MARCH 13 2017 BUILDING APPS-''i".' rfffi-dttl {aF=..1 :: _ z1tl _zoso NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CAT, O N rYPE: RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABtE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" 1r-s74 Application Number (offic€ use) AppltCANT,S NAME. Erik Hemingway gs1s 1l3l17 SUBDIVISION:roT # pRopERTy 6WNER,5 p41yg. Renovo Homes pHoNE #: 9'10.833.2980 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 321 Front St ctTy Wilmington z,P. 28401 CONTRACToR: Elm Builders LLC 9196 U6615s 6. 73227 ADDRESS: 1705 Chestnut St Ctry Wilmington sT:IqztP 28405 EMATL ADDRESs: erikhem@gmail.com ps6xs. 910.431 .3855 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pgg56p Erik Hemingway psgx6. 910.431 .3855 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *T*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.L THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*'}* E Att Garage (sF)E Det Garage (SF)tr Porch (SF)190 E sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF) E Deck (SF) E Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_54 tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work)11"rgs61 1450 Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $98.000 ls the proposed work changjng the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is t here a N atu ral Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family E Duplex D Townhouse Description of work: Build a new single family home on the lot laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center wlll be not fied of any changes n the approved p pecifications or change in contractor information. +..NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC state Bldg Co ct to f nes up to $500.00+*+ owner/contractor. Erik Hemingway signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA O Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D CommunitySystem E Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua zone: _- officer: -- setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - oate: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S 7t8 pRoJEcT ADDRESS: 208 l\ilarstellar ctTy Wilmington 7p1 28401 OTC \] dqt NEW x o\1 - DqS ,$1 HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTGATIOTI D?8.. COIIUIERCIAL pLEASf AXsllER ALL QlrESTrOl.S APPIICABLE TO Yotn PIoIECT "PrcJect RcsPorslbtltty! APPL ICATIOI'I Number (offlc. UE.) DEVELOPERT N/A PROIECT AITDRESS: 3so5 converse Dr occuPAJ{T/BrrsINESS tUUrE :C rest Buildinq CfTYi vlifminqton PHONE S: 910-620:9!9L LICEISE *: s812 ACCO('{T ft sT3 NC zIP: 2r603 PHONE *: 910-799-?585 PROPERry O{{NER, S TIAT.IE :ShipYard CorNtons qd{ER, S AI'DRESS: 3 505 Converse Dr. CoNTRACToR: Baker Roofinq companv ADORESS: 517 Merc EIIAIL ADDRESS: ahinson errooflng. com PRO]ECT COilTACT PERSO :Aller Hlnson (ch..k AIl Exrsr co srRucrro : E ALTERATToI ! ntHollrrg f Relocltlon, is the]€ a NaturalG6 Line on the Clrrent Site? Ll Ar9lv ) GENERAL REparRs l-l nrloclrrot fl rc rs amc spRtn-lceaeou ! v." [ ruoY€s t{E}r COTETRI,GTIOI{: I fnrcr E]{ sTiUcTURE f] resf rmcx I Sxrr-r. ! uerrr ! aoo ro ExIsT 5TnUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheU Permlt #:Is Elect Poyer on this Bullding E Yes I mo a...r rs r{rs A GMn6E oF ocoJpa cy r,se I flvrs r IF Yes, Ilrat vas ths Prevlous OccuPancy Type?tlhat is the lleu occupancy TYPe? ARO{ DESIGT PROFESSIOiAL : N/A EI'IGR DESIGII PROFESSIOTAL: N/A PH:NC REG *I DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Instal.1 nevr TPo Roof svsten Locabd h The FloodPain? ff ves I No Slate cod6 aDd 6lt cha ths OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Allen Hinson SIGI.IATURE: # OF UNITS: ls bod or bevsagtee props€d d sslvrd h uria *nrcaref flves I no u nr eroperty olscLlltGR: I hdoby csriify thst all Information in thb srdk?tlon ir colrEt eDd sll wort will co.ncy with lha i,iiid&l-ri,ii'i"Joiiri"i;joi6 inri riroiiiittoni. irp Hsc b€volopmont so lces cener rvlll ba norri'd ot ,nv or chanoe in contactor o. conlraclor lmomE[o; &iiffi6r-W;it P;'io.tnaa WiO tt6 App'op'l# Pelrrlf,s S'rbjocl]o Flnes Up To 1500.00"' O*tr) C rlrr) tc,u or,uni t"ato,rr I d-b tlno,stFnt apdri"r...ir lc alnrtH |,he rrrecic.darftm (o+lt(}!?El tq1-tuElv q. hruhe f- 6ua b onrrn,f*s. ona. yqr.|i |!{.trd b c.[ tE t&!or.i E if.5n s|.d!ir. for HEdo!. Ar Fdum (NESHAP) .l (019]n]760501l5t l0 (l}! plc b tr a.,rolltri a"ny laryo, Uurlc. Se ttorr fvol SIE t't9r ww.opkffi nau8'spt,!.D6tc/afinp'htnl TOTAL PROJECT COST:$45, OOO. OO BUILDING HEIGHT:25 SQFTPERFLR: 13,425 # OF STORIES: 3 # OF FLOORS:- 1 TOTAL AREA SO FT :r3,425 TOTAL SQ FT UNDm RooF: -1Il2L- # OF STRUCTURES:1 ACRES DISTURBED:N/A E(sr LAND DrsruRBrNG pERMrr? nves [l ruo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:-SQ FT D(|ST|NG lMPERvlOt'lS ARE'': -- SO Ff wArER -cFpUA fI@MMUNITY SYSIEM E WEIJ- ElzoNlNG USE cl-AsslFlcA1lolt --snG* ficm.ra ficenrnat- sennc E P-RlvArE sEmc E@MMUNITY SYSTEM .'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLAG' GAS EAUIP, PREFABS & ]NSER'TS '' to**r 'sco** (FOR OFFICE USE ONLN RA/TSED DAIE {N1N2 ToNF: OFFICER: SETBACKS: F:-LH: RH:- B: lprrcra-r-citt".-:DAil-FLooD:---BFE+2f F- AVN Comment PERMIT FEE: $ t%+ APPLICAIIT, S MllE: Allen Hinson DAfEi 03/09/20L1 PHONE f: zlP t 28472 rITY: wilminoLon 5T: NC ZIP| 28412 CIry: Rareiqh P}()NE #: 910-443-0193 PHr NC REG fl pRopERTy usE: EIoFFtcE flnesraunerr fluenceltrtu [eouc f]enr [coNoo orHER- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CA1ION TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT 'P?oiect Responsibilihf CITY:Wilminqton adl- JlQ6 Application Number (office use) AppLtcANT,s NAME: Stevens Buil Com PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDtVtstoN: Maple Ridge at West Bay Date i o1 03.\1 z'P. ?fF'of, z a tl LOT #:4 pROpERTy OWNER,S NATUE: Stevens Building Company OwNER,S ADDRESS; 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 pxOrr *: 91G794€699 CtTy: Wilmington ztP.2UO3 co[TRACToR: Stevens Building Company slgc U6gx56 g. 31626 ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 cry. Wilmingrton ST: NC z,P.28/.03 EMA|l, ADDRESST snicholson@stevensinehomes.com pxOtr:910-794-8699 pROJECT 6ONIACT p6X59X. Staci Nicholson p11sxs.910-332-8515 EXISTING CO STRUCTIOT{: ! Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs EW COI{SIRUCTIOI: d Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation .* TPLEASE CHECK AITID AI{sWER BELOW ATJ. THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJCCT*'* EI att carage 1sr) t{3X E Det Garase (SF)- V porch (sFl IZX L-.1 Sunroom (5F)! Pool (sF)! Storage Shed (5F)_ n Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (sF)! other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Ves d f,lo TOTAI SQ FT UI{DERROOI lfor prcposed workl Healedi o22 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)i S 120,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes d lo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Strudure E Yes lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? D Yes d o ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinS? E Yes O lo dno Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of work New sinqle family construction laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Seryices Centerwillbe notified ofanychanges in the plans and sp€cifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE:Anywork p€rformed without the appropriate permitswillbe in violation of the NC State code and subject to to S5oo-oo.*1 Oumer/Contractor:Michael Craig Stevens Sitnature: "Licensed Quolifie/' Pdnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr v"" dm Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Dlsturbint Permft: tr Yes d No WATER: d CFPUA D community System E Private well E central well E Aqua sEwER: dcFPUA E community system E Private Septic E central septic E Aqua Zone: - fficer: - Setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RHl - (81 -Approval: - Caty: - Date: - Flood: (Al - (V) - (Nl - BFE+2fG - UO Total Acres Dlsturbed: 1/3 { qol)).J, Comment:P€rmit Fee: S unheated: 51a1, b5D AppUCANT,S NAME: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmin ton, LLC pRoJECT ADDRESS: 309 Hollandale court NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERM APPLICATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO.IECT "Proiect Responsibilitl/' 611y. Wilmington 2o1 ) Agr Application Number (office use) sa1s. 0212412017 71p. 2M12 sUBDtvtstoN: River Oaks Homestead Estates LOT #: 6 C9NTRACTOR: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC s1p6 U6gt{5s 4. 34586 ADDRESs: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 20'l 6;ry' Wilmington sr: NC ztp. 28403 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation [] General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E/Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **,PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTII* <^^I- )1V-/ ' lYe"/o,, urr.r" lsrl €C2* El Detcarase(sF)- {eorcn 1sr'1 tmYcr<d'r Jr-l pRoJEcT coNTAcT pERsoN: Courtney Bain n sunroom (sF)n Pool (SF) n Greenhouse (sF)_tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr yes y'lo TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 201,053 pxorur: 910.350.1744 [] Storace Shed (5F) /o,n"r 1rr1 Taho- 13) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? t Vu, {xo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D/Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas LrP on the current site? ! Yes E-No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? [ Yes fI No ./' Property Use/ occupancy: E[ Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse a/*, Description of work: new construction of sinqle family residence laws and ordinences and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified of anychanSes in the approved plans and specifications orchan8e in contractor informatlon. r*+NoTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg co and subject to fines up to S500.00r*' Owner/Contractor; Courtney Bain Signature: "Licensed QuoliJier" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: - sqFt /* TotalAcres Disturbed:o.q6 New lmpervious Area: tl, IOQ to t,Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes 7*, WATER: E CFPUA fl community System E Private Well E central Well Ei&ua SEWER: E cFPUA E community System D Private Septic D Central Septic 6/Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - sl ,+10 Comment:Permit Fee: S \) i:t (\l;t pROpERTy OWNER,5141yg; Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC pHOnet: 910.350.'1744 owNER,s ADoREss: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 ctTy: Wilmington z,p. 28403 5p1a111ppxsg5; cbain@billclarkhomes.com pxour:910.350.'1744 ToTALsQ FT uNDE R RooF lJor proposea wor*l tteatea: 2141 unteatea: ltO1ft 20t+ )go AppLtcAMr,S AME: Stevens Buildi PROIECTADDRESS: I 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP UCATION TYPE : RESIDEMfl At PLEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect ResponsibilM c|Ty: Wilmington Application Numhler (office use) Date:.0p.2W ,| suBDtvtstoN:Maple Ridqe at West Bay LOT S:B pROpERTy OWt{ER,s NAME: Stevens Building Company OWNER S ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 p116x6 6. 91G794.{699 Cfry: Wilmington y1p.2UO3 CONTRACTOR Stevens Building Company SLDG g6gxgg s. 31626 51; NC 2sp. 28403ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 6gy. Wilmin EMA|t ADDREss: snicholson@stevensfi nehomes.com pxorr: 910-794{699 pROJECT COiITACT pgXg6Nl Staci Nicholson pHsxs. 91G332-8515 EXISTING COIiISTRUCflO : ! Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: d Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation I*TPLEASE CHECI( AI{D AITSWER BEI.OW AII THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECTT** El ettearage (sr) 400 E Detcarase(sF)_ gporch (sF) E sunroom (sF)_ fl Greenhouse (SF) D Storage Shed (SF)_ ! other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes d lo TOTAT SQ FI UI{DERRfi)F lfor proposed wort) Heated:lX10 unheated: 5o I n Pool (sF) ! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves d lo ls any Electri6l, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structur" E yes d o lftheproiectisaR€location,isthereaNaturalGasLFeonthecurrentsite?trVesdlo ls there Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? E Yes O No laws and o.dinances and r€guhtjons. The NHC Development s€rvices Centerwillb€ notified ofanychanges in th€plans and speciffcations or dlange in contractor information. "'NOTE: Anywork performed without the appropriate permit5 willbe in violation ofthe Nc state Code and subject to to S500.00r1. Ownery'Contractor: Michael Stevens Signature: "Licensed Quolifiel Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves / no Existing lmp€rvlous et""' Ztt?l sq rt ,{ew lmpervious Area:2L$\Sq Ft Existing Land oisturbint Permit: tr ve, d no Total Acres Disturbed' 1/3 WATER: d CFPUA E community system E Private well E central well E Aqua sEwER: /CFPUA E community system 0 Private septic E central septic El Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (fl - (tHl - (RH) - (Bl -Approval: - clty: - Date: - Flood: (Af -(vl -(N] - BFE+2ft= - fi 011) Comment;P€rmit Fee: S ToTAt PRoJECT cost (Less Lot): 5-1?9,099- Property Use/ Occ1lpancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhous€ Description of work: New single family construction t 20lktq+ APPLICATION Number :' (-\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaN rYPE; DEMOLITION PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & AiIShIER ATT QUESTIONS"Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAI'IE: Re,'nolds Mrars - FunsEon Company DEVELOPER: Join Sloan PROIECT ADDRESS: 1622 country club Road CITY: wi lmlngEon PROPERTY OWNERTS ltlAilE: John sloan OWNER'S ADDRESS: r622 corlntrv club Road CITY: wi tminqEon CONTRACTOR: Funston company LICENSE #: 67?ol ADDRESS: PO Box 1OO CITY: winnabow EI'IAIL ADDRESS: rmiars@ funs tolrco . con, PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Re,.no1ds Miars DESCRIPTION OF [^,ORK; Demo House :t 1 (office Use ) PHONE #: 910 343 3143 PHONE *: 910 s2o-2osg ST: NC ZIP: 28403 5T: J9_ ZIP: :!j:a PHONE #: PHONE *: 910 - l4l 314 3 910 520 2058 (l,Jhat Type of Building 0o You Hant To oenolish?) and ordinances and regulations- The NHC Development Services Cenler willbe notified ol any changes in lhe approved plans and specifications o( change in contrador or conrracior inlormaiion. '*NOTE: AnyWork Performed WOlhe Appropriale Permilswjllbe in Violalion oflhe NC Slate Bldg Code and Subjeclro Fines Up To$:OO.OO"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Funston company (FOR OFFI(E UsE oflrY) SETBACKS: F :_ LH: _ RH: _ B:_ SIGNATURE: IS IHE PROJECT:I REsTDENTTAL / E comuencrnr TOTAL PROIECT COST(Lessror): $ 20000 DOES THrS STRUCTURE OR BUTLDTNG CONTATN A5BE5TO5? E YES I NO r5 1HERE A NATURAL GAS LrNE CONNECTED TO THrS BUTLDTNC? E YES r5 THERE ELECTRTCAL POWER ON THrs BUTLDTNG? [ VrS I UO (Prlnt Nane) ,** * )*,r,* + )r,r+**+* )* )* * ,* *,* *,1* *,* *,* )i*****,* * )*,* )i+)** *,t*rirt**,r*,t,t,t*,t***,tr(,t**,t*****r(,t*)t **r(,t*** ***)*** * r* NO Note: The Nalional E mission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollulants (NESHAP) Regulalions Require that you contacl them al (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to the demolition of any facility or building, whelher the facility or building was found lo contain Asbestos or not. Demolition notifications & asbeslos removal permil applicalions are to be submitted using lhe application form (DHHS-3768). This form can be found on lhe web site shown below. Note: Obtaining a demolition permit from lhe NHC lnspections Depl. does NOT satisfy or meet the nolillcation requirements ot the HHCU (Heallh Hazards Control Unit).'Keep in mind that an asbestos survey is required by a NC accredited asbestos inspector prior to any renovation or demolitaon of a facility Please see lhe Asbestos Web Site httoJ/www,ej-stale nc,us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp.html PAYI1ENT I1ETHOD:flcasx I cnecx (nAvABLE To NHc) [ mrarcmr rxnnrss I MClVI5A I orscovrn *,******,t***,t**,t***,tr()t,ti(,i*****,t)tt r(* ** * *r(*,***,***,F*'* )**,r,**,**,**)r*+ )tr(,tr(* *1.**r(** * )* * * ,* * * ,* * *,r * * )** Approval:_City:_ DATE:_ FL00D: _ BFE+2ft=_ N ! Comment:PERMIT FEE:,75---- DATEi 2/23/2a17 ZIP i 2a4a3 SUBDIVISION: south oleander BLOCK S: LOT #: EXTSTTNG LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? ! VeS I HO WATER: I creua ! coMMUNrrY svsrrr,r ! srwrn, @ crnur ! CENTRAL sEPrrc tr PRIVATE l/IEL L PRTvATE sEPTrc ! comlururrv svsreu ZONE: _ OFFICER: ,.. a.. )ot+- t(q IftTTTW? APPLICATION Number .& NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|ION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL MOBILE HOME PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & ANSI{ER ATI- QUESTIONS"Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S t,IAfiE:0 DEVELOPER: (office use) o^rEt 2ll / 11 PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: CITY: BLOCK f: PHONE # L PHONE $: LrV I PROPERTY OWNER,S NAIiIE: OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: CITY: LICENSE #: CITY: PHoNE r:q6j_E;g_105b sr'NC zrp,7 8U0l ST:zrr,7EU1 1trLl PHoNE *: qn,Xqq-2-111 I (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) ! rrusrarr NEW MoBTLE HoME /*rroaorro, oF usED MoBTLE HoryE DE PTION OF hIORK: wllbe n Violarion orrhe NC St6re Bldq Code ondffi)'P'Yfi':wR'lCtt1'*ln-lNl M*ntr3 \r Dev.ropment Sotoices C..is wllb. notf€a ol.ny ch6n9.s ii lh. spp.ov.d plans and specincailons achange i..oitador or @ntadot rn OT{NER/CONTRACTOR:0 SIGNATURE: (print Name) ** + * *,** **** * * )** )t,* ***i( )t,*,t !t {< * * )r,* )** * )i * )*** **,}** ****,t* *i.i* )t,t * rt * {(,f ,t,t,3 )t )t,* ** *,* ,*,*,* *,**,*,r,r)****,*,*,* *+ rs rHE pRopERTy LocarED rN l rloooeurru? [ ves PROPERTY USE/OCCUPANCY :ESIDE F/N" HUD LABEL YEAR MADE: 1 NCE / OTHER? TIANU FACIURERtu' TOTAL PROIECT COST (tess Loo: FtsW SERIAL #: COLOR:LENGTH: -'l O - ves [ ruo GARAGE: E SF ves Eeo Yo L\I WIDTH: 223 SFHURRICANE zoNE: f] DEcx: I ves F.lro sMoKE DETECTOR: EJ sF PoRcH: FJYE5 E N-o $ X ' ooo'o" hIATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA COMI4UNITY SYSTEI'1 CENTRAL S EPTIC l-l pn"BF*NTRAL WELL COIVIMUNIry SYSTE14 IVATE WELL Ec, IVATE SEPTIC *** 5EPARATE PERI1ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFAES & INSERTS *** tr CASH I orecx (PAYABLE ro NHc)tr AIIERICAN EXPRESS TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED; EXIST LAND DIsTURBING PERMIT:YE5 Blo E "c/rrso E orscoren *.. iEvtsED 4/12l12 PAY ENT METHOD: (roR oFFrcE usE oxLv) SETBACKS: F:- LH: - RH:- B:- Approval:_ City:_ DATE;_ FLOOD: _ _ BFE+2ft ZONE : _ OFFICER: Comment: N PERMIT FEE: $ b-b- irI )otT_)t1 & APPLICATION Number (Office Use) 2 zI., NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcarToN ryPE: COIIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility''\ DEVELOPER:PHONE *: 9aa-js9 2'7a2 PROJECT ADDRESS: 125 MarkeE screer OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAfiE: slice of Lrfe OI{NER'S ADDRESS: 12s Marker srreer CONTRACTOR: wilminqton Awninq, Inc CITY: wi lmi.nqLon LICENSE #: CITY: wi lmi.nqronADDRESS: 1046 s. Kerr Ave EMAIL ADDRESS: info@wi lminqtonawninq . com ST: NC ZIP: 2s403 PHONE #:9aa-799 2ia2 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: John JohnsDn PHONE *:910-s0 i06o (Check AII Ihat Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTION: E ALTERATTON E R E I'/OVAT ION GENERAL REPAIRS ! nrlocarrou lI Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? fi Yes Eruo rs BLDG sPRtNKLEnroz I ves I uo NEW CONSTRUCTION:EREcr NEr., srRUcruRE ! rasr rnncr ! srer-r- ! uerrr ! aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: rwo (2) r]ew shed r.oof welded frame a\^rninqs with removable fabric covers If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: fF Yes, uhat lras the Previous Occupancy Typel ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOI{AL: ***':t* rs rHrs a cHANGE oF occupANcy uset flves fl trc *r*** Is Elect Power on this Building E] yes E *O What is the Neu Occupancy Type? PH: ls food or boyorages prepared or sefled in this structure? nYe" ffi No rc the Property Located tn Th€ RoodptainZ f,lves [ ruo DISCI-AIMER: I nereoy certty rhalall rnlormalon 14 and locallaws and ordrnances ard requlalrons. Tne or chanoe in contracror or conlraclor tiformatron. "'Subjecllo Frnes Up To $500.00"' this applic€tion rs correct and alt work witt comdy wth the Slarc Burtding Code and al other appticabte StaleNiq_Developmenl SeMces Cenrer wll bF notrfied ol any chanqes rn th; approved otans and lbecficatronsNOTE' Any Wor,( Perto,med Wo rne Appropnate Dermr{s wrlr t-e in viorarr5fi o;r tne \e SEiii dlii-Coiil,it ENGR DESI6N PROFESSIOT,IAL:PH: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: roirn c. rohnson SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST: 91834. oo BUILDING HEIGHT # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :# OF STORIES ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DISTURBTNG pERMtT? n yES E NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE RESTAURANT lueRcmrrru leouc f] ner f]cor.roo orneR, WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA "" SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELEC-T, [,4ECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS 8 INSERTS '^ pAyMENr METHOD: [ClSn [CneCr lenVaaLE ro NHc) ffm,renrcm exeRESs nMC /lSA I oSCOVen (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISEO DATE,9l1/12 NC REG #: NC REG #: ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM EWELL []ZONING USE CTASSIFICATION: L_l CENTRAL SEpTtC Ll PRMAIE SEpTtC fl COMMUNITY SYSTEM SETBACKS: r:ilA tn:^t/A RH,oLB,A\L FLOOD: __ X BFE+m= contaln Asbenos ()r nd. You are r€qulr6d to call the Nauqlsl Emission Slen(lards fo. H€zardous Alr Pottua s (NESHAP)at (91S)707-5!EO a basi 10 days dor tolhe d€nrolilion of 8ny hcility or buildino. S€o Asb€stos W6b Siie: hflp:/ ^r.,vr.epi.nate.nc.uvepuasb€n6/ahmp.hrmt NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: ZONE: Approva SQ FT NloERMIT FEE: $_Comment {.s zfi/t1 Cit,v lnsoectron Resurreo, gl 0-254-.Bll l[}- APPLICANT'S NAlilE: Jolm .Johnson DAfEi 2..2i,;!_j CITY: wilminqron ZIP..2laa7 PROPERTY OWNER's NAME: RAl/ WOrrEll PHONE *: 9!A 391 1979 ST: NC ZIP: 2s4ol SO FT PER FLR: - TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: _ ffi NEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE I RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI^IER Al-t QUESTIOIIS APPLICABLE rO YOUR PROIECT "Project ResponsibllitY' l)/+- 7t11 H4A1 APPLICATICN Number (offl.e Use) APPLICANT',S NAIIE: rns:ar Bros Inc DATE: z-2s-t' DEVELOPER:PTION E *: PROIECT AmRESS: 5323 Meqans p-Lace Dr]-ve ZrP z za 4a9 SUBDIVISIoiI: Mecans P lace BLOC( #:LOT *: 9R Olr{ER'S AmRESS: 5J2t Meoans place Drive CITY: wr lr.rnoton 5T: JE_ ZIP : l!4!g CO{TRACTOR: rnqran Brcs Inc LICEiISE fl: 66480 AIDRESS: 1706 castle street CITY: wi I r.i ngton sr : j!_ zIP: rLML EfittrIL AIDRESS: o.ro iecLs0:nqrambros, neL PKI{E f : 91,0 '7 62-9695 PROIECT COiITACT PERSOT{: a"r"n :ireDhel:s PIIO E *: eta 6tE-23't2 EXISTIN6 COITSTRUCTION:aLTERATToN I nercvarror I oerueur- REpArRs fl RELocATroir NEr{ COI{STRUCTTOT{ I I ERECT lrEl{ RESTDET{CE or ! ADDTTION TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE *TPLEASE CHECK AiD AT{SI{ER BELO{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: I nrr oanner - sF I oer eanlee sF fl poRcH - sF SUNRoOM 2eo SF POO L SF STORAGE SHED - SF ! eneruousr - sr I oecr - sr OTHER:SF T0TAL HEATED SQ FT: _ TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 2q0 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 2ec # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLIIIBI 6 or tlECHlr{ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structurel I V"s [l lo If the project i.s a Relocatlon, is thene a Natural 6as Line on the Current Site? [Ves I lo Is there Electrical Power on thts Building?I CIW: lri r hi ndr 6n PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY ves f]ruo uJPLEX E TOhINHOUSE DESCRIPTI0a{ OF !J()RX: Convert existinq screenroor. to a sunroorn under existinq roof.Line. DISCLAfiER lherBby cedfy hat all intonnation in his applicatoh is conecl.tld all \rork wiu comply wlh be Siate Building Codc and al otrer appkable StaC ad local lavrs and ordinarccs and regulations- The NHC Davelopment Services CenEr willbe notfed ofany dranges in he approvad pla!s and spe alge in conlracbr or .onl-acbrinbrmadon'_NOTE:AnyWorkPorto.medw/OheAPPopdabtunnitswillbcinViolatbnoft\eNCSttEdg q,S{ER/CONTRACTOR :SI6NATURE: (P.1nt rbne)*,*+* +rr+*,*,tt,l*,t+,t+i+*t*,t*,t,t t+++*+,* *,1 ,*,* ,t,t + + +++ + * + + ,1 *,* ,* ,i,t,t + +++ +*l,t*++ I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLO@PLAIN? E YES EI uo TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: _ EXIST LAI{D DISTURBII{G TENUTi-_'' I-I Yg5 IEI HO BFE+2ft= Edward ALlrrech'- 294 290 ** *,* * *,|+ +* *+,*. EXISTING II.IPERVIOUS AREA: NEW IIiTPERVId'S AREA: SQ FT 5Q FT l,lATER: SEIdER: cFpuA n co!fiuNrry sYsrEM f] PRTVATE WELL I crnrnnu wrll cFpuA I CENTRAL sEPTrc I enrvnrr sEPTrc n cot,tMuNrw SYSTEM +i1 SEPAIIATE PERIiIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECI, MECH, PLBGJ 6A5 EqJIP' PREFABS & INSERTS *+* pAyr,rErr irErHoD; E .*, f] cx:cr (pAyABLE ro r,rx.) f] ur*rcm exr*rss E ncrwg E orscov:n + 'r:! * **+*i***,lrr+:i ****+*,* *,t,t+ *,* * * * ++ * **,* 't t:*:* ** '** * *:t :3 *:* !' '*:l"i * **+ ++:+ ***** *+tt ***'t*l'rt**:!* ***+ ++ (fO8 OFFICE UsE CTLY) REVISED DATE 94111/12 ZONE: -OFFICER: SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- 8:- Approval:- CitY:- DATE:- FLooD: -Coms€nt: N PERTTIT FEE: 6€}\J PRoPERTY oH{ER'S iUWE: svlvia skiplrer Ptlo E *: _p-Le=.lll:.lZlL TOTAL PROIECT COST riess r-ot) : $ :a.:oo t ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|IoN TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "proj€ct Responsibility', OL,qJ) ACI+- Z?fru APPLICATION Number (Of{i(€ Use) APPLICANT'S I,IAfiE : DEVELOPER: DATE: PH0,{E *,i C//d -d--aa s9 -.L/- PROJECT ADDRESS: PROPERW OI{I{ER'S NME:ot)t OWNER,S ADDRESS: BLOCX *: Lor *: ztP,: zggg/ Pr.oNE *; qb -q))-1q//6 sr.1Qt- zwt2d?gt LICENSE #:C b )66l sr tpliztp,: Pt"toNE s:2. cl 6 € ProNE *:qb q)o -66 , OTHE R: CIwr SUBOIVISION: o. h- D CITY: CONTRACTO ADDRESS: R CITY: EITTAIL ADDRESS: suNRooM - sF f| noor- _ sr GREENHouSE_ sF lorcx _sr ? ENovATroN I cer,re nal nrearns f] RELocarroN NE}.l cor,lsrRucrroN: ! rnrcr NEt,l RESTDENCE o" ! aoorrtor ro Exrsr {G RESTDENCE A1PLEASE CHECK AI'ID ANS}JER BELOII ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: [arr canaee - sF ! oer canacr _ sF !!PORCH cF STORAGE SHED SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:1 Ao TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - ToTAL AREA 5Q FT: TOTAL PROJECT CoSTlressroe | $ }(.rrt,t ) f OF STORIES: rs Any El-EcrRrcal, PLUilErt{G or itEcHAucAL work Being Done to the Accessory stnu(ture? [ ve, [ ruoIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natu |.Gas Line on the Current Sitel !Ves ! fofltoIs thene Electrical Power on t is Building ?Yes PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY ! ouelex I rour'rHouse DESCRIPTIOI{ OF WOR(: /- € YYL o (} 4-J R,+,J {- ,-elac.,te -bu-k tY) )^d<r' DISCI-AIMER: lhereby cerlily hal€fl inbtmalion in his application b conEcr and allworkwiti comptywitl he Sl6te Buitding Code and slloher applicabte Srab and tocat tawsand odin ances and egulstjons nre NH C De vebpmen r S€ rvices C€nter wiI be notf€d of any chsnges in tle appov€d plans an{ specifications orchange in conlr.cbrorconlracbr inttmalion " OTE:Any k Performed W/O he Approprisb Pem s wittbe an Viota on of rhe NC Sl.,b C.ode and Subject b Frnes Up To $SO0 00..' OWNER/CONTRACTOR:o,vol) yvl DL **r*)r!**. **r***r,r*+**,*,r *,*r**(I:,Tl+Iile]*)i*)*)**,*:t*+ + * *:t 'f rt,t * *,t rt ,f:f,t **:i *:*** * i**)t )t )* *,|:t,t )t,**,t,* * * **+ *rs rHE pRopERry LocATED rN r rlooopurrl l-l vrs E] no EXISTII'IG IIIPERVId,S AREA : NEW IMPERVIOI,,S AREA: TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST I.AiID DISTURBI G PERIi,IIT: T-] VrS I rO I"/ATER:pul E coulrururw svsrem ! pRrvArE wELL ft celrnal wrrl SEWER:crrur I cENTRAL sEprrc I enrvare srnrrc f] coMr,ruNrry sysrEr4 Ur /,LWT-SQ FT SQ FT a1fl- fic,/vrsA frorr.or,, ,* * *,t 'l. rt ir:* tl * * * *:l )t * *:t + **)i ***)* + + )t,t '* *,i )i**:i*.*t+,1)t******,*****,t,***** *:*,* t()t,t )t )t ****,t*,t )i rr * )* i(.t * )* !t,t * * +,* (FOR OFFICE UsE orltY) REWSED DATE 64111/12 zoNE: _ oFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ Approva]:-City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft=avt/ PRE FABS NStRlS*+* SEPATATE PERI,I]TS R€QUIRED FOR ELECT, },IECH, PLBG, CAs EQIJIP, pAyfitEl,lT iIETHOD: I CoSr ICXECK (PAYABLE rO mC1 [ arerrcar{ ExpREss DFRMTT EFF.comment:qiu.- PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSO : EXISTIiTG CONSTRUCTION: I AlreRarrot r'l) SIGT,IATURE: i. ,/\a HEW TIANOVER Cq,NTY BUITDITIG PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AU QUESTIONS APPUCAAE TO YOUR PROJ ECI 'Project nsponstbdlty/' ,oll-- Tzo+tr4ff ri) APPLICAiIT'S NAME:o tv\O PROJECT ADOREIS: SUBDIVISIONT PROPERTV OWNER,S NAME:ATLR Er -h 6pr l?'. LOT fl: PHONE f:n to- 4o ?- a o,t'7 CITY:(,,-zlp,: ?39t I BIDG LIC€a{SE f: ---srluo zt?: ALyle- PHONE PHONE,nlo -a3 3-f^)(o Date:.10 CITY:lk 0 OWNER,S ADORESS:.So C- COI{TRACTOR Deznrat t- C oL, Pr ADDREiS:OTY: EMAII. ADDRESS: D Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) PROIECT CO TACT PERSON:Oo^intL Go L,nt / ExSnNG CONSTRUCTIOflT F. Alteratlon D nenovation p ceneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Additlon to Exlstln8 Resldenc€ E Relocation **.PLEASEcHEcKANoANswERBELowAIITHATAPPLYToYoURPRoJECT..' tr Att Garaee (5F)--- l:] sunroom (sF)-=-- fl Greenhouse (50 - E Det Garage (SF)-E Porch (sF) fl storage shed (sF) - fl other (5F)__- ls the proposed work TOTAL 5Q FT UIiIDEB rOTAL PRoJECT COST {Less Lot}: changlng tlre existing footprint? D ROof (lot ptoposed wort) Hasted: ooo €Noe1s unhcated: ti the propos€d wort changing the number of bedrooms? E ls any Ehrical, Plumblo8 or Machankel work being done to lf the proiect i5 a Relocatlon, ls there a t{aulr'l Gas Line oo th tsttrere riectrizl power on thas Bulldlng? S vcs tl ro v*dro ure /istory Structur€ E Y€t (No e drnent sit€? tr vcs {m Eopcrty Us€y' OGUPencY:6'syy n o"eFE ICE (o f nferUoP-tunu-s *o D€rctlBlor ol Wort /'ErA c- I' tZ ls the propertY located ln a floodplaln? D Yes Eritdrts lmparvious Ar€: =- 5q rt New lm9elvlolr3 Araal .- sg Ft taoo h1 -a-n*A'Lo E+5 {* fotll Atrcs Dlstutbed: tirEtftU l,rnd D&urblng Permh: E YG' O No stlt Eullding C5d. end a! odEr a9t*tHe srttt rrd lod .nd ,p.dfil(ri(rB o. dEIt h cortEdo. to [rE '+ to $s,@"' 4 WATER: F cfPUA E communitv sYstem 0 PriT ate Well E centralwell El Aqua *wfn, X CFPUA D commuDitv system E Prlvate septic E ctntral saoth D Aqua zon.: -- ofier: -- sctbrcrs (F) - (tH} - (RH} -- (B) -Apprwr[ -- CltY: - Dat": - rhod; (A) -- l,l - lN] - BFE+2ft= -Irermt fecr S Commcr ; 1.l(,nsed Quo W f\iht No.r,a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING P AP P Ll CAT I ON rYPEi RESI DENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" CITY ,*r1rp172ln WAryTit6ter APPLICANT'S NAME:0 Date '2 zrP: ? 7tO SPROJECT ADDRESS SUBDIVISION:oT# PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: 3 ADDRESS EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON tr Att carage (SF)_ n Sunroom (SF)_ D Greenhouse {SF)_ v ,r PH CITY CITY LDG LICENSE # ztP t.LrP PHONE PHONE lra/ ql" 16tz- 2Zq3 /tz - z{9 7 n Det Garage (SF)tr Porch (sF) E Storage Shed (SF)_ MTner$r)e n Pool (sF) n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? J yes ilG TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed workl Heated|Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 5cO ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? a V", K ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory structure E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural-Gds Line o ls there Electrical Power on this guilding? E4es E t'lo n the current site? E Yes da!-o ffi; Property Use/ Occupancy: El-Single Family D ouplex E Townhouse /4€r{z-'t€tS'ol\ Description of Work:e laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will b€ notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. * "NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC state BldE Code and subject to fines up to oo:. owner/Contractor:Signature "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome '-,. ts the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E t"to Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes D ttto waTER: 'F CFPUA E Community System E Private well E Central well E Aqua sEwEn: $ cFPUA ! Community system E Privateseptic E Central septic E Aqua zone;- officer: -'- setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) -(B)-Approval: - City:- Date:_- Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - s Comment:Permit Fee: S ----n 'm;t I CONTRACTOR L./ Qcn ,. ExlsTlNG coNSTRUcftON: E/Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW CoNSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation *** *** C- f i)i'\, r 'ffij NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDXNC PERilI'T APPLICAII,0II TYPEI SI6N5 / BTILBOARDS 2ct+ Lo*cl L{ APPL!CATIq{ unber PLEAIE PRI}IT CLEARLY i AIISU€i A(I. QUE5IIOIIS'PyJect APPLICANI'S !{AfiEt 0EVELoPEBI PRO]ECT AOqRESS:5717 Ors!6 CITY:AI:P 28429 PROPIRTY OhT.IER'S MI'1Ei Circls K Storos, lnc PlollE *: --_-_sTr NC ZIp: 27511OIf,IER'S ADORESSI 305 Greq6on Drive cfiY: cary COf'IRACTOR :LICEiSE ADDFESS!CITY! EIITAIL ADORESS:PtloNE * r PROJECT COTITACT PERSOII:proNe #;3& /fl '/5t,. (CIIECK ALL THAT APPLY)I rnrcr flalrrn I nemrn I r,,runee [| cxar'rce o:r DESCRIPTIO'I oF qpRK: Rar..lnd .r ayiqfltu ata..da f^r sr6re r.hhn.{n6 rs stcr(s) or{ oB oFF pREnrsEst fi olr florr .nal ordlEna.! rnd tolul.Uorr.Iie l{HC Ocvelorn.nlA.Mc€ Ca q vlll ba noiiad ofa.y al6,{e6 h tlr. +provod Dlan6 r.d lp.clllcsabns o. chEnq r l. cdrr.oor or .o.trr..ro. hl!.m.tkn "'NOrE: r^y tbdt Prln mod wlo lho Apro,&D P€rntbr'At !. h Vagdotr ol!1. NC Slrr, A{do. ollNER/col\rrRAcron t liLttU P .FrL.a*ut /-',SIG ATURE: (Pdnt I-.)3:++a*t*t+tl'**r*t+a**r,i.|'| r*l,llr*rtr+,lliiaia*l+*ralla*)}+a*+t+i+a+'|a++st,l*,ltir*aa:r*t*:**t TYPE oF SrGr'l(S) trlx E MOJECTION cAl,l0PY ROOF OTHER lvtr TREESTANOII\rc (6round) SHINGLE I4ARqUEE t,IALL Total Nunber of Slgns on thls Projects --_9__ SI6N 1 Helght: sI6N 2 Hetghtl SIGN 3 Helght: SIGN 4 Helghtl 27',112',Slgnr 12124 slgnl 22.84 slgn! 30.867 sign: - slgn slgn Slgn slgn Tot aI Totsl Total Total sQ. Fr. SQ, FI. sq. Fr, sQ, FT. olnBnslons: _-__!I_ x 8' 1" Dlmensions: 36" X o'l 3/E" Dlmenslons: 21" X 181n' Dlmenslons: _ X _ of ot of of TOTAL pROJEcr Cosrr $ -lqr!!g- rs rHE PROPERTY LoCATED rN A rtOOOCraUt? [ Ves E lo !,r SCpA,tlft PCii(iI1r; nEilllrllnr gffi tt.gljT, IiOr,.p{.BGr Cr.t .4QUIP, pritip/rtit & IU!:EkfS 1r* pA\flE[t ]iETH(D! [ clsn E cHEcx (PAYABLE ro t}lc) [ srll lrcoum E tc/vrsl I orscovtn ata)}ratr*+a***r*'|,*,*+**,|t:hl++,lt***+****,1*at,t*1,|++,t**aa*rF+a*+t*lal*tl*rr*at+il****t*,rr.**'la*t ZCNE: _ oFFICER: (fo8 oFE(a usE o[LY) i€!r$10 lAlE t/ralrz SETBACKS; FI- LH: RH: B:- App rova coirment 1:- CIty;- DATE:- FLooDI - - AV - BF6r2ft', - ,Jurrr rrr, tl-25 ' DATE! 6/21l20'16 PHoNE #i 404.731.5s15 oCCUPAIT/BUSINESS tr&lEr Circl€ K Storos, lnc ACCoIE|T 6:st:X{ffiffi,o *,$1 RECETVED JUN 2120'o $2 lb - lx5?,lttt -Ulql APPLICAI{T' S i,IAI'1E : DEVELOPER: NE}.J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPpLIcArIott ryPEr SIGNS / BILLBoARDS PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & AISI,ER ALL QUESTIONS'ProJect Responsi-biliqf Rita Savage (office use) DAIET 612112016 CITY: Castle Hayne PIONE #: 404 731 5915 PROIECT ADDRESS: 57r7 castre Hayne Road OCCUPANT/BITSINESS tAfiE: Circle K Stores lnc pROpERTy OhINER,S MflE: Circle K Stores lnc PTNOR,NE # I OWNERTS ADDRESS: 305 Gregson Drive TBD CITY: CATY ST: NC ZIp: 27511 CONTRACTOR: ADORESST LICENSE *:ACCOINT *: ST:CITYI ZIP i EF1AIL ADORESS:PHONE *: P}ONE *:PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)! rnrcr ! ar-rrn !R EPAIR ENLARG E X cnarrce <r-rr rs srctt(s) oN oR oFF pREt4rsEs? E ou Eorr DISCLAIMERI lhe.oby cenity that all infmadon in trs sppl:€n@ ii crret a.d Bllwwkwirlcohpty wi!1 tl. Sbro Blilding C€dc aid aU otrlc. aggticabl. SEi. and loc€t laws a,rd ordimnc€c and r€gulalons Th€ NHC Dovelopmenl Soruicss C€nler will b€ notifad of a ny changos in rhe apprcved ptans and sp€cifications o. chan96 in cont cE r or canlrEclo. inforfiation. *NOTEiAny Work P€dorm€d W/O rh6 App.op.ia6 Permi6 wili b€ ii vlolaton orlh€ NC Sta€ Aldg code and Subj€ct to Fin06 Up To ${,@,c|o-. OESCFIPTION OF WORK: ****** * + +**,1,* * **,*+ *,1** +* * *:| * * )t*+ * ++ +** *** * ** * t+ + ++ +** ** ******,t********** *+** ** *,f*,******* TYPE OF SIGN(S ) FREESTANDINc (6round) SHINCLE I'4ARQUEE I mo:ecrroru urAL L [| crrcev L]x []I ROOF OIHER Total Number of signs on this Project: _q__ sign S ign sign sign Dimension s: Dimension s: 0i.mensions: Dimensi.on s: '15', ,r" x 8', '1" X 91 3/8" x 1231t2" x TotaL ,otal Total Total SQ, FT, of SQ. FT, of sQ. FT. of SQ"FT. of <i dn . 121 24 Si$ni 22.84 <i dn. 30 a57 ToTAL PRolEcT cOsT: $ 25,000 IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN a rlOOOeUttt ! Ves E ruo PA'flENT ffETHOD:E casx I cxecx lrrvesle ro mrc; I a:u rccourr I'lclvrsa DIScO!€R *,t * *,* *,* )t *;t + t + t*:i*,t)t*a,t*****,*:*rr* *** ****, ****** * +,*,r**** * *:i*** * +*r** **r *,:*+**** t ** *,**,r * *:i ZoNE: _ OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE US6 OnLy) REVTSED DATE 3/30/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH: B:Approval:_ City;_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft=avl,t Condrent:PEIIT1IT FEE: APPLICATION lltmber llpl 28429 OUNER/COrrRACTOR: Rita Savage - Agent SIG!,|ATURE I 'f&e{",*.o x! SIGN l Height: 27' 112" SIGN 2 Height: SI6N 3 Height: SIGN 4 Height: . 11-. ';l-,,'.'./ ,t, . . /-i -', /m, "ffiff ..)€E: f1 (?2a+-Zzt( APPLICATION l.lumber (Offi<e Use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PER'I{IT APPLI1ATION rvPE: COltlltiERCIAL PLEASE ANSI.]ER ALL QIJESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responslbllity" DEVELOPER: Commelcia: Installatlon & Ccnstrucrion PROIECT ADDRESS: -2508 rndependeoce Blvd s102 oWNER'S ADDRESS: p-, Bax ).4e Commercial Installacion & Construccion LfCENSE f: 703s1 CITY: sr. lours CO'tTRACTOR: ADDRESS:1325 N" t;arson ST: Mo ZIP: 63132 ElhIL ADDRESS: kbradleyacic-ca.com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Kristlfl Bradlev EXrsT CONSTRUCTTOT{ : f] aLrERArrOr{ lf Rolocaton, is there a Natural Gas Line on the (check All rhat Apply) R E I'IOVAT ION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION Currenl Site?n trYes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?n Yes No NEhl CONSTRUCTIoN I EREcr Nr!,I srRUcruRE f] rnsr nacx f] sxrr-r- ! urrrr f] noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit *: IF Yes, xhat lras the Previous Occupancy Typel ARCH OESIG}.I PROFESSIOT.IAL: NA *!i..,r. ts rHrs A cHANGE oF occupAr{cy usrr flves : Is ELect Pouer on this Building f] yes E o l.fiat is the tler, oc€upancy Type ?B PH:NC RE6 *: NC REG $:ENGR oESIGN PRoFESSIoIIAL r DESCRIPTIOI'I OF I,JORK : PH lr food or bev€ragos preparBd or soryod ln ttds $ructure? Yes No ts Tho Propo.ry Locarod tn The Flooddainr flves f| to DISCLAIMER: I hereby ceriify lhal all ntormauon rn rhrs applEation is cofiect and allu,ork v$tlcomdy wrth lhe Stale Eurtdinoand local laws and ordrnances and reqularions. The NHC Develoomenl SeNices Cenler wlll be notilEd ot anv chanoes in th;or chanqe in conraclor or contracor iaio.mation. "'NOTE. Any Work Performed WO the Appropriate Permrls wr 6e n ViolaSubjecllo Frnes Up To $500.00"' Code allolher applicable Slale s and so€crficatrons Stare Bldg Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (or/dliq) Tom Meyet SIGNATURE: conlEkr Ast€sbc o toL Yo{r al! ruqulrld ro ca$ lhd },Ldonal Embslrn Strfihd! br Hazardoos Alr PolluEnb (NESHAP) rl (919)m76950 st t6s! l0 days p.b, b the dolmlhrrn ol sny hdlny or bdldlng. S€€ Asb6bs W6b Slb: htts/ ruw.epl.s18r€.nc.ugepvesb6sl6/6hmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: 39,125 BUILDING HEIGHT: - #OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES:: 1350 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROQF: - 9 OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMtT? f] YES NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: fICFPIA E COMMUNTTT S\€TEM n WEIf] CENTRAL SEPIIC LI PRTVATE SEPTIC flzoNrNc usE cr ssrFrcATtonfl COiTMUNITY SYSTEM " SEP,iFATE PERi lis 8EOUIREn FOP ELECT. MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS -' PAYMENT METHOD: [ClSx nCfieCX (prVABLE TO NHC) EnUmrceN expRESs E MCTV|S/\ E OSCpWn ZONE:_OFFICER: (FOf, OfFICE USE O{LY) REv(xD D^rE.,/llflz SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- Approvd:_ C}U- DATE- FLOOD: - - BFE+2FAVN conrnent PERMIT FEE: I I bL-' B EHS& PHONE S: 314-56i -'t292 PHONE f: 314 - 292-7 85i DATE: 2ta/r'lAPPLICANT'S NAlvlE: r.::srrn Bradtey PIONE *: 314-292-7as1 CITY: wi lminqton llP: zea',2 OCCUPAI{I/BUSINESS tlAilE: Edward jones PROPERIY OI,JNER'S NAIIE: Barclav Grouo, LLc PEoNE #: stc-'162-2615 CITY: r{i lmi"nqron ST: !!_ ZIP: 2s406 I pRepERryUSE: UpFFrcE nnesreuRANr f]uencermur fleouc Eapt Eco{Do orHER:- 8otI. ZLz+ +H+SNEW HANOVER COI,,NTY BUTLDTNG PERilTT APPLIQAIIoN TyPE.. RESTDEilTIAL PLEASE ANSUER ALL qJESTIOI{S APPLICABLE TO YOIJR PRO]EIT "project ResponsibiUty- APPLICANT, S MfiE: sevenry west Bui1der6,IncDEVELOPER : PRO]ECT ADORESS:CITY:SUBDTVISTO :BLOC( #: PROPERW Ol, ER,S NArilE: sevenry w Builders IesE OU{ER'S ADDRESS: 1 7 Gra eSt CITY: wi lminqton CO{TRACTOR: sewenrv w st Builders,lnc LICET{SE *: G4e26AIDRESS: 12? Grace Street APPLICATIO Number (oFfice Use) DATE: J lec I l'1 CITY: wi mlnqt PHONE #: zrpz 294,t2 LOT ': PHoilE #l (e1o)324 -4447 ST: NC ZIP: 28401 ST: NC ZIp: 2840r PlollE #: ( e1o)324- 4447 )s47 -9362 5F E AIL ADDRESS: metis6a@70 weatbui ldere - com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTIIre CO STRUCTIO : Ryan Bal1ev PHONE #: ( s1o ! lrrrnarroH I ne uovarron ! ce llrur ne earns f] RELocArroN NEI.I COI{STRUCTTOII: EI tNrCr NE}I RESIDENCE O" fI NOOTTIOIT TO EXISTII{G RESIDENCE*.PLEA'E CHECI( AI{D AI{SI{ER BELO{ ALL TI{AT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT:f| arr o.rue r SF pf'orr enuae *Xk snsuNROOt4SFfl eoor 5Ff] eneenxctrsr sF fl oecr SF OTHER; PROPERW USE / occUPANcY I STNGLE FArrlrly f] ouerex fl rouuxousr DESCRIPTIOiI OF titORK:- oRI ATl - EI,E TI r B/eoncn ?b* sr I sronaae sHED _ sF OISCI AFiIER i heEby ceniry t.ld aI inbrm h fijs appticatoo conecl and ail work will corply wiih he State Building Code €id aI other app{cable Stab and bcd tslr/sand ordinancos and regutations. The NHC D€velopmen t Se Nices cehEr will bo notrled ofany ch€nges in tt€appoved phns 6nd speclfcaions or change h conLacbr orconracbr inbrma0on. ..1lOTE; AnyWork furfoined W,rO ,reAPpropriaE Psmils witl be in OIINER/CONTRACTOR: craiq srdrh +,rx,r + **,r+:*rl *r*r *** * * ** * * ** *(il'I i Jil"i * * * * * * " ** * * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAI ? N YES m ZoNE: _ oFFICE R: Vrolabn of lhe NC Sr€r9 SIGIIATURE: Bldg Code afld Srbiecl ro Flnes (h To $5t!0.00.,, *+,t,t++,r**+ **,r *+* ++*,t* jtit*+ ++:i,i*+* *t+*+t+*,r+ I NO SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: BFE+2ft= N PER'{IT TEE: $ EXTSTII{G I',IPERVToUS AREA: o sQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED:.t)_ NEH Ir4PERvIous ama- .236 |5Q FT EXIST LAI\E DISTURBTNG peR,tIT; I'*l VeS ffi ro MTER: SEUER: creua fl corrs4uNrry svsrru f] pRwArE r.rELL I crrrnal wrr_r_ cFpuA f] cENTRAL sEprrc f] enrvare sEprrc fl cc[,tl{uNrry sysrEr4 *** SEPARATE PERflrrs REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, llEcH, PLBG, GAs EqJrPl pREFABS & rNsERTs *** pAyrEr{T !rE*r@: I casn fl*rrcl( (payABrE ro urcl fl anrrr.* ,rr.ri, il ,.ro* orscow*** *:* ++:a:|++* t+:tt * + ** * l. *:i**{. *** I t:t* !t,l** +*** ****:|*,.*r:** +**r.,**:i *,** a:r** * * ** + j* *:i !i,.:** *:F*,. +* +,r ** (FoR ofFlCE USE Otty) REVISED DAIE O4l11l12 Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ Co rcnt: $u'"t+- ffi a TOTAL HEATED SQ rr: I83 I TOTAL SQ FT UNDER NOOE: )5'1Q TOTAL AREA Sq rr. I'113TorAL pRorEcr cosr6assrotl | $ fiq7@ # oF SToRIES: 2rs Any ELECTRT.aT-, pLUtBn{c or [EC*r*rcAL Nork Being Done to the Accessory structurer [i v"s ff*o_.rf the project is a Rerocation, is there a Natura.r. Gas Line on the curnent srt.l D"E iln.Is there Electrical po er on this Bullding? f]ves fiuo ,,1 )ot +-22rp *ffi6.NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI(N TYPE: RESIDEITITIAL PLEASE A'IS}IER ALL QUESTI(XS APPLICABLE TO YOI'R PRO]ECT '?roject Responslbllity' APPLICATION l{umber (Offlce Use) zrPz ZA4l2- sTl Nc ZIP: 28.101 APPLICA'{T'S tIAIilE: DEVELOPER; Seventv weat Bullders, Inc. DATE: PHONE f: tlpn hn PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERW OHNER'S AitE:Seventv West Builders fnc o!lt{ER,S ADORESS: 12? clace stleet CONTRACTOR:Seventv l{eat BulI Inc.LfCE SE s: 64 e2c AITDRESS: 127 crace srreeE CITY Wllminqton El,lAIL ADDRESS: melisga@Zolregrbuilder:s -com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Rvan Ballev DESCRIPTION OF HORK:PI,A}I NAIiIE - ORIENTATION . BLBVATION clw: W('lyyrlnA ton EIOCK fl: ' LoT #: Exrsrmc coNsrRucrronr I llremrroru [ neuovarrou I cerrnar- neelrns I RELocATToN NEW CONSTRUCTTOH: I rnrCr E!,t RESIDET{CE or f] mOrrtOru TO EXISTTNG RESTDENCE ..PLEASE CI,IECX AlD AIISIdEX BELO.I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROXECTI I arr ennnee - sF fforr eamce 4* sF ilro r*4te-5F f] sunnoor -sF POOL _ SF SF f] sronaer sHED _ sF OTHER: SFI oaeeruucuse _ sr ! orcx TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:t$71 roTAL SQ FT ur'rDER nooFz t134 roraL AREA sq n: t.?11 TOTAL PROJECT CoST 1r-ess r.4 | $ hDrN # OF STORIES: A Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLt ltBItlG or iIECHATIICAL tl,ork Being Done to the Accessory Structuretp Yer EI-ft*If the project is a Relocatlon, ls there a Natural 6as Llne on the current Sltel fives I tto Is there Electrlcal Pouer on this Buitding? l*lv"r Ito PRoPERTY usE / occuPAr{cY: [l srruclr rmrrv I ourr-rx I ro]JNHousE Dl8cl-Alli,lEft I hsGoy cor0t llar rt h l s app{cEton b aorGcl rd al vrorkyrl0 conlplywlll no Slab &llblog @de a,$ e[ oho. opplcabh Slrb 6od bcd ls',vs ald o.dhr!@s drd regrrlotlors. Tho NHC Dotrhpmont Selvlc6s Conbr wll bg nolll€d ol my cl noes h the Bpp(ov€d pbns ed spedfcatlns or cll'|go h conrrebr or contacbr hbrmalion. "'NOTE: Any Woft rrertrnned \rY/O fto Approp.lab P€.mlls wll bo h Vloblbn otlho NC St8E al,g Coda eld SrbFcl t, Fhor 3500.0{r'. OI{NER/CONTRACTOR: cratq smtrh SIGNATURE '+i.**** r**rrr++**** *** * *. * Jii9! li*'l +a **t* tattt,** I +:t* ittt +t* 't,i:1.,t*++*:!r,t*t *:it:it++ttt,l lt:lt* * Ews EHo TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: O,IO EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERIiiIT:I vss lT1 ro I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAI'{? EXISTING IiIPERVId,S AREA: L_SQ FT r,rEr,r rnPERvrots antat ".;f!fusq et warrn: I creun I co!!]tuNrry sysrEtl f] pRrvATE wELL I celrmr wrll sEHER: m crnua ft CENTRAL sEprrc ! enrvare seprrc f] col'lmuNrrY sYsrEr't .T* SEPAIIATE PERI,lITs REQUIREO FOR ELECT, I.IECH, PL8G, GAS EOJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pAyitE r itE1]rcDr E crsx E cneiK (PAYABLE To t{Hc) nA ERrcat{ ExPREss uclvrsa florscovrn ***:t*t+*+,!:i**,t*,ira+ttt**t+r+***r*ttt****t+**l**t*+**+ttt**++l,i,ittt+t+:l*:'t*it*4.**tr,***:t* (fo8 orftcC lrst oa{LY) SEVISEo DAT' ortl11/12 ZoNE: _ OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- Approval:- CltY:- DATE:- FLoOD: - BFE+2ft= coment:PERI,IIT FEE I )l( PHoilE S: (910) 324-444't CITY: Wlloinqton ST: Nc ZIP:2B4OI. PK)NE #: tsL'l 124^444'l PTONE *: ( elo) s47-9362 I NEI^, HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoII TTpe I RESIDENTIAL pt-EAsE Ailsi,tER all QUESTIoI|S APPLTCABLE TO yOuR PROIECT "Project Responsibillty,, }or1 - 225c +:f-.68L APPLICATION Number (offt.e Use) APPLICAT'IT'5 l{AlilE : Robu Homes Triangle, LtC DEVELOPER: Robuck Home€ Tr iangle, LLC PROJECT ADDRESS:5504 eet Rd CITY:wi 1mi SUBDIVISION I Lau!idqe PROPERTY oWNER'5 NArilE: Robuc Homea Trianqle, LLC OTINER'S ADDRESS: 6131 Fa11s of Neuse Rd - ste 200 CITY: Raleiqh CONTRACTOR: Robuck Homes Tri 1e, LLC LICENSE *:57083 ADDRESS: 6131 Fa11s of Neuse Rd. Ste 200 CITY:Raleiqh EIAfL ADDRESS: .i ".rbech@robuc kb PROJECT CoNTACT pERSON: .rai Norbech 'l PHO'IE f: 919-876-9200 ton ZIP | 2s4o9 020 khomes . com PHoNE #: 919-2't't -i.12a ExrsrrNc coNsrRucrroN: fl rlrrRarroru [ Rrrovarrou fl eenenlr_ nrearns f] RE[ocArroN NEW CONSTRUCTION: [I ENECT NEW RESIDENCE Or f] NOOTTTON TO EXISTING RESIDENCE '*PLEASE CHECK ANO AI'IS}'ER BELOI{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOI,R PRO]ECT: BtocK fl: _ r0T #: PHo E *: 919-876-e2oo ST: Nc ZfP: 2760e ST:Jg_ZIP:2760e ! orr canace sr I eoncrr 7.t.t sF I eool - sr I sronaor sHED_ sF I oecr -- sr orHER:SF filnrr canaor 4se sF f] sulrnoou _sFI eareurouse _ sr TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 3041 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 363i TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 3633 T0TAL PROIECT COST Gess Lor) : g zss:eo.oo # OF STORIES: 2 rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, plt,IitBrl{G on ilEcHANrcAL l,Jork Being Done to the accessory structure? [ ves fl uoIf the pnoject is a Relocati.on, 1s there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Is there Electrical power on this Butlding? [lv"s l-l ruo pRopERTy usE / occupAtcv r ZI srrucle ramrr-v I u.nrrx I To{NnousE DESCRIPTION 0F IIORK: new home ves [l no OI4NER/CoNTRACToR: charres Ll. Bisr-SIGNATURE : d oldlnaflcos al(l legulalhff. Tho NHC Do!€lopmsnl SeNk€s c€nlBr wlllb€ nolllsd olany changes h tr!6 approved ptsfls and spec.ifcatlons oi changg ir contraclcr oacon[8ctrr intrrma6on. "'ilOTE: Any Work Porlo,m€d WIC he Appropriats Pe.mlrs wttbe In Viobllon of th6 NC Strle BHg Cods and Subl€cl to Fhos up To gsm.oor.. {J; /'r"A,*, kut) +:r** +.* )n,i'l:r,i* * 'r * ** * ******* #iti IiluJ ** ********+r+ ** * + ****:i +:r,i:r:!,r + t rs rHE pRopERw LoCATED rN l pr.ooopurrur J-l yes E ruo K;;----------* EXISTIiE IMPERVIOUS AREA: O SQ FT ToIAL ACRES DISTURBED: 2s. Bs NEN IHPERVIOUS AREA: 212 ?sQ Fr EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: rl VgS ITI NO op IV coment : wATER: [l cFpuA E cor{"ruNrw sysrEm fl pRrvATE lttELL I ceurnal utt-t- SEWER: @ creua f] CENTRAL sEprrc I enrvarr sEprrc E co!0,u,Nrry sYsrEl.l *** SEPARATE PERI4ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECI{, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pAyr,rEllT rlrErloD: flclsx florecx (pAyABLE ro Hrr; I anrucAn ExpREss E.c/rtsa ! orscoven +*****t t+*******+tt*** **t* **+i.t** **:**,t***t+af,t,t,**{.:t* ++:i***)*,}*+ * '} ***,}r!+ * *:1.+ 't*, )N *r.1.* *,rx 't * * zoNE: _ 0F FrCE R: (FOfl OFFICT UsE OXLY) REVISEO DATE O4l1U12 SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: - BFE+2ft= AVN PERIiIIT FEE i $ ONIE: 02/23/7.1 PHONE #: s7e - g.t 6 e2oo 6 ( (-,CT-PUA NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSIdER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pto ect Responsibility" V b d ? ]]s3 q.4{LU_ APPLICATION Number (office Use) DATE : OCCUPANT,/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OI,{NERJ S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT RSON: EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Natural NEl,'l CONSTRUCTION: PHONE #: PHONE #: 5T: ST: ln'-2qr40."(glLzll:1$t4J ZIP i CITY: LICENSE #:a CITY:I 'r20lo3PHONE #: PHONE #: (Che.k A1l That Apply) ALTERATToN I-l nrltovatroru cas Line on the Current Srte? Ll GENERAL REPATRs l-l nrloclrrorEro .s at oo spRrNrlenroz Iv.. flruoYes EREcr NEW srRUcruRE I rasr rucx I sner-r- f] uerrr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE C \l 2 N t). CITY: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:[utor"ka,r Is Elect Power on this Building es f] *ot uprft - The shelt Permit #: *'**** IS THrs A cHANGE oF occupaNcy user I vrs ffio **t** offl {'t 't o ffi e ious occupancy Type?what is the New occupancy Type?IF Yes, what was the Prev $46=',**E*Hf,'#',fi,- ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIOI,IAL: PH: PH: C REG #: C REG #: qt N DESCRIPIION OF hJORK: ls food or be\reragos pr€pdBd or servsd in this sfi.rcture? E Yes ls The Property Located ln The Flooddain?Ivu. DISCLAIMER: I hereby cerlii/ that all informalion in this a is correct and all work will comply with the state Building Code and all other applicable State and loc€llaws and ordinances and atlons. The NHC ment SeNices Center will be notified ofWO lhe Appropiale Pe anv chanoes in tha approved plans and spec larion of the NC Slale Eldq ifications 0 o re.ggl Codeor chanoe rn contractor or contracloSLrbjectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' L fW6*orr*r,OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (oualme4 contain Asb€sbs or not You als rcquircd to callthe Natioml Emission Stsndads fur lliazadous Air Pollutan!6 (NESHAP) at (91S)707-5950 at le.st'10 days prior io the dsmolidon of any facillty or bulldlng. see Asb6stos Web Site: htFr rww.oplsbl€.nc.uJBpyasb6dahmp.htnl TOTAL PROJECT COST oo.a2 gg1191trl6 t{E16H1.Lq # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SO FT PER FLR q 0 # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF O # OF STRUCTURES: Exsr LAND orsruRarxo penirtrz l-l *dV IAACRES DISTURBED:A/,& NEW IMPERVIOUS SO FT D(STING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERry US tcE RESTAURANT I WATER: SEWER:CFPUA PUA ," SEPAFIATE PERMITS FEOUIRED FOI? ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS A !NSERTS'* pAyMENT METHoD: [6lsn ficnecx lenvlelE To NHc) fleuenlmN oeness I trlcruse I otscoven ZONE:OFFICER: Apprcval:- CitY:- DAT (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: FLOOD:- BFE+2F AVN AEVISED DATE lul1/12 tr. Comment PERMIT FEE: $ / APPLICANT'S NAI'IE: DEVE LOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: ET1AIL ADDRESS: luencnrnle leouc Enpr Ecottoo orHER: . T-'lcoMMUNlry sYsTEM Tl WELL flzoNlNc UsE ctAsslFlcATloN: - fi cemnru-seertc fle-nvaresEPrlc flcoMMUNlrYsYSrEM NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLtCAf ,ON TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,IECT "Proiect ResponsibiliV' Application Number (office use) APPLTCANT'S NAME: Brent Tenuta o.r., 3/g3/et"l pRoJEcT ADoREss: 6'16 Culler Court CtTy. Wilmington 71p. 284.09 suaDtvtstoN: The Commons pROpERTy OWNER,5 laygr Melanie James pHONe s. 910-61 7-5999 owNER,s ADDREss: 616 Culler Court 611y. Wilmington, NC ztP. 28409 CONTRACTOR: Brent Tenuta Construction Co s1s6 U6gx5g s 22595 ASDRE5S: 6104 Old Branch Road 61ry; Wilmington Sr: NC ztp. 28409 EMAIT ADDRESS:8te7505898@aol.com pROJECT CONTACT p6X591. Brent Tenuta EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration EfRenovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: E Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation ,i*TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THA PPLY p11sit6. 910-231-8796 p69xs. 910-231-8796 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl Heated:200 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $40,000 ls the proposed work cha nging the number of bedrooms? E Yes ! Att Garage (sF)_ n sunroom (sF)_ D Greenhouse (SF) Description of Work:Renovate 2 existinlef+ rlwo"f ,/r- E Det Garage (SF)_ n Pool (sF) ! Deck (sF) n Porch (SF) E Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (sF) o ,4 ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes EfNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural-Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes 8,1(6- ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingz /ves fl tto ,/'Property Us€/ occupancy: tr single Family D Duplex E Townhouse bathrooms. Replace existinq fixtures. Replace existin lace. R r existi steflre DISCLAIMEi: lhereby certify that allthe information in this application B conect and allwo* willcomplywith the State Building Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinafices and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notiffed of any changes jn the approved plans and specilications or change in contractor information. "'NOTET Any work performed without the appropriat€ permits will be in violation of the NC owner/contractor: Brent Tenuta Signature: Code a subject ro fines up to S00.00"'9.^-J "Licensed Quolifie/' Print Nofie .,, ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes El/t,to Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E lto WATER: d CFPUA El community system E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E community system E Private septic E central septic E Aqua zone: _ officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Datei - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment: Permit Fee: S KS" I lotl- Dsgw4* 191 g. Lot 57 Section 4 Unheated: _ TotalAcresDisturbed:,) : #NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERM!T AP PLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALI- QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PROJECT "Prdect ResPonslblllq/ eor? 72h0 ,-. cg} Application N!mber APPLICANTS NAME: F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack c|Ty: Wilmington Oaro: ?12212O17 71p 284O9PROIEcT ADDRES5: 109 Chelsea Lane Lof H. 147 PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: Robert Thomas pHgN6 41 910-&0-6760 OWNER'S ADDRg5g; 109 Chelsea Lane CITY Wilmington 71p. 2MO9 PROJECT CONIACT pgg5gx. Charlie Lewis pxorr: 9'19-30$9727 ./. EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: ! Alteration D Renovation dGeneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Eristing Residence D Relocation iI,.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THATAPPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*.t ! Attcarage(sF)- E Detcarage(sF)- ! Porch (5F) C storage shed (5F)-E sunroom (SF) - E Greenhouse (sF)- ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footprint? D Yes Ei'T'lo TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF lfot proposed work) H€at€d: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S11400.00 D Pool(sF) tr Deck (sF)D other (SF) unheated: ls rhe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes El'rG ls any Electrlcal, Plumbin8 or Mechanicrl work being done to the Accessory structure E Yes Effio lf the project is a Relocalion, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes El-I(o ts there Electrical Power on this Euildins? El'f-es E ttlo Property Use/ occupanca: Edingle Family E ouplex E Townhous€ Descriptlon of Work:lnstall helical oiers and pipe Diers to stabilize foundalion as desiqned by slruclural enqineer DISCtAIMER: I hereby certify that a[ the information in rhis application i5 corect and allwork willcomplywith the State Euildins Code.nd all other a Pplicab e State and local laws and ordinances and reSulations The NHC Devetopmenr Servic€r Ceoterwlll be notified of any changer in the approved pl.ns and speclficatlons or chan8e in contrador information. "'NOTE: Any wort performed u,ithout the appropriate pemrts will be ln violatlon of th' Nc Stare up to 5500.00'+' Owner/Contractor: Charlie Lgwis "Licehsed Quolifie/ P.lnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Atea: -- 5q Ft Total A.res Dlsturbed: New lmperyious Area: -Sq Ft Existiry tand Disturbing Permtt E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well D Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA E Community System E Prlvate Septic E Centralseptic tl Aqua zone: - Offlcer: - setbacks (F) - lLHl - (RHl - (B) -Approvalr - City; - Datei - Flood: lA) - (V) - (Nl - BFE+2ft= - siEnature: @mment: Permlt Fee: I sz:-a_) suBotvtstoN: Lansdowne Estate PARID R07107-004-013-000 661,11pq616p; F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack -aLDc ucENSEf: 5377*8---- aoonrss, alzz gennett l e;;iiit ioad suite go+ .s1ry; Durham 51; NC 21p; 27705 g1yy41apgxg55; chadie@ramjackusa.com pgglr;g 919-309-9727 No Qlans NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N fYPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLiCABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" Ccrur,ZrrL-role5,lUC t1_=JobApplcation Number (office use) 3.-l.-r"APPLICANT'S NAME:3 Date pRoJEcr ADDRESS t 1G2 5 ltrrrcc* t2D,crw: LjlLmr NGTo^J ztPt ZZ4tt suEDtvtstoN:5 o owNER'S ADDRESS: 1 G Z 5 ryi A4-O."1 \2 r)clTrf: ,lLFlll.]z,-Tc \J ztP 2 b4 tl CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: B i2.Al-t Co 1/zac1o,t s Ir..-r (--BLDG LlcENsE #: 7 L< 3 ZZZOO T€ rz€-5A DrZ ctw. (H-( tj: A A\4,'JGr,d C aP:2e41 2) EMAIL ADDRESS: n Sunroom (5F) ugLzQ)@Eraol , co"-'-'' l>, /\ua. a (, PHoNE: 3 to -QcA- L.34) 3 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: C t'L{: Q EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration n Renovation [!.6/eneral nepairs NEw CONSTRUCTION; I Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation *,}*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECTI"*I' E Att Garage (sF)_E Porch (5F) pHoNE: ?lO : G 2c) :-:13 t \ n storage Shed (SF)_ Llf-Other (SF)4cc'[] creenhouse (sF)_n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes EH(6 TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Uor proposed work) Healedl ToTAt PROJECT COST {Less Lot): 5 Sccc c:- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes Ela-o ts any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanical work beingdoneto the Accessory Structure tr yes Eh-o lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes ffi ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Elnes E t',to Property Use/ occupancy: /single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descript ion of Work: fZ tra\-c L €-€eoc Q- t .? tLrT Cr ..l , t3er H Acr o L-4.J p o(Lu1.P-o<>'-- A,!D 1o,l-(-.oo <-t? LAcL !1 ccs t Loo tL )12 t laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the epproved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. *'*NOTtr Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Eldg Code a d subject to fines up ro $500.00"' Owner/Contractor:Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print Norne ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes n No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: E Yes ! No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well ! Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA n Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Datei - Floodr (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - G,z-t- - Baa.o ca z Total Acres Disturbed: tOT#: I PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: KIIL(< iVENI fEJLAI PXgX6g' ?TO - LC 4 -I/G5 E Det Garage (sF) tr Pool (SF)_ Unheated: _ Comment: Permit Feer S - (-Y(ta Nrt([i(, NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|ION TYPE: CO'II4ERCTAL loll )Jqq #o, flo PLEAs€ ANShER ATT QUESIIONs APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICAI{T'S iIAME: Podqers Builders Inc DAIE| 12/2 t/:t: DEVELOPER: CITY: wrlnrnqton PHONE S: laA-2))-a:.a) OCCUPANT,/BUSINESS NAI4E: N--w Hanover Re.rronal Medical Center PRoPERTY oIJNER'5 NAlt4E: :ile Hanover Rericna.I I'lediccdl Center OI^INER'S ADORESS: 2131 scuth 1?rh Street PROIECT ADDRESS: 2t -iL scLLt llrh Street CONTRACToR: Rods,.rs Bui rders rnc ADDRESS: 25C8 lndependance Blvd sutie 204 EIYAIL ADDRESS: it:orre..e1!rodqersbuildefrl com PHONE S: CITY: '.lilml n,--i on sT: \c zIP:281f2 ST: NC ZIP: 28412 LICENSE f : 3947 u CITY: l{i]i,inqLon PROIECT COI{TACT PERSON: ravic ror.en.E PHONE S:1a..-299 alr.]6 PHONE *: r0{-:99-ata6 (Che(k A1l That ADolv) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?n Yes I No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?ves I uo NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHEL L UP FIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: I If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Powen on this Buitding I Yes Eto l,,lhat i.s the NeH Occupancy Type? ***** rs rHrs a cHAr{GE oF occupANcy usel Ives NO +r*** IF Yes, uhat eras the Previous oc.upancy Typei ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIoIIAL: J. Kenyon liJorrell PH:919 305 0245 NC REG #: 1044! ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIoiIAL; Svska Hennessev DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Irterior renovation of existino ICU area PH: 704-910-8753 NC REG #: F-099? I ls food or beverages preparod or served in this structure? EYes No ls The Property Locat€d ln The Floodplain? E Yes I No DISCLAIMER: I hereby cerlily lhal all informalion in this applicalion i6 correct and all work will comply with the and local laws and ordrnances and rooulalrons The NHC DeveloDmenl Services C6nter wll be notrfred ol anvorchanqernconr,acio,orconlraclor,ir.ormalrcn."'NO'tAryWorkPero'rrsdw/OlheAppropflalePermilsSubielr io F,nes Up To 5500 00"' Srar€ B-rrd ng Code ard allothe appl,cab.e Stare(ha-qes n the approved Dlans and soec rr.ai ur.swill be i1 V olalion o. rr_6 NC Sta'e B dq Codc d-d OWNERYCONTRACTOR: Davl.d lol::er..e SIGNATURE: conlaln Ast)€stos or not. You sr6.€quked to csllth€ Natoml Em{s3lon Standards for Haz8rdous Alr Polhnanls (NESHAP) et (919)707-5950 at l€rsl 10 days gior to rh€ domolilion of 8ny faci ity or bulldlng. Soa A5b€€tos Wab Sits: htts:/,Vww.epl.slat€.nc.U3/epi/asb€stos/alrnp.hlrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: e,761,8II BUILDING HEIGHT: #OFUNITS: (oosmer) ACRES DISTURBED: II,'A NEW lirPERVlOuS AREA: r./ A SQ Ff EXISTING IMPERVIOUS ARErq ! / A COMMUNITY SYSTEM flwELL EZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CAT|ON PRTVATE SEPTTC fl COMMUNTTY SYSTEM (FOR OFF1CE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:_ SQ FT WATER: ZICFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC pAyr\rENr irErHoD: ficlsn I orecr leavasLE ro NHc) fleuentcrN EXPRESS I raCrurse I orscovrn I REVISEO DATE 4/11/12 7lP : ia Nt TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 25, 421 SQFTPERFLR:- #OFSTORIES;- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ # OF STRUCTURES: I OFFLOORS:_ Exsr LAND DtsruRernc penurrz l-']ves lil to pRopERTyusE; f]orrrce lnesreunnlrr luenceurrre [eouc !ner lcoruoo oTHER:r,recrcar Approval:_ City:_DATE:_ FLOOD:__ _ BFE+2ft=_AVComment PERMIT FEE: S_____\