MARCH 17 2017 BUILD APPS)r. I L7 -7 96/-'. :. l': : .- ,ffi'Efi''..*lF,' ',.tcAN1'S NAME: Daya Apunte NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI-t QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Re5ponsibilit/' Application N0mber (ofij.e use) oate:317117 T,iOJECT ADDRESST 956 Tidalwalk Dr.OTY: Wilmington 71p.84081 sUBDrvtsloN: PH lll TIDALWALK PRoPERTY owNER,s NAM€I JohN ANd AMY LiNdIEy OWNER'S ADDRESS: same pH6xs s. 910-599-6430 CITY ztP CONTRACTOR lnviro Desiqn & Consultinq, LLC BLDG LICENSE # ST: SC Gl20619 ADoREss: 181 Johns Rd, Suite H clly: Greer ztP 29650 EMAIL ADDRESS:daVa@invirodesiqn.com PHONE: 864-640-8114 x3 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: D a unte PHONE: 86,4-640-81 14 x3 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: g/Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIONi [: Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation .."PLEASE CHECR AIID A'{SWER BELOW AIT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT*TT n Aucarage(SF)_ Cl Detcarage(SF)_ Il Porch {SF) Ql n sunroom (SF)n Pool (sF) -JD- tr, -f, ,? \,) ! l breenhouse (5i)! Deck {SF) [] storage shed (SF) _ a-t{i,tsrt ,T7? s{' crt / lr ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes & ls any Electical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes /No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natu ra I Gas Line on the currert site? O Ves D tlo // frt ls there Electrical Power on this Euildins? Mves E lto Property Use/ Occu panctt dgngb tamlly E Duplex E Townhous€ Description of work:5.88kW solar PV oanel on roof laws and ordinances aod regulations Th€ N HC Development Servi.es Center will be nolfied of any €hanges in the approved plans and specificitions or chanSe in conlr.ctor informetion. "'NOTE: Any worl perforrned without lhe appropriate permitt \ /ill be m Sign"tuOwnet /Contractor: Daya Apunte "Licensed Qudlifier" Print None ',/.ls the property located in a fioodplain? E Yes El-No . t^ Existing lmperviou5 Areat f itl sqtt loJew lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permitr f] Yes [] No I.!ATER: E CFPUA E Community system D Private Well fl Central Well tr Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System fl Private Septic C CentralSeptic C Aqua Zonei _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval; _ City:_ Date;_ Flood: (A) _ {V) _ (N)_ 8FE+zft: _ of the t{c sllrJ.jdc Code and sob,)ryl;o tnet up to ssm.@"' *,t1-4.- zffi-zv TotalAcres Disturbedi , Commentr P€rmit feer S rOT s: LOT 22'l i:r .ie proposed work changing the exi5ting footprint? C Ves /tto TOTAT SQ FT UNOERROOF Vor proposed workl Ueatedt { rOTAr PROJICT COST (Less Lot); S 8106 unheated: 37g ( /, i,lr/ \---------.=-.--. ffi \,-l2 ::' ATTL'LA"V'I I ITE; AEJ'!,EII T tAL pLtASt ANSWIR AU. OUfSI|ONS APPUCAEtf rO YOUR PfiOJtCI ..proie.r Responsib^-o' DI)|1_DL1 t?7':*f:bg FeAPPIICANT'S NAlr4t PROJTCI ADDRfSS: L!o to.z-o\1 ZIP:2 B! \taa^rlEt<> suBDrvrsroN PROPTRTY OWNTR'S NAh/17 J a-"-.-r^, owNtR's ADDRtss SBAL 4.t\(*2_ 1u..r*t crw LOT *5tc (<t\_ PHONT , clw: LDLLIZ\|P CONTRACTOF. AoDRtss: 5lC rMAtr ADDRrss. t rLr fl Art Gara8e (Sr ) s{ .1,'rTdLL^{-x-\c/Y.\BtDG ltctNst #ts 1'/\1,_ crTY (,J rlnr. sr:\U:zrP: L?.\ r? ((,,r/n_. PHoNE tl \c2 PHONI qto 9q L{'lt SPROJTCT CONTACT PfRSON I ^Ar{.r '.. PTEASI CHr O,L CI( AND ANS!ryEllgtlow AU, THAI APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI" ' ..--Is ./txlsllNG CONSIRUCTION: MAheraiion D Renovation E General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTTONT I trecl New Residence /Add'lion lo txrsring Residenre E Retocarion fl Del GaraBe {SF)fl Porch (sr) gtott er (sr)nLb-->,\t >t{.C C Pool (sr) n Deck (5r) ls the proposed work rhanging the exisling loolprinr? Vayes D No TOIAL SQ FT UNDTR ROOr Uo, proposed workl Heatedl ly f) oupler D Townhouse Description ot Work AgOt [] storage Shed (st) _ Ll Greenhouse {Sf)_ {^" Unheaied: ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicar work being done lo lhe Accessory structure /yes fl No lf the projecl isa Relocation, is there a Nalurat Gas line on the current sit€? D yes E No ls there tlectrical Power on this Buitding? Nl4es E no Property Use/ occu gancy, ingte sa^i A.(i4tt9.4 L Ollicer: ^Yt /1./- DlscLAlMtn: I h€IebY lenrly rhar all lh€ rntormarion an lhts apphcalion it correcr and att worr wil rompty wrrh rhe slat€ BuitdinS cod€ and aI olh€r appirabte slatr aud lolav's and ordinan(e3 and IeSulalions TheNHcDevelopmenlSErvi(ercenl€rwillb€nolitaedoJany(hangesinrheapprovedpta;!andspecilrrat'on5or(hanBenronlra(rcinlormalron "'Nolt AnvworlperlotmPdwilhoorlh€approprlatepe,mirswittbErnv&tarionotrr,"tcsr"r"atagcoo"anarutptrrotrnesupro5soo00,.. Owner/Con*rqctor : )f'=1-"'"""'o'o''l9 ls lhc properly lora ,91 tristint tmpervious ar"., bbbt- sqn Torat Acrcs Disturb "a, Rlb ?tr!_). New lmpervious Ar""r G4 b 5 sq r, Existin8 t and Distuibint permir: D ve. E/tto WATER: V (rpUA E (ommunrlysysrem f) pllvateWe E Cenlral Vve fl Aqua,.stWtR: E (FPUA I Communrly5ystem E) prrvaleSeplrc D fenrrat Seplr( E Aqua led in a lloodplain? fl yes d*o Serba.ks lr) _- (t B) _ IRH) _ lB) Dalei _ tlood: lA) _ (V) _ - {N) _ Bftr2tr=Approval: Commenl: City: _ _ Permit ree $ iii Date ) l-r; , r /\I C,4ooY- +:J+- -.J -\-\\is-ra D Sunroom (Sf)_ TOrAr pROJrcT cosT (t-ess t ol). 5 44 , oh? - ls lhe proposed work changing lhe number ol bedrooms? B yes \ fi\ r"/1 Signature; is>z-7 Zone: RECEIVED FEB 22 ?017 t+ 2qq_ APPL I CATION llumber (office Use) o< NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QIJESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility".ffi'" APPLICANT'S I{A/VIE :ioneer Grou 321 P t Drve C ITY: DATE; 7/20/11 PHONE S:9104433681 CITY: PHONE *:9104433681 Wlm ngton ST;NC ZIP I LICENSE #: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER,S t,IAIi!E ;;alher and Josh Glover OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:PO Box 15474 C ITY: EMAIL ADDRESS:9104433681 9T 04433681Steann e Cov PHONE T: PHONE #:PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION : suNRoor'l _ sF GREENHOUSE SF POOL _ sF DECK ?12 SF A LTE RATlON RENOVATION GENERAL REPAI RS RE LOCAI ION NEI^l CONSTRUCTION:! enecr NEuJ REsTDENCE o" ! noorrroru To ExrsrrNc REsroENcE 'i''PLEASE CHECK AND ANSh]ER SELOI'/ ALL THAT APPLY TO YoUR PRoIECT: ! lrr clnacr - sF ! orr cnnncr - sF PORCH L-SF STORAGE SHED SF OTHER: ToTAL HEATED 5Q FT: 0 ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER RooF: - ToTAL AREA sQ FT: - DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Add deck and extrend covered porch to e f exlstinq house and ordinances and regutations The NHC Deveropmenr Services CenEr willbe nolified ol any changes in he approved plans at'd specificalions or change m contracto. or conracbr tnbrmal,on. '-NOTErAny Work Perfofmed Wo ihe Apprcpiate Pem its will be in violation oflhe Nc stale Bldg code and sublect lo Frnes up To $500.00"' OI{NER/CONTRACTOR:S1e annie Covin SIGNATURE: (P.int Nahe),*,***,*,** ** )*,* * x )*,t ,t,t i. * * i.,r. 1, ** * r.* * i. r.** *,*** * * ,t,t ***,t * *)* * {< )* )* ,*,*,t * )t** i( ,t,i( ,*,* )k i< * ,*,*,* ,* ,* * * **)** *l( ** ** +* 't '* rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN a rloooelarltl I vrs I NO no change TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED:EXISTING II1PERVIOUS AREA: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: IdATER :CF PUA COMMUNITY SYSIEIl PRIVATE I^IELL sEr,JER: E] creun ! crrurRar srcrrc !PRIVATE SEPTIC EXrSr LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMrr i E YrS lTl rc ! cenrRal wr rl ! courlururrv svsrrr,r CH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** no change SQ FT SQ FT .** SEPAIIATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECTJ I''IE PAYI,IEI,IT IiIETHOD: !CISU ICHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) ZONE : _ OF FICE R: MERTCAN ExpREss [ ,cTvrsa ! orscoven (.OR OFFICE USE ONLY) REVISED OATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: T ** )* )* * ** )t{ri(* i( {<)*)*,*)*** *)i* ***)* ** )*,* ** )t ****,t,*,** **** *** ***** *,i,* )t+* *** *)**** * ,t,* * ** * **)*)* )t)t** ***,r * * oinl Dnve321 hello he BLOC( #: LOT #: _ zrP | @id6-t|Wf .nsron ST: E ZIP: E@ TOTAL PROIECT C05Ttressrort : $ ar,ooo.oo # 0F STORIES: 1 Is Any ELECTRICAL, pLUHBING or IitEcBANIcAL Work Being Done to the Accessory structure? [ V"s [ ruo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cunrent Site? ! Ves fl lo rs there Electrical Power on this Building?lilv"t ll'l ruo pRopERTy usE / OCCUPANCY, @ SrlCle rnurlv I ouerrx ! TorJNHousE Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLOoD: - BFE+2ft=-o- -- Jr_*, ,.r, , {F-(5_ l2e4o5 nBn lo I+ -.2Vto( mffiaiE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: DEMOL ITION APPLIfATIOTt Number ?LaA5E PTIINI C,AnlY 8 A\i'l,in ALL Qlll',Il9Ns"Project Responsibility" pltoNE 1r 0AT E : ______-:t:-:_.. .t . a-'ta : tiaa PRO] ECT ADDRESS sUEOIVISI(N: CJTY: ;, i 1r,i r.r',.:r zlP . :l t t":i BLOCK S:LOT I': PRoPERTY ol,ltiER'S OI{N E R, 5 AODRESS: NATE : CITY: ,'irl: r i:,i: c, PHONE S: ST ''lil-i-r!-tlj5it t:.a zrP:2?41. :- CoN'IRACTOR: : :,,. .t.,. s :r 1! . L :r Ij, 1! ADDRESS: , : .. LICTNSE * 'Ir':.1 CITY: ii: l:r : :: j:,: - EIIAI L ADDRESS PHONE 9 PHOttE fPR0IECT C0NTACT PERSON ' : i:u::r. , 'j3- 1: T,FSCRIPTIO OF I.]ORK: ...rrrictor nr.mrrro. "'NOTE. Any Wryr t,..tomed w/r) theAHroriale P.rmlts wilbc Volalion ollhc NC Slolc aldq Code and Suble.l Io Fi OWNER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE: roTAL PROIECT CoSTrr*-r.rr: f ?ttOO EXISTING JLrr5 THrs srRucruRE oR BUTLDTNG co!{TArN AsBEsTosr I vrs I NO rs rHE PROIECT: ! nesrOelrur /I CO^4HE RC IA L IS THERE ELECTRICAL POT.IER ON THIS SUILDINGT ! VES I WATER S E I{ER CFPUA C F PLIA COI'II{UNlTY SYSTEM CENTRAL STPTIC PEIVATE WEL I PR IVItiE SEPTlC PAYflENI iIETHOOj I crsr.r I cxrcx lnlvmrt ro *r1 TOTAL ACR€S DISTURBED: LAND DrsruRBrlrc nenmrrt f] vrs r ls IHERL a NAtrR^r GAs LrNE coNNEcrED ro rtrs eurrolncl I vts I NLl COI,II,IUNITY SYSTE14 I A'tFRT'AN EXPRESS ! nclrrso I orscovtn Nole: ih€ Nal{).al E.iiss,on Slan.lards lor H aza,dolJs Ar Pollutants (NESHAP) R egul€Uo.s , lequrra lial you conlarr lhern al {9I 9)707 5950 al leesl I 0 c r) i pr |or ru t € de mot I.,n ol any laci,,ty or borldrng, whelher lhe laot;t/ o. .tuild ng was fou.d !o crhl a in Asbesto5 or ool Ocmolnion notrfca:ions 8 ilsbestos nrraval c€rmrr appl|catom rre lo bs submrtled ds n, the app:ralioo lorm (DHHS-3768). Ths ,orh can bo lound on tne w.b srla sh(Nn below. NotB. Obiatr nrl a derlrol,th,n permrt lrom rhe NrlC hspecrrons Oepl does NOt salist/ or mccl lhe nolrfrcalron roquiremenls ol lh€ HIICU iHeallh tlazaro's c(nlrot Unil) 'K€e, n mr.rd lhEr an .alhrstos surley rs requrrcd by a NO sccredaled asb€slos fispeclor prior lo .ny reflovalio. or dcmollion of 3,a.,.()/ ptoaso see tho Asbesios V(ob Site .i a1,t,:! .r.:, a .;. i,,,i :irriyrsl:.!,Jljili! ZONE:OFFTC€R (ro{ orrrcr LAr 0.ri,Y) SETBACKS: F :_ Lll:_ RH:_B:_ npp.cval:- clty:- DATE:- Ft ooD | - AV comm€nt: PERI'lrr BFE +2ft'' FEE: $ APPLICANT'5 NAI'I€ : DEVELOPER: ST:: zIP'. ., t. . Yir- \\\i NEtll HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING pERI,iIT APPLTCA|I@! rref; COI,I}IERCIAL PrtASE ArJSr'Ei at! QUESTIOIJS Ap?rl(lrr€ to youB pio)tcl .,project Rcsponstbttigf l]-tt177 a1_4.L/ DEVELOPEN: APPLICAI'T,S Mff:arla hc PHO E ': plo E ': APPTICATIOI llurbar (Offlc. t!.) 5/cl lt1 ZrP? 2*tg5: DATE PiOJECT ADDiCSS: occuPru{T/EUSI ESS ilAnE : CTTY:r.-r-__ L Ofln ?,( PTOPETYY O$tIEi'' ANE: ct{ Ei's ADORESS ,2t Wsl corrTRAcroi 3 6- AOORESS ; EttA]IL ADDRESS:a-rlo- PROJECT Co.JTACT PSRSOiI: CIIY: LlcEiEE *3e crrY:rwl STtNc ZDtA+oA *r^r.zpt?3403 P)O E t: a,o- Sz -21s,PI|o,IE tt :) to-52,1-Aq, a- -i--- e.f', Exrsr cof{sriucnor: D arrERArro D .rrJifii;i H?rlil-* l, Reloctton, is lhereI Nslurslc8s Line onth€ Cune siref [VF[ruo nrrarns I rErccArtor{ lS BLDG sPQ1x6166eOr I Ve" [No EN COiISTRUCTIOI: E ACCEsSORY STRITruIE: ENE i'IE}' STRUCTUiE tr rasr rnrcr fl.sxrll I urr118x CT l0 Ca.t 6 tr C) ADD TO TXIST STiUCNNE If uPftT - The Shell Perhit $: ..... ls THIS A O{A 6E tF Yrs, b,hat vrs th. Prcvlout Occup.ncy TlD.l porcF on thts Buitding E yes El *o lEs fito.....ls thc ll!r{ occup.ncy I}Dal _ Is Elect OF OCCI'PA'JSY UsE rI lnlat ARtt{ DEsIGll PIOFESSIO{AL r E 5n DESrGi{ PROTESSIo At: PH: PH: flc iEG 0: C REG ':latt 3 ACRES DISTURBED:DGT LANo DISTURBTNG pgpylp trYES ENoNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EX|ST|NG tMpERVtOUS ARE!\: pRopEnryusE: $rrrce lnesraunmn luenmxnu fleouc E]rpr fb NDO OTHER: WA]ER SEWER EECFPUA EtrI@MMUN]TY S}STEM cE[rRArSEPrrc E PRIVAIE SEFflC EwELr _EIZONING l,rSE QlSstrpernp. 'u,, eas6s,,*fr1' ilO a77t17r6 or? ttf€ CFPUA - SEPANA'IE PERMTTS REOUIRED FOR ETECI, MECH, PL!G. GAS PA\I{ENT METHOD: [CsX trCHECK (PAYAB|E TO NHC) E AilERtcAN apREss El Mc,vlSA Iorscoven rOR OFFICE U6E ONLY) SO FT ZONE:_OFFICER: -- SETBACApprcrral: Crry:_ DATE:___.._ f tOO KS:F: LH: RH:..-_B: -- BFE+2fr= RG\/ISED DA'E #I1/II Comment D: PERMT'I FEE: S DESCRIPTIOI{ OF TDRX: lo.rLi b lhc Popeny tocq6 h nc Food*h?ElVes fi Ho I ','... . - i. ..'. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLt CAT tON TY PE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect ResponsibiliV' 90 tT..kqTz Appllcation Number (of{lce us€) APPL|CANT,S NAME: 16 Pointe Properties LLC sa1g.0212412Q17 pRo.,ECT ADDRESS: 1205 Tidal Walk Dr CtTy. Wilminglon 1p 28409 SUBDIVISION: Tidal Walk owNER's ADDRESS: 1205 Tidal Walk Dr crw: Wilminqton 71p.28409 CONTRACTOR: 16 Pointe Properties LLC gr-Drc Ucet{se *. 64&9 ADDRESS: 222 Seacrest Dr ctw:htsville Beach 91;NC zrp. 28480 EMAII ADDRESS:iason@1 6pointeproperties.mm pxorur. 7045062404 pROJECT CONTACT pERsoN: Jason Akins pxotr. 7045062404 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Uor proposed workl 1193196; f t!1\ gnh631g6; 4432 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less lot): S 404,780.00 ls the proposed work changing the number ofbedrooms? El Ves E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechank lwork being done to the Accessory Structure E yes D No lf the proiect is a Relocetion, is there a Natural Gas t-ine on the current site? E yes EI No ls there Eleclrical Power on this Building? E Yes E tto Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Desffiption of work Sinqle family New Construction OISGIAIMER: lhereby certirthat allthe information in thls appliGtion is correct and allwork willcomply with the State EuildifgCode and all other a ppticable State and tocal laws and ordinancesand reSulatrons. The NHC oevelopment Services Centerwlllb€ notified ofany chanSes in the approved plans and speciffcations or change in contractorinformation. '+lNOTEr Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the BldS code and subject tg.ffaes up to $500.00**. Owner/Contractor : Jason D Akins Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: '15 New lmpervious a1g3; 3013 Sq Ft Existint l.and Disturbing Permit: tr yes t'to wafERt {CFPUA E community System E private welt E central well E Aqua sEwER: Ef6PUA E Community system fl private septic E centralseptic fl Aqua Zone: _ Offtcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (Al _ Ul _ (N) _ BFE+2fr= _$z ZZY Comment: permit Fee: s 191s 404 pROpERly OryNER,S NAME: Jeremy & Sam Raebum rngxE r: !!9;4Q14799 EXlSTlt{G CONSTRUCTION: n Akeration D Renovation n General RepaiB NEW COI{STRUCIION: /Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation .**PLE:rASE CHECX AIVD ANSW .** ElzAtt Garage (SF) 1634 E Detcarage{SF)_ ts-aporch (SF) 356 ! Sunroom (SF)_ I Pool (SF)_ D Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) W{eck gry 4g2 D other (sF) - "Licensed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? EI Yes E No Existing lmpervlous Area: 0 Sq ft o_--- &'! NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI'/IIT APPLICAfiON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL pLEASE Aa,rSl./ER ALL QUESTIoI|S APpLICABLE T0 yoUR pRolECT "Project Responsibi1lty" ?dt+ )Ll++1#89- APPLICATION Number (Office Use) APPLICANT'S l,lAllE : pr.rlre Homes DATE: 2 - 1,1? DEVELOPER: Newland communr E i es PIoNE f: e)-o- 442-2840 PROIECT ADDRESs: 4 011 Ruddy Duck way CITY: llilminqotn SUBDIVISTON:River Liqhts BLOCK *: OUINER's ADDRESS: 3504 Parinqdon Court CITY: Mylt1e Beach CONTRACTOR:Pufte Homes LfCEiISE #: 1e 311 ADDRESS: l5Q4 Ear4sdo4 cortrr CITY: Myrtle Beach PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: Tiffany Bowie PIONE f: 843-3s3-511 9 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEti colitsTRucTlolr; fl enecr NEH REsIDENCE o" f] mOrrrOt TO EXISTING RESIDENCE II'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSNER BELOI{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOI'R PRO]ECT: ffi arr caRaer aos sF I oet eluor _ sFaSUNROOM 212 5F ZIP i 28a12 LoT *: 01L29 ST: sc ZIP: 29s79 ST: sc ZfP: 29s7e peonor ll;--sFf] sronaee sHED _ sFfl eoor- _ sr f] cReernousr - sF I orcx SF OTHER:5F TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 2306 TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER R00F: 2B1s ToTAL AREA SQ FT: zers TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lor) : $ reroaz fi OF STORIEST Is Any €LECTRICAL, PLt llEIt{G or IIECHAI'IICAL tJork Eeing Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ver I UoIf the pnoject is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? f] yes flruors there Electrical Por^,er on this Building? f]ves f]to PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY, El STruOIE FAMILY E DUPLEX TOI,JNHOU5E DESCRIPTIoN OF HORK: Maltin Ra Elevation #LC1B wi. th sunroom, bdrm ILO garaqe storaqe, fir eplace, studY ILo fl ex, Master Bath #1 arld ordinances and regulalions. Tne NHC Devebpmenr SeNices Cener wil be notlled otany chenges in he appoved pt s and specilicalions or chafige an contraclc.orcoorracror informaton. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O he Apprcpnaie pomjts wi[ be in Violation ot ihe NC Sr6ls €s Up To $500.00"' o}rNER/COaiITRACTOR: tiffanv Bo!,,,ie /put r e Homes SI6I,14TURE : :r+** ++,*++*,t **** *** **** * *** *(*r.,* ** + **ir* *{(+ ***,r +**+ +*,* *,r* +r**,t ++*,t*,r+ ***,1*)*) IS THE PROPERTY LOCAIED II{ A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTIiIG IIPERVIoUS AREA: _SQ FT NEW IT,IPERVIOUS AREA: -sQ FT NO EXIST LAND DISTURBIIIG PERIiIIT: D EYES TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: l"lATER:CFPUA f] com,rururw svsreu I pRrvArE r.,ELr fl crHrRal wrll sEr,iER: EI cFpuA n CENTRAL sEprrc I nnrvnrr sEprrc D cc[4MUNrTy SysTEM (FOR OFFICC UsE CaJ!Y) SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ fl vrs I No 25L(,d *'r SEPARATE PERfqrrs, REQUTREo FoR ELEcr, ttEcH, pLBc, GAs EgJrp, pREraBs & rNsERTsp^yritE'r nErroor ficasn flcrecK (pAyABrE ,o nr.y [-r*r; ;;;r* E;;r;;;;^,*)*+*,* +****:a+*,**,r+++ *{.* *:r*,r.*)r,* * ,* ,t,* ***,i +,t*)r*,a+* *+***)t:i***+ )i****+ **r+* **++*+***+:i** ll7 pnar DI COVER REVISED DAIE O4l11/12 .t )s B F E+2ft= PERI'4IT FEE: g Aprroval: Citv:DATE:- FLOoD: - Co0ment: PROPERTY O,f'lERrS l,lAl.lE: putre Hoftes PtOtlE $: 843-3s3-s119 EIIIAIL ADDRESS: Tj.ffan.., - Bowieopulte. con PHONE *: 843-3s3-s119 ZONE: OFFICER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PER''IIT APPLICATIoN rYPE; RESIDET'ITIAL PLEASE AiI5I,{ER ALL QUESTIOIIS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibltlty" )ot+*zgT> APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'5 l,lAllE: pulte somes DATE: 2-L-17 DEVELOPER: Newland Communiries PIONE f: 91o - 442 -2a4a ZIP i 28412 LoT *: 0103 7 PROIECT ADDRESS: sBs Lyrebird A SUBDMSION: Ri\rer LiqhEs CITY: wi1 BLOCK *: Pulte Homes PIXCNE *: Farinqdon Courb CITY: Mvlrle Beach ST: sc ZIp:29s?9 LfCENSE *: 1er1iCoNTRACToR: Pu1 e Homes ADDRESS: 3504 Farinodon Court EitAIL ADORESS: ?i f fany. Bouie@pu1re. com PROPERTY OhINER'S IllA E: C[,INER'S ADDRESS: 3 so4 -353-s119 CITY:MyrELe Beach 5T: sc ZIP: 29s7e P}ONE $: 843-3s3-s11s Ti.ffany B ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NE!'J RE5IDENCE O" f] ADDTTTON TO EXISTII{G RESIDENCE |'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSI,IER BELol4l ALL THAT ApPLY TO YOUR PROIECT: ATT GARAGE 519 SF I oer eanace _ sF PRO]ECT CONTACT PER9ON: EXISTIT.IG CONSTRUCTION: SUNROOM SF f] cnrrrunouse _ sF PooL _ sF OECK SF PIONE *: 843-3s3-s119 RE LOCAT ION PoRCH L*SF STORAGE SHED OTHE R: SF SF TOTAT HEATED SQ T0TAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: 2618 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 2ers TOTAL PR0IECT C05T (r-ess uor) : $ tzt,gzt f 0F STORIES: 2 fs Any ELECIRICAL, PLUI'iBII|G or neCHAflICAL t/ork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ver I noIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [Ves I UoIs there Electnical Power on this Building? f]Ves [ruo pRopERTy usE / occupAMy: E} srruerr remrlv f] outr-rx I ro N]tousE DESCRIPTIoN OF WORK: sEeel creek Elev LC2c wlth scleened polch, 4! Garaqe Extension, FT: 1B?? WaLk-up Att.ic Storage, Mastea Bath #1 DISCLAIMERi Ih€.eby certify tlar all aod ordinances md regutauons. The conlrack'r inbrmatoo. "llOTE : Any hbnnalion in his applicalion is correcr and allworkwil comptywir] he Slale Buildjng Cod€ and al otr6rapplicable Siae and locatl6wsNBC Developmeat Servees Cen€rwi[ be noli,ied ola0ychang€s in he apprcved pl6ns and sD€cil]calions or change in confactororWork Performed WO theAppropriate Permits wilbe jn OWNER/CONTRACT0R: ri r r"""Bowie/Pulte Homes violalion otrho NC s SIGNATURE : ,r * +,1 ,r * *:i )i i.:r *+,r.,* *** ******** *(i11! fil9 ) 'l * * ** *+ ** ** +*+ *!** )t * +r*!* * ** * *: ** * * + EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA sQ d Subjecl To 5500.00"' l'lEW IMPERVIoUS AREA: _Sq MTER: fl CFPUA E coiT'lUNITY SYSTEM SEHER: I CrnUa I CENTRAL SEPTTC *'* SEPARATE PERflItS REQUI PAY}tErfi TiiETHOD: IClSu f] caecx ZoNE: _ OF FICE R: FT FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXI5T LAND DISTURBING PERI'IIT: I_I YES T']NO I I PRrvArE srnrrc l_l coM*JNrw sysrEr4 i ,I IL\L0/ cfl PRIVATE h]ELI CENTRAL I^IE L L OR ELECT, HECH, PLS6, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERRED F ( PAY TS r'r* I orscoven tl *,*,t ,*r**+:i***)*,r jt I *,t,f *,i,t +****,*** +**,**)t* a:*** t***!*+***)** * +,*,* +*+*,*)* ***** ***+ ++*,i*+* ABI-E To nHc) [ +rrnrcar exraess I HC/VISA {FOR OFfI(E USI OIILY) REVIsED OAI€ O4l11/12 SETEACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B: B F E+2ft= N PERI4IT FEE: g Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: -- _- connent: A v G( -+#8+ IS THE PROPERIY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? T'I YES E] T{O Aa a qINEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION IYPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" Appllcatlon Number (offlce use) App cANT,s NAME. Herrington Classic Homes, LLC Date 4lltt PROJECT AooREss; 421 Burgee Ct 61ry. Castle Hayne ZtP.28428 sUBDtVlstoN: River Bluffs 161s. 101 PROPERTY oWNER,S NAME: Herrington Classic Homes, LLC PHONE S. 910-399-5688 OWNER,s ADDRE5S: PO Box 538 61ry. Wrightsville Beach aP.28480 CONTRAcToRi Herrington Classic Homes, LLC B|_DG UCENSE #. 68106 AoDREss: PO Box 538 61ry. Wrightsville Beach sT. NC ztp. 28480 EMAIL ADDRESS:heather@herringtonclassichomes.com PHONE. 9'10-399-5688 PROJEcr coNTAcr pERsol. Craig Johnson Pl{oNE.910-442-7500 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration C Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation *** t** E Att Garage (5F) 508 tr Detcarage(sF)- E Porch (SF)311 ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (sF) ! Greenhouse (sF) :n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing'the exlsting footprlnt? f) Yes ! No ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed workl Heated.2189 untr""t"aFffi 6lQ TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S345000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? EI Yes fl No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesDNo lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Bullding? E Yes n No Propeny Use/ occupancy: E single Famlly E Duplex D Townhouse Descriptio n sg \ rsyk, Construct new single family residence laws and ordlnancesand regulatlons. The NHC Development Serylces Centerwlllbe notlfied of anychanSes ln the plans and speclficatlons or ctange in contracto. lnformatlon. t"NOTEi Any work performed wlthoutthe approprlate permlts wlllbe ln vlolatlon of the subject to flnes up to $s00.00..* owner/6on1rr.1or. Craig Johnson Signaturer New tmpervious Area. 4280 SqFt Existing Land Dlsturblng permit E yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Communlty System E private Well EI Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: G CFPUA tr Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Otficer: ".- Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Oate: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) .- (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ TotalAcres Disturbed: Comment;Permlt Fee; $$l,ng- ! storage shed (sF) _ ! ot6er (sF)- "Llcensed Quoliliet" Prlnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplaln? E Yes El No Existlng lmp€rvlous Area: _ Sq Ft pRoJEcT ADDREss: 718 Arjean Dr h Construction Com an CtTy. Wilmington )d+w{0 (off.e use) AppltcANT,s NAMg; Yarborou pqls; 3/8/17 7'p. 28411 sUBDtVtstoN: Arjean by the Sea LOf:7 pRopERTy owNER'S NAME: George Saunders pHoNE f: 910-2622627 OwNER,s ADDRESS: PO Box 1035 611y Wrightsville Beach y1p 28480 CoNTRACToR: Yarborough Construction Company sl-oc lrcrNsr * 33234 ADDRESS: 2606 l\,4iddle Sound Loop Rd ctTY: wilmington sT: NC ztP 28411 EMAII. ADDRESS:varborouqhconstruction@qmail.com p6sxs 910-232-2508 pRO.tECT CONTACT pgt56l Scott Yarborough PHONET 910-232-2508 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: f Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *,},}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtT THATAPPTY TO YOUR PRO.,ECT*A' n Att Ga rage {sF)2582 E Det Garage (SF)f, Porch (SF)1361 n sunroom (sF) n creenhouse (SF)_ tr Pool (sF) n Deck (sF)365 E Storage Shed (5F)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAI- SQ FT UNDERROOF \for proposed workl Hg61g6; 4120 Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $ 900,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? n Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes E No lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes n No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family E Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: Build new sinqle faimilv house Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpqruiqu5 41s3; 3570 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System El private Well E Central Welt E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA n Community System E private Septic i Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Ftood;(A)_(V) _(N)_BFE+2ft=_ Comment: permit Fee: S z,+)A NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATI O N rYPE: RESI DENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" n Other (5F) _ lawsand ordinancesend reguletions- The NHC Develo pment Serv ices Centerwillbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specificatton5 orchange in contractor information. "TNOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO..' owner/contractor: YarboroughConstructionCompany Signature: "Licensed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? EI Yes I No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 5q Ft < 1l)