APRIL 5 2017 BUILDING APPS,) ffi ]otb - s51? APPI.ICANT,S NAME:I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N rYPE; RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility'' ctw Date s ztP LOT # ztP:'25t/O BLDG I-ICENSE #50t)Q st:A)Ltp zslof ?u -6/z _k))) [" PROIECT ADDRESS: suBotvrsroN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:'i:J OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE # ctw t/u\ ADDRESS EMAIL ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON CITY u ,t, PH PHONE ./ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: EJ Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence ! Additionto Existin8 Residence D Relocation ,}',}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO.,ECT*** a Nr Garage (s p(lk E Det Garaee lst) / ! Sunroom (SF)! Pool (sF) 3 Greenhouse (SF) -,'/! Deck {SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes ! No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uot ptoposed work) Heated:2t lD TOTAL PRO.IECT COST (Less Lot): $L2dDO ls the proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? a yes Z/no ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ul", = no tr Porch (SF) ! Storage Sh ! Other (SF) ed (sF)_ 4.- Unheated: lf the project is a Relocation, is there a ls there Electrical Power on this B din Property Use/ occup oescription of Work: Nat.r'arias L,re on tl'e cJrrent s tei [zfes a No g? y^Yes I No ancy:single Family fl Duplex ! Townhouse A^-//A OISCLAIMEB: hereby certlfy that all the lnformat on in this application is irect and allwork will comply with the State Euildlng Code and a I other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Servlces rwlllbe notlfied ofanychanges in the ap d plan d specifications or change in contractor information "*NOTE: Any work perform thout the ap swlllbe in violatlon ofthe NCState I bject to fines up to s500.00"r owner/Contractor: "Lrcensed Quolifier" Signature: o Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area Sq Ft WATER:CFPUA ! Community System fl Private Well n Central Well ! Aqua CFPUA ! CommunitY SYstem E Private Septic E Central Septic ! AquaSEWER:{ zone: officer: - setbacks (F)- (LH) - (RH)- (B) -Approval: - City:- Dater- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - L, Comment:Pe.mit Fee: S CONTRACTOR , ?to'd2-g)1) 15 the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Existing l"and Oisturbing Permit: a Yes I No ?-D(1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT A P PLI CATI O N TYPE.' RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/ AP,+t#igi Number I l:53Bfl (office use) Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC Date. 0410312017APPLICANT,S NAME: ontss: 329 Raquette Lake Drive CITY:Wilmington a?. 28401 PROJECT AD SUBDIVISIONT Hanover Lakes PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME ' Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC PHONE f:910.350.1744 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 g;Ty; Wilmington z,P. 28403 OWNER,5 ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC BLDG LICENSE f:34586 ADDRESS:127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 6lly.Wilmington ST: NC 71p 28403 EMAIL ADDRESST cbain@billclarkhomes.com EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: El4rect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ,}**PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT'I -rrr.nt' pxorue: 910.350.1744 C;Q.:zzqEl/ett earage (sr)9ar tr Det Garage (SF) n Sunroom (5F)tr Pool (sF) E Greenhouse (5F)-E Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr yes Ed ToTAt sQ FT UNDERROoF Aor proposed workl Healed: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): I t>= Property use/ occupancy: El'lsingle ramily Duplex Townhouse ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes [l-No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Ves ffio lf the project is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes 5--tto lsthere Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? E Yes El-fio LY Porch {SF ! Storage shed (s /o,n"..(rr) Unheated:\.o 4*PE ll i ?1galPH new construction of sinqle family residenceDescription of work: DISC|AIMER: I herebv certify that all the information in this appli€ation Is correct laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developrnent Services center will information. *t*NoTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wil : Courtney Bain and all work will comply with the State Building code and be notified of anvchanges in the approved plans and spec I be in violation ofthe NC State Bldg Code and subjed to fi SiBnature: allother applicable State and local iflcations orchanSe in contractor nes up to 5500.00*** Owner/contractor "Licensed QuoIiliet" d<,ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New tmpervious Ar"", 3't-1BC sq rt Total Acres Disturbed:)a Existing Land Disturbing Permit: C ves 3{6 WATER: g;FPUA D community system E Private Well E central Well E Aqua SEWER: ErZFpuA E community system E Private Septic E central Septic D Aqua zone.. - officer: - setbacks (F) - (l-H) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: -- Citv: - Date: - rlood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+zft= o Comment: Permit Fe€: S 7?,1?P'l:" E) ,.i LOt l: 182 pRoJEcr coNTAcr p5pggp; Courtney Bain puotrtt 910 350 '1744 tr u AA,7 ,,. . ., .."\. iir' f,l\ ]:rffF i'aE. NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERII,IITApplrarlqt ry"E: RESIDE TIALpi5rsa r$st.E, ALt :!asIictt5 :rpiliiB-€ 70 \,0!i. .i.-r._ I '- r{La , _-t\l_,5 \' "Project Responsibility-,- t:l :(ll^ D./7 CITY: tt F i ;: , B(C', f - LOT *: -.:i s,-- F - - '-/^ -''-' - S\ : _zlp: ? f!:,/O I t:- 4J. -.,( JF :! .. ai_ . .t-. ll '" 1 p7'' .- i5 a o.Io:f,:: :s'"..e El. j lt- -- .u1It ADDRTt!: 'r: .EASE CHrCX ,- -- CrP,'?,"I sr ':.:ron :4, a .r- RtParps ,_ to.8 PtiCllE *: z/ t,'- Qtt z <'' '-----a:_:- r Gr - 0EC( ioiAl AREA se Fr: . / fjj> 5F # OF ST0RIES: -d :h is Buitdingt I v", INo LLr"--- 5i-/es Y *- DupL ix /a -.5 ( -" 1 // /,' *rr ot . voburn ortu ua:' , s,;.t ii i " rs rHE pRopERry Loc,irED rN a FLooDPLATN? f - its N0 -r ^ 1^- (t:it . : ;ia :a" ',n.; -/^ Ar:^.val:__ C ity - l5- l?. !ri-r:ri-3- l?F.OOD: :, !i-,_ --- i .- a..-- (P,v: -\tr k^ctfloyd F: il-nr:;[_ S;;f _ Y l?.a- qt: ds&;LCv\ h ilrty lnpechur REurrec 91 0-254-ffi 3l :i:\ ir ,6[ )'lgg NEl,'l HANOVER COUNIY BUIL t1 q 0q -. ^,'. ,;.: i a--- is: C ITY: - ------,,,- LU | tr: 4 a_ t-- a")r'<, r..< .: -!; 7/ ?tnNr *: 47! - ?.a zs 'a;'- :lfc'- 'I '.,- :DE Cr( roTAL HEATED Se FI : / i-./A/5F a .__ _ I5 Afiy ELSCiP:c,1I-,i )uPl i. :i -' p^^.?ct:s .) , F {l'_-fcJ I D-.., , 0c-c tc j 6.. lc-__t5 -".-- a ,l::,.il 6ns Line on thes I ', rJl c;.rr^^-, 5:-^r - '{.-- i -" : I a :i.r,xr. Cllltr 6, b. ,/Z rl : a)so -- A : ._-_ -- ? .rr A.,r..!r r.fttv a1$t td " ':_ a.- - r:r.:,,:i .o3 ^/:.l a- :i- ,. i-.; '- 1.-: F:_L LiJ:-},_-D!: +8:*- '{:,3:r?- 5 City lnpectnr: Pequrrec, 91 t1254{J514 6N_ ,l::r -Qoa* APPLICA;:CIi lluBbe i Fa- I a. CI TY: - _ _ L !. a/7/ -?tz- /-()5 t- ..4 li. ST1, _---_..:F IAsE (HEat( . t :--ai r' :, ' - 7iz<. ^/z r -^-.ri "" _ , -- _ 1: - ' ' ii .-. -ts :-< -" alE .,:.1 "^r -_ rl :--K / ''- ? -r',- :! Ao_v €t :iIi1::...t, a o:lo-.:..1 c:e iin - L!- -- si+_l^ s', :,d,--, ::v ] ouerrx )/.. .' dsled 3-15 Ciry rnspmiron r€qrjrfrJ rluii,r-rjr-; , YE5 :*J r,ro -__)44.Y.L:{!3L .;*-,:-i- ,C - . -- . J:;_--. St-_ i I taaa i'r/'-- .__r5 a_ ADD.o!,al: .i i.,. +l'fiLrrr -.."::r 0.h F: + LB:+ R ,I- a,* _,4-_317_FLC,' APPLICANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LI CAT I O N TYPE., RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' 4Krnur <A 0 A A ctw E aE aP +^ v05 Application Number (otfice use) o^r"3-22- 17 Lk424PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDlvtstoN: A/ ^ct LOT f PROPERTY OWNER,S OWNER,S ADDRESS:Z CONTRACTOR et f-fl ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: N E:Kt uA f(o PHONE S ?/o 3qc^rq// A H€ ztp u:eNLCITYe BLDG TICENSE # ? e T ZP:2 a/o-PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON /R'ttlht HcunRa €XISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence EHlddition to Existing Residence n Relocation **+PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**' ts Det Garase (sF17 20 ! Pool (SF) ,rorr,Q//') ?a- 57 (t E Greenhouse (5F)_n Deck (sF) Unheated://4 a<; ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes n No TOTAL sQ FT UNDERRooF (for proposed work) Heated:/v* TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 7,2Oo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D ues pK Is any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re D Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Ves EPt!6- ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes Dd Use/ occupancy: E Single Family fl Duplex E Townhqu;e. -onorwork: F,R ecf nteTAL- C fi6n<"tProperty Descripti lnformation. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation laws and ordinances and resul3tions. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor "," zx", q suyl o nnes le to ism.oo..i Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIiJier" A fr,*l"rK ,A A Signatu TotalAcres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: A ves 6o vate Well E Central Well f] Aqua ls the property located in a floodplain? A V., K Existint lmpervious Area:Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft WATER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem P SEWER: ! CFPUA tr Community System Private Septic ! Central Septic ! Aqua Zone: Officer: Setbacks (F)(LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ city:_ Oate:_ Flood:(A)_(v) _(N)_BFE+2ft=- Comment:Permit Fee: S 1 n Att Garage (sF)_ n sunroom (sF)_ n Porch (SF)_ n storage shed (sF)_ n other (sF)_ 5ut "j' -" ,m; APPLICANT,S NAME hce,<r,iil H NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll C ATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER AL! QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR O.] E CT "Project Responsibility" o,if C..r'ilo^.- [\o.,=s ],.lc- R..l^.dil ;tt+**tzz Number (office use) ?, zlPPROJECT ADDRESS:z_CITY suBDtvtstoN CONTRACTOR : Sr'u.*'R i-<F.N.r<- \A oT# PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: L A\<,PHoNE#: ?tO-27'l' Al65 crrv: Ldrt-E^ru$oo zlP:4.871 ADDRESS: ?C) E \1ooCxit<ft Ax>i. Cqs'lo*-Hones Auc-BLDG r.rcENsE f : 51 t{o st ),lL ztp 287i3CITY EMAIL ADDRESS: E Sunroom (sF) E Att Garage (sF)-tr Det Garage (5F)_ tr Pool (SF) n Deck (SF) 5< Porch (sF)32 )" E Storage Shed (SF)_ p other (sF)-7{9r NewFoyfl\ PHONE pHoNE: g/o- 233-OoS\PRO,ECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration K Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence q Addition to ExistinB Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT** ! Greenhouse {SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed workl Heated Z-tOz- Unheated: '32* ToTAt PRoJECT cosT (Less Lot): S lAl4, OOOE ls the proposed work changinB the number of bedrooms? fl Yes E' luo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure D Ves! no lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E ves E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? !t ves E No ancy: H' Single Family !Duplex n TownhouseProperty Use/ Occup Description of Work: Owner/Contractor "Licensed QuoIiJier" Nt J.-l.{n s lo6t lwn bu,)d ottz/) N *D lt tl L pplicataon i5 correct and all work will comply with the state Buildin8 code and ell other apphcable state and Iocal services center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor up to S5oo.oo"' DISCLAIMtR: I hereby certify that all the information in this a laws and ordinances and reguiations. The NHC oevelopment information, *++NoT€: AnY work performed without the appropriate perm.ts will be in Violation of the Nc st al Code and subject to Signature:r- ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes E ttto Existing lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n yes ! tto WATER: El CFPUA ! Community System fr lriu,tu w"lt fl central weli E Aqua sEwtn: ( CFPUA E communitysystem fl Private Septic E central septic I Aqua Zone:- Officer: _- Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) -(B)-Approval: - City: - Date: -- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - $r{-l d on, ]f ie/,t Permit Fee: S _-- t'Prlnt NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPL, CAI,ON TYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLTA5E ANSWTR ATt AUESTIONS APPTICABI-T TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Projed Responsibllity" CITY IE aq+3Dg (office usel Date:3 2c\ Ls & APPLICANTS NAMEi PROJECT ADDRESS:ZlPl SUBDIVISION:LOT #l PROPERTY OWT{ER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PHONE fi 0to-torr -tAa,A PROJECT CONTACI PERSON Arrvrncla Parrrs: zlP: NL. BLDG LICENSE flr sr,NL zrp'2i 136 PHONE: PHoNE: qto *702- t! lt ol4ro-e3.q16 ! storage Shed (SF) tr Oth.r (sF) CITY: ADDRESS:?oRov Zort CITY EMAIL ADDRESSI LvPtts ?fttn€e EXISTII{G COI{STRUCTION: f} Alteration El Renovatior D General Repairs ,{CW CONSTRUCTIOI{: E Erect New Residence XAddition to Eristing Residence D Relocation ...PTf,AsE CHECI( AI{D ANSWER BTLOW AI.I THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT" ' ! Attcarage(5F)_ fl Detcarate(SF)_ D Porch (SF) tr Pool(SF)D Sunroom (SF)_ D Greenhouse (sF)_ ls thc proposed work chantin8 'D( Deck (sF)sqa the existinS footprint? D Ye5 A No TOIAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor prcposed wor*) Heatedr TOIAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S "Hqo Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves ( no ls any Elecrlcal, Plemblng or Mcchanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure tr Ycs 4 ia,o lf the proiect is a Relocation, is th€re a Natural Gas Line on the current sltr? E Yes E tito ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Ure/ Occup Desription of Work: 5i e Fami D D Townhouse l.w3 and ordin.nccs and reguhtions.Ihe NHC D.v.lopm.nt Servlc€s cent.r*lllbe notlfi.d of any dranScr ln th..pp.ovcd pllnr.nd sp.clfic.tions or ch.nt. in contractor lnformation. r"ltOTEi Any work p€rform.d wlthout th. appropri.te permits \i,illb. in vtotatton olth te Eldg code and sublect ro fin.r up ro S5oo.oo... Owner/conir.ctor: Aorrf ^d'.4" ?RrnAS SiSnature: E'llc st. (l,r*[tndoko*t "Lkensed Quoliliel P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E ves .( tto Exlstlng lmpervious Area: _ 5q tl TotalAcr€s Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Dlsturblng Permit: E Ye5 D No WATERT H" CFPUA E Community System E Private Well D Central Well CI Aqua SEWER: U CFPUA D Community System $ Private Septic D Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: - Officer: _ S€tbacks (t)_ (tH) _ (RH)_ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Floodr {A) _ (V} _ (N}_ BFE+2ft= _ ffiL I Clesr Form I Crmment: Permlt Fee: S _ NE HANOVER COI,NTY BUTLDTNG PERMTT e1l+- Silc APPLTCATIaOI TyPf,; RESTDENTIAL 1HAS-pLEASE Al{St,ER ArL QUESTIOT{S ApptICArIE TO YOUR PRO]ECr ppGdiiol Number (office Use) "Project Responsibiliq/ DATE: APPLICAfVT'S lll,AP1E: DEVELOPER Tpno:ecr aoongss, sUBDIVISION: r7P}ONE *:CTTY: BLoc( *:ZIP t R PROPERry OWNERJS tJAflE: 0lrlNER'S ADDRESS:z'4; /.-_ LOT *:-7 CTTY:PHONE *: CONTRACIOR: ADDRESS:c,<, EII4AIL ADDRESS:*: PROIECT C0NTACT pERSONI PHONE #: EXISTIT{G CONSTRUCTTON: D AtTERArroil I arrcvarrou I ertenal ne I Relocarrorv 2o zsPTONE *: t/7t -*oz -_--5T : --ZIPI ' ?-e/O / PAIRSNEt{ coi,s TRUCTION . ff*ecr NEhI RESTDENCE or I aprpr16,t, To ExrsTrNG REs'*PLEASE CHECI(Ii L_/'nrr oanacr SF 5 UNR00l4 SF \ru EELOI,J ALL THAT APPLY IDENCE TO YOUR PROJECT:u DET GARAGE -/..sr UfPoRot 5F?o POOL GREENHOUSE 5F STORAGE SHEDSFI oecr SF OTHER: rorAL sQ Fr UNDER RooF: /tr?Z-TOTAL PROIECT COST Gess r_or)$ ?q-oo -# OF STORIES: 4 5F TOTAL AREA SQ FT:/ tr? z-- sory structure? E yes ..-..._ sF fs there ElectricaL powen there a Natura] Gas Lineuj.ldins? fives f]uo on the Current Site? [EI*o PRoPERW USE / oCCUpAitCy: E SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX WiowwrovsrDESCRIPTToN OF l.rt0R(:,4o DISCIAIMER r h€rEby cenify lid al, iibrmaUon ,r appficaloa is coned and s{$,ortwii corrtplywith lheand oE inances Encl regulaUons The NHc slate EuiuiDg 6deconEactsr hbmrton. ...IVOTE:Any Servlces Ce'|br notfsd of sfly chaEes in tle applcabt€ SiaEwtowil be h \rrotsibn ol &e NC SraEOWNER/CONTRACTOR:/-a.G /Z:SIGNATURE :****:i.rt* '*r:ar.:i*** **+**** *,*,t ,ti ** *** *,t +* ***, +**:t,*,* 't :t *:at +:t!r * :t*t 't,*,a,* :*,t + *,*:i* xIs THE PROPERry LoCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YES N*u Jor<X /4,+P Ke,lEXISTING IIiIP ERVIOUS AREA:o SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED:o3NEI,I IMPERVIOUS AREA: /4 SQ FT Exrsr LA*D DrsruRBrNG otiiEG E *! com.lurrw M n PRTVATE WELL I cenrnal wsr_rsE[JERz WcFpuA tr CENTRAL SEPt-rc PRrvArE sEprrc f| cor,t_anrw sYSTEttl I5 Any ELECTRTCAL, PLUI4B,I{G or HECHANTC ationi, is on :this B If the pFoject is a ReLoc AL work Eeing Oone to the Acces Kuo IL Yes tdt*l l7 PAYMEI'IT riiir*-{:its*Hdxii:1:**hT::;f#*r:r:i !t 't + *:* + *:i x !i:i:* !* *:*,** ,i +jt * + *:i ,! * +:t PIEFA8S & ZONE: _ OFFICER: Approval :- city :_-__.-__ri (FOR OFFICE UsE Gr!Y) SETBACKS: F:B: l'lC,/VISA E orr.or:.** *,t *,t ++ *:r,! :t*,t:i *,t * ,t ::,r:* * * * iEytSED DArI a4lu/12 BFE+ tiComment: TE:FLOOD: LH:RH: PERI{IT FEE: "@- tr rorAl HEATED se rr: /d*iv -//w TERI w CFPUA )a+vb^NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDTNG PERMITAPPLI CATI ON TTPE.. R ESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE AN5I,JER AI,L QUESTIOT,JS APPIICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility, APPLICANT'S MfiE: DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDRESS: sUBDIVISION:e CITY: PR0PERTY OTaJNER,S NArlE I OWNER'S ADDRESS: z'4; / CITY:/,J.' CONTRACTOR; ADDRESS: EII,IAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT COI,ITACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTToN: fJ rERArroN I neuovarrou I oeurnel nrearRs !NEut coNsrRucrrou WiEcr RESIDENCE o" I eoorttor TO EXI5TING RESTDE|{CE APPLICATIO Number. (Office Use) OATE:r7 rtfii,el1: \ PIONE *: ZI.?: R PHONE $:./zr -toz e,<. BELOt.I ALL THAT APPLY TO YA',R PRO]ECT: SF tr DET GARAGE <E POOL <Etr f] oecx .--..-.- sr 44 ,/a 4,' (Prirt [ane)******,*+,1+******x** 6^u ?o ,,I sronaee SHED sF sT : _ztp: - i>i/o I #; : _ ZIp: PIONE *: ./Z f PI0NE *: y'zr -/o zs RELOCATION SF ! eneeunousr _ sr ToTAL HEATED SQ FT: /.f- OWNER/CONTRACTOR : :i **:* *** **:t,*,r**,* ,*r,sEpaRAT PAYHEI'IT IiIETHOD:tr***,f +**:t***+**+** ZONE: _ oFFICER: ADDnoval: ai rr,. Comrent: ''PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER, dor, **u, 2# I survnoor.r _ sF OTHE R: TorAL SQ Fr UNDER RO}F. /g??ToTAL AREA Se FT: i t,? Z-TOTAL PROJECT C0STrr-essr-or: $/E7ooo -* 0F STORXES: -?Is Any ELECTRICAL, pLUt4BI G or IiIECHANICAL Work Bei ng Done to the Accessory Structure?I ves EuoIf the project is a Relocatidn, is there a Iatural. Gas Line on the Cunnent Site? [Yes E[*ofs thene ElectnicaL power on this Building?I lYes I ltto pRopERry usE / occupANcy, fl iruor_e rar"rrr-v DUPLEX ffrowuaousrDESCRIPTION OF WORK::l ,lo DISCLAIMER Iherebycen iy &al an hb.lnalbn h his apdrca&n is conecl and E! $/Orkwii coalpty wtfi ihe Stele Buibing Code and spplicable Sraband ordinaacrs aod rEgulatbns. The NHc oe I Services Centor wil be noflbd of 3ny changos in lheconracbr inbmaton. 6NOTE:Any Work W/O ih€ Appropria€iis will be h Viobr;n of lhe Ncsee eug cooe IS THE PROPERW LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YES EXISTING IIIPERVIoUS AREA: , sQ FT TOTAL ACRE5 DISTURBED:o3NEl{ II{PERWOJS ARE^I /F 2 4 SQ FI EXIST LAr{Er DTSTURBTNG pER 4t:. , dyES E rvo WATER : IZT CFPUA f| coruururw SYSTEI,l f] enwere wul SEtrlER;ffceua tr CENTRAL SE TIC PRTvATE sEprrc I coluururw SYSTEI,Itl t_ SIGNATURE :..ffi $ * Jd,<X 14,+/ K4l t Sta'4 * *,t+ * t*+,* 'i:t:i jl,*,t* * )*)*,r. *:*t*+*** +*,1 :*x+,* :r 8G, GAs EgJIP, PREFABS & TiEERTS **. ILr- accourT E *.zrrro I orscoveR:a,t'* )t:t +x:t J*)F+:***:l* +*:t:f ri *+,i*!t,l,t** * *,t,* * * * P E PERI'IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECTJ IIECH, PLcrsx l-_l crecr (nAvABLE ro r,rxc1 [s,a:t * +,t:t'ilr* *j*:*+ * + +:l * ** *:*:t *:t + + *:F )*,t rt:.,* (FOR OFFTCE U5E O{LY)REWS€D DATE O4l11l12SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH: 8FE+2ft= N DATE:- FLooD: - AV PERIiIIT FEE: g r€ rq-3q+ -._- LOT #:BLOCK #: B: CENTRAL hiELLn $$t --))-o1T- 3t1g APPLICATION Number (office Use) NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: N7g Crown Castle South LLC DATE : PHONE #: PROIECT ADDRESS: 4615 Carotina Beach Rd.CITY: witmlngao:r ZIP i 28403 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI"1E: A1,&r Mobi 11r,v PROPERTY OWNER'S NAmE: Crown Castfe South LLC OtiNER'S ADDRESS: 3530 Torinqdon way sTE 3oo CITY: Charlotte CoNTRACTOR: Mastec Network Solutions, LLC LICENSE #: ADDRESS: looo Centre creen way, suite 3oo CITY: cary PHONE #: 704 4os-6s49 ST: NC ZIP: 2s277 '/ EiIAIL ADDRESS: Brad. ConnaMastec. com PHONE S: 6'7 B 99s-6374 (check A11 Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes E*o IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I v"s I rtro NEI,I CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHE LL UP FIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCE5SORY STRUCTURE: I If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building I Yes E to *"*** rs rHrs a cHANGE oF occupANcy user Ives E*o -.--- IF Yes, what was the previous Occupancy Type?What is the New Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL PH NC REG #: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiAL: Terry Aldrich AC&S Enqineerinq PH: 864-288-oss NC R€G #: 029239 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: remove 3 antennas an! replace 3 gt!1 E!t!s qn!€4naq anlladC 3 RRU's ls food or beverages prepared or served in this sruaure? [Yes I No ls The Property Located ln The FlooOptain? ! ves I Uo DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify lhat all information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable Slaleand local laws and ordinances and reoulatrons. fhe NHC Develooment Services Center wrll be noufied of anv chanoes rn the aooroved olans and soecilicarions or chanqe in conrraLror or con[acto, riformatron. ""NOTE Any Work Performed W.O lhe Appropriale Permrts willbie in Violalioi oftheNC Stale Bldq Code andSubjecllo Fines Up To $500.00-' # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: erad conn S;6NATURE : A,z//"4- & "*(ouameo (Pnnt Name) / clntain Asbestos or not. You are requlrod ro c€ll the Natonel Emisslon Standards for Hazardous Ajr Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 3t least 10 &ys prior to the domolitlon of any fucility or bullding. S€e Asb€stos Wob Sito: htlpr iww.epi.stale.nc.uvepi/asbestos/ahmp.hlrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: $15,OOO BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - #OFSTRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? I_IYES E NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SA FT pRoPERW USE: [orrtce f]nes unnrur luencnNrtre EDUC APT ECONDO OTHER: WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: fICFPUA f-lcoMMuNrwSYSTEM TIWELL fIZoNINGUSECLASSIFICATION frcexrn*seerrc E p-RtvATE sEPrrc fl coMMUNlrY SYSTEM PAYMEMT METHOD:flcesn flcnecK (eAvABLE To NHc) EAMERIcAN oGREss I llcnrtsn E otscoven r.ir.irrrrr{.is (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: ADDroval: Citv: - DATE:- FLOOD: -- BFE+zftr -'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' N REV]SED DATE 4'I1l12 Comment PERMIT FEE SDr ST: NC ZIP: 27s13 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Jerr.v Feathers PHONE #: '7a4-4a5 6849 TC RECEIVED ApR 04 2017 7'.lb *nn Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PI.EAs€ ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibilitl/' )or7- U\L ,.fr, APPI-ICANT'S NAME:FS I I C.J oatet 41412017 PROIECT AOORESST 610 Sea Castle Court CITY: Wilminoton c ztP 28412 SUEDIVISION:pARtD R08500-0 11n16-000 LOT #: 16 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:Slcnhen Sutlon PHoNE f:910-233-7405 OWNER'S ADDRESS 610 Sea Crsilp Corrrt Clw: lltlmisgtol flQ ztP: 284L2- CONTRAcTOR FS I. LC.he Ram.leck BLOG LICENSE #:-5€,278- ADDRESS: ,4122Eennett l{lemonalRoad *'-_'_-- clTY Durham sT: trlc_ZIP: 277O5 EMAII. ADDRESS:charlie ramiackusa-PHONE: 919-309-9727 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Charlie Lewis PHONE:c19,3 q727 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT fl Alteration D Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocatlon ".PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AtLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'I'' E Att Garage (sF).--- i Sunroom (sF) .-** 3 Greenhouse (sF) - f= Det Garase lsF)tl Porch (SF) n Pool (St) ! Deck (sF) fl Storage Shed (SF)- tr Other (St) ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAL sq FT UNDER RC,OF lfor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: ToTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 2000 00 ls the proposed '.vork cha ngiog the nu mber of bedrooms? fl Yes tr No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStrudure-YetENo lf the project is a Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? fl Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on thls Build ln8? ! Yes E No Property Use/ Ocrupancy: D Single FamilY tr OuplexD Townhouse Dercription ot Work: +ffitaHripagieFon-new€oftereffiti@le-braekets-sdesianed-bYstrscttfl:EreFqifteer-- DISCLAIMtR: herebv cPnifY that aU the information in this application is corect and allwork willcomplY with theslste Building Code and allother laws and ordinances and regulatlons. The NHC Oevelopment 5ervic€s centerwlllbe notifled ofanv changes in the approved plans and specilications ,nrormation. "'NOTE:Anv work performed without the aPpropriate permits wil be in violation ofthe NC State 99a Owner/Contractor Charles Lewis Signature: "Licensed QuotiJie/ P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmPe ious Area: - Sq Ft New lmPervious Area:Sq Ft Exlsting l,and Oisturbint Pelmit: D Yes ! No WATER: f] CFPUA E communitv Syitem L-l Private Well E Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA fl Communitysystem D Private Septic E CentralSeptic f] Aqua '^no officer: setbacks (f) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - Cityt _..- Date: - Flood:(A)--{V}- (N)-BFE+2ft=- Permit Fee: S appllcable Stat€ .nd local or change ln contractor ss00.00,.. Total Ac.es Distu Y$5- Comment: APPLICANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit/' iD+ Application Number (office u5e) Dat€ C 3 4r'/ 7 ,W t PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: CITY AP:7 LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:/-anre Zrrrl PHONE #: ?-s- owNER's ADDREss: 4 ?O 1- Rro o./r, SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? des J No ToTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed workl Healedl TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)i 5 Q, foo* ls the proposedwork changingthe number of bedrooms? E Yes ztP BI-DG LICENSE #7br 77st-& ztp: 2f rAE PHONE .r pxone,?/O'L,/6 35 3t n Storage shed (SF)_ ! other (sF) w6 CITY CONTRACTOR ADDRESST EMAIL ADDRESS: E sunroom (sF) ! Greenhouse ( U Pool (SF) Lli-Deck (SF) CITY PROJECI CONTACT PERSON -1-/JOSL %-"t ExlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIoN: ! Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence D Relocation **..PLEAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.L THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*T'* E Attcarage(sF)_ E Detcarage(SF) ! Por€h (SF) iL0 Unheated: ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory structure E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a NaturlLcas Line on the current site? E yes ffio ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Ef Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy:gle Family E Duplex E Townh sensi Descript ion of Work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractor information. ** *NOTE: Any work perform without the appropriate permits will be in violation of t Signature: he NC State Bl to fines up to 5500.00*** Owner/Contractor:a "Licensed QuoIiliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area:Sq tt New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n yes fl ttto ) WATER: SEWER: E;rcua E Community System E Private Well ! Central well E Aqua fr crpua E CommunitySystem E PrivateSeptic D central septic E Aqua zone: - Officefl - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment: Permit Fee: S $ts- *{ *(' Total Acres Disturbedl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L|CAT,AN TYPC; RESIDENTIAL PLTASI ANSWTRALL QUTSTIONSAPPLl(ABLT'IOYOUR PRO] b..,y M54".\ "Project R€sponsibility" - tatl-t810 Date a ?i/APPLICANT'S NAM€ PROJECT ADDRESSI l,t i).',t de ,{ 4 t'"-.ctw L,U'z1P SUBDIVISION: TLOT N PRoPTRTY owNtR's NAME' /* .4 A ,(,|.)PHONE J;/d ?1.5' S- I /3 OWNER'S ADDRE55 LzrarCONTRACTOR ADDRISS: L )2? s./s -, Sunroom (Sf) Y L.-.$'ru 5 CITY: eU, I'c't1,/s -- ztp D BLDG LIC€NSE rr t CITY EMAIL ADDRTSS PHON€LA o 73 PROJECT CONTACT PERSONLA 15 r ottG PHONT (i,r-!_,'})- txlsTlNc CONSTRUCTIONT :-. Alteratron --( R"norut,on [- 6eneral Reparrs NtW CONSTRUCTION - trect New Besrdenre I I Addilion to Exrstio8 Resrderlce - Relocat,on .*..PtIAsf,lllEx AND ANSWER BEI.OW AI"T THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJTCI'** :l Atr Garage {5F)-- Ll Det Garage (sr)- n Porch (sr) 6 O - I I Pool (Sr) _. __ _-.1 Storase Shed (SF) sI. 4L ztP: -i tt 1&) / Property u!e/ occup ,n y, {singLFamily !DUplex n Townhouse Description ol Work l1 tu,,, cil.k,ltLzet (N,nd' A;;;,*";;;;:;", /Y 'Lr.ens?o ouat'l'e' WATER S€WER Zone: hr approrllnle pcrmirs wrll be 'r !iolrl10n of th. NC rc Bldl code and t Ir,.1to {r!$ ue lo S500 00"' ute 1s rhe property locat,td io a floodplain? n Yes [risting lmpervigu5 Area: - - 5q ft New lmpervious Area: _ -SqFt ,6 NO Total Acres Disturbed: s s txistin8 Land Disturbing Permit: 3 Yes D No CIpUA n Communrty sy5tem n Prrvale well tr Ceot!'al Well f, Aqua CfPUA ! Cornmun,ty Syste.n D Plvaleseptic El Central Septt. f Aqua olficer: setbacks lF) - - (tHl -, - IRH) -,- (B) -Approval: ,- -- Cityi -.- Datei ------ Flood:(A) .- -.-lV) .- ...-(N)-.- BrE+21t" - -- Comment r.,r- l. :-'ffi.-1# -. creenhouse iSF) -- --- [] Deck isr)-, -,-- -- 'l othe. {st) - ls the proposed \,,,ort: (hanging ihe existrng footprint? *l y", Vio TOTALsqFTUNDER RoOl llor p.oposed worl<) Heated: --/41- - Unte"ted,- ! i rorAl pRorEcr cosr (less r.ot]: 5l -r;g]1- ,s the proposed work changinE the number ol bedroom5) D v", EIZtlo ls any Electrical, Ptumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structur " {v", d*o tl the protect i5 a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas tine on the curreot site? [ yes E t'to Ir there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? E yes n No .. Permitteer5 .., \( /-TC (( EW HANoVEKduVTv BUILDTNG PERMIT APPLI CATION ryPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" QqU,4GqSt-iljL-) PROJECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISION: ,D7 -TN t l.'<9i' flll'i'&tTbtqS Application -s,tlpFl? I 1: ?zrrm{ottrce usel 1 N APPLICANT'S NAME Date ctry ztP(LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: WDG PHONE # 6wrrn .-(,r"-, ; UC 13", tl"-t-A, n-.-CITY A,)'*,n*ST y /-$to l PHONE: Qto -Kz-o9CD BLDG LICENSE #VVCI ,'lCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:q2 EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON 12aa,.-r 6q*zr-ory' ,{6 EXISTING coNsTRUcTloN: n Alteration nKnovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation PHONE :r*:ipLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'}* E Det Garage (SF) tr Pool (sF) n oeck (sF) Description of Work: ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes n No TOTAL sQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work) Healed:/ {oO Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S lsthe proposed work changingthe number ofbedrooms? ! Yes d No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure Iv",trruo lf the pro.iect isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on thecurrentsite? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingf f, ves tr trto I Property Use/ Occup"n.y, d Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse U L /t>r3a n laws and ordinances ahd regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified oI a information. *"NOTEiAny work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation Code and subiect fines up to S500 in contractor Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" signature: Total Acres Disturbed: ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes A No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft WATER SEWER: zon.' ?- l0 ori."r, lpprovat, 0t- city' New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft B. CfpUn E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua A aroro E Community system fl private septic E Central Septic n Aqua City lnpectron Requreo, gl S2S4{frS Setb NA on l/Lot ilh)_(v) Comment: Date: D rH) :(A (N)FE+2ft= Permit Fee: S 4l0o' ,{ffi /- CITY: ZlPl ! Att Garage (5F) _ n Sunroom (sF)- E Greenhouse (sF)_ ! Porch (5F) _ n storage shed (sF)_ n other (sF)_ Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E ruo APPLICAI,TTT S ilAfiE : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS; SUBDIVTSION: PROPERry OWNER'S tllA!4E: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONIRACTOR: ADDRESS: Ei,IAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: ?roject Responsibilit)d crry: z'4: / CITYr )ot+ 3))5 apEiiffiru Numb€r (OFfice Use) DATE:r7 ZI?: R__ LOT s: PHONE f:4zr-*oz 5 ST: -ZlP: a fz/O f *: : _ zfp: PHONE *:;/z r PHONE #:r-?ozs HANOVER COI,NTY BUTLDTNG PERMTTAPPLICATIOTI N?8.. RESTDEI{TTAL PI.EASE AI{SIER AI.L QUESTIOTS APPLICABLE TO Y(UR PRO]EC} BLOCK #: z-/:1/. CITY EXTSTING coNsrRucrroN: E aLTE RATTON n REr{ovArroN I errrnal Reeern5 I nr l ocarrollNEr,, coNsrRucrron, @e*ect ttlEhl RESTDENCE o" f] aoorrtor TO EXTSTTNG R ESTDENCE*'PLEASE CHEC( L_lfArT GARAGE ALL THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: I sur,rnoor,l 5F DET GARAGE _/.-sr l{toacn ?o SF 6REENHOUSE SF P00r.tr STORAGE SHED DECK SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT SF ToTAL sQ FT UilDER noor: /f?L ToTAL AREA se FT / f,? z_/7ooo -# 0F STORIES: 4rs Any ELECTRICAL, pLUr,lBrrG o.If the project is a Relocationr is th IiIECHANTCAL ere a atural 6as Line on h,ork Seing Done to the Accessory Structu the Current Site? rer I yes Yes E[to AI\ID ANSI,IER / _---._ s F Etgofs there ELectrical powen on this Building? fives t].1 no PROPERTY USE / OCCUPAI\ICY:I srncle rrurtrv DUPLEX PfrouruuouscDESCRIPTIOT{ OF trtORK:;l ,lo DISCLAIMER: I hereby c€nify fiat au hformalon in applicaton ts corect and sllwo*will complywih he Stale Building bde .nd and oft,lnances €.d regulerons The NHC Servtces Cenbr wiltbe notfudofany changes in theconfactcr inbnnaoon. "NOTE: Any Work will bs h Vrobrbn of r,eOWNER/CONTRACTOR :/2.-NC Slsb Bldg *,!*:t:*** * +,* * **)*,t +* ** ** * *+*ra + + * ** *,1** * * ** ** SIGi,IIITURE : IS THE PROPERry LOCATED IN A F +**+****+********,a*,i***+:t,r**:*:r***:t* xLOODPLAIN? T YES N* -x,r,/rr<X,trhl Ke/, s'a/L tr appficabte Srate or chang€ VISA :t*:t + * ,*:i )* *,*j!:i:t ***:t** AEWSm DITE O4l11l12 BFE+Zft= EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:o sQ Fr ToTAL ACRES DTSTURBED: , O 3NEI,,I IMPERVIOUS AREA:(SQ FT WATE* W CFPUA SEUER: Wc Exrsr LAr\D DrsrunBrilc otriE/r., E *I cor.r,runrw Mbvsre l Prlrc tr PRIVATE SEPTIC I conMurrw svsrrr"r rnua I CENTRAT sE tr PRwATE r,rELL I cenrnar we lr. PAYI,IENT IiiETHOD: :**+* +,t*:* )i** **** *:t** +x* ** ** * *:t* * ZONE: Appno Ecasx il REQUI CHECK *+ ** * * :r **,* :t +:*:l :t * (PAYABLE 10 r{Hc)tr *:t *+,i* *x*,a,f * * +* jl* ** BrLL Accour{T fiacz I orscoven **T'SEPARATE PERTIITS RED FOR ELECT, IiIECH, PLBG, GAS EOJIP, PREFAES &INSERTS +** lllConme oFFrcER: (FoR oFFrcE usE o{LY) -__ SETBACKS: F: rval: .: +,,. LH: RH!r Ly: DATE: FLOOD: .-nt: : a - PERI'IIT FEE: tr,rq I PR)NE *: LICEIISE *: TOTAL PROIECT COST cess r-a) : g B: