2017-02-16 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 2017 PAGE 690 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. in the Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Woody White; Vice-Chairman Skip Watkins; Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Commissioner Patricia Kusek; and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Staff present: County Manager Chris Coudriet; County Attorney Wanda Copley; and Clerk to the Board Kymberleigh G. Crowell. Chairman White called the Agenda Review meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the agenda items for the February 20, 2017 Regular Meeting with discussions as noted: Regular Item 8. Consideration of a Resolution of Support for Adequate Funding to Meet the Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Disorder Service Needs for Citizens of New Hanover County. County Manager Coudriet reported this request was initiated by Trillium Health Resources and Executive Director Leza Wainwright who will present the item for consideration by the Board. It is a request for the Board to support Trillium’s funding policy position. Commissioner Zapple, who is also a member of the Trillium Health Resources - Southern Regional Advisory Board, reported that this resolution requests the General Assembly restore funding and is not a request for new money. The direct impact to Trillium, which represents 24 counties in eastern North Carolina, is approximately $23 million which includes funds that come to New Hanover County. The restoration of funds is supposed to occur during this budget cycle. If the funds are not restored, there will be a direct impact on plans being created in collaboration with New Hanover County for such items as the new housing facility near the hospital. In response to Board questions, Mr. Coudriet stated that Trillium did not make this request last year or the year before. Staff feels it is not inconsistent with anything the Board has sanctioned to this point. It is consistent with one of the NC Association of County Commissioners’ (NCACC) legislative goals of the State maintaining funding for mental health, substance use disorders and developmental disabilities. Senator Michael Lee and New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NHRMC) are working on a pilot program specifically centered on developmental disabilities. It is a broad based coalition of NHRMC, Trillium, Coastal Horizons, and others. A brief discussion was held about the Board taking positions on Federal and State funding by passing resolutions without having knowledge of discussions at either level. Mr. Coudriet stated that in regard to this specific request, it concerns the Board as it approves funding for Trillium of approximately $2.1 million each year. If the State reduces funding it may result in Trillium making larger requests of the 24 counties it serves, which includes New Hanover County. If that occurs the Board will need to decide if it will fund the gap. The State has not given the organizations providing services permission to reduce services as a result of reduced funding. NCACC has continued to push the State to stop sending counties unfunded mandates. Staff believes this request is consistent with the Board endorsing the legislative goal of continued funding for this issue and the overall arching theme of counties not incurring unfunded mandates. Regular Item 9. Consideration of a Resolution Supporting the Cape Fear Council of Government's Submittal of a Grant Application to Develop a Land Use Study and Recommendations with the Department of Defense for Areas in Proximity to the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point. County Manager Coudriet reported this is a staff initiated resolution on behalf of the Cape Fear Council of Governments (COG). The COG wants to create a partnership with the Department of Defense (DOD) to bring together a planning group to look at the long term impacts of the Sunny Point Munitions Station on development in New Hanover and Brunswick counties. There is no defined staff presentation. The request is for the Board to consider adopting the resolution and allow staff to negotiate its part in the Joint Land Use Study. It would allow staff an opportunity to learn and then form recommendations of the plan. In response to Board questions, Mr. Coudriet stated that a portion of Pleasure Island is owned by the Federal government and is the blast area for Sunny Point. There is a direct impact to New Hanover County via Pleasure Island. It is unknown how a possible expansion in the southeastern part of the County may impact what the Federal government is able to do long-term. The County has never received any revenue source for payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) as it may have never been taxable. Planning and Land Use Director Chris O’Keefe and staff will provide a response about PILT to the Board as soon as possible. Consensus: The Board agreed to move Regular Item 9 to the Consent Agenda. Staff Updates: Amendment of New Hanover County Ordinance Code Chapter 32, Prohibiting All Tobacco Use (including Nicotine Electronic Delivery Devices) on the Grounds of the New Hanover County Public Health Department. County Manager Coudriet asked Health Director Phillip Tarte to present the update about creating a no smoking campus at the New Hanover County Health Department. Director Phillip Tarte stated that in 2004 the establishment of a fifty-foot barrier for smoking near health departments or buildings occupied by public health employees became a part of the accreditation standards. In 2010 the General Assembly made changes to the state law whereby counties can go further and create tobacco free NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 2017 PAGE 691 campuses. Under current state law, boards of health cannot adopt a rule, particularly on this topic, without consent from boards of commissioners because the campuses are county occupied facilities. The Board of Health requests the Board of Commissioners adopt the ordinance amendment to designate the Health Department at its current location a tobacco and e-cigarette free campus. A brief discussion was held about enforcing the rule on property where the County is a tenant or landlord and there are other businesses. Director Tarte explained that state law provides that an entire campus can be made tobacco free in situations of county leased and owned buildings (even if there are other businesses in the facility), county occupied spaces and grounds and county vehicles. There is a fifty-foot rule in place at the County Government Center due to public health employees occupying the building which meets the accreditation standard. This request th is specifically for the occupied space at 2029 S. 17 Street and not any other County campus. Consensus: The Board agreed with this matter being placed on a future agenda. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman White adjourned the meeting at 4:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kymberleigh G. Crowell Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting.