Minutes 02 16 2017 LABMinutes 02 16 2017 LAB Page 1 Library Advisory Board February 16, 2017 Assembly: The Library Advisory Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at Main Library in Wilmington, NC. Board Members Brewington, Jan ABSENT Chadurjian, Denise PRESENT Damutz, Amy EXCUSED Garner, John PRESENT Jones, Andrew PRESENT Montwieler, Katherine PRESENT Osinski, John PRESENT Smith, Harriet EXCUSED Smith, Paul PRESENT Swearingen, Emilie PRESENT Walker, Bradford PRESENT Zimmer, Ronna PRESENT Staff Members & Board Reps. Hayes, Hathia (FOL) ABSENT Honchell, Barbara ABSENT Zimmer, Ronna (LF) PRESENT Tuchmayer, Harry PRESENT Owens, Paige PRESENT The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair, Denise Chadurjian at 2:00 p.m. Public Comment and Agenda Review Public Comment No members of the public were present. Agenda Vice Chair, Denise Chadurjian asked if any members of the board would like to remove or add any item(s) from the Agenda. With no changes, the Agenda was approved. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes from the last board meeting on 01/19/17 were sent to the board prior to the meeting for review. Motion: John Gardner MOVED, SECONDED by Ronna Zimmer, to recommend approval of the 1/19/17 minutes. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Correspondence Paige Owens read a letter we received from Dr. Tribie with Med North. Her practice is involved in the Library’s Reach Out & Read program that provides new books to children thru RX for Reading. She wrote about how much she loves the program and that it is invaluable to getting books into children’s hands. Minutes 02 16 2017 LAB Page 2 Friends of the Library Report Paige Owens reported for the Friends and submitted the following report:  Hathia Hayes is the new FOL President.  The FOL have successfully reorganized the board.  After reviewing the County’s & Library’s Strategic Plans, they have produced their own Strategic Plan in parallel.  The FOL have changed their By-Laws and accepted their new slate of officers. An Executive Committee was established. The Board has added two “Members at Large” positions. The 1st VP is in charge of Committees and the 2nd VP is in charge of Task Forces. Library Foundation Report Ronna Zimmer reported that The Foundation’s Luncheon will be held next Thursday, 2/23/17 at 11:30. This year’s speaker will be Author Dorothy Papadakos. Director’s Report Harry Tuchmayer submitted the Director’s Report at the meeting. In addition, he discussed the following: NC Kids Digital is a program that allows unlimited access to Preschool – Teen EBooks. This was made possible thru the NCPLA who lobbies as the State level for State Aid. We received $200,000 to buy the digital EBooks for kids statewide. This program has already circulated 6,000 books in 2 weeks. In addition, we are working with local schools to set up all students with access to these books. On Monday, we will present the schematic design of the Pine Valley Branch to the County Commissioners for their review. We hope to have a 16 – 20,000 sq. ft. building. Once approved, we will officially begin our fundraising campaign on March 1st. Levels of giving will be created to entice donors to help us meet our $500,000 fundraising goal. Mr. Tuchmayer has asked the FOL and Foundation boards to pledge $50,000 each with a goal to raise $100,000 each by the end of 2018. Monday is also Staff Development Day. The Library will be closed while we use the day for staff to all get together for training and team building. The Friends of the Library are sponsoring this event. Committee Reports None at this time. Minutes 02 16 2017 LAB Page 3 New Business FY 17-18 Budget Request Harry Tuchmayer distributed copies of the requested budget to the board for review and discussion. We have requested additional funds for the following:  New picture books for Pine Valley.  $60,000 in Capital Outlay to replace our 13 self-checkout machines. Our current machines are not PCI compliant so we cannot accept credit card payments. Strategic Plan Update Mr. Tuchmayer distributed copies of the Library’s Strategic Plan update. The changes are to show the new People, Place and Platform plan. He asked to board to review the plan. After review the board submitted the following suggestions.  Target literacy and outreach  Add photos of our diverse user base  Highlight work with other partners/groups He then explained to the board how the NHCPL ranks compared to other libraries in the state. We do a lot more with a lot less funding and staff. Brad Walker stated that he would like to have the staff know how much the board appreciates all the work that the Library staff does. Motion: Brad Walker MOVED, SECONDED by John Osinski, that the board submit a letter to the County Commissioners to this fact. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Old Business None at this time. Adjournment There being no further business, Vice Chair Denise Chadurjian adjourned the meeting at 3:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Yvette Mays NHCPL Administrative Support Specialist Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the Library Advisory Board meeting.