi..tbn.or dlongs h conra.br or conrocbr bbmlt n. slNoTE:Any tle ApFop.l.E P€dirs wll tE in Vtiralbn ol rhe NC slae BEg C.d€ E rd SJbj.cl b Fhei Up Io $@ OC.. ol.INER/CONTRACTOR:SIGI'IATURE: F LOODP LAIT'I ? A(15TI},16 IIPERVIO,Ts mel, 0 Sq rf [E DTPERVIOUS mtl, 40 Sq rr *t+t *,t *:3 *llr ,lrt*r+,rll t** **)' 15 THE PROPEITY LOCATED III A r*r..r r, * r. +*rrr r r I r. r.i r.3. * rt*** * rt ** * + **a* tt r* +a ffi vrs fl ro TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ExIsT LAND DISTURBIflG PERfiIT: L_J YEs l# r'lo crnua I cofiurilrry svsrtx f] pRrvAT€ tr€Lr I crrrnar wrrr cFRn n cENTRAL sEprrc I enrvarr srerrc I co'{4uNrry sysrEt'4 ZONE: _ OFFICER: TiATER I SEHER:$ .t' stpaEAIr PrStlI-It RtQUIRTO FOn att(r, nacH, pt86, 6a5 rQ{Jtp, pf,t}ABs & IN5tRIS '.. payr,lEr,lr lrETHoDi f] cosr, ffi C}rro< (PAYABLE to rucl Ioru- accotrtr E rclv:sn florscover**+a*t*t*+ta*+rr+*ta***r')**r"****at,t*,t*r,i**+t***t****,r****+*rr,rtr***+*+tt**r**:!,t,ir*+*+** (roi oFrlta irsE otLY) ltvlgtD oArt 04,t11lr, SETgAcKsi F: l-H: RH: B: Appnoval:_ Clty:_ DA'[E:_ tl-ooD: -_ gFE+2ft= _ ZIP: Comlllent PERI'UT FEE: $-15 b ,dtl-- tSzd@ Application Number (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT,O N |YPE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibillt/ AppL;CANT,S NAME: John Flowers 921s. 21912017 pRoJEcT ADDREss: 6305 Gadwall Court CtTy. Wilmington 71p.284.03 suBDrvrsroN: pROpERTy OWNER,5 p4yg; Jeff Amato pHsitp x. 910-409-5003 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 6305 Gadwall Court glly Wilmington zt 28/.03 coNTRAcToR: J Flowers Construction lnc g1p6 Lg65N5g X. M682 EMATL ADDREss: Jfl omnst@aol.com psonr 910-262-0826 pROJ€CI CONTACI pgx5gl John Flowers p11sxs. 910-262-0826 ExltlNG CONSTRUCTIOIT: ! Alteration ;f Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation +I*PTEASE CHECK A'{D ANSWER BETOW AU THATAPPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'*' D Sunroom (SF) n Greenhouse (SF) TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl 1122124 624 Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr YesX No \,/ ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Atcessory Structure/Q Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes D tto gz ftves tr o lf the project is a Relocation, is there a ls there Eledrical Power on this Buildin Description of work:FProperty Us€/ Occupancy si ntle Family E L" trT nhouse c"!1 A )i a Prit li tr 1.1 ect to fines upto Ssoo.m"' 4,lc Itlr information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permtu will Owner/Contractor:IJ laws and ordinances and regulations. Th€ NHC Oevelopment Services Centerwillbe notified oranychanSes in the approved plans and spe(ifications or change in contractor 4t \) t, to \-\ "Licensed Quolijiel Ptint Nome ls the propertv located in a floodplain? tr V", i! to Exirting lmpervious Area: N l/r Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: I{ew lmpervious Area:|llir Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: ts CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua/l Sfwfn: fi CFPUA fl Community System E Private septic E centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: -.......-...'- City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+zft= _ L Comment:Permit Fee: S a I @r* LOT S: _ ADDREss: 316 Dogwood Lane ggy. Hampstead sT: NC 2tp.28443 ! Att Garage (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No rorAt PRoJEcr cosr (Less Lot): S!999qW- El Oet Garage (SF)_ D Pool (SF)- n Deck (sF)_ ! Porch (sF)_ ! Storage Shed (5F)_ [] other (sF) Yes E No i 1t APPLICANT,S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATION W PE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 1- -r+k=ai'\h Application Number loffice use) -t Jas l- / /uruc"J PROIECT ADDRESS: suBDrvlsloN: 6qa/ R-A-/Car,.-*CITY ztP toT # PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: ls an '7;L -7-/*-, PHON E # ztP BLDG LICINSE #7b 17? ST: _ ZIP PHONE /tt-0/C - CITY /t CITY PRO.lECT CONTACT PERSON a9 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTX'I'I' n Det GaraBe (sF)_ n Greenhouse (sF)_ Plumbing or Use/ occupancy:Single Fa D Pool (5F) n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes tr No TOTAT sQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heatedi ToTAt PRoJECT cosl \Less Lotl: S 3e/ OOO 2qO ls the ed work cha ngrng ber of bedrooms? E Yes Unheated: No rk being done to the Accessory Structure Yes fl No atural ne on thecurrentsite? [ ves E ttolf the p ro ect is a Relocation, is ls there Electrical Power on this Building?Yes nruo Property Descripti mily Po Z.on of Work: Scre l,.r E Duplex E Townhouse ".L. --- Cvv-aaa,- Electrica echanica tl Owner/Contractor )"s/-- "Licensed QuoIilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft /?- /-r I it //u/oes laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chanees in the approved plans and specifications or change in conlractor information. r*'NOTt. Any work performed without !h€ appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Code a ct to fines up !o S5O0.00***B t.a r Sign atu re No Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes D trto WATERi FPUA E Community system E Private Well fl Central Well n Aqua SEWER:CFPUA E Community System E PrivateSeptic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: - tloodr (A)- (Vl - (N) - BfE+2ft= - Commenti Permit Fee: S o.t J-/1-4-- paowfu-6/6-:35-3f E Porch (sF)--- n storage Shed (sF)- ! other (sF)_ E Att Garase (SF) 61*r.^rnr, "qO O^t-^1Zon ' r-Q -l t)NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI{TT APP LIcArIort rv?,t: CSIIIERCIAL PrtAsa ANSrrn At[ QIJISIIOIS Appttr !!E to youR pto)ro "ProJect i.sponsibility- ?or1'15Y.b \-l o_ APPLICANT, S t,IA}tI :o DEVTLOPER: PiO'ECT ADDiESS: occuPAifT/SUSIIESS MltE :C PROPETTY OMIER's M}tE T h14 Lrise )'t1o ou ri's ADorEss t 1.J i? (c., f+rtr-t P,nes ,tftIW: APPLICAITOI l{unb.r (Offt.. tB.) o^fet I / /8/t z ZtPt ) l.?r5 ()G1a *z 25)5,cs /5igat srty'!/3zt?t 2p(l)/ sT3 zrp:.'ij il colfiRacToR: AI'DiESS: ETAIL ADDRESS; PiO]ECT €OIJTACT PTTSOII: AtOl DESI9{ PrcrElsl0tul' I EIIGT DGSIGX P 'fEISIO AL: DESCRIPTION OT UOR(: f P}O E f: .) Plot{E CrTYt t-rcEtrsc r: CITY: PIfiE T: PloflE ,: t,c iEG 0: ,____ NC REG '; ;tr#HITr:[,H,::r'H'ilt"F-x#'d,FHI:*,:r,x,*H,[:,^Tjrfl "*u*;-EI Cot{Srnucrtor: fl rnrcr Etlt sTRUcruRE I rASr rnacr I sxrrr ffurrl @aDD TO EXrsT sTnucnnr ACCESSORY STRUCruRE: If UPFIT - Thc Shcll Pennit $: Is Elcct porer on this Bu:ldin8 dyes I rO.r... Js rurs A oul6t or occupr cv rrtt Q[ws firo ..... tf yrs, ,rat mr ttr Pr.r.iors Occuprncy tyjcl Rpt/athn+ nE- f" tfr-. r- qrcup.ncy ty?cl pCslrtlen.t Ptl PH J 7.tcJ L l;zlh t1 D4 b tood or beyeraget P(rpersd orsGrysd ln U$ srndurc?tr No b Ths nooptonrflvar [firo DISCIAIITER: I h€Eby cartty ths{ sll lilonrston ln lhls ipptts€ooi b .lrrEcj snd s[ hrk el end to.!t tse,B srE odirElto! Bnal teoulllldrs 8'ff ffi r.$JlFsrif rl.s,",",","",;r!i$E*8ffi ffi m##'"rEffimHififf [_litreffi H#ffiTfrffi ffi OWNEFYCONTMCTOR:e.rd t'ttlrl n Lftcp;rto SIGNATURE: conoh Aalaat6 o. tLt You at. rtQdrttd to aal ttt t{aibaalCnllabn Sia In,t tor lLran ou! A,r po l/bri. trcsHtpf r n*1* i*. - ---11--lddrrhiond.rybdttyorDrrthg.8..lr0.!t6yrtDsr.:htDrrrv .pt.nn;.*r.cth.r;;,;";t rfii'iv -- 'i-l'rt/'v'aEn'.tL5r06t'.Fbriotl ToTAr- PROJECT COST: .2( -)r-- TOTAT AREA SO FT : AI 'r.'r TOTAL SA FT UNDER ROOF: '7 ./.).)# 0F STORES: ,L,sFLooRs:-- pAyltENT METHoD: lcesx flcxro< leavreu ro xxcl [amenEA]t B(PREss AMcMsA fiorscovrn BUll.-DltlG HEIGHT: i6 , 0F ut{tTs: AGRESDISTURBED: O DGTLANDDtSTURBtNGftpyp[ygs [trONEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:_SO FT ExtsTtNG tMpFRvloUS Arre. - ' pRopERryusE: EpTFEE Efnesreumnr luencrNnc leouc Eopr Doroo onm wArER: E cFpuA ElcouuuNnysysrEll- EwEr EzoNrNG usEqrss,r**n, - sEwER: [tCFPuA I]CENIRAI- SEPIC E p-RtvATE SEpTtC E-COuMuxnv sWlg[-" " SEPARA'TE PEBMTTS REOUIRED FOR EICT. MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS S INSER\.. GOR OFFTCE t6C ONLn RlvEEDDarE. l'ltZONE:-OFFICER:_ SEIBACKS: F:_LH: RH:_ E:app.o-r,-erty, ---- Ei-il rrooo: - - lairrt--=Avt- Comment PERMIT FEE: $ Y ) SQFTPERFLR: )uos * or stnucruR -- " j '1 f (:i..,il i (6 4l/-qt?\t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI cATIoil rYPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEAsE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICASLE IO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' an) ss APPLI CATIOiI Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S llAllE: McKee Homes Lrc DATEt 2/to/2016 DEVELOPER; cMr- Developnent P[xrilE #: 910-47s-7100 PROJECT ADORESS: 1344 EastbourDe cIrY: IilEi!s!9!,_J9_ ztP | 23!)L BLOCK *: LOT *: 17SUBDMSIO'I: Hanover Reserve PROPERW o|,{,|ER'S tlAIi'lE: Mcxee Hones ],rc PHOi'rE #; .ll.lQllf!1!q9_ O{{ER'S ADORESS: 109 liay st CITY: Fayetteville sr: .!9_ zIP: j?.jli.lll- CoI,ITRACTOR: GMr, Development LICENSE #: 53970 ADORESS: 109 Hay st CITY: Fayettevi]1e ST; lg_ zIP: 2!!!I Ei{AIL ADDRESS: purchasinqtemp€mckeehomesnc.com PHoNE #; 9104577100 PROIECT CoNTACT PERSO{: stephanie carlaqher PHOltlE #: 9r04577100 Exrsrrr{G co{srRucTro : ! arrERATroN ! nsHovaruor f} erNenal REpArRs E RELocArroN irEw coirsTRucTroN: E EREGT NEr{ RESTDET{CE o" I mOrrrOr TO EXTSTTIG RESTDENCE *,I'PLEASE CHECX AND AI{SI{ER BELO{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: I arr ermce -{Q:_- sF ! oer crnae e sF E poRcH g- sF I surnoou -sF ! eoor _ sr ! sronlce SHED - sF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 2333 TOTAL SQ FT UI{DER ROOF: I:!:- TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 3589 TOTAL PRoJECT COSTtT-essrou: $ r165so * OF STORIES: j_ Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLU|,IEIIJG or InECHAI{ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ VeS ! Ho If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current sitef Ives !to Is there Electrical Power on this Building? [lv"t f]Ho pRopERw usE / occupar{cy: I srrcle FAMTLY E DUpLEx E ro],NHousE DESCRIPTIoN OF WORK: construct sinqle family home from di rt to finished home. OISCLAIMEFI lh6€by c€n t tlar all inhmarion in flis applicalon is comcr.nd dl wo.k will comply witl fte Siate Building Cod6.nd ail oher applicable SlaE ad locd laws and odi.ances and legulalions The NHC Oevelopment Servic€s Cenbr will be notfied of 'ly changes in he apprc\€d plans a.td specificalions orcn 96h@ntr&tiror (print Nane)d*,******* {******,r**,r **,r* ** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATEO I],I A FLOOOPLAIN? E YES E rc EXISTIiIG IiIPERVI(US AREA: _SQ FT TOTAL A€RES DISTURBED: .22 I{EW IiIPERW(I,S AREA: - 5Q FT EXIST LANO DISTURBII{G PER IT: E YEs E rc HATER: @ cFpuA E co$|uNrry sysrEM E pRrvATE WELL I crNrnal well sEwER: E CFPUA E CENTRAL sEPTIc I nnTvnTT sEPIIc E coitMUNITY sYsTEM I+T SEPARATE P€RHI]5 REQI]IRED FOR ELECI, iIECH, PLBC,6A5 EQUIP, PREfABS & INSERIS T+{ payirEr{T fiETHoD: E clsn Elcxecx (payasLE To NHc) E Ar,rERrcAx ExpREss E rc,lvrsl I orscoven ZONE: _ OFFICER: (foR offrcE usE or{Ly) REvrsED oar€ 04111/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH;_ RH:_ B:_ @ntacb. inbmalon. "'NOTE: Any Wort Pa.lomed w/O he AppopiaE P€mi 01,{NER/CONTRACT0R : Joshua parton ts will be h Vblia[oo ol tE NC Stab AUo Cod€ ad Sdbkrr b Fhes LJo To l:OO 0O"' srGNAruRE: "//l //*rft: App rovaL :_ City :_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft= _ Coanme nt : Nrt ?lVij-rcQO,i"q, N PERfiIT FEE: $ 0a I enttrxorst - sr I oecr r7q sr orHER: - sF