2017-03-20 RM ExhibitsExhibit g Book �L Page 6. NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Lord Drive located within the Natures Walk Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No. 1241 -N) WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 20th day of March, 2017. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 20th day of March, 2017. ti 0 o i K berleigh G.4trowell, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 1 •fS1ABL1SH�O Form SR -2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. Exhibit Book XL- Page& a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION ACCEPTANCE OF BULLET AND STAB PROTECTIVE VEST WHEREAS, Vested Interest in K9s, Inc., a non - profit organization whose mission is to provide bullet and stab protective vests and other assistance to dogs of law enforcement and related agencies; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office has a K -9 by the name of Bane who is in need of this protective equipment; and WHEREAS, a fundraiser was hosted by Patti Hill of Wilmington, NC and a donation was received to sponsor the bullet and stab protective vest for K -9 Bane; and WHEREAS, a budget amendment for accounting purposes only is required to record the value of the donations and said budget amendment is attached as part of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the equipment named above is accepted, the budget amendment and resolution are adopted; and County staff is directed to process any required documents to finalize the transaction. ADOPTED this the 20`h day of March, 2017 ATTEST: 0 K berleigh G. Vrowell, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book _ Page 2b AGENDA: March 20, 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety/ crime prevention Fund: General Department: Sheriffs Office Ex nditure: Decrease I Increase 11 Total BA 17 -056 Supplies S 1,050 1 S 1,050 S - $ - $ 1,0501S 1,050 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17 -056 Contribution S 1,050 S 1,050 S S - $ 1,050 S 11050 Prior to Actions Total if Actions T da Taken Departmental Budget Section 2: Explanation BA 17 -056 accepts a contribution of a K9 bullet proof and stab protective vest from Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. at a price of $1,050. The vest is for a K9 in the Sheriff s Office named Bane who is in need of this protective equipment. Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. is a 501c(3) nonprofit whose mission is to provide bullet and stab protective vests and other assistance to dogs of law enforcement and related agencies throughout the United States. The Sheriffs Office submitted an application to Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. in January of this year for the vest and a fundraiser was hosted by Patti Hill of Wilmington, North Carolina. The fundraiser proceeds were received by Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. to sponsor the vest for K9 Bane. No County funds are being used to purchase the vest. The budget amendment allows for recording of the asset. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 17 -056 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2 7, is adopted. c Adopted, this 20th day of March, 2017. (SEAL) G��M ! • ^'pp V �/ Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Kf M� Kjahberleigh G. CkAell, Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION Exhibit Book, YL Page a� •3 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County owns certain personal property itemized on the attached Exhibit A that is no longer functional for governmental purposes by the County; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners is desirous of declaring this property surplus and disposing of as authorized by North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 160A- Article 12; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the County to sell said surplus property by electronic public auction according to the procedures prescribed in NCGS 160A- 270(c) which authorizes the disposal of personal property electronically using an existing private or public electronic auction service; and WHEREAS, items not sold by electronic will be disposed of using any other method authorized in the NCGS 160A- Article 12 including discarding the items. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners as follows: 1. The personal property itemized on the attached Exhibit A is hereby declared to be surplus property. 2. That the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A -270 (c), is hereby authorized to dispose of the personal property listed by electronic public auction and any property not sold by electronic means may be disposed of using any other method authorized by the NCGS 160A- Article 12, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title, add/delete items from the surplus list, and perform all necessary functions associated with this disposal. 3. All surplus property will be sold "as is," all sales will be final and the acceptable forms of payment are cash, certified check, money order, and Visa or MasterCard. New Hanover County makes no express or implied warranties of merchantability of any surplus property, or part thereof, or its fitness for any particular purpose regardless of any oral statements that may be made concerning the surplus property or any part thereof. 4. A notice summarizing this Resolution and the sale of the surplus property shall be advertised on the County's website and/or in the Wilmington Star News at least ten (10) days prior to the electronic public auction. ADOPTED this the 20`h day of March, 2017 ATTEST: ka Q4�� K berleigh G. 04owell, Clerk to the Board tw c a a Q O L N Lu O N L u L m a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a u -a L L L L t L L L L L 4 c L L L L _v L �. > > y, > > > > > > > > a > a > a > a > a > a > v M VI O V C �••� Vf O 4� C O C y.� O C 4+ Ln O y+ c I 0 O y+ C 4+ VI O c 4r VI O a.+ C 4+ N O c 4.+ 0 O N C 4+ VI O 4+ c I (n O V C y,� N O y, c I (A O i+ C 4+ 0 O F+ c y/ 0 O 41 C a a C U al '0 u a 'u U a 'u V a 'u V a 'u u N 'v U a 'u u a 'u u a 'u V a 'u u a 'u u a 'u V a V a V a V a 'C) ,NI a a s a a a a a a a a a a a a Z a Z a 'u a }, ' m o Ln u C `� V c `� u c `� u c � u c `� u r~ V c `� u C V c V C `� u C r- u c u c `� u c `� u c `� u c `� o m a m a m a m a m a m a m a m a m a m a m a m a m v m a m a m a ao .!= L o C a C a �+ C a v c a c a v c a v c a c a v c a v c a v c a v C a v c a c a v c a v C a v c m m c .✓ c 7� w C 3 4- 4" c 7 �•- �+ c m w 41 C m w a+ c 7 w 4• c 7 4- a-+ c 7 4- 41 C 7 4- 4+ C 7 W. 41 C: 7 4.. 4+ C 7 w ar C m w- a+ c 7 a. 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'0 41 C ` y '4+ 7 a L y N E r r i w ° 3 v CL 4' L v vi o0 3 rn C v 'co ai '" cu ��., • n v v O C, Q E ED .�? rri CL v c m o y c E U � w vi > E fC c0 a L C oD � ro U a N CO CJ S V i U E a �► C! V °' Y _O c O _N (U °�° N �_ v$ s E U L 3 ++ .E f0 v t\ N 3 'L° _N o J U C c Q CL a m m J O J E 1 O t o a o 0 o > ° aJ > 4+ o E o ° _ J J 41 E 41 E 41 E 4+ E 4.1 E 4+ E u V 4-1 E 41 E 4.1 E 4+ E 4.1 E u- E tw E rko tw rw t r� OA to OA w OD co 2 2 2, " 2 2 2 2 2'. 2 c CL a a v a a a v v a a a a a d t m a O O O = O O O t s 0 0 O O O s y O L a L a L a L L L N Ln L L L L L N > d L a a a c. a a a a a rn °v a a a s a a s aaa aaaaa a s N z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z a a a a s a a s aaa aaaaa a s z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z m 't u'1 t0 n oo rn o .--r N m V Ln tD r, w rn O ' - ICT Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln in Ln tD Exhibit v, Book iL Pa9e° -Q'1i NEW HANOVER COUNTY Allison Snell TAX DEPARTMENT Tax Administrator 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 190 Scott Saunders WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 -1671 Asst. Tax Administrator TELEPHONE (910) 798 -7300 FAX (910) 798 -7310 Lawana Schulze Asst. Tax Administrator Order for Advertisement of 2016 Unpaid Tax Liens on Real Property As required by G.S. 105 -369 Advertisement of Unpaid Tax Liens of Real Propert x It is hereby ordered that the Collector of Revenue will cause to have published once in a local newspaper all unpaid 2016 tax liens on real property during the period prescribed by law. The advertisement will combine the liens of the County of New Hanover, City of Wilmington, Town of Kure Beach, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Carolina Beach and the Fire District taxes thereon. This 20`h day of March, 2017. K berleigh G. CYrowell, Clerk to the Board Witness G9W9, Woody New Hanover Coup. Chairman of Commissioners Exhibit Book Page New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for November 2016 Current Year 2016 NE N R COUN Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments an Real Estate CI rk t Personal Property o Motor Vehicles 20 tom Combined $ 145,985,279.26 $ (70,219.51) $ 1,869.21 $ 13,056,376.88 $ (69,483.14) $ 1,668.93 $ 4,909,876.66 $ $ $ 163,951,532.80 (139,702.65) 3,538.14 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ $ 145,916,928.96 69,770,111.12 66,063.29 (219.01) $ $ $ $ 12,988,562.67 2,039,978.31 2,275.09 (609.81) $ $ 4,909,876.66 4,909,876.66 $ $ $ $ 163,815,368.29 76,719,966.09 68,338.38 (828.82) Outstanding Balance $ 76,212,662.12 $ 10,950,249.64 $ - $ 87,162,911.76 Collection Percentage 47.77 349.98 15.69 $ 100.00 $ 46.79 YTD Interest Collected $ 2,138.55 $ - $ 33,450.87 $ 35,589.42 $ 11,524.09 $ 564,611.46 *Refunds $ 11,775.26 $ 5,559.35 Total 2016 Collections YTD 76,687,217.13 Prior Years 2006 -2015 NE N R COUN 9 Cpair Q" an Real Estate CI rk t Personal Property o Motor Vehicles 20 tom Combined Scroll $ 1,607,638.86 $ 3,534,628.45 $ 1,032,508.08 $ 6,174,775.39 Abatements $ (592.35) $ (73,896.28) $ (74,488.63) Adjustments $ 349.98 $ 349.98 Total Levy $ 1,607,046.51 $ 3,461,082.15 $ 1,032,508.08 $ 6,100,636.74 Collections to Date $ 461,041.40 $ 92,045.97 $ 11,524.09 $ 564,611.46 *Refunds $ 11,775.26 $ 5,559.35 $ 1,745.12 $ 19,079.73 Write -off $ (40.51) $ (69.17) $ (132.17) $ (241.85) Outstanding Balance 1 $ 1,157,739.86 $ 3,374,526.36 $ 1,022,596.94 $ 5,554,863.16 YTD Interest Collected 1 $ 53,523.40 $ 11,440.72 $ 4,053.84 $ 69,017.96 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 614,549.69 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 77,301,766.82 *Detailed information for Refunds can he found in the Tax Office NE N R COUN 9 Cpair Q" an CI rk t the o .5 20 tom Date Exhibit L Page 0't3 b Book __i�___ _ 9 New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for November 2016 Current Year 2016 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 6,856,300.12 $ (405.15) $ 2,813.53 $ 715,666.77 $ (6,965.91) $ 128.94 $ 290,357.82 $ $ $ 7,862,324.71 (7,371.06) 2,942.47 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ 6,858,708.50 3,774,186.96 (15.90) $ $ $ 708,829.80 94,663.28 (45.24) $ $ 290,357.82 290,357.82 $ $ $ $ 7,857,896.12 4,159,208.06 - (61.14) Outstanding Balance $ 3,084,505.64 $ 614,121.28 $ - $ 3,698,626.92 Collection Percentage 55.03 - 13.36 $ 100.00 $ 52.93 YTD Interest Collected $ 449.09 $ - $ 1,893.62 $ 2,342.71 $ 543.88 $ 22,591.39 *Refunds $ 20.23 Total 2016 Collections YTD 4,161,550.77 Prior Years 2006 -2015 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 80,323.15 $ 174,186.61 $ 50,434.37 $ 304,944.13 Scroll Abatements $ (20.23) $ (1,569.25) $ (1,589.48) Adjustments $ - Total Levy $ 80,302.92 $ 172,617.36 $ 50,434.37 $ 303,354.65 Collections to Date $ 19,943.11 $ 2,104.40 $ 543.88 $ 22,591.39 *Refunds $ 20.23 $ 20.23 Write -off $ (3.58) $ (5.24) $ (10.71) $ (19.53) Outstanding Balance I $ 60,376.46 1 $ 170,507.72 1 $ 49,879.78 $ 280,763.96 YTD Interest Collected 1 $ 2,617.211 $ 248.36 1 $ 201.16 $ 3,066.73 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 25,658.12 Gland Tote Ail Goltectons YTD $ 4,167,208.89 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NE NO COUN 10 C air an n Cl k t ;�) , 3o 'lct Date Exhibit ,lI Ci Book Page A o New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for November 2016 Current Year 2016 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 18,174,824.34 $ (8,745.74) $ 232.81 $ 1,625,275.07 $ (8,643.02) $ 207.88 $ 285,075.72 $ - $ - $ $ $ 20,085,175.13 (17,388.76) 440.69 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date Write -off $ $ $ 18,166,311.41 8,664,027.75 (28.58) $ $ $ 1,616,839.93 252,956.74 (76.42) $ $ $ 285,075.72 285,075.72 - $ $ $ 20,068,227.06 9,202,060.21 (105.00) Outstanding Balance $ 9,502,255.08 $ 1,363,806.77 $ - $ 10,866,061.85 Collection Percentage 47.69 15.65 100.00 45.85 YTD Interest Collected $ - $ 548.76 Total 2016 Collections YTD ==1 1111111,11111 ' Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HAN R CO TY Ch Irma n Cle t the loard 3 ?,� Date Exhibit Book _ Page c1.. New Hanover Countv Monthly Collection Report for December 2016 Current Year 2016 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Prgperty Motor Vehicles Combined $ 146,004,124.90 $ (76,959.20) $ 2,293.02 $ 13,946,699.20 $ (140,689.29) $ 3,403.46 $ 5,731,175.32 $ $ $ 165,681,999.42 (217,648.49) 5,696.48 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ $ 145,929,458.72 107,273,991.25 146,737.87 (228.93) $ $ $ $ 13,809,413.37 5,808,010.79 4,076.82 (609.81) $ $ 5,731,175.32 5,731,175.32 $ $ $ $ 165,470,047.41 118,813,177.36 150,814.69 (838.74) Outstanding Balance $ 38,801,976.41 $ 8,004,869.59 $ - $ 46,806,846.00 Collection Percentage 73.41 391.72 42.03 $ 100.00 $ 71.71 YTD Interest Collected $ 2,260.39 $ - $ 39,401.32 $ 41,661.71 $ 12,769.07 $ 633,974.55 *Refunds $ 12,853.72 $ 5,237.80 Total 2016 Collections YTD 118,704,024.38 Prior Years 2006 -2015 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,607,638.86 $ 3,534,628.45 $ 1,032,508.08 $ 6,174,775.39 Abatements $ (3,802.23) $ (102,029.58) $ (105,831.81) Adjustments $ 41.74 $ 349.98 $ 391.72 Total Levy $ 1,603,878.37 $ 3,432,948.85 $ 1,032,508.08 $ 6,069,335.30 Collections to Date $ 519,460.91 $ 101,744.57 $ 12,769.07 $ 633,974.55 *Refunds $ 12,853.72 $ 5,237.80 $ 1,745.12 $ 19,836.64 Write -off $ (46.42) $ (69.17) $ (132.17) $ (247.76) Outstanding Balance 1 $ 1,097,224.76 $ 3,336,372.91 $ 1,021,351.96 $ 5,454,949.63 YTD Interest Collected 1 $ 64,180.08 $ 13,169.91 $ 4,605.44 $ 81,955.43 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 696,093.34 Grand Total Al Collections YTO $119;440,117'.72 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office 4 irm n ` n C to th Boar (� A2A Dat Exhibit, aa.6 b Book �_ Page New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for December 2016 Current Year 2016 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 6,856,791.01 $ (518.76) $ 2,813.53 $ 756,792.70 $ (9,228.18) $ 141.69 $ 339,336.89 $ $ $ 7,952,920.60 (9,746.94) 2,955.22 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ 6,859,085.78 5,254,192.16 (17.90) $ $ $ $ 747,706.21 417,936.37 45.24 (45.24) $ $ 339,336.89 339,336.89 $ $ $ $ 7,946,128.88 6,011,465.42 45.24 (63.14) Outstanding Balance $ 1,604,875.72 $ 329,769.84 $ - $ 1,934,645.56 Collection Percentage 76.60 - 55.90 $ 100.00 $ 75.65 YTD Interest Collected $ 466.02 $ - $ 2,215.82 $ 2,681.84 $ 583.81 $ 25,269.80 *Refunds $ 20.23 Total 2016 Collections YTD 6,014,147.26 Prior Years 2006 -2015 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 80,323.15 $ 174,186.61 $ 50,434.37 $ 304,944.13 Abatements $ (20.23) $ (2,015.67) $ (2,035.90) Adjustments $ - Total Levy $ 80,302.92 $ 172,170.94 $ 50,434.37 $ 302,908.23 Collections to Date $ 22,360.74 $ 2,325.25 $ 583.81 $ 25,269.80 *Refunds $ 20.23 $ 20.23 Write -off $ (4.16) $ (5.24) $ (10.71) $ (20.11) Outstanding Balance 1 $ 57,958.25 1 $ 169,840.45 1 $ 49,839.85 1 $ 277,638.55 YTD Interest Collected $ 2,988.58 $ 290.58 $ 215.40 $ 3,494.56 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 28,764.36 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 6,042,911.62 Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NE ANO R CO TY � irm n n CIW Z th Boa 3 7 Dat Exhibit L Page ),$ , � C Book -- New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for December 2016 Current Year 2016 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 18,175,686.26 $ (9,585.16) $ 285.59 $ 1,736,151.50 $ (17,511.72) $ 423.91 $ 382,717.49 $ - $ - $ $ $ 20,294,555.25 (27,096.88) 709.50 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date Write -off $ $ $ 18,166,386.69 13,298,345.42 (32.77) $ $ $ 1,719,063.69 721,476.36 (76.42) $ $ $ 382,717.49 382,717.49 - $ $ $ 20,268,167.87 14,402,539.27 (109.19) Outstanding Balance $ 4,868,008.50 $ 997,510.91 $ - $ 5,865,519.41 Collection Percentage 1 73.20 41.97 100.001 71.06 YTD Interest Collected 1 $ - $ 987.83 1 $ 987.83 total 201Q toll WD, $14,403,527.10 • Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW NOVE OUNTY I ,A CIAA o the Bpard V 3 lu Date Exhibit Book _1 L Page a S.7 a New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for January 2017 Current Year 2016 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 146,004,124.90 $ (88,987.97) $ 2,293.02 $ 13,947,420.54 $ (317,461.24) $ 3,432.02 $ 6,690,026.49 $ $ $ 166,641,571.93 (406,449.21) 5,725.04 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ $ 145,917,429.95 141,242,683.51 317,757.25 (222.68) $ $ $ $ 13,633,391.32 12,568,940.18 7,324.75 (913.30) $ $ 6,690,026.49 6,690,026.49 $ $ $ $ 166,240,847.76 160,501,650.18 325,082.00 (1,135.98) Outstanding Balance $ 4,992,281.01 $ 1,070,862.59 $ - $ 6,063,143.60 Collection Percentage 96.58 6,116.76 92.15 $ 100.00 $ 96.35 YTD Interest Collected $ 52,820.67 $ 4,915.26 $ 46,883.81 $ 104,619.74 $ 13,384.16 $ 154,504,939.87 *Refunds $ 332,625.17 $ 14,765.74 Total 2016 Collections YTD 160,281,187.92 Prior Years 2006 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 147,612,044.64 $ 17,482,048.99 $ 1,032,508.08 $ 166,126,601.71 Abatements $ (93,051.94) $ (435,713.35) $ (528,765.29) Adjustments $ 2,334.76 $ 3,782.00 $ 6,116.76 Total Levy $ 147,521,327.46 $ 17,050,117.64 $ 1,032,508.08 $ 165,603,953.18 Collections to Date $ 141,802,427.41 $ 12,689,128.30 $ 13,384.16 $ 154,504,939.87 *Refunds $ 332,625.17 $ 14,765.74 $ 1,887.09 $ 349,278.00 Write -off $ (269.97) $ (986.55) $ (137.56) $ (1,394.08) Outstanding Balance 1 $ 6,051,255.25 $ 4,374,768.53 $ 1,020,873.45 $ 11,446,897.23 YTD Interest Collected 1 $ 121,359.67 $ 20,822.01 $ 4,852.07 $ 147,033.75 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 154,302,695.62 Grand Toiat..lt Cotlectlons YTDi.. $ 314,583,883.54 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office Exhibit ) Book /1L Page O New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for January 2017 Current Year 2016 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 6,856,791.01 $ (1,032.23) $ 2,813.53 $ 756,797.05 $ (17,335.81) $ 138.57 $ 397,074.12 $ $ $ 8,010,662.18 (18,368.04) 2,952.10 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ 6,858,572.31 6,615,042.94 (18.58) $ $ $ 739,599.81 687,780.89 (71.34) $ $ 397,074.12 397,074.12 $ $ $ $ 7,995,246.24 7,699,897.95 (89.92) Outstanding Balance $ 243,510.79 $ 51,747.58 $ - $ 295,258.37 Collection Percentage 96.45 2,952.10 93.00 $ 100.00 $ 96.31 YTD Interest Collected $ 2,539.91 $ 291.98 $ 2,642.81 $ 5,474.70 $ 604.83 $ 7,331,061.70 *Refunds $ 20.23 Total 2016 Collections YTD 7,705,372.65 Prior Years 2006 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 6,937,114.16 $ 930,983.66 $ 50,434.37 $ 7,918,532.19 Abatements $ (1,052.46) $ (20,185.09) $ (21,237.55) Adjustments $ 2,813.53 $ 138.57 $ 2,952.10 Totallevy $ 6,938,875.23 $ 910,937.14 $ 50,434.37 $ 7,900,246.74 Collections to Date $ 6,639,587.26 $ 690,869.61 $ 604.83 $ 7,331,061.70 *Refunds $ 20.23 $ 20.23 Write -off $ (22.74) $ (77.10) $ (10.85) $ (110.69) Outstanding Balance 1 $ 299,285.46 $ 219,990.43 $ 49,818.69 $ 569,094.58 YTD Interest Collected 1 $ 5,772.43 $ 737.88 $ 228.45 $ 6,738.76 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 7,337,800.46 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 15,043,173.11 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOY.ER COUNTY \,O the Date Exhibit L Page `7 C Book New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for January 2017 Current Year 2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 18,175,686.26 $ 1,736,241.35 $ 498,392.99 $ 20,410,320.60 Scroll /Billed Abatements $ (10,723.01) $ (39,528.48) $ - $ (50,251.49) Adjustments $ 285.59 $ 427.47 $ - $ 713.06 Total Taxes Charged $ 18,165,248.84 $ 1,697,140.34 $ 498,392.99 $ 20,360,782.17 Collections to Date $ 17,475,591.56 $ 1,562,763.83 $ 498,392.99 $ 19,536,748.38 *Refunds $ 1,928.50 $ 1,928.50 Write -off $ (34.56) $ (115.47) $ - $ (150.03) Outstanding Balance $ 691,551.22 $ 134,261.04 $ - $ 825,812.26 Collection Percentage 96.19 92.09 100.00 95.94 YTD Interest Collected $ 6,017.90 $ 612.05 $ 1,627.05 $ 8,257.00 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office ExhibiLY_L Book Page 4k AGENDA: March 20, 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Fund: General Department: Sheriffs Office Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 17 -055 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicle $ 10,794 $ 10,794 BA 17 -060 Detectives/Vice $ 36,650 $ 36,650 $ - Total Total $ 1 $ 47,44411$ 47,444 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17 -055 Insurance Proceeds $ 10,79411$ 10,794 BA 17 -060 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 36,650 $ 36,650 $ - Total $ - $ 47, Prior to Actions Toda Departmental Budget $ 45,662,062 Section 2: Explanation BA 17 -055 is an insurance reimbursement for a totaled 2008 Ford Expedition vehicle. BA 17 -060 is a reimbursement for VICE and Detectives' overtime for working FBI cases. Total if Actions Taken $ 45,709 506 Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 17 -055 & 17 -060 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, is adopted. Adopted, this 20th day of March, 2017 (SEA r Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: /j K )Uberleigh G. Cr ell, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book — L Page `�, AGENDA: March 20, 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health / wellness education, programs, and services Fund: General Department: Social Services Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 17 -057 Crisis Intervention Payment CIP $ 75,51411$ 75,514 BA 17 -058 Family Support Program $ 14,461 $ 14,461 $ 75,514 $ - BA 17 -058 Family Support Program Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17 -057 Crisis Intervention Payment (CIP ) $ 75,514 $ 75,514 BA 17 -058 Family Support Program $ 14,461 $ 14,461 Prior to Actions Toda Departmental Budget Total if Actions Taken BA 17 -057 increases the budgeted amount for the Crisis Intervention Payment (CIP) program. The amount budgeted is based on estimates from the state. New Hanover County received an additional allocation from the state. This energy assistance program assists low income persons with heating or cooling related crises. The CIP program is part of the Low - Income Home Energy Assistance Program block grant. Households apply for the benefits at their local social services agency. Each county receives an allocation to fund the CIP program based on the poverty level in the county, and the county food and nutrition services caseload numbers. The maximum assistance distributed to vendors on behalf of eligible households is up to $600 per state fiscal year. Payment amounts vary based on the crisis and the amount needed to alleviate the energy crisis. This allocation could potentially help up to 125 additional families. The program funds the CIP benefit payments and are intended to cover all administrative costs. There is no County match for CIP payments. If all of the funds are not spent they are returned to the state. BA 17 -058 budgets additional monies received through the Department of Social Services incentive payments and will be used to administer the Family Support Program aka Fatherhood Incentive Funds. This program purchases services, such as bus tickets and work clothes, to assist fathers to become better parents and to support their children financially. The program works with non - custodial parents referred from Child Support and the New Hanover County Child Support Office and is 100% funded through child support enforcement incentive payments. North Carolina earns incentive payments based on the Child Support Program performance as compared to other states in the nation. No County match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 17 -057 & 17 -058 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, is adopted. Adopted, this 20th day of March, 2017 (SEAL) r" Woody White, Chairm ATTEST: K berleigh G. Cr ell, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book k Page 26--se- AGENDA: March 20, 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department: Sheriffs Office Ex enditure: Decrease Increase 11 Total BA 17 -059 Supplies $ 10,09611$ 10,096 BA 17 -059 Training & Travel $ 8,118 $ 8,118 $ 18,11811$ 18,118 BA 17 -059 Interest Earnings Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17 -059 Controlled Substance Tax $ 18,11811$ 18,118 BA 17 -059 Interest Earnings $ 9611$ 96 Prior to Actions Toda Departmental Budget Total if Actions Taken Section 2: Explanation BA 17 -059 is to budget Controlled Substance Tax receipts of 2/20/17 and interest earnings for October 2016 through January 2017. Funds will go into supplies and training and travel for future expenses. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 17 -059 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, is adopted. Adopted, this 20th day of March, 2017 (SEAL) w Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: At,64�-4ka. K berleigh G. Cr 11, Clerk to the Board Exhibit cr Book �L Page D D --r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR THE PARTIAL CLOSURE OF LANDFILL CELLS 2 -6 (Cells 5 & 6A) WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and recorded by the Environmental Management Department at 2:00 p.m. on the 22nd day of February 2017, at the administrative offices of the Department of Environmental Management, 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North, Wilmington, North Carolina, and three companies submitted qualified bids for the provision of construction services for the Partial Closure of Landfill Cells 2 -6 (Cells 5 & 6A); and WHEREAS, a bid tabulation was completed for the three qualified bidders as shown; and Bidder Bid Amount ES &J Enterprises, Inc. $2,428,180.00 Shamrock Environmental Corporation $2,710,781.00 Triangle Grading & Paving $2,944,251.15 WHEREAS, ES &J Enterprises, Inc. submitted the lowest qualified bid in the amount of $2,428,180; and WHEREAS, a bidder qualification review was completed by SCS Engineers P.C. for ES &J Enterprises, Inc., determining that ES &J Enterprises, Inc. met the criteria for minimum experience as set forth in Section 00100 INVITATION TO BID for minimum experience; and WHEREAS, additional funds needed for this project are available for transfer from the Environmental Management Enterprise Fund into the Northern Property Closure capital project fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the award of construction services for the Partial Closure of Landfill Cells 2 -6 (Cells 5 & 6A) to ES &J Enterprises, Inc., and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to negotiate and execute a contract, the form of which shall be approved by the County Attorney. ADOPTED this the 20th day of March, 2017. NEW HANOVERICOUNTY Woody White, ATTEST: Q Kwa.Aj"' �• KyMberleigh G. rowell, Clerk to the Board Exhibit �' Book --� Page a AGENDA: March 20, 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Control costs and manage to the budget Fund: Environmental Management Department: Environmental Management Ex enditure: Decrease I Increase 11 Total BA 17 -062 Transfer to Capital Projects $ 686,000 I $ 686,00011 S 686,000 Total S - I S 686,000 $ 686,000 Fund: Landfill Northern Property Closure Department: Environmental Management BA 17 -062 Total Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17 -062 Transfer from Enterprise Fund A S 686,000 $ 686,000 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Today Taken Landfill Northern Property Closure Project Appropriated Fund Balance Section 2: Explanation BA 17 -062 appropriates an additional $686,000 of appropriated Fund Balance from the Environmental Management Enterprise Fund to the Landfill Northern Property Closure Capital Project Fund. This amendment is needed to provide adequate funding to award the lowest responsible bid, to partially close landfill cells 2 -6. $1,742,000 was included in the fiscal year 2016 adopted budget for this closure, however $2,428,180 is the bid amount requested to be awarded. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 17 -062, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, adopted. Adopted, Adopted, this 20th day of March, 2017. (SEAL) G��� t �"� Woody White, Ch ATTEST: Kiffiberleigh G. Cr 11, Clerk to the Board Exhibit L Page a8• god Book _ X____ RESOLUTION DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGENT North Carolina Division of Emergency Mana ement Organization Name (hereafter named Organization) Disaster Number: New Hanover Count FEMA- 4285 -DR -NC Applicant's State Cognizant Agency for Single Audit purposes (If Cognizant Agency is not assigned, please indicate): -Cherry Bekaert, LLP Applicant's Fiscal Year (FY) Start Month: July Day: 1 Applicant's Federal Employer's Identification Number 56 - 6000324 Applicant's Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Number 129- 99129- 00 PRIMARY AGENT SECONDARY AGENT Agent's Name Agent's Name Lisa Wurtzbacher Martha Wayne Organization Organization New Hanover County New Hanover Count Official Position Official Position Chief Financial Officer Deputy Chief Financial Officer Mailing Address Mailing Address 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 165 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 165 City ,State, Zip City ,State, Zip Wilmington, NC 28403 Wilmington, NC 28403 Daytime Telephone Daytime Telephone 910 - 798 -7187 910 - 798 -7187 Facsimile Number Facsimile Number 910 - 798 -7806 910 - 798 -7806 BE IT RESOLVED BY the governing body of the Organization (a public entity duly organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina) that the above -named Primary and Secondary Agents are hereby authorized to execute and file applications for federal and /or state assistance on behalf of the Organization for the purpose of obtaining certain state and federal financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief 8 Emergency Assistance Act, (Public Law 93 -288 as amended) or as otherwise available. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above -named agents are authorized to represent and act for the Organization in all dealings with the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for all matters pertaining to such disaster assistance required by the grant agreements and the assurances printed on the reverse side hereof. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT the above -named agents are authorized to act severally. PASSED AND APPROVED this _20th_ day of March , 2017 . GOVERNING BODY CERTIFYING OFFICIAL Name and Title Name Skip Watkins, County Commissioner Vice - Chairman Woody White Name and Title Official Position Jonathan Barfield, Jr., County Commissioner County Commissioner Chairman Name and Title Daytime Telephone Patricia Kusek, County Commissioner 910- 798 -7149 Name and Title Rob Zapple, County Commissioner CERTIFICATION I, Kvmberleigh G. Crowell , (Name) duly appointed and Clerk to the Board (Title) of the Governing Body, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and approved by the Governing Body of New Hanover County (Organization) on the 20th day of March , 2017 n Date: ��l��l /w�L.V�7 Signature: Book`r Page •� Book AGENDA: March 20, 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Understand / act on citizen needs Fund: General Fund Department: Emergency Management - Hurricanes Ex enditure: Decrease I Increase 11 Total BA 17 -061 Hurricane Matthew $ 402,000 $ 402,000 BA 17 -061 Appropriated Fund Balance Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17 -061 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 1,150,000 1 $ 402,00011$ 402,000 Total 1 $ 402,000 1 $ 402,000 Prior to Actions Toda Appropriated Gen Fund Balance 1 $ 2,278,280 Fund: Environmental Management Enterprise Fund Department: Environmental Management Total if Actions Taken Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 17 -061 Envir Mgt Hurricane Matthew $ 1,150,000 $ 1,150,000 w Prior to Actions Total if Actions Todax Taken Appropriated EM Fund Balance MOM I IS 2,768 933 Section 2: Explanation BA 17 -061 is requested to appropriate Fund Balance for Hurricane Matthew related expenditures. The Board adopted a Proclamation of State of Emergency on October 6, 2016. Following this proclamation, the Joint Information Center (JIC), Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and three shelters were activated. On October 17, 2016, Environmental Management began collecting curbside vegetative yard debris in the unincorporated areas of the County. At this time, staff is working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the N.C. Division of Emergency Management to determine the amount of the Public Assistance reimbursement. The General Fund Appropriated Fund balance is being increased by $402,000 and the Environmental Management Enterprise Fund Appropriated Fund Balance is being increased by $1,150,000. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 17 -061 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, is adopted. Adopted, this 20th day of March, 2017 (SEAL) Woody White, F.1109 =0 KjAberleigh G. C ell, Clerk to the Board