MARCH 31 2017 BUILD APPSj,'5 (ro Enrrl ,Ct ,Optu,A NEh, HAN.VER couNry BUTLDTNG ,r*rf ''1' H**ApplIcatro,, rvpf : C(DIERCIAL pltas! axsbrR o.r Qu.srrotrs appu(llr,G To your pm)to mr.r,--:rror A?PLTCAIT'S NA}I[: DEVELOPER: PiO]ECT ADDiESS: ocqrPA[r/3USl[E5S [A,lE : PiOPEiTY (}tltlEi'g tOnC ! \ ot{ EB', S ADoBESS: C OOXTRACTOR: "Project Rcsponsibiliqf CTIY: CITY: C uabcr (Offlc. t.) DATE: !IY\3 ztP: €11(, i PloilE 13cl\L 3[il^\tI P}€flE ': PlofiE t: Plot{E r: ....-- * SI: N(IIP: SI: \rre zre: Ji3r{ i ( ADOiESS : EiAtL ADDRESS:c,.eC,r'u PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSOII: Exrsr cot{srruclrot: I rlrrnrrron n rrrff;!#j lf Rabcation, is tpre s NaturalG8s Lin€ on the Cuner s e? E flEN coflsrRucrtq{: ft rnrcr rrw srnucnnr I rrcr ACCESSOnY STtUCrutE: If UPFrT - The sicll Perrit s: ..... rs THIS Aff Ycsr rhat Es tlrt F?{nlour (kcuprr(y Ator 0EsI6 PlOFElStO{At: ETIG DISIG PTOTESSIOIIAI.: TOTAL PROJECT EUII.DIi{G HEIGHT: SO FT PER FLR:TOTAL AREA SO TOTAT SO FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES: lh t rg9ly) . Egnrmr nrrur I ntrccanorYcs lJ ],to ts BLDG SPRN&EReor I ves s m rrrcr ! sxrr.t I UPrn I aDD ,o Exrsr srn cnnr ().1 qz-5 ( -- Is E1ect Poutr on this Suildtng (l ves El,ooofct or occuPl cY l.6E?Etnt [tm .,... T!?r I lalhat ls th. fcy Occupamy TyDel pi{ PH ' -___ Ut RIG {: _. ___ C RE6 r: i* t 0F uN[s: , G STORIES:I 0f FLOORTSACRESDISTURBED: DGTrANDDtsTURBtNGptnurnEhts ExqNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:_SQ FT B(ST|NG tMpERvtous AEaj * -- c _- :_ pRopEFTyusE: EpTFEE Elnesnuurr f]uencannrr Eeouc Errr EOxoo orxer WATER: SEWER: EB EE] CFPUA CFPUA OOMiIUNITY SYSIEM c€rrIRArsEPnc E EwELt ElzoNtNG lrsE qlestFtcarroN. PRNATE sEFnc Ecotrt uNrrY systEts - SEPARA]E PERMTTS REOUIRED TOF ErECr. },ECH. PI.8G. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS I INSER]!.- pAYltE}tr METHoD: ficasx flcxeCx leav$u rO Hxcl f]auenrcAN EpREss EIMcjvBA Iorscown roR omcf u8E oNtY)RII'SED DAIE 441&ZONE:-OFFICER:-SETBACKTS:F: LH:-RH:-B Appmval:-. CritY:-DATE: FLOOD: - BFE+2ft= t{comment: PERMTT FEE: $HZ DESCRIPTION OF IOR(: b lllr Propcrry Locr.d n ne nooo6r,f flycs I xo er.[.'l )d?Mt1.wNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII,IIT APPLIGATIaN TYPE: Cofttl4ERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YUJR PROJECT "Project Responslbillty' APPLTCANT,S NAflE: \C Ster,) DEVE LOPER:PHONE #: PRO]ECT ADORESS:"59 a) CITY: LICENS #1!et3 CITY: ZtP t 2 !'1,'l PHONE *: sr:Llll zrP: ZtiZ-?l sr: -[,zrr: - PHO E T: PHONE f:ibq-qt 9-ttzz CITY: occUPANT/BUsINEss tlAr.lE: T- lt\ob.k 5 'tl 5rt lo9?D Cruu..a5 IcPROPERTY OT'INER,5 tIA}tE : Ol,lt{ER'S AOORESS: 35b ,{ \ \lr.r # CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:Sc r5 EiiIAI L ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:( Exrsr co srRucrrori: I ALrERArroil E -rJiT;lSi 'Et!Il*o,- neearns fl RELocArro \ / tf Retocdon, is there a Naturat cas Line on the Eirent s,t"z E v"?Fno ts BLDG spntru-xreneoz E v* St" r{Et{ cor{srRucrroN r ! enrcr ilEhr srRucruRE ! rasr ruc( ! sxrr-r- ! uerrr ! mo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: V,O IF Yes, what was the previous Occupancy Type? 'r**' rs rHrs A ctrar{GE oF (rcupaNcy usrr fives f]m .*.** Is Elect Por.rer on this Building E Yes ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOiAL: EiIGR DESIGI{ PROFESsIOIUTL: PH: PH: NC REG *: NC REG #: og1q70-6447;I DEscRrprroN oF woRK: Cc\\cal- oc. €:is-}i*r \.*r ', cJl dub.^c"[ on ffir;0J , atrl 7"v' a*p ts food or boverasos on** . * * *;;;rE ;F b rhe pop€rty Located rn n " nooourtnz E ""Jy *" \P (A!3liic) Note: Domolilion ncticatorE E asb6ios rglloval psmit applicatons ar6 to b6 sub.natted using lhe spplicalion loIm (DH Building Code and all other applic6ble State Dlans and aoedflcalrons Nc stare Bldg code and cooEln Arb€.tc s not. Yolr are mqrr€d to cdl th€ ilato.Bl Emlrslon Slandads fo. lbzrdqrs Air Pollulanls (NESHAP) 3t denbli0on of Erry fecillty or building. Soo AsbBloG Wob Slt6: http //www epl.stale nc lsieprasbestos/ah.np hlm at le6st 10 clays fior lo the ToTAL PROJECT COSi: ZG 8c 'L\ O BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :5 SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:#OF STRUCTURES: Y # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:EXST IAND DISTURSI{C penirrrl r-'l NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA pRopERTYUsE: florrtce Enesraunnnr [uencnr'rnle [eouc nepr D@NDO OTHER:( th€ tacilily or building wae found to SQ FT REVISED DATE 4/11/12 *, SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECI, MECH PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' n..........r.... (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval: City:-DATE: FLOODT-;--- N BFE+2fi= pAyMENr METHoD: flctsn flcxecx lenvneLE To NHc) flllvten16eN exeneSs I ucrusn I otscoven Comment PERMIT FEE: $ G/'l trr APPLICATIOT'I l{umber (office Use) oare: 7'Z!' ' )1 If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: tlhat ls the NeH Occupancy Type? _ WATER: EICFPUA fl COMMUNrY SYSTEM EWELL _flZONlNG USE CLAsslFlcAnON: - sEwER: E- CFPUI I CeNrnnr- sEmc E P-R|VATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNITY S'I6TEM )o)T AqnwNEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IyPEi C0filtilERCIAL PLEASE ANSTIER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT..project Responsibility', twr/ PHONE Sr PHONE *: PHOiIE #: APPLICATIO I{ufiber (offi.e Use) oarc: Z-29- 11 zre'@ APPLICATIT'S iIAI'IE: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AODRESS:225 9 $CITY: OCCUPAI{T/8uSINES5 ttAIilE: T- l\ob..l( 6.fl StJ lo ,10 PROPERTY ot'rl,lER,S ilAriE : ot{ ER's aDDRESS: 3630 Cl Lln ,\\c CITY:Ax x COl,lTRAcToR: ADDRESS:5o d ( EIitAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT COITACT PERSOiI; -Dqso,r' LICENS #119tr CIry: sr;N( zrp: ZtZ"?J sr:_Ntzrp: _ exow * 74:449 (-5ay>- Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: E alrERArror n rrrJifiliii 'ii^8'*il*r- neparns fl RELocArroirrrReroca on,isrherea nat 'rcasrineontn"-c*,"ri;;; tr""?Eitil-'dffiiloki*i'u'.i'Jiij"* Sr" r{Er,J coNsrRucrroir: fl rnecr E}r srRUcruRE I rasr rnac( ! srrlr- f] ucrrr fl aoo ro ,rrri ,.*r.rr*, ACCESSOiY STRUCIURE: rs Elect power on this Building f] ves V*ocuPAflcY usE? fivrs I r,ro '"**. If UPFII - The SheII permit ti ,.rl, 15 THIS A IF Yes, hrhat was the prevlous Ocaupancy Typel _ Ihat ls the i/eu Occupancy Type? CHANGE OT OC ARCH DESIGT{ PROFESSIOMI.: ETIGR DESIGI{ PROFESSIOML; T P DESCRIPTIoN oF WoRK: CDTI lrl h t@d or be\,€ragos Fepar€d or 6on6d h ttts slructurE?Yes PH: PH: Nc RE6 r: oL1qZ? Nc REG r: -0T3i471 o-l I inlormati ls The Prop€rty 2r:O a. fEdlly or boild0tg wos fclrd to l€alt 10 (bys Fioa to h€ SO FT Located ln nre Ftooddarn? E vesp ruo Stale Euilding Code 6nd s olherappticsbte Srst€ ",f,i$?1,S':3#ti',iglj'is,?['EE?8Sg"J,i 0 b-rl srGNAruRE:-/{ V<*+(o!.r!tr) Nolo: Domolltoo notifcatb.ts & ssbBto€ r.noval p€I|nt appllcafiom aro to be EubrnilEd using dl6 aprllcsdoll torm (DHHS{[ta) vFoul€r tl€ (NESHAP) st (S131107-5950 srconlain Asbaa!6 or not You ars l€qut€d to csl th€I'ladomt Emtsston slendsds for He:,ldo(B Ar polsranB d€ndilioo ol ary bd[t, or bulld|m. s.6 Asb.rc lt bb s|l6: hflpJ^nvw spt stsrs.nc.us/opyasb€sro€/ah.hp ht n TOTAL PRoJECT CosT: 26 .o0 BUILDING HEIGHT # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT o5 SQFTPERFLR: \f OF STORIES; # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF *Of STnUCTURES: \s ACRES DISTURBED:EXST |-AND DtSTURBtNC peRirrr l-l NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SOFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA pRopERTy usE: floFFtcE Enrsraunarr lueRcnrnle Erouc n epr flcoNoo OTHER: WATER: EICFPUA ECOMMUNITYSYSIEM [IWELL _flzoNtNc UsE CLASS|F|CATIoN: _SEWER: [] CFPUA I:ICENIRAL SEPTIC E PRMATE SEPnC E COMMUNITY SYSTEM ...SIPASATEP[RMI]SPEQUIIIEDIOA'LECII'ECHPLAG.GAS€QI]IPP'tEFAESSINSERiS"' PAYMENT METHoD: flcnsn I cnecx leavrsr-E To NHc) flellenrcet o<rness I ucrusn floscoven (FOR OFFICE t SE OI{LY) RE1/tsED D^rE,cll/I2 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B: Approval:_ Clty:-DATE: FLOOD: -- - BFE+2fl=AVN Comment PERMIT FEE:s APPLICANT'S t,IA E : DEVELOPER: 6re.,..| rrJ'. r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSIiJER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE T0 YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" Lt ,.r.c^ €?\, p,.i,L(- (-- !ot+ sq{5 APPLICATION Number (office use) i PHONE #: ,/'\a a PRO]ECT ADDRESS:F e-o*)-f s,C.zIP: Z89C \ PROPERTY OI,JNER'S i,IAME :?UJ 3{d OI{NERJ S ADDRESS:3 ce L- CITY: LICENSE f: CITY: '\^-{ i PHoNE s: lt" e 12.?cYf sT :441 zrP: 2_F-+.) ( o. Yes NEt'' CONSTRUCTTON: E ERECT tet SrnUCrUnr !FAST TRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ACCOUNT #: ST:IP: PHoNE #: j 1O Lr >7 PHONE *: L REPAIRS RELOCATION IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?fiv"" firo SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST SIRUCTURE PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: . lr-lf ) ExrsT coNsTRUcTroN: n ALTERATTO' 6 *rrJifrffi lf Relocalion. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? Ll apply ) GENE RA El*o If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E ,O ***** rs rHrs A cHAr{GE oF occupaNcy ustt flvts ffiNo ***** IF Yes, uhat rras the Previous Occupancy Type? _ l{hat is the er, Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIOiTAL i ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: €^PHt 1/o-gt z'&'?{llc nrc *, .PH NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF h'ORK: N r\,..--.--9€$,r.-t) - O-LA f_ ls food or beverages p epo,su (r s€rved in ffiis *irarife? [ ves ffi to ls The Propeny Located In The Floodflain? [ ves fr uo DISCIAIMER: I hereby certfy lhal allrnformalron in and locallaws and ordinances and reoulatrcns. The or chanoe in conlraclor or contraclor iilormalion, "' SubJedlo Frnes lJp To $500.00"' this applicalon is correct and all work will comply with lhe Stale 8u NHC Development Services Cenler w l be notified ol anv chanoesNOTE' Any Work Perlormed WO lhe Appropnale Pemits will 6e in in the approved plan Violalion of the NC ilding Code and allother applicable SEtesands Slate Code OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: (ousffer) r---{- y-)y SIGNATUR cl€Erolhlon ol any fadllty or buildlng. SAAsbeslo6 Web Stlc: rorALPRoJEcrco* $ggd - hnpr/www,epl,state.nc.urepuasbostos/ahmp.hlrnl BUILDING HEIGHT: # OF UNITS: WATER: SEWER: EECFPUA CFPUA T=lcoMMUNrry SYSTEM n WELL ElzoNlNG usE ctAsslFlcATloN: ficeNrnelseelc f]P-RtvArEsEPTlc flcoMMUNlwSYSTEM Noter Demolllion mtfcations & asbestos r€anov6l permll appllcslions are io be submltlod uslno th€ appllc€tion (DHHS-3768) wherher th€ lecility or buildng was conialn Asbe3tos or not You are r€quired to c€ll the Na{onal Emi!:slon Stardrrds lor H6zardous Ar Pollutanrs (ESBAP) at (9'19)707-5950 ar loasr 10 days Fior to fie TOTAL AREA SO FT # OF STORIES:_ # OF FLOORS: - TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LANo DrsruRBrNG pERMrr? E yEs E No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:-SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERryusE: EoFFlcE Enesnumm fluencmtrtLE leouc [mr f]corloo OTHER: SO FI -' SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS I INSERTS "' pAyMENT METH9D: f]casx lcneCx leevral€ ro NHc) fletu accourr EMc/VlsA I otscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLn FEvlsED DATE telr'12 ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:-RH:B: Approval:- CitY:- DATE:FLOOD: - 35E+2fr N Comment PERMIT FEE:lnr DATE: Sl-t )z-o,1'----'---7------ CTTY: OCCUPANT/BUSINES5 }.IAitE : CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EITIAIL ADDRESS: tr SO FT PER FLR: _ '.,&, ck ch,w cff,rA Aot? )'tLtJlJ# APPLICATION Number (Office Use) NEtl| HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSU]ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLIIABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Respons j.biIity" APPLICANI'S NAME: .i, t DATE : DEVELOPER: ..a PHONE #: ': -'-- .: :aaa PROIECT ADDRESS: 6i6 s. .otlece !.c PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: ::rluth C'rlleqe F..ad, LLC CITY: wr lmrnqt on OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAflE: Grr,s, Leldeishrp A.adeny of Wr Lmington PHONE f: OWNER'S ADDRESS: t4 -rt pembr.ok,- Jones !r ST: \a ZIP:2ts.r:i5 CONTRACTOR: 'Jh t. r n.l LIC ENSE #: . r: s.l ACCOUNT #: ADDRESS: p.c. Box 44.11 CITY: wi I mt noron ST: NC ZIP: :8,1 0 6 EMAIL ADDRESS: u.PHONE #:91a-rir3-668d PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: '-::-c r.,l PHoNE f:9ir-:I1-I8-it (check AIl That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?tr ves flno IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I v".I No NEt^l CoNSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: CITY: wrlrnrngton If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOi,IAL: Ja\. De.I,eSeIe '"**i,'* rs THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUeANCv USE? EvES T NO +* *** Is Elect Power on this Building Yes Eruo What is the New Occupancy Type? ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: PHi 350-0115 NC REG #: -t,t - l NC RE6 #: DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: ie:.sraft dr 'h,al l cei I inq tiles a carpet and re-open existing corridor ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? [Yes No ls The Property Locsted ln The Ftoodptain? [ ves T No DISCLAIMER: I hereby certjfy thal all information in lhis application is correcl and all work will comply wilh the Stale Building Code and all other applicable State and lo(al laws and ordirances and reoulalions The NHC Develoomenl Services Center will be nolrfied ol anv chanoes in lhe aooroved olans and soecrlicationsor change rn (onlractor or contraclor inlormalion. "'NOTE: Any Wo.k Pelormed w/O the Appropnale Permils will b'e in Vrolatron ol lhe NC Stale Bldg Code andSubjecrlo Fines Up To $500 00"' (Ousmer) (PdntName) contaln Asb€stos or not. You are requh€d lo call the Nalional Embsioo Standards for Hazardous AIr Pollutanb (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 at leasl 10 days prior to the dornolilion of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Siter ht$:/ xww.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbe6to€/ahmp.htnl OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ::, -SIGNATURE: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T-] YES EI NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: I:,:r'15 #OF STRUCTURES: l ACRES DISTURBED: I,/ A NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: ii ,,A WATER: ZCFPUA SEWER: i7l CFPUA ff coMMUNrrY SYSTEM EWELLf] CENTPAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC SQ FT PROPERTY USE: [OrrrCe RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHER: rtoraqe flzoNrNG usE cLASSrFrcATroN COMMUNITY SYSTEI\4 PAYMENT I\4ETHOD ficnsrl ficnecx leeveaLE ro NHc) fiaru nccourur !MCA/|SA E DTSCOVER ". SEPARATE PERI\,{ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. I\IECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) REV|SED DATE 4/11/12 SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:ZONE:_OFFICER: Approval:_ city:- DATE:- FLOOD: -- -BFE+2ft=- I Comment N PERMIT FEE: $io-u---- ZIP: :8,1 r PH: TOTAL PROJECT COST: -, - BUILDING HEIGHT: - TOTAL AREA SQ FT : ,: SQ FT PER FLR: - # OF UNITS: - # OF STORIES: r #OF FLOORS: I NE[^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERmfT ADLOO1 APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI,{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLI(ABLE TO YOI'R PRO]ECT "Project Responslbl1ity" H&H CONSTRUCTOR'S OF EAYETTEVILLE LLC PROIECT ADDRESS: 1oo4 Adam6 Landi Dri.ve CITY: liI LMINGToN BLoCK #: 1o 04 ,D)+ 71,/ APPLICATION Number (office use) APPLICANTJS N/IIVIE: DEVELOPER:PHONE #: ZIP | 2s412 SUBDIVISTON: Adams Landinq PROPERTY OI4INER,S NAME: H&H CONSTRUCTORS OT PAYETTEVII,LE, LLC ONNER'S ADDRESS: 8209 Market streea suite c CITY: wi lminqLon ST: NC ZIP: 2 8411 CONTRACTOR: H&H CONSTRUCTORS OF FAYETTEVILLE, ttc ADDRESS: 8209 Market streeL, suite C LIcENSE #: 7,r 1s I CITY: wILMINGTON 5T: NC ZIP: 2 8411 PHONE *: 910 -219-148s pROIECT CONTACT PERSON: JJ Brennius PHONE #: 91o 219 1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEI^J CONSTRUCTION:M ERECT NEI^] RESIDENCE OT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSIIER BELohl ALL THAT APPLY T0 YoUR PROIE€T: LoT *: oo1 ATT GARAGE 425 SF SUNROOM SF DET GARAGE - SF PoRCH 1e2 SF STORAGE SHED SFP00L _ sF DECK 5FGR E ENHOUS E SF TOTAL HEATED SQ F'l i 2452 TOTAL PROI ECT COST tress t-oo : $a4o ,493 OTHE R: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF: io6e TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 1e7e S OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIiIBING on IiIECIIANICAL Work Being Done to the Accessony Structure? If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curnent site? [ves No Yes I No Is there Electrica] Power on this Building? pRopERTy usE / occuPANcYr E] sruele rnmrrv T ves fino DUPLEX N TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF hJORK:S]NGLE FAI'IILY DWELLING and ordinances and rsgulatons. The NHC Dev€lopm€nt Services C.entsr willbe noijfred of any changes in 8)e appro\ied plans md specllicallons or chaoge ln contacirr or conractirr info,m6ton. .,.NOTE: AnyWork Perlormod w/O he ApproprlaE P€rmils will be ln Vlolation of lhe NC SlaE Bldg Code and Subiecl to Flnes lJp To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR:,fJ Brenninq SIGNATURE: * * * * r( * * * ,t + ,* ,r ,i ,i * ,r. * * * * * + * * * + {* * 'i * * * {. il)t,t*:**r.**+*,tt+,i**{(:t*t(i(**tr(*i(,t()*,4,***+**x,i(1**+*****+rt**+** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? N YES T NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: . rs EXIST LAND DISTURB:NG PERMIT:T [/,,ATER: Z CFPUA sewrn: I creun COMMUNITY SYSTEM NEt,l IMPERVIOUS AREA: 2521 SQ FT YEs f-l No (fOR OFFICE USE ONLY) REVISET} DATE O4l1U12 SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- L-] CENTRAL SEPTIC I I PR PRIVATE l^]E LL IVATE SEPTIC CENTRAL h,ELL AOUA <tl 4ntl COMI'IUNITY SYSTEI'I AOUA Y I )." , *** SEPARATE PERI'4ITs REqJIREO FOR ELE'T, I4ECH, PL8G, GAS EqJIP, PREFABS & IIISERTS **T pAy ENr r,1ErHoD: I cmn I cxrc( (PAYABLE ro NHc) E Al.tEircAN ExPREss fl r'rc/vrsr I orscorrn iB *** * ** *,* )* r* )B'F:!:t *tx * +*i. + ++* t* * + *** i(:f * )i +,* *i. *,t** + * + +t ** * l.:1.,t ti:i(* )*t*,t** *'*:* * ** I *'. ***:l it* * 't'i'** r'* ZoNE; _ 0F F ICE R: Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: -_ BFE+2ft=avt{ I itu I I DATEI 02/23/20t'7 PHoNE #: 910 - 219 - 1.18 s EI4AIL ADDRESS: i uf icaf ferty@hhhomes . com/ JerryBrenninq@hhhomes . dom SF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIYIIT APPaCATIO t rYPf,; RESIDENTIAL PLIASE ANSUJER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YUJR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibillty" APPLICANT's NAIiIE: NorLb State ?artners Consrructioa LLC DEVELOPER: PRoIECT AmRESS: 1016 srrikirq rs1 and Drjve CITY: 14l Lminqron SUBDMSION: Aucunur ;{a1i BLOCK #: C&NER'S AmRESS: 1015 srrikl:rq 16 land Drrve CITY:wi lminoton LICETISE #: ?0046 ADDRESS: P. o. Box 3s9 A0)+-n1a, tffi35 APPLICATIO$I Number (office Use) DATEi 3/t't/2ot'7 PHONE #: zIP : 29!9L LOI s: 1s6 sT: JS_ zIP: 28480 Et',lAIL ADDRESS : of f j.ce@nolthsiatecustombuilders - corh PIO{iIE t: 910,200,e174 PROIECT COiITACT PERSoN: .j]'n r.risenan PlloilE f: 9aa - 442-is7 4 EXIsTIN6 CONSTRUCTION:ALIER,AIION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NE!,r CONSTRUCTTON: I rnrCr NE RESIDENCE o" I nOOtTrOr TO EXTSTTNG RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECI( AllD ANSI]ER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YoUR PRoIECT: CITY: wrighLsvalle tseach sT: Iq zIP; 28403 SF ATT GARAGE suNRooM _ 5F GREENHOUSE DET GARAGE _ SF Poot _ sF SF PoRcH l:!_ sF STORAGE SHED SF DECK SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: ra82 T0TAL PROIECT COST ress r-or) : $ eaqooo # 0F STORIES 3 2 15 Any ELECTRICAL, PLUII{8ING or |4ECSAI.IICAL Work Eelng Done to the Ac(essory Structure? ffi VeS fl lo If the project i.s a Relocation, is there a Natural 6as Line on the Current Site? [ ves [ ruo Is thene Electrical Power on this Building? llJv"t Ilro PROPERTY USE ,/ OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY DUP LEX TOI^,NHOUSE DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: consrucE s14qle aanily Resj.dence DISCIAIMER: lhereby cerrit hal all inbrmation in his applicadon h corect and all work w llcomply wih he Slal€ Building Cod6 and all otler appl le Stats and and ord inances and rogule tions The N H C Dewlopmea I Se rvic€s Cen lE, will be notfied of aiiy changes in he appoved plan s and conracbr inbmarion. "'NoTE AnyWork Perromed w/0 he Appropria? Permirs willbe i|l Viohuon otlhe NC SIEE Eldg Cod6 0c"' Ol,,NER/CONTRACTOR: ;im wi seman SIGNATURE : IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED TN A FLOODPLAIN?YES I NO EXISTING II4PERVIOUS AREA: <racre SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: . rac.e ItlEl,,l ItilPERVIflrs aREA: slqgga- 5Q FT ExIsT LAttlo DISTURBING PERMIT: rf YEs m [o r,rATER: u] cFpuA n comyuNrrY sYsrEl4 n PRrvArE WELL I crrurRnr urll sEr,rER: m CFPUA E cENTRAL sEPTrc I cnrvarr sEprrc f] cot'tfiuNrry sYsrEM },* SEPAIIATE PERIiIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IilECH, PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & I}ISERTS *** pAyrrtENT ETHoDT Icos* f]crrcx (PAYABLE ro Ntr) n Ar.rERrcAtl ExpREss D aczt rto ff orsco,t. * * x(:t *,*:* *,*** i(*,** **** ** * ***,i,** !*,* **)* * * )*,t **)*+ r**r** * '*+ t'l:t)a*r()i* 't:* * * ** 'l'**** ':i 'l' +)r'f *'l' *t'i* +'**" )r*** )k* (aoR orFrcE llsE oNLY) REVTSEO OArl 04/11/12 ZONE: Approval: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- : BFE+2ft t; Cornnent: OFFICER cit v:DATE: SETBACKS: FLOOD PERMIT FEE: ${t-,t+c PROPERW O|^INER'5 NAUE: Michael. and Robbie pooie PHoNE f: CONTRACTOR: Norih stat.e Partners consLrucclon, Ltc TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 4::-. TOTAL AREA SQ FT: a82? AP PLICA'{IT' S M}1[I DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDN SUBDIWSIONT NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMII CIry: BLoC( * aot+- 27rtS AppEcllTro[ l&r6en (Offl3. U.c) pRoPErry olniER,s Ml{El O{.INER'S ADDRISS: CONIftACTOB, AODNESS: EMTL ADDRESS: moJECf Co[fA€I PEflsO r CITY: IICEN5E }: CITY:tA DATE: Plio E s, :, , LoT tr .-sF 5F ptm[,E ACCOIINT S: ZIP PHOI\IE 'I!nwtE *:qWAgzfrAL * h4'qbAlqD sr| Nlzr?l4.&48 E0srriE cofisTrucEoN. n ALTFnATToN I nanvenor I e ae ul nepuu. E RElOcArro], EU C0t6TStETI0iti ffrucr lrfll R[srDEi,cE or E aoorrrfut m EGsTJlXi RESIDE{CE .tpLEAsr cHtc( {to ats fu !E[oH I,L TR r AppLy lo ydJR pioJtcr: flarr emear t]*.Q sr I suuroo.r _gFI onrauu-tsE _ sr ff orr cmme .- sr ! noncu ,137 tf] pool-- sr ' I sromae slro florcx ToT L HEATED Sq n, Atlf TOIAL SO FT UNDET YOTAL AREA SQ FT:<Q*4 rorAl PnolEcr cosrroi,r , s ,Q5&r)# oF sronrEs: A, PROPERIY IlsE / OCCUPA{CYI LY Iul*a :Iron*wse DESCNIPTION OF TOh(: s t j,iqE i 7 12:i6Pll ls AIIy ELECTRICT&, PLU,IBI c o|' ,{Ecl IICIL }r,o* ,.lirg Don to.tho A.c.6rory Structurof [Vet f] loIf the prcJect is a Reldcatlopl is there a Natural 6as Line on the Crirrent sf{re? EIG E N" rs there ELectricat pqxen on thts Bulldtng! IlJyes f]uo .. 0IJNER/CoNInllcroR:SIGMTURE ! . rr. *.r r. +r' rr++r*rrr*t** rfiTllifl l*r*tt*l.l****t+*i}*}'**t*a**tt*tt****)rttlr* rs rrE pftopERTy LocarED xrl l nooolrarur I vrs E[ wo "rb EXISTTUG lltplnw0t6 ARE^! _S0 FI IOTAL.ACBES 'I5TURbEDTNEll lj{pEmrldjs ,REAi _sQ Fr E(r5T LAto DrsruiBr}lc rrotrr: ff ws I lr MIER; I crpun I cdf{Jr,trT? sysrrm f] enrvrre HEr|n cE fiRAL HELL sEr,lER: I crrue I clinru srp,r"rc E pRruArE sprrc f] co,r+}nly sYsTB.r ..! sE?utTE,PER[Ts BEq.'IIEO rm ELECT, 't€Cfl. PLt9] sA:t EQUTP, PRIFI3S & rIEElTs '.rpAy,{rn }lErnoDr E qrsn E.nr.t (pAyaELt ro mr; f] arll cccrrr f,] rcTwsl ffo:sconntiriltata*r*rt*i,**a*ralt+t'ttltr:ttit*tr*ra;rit.titllat*tsatnt*t+i,ttar.taittt,talr*ar***ai*l Cc>) ,aX (tot otz<l u5! adaY) siiEAcKsi F: t€l?s., ol.ra o4lrtlu zoive:oFtIcsn; App,:oval i----fdL- cl +( u:$-ffi:* a FLo@r _ ,+_ BFE+Lft ,i^r,.on4*-,=-./nlfor' rrr,'02- *6nl gtttctulcs ft0. adftnant DATE eily inssctio{r flqureo, 9l$2514tr0 APPtacfitd.t rypE; RESfDENIfAL plElsE rM* lu. qJEsrIrDs ,,pLICtEtE TO lolri piol€cr ?roJect nesporE$fBq/ 3tr N\U +#+ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CAT I ON rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilitt/' eo4 27v1 Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAMEI \ 4l-/ta Zl? 3-t)- Lnt-lDate PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: b>.u, (- CITY Li,,1 ,u, A L,, \ 1' S laire tdt *;\ PHoNEtr: I rt - t:' 4'4: - 2/< 1. Crfl li . t)tr t'tx i>,' PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:<- OWNER'S ADDRESS: /l ztp: 2-t', I t .1 CONTRACTOR BLDG LIC€NSE f ADDRESS:I EMAIT AODRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON /CITY: L ST: lV!- ZIP 2e ,i/ PHONE:<) r ..'6,{dr'2//1 : *tuf.i s,YiEAi-*'PHONE: i, l'()z{ 6:.* l-l t, (. n Greenhouse (SF)_! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? f] Yes I No TOTAT5Q FT UNDERROOF {for propased work) Heale& ?)?d E other (sF) (:,{,(i}.,'L? fi- cra r i L^ 2lt fitr- IPhDsS Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S lsthe proposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? D yes N t'lo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure El.'fes fl No lftheprojectisa Relocation, is therea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes El No ls there ElectricalPower on this Building? BI Yes E t'lo Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Family E DuplexE Townhouse ion of Work:'t lt,<..a lYl o// .<'r I t til ec LUI-/vy,nbin ldws and ordinances and regulations. Tha NHC Development Services Center will be notified of anychanges in the approved plans and specmcations or change;n contmctor information. a"NOTt: Any wo.kperfo without the appropriate permits will be in violation o, the NC State BldB Code and subject to fines up to 950O.0O... Owner/Contractor:Signature: '-( "LicenseC QuoIiIier"j-r1'Y!P nt Nome:zii*):rv ls the froperty located in a floodplain? E Yes trl No l Existing lmpervious Area: _ 5q Ft TotalAcresDisturbed: tVd rt :: New lmperyious Area: - sq Ft ExistinB land Disturbing Permit: E yes E ttto WATER: P'CFPUA fl community system E Private well E central well E Aqua SEWER: ID CFPUA D community system E Private septic E central septic n Aqua zone: - officer: -- setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - y'.-___ Comment: N A /4'l Lc/l /,v/ . H L Permit Fee: S ?t'/ t, ttl i I EXISTING CONSTRUCIION; 6] Alteration E Reno\rdtion E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ...PLEASE CHECI( AND AI{SWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'* ! AttGaraBe(SF)_ E Detcarage (SF) [ porch(SF)_ n Sunroom (SF)_ D poot (SF)_ D Storage Shed (SF)_ +5- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICArIOI'I IYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSHER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" ! eoor- _ sr 20r+2?s3 APPLICATION Numben (office use) APPLICANT'S NAIiIE: DEVELOPER: Haqood Homes PIONE #: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:1910 London Lane SUBDIVISION: Laidta;1 BLOCK #:LOT #: l!__ PROPERW OI'INER'S I,A E:,foe 1 and Pat.sy Aiken PIONE #: 91a-2s6 6131 5T: NC zIP: 28403OI.INER, S ADDRESS:72oa cray Gables Ln CITY: wilminqton C0NTRACTOR: Hasood Homes LICENSE *: 16868 ADDRESS: Po Box 116 9 CITY: wriqhtsvifl.e Beach sT: Ig_ zrP: 2g3gq EIi,IAIL ADDRESS: ki rbytiaha dhomes . com PTPNE #: s1o -2s6 - a2s4 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Steve Moore PHONE #: e7a 212 '/a32 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION ! Rrlovlnoru [ ctntnnr nrenrRs ! RELocArroN NEW CONSTRUCTTOU: I rneCr NE RESTDENCE o" ! aOOrrrOl TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE *IPLEASE CHECK AT{D AI{SWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE 714 SF DET GARAGE 5F PoRCH j3!_ sF STORAGE SHED DATE: 3-23 77 SUNROOM 363 5F ! cnrrrunousr - sF DE CK SF OTHE R: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: :e:e TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: l!f:- TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: so32 DESCRIPTIoN 0F IJoRK:New Construct ion Sinqle Family Residence SF SF DtscLAtMER I hereby certify hal alt nt rmation in tlas applicatron is correcl and ellwork willcomplywift he state Burlding and ordinances and regutaiions. The NHC Oevelopmeni SeNices C.enErwillDe noijned ofany changes in lhe apprcved plan contacbr inlormaton. ,-NOTET Any Work Performed wo lhe ApprcpriaE Permilswill be in violation oflhe NC slaE Bldg ro $50O.0r" SIGNATURE : LY) flEVTSED oATE O4l11/12 1Y r-n:# nH,Y a,* BFE+ Code and allourer applicable StaE and local laws s and specifications or change in conractcror OWNER/CONT RACT0R: Haqood Homes, Inc IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN I TIOOONUTUI I VTS E TTO EXISTIiIG IMPERVIOLS AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: 44 NEr.l It4pERvIoUs AREA: llgl-- sQ Fr Exlsr LAND DTsTURBTNG pennrT: ll'l vrs I r'n (Print tlane) :* )*,** **)* )**{r+ )* r( ,1.,t * * x, ,1. **l *x*+{a+**{.*+x*x.i( +,t ,* * )t )t *,1. * )* )t *)t*+:t)t* * +*,t r**r( )*,t,t* *,.,t * +* *)*t r. + *,* )* * * )t,t ,t + HATER :CF PUA COIV]IVIUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE I^]E LL CENTRAL l^lE L L SEWER: fl CFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTIC X* * SEPARATE PERI'IITS REqUIR PAY EMT ETHoD: I cnsn [ orrcr *{.:t*,*** r(it)** )*:i* '* * x'**:t*'} **d(+ + * 't:} + ! enrvnrr sEprrc E coMMUNrrY ttilfty insectron Requreo gtt]2od-fi , ED FOR ELECT, I'IECH, PL8G, GAs EqJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS * (PAYABLE ro ttrc1 fl olenrcm exenrss Ll r'rc/vrsa l-l orscovsn **:t*)t)*+)***:i)t***,t)t{(+)i****)*'l'***+:i)i*++ji*d(+:t**'}t:t*'t't++)*'t++**'* ZONE Appn ,?.Io oFFrcER: {lw .'^"t-'/,:il':} N Coflne nt: X /t4,,1,1/t/PERMIT FEE:7L CITY: wrlmi nqLon ZIP: 28405 TOTAL PROJECT COST (ress ror) : $ ezosos # OF SToRIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUl,lBIl,lG or ITECHANICAL l,lork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ V"s I fo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Cunrent Site? [ ves I lo rs there Electrical Power on this Building?[v"t [l lo PRoPERTY USE / OCCUPAI\ICY: I Srrcrt rnmrlv ! ouelex f] rol,lNHousE LT1 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION |YPE : RESIDENflAI PLEASE ANSWER AI.[ qUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Projesf R6ponsibllt/ )art Msy Appli@tlon Number (ofiice urc) /t'/ tt AppLtCANT,s NAME: F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack 621s 31222017 pRoJEcT ADDRES9: 3421 Bragg Orive g1n, Wilmington NC 71e. 28409 SUBDIVISI oN: Pine Valley PARID R06611{04-007-000 191 6; 707 owNER,s ADDRESS: 3421 Bragg Drive clTy: Wilmington NC y1p. 28409 G6NTRACToR: F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack 9196 Ugsx56 s. 53778 1ggjg55; 4'122 Bennett Memorial Road suite 3O4 EMAI. ADDREss: charlie@ramiackusa.com pgg11g; 919-309-9727 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON: Chadia Lewis prOtr: 91$309-9727 ExEflt{G COI{STRUCflOI{: E Alteration E Renovation {General Regairs NEW CONSIRUCIIOT{: E Erect New Residence E Addition to ExistinS Residence U Relocation aar aaa E Att Garage (5F)- E Det Garage (sF)- D Porch (sF) D storage Shed (5F)_tr Sunroom (sF)_ E Greenhous€ (SF) - ! Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF)D orher {5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl ves Edo TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOI Uor proposed work) Heeted: TOTAT PROJECT cosT (Less Lot): $5100 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ves ffi' ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory St.ucture E Yes lf the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a Naturaj,,lsas Line on the current site? C Yes El4o ls there €lectricat Power on this Bullding? ts'Yes tr l,lo {* Property Us€/ Occupancy: E Single Famlly D Duplex tr Townhouse Descrlption of Work:install helical piers to stabilize foundation as desiqned by structural enqineer DlSCLAlMEn: I her€by certifo that allthe informetion ih thrs appticataon b correct and ellwo* will comply wlth the St.te aulblnS Code and all other applicabl€ State and local laws and ordinances and retulationa The NHc oevelopment services centerwifi be noufied oI any dl.n8.s in the app.ored plans and specificatlons orchanSe ln contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed Yrithout the appmpriate permit5 will be in violatbn of the Nc up to S5(}0.0o"' Owner/Contractn Chaliis Lewis Sa3It ture "Licensed Quolifrer" Prlnt Nome tsthe propertylocated ln afloodplaln? E Ycs E to ExlstinS lmpewious Area: - Sq R Total Acres Disturbed: l{ew lmpervious Area:Sq tt Exlstlng Land Olnu.blng P€rmlt O Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E communaty System E Private Well E Centralwell El aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA E Community svstem E Private Septic E centralseptic E lqua Zone: - Officer: - Sctbacks (Fl - ltH, - (RHl - (B) -Approv.l: -- clty: - Date: - Flood: lAl - (v) - (Nl - BFET2G -Comment:Permit Fee: S Ss- ! ffi Wffi pRopERTy owttER,s NAME: Rob€rt Jenski ptotr t: 910-799-1875 gTy; Durham g; NC 11p.27705 Unheated: En'"r'frt\eCi ]?)otT-)1* APPLICATION Number (office Use) ON *e NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT aPPLICATIoN ryPEr COHMERCIAL PLETSE ANS|{ER A!L QUESiIONS App!ICASLa TO VOUR PRCIECT "Project Responsibility,, i;i APPLfCANT'5 NAI1E DEVELOPER; al::i:J:Il a.t::!DATE I C-1/23/2a.-.- PHONE #: PRorEcr ADoREss: .4t2. 5 Z a9r .tYv. .l-.., ' .-..ZIP|2ai:'_ 0CCUPANI/BUSfNESS NAflE: ::.j'ria::r ::'js: a:l ;.::- :,:a!.1r;:: PROpERTY olrNER,S NAIiE: ]'-:.i::: .;::: rtia: a:.::::i:::.; OI^INER'S ADDRESS: ; : :air! :i-- s PIIONE #: 9'.a-- a2-a-.e 2 CONTRACTOR: ::.r:s i:ir .i:a: cITY:;i.L:{::"cr}''5TI \: ZIP:::;': ST: ., r ZIP: :6..: I l LICENSE f: :,a:i CITY: .'.:::.: r::::lADDRESS: r::6 :nS:r: :.r,/):a ial.l EMAI L ADDRESS : : :a:a:r.::.)i:.:!3..i :i:::s;t: : a::: :. :l:PHONE #; '': a- j- -:;'t: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ]-Tz !:::Z PHoNE #: a - ^ -:- --.- :.. - ( che< k ali rhat aooty) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAlRS RELOCATION f Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Stte?tr Yes I No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I ves r No NEI,J CONSTRUCTION:I enecr new sraucruae !FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #Is Elect Power on this Bui.lding I Yes ff *o ****. IS THIS A cltrANGEIF Yes, what was the Paevious Occupancy Type? oF occuPANCy usrr I vrs I |./hat is the New Occupan.y Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESI6N PROFESSIOIi,AL: PH NC REG #: NC REG $:PT DESCRIPT]ON OF I^IORK: ial:j !.:?t.i::!::):: -. ?.,f{r., \ ls food or beverages prepared or served in this stnraure? fives [ ruo DISCLAIMER: I hereby cemty lhat all lnlormaton in rhrs applicar on is co.red end a[ worka-d rocarraws a.d o.d rances and .equiar ons. Tte \-ic Devetoo.re.r serurces center wo. c'dnge n conrractor or contraclor info.m.tion "'\OTE. A.! Work Peno.med W O lhesu5leci ro F'nes up To 5500.00'- OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: P,::j .c:.Y ls The Property Located ln The Floodptatn? E yes .NC SI will comply with the Slate Buildins Cod allolher applica le Staie S-3768) whether tho or building was found 1o at (919)707-5950 # OF UNITS SIGNATURE(Ooa!td) (trlm NrE) Not€: O€molitioo notjfcalions 8 asbencs r€rnovat permit appti=tjoos a.€ to be suomittod rlsino tD applicatjon brm {OHH cootain Asb€slos or not Yo! are r€quired to call the Natiooat Emission Stardads for k:ardors Aj. po utants (NESHAP) de olilion o, any hdlity or bi,ildin!. S€€ Asb6tos Wsb Silq hilpJlrww. spi.slats. nc. usJepi/asb€stotahmp.hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST: s22,.:. TOTAL AREA SQ FT : :: : ] BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED:EXSr LAND DrsruRBrNG pERN4rrr I ves I r'ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING II.IPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE:FFICE RESTAURANT lurncmrle lrouc [enr f]CONDO OTHER: r.rlr:: DzoNrNG usE CLASSTFTCATTON: fl coMMUNTTY SYSTEM WATER: EbFPUA SEWER: El CFPUA '"s PAYMENT METHOD: E COMMUNITYSYSTEM T-"IWELL cENTRAL sEPTrc I e-nvere seerc AV a^--o^t flcesx [cHecK (eAvABLE To NHc) flmrrnrcau EXeRESS fi ncnrrsn E orscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONL'REVISED OATErulln2 ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval:- City:-DATE:- FLOOD: --- BFE+2ft= I # OF STORIES:_ # OF FLOORS:-# OF STRUCTURES: J.**,r..., r-l-0D- I APPLICATION Number (office Use) N NEW HANOVER COIJNTY BUILDING PERIIiIIT APPLIcATIott rYPe: RESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT,,S llAlrl€ : Coascal Home Corporation DATE: 3 L DEVELOPER:PIONE *: e 10-200 3344 PROIECT ADDRESS: ?44 Tuscan way CITY: wilminqton ZIP:28411 SUBDMSION: Be1la sera BLOCK #:LOT *: 8 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 2030 Eastwood Road, ste 5 CITY: wilmlngton ST: NC ZIP: 28403 CONTRACTOR: coastal Home Corporation LICEi,ISE *: 76 s73 ADDRESS: 2o3o Eastwood Road Ste 5 CITY: wilninqton ST: I9_ ZIP: 28403 El'lAIL ADDRESS: dweldon@coastalhoneco. com PHONE f: e1o-2oo-3344 PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: Dan weldon PK)NE f: 910-2oo 3144 EXrSTrr'rG CONSTRUCTTON: f| nrrenaTlOr ! nrHovnrror GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTIOru: I eneCr I{EH RESIDENCE o" ! eOOrrrOt TO EXISTING RESTDENCE {.*PLEASE CHECK AI{D AJ'ISI{ER BELO.I ALL Tll,tT APPLY TO YOIIR PROJECT: I orr cauee sF E PoRcH rss sF I oecx SF OTHER:SF TOTAL HEATEO SQ TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: 2e52 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: :z;s TOTAL PROIECT COST tr."" roO : $ r:sooo f OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRfCAL, PLUllEIilc or ECIIAI{ICAL work Being Done to the Accessory structure? f] V"r I Ho If the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturat Gas Line on the Current Site? fl Ves I to Is there Electrical Power on this Building? flves l-l no PROPERW USE / OCCUPAT{CY, I SrUClr FAMTLY E DUPLEX DESCRIPTIO{ OF HOR(: New Home construction TOWNHOUSE L5-ooE ATT GARAGE 470 SF suNRooM _sF GREENHOUSE SF af:2fia DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify lhat all inbrmation in his applicaton is conect and allwork will and ordinances and regulalbns. The NHC De!€lopmenl Services Cenler will be nolifed ofan cofilaclrr inbrmai,on. '_NOTE:Any Work Perbrrned W/O he AppropraE Petmils wilr be in complywith tle State BuiEing Code and allober applicable SlaE and locallaws ychanges ln the approved plans and specifications orchange in contracttror Violation ofrhe NC StaE Bldg Code and Subircl b Fines Up To $500.00" 5TGNATURE: l)c.^- \^) a,le--OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Dan weldon IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IiI A FLOODPLAII{? EXISTII{G II'IPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEI.I IMPERVIOUS AREA: 3276 SQ FT YES a NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ,25 I NO (FOR OralCE USE ON[Y) RtvrsED DATE 04111112 SETBACKS: F:- LH: RH:- B:- _ BFE+2ft t{ PERMIT FEE: $ (P.lnt riame* *,t 't,t,1. * a.:a** )****,*,1*+ )t**,*,8)t* )+,|*:+ +*:t*] ** ** ** **** *** *{.** **)t* r.)t* )* )t* + + )*:r. {.:a r. *,* * )i * *)*)i* **)t* *)i*,r *r(E EXIST LArD DISTURBTNG PERI4IT: E YES WATER:cFpuA ! collr4uNrw sYsrEM E PRrvarE WELL ! crNrul well sEr{ER: E CFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTTC ! enrvarr sEprrc E coMMUNrrY sYsrEM * *r. SEPARATE PERI'I PAYIiETT iETlOo: E a*,T REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I4ECH, PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PREFAES & INSERTS crrcx (plvmr-t m t*rc) f] arERrcAt{ ExPRGss f] tclrrso ! orscovtn ITS **)i )* ,t *,t ***,* *,t*,i *,t*)t )*X* *,t** )t,**+ *** **** +*,i* ***,* **)t )t+** )* )tx******* r.,1' * + '* **)** +*1'**** 'k***:**** r* )* ZONE:OFFICER: Approval:- CitY:- DATE:- FLoOD: comment: {r53- A,ory- 2458 PROPERTY OI'INER'S MitE: coastal Home Corporation PIONE *: 9aa-2oo-3344 ! eoor- _ sr ! sronace SHED _ sF APPLICANT,S iAt'tE: DEVELOPER: Pel.r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL,UTION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSN]ER ALL QUE5TIONS APPLICAALE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proj ect Responsibiliqr,- Jon- ?_qb+ APPLICATION Nrmber (Otfice Us€) oAT* 07-ln- / 2 Pt0{E #: q t0 - 7)-g ?oj'/PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISIONT lb CIW: Lv.t'lzu..ti>tt A/,L ZaP: > ?dto / proNE *: 1ro - 4iS - 3 tq sr:. _zIP | -Zk3o i ACCOUNT #: BLOCK #; LOT *: - PROPERW O}]NER'S MTIE: Or/'INER'S ADDRESS: /C / I q C h,-z,L d s/CITY: /.r.',/">2- l/L CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: 4 EIiTAf,L ADDRESS: f)I*c 1<r ti lt;q,n t;h a LICEI6 E #:cfTy: i-,.; lr>_,ST: _ ZIP: _/q )t 7 a €Entn: t - co.z.-7 PHONE #: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE #: EXrsTrr{G coNsTRUCl-roN: I alrenarroru p[.Reuovarrou I oeueu,l aeearas RELOCATION NEh., CON5TRUCTIOTI. I ERICT NE!.I RESIDET,ICE O" ffIOOrrrW TO EXTSTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AI{D A SHTR BELOI{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOT'R PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE _ sF ! orr olaaor sF fl poRcH _ sF Pe*-. t '., //,'e,+5 qo-izt-xo5 | SUNROOq - SF GREENHOJSE _ sF I pool_ sr I sronnee sHED _ sF DECK 5F OTHER: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:32{TOTAL AREA SQ FT:t 3>fTOTAL HEATED SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT CoST lress Loe | $ J;,OO)# OF STORIES: I Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUHBING or i,IECHANICAL Wo.k Being Done to the Accessory Str ucture? ffi"" ff lfoIf the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natura] Gas Line on the Current site? f]Ves [fMoIs there Electnical Powen on this Building? p|{er f] l'io PRoPERW USE / oCCUpANCy: [fSrrcle FAi.4]Ly n DUPLEX n TOt MTOUSE DESCRIPTIoN oF NoR(: t?,, f- f O O 4d a:7:4n 0{o q bed roor'', DISCI.AIMER lherBOy c€nj, halall hbfiaton in tlis app[ca&o b coflEctand all\6rkvi[ complywih ]ro SEE &rildhg Codo sod all otlor sppli:abla SlsD and local la,{. and ordinances 3,1d r€gubrons. Tho NHC Oewlopment S€rvic€€ CanEr will b6 notfud of sny cnanggs in i,lg sppro]/sd plsn6 aod +ocific€dons or cian96 in con!'&Dr or cont-acEv inbnn€don, 'nNOTEr Any Woft P€rb.m6d w/O teAppoprl€b P*'rni6wnlb€ in Molalim of$€ NC Slab Adg O:d6 snd Subi6cr o Fin66l, To CsOO,OO"' ONNER/CONTRACTOR:STG},IATURE : ++* +*****:r****,r******* ** * * *({i'Il }ii"J ** * * ** **** *++:} *+* ++** *** **++ +*:** *+:}* *+* **:i:} +**+ **+*:r.* IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIT{? T'] YES E rc EXISTING IIIPERVIoUS AREA: _sQ FT ToTAL ACRES DTSTURBED: NEW rJ'IPERVIOUS AREA r _ SQ FT B(IST LAIO DrSTt RBrr'lG pERl4rT: n yES r-l ilo ffi F CFPUA f] corurururw sysrEM n pRrvArE uiELL I:T SEPARATE PERXITS REqUIRED FOR EL€CTJ IIECH' PLEGJ GA' EqUIP' PREFAE5 & IISERTS :" payr,lENr i,rErHoD: I crsri I Gre.K (PAYABLE ro Nxc) f] BxLL aaccuNr n r,lclvrsa I o:scwe"******* r*** * *** **r.*:i.**:t****** ** * ** ****+ *** * **:t **+ * i(** *** * ri*****ri(**** **:i(* *** ******** **+ *** t?eter Ly-i / /ian t I,IATER CENTRAL I,IE L L SENER:cFpuA fl CENTRAL sEpTrc I enrvare sEprrc n covli4uNrry sysrEM ,^r. fL3 oFFrcER: opp"ou}@-.:..y a{e (foR oFFtcE usE onl 5 Y) - REVISED D,YE O4l11/12b o,-l nH,7 e,/5CKS: F: FLOOD: .\a BFE+2?I= t-^hLt\ DATE 0 N PERfiTT FEE: $cornent: ldea o€ fu-e A utck.rZ. lltv lnsoection Recrrreq, 9l 0.2S4.mlt SF "fzzz-. ->2)-.--:, Aot+- zqb+ tT=942#NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N TYP E ; RESIDE Nrnt FLTAsT ANSW€N ALL QU€5IIOT{S APPIICASI€ TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect f, esponsibiliy CITY APPTICANT'S NAME: PRO'ECT AODR SUBDIVISIOII: PROPERW OW ER'S OWNER'S ADDRTSSI LOT {: Date. ztP rrcEi*Er: 33797 sT.as@ E:11,PHONE ctw zt ),rcl at {4r,,hl<_co ADDfi'SS: EMAII. PROJTCT CONTACI PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: --: NEW CONSTRUCTIONI CITY: t PHONE fl Renovatioo . General Repairs New Residen€e U Addatbn to ExistioB Re5idence U Relocation Porch {SF}1s' il Storage Shed (SF) _ n other {sF} to fines up to 5500 00"' &/Att GaraSe (sF)E Oet Garags {5F} --[] Sunroom (sF)il Pool (sF) 3 Greenhouse (SF): Deck {SF) 15 the proposed vyork changing the existing tootprint? Il Yes [:] l,lo TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor ptoposed work) Heated:3Y1 (o Unheated: TOTAI PROJECT COST ll"ess Lot): 5 ls the propo5ed work changing the number of bedrooms? ff Ves E lo ls any tlectrkal, Plumbint or Mechaok l work being done to lhe Arcessory Strusture E Ys C o 4tt lf the proi€ct is a n€bcrtioo, is therga Natural Gas Line on the current site? 0 Ycc ls there Electrical power on this Briliding? E Y.5 tl no/ Prop.fty l,rsr/ occup",r.y, Vslngb r"mllv E puphr tr To.wnhoti€Des$iptronorworr' Zafhqtvuf tl-f .i) 5i Ilo intorrn:tton. "'li.()TE: Any wo.t perlonrled th! .Ofrcpriata p.rrniB t,lll be in vidatirr ol the t{C St.te gldf Code Owner/Cortractor:s Sigrature: tIStLffR: I h€reby certity that .ll the info.mation in rh6 .pplicrtion a conlct aad .ll wo.i wif cornply with lhc State Suilding Code .nd .1, other .ppl(rue Srate and lo<al 'Licen .d Quolifiet' ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Existi[8 lmp€rvlous Area: - 5q Ft ..2,?qt Sq Fr Total Acret Dirturbed . f,f$ €.xlsting Land Disturbint Permh: f] Yes C No ? lloqe ,ra ,atd ff"w^D Communitv System D Private well 0 Central Well E Aqla 0 Community System EI Private Septi€ 0 Cent al Septt E Aqua zo,r€: _ Olficer: - Setbacfs (rl - (tH, - (RHl - t8l -A!,prov3l: _ Oty; =- oatei - Floot ; (Al - (V, - (il}=- 8FE+2ft -- Qt Comment:Permit teei 5 $),1r2 lr,1 2 f t j 4 qr-.xq?-)?7t* NEW HANOVER COUNW BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICAI|ON TypE: RESTDH$flAI PLEAST ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPIICASLI TO YOUR PROJECI'proiest Respon5ibiliqf CITY {.J 7; AotY Zqb& ++.9€A Application loffice ul€) APPIICA T'5 NAME:1*nt('t Dalei Ll PROIECT AD SUaOlVlSlON: PROPTRTY OWNIR'S OWNER'S ADDR[55: L LOT ' llP *l(L 1 PHONT # crw .l ztP t,ttt'1 ADDRESS: EMAII ADDR PROJECI CONTACT Pf R5ON: Att Garage (5F) C Sunroom {SF) C Greenhouse {SF) CITY ucENst f: st: k ztp 27'HONE:'tr . Unheated o.on 41i: 5?s 717; :18 I Storage Shed (5F)_ n Other (5F) EXISn G COiErRUcnOl{i : : l),teration f Renovation il Generat Repairs EW COflSIRUCIEI{: 0,.(/rect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence lf Relo.ation Is the proposed work changinS the existing footprint? Il TOTAL Sq FT UI{DI*ROOF lJot propoted wort] tl€at€d: (*, ltof TOIAL PiOJECT COST {Less l-ot): S ls the proposed work chasgintthe numberol bedrooms? 0 ver Cl ro ls any Effil, Plumbhg or Maahankal work beinS done to the Accessory structure O Ycs Cl t{o lftheprojectisanebcrtlon,islhereaNaturalGasLineonth€currentsite?EYcsEtaq ls there glectrical Power on this iilg? f] Yer D tlo Property Use/Family O ouphr ff T do oD Descriptio.l ot Wo.t: OtSCIA$aGlr I hereby csnify th.t a[ the iniormation in thit appication ls co.r€ct.d r[ wort wi$ comp]y with lhe Slrle &rddin8 Code and .I sther :ptlreble St te a.d lo..l l.ws and oi-din.nces and r€tulations Ihe t{HC Oevelooment Servrces Ce'|trr wlll b€ notified of any cheqel in the apprci.ed p{rn5 and s9€cifi.:liont o. ch.n8e rn conlr.do, info.malaoo. "'NOT[: Any worl perfonned .ppropriate pennite will be in vloLtion ot th. t{C Stete 8ld8 iubjcct to finer u9 to Ssm.m"' OwnerfContractoil "Lhented Quglil er' ls the property located in a floodplaio? Cl yeJ &\-\*"Jilar Signature Total Acres Oisturbed: ,DL,3 L Sq tt Sq Ft f, rirtint lmperviou3 Area: tlew lmpervious q-)-t WATER: SEWER:CfPUA E Community Synem E Private Septic O C€ntralseptic B Aqua Zone: - otficeri -- Setbacfs (F) - {tHl - {iH} - (B} Approralr - Clty: -- Date: - fbod; (A) - (vl F tristirE tand Oirturblnt Parmftr E Yes E o D community System E Private well fl centrdl well D Aqua (N)gFE+ztt=\pq- & CONTRACTOR: t,t v {/ra n Pool {SF) _ tl Deck {5F} _ ,/1 Can!|nent: PErmit fee: t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPI"ICASI.E TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responsiblllv' )otT- 21t Appllcetlon Number (offlce use) AppLlcANT,s NAMI, Herrington Classic Homes, LLC Date:zlz417 pRoJECT ADDRESST 4825 Goodwood Way 61ry, Wilmington ltP.28412 sUBDtvtstoN: Fortune PIace at Johnson Farms LOT #: zo pRopERTy owNER,S NAME. Herrington Classic Homes, LLC PHONE '. 910-399-5688 oWNER,s ADDRESS. PO Box 538 cfw. Wrightsville Beach Ap. ?8480 CONTRACTO R. Herrington Classic Home, LLC BLDG UCENSE d.68106 AoDRESST PO Box 538 61ry. Wrightsville Beach 51. NC 21P.28480 EMAtL ADoREss: healher@heningtonclassjchomes.com PHONE. 910-399-5688 pROJECT CONTACT p6X5gp. Craig Johnson PHONE. 910-442-7500 EXISTING coNsTRUcTloN: E Alteratlon - Renovation fI General Repalrs NEW coNsTRUcTloN: fa Erect New Residence E Additionto Existlng Resldence D Relocation *t* t** E att Garage {sr} 496 tr Det Garage (5F)- E Porch (SF)270 fl sunroom (5F)tr Pool (SF)[] storaee Shed (SF) E Greenhouse (Sf)n Deck (SF)n other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the exlsting footprint? n Yes E No ToTAL sq FT UNDER RoOt ffor prcposed work) Heated:Unheated:766 ToTAL PRoJECT COST (Less Lot):50,000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No IsanyElectrlcal,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAcressorystructureEYesENo lf theprojectisa R€locatlon, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E lto ls there Elect.ical Power on this Euilding? fl Yes E No Property Use/ Description of Occupancy: EI Slngle Famlly E ouplex E Townhouse workr Construct new single family residence DtsctAtMER: I hereby certify thalall the lnformatlon ln thls appllcatlon iscorrect and allwork Mllcompty wlth theState Bullding Code and allother applkable State and local lawsand ordlnances and regulatlons. The NHc oevelopment SeMces C.nterwlll b€ notifled ofanycha lnformatlon. ar.NOTE: Any work performed wfthoul the appropdate permlts wlll b€ ln vlolatlon of the in approved plans and cations or change ln contractor and flnes up to S5o0.00$* owner/6on1r".1or. Craig Johnson Slgnature: "Llcensed Qudlne/ ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No txlstlng lmpeMous Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area:3143 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes D No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System n Private Well E Central Wetl E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Communlty System E PrivatesepticECentralsepticEAqua Zon€: _ Otflcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A! _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Commert:Permlt Fee: S q\vq-