S17-02 ApplicationPage 3 of 4 04/14 CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT (As Outlined in Section 71 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance) The applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed use satisfies these requirements (please use additional pages if necessary). The applicant has the burden of proof and must provide sufficient evidence in order for the required findings to be met. Planning Staff, the Planning Board, and the Board of County Commissioners reserve the right to require additional information, if needed, to assure that the proposed Special Use Permit meets the following requirements: 1.The Board must find “that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved.” 2.The Board must find “that the use meets all required conditions and specifications” of the Zoning Ordinance. 3.The Board must find “that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity.” 4.The Board must find “that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County.” TheprojectfrontsMarketStreet,amajorthoroughfare,butwillbeaccessedfromBumAlongroad.Atrafficimpactanalysishas beencompletedandrecommendedimprovementswillbeconditionsofanyapproval.Thecurrentlysub-standardroadwillbe improvedfortwo-waytrafficwidthandarightturnlaneaddedonitsMarketStreetapproach.theprojectisintheOgdenfire servicesdistrict.Theprojectwillbeservicedbypublicwater&sewerutilities. AconceptualsiteplanhaspreparedinaccordancewiththeSUPcriteria.Detaileddesignandpermittingforconstruction authorizationwillassurefullcompliancewithallzoningordinancerequirements,technicalstandardsandanypertinentState& Federalregulations. Therehasbeennoevidencethatothersimilarprojectslocatedalongbusytrafficthoroughfareshavehadanadverseeffecton thevaluesofpropertiesinneighborsbeyondthecommercialcorridorifmitigatingeffortshavebeenincorporatedintothe designandapproval.TheplandoesnotproposeconnectiontoRaintreeRoad,sothattrafficfromtheprojectcouldnotimpact theneighborhoodstreets.Bufferplantingswillbeinstalledalongtheresidentialboundary.Streetyard,interiorparkingareaand foundationplantingswilladdtothevisualappealoftheproject. Theprojectisinthe“communitymixed-use”landclassification,intendedformoreintensiveurbandevelopment.Policy4.1 suggestsdesignatingsufficientlandareaandsuitablelocationsforvarioususes,and4.3suggestsmaximizingeffectivenessof commercialusesbyassuringthatlandisavailablewithincloseproximitytothemarketstheyserve.Webelievethatthis proposalisrelevanttothepoliciesandourCounty’sstrategiesforgrowthandeconomicdevelopmentwhichcontinueto encourageeffortstoattractandretainbusinesses.Itisreasonableandinthepublicinterestbecauseitwillprovideaservicethat willminimizevehicletripsandmilestraveled. Special Use Permit Project Narrative 7957 Market Street Buy Quick Convenience Center This proposal is to develop a convenience store with fuel sales and an automatic car wash. Market Street is an extremely busy thoroughfare. The tract is already zoned for business use, but is an office & institutional district. The proposed use is permitted only by special use permit. Service industries need to be located close to the users they provide for. There is a long distance between the convenience store at Porter’s Neck Road and the next facility to the south which is beyond the intersection of Gordon Road. The project fronts Market Street, a major thoroughfare, but will be accessed from Bump Along road. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) has been completed and recommended improvements will be conditions of any approval. The currently sub-standard road will be improved for two-way traffic width and a right turn lane added on its Market Street approach. The project is in the Ogden fire services district and will be serviced by public water & sewer utilities. A survey and environmental assessment was completed for the tract. There is a pocket of wetlands within the project area, but it is less than ½ acre and thereby eligible for a nationwide permit to fill for essential site improvements. Mitigating efforts have been incorporated into the design to avoid any adverse effects to the adjacent Brickstone Estates community. The plan does not propose connection to Raintree Road, so that traffic from the project could not impact those neighborhood streets. The properties back Bump Along Road will benefit from the improvement of the intersection of Bump Along Road at Market Street, and back the entire frontage of the project. Buffer plantings will be installed along the residential boundary. Streetyard, interior parking area and foundation plantings will add to the visual appeal of the project. The project is in the “community mixed-use” land classification, intended for more intensive urban development. Policy 4.1 suggests designating sufficient land area and suitable locations for various uses, and 4.3 suggests maximizing effectiveness of commercial uses by assuring that land is available within close proximity to the markets they serve. We believe that this proposal is relevant to the policies and our County’s strategies for growth and economic development which continue to encourage efforts to attract and retain businesses. It is reasonable and in the public interest because it will provide a service that will minimize vehicle trips and miles traveled.