2017-03-06 RM ExhibitsExhibit Book XL, Page a7, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ORDINANCE AMENDING NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 32 The Board of County Commissioners finds and declares that, in order to promote the public health and welfare, it is in the best interest of public health to adopt an ordinance creating a Tobacco and E- Cigarette Free campus at the New Hanover County Health Department at 2029 S. 171 Street, Wilmington, NC. The Board hereby ordains and decrees that the New Hanover County Board of Health is authorized to supplement this ordinance by rule for the purpose of creating a Tobacco and E- Cigarette Free campus. The Board hereby further ordains and decrees that New Hanover County, Chapter 32, Health and Sanitation, Article 3, County Property, is enacted and amended as follows: 1. Amend existing Section 32 -81, Smoking_ prohibited in County -owned or leased buildings and vehicles, variance, as follows: Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: (b) The New Hanover County Health Department as a real estate parcel at 2029 S. 17`'' Street is designated as a Tobacco and E- Cigarette Free campus. 2. Amend existing Section 32 -83, E- Cigarettes Prohibited, as follows: Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: The New Hanover County Health Department as a real estate parcel at 2029 S. 17`' Street is designated as a Tobacco and E- Cigarette Free campus. Except as specifically amended above, Chapter 32 shall remain unaltered and in full force and effect. ADOPTED this the 6`' day of March, 2017. [SEAL] ATTEST: -4AJ11&.Q#'jJA f = 01M�4&00 . K berleigh G. 6wLell, Clerk to the Board r 1818 tw Book Pagex NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A PROCLAMATION CELEBRATING 105 YEARS OF GIRL SCOUTING WHEREAS, March 12, 2017, marks the 105`h anniversary of Girl Scouts of the USA, which began in 1912 when Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low gathered 18 girls in Savannah, Georgia, to provide them the opportunity to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually; and WHEREAS, for 105 years, Girl Scouting has helped build millions of girls and women of courage, confidence, and character who act to make the world a better place; and WHEREAS, the award - winning Girl Scout Leadership Program helps girls discover themselves and their values, connect with others, and take action to make the world a better place; and WHEREAS, the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor in Girl Scouting, requires girls to make a measurable and sustainable difference in their community and honors leadership in the Girl Scout tradition; and WHEREAS, core programs around Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), environmental stewardship, healthy living, financial literacy, and global citizenship help girls develop a solid foundation in leadership; and WHEREAS, through the dedication, time, and talent of hundreds of volunteers of different backgrounds, abilities, and areas of expertise, the Girl Scout Program is brought to more than 1,420 girls and adults throughout New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, we, the Commissioners of New Hanover County, do hereby applaud the Girl Scouts of the USA for their 105 years of leadership and expertise as the voice for and of girls. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that March 13 -18, 2017 be recognized as "Girl Scout Week" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 6`h day of March, 2017. ATTEST: K berleigh G. well, Clerk to the Board (Z klzw Exhibit Book L Page AN AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED October 6, 1969 respectively and subsequently amended CASE: A-425, 9/16 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be, and the same is hereby further amended to read as follows in the section(s) noted: ARTICLE II: DEFINITIONS Note: The following language indicated in red and underlined shall be added to the Article fl. Deletions are red and have strikes through them: Manufacturing Artisan Manufacturing- On -site production of goods by hand manufacturing involving the use of hand tools and small -scale light mechanical equipment. Typical uses include woodworking and cabinet shops, ceramic studios, jewelry manufacturing and similar types of arts and crafts or very small -scale manufacturing uses that have very limited, if any, negative external impacts on surrounding properties, water resources, air quality and /or public health. . r.rsrs�,s�a� A -425, 9/16 Order Page 1 *1Rr_-I'_'d_P_ , 9F seeendaFy Typieal uses textile mills; textile I)Feduet mills; appaFel FAaA _GAU_HAg;leatheF;1Rd INK* 6101m, fa e - 11001 011110 W-11. Jill 111W. . r.rsrs�,s�a� A -425, 9/16 Order Page 1 *1Rr_-I'_'d_P_ , 9F seeendaFy Typieal uses textile mills; textile I)Feduet mills; appaFel FAaA _GAU_HAg;leatheF;1Rd fa e - . r.rsrs�,s�a� A -425, 9/16 Order Page 1 A -425, 9/16 Order Page 1 Intensive Manufacturing - Uses listed under the heading "Intensive Manufacturing" in the Table of Permitted Uses shall be considered Intensive Manufacturing uses. Sunshine List — A list of email addresses on file with the Clerk to the Planning Board of persons or organizations with a standing written request or subscription to receive public meeting notices. ARTICLE VII: PROVISIONS FOR USES ALLOWED AS SPECIAL USES Note: Sections 70 and 71 within Article Vll shall be replaced in their entirety with the language below: Section 70: General Information, Applications, Process, Public Notice, Public Hearings, Review and Decision, and Conclusions Required for Approval 70 -1: General (1) Special Use Permits add flexibility to the Zoning Ordinance. Subject to high standards of planning and design, certain property uses may be allowed in the several districts where these uses would not otherwise be acceptable. By means of controls exercised through the Special Use Permit procedures, property uses which would otherwise be undesirable in certain districts may be developed to minimize any negative external effects they might have on surrounding properties. (2) Any use or development designated by applicable zoning district regulations as a special use, or as allowed only pursuant to a special use permit, may be established in that district only after the use or development is authorized by a validly issued special use permit. 70 -2: Applications (1) Applications for a Special Use Permit shall be submitted to the Planning Director or their designee by the owner or owners, or their duly authorized agent, of the property subject to the Special Use Permit A -425, 9/16 Order Page 2 i Th:S aIS.. a1 .-IaughteFiRg ..:I .ef:. *Rg g fuel bdIk storage facilities, and elestrieity papeF manufaGtWiRg, fae"ities, generating— as well as aRT health Sunshine List — A list of email addresses on file with the Clerk to the Planning Board of persons or organizations with a standing written request or subscription to receive public meeting notices. ARTICLE VII: PROVISIONS FOR USES ALLOWED AS SPECIAL USES Note: Sections 70 and 71 within Article Vll shall be replaced in their entirety with the language below: Section 70: General Information, Applications, Process, Public Notice, Public Hearings, Review and Decision, and Conclusions Required for Approval 70 -1: General (1) Special Use Permits add flexibility to the Zoning Ordinance. Subject to high standards of planning and design, certain property uses may be allowed in the several districts where these uses would not otherwise be acceptable. By means of controls exercised through the Special Use Permit procedures, property uses which would otherwise be undesirable in certain districts may be developed to minimize any negative external effects they might have on surrounding properties. (2) Any use or development designated by applicable zoning district regulations as a special use, or as allowed only pursuant to a special use permit, may be established in that district only after the use or development is authorized by a validly issued special use permit. 70 -2: Applications (1) Applications for a Special Use Permit shall be submitted to the Planning Director or their designee by the owner or owners, or their duly authorized agent, of the property subject to the Special Use Permit A -425, 9/16 Order Page 2 petition at least 20 business days prior to an adopted Planning Board meeting date. For Intensive Manufacturing uses, the application must be submitted at least 35 business days prior to the Planning Board meeting date. A schedule of adopted Planning Board meeting dates and the application deadlines shall be available at the Planning Department. Any additional information, documents, etc. submitted after the application deadline must be submitted no later than 10 business days prior to the Planning Board meeting date to be included in the Planning Board agenda package. Additional information and documents may be submitted during the public hearings; however, as much information should be included with the application as possible to demonstrate that the four required conclusions for approval can be met. (2) Applications for a Special Use Permit shall include the following to be considered a complete application: (A) Completed and signed application form for a Special Use Permit (B) Traffic Impact Worksheet (C) Traffic Impact Analysis (only applicable for development proposals that exceed 100 peak hour trip generation) (D) Site Plan, including: 1. Tract boundaries and total area, location of adjoining parcels and roads. 2. Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For residential uses, this shall include number, height and type of units and area to be occupied by each structure and /or subdivided boundaries. For non - residential structures, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each structure, an outline of the area it will occupy and the specific purpose for which it will be used. 3. Development schedule including proposed phasing. 4. Traffic and Parking Plan to include a statement of impact concerning local traffic near the tract, proposed right -of- way dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and right -of -way for internal streets and location, arrangement and access provision for parking areas. S. All existing and proposed easements, reservations, required setbacks, rights -of -way, buffering and signage. 6. The one hundred (100) year floodplain line, if applicable. 7. Location and sizing of trees required to be protected under Section 62 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. The approximate location of US Army Corps of Engineers Clean Water Act Section 404 and Rivers and Harbors Act A -425, 9/16 Order Page 3 Section 10 Wetlands, and wetlands under jurisdiction of the NC Department of Environmental Quality. 9. Any additional conditions and requirements, which represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding General Use District regulations or other limitations on land which may be regulated by Federal or State law or Local Ordinance. 10. Any other information that will facilitate review of the proposed change (Ref. Article VII, as applicable). (E) A written description of proposal depicting the nature and scope of the proposed development, as well as information which provides support for each of the required conclusions identified in Section 70 -7. (F) At the discretion of the petitioner, supplemental information, plans, and /or documents that the petitioner intends to use to demonstrate at the public hearing that the conclusions required for approval in Section 70 -7 are met. (G) Authority for Appointment of Agent Form (only applicable if the petition for Special Use Permit is submitted by an agent for the property owner(s)). (H) Application fee based on the adopted fee schedule. (1) Community information meeting report for community information meeting per Section 111-2.1 (only for uses classified as Intensive Manufacturing). (J) For proposed uses in the Intensive Manufacturing category only, the applicant shall identify, in the application, any local, state, or federal permit (other than the special use permit being sought in the application) which the applicant reasonably believes at the time of submitting the application will be required to be obtained before the applicant may legally engage in the proposed use. The applicant's identification of permits shall include, but shall not be limited to, as applicable, permits pertaining to air quality, water quality, wetlands, endangered species, and groundwater. For purposes of this section, the requirement that the applicant identify any "permit" for "groundwater" shall include any requirement that the applicant report to or notify any local, state, or federal agency of groundwater and /or aquifer withdrawals pursuant to applicable local, state, or federal law. (3) Specific requirements of application requirements may be waived by the respective reviewer, planning director, or planning board, where it is determined that the required information is not applicable to the subject request. A -425, 9/16 Order Page 4 70 -3: Process: (1) In order to assist applicants through the process for obtaining a Special Use Permit, applicants may request a pre - application conference with NHC planning staff prior to application submittal. (2) The Planning Director or their designee shall review application packages and respond to the petitioner as soon as possible but at most within 5 business days following the application submission to notify the petitioner in writing including regular mail or e-mail of any omissions to the requirements under Section 70 -2(2) that render the application incomplete. This review for completeness is to ensure that each of the applicable documents have been submitted as part of the application, and not to verify or substantiate the information provided within the application package. (3) Applications with no omissions to the requirements under Section 70- 2(2) shall be deemed complete and be calendared for a public hearing at the next scheduled Planning Board meeting satisfying the application requirements. The Planning Director or their designee shall respond to the petitioner as soon as possible but at most within 5 business days following the application submission in writing including regular mail or e -mail to notify them that the application was deemed complete and confirm the date of the Planning Board meeting at which the public hearing will be held. (4) Within 10 business days following an application deadline, complete applications for special use permit petitions shall be posted on the Planning Department web page ( www. planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com) in addition to the date, time, and location of the Planning Board meeting at which the public hearing will be calendared. Notification of the posting of the special use permit application(s) and meeting information shall also be sent to the Sunshine List. Any additional information received from the petitioner after the application deadline shall also be posted on the web page. (5) In preparation for the public hearing at the Planning Board for a petition for a special use permit, the Planning Director or their designee shall analyze the information and materials provided in the application package to provide a summary of the request and preliminary findings of fact in the form of a report to be included in the agenda package for the Planning Board meeting. The intent of the report is to inform the Planning Board of whether the Conclusions Required for Approval in Section 71 -4 have been met or to identify, from staff's perspective, issues A -4251 9/16 Order Page 5 or areas that the Planning Board may need more information on in order to provide a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners whether each of the required conclusions in Section 70 -7 have been met. The staff analysis report shall be published by the Clerk to the Planning Board as part of the agenda package for the Planning Board meeting. (6) In preparation for the public hearing at the Board of County Commissioners for a petition for a special use permit, the Planning Director or their designee shall prepare a report summarizing the Special Use Permit request, the information and materials provided in the application package and presented at the Planning Board public hearing(s), the Planning Board's recommendations, and preliminary findings of fact. The intent of the report is to inform the Board of County Commissioners of whether the Conclusions Required for Approval in Section 71 -4 have been met or to identify, from staffs perspective, issues or areas that the Board of County Commissioners may need more information on in order to reach a required conclusion. The staff analysis report shall be published by the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners as part of the agenda package for the County Commissioners meeting. 70 -4: Public Notice (1) Public notice for a petition for a special use permit shall be disseminated per Section 112.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 70 -5: Public Hearings (1) A public hearing at the Planning Board for the special use permit application shall be calendared per Section 70 -3(3). (2) The public hearing for the special use permit application at the Planning Board shall be held in a quasi - judicial format. At the hearing, the Planning Board hears factual evidence presented at an evidentiary hearing, then makes recommendations for findings of fact supported by competent, substantial, and material evidence. Based on those recommended findings, the Planning Board may render a recommendation to the County Commissioners on whether each of the required conclusions specified in Section 70 -7 can be reached. (3) The applicant may be required by the Planning Board or Board of Commissioners to provide additional information to demonstrate that the four required conclusions have been met. A -425, 9/16 Order Page 6 (4) The Planning Board may continue the hearing to a later meeting to accommodate the presentation of additional testimony or evidence. If the time and place of the continued hearing is announced in open session during the hearing, no further notice need be given for the continued hearing. (5) A public hearing at the Board of County Commissioners shall be calendared following the public hearing at which the Planning Board makes a recommendation. (6) The public hearing for the special use permit application at the Board of County Commissioners shall held in a quasi - judicial format. At the hearing, the Board hears factual evidence presented at an evidentiary hearing, then makes findings of fact supported by competent, substantial, and material evidence. Based on those findings, the Board of County Commissioners decides whether or not it can reach each of the required conclusions specified in Section 70 -7 below. (7) The Board of County Commissioners may continue the hearing to a later meeting to accommodate the presentation of additional testimony or evidence. If the time and place of the continued hearing is announced in open session during the hearing, no further notice need be given for the continued hearing. 70 -6 Review and Decision: (1) The applicant bears the burden of presenting sufficient evidence in support of the application to allow the Board of County Commissioners, after weighing such evidence against that presented in opposition to the application, to make findings of fact that reasonably support each of the required conclusions outlined in Section 70 -7 as well as any applicable specific standards for the proposed use as required by Section 72. If that burden is met, the Board of County Commissioners must approve the application. If that burden is not met, the Board of County Commissioners must deny the application, provided that if the Board of County Commissioners determines that specific minor changes or additions to, or restrictions on, the proposed development are necessary and sufficient to overcome impediments to its reaching the required conclusions, it may approve the application subject to reasonable conditions requiring such changes or additions or imposing such A -425, 9/16 Order Page 7 restrictions. Such conditions may include time limits for completion of development or for the start or end of certain uses or activities. (2) A motion to approve the application must state the required conclusions and include findings of fact on which the conclusions are based, plus any proposed conditions of approval. The favorable vote of a majority of Board of County Commissioners members present is necessary to pass such a motion. A motion to deny the application must state which of the required conclusions cannot be reached and include findings of fact on which the inability to reach the conclusions is based. The favorable vote of a majority of Board of County Commissioners members present is necessary to pass such a motion. If a motion to approve the application fails, the application is deemed denied, and those members voting against the motion must state which of the required conclusions they could not reach as well as findings of fact on which their inability to reach the conclusions is based. (3) Every decision by the Board of Commissioners issuing or denying a special use permit shall be subject to review by the Superior Court by proceedings in the nature of certiorari. Any petition for review by the Superior Court shall be filed with the Clerk of Superior Court within 30 days after the decision of the Board is filed in the Office of the Clerk to the Board, or after a written copy thereof is delivered to every aggrieved party who has filed a written request for such copy with the Clerk or Chairman of the Board at the time of the hearing of the case, whichever is later. 70 -7: Conclusions Required for Approval —The Board of County Commissioners shall approve an application for a special use permit if it reaches each of the following conclusions based on findings of fact supported by competent, substantial, and material evidence presented at the hearing. (1) The use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and approved. (2) The use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; (3) The use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity. (4) The location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for New Hanover County. A -425, 9/16 Order Page 8 Section 71: Validity, Extensions, and Changes for Approved Special Use Permits; Resubmittals of Denied Applications 71 -1: Validity and Extensions of Approved Special Use Permits: (1) A special use permit, issued by the Board of County Commissioners, shall become null and void if construction or occupancy of the proposed use as specified on the special use permit is not commenced within twenty - four (24) months of the date of issuance. If an extension is desired, a request must be submitted in writing to the New Hanover County Planning Department prior to the expiration. Extensions may be granted in accordance with Section 112 -6 of the Ordinance. (2) In the event of failure to comply with the plans approved by the Board of County Commissioners or with any other conditions imposed upon the special use permit, the permit shall thereupon immediately become void and of no effect. No building permits for further construction or certificates of occupancy under this special use permit shall be issued, and all completed structures shall be regarded as non - conforming uses subject to the provisions of Article IV of this Ordinance provided, however, that the Board of County Commissioners shall not be prevented from thereafter rezoning said property for its most appropriate use. 71 -2 Changes to Approved Special Use Permits: (1) The original applicant(s), their successors or their assignee may make minor changes in the location and /or size of structures provided the necessity for these changes is clearly demonstrated. Minor changes shall be reviewed by the Planning Department and upon favorable recommendation by the Planning Director may be approved by the Zoning Administrator. Such approval shall not be granted should the proposed revisions cause or contribute to: (A) A change in the character of the development. (B) A change of design for, or an increase in the hazards to pedestrian and vehicle traffic circulation, or (C) A modification in the originally approved setbacks from roads and /or property lines exceeding ten percent. 71 -3 Resubmittals: (1) An application for a special use which has been previously denied may be resubmitted only if there has been a change in circumstances as determined by the Planning Director or the director's designee. Evidence presented in support of the new application shall initially be limited to A -425, 9/16 Order Page 9 what is necessary to enable the Planning Director to determine whether there has been a substantial change in the facts, evidence, or conditions of the case and shall include: (A) Circumstances affecting the property that is the subject of the application which have substantially changed since the denial; or (B) New information available since the denial that could not with reasonable diligence have been presented at a previous hearing. If the Planning Director deems the evidence substantially changed, the proposal may be resubmitted as a new application. Appeal of the Planning Director's decision may be made to the Board of County Commissioners. ARTICLE XI: AMENDMENTS Note: The following language indicated in red and underlined shall be added to Article Xl. Deletions are red and have strikes through them: 111 -2.1: Required community information meeting before consideration Before an application will be accepted as complete for a zoning amendment or special use permit for proposals involving Planned Development, Riverfront Mixed Use District, Conditional Use Zoning District, Conditional Zoning District, of Exceptional Design Zoning District, (11/13/12) or special use permits for uses classified as intensive manufacturing the petitioner must include a written report of at least one (1) community information meeting held by the petitioner. The community meeting shall be held prior to submission of the application for map amendment, but after a pre - application conference with Planning & Inspections staff.- (11/13/12) for projects that require a pre- application conference. The primary purpose of the community meeting is to explain the upcoming proposal and field questions from people in the surrounding area. The applicant shall provide written notice by mail or other agreed upon measure at least ten days prior to the date of the neighborhood meeting. Notice shall be provided to each owner of record of land and any current tenants within 500 feet of and on the property for which development approvals are sought. Notice shall also be provided to (11/13/12) organizations entitled to notice based on a standing written request on file with the Clerk to the Planning Board ( "Sunshine List "). The meeting should focus on information exchange between an applicant and the specific invitees but should be open to the general public as well. The report shall include, at a minimum the following: (1) A list of those that were not able to be contacted and reason(s) why contact was not successful (2) Date, time and location of the meeting; (3) Roster of the persons in attendance at the meeting; A -425, 9/16 Order Page 10 (4) Summary of issues discussed at the meeting; and (5) Description of any changes or adjustments to the rezoning petition made by the petitioner as a result of the community meeting. In the event the petitioner has not held at least one (1) meeting pursuant to this subsection, the petitioner shall file a report documenting efforts that were made to arrange such a meeting and stating the reasons such a meeting was not held. The adequacy of a meeting held or report filed pursuant to this section shall be considered by the Planning Board in its decision and by the County Commissioners, as appropriate but shall not be subject to judicial review. (9/07) Note: The Table of Permitted Uses (TOPU) shall be revised to remove the two broad use listings for Limited and General Manufacturing and replace them with use listings based on the NAICS coding system. Intensive Manufacturing now becomes a category under which uses are listed. Five uses that exist currently in the TOPU, including low and high intensity mining and quarrying, sanitary landfill, electricity generating facilities, and fuel bulk storage facilities, are now classified under Intensive Manufacturing. Manufacturing Artisan Manufacturing P P I P P I P P P R Animal Food Manufacturing P S P P O P F 3111 Grain and Oilseed Milling P R R R R R B B I I & A A S R M Supp NAICS Permitted Uses P 20S 1 20 1 15 1 10 1 7 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 R I I I C A I U Regs 3113 Manufacturing Artisan Manufacturing P P I P P I P P P Animal Food Manufacturing P S P P P 3111 Grain and Oilseed Milling P S P P P 3112 Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing P S P P P 3113 Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing P S P P P 311 Dairy Product Manufacturing P S P P P 311 Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging P S P P P 311 Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing P S P P P 311 Other Food Manufacturing P S P P P 3119 Beverage Manufacturing P S P P P 3121 Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills S P S 3131 Fabric Mills S P S 3132-,i, Textile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating Mills S S 3133 Textile Furnishings Mills S S 314 Other Textile Product Mills Own _. S _ S 314 A -425, 9/16 Order Page 11 inda�#ia Maw Ong P S P P P 3332 Comt;►ff(Q'ivice indutrq • 3333 Machioew hul ufacturim S P P P Venti)atloii .bleating, Air - 3334 Conditioning, acid tommierciai s Am RefrigeMon Equipment Manufattutipg S pp P Metalworicink Machinery 3335 Manufa, ing P S P P P Engine, TurOine, and Power Transmission "equipment E manufactur ng , P P Other Gen rbl purpose Machinery Y+. 3339 . Manufacturing P P Computer and Peripheral Equipment -_: 3341 Manufacturine - . e , J; P P .. .?[ 'i:da �. :� a •F1��`i��� Esc a • �_ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ®�� ■ ■� ■ ■ ■_ ;t t'f rF inda�#ia Maw Ong P S P P P 3332 Comt;►ff(Q'ivice indutrq 3333 Machioew hul ufacturim S P P P Venti)atloii .bleating, Air - 3334 Conditioning, acid tommierciai s Am RefrigeMon Equipment Manufattutipg S pp P Metalworicink Machinery 3335 Manufa, ing P S P P P Engine, TurOine, and Power Transmission "equipment E manufactur ng , P P Other Gen rbl purpose Machinery 3339 . Manufacturing P P Computer and Peripheral Equipment -_: 3341 Manufacturine - . e , J; P P .. A -425, 9/16 Order Page 12 A-425,9/16 Order Page 13 R O F R R R R R B B I I & A A S R M Supp NAICS Permitted Uses D 20S 20 15 10 7 1 2 1 2 1 R I C A U Regs c6iFil cations lzqui meet 3342 Mali ing P S P P P ►tdb'; eb iqu'ipment 3343 io>aing , P S P P P Wriio c cir and © erliectronic 3344 iron J a rind P S P P P 'fl i�l#gy 3345 i�e�+ra%� aria C"cintfol. 8isti�i9i>tg P S P P P � d$fe tlitc dg 3346 a_1,1')e�Tia P S P P P uriaiit 3351 a* A P S P P P taring..: S P P P 3352 1-6 .1 `' S P P P 3353 iqu0t and 3359 Ccttpo tnufdCturing ` P S P P P Motor iattufalturing S P S 3361 Motor VeNV6 Oedy and 'fader 3362 tglar� .. g S P S Mohr a >ttrfarng S P P 3363 A�,ar ` b ct grid darts 3364 Mtii r S P P Rai lta d g$tockMpi% Wuring, S P P 3365 5 `tid I$u:iding - S P P 3366 Other"i'raia bttation tq,uipn ent 3369it Manuf airi S P P Medicai fg*ment and SuppNes 3391 Manufa�tu'rin P _ P Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing P = P P 3399 Household and Institutional 3371 Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing P P Office Furniture (inciuding Fixtures) 3372 Manufacturing r P P P Other Furniture Related Product Man. P PJ P 3379 Tobacco Manufacturing S P 3122 Leather and Hide Tanning and 3161 Finishing {" '' S P, 1. Sawmills and Wood Preservation S P 3211;' Other Wood Product Manufacturing 3219 • ,. A-425,9/16 Order Page 13 A -425, 9/16 Order Page 14 R O F R R R R R B B I 1 11 A A S R M Supp Permitted Uses PD 20S 20 15 10 7 1 2 1 2 1 R I C A U Regs iC9yerfg Paper Product 322 Mal .. +# 8 S P ai* . • c)1W ufcturirig S P1 3251 °CIWW Ati'd 3252 Ai-tifrcial a t #G Aber- . and aii '" prig S P Pirit,+I#il�, a 3255 !? S P 'bWd4 3256 'fti .fig S P dti7d 3259 Pric�ii ulil�gg (NA�9id A�ltlti lllisze 60,eo0,010mical;Pto t and Prepara #ien•iVtanu #ac#ur�ng {N�11CS ," 31599$))_ S P Plus #ics!rb# ctMMufa��uririg S P 5 3261 fWpbet0jt#u,tj Manufac ut' ng S P 3262 tclFertd Refraotnry 3271 .g S P Gimadd roduct 3272 Ail +-4 S P CvWtnt a d Concrete Product Mani►#ac�cring [Except: Cement Manufacturing (NAICS 32731)) dij S P Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing S P Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manu #aeturing S P Steel Product Manufacturing from Purchased Steel S P Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing [Except: Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production (NAICS 331313) and Secondary �. Smelting and Alloying of Aluminum (NAICS 331314)l A -425, 9/16 Order Page 14 OAS �.. ` elt iS�Ce.3'Si6 S R 4N , a' " `aril iylilla S O F 3221 1ri�4`eiits R R R R R B B I 1 & A A S R M Supp 3241 Permitted Uses D 20S 20 15 10 7 1 2 1 2 1 R I C A U Regs iifai (exct 3314 41-0 i1 $c Processing S P it�e5 fadl�ri► S P 3321 cibe &M� At Treating, 'S 3328 _ P ration S P N hed ptotsd S 3327 Ei @Yr .- lt.1�Uiirjg _ l rt S P S OAS �.. ` elt iS�Ce.3'Si6 S 3116 , a' " `aril iylilla S 3221 1ri�4`eiits 3241 S f e r er, 4'T twMier 3253 i t clilltur } ie cat ll a uMpturing . S it�e5 fadl�ri► S 325920 /kii t #her til n'eou$ Chemical 325998 P ration ll �ii S l rt S 32731 A I;rct 3274 , gr. S rAlarnin�': " '� and Phmary 331313 A rdd vDn S Sendry aping and alloying of 331314 Aluminum . S ftrundrfes S 3315 Fuel Balk $to!r- ge Facitities S Electric .y Genorating facilities S Sanitary LandEiil S 72 -13 562212 Mining & Quarrying (Low Intensity) S S 72 -42 21 Mining & Quarrying (High Intensity) - - S 72 -42 21 A -425, 9/16 Order Page 15 Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and subject to the conditions also approved as part of this action, shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Section 4. The County Commissioners find, in accordance with the provisions of NCGS 153A -341 that this zoning ordinance amendment is: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it implements Goal I: Support Business Success by streamlining the permitting process for targeted industries and encouraging target industries in Employment Centers, Commerce Zones, and Growth Nodes. Reasonable and in the public interest because the amendment adds clarity to the county's special use permit process and the table of permitted uses, providing for orderly growth in the county. Adopted the 3rd day of March, 2017. LTI Woody White, Chai Attest: 4-WIM QUU2dL KfA Crowell, Clerk to the Board A -425, 9/16 Order Page 16