APRIL 21 2017 BUILDING APPS)ot7-3Zll APPLICATION Number (Office use) -{2017 -37 1 1 NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIUIT APPLICATIO TTPE; COIIIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSIiEi ALI QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOIJR PRO]ECT "Pnoject R€sponsibility" APPLICANT'S NAT1E: DEVELOPER: DATE:- PHONE $: CONTRACTOR: i: compaiies ADORESS: 315 0 Bcrdenlown Avenue ElilAIL ADDRESS: per:ni t tinq0 fi ccmpanics..rom CITY:ZIP: PHOI'I E S i CITY: _ ST;_ZIP:_ LICENSE #: N/A CITY: oLd Blrdqe ST: NJ ZIP: 03E5'/ OCCUPANT/BUsINESS NAI4E : PROPERTY OJNERJS NAIiIE: OT'/NER'S AIDRESS: P}oNE $: t32- t21-glac (ahe.k all rh.t Appty) EXrsT CON5TRUCTIOTTT: ! llrrnarroru ! nenovrrtou flcetrnll nrnarns lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cunent Sire? LlYes LlNo tS BLDG S RELOCATION KLERED? El Yes ElNoPRIN NEt.l cotsrRucrrol{ r fl tnecr NEhl srRucruRE ! rasr rnacx I sxslr- f] uerrr fl aoo ro Exrsr sTRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: rf UPFIT - The Shell Penmit *:Is Elect Pot{er on this Bulldlng ff yes E *o t***r Js rHrs a cHlirGE oF occupaNcy usrr flvrs Im ***** IF Yes, i.hat uas the Previous Occupancy Typel ARCH DE5I6I{ PROFESSIOI,IAL: hhat is the New Occupan.y Typcl EI{G[ DESIC PROFESSIOML: PH: PH: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ls rood or bevrags Frporsd or sstrd h dJs *ratre? Elyes fl uo U ne er,opelty Locatod h Tho ves [ ruo rn $rs application is co.rect ard allworl sitt compty wirh the he NHC Dov€loDnrenr Solrcss Conterwillb€ nouftdd otsnv"'NO-E Any Work Perlord€d w/O rhe Apgropnare Perm Is Stste 8ur vrill Blde Code and NC REG *: NC REG +: applicabl€ State OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (OqilllL.J dktst1c,3rol,SIGNATU(' No!.: o.molldon no'lrllcado.l! t ..b.€t@ no,rtl p.ft t lpplblfEn! !r. b h. sutfth€d u.lrE dE or hrlldn! wlr found b conlaln A5b€6lrr. of no! You r€ rcqulrad to csll lhs Ndionil EmBBlon su,rdsrd3 lbf HE:6tdou! Ar (919)7075950 atls€si10 days Flor to !h€ defiblrion dl any bdlity or bulldirE. 56€ fub€stc web sitsi h@rr'ww.epi.staie TOTAL PROJECT COST: _ BUILDING HEIGHT: 8OFUNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - f OF STRUCTURES: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:-SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT (Pdn! N.nr) SEPAtTATt PERIV]TSEECURED:OBEtE'T I\'1EC'] PLLIG GASEOI)P, PI]EFA3S 'INSEN]S WATER: SEWER: EE CFPUA CFPUA r-.lcoirMuNml, SYsrEM - wElr ElzoNlNG usE cLAsslFlc',\ToN: - frcer.nnar-semc D p-RtvArE sEmc flcoMMUNIrY sYsrEM and all (NES Commgnt \z\ PRO]ECT ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSOI{: .rasrn:re Berm;Ldez PHONE Sr i32-366-128f; fI EXST LANO DISTURBING PERMIT? l..'l YES N NO pRopERTyusE: EoFacE nnesreunN'n luencrmu leouc [eer lcoxoo ortlE[t- pA\n ENTMETHoD: ficesx flc+re611 leeveau TO x11c) EAMERI9AI{ E@RES3 fluovtsr Elotscoven ffi.ffiffiffi...rr..ff6ffi (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) BEVE€D mE il.11n2 ZONE:-OFFICER: - SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: lcorovar:-- ctry: -DATE:- FLooD2 --- BFE+m=- AVN PERMIT FEE: $- ",* #-bf?- 8tl-i}ffi , *o,,**,@ A,Iqu,U444Iqa !. APPIICANT'S NAMEI t) APPLICAT IO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' o6 LJ oo.-l t a,^i "r CITY: tJ, \ v,",. -.'. {o,:ztP HgP&-t+l1r?3ffri Application Number (office ute) -7Date PROjECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:.r LOT S PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR o- ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON q1q o.\.s Fotcl: <- Co ^,ts PHoNEf: ,!3),- \1 \1'9t66\ crw; t-:.\ r"^^-\-.- ztp229a BLDG TICENSE #,2.1 ST _ztP.4\2c,o PHONE: qto- "'r \ z o.lsC 0,o. ('or c CITY \: -l PHoNE: alo- 1(,1- to.rP, ,/ ExlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration /Renovation d General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation }}IPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW AL! THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* * ' E sunroom (sF) E Greenhouse (SF)_ n Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (5F) D Pool (sF) D Deck (sF) L n Porch (SF) n Storage Shed (SF)_ n other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes El-trto TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work) Heatedi TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less tot): S 2 5j oo D ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes dto ls any Electrical. Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E/yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingl E/es tr ttto ,/ Property Use/ Occupancy: Nfsingle family E Duplex E Townhouse U nheated: Description of Work:i- !'.Q-.^: rja-\e- \".err\e- . \\v,+e- r'Es), .,IL , Swr.-!\ b a-,.-.o,*-f r. "J-(J lews and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes i approved plans and specafications or change in contractor information r* +NOTE:Any work performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation of the Nc Bldg Code a Owner/Contractor:Coo-l >Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? fl yes N/no Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft 4 ct to fines up to Total Acres Disturbed New lmpervious Area: _sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E tlo w ATERT fr;FPUA E Communitv Svstem E Private Well E Central well E Aqua sEWER: d cFPUA D community System fl Private septic E Central Septic El Aqua zone; - Officer: _=- Setbacks (f) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date:-- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S {o- il\"\ EMAIT ADDRESS: ,a NE\A' HAiIOVER COUT{TY BT,,ITI}II'IG PERMIT AP PLrCAn O IYPE : RgSlOElITlAL PttAJ: A SW€R Alr OUESTIOIE At UCAatr rC YOUR PiOrcCT 'Dttil.t r$!o{rdulB' )a+ 3stb ffi utz17w{. LOT *2 s1il lr 817-369{767 1623 W'ter{.ood Dr Keller nP. 76248 A/thur ndenborh Ho'l]gt ot Sc{.{h€asilem l{C r. 40165 3W CITY Sr. t.lC ap:28461 ,- txt'Tril6 CO STtrgcttdt: i Ahtr3t'ron : R?ftovatioi 3 6rarr!18€pa!1,a**ty'Elt€t xcr Rr'ldc^rt C Additbn to Et&tir{ iatldcncr : lclocatlot PHOIi E 91G2?9.4796 I Stortre tn.d {5rl -- f oth.r (54) - = An 6...r (srl _ f sun,oart (Sf) - O 0.r 6.r.G (fF, - p*rorns : 6..arho6. {SF} - tr o.cf ISF! - rt rha ,roto.ad w(,l chBntlr|t tftt cx,'!it! lsostid? C Yat 3 ltg ICrAt SO Ft Unott i6ot Ca, ptugot?d v,€.d\ sl'rt.d.3437 tl nh€rtaal:1454 rc rloEgr cOfi tte$ :otl:9EjS- Ir dl. propoted rro,i( chanak* th. rs,r*!r ol bad'oofic? tr Y.| E io BrnyEa{l'l(r.?lnn!ar{orXaattttHro{tbakldo'l!tottlaAcarag.yStnatur!OvrsEno tl rhe propcr br idoa*{r' is dlGt! a nttural 6ff Um on tie Grr.t€nt ilt!? O Y.. tr tlo It dr!r. llectrk, Fower on dtit !.d.rir{? tr Y.' P ll. tror.rry utrl oc.rrp.n fr $ t o* t*,, tr lHrd.( 3 ro'l$osl.Yrlr+tElcrlptlon ot Wo.(: USCI ialk na.rh a*tutv ll.? :ll l}{ i-tlcrfii:ion l]r !ft( .rdalloc i colYcl I.d al !.o.t rti !6mtt fin lha Siata &iui,r! r,da .nd .l attlr .90'3b'e sln' ata \r"l r.r. ad O.ai..ni6 .!td i.tir'!,tdB Tha ilic qr,(!t !*n! !4'tl..t Cr g ir€ba icn'iac or ,rr cluial. in tn ltptov.d !a.d ..rd irtrrr'tlrn. "'Yor! l.y r,ort 9.tlo.t!rd vtla, $* rFF.Pata,.'6!, r1l !e lo tloo tio-" ovrua/Contraatoa: "Lkentad Quolrea l! rhr p.op€rty lo( td in t floodp6in? g Yrt EIiifrI kng.n lor' Artt: 0 5( Pi llnp.rvloer Ar!r: e]!- 3.1 R warEi: E CFPUA E sEL/m: f CtPuA O zon , R Z,Dottu"" ^rro".,, -j0/t- a,r, fo$l Acrer DLtwb.d:F'* B.l*ia tlrd enrtlnt rernrtt tr vrr y'ro cornaur'rltv St'! ln E }fivrtr wrl tr C.rltr.l wlll E A!Fr' Cofirnt nlty SYnrfi E ft, iv.ta S.$ti€ E Caotr.l S'9tic 0 aqu' rt * rut-Ltnnt t pr * a6d;(A)__M-1X1 Y rre':t' -Co,tt'nant: Ctfy irryecii$ Hs6o. 9i &zi1.fi,,]l |trt'!h r.Gr S \ry5 rl mcrrfc, rDotast: 1612 l'rg|r,lngton Ct B porcr, tsrt t 396 ({35 Pod} r\ \\,\hn3K^v tT:t2sy_ Application Number (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATDN ryPE: RES|DENT|AI PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect R€sponsibilit/, AppL;CANT,S NAME: Pulte Homes Oate:4-14-17 pROJECT ADDRESS: 3450 Laughin g Gull Terrace CITY: Wilmin 71p 28412n sUBDtvtsloN: Del Webb R'verlights rOT#:01018 pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: Pulte Homes pHOnrs:843-353-5119 OWNER's ADDRESS: 3504 Farinqdon Court clTY: Myrtle Beach 4p. 29579 CONTRACToR: Pulte Homes g1p6 U6sx56 4. 19311 ADDREsS: 3504 Faringdon Court CtTy. Myrtle Beach Sr: SC Ztp: 29579 EMAIt ADDRESS: TiffanY.Bowie @Pulte.com PHoNE: 843-353-5119 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Tiffany Bowie pxone: 843-353-5119 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E/Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ''"P![ASEITECK AND ANSWER BEL '*, dAtt earage 1sr1 537 Lr uer barage {5t-) _6orchlsrl 96 y'sunroom (sr)147 tr Pool (SF) n Deck (SF)I Greenhouse (SF) ls th€ proposed work changinB the €xisting footprint? [] yes n No Unheated:633 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 124864 lstheproposed workchangingthe nu mber of bedrooms? E yes EI No lsanyElect cal, Plumbing or Mechanical work be,ng done to the Accessory Structure fl yes E No lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? E Yes fl No / Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sintle Family E Duplex E Townhouse Des€ription of work:Noir Coast plans, Elevation LC3G with Lofi with bedroorn/bath, sunroom, 4' qaraqe extension and master bath option #1 laws and ordlnanaes and regulations. The NHc Development serulces Centerwill be notifled of anychanges in the approved plans and speciflcations or change in contrBctor intormation. ""NOTE:Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC ode and subject €s lrp to s500.00"+ owner/Contactor: Tiffany D Bowie Signature: "Licensed Quolifet" P.int Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Ve, EAo Existlnt lmpervious Area: - sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: EI yes n No WATER: ErCFPUA n Community System E Private Well E Central Well D Aqua SEWER: d CFPUA tr Community System D Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua Zone: - Ofticer: - Setbacks {F) - {tH} - {RH} - {8} - $)tO-- Approval: - cltyr - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFt+2ft'- Comment: P€rm',!f,, ." E Storage Shed (SF)-- D other (SF)_ TOIAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl Heated:1948 ) 01 Mt+- bYb t Number (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TY PE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO.JECT "Project Responsibiliv, SUBDIVISION: cONTRACTOR: Stone-Montgomery Construction Co 9196 U6gxss 6 28130 aDDREss: 115-5 Hinton Avenue CtW: Wilmington sr: NC zlp. 28403 EMATL ADDRESS: josh@stonemontg,lmery.com PHONE: 910-520-9168 PRoJECT CoNTACT pERsoN: Josh Stone pxorur:910-520-9168 ExlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION:BErectNewBesidence!AdditiontoExistingResidenceCRelocation rT*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT''I"I' I Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes tr No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor propoted work)11g6sgd;3006.43 gnhg31g6;2282.10 ToTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot)S 225',000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenurnberof bedrooms? ! Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlaalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf theprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes D No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E ves E no Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family E ouplex fl Townhouse Description of Work:Construct new 3006 sq uare foot sinqle familv residence laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developmenl Services Centerwillbe notified ofany€hanges in the information. "'NOTE: Any work performed witioutthe appropriate permitswillbe in violation ofthe NC State Bl approved plans and sp€cafications or chan8e in contractor ct to fines up to SS0O.00"" : Joseph C. Stone, Jr Signature;Owner/Contractor "Licensed Quoliliet" SEWER: lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes B uo Existing lmpervious Area: !- sq Ft New lmpervious Area: 5494 !q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER:D CFPUA E Community S',stem B Private well E centralwell E Aqua E CFPUA E Community SYstem E Private Septic E centralseptic E Aqua zone: -- officer: - setbacks (F)(r.H)_(RH)_(B) Approval: - Crty: - Dare: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= TotalAcres Disturbed: Comment Permit Fee:*2Ee $t -:xzo-*t*- E Det Garage (sF)_ n Pool (sF)_ tr oeck (SF)_ \a.\ Appt-lcANT,s NAME: Stone-Montgomery Construction oatet 31612017 pp91s614gpp65g; 2618 Middle Sorjnd Loop Road ctTy: Wilmingtbn tp. 28411 LOT #: 8 and 9 pRopERw owNER,5 p11qg; Joseph and Kimberly Stone pHoNE#: 910-520-9'168 owNER,S ADDRESS: 2618 Middle Sound Loop Road g1n: Wilmington tp: 28411 E! Att Garage {sF) 960.10 D Sunroom (5F)_ E Porch (5F) 1034 ! Storage Shed (5F)_ tr other (sF)_ ) ffi t t7-452 NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TTPE; COMME RCIAL rri F:<F ll'rr.LF A. L Q. a!l la15 AFpLIaAE I r1 voti:r Pl:.r;EC: "Project ResponsibiIity" APPTICATION Number (0ff ice Us€) APP L ICANT, S NAI,,IE; ,DATE: DEVELOPER: ADDRESS: PI]ONE S PRO] ECT ADDRESS I CONTRACTOR: CITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OI4NER, S NAME I OWNER'S ADDRESS:CITY: PHONE f: ST zIP " . LICENSE #: CITY i EI4AIL ADDRESS:PHONE f PHONE SPRO]ECT CONTACT PE RSON; R ENOVAT IONEXISI CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RAT ]ON 6ENERAL REPAIRS R E LOCATION il Relocation rs lhere a Natural Gas Line on the C(rrrenl Srte?*n rs BLDC sPRrNKLEneor f] v"s Inn NEI4 CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTUR E FAST TRAC(SHELL UPFlT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Tf UPFIT - The Shell Permit f Is Elect PoHen on this Building I ves I NO ***}* I5 THJS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USET YES T N0 **r** what j.s the New Occupan.y Type?If Yes, lvhat was the Previous Occupancy Typel AR(H O€ 5I6N PRO' ESSIOML: EN6R D€S 16N PROFESSIONAL D'SCRIPT]ON OT iiORK ls food or beverages prepared or served rn lhis structure? I Yes ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? [ Yes SO FT ano roc , taws and o.d,nJrcpi dn(, req.rlaror. Tre NHC Oevc op.,ren! Ser!(es Cenler w ll bc tulried,ol u,,y crd-ges ,' l'(, iropruleo p'ani d1J spe, 'i, ar'u, si rrirec,nro-r.,:rorn|n-.ra-lor,-nro|r.tnon \OrEA^iWokpefo'red^rJrre'ioproorlePermr(wlbe.''\o3rrorotrhe,\lCSlareBlogCoor.,r, / Slbjecaio F,nes Up To iscru 00".I- -f\ TOTAL AREA SQ FT TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES SIGNATURE ,4*aada jatt # OF STORIES # OF FLOORSi EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?!YES E NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA EDUC APT CONDO OTHER f]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION fl coMMUNtrY SYSTEM DISCOVER vst pemit apptications ore io te submined using lhe applicBlioo lorm (DHliS"3768) whether the lacility or blilding was lound lo ccflbin Asbeslos or not you are €qured ro csrl nl6 Nationsl Em ission Stsndard3 frcr Hszar(bus Ajr PorldanB ( N E SH AP) at 1919)707 -5950 al roasi 10 d6ys p.,or to lhe demolroon ol any tacilty or buiUlng. See Asbeslos W6b Sils: ht9:/,!vww.epl.stat€ rc'us,/eft/3sbeslodahmp.hl'l TOTAL PROJECT COST BUILDING HEIGHT # OF UNITS NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA pRoPERTY USE: lOrrtce nResrnunerur lrtleRcllrtlr !!ATER CFPUA E co[.4MUNrTY SYSTEM f] wELL CENTRAL SEPTIC L-] PRIVATF SEPTIC PAYMENT METHOD; NCASH I CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) EAMERICAN EXPRESS I I CruISE I SEWER: B CFPUA (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)R€VISEO DAIE 4/1I112 )J) I T Comment PERN/ IT FEE: S ST: ZIP. ZONE:-OFFICER: ...-''.........--- SETBACKS F:-LH:- RH:- B:-' Approval:- city, onrrl-- FLooD: - - - BFE+2ft \c Rt6 n: SQ FT PER FLR - ACRES DISTURBFD: - zs b':,L1-8114 APPL ICATION Numbe r NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcATIoN rvPr; COI''lltlERCIAL r -ii: ,l\:,r,:,1 ,r., !1, ': . ,: i )i, lrr. r ' r. r '.i! ,.: "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAME DEVELOPER:PHONE 9 PRO] ECT ADORESS CITY ZTP ., PROPERTY OWNER, S NAME: OWNER'5 ADDRESS: :CITY r PHONE S: ST CONTRACTOR:L IC ENSE # CITY: : _ZlP', - 5T: ZIP: - .ADDRESS: ETlAI L ADDRESS I PRO] ECT CONTACT PERSON; :' , - ;.i. EXIST CONSTRUCTION ALTE RATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS R E LOCATION ll Relocation s ihere a NaturalGas Line on the Current Srte?rl Yes D*o rs BLDG sPRrNKLEnsoz I v"t [ ruu NEW CONSTRUCTION:ER ECT NEIJ STRUCTUR E FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXISI STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: PHONE S: PHONE #: If UPFIT - Thc shell Permit # IF Yes, what was the Previous o(cupancy Type) ARCH OESIGN PROFESSIOI,JAL : Is Elect Power o. this Building NC REG * YL, s I *+**I IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPAN(Y USE?YES ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIONAL P!l : NC RtG* DESCRIPT]ON OF I4ORK: I ] a ls food or b€verages prepared or served in this structure? ff Yes No ls The Propeny Locared ln The Floodplain? [ vesI t Nl OISCLA|MER. I terel,y ce,t,ry rhrt a I info.mal,oo 'n thrs applrat or ,s co,recl and i! I work will conrolv w lh Ihe Sla!e Bu ld,rg Code rn d nrr ol.cr .pp,,nc'tu" b*sJr,flolj .nLus,r..drcoulrrons T.)eN-L De/eoprr,enl Se^. (esue.ler r'Jiiloenol,i,edo'dlrc.3nqc..1:hedppro,foprJnsr''d5!or.l"inoe 1.orrr.rcr.,o'rnnl'drlo,riiormanon "'NO L.A'?l,tn,k onrfo ned W'O rre Approor'nlc pe 'ril\ w'l f e . V o alro^ o' lle \C Slale Bk l' --' t: .4*ax/z Tatt pemI applic3lrons B.e ro be submined usrE the Epplicaibn lolm (DHHS'376a) wh€ther the facrlily or b!,lding was lturki to BUILDING HEIGHI # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SO FT SQ FI PER FLR # OF STORIES TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I YES NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY IJSE LIOFF CE L-]RESTAUCANT i\4ERCANTTLE ! eOuC f] eer [coruoo ollrn CONT WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA BACTOR: QUAI.IFI€e-IGNATURE: WELL L]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION PRIVATE SEPTIC D coMMUNTTY SYSTET\,4 conlein Asbosros o. flor. You .re requksd to callrh€ Nalionsl Embsim Slan&rds tor H€:lrdous A, Pollutanls {NESHAP) 3l (919)707-5950 al loasl 10 days prior lo lt'€ oomohton ol any lacilily or building. 56€ Asbeslos Web Sitel hltp/wva/i epi.stalo.nc.usrop'6sbsslos'6hmp hFnl SQ FT trE COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC f] PAYMENI METHOD] ECASH !CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) EAMERICAN EXPRESS I wCnrtSa I orScovrR (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:- REVISED OATE 4'II ]2 ZQNE:- Approval;-- CitY:=.- DATE:_-- LH;_ RHt- B:- FLooD:--- -BFE+2tt l.r OFFICER Comment PERlrillT FEE: $\6\--- OATE : OCCUPANT,/BUSINESS NAI'1E: . ,.- : : .. , . - what is the New Occupancy Typel Pl1: TOTAL PROJECT COST H OF FLOORS, - ait !NTY tFrre ,CL )otT- -?7o NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PE APPLICATI1N TyPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSIi]ER ALL QUEST]ONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" :'irPF-, APPLICATION Number (office use) i?t!4Pll DEVELOPER: The offices at Mayfaire IV, LLC PHONE #:910-616-0483 PROJECT ADDRESS: 6140 Rock Sprins Road , Suite 230 oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NrlfiE: DunhiIl covernment sol-utions- Upfit *2 OWNER'5 ADDRESSi 6'152 Parker Farm Drive CONTRACTOR: McKinley Buildinq Co ADDRESS: 3801 Peachtree Ave Suite 200 El'lAIL ADDRESS : bI rskGmckin I eybuildins. com Suite 10r CITY: Wilmlnqton ST: r.ic zIP:28405 ST: NC ZIP: 28403 PHONE #:910-39s-6035 LICENSE f: 30896 CITY: 9Jilningron EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION Gas Line on the (Cn€ck AII Ihat RENOVATIOI'/tr lf Relocation, is there a Natural Current Site?Yes NEW CONSTRUCTTOT: ! eneCr NEW STRUCTURE IraSr rmCX ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: SHELL applv) GENERAL REPAIRS tr RE LOCATION No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I ves fllo UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE I If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: 2016-880e Is Elect Por,rer on this Buj.Lding E Yes I NO ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: Cothran Harris ArchitectLrre PH PH 910-?93-3433 910-79I-8016 NC REG #: 4290 NC REG #: ? 138 DESCRIPTIoN OF WoRK: 2nd Floor Upfit for 1,965 sF from shell Building Construction DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify lhat all intormalion in this application is correct and all work willcomply with theand local laws and ordinances and reoulations. The NHC DeveloDment Servrces Center will be notrfied of anv or chanqe ,n conraclor or conrractor r-nformalion "NOTE Any Work Perlormed w/O lhe Appropriale PermilsSubjecilo Frnes Up To $500.00"'t6e in plans andNC Srare Srate Building Code and all olher applicable Stale wil OWNERI/CONTRACTOR:Brandon Lis k SIGNATUR TOTAL PROJECT COST: 11?000 BUILDING HEIGHT: NA upflt # OF UNITS: pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE EnesreuReNr fluencmrr[e Ieouc Ieer [coNoo orxen: ls food or beveragss propred o( s€rvsd in this Snraure? f]Ves WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA a No ls The Property Locsted ln The Floodplain? E Yes I No Nole: Demollton notjficatons 8 asbesto6 rdnoYal pefirlt applbston6 are to be submltted usin0 th6 appllcedm form (DHHS-3768) whothor the faclllty or bulldlng was lound to contain Asb€stos or not. You are required to calllh€ National Emlsslon S'tandards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 dsy6 p.tor to th€ demolllion ol any lacility or bulldlno. 566 AsboslG W6b Sl!.: htlp:/ flvw. spi-stato. nc.us/epirasb6sto6/ahm p. htrnl flcoMMUNrW SYSTEM EWELL IIZON|NG USE CLASSTFTCATION: ficerurnal seerrc fle-nvnre sepnc n coMMUNrry sysrEM PAYMENT METHoD: lcnsx fi cxecx lerveeLE ro NHc) flruuenrcer exeness f] ucnase f] orscoveR ... SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOF ELECT. TiECH PL8G. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS A INSERTS "' (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:- FLOOD: ___ BFE+2t= AVN REVISED OATE /U1 1/12 Comment.PERMIT FEE: \!\ la lr- J APPLICANTTS l{AlrlE: M.Kinley Buildins Corporation DATE: 4-5-11 CITY: l,Jilminqron ZIP t 2a4o5 PRoPERTY ohlNER'S NAfiE: steelHeel Properties, LLC PHONE #: 910-512-7030 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Br.rndon Lisk PHONE #:910-195-6036 **i.,i:,. IS THIS A 6HANGE OF occupANcy USer [veS [rc -.... IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? _ tJhat is the l{ew Occupancy Type? ENGR DESIGN PRoFES5IOiIALt David Sins Associates TOTAL AREA SQ FT : J,333- SQ FT PER FLR: _ # OF STORIES:_ToTALSQFTUNDERRooF:NAUpfit#oFSTRUcTUREs:-#oFFLooRs:1 ACRES DISTURBED: .!3-!PI]l- EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? NYES E NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: NA Upfit SQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NA Upfit SQfi I NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATI O N WPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect ResponsibiliV' Ro 4 Ko+n J Marhn o 0h {eeY- o.t", 4 -2i'2oi1 clTY: W rl n4 rnatufl ztP..28+Oa rurq\ Application Number (office use) APPLICANT's NAMEI PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvrsroN: aril.'rl9 ( (elY- |,1? {ors PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER's ADDRE5S: i4L') d-1 IL 1,u-+1n PHoNE f: q I CITY Wil fh t,to {trn BLDG lICENSE H CITY NhMfia P HON E:QrQ-3'2Ll-81t1 -321-8111 0 ),th +on sr: N AP:2$oq Cztp,2 54o'1 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:+ol EMAIL ADDRESS:8 2A PROJECT CONTACT PERSON D sunroom (sF)_ D Greenhouse (SF) - ( cYYl N14r*in tl Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF) PHONEieil qn-b30-t31t lYlat r tr Storage Shed (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes n No TOTAL Sq FT UNOER ROOF Uor proposed work) Heated:f,rl I I unheated: l!+aO TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S *5e,ggg lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E lto ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or M echanica I work being don e to the Accessory Structu re D Yes E No lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes n No / Property Use/ Occupancy: M single Family E Duplex E Townhouse laws and ordinances and regulations, The NHc Development seNices Centerwillbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. *'*NOTE: Any work performed witho willbe in violatiM.rrt rn on ofthe Nc Bldg Code a Description of Work: _ sub+B9-!nes up to Ss00.00.'r Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" nature: Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes I lto ls the property located in a floodplain? M Yes D trto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmperviouserea: 38OO Sq Ft 1WATER: m CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA E CommunitySystem E/Private Septic E Central Septic E l\qua zone:- oricer: - s"tu""rr ffi t (..ry lO/1*ryQ' @rL' Approval: - city; - Date:- Ftood: (a) - (v) - (N) - B ,r.ro= l4lL Comment:Permit Fee: S EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs/NEWCONSTRUCIION:MErectNewResidencenAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation ''*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTi"}* ! Att Garase (sF)- E Det Garase (sF)- D porcn (sr) I 14 4 n other (sF)_ \l NTY d ! fi {e NEI'J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA| IOI,I TYPE: COITIIIERCIAL PLEASE AIIS}JER ALI- QUES]IOI{S APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECf "Project Responsibllit)d' LTCE SE *: CITY: q;ndu) APPLICANT'S NA'ITE : DEVELOPER: l.i PRO]ECT ADDRE .t4r f AQ-z.)L|'J A BLk AD. CITY: occUPANr/BUsINESs r,lAIrlE: apS*Y 6€€t L,r(. PROPERTY O. ER'S l,lAltE: OI^INER'S ADDRESS: e D. War-tta WAt- e-<:rlfi'Z box +t,- 1u3 o lS-5 CITY: CO TRACTOR: -TbD PHONE #: zIP | ? 4t,ll z ADDRESS: EI4AI L ADDRESS: PROJECT COIIITACT PERSoN:Af-+. A c k-[-r.:.A n PIIONE 5T: ZIP| PK)NE *: PHOI{E #: Sln.\t"7. <...11<+ *: tl'a4,2o43A11 sT ,: AlzIPta:-t-+( Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: n aLrERArr* E *rilfi;!;Ll lf Relocatlon. is there a Natural Gas Line on the &rent Site? E That Apply) GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION KLERED? fl v"" flHoYestrNo lS BLDG SPRIN NEt{ co{srRucrro : I enecr NEH sTRrcTURE I rasr rnacx I sxrr-r- [ uerrr I aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRI'CTURE: _ If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *: -rs Elect PofleF on this Building f] ves [ rc *,*i.*. IS THIS A CHAIIGE OF OCCUPA{CY USE ? f] ves [l rc ***** lF Yes, xhat was the Previous Occupancy Type t- ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIoML: P{)E p fJ Fl l<- ENGR DESIG PROFESSIONAL:TnrJr./ f,)ulLL? i.l t l-r, Ihat 1s the ileu Occupancy Type?- ptt : 515.291. Sooo Nc REG #: l?7 9q PH: 511 1r' I . aa 9l rc REG #: nrlA 'b5 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: TOTAL PROJECT COST: .F t*95 t?. ls food or bevsag€s pGparsd d sqv€d h t* stuctrcf flvesfi no n fft" noperty LocaEd h Th€ Flooddeinz I ves [tto OISq-AIMER: I herebv cerlitu rhal all intmation rn this-applicslion is corr*t and a work wiltcofidy wilh the Stiate Building Code and a other applicabto Stateand. local laws and ordiMnce's and regulations. The l6!-b'evaopmeni sirvii-i ciCnid ult ue norineo ot any chanoes in lhe aooroved olans and sDecificalions Subjectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' SIGNATURE:(ql.ltt) Otn iEr.) Nolo: D€rndlUfi ndicaidE E asbcb6 ldnoval p€.mtt apdbado.r8 ars to bo 6ut rlted l,3ln€ t|6 apdicaddlco.taln A8b66b6 or not Yorr 6re nrqdrEd to cell th€ Natonal Emkdm SterdardB for HlzardoG Ar pdlutantB d€.nollto.r a, dly f€dny tr hrldng. S* Asb& Ubb Slb: hnp:/ ,w/w. efi. slare. nc. usJep/asbesios,/ahm p. hirn BUILDING HEIGHT: ?-3' TOTAL AREA SQ FT :7, TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: _ ACRES DISTURBED: tunn (DHHS-3768) rrrtE$6. th. fadt[y d hrtuiE ws8 h.nd to (NESHAP) Et (919)m7-5SO ar toast 10 d!y6 trid ro ltle I # OF UNITS: IBtt,to oq^- NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SA FT EXST LAND DISTURBING PERM EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE: . OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH: RH:_ B:Apprwal:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2fic nfves EHo SQ FT pRopERryusE: flornce lnesmunarr Emencarnrr leor.rc [nrr f]coNm OTHER WATER: gcFPUA EcoMMUNnY sysrEM E WELL flzoNrNc usE cLASsrFrcATroN:sEwER: flCFpUA ECENTRAL SEpnC E p-RrvATE SEprrc ECoMMUN|TSYSTEM pAyMEMr METHoD: rlcAsH flcuecx lenveaLE ro NHc) ftnuenrclr exeREss E McA/tsA I orscoven N Comm6nt PERMIT FEE: REVISED DATE {1 1/I2 ?rr rJar t+sl I APP L ICAT IO'{ Number (office Use) DAIE: i lL?il+ trL #OFSTORIES: t #OFFLOORS: I SQ FT PER FLR: - #OFSTRUCTURES: I