MARCH 16 2017 BUILD APPS': ! t:,.ffij NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll C AT ION WPE: RESIOENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICABIE TO YOUR PRO]TCI "Project Re5ponsibility" t{eon-0441 I r-l1 I + -.ioqm"1.L,.'ws\de(_/ (otlice u5e) J't t 1L Date /t'k t., t /'t/ ;APPUCANT's NAMEi PROJECI ADDRESS:'t! ,l-l )17 fL- CttY: tLt:it btuh-ztP SUBDIVISION '(oio PHONE S :l )- <' CITYj tt "ir-f-- {-*t ,(LPROPERTY OWNER'S NAMT OWNTR,S ADDRESS:ZIP /: /,q t / CON'RACTOR AODRESS CITY TMAII ADDRESS:PH Nt PROJTCl CONTACT PERSON A.L4) ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration n Renovation fi General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: f Erect NewResidence D Additionto Existing Residence I Relocation .r.PLI R ALL THAT A PLY TO YOUR PROJICT}} ' --l An Garase {Sr)- :l sun.oom {sF)-,-- l r Greenhouse (sF) tr Det Garage (5F)-_I Porch (SF) ( -BLDG UCtt{SE f sr',4 ! ztp bxonr, f/c 232 - z q/ 7 f.r Storage shed {5F)_ I other (sF) n Pool (sr) al Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the exislinB footprint? IJ Yes tV t'to TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uar prcposed watk) lleatedi TOTAT PROJECT COSI {Less Lot) )a""Unheated s li.c!! ts tlre proposed work changinB the number oI bedroomsl D ves d'lo lsanytlectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenYesENo tf the project is a Relocatioo, is there a Natural Gas Lin€ on the current site? Ves No ls there €leclrical Power on this Building? d Yes n No Property Use/ OccupancY, ( S Fam il n oup lex I Townhouse Description of work:t DltcLAtM[R: I hereby cenfv that allthe inlormatlon in lhis appli'alion is torrecl lawt and ordinances rnd reEulalions. The NHC Oevelopment Sertices Center will .n'ormalioi "'NO][. AnY work gertormed withoul lht.ppropriete permits vril and illwork willconply wirh the Sttre SuildinS Code 3nd allothe, app{lcable Slale and locil be noril,ed of anychanges in lh€ approved plrtu and sp€cificationt or chanSa ir ao.lratror I be In violalion otthe NC Stale BldB codt aid 5ubjoct !o rnes up lo 9500.00"' Owner/Cont.actor ''Licensed Qucliitet" il Signature: ts the Aropcrty located in a floodplain? n yes NI trto Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Dittutbedi New lmpe.vious Area: ---- 59 Ft Existing Land Ditturbing Permit: n Yes U No wATtRr gcrPUA: communitY sYstem D Privatewell i cenlralw€ll D Aqua SEWER: dcFPUA n communitv system C Private Septic n centralseptic n Aqua zone: - officer; - setbacks {f } _- (rH} - (RH} ---- {B} -Approval: ..-._. - City: --- Datei-- Flood:(A)--(v) --(N)-BFE+2ft:- Comment: L..L- t. Permit tee: S -- '/c / I ( l. r!,l' z t Y+d I I ,f, t)2 t tun-nrZul L7 -27 5NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ITPE, COMMERCIAL PLEASE AIISHER ALL QUTSTTO}IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility,, APPLICATION Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAT1E I Robert H Development, LLC DEVELOPER:Robert Hl Develooment. PROJECT ADDRESS: 6?60 cordon Road CITY: ,rilmlnqtson ZIP 2 20403 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA-ltlE : Go.don Road LLC PRoPERTY 0l,lllER'' S NAIIE: Gordon Road,LLC PHoNE *: 9ao-190 -e4so OWNER'S ADORESSi 223 creenvlfle Avenue CITY:ton STr NC ZIP: 2a403 -(CONTRACTORT Roberr Development, LLC ADDRESS: 223 creenvlfle Aven CITY: e,ri lml Lon STi NC ZIP: 28{03 EfilAIL ADDRESS: Robe rthlqhdeveloDment .PHONE : 910-790-9490 PROJECT CONIACT PERSON: ?on1 Johnson OR Robert Hiqh PHONE S: elo -?9 o -9490 If UPFIT - The SheU Permit *:fsE lect Polrer on thts Building et fivrs ftfl io t.*.* Hhat ls the l.letJ Occupancy Type? Ll Yes LJ No ARCtt DESIGi| PROFESSIoTJAL: corhran Harr16 ArchlEecture 910-793-3433 NC REG #i NC 4290 EN6R DESIGI{ PROFESSIOT,IALI Brian K Tuck 't70-642-1811 NC REG #: A44269 DESCRIPTIoN OF I,{ORK: serf storaqe Faclllty- Buildinq A 44,820 SE Is food or bovetagss propared or Gorved ln thls structuG? EYes fl ruo ts The Prop€rly Locat€d ln Tho Floodplah? [ yes fi No Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: n ArrERATrou f] nr*Jilii!;ii 'fiT?'ik^. nepuns [-'l RELocATToN lf Retocatlon, is lhere a Naturat Gas Lins on rhe currenr sir6? flves I No ts arDG spRtN-Kleneor I ves I tto NE}' CONSTRUCTToN: E] enrcr NEti srRucruRE I rnsr rnacx I srrr-r- f] urrrr ! noo ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:J -t -= ***I* IS THIS A CHA',IGE fF Yes, h,hat was the Prevlous occupancy Type? OF OCCUPANCY US PH PH s E ll olher applicable Sbte olans and so€ciuc?tlonsNC Star6 Bldg Code aM ,;tttE,ltzJlafL-tzrrrJ, (qEl,6€4 P,irlt N&n.) Notq o9mdidoo noutcsudrs e asbeslos relnoval paonh .pdLallons are lo bo 8rJbflin6d uslng lho sppllcrlhn fo.m (DHHS.3768) @dl8ln A5bealo3 or nol Yoq rro roquir€d io call lia Na0oorl EmBrlon St6rd6rds for Hozsrdo{a Ar Poltut6oB (NESHAP} Bt (919) demol,0on ol 6ny t€dliy or bdldlno. S6€ Asb€slo3 Wob gn9: Hlprfu,e/w.epl36te.nc-uropU6sbstos/shmp.hu t4tlouEr lha hdl)y oa hJlldh0 vras fo{rM lo 707-5950 al l6ast l0 day3 pr{oi lo tro TOTAL PROJECT COST: 1,e2s,s73 BUILDING HEIGHT: 14 , o # OF UNITS: N/A TOTAL AREA SO FT :44 . A20 SO FT PER FLR: 44, B2o # OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SQ Ff UNDER ROOF: aa,82o #OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBEO:Exsr LAND DrsruRerNc peRirrr l:lves lfl No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: zsa. ?02 sF SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:0.0 SQ FT pRopERryusE: florrtce [nesreunaur f]raeRcnNrle fleouc f]ecr [coNoo OTHER; self sLoraqe WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: fICFPUA -.SEPAFATE PERI\IITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECY. PL3O, GAS EOUIP, PAEFA&S & INSERTS"' pAyMENT MErgoD: flcesH ffcHecX leevealE To NHc) flaltentcrru exeness fttucnrtse Elotscoven (FOROFFICE USE ONLY) REVISED DAIE ',l l/12 ncoMMUNTTY SYSTEM r-l WELL I:ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION:fi cenrnal serrtc ! i-nvere sepTrc E-coMMUNrw sysrEM ZONE:-OFFICERi- SETBACKS: F:-LH:-RH:- B: Approval- Crty:]OlrE:- FLOOD: -- - BFE+2ft=- AVN DATE: 0r..26.1? PHoNE f:910-290,9490 LICENSE f: ?064? ..-t---\. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BTJITDING PERMIT APPUCATAN TYW: RESIDENIIAL PIIASE AT{SWER AII QUESNO SAPPUCA&TTO YOUR PROJECI "Pmlect RespotlslbflIy Applkanon Nurnber (offic€ r's€) D./(e. z-zb- /?APPI.I CANT'S NAM e, lllak2rr pRoJECr ADDRE55T z/ ?Q aeer 7s/4ad 2..CITY 2rqa, suBorvtsroN:/a/del CONTRACTOR:tllal|Eu Carr 4yt/,,zlion tLc BLDG LICENsIE #: p/,+ aoDarss: ll'fl L f.tuy 2/o tr An Garage {SF)_ E sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse {SF} _ E Det Garate (SF)_ D Pool(sF) El oeck (sF) sr: !yL,at* 2Z{r7 PHONE:t?o paone, 1t4 ' 521- o/7{ D Storage Shed {SF)_ E other(sF) CITY EMAIL ADDREsS:mDl*O ,n ,+lt .t,/C*r hon . cam pRoJEcr corrAcr pERs ou, lllall- Qrr E(lSn G CONSTnUCTIONT E Alteration E Renovation D GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCrION: E Erect New Residence R Addition to Existing Residence a Rltocatign ls the proposed workchangingthe existing footprint? Ei Yes D No TOTAL 5Q FI UNOER ROOF (fot proposed work) Aealrd!Unheated: TOTAL PROJECI COST {tess Lot): S 1f,, 000 lsthe proposed work chan8in8the nllmber of bedrooms? E Yes F No lsaoyElect.i.al,PlumblngorMecianical!.\rorkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo tfthe project is a Relotadon istherea NaturalGas Lini on the curreot site? E Yes E No ls there Electri6l Power on this Buildirlg? Fl Ycs E No Prgperty Use/ occupanqr:sinsle Family E Duplex E Descrlptlon of worki iaw! and o.dinance. and rcSulrtiom. Ihe NHC Dev€lopment S€Nnrs center will be iolifl€d of any dange. ln the app.oved phns and spe.lfGrions or dlange in contrsctot lolomatl;. a..NOTE: Anl, work perfomed wtthou ihe appEpriatE pe.mtts w''[ be tn violatiod of rhe NC Bldg Code and subjed io noes $p to S5Oq0O"' Owner/Contoc.oc Qlt Cary'Signature: "li.ensed Quo$er" Pint NOtue lstiepropertylocatedinafloodplaln? E Yes E No Eristin8 lmp€rvlous Arear - Sq Ft New tmperuloos Ar€ar _ Sg Ft WATER E CFPUA E community System E Private well E Centralwell E Aqua SEWEB: El CFPUA E comrnunity system O Private Septic E ce.tral septlc If Agua zo ei - 0fflcer: - sethcks (F) -{l}|} - (RH} - (B)- ., Total Acres Oisturh€d &isting Land Disturbht Permh E Yes E No Approval - Clty:- Date:- Floodr (A) - (V) -(N]- 8FE+28 - 76-Comment:Permit Fee: S tore:: /n pRopmry owTtEds N auiet ketl htebb pnow*:410-276-0t?5 owueR s pDDpess; 217/? l1ccj- fthfyl Ldrlc ctn,: t lilmiluilp.1 tL/c ztp:Z t/o5 O Porch (SF) .- )ot+ Juro NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT aPPLrtAIroN rYPE3 RESIDENTIAL PLrrsr AIStlEi Al"t 0trsrlss APPrr(aBtt T0 Yqn PnoJt(] 'ProJed Respo$slbilitf CITY: BLOCX *: crTYi IICE|iSE *!31"1'1OB rccorr l; lbD{b CITY I Ertu\1r STI zrPr &!5 ( PHollE {; qo- {sz - -l r7S prmr J, qto -t{sZ - 1 rts 3ol sr _L1.-15+ #^rr. EE APP tI CATIOT{ llutber (of{l.e ui.) APPLICANI'S NAI'IE: DEVELOPER: PRO]EcI ADORESSI SUBDTVISIOII PROPERTY OU$'IER's I,l}lEI ol,IERr5 ADORESS: COITTRACTOR : Al)DRrsS: EIAIL ADDREsS: PRO]ECT Cd{TACT PERS(}'I: oo',r, 3l ttlll pso r rr lto- qiz - Itrts IP;"Rr{l(LOT T: PHONE f:1ro qszn\'7s sr:Nlr zrP: z€r45 5F SF EXTSTIIG q]ilslRt cTIoN! n ALTERATTON f] nrlmtrOt I e rmut nreuns I RELocATIo{ raEI co[sllucTroN r $ tntcT Ell RESIDET(E o" I mOrrrox To EtrsTr[G REsrBEt cE .TDLEASE CtfiCx AID tllsllEi BEL0|,, AlL IllAI IPPIY IO \r0l,l PnO]ECT: ffiar, **u, L/CS sr f| orr crnact - sr $ fr tun**n - sF f] pool -- se fl PORCH STORAGE SHED I ene rmo-sr - sr I orcr - sF OTHE R: TOTAL HEATED Sq TTI 2I J TOTAL SQ FT UNDER NOOT: IId I TOTAL AREA SQ fT: - TorAL PRolEcr cosr G..s!d) ;,zso/@ I oF sroRrEs! a' ts Any ELfcTttGAL, PLt ltrl,{G or t{ECH$IfCAf. Hork Blint Dom to the Acr.ssory Structuru, E ":. fi ry-rf the project ls a Reloc.tlon, is then€ a t{atural Gas Line on the current slte? [J V"i frnors there Electrlcal Porer on thls Buildlngl fives ff xo PROPEtrTY I]SE / OCO.FANCY: DEsCirPTlot{ oF laolxi SF hK- srrcl: rmrlv fl ut Nt^^ Cors+nlc+iD PLEX I ronmusr DlSClAltEn I n.oDY odt trt.0,rt*hdlon h nE .Pr{ic.ion h.ni!.r31d alt s ri[6ltpl,wihtt6lrLBoldn!Od!ird.lot.!of&tSlErdlodllaes &rd ordh$ct6 *rd le0olllhns lta NHc Ef,\6h9itnl aaMca! CanS uir b. rrlt d 6ttny cntrrrpt h ns errol/3d !en. rd $sdr.alot.d drrll.l'l dit cbl or ..nreb( bbd!{on. "NOIE: Ary lthd Pcdo6.d lV./O n. ADFotrlrb F.ftrsrlr !. h vbt tEn ol fie Nc sLt c.d. -d &blrl b Fh.. up ,o 1600,@" L!f0(SIGMTURE : . rr.r aa rr,la* *+r*,r * a fr tr. or ER/COI{TnACTOR: i*1**r{altii*ra ET.I II{PERVICUS AR$I 3r?' 5q FT EXIST LAI'ID DI5TUiBIi'IG PEII'IIT I f} YES #u, TIAIEE: SEIER: CTPUA CfPUA I cowulrrv svsrtn f] pRrvmr rttlt f] cENrRAl Irtlr n cEfrnar serrrc I PRTvATE sEPTrc I co'ulu rw svsru 'I' SIPARA'II PEflIItIS RtO(IIRED FON EItCI, IlfOI, PI'46, GA\ TOIIP' PRtTAB5 & 'iISERI5 'T' oorr.* orr*, f].or* ffi.rr.* (PAYABTE m ruc; flrrlr rcconrr E tt/-tn I orscov* i*! '.r..Ilrr t a** +.*,t r r " r j}itrrr t**rra***t' rtt*l}t"'riltt'*''ltt*r +**'tl,***t '++ r*'|*+rtrtt*tt 't't (tos otalat utt 6l!t) ltvrlED oili 'rl/'1/12 rs rHr pRopERTy LocarED r l rmorurlr I YES '.{i TOTAL *,ri****l +i:t{+t** *r'l* + 't* t* **lr:tt*atril ID EXISTING IPPERVIO,''S AREA;SQ FI ACRES DISTURTED ! 'ZO dE ZoNE i -- oFFfCER:SETBACXS: F:- LHr RHr- B: Approval:- city:.- DAT[:- fLmD: - A ( corment PERI'1II +L n$( Hccfi,rrvApvli,@ 2ot1- LZZ;-1ffi3€ APPLICATIOiI Numb€r (Offi.e Ur") a NEhT HAI\IOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIT|IT APPLIQAT I(N ryPE.. COiil{ERCIAL PLEASE AI{SIER ALL quEsrroa'ls APPLTC sLE T0 YOt R PROJECT 'ProJect Responslbllltf LICENSE $: crw: APPLICAI{T' S i TE:t,AfE:.-ru DEVELOPER:PtlOiIE #: 910.341. 76oo o(cuPAxr/BUSIIIESS llAllE: or.i f t cafe )&**.ro*,y' \ amnrss: rBD _ ST: _ ZIP: _ _citE f: r}l(XtlE *:PRO]ECT CO{TACT PERSO : Exrsr corsrRrrcrror{: I ALrERArroir g ".Ji[ffi'EE'il*,f R€locdon, is thsre a Natural Gas Lin€ on the -Currert Site? flves [ ruo rEr{ cor{srRucrrortr: f} enecr r{EU srRUcruRE fl rasr rmcx f ACCESS{'RY STRUCTURE : l--l nrlocartor spnrru-xLeReoz I v"" I r.r" .- fi unrrr ! aoo ro Exlsr srRrrcruRE If UPFIT - The Shell Pennlt #: **r* rs rHrs A cHAr{GE oF ocorpri6y usrr [v:s I ro ..**" Is Elect Po{er on this Building fl Yes f] XO 910.341.?600 C REG i: 10776 IF Yes, dlat xas the Prevlous Occupancy Type? ARCH OESIGiI PROFESSIOaaTIL: L. Mark r,oudermilk . AIA Pll PHEttlGR DESIGI{ PROFESSIOI{AI: sid A. Bendahnane, PE 9].o.470-96A7 NC RE6 *: 12918 DESCRIPTION OF }PR(: coffee 6hop b food or ba,e.ag6 tr€r€d or s..v€d ln ttls dn ct!c? Eves I uo b lho Hop.ny Locded ln The Floo<tftln? f]ves [lruo Code and oll other appllcable Stat6ohns and siredlicatirrsNC Srab Bkg Cods and coddn A.b..b. or mt Yoo.r. llqllrd b c.lltho i.lrdon l Enbdo.r &,r&rdr 6.;E dor|r Ar PdlfiI! (NE${AP, ar (9 t9)70r{960 at lct t0 d.y. D.hr b dB d..no{rbn ol .'l, hcnv o. hJldng, Soo A.t6b.ltl€b Sb: htf/t.lw.rpl.!l!S.rE.qE odrS0aE&tmpJrml )horru- / \rorer-PROJECT COST: rBD AREA SQ Ff i t,2'to TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: # OF STRUCTURES:#OF FLOORS:_ Exsr I-AND Drsrunarno eenunr I ves [ rc SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS ABEA SO FT *. SEPAMTE PERMITS REOUIRED FOfi ELECI. MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS '' pAylrENTMErHoD: [fcnsx flcrrcxpevnarEroNHc) f]eMenrcruroeness f]mousl Iorscown (FOR OFFICE USE O|{LY)NEVISED DAIE 1'II''I2ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:_-Appro\rat- City:- DATE- FLOOD: - BFE+m= AVN DPERM]T FEE:Cornrn€fit PROIECT ADOflESS: IIo puncannon Boulevard suite $ 1?o CIW, -41513g-@-- ZIP 133392- PRoPERW Oti{ER' S t,lAllE: Autum'l Halr pvc, LLc PHoNE fl: 2J9-54.-!S:Z- 0$lER'5 ADORESS: 1202 Eastwood Road CIwi wilninqton - f : S- ZIP:28403 EITAIL AODRESS: l*at ls tie t{a Occupancy Typel _ lftrrxrlI) BUILDING HEIGHT: _ # OF UNITS: SQ FT PER FLR:_ #OF STORIES:_ pRopERryusE: EoFFrc€ Mnesrrunerr fluencmrnle [eouc lerr [cor.roo or-ER_ WATER: GACFPUA flCltriMwnYs\nsTEll EWE-L flzoNl^reUsEcl-AsslFlcATloN:- seweR: fficPue Ecerrmr-srenc fliilveresemc E6ilMuNrwsysrEil .-..: I rc i [r',ri', ,Fn, l:-, C4 NEIC HAIIIOVER COUNTY BUILDIITIG PERI4IT aPeLIcAT lott IYPE r COtllERCfAL ,irasr A,tsttR Alr Q(ftsrroais lPPtr(l5l,E 'i0 YqJt Pfloltcr "Proj.ct Responslbll1tY' \o)a.- Z?],l^: 17-638 APPLICATIOiI l{urber (Of{1c. Urc) APPLICA'{T'S TA}€ : DTVELOPER: :.: ,DAIE: );2t.r Pt$lE I: qlo rl l.-/.r0,, pROIECT ADORESS: 1'-c [}unrarn,]:r R+ulcvrrd sl:r!e I :1;CITY: wl lhtnqtoD o( c i., PA.iri / BUS I liE S 5 l{AllE i,l PROPTRTY otlilER'S MfiE: Aei ufiE1 llall Pllol,lE l: 9:o.622.455-l Sll{ER'S ADontSS: i;Lr iia$!CITY; ^:. r.;. t: .,ST: i.:a ZIP;. r.rt: --iar,r*cton/ \ am*tss ; r"''LrcEflst l:itia CIIY: ^l,n,nclon 9Tr19_ ZIP: _:!:]g_ IIIAIL AOR{EsS:PtloflE':l'']lll,i'].' PIloNE I:PnolEcT coa{rAcT pERsoN: ir,:r,l! /N|. (ah!. r rrj lhit loolr) EXrSr COt{Sl RUCrr0ft:AL TERATIOTI u GENERAL REPAIRS n R E LOTAIIO'{ It Ra*ocraoar. rs lhero a NgluralGos Lina on lh€ Cur€nt Slto?E Yos n E"o nNo i,tr{ coilsTRUcTIOl{:ERECI EII SIRUCTURE fAST TRACX I saerr- [l uear ff loo ro Errsr sTRucTurE ACC ESSORY STRI'}CTURE : lf UPFIT - The Shell Per$it *:Is Elect Pox€r on thls Euilding fi ves fl xo '...r rs mrs A cHrrGE or occlrparcy usrl flvtr a rl Yer, *rat r3s the prevloui Occupan(y lypel 9fiat ls the tJf Occupancy Typcl ARCH DTSIGN PROFESSIOIIAL K, A1A EI{GR OTSIO{ PROFE PN: 910,47C.968? l{C RE6 t Dr5CRIPTIOII 0F hOR(; caftee Ehep ts tood or b.!..sOD p.spfcd fi .f,vad ln tic drudt o? Etr Y"" ff No t m. etop..ty Locd.d ln TIt. Flood.h? E Yos No DlSOllMEnl I hlrtby cl,JdY rhai oll inlormsdo.r ln an(, lb(j€lk s t^d odE€nc6a and t.qulstEr5 Iho ci cnmoo in contracto. o, roanracb. '-nqmf,lhn _' 5us6(:t1D Fln s UP ro 3500 Cc-' .,\olUl$grRACroR: -+t t[v!€o D lt glrl2 Jr'/SIGNATURE:u {t^ M'r.: D€drri$J) ,loU.itlorl' & atb6t a tgnqt.l p..mlt agLnaoru 61rl B ba al.mh.d u.lr8 {t aggli(.ioi lonn {OHHS'3/6!) lrrdr ta Ellt (, co{8) A.bib. d dt yoo 6.. ,rqr'd r, cfl uE },trid- €rnb.ao.r ar!d.. tor }r.utba a, fulrE (xE9ia4 a o l9r075$0 Er l-r l0 (bt 0.h. o rt &rndritor ol !rl, htilv or Duff.rg. so A|t-i! l*.o &E: htOj,^tr* TL!a! rE U.l/.tna6aalaralrn9.lltrll OTAL PROECT COST; Ti}D S1OO ()OT BU'LDING HEIGIIT , OF UNITS: CIAL AJIEA SO TT SO FT PER FLR:L.2 ta TOIAI sQ FT UNOER ROOF: - # OF STRUGTWTES;f OF FLOORS; - ACRES DISTURBED EXST i.AND DISTURBING PERMrT?a ves [Ho NEW TMPEFI/I(XJS AREA-.-._..._....--so Fr ExsTlNG IMPERVIqJS AFEA .-- SO Fr pRopERTyusE: noFFlcE [lnrsrruner,n [wncarru Ieouc Erpr Dmtm or]GR-..--- WATER: r7l CFPTA fT COMr]nJn{TY sYSTEx E t vE L nzO}{I{G IJSE ctASslFlCATlot+ i'erven, fr crpur ficelnnru- semc D pnvrre sep-nc E cdrMwrrr SYsrEM -' SFPAFA l[ t.Lf.Ml] S tiLOiFLO I OR Lrfl I M[CH. pLSG (iAS EOtiP' PRFFAflS E ll'istll IS _' pAynEin MErltoo: [CeSn f]]CrcCX plva*r ro l*rq [Hre61C N o{PREsst flrcrvrse ff otscoran (Fq of FlcE us€ ord, SETBACKS: F:--.LH RH: B:_ZONE:-OFT ICER: Appro.at--.---FLOOD: ------- BFE+ ti I Commont Cny:- DATE: PFRMIT ZIP: ? a.l0 e f OF STOFIIES: a:NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMlT APP Ll CATTON ryPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' Eolt ).qoSWgy^ (office use) r\ APPtIcANfS NAM Et l) . <-t \.1-<-\ '!)oL] \<r--) ztPPRO.IECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: zSL AvE, Lt-^-t'l<CITY L i PROPERW OWNER,S NAME: A-I ,T.I,.v,*.\ ?,, T OWNER'S ADDRESS: l-L1,1 noS2LBzfu-a C|TY: LJ'I"I'1 ','1 CITY I 1c rr. BIDG l-lcENsE #: / u"i.. '.'- PHONE # PHONE t cv1 q l(),Szo.szte ZIP: L?tk,3 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ir ,.2' LJ tw l L--tj , :{ I l-P la ri ST: 1., (zlP: /?,Llc,'I EMAIL ADDRESS PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: l.- t . /. ,. ,r,.(&t,+ur,.,pHoNE: 'tro Szc S2Z(. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence RAddition to Existing Residence n Relocation **'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ATt THAT APPLY YOUR PROJECT*** E Att Garage (5F)_E Det Garage (sF) n sunroom {5F)! Pool (sF) n Greenhouse (SF)_n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! ves I tto TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work) Heated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S D Porch (sF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ F.Other(SF) lcc I \ \,:.,st J95 i c r:x,c) unheated: a"r5 tr No lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? tr Ves p trto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes p no lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Ves d No Property Use/ occup"n.y, fr Single family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: DISCIAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this application is.orred and allwork will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development 5e rvices Center willbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications or.hange in contractor information. r*+NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permitswillbe in vlolation ofthe NCState rr.h signature: TotalAcres Disturbedi and subject to fines up to 5500.00*** c.ca L Owner/Contractor: "License4 QuoIiJier" ,4)'cL+1 t ts the f,loperty located in a floodplain? tr v", f no/ Existing lmpervious Area: 37c-c 5q Ft )\ New lmperyious Area:3atS Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n ves p ruo CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well I Aqua CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua WATER: SEWIR: F'd zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -approval: - City:- Date:- Flood: (A) -(v) -(N) -BFE+2ft=-Comment:Permit Fee: S Date: 3l L? I l" fr.'r(rr., rai J\-t I ?S- : a SIY.'a)B rc,q<rs'ct(ir: .t ( e IFU*,a C n APPLICATION Number (offi.e use) oa...,L&ALl / NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATIaN TyPE.. CO TITERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUE5TIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 6 BA c-- ^t<Tjur(5-lo) f"fAPPLICANT'S T.IA}IE: DEVELOPER:v/ a- PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY: OCCUPANT/BUsINEss l,lAr'tE :* PROPERTY OWNER'S I',lAl,tE :t (ts tOt 4.4 otlNER's ADDRESS: 16o* lanvut <rt Sf CITY: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: GKA Coxrrn-,.tflol, ty'c LICENSE #: I o 7z t,tod-p tc^ C fLO CIry: EI{AIL ADDRESS; 6N.A I ,lt-l $.?. .c-! ^1,PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: PHONE S: zrP,: Z2 1., i 6 QPnvL< PHONE #:sr;g=zrl;@t s"ttl/( zw LB Y(l Pl0irE #: q(4JL) 3f 2-/ PHoNE #: q/o ,l$ ))7(' p".) ,+ 4f Exrsr cor{srRucrrou: fl *renarron 3 *.nJili'i3'*''&t,,,itdl nrrnrns ! RELocArroN lf Rolocadon, isrherea NaturalGas Lineonthe Current Sire? EYe;-E No tS BLDG SpRtNfLeneOf IV"" [ruo ERECT NEI{ STRUCTURE FAST TRACK !SHELL unrrr f| ADD To Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:G-a fd dt{ If uPFIT - The shell Penmit #: Nl A IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? **.*r rS THrS A cHAircE oF OccUpANcy USrf lVeS E* ...*. \)d Is Elect Pouer on this Building E yes E Ho tfiat is the NeU Occupancy Type? PH:ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIOIIAL: EN6R DESIGI{ PROFESSIOML: 6Ytfr\t W-w fLtu lt, NC REG #: NC REG #: €l,y PH: SftaL ftrqn{DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ls food or bovqag6 p.spd€d tr sqrrod ln U{s stuctre? flves I no bT]lo Pr]ope y l-ocatod ln The FloodCah? Eves I No ding Code and allother applicable State the Dlans and soecifications NC Slate Bldg code and TOTALAREA SQ FT:- SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: - Exsr rAND DrsruRBrNG eERMtr? E yEs E No SO FT O(STING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT PRoPERTYUSE: EorrrcE Enesraunnr.n luencarnu leouc Easr DcoNoo OTHER (qJ.rr., (P lr'.) tl,ota: O.molltdl nodicathr A 6b6b rrnovol p.ltnl apgllcado.t a.r io b. Bubrhbd l.lrE tr .pdlcaton lb.m (DHHS€768) whGthor thc lbdllv or bolHho sa 6trnd b cDn*r AabaaE o. .Ea Yd, s! Ilqilld b call rh. tS rl Enb.loo Sanddt b. !bz.r&(t Ar Polubn6 (NESHAP) a[ (019]707-5S0 .[ l6t 10 d!y. p.br b tE (hrdlbo ol 'ly tbdfify o. brdldng. saa Arh-ba Wbb Slta: hq/srrv..d.se.nc.us/€puebe6t6,/ahrnp.htnl TOTAL PROJECT C OSt:fuiro'to @- BUILDING HEIGHT: - ACRES DISTURBED: - NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:- WATER: ZTCFPUA SEllt/ER: [lCFPuA .'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG' GAS EOUIP' PREFABS & INSERTS *' pAyMEirT METHOD: [CeSn ECHeO< (paYea[E To NHC) flellentc,el OeREsS E Mc/vlsA E otscOven r-l@MMUNnY SYSTEM |-|WEl- EzoNlNG t sE CI-ASSIFICATION: ficeurnrusemc DiHvereseplc 1]OoMMUNrYSYSTEM zONE:-OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE UgE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- Applwal:-Clt!,:-OATE: FLOODT.._--I BFE+2fr N REVIT}ED DATE 4II 1/I2 Comment PERMIT FEE:l6o- Joll- 2tlo(# ur+-eons+nse+tor E tr # OF UNITS: >\ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT ION ryPE; RESIDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUEST]ONS APPL]CABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility', 2ol7.1rrl> Application loffice use) AppLtcaNT,s NAME. Plantation Building ot Wilmington, lnc Date 3/3t17 PRoJEcT ADDREss: 3609 Wa tercraft Ferry Ave.cr.ry. Wilmington 8412zlP sUBDtvtstoN: FiverLights LOT *: 14 pRopERw owNER,s NAME. Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc owNER,s ADDnEss . PO Box 2479 PHONE#: 910.763.8760 Clty. Wilmington 24442ztP: coNTRACTOR: Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc BLDG LICENSE #:68712 ADDRESS:314 Walnut St, surte 200 Ctfl. Wilmington st: NC ztp:28401 EMATL ADDREss: roseman@plantationbuildingcorp.com PHONE:910 8760 pRoJEcT coNTACT ptRsoN. Sebastian Behmer PHONE 910.409.5241 EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: I Aiteration n Renovation I General Repalrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: X ErectNew Residence ! Additionto Exis ng Residence x Relocation a** a** B.X( e arage 1sr1 400 n Det Garage (sF) _ 6orch lsrj 476 rJ 5Unroom (5t)! Pool iSF)D Storage Shed {5F)_ ,-r Deck (SF)il Other {sF) ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? [ yes f No Unheated: 876 TOTAI- PRO.IECT COST (Less tot):S 481 ,479 n Greenhouse (SF)_ lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Ves E trto lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbintorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructurenyesENo lftheproject is a R€location, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildine? El-fes E I{o Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex G,/ownhouse on of work; tsuild a townhome with an attached garage. (Drake pran; Property Desc.ipti DISCLAIM€R: I hereby.enify that allthe information in this application is co(ect and .ll work wiilcom laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Oevelopment Service5 Center wrll be notified of any cha info.mation. *"NOT€: Any work performed wlthout the app.opriate permits will be in violation of the ply with the State Building Code and altother applicable State and local nges in the approved plans and spe.ifications or change in contB.tor and sublect to fines Lrp to SSOO.m.'. Owner/Contractor:Angela Foseman Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print None ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves /no Existing lmpervlous Area: 0 sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 04 New tmpervious Ar""r 1039 sq rt Existlng Land Disturbint permit: E/*, tr *o wAfER: {)FPUA E Community System El private We E Central Well D Aqua SEWER: #FPUA Cl Community System El Private Septic D Centrat Septic fl Aqua Zone: _ Offtcer; =- Setbackr (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) -- (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Oate: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFEi2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: I$ t,'tott TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROO, tlor proposed workl Heated: 2282 _ 9ot 7. 313/17 Applicetion Number (office use) ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CAT,ON IYPE: RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" AppLtcAr{T,s NAME. Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc Date tb PRO.IEcT ADDRESs: 3607 Watercraft Ferry Ave.ctw. Wilmington 28412ztP sUBDtvtstoN: RiverLights l-OT #: '" pRopERTY oWNER,s NAME. Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc OwNER,s ADDRESS. PO Box 2473 PHoNE#.910.763.8760 CtTy. Wlmtngton coNTRAcToR: Plantation Buildlng of Wilmington, lnc 68712BI,DG !ICENSE H: ADDRESS , 314 Walnur St. Surte 200 ctTy. Wilminglon 24441st: NC zrp: EMAIL ADDRTSS: roseman@ plantationbuildingcorp.com PHONE.910.763.8760 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Sebastian Behmer 910.409.5241 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT X Alteration E Renovation I General Repairs NEw coNsrRucrloN: [./ect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Retocation Ktearace lsr\ 492 PHONE *PLEASE CH K AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT*1* EdchgF)247 [] Pool {sF) I Deck {SF) ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? i yes ll No TOTALSq FT UNDERRAOF lfor propased workJ Heated:1679 unheated:739 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 354,295 Property Use/ Description of housege. (Cabot Plan) - added porch f Det Garage {SF)_ L-, Sunroom (SF) ['l Greenhouse (SF)-- ls the proposed work changing the number ol bedrooms? D yes E trto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work beingdoneto the Accessory structu re n yes wo lf the project is a Relocation. is there a Naturalgs Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there €lectrical Power on this Building? Elfes fl No Occupancy: E Single Familv E Ouolex #own lpor1. Buird a towhhome witn an attached gara laws and ordinances and regulations. Th€ NHC Development Seryices Center will be notitaed of any chan8es in the approved ptans and specifications or chan8e in contractorinfo.mation'r'NOTEiAnYworkt€rformedwithouttheappropriatepermitrwillbeinviolationoftheNCstateBldSCodeandsubjecttofinesuptos5O0.O0r*. Owner/Contractor:Angeia Floseman Signature: "Licensed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property locared in a floodplain? n yes E-a-i Existing lmpervious Area: 0 sq Ft New lmpervious Area;832 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: EIy'es tr wo g4pue fl Community System E private Well I Central Well E Aqua 02Total Acres Disturbed: WATER: SEWERT CFpUA D Community System Cl private Septic n Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (r) _ (t H) _ (RH) _ {B} _ Approval: _ City:-.- Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ 8tE+2ft= __$r 071 00) ztP att4A2 E storage Shed (sF) *--- tr Other {SF)_ Comment: permlt Feer S _ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: RESt DENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility', 2Ot+ AtttV*?-'igz Application Nunber {office use) AppLtcANT,s NAME. Plantation Building ol Wilmington, Inc Date EsS. 36U5 w"atercran Ferry Ave Ctw. WilmingtonPROJECT ADDR suBDtvrsroN:RiverLlghts LOT r: 16 pRopERTy owNER,s NAME. Ptantation Building ot Wilmington, lnc owNER,s ADDREST. pO Box 2473 PHONE #: 910.763.8760 c|Ty. Wilmington 28402ZlPl CoNTRACTOn: Plantation Building of WiImington, lnc 68712BtD6 TICENSE SaooREss:314 Walnut St. suite 200 ctTy. Wilmington st, NC ztp 28401 EMAIL ADDRESS: roseman@Plantationbuildingcorp.com PHO|VE.910.763,8760 pRo.,EcT coNTAcT pERsoN Sebastian Behmer PHO|{E. 9'10.409.5241 EXISTING COI{STRUCTTON: E Alteration C Renovation ! General Repairs NEw coNsrRucrloN; D.'frect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence {l Retocation *TtPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AIT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO'ECT*I* B/att e .rag" (sri 436 n Det Garage (sF) .- g,6it {sr}346 iJ 5unroom {5F)I Poo, (sF)n Storage Shed (Sr) _ n Greenhouse (SF)_ Property Descripti Use/ occupancy:.. singte Famity I Duplex El.f-ownhouse on of wor*: Buttd a townhome with an afiached garage. (fu4agellan Plan) DlScLAlMER: r hereby certify that allthe information in this application is correct and all work lyrll comply with the State BurldinB Code and all other applicable Slate and locallaws and ordinances and regulations. Ihe NHC Development Services Center will be notitied of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractorinforrnation. '.+NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in viotation ofthe Nc state B dg Code and subject to fines up to S500.0O'.. Owner/contractor: Angela Roseman Signaturei "Licensed Quolilie/' p nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes tr<(o Exlsting lmpervious Arear 0 SqFt TotalAcres Disturbed: .02 New lmpervious Area:780 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permiti El-fes E trto WATERT GfCFPUA E Community System E private Well E Central Well fl Aqua SEWER; MFPUA fl Community System fl private Septic E Central Septic D Aqua Zone: _ Of{icer: _ Setbacks {F} _ (tH} -- {RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (Al -- {V} _ (N} _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S $1,059 313t17;;mrrz- f, Deck (sF) _n other {sF)_ ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? [ yes C No TOTAT 5q FI UIIDER RaOF {Jor proposed work) Heated:1613 Unheated: 761 TOTAT PROJECT COST {rcss lot): S 359,900 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesENo lfthe proiect is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there E,ectrical Power on this Building? E/ves D No NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT, ON WPfi RESTDENTTAI PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUEST]ON5 APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility,, ,idt]-Q#rr+Hst (office use) AppLtCANT,S NAME. Plantation Building of Wilmington, tnc 3t3/17Date PRoJECT ADDRESS: 3603 Watercraft Ferry Ave CtIy. Wilmington 8412zlP SUBDtvtstoN: Biverlrghts pRopERw owNER,s NAME. Plantation Building of Wilmington. lnc OWNER,S ADDRESS . PO Aox 2471 Clty. Wilmington -z;: 26:102* tot r: 17 PHONE#: 910.763.8760 coNTRACToR: Plantation Building ol Wilmington, Inc Ct.t y. Wilmington BID6 TICENSE S: sr, NCaoonEss: 314 Wainut St. Suite €MAtL ADDREss: roseman@Pl antationbuildingcorp.com PHONE: pRorEcT coNTACT pERsoN. Sebastian Behmer ExlSTl G CONSTRUCTION: [] Alteration n Renovation - General Repai.s NEw coNsrRucrroN: B,4rect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence n Rerocation **,PLEA5E AND ANSW€R BETOW AtI THAT APPTY IO YOUR PROjECII '* E dtt c"rage {sr} 436 L_J uer barage (5F) _Ddorch {SF}346 n Sunroom (SF)I Pool (sF)[] storaBe shed (sF)_ 68712 28401ztP 910 8760 PHONE.910.409.5241 n Greenhouse (SF)--- f Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? . yes C No I oth€r (sF) TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROAF Aor proposed wotkl tteated:2133 Unheated:782 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 453,1 00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D yes D No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure E yes E No lf the proiect isa Relocation, isthere a Natural 6as Line on the cu,ent site? E yes EI No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? El.,t/'es E tto Properly Descripti Use/ Occupancy: n Single Family E Duolex E-,town on of Work: Buitd a townhome with an attached qara house ge. (Cartier Plan) laws and ordinances and regulations' The NHc Development s€ruices center will be notified of any ahan8es in the approved plans and speaifications or change in contractorinformation- '+'(oTEr AnY work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the Nc state BldS code and subject to fines up to S5oo.@..r Owner /contractor: Angela Roseman "Licensed Quolifier" p.int Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Ves El(o Existing tnpervious Area: 0 sq Ft Signature: 05Total Acres Disturbedr New lmpervious Area: 979 Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing permit; E.4s tr lo WATIRT E/CFPUA fl Community System E private well D Central Well fl Aqua SEWER: CPCFPUA E Community System E private Septic - Centrai Septic E Aqua zone: _ officer; -- Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RHl --. (Bl_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood; (A) _ {V} _ (N}_ BFEi2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: ab n-23?2-t7- 797 Application (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICIBLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResponsibiliV' l-a ,... ,1"/\l* .Llna,,2 I Oate ?i tit> / "l t:) /-h,. rz-( j',1-Cfff:. lq i'la ,.lo -ztP )trY'r)PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN:/..>rn e^ aruol / Lot t,n/r'r PROPERTY OWltlER'S NAME: -fa owr{ER's ADDRESS: (" })l Lt ,z-i Qz- I PHONE S:trl ?,- 6a t -./-f -t )' Cv',Jt CITY: a,< i*t^. fu-^AP. )K ,' T Z/e rovrn fY..u\+1,0,./.)BLOG LICENSE f:CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:(-V-CITY: L '!rv" r 9^sT!:LZtPl.)- EMATLADDRESS: a, oL. ( eha,l ct:r':PHoN-. r,7 6o)-vfrt PRO.IECT CONTACT PERSON: E 4 t'taL l.l3a'PHoNE: 6)n',r, tf -(/1 e EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration $ Renovation [] General Repairs NEW COI{STRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *.'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THATAPPTY TO YOUR PROJECTT** E Det Garage (sF)_n Porch (SF) ! Pool (SF) E Greenhouse (sF)[] Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n ves fl f'fo IOTAI SQ FI UNDERROOF (Jor proposed work) Heated:/oo6 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S Unheated:/ )1.0o", ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves { lo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the (cissory Structure n ves f no lf theprojedisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E No ls there Elestrical Power on this Build ingf fi Ves O trto Property use/ occup"n.y, f,silde Family ! Duplex ! Townhousei-i 7 i /-t )' ^i^- ':'t( L- --\!^ -;- "'r.-Description of Work: nr.,,,- L,. i L rac.1- ' {; +ltaret DISOTIMER: I hereby ceniry that allthe information in this application is correct and allworl willcompt wfi the State Buildine Code and allother applicable State and locat laws and ordinances and regulat;ons. The NHC oevelopment Services Centerwill te notified of any changes in the approred plans and specifications or change in contractor information. '*aNOTEi Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg and to fines up to 55m.00'** r-6ii-&lcontraaor:\-trdd euolifie/' Jo\.,r rv".a}-l-Llwr Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ves;d. ffo Existing lmpervious erea: lA|b soFt Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:/00b Sg Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes D No WATER: F CFPUA fl Community System n Private Well E Central Well i Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E AquaI Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S '{cc ,.1 t-, I )*r,/ tr Att Garage (sF)_ n Sunroom (SF)_fl Storage Shed (SF) _ tr other (sF)_ 't $"RECEIVED j;\i! 2 i 296 (€L q'?^3 NEhI HANOVER CdJNTY BUILDING PERNIT APPLTCATIOII TYPE.. RESIDE TIAL PTEASE ANSITFR At-L QUISTI0i{S AppLICAALE TO yolrR pROl€CT "Project Responslbility" 2br)-) ^ -{)573 APPLICATI(II Number (oFfl.e urE)ffi APPLICAITT'S tlAfiE: D€VELOPER: Inqram Bios Inc DATET ll24l17 PHol{E *: PRO]ECT ADDRESS 3 g,EDIVISIOI : 115 Ta]amore Court CITY: wifminoton ZI,PZ JSSL BL(rcK S:LOT I: PROPERTY O ER's TUUIE:Mi.hrFl l, rr... PE:.^.L PK)llE $: gro-sl't B7'7i OI ER'S ATDRESS:l't 5 Ta l 'fto.. cdr CITY:5T: .1]C_ ZIP : Agj.lz_ C(IITRACTOR: r ram Bros Inc LICETGE S: 66480 AmfESS: 1706 :ast 1e street CITY: wi lmin ton sr : j!_ zIP: j:.llllll E AIL ADOf,ESS: 6r^ia.r <cihd.,hlrr^< rar PROIECI COITACT PERS0|{: a-r." stcDhFFs EXISTI G CO STRUCTTO :ALTERATION I nrrcrulrror I e uenal REpArRs n RELocArroN Elr co{sTnucTlor{r I rnrcr ET RESTDE GE o" I nmrrror To ExrsTril6 RESIDE cE ..PLEAgE OIECX IIO A'GTER 8ELfl ALL THAT APPLY TO \(I'I PIOJECT: f] arr ennaar - sF I oer eamce sF D poRcH - sF SU ROOII lGB SF I noor- - sr I sronese sHED - sF I oneeulcrse - sr I orcr 5F TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:_ TOTAT SQ FT UlfrER R(X)F: rss TOTAL AREA SQ FT: rrs TOTAL PROIECT COST c""" r-ar : I 25.605 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLt EIll6 or [Ectlr ICAL t{ork Being Done to the Ac(essory Structure? [] Ves f] f,fo If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [Ves fi fo Is there Electrical Power on this Building? flv"s flno PROPERW tSE / OCCUp6irCY.5It{6LE FAI4ILY fl rucr-rx f] ronnouse OESCRIPTI( OF l{(nK: lnstalf custcm 2-!raf.l Allio.ltor sunroom -,=S -i-3az2\J € +-a-S, <al\r,Z+ and 1 stick buift traditional llafI O|8CLALER lherEby cenity fiat al ht matbn er hb apllcalon b correcr ahd a[ wolt ril comp'ly wi3 tr€ Star6 &rldahg Code StaE ald bc.d laa6rld o.r,itarc.6 ,}d Eodalbns. The NHC Dercbp.ienl ServiEE Cehbr ril be nol,ed of ary dteEes h trc ?p.olDd plats d chaE. ir cslt&br or co.ra-eb. htlnnaaoi. '?aOtE: Any Wort tuftrned W/o he ApproFiaa Farmits wll te ir Vlrhdrrn ol r!€ NC St'E Abg slrt*lcl b Fires To tsOO.Or" ***++*+*+**t+.**** * *** **** Jlltll,l?1ll * * r** *** ** **, * r.r*+,. *** +*+** rs rHE Pi(PERTY LoCATED rr{ A FLO@PLAr ? n yES EI xO EXISTIIIG ITPERVIOUS AREA:14ir TATER: SEtIER: 1{E1{ Il,P ERVI(US AREA : i 6 8 I celrml urll I comuutw svsteu r*. sEparATE PERT,TITS REqUIRED FoR ELECT, ritECH, PLBG, GAS Eg.'rp, pREFAES & Itr,lsERTs *i* pAyrrr.r rErm: ! a* ! crra (pay BLE ro m) E lrERrcrr{ ExpREss f] rcfvrsr I orscovrr**l:t ***:tt:}a a,|*:i *****r*r*taar*,lrr***ra***a*ra* *,t:t tt+**t ta tl* t,tt,***ra **tr tttt *aa **** a****+ Zo,lE: _OF FICE R: (foR ofFtct t,s€ orty) SEvIstD DA',tt Oal11lt2 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ 8:_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLmD: _ BFE+2ft= SQ FT SQ FT cFpuA E cort.rur{rry sysrEM fl pRrvATE },EtL cFpt,A E CENTRAL sEprrc fl rnrvarr seerrc u *++** **ra **+r+* TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXrST LAiD DrSrURBr 6 rennrr: I yEs n ilo N PER {IT FEE! I )2S-Cdnent: PHOaIE S: 910-?62-9695 P}(IIE $: qr o-G16,- ?312 5F OTHER: * OF STORIES: OIN{ER/€IX{TRACTOR: Earo,, st"oh.,," SIG ATITRE: NEW HAI{OVER COI'NTY BUILDING APPLICATTO TYPE; RESIDEI{TIAL 9ott23?7 ttx PERIIIT \U4\q\t tu PLEASE AI'SIER ALL QUESTIOTS APPLICAALC TO YOUR PiOJECT "Project nesponslbiltQf APPLICATIOiI Nufiber (Offlce Us.) APPLICAI'IT' S DEVELOPER : /, ^,l,rne fio^rt a tVe /Carto /n€ C f] oer eanaee E p*'- _ sF I orcr _ sF SIi.IGLE FAI'IILY fl ruarex \-J .> ,^/ a.- CITY: CITY: LICEI{SE o CITY: o rror E GENERAL REpArRs AIDITIOIiI TO EXISTII{G RES DATE : PHOTE *: PHOI{ E ST 7 PRO]ECT ATXX SUBDIVISION: PROPERW Oi'lER' S O'{ER'S AIDRESS: CO TRACTOR:u AIDRESS: EIAIL ADORESS: PRO]ECT CO{TACT PERsoiI: PR(PERTY USE / OCCUPAI{CY: DESCRIPTIOI{ OF I{)RK: BLOCK }:LOT S: ZIP..2 2g-/?5 lrn o,?tt_QI?7a!7 sttkLzpz a 94eC t4 ! nr locarror,r IDEI{CE , ffzv, &//l ?/0 zb7-a27? 1M'-r n ,r.3@1 ilno PrcalE # r Pl{,t{E f : EXrSTrrrc co srRucrro i fl elrrnarrot I aerova,a- NE]J COirsTR(rcTrOr: fl eneCr ter nrsroetce or ft orHER: / 7 O TOTAL HEATED SQ rr:SojO TOTAL SQ Fr trDER nmr, J&3f TOTAL AREA SQ TOTAL PROIECT COST (l"o r-orr : $a eoo s oF sroRrEs: rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, PLurBrxtG or ttEcHArrcAL tork Seing Done to the Accessony structure? [ v"t fi'=go ..PLEASE CHECK AND ATSI'ER BELO}I ALL THAT APPLY TO Y(UR PRO]ECT:a ^rr GARAGE {fL{SF f] surunoor _ sF f| cne erunousr - sF SF PORCH 111 SF I sronaee sHED _ sF SF Gas on the Current Site ?Yes No fl rorluouse If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Is there Electnlcal polrer on thls Butldin8? f-] yes 2 DtsCLAhIER: Ihereby certfy trstsI ad ordh')c63 ahd lEguladolls- Th€ conlacbr hlclmaIon. '_ltOTE: Afty NHC alon is consct a.rd d work wi€ compty wih he Stab &rlldhg Code *,d aI oher apdlcabl€ Stab snd locd tawsCsnb{ wil be noltud of fiy chdEes in te apgo!€d dar! sld s9€dicrlbm or ch{Ea h conE&br orhe Appropri.E Permil3 wll bo h Vbbi*x of t'€ NC stab Sdg 9#$d Subirct b Fh€s tb To t500. 516 ATURE: (Prlnt ir?ne)**,1* 'l**,**)r * *,i,I* 'l+,** )i*,* {i* **:t* )t t * ,t,l,r ,*:* '!,* ,* )t,*:|:t !t ** ***,1**)t* ***,t,t* Ofi{ER/COT{TRACTOR: ** *+ + * ***,*:* J**** tTATER :CF PUA sEt{ER I E/cF puA r /T/*<,* rs rHE pRopERry LocarED rx A FHpDpLArLrr [-] ves Exrsrll{G rirpERwqrs ME , (/t q Ff ET IfiPERYIq,S **, N,,-Vd,, NO TOTAL ACRES DISTUREED:<,(, Exlsr LAIo oIsTURBIt{c pER ,trT: f-l yEs I comururw svsrem I pRrvATE IIELL ! ceHrnar" well I ceurnnl srerrc ! pRrvArE sEprrc f] co.lr,rwrw svsrru J*} SEPARATE PER'1ITS R PAYI'IEi{T }tETHd):tr CASH cHECt( ED FOR E|-ECT, t{ECt{, PLBG, GAs EgJrp, PREFAES & riSERTS *.' (pAyAsr.E ro ur1 f] rrrnrcAtr ExmEss [ rc7vrsr I orscovrn*+**{.**+*t*+,}*t ,t*,t,}*******a**,t*t *,t,t,}+**,t**!t*tr +++ a.:t,t* **+* *** t*+ ***t* t*** {:t*+}:r **{.:r:r*,r*rr ** (FOr oFFICE U5€ OiLy) REWsEO DATE A4l11l12 ZO E: _ oFFICER:SETBAC(S: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FL@D: _B F E+2ft= w; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT fl-!.zLApplication Number (office use) AP P Ll CAT I ON TYPE: RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICABI-E TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responsibility" HDS /ossTEec-ze-,8,2{oate: t? -4 7 -,t7APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:7eO{ 2rz,,z?z/ bE CITY: /z!?4 ZIP 2 \>a suBDlvlsloN: illrv OUz;< )> A*Z (s PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: 6 Z,E, I ,// 4 7 ,,.O 2Z1) OWNER'S ADDRESS: /O!{ llta , z -n 7> t? PHONE #/qra s/2- /,2 < CITY: t-'/ c zrP: P6'?o* CONTRACTOR /2e rzt ELDG LICENSE #56ozy' ADDRESS: /7A ? l/zrez,+Zz.jlz a btZ CIT\: y'tt c-ST: ,OL-Ztpt Zd *<tS," EMAIT ADDRESS:,k/r c/*/Ez Sr € f7'z-zl 12. .?tfu , . att PHONE Z G-a-./Y o 27r-J PROJECT CONTACT PERSON *,}I.PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI-I. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT* * i n Att Ga rage (sF)E Det Garage (SF) ! Sunroom (SF)D Pool (SF) D Deck (sF) ts the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint?X Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOT lJor proposed workl Heatedi Oo o unheated: PHONE Zto .A7 ?-3/i, EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:! Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence f,Oddn,on,o ExistinB Residence ! Relocation //6 D Greenhouse (sF)_ tr Porch (sF) D Storage Shed (SF) _ V Olhet (SF) /oo c ,?4> 7g> ///, ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on th ls there Electrical Power on this Building? p Yes E No v", ( r,ro the Accessory Structure ! Yes e current site? L-l Yes X No X*" Property Use/ occup Description of work: ancy: [single Family E Duplex E Townhou;e-.'-,.in-....' - -,/?-;;z;.L.,""ti etxrz+ /h:,rrz /eeo /ar.q)ea t :/^ /a14--(,t laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chanSes in the approv€d plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor information. '*+NoTE: Any wort performed \ rithoul the appropriate permiis will be in violation of the NC St BI and subjectto fines upto 5500.00'"' owner/Contractor:7rt(Signature: "Licensed QuoIiliet" s the property located in a floodplain? n Yes Existing tmpervious ar"", I i flf, sq tt WATER: SEWER: Total Acres Disturbed: , 5 7KNo New lmpervious Areai y'rtt Sq Ft \--l Existing Land Disturbing Permit: F Yes E No !, atrro E Community System I Private Well E central well D Aqua ! atoro D communitysystem D Private septic E central Septic ! Aqua zone:- Officer: - Setbacks(F) -(LH) -(RH)-(B)-Approval: _ city: - Date: - Flood: (A)- (v) - (N)- BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Feei S LOT I': /14 A< rorAr. PRoJECT co st ltess totl: 5 ,/.{9 Oo O APPUCANT'S NAME. william Hol PROJECT ADDRESS; 25'15 Sapling Circle NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD]NG PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PI.EASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAEI-E TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibilit/' Print E Dq()01 Application Number (office use) salt 2/2712017 clTy: Wilmington 21p. 28403 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: ShEIIEY PETUSSE OWNER'S ADDRESS: 2515 Sapling Circle pHoNE d: 2O3 .521 .2241 c|TY: wilmington 21p. 28403 coNTRAcToR: Jwh Builders, Llc s196 U6g115g s. 72248 EMAIT ADDRESS:builders@ hoo.com ptotr: 910.726.4831 pROJECT CONTACT pgp5g1. William Holloway pHoNE: 910.726.4831 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation ,.*'PlEAsE CHECl( AND ANSW€R BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'r 'l E Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (sF) TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed !vo*) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 15,000.00 ls the proposed work cha nging the nu mber of bedrooms? E Yes El No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure El Yes E No lfthe project isa R€location, isther€ a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on th is Bu ilding? EI Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: El Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Build a shed roof over existino rear oatio, Screen in under roof. add 1 ceilin q lan, 2 screen doors laws and ordinances and re8ulalions. The NHC Oevelopmenl Services Center will be notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and ifications or change in aontractor information. " lNOTE: Any work pertormed without the appropriate permits will be in violataon of the NC to fines up to 9500.00"' Owner/Contractor: William Holloway Signature: 'Licensed Quolifier" Ptint Nome lsthe property located in a floodplain? E Yes EI o Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed New lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft -- -ErtsttlfgJ6nd Disturbing Permitr E Yes E No WATER: EI CFPUA tr community System E Private Well E central Well E Aqua S€WER: EI CFPUA E Community system E Private Septic E CentralSeptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (l-tl) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City; _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ 8FE+2ft= _/J Comment:Permit Fee: S Clear Form .{. ffiEt\l SUBDIVISION: LOT fl: _ ADDRESS: 129 maypop lane ctTy Wilmington Sr: NC ztp: 28412 O Att Garage (sF)_ D Detcarage(sF)_ E Sunroom(SF)- tr Pool (SF)- E Greenhouse (SFl tr Deck (SF)_ ls the proposed work chanSing the existing footprint? E Yes E No EI Porch (Sr) 300 gn1rgs1q6;300 -t \--l ( NEt^l HAN0I/ER COUNTV BUILDINd pERMrr l7:? ?vlAppt rclfi$N rypE; RESIDENTIAL l,rElsE fisEA ,1t! qTESrrWS er}Lrct tf To youi ptolEcr nPPIICAI{TI '5 Mlil[ I i?rojest FesporsibllltllD CITV I AppLxo\Iloll ittraber.(offt.. Ur.) DEVELOPEB: PnolEcI ADoRrss: SUSDIwSIONI PNOPERry d.]tiEB,5 d,}tIER'S ADDRESSI co tRAcT0Bi PfiotllE #l DATE I LoT {r zlp ! BLOCT( $: ADDNESS:ctrY; EI,UUL ADDRISS I PROJEC' COMIACI PEIISOiI: Is Ary ELECTRICAL, Pt UUtIfii ot fiECl,AttIC!! l,brk roths Doho to.lf the pmject ls a Rblolcatlon, ls "there a Natural 6asrs thene E1ectri.cal palteF on thfs Bulldirg? Efyds f] PRopEnry usr / occuealrcvr [s DESCRTPTIoN 0r UoIi(: : IMTE FAt.tT T drPre( IE PUotiE $, CITY! LICENSE l! ?Accoutf $lsr:Ue:;I2"i4E pHo*E * q .41t.3731 PHoNe $;U):,JUIJSL thc Accos.ory structurol EVes E fo Llne on the cur.ent si.te? flves f] Uollo ' qD'oqo.L\.tt"3 ? t,lLnot-?k4a5r6 Bcsrri!6 corJsnucEo , I aLrrurrotr I nurvmou I eaciul nemrs n REIOC{TION trEr,, co}lsnucTrot; E rnrcr rrl{ iEsroEtEE or ! morrr6u t! EEsrJtE RESTDE!,CErrPLfAsE otEc( trD ^[9,Jd8 E[tofi lll fifi irpply Io yon *or.crrfinrr eauar 504 sr ftorr ernear sF ElpoRqt rlbtl ,, ' lsutnoor _sF f]rcoL sr" frnonoo, slEl_sr! eRrrrurersr .- sr I orcr sr 6rrr, _--r, ror^L HE^rrD rO or,aaDa Tor L sQ Fr u{DEn wor, EQaS TOTAL AREA SQ FTT *clrlr ToTAL pnolEcT cosr(k6si.r : $,4h)qf I} OF STORIE5:t.5 rI otpr.prk{blo SEb lod b6al la,t| ol{NEn/coNIn {cToR , -*r+*.i*r*r.+**r*"***.r*"tf}idiTi*. IS I}TE PNOPENTY LOCATED TII A TLOODPLNIII? EXTSTIIIG IIiIFERVI0US ARE{: _--sQ FT t El,l IHPEI\,IOUs tlEtl _sQ FI r***r+t*+*rt*ttreltrt*l;i*t***ia r**rat**Elvn il*@ I0T L. iCBfS }ISIUEDEo! DG6f l-Am DrsIUEBItlG pEnHrr: [J V BFE+2ft. l!.clrtil{[0 otdrnn. Ii co'ltEbr 6r ,rd S,t!€otb Fho€ $ To 650q00,- vrs fl m PEruIIT FEE, 5I6NA1U'IE; Mrrn; I crpue fl cor,{.,tltry sysrEs n pBfvATE },ELr .E cEl,,rnAt !/rLL sEltEn: I crnn D crirnml sEpTrc n PITJVAIE sEplrc ,f]- coruxrrv s\strfi "t sEPirrlTE, r,EnAlJS *EqJI[8o For flEcl, t,Ecll, pLs4 GAs EgJtPi PnEFlas u rtlsElTs J.' PAYfiEIE IlETlioDr Eiprr tr cnc( (PeyaBLE ro m1 fleuu eccorrn Irc7vrsl fiorscovret'arr*ir)xlti**r)i+*r****a*+t***r***,}*r*rr {rtt+{**** *ia*r*i}ti* ****** (rot arza! uta oLy, .u,l-M: (' e:25' (rr, o^la oahllTa Jl rr\tr16)sAsACrsr rr ll App,:oval.: oL city,lCU_ oera FLOOO: co,tuc nt I L{1l rctr o.lS .l"l ftiD.mr{ {ul €x[ED millMun llEr6Kl erty lnpeclhrn [equileo ql S254'S'*] ZoNE.0rFrc6n: .l NEW HAN.,ER couNry ilikm#,k APPLICATTON TYPE; RESIoENTIAI PIEASE ANSW€R Att QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,IECT "Prolect Responslbillty" APPLICANPS IIIAME: PRO.IECT ADDRESS:CITY sUBDlVlSloN: A\fu E,l-llFFS PROPERTY OWNER'S ITAME; OWNEPS ADDRESS:l2'7 W*4-J.NE'DZ ?3 crw: CONTRA6ORi ADDRESS;+CITY: EMAIT ADDRESS: PROJECI CONTACT PERSON:o,-t t*hn EXISTING CONSTRUCITON: D Atteration E Renovation - General Repairs t{Ew coNsrRucnoN: Eiflrect New Residence D Addition to Exlsting Residence I Relocation L7 -7 22 Appllcetlon Number {oflice use) Oate:3.2.11 zrP 2-*2n tOTf: 3() PHoNEt: 2ll0'3 so't144al28103 BLDa\cENsE*:31+58b $,NLrtP,28;fo3 ?H1NE:414. O3O.39or7-t qto. 4b.t1+TPHoxEt414'99.%b E Att Garage (5F) _ [] Sunroom (sF) _ E Greenhouse (5F)_ Owncr/Contractor; -Licensed Quolilie/ ls the property located in a floodplain? a vo to Exlstlrq lmp.rylous lra, / qft fl Det Garage (sF) _ D Pool(SF) E Deck (sF) Porch (SF)ol5 lsthe proposed work changlng the exlsting footprint? D v", #o TOTAT SQ Ff UNDER R@F Uor proposed wort) Heatcd: TOrAr. PRoJECT COST lLesstotl S zbo-oOO ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? El yes lg/trto ls any Electrlcal, Prumbtnt or M€chanrcal work being done to the Accessory structure E ues {xolfthe project isa Relocatlon, lstherea Natural Gas Line on the current sit€? E Ves El{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes [B/No Proprrty Usc/ Occupancy:Slntl€ Famlly E Duplex E ?ownhoure Descrlption of Work: l'w5 and ordln'nces 'nd rsgutatlons The NHc o€velopment services ccnter *rrr * iotii,* * *v "r,anges in tr,e approrea pbis-airi specincaons or chante in cont€ctorintorh'tion' "'NorE: A'y work pe,ormed without thc appopriatc p;io J,ii.,. ria"oon or,rr" Nc st te Brdt codc and subicct t9 fin6 up to ssoo.oo... Unheated: Slgnature: Totel AGr€s Dtnu6e at O. 2 7 P nt Nome New rmPervtous Ar "", 4r13Lo sqr- WATER: [lUpuA Ef Community syst€m SEWER: E/aFpuA E Community system &istn3 Land Oisrurbtng permh: EI yes El Private well E Central well E Aqua El erivate septic El centralseptic E Aqua w{ Zone: -. Officer: _ S€tbadc (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ {Bl _ Approual: _ Crty: _ Oat€: _ flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (t{l _ BFE+Aft, -_ Comment:Permit Fee: S - 03 / 01/ 2017 15:12 #143 P. OO1/ OO4 Oal€Fee SUBD'VISION PROPTRTY OWNTR'S NAIvlE: ow,NEB's ADDRT ss, -a8Rl A, r-t ArrltLrl, ,Vrv r rr!, nGJruEtvtrAL pttast aNsw[p arl oufsloNs appltcASrt ]o youn pfioJr "proi€ct Responsibility,, ^.1 o ()-f ,CrrY: ._$| a-\PHONT f -_- clTY V):n-aqq##i /7- bA{ APPLICAN''S NA'vlT PROJTCI ADDRTSS I 4R ro, zr\ ZIP A B\.\ ra ror r (9 a ztp CON-'NACTOR ADDRrss, 5tO$Z:7-a-44-.\-',nl crTY __tln-r.(.t BI.DG ucrNsr F Ststr't Ll _ sr \r[-zrp Lg\!ZrMArr ADDRrss: t r'cn LQt-t .1,^il PROIICI CONTACl PTRSON Dgo,1-4 t XlSTtNG CONSf RUC'rOru: MZrerarron [] Renovation Ll General Reparrs ,r@rl_ pHow r, _.a!p-__Sll \r Us- - PHONT Qrtf yict L\'1 trs J -\$ --c--r -s( {S \'$s a D Al| Gara8e (Sr)_-=- [-] creenhouse lsf] -- lsl [] Sunroom {5F) Tl Deck (Sr ) ls rhe proposed wort (hanging the existrng lootp,inr?6/yes LJ No lOrAI Sq rT UNDTR tOOF lJot ptoposed wotkl taeated TOTAT PRO.,[CT COST (Le5s tol): s Property U3e/ Descriplion ol 0ctupancy ly fl oupler D fownhouseworl: AO Oi .c{ o DISCLAIMTi : I he.eby.endy rh.r a the inlo,malion in rhi!.pp[(alion t, (or.€ct aDd aI wort wrlt !ompry w:::::',:^"" 1:e:i,1.-_r hc NH( o.veropm€nr st,vE"' cen,., eiI be no,r"i,, "".,.i",.-,vu,r any wor, p?rlo,r,?d wnhour rh. approp ele perm swr[b€rnvioUllonoirrreruCS Sitnature G.t','rrr nh lhr 5rarr Buitdr^g Codr .^d el olb?, appt,cabt! Srel( and loin lhe .pp,ov€d pt.ns and 5pe(itral,on! or (h.ng. ln (onla clilr Sldt Codc :nd rubje.t lo ,,ner up to SSm 00,.. fl Por( h lsr)_-* [-] Srora8e shed (St ) __ iilOrt'er 1Sr1 R"Lb Uoheated ls lhe proposectwort changing the number ol bedrooms? D y", E/*ois any tlectrical, plumbing or Me(hanical worl being done to the Acceslory Slruclure t'yes tr ttol{ lhe pro,ect rs a Relocation, is there a Natutal Gas Itne on the (u.rent sne? D yes E ttols there t le(rrical power on this Burtding? Nl4es C No i*rrcr"^, ZL-/cel /->az Existint rmp€rviou! ar"". ,bbb !- sqrl Torat Acr( NewrmperviousA, .r, ---(g,!lp--;l- sqr, ,",rr,.r,."t":':l:;:::.-fi,:;?p* WATER E (FPU/- ! (o,rrnrunlly SyslFrr 0 t,rrv;re V,]ell D Cenlial VJett f) aqua,,ur,, _E{ur" I. rLrnn,uri,ty sysr&.n D ,.,rvzlr Scnr,( fJ t*.r,..5r p,r,r ! 4r-. z o n{ P - t {r"', *,, fi2f *uo.,u., v Q) tr' *,' );:,' -:,",''i'',: rr-8aee,""or (/fi-.i,,\/2Yl! o^,&L/y',ood ra) *, ., ,*u-X B,r.?r,., ",-,-. ", ffi1 /1>n rtrc1 rz4 ry,r,/",; d&4'b*ihb*er -,,,,,( s perty localed,fi a ltoodplaan) E yes {tu.' Clty lnspection Reourreo 910-254-0), ) i,{ffi Ntw C.N''IRUCTTON [] Irecr New Resrden(e r{ oaauiom o ItrslrnE Resrden.r L] Rerocarron..*r,,orr arra* orrorr*r* ",ro* or, rro, oorrr ro ror* "*oraa...a Del GaraBe (Sf)_-- D Pool (sr) __ 2oftav3> ,..ri, l. .,,,.:ff NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICAi lO N fi PE t RESIDENTIAL PLIASE ANSWER AII QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECI "Prol!.t Rctpon.ibllw n Homes Date: ayv, Wflminoton zP: LOT S:-- APPI.ICANTS NAMET Mary PRO.lEcT ADDREISI sUBDIVISION:Cottage Grove PROPERTY OWNEFIS NAME:Logan DeYelopers LLC PHONE ti OWI.IER'S ADDRESS:60 Greqory Rd CITY:Belville CoNTRACTORi Logan Homes CITY:Belvill€ ADDRESSi 60 Gregory Rd EtiAlL ADDiESS: PNOIECT COiITACT DERSON:Mary Logan EXEnilG CONSTRUCIION: D Alterstlon El Renovatlon E General Repal6 NEwcoNsTRucItoN:BErectNew8€sldenceEAddftiontoExistln8Resid€n.enRebcatlon 910-452-7175 7:tP 28451 BLDG UCENSE g; 34408 st: NC 28451 PHONE . 91G/.52-7175 r}'PLEASE CHECX AND AI{SWEN BEIOW AIt TITAT APPTY TO YOUi PEo,ECT"T \40\, B Detc.rase(sn-_ f eorch (sfl PHONE:91G452-7175 3DI tr storate shed (sO - tr other (sF)-O Sunroom {SF) .-tr Pool (sF) .-- O orcf (sO - E Greenhouse (5F)_- ts the proposed work dranging the e)dstlhg footpriht? El Y'5 D No TOIAL SQ FI UNDER BOOF (for propoJed wor*) He'trd:JA\1 unhcetoo,4CXa G Att Garage (SF) P.oPertY Usd rorAl pROJEcr cosr (Lesr Lot): sj:!2/EQ ts the proposed work chaoglngthe number of bedrooms? E to { *o ls any El.ctrlEil, Plumblht or Mcdlenk l work belnE done toth€ AcLssory strlcture E ,Y" 4 No ii,n" Ot"t"o O " *Ao."Oon, is there a Natur'l Gas LiIr on the currmt site? tr YGt R No ls ther€ ElectricalPower on thls Buildlhg? tr Y'e q]{o El slnirc rrmlh El DuPl.x El ToYrnhour€ oascrlption ol - new construction Drs(l lME8:It r!b,.inify that r[ th. ldorn.tlo^ h lhL 'pplic'rbn bcorcd.Rddworl llcomPlY *drh th. sbt! Sulldim cod€ and .ll 6th6 .Ptsobh sl.t! :d loc.l law. rnd oldlnzn.€s .nd rEulat'ron5'rhe NHc O€Y€loPm.rn scdic..t C.nt ri/ill b. nstif'ed ofrny chin$!lo ft. .?pro*d phns rnd .psiltatids or 64ae h .onlt?ctor lnfo.rn.llon. "'{dII: anYvolt P"tormld whhoui thc .ppro9iirl. Finlt!wlll b€ in r,id.don of the NC Sti't.Sltlr a.d! and s{bj.d ro lin.. uP to $ss.@" ' Ownat/ContractDrl 'Llc.hse.l Quoffief D Sltnature: lsthe property located in a floodplain? D Yc5 R tlo Erinlh! lmperviour areat !-- sq rt Total Acres Dlttufbed New lmparviou6 Arcei 40tD sq rt adrtlnt |.nd Dl6turblng Prlmhr E YGs E ro waTER! El CFPUA U communlty systetn Cl Private well E centralwell E Aqua SGWEtu E CFPUA E Communlty System E Private septic E Central Septic E AqUa zonei _ off,coI -- Srtb.dc (F) __ (u0 i- (RH) - (B) -Approvali-cltyr-Date:.-Flood:(A|-($-(N)--BFE|2ft=- $Commer*: Permlt f€a: L7 -823 hD^t T Eon PHSNE S: {910) 61e- 3 535 ST: NC ZIP: 28{1r ST:gZfP:28401 PF$E S: tgta\ 232 - 62aa Plo E #: (910) 232-5288 RELOCATION SF ( NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING P APPLICA|IaII IyPE j RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSI,{ER AtL QL]ESTIOI{S APPLICAELE TO YOTJR PRO] "Project Responsibilit)/' APPLICATIOII l{umbe r (Offt(e Use) RMIT m APPLICAI,IT' S NAT'iE: R DEVELOPER: 5 ker A PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: 418 Hiqhqr een Dr.CITY: BLOCK PROPERTY OISIER'S tlAl'lE: }les 1 Kn om,lER'S ADDRESS; 418 Hiqhqreen Dr CITY: I,lilml ton CONTRACTOR: eape Fear solar systems Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ Comnent: LICENSE *: CfTY: l{ilmi T...PLEASE CHECI( AI{D AI{Sh'ER BELOI,I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOTIR PRO]ECT: f] rrr eamee _ sF fl oer ernaor sr I nonor SUNROOIT1 SF f] eoor- _ sr I sronae SHED T0l^INHOUS E .? ADDRESSi 9cr Martln Street ton EI4AIL ADDRESS: S rt@Ca eFears stems . com PROIECT COIiITACT PERSON: Roberr park EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl lrrrrarrOu ! nrruovarroN fl erruennr ner R5 NEr{ COiTSTRUCTION: f] :nrCr NEW RESTDE CE o" I mOrrrOl To EXTSTING RESIOENCE I eneennouse - sr I oecr _ sr OTHER: TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: _ TOTAL PROIECT C05T lress r-ory z $ a,z .'lte # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRfCAL, PLUlitBItlG or ilECHA{ICAL Uork Being Done to the Accessory ructurel [l ves [ ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural 6as Line on the C rrent site? fl ves fl ruo Is thene Electrical Power on this Building? l-flves l-J uo pRoPERw lrsE / OCCUPA CY: I Srnele ramrlv I rUnr-ex I TOTAT ACRES DISTUR D DESCRIPTIOI{ 0F tlORk: lnsta}laLion sol ar 1s roof e'6 home DISCLAIMER lhereby c6(iry hat all tr fomarion in his appticalion is conect and d work wil comptywih he Slate Buitd Code and al oh6r Bpplicable SirE and locsl laws s and sp€cificalions orchsngo h conlracb.orand ordinancas an., rggulations. Th6 NHC Developm€nt S€rvices C,6nbr wi[ be no6f€d olaiy chages i. 6€ appro\cd contactDr inlorlnalon. r-NOTE:Any Work Perlormod W/O he Appropriab permitswtl b6 in Vbtsrior ofths NC StaE Code and I i, Finos UgTo $500.00"' Ot{NER/C0NTRACTOR: nobert arkef SI6NATURE : * +** ******* *+* * **** *"* ** ** *(IiIl lil"J +,* ,l * )*,* :t *,* * * )t,* ,* * *)i !* * * )t :t ,t,* ***,t*)irttr*,t*+**,l,*'t,t***,t,**:t*** I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IiI A FLffTDPLAIN} r-l YES E rc EXISTING IMPERWOI'S AREA: --SQ FT NE}I IMPERVIOJS AREA: -SQ FT EXIST LAND OISTURBI PERMII:l-l vts ff Ho wtrER: I cFpua f] corfiuNrry sysrEM n pRrvarE wELL I cerrnnl we L *+ * *** *,t+ * ** ji * H:_ B:_ SF 5F 5 '**I orscovrn iEVISED DAIE E4l11/12 sereR: I creun f] CENTRA|- sEprrc I enrvnre sEprrc f] coMr"n,NrTy E tr1 ** & SEPATATE PENiiITS REsrlRr0 roR Et6cIj fiECH, pLB6, CAs Eq.'Ip,EFA85 & IIYSTRT PAYI'IEI{T I',IETHOD:Ecasn E cHrc( (pAyaBLE ro uc1 f] mrenrcAl ExpREss tr MC/VI5A+**'l t**,t***,t*)r,a,r*****:t*+,|*,1,***,t*,r * +t,* *+* *,***,r * * * r*:a* *** *,r*,r,r{. * +,} (roR orrrcE usE qtLY) ZONE: -- OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ BFE+2ft= PERiIIT FEE: DATE: loMarr ? PHONE S: l91,oj 232- 62aB ZIP i 2a4r1 L7 -828