MARCH 23TH 2017 BUILDING APPr)-JoC !i !1\ry. APPLICANT'S NAHE: simon Roofinq and sheeL Metal corp RECEIVED l|lAS 16 20fl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI1ATI1N |YPE; COIiIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSUIER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" :}7-87 c APPLICATION Number (office use) az =t OATEi a3/16/2017 OEVELOPER:PHONE *: 330-629-'7663 PROIECT ADDRESS: 37r5 paLrior way OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAItlE: Cape Eear Commercial PROPERTY OWNERTS NAIIE: cape Fear commercral oWNER'5 ADDRESS: 10s1 Milirary curoff Road PHONE f: 910-s2o-1062 +ito-t e- 6c./ * ''t) -!\I-Z ADDRESS: 7O Karaqo Avenue LICENSE #: 2s824 CfTY: YounqsEown, EIIAIL ADDRESS: cdoni tzen@s imonroof inq. com PRoIECT CONTACT PERSoN: curt writtenhouse or Mike Hammond PHONE *: 33o 629 '/663 PHONE #: 949-sa4-9a4'l (Check AII rhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Ives I r'ro NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: T If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit f: IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? '.**** rs THrs A 6HANGE oF occupaNcy user Ives ErO -.--* Is Elect Power on this Buildin8 E Yes E ruO t^Jhat is the New occupancy TypeJ ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL i \rruen DE5r6N PROFESSIONAL: PH:NC REG #: NC REG +:PH DESCRIPTION OF tiORK: Roof restoration. embeddino a oolv fabric in a 1i guid membrane Car' -J.?, o,S'/ .Z ls food or beverages prepared or served in this slructure? Eves I llo ls The Property Located ln The Ftoodplainf I ves [ ruo DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all information in this applicalion is correcl and all work will comply with lhe and local laws and ordinances and reoulations. The NHC Develoomenl Servrces Center wrll be nolr,red of anv or change in conlraclor er conkacior r-nlormalion. "'NOTE Any Work Performed WO the Approplale PermrisSubiecllo Fines Up To $500 00"' Slale Building Code and allolher applicable Slate chanoes in lhe aDDroved olans and soecficatronswrll b;e in Violalion ol rhe llC Slaie Bloq Code and SIGNATURE: (ouarfie4 rOTAL PROJECT COST: 3l '792.91 Note: Demoli oo notifcalions & asb€stos removal permit applicalions are to be submltled using the applicalion form (DHHS-3768) whether lhs fcillty or buildlng was found to contaln Asboslos or nol. You are roqulred !o callthe National Emission Sbndards for Haza.dous Alr Pollutanls (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 ar least 10 days prior lo the dsmolillon ofany tadlily orbuildlng. Sse Asb€slos Web Slte: hltpr r^urv.opi.slate.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.html TOTALAREASQFT: 15 500 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA # OF UNITS # OF STRUCTURES SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: f OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: Exsr LAND DrsruRBrNG pERMrr? l_l vrs [ ruo BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: SQ FT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHER: WATER: ECFPUA fl COMMUNITY SYSTEM flWELL SEWER: E CFPUA fl CENTRAL sEPTlc PRTVATE SEPTTC fl EzoNrNG usE cLASStF|CATTON COMMUNITY SYSTEM ", SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG,GAS EOUIP, PRI FABS S INSERTS "'ro*r*r"r _Trj:*]yf EorscoveR (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) REvrsED DArE ?v11/12 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD:___ BFE+2ft=_ AVNComment PERMIT FEE: $ _LH:_ RH:_ B:_ + 6 { CITY: 'iri lninqrcn ZIPi 281',2 CITY: Jl_l!]!.s!9!_ ST: IS_ ZIP:2!.1!:_ Sf t aH ZIP| 413),2 CONTRACToR: srmon lioo:inq and Sheet l{cLal Co|p OWNER/CONTRACTOR: cindi poni E zen pRopERTy usE: f]oFFrcE Enesreumnr APPLICANI'5 NAME:Ca-rro\\ L Co" DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AODRESS: sUBOIVISION: PROPERTY Ol^lNEn'S ilAI'lE : OI,INER'S ADDRESS:1 CONTRACTOR: AODEESS: EIi,IAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: Io n- uu+t ffi* APPLICATION Numb€r DATE:[(, PHONE #r zre: 7n9 0 ) LOT #: PHONE S:lo -?-ia t-l5o NElil HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING pERmIT AP?LICATI0N TTpE: RESIDENTIAL MoBILE HomE PLEA5E PRINT CLEARLY & ANSWEfi AIT QUESTIONs"Project Responsibility', t\'-O.s C TTY: BLOCK #: CIry: LIC E CITY: sT: A)C zrp:6 NSE *: ^ ^ 4\ sr:2tvQzrn:IJ BQ \ ,l PHONE *: PHoNE #; 9tD 62c AZq (CHEC( ALL THAT APPLY) ! rrvsrarr NEht MoBTLE Horr4E yEl+r-rocrrroru oF usED MoBTLE HoME DEscRIPrIchi oF wORr( i Q-q*..od.oE -[ dr bn b vlor. on ol [E itc SaG Edg CodE rid suU.B D FrE! Up to SS00.0O-. OWNER/CONTRACTOR:h on 516NATURE: + * * * + ** ** + * r(,fi,i )f, * * rr* i.r *** + +*++* **** * +,trrl.,i,t * t srfr,i,**,* * *+*,*.++ *** rr r* l0I * *rtt*+*+.*+ 'l +'i,i i.*)trr***,**.,I5 T}IE PROPESTY LOCATED IN A F urrur I vq1fi-*r"PROPERTY USE,/OCCUFANCY IDENCE / OTHERi HUD LABEL:Aq-:,Bo I.IANUFAcTURER: -t1r-\" or--r--SERIAL #: COLOR: lJds tjqS 9r tpG aLJ YEAR MADE: \qtt wrDTH: HURRICANE ZONE:!: LEN6TH; SflOKE DETECTOR;D NO GARAGE i E YE PoRcH: tl YEs TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: SF SF DECK: I YES Comment: ToTAL PROI ECT COST lress rorl : $ 3OO O ves l-'l r,ro irlATER; SEWER; f,]+reua COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC Approval: R: .- SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_RH:_ B:_ty:_ OATE:_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft= PRIVATE WELL CENTRAL WE LL CFPUA ATE SEPTIC COMMUNITY 5Y5TEM *'r* SEPARATE pgRitrrs REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, I4Eft, PLB6, GAs Equrp, PREFABS & rNsERTs r*r. pAy.'EUT r''ErHm':....?.::....H::.:::.:::::::.::.::1.....=":::::::":::::::.-#fffi^.^.,.F0,,.*u* (fon ffttct lrst rxLY) ZONE : r 0 00,/ T00 0 a OFFICE ci d0udN0so.tE 09LIZLLiIS XVC trVCg:0I LtoZ /to /to oJ*rr.rr, +-'4Jb1- --< ,t,1 f) ? ECT ADDRE IVISION: q NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT apPLIcattoN,vPfr RESIDENTIAL l'1OBI L E HoME ,1/\5r ,RtN (ltAitY E A\S"JlR Arl QVI 5 lONS "Project Responsibility" 2o17,-'Zb tl ^)e I b-lo-/ f APPLI CAT ION PE* rriYl'f 11 \.",r\tsSs.s-{-, (0ffi(e usP) IM S5 NSNI RE C o It I o l BI) t R U { 'i uqr Cor. tl-r ) DAIE: i :)\. ztp, -,1'4'!.f,'rr f .V\l 1// PHONE # s --t c \ CITY: LICENSE B r 8l ocK f:OT i L )t-.)I l'JPROPTRTY OWNER,S NAfiI: 1,.r T: ^J ( zlp: Li-\.la ST:ZIP I PHOIIE S: 5 , PHoNE *: 52 D 'Ji;,',) (5 corrnacr \-ADDRE55: O EMAIL AD oR: \)e. \pno:e cr coNTAcr PERSoNq.) OI,INIR, S AODRESS: DRESS: CITY: (L zf .-n- c n) l-.r () r 1^ ) lll !it- Ei) prscnr -.Y\, (CHECK ALL THAT AP P Y) I rrusrar r NI !i floBtLt t]of"t !:rocA oN or rsr D lroBlrt H0r1t, PrroN oF *o**, ? io ..$^., I I r Lt.r r )t c { fbr,rrur n/ conrnacron ,'-J ()/ ) SIGNATURE : IS THE PROPERTY LOCATEO PROPERTY USE/OCCUPANCY : ril1 lAuFt: -,( H l\L' IN A FI,crarrul f vc [,]ANUI ACIURER tDtNct / oTHtR? _ \(t-./ I SERIAL r: I g Srl.l tt 61Q ll]*) cor 0Rwror,, i{ }LFNG IH GARAGE: SI Yt,AH ]i1ADI TOTAL PRO]ECT COST PAYt'f tNt t1t rHoo I YI I t1: Rll: B :!l CASH fl cxrcx (PAYABTE ro NHc){on.*r.o*,*r*r* loTAi ACRFS DISTURBt0: _- EXIST LANO DISTURBING PERI'1IT;YE I4C / VISA ') ^- r.s I^]AT tR SEt,ltR CI'PUA CFPUA COI'IMUNI IY SYSlErl CIN TRAL- STP IIC PRlVA I I] WT LL CLN I RAL iil i-I AIL SEP TIC coill,luNI tY 5Ys tIt4 "'* SEPARAIT TIIRNlII5 RTQUIREO TOR iTTCT, i,'[CH, PLBG, GAs IQU]P, PftTIAt]s & INSERTS '-' 0l stovE R 'r:,::,rl.l ll i: ,/0Ni npproval Comment: OFFICtRI City _ BFF+2f+- l\ PERMIT FEE: $ DAT F SETBACKS: r r r ooD: )c;() r\- PHONE #: CITY: I HURRTCANF zoNE: ! ,t*/t f1l si,loKE DETFCToR: TlrtSlnu DEcK r [ ,, s.p{o t' sr poRcH: I vr s[]-(o tq 81 /\-ruX-.-) tr u$ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPL,CATTON TYPE, RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL qUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responslblllt/ )ot+ 2/ry Appllcatlon {offrce us€) APPLICANT'S NAME:Wais Nasser sale 212312017 G PROJECT AOORESS:5058 campbellSt ctTy: Wilmington y1p. 28401 5g3p1y;5;g1r;; LOT # PROPERTY OWNER,S NAMEI Walk Property Group, llc PHONE #: OWNER'S AODRESS:310 N Front ST 61ry; Wilmington 71p1284O1 CONTRACIO Rr Wals Nasser s1g6 UggN56 s 73149 AODRESS:310 N Front ST CITY: Wilmington sr: !q zlP: 2840,l EMAII. ADDRESS:tonassets .com pxorur:910-616-5251 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON;wats nasser PHONE:910-616-5251 ExlsTlNG coNSTRucIloN: D Alteration E Renovatlon ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIONi E Erect New Resldence E Addltion to Exlstlng Resldence El Relocatlon IT,.PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW AI.I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT." E Att Garage (sF) no E Det Garage {sF) no tr Porch (sF)128 0 sunroom (sF)no D Pool (sF)no tr storage shed (sF)19- tr Greenhouse {sF}19-D Deck (sF)150 tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changlng the exlstlng footprlnt? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROoF l|or prcposed wor,k) Heated:800 Unheated: TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 30000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ves p, trto Is any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ? '* il lf the project is a R.locatlon, ls there a Natural Gas LIne on thd current slte? tr Yes $4 trto ts there Electrlcal Power onthis Bulldin8? E yesAno No 1KAQ6Art Property Use/ occupancy: D Single Duplex E Townhouse mbinq,mechanical. Replacinq windows &doors,new floors. Kitchen uDqrade.oescrlptlon of Work:upqradinq ele ramilyE ctricitl plu taws and ordtnances and re8utattons. The NHC Development Servlces Centerwlllbe notifled ofany chanS€s In the approved plans and sPeclticatlon! or change In contractor tnformatton. ...NoTE: Anywork performed wtthout the appropriat. permitr will be ln vlolatlon of the Nc State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contractori tA) o-i 5 lt(< sgor Signat "Licehsed Quolfie/ d No TotalAcres Disturbed: ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes Exlstint lmpervlous Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervlous Atea: - Sq tt Existlng Land Dlsturbing Permit: E Yes O No WATER: .M CFPUA E community system E Private Well E central Well E Aqua SEWER: r@ cFpUA E Community system E Private septic D Centralseptlc El Aqua zone:- ofticeri - setbacks (t) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - Clty: - Date: - Floodr (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment: Permit t€el$E+\0 I t 0-6't6-5251 ffi RECEIVED MAR 17 2O]7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION fYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO.IECt 'Proiect ResPonslblllv, ,o)? 1bffi APPTICANT'S NAME:F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack s71a1 311512017 PROJECT ADDRESS:4717 Greenway Avenue ctTy: Wilmington NC 71p' 284D3 SUEDtVtStoN: College Park PARTD #R04919-008-010-000 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: Shenill Casteen p119116s;910471-2125 OWNER'5 qppgp5g; 4717 Greenway Ave 611y1 Wilmington 7p. 234O3 CONTRACTOR F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack C[y: Durham BLOG LTCENSE #. 53778 sTr NC ztP.27705ADDRESS:4'122 Bennett Memorial Road suite 3O4 EMAIL ADORESS:charlie@ramjackusa.com s9116. 919-309-9727P PROJECT CONTACT PTRSON Charlio Lswis pxorur:9'19-309-9727 ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTIoN: ! Alteration E Renovation #eneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ...PEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AtL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*.T' E Att Garase (SF) -*-. tr Det Garage (sF)- tr Porch (5F) D Pool(sF)tr storage Shed (SF)-I sunroom (SF)-_-- ! Gr€enhouse (5F)- tr Deck(SF)----.- ls the proposed work changing the existinS footprint? E yes Vfr tl Other (SF) TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vot ptoposed work) Heated:Unheated: oISCLAIMER: I hereby cenity thata the information in this application is correct and allwork willcomplywith the State BuildinS Code and allotherapplicable State and local laws and ordinaffesand retulations.The NHC Oev€topmenr Servic€s Centerwillb€ notilled of any changer in th€.pproved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NoTE:Any work pe.formed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the Nc bicd to fines up to ssoo.oo"' Owner/contractor: Challie Lewis Signature: "Licensed Quolitie/ P.int Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? E Yes D No Existint lmpervlous Area: - 5q Ft Total Acres Oisturbed: New lmpervlous Atear-Sq Ft Exinlng l-and oisturbing Permit 0 Yes D No WATER: E CFPUA D community system D Private well E centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPL,A E Community System E Private septic E CentralSeptic E Aqua Zonei =-- Offlcer: - Setbacls (F) - (tHl - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - 8FE+2ft= -Comment: - Permit Fee: S .!(5- w<-+# LoT f: SEC B TOTAL PRoJECT COST {Less Lot): $16450'00 -.. ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes EI4(o ts any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcalwork being done to the Accessory Structure D ves El'ifo lf theprojectisa Relocatior, istherea Natural GasLineonthecurrentsite? E Yes El-tl-o ls there Electrical Powcr on this Building? W''tes E No Property Use/ occup"n.y, E'S-ingl" Fa.ily E Duplex tr Townhouse Descriptlon of worl: lnstall helical piers to stabilize t-o!!dation as desiqned NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT IO N TYPE., RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResponsibilitY" b I7. ffi"e&3 /tc,ful .*zz/A ctw LUlt t ,ztP 2t1/2t-APPLICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:LOT f PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:i ncs, hht Zzoo,?/a -0/z-7zsgDA OWNER'S ADDRESS:/8/-totalbt//6,ctTY: 1.y'/tt71/i/zP: Z.!y' CONTRACTOR ADDRESSI 3 BLDG LICENSE H z- ST /tt/Z.ztp, 2tl2s,' PHONE: ?/O -q77 L Ort bs,snanlb E Det Garage (sF) D Pool (SF) ! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr yes ffllo C ITY PROJ ECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PLEAST CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRoJEcr** * b d Porch (sF)325 : E Single Family E DuplexE Townhouse E storage Shed (SF)- fl other (5F) {'P't'/Mb TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Uor proposed work) Heated: roTAt PRoJECT co sr lLess Lorl:5 6$ OOD Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n y", dr'ro , ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure EI Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes Ertrto ls there €lectrical Power on this Building? t'ves E no Property Use/ Occup Description of Work: an /l/z//d,/ A(fr laws and ordinanc€s and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any chanBes in the approved plans and spe.ifications or change in contractor information *'*NOTE:Any work performed without the appropriete permits will be in violation of the NC 5 Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00**' Owner/Contractor:it "Licensed Quolifier" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E lto Existins tmpervious area, 3, l50 sq rt t.t/Signature: Total Acres Disturbed:d New lmpervious Area Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit; n v", Elltlo WATER: D CFPUA E Community System 0 Private well E Central well E Aqua SEWER: D CFPUA E Community system E Private septic E Central Septic ! Aqua zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Permit Fee: S f fto I ,.,., g/*1rlrz PHONE #: EMArt ADDRESS; bZ;'<^ta.Vt-tnc.€ f4oo . aanr ! Att Garage (sF)- ! Sunroom (sF)- n Greenhouse (sF)- Comment: tl I L e NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL MOBILE HOIIE Rosa PI€ASE PRINT CLTARTY & ANs}/ER ATL OUESTIONS"Project ResponsibiLity" \ I tr z.\ r\z (Offic€ Use) DATE:0APPLICANT'S NAIiIE: DEVELOPER:PHONE #: zrP BLOCK S: LoT f:/f- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAII1E: OWNER,S ADDRESS: tlo"a Aa PRO]ECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: ET1AIL ADDRESS: CITY:.) CITY:ST; ZrP i LICENSE #: CITY:sr,iylre ,3-Y4 fi PHor'rE f : I lg -4,1 f A6ty' PHONE S:?-Eq a/PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: DESCRIPTION OF hIORK: (CHECI( ALt THAT APPLY) ! rrsrarr NEt^l MoBTLE HoME @6:ocar CE ION OF USED I4OBILE HOI'IE 2E-,YIE- wllbe i^ viol.rion ol rhe Nc srde Srdg code and slbiedro Fines up ro ts00.00-' n1,OI,'NER/CONTRACTOR: YEAR MADE ZONE : _ 0FFICER: Approval:_ City SIGNATURE: (Print Nahe) *,t,t **)t* ***ri)*)t*+)*)* **+)*)*** *** )t,t + *,* * )t )********* * )t)t,r* ** *,* * )r* )* )r *,r* * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A r-arrr ff ves [![lro PROPERTY USE/OCCUPANCY :RESIDENCE / OTHER ? HIJD LABEL:Q*e*Mnt'lUrnCrURrn: /'\A K SERIAL #: COLOR:to 5 915 I^]IDTH:ltr LENGTH:uJ ToTAL PRoIECT CoSTlressror;: t SpOAf' 2E3 sMoKE DETECToR:es I r'ro caRAGE: E yEs SF PoRCH: E yES NO_SF SF Y,TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: **{. SEPARATE PERIIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IilECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pay'Ii'iENr '4E,HoD': ....tr*:::....H.:::::.:::::::":1.::]....g*'*cAN ExpREss I r,rcuvrsr I orscoven ***... REVISEO 4/12l12 (FOR OFftC€ usE OilLY) S ETBACKS DATE: FLOOD F: LH: RH: B: : - _ BFE+2ft Comment: eo.'}=wu SUBDIVISION: ,l APPLICATION Number PHINE *tal[zqAB34;l -r f rfr,tt\prct+T ) HURRICANE ZONE; ! DEcx: I vrs ffro warrn, ! ,rouo {ror*uNrry sysTEM EgBrvrre wrll D cgrurRnr well sEr,JER: ll cFpuA L_.] CENTRAL sEprrc [!'cnrvarr srnrrc f] coMMUNrry sysTEM N,A PERMIT FEE: $ JU U \l c+)o t+- 2b31a ! z 't: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICaTIaN rvPr: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSIIJER ALL QUESTIONS APPLTCABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANTJ S NAItlE : DEVELOPER: N/A McKinley Blilqing qgrpAIlitio4t/ Pete Avery DATE: r-25-tl PHONE #: N/.r, PROIECT ADDRESS: 2120 s. 17.h stree. OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: T.IHRMC parkins Deck CITY: t,ri t mi noron zIP:284Ai PROPERTY Ol,,,NER'S NAME : OWNERT S ADDRESS: 2,.r - ajroun.l Lea:je.l to New Hancver liegional Mcdical Ctr. PHONE #: 9IA-661-54)2 S. 17th S treet CITY: I/,1i lminqton CoNTRACTOR: McKinley Bul Idlng Corporation ADDRESS: 3B0l Peachtree Avenue Suite 200 CITY:',,irlninoton sr: ll!_ zIP::jl!l_ ST: NC ZIP: 28103 EIiIAIL ADDRESS: pave ryGmckl:.r I eybu r I dr ng. com PRoJECT CoNTACT PERSoN: I'or cC Stephelr ilLil:; aor NIIRMC-lien Iiill iar.on PHoNE *:910-39s-6036 PHoNE #: 910 39s*6036 (check All Ihat Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: ! ALTERATTON lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the NEt^l CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRIJCTURE : R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS tr RELOCATION Current Site?tr Yes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?ff v.s flruo EREcr NEW srRUcruRE ! rlsr rucx ! srelr- ! uerrr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Pouer on this Bullding E Yes E ruO IF Yes, what was the previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: BMH Architects; Bruce Bowman ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: I"JoodS EngJneeTing, I]on idoods PHt 914-162-2621 NC REG #: 5951 PH:910-343-8001 NC REG #: 19475 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: lnstallation of foundations for parkinq deck and related buildin q e lements ls food or bsverages propared or seaved in this stnr,aure? flYes No ls The Prop€rty Locatsd ln The Flooddainl I ves !No DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all informalion in this application is correct and all work will comply with the and local laws and ordrnances rnd reoulalions lhe NHC Develoomenl Services Center will be notified of .rnv or chanqe in conlractor or conrractor iforn ation. "'NOTF. Any Work Periormed w/O lhe Appropnate PermiisSubiectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' State Euilding Code and all other applicable Statenlheapsandschanqeswill 5e,n Viola the pan NC laq Code and ifications S B OWNER/CONTRACTOR:McKinley Bu.ildi nq-Pete Ai'e:\' SIGNATURE: (Aualifi6d Not6i Domolilion nolifcaions I asb6to6 rsnovel p€rmh appllcatbrE ars to be submltled uslng the spplic€ton brm (DHHS-3768) whather th€ fadllty or bulldlng was found b conialn Asb€6tos or not You all,cquilld b calltho Nalional Embalon Sbndards Ior l-tazadous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) 6t (919)707-5950 ai last 10 d6ys p.ior b the d6molltlon ol any fEcility or buildlng. S€o Asb€slos W6b slt6: htQ/e/ww.€pl.sbte.rE.u-s/epuasbestGrahmp.htrfll TOTAL PROJECT COST: S9OO,OOO.O. BUILDING HEIGHT: N/A #OFUNITS: N/A # OF STORIES: r,- /r # OF FLOORS: N,'iTOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: N /.r. ACRESDISTURBED:2.3t NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see Atr,achi:ent EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?T SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: see Attachment SQ FT lnrr lcoruoo OTHER:rarkrng Dec k # OF STRUCTURES: l YES ENo pRoPERTY USE: [orrrce lnssraunmrr ll,rencru'lnu leouc WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA flcoMMUNrTY SYSTEM flWELL EZONTNG USE Ct_ASStFtCAnO fICENTRAL SEpflC LlpRrvArE SEPTTC IICOMMUN]TY SYSTEM N: or-1 suP -'S:PAH.C-E PLHI.'TS P'QUIRtD FOR !.'CT I.lECI PLSG (]AS EOU P PREFA3S & NSERTS "'ro*.*u. Eorscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REMSED DATE 1,/1 1/.I2 ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:_ ADoroval: Citv: DATE: FLOOD:BFE+m= N I Comment:PERMIT FEE:\ob 4(L t1-?oq LICENSE #: 30896 ***** Is THI5 A 6HANGE oF occupANcy usef Ives Im..... What is the New Occupancy Type? TOTAL AREA SO FT i 3e ,212 SQ FT PER FLR: N,/A )..CVro-lC+,€."u{] Ful , 9ot +- Zbq L NEld f{AilcvER couNrY BUTLDSNS PERMTT ffi APPLTCA$air rYPf: C0ll8ERe IAL APPLICATION ilumber (Offl.e Ure) pl[rlE Afi:r4€a ALt quEsIIoNs Appl-rcABLE IO V0Un pR0]rcr dPrsject Re$ponsibilitt'' APPtICAfifrS NAIIE: s,:q'.1 Nrrr rr,0ATg:2-23-:til $EYIL0PEn l i:,'r1 I ii'-l iiii ri 1:PHO E #: )194 s.-)27 2PfiOlE(I AODiESS: r-5 aara!:e, tri!.! 0{CUPrl{I/BUSIl{E55 ilAqf i :nfxl:r ic 6e r.,it ti.c& e f lli:IF ina! {:r PB0pEErY ohltiE{} S llAl{E: i.rj- ir-tn.:L.on r ndepende nt Lir-ine, l-PliOllE S, 91\ -'? ta*e)'t',. LL' A00RESS: 17l0 G.rer*coc iye, sr.ri!e i0, ST: N. zIP; .2l a.1: LXC€ Sl #: .11 ,, ! CIII: Fa:lai{L ST: Ara ZIPr :1612 0Wgn''5 A0D!EtS: r780 tsrier creeii ild C6l{fnACTORl tsr:,r.f .ie td & G....r:e. eflAfL AODRESS : BKi\:a1r3B.as trej-dtrr-r1 s ri re 4 oo CITY; p,r t e pHoNE *; *L9-:!Jj-:ilil PHONE it: 91r-61,i-4 6t IPRof€Ct Co[rTAeI PIRSOIJ; Bria'.'t Krlii l(hp.k All that arrfy) EXISr COUSIfiUffI&l{l AL TE BA'l OIT k riiJ0vATrou 6E?,tFi#!i. Isp& 1fi!{,1 tiILscAlrou ll HBl0caiion, is liere a Natral Cas Line cn lhe Current Site?Yesr f,f ru"I3 BLf]G SPRIN KLEFIIN?I ves f] uo NEU Co$slnuffIo :I mcc'r EH srRu€rr&F f]rnsr rnacx f] steil l"lsi! ir AO' TO EXIST $TNU{TURE ACCE550fiY S]&UCTURT: i+ UPFrT - the shel.l Pe rni.t tr:Is Elect Power 0r this BuiLding Yes f] *o ***r. rs rnrs A tltAl6E 0r occr"lpAxcy lsel fivrs ffitlo oun'* IF y€sr $,iat las th€ prevtous O(c[pancy Typel ARg-l Dt5I6t{ PiOtE 55IofiAL: Daii_el a. in,/ l,,hat i5 the fle!'r Ocetp:n.y lllpe? ?H: 1 1A.-5.61-', 4g)ri\lfi Dfs:0N pftoFE ss:0tl!L:Jasoi: 9 lamiqlieat! _ _ Pl{: ? ltl,l ?1 -{00t C R€6 *: j52j0 _ DESCRIPTION OF hSR( : ls hod or iaveragce prepatsd or served in lhls srructure? fi|ves flNo k The properg Loca?ed tn 'trhe Ftoodptainr f] ves $ uo NC [tG f: 1J l lil oISCL nEF I €reb] ccdfy thar atin'ornatofl,iard ocal la,trsanl sdiitrEetad reoulatio:]s fla or (|arEe14 conka(toaor m n:.adc r t"n ,o.ffir ion " '..Sirbtcrlo Frr1e5 Up Io $500.00"' thrs-appl,ca:ol is co reo a d a.' rrari \^/:'l coaljy v,rth tts Shts Buitd 10 CodB and a, olre, aprljcab e Staler{:!-L-rEre lpinerl Sir.11Lce! Cereter \dl be roliricd ofan, chrnoes rn lhe aDoroved Dla(s dnl iDeci,tcat;on!No r t i qny yvorx pe,rorsed MIO lh e Approprrate Pemt ri5 \r,,1 [i6 in V otaltor o, rhe i,JC Slale Bldg Code nrJ OWI'{ER/C0NTBACTOH: sr :!a il Ja .ri ro .r $IGNAIURE;)J {4,]{[ft,){P,jr.t li6r'i!) Nol6l flsrnol$s.! roSfrcatorB & s hstos |$noy6l Dam lt sppllcalidrs arB b be slbrnittBd it*rgkle sprti('{on fo.m {OHHS-3?68)nfio$er the fs.ility or buildlng w6s foulrd to6nrlnAs$e516 or ret- Yo! oa,€$rtr6d h c8,l &s Itelonal Enbshn SM$ds lor tldl5rdru, F* p0lt ./l6n$ ($ESl,lAp) !t (919)707-5S50 at i6asl 10 d&ys prior tc thg&rtuliI.r ot aV kolhy ol buildg. Seo A.beb! TOTAT PR0JECT COST; Flrr. r?i W6 $ilei htgil&Mr1{.ad.s*ejE.ue&pl./ obst6/&'lrf,!.hhrt BUIfOING HEIGHI:i, OF UNIIS: rrA TOTAT AREA SQ FT : L :: I :: ! r€l",o!r SQ FT PER FLR;# OFSTORIES: rr $l "IOTI\I SQ FT LJNOER ROOF:# 0F SIRUCIURES: rr ACRES 0ISTUFAED; r.:;EXsr LAND D|$TURE|F{G pERMlr? flyEs I NO NE\rY IMPERVIoUS ARFA: r.r.q SA m EXISTING IMPERVIOUSAREA: rlA . Se FT pRopERTy usE: norFt0E ffRrsr*,uruxr [rarncnt\riltE I eouc fl nrr [couoo orHER. :sqgsj]r:3! * l!i WA'IER: fICFPUA SEWER: mcFPUA -. sel,AcAIE p**l'lt.ts RECi-r |RED FOR EL ECT, M€Ct1, PLBC, CA$ eAUl p pnerABs & tNsE alls *, PAYMENT tvlElHOD: nCASH CHECK (PAYABLE rO NHC) n AMEHTCAN EXPRESS ffUcffrse otscovE& Lf coMMUN try sysTEM flWELL EIZONING USE CI"A$S LJ CEN]RAL SEpltc LJ pRtvATE sEpTtc flcoNMUNtTy $ysTEN lFlCAIlOf.i: ljr-il (FOROTFlcE USE ONLY]ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_[-H:_ frHi , Br_ApprovBl:_City:_Onfe:. _ FLOOD:__ BFE+zflFAVit Rrrrlsro tAlr ii 1 1/ 1; I Cornment.PERMIT FEE: $- # oFFLOORS: N,\ _ _- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L, CATI ON fYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Prorect Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAME: COttA e Buildan Com an pRoJEcT ADDRES5: 4518 Old Towne Street ,lnc s21e: 03/15/17 ctTy Wilmington aP 28416 SUBDtVtstoN: RiverLights 161s 100 pRopERTy owNER's ruarur: Cottage Building Company, LLC owNER,s ADDREss: 1 '105 New Pointe Boulevard, Suite 6 pHONE #: 910-343-9203 6gly Leland 71p.28451 Sr: NC 2tP 28451ADDRESS: 1105 New Pointe Boulevard, Suite 6 6;n Leland pRoJ€cT coNTAcT p6p5gN Reed Thompson EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration I Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: y'rrect t,tew Residence E Addition to Existing Residence L l Relocation E HE K AND AN WER B THAT AP pHsxg 9'10-367-0730 dnn earage 1sr1 I Sunroom (SF) 575 E Det Garage (SF) _ U oJECT* * * leorcn 1sr1 363 I Storage Shed (5F)_ n other (sF) I Pool (SF) n Green house (SF)_- Deck {SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I y", y'llo TOTAT 5Q FT UNDERROOF Uor proposed work)Hs31s6; '1601 TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less tot): $$227 ,400.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E ttto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy, y'single family E Duplex E Townhouse Oescription of Work: Conslruct a new single family residence laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes ln the approved plans and specifications or change rn contractor information. +r +NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO". Owner/Contractor: ReedThomoson Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft l*o Total Acres Disturbg6; 5560 New lmpervious Area: 2571 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit:l^es E No WATER: E CFPUA n Community System E private Well E Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr CommunitySystem E privateseptic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH)_ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Oate: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) BFE+2ft=q)l\11)Comment:Permit Fee; S . ETffi))tY 27og Application Number (office use) coNTRAcToR: Cottage Building Company, LLC BLDG gcENsE 8. 73725 EMA|LADDRESS: Reed.Thompson@ThecottagesNc.com pHoNE: 910-343-9202 Unheated:980 "Licensed QuoIifie." ,ffi-l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PL,CATION TYPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Proiect ResponsibilitY' Email 6fir +L+og (offlce use) AppLtCANT,5 NAME. Steven Lincke Dalr-. Feb 14,2017 318 South Front Street ctTy. Wilmington ztP.28401PROIECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: pRopERw owNER,s NAME. Dean lvlay PHONE #. 703 598-8042 owNER,s ADDRE55:318 South Front Street ctTy. Wilmington z]P.28401 coNTRAcroR: Wilmington Pools, LLC BLDG l-ICENSE E: 76161 ctTy. Wilmington sr: lq zrP 28412ADDREss. 447 Shipyard Blvd EMATL ADDRESS: steve@wilmpool.com PHONE. 910 338-1848 pRolEcT coNTACT pERsoN Steve Lincke pHoNE:910 540-2225 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation iI*,tPLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BETOW ALI. THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECTi'*'} I Att Garage (SF)! Det Garage (sF)_! Porch (sF) E Pool (sF)342 SF! Sunroom (SF)n storage shed (sF) _ tr Other (SF) TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work) Heated: rorAL pRorEcr cos r lLess Lotl,s 3e, 4la7 ,d lstheproposedworkchan8ingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes ! No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo lsthere Electrical Power on th is Bu ilding? E Yes ! No Propeny Use/ Occupancy: E Sin8le Family E Duplex D Townhouse Description of work laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHc Development services Center will be notified ofany chanS€s In the approved plans and specifications or change in contractorinformation. '+*NOTI: Any work pedormed without the appropriat€ p€rmits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.0O*** Steven Lincke signature. Steven LinckeOwner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing tmpervious Ar"", 3670 sq rt New tmpervious Are", 168 Sq rt TotalAcres Disturbed Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E trlo WATER:CFPUA ! Community System ! private well ! CentralWell ! Aqua SEWER: EaCFPUA E Community System E private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setba€ks (F) _ (tH)_ (RH) _ {B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftoodr (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S LOT #: _ E Greenhouse(sF)- E oect 1sr1 '168SF ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footprint? D Yes E No Unheated: