MARCH 14 2017 BUILD APPS& NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CAf ,ON TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSl/rrER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICABIE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibllit/ 2oi+ ^>>+g pROlEcT AooREsS: 302 Windemere Road 611y; Wilmington NC 2tP.28405 suBDlvtstoN: Windemere SUB SEC ! PARID R05015-012-02G000 pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: Joe i,ranly pnorur t: 9'10-779-8328 owNER,S ADDRESS: 302 Windemere Road ctw: Wilmington NC 71p 28405 coNTRAcToR: F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack noonrss:4122 Bennett Memorial Road suite 304 C|Ty: Durham EMAIT ADDRESS:chadie@ramiackusa.com PROIEcT coNTAcr pERSOI; Charlie Lewis ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTIoN: I Alteration E Renovation E/General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Existin8 Residence E Relocation s196 U6sx56 s. 53778 st: NC ap:27705 tr Att Garage (sF)- c CK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL E Det GaraSe (sF)_ ptOr,tr:919-309-9727 pHgxg; 9'19309-9727 D Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other {sF) ! Porch (sF) D Sunroom (SF)D Pool (sF) E Greenhouse (5F)-D Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? E Yes E fi6 TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROO| lJor proposed wor.k) Heated: TOrAt PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 13600.00 Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? O les @6 ls any Electri.al, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D 't-"" *4 lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a N dtura.!6as tine on the cu rrent srtc? D V"" EFft-o ls there Electrical Powcr on thts Bullding? EaYes n No Propertv Use/ Occup ancl:{$ngle family tr Dupler E Townhouse Descrlption of work:lnstall pipe piers with Splil Sleeve adiustable brackets to stabilize fourdation as desiqned iry Structural engineer OlScLAlMtn: I hereby certifY that a[ the information in this.pplkation is conectand allwork willcomplywith the State guildingCodesnd all other a pplica ble State and lo.al laws and ordlnances and regulationt. The NXc oev€lopment servic€r center will be notified of any changes in the approved plan! and speclflcatlons or change in contractor informataon. "tNoTt:Anyworl performed withoutth€ appropriate permltswillbe ln violation of the Nc stale irc! up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contractor:Charlie Lewis Signature: "Licensed Quolifiel Pint None lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? E Yes O No Existing lmpervlous Area: -- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: --- Sq Ft Existlng Land Disturbing Permlt: E Yes E No WATER: Ef CFPUA E community system D Private well E centralwell 0 Aqua sEwER: d CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E centralseptic E Aqua zonei -- officer: -- setbacks (F) - (LHl - (RHl - (B) -Approval: _- Clty: -- Datei - Flood:(Al-N)-(N)--BFE+2fE_- Comment:Permit Fee: S 'y AppLrcANYs NAME: l:S.,_!:!:qdba X?&!e!L- -- ,," -,.-, ''- Date t 212712017 -=tor *:1fl-,---.*. .-,... .--. ct ' ,1 -\. I-=.fi&gs NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON IYPE; RESIDENTIAL PT FASE ANSW€R ALI OUESTIONS APPLICABI F TO YOt]R PRO]€CT "Proied R€sPonsibility" cPRFoF4dloF{ 20+ >>G2_ (otfice use) APPIICANT'5 NAME PROJTCT AOORESS: RoqE PdtLDtFlCfbMZrllAN DP-lVtr crrv: WlL-Mt{C{f oFt zrp: Date zol suBDtvtsloN: wlhlDWA+.b CAI(' CONTRACTOR: o X Pool (SF) l-l Greenhouse {sF) - & oeck $ 5@ - ls the proposed work changing the existing Jootprint? fl Yes [.j No PHONE Jl 7tP BLDG UCEN5E fl: 4OO,E ST m,.Z?a4.ol PHONE w at $l ePROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME OWNER'5 ADDRESS OZ CITY {€, CITY EMAII ADDRESS ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION: f:l Alteration & Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I-l frect New Residence IJ Addition to Existin8 Residence fl Belocation .*IPLEAS€ CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AIL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI*** D Att Garage (sF)E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch {SF) I sunroom (5F)-;l storaSe shed (sr)- D other (sF) TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (fot proposed work) Heated:r.l,/A unheated: N/A roTAL PRoJECT cosT ltess tot|, 5 fur 6*- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ves .E[ no ls any Electrlcat, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure Ef Yes E No lf the project :s a Relocation, is there a Natural 6as Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes E[ ttto 15there Electrical Poweron this Building? E ves D t'to lex E TownhouseProperty ure/ occupancy:E sin Family E Dup(4J9f'r-la WOoD Delk "-A *enlr--eD V'leop aa* ols€lAIMER: I hereby certilY thal all the ,nformation in this rpplication is correct laws 5nd ord,nances and regulations. The NHC Development SeMces Centerwill iniormation. 'r'NOTE: Any work performed wlthout the approprlate permitt will and all work will complY with the Stat€ Eurlding Codeand aLlother applicab e Slate and ioc' be nonfi€d ol any.hanges in the app.oved plans and specilications orchange rn contractor I be in violation of the Nc State Eldg cod€ 6nd subject to fines up to 5500 00"' Owner/Contractor:l,rlr*z<'11 W,Signature "LEensed Quolifier" Ptihl Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yesxl No Exi5ting lmpervious Areai -- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed:t) New lmpervious Aaea Sq Ft Existlng Land Disturbing Permit: f1 ves { t'to WATTR: El CFPUA D CommunitY System D Private Well fl Central well n Aqua SEWER: B CFPUA E community System El Private Septic n Central septic E Aqua zone: - officer: .- Setbacks (F) -. (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: ._- Clty: -- Date: - Flood:(A)-(V)--lNl-BFE+2ft=- Comment:Permit Feei S '65 toT i ADDRESS: pRorEcrcoNrAcrpERso[: afut4\ ?()AZPQ ptoxe, l? 774 lvql APPLICANT,S NAME:*lrS 1lJzff PROJECT ADDRESST suBDtvtstoN: 4l>) gttix:784- P,:rD PROP€RW OWNER,S NAMEI 4rLzAoP-y bAulaD OWNER,S ADDRESS:3i>-7 Pat-\nG.4- 088 crw: /7\QvL W4xft-ztP NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" ctw PHONE # aa)f"zzw1fu6 Date 3-l-t)t- zp.:.+*'bq LOT # 'a)3<sI CONTRACTOR Z+:4/AJX- ais-js7{,Uu-t.jj\! gtgl iLLt BLDG LrcENsE r: bbZtO ADDRESS: t5>t{4 " f-\rtzllrl EMAIL ADDRESS:<J. :XFF 6 "++.(/As( fru*rzttO st:ln- ztp PHON E -ltl1'laCITY ao^Jt ,1to -/on-e.f tPROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE E Deck (SF)! Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAL SQ tT UNDER ROOF {Jor proposed work) Heated:I> >o unheated TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S .@ lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes B ruo lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbein8donetotheAccessoryStructure!vesplto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Ves E trto lsthere Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? D Yes E No Description oI Work: G4tu8< Fceq r-t?r DA'rMea laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved pla ons or change in contractor pto 5500.00"'information. *'TNOTE: Any work p€rformed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC cede and owner/x^NrS Z-'u|LARO.Signature: "Licensed Quo ls the property located in a floodplain? I Ves $ I{o Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcresDisturbeat D New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes I No WATER: ! CFPUA E community System E Private well E Centralwell ! Aqua SEWER: ! ctPUA D community System n Private Septic ! centralSeptic fl Aqua zonei _ Officer: _ setbacks (F) _ (l,H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) - BFE+2ft= - $*to racto Comment:Pe.mit Fee: S ': ffi EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ,..PLEA5E CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.I. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*'' tr Attcarage(SF)_ E Detcarage(SF)_ D Porch(sF)_ E sunroom(5F)_ D Pool (SF)_ D Storage Shed (SF)_ C other (sF)_ Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family ! Duplex ! Townhouse APPUCANTS NAME: PROJ€CT ADDRESS:2Z fta NEW HANOVERCOUNTY BUILDING PERMTT APPUA1AN TYPE RESTDENTTAL PTEASE AI{S1N'ER Arr QUESNOXS APPIJCAAI TO YOUR PROJECI 'Proiect iesDo.E&iEt/ CITY: )017- )aqa Date: ac ztP: ?8{P5- SUBDIVISIONT /a,v! h PRoPERw owNER S NAMe: €, O rli zanz PP'o,NE#: 1/0 -L/01- Zt/Z/ cfiv: / tilrnr:lg/ptj )c ztp: 2/4b< BLDG UCENSE #: sT. LULztP:28t/t7 OWNER'S ADDRESS:^ta-l /12 tc D,,, COI.ITRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMA,L ADDRESST fiAl+ @- c|ry:uc4rrcons+t/.kb . fht4 PHO'{E: PHONE: 414 -52,t- PRoJECI CONIACI PERSON:fllatl-1brr EXlSTlttG CORSTRUCflON: O Alte.atio^ E Renov'ation E General ReFirs NEWCONSTRUCTIOT{: 0 Erect New Residence I ndditionto Existing Residence E Relocation +J.*PTEASE CTTECK ANDANSWER 8E *- tr Att Garage (SF)_ E DetGaraSe(SF)_ EI porch (SB_ t/toD Slnroom (SF)_ E Gre€nhouse (SF)_ fl Pool(SF) E Deck (sF) O Sto.ase Shed (SF)_ E other (SFJ ls the propos€d work changinSthe existing footprint? E yes E No TOTAL 5Q Fr UNDEA BOOF lfor propaed wo*)Heatid: TOTAL PROJECT COST ltess tjr'.l:5 2?, Afr lsthe proposed work chantint the number of bedrooms? tr ves [,tto ls any Eectrkal, Plumblng gr MechaEkal work being done to the Accejsory Structure R yes E No lftheprojectisaRelocadon,isthereaNaturalGasLiiieonth€currertsite?OyesENo ls there El€ctrical Powe. oo this Euilding? B Ves E xo Property Use/ (korpancy: E shd€ Famity E Dupbr EI Townhouse oescription qf work: DlSd-ArME8: I h€reby ce.ti& that all the lnformatr'od in lhis appl!.aton ls cofiEct .nd s[ work w$ compv *fth th. St3te OoildinA Cod. .rd aI ottE applkable stal€ and 106ll.*3 and ordicnG ahd ceulatioB The NHC Oelelopmed S€Nlce5 C.nter wtl be notff]ed of any cllanAs in rhe app.oved dara and spedflGrtorE or change h contra.rorin d@uod..'NOTE: Arywo* pe.formed ettrct^ rheaPpropriatE p€rmits rdllbe h vtot tbn of dte t{C Cod€ ahd subiec! to fin€5 up to S5@!O... Owner/Contractor:ll,tatf /orr St8Bature: t&ensed Qoolifar" Ptint Nnme lsthe propenybcatedin afloodplain? E yes E No Existin8 lmpefiious Ar€a: - Sq Ft l'le\f, lmperri,ous Are3; _Sq Ft Erlsthg tard Didurbing Pe.mlt E Yes D No WATER: 0 CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Centralwell E Aqua SElyER: E CFPUA El Cornmuntrysystem D Private septic E Central Septlc E Aqua Zone: _ fficer: -- S€tback{F}_(Ul}_(RH}_(S}_ approvali_ Gty: _ Date; _ Flood; [A)_tv)_(N) _ BFE+2tE _ Commenr Permit Fe€: S Total Ac.es Disturbed: $rc LOl #: 3A Unheated: -_ )ot}- x>1! It NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AppLtqTroir rypE: RESIDENTIAL PTE'SE ANSI{ER AI.L QUEST]ONS ADPLICIBLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI.project Responsibi.Litlp APPLICA T'S MI'IE:c)h EIEP DEVELOPER; PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDTWSION: PROPERTY 4flER'S MHE: OHNER}S ADDRESS: CtTY, PHOIE #: PHONE N PERHIT FEE: $ APPLTCATION Nloben (OFfice Use) DATE:-/7 ZIPz.9 r'5lBLOCK#:--LOT*:--- CITY: #. z?.i.t.8rAast:_aph284u CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: DCTSTII{G CoNSTRUCTToN: ffi ar-renarrou fl nmnvarrou I e er,renAt nenarns f] RELOCATTON NEhI COiISTRIrcTIO'I. I IRECT EH RESIDE CE O" EI AOUrrrW TO trtSTIT{G RESIDE CE +*PLEASE CHECK A}O A}IsI{ER BELOI{ ALL TTIAT APPLY TO YOI,R PR(x'Ecl!l-l arr oamcr s.F f-l swnma <F l-'l oneruuo-rsr sF I ori elnaae sr I noncH _sF! eoor- -- sr I stoRaoe sHeoI orcr PROPERW USE / OCCUIPA CY I srruele remrlv x DIJP LD(I rorluouse EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECI CONTACT PERSON: DESCRIPTION OF t\lORX:rn DISCLAIrER I helEb.y c€niry harall hbrmston in ,iis applcali*r b coarccr €nd dl vDrk l^illand ordin6nc€s and Egulatons. The NHC O6\€lopm6nt S€Me Csn Er will b€ notfed of arrcont-€cbr inbnnaion, -.NOTEI Any oHNER/CONTFaCTOR: EXISTII{G I}.tPERWotts AREA: _ SQ FT NEt'l DlPERll[OuS AREA: _ sQ FT (or)P}IONE *: 5F OTHER: u)LfCEIIISE *i , -_ ACCOUT{T *ctrrt lltlLf ' s3 ,r'tl/A _<_ - RE!iT5ED5_ _ zIP: cornplywih $o SEt6 Edldho Code snd dl ofier spplir.bt€ SEb snd bcd taarE y ctungss h fi6 approy€d plEn6 €rd q)odncstuns or cfiang€ in cont&b r or TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EGST LAI'ID DISTURBETIG PERI'ITT:fl ves ! uo roTAL HEATED SQ FT:_ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:_ TOTAL AREA 'qn, /4* ToTAL pRoJ EcT cosT (L6Lo0 , * t//n # oF sToRtEs: rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, pul,lBl{6 on ne*ur,r/car- l,ork Being Done to th€ o"."rro"rIll*el fi ves El-ruorf the project is a ReLocation, is thene a Natunar Gas Line on the current siter $ves IltoIs thene Electrical powen on this Building? [Ves ffi f.fo Wp* P€rtonned w/O he Appopriaa pormiorwll b€ in Vrolaton oftleNC Stsc 5r6['IATURE: fPrlrt lta!.)***:r+***++ ***++*+++** * *+ ** Sil?* {F+:* +* + **+***++**+*+* ++++ xx+ +++*** +*** *++ *++++*** ***i.**rs rHE pRopEBw LocATED rN a rlooopuur l-l ves ffi ruo r.raTERr EfcFpuA E cqrqur*rrw svsreu I pRrVArE I,,ELL I ceUrml wer_r_ sEhrER: UfcFpur, E ceNrml sEprJc E pRrvATE sEprrc I comur,rrw svsra,r .t1 SEPINATE PEN'{ITS REQUIRED FOR EL8CT, HECH, PLEG, GAS EQUIP, PREFASS & ItsSERTS ** pAYr,tEt{T }rErHoD ! [ csri I cxecr (PAYABLE ro n*l Ertti *.ct,* 'Er.f**-' E-Dr""*.*)*** **:i:i:t:t*****;i***************:t*it:i* t*:tr:t :t:i*rt*f **+*:t:i+rts**:a*f **:i.;t****if :t *:**,trai. **;t* ****:r*:G**,, .^,, Q.. 5 oFFICER:OTU s approval: OF c:.ty: UtL l[/\ oere: Coflnent: ility lnspection Requrreo 9l 0.254-0iit LH RH: oA-lE o4/11/r2 FLOOD: x gFe+2?t= t , -:. ' " lial, '.' ..r.. .: 0nt\-7zat\NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CAT I ON TY P6.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility' Application Number (otfice use) I r')APPLICANT'S NAME:eeTf ,L\Cd,,'..7 2w.-T/ctu LK Date/ !-'t e CITY L-t tn rpu.P*tp, Lrtto fPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:I Aprt F4.t J.-L I < ,{/,, t;P c,-PHONE #:tkts))oa)'LYPROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS:1 a rlcl [!),ln rI ctw t L-/-1 i/a Tv Zr:LTL/d\ Vet u re Es' C<-t LCONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAILADDRESS: i e ,"'tl PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: L-'h, lt la t, d q c.n 5* T)LvL I t L, 'v lLl <-ft Q/'\ t* C- Q CITY .Ar! I . e?'t^ pHoNE BLDG LICENSE # lla-ST: ila-ZlP ,/- t-. 1,r Lvv\5 Sir PHONE: 1--'- r 'i 43Y ExlSTlNG CONSTRUCTIONT n Alteration $[norr,,o"/neneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ,I'**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Porch (SF) ! Greenhouse (sF)- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Ves Z/tto E Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (sF) TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Heatedi Property Use/ Occup Description of Worki ingle Famil)y E Duplex El Townhouse LtrCc unheated:)c' TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 Tt ac' ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes .EI No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes Z No lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E YesErNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes E No ancy: Ws 1,/€L -t{lt l- /-- ' (1-/) laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified of anychanges in the ap'proved information. **TNOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State EldB Code a lrl Lc L.a " n r,, plans and tplcificatigr(s"*'(ft*!"or change in contraator ss00.00'*' Owner/Contractor:Signature:1 ,,, T/ 0.- 1, '\-- Total Acres Disturbed: "Lrcensed QuoliJiet' Print Nome' lr j./1, IL t\ C-. -<.> ls the {roperty located in a floodplain? E yes EI- Existing \npervious Area: _ Sq Ft No New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E ruo WATER: N CFPUA n Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: Q CFPUA n CommunitySystem D Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval:_ City:_ Date:_ Flood: (A)_(V) _(N)_BFE+2ft=_ Comment:Permit Fee: S$15- LOT 8: E Att Garage (sF) _ ! sunroom (5F) _ E Det Garage (SF) n Pool (SF)_ ! Deck (sF) _ ..,.'jttl. t' .,,.,,. . .,ffii; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION T YPE; RESIDENTIAI PI FASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" &r ilqo APPLICANT,S NAMEi Date: Z zlP iPROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtsloN:5r-,r(A t CITY: W L H ; zlP BLDG LICENSE #5754 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:PHONE /] CITY| t!OWNER,S ADDRESS. .2gt P.z/L\^- 6+ CONTRACTOR AODRESS:ctw PHONE Qto sr.LLztP 4u.7 I .1EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: Q Alteration F Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation ** *PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWE R BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'I 'I K Det Garase (sF) 6Ll Irc a$ 9fi2 n Att Garage (SF)_[] Porch (sF) n Storage Shed (SF)_ iZo bnrs n sunroom (5F)tr Pool {SF) E Deck (SF)D Greenhouse {SF) - \a other (sF) ted: 'tS tn"l+., 9z,^ "L.L{L'Is the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E ves E ttto TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heated:$)O neD untrea TOTAL PRO.IECT COST (Less Lot):S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr yes F. ttto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure. ts yes E Itto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes h ruo lsthere Electrical Power on thii Building? 8'ves CI lrto no al^v^tt6e {o *.,.1 ^x 4*{e"'^{ 'i--' Property Use/ Occup Description of Work: ingle Family Duplex f] Townhouse "n.y, (s olSCtAlMtR: I hereby certify that a the information in this apptication is correct and all work will comply with the Stat€ Bu'ld'nB Code end all olher applcable Slale and local laws and ordinances and regutations. The NHC Development Services Center will be noiified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contra.tor informatron. "'NOTt: AnY work performed without the appropriat€ permits will b€ in violation of the NC Stat code and subject to fines up to S500.00+*' A Sign atu re:owner/Contractor "Licensed QuoIiJier" ls the property Iocated in a floodplain? n yes Dl. ttto Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq tt Total Acres Disturbed: 0 New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes D No WATER: R CFPUA E Community SYstem D Private well E Central Well E Aqua sEwER: El cFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: - officer: - Setbacks (f) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - $qp Comment: PHONEi Permit Fee: S -- 'a ,{}otl* z\a+ \N NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI1N TYPEr SIGNS / BILLBOARDS (- ) APPLICATION Number PLEASE PiINT (LEARLY & AiIEIIER AIL QUESIIOI,IS "Pnoject Responsibility" (fffice U5e) APPLICANT'S l.lAilE: septen'Jcer siqns DArEt 02/22 /11 DEVELOPER PHONE #: 910?919084 PROIECT ADDRESS: e32 lnsDiration Drive CfTY; wi lminqron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS l,U\ilE : cnare". PROPERTY OI,JNER'S N'\ E: OWNER'5 ADDRESS: p. o. Sue Rlce PHONE *: Box 1283 0 COI'IIRACTOR: sepE enicer sisns ADDRESS:6?31 -4 Amsterdam wav CITY: wilrnincron ST:NC ZIP: 28ac5 EIAIL ADDRESS: wif 1oseD!embersisns. com PHONE f:9197919s64 PROIECT CoNTACT PERSoN: r,ril.1 Nabors PHONE *: 910?919084 (CHECX ALL THAT APPLY) ! rrecr fl rlrrn f] neearn I rtr-mee DESCRIPTIoN OF tOR(: replaceinq b\:ildinq siqn and haiqinq siqn- Chanqidq fabric on awninq '-o Dark Blue, no text on anfil1nq CHANGE OUT rs sr6N(s) oN oR oFF PRErirrsEsl fil on fi orr OT.INER/CONTRACTOR: and o.di.ances and regulalions. The NHC Developm€nr S€rvicas Cenlor wllb€ nolfiod olany chanqes in th€ approved plsns and spscificalions orch6nge inconuaclor or cont actor i6fo.malron. "'i/OTE:p"ry Wo Perforhgd WO tl€ Approo are Permllswillbe ln Violarion oftne NC Sl.G Eldg Code and Sublecl lo Finss Up To 5500.00"' $iIi nabors 5IGNATURE: ' ' * **,r* i.*i**i(r*** 'i*r(i*,****** *,r *:*:*,* ** r * I * ****,t,** ************ *,*r*,****)k******* t )i ** * * x( * *,f r! *,ltr + jf * t TYPE OF SIGN(S) FREESTANDING (Ground ) SHIN6LE rvlaRQUEE E] lro:ecEolrr.rALL fl cnropv ROOF OTHER Tota1 Number of signs on this Project: 2 5I6N 1 Height: -:!gr.c_ 5I6N 2 Hej.ght: xalloirq SI6N 3 Height: awninq SI6N 4 HeiSht: awninq Sign Dimensions: 24 X -]4.:.-9,_ Sign Dimensions: 1s )l 2.1__sigo Dimensions: x _ Sign Dimensions: 2:J:_ x _ Total SQ.FT. of SiBn: -?3.1!_ Total SQ.FT. of Sign: 2'8 Tota1 SQ.FT. o+ Sign: _ Total SQ.FT. of Slgn: _ TOTAL PROIECT COST: S 2oco IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? E Yes El Uo *,{* SEPAMTE PESNITS REgJIflED TOR ELECT, '!EC}I, PLB6, 6A5 EQUTP, PREFAES & II{SEi'S "' PAYI4ENT I,IETHOO :E clsx f] cxrcx lrrvaelr ro mc; I alenrcar rxnnrss n l4clvrsA I orscoven ,|,1,****,** * ** r*)t* *,*)*,t****)t)i *,1,I,* * ,r,1* * 't(,*,***** ******,r,t ****,** **,t' * ** *,t r. *,*,| *:i,l.,f f,l,*,** * * * * t *,lr***** ZONE: _ OFFICER: :_City:- DATE: FL00D: _ - BFE+2 AVIT PERMIT FEE I Approval Comment:;SE & ZIP i z94o5 CITy: w:rnrr-oron ST: nc ZIp: zsqos LICENSE #: 1,.. ntl na (ron orflct u5t oN!Y) REVrsEo DATE 3/'30112 SEIBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ ou.@ NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMI APPLICATION TYPE: COMI|IERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S t,IA}tE: " DEvELopER: /s'rarH€.L PROIECT ADDRESS i tqoLl aa<TtA C ITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIITE : .- PROPERTY OTJNER'S iIAME : /4,-r, <7- o e r7A4-- 5 Ba rr /,ar'- OWNERTS ADDRESS: 3 PHONE #: 7t9 2d Secr/ Cl'lY I a-/// /t1 ..V(17Ap.5T | /1,( zrP I ZZ./o/ LICENSE #:ACCOUNT *: Ba .1 lvc APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DArE ,/1.14z- | 2a17 ztP;zBqo'3 PHONE f: ( { /V /<-741 5i- CONTRACTOR: Jdl f. ADDRESS: El,tAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERS 7^CITYi 2,n /.r1/A,/a1 f."/?-sT t1f zIP ,T4o - (c?.rt PIIONE #: ?fi tu,?**/ PHONE *: 2/, 2<?E fuq IZArrs 73artzl< / (check atl That apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: M ALTERATTON E RENOVATION E GENERAL REPATRS n RELOCATION / tf Rolocation, is rherea Narurat cas Line on the Eirent site? Ey;ENo ts aroc spiiixrrnroz Ives fir.ro BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: NEW coNsTRUcTroN, ! rnrcr NEw srRUcruRE I rAsr rnacx ! sxer-r- ! unrrr ! mo ro ExrsT srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is Elect Powen on this Building Yes E'lo *+**+ rs rHrs a CHANGE oF occupaNcy usE? E yEs il* -.... IF Yes, bftat was the Previous Occupancy Type?What j.s the Ne!, 0ccupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOT.IAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiAL: PH PH NC REG #: NC RE6 #: DEscRrpTroN oF hroRK: fu 1111ro,re4A Frq/va i@F aw /rr<rrtct S .n-rrc.,,Az- ls tood or beverag€s preparod o( sorvod in this srrucrure? [ luffno b Tho Property Locded ln The Floodplain? E ,"rffi ilding Code and allother applicable State in lhe approved plans and specficatrcnsviolauon or rhe Nc srate Eldg code and Noto: Demolilion rrciffcadons E asb€stos rernoval permlt applic€tom arB lo b€ submtl@d uslno tl€ apdicaloo bm (DHHS-3768) wne$or !h€ hdlity or buttdtno was 6und to contaln Asbeslos or not You ere roqulrcd to call lhe Naton6l Embslon St8ndards br HazardoG Air Pollutents (NESHAP) at (919)m7-595O er leasr 10 d6ys p.lor to th€ demoll on of any iaclllry or bulldlng.Astresio6 Wob She: hltp://www.epi.slaG.nc.us/epi/asbesios/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT :o<)# OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:#OFSTRUCTURES: / ACRES DISTURBEO:r1 EXSr LAND D|STURBtNG pERMtr? l-']veSfJ-UO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 5 r*-,^ g_ SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: wArER: .ZfcfPUA flcoMMUNlrY SYSTEM fl WELL EIZoNING UsE cLAsslFlcArloN sEwER: ETCFPUA fl CENTRAL SEPTTC Ll pRrvATE SEpTtC fICOMMUNtw SYSTEM PAYMENT METHOD: [cASn [CneCX paVeALE TO NHC) [ arU- ACCOUUT EMCMSA I orSCOVen N PERMIT FEE: $ SO FT zoNE: lllY\xoFrrcen: O((o 1Ft="f;['"[:"J'pA ta:pkan:N/A a:fifu REvrsEDtxTEl/,l/r2 Comment nsPec tron Reqirreo, 9i 0.254.0r. Mt+-J310 DISCLAIMER: 4.no."---- I pRopERry usE:,Z6FFrcE IRESTAURANT luencnNlu leouc laer [como orHER t )or 7-lQr NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT RVL024 APPLI,ATI0N rvPE: R ESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSI,IER ALL QUESTI0NS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PR0IECT "Project ResPonslbility'' APPLICANT,S NAI'IE i }I&H CONSTRUCTOR'S OF FAYET'1'EVII,LE LLC DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: ]51o she1l Ouarrv Drive CITY: wl LMrNcroN SUBDMSION: Riverl iqhl s BLOCK #: rs1o PRO PERTY OI{NER',S NAi,1E: H&H coNsrRUCroRS oF FAYETTEVTLT,E LLC OWNERJ S ADDRESS:8209 Market street suite C CITY:wilminqton LfCENSE #: 741s9 +HH9 APPLICATION Number (offtce Use) ZtP | 2a412 CoNTRACTOR: H&H coNsrRUCToRs oF PAYETTEVTLLE, LLC ADDRESS: 8209 MarEet street, suiLe c CITY: WILMINGTON LOT f: 024 PHoNE *: 910-219-1485 5T:NC zrP: 2 8411 sT: Iq zIP: 28411 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:A LTERATION R ENOVATlON GENERAL REPA] RS RE LOCATION NElrl CONSTRUCTI0N:ERECI NEI^J RESIDENCE OT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE *+PL€ASE CHECK AND ANSIdER BELoI^J ALL THAT APpLY To YoUR PROIECT: 7l rrr ennre E l1g- sF ! oe r cnnaoe sr [l noncH 454 SF STORAGE 5H ED 5F TOTAL HEATED SQ FT l 2o1o TOTAL SQ TOTAL PROI ECT COST lress rog : $ Da , gta Is there Electrical Power on thi.s Building? pRopERTy usE / occuPANcY: [l Srruelr ratlrlv SF SF OTHER: FT UNDER R00F i 2ee2 S OF STORIES: 1 r TOTAL AREA SQ FT: zggz POOL DECK SF SF Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIiIBING or I,IECHANICAL lrork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? E Yes I No If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curnent Site? [ ves t No v"r I-l uo DUP LEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK:s INGLE FAMILY DT4EILING * i.* * l1TilI DISCLAIMEft therebycertii/ hal a[ lnfrmatton in his applicalion ls cor.6ct and at \ /o.k will comply wlh h€ Siale Bulldiog Cod€ and all ohor applicable Slab and local lav/s and ordloancgs and regulations,Ihe NHC Oevelopment Services Censgr wlllbe nolified olanycianges in he approved plans and specificalbos or clange h conracbror contracb. inh.mation. '..lloTE: Any work Perfomod wo the Appropriab P€rmits w l be ln vlols{on ol the Nc slale 8ld9 codo 6nd subjed lo Fines up To $500-00"' OI,{NER/€ONTRACTOR: rJ Brenninq .)k> {Prlnt Name) '!**,i*,t,***:tik:1.t:t,t+8x{,*,i*i +*,* {* * * ++,t *:} + + )i +** )* ,} ,t ,t + +,1+:t:t * * *,* ,l ,* )k* *--FE-- r *t t+** * *:t*i. *,|* ** )t )t i(:lr * ,1 + )t** * * L9.--X,' rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN A FLooDpLArNt I vrs EXISTING III,IPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT wnrrn: [] cr eun SEWER: M CF PUA I NO TOTAL AcREs DISTURBED: .13 NEhl IMPERVIOUS AREA : 3319 SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:yEs l*-'l ruo COMI"IUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE U]E LL f| cerurRrl wrrr AeuA ! crrurnnr srerrc fl pRrvATE sEprrc I commutrrv svstem AeuA r** SEPAIIATE PER,.lI]s REqJIRED FOR ELECTT I'IECH, PL8G, 645 EQUIP, PREFABS & II'IsERTs **T paylENr r'rErHoD: f] coss fl crrc11 (PAYABIE ro Nuc; I mrrnrcaN ExpREss E mc/vrsa fJ orscorrn *:l + t *** r.t ** * ,t,i * )t{<*+:} l. '},i,t+ + *++ + * * ro|li i} * *** +,*,1,} *,}** tt+t* **,t,* )t*,* *** * r.+* * **** *r( )* *'* 'J}+ *+** +**ia +* ZONE : - OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ON!Y) &EVISED OATE O4l11l12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLoOD: - N BFE+2ft= I DpJEi 02 / 23 /2o1'l PHONE #: EI4AIL ADDRESs: iuticafferry,ahhhomes.com/ Je rryBrenninq@hhhomes . com PHoNE #: 910 219 1.485 PRolEcT coNTAcT PERS0N: .rJ Brenninq PHoNE f: 91o-21e-1485 I suunooN -sF I enr emnous r SIGNATURE: Jotl -ZeB L:t-4+9NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT RVL072 APPLIiATI1N IrPEr RESIDENTIAL PTEASE AI]S!{ER ATI, QUESTIOI]S APPLICABLE TO YOUR PflO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT,S NAI'iE : DEVELOPER: H&H CONSTRUCTOR'S OF FAYETTEVILLE, LIJC PHONE S: PRoIECT ADDRESS: 4?11 waves Poiote Drive SUBDMSION: Riverli hLs PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: H&H CONSTRUCTORS OF FAYETTEVILI,E LLC ol,rlNER'S ADDRESS: 8209 MarkeL sLreets suite c BLoCK S: 4? 11 LoT #: -9lZ_ #: 910-219-1485NHOPE CONTRACTOR: H&H CoNSTRUCTORS OF FAYBT?EVII,LE, ],LC ADDRESS: 8209 Market street, suite c LICENSE #: ?4r58 CITY: WILMINGTON sT: NC zIP: 2 8411 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: J.r Brenninq }*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELCT.{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ffiarr canncr s24 sF f] orr cannee sr fl eoncx l2L- sF SF STORAGE SHED SF P}ONE #: PHONE S: 910-219-1485 9lo-219-7445 SUNROOM SF GREENHOUS E SF SF OTHER:5F ToTAL HEATED SQ FT: 2010 ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 2e25 TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: 9921_ TOTAL PROIECT COST cess iorl : $# OF STORIES: POO L DE CK 72')03 5 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBIIIG or IitEcHAflrcAL Work Eeing Done to the Accessory Structure) E Yes No If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the current site? [ ves rs there Electricar Power on this Building? lElv"s f]ro PROPERTY UsE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY f] ouelrx n rowruHouse DESCRIPTION OF WOR(: STNGLE FAMII,Y DWELI,ING No 4 oISCLAIMER: lhercbyce rt that allinlormarion in ulis plicalion is cofiectand all wori willcomply wih lhe Slale Eulldhg Code and atr otrer applEeble Stal€ and local lars and odinan(€s and regulaibns, Ths NHC Dsv€t pment SeMces Cenl€r willbe no[fied olaoy changes h he approv€d plans and specifcafions o, charEe in contrsclcr or conkacbr int rmalion. "'NOTE:Anywork Perromed WO lhe Apprcprlale Pemftswillb€ ln Vlola on of$e NC Slale Eldg Code and S{rblecl to Fines L,p To $50O.0O"' oWNER/CONTRACTOR 3 ,r.r grennlnq SIGNATURE 3 l$*U...-,-.-.* (prtnt Naf,e)rr++i.,t,f+*x***++,t ****+******+***+++*,1*f*r,*****+*r++*+*ii++r{.+*,t+r)r)t+**};o-q;;;g",*...-,. I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? €XISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: _SQ FT NEl,l IMPERVIOUS AREA: 3r2s SQ FT YE5 I NO ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .11 EXIST LAND DISTURSING PER!'IIT:I YES l--l r'ro CEIITRAL h.lELL AQUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM AQUA fl WATER:CFPUA COI4MUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE WEL I- ZONE :OFFICER: 5EWER: m crnun f] CENTRAL sEprrc I eRrvarr seerrc *IT SEPAJ{ATE PERI'lITs REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I4ECH, PLBG, 6A5 6QUIP, PREFABS & IiISERTS 1I' pAyEEMr ETHoo: Ecrsx E$lEcK (PAYABLE ro nrcl I mrnrcAN ExpREss E n./rrro I orscovrn;a******)t,*l,r****+*:t**,tr*,i,t+,ilt*rt**r(ji(:i,t:i***)ir{.{.*,t*****t*******++{*+**,t*'*:**'}*)*************:e:*,*:* (FoR OFFrC€ Ust OrtLY) RtVrsEO DA'E o4l11/12 $1Appnoval:_ comment : SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: City:_ DATE:_ FLOoD: _ BFE+2ft= AVN I T PERMIT FEE: ,a- li xr. J,'\ (ffi,t DAIE| a2 / 06 /201'7 CIry: wrr,MrNcroN ZIP I ZSSJL CITY: -g]-LE:-!S!-9!__ 5T : S_ ZIP : 2 84 11 EiIAIL ADDRESS: i ulica f f erty@hhhomes . com/ irer.yBrennj. nq@hhhome s . con1 EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: I arrenarrOru [ nrruOvnrrOru [ OrUrnal nrelrRs f] RELocATToN irEb, coNsTRucTroru: E] enecr NE RESIDENCE o" I aoorrroru To ExrSTrNG RESTDENCE '&ji )olt" " ZJlj#BNEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATTON TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiesi ResPonsibilitY" Appllcation Number {ofrice u!e) Datei 2t4t2017 APPLICAN?S NAME: Vince Luthoran PROJECT ADDRESST 5824 Harbor Breeze Drive CITY: Wilmington zlP 28409 LO-r #: 19suBDtVlStON:Helms Port COI{TRAC?OB:Mnce Lutheran Homes, LLC BIOG tICENSE #i 69818 CITY;Carolina Beach st: NC ztP' 28428 EMAIT ADORESS:vinson.lutheran il.com PRO.,ECT CONTACT PERSON Vince Lutheran PHONEi s10-279-0145 ExSftNG COI{SIRUCTION: I Alteration C Renovation n General Repairs iIEW CO1\IS1RUCI;OX: dErea ltew Residence I Addition to Existing Residence Relocation i.'PIEASE CHE6K AND ANSWER BELOW AtI THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.,ECT... IJ. Att Garage (5r) 2215 E Det Garage (sFi E Sunroom (SF)---I Pool (5F) . Deck (SF)D Greenhouse (SF) .---zaJ ls the proposed work chanEing the existing footprint? . Yes n No TOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF lfor proPased !a/or&) Heated:"OOA QF TOTAI PROJECY COST (tess Lot): $863,097.00 Property Use/ occupancy: E/slngb ramily E Duplex E rownhouse l9 the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes ff'{o lsanyElectdcal,plumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEvesDNo lf the project is a Retocatlon, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there ElectrlcalPower on this Building? E Yes EI No il Porch {SF}...- I storage Shed (SF) - tr other (sF) --.=.-.--- Residential ConstructionDestription of wort:Newe OTSCLAIMER: I herebY certilY that all the information in this appllc6tion is co.rect and all \{9rk wjllcomplywrth the State Eoildin8 Code and all othe. applicable Shte and local laws and oldlnancesand regulationi. The NHC Oevelopment Seryices Center willbe notl{ied ofany chanSes in le ed plans and rpecilicationr o. chan8s ln contrador into.m.tion. "'NOTE: AIY work p€rformed wlthout the approprltte perfiit. will be in ulolatlon otthe .nd subiect to fines uP lo S500,0o"' nce Lutheran signatureiOwner/contractor "Licensed QroIilier'Print Name ls the property located in a floodplain? EI Yes ! No Eristlng lmpervlous erea, 4 sqFt Total Acres Dlsturbed; l,lew lmperuious Ares:i?l(Sqn Existlng Land Dlsturbing Permit: fi Yes E No vt ATER: E[ CFPUA D community system C] Private Well Cl centGl well EI Aqua SEWER: [! CFPUA D Community System f] Private Septic O Central Septic E Aqua zone': -- oflicer: - g€tbacks {t} -- {tH) -- {RHl - {B) -Approval: - CitY: -- Datei -.- Fbod: (A)- {V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -- <r t.nmment:Permit ,ee: $at8 pnopERTy ow Gtrs NAME: llohn Johns PfiONE S: qq:-999-6',11! a69xgg1 403 Peninsula Drive . . .pH611g;91&279-011I -- - unheated; -2499!l-- t. lct+ lt/+ #1 ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII4IT APPLICAIT(N TYPE, RESIdENTIAL pLEAsE ANslr€R Ar, QuEsrroris orr..r*j,-, To youR pRoJEcr - ..project Responsibil ity', APPLICATIOiI ]{umber (Offi<. Us.) ore:3.3-17APPLICAiIT'S DEVELOPER:cor t's I PRO]ECT ADORESS:5Z SUEDIVISION: PROPERTY OM'IER,5 ilAI,!E : oilillER'5 ADDRESS: /2 ql7 uro COI{TRACTOR :o-lz- ADDRESS: PKIiIE f : BLOCK *t .- LoT f: zrP't Z8 4lLsi- *.lLzrp;ZAty *@ne?fu;y *t ?/g-+zz-6ya l,lAITE: -)a G-*-., 't+1 !j crw: Tt* c CITY: LICEIiIS E Plor{E s: ?t?-t 76-Blt:t) crw: c)o,PK)I'IE PROJECT cOilTAcT Pgx56 ; Gtrd.g-,J (a-"& ANsl,lCR BEL0W ALL THAr AppLy TO YOUR PROIECT ffiarr caRaee t+8+SF ! oer canace _ sF ffi roncu 26? srE suNnoor,l SF tr POOL sE f| sronae r SHED _ sF! cRenuouse _ sr ! oecr SF OTHER:SF pRopERw usE / ocg,paNcy, [l srrcle rnNrlv fl ouerex ! ro,lr,rxouse L_ ProirE $: 9tt--7?s- 8zi3 EXrSTrtirG coNsrRucrror,l: f| rlrrnarroH ! nelrwarror ! cereur- nrrlrns ! RELOCATTON NEU COISTRUCTION: *IPLEASE CHECX AI{D ffirnrcr E]r REsTDENcE o. ! morrrou ro Exrsrr G REsTDE[cE TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:tq76 roTAt sQ FT UiIDER noorzZ1Zf T9TAL AREA Se n: Z7Z? TOTAL PRoIECT CoST (Lsss Lor) . I lsboob * OF STORIES: t rs Any ELEcIRrcaL, ptui'rgrirc or itEcHArrcAL work Belng Done to the accessopy structur€l I ves fi uorf the project is a Rerocation, ls the.e a Naturar, Gas Llne on the current sit.l f] v., Erors there Electrical power on this Building?ffiVes Ifo I esr DISCLAIMER lher€by cenit fiat al lnbfinadon h hts ,ppticston b corect and aI wo.t wflcompty wih he Stat€ Buildhg Cod. md slt oh€r apptrcable St E and tocsll6wsand odjnanc€s End regulations. The NHC De€lophenr Selvrces Cenler wil be notfi€d otsnydanges h he apprcved ptans alld lpecilicatims or change h con i6cb r orcontracbr hbfinalion. "ilOTE:Any Work Porfomsd w/O o111{ER/66itrRAcr oez l} ilet , er..r. he ApprcpriaE Pemirswfrl lLx^rrn;*l-srGt{ATURE: lk4-e.4- be h Vloletion oltheNC Slats Bldg Codr .nd Sobilct up To ,r+++,i**f ** * *r:r* **** *** **** *(I!'ll liTl * * **** ** ** *,r r ** ** **** **+ +*,r,** **,r rs THE PROPERW LOCATED rt A FLOOOPLAIN? r-] vEs fr rc EXISTIIiIG IIIPERVIOT,S AREA: -5Q FT ToTAL AcREs DISTURBED: NEW II,iPERVIoUS AREA: _ sQ FT Exrsr LAND DrsruRBr G ri.nfr ves [-l rc HArER: E[ cFpuA ! cor'rmur,rrw svsrem I pRrvArE l,tELL I cerurnal uell sEwER: ELcFpuA ! crrurul seruc I pRrvArE sEpTrc ! coNr"ruurw svsrem *i* SEPA]iATE PERI1ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PLBG, GAS payrlE[{T l4Erfloo: I crsx I ctecx (pAyaELE a *ra1 [ *a*ra*t,i*+ rt* *t+*,* ***,t **** *+,t +:t:** *t** +,tt ***t **** t**,t,t*****+ +*,t* *:t EquIP, PREfASS & INSERTS 1** ExPREss I rcTvrsr I orscoven It rt*,t +* *:ttttl*t *+*,t*:t**,t** *++* *x a,t *:t,i * * * 't *,1,a * *+ +,t +,t** REVrsto oATE e4lr1l12(roR oFFrcE USE 0NUY) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: E. Approval:- city:_ DATE:_ FLooD: _ _ BFE+2ft=avfl $1,r.[+ --- EMIL ADORESS: ZONE: OFFICE R: t\$\ ffi bt+- 2zl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAII(N |YPE, RESIdE TIAL pLEAsE A*sl{ER Att QuEsrro}rs orrrr*(a ro youR pRoJ€cr -proJect Responsibiltt/ t7-4t4- APPLICATIOII umber (offtc. U5.) APPLICA'{T'S AfiE:G-*-.o,"-". OEVELOPER: -J L" 5 PRO]ECT ADDRESS:Z € SUEDTVISION: PROPERTY OWNER's NME: OI,IiIER,S ADDRE55: /2 qt7 u l.tt CqTITRACTOn: -\".k-AOORESS: ElttAIL ADORESS:(I PROIECT CONTACT Pgx5961; Gnd.s.*) C ztP': ZA 4lL57- f9rS CITY: L Ptof'tE *: BLOC|( *r LOT S: LtCEtgE * 6 B1i L crw:la, P}O E S:. +ZZ- Pro E r: 1t'i'.7r"r- Bz.i3 PTONE $:-L 76-At o<) 5T zIPtZT6iV *&up?7al CITYT L t EXTSTT{G CO STRUCTTON: ! elrenarror I nerwarror ! cerenar- nsrarns I RELOCATTON NEW CONSTRUCTIOT: ITNrCr NEt,l RESIOENCE O" I MOTTTOU TO EXISTING RESIDEIICE.IPLIASE CHECK AI{D AIISI.IER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO Y(ruR PRO]ECT; [t4rr eraree *2* sr ! suunoom - sF fl cneeuxous e - sr GARAGE _ sr $roncx Z Cl sr_ sF ! sronacr SHED _ sF n oer fl eool ! oecx roTAL HEATED SQ fT: l? SF OTHER: 7b roTAr sq FT uitDER ncnrt z-72? ToTAL AREA SQ nz Z_-72? TOTAL PROIECT CoST 1r-ers rog : t _ [[ srucr-r ramrlv tr OUPLEX ! rowunouse rs Any ELECTRTCAL, pLUnBr{c or irEc,AlrcAt work Eeing Done to the accessony structurt} [ ves fi Horf the proJect ls a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Sit.l fl ,., KruoIs there Etectrical power on this Buildtng?fiV"s IUo DEscRrPrro oF lioR(: 5cr. OISCLAIMER ther€by certit tlatai lnbrmalon h hts epplicaton is corecl and 6llwoand ordinences end rBgulathos. Th6 NHC Oevsbpment SeNlces Cenl€rwi! bo notliedconlracbr hbmalion. " OTE:Any rk w{! complywit ho Staio Bullding c.d.otanydanges h h€ appov6d ptans &t be h VDlalbn ollheNC Stsb Bdg Code 3. SIGI{ATURE : and allo$er spptlcabte ShE and tocsltaw, sl,ecifcitlofls or change in coot acbr or 6nd Subilct b Fines l.lD To l5OO OO- ohlfl E R/cot'tTRAcToR:u,t-l +L ** +r +* * * *++ ++ * * ****.** * ** * Jlltl fifl * * IS IHE PROPERTY LOCATED II{ A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING IMPERVIoUS AREA: _sQ FT NEW I|4PERVIoUS AREA: _ 5Q FT *tt * **** *t*ttt* **** *+*,|** ** *r+tt*t+,trt*I+,1+*** + ** *+:|tI I YEs I_l r{o TOTAI. ACRES OISIURBED: EXIST tAl{D oISn RBII{G pERfiIT: l-''l vrs E rc REVIsEO oATE 04111/12 : RH: DI _ BFE+2ft= _vX wrren, fi creua ! cor.rliruNrw svsreu I pRrvATE wELL f.l cerrRal werr a sEr.JER: EcFpuA 3.rrr*. irrr*-n"*rr^r;';#; E.'ilffiiJ:'r'rr,, S \ )2t+**r SE,ARATE pERflrTs REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, tlEcH, pLsG, GAs Eg,rp, pRErAss & JN'ERT' i+*payrlErr nErfloDr I crsx E_crrcx lllyABrE - **i- tr *.*ca ExpREss I rcrrrsr ! orscovre+ +++ *++:r*:a***')r* *+** *** ***:l *t+* +'i* ***+,**++ **t'r ****:l*,t,a**+ *+* *** ******i******t* * t*,i ***t **(roR oFrrcE usE ofiuY) ZoNE: _ 0FFICER:SETBACKS: F:_ LHApproval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ A oarcz A-5"1 I * OF STORIES: I PROPERIY UsE / OCC1,PANCY: E- z0/) * zo77 17 - 630NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSHER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility"ffi APpLICANT'S NAlilE: :':.ri-. r: H.):ie.i .i t\lorth Carol ina,LNC DATE: ,-r: :i.2a1a DEVELOPER: r.J,,r:1o HonLe:j .,4 No-.-tr a.ar,rl rr:,i. rr. PROIECT ADDRESS: .i64 IsI,rn.t ,Lrn.l Corrrt rTTV. 1: :. , rn BLOCK #: Phase I LOT #: ztP : I16 PHONE #: 91!- 3lti- 8 52; SF )8 412 SUBDIVISION: llillor.r Gler, E:ir-ares G Be.ru Rivage Plantation PROPERTY OhlNER'S NAflE: :;:: j: :: =.r -: . : -.1: ,-r. OWNER'S ADDRESS: 2511 Rerian:e A-re ue CITY: A.e]{ST i :. -. ZIP '. 2t 23.) CONTRACTOR: tlunqo llomes cf North Carol ina , rnc LICENSE #: rili a6 ADDRESS: 2 514 -ieIlance Avenrre CITY: P-Eex EirlAI L ADDRESS: .: is.rr- ...:(Katherine Lusk PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: sr:l.: l:fycu (rlrrie.: :rLana qer)PHONE *: E-r-' '-,-5.2r- EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:A LTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS R E LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE +*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ! oer clanee _ sF PORCH 135 SFATT GARAGE .32 SF suNR00t'1 . sF GREENHOUSE SF POOL SF STORAGE 5H ED ToTAL HEATED SQ FT: :j!!TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ::r' TOTAL AREA SQ FT: :,,. ToTAL PROIECT COST rress roo : $ rse,ggr # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIiIBING on IIECHANICAL l^lork Being Done to the Accessory Structure?T Yes No n No PROPERTY UsE / OCCUPANCY: DECK SF OTHER: SINGLE FAMILY DUP L EX TOWNHOUSE If the pnoject is a Relocation, is thene a Natunal Gas Line on the Cunrent Site? [ Ves Is there Electnical Power on this Building? ny"t [-'] no DESCRIPTI0N OF I/'JORK: Ire!.' irrr'rl. :r;rr I l y [l,asidence DISCLAIMER lherebv cerlify hal allintormalion in his applicalion rs correcl and allwork willcomptywilh |fle State Buitding Code and a[ oh6r appticab]e staE and locat tawss and regulations The NHC Dovelopment seruices centar willbe noljlied olany changes in he approved ptans and specifications oichange tn contracororrmaton "'NoTE:Anv work Pe.romed w/o he Appropriate Permits willbe in violaljon of rhe Nc sraE Brdg code and subjec o Fines U; To $500 00," IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? R YEs EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: *'tx**+'t**t*it+*+************(l!'l!Jil"J*r*************+++**+++***:r:r++x:i++**:i*+***x*,r*x,*+*+,r,r I NO SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ! EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:I YES N No COMMUNITY SYSTEI,l PRIVATE I/\JELL CENTRAL WELL COMMUNITY SYSTEM NEW II'IPERVIOUS AREA : I4 -,- 1 SQ FT ItATER: SEWER: CF PUA CFPUA CENTRAL SE PTIC I I PRrvaTE sEPrrc I I * * t: * * * * * * + * * * * * * * + * * ** * * * *** SEPARATE PERI'IITS PAYMENT METHoD: E.o',I REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I4ECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** cHEcK (PAYABLE rO NHC) E afiERrcaN EXPRESS E mczrrso I orscoven*****+,t*x,t+,tr(*+**,lr***,****,*,******+*xx,k**x+**+*x*+***+*x+**+,i(**+* (roR 0FFrcE usE oN LY)REVl5ED 0ArE 04l11/12zoNE : _ oF FICE R:SETBACKS: F _ LH:_ RH:_ B:_Approval :_ Citv: DATE : Fl nnn. N BF E+2ft=3 7a.* APPLICATION Number (Office Use) PHONE #: ,. ::.a. ST: ll!_ zIP: : i 53 e PHONE *: 91a - i: i-a525 SF OWNER/CONTRACTOR i njiqo nones bL. (arlLerine Lusk SIGNATURE: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.AIIAfl nrpE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI{SI{ER ALL QUESTIOI|S APPLICASLE fO YOUR PROJICT(project Responstbi.llty, 2ot),l L7 - 68L APPLI CATI(r{ Nrmbe r (oFfr(e !5e) !d0 5 $-d i APPLICAIT,S NAIIE: Mcxee Eo&es I,Lc oAlEt 02/1t /2or1 DEVELOPER: G!{L DeveloD1nent PIO E *t 9ro47s71oo PROIECT AmRESS: 1328 trasrborne Dr clw: wi.tninoron. Nc _ SIOCI *i LOT *: 21? i 284L1 2tSUBDMSIO{: Hanover Reserve pR@EiTY OSIER's t{Af4f: uc(ee EomeB rLc Plol'lE *: 9r04757100 O*{ER's ADDRESS: 1oe Eav sr CITYi Favettevi 11e ST: Nc ZIP: 2 g3o1 €OiIIRACTOR: cML Development LICENSE *: 63970 CITY: Favetteville SrtSLZIP:28301 E,'IAIL A0ORE55; pulchasi nqtempEnc keehomesnc . con P r{E *: 9104 75? t o0 PROIECT CO'{TACT PERSoI,I:Steoha nie cal laqher Ptlol'lE #: 9104757100 EXTSTI G COI{STRUCTION:ALTERATION I aerrcvrrtot f] crtrnt neearns I RElocArrst NEtd cof{STRt cTloa{, @ rn:cr NEIJ RESIDEI{CE o" I OOrrrol To ExrsTrr{G RESxDEitcE '.PLEASE CHECI( AnO AltStlER 8Eloll llt- TI|AT AppLY TO yOUt PROIECTT a 1--15 t @arr ernaer soo. e sFI surunoor .-sF! cneruousr _ sr f] oer eanlot sr E} eoncn rs4.s sFI eool -"- sr I sronlcr sHED_ sF fi otcr rlq sr orHER: If the project is a Relocatlon, is there a fs there Electrl.cal Powe. on this Buitding? PROPERTY USE / OCCUPA CY: fiSrnCle rAltrrr_v I ouclrx I TowNHousE DESCRIPTIOiI OF l.rORKi construcr si.nale fani I home from di.rt to finished home. ra1 Gas Line on the Current Site? flves fiUoves [m SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 3356.5 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RooF: 4508.? T0IAL AREA sQ FT: 4508.7 TOTAL PROIECT CoSTlrersro4: $ rsrs:o * OF STORI€S: 2 Is Any EIECrRICAL, PLt liBD{G or }iECHI},IICAL l4ork Bei.ng Dohe to the Acc€sso.y Structurr}ves fl HoI Natu I ONER/CONTRACTOR : .roahua **r.*,*,* *** * *,1** **,*. *.*-** *(Iltl JiTl. . ** *, ** ** rs rHE pRopERTy LocarED rr l rloooaunl fl vrs EXISTITE ItPERvIot S AREAT ..._-SQ FT ilEt{ IfiPERvro.rS AiEA: _SQ FT OISCLA EIt r he leby cerrjt tl6t a inbnnation in htsqplic€lon is co@ctand altworlfill 'ld odinaE€s &d .Egutaoons Tn6 NH C D6v.loFnen r Servic.s C€n Er wi[ be no lnod o{ ancgltaelo. hbmanon. .'.NOTE:Any wo Ferfom€d W/O heAppopriaE peimir! wi be i. eomply*ih he srare Buirding cod€ aod a8 ohsr appticsl€ srsb a.d kcat taws y changes in l]e apprcvEd pbns ad specificatjons or ch.ige h conFdcbr o,vOlauon oI the NC StaE Btdg Cod€ .nd Su&To 3500 {xr" SIGNATURE: ,, *,*,r,i )r,* *r***+r**** * **** *** * **,i rrir( ** I NO TOTAL ACNES DTSTURBED: - GXI5T LAI{D DrsruRBrtre ,r*nrt, f3 ves l-'l rc REVISEo DAT€ 64111/12H: RH:_ B:_ - _ BF€+2ft=vt{ r{ArER: [l crnun I coMrtluNrry svsreu f] pRrvArE wELr fl crurRal uer-r_s:r:n: fi crnur f] cENTRAL sEprrc I enrvare aerrra f]- c*rrNrw sysrE]a ."* StpARAIt ptR,ljIS Reqtln{D ICF Ii-E!I. HE(H] l)Lg6r Gd5 i:Q(rIp, pltaABS & It{iFRTi ri!payrErr liErlr,r Easn I c656* (payABLE ro n*r E]-..r*;;r;, '-tr;r;"'" g or..*r**+:|* rt):* ** *!i * i'l* t* 'i* ** t' *** r {. *** *****r,* *r,** ***r *** ** *r ** ** *** *,},} *!t,a* i *,r,t* *** *ar:t,t*,}**trr r!i (aoi oFtt(E usa orLY) ZoNE: _oFFICER: _ SETSACKS: F: LApproval:- City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: Cordent: a PERI4I? FEE: $ AITDIESS: roe Eav st ,ilo flan: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolest Responslblllt/ 2011-x>:7j t1-1o+ t(lt 5UBDtVtStON: Northchase tOT f: NA pRopERTY owNER,s 11q1y1E; Keith and Kathy Hicks puote s: 80'1.875.8730 OWNER'S ADDRESSI 5705 Mossberq Ct CtTy: Wilmington 1p 28405 a\ ,rio \-3 RC)_qz EMAt r aDDR Ess: david@saqrln!!!lc-com pnorur:910.350.8226 E Att Garage (5F)_ D Sunroom (sF)_ C Greenhouse (SF)_ O Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool(st) tr Deck (SF) D Porch (St) D Storage Shed (SF) _ av.E 5B rO+ -d-li\ --x$ =+, ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? El Ves d ruo ToTAL sq FI UNDER ROOF lJor proposed workl Hs3gg!; 382 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot)r S25,000 Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sintle Family E OuplexE Townhouse Unheated; ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? E Yes S ruo ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structur€-EL+€€-EHlo- lf the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a Naturtl Gas Line on the current sit#H'to- ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E trto Description of Work: Master Bathroom renovation OISCLAIMEn: I hereby ce.t ify thar allthe informarioo in thas.pptication is correct and a wort wifi Gom lawiand o.di^ances and regulatjons. The NHC Oevelopmenl S€rvicer Cente. w tbe notitied ofany.ha intormation. ".NOTE: Any wort performed wtthour the appropriate pehitr wlll be ln violation of the Owner/Contractor: Oavid Copeland Sltnature: "Licensed Quolifie/ ply with th€ State Buildin8 Code and a ll other a pptici ble Srate and tocal nges in th€ approved plans and lpftiti.ationr or.hange in convactor Eldg Codeand subject to fin€s u to 5500.00"' A" New tmpervlous Area: lQ0o tata Existlng Land Dlsturbing permlt: O ves dno WATER; /cFPuA E Community system El private well D Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: /CFPUA E Community System E private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existint lmperyious Area: l'?@ Sq Ft TotalAcresDisturbed: Z Zone Officer: _ Setbacls (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl_ (B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Dare:_ Flood: (Al _ lV) _ (N)_ oFE+2ft= _ Commenl:Permlt Fee: S 4ppugiqilT5 N4rvlg; Samm B lnc c,6121311120'17 pRoJEcI ADoREssl ctTy: Witmington zln: 4!3__ 69111s1qg196; Samm B lnc g1p6 UggX5g 6. 33914 aoonrss, azO tr' Nq an ?9193 pROlECr CONTACT pERSON, pHgXg.910.264.0573 ExlsTlNG coNsTRUcTloN: D Alteration Ef Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: O Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation .*.PI.EASE CHECK ANO ANSWER EELOW ATI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' tr Oth€r (5F)_