Low IncomeI Ogden Park Dr Kerr Ave Torchwood Blv M u r r a y v i l l e R d B a v a r i a n L n Putnam Dr M i d d l e S o u n d L o o p R d Blue Clay Rd C o ll e g e R d Gordon Rd Porters Neck Rd L e n dire R d Military Cutoff Rd White Rd M ark et S t S i d b u r y R d H o l l y S h e l t e r R d M a r t i nLuther K i n gJr P k y £¤117 £¤17 £¤74 £¤17 £¤117 £¤17§¨¦140 §¨¦40 Wilmington P E N D E R C O U N TY N E W H A N O V E R C O U N TY PENDER CO UNTY NE W HAN OVER C O UNTY 0 0.5 10.25 Miles Northeast New Hanover CountyFuture Street Plan Low Income Population Less than Study Area Average(5.5%) Greater than Study AreaAverage (5.5%) Approximate Corridor of NCDOTProject Currently Underway Municipal Boundary County Boundary Low Income PopulationApril 2017 Low Income Population: Those who live in a household whose income is lower than the defined poverty thresholdData Source: 2011-2015 American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau