FEBRUARY 27 2017 BUILDING APPLICATIONS/, UV NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT APPLI61AO IYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PTEASE A.ttSr,tER ALL QUESTIONS ApPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT.pnoject Responsibi-Llefl PTIGIE #: PHONE #: n l\ - )-&l APPLICAIION Nunber (OFfice Use) D^r* J. (. l'/APPLTCA T'S MIitE: DEVELOPER; r-\ PROIECT ADDRESS 3 SUBDNESION: K *nd rn le lC'- LA o i| CITY Kir'"rn ; k.r_ L}f5:a_ LfCEIGE *:4 ZIP:. PK'|{E *: tllg (o9 7 'sb') Gsr{=z:e:_ ac@ur,tT s: STrS 25P: _ PHONE *: CIW: U-,. BLOCK *: _ LOT *: -- PROPERW OhNIER'5 },IA}IE: O}'' ER'S ADDRESS: d I YY\rlr', Kd L 4-e €--".r CONIRACTOR: ADDRESS: EI{AIL ADDRESS:t =-->9e ll CITY: {<,r ' Nn e!a t-NDCft}-n 6q t)PROJECT CONIACT PERSON:9lo 3B la-1'il I ocrsrrr{G @isrRUCEoN: I alrenarrolr p naovarroru [ oer'renar_ REpArRs E RELOCATTON NEhl Cot'lSTRtETIoit:n ERECT NEN RESIDET,ICE TO EKTSTIIIIG RESIDENCE*.PLE{SE C}IBCK {'A A'$NIER BELOI{ ALL THAT APPLY ATT @RAGE SF I orr onnaee sF fl poRcH --sFflsurunoovSFtlI sronaoe SHEDf| enermorsr SF I oecr _SF OTHER: i'\u, rorAL HEATED sQ Fr: S*,,rt'r ilo1 ro Fr SNDER RooF! TOTAL PROIECT COSTtressloO: g Is Any ELECTRICAL, ptt ttBING or !,IECHANICAL Work If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there aIs there Electrical power on this Building PROPERTY IJSE / OCAJPAITICY: fi DESCRIPEON oF htOR(: ,) J J sfi'lclE FAMTLY I wnr_e< f] roronouse 1 a ,,-- !--T > \I') {IJTOTAL AREA SQ FT: 5\,i\I,-J'1 o" (aoorrror TO YOIJR PRO]ECT! SF SF( 4 a*^,# OF STORTES: . Being Done to the Accessory Structune? ffiV"= [ Nitural Gas Line on the current sJtef ffvesrQves [ruo No Euo o *tt, <- L r5t-1i^ ,t oo,u-1-ri-,+A ol{N E{SC{-AlUEtt I he{€by c6njt &arall hb.rn3ton h t € applca&rt b cooEcr sd dl vork ,riI co.hplywih tle Ssle Aildhg Cod€ a.d all o&er Epplcablo SEb and to.al ta^/Eand odinaices €rd rsgulatons The NHC Eb\,Blopmsnt Sarvicss C6n Er \xill y chang66 h lh6 appov€d ptan6 €'ld sp€cif€€lions or cfiangs h con!"&or oroont_acbr inbrmatofl , -NOTET b€ in yrobt_on oftle Nc sE€ adg cad€ €nd !, Fin6a lJP To 95oo,0cr- CONT&ACTOR:SIGNA ****+****+***+I +******* +** **** **+ * *r5 E PROPERW LOCATED IJ,I A FLOODPI.AIIiI} EXISTIIIIG IfiPERWot}S AREA: - sQ FT NELl DiPEm/ltOUS AREA: _SQ FT zq,rE. 2- 15 oFFrcER:OTt YEs E uo TOTAL ACRES DTSTURBED: EXTST LAI{) DI5TURBIIIG PER,'IIT: I]] YEs (FOR OfnlCE USE Ol!Y) llnIER: f| cFpuA n com4uNrry sysrEu n pRrvArE wELL I cal.rnnr- well sErtrER: E cFpuA E CENTRAL sEpTrc I rn:varr sEpTrc E co,0,luNrTy sysTEM *3: SEPI.&ATE PEPJ4ITS REqUIRED FOR ELECTJ IIECH' PL86, GAS EqUIP, PREF.EAS & IU;ERTs ..* pAyr4Er.rr r,'ErHoD: I cosn f] c"ecK ('A,ABLE ," ,r.i E ,r,_i *;-;- ' d".*Jo---E rrr.*r":***:**i;t 'i:**************r.****+**;t**f**+*;'.t****:* **II*t***** ***++:r.*:*;i:t* ****:t:a* **** *:r:r* **it:i** Efrc REW5@ OATE A4lt1l12 ApprovaL:_ comrent: ti" tt* Citv:DA-IE:7 es r, 3o u;_/!_ R!i: to Bt Lt X err+ N S ETBACKS : i Ci iy lnspection Regurreo, gl0.254-0!r l F LOOD: tt^-eo u PER'iIIT FEE: 'l$we' + )L I P@L -- sF I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P P LICATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROjECT "Project Responsibility" Applicat on Number (office use) /i/i:/ AppLtcANT,s NAME: Coastal Cypress Buildi g Company 9.21s. 2'6 17 pROJECT ADDRESS. 3'100 Wescot Ct clTy.Wilmington Ztp.28409 SUBDIVISION:toT # pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: Jeff & Alisa Groves pHONE #: ?14-244-9781 OWNER'S ADDRESS:CtTy: Wilmlngton z,P. 284Q9 CoNTRACToR: Coastal Cypress Building Comapny s1p6 Ugsx5g 6. 71999 ADDRESS: 7506 Needlefish Ct 61ry' wilmington sr: Iq ztP 28411 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation L General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: g Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **,PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY T o YouR PROJECT* *i E Att carage (SF) D Sunroom (5F) E Greenhouse (SF) _ E Det Garage (5F)_tr Porch (SF)529 ! other (sF) tr Pool (SF)tr Storage Shed (SF)_ Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I Yes L...] No Heated:3399 9nhs31g6.2380 laws and ordinances and regulatrons. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. ***NOTE: Any work performed w thout the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S50O.0O*** Owner/Contractori ,. , Signature: "Licensed QuoliJiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes - No ExistinB lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmp "rr1or5 41sg' 4169 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes E l,lo WATER: E ,CFPUA tr Community System ! Private Well n Central Well n Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic ! Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: C-L+^ Za;,^A ( FR)A Permit Fee: S a) 2<>t- - -11-z^tl,rf-423'--l EMATL ADDRESS: sleve@coastalcypressbuilding.com qHONE 910-212-2207 PRoJECT coNrAcT PERsoN:!19!:e Swain puoN,e: 910-212-2207 TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed work) TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $ 426,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being don e to the Accessory Structure E Yes n No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: EI Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: New Sinqle Familv Residence l)/)-/73/ f(_ q>6 APPLICATION llumber (Offtco use) I{EI'I HA]{OVER COUNTY BUILDING PER!,IIT APPLIoATIaiI ryPEr ColtlllE RC fAL PLEASE AT{STER AtI QUESTIOI{S APPIICASLE TO t1X'B PRO]ECI "ProJect Responslbtuty'' crw;wj- Lminqton APP LICAI{T, S ilAIi,lE: Al1en Hinson DEVELOPER:N/A PROIECT ADORESS: 1602 physicians Dr OCCUPAI{T/BU SIIIESS ilAfiE: !,lilminqton Medical Park PROPERTY oH[{ER'S ttAIE: t{lLninqlon Medicaf Park Assoclatlon DATEi 02/a9/2411 PTO E *: STNER'S ADDRESST 3329 D wriqhtsville Ave CO{TRACTm: Bater Rooflnq co. AIDRESS: 51,7 Mercury st : Ig_ ZIP: 28403 LrcEirsE sr E]2_ accott{T #: cfTY: Raleiqh ST: Jg_ zIP: 27503 PlOilE *: 910-799-7s8sEI'IAIL ADDRESS: ahinsonebaker.ro ofLng, com PROJECT COI{TACT PERSOII: A1len Hinsol PtO E f: 910-443-0193 (chcck atl EXrSr COTGTRI CTTO{: E ALTERATTO E REiIOVATTON f R€bcatlon, b there I tGtu'alGs Lina on th€ Cunenl SiE? L-l Th.t rpply) GENERAL REPAIRS tr RE LOCATIO}I Yes No lS BLDG SPRIN KLERED? E YeS No NEtr coltsTRucTltr{r ! :nrcr NEH STRUcTURE n rrcr rmcr n ger-r- ! unrrr ! mo ro ExrsT sTRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 3 N/A If UPFIT - The Shell P€n lt *:Is Elect PoHer on thls Building fives Eruo rrr.. ts rHts a o{a[cE oF occupat{cY ustr fivts [iD .*.*t IF Y€s, drat ra5 tte Prevloss (kcuPancy TyPe?that ls lie lfl Occuprlcy TyPe? PH:iIC REG * NC REG *: DESCRIPIION OF HORK: lnstall neB Fan-Fold Insulation and TPO over existino TPO roof svatem ls bod or be\r€.ec pr€per€d a ssrnd ln [|b liructur€? EY6" f] Uo b n. e.pcrly Loced ln The Floodplaln? E Yes ENo Code ond 6llother applicauo StalaDiSCIAIME& I her€by cdlly tl8l ,ll lnfiorm6ton in rnd locallsrvs Eld odinancGi rd raouletiona, Tna or dranoe ln contractor ot contteclo, ihtormalim. .. sutj€clIo Flnc Up To S500.00'- and Eldg Code and (qIr, (rthx.tl) X<rc Ocrnolti naniaUr & sb-to. rsndv.l p.rnt apdi*mr rri o lc Urnltld u.hg tr. .pdlei tum (DHli8-3r6a) li{tdfr tt tdlv o. tslHhe E lb.rd b co.ttn A.!..I.0. rFt Yql.rnqlLrd bc.a tr i5on lEmts hn ffirtbr Hqrdoil ltFofffi (NE8+|AP) d (9197U7{050 dd lodryt ortot! dr.rolltoi oldlydryo.hrdrE. SoLba.tu llEglr: htts/ttx v spl.!h.nc.u!r! 3sb6t6r3hmP-htnl OWNEFUCONTRACTOR:A1 SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST: 5{6,98?.OO BI,ILDING HEIGHT:15 #OFU NITS: r TOTAL AREA SQ FT :9,430 SQ FTPERFLR:9,430 # OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SO FTUNDERROOF: 9,430 #OFSTRUCTURES:1 # OF FLOORS:1 ACRES DISTURBED:N/A E(sT |-AND DISTURBTNG PERMI? n YEs El NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA N/A SO FT D(ISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA N/A pRopERryusE: lornce Enesrnunrrr [uencaunue leorrc [nm lcouoo OTHER WATER: ECFPUA sEwER: t:l CFPUA -. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG. C:AS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' PAYMENT METHOD: flASx flCrcCx leAvra[-E rc' NHc) f]uu eccour,n E[rcJ'vlsA I orscown (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REVISED DAIEiITIN2 SA FT r"l@lmuNlrYsYsrEM fll/lrE-L ElzoNltlcl,rsEcllsslFlcATloN: Ecertrnll serrrc fl e-nvere senc flcoMMUNtrY sIETEM ZONE:-oFFICER:- SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B'.- Apprwal: Cit}4- DATEI- FLOOD:--- BFE+2t--- AVN Comrnont Pitol{E #r N/A CITY: wirminoton ZIPtljlL AROI DESIGII PROFESSIOT{AI I N/A _ PH: _ PERMIT FEE; $- ilt\Ut t1 :f o( NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION TY PE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibilit/' Email Print ..,,, .1.. '.:. . t,ffi' I Number (office use) AppLtcaNT,s NAME. Casey Williams 931q. 219117 owNER,s AoDREss: 1301 Old Foards Lane 6;1y. Wilmington 71p.28409 pRolEcT coNTACT pERsoN. Casey Williams EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTloN: E Erect NewResidence D Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation l.*I'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR P PHONE.910-622-2450 n Att Garage (SF)_E oet Garage (sF) _tr Porch (SF) ! Stora8e Shed (sF)_ tr other (sF) E Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) D Deck (sF)E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAI sq FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed workJ 11s21s6;1,100 Unheated TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot). S 210,310.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?DYesENo lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes ! No Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family U Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work Basement remodel that includes a bathroom renovation,bar area renovation and construction of a wine cellar laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Develop ment Se rvices Cent€.willbe notifi€d ofany changes in the approv€d plans and specifications o ng information. **rNOT€: Any wor* perrormed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and srbj s00 owner/contractor: Nick Balding Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print Name lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Ar€a: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private Well D CentralWell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private Septic ! Central Septic E Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - I Comment:Permit Fee: S coNTRAcToR. Balding Brothers BLDG LICENST *: 66865 ADDRESS. PO Box 1947 ctTy. Wilmington 91. NC 2;p. 28402 EMA[, ADDRESS: casey@baldingbrothers.com pHoNE 910-251-2721 pp91s6149ptg55; 1301 Old Foards Lane CtTy. Wilmington 71p. 28409 SUBDIVISION: LOT d: pROpERTy OWNER,S 1gyg. Bill and Carol Ann Sharbaugh pHgXgg. 9'10-616-8016 -^.t^*ot)-t I ) In APPLICA T'S MNE: DEVELOPER; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT APPLIQTTaN TyPE; RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSNER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAALT TO YOUR PRO]ECT 'Proiect ResponsibilLtlp l75tL {.4r (** APPLTCAIION Ntmben (Offace Use) PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDTVISION: CITY: LICElls ,i;37q lt ACCOUIIIT *: CITY: PHq{E *: LOT *::y sr l?Lk zf,pr )(9c< sr. W r.w; >Y9 Da PtloI'lE *: .? / O- {2./Z - !6r/ PltoitE *: / 69 {f {t- CTTY: BLOCK *: PROPERW OW{ER'S MiIE: OIdNER'S ADDRESS:a CONIRACTOR: ADDRESS:t)c) EI,'IATL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT COI{IACT PERSON3 SUNRoq',I -SF GREENHoIJSE _ sF f! orr erame _ sF I eool_ sr I orcr _ sr n po*cx - sF I sroRaee sHED _ sF OTHER:'i 5F .(- r' o/4 / .-u "qa EXrSTrr{G coNsrRucrroir: I arremrroru [ nerovarrou I e arrnar_ REPATRS fl RELOCATTON NEN COI{STRIETIOI'I: I CRECT NEhI RESIDET€E Or EI AOOTTTOI TO ISTII{G RESIDEI{CE *+PLEISE CHEC( Art' AI{STER BELOI{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOT,,R PRG'ECI ! I I ATT @R,ACE SF TOTAL HEATED sQ FT3 .-- ToTAL Se FT UNDER RooF: _ ToTAL AREA se FT: TOTAL PROI ECT CoST russ r_oo : g eaa # OF STORIES: I rs Any ELECTRTCaLJ PLllltBrNc or ltEclt{Ntcal- wo.k Being Done to the Accessory structure? ffi V"r I UoIf the pnoject is a Relocation,, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Curnent sit"l ffiv", IUoIs there Electrical peh,en on this Building? [NV", fi f,fo PROPERW USE / 0g6ljp4pgy,SINGLE FA]4ILY u HJP LD(n TOI',MiOUSEed+". '/' DlSg-A[rlER I ho{Bby csdi8 hat a hbr,o3&n in tlis appfica&r b cronEctsrd €Jl ypli( \{.iI cornply wi& fie Sq6 Buildhg Codo and all o&or spplcablo Slab ard lo.d la rEand odinanc€s and €lub1jons. The Nl-lC D6€lopm6ntSsM6 CerErwiltb6 notifod of any chang6a h fie spploved ptan6 &d *€cifc€tions or cfia1gE h cont-&!r oroonfactr ln6rmaton.'.rNoTEr Any Work P6rtorm€d WJO h6 Appopdab p6rmi6wll b€in Vrohton ofthe NC StaE Adg c.de €nd r4 To S50q0e" OI{NE *+*+***++****+************JIffi JiE]************++++++++******:F*+****+f**++ ***+*rs THE pRopERry LoCATED rN A FLooDpLAr ? n yEs s ro DCISTII'IG IllPERWOtts AREA: _SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ilELl rfiPEnnEous AREa: -sQ FT aclsr LAtrE DrsruRBrr{G PERI{IT: I yES l]:l !(, hATER: SEhIER: E creua I comluurw sysrEm n pRrvArE r,lELL f] cerrarl wellp creua El ceNrmr- sEprrc n pRrvATE sEprrc ! couururw svsrau '33 SEPAEATE PElArrs REqUTRED FoB EL€cr, AEcHr pL8G, GAg Equrp, pREFras & rlrsERrs 3*. pay,{E'rT }rErHoD: I csr [.neo< (payABLE ro n*l E ,.,_. ;;;- ' Ej ;;;-- E;r**.**** **** * !t * *:t i.rt * **** ** * * * *** * +r. *:h! ** *{. *:t:t* t:!:t* ** *:t:t:t* **rt{. aif ;},E*,t:t:tr:t i&* ****,t :t *:t:t** **:!:r *:r** *t HComEnt:r.ry tnsDeer0n xeo i.iire0,9rG25 4'fi,1 PER}IIT FEE: oercz )-)F l) PHOt'tE *: DESCRIPIION oF ItloRK: :T(h'nr"l ttJc. srGNAruRE: 4 2 (FOR OFEtaE US€ OtLy) REWSED DATE O4l1tlr2zorlE: K-5 oFFrcER: VI(2 sETBAcKs: r, 17 u:_L_ Nt 5 e:/SAppnoval:_ city:_ Dr* Zltslll FLooD: _ y BFE+2ft= NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L, CAT IO N TY P E : RESIDENTIAL PI-EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLIC}BLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibiliq/' Acflflbxtt-W (office use) ApplrcANr's NAME: fil,J 8;st k^\Cree^"ille /ool .r SnpOl,t peorct aooxrss, sft z E^L);ioi tJ ZIP 2 LOr #: 5b PHONE # CITY ztP: 23k>9 sLoc LtcENsE * ) to 25 rrrv: 6r*n, il lf sf : [aztP:2t165fr PHoNe qF-q'7 o -)75n Date 17 suEDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S AODRESS: CONTRACTOR ae ! sunroom (5F) 11t't) ADDRESS o EMAIL AODRESS: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTlON: E Erect New Residence F Addition to Existing Residence E Relocaticn ***PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.t THAI APPLY TO YOUIT PROJECT*" I Att Garage (5F)_E Det Garage {sF)_n Porch (sF) 31AA.i Pool (SF) D Deck {SF)[1 Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes D No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOa lJor prcposed work) Heated Unheated: Property Use/ Occup Dercription o, Work: ancyr fi Single Family D Duplex E Townhouse laws and ordinan€es and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center willbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications orchanSe i. contractol information. ...NOTE: Any work performed witholt th€ appropriare p€rmit5 willbe in violation of th€ NC State Bldg Code and subject to fio€s up to 5500.004" Owner/Contractor:-f6,l"l Birl,lo,..Signature "Licensed Quolifiet" Print None ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E ttto Existin8 lmpervious Area: ?6 o2- satt-14_ New tmpervious Area , 34O *e, TotalA€res Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl Yes D No WATER: [l CFPUA D Community System E Private Well D Central Well E Aqua SEWER:CFPUA E comm ity System E P CentralSeptic ^*t* ot ilil,; lryreclion lrulrpn, 910-2il"h . Zone:offi.er: Approval: Comme Setbacks (F) Dat 5 C.1r' F City Flood: (A) _ (v)- (+2ft= Permit Fee: S F & PRoJEcr coNrAcr P eeson, -76.!J fi;,l,.lo n PHoNa: .1 )o'q7o -))51 D storage shed (5F)- tr Other (SF)_ ToTAr PRorEcT cosT (Less tot): $ 3{Ooo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E ves ts tto ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes D tlo lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes . No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes D No tr f n ': NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; COMME RCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Re s ponsibility" ,)ct'1 rl-t J17-338a)z APPLICATION Number (Office Use) APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: B.:r,,- Bre:t Bost ic DATE: II23/1,1 Brrildrnq Co rpo r at ion PHONE #: 9 r,l 261 8518 PROIECT ADDRESS: :94i !LVrtte t Lrcr ,t I,.iaV CITY: wltminq:on OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OWNER,S NAfiE: Da]-IIrIcx, In. oWNER'S ADDRESS: :r2,: Boun.irrv :r,- sulte 100 CITY: witminoton PHONE #: e 1 -r - ,- 6 I - 5 .t I ,l ST: N"a ZIP: :!. t5 CONTRACTOR: sc:rt i c Bu:l.lr.o Ccr pora t ion LICENSE #: 5 5,-: ! CITY: 'rr lmI notorl ST: \a ZIP: 281aaADDRESS: 6622-A Gcrdcn Rc.ld EfilAI L ADDRESS: bre r r bost i. . !,aho. . . ojn PHONE f: PHONE #: 910-261-8518 91,:-26,1-85r8 (Che.k 41I Ihat AppIy ) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lI Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Ero IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?[v". [r.roYes NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit s: r: : IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFE5SIOiIAL: !,-.:lie: ]:. r r.:,1 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: .i .: r - : ,l '*'*'*** rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupANcy usel flves I N0 r**** what is the New occupancy Type? PH: l_L::l_j:ll!!_ Nc REG #: PH: 911-876-a3?5 NC REG *: ',2 4 41 125188 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 200 sq ft office/f1ex buiLdinq DISCIAIMER: I hereby certjty that all informalion in lhrs applicalion rs correct and all work will comply wth the State Building Code and all other app cab e State and loca'laws dnd ordinances and reoulations. The NHC Deve ooment ServrLes Cenler wrll be nolified ol anv chanoes in the aooroved olans and soecifr.alrons or cl'anqe In collraclor or conlraclor r"nformatron. "'NOTE Any Work Perforned w/O lhe Appropflate Permris wrll 6e rn Vrolatroi of the NC Stale Bldg Cooe andS!bleclio Fioes Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: E ret r- pc3r,i. SIGNATURE: (ou6llner) (P,lnr N3m8) Notei D€molilion notifc€tons & a3b€st6 rernowl p€mil applbations are lo bo submitl€d usim tho application form (DHHS-3768) whsth6r lh€ facility or building was ,ouM to conlain Asbestos or nol. Yoo are requlred to call the N6ton6l Emlsslon Standsrds ior H8zardous Air Pollutanb (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to the c,emolilion of any facility or building. S€€ Asb€stos Web Site: htp:/vrww.epi.stat6.nc.ua,/opi/asbsstoyahmp.htrnl ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? EYes I No ls The Property Localed ln The Floodplain? [ ves T No TOTAL PROJECT COST: ,'BUILDING HEIGHT: t.r # OF UNITS: : TOTALAREASQ FT : 1r, :. i, # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED; NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: - WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: @ CFPUA ZONE:_OFFICER: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: Comment EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?!YES tr*] No SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: .SO FT (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE 4/I1l12 SETBACKS: F:-LH:_ RH:- B:_ 000 *, SEPARATE PERI\,1ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT MECI.I, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFAAS & INSERTS *' fl coMMUNrrY SYSTEM fl WELL fIZONTNG USE CLASSTFTCATTON: E CENTRAL SEPIC Ll PRTVATE SEPTTC ECOMMUNTTY SYSTEM PAYMENT METHOD: nCASH f]CxeCr leevnalE rO NHC)I AMERTCAN EXPRESS I UCnrrSA IorSCOven BFE+2ft=d3,t+7 rc N PERMIT FEE: $ -iA firbq.c.( TAmLb Llto t l L)a ZIP i 281) 5 PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: Brer-r- Eo.r-rc Is Elect Power on thls Building E Yes E ruo SQ FT PER FLR. - # OF STORIES: I # OF FLOORS: 1TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: -i.: pRopERTyUSE: [orrrce lnesreunarur lueRcnnrLe !eouc lner [cor.roo orHER::-2