APRIL 19 2017 BUILD APPSBlv.,*^kkl hrc NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L I CAT ION IrPE: CottlltlE RC IAL PLEASE ANSIi/ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pnoject R onsibility" 2or" 36q5*'- "'u"' APPLICAT ION Number (offi.e use) (n,Dfl-l c_t PROJECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA}iE : APPLICANT'S i,IA},IE : DEVE LOPER: PROPERTY OWNER'S i.IAME: O}''NER'S ADDRESS: DATE: CITY: PHONE *: PHONE S: zrp.LtS? l't-- CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: 'f e /N EiIAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:n L.E I.-kr', ) F Yes REPAIRS RE LOCATION IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I v"" fino CITY: _ ST: _ ZIP:_ LTCENSE #: Jr \ c1 q ACCOUNT *: CITY: t-0-\- C,suo u,vi-6-z-n x sT: nrc-zrP:2 6 qLy r, lro 3"(-ElfiqPHONE PHONE \- ((rc(r All EXIST CONSTRUCTTON: w ALTERATTOT ! nercVnrrOt lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas I ine on the Current Site? Ll GENERAL E,lo NEr{ CONSTRUCTION: E ERECT NEW STRUCTURE I rmr rmCX ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: SHE LL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The SheU Permit #: IF Yes, L'hat was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: '1*!*'l*'* rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupar{cy user !ves $*..--- fs Elect Power on this Building E Yes What is the Netr Occupancy Type? PH: M.ro NC REG #: NC REG #:ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML:PH: DESCRIPTION OF WORK:D\o.'',sU Q1.{\r;grr- V-fiLu- (Aualifie.) (Prinr rlame) Nole: Demolllion notfcetlons & ssbestos romoval p€mil appllcelions are to be submltEd usino th€ appllcaton fom (DHHS-3768) wnether th6 facttny or buitding was bund to contain Asbestos or not You 8re requlnsd to call the Nslional Emlsslon S'lindeEls br l-lszsrdous Ar Pollutsnts (NESHAP) ar (919)707-5950 at t€ssl 10 days prior b tie de,rrollilon of 6nv fEcilitv or bulldlno, See Asb€stos rorAl PRoJEcr c o"{ u( o WATER: MCFPUAsewenfcreua. Web Sh6: htFr rww-epi-stst6.nc.us/epUasb€stos/shmp.htrnl BUILDING HEIGHT: Z-? '# OF UNITS:\ TOTAL AREA SQ FT l2-,"-SO FT PER FLR # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS;rorAl so Fr uNDen nooFTS=_# OF STRUCTURES: PROPERTY USE: DOFFTCE EneSreUnAHr MERCANTILE EDUC ,\ APT @NDO orHER: €P"Pf \\ flcoMMUNrTY SYSTEM ff WELL EZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CATION:fl CENTRAL SEPTTC LJ PRTVATE SEprC fI COMMUNTTY SYSTEM I'ARATE PERI.,II]S REQU FID FOR ELECT. [4F(]I]. PIBG GAS I OUIP PREFARS & INSEFTS "'9e PAYMEMrMErHoD: flcASH EcHEcK(PA l:.:1y..tr:::jr.,HjrscovER 13ncv- =-> (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REVISEO OATE ?U1 1/12 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH: FLOOD:Approval:_ City:_ DAT B BFE+2ft= Comment F. RH PERMIT FEE:$lnu-- I tr \.*i lt'liJ d*t\!-;'U ls The Properly Located ln The Flooddain? E Yes oE r*t<j i26p1- ACRES DTSTURBED:_ EXST LAND DtSTUnaTNO eenUrT? f] yeS [-'l HONEWlMPERVloUsAREA:-sQFrExlSTlNGlMPERVloUsAREA:-SQFT N Gn.t- f **- I I I I I I n,Do T*^n+ri*1, A Dou^-R\E ..tL [3prv- r,-Io (a .U. Srn,6LE di+L^S --1-.>lI 6.r., A^-r {t \^ L!-,ll, * !\a:-'r''.1.C \aY $\ffi l10z 9 0 r lort{-1 Yt APYL'LA ' 'U'Y ' ITI.''IE>IIJEIYIIAl. RECE IVED APR 0 5 AfosT ANSVJtR Ai.t OUTSTIONS APPTICASTT ]O YOUR PROJTC'I )l- udY 0lAE33U cAt\cL') BtrluDw6. "Project Rcsponsibilit Co/hDA^I LLL )uw c,l{ )ttDateAPPLICANT'5 NAIVI T PROJEcI ADDRTSS:3L6 Looa A- At,rE +CITY tr,\ZIP: 2P "1o1 SUBDIVISION Y?A r..^r- G...-p s r\q,TOT H s NAtot:,los CAh-(,L.5 Ru'i,\-D 1'r,r 6 Co^\04$r Y LL.c-ctc-8 ,c1 _ t 1:7-l- PROPTRTY OWNTR, OWNER,S ADDRISs <.O .*r a\.I? z-"1-tp 7\vtpoCITY r I.l CONTRACIOR C\.<-- €-[.'-BLDG TICTNST #717 t{ lo (6r+\ CAr-clw: \/ r.\\.l\,ri\E Q<*l sr,-ztP,Lg'4(OADDRtSS '-ai I . (r'*-PHONT l'1 - PHONI )1 -'1 L7ftMAll-aDDRtSS: (z-ro\t5 PROJICI CONTACT PTRSON C . r.Pr.fAst cHtc( AND ANSWTR BETOW ALI. THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR oJECI"' q,, (\ txlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: fl Alleralion D Renovation [ ] General Repairs I NEWCONSTRUCTTOT d t,"., New Residence [:] Addilion ro txisting Residence [-] Relocation 5fiPP 1? I I l6Pi'1 C sunroom (sf l=_-=- D/Pool (st) D creenhouse lst)- d De(k (st) ls the proposed work changinB the existing lootprint? D ves E ll All Gara8e (sr) TOTAI. sQ FT UNDIRAOOF llot ptoposed ttorl) Heated TOIAT PROTECT COSI (tess l-ol): S Z-S O, r\()6 I Del Garage (St)D Porch (sr) D Stora8e shed (5f)-- fl Other (sr)q40 No lsthe proposed work changinB the number ol bedrooms? fl Yes E no ts any 0ectrical, plumbing or Mechanical work beingdone to the Accessory str uct ure D Yes fl No lrthe proiecf is a Relocation, is there a Naturat Ga5 Line on the cutrent site? D Yes fl No ls there tlectricalPower on this Building? El Yes 0 No Property U5e/ occupancy / singte ramity D Duplex O Townhouse Llr.- l^'o,"'-._Description ol Work OlSCfAlMtn: lh€r?by (edfy lhar alllhe inlormelion an thi! applicalion laws and ordinan(et and ,eBulation5 The NliC Oevclopmenl 5ervicet C rntormalron "'NO'I[ any woit perlotmed wnho lhe apPloPlele p owner/Contraclor CrAsE P.,L+c. 'Ltcensed Quoliliet" Prinl Nome ls the properly located rn a floodplain? d v", tr fristing lmpervious Area: - sq tt New lmpervious Area Sq rt it .orred an.l allworl will.omPlv wnh the Stale Building code and alloth€r apPircable5ralz and lo( eni€r will b€ nolilaPd ot anv (han8es in th€ apProved plans and spe'rticattons or chan8P in(onrra'lor ermils willbe in vDtarion ol lh€ Nc slare Bld8 code and tub,etl to ine! up ro Ssoo 00"' Signature No WATER: D CfPUA E CommunrlySYslem srwrR Zon€ d,rruo I communitYsyslem D Plrvalesepttc D central seplrc D Aqua oilirer setbacks {F) - (t}i) - (RH) - (B) - Total A(res Disturbed: rlood: (A) {v) (N) , Bttl2lt= I txistin8 Land Distutbint Petmiti D Yes D No Plvate Vvell D Cenlrat Vv€ll D Aqua )Ap p roval City: Date Permit tee I PHONT f qlq-gt1-YI7s )unr,.","a, l.U /' f commenr:4 4+ <ffu#- a0))-#.**NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP P LI CAT I O N TY PE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponsibilitY' Application (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Ocean Blue Pools and Spas of NC 621s 41712017 pRoJEcT ADDREss: 7233 Woodhall Dr.cry. Wilmington 2tp.28411 suBDrvrsroN pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: Colleen Applewhite pHgxg s. 9'l 7-60'1-6546 OWNER,S ADOREss: 7233 Woodhall Dr g1y; Wilmington 21p.28411 ADDREss: 30 Covil Avenue glTy; Wilmington Sr: NC 2tp,28403 EXISfING CONSTRUCTION: X A t'lEW CONSTRUCTIoN: n Erect - Att Garage (SF) _ Iteration D Renovation n General Repairs New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECTI T ' tr Det Garage (sF)_ D Porch (sF) I sunroom {5F)300 D Storage Shed lSF) _ n Greenhouse (5F)_480 n other (sF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? [ Yes n No TOTAL 5q FT UNDER ROAF llor prcposed wo.,/<) Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 529,600.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystrudureEYesENo ,ftheprojectisa Reloc€tion, astherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes D No Property Use/ occupancr E single Family D Duplex E Townhouse Descriptio n of work: lnqround Swimminq Pool 25X12 with approx. 480 sq. ft. of broom finshed concrete, pool mde alarms, Pool code main drains, existing pool code fencing Owner/contractor: Pauline Dunne Signature "Licensed Qudlilie/' Pint Ndme lsthe propertylocated in a floodplain? E Yes E l,lo Existing lmpervious Arear ji!]l- sq rt Total Acres Disturbed: 0 Lq\Sq Ft {rsattn tr/oeck (Sr laws a nd o.dina n.es and re8ulations The N H C Development Se jces Centerwillbe notifi€d ofanychanSes in the approled plrns and specificBrions or change in €ontractor information. '.'NOTE; Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subje€t to fines up to S50o.m"' fffiffi Areai UAtr UAE Zone: _ Officer Approval: _ City Community System E Private community System fl Private i _ setbacks (F) - ( :_ Date: - Flood Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No well E central Well i Aqua Septic ll centralseptic fl Aqua rH)_(RH)_(B)_ : (r) - (v) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft. - Comment:Permit Fee: S 45^ LOT #: 66t11g,qcT9p1 Ocean Blue Pools and Spas of NC 6p6 1"16g115g a. 73760 EMATL ADDRES5: oceanbluewilmington@gmail.com pxoNr:910-799-3022 PRoJECT CONTACT psx561r1; Susan Rowland PHoNE: 919P9:S??_ L e. M-4/t /-{.L*ua l}. 3bs5 mFilfilBtBgflfl Number (office use) t1 ,?APPIICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: Date51o4 urcts, nt)c,k 6fitt*-CITY 6ao ZIP 2 o suBDrvrsroN: tr\aob DOdl< (-orc*f 3Zr,a-LOT #t+- pRopERryowNER'sN^MEt l<kfi{lv// C t{c-trtw&PHONE #t 9io -8t'597o OWNER'S ADDRESS, J?5 I bd., 1l/LZ4/e 3f s(E*Jo{cfl: f-At 4r,/rLtt- tl (.ztP: JZ3d I CONTRACTOR L ADDRESS: 560 L,t,t,*- EMAIL ADDRESS: /vrork. ,uc-le,'t L (a; ez/usa-r.cl:o,! es, c:bA Ll 5unroom (51-)! Pool (SF) E Greenhouse (sF)_n Deck (SF) BLDG LICENSE fi: ,t/h- L7",1 *: /,le-*: lS(oJ PH,NE: qD- s,to -#a-9 lro- 521- {sz1 ( t CITY: f PROJECT CONTACT PERSON rlirz/< NcLn<4-PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation E ceneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** D Att Garage (SF) _E Det Garage (SF) f,storageshed (sil ++t ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes fl No TOTAI- SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Heated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (ress iot): S / I . 4.o , oa ++< ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ves ( ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes ( to lf theprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Ves { No on of Work: Use/ occupa ncy: ?,tflillt,r^|G- h Pt?, d Single ramily Duplex E Townhousetr 4 Unheated: Property Descripti 'B0rL7 Poqf**tz 5/or?t$- Boll\il&6*tr) To 82- irJ s -t3 Bn atl sk+lt urlL @ TLAGb D,y'L4 r-L-o 3 DI LAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the stat€ Euilding Code and all other applicable state and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change an contractor information.'**NOTE: Any ed vyithout the appropr4 /<e L,l,trBiate permits will be in violation of the NC State BldB Code and subject to fines up to S500.00*** Ow erlcontra66i)H"L anre: "Licensed QuoIiJier" {No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Sq FtNew lmpervious Area:d To{rtt to'|'572tr = .jt nZzs Total Acres Disturbed: 3o I .a8 lfr,4s Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr ves (ruo a (+vt cl ro) WATER: A CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: ( CFPUA - Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Datei _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee:5 xw \-. ./t "-J' ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT I ON TYP E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" tr Porch (SF)_ n other (sF)_ ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Clear Form APPtICANT'S NAME: Sorrlhern Fxr)osrre Sunrooms Print elrlail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P P LICAT ION TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" fo)+- luut 1+1143r (oifice use) Datet 4t712017 PROJECT ADDRESS: 5832 Gardenia I ane CITY: llt/il6in616n SUBDIVISION: Wlsteria PROPERTY OWNER,S NAMEI JenKinS. TirnothV &,]ulie PHoNE s: 910-399-2299 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 5832 Ger.len ia I enc CITY: Wilminoton zlP 28409 CoNTRACTOR: Southern ExpOsULe Sunrooms BLDG LICENSE f ADDRESS: PO Box 12007 EMAIL ADDRESS: iohniOsouthernexoosuresunrooms PRoJEcT cONTAcr PERSoN: J-obrlHiakey_-_,'.-.._-_.__,,,,-_ CITY: Wilmington ST: gQ- zlP: 28405 PHONE: 910-793-2762 PHONE;910-793-2762 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration [l Renovation [] General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: U Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence ll Relocation I.**PI-EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** ! Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garagc (St)_tr Porch (SF) D Storage Shed (SF)_ I other {SF) fi Sunroom (SF)162 n Pool (sF) [] Deck (sF)n Greenhouse (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No ToTAt sQ FT UNDER RoOF (for prcposed work) Heated:Unheatedi 162 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 6192 ls the proposed work ch anging the nu mber of bedrooms? [] Yes El No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure f] Yes El No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a NaturalGas Line on the currEltii'ie? - Yes []dNo lsthere Electrical Poweron this Building? ts Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: EI Single Family I Ouplex I Townhouse Description of Work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any chang€ information. *i'NOTE: Any work performed wilholrt the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC to fines up to 5500.00'+'3 roved plans and specifications or change in contractor owner/contractor: John Hickev "Licensed Qlolifier" Print Nome ls the propertv located in a floodplain? n Yes [] No Signature: Existing lmpervious Areai J Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: Ll Yes X No WATER; X CFPUA l-l Communitv System L] Private Well [] CentralWell I Aqua SEWERT ld CFPUA I I Communitv System [-l Private Septic n CentralSeptic fl Aqua zone: _-__-_ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Cityr _ Date; _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Commenti permit Fee; S 85- ZIP: 28409 LOT d: 38 Total Acres Disturbed: 0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsi.bility" ttw'L rrr BLoCK #: Phase 3 LoT #: 2ot+ ZAn :s-+{-aj APPLICATION Number (office Use ) APPLICANT'S NAIIE: rqunqo Hcmes of North car.oLina, rnc DEVEL@ER: Munso Homes of North Carolina, Inc PROIECT ADDRESS: 6i28 Seasr."e ..rr.t SUBDIVISION: wrIlo,, a;Len Estates G Bear Ri.rage PlaLtaLiorL DATE: 2,3 2'1] PHONE *:9,9-i:i-b!:5 :8412 PHoNE f : 9'-9 'ra: 8525 ZIP i 126 Munqo Homes of North Carolina, Inc Reliance A..,enue CITY: -lpex **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: PROPERTY OWNER, S NAI'IE: OWNER, S ADDRESS: : ATT GARAGE 43C SF SUNROOM T2t) SF DET GARAGE - 5F POOL SF ST : .l{_ zIP :::jfl CONTRACTOR::.-i:.:,o Homes of North Carofina, Inc 14466 ACCOUNT #: ADDRESS: 2 514 Relrance Avenue ST: Nar ZIP : -ri:9 EfilAIL ADDRESS: kL:skGmrrsc..om (Katherir,e Lusk PHONE #: 919 303 8525 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: :::a i I: '::i (,: r -,'- :'::.:)PHoNE #: 8ar-6ar-75:l EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:A LTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAI RS RE LOCAIION LICENSE #: CITY: r-pex NEt'I CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE o" ! aOOrrtOru TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE PORCH 1!: STORAGE 5H ED SF GR E ENHOUS E TOTAL HEATED SQ SF DECK SF OTHE R: 5F SF FT: 2531 rorAL sQ Fr uNDER **.'-&ff TOTAL PROIECT COST rress rot) : $ ra4,zeq # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING or I'IECHA ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure?tr Yes No If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the cunrent Site? [ ves Is there Electrical Powen on this Building? [v"r J]ll lo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAI1I LY DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: liew sinsle Famrfy Resi.lence OWN E R/CONTRACTOR i n,r:,qr H-ir ( ,i rr, Kat, , Lne LLi:rk SIGNATURE:Katlwt i,v\e, Lu,'*' **)k,*)t,t************)***r(r(r(*,t,t**)t)t)t,t,t+r(r(,t*r(*r.**+,t*t)*)t*****,f,t,k,a**++:l*:I++)t*)t,t***,|+****,i****** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YES I NOE EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA; t SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ]6 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 3sr6 SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:YES Eruo tr No and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developmenl S€Nices Cente. will be notfied of any changes in t'e apprcved plans and specificalbns or change jn conlracbr or contactlr intomalion "'NOTE Any Work Perfomed W/O he Appropfiat€ Perm its will be in Violation of lhe NC Slab Edg Code and Subiect b Fines Up To $500.00"' WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE WELL CENTRAL WELL b t ,ti+-CENTRAL 5 E PTIC PRIVATE SEPTIC COMMUNITY SYST EI'1 *** SEPARATE PERI'IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, mECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS !*** PAYMENT mETHOD: I CASH I cHEcx (IAvABLE ro rncy IBrLL Accor.,r{T E rcuvrsr I orscovrn +*****,r*,*++*******r*****r(*r(*******,*,*r.*,*****r(****r(******,*,i*+,****{.{.**,t,r*xxx*x*r(************ ZONE: OF F ICE R: (rOR OFFICE UsE or'lLY) REVISED DATE 04111112 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ T TOTAL AREA SQ FT: , . Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ AFE+2ft= AVN NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TyPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSHER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Res pons ibility" Eot+ )tubG:H+& APPLICATION Number (offi<e Use) APPLICAT'IT'S NAI4E: taunoc Homes cf Ncrth Carolina 1nc DEVELOPER: Mungo Homes ol North Carolina, rnc PROIECT ADORESS: 6119 se,isi..'.e ..rr:: PROPERTY Oh,NER'S tlAt{E: tr1unqo H3mes of North carcLina, rnc Oi{NER,,S ADDRESS: 2514 Reiianire A,en,re CITY: CONTRACTOR: l': r.,.r-i il.re3 rt N-.r:i: aar.lr:.a, Ii.LICENSE f: =:: CITY: ;c:;r PHONE #: ::.1 : . .'a' DATE: ]]21] CITY: I,iilminoron PHONE f:919-I-ij-85:5 ST: I,l. ZIP:2 !l? ACCOUNT #: ADDRESS: 2 514 ReLiance AYenue EIi'IAIL ADDRESS: kluskGmunqo.com (Karherine Lusk PHol,lE #: e19 3a3 8s25 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: er.ra riLi.)Lr (.r,rte.:: nanaq-or)PHONE #: 8,i3-ttLrc-7521 **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE 428 SF DET GARAGE SF PORCH r5 SF suNR00l4 : rl ll SF POOL SF STORAGE SHED SF GR E ENHOUS E SF DECK SF OTHE R SF sT: .lj!- zIP: :E: TOTAL HEATED SQ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER TOTAL PROIECT CoSTrressroo : $ 3r?+ ROOF: -r€5+-- 'TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: - FT: 2 s24 r82,858 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUiIBING or I,iECHA ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ V"s I frfo If the project is a Relocation, j.s there a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site? [ ves [ ruo Is thene Electrical Power on this Building? ff V"r [ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMI LY DUP LEX TOWNHOUS E DESCRIPTION OF WORK:New 3inqle FamrIv Pesidence OWNER/CONTRACTOR 3 r:unq: !iri)e: br Kar-.,erine Lisk SIGNATURE:Katl@rt^P, Lu't*, ++**+*+*r.***++,*++++*++,t+++t++t{.{.+,t,t,*,*,*,**,*+1.,*1.1.+1.*++++1.+,t++*****)t**i:t***,t++}+++*+++++,}+,t,r and ordin ances afid regulalions The NH C De v6lopm€ n t S€ rvices C€n Er will be no liJied of an y changes in t le Oproved plan s and specificati6ns or chdlge in conuEcb r or con[acbr info rm ato n "'NOTE anyWork Pedomod w/O heApprcpriab Permils wilibe in Violation ofthe NCStab Bldg Code and Subrect b Fines UpTo$500.00"' IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: . SQ FT E YES !NO WATER: SEWER: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:5Q FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:r YES l-l No CF PUA COT,lI"lUNI TY 5Y5TEI.,1 PRIVATE l,ELL CENTRAL WELL ICFPUACENTRAL S EPTIC PRIVATE SEPTIC COMMUNITY SYSTEI4 *,I.i! SEPARATE PERIIIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLB6, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS i'** PAYMENT METHOD: I CISX cHEcK (payABLE ro NHc) E BrLL AccouNr I mcuvrsr Iorscovrn s\HZ (FOR OFFICE USE ONTY) REVIsED DAIE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: * * * * * * * * * )k r( r. r( r< * * * x * * i. 1. * ,t * i. 1. * i( * t l. i. * 1. 1. ,N * 1. ,k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. 1. i. * r. r. r. * * * * )r * * * ,k * ZoNE : _ OF FICE R: Approval :_ City:_ DATE:_ ffOOD: o v , BFE+2ft= I r.& zIP i 2!l)2_ SUBDMSION: ui,1.-.,r lile:i ai:d:.:r :e Eeji;ir.,a.re i,a:,:a::... BLOCK #: P.-s3 I LOT f: _ji:__ EXTSTTNG CON5TRUCTTON: ! nrrrnarror ! nrruovnrroru ! celrrnal nrearns ! RELocArroN NEW CONSTRUCTION: E ERECT NEW RESTDENCE o" ! lOOrrrON TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE # OF STORIES: ] TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .-:-,:ji/ L"i1., ?ffi,i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PEBMIT APPLICAflO N TYPE : RESIDEIITIAL PI.TASE ANSWER ALL OUESIIONS APPIICABLETO YOUR PROJECT ?roiect R€sponslbllttf 21] 310?1 Lffitlt Appllcatlon {offic. us.) o",", 't Iu I t1 zlP '28409APPI.ICANT'S PROJECT AODRESS: Hlue Mary an Homes cnY; Helms rt LOT tiSUBDIVISIONI PROPERTY OWNERS aME, SEL Property lnvestors LLC PHONE S. 91G452-7175 OWNER'S ADDRESS:60 Grogory Bd crfi: Belville 71o: 28451 CONTRACTORI Logan Homss BLDG UCEITSE f;34408 ADDRESS:60 Gregory Bd EMAILADDR€SS;mlogan@ loganhom6s.6!m pxoxt: 91O452-7176 PROJICT COITTACT PERSON :Mary Logan PHONEi 91&452-7175 EXlsnNG m finucnoN: D Alteration El Renovation E Gencral Repairs ttEW coNsTRUCItoN: E Erect New R.sldence O Addhion to Existint Residence D Relocation ,.IPTTASE CHECI( AND AI{SWER BELOW ATI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT.. ' on. Betuille ST:,NC 28/,51 G rtt earase (srl 5-15 E sunroom [SF] *- E Greenhouse (SF) - E Det Gara8e (Sf) - tr Pool 6r)- n Deck {sF} - ( rorch (sr)3\1 n stordse shed (sF) - tr other (sF) _ ls the proposed work chan8lngthe exlltlog tuotprint? E Ycs El No TfiAt Sq FI UNDEn RoOl lfot ptoposcd wotk) He.lad. rorAL PRoJEct cotr (kss Lot): S-AgO+(7r> 2\nb unmetea: EtLl ls the proposcd work changln8the number ol bedrooms? E ves {no ls any El.ctrk l, Plumbingor Mcchrnlc.l tvort beint done to the n&ssory struaure, E ves $ xo lftheprojectisaRclocedon,lstheleaNsturalGasUneontheqJrr€flrslte?EYesfrNo 15 there Eleclrical Power on thls Bulldtng? tr vcr I fro Property Ure/ Descriptlon of Occupancyi Worl: SFR E Slngle Frmlly E Duplcr E To$mhout - ngw construciion DISCIAIMEL: I h.rEby cetfi rh.t.tt the ldormadon ln thh.pplk tiofl ir aorcct.nd.[ u/Dtt wlll .omply witf th. gaL Buildllrg CDd..nd rn othlr.pplaH. St t rnd lo..l bus rhd ordh.nc6 and r€Subtbh! Th. NHC t sltlopm€rtt S€rvic.i C.nts wlfl b. md(fu of ariy dlsnfi€s in tlE approEd pLns .rd tpedlidions or thant. h (dttrdor ittfo-"ffon. -.XOnr er,y *o* perlorn€d withod the.pptDrrLt ptmlB ,lll b. ln vlol.don oftfE NC Stit Bld! Cod! lnd tuu€<l to fines up to 95m.Or" own€r/cootr.ctor: D Logan $$rturet 'U.r,$cd Qtdfifat" Pdnt Nofic lsthe property located in 8 ffoodpl.in? tr Ycs n o &lsting lmpervlous Areet 0 Sq ft TotalAcres Dliturbed:.tB Ncw lmp€rviout A.ea:Llzto Sq Ft Ed5tltE Lrnd Df$urbbg P.rnlt! E Yes [f tlo watER: El cFPtlA o communlty syn€m EI Ptivate Well El cintral well tr Aqua SEWER: Ei CFPUA E] Community SYstem fl Pri\rate septic E central Septic E Aqua Zore: - Offlccr: - s.thecl$ (r) - (ul) - (RHl - {B} -Appror"al: - City: - D.te: -- Hood: (Al -M -{N} - 8!E+zttr 315- u0 --* Commenti +35 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE IO YOUR PRO.IECTaProiect Responslbility'' zalf.- 3la Appllcatloa Number (omce use) AppLtcANTS NAME. Herrington Classic Homes, LLC oare.3t27t17 t a pROJECT ADDRESS: 4303 Fireside Court crw. Wlmington ].].P.28412 sUBDtvtstoN. Bexley 1g1g. 24 Phase ll Sec ll pRopERTy owNER,s NAME. Allen & Kay Davis PHONE 'OWNER'S ADDRESS:ClWr ztP: coNTRACToR: Herrington Classic Homes, LLC gt96 U66il56 6. 68106 a99Xg55; PO Box 538 s1ry. Wrightsville Baach 51. NC ztp. 28480 EMAIt ADDRESS: heather@heningtonclassichomes,com EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration B Renovation n General Repairs NEW CoNSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addltlon to Exlsung Residence [] Relocation ri*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT**t Ii ltt earage (sfl 790 E oet Garage (sF)_ D Storage Shed (SF) _ E Greenhouse (sF)n Deck (sF) PHoNE.910-399-5688 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprlnt? E Yes fl No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed wotkl Hgssg6,3402 Unheated:898 TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less [ot): S462,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes D No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcalwork belng done to the Accessory Structure fl yes E No lftheprojectisa Relocation, lsthereaNatural Gas Llne on the current site? E yes E trto ls there El€ctrical Power on th is Building? E yes E No Property Us€/ occupancy: E Si Descripti on of Work: Construct Family E Duplex D lownhouse le family residence ngle sing DISCLAIM[R: I herebycertlfy that attthe tnformatlon in thts applicaion iscorrect rnd allwork wlll comply wlth the State Buildlng Code end allother appltcable State and locallaws and ordlna nces and .egulatlois. The NHC Oevelopm Informatlon,...NOTE: Anyworkp€rtormedwlthoutthe owner/contractor: Craig Johnson ent ServlcesCenter wlllbe notltledofany chanSes tn the appmved plans a nal 5peclflaatlon5 orchange ln contractorapp.oprlate permits willbe In vtolatlon of Cod€ and subject to flnes tip to S50o.oo..1 Slgnatu "Llcensed Qudliliet' ls the property located in a floodplaln? E yes E No Existing lmpervious Area; _ Sq Ft Total Aff€s Dlsturbed: New lmpervlous Area: 5702 sq Ft Existrng r.and DrsturbrnS permrt: E yes E No WATERT E CFPUA E Communlty System E prlvate Well E Centralwell EI Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA EI communitysystem El private Sep c E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ offlc€r: --- Setback (F) _ (t H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ "--- Approval: _ City: _ Date:_._- Ftood: (A) -- (V) _ (N) _ BFE+Zft: _ $r q0+ (!6 ql,?(,L Comment:Permit Fee: S PROJECI CONTACT pERsoN. Craig Johnson pHoNE. 910-442-7900 E Porch (Sr) 108 n Sunroom (sF) _D Pool (5F) _ tr Other (sF) _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P P LICATIO N IYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUB PROIECT "Project Responslblllty" Aett- 41oT5++-9€{ Appllcatlon Number (ofllce u5e) APPL|CANT,S NAME. Herrington Classic Homes, LLC Date:flulrt pRoJEcT ADDREss: 4722 Goodwood Way g;ry. Wilmington aP.2U12 SUBDtvtstoNr Fortune Place at Johnson Farms tOT#:11 pROpERw owNER,s NAME. Herrington Classic Homes, LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS. PO Box 538 ctTy, Wrightsville Beach ziP.28480 PHONE #.910-399-5688 CONTRACTOR: Herrington Classic Home, LLC 8t-oc LICENSE f. 68106 ADDRE5S: PO Box 538 61ry. Wrightsville Beach 51. NC Zlp. 28480 EMAl- ADORESS: heather@herringtonclassichomes.com PHONE. 910-399-5688 pRoJEcT coNTACT pERsoN. Craig Johnson PHONE. 910-442-7500 EXIS'ING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration I Renovatlon E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addltion to Existlng Residence D Relocation ..*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"T E att earage (sr)496 C Detcarage (sF)- Il porch (SF)270 E Sunroom (SF)_ D creenhouse (SF) I Storage Shed (SF) _ D other (sF) Is the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I Yes E No TOTAL Sq Ff UNDERROOF Vor proposed wotk| Heated:2155 unheated:766 TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot):)250,000.00 ls the proposed workchanglng the number ofbedrooms? E Yes EI No is any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure fl yes E No lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural 6as Llne on the cu rrent site? E Yes E tto lsthere Electrical Poweron this Building? E Yes E No ! Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF) Property Use/ Descrlplion ol occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex D Townhouse ur.r1' Construct new single family residence laws andordlnances and regulatlons. The NHC Development Servlces Centerwlllbe hodfled ofany informatlon. r+'NOTET Any work performed wlthout the appropriate permlts wlllbe ln vlolatlon of end allother appllcableState and local speclfrcatlons or change ln contnctor to ,lnes up to $sm.m... DISCIAIMER: I h e reby certify rhat allthe lnformatlon ln thlsapplicatlon ls corred and allwork wlll comply\rlth the State BuildtngCode ln the approved plans and ownerlcontractor Craig Johnson Sign "Licensed Quolfier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E No WATER: El CFPUA tr Communlty Sysrem E prtvare we E Centrat We[ E Aqua d,l , ]1 q SEwER: E CFPUA tr Community System E private septtc fl centrat septtc E Aqua -Y! I U0 Existlnt lmpervlous Areat ..*- Sq Ft New lmpervious Ar ea,2822 sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: Existing !and Disturbing Permlt: E yes E No (N) _ 8FE+2ft= _,;\ Zone:Offlcer:setbacks (F)(rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: -- City; _ Date: _ Flood: (A)_(V) permlt Fee:sComment: ,1 ,\ NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AXSXER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responslbllitt'' \^t ru r,l,rl r NT .,\IC. BLOCK #:LOT *: ,01}. 3La^ ,, t@ APPLICATION Number (Offtce Use) APPLI CAI'IT ' S l,lAr,lE: David Janes & Co DEVELOPER: David James & co PRO]ECT ADDRESS: 969 lA^ O OO.\D BA T EPT PD CITY: SUBDMSIO'I: y'.r trU r,rltr,.r r-tttuU DATE: - zrprzfui 11z PROPERTY O{iIER'5 TIAfi E : OhINER'S ADDRESS: I)Avr>-f 64re.4u -I ,AilA E9 Plorr *:9ll!!l!p!\z4 Er>e;EwAtriAuA. crry: Yllll=4!]}!hlla.\__ sr 2 ^{-ztp tzrtlb 4 LICENSE *: 39423 CITY: wi lminqton CoNTRACTOR: David James & Co ADDRESS:ST: Nc ZIP: 28405 EliAIL ADDRESS: di anesGt,,i lminqtonbui tder PtrcNE #: 910-443-3184 PROJECT CoIITACT PERSoil: Davld ;ames ExrsTr{G coilsrRucTroN: ! nlrenerroru ! neruovarroN ! cetenal neearns I RELoCATION EW CONSTRUCTTOT{, @ rneCr NEW RESTDEME o" ! mOrrroN TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE |*PLEASE CHECI( Al,lD AIISWER BELotl ALL THAT APPLY TO YoUR PROJECT: Ftr Arr GARAGE 5tD sr ! orr crnaee _ sF Ef SUNRoOM _ SF ! eoor- _ sr I srouce sHED _ sF poncr 3oo SF D GREENHoUsE_ sF !oecr SF OTHER:SF TOTAL HEATED Sg rr:3lt-L ToTAL SQ FT UNDER RooF: SQrc TOTAL AREA sQ FT: _ TOTAL PROJECT coST (Less Loo : g 450, ftt, # oF SToRIES: 2- rs any ELEcrRrcAL, PLU BT G or t4EcHAl.lrcAL wonk BeinS Done to the Accessory structure? ft ves $ lorf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas.Line on the cunrent site? fl ves [ruoIs there Electrical Powen on this Bullding? f] ves [t to PROPERTY USE / OCCUPAiICY: fr srruer-r ro,lrrv ! ouer-ex ! TowNHousE DESCRIPTIOI{ OF UORK: fOr..g-ra! zT NEW I-"-E Sroglrc€ 308 Old Dairy Rd Ste 130 DlgCl"All,lER lhoEbycortit116t al inbmaton in his appticaf.n is corect and altwo and or.lhanc€s and €gulatjons.Th€ NHC Development Se ices CenE. will be noiiod contacbr inblrnaion. 'nNOTEi Ahy Work Periomed w/O h€ Apprcpri6b p6milswill rtwillcomplywat1 he S.te Buitding Code and aI oher apptb.bte Stat d|d bca awgotEny changos in he apprcved OWNER/CONTRACTOR:l>J q be in Violation oftl€ NC Stab SI6},IATURE: + '* ** ** * *+r*,f * *+ **** * * * **** Jl l'{i }11"} * * * ** * ** * * )r * * *,i * * x )i ,i,r :} )r * * :N,r ,* * * +,} ***,r *rs rHE pRopERry LoCATED rN A FLooDILATN? l--'l yEs El rc *,* +*)*,t )t:t * * * * EXISTING II.TPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTUREED: Exrsr LAND DrsruRBrNG remrr: fl yes l-lNEt.l Ir.tPERvIous aREA: 3'l SLsO rr trlATER: SEWER: d trT PAYl.lEiIT i,l crnur ! coMMUNrry svsreN f] pRrvATE wELL f] cerurnar crnuo g .ENTRAL sEprrc ;-r*ruorr irri; -;o*;#'rttrr, $Z.rLlf, -rr* SE,BIE pER,rrrs RE$JTRED FOR ELECT, rilECH, pL8G, GAS EQUrp, PRTFABS & IiISERTS +r*ETH'D: l-l crsn l-l*recx (pAyABrE ro nrrl I o^renrc$r ExpREss p nclvrsr ! orscov:n,**,**r*+,r+,r++:r+*+,ri,*,r+,r*,*,r:r*:r+,r;-Jr:: fi:Y,_.r,*,r,i,r***:****,**)***ii****1,11****l;*:..r.rru or change in conrecbror Fhes up To i500.00-. NO ZONE :OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_Approval; citv:DATE:_ FLooD: _ BFE+2ft=AVN Comment : PTONE f : PHONE #: 91c-443-318,1 af) lol) ztoYL 3Ftl EXrSTrr{G CONSTRUCTTO : f] alrrnarrou ! Rrruwlrro ! celrennl neearns ! RELOCATTON NEW CON5TRUCTIOH, [I CITCT IiIEI^I RESIOENCE Ol^ [ ADOrrrOU TO EXISTIi{G RESIDEI{CE TTPLEASE CHECX Al{D ANSWER BELO}r ALL TI{AT AppLy TO YOUR PROIECTi fltarr cruee 4LL sr I sureoor"r -- sF f] cReruxous e - sr rorAL HEATED sq n: 2.6,I..f ! oer crRree I roor- sr f] oecr _ sr fl sro OTHER: RAGE SHED 34z'_sF C)\|/.- and 6lloher app[cabte Srats and bcalaws s9€cifcatbns or change h contrrcbr or&d $b}lcr t Fines Up To !SOO.OCr.' sr [f eoncx % f sr TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOFi ZToz TorAL AREA se fi; ATaZ TOTAL PROIECT C05T 1r-oss r-o9 | | l?Sood S OF STORIES: Z rs Any ELEcrRrcaL, ptI,rtEIt{G or titEcHA[tcAL [ork Being Done to the Accessory structurr? [ ves $uorf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Llne on the current site? [,., 6.*oIs there Electrical Power on this Building?ffives IUo PROPERW UsE / OCCUPATTICY I B SINGLE FAMILY ouer-rx ! ToulNHous DESCRIPTIO$, OF KIR(: Sr .L . A-er.-$t DISCIAIMEFL lhereby c"rlit fiatal inbm6ton h hts app[c.ton b corEct and rl wo* wit and ordinaoces and r6gulailors- Th6 NHC D€Etopmenl SeNbes C€nrer wil be notted ot.n conuactir inbmalion. "1tOTE: Ally Work Perlormed w/O ot{lrl E R/CONTRACT0R :lL-r-J-4-- ** * + +* * * '*** +:*,** ** ** * * * ** ** *(I!Tl Jil1 SIGTIATURE: t**++*+ **t,t:a**,a)t:l :t:t**ti***t*+tt,t,t**t* +**:tt* ELno lEwsto DAiE 64/11/12 complywifi hs StaG Buitdhg Cod6 y danges h lhe appoved Dhn s aod Vblarian offle NC Srats gtdg Codo NEw tl'tPERvrous aREA, .- sQ FT Exrsr LAtlo DrsruR8r*c prnurr: [-'l vrs l-Xl rc r,rarER: [f crrur ft cof4r,ruNrry svsrru [pRrvATE wELL IcerrRal welr A1 I \r\ sEl,JER: fi creun I cENTRAL sEprrc fl enrvrrr serrrc ! cor4guNrry sysTEM \h \ I "t+ t* -lvl!- ,*** secanar5 PERllrrs REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, HECH, pLBG, GAs EgJrp, pRErABs & I{sERTs *r*pavrHr uEtsoo: l-l crsH l_l cxecx (payaBLE ro nxc; I me nrcaN ExpREss [,crursl I orscoven**:t,l*'l*,1+:l*,t++,1*+*,i:l*:|********+,|)i+*,f:!+t**,1:t**:tt+****++,t:**,t*r*:*,t t*,1***r++ ** *lii*+*+,l* tt*+ ** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED tl{ A FLOODPLAI ? N YES EXISTI G IfitPERvIo,s AREA: - sQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: lton orrrce ust onti; SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ -- BFE+2ft= .- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIION N?EJ RESIdENTIAL pLEAsE aNslrER a[L qJEsrro*s *raraod* To yot R pRoJEcr "ProJect Responslbilit!/, P}ONE T: zIp: - LoT r: 7A -P/o .,' APPLICANT,S DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT SUBOIVISION: PROPERTY OTO',ER,5 iIAI,!E : owr'r€R'5 ADoRESS:t1 CITY: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS I CITY: CITY: r: BLOCr S: PK)NE *: EMIL ADORESS:Pto[E *: PRO]ECT COTfiACT PERSON:Pr€ E S:4r ZONE: OF FICE R: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PLI CATION TYPE: RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" aot+ ens L1.-+:FG,S Application Number (office use) AppLtcANls NAMs. HOBIZON HOMES OF WILMINGTON LLC gs13' 4l9l'17 pRoJEcT ADDRE55: 4830 GATE POST LANE s;ry. WILMINGTON NC y1p. 28412 suBDtvrstoN: FORTUNE PLACE LOT #r 3 PRoPERTY owNER,s NAME: FORTUNE PLACE HOLDINGS LLC oWNER,s ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 3442 crry W|LMlNGTON NC z'P.28406 pHONE #: 910-520-601 1 CoNTRACToR: HORIZON HOMES OF WILMINGTON LLC BLDG UCENSE #. 70867 ADDREss: P.O. BOX 3442 s;1y. WILMINGTON sT, NC 71p.28406 EMATL ADDREss: HOR IZON HOM ESBILLING @ GMAIL.COM p116p6. 910-508-6655 pRoJEcT coNrAcT prnsoru: ROBIN HACKNEY pHsxg 910-508-6655 TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed workl 1.1gsss6;2408 gnhg31g6;836 TOTAT PROJECT COST {Less Lot): $250000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes EI No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lftheproject isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes m No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes E No laws and ordinancesand regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and information. +*'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropr ate permits wi be in violation of the NC stat B dg Code and subj Owner/Contractor E. DEANS HACKNEY JR fications or change in contractor io flnes up to S5oo.oo'.. Signature: "Licensed QuoliJier" P nt Name ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes U No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbg6. LESS THAN 1 New lmpe ryious Area: 3,242 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permlt: M yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: 9l CFPUA E Communitysystem E private Septic D Central Septic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date; _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ aFE+2ft= Comment: t \ Permit Fee: S *qL-- !-. &1.: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: A Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *** *** tr Att Garage (SF) 559 E Det Garage (SF) I Porch $rl 277 E Sunroom (SF) _ n Pool (SF)_ ! Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) _ n Deck (SF) _ tr Other (SF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes A No Property Use/ Occupancy: M Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: SINGLE FAMILY NEW HOIVIE CONSTRUCTION ) 461 "C1- bL ') t/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CATI ON TYPE: RESIDE NTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" Application Number loffice use) ApplcANT,s NAM5; HORIZON HOI\ilES OF WILMINGTON LLC Date: 3-31-17 pRoJEcr ADDREss: 4821 GOODWOOD WAY 61ry. WILIt4INGTON NC y1p.28412 sUBDtVtstoN: FORTUNE PLACE IOT #:24 OWNER,S ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 3442 6sry WILIVINGTON NC z'P.28406 CONTRACT6R: HORIZON HOIVES OF WILMINGTON LLC s166 116sx5p a. 70867 ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 3442 ctry.W|LM|NGTON sT, NC 21p.28406 EMA[. ADDRESS: HORIZONHOI\,'IESBILLING@GMAIL.COM PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ROBIN HACKNEY EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: n Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION; Z Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation *,}.}PLEASE CHECK ANO AN WER BE ALL THAT APPLY E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF) ! Deck (SF) psone 910-508-6655 p119xs 910-508-6655 URP cT*** I Porch (SF)400 E Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (sF) n Att Garage (sF) n Sunroom (SF) n Greenhouse (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work)xeated:3024 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 300000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes A No ls a ny Electrical, Plumbint or Mecha nical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes El No lf the project is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Y€s U No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: g Single Family E OuplexE Townhouse Descriptio n of Work: SINGLE FAMILY NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approve information. **'NOTET Any work performed without the appropriate permjts will be in violation of the NC State Eldg code d plans and spec f cat ons or cha o fines !p to 00* Owner/contractor: E. DEANS HACKNEY JH Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ves U No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturb"6. LESS THAN 1 New lmperviou5 7ysal 3722 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: 0 yes ! No WATER: Z CFPUA E Community System ! private Well E Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem I private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Ftood; (Al _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= 31 T Comment:Permit Fee: S )c pRopERry owNER,5 xaMg; FORTUNE PLACE HOLDINGS LLC lcll4tE! B,1KER pHoNE #: 910-520-601 1 unheatedr 919 I )ot+ Ztns APPLICANT'S NAME . Stevens Fine Homes PROJECTADDRESS; 16 suBDtvtstoN: Tralee Place NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING P APPLTCATTON |YPE : RESIDENTIAI ERMIT PLEASE ANSI/VER ALt QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/' oad ow: Wilrdngton ztP: rl *ua 26 : (office use) Date alp lrl toT #: pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME. Stevens Fine Homes OWNER'S ADDRESS: 5710 Dri!€ Suite 2oo pHs g s. 9ro-794-8699 65y; Wilmington ztp. 28403 coNTRAcTon: Stevens aDDRESS: 5710 BLD6 L|CENSE g. 31626 200 CITY: Wilmin st: -\! ae:284o3 EMATL ADDRE55: snicholson@stevensfinehomes.com PHONE: pROJECT COMTACT pgXggl. Staci Nicholson pHONE. 91o-332-8515 fllSTl G COI{STRUCTION: n Akeration D Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: El Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PI.TASE CHECI( A'{D ANSWER BELOW AlI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** d ltt earage (sr)10 E Det Garage (5F)_d Porcn$rl 120 ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (sF) lzFrPR I7 l1:z?fl ! Storage Sh /ottrer 1sr1 f6o\ ed (sF)_tlb sctutfdE Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes d No TOTAT Sq FT UI{DERROOF (Jor proposed work} Heat€d:?_?l unheated: 6qq TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 12O,OOO ls the proposed work changing the n umber of bedrooms? E yes El No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E yes E o lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Ves E! No ls th€re Electrical Power on this Building? D yes E No Us€/ Occupa u5e on of Work: Propefi Des€ripti Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quoliliet" OISCIAIMER: lherebycertify that allthe information in this epplication is correct and all work will compty with the State Buildin8 Code and all other .pDhcaDIe State and locatlaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevetopment Services Centerwillbe notiffed ofanycha nges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractoriniormation. *..NOTE: Any work p€rformed withoutthe appropriate permit5 willbe in viotation of the NC State and subjed to fines up to $5m C0.'. ichrel Crni Stueno Signature: lsthe propertylocated in a floodplain? D Ves d ]{o Existing lmpervious Area. rll Sq Ft Total Acres oisturH , tl3 New lmpervious Area;9n SC Ft Existing Lend Disturbing permit: E y€s d No WATER: tr CFPUA tr Community System E private We[ E Central Welt d aqua SEWER: d CFPUA E Community System D private Septic D Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Oficer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (ef _(vl_(tU_BFE+2ft= \aqk bC\ permit Fee: Comment:b* E tr ,0i]-3+1:- L7-+O+S Applkition Numbat (office us.) e NEW HAIIIOVER COUNTY BUII"DING PERMTT A PPU CATION TYPE : REStDEt{TtAr PLEASE ANSWER ALL QIJESTIO'iS APPLICIEU TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect R6ponslbllitf @s APPI"ICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRTSS: sUBDtVtSlOtrl: PROPERTY OWNER'5 ADOR!55: Date: ZIP 7 t'Qr)zar\ L.a& _ OTy: P ClTYi LOT f E: !io,J xanz*, 4li' 1q t1-/ s7t CONTRACTOR:\crr-:FL,^, <LL C-- ZIP:. , ' BLDGIICEIISE$:,.-:;. ADDRESS: EMAII. PROJECT CONTACT PENSON CITY: SI:zl? -PfiotrlE:'l/a')q,l -/.f-b/ PHON[]r,t €XErlNG COI\ISTRUCTION; [:.]D Renovation D General RepaiB NEW COIIISTRUCnON [rect New Residence n Additio.t to Existing Residence D Relocation Keanetsrt f) sunroom (sF)_ 0 Greenhous€ (sF) El Det Garage (SF)_ n Pool{sF) n oeck (Sr) orch (SF)Jl n Storage Shed (SFl _ n other (sF) ls the proposed work chanSint the existing ,ootprint? D Yes fl No TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER, ROOF lfot proposed wotkl Nedaedl TOTAL PROTECT COST (Le5s Lot): S If'-l I 2 --1It) I unl,o ted:; I (,-. C-\ ls the proposed wotk changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes O flo lsanyElectrlcal,PlomblryorMeclranblworkbeingdon€tottleAccessoryStructurenYesENo lf the project is a Reloc.tion, is there a Natural Gas Une on the current site? tr Yes O ,{o lsthere ElestricalPower on this Buildin8? Il Ye3 E o Propcrty Use/ oc.upancy:tr Description of Wo.k; into.m.tb.i- "'NOT[: Any wort p€rformed appropriate permtu wl[ be ln violatloo ol the NC Slate BldS drd suli€ct to fine. up ro 5!,00.00. . . Owner/Crntractor:o,.r.J, !.lr SiSnature: 'Ucct$ d A@h'frn Prina lto.t c ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yar D fao Exisli|3 lm?.rvlqrs Arc.: _ Sq Ft Tot l Acr€5 DB&rb€d: tr6., lmpe.vlous Area: _5q Ft Erijtln3 t nd DHurt{ng permlt [1 y6 E] o,/ WAIER: O/CFTUA E Community System EI priyate We[ n Centrrl We D Aqua,/ S€WER: yCFPUA Cl Community System O private Septic 0 Centratsegtk D Aqua 2o.ret - Offioer' -- s€rbects {F} _ (r}t} _ (nil}_ (Bt_ Approv.l! -- Cityr _ O.tc: _- rbod:(af --p|_t l _ AfE+tft= _*s5qCodtment:Permit Fee: S ,\ ).-<:<:,t Single Family i 2dt+'-a','., 1+-:t+75 APPLICA$T'S NAME: PRO.IECT ADORESS:7t3fan NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE RESIOENTIAL PI"EAS€ ANSWTR ALT QUESTIONS APPLICTSLE 10 YOUR PFOJECT "Pf oiect Respoosibllity" Application loffice us€) *r.,l1flt 7 CITY.A?: / L (tLl-Qr SUBDIVISION: OWfi€R'5 ADDRESS:Er',*- (l\.'-,PHONE!rai CITY l ZIP: -'CONTRACTOR l. Havd'.sa^.. FL'^r.-LLC ADDRESS: PROIECI CONTACT PERSON: ctw u NE ULlq?BLDG LICENSE f$'t; zlP.J{.iCJ) <- EXlSTl G COTJSIXUCTIO : =,Alteration E Renovation - General Reparrs,/ NEW COI{STnUCIIO , D/Erect New Residence fJ Additioo to txisting nesidence D Reloc.tion YOUR V{caraeetset 12 ! Sunroom (5F)_ D Gre€nhous€ (SF) TOIAL Sq FT UNDERROOF lfor prcposed wotk) TOTAL PnOJ€Cf COST {Less Lot): S TL E Oet GaraBe (SF)_ n Poor(sF) X D€ck (SF) h {sr)s7 - Storage Shed (Sr)_ D other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [] Yes n No tt )Heated: I(. , / -1 r / uoheated: y' / Q2 D ls the proposed work changingthe rumber of bedrooms? El Yes O No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMecharkalrxorkbein8doretotheAccessoryStructureEYesDNo lftheprojectisaRelocdon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYe5Eio ls there ElectricalPower on thi5 Bualding? E Yes [] No Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy:Sintle Family tr Desaription of Work:Txz txsclAlirEl: I hetpby certat that all the information in thit apglicatron ia corred .nd all wort will cdnp,y with the State goilding cod€ and .I othet applicade State and lo..ll.v.s 3nd dd,nances and reSuLtj,oos. ThQ NHC Development Sgvkes Center Bi[ be notifir{ of any dranges h th€ tpfroved plans and sf€cificatk ns or chan8P in contractorinforr.ation "'r,loTt Any wo.t Flerfo.md without ihe .pproprlat€ p€rmiE, wjn be tn, N.,,. il.^,J,\.-v-r viol.tioh ol thc Hc state 8td8 and subrect to fine5 upto SSm.m... Owner/Conlractor Signature: "Liceosed Quolifrer' ptint Nome lsthe prope.ty located in a floodplain? E yes E fo txisthg lmperrlous A.ea: _ Sq ft Total Atres Dfiiurbed: es lmpcrvloyt area: -- sq Ft Erlstlng Lald Dhturblng pernrit El yes E t{o W,Ji..Rt C?,UA D Community System E private Well 0 Centralwell O Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA E Community System E private Septi€ O Centralseptic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Sc$scfs (F! _ {tHl _ (nH} _ (S} _ Approyil: _ Ctt:_ Dde: -* Rood: {A} _ (V} _ (N} _ BFE+Zft= -- Commeot:+85q-Permit Fee: S & LOT *: Pf,oPERrYow En'{xa/le, /_Lttt'r t t t . EMAIL ADDRESST \?Ho ]i-t '1 /t ., .' ) i* t Duplex l- #NEI,I, HANOVIR cou'Tw BUIIDIN6 PERMIT A PPUCATTON TWE : RESIDEI{TIAL PL€As€ ANSWER ALI- QU€SIIOXS APPLICASU TO YOUR PRO.JECT 'Prof cct Respoasibllity, 2on- s rL,1 1 7-J€H74_ Applk tb.' {6ff<E r6c} APPUCANT'S NAMI: PRO.I€CI ADDRISS: ' suE0tVrsroN: (-( -Dater {,r rr. Lr.\n-1*c,fY] !-2 ZIP trtt/ )a LOT l: Ll; OWH€R'S ADDNESSI COTITf,ACTOR: PHOItf, S: :l: CITY BI.DG LICTNSE N ZIP: qg ( o-vJrkr., I-lr'L( ADDRESS:Clfi: EMAII PROJECI COMTACT P€RSON PHOt{t EXISTING COI{STRUCTIO : i'-l n RenoYatio.'t D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOTY:rect t{ew Residence O Mdition to Existing Residen€e D Relocat x} 5T: llP: _,9/lfrl I q,{n.-r,w 231 [ sunroom (sF) n Greenhouse {5F} TOTAL PnOTECT CO6T {Less Lot}: n o€ck (Sr) (sF)Jl ls the proposed work chanSing the exi3ting footprint? D Yes C No TOTAT 5Q FT UttfO€R ROOF Vot proposed workl nerrro:lL -j I unbc*oa; -/ )Q. C: ls the propos€d work changtna th€ number of bedrooms? D Yer O iao ls anv Electrical, Plumb&I or MdEnk l wort b€inE dofie to the Accessory Structure E Vp E Xo lf the project is3 n to€don, irthere a NaturalGas Une on tie current sit€? E Yer n o ls there Eiectrical power ort this Building? fI Vec [] xo Prop.rty Us./ O<crrp.ncy:glngl,. F.mily E Dercrtpdon of wo.k: olso.l[€l: I h.rtby cenit th.r dl dt anto.m.tt(,l h tlJ& rrplk tton b cofi!.t .rd an B* l, cdrDly wlth rh. Sr.te Briktr'! Code rd .t othcr .pplt2ble 5t r. .M bc.tL*5 ..d <rdk|.nc6 a.d 'lad.tbo3. nl. tlHC D.rralo0{i€d Sarvits C.rn"r ril b. ,{dfi€d of .ry duntis El ti. tppru.ed pbr6 .nd jpadfi.etiorls 6 chaife io coitracto.infqfi€tlon. "'taoTt: Any rro.t perfo.rned wi$logt $c.mror.f.ta parlnit! ull ba h-\l oun r/coitr.ctD{t l) , ,r \ \.."1, \.lr Signature: 'Lk.rr'.d Quoltfref Print ttonr. rs the propcrty located in a ioodptrain? E Vea O o Cdr$lr. lm9.rvlorE Ar€l -- 5q pt Tot l Aars DbUrtadt vuanoo .,' fl. XC SldE SlrS ind $bFcr to unes !9lo syx).m... DY6[]Notaex, hngcrylolF Ar.a: _ 5q Ft Ert3dtr3 tand Dbt rtkta pcrmlb/- WAfI,.,t C2NA E Community Systenr E priyate WeS D Cerfialwell E Aqua SgWf* Mrpul D Co.nmunity System B priyate Septk D Centralseptk B Aqua lerri _ 0ffirs _ gcsrcl' lR -- tr,, _ (nH) _ (8, _Ssav- Apptoval: =- otv: --_* D't': -. rbod: {A} -- (v, - {xl *_. BFE+rft= - Comment:Pcrmit Fee: 5 t J Jp*@crry owrstrs-Nlire:t r-..L ?)\ c , 1V// t, E Oet Garag€ (sf) _ O Pool (Srl - 0 StoraSe Sh€d (SF) _ tl other (sr) _ YK .t ffi NEW HAT{OVER COUilTY BUI1DIHG PERMIT A PPL| CAfl a N ffpE : RES|DET{TIAr PLEASE ANSWER ATI. QUESTIONS APPLICAET€ TO YOUR PROJ€CT-projcct Re3toffibititf 2ol?- z+N L++O+3 Ap9&cetion Iturl}bet lofitce u!.1 APPtlCArrlf S l{AttE: PROJECT ADTXf,SS: SUBAlVrSrOfl: OWN€R'S ADDRESS: (L Date 7(ltfiz^rr CITY;ZIP LOf *: Ll -l )PiIONE f: l 84-t I BLDG LICEiTSE #f) ctY ZIP . CONTRACTOR ),-r'cl'sr-' LL,/t^-e \Lrc L) ADDRESS: rMAIL PROJECT CONTACT PIRSON:,., ( C'TY "tt t 5I: &;alP: -'d. Ei <-PHONT:2/-)- url , flEnlc CoilsTnrcno : D,Alteratioo r] Renoration D General Repai6 NEry cOl{STRUCTEtt, *Z* n"*, **idence E Addttio. to Existing R6iden€e n Relocation qd".e"on 231 orch (SF)JlCl Det Garage (SFl _ O sunroom (sFl -**- n Pool (SF) -_-D Greenhouse (5F)fl oe€k (sr) ls the proposed work changing the existinS ,ootprint? D Yes n to fj Storrge Shed (SF)_ tr other (5f) TOTI! 5q FT UNDE*, ROAF (for proposed work) Heitedr f unh"rt d:; J {-, TOTAI- PROJECT COST {Lers Lot)(titi lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedraoms? Cl Y6 E fio Is any ElscMcal, Plsmblr4 or Mccler*zl work being dooe to the Acresssy Structure El Yps E l{o tf the proi€.ct isa nabc.t on, ir there a Natural Gas Line on th€ current iite? B Vc6 f] xo ls thare €lecEical Power on this Euilding? CI Ye3 E o Prorarty t s.l Oc(up.ncy:SlnaL F.nily E]r ocs.ripdon ot wori: t,ls(l lftk I hcr.t..rti'Y th.t.ll th. in o.matioo h thb .p9l!c.Uon rs co.rr<t ..d .l wt wil €dnp& uith t)r. St e &il&ra Codc -d .l oth€r .ppli..ble State d loc.l inforrrEtio.r. '.'raoTf,: Ary wo.t g.rto.rn d wi6o.rr the .p9.opriat. p.rmiB uifi be in vi(ritlo.| .* th. l€ State &d3 .hd rubF to nrre5 l,p to S5OO.m"' !L."1, s*-.(".,\Owner/Corttractor:Signature: 'Lklf,],|' d Qttulifier' Prht tlo/'rc 15 the property located in a floodpbin? El Yes E o Erlrtirf Inlrcrrlglr Arcar _ 5q ft Total Aercs lrHulbad; ta6r hFrvbrF Arce: _Sq ft ErBtln3 tard Dktrrrilltt P.rnrlts O y6 O t{o/ W,iAA.: VCUNA El Community Systcm E Priyate We[ E CentBl W€lt E Agua SEWEi: yCFPUA Cl Community Synem El Prtvate Septk O Ceot at septt E Aqua zo.t€:- gfiriri*- lffilt}--ltlll--(nx,_le)-_- Apprwrl: _ dty: -_ h.: -- flood: {A] _ (V] _ tX, _ B]E+2ft= _$ro+-pamlt ,er: g _Comment: pnopenw owngn,i-naue,,tt I t ,lini-''' (@,;NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUItDtNG PERMIT. APPLICATIOA' ryPE.. RESIDENTIAL PTFAST ANSWER AtI QUESTIONS APPTILAETE TO YOUR PROJLcI"Prorect Responsibit;ty. - -" "'""'' vzav +:t-L++4 Application {oflice use)APPI-ICANT'S NAME;"Jlo,.JPROJECT ADORESSi SUBDIVISION: 53/f mc^f uo{'.,1{Date bn ztP:at, *ur- ,.l-+" LOT f:!to3 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: J{i': CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:7.' EMAIL ADDRESS: (iln,tt l,.s A L .T_ , L--CI il+Td PHONE #:?to -t l7-zsatt Ctw: hl,y'o ZtP: Zt'l.t ) BI.DG LICENSE S: jazot, sr:fu{zP ?8Y// PHONE:(ltt - L/ q3 -276a J\",,) ,r)tE crw:J (L ou , <o'r1.\ PRO.'ECT CONTACT PERSON:6 r .-S"{f<t s EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: D Alteration fJ Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTON: /frect New nesidence I Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation tr Pool {SF) PHONE ?u- qyr- zzaa PROJECT* fl Stora8e Shed (SF) -- q/Att Garaee (sF|ao **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER 8EI.OW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR E Det Garage (sF)-_.- {iorch grl 3oz! Sunroom (SF)....-"......-._.-_ n Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed wo* changing the existing footprint? E yes ff No TOTAI se FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work) Heated: 3i/OlsaTOTAL PROr€CT COST (!ess Lot): S , Oc,o .o. Property Use/ Occupancl:V(Sin4e ramig n Duptex fl TownhouseDescription of Work: ls the propos€d work changing the number of bedrooms? Ll yes d NotsanyElectrlcal,plumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonei,i"-oL".ro.rr,rr.ture,,yesnNo lftheproiectisaReto€atiooisthereaNaturaleasuneonthe;;;;;;r;i"rEveslNo ls there Electrical power on this Building? D yes [] No D Other (SF) lJnheated:s3 DISCLAIMERT I hereby certify that alt the information in this application is corect and aI wo* willcomptywith the A!ildiIaws and ordinances and regutations. The NHC Devetopment Services Ce6ter wi,lbe noufied ofany chan8es in theinformatjoa. ...NOTE: Any work pe.formed without the appropriate permits willbe in violatjon ofthe Nc state Owner/Contractor: *Licensed euolifie/,Signature:l ll other appticabtesrate and locat cations or change in conttactor fines up to 5500.00.'. ls the property located in a floodplain? p yes g/Xo Existing lmpervious lrea, O Sq ft New fmpervious Are ", I *fO xn 5EWER: Approval: rotar A€.es Drsturbe o, s /sd # Zone: -- Officer:Setbacks (F)-- (rH) -* (RH, -- (Bl -' $l ,'iv-,' Existing Land Disturbing permit: d ve, tr ruoWATER: Z/cFpUA n Community system C private wefl E Centralwell fl Aquadcfpue :] community system fl private Septic D Centralseptic fl Aqua I Comment: --_ City: -- Dare: ---- Flood: (A)--- (V).--- (i,l---- BFE+Zft= Permit Fee: