HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY18 Sheriff - GCC Courthouse Security Upgrade Modification LettCRIMINAL JUSTICE IMPROVETIENT COMMITTEE
PRGIECT NAilE: 2017 - Now t{anotrr Carnty Shortflr Ofilce - Gourthou!€ Soeudty Upgrad.ItPLEtENnNc AGENGy: Nev Hanovsr County Strrffr o{nco
The Gowmo/s Crime Cornmlssion.js pleaeed to lnform you that )roulgrant appllcafion has beensolected to Bubmlt a flnal r€iised appllcaiion.
All federal grant proglams may be subject to fodoral cub and l€v,laions for U.S. Departm€nt d Jusucefundlng br thls flscal )€8r. As a rasu[ unllk€ in pr€vlous 1oars, a submlsslon of full appllcauon do€snot .gusranloo thal .your final applicatlon wlll le funded or fundod tn ine amouni'r[nust€d. Atappllcatio-ns ar€ subj€cl b the avelhbility and lerrsl of federal tunafng urat th6 sd€'*,utli""tve on..todettat attocatons br stab6 haw been fin-ailzed..consequenuy, pbai be pledilul;i d"re may bea delay ln dotermining the granb s€tecbd tor fundlng and'the ahilunt of eaa, d;ni ir"rd. -
ll:glJp", funding of_grant prcjecrs ere subjec,t b receipt of federat tunding to the NC Govemo/8( me CommiEslon' Thsretoro, the ofllclel start dal6 of projects may change-based on whon f€deral
lr$J ,.p reggiwd bv c@. runds eleended uv pur agenry prrorio ni iilrpt;a;;r funds byGcC will Egl b€ reimburcad. The grant aurard pattiet witt-contitn tte start aaieiSithe projea. nre isthe.date for whlch GCC may reimburee expendltures for allou/sble costs. atpanainirea i1o'i to ff. O"oon. ths grant award packet cannot be raimbursed. it ls Important lo nob that ani &msponuenceoublde of the grant aw8rd packet Blgned by all parilee is pgl tegally binding.
ln otd.r to be concldcred for fu1{!ng, all appllcatlone murt be compt t d uslng thr new on.llnrgI.]!F 5p?!.. f,r.natetne, ..svrtem (cEils) wnhrn rhrrty (30i'd.r or irr-e--rrc*pt or rrlr|eror,
_ subosqu€ntly, th. appllcatlon ulfl bc rorrtsurod by atrfr oi ure eovcrnoie cdmccommlgrim (ccc) tq.nluit.ll modlllcauon condlflom ani luolc ,ooin"aom lr"w oeencomplst.d .! rcqulred,
Your applicatlon has b€an r€viewEd lor compllanco wlth hdoral and stEte guld6lln6s in conelderation ofb€lng ar ralded a grant To be consldersd roi runotng lrou mugt r€vicw thie iocument and eJomit tner€quoobd lntormallon ln he cont€nt of !flcur fult appiliaton.
Total Federal AmountR€quested-$24,5oo.oo rotst Federat tunount Appmvrd - $ 24,soo.oo
Total Budget I zqsoo.oo
Match Shar€$ o.oo
FederalShare s 24,s00.00
Tentdvr Stlrt Dc.: 1U1E01f
Roqrlr.d Budg.t and Prognmmdc Ch.ngc!-
End Dstr: glitonmo
Plea8e edit Sbrt Deb to Octob€r 1,2011 afi End Dato to S€ptomb€r 30, 2018.
subrecipienb of bderal fundlng are required to b€ registor€d it wr,rnv.sani.gov (furmerly
]vrwjp!.sov)., Please upload proof of sAM r€gbtrathn and update $e gubreciplent fulb
in GFli!9 to reflecl SA.tr, reglshatlon and the expiration date of ihe reglstration.
ln additlon to the modlficatlons llst€d, th€ appllcation should be r€viet/vEd to ensuro no
unallowable ac{vitlea or purchages ars llsled ln ihe application and/or attacfimenb prior to
.esubmlssion of the application. please review lhls doarment and the
allowable/unallowEble chart attadted to iJen6fy thos6 lt6ms.4. lf a rolo chang€ occulr wilh the authorizlng officlal, ffnanchl officar and/or projec,t director for
thl8 projsct, tt€ GEMS organlzatlon admlnlsbator must updato the proJeA in GEMS as soon
as posslble. Ptoas€ retr to se{iiion 10)of the.cEM's Grant proposal us€r
Guid€ ior crimrnar Justico lmprovement and Juwnire Justice proJects; on trl oEus
homepage for lnBfuction6. Failure to update projoct rol€s in GEMS may delay recelpt of thegrant awerd.
5, Plessa review each of the folloMng sections carefully. ched< the box indlcailng th6
sBctonE hatrc been read, understood and the proJeci wlll be compllant b the r{uiremenbBlabd.
For detailed informatlon regardlng applioation rcguir€mentE, ploa8€ r€fer b th€ GEMS Grsnt proposalueer Gulde for Crtmlnal Jusuco lmprovBmont and Juwnl6 Ju8tic€ proJects tounA on tfre CEUS
homepage ft tlps://oems.ncdps.oov) under th€ .tElnlng mabrlals, secfl on.
Your rscommended fudenal Ehare total doee nol rollect the requked matdt amount. Thls is not a
guaranteed amounl or award. totals may change after your agency has responded to uris letter and ulefederalbudget is apporad. Please ensure pu hane miae Ui nedesaary cirangee to ttre nOfvlorrat tineItems of the budget to rellect tre fedorat ambur( approvrd, as Indicated dOow. -
A- Dfilled Budget Narnthro mutt bo uplotd.d into GEMS (Appltcatlon Aitachmrntr !.c*lon) tolllustrtto tho d€t llcd llne ltom budgot informatlon. lt ts rddai dhat thle uploaocO-tfrrmalon bocon llt nt with the Informrffon that b lncludrd in your budget
Unallowable Cortr
The NC Offce and..Management.and Budgoi along wlth the NC Stato Audlbr,s ha\6 d6arly defln6d
rules rcgardlng unallowablo cosb includlng follo ,lng but not oxcluslw to:o lndlnct Gootr o Construcfiono frayol &_Compcmador for o Food & Beronge (uc.pt p3r
Fo(hr.UcCC Emplopce dbm)o l-obbylng ActMtlos o Corninon Arua talnlrnanoco Fund Ralrlng F.eao Land Acqubhlon o Gn Crrdc
o Bonura or Conrmlrr lonro llllthryr-TypcEqulpmonto Stalr rnd Local SaL! Trr..o Colporate Fornratlono Honorsrlum!
Flnoa and Ponattlo.
Alrcraft a Vohlch Pu,ch..e.Vehlcle malr anlncs and
Bulldlng lnru]!nca
Gomral Llablllty lneurlnoe
Auto lnrurance
Go cardr
AUdltf . r,ar oo tr i- Dr rwlrr t,.rtiit h B.trD {$ Clcutr Lttt rrrIllllt.ba, ta {uJY lt OE Artt Oudttiffi -.trr l0r0 a.-t h t€d ft.rd. jat ddlqrl ltd y..r.
o Sportlng evr! ro Vba foer / Parcport Charyoro Tlp!o Bar Cherget / Alcohollc
laundry charyor
Tmwl I @lng ln.xs.t ol
!illtr pcr dl.m
tlembonhlp lbc to
organ lzatoor whora pdmary
actlvlty b lobbylng
Pmmlum pay
Co.t lncurEd outald. tho
pnoroct pedod
Tdnk€b, glwruay ttmr,
pomdlonal lt m. (t{h|il.,
mugr, logotypod pena; etc,)
PERSONNELtr All bderally funded and match p€rsonnel llsled ln the applicadon must lnclude a mmplote Job
descrlptlon for eacfi pmition llsted end muet Inclt de lhe Job tlte aB lbted on th6 grant prcpo&t,
k€y responsibllluos, and all requlred day-today actiwes ot that posltlon. ln addluon, th€ Jobd€scdption shouH spoclfy whothor the posltlon I8 part-Ume or full-tlme, ule percentage of tlhe
allocabd to $e grant fund€d proj€ct and lhe apedfic duths as they direc'tly rsht6 to thegrant Also, non-proflb arc requlred to provldo a full gtaff ro6br and a tlst of cumnt board of
dlrector3 lndlcating thelr plaoe ot omployment (lf applicable). These lt€ms must b€ uploaded
lnto GEMS at lhe Ume of the full application.
tr B€ awar€ that conlract€d s€rvices cannot exceed $650.00 for an &hout day and cannot excaed
$81.25 per hour (axdudlng travol and subslslonce co6b) wfthout unitten'PRIOR IppROVAL
from tho Go\r€rno/s Crime Commisslon. All conlractual seMces must be approrod ln ad\6nco
by GCC. A algned contasl fur services betureen your ag€ncy and the agency or indMdual thai
you plan to contract wfth should be forwarded to GCC for approval prlor to lb ex€cutlon. Funds
will nol be rBlmburBod for oxpenses lncuned prlor to tho appro\ral of th6 drafi conbact.tr Th6 bllofllng must b6 lnclud6d for apprc\,al of a contract:. MmeofGCCSubredphnt. The contracto/s name. Poeitlon tlte. Service perlod fall6 withln the grant perlod, (Canmt be before grant poricd'B stsrt dat€ or
beyrnd lhe grant period's end dab.)
' Project lD ie lnduded
' Granl [tlanager has \rormed the etatus of the implementlnglappllcant agency to which the
grant ha8 been awErded.. Oontractods rssum6.. Scop€ of seMces/outcornss ats ouulned.. Confactual houdy raE matdl€s that whlch lE approv8d ln GEMS.. Contac'tor stafus b vwlfled in wur.sam.oov by the Grant lvlanager.. Contra6tJal total amour maldl€B that whlch ls approwd ln GEMS.
' lnclude the fullowing language:
- The AGENCY wlll pay lhe @NTMOTOR al a rate of $_ per hour, br a total
6um not to exceod $_ to be pald by GCC and $_ to be paid using
non-GCC funde (mahh) fur eeMocs perbrmed by tfu contrador.
lf oontnctual llne items ln th€ budget s€cdon aro to furd a po8itlon, pl€8s6 lndlcata BUch ln the nd ,
eppllcstlon guestion Iequosdng th€ lnbrmatlon, For any conlrac.tual full-tlme or part-time po3ltons,
pleaso be awarE that more speo'fic lob descdption box63 will 6pp€ar fur ),ou b fill out. Thes€ box€s
must bs compl€H; along wlth a complste job d6scrFtlon ln the large job d3scriptlon box. Thls box wlll
allorv up to 2000 chsracbrs. Pleas€ b€ advls€d that ]rou cannot procoed furthcr ln your full appllcalion
untll all of thie lribrmgdon has ba€n flllod orrt.
Q All out of state tra\/ol must be rEquostod ln ad\ranca and appro\r€d by th6 GranB Managemont
Dlrector. A cunerd Travel Pollcy must bo Eubmltbd wlthln godays of tho grant project's
implemanhton and must not excE€d ths allowabl€ State rate bas,sd on fisoal year 711fr20'l.7
allowanoss for mileage and per dhm. Ho/v€wr, ),I,u srs €ncouraged 1o upload he poljcy at this
time b exp€dito relmhirsamentE afier tlre pmJect ie awardad. prior appro\al from Gcc ls
rsgulrBd for oonslderauon b utllzc the federal per diem rate br eubeisten; and lodging. you
musl \€rify that lrour t a\rel r€lmbur8€menl requeet ls clnslstont with ths Tra\rel eofcy-ot pur
!Oen9y. ll \louf _aoen6, do€s not haw a Travol pollcv ]Iou may follow the stab tf Ntrtr
carollna's Tra\rel Policy and tho IRS rate fur ground rawT ftre IRS rate fur ground havol i8
$.54 cents/mlle. s-tat6 ratss br lodglng: $67.00 per nlght br ln+tate todgi-ng and g79.s0 per
!9lrl!or outof+tab lodglng. state retes fbr meals: $3z.go per day foi In-€tate meds and
9O.50 per day for out-of-sbts moals. Rocelpb are requlrcd, rciaOteie ot yrcur agenqy's tra\ol
OuanUty Cost per ltem12 $125.00
ToEl Co6t
Ag€ncles ar€ not allol ,€d to rsquest rent reimburEom€nt for prcperty they owr/paydng a
Pleaee be avvare oell phones musi be under th€ name of th6 ag€ncy and cannol be under the
name of an lndlMdual. Otherwls€ the exp€nse will not be relmbursed,
The procurement policy or purchasing policy muBt be submift€d to the grants managem€nt
sp€clali8t prlor to th€ purchase. The NC ffics of stale Auditor requires aH agenclei funded by
the Govemo/s q"im6 comml8sion mu8t ha\r6 an adoquate policy irlor to maiing the purchaee.
E lood & Bewrag€d aro unallo sbls exponsee of the ffice of Jusllce progr:ame aa of O&ber,
2l,2011. This r€8tsicton does not impact dlrec't paymsnl of per dl€m amounts to lndMduala ln
a travol st8tus under your oryanizatlon's bawl pollcy. ln addition, programs such DV sheltsrr
may purchase food fur reldental m€als.
EOUIPIIENTtr Drafb of loas€ agre€m€nb br equlpmont mu8t bo prc-apprcr,Bd by GCC prior to execudon.tr New ltems for whicfr tho slngle unit coot ie under g S,mO arB no brqer consHat€d equipment.
Those ltems should be Bnbr€d in the budget deEll undEr supplles.
PRO'EGLflIELIilEtr The plojec't tlmeline ahould fiocus more on tho dellvory of grant funded activitl€s as thoy rslate b
this pn jed ralhor than grant r€pordng/requirement activiflos.
EOUAL EIIPLOY]TET{T OPFORTUNITY PR@RAIItr lf on your grant propoal you caffied that an Equl Employnent Opportunlty program has b€on
furmulated and la on flle, federal r€gulatlons r€qulre that Bucfi plam lnoorporab stadeilcs fiom
tho pr€ceding flscal y€ar. Plees€ ensurc that your phn is updated in conformtty wlth this
raquiGment. Your cerllficaton ln the appllcailon ("Ceruflcatlon of Flllng an Egual Employm€nt
Oppotuntty Program') should lkt a dat6 on or after July 1, 2017, such as th€ case may b6, for
tho plan lhat ls on flle. lf lour agency iB exempt fom illng an EEOp, ploaso compleb an
EEOP oGmption brm and upload it inb GEMS.
O 9fL9r eupplles: You may have a general office eupply llne ibm for p€nB, papor, foldsrt, eb.
while suctr cosb may be enbred under one llne ltem, tt b rsquded thit 'fie ltems to bepurcfias€d under his one llne hem be llsl€d h dehll in lhe dsblled ind extrausU!€ attadrmcnt if
all lteme cannot b€ llsted ln the prolect nana[rc. Refain from uslng 'etc,'. All coete ehould be
broken down lnto monthy rabB. For 6xample:
tr sAM Roglstratlon (System fbr Award Managoment) - Actiro sub,r6clpl6nt r€gls6ation with sAM
mu6t be malnElned and active throughod the lib of th€ grant. The GEMS organjzaton
admlnl8trator must updab GEMS b rBflsct th€ now e,elrauon dab at the time of lBn6*al and
provld€ a Bcrsenshot iom htb6//wrvus€m.oov as proof of active SAM rcgistadon. The
scroenshol proof muat contaln tho DUNS Numbor entorsd ln GEMS for thL agency and the
€relratlon dat€.
N.C.G.S. S 114.10.01 requlres that the North Carolina Dspartnont of Justlco'E DlMslon of Giminal
StaUstlcs (hereinafter 'DCS") collect, con€lat6, and malntaln informadon relatiw to traffic stops
condudad by law enbrcem€nt ofilcara. Certain law onfor@ment agendes are to submlt to DGS traffic
stop lrformstion withln 60 days of the dose of eadr month. A list of agenci€s raqulred to rBport this
informaton may be found at htp:/Aniurv.ncdoj.gov/AgenciesRequlredLlst.aspx. Any listed agency lhat
doeg ryt submlt the reoulred information ls deom€d in€ligible to rec€hr€ any law enbrcement jranb
avallabl€ by or through the Sbte until that informetion which ls rcasonably avaihble ig submltted toDQ! To be eliglble to recei\rt Govemofs Crlme Commission fundlng, pui agency must ensurs that
fallic stop lnformation, lncluding historlcsl data that is reasonably avattabh, ls reported to th6 SBl.
Addltional informellon may be found al htto://hafncstoos.ncdol.oov/Maultsspx.
ln addltion b th€ modificaUon condltions document, pleaae ensuro all requirod attachmonb aro
uploaded lnto GEMS
Whbtl€blou/€r Policy"Pfur to lmplemenffion
Procr,r€rnent Policy Prlor to lmplomooffion
Unhvfirl Discrimlnatlon
Pollcy Prior to lmplemgntation
Trevol Policy Pri]r to lm dsmentrtlon
MOU At the time of appllcstbn
Ofice Supply List At tho tim€ of appllcation
Stafi/BoErd Rostet At the tlme of Eppficetion
IRS 9O0 Form At tho tlmo of eppllcstbn
Agency Doscrlpdon/uRL At the tlmo of apdloation
Nongrofil Veiflcatlon At the tlm€ of appllcation
may your
-lf lh6 prcJ.ct contains a 'gaeral orfFce supptf llno ltem, e list of ltoms b bo purchaged unds. lhet lln€ ltrm mu6t
b€ provldod. A dtaft otllco supply list may bs fornd on th€ rvsb€ite of tha Gorsnofs Crim€ Commhslon
>>Granb ManagernBnt>>Fom8,
For the ),nar 2017, lrour ag€ncy ls r€qulr€d to report DCS hafilc stop informaton to tho NC Stato
BurBau of ln\,tsstigstion.
Attechrnenl Hust be tubmltbd:ALL App! | llon-profit
lf you hava any questions, please contact thls office at (91g) 7934564.
Thls form must be signed by both partles and all paoes uoloaded lnto GEMS prior to finalidng the
applicatlon eubmlsslon. Should this project be selected b recelw a grant awatd, mandatory attendan-ce at
the GMNT AWARD WORKSHOP is required in order br your account b b€ activatod.
lrcclfi of a new award lr coillngerrt upon rocalpt of atl raqufiod nports for plrt ryardr. This
lncluda the eftrocfrw and thorough utllh!fion of prcvlolr yoer'It awardt. A ieclclon to $rard
thla grantwlll not takc plae untll all mqulred reportr arr rubmltted and/or documentrilon
pruvldlng ludlflcatlon ior underutltlzatlon or fior llalturr to rubmlt ruport! lr tubmltted and
I fully underehnd and hereby agrc€ to adhere b all Special Condltlons as llsted abone by the Corrernort
Crlme Commlsslon.
I also fully underetand and accept that any fallure to meat any part of or atl of theee Speciat Conditlons can
and wlll conetitute grounds for grant funds to be elther suspended pending conpctirre comptiance as
br gross or repeated vlolatlon of this poliry.