MAY 9 2017 BUILD APPSNEW HANOVER COUNry BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project R€sponsibilitY' s CITY lor ]-,15ffi",, ,"", 4" 21. t"/ zp, 2Q402 1:6lPl1 APPTICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBOtVtStON: 5y't PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME: OWNER'S AODRESS PHONE H tc-651.34'i 3 EMAII- ADDRESS:\LT PRO.IECT CONTACT PERSON t-\olard €r a-t ztP BI-DG TICENSE H sr: CzP PHONE: >r.r)4:- , o*, 4tO' ,1 3L13 CITY o5 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:CITYuY 5 EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: ! Alteration SRenovation ffGeneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence ! Additionto Existing Residence D Relocation }**PI,EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.I- THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI'*' ! Att Garage (5F) _ D Greenhouse (SF)_ fl Det Garage (SF)L Porch (St) I Other {SF) l l Sunroom {SF)! Pool (SF) D Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprant? ! Ves-p-No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor prcposed work) Heated:lLoc Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s,.1f-25 P D Storage Shed (SF) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yesr,t{o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the ilcessory Structureyyes n no lftheproject is a Reloc;tion, isthere a NaturalGas Line on the current site? n yes E(No ls there tlectrical Power on this Burlding?/MYes n No Property Use/ Occupancy:2/$ingle Family D Duplex tr Townhous€ Description of Work: LL DISCLAIMER: I hereby c€rtrfy that allthe information in this applicalron is correct and all work wrli comply wrth th€ State Surldi Code and all other arp|cable State and local laws and ordinances and r€Sulations TheNfCO€velopmentServicesC€nrerwillbenotifredofanychantesrnrh s and specrfications or cha b ro oms la-L)rrt 8lcl8 d subi€ct to f nes up Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpewious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes _ No g[ CreUa fj Community System D Private Well E Central well ! Aqua 4!rCreUa fl Community System D Private Septic fl Central Septic D Aqua + rnfo,nat,o^ r"NOTI Anvworkpeldrmedwthoutlheapp_rrp,rdlepermt!witrbe I vrotar,onofrheNCsr o*n.,tcon,",lo,, /d,4/W f/,ftJ<3 sisnarure: "Licensed QuoliJjer" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? a ves.fu4(o WATER: SEWIR: Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: City: _ Date:_ Flood; (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Commentl Permit tee: S Aw ffi \ $ +urr- \lN I v; z: 7 o UN $^1 tF\ce, CFprA (@ Eotyqsl+ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT aPPLIcATIo TYPE; C0IIIYIERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "ProJect Responsibltity,, .lfiPFr l? l0:45ff APPLICATION Number (Office Use) APPLICANT'S NAIIE: Landmark Commercial, rnc DEVELOPER: Landmark Commetciaf , rnc PROJECT ADDRESS: 2oot caDiral Drive OCCUPANT/BUSINESS AtltE: zBsKp LLC d/b/A Indian sprinqa Watel Company PROPERW OHI'IER,S A,tlE: HsP-1 LLC CITY: wi lminqron Pl,oilE #: 97o -3s2-i2ot ST: NC ZIP: 28403OIINER'S ADDRESS: s022 wriqhrsville Avenue CO TRACTOR: Landmark Commercial Inc. ADDRESS: 5O 2Wr1 tsville Avenue2 LICENSE *: 713 e7 ST: NC ZfP: 2s403 EfilAIL ADDRESS: sdavenpor landmar kcommercial . net PROIECT COI{TACT PERSOiI: steve DavenDorr If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *:Is Elect Porer on this Building E yes t NO ..**. IS THIS A CHA'{GE OF OCCI,PAI{CY USE I flves Iao ..... IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Typel N A Vacant lfiat ls the tleu Occupancy Type?B -2 ARCH DESIGI{ PROFEsSIO AL: Uark Glene]l Archirecruie PH: 910-231-1051 NC REG *: ?43IEiIGR OESIGIII PROFESSIOMLT See Appendix B on A1.0 for list PH:NC REG *: DESCRIPTION 0F ttlORK: Erecrion of nerr'enqineered me!a1 buil-di.nq for 1ea6e tenant CfTY: wilminqton Exrsr cor{srRucrro : E ArrGRArroil n *rr,ffi;!;i,i 'ET?'il*r nPmns l-l RElocArror lf Rdocation, is there a NaruratGas Line on rhe current site? ! v"r INo ts eLDG spiiixLeneoz I ves I r,to t{E1.1 cof{srRucrro{: p enecr Et{ srRtrcruRE ! rnsr rmcr f] sxelr- ! urrrr f] am ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRTrcTURE: Ils fuod or bareges pr€paed or sen ed in this *uctJe? [ ves No b The Prop€rty Located ln Th€ Ftoodflain?fl Ves I No DISCLAIMER: I herebv c€rtitv thal all inf.rmation in dlisapplicalion ls correct drd all uork.will comdy with tlle state Buitding code and a other applicaue st6teand.local Iaws and ordinance's and reguhliorts. The NttCb-evetoonrenisei.iJi-cii,i.i,iJg,#qSHtr[#g'E'jf;ld5#'ffi'#g]6n BiiijieriirliriiiiFru.;;w,<j'dJXpB^lffi#ptflil,*ii&*#Vfi;"f#'fifigBl"iEAi88ffi8ffi:*]; OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: steve oa,,enporr SIGNATURE:(oudille.) Note: Derndlton nodfcaions & ssb€6b6 r€ano\,a| p€amh apdlcadq|s are b be &t*r,tu€d ustng tE apdlcan{l fo.m (DHHS€rc8) url€t|g th€ fadlg dcofitaln Asb€stG oa rbt You ar€ rcquired !o csll tl€N6tonal Emlsslon Sandards fd Hazsrdoa Ar pdlutrrlts (NESHAP)st (9tqm7-5950 ar to6st 't0 days dd lo tr€d€.ftrit& d any fadlity o. buitdtng. TOTAL PROJEGT COST: Soe Asbad6 \rrbb 9b: hitp:/tu$,!v.epr.stale.-nc.us/epr/asbestoJahmp hlm 190 BUILDING HEIGHT # OF UNITS One TOTAL AREA SQ FT 454 | 231 # OF STRUCTURES: on. ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsruRsrNc peRurz -yss l-i'l Ho SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: oa NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE 17. 55 9 N/A {Vacant )SO FT noFFlcE lnesnunmr puencmlle [eouc f]ner [colroo ornen, WATER: SEWER: aa ElcoMMUNnys\4STE!!_EWELL flzoNtNGUSEC[AS.stFtcAroN:Ll CENTML SEPTIC LJ PRMATE SEpTtC fl COtrrMuNITy SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA PAYMENT METHOD: ICISX I cnEcK (pAyABtE To NHc) EAMERIcAN p<eRESs I ucrvrsa E oscovent..-ffi.r.+...r.r1ffiffi............................r..................................... (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVTSED DAIE 'NTfl2ZONE:_OFFtCER:SETMCKS: F:-LH:- RH:B:Apprcval:City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _BFE+2fr "'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, i,lECH, PLAG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS -' N )PERMIT FEE:$lobo'-- DAfEi 4/4/71 PHONE *: 9ao-392 't2ol CITY: wilninquon ZIPi 2a405 PTONE #: 9ao a92-'1207 PI()NE #:910-s2o-oos2 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 7 . s32 SQ FT PER FLR: 7.512 # OF STORIES: one # OF FLOORS: one comment A v NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N ryPE., RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' &ll-.ltuoaffi* Application Number (office ure) APPLICANT,S NAMc: ClOE hAI*iPAY Date 01- o/ -t7 PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: CITY ZIP: @ PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: / 7 CONTRACTOR AD DR ESS: EMAIL AODRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON n sunroom (SF) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration fr Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence I Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation t*a rr* n AttGarage(SF)_ tr DetGarage(sF)- ! Porch (SF) tr Pool {sF) PHONE #: CITY W;t^;Kftu ztP' A1)I/o< BI.DG LICENSE fl: 6 67AOl*t sr l/Czte, 2P?t t PHONE I lo- ?/Y- ails ONE j)o- r/Zo- o ayl t zbr hJ ntu.n a//)er a ') H)Lt'oA I n Greenhouse (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr ves h ruo TOTAI SQ FT UNDERROOF \for proposed work) Heated:??o Unheated: TOTAL PROjECT COST (Less tot): S Slooo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? f( Yes ! ttto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes ! t,to lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E t',to ancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse tr Deck (sF) Property Use/ Occup Description of Work:t e Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State ing Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development services Center willbe notified ofanychanges in the app ans and specifications or hange in contractor information "'NOTE:Any work performed without the approprlate permit5 will be in violation of the N te Bldg ject to fines u 6<-,A,n-.n Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes & ruo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes ! No WATER: X CFPUA I Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua sEwER: ! CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ commentr permit Fee: SQ*te ?LocJa,,1 .<*- toT#: CITY: n storage shed (sF)_ tr other (sF)_ i- l{ I :r- RECEIVEDAPR242OlT NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMST APPLI'aTI1N ITPEr SI6NS / BILLBOARDS PLEASE PRIIIT CLEARLY & ANsIIER ALL QUESTIONS "Project ResPonsibilitY" Mr+- tlbq APPLICATION Number APPLICANT'S iIAI'4E:sepEe:nber: Si.rns DEVE LOPER: PRoIECT AoDRESS: r32 Ra Ine Dr OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAt'tE: one r4aiE Financiai PRoPERTY o!,]NER'5 l.lAltlE I OWNER'S ADDRESS:CITY:ST: _ ZIP:_ CoNTRACToR: Sept er slqns ADoRESS: ,5r3: aA \s!erdam Wav LICENSE #: CITY: r'ritnrnqrox EI4AIL ADDRESS: bobtos tembersiqr1s. c PHONE *: PROIECT CoNTACT PERsoN: Bob N I rnrcr I ALTER (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) REPAIR ENLAR6E I cunncr our insral l iDESCRIPTION OF bIORK:Up dare si I "ro o,oi**"" -,1 "gr,"r'"s. Ihe NHC oevetopme # ices Cenre, wirr be nolned ol 6ny dEng.s lnlheap oved plans ard spe.incalions or change rn @nlrtc u conracror nrormaion. ...Nora enyworr eeaomea wio rrri app-piiate ee,mis wirrue i. viotali;n ollne Nc slate BldE cod€_and slbject lo F nes up To ssoo m_' rs srcN(s) oN 0R oFF PRE!4ISES?ou f orr Ot^INER/CoNTRACTOR: Bob Nabors *** **,k** **********)t+'****x)i*****x)t* TypE oF SIGN(S) + /1-. r!. rue - y'n vq ( /,\ SIGNATU .- -l- **r.** ******i.*****,r+****'**Y '!a * ?+** *** **1*** * RC,+n 3/ft L-/ ('xV/tn^/(, ) FREESTANDING (Gnound ) SHIN6LE tr M IYARQUE E 'ilAL L Total Number o+ Signs on this Project: -5I6N 1 Height: !,a11 51GN 2 Height: walt loqo SI6N 3 Height: SIGN 4 Height: TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ zorue : -ffi- orrrcrR: Apptoval i ----:2J9- Clty : Sign Dimensions: X+-r' Sign Direrstons: X - Total SQ. FT. of Sign: ;5-s;- TotaI SQ.FT. of SiEn: ss sI Total SQ.FT. of Sign: - Tota-t 5Q.FT. of Sign: - rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN a rlooollarnl I ves I No " " SE?i:iT: ?:Rl::;s 3:iij:RE: :Ja :!:C;, ;1:C:1, ?-ier GAS :Qi:'r 2i::Fi'lS i :LS:3i5 ' paynENT ErHoD: E casn I c,r:cx lravmre ro nxcl Imr*rcon:xrn:ss E ncl,,to E olscovtn ***** **,!*****4i!)****+**** r** * ** *** *** +** **xt t* **** {i*,i**x*,k *** *** + {+++ i'* * 25C0.0 SETBACKS: F DATE Or\ Y' Cf\ItEo DATE )/i€ll2' dl\ Ln'NA au: lJi* e: ti/,t -l:-- 3FE+2{t' PERI,IIT FEE: $ /iOCoflment: t-100D $t zs- t++4- DATE: r4l:!/r i PHONE H: CITY: Wilmtnctson ZIP i 284a5 PlioNE *: -- ST: NC ZIP; 2840s PHONE *: ?91-9084 trtr I lpRorECTroN I lRooF!-L] cANoPY L-] OTHER Lt (o flond ),ot7-,1gaqm,r, FI ,':.i, :. - Jaii'ffi" ",ra lL rH ]IJqb- APPTICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESSI SUBDIVISION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICAT|ON TY PE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility'' CITY PHON E CITY E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool {SF) tr Deck (SF) Date D l.t1 ztP LO PROPERTY OWNER'S. NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR .rE-T L?3 ztP {3 BI-DG I-ICENSE # ADDRESSI CITY EMAII- ADDRESS PHONE PROIECT CONTACI PERSON l{or,^Ja-1.,{ Ftao S PHON E EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT n Alteration EaRenovation n General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCIION:nErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidenceEReiocation **,}PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'I"}* n Att Garage (SF)n Porch (SF) -NaDtO- *3 a3 F unroom (sF)-E Storage Shed (SF)_ fl Greenhouse (S F)tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr YeszryNo Description of Work: DISC[AIMER: I hereby cedify that allth€ rnformation in this application is correct and a I work will comp y w laws and ordlnances and reBUlations The NHC Development Services C€nter will be notif ed of any chanEes information. *'TNOTE: Any work p€dormed wlthout the appropriate permlts will be in viol.tion of the NC 5 th the Stat int 8l e and allother app icable Siale and lo.al specfkalions or change in I up to S5 Owner/Contractor: "Lrcensed Quolilier" $r'to.l €tar"(S Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? n YeelE- No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes I No WAIERT b-CFPUA ! Community System ! Private Well E CentralWell E Aqua SEWERT AaCtPUA ! Communitysystem E Prjvate Septic [: Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V)_ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee q.[r'l-- ) ToTA[sqFTUNDERaooFVorproposedwork)Aealed|4loOUnheated:- ToTAL PRoJECT cosr (Less Lot): S 4 l | trOO ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D YesE No ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Me€hanical work being done to th e Accesso ry Struct ure.b-Yes ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes n No ls there Electrlcal Power on this Building? Edes n No Property Use/ Occupancy: $6ingle Family ! Duplex E Townhouse {,+c-ll.tn . t,arLhs, {toonin , Dn irir- . Slly o*vty',k' ,4+rrv-t TotalAcres Disturbed: Xa+!+aL5NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCAT ION ryPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" ication (office use) APPLICANT,S NAME: PRO.IECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: C r,v^c\w PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: ,.cl Date:5--!-)ar7fCITY: \.1 \ "^r- |r,r5 ztP 0 LOT # zP:2V14 BLDG I"ICENSE #Eg2 2'Z sr:&L zlP z6{0q Gc>t+ PHONE o->o2 E Porch (SF) ryt'orase shed (sF1 \ 1 ) ! other (sF) f \ 5ec €,'.v PHONE # CITYOWNER,S ADDRESS I'r t \\\ \(1an\ci.. 0 {5,1- V t slrnrCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:ClTy: \rr\,ra EMAIL ADDRESS: r"^\ay'f- . ]v-acd ccClt .Zz qn.r..,a,\. Ct*t E K AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT tr Att carage (sF)_tr Det Garage (sF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) [] Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? dYes n ruo PHONE q\c 2-o c PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: YV-\ 4 i/ +in \,..2 C" J coc lC ExlsTlNG CoNSTRUCTIoN: n Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Heatedl Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S Property Use/ Occupa Description of Work; E single Family E Duplex Townhou \L'.2 coI ls the proposed work chanBing the number of bedrooms? D yes E},fro ,/ ls any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanical work beingdoneto the Accessory Structure dv"t dlo e\ t(\r,""rl lf the pro.jectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes M/no ) s\a laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or ch.nge in contractor information. **'NOTI: AnY work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO*+. Owner/contractor: tfvr a v\i .,\ \r-r.-f, Cc "----4/r'-21tltSignature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ves Eao Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: i yes E No Wafen:d ,rrr*,Y CFPUA E Community System E private Well fl Central Well E Aqua CFPUA D CommunitySystem D private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer:'=--_ setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: $ $-rs- $i;iGM APPI.ICANT'S NAME PRCIECT ADDRESS:16+AN-r\t(( p(< Mt+-tltrzz- +l-,j 438t ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPL,CATi ON TYPE: RESIDENl'lAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESI IONS AP''LI'ABLI TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility" Ler+;lh,Date CITY Wrrnt ,v C, forv ttP sUBDlvlsloN; l$€LToN oftrs l-OT #: LO &Vrtt 11.-.,u1"-PHONE H lto -?38- ?1ttPROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: 7, +Nufl-r.8. Da CITY: hlruvr I N 6forv zo,flto'l CONTRACTORI Mt Sts LT, ? Al) FM CITY BLDG LICENSE f ST:ztP PHONE 4to - zYa-a7tl\-,J PR(]JrCT C0NTACT PTRSON: rn rz\-___ PHONE q,o'33x-\)tr I'XI5TING CONSTf, UCTION NfW CONSTRI'CTION: - ./ 7 +1,,n1V Alteratron -. Renovrtron f-l General Repairs Erect New Residence i Addition io ExistinE Residence i-l Relocatiorl r**PI-EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI,L THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO,,ECTI'* , Att Gnrage (SF)___ 5unrcom (SF) creenhouse (SF)__ n Det Garage {St)_ i I Pool (SF) ____-_ ! Porch (5F) E Storage Shed (SF)___. : I Deck 15F) ls the proposed work changing the exi5ting footprint? X Ves V/ tto TOTAI SQ tT UNDER ROOF Lfor praposed workl Heatedr P 5oO Unheated: IOTAT PROJECI COST {Less Lot)s 1,ooo.9 Properiy Use/ Occupancl: l Single famity I Duplex L I Townhouse Des.ription ot Work 9ce hn?.",+e DIsCIAIMER: thereby.edifyrhat.ttthe rnfornratron in thir appticatiofi it correct and 3l,.w! .r,d .rdrn..ces:rd regulntons. The NHC Dev.:ropl.lent Services a€nl?r rriI he rrot P€S<-et rn cN) fer{f 44^ l-D6..rar€rsd b1 ooror"aI[|.u,.r.. t-b'..-s Fin,rh AlL. 4-G^".rt #B./-aro as a lwork wrll comply wrth the Srate Suiidrng Code and rll other apph.abte 5rrte anC !^criried of an! chaDger rn ihe apDroved ptan! and specificatio.s or.hans€ ir L.rlr..rclor I/ottrer rsr) F, n,s I,, .'q &rh-" ;gfr-. Unslis!.cJ ove Ze'c( '\ the J,opcsed worl, changiog the number of bedroomsT /Ve, - l,to is any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanicalwork being done tg the Accessory Structu re plVes _]ruo rf the prolect i! a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Lrne o. the current srte? I yes \/ No is there flectrical Por/,/er on this Building? y( V", .- tto 'rl.rriitL.. ""NOIE Anv worI Li.rfo.med d<-) " Kege{Lf ithout the lppropriat€ perm tsr/illbe rn Signature: e Na Srate --s up ro 5500 Oo"' Own€r/Contra.to it'e'1;.d Xuoi,iie. N r.. tl'. r:roFerty lJcdlpd n a f loociFt.r,n / Ves lfVo Existing lmperviour Area: __- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturb€d: New lmpervious Area: **__*__ 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: t_l yes L-l No WATER: Y_ CFPUA Comn:Lrnriy Systen] : pr:vatr Well ] Ce ntral \ryell -l Aqua SEWER: / CFPUA ' Conrm jrlity Systeri _l pnvate Septic L- Central Septac L, Aqua zone: __- _ Officer: _ Setbacks {F} ___ (t"H)__ (RH}=_, (g} ._ Approval: _,- _ City: ___- Date: ___ Floodr (A) ,**_ (V) ,__-- (Ni _,_ BFE+2ft:Comment: $1s I ___ __.__ _Permit Fee: '>L 2t__-_l arJL tta -f 7 CITY PHONE # CITY Llc CITY 1ct\.'ioz:L_. Application Number (office use) I 2:55p 11 APPLICANT,S NAME: PHOuE: ?/O Date /-zy-t z ztP ? 3L ztP r-fcENsE#: 76A7qt:AIzv'.3y4J? 6/c, 3s 3 f PROJECT ADDRESS: suBorvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: B EMAIL ADDRESS: 6sL 7%*4t tf the p 15a Relocation, is there a Na ls there Electrical Power on this Buildlng? Property Use/ Occu pancy:iingb tamily E Duplex E Townhouse pnont,?/0 b/b 353t' c EXISTING CONSTRUCTIoN: Efflteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence C Relocation PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW A[L THAT APPLY n Att Garage (sF)_E Det Garage (SF) E Sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF) n Greenhouse (sF)_! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl aeatea: /fC Unheated: rorAL pRoJEcr cosr (res rot): $ z3frcJ K" tura]ioas Line on the current site? E Yes E tlo Yes ffi- ls the p sed work changing the number of bedrooms?No ls an lumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure w{",tr No E/r"/,,r; / rc/ lectrica Description of Work: C laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. T"NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permitt will be in violation of the NC State Cod bject to fines up to $500.00+1. ,/or L at Signature:Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Qualilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ 5q Ft o Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existing Land Disturb/p permit: E yes E No *orr*, S*-rrr;y2-E community system ! private welt fl centrat We[ d aqd sgwrn: ddrpUA E Community System E private Septic E Centrat Septic /nqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Datei_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _$ts Comment:Permit Fee: S ,,v rcry-).5* NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect ResponsibilitY' LOT #: ! Porch (sF)_ E Storaee shed {sF)-.."dotn",$rl 46 tr ,' \j 2(Qr,)6" tiNrv eurLott{G PERMTT 2,01 b NEW HANOVER CO APP Ll CAT ION TYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' C-A^l Application Nu m ber loffice use) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:4qo4 nt\Atzt ttts ('T -Ctft. L) tLir-, Date 4')7 'rT ztP suBDrvrsroN: <-TtAlF,q -T1he0\f PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: fn uRr owNER's ADDRESS: qL4.o q, M AILC\O 1f. -i>uae-x*) Z-tU.m7a6agCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:)45 6c-*rr >)?. PHoNE#: r5).: U@ l<=g ztP: )?clo3 ELDG LrcENsE f:'Zk1"l'f LOT f CITY: ,\-) t L-.'1._ CITY h )iLh sT: ttJt)p, Z8{c>5 EMAIL ADDRESS CL PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ,1 etdf' PHONE /o' 73 /' AoA/ PHONE 4to' a3l 'oQG / E Att Garage (sF)tr Det Garage (sF)_ I sunroom {sF)tr Pool (sF) tr Deck {5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes Ei-fio TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Healedi tr Porch (SF) n storage Shed (sF) _ a otner lsr) Ruo P /Dd Rrt€7e 6{62a2,2* k*n n Greenhouse (SF)_ Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 3<sao - - ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes EFio ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure E yes Ef-ruo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural 9s Line on the current site? E Yes E-fio ls there Electrical Power on this Building?-El-fes E t'lo Property Use/ Occupa Description of Work: e Famil v Q Dup!ex El-Townhousez!rK/4s r laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications ractorchan8e in inlormation. *+'NOTE: Any work p€rformed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Sldg Code and subject t es !p owner/cont "rtor,-J)ttrJc*_{J ( tt +n*tz*r:Signature: "Licensed QuoliJier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? a Ye1rt/'No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft ystem E Private Well Existing Land Disturbing Permiti ! yes E No E Central Well E AquaWATER;CFPUA n communi tys SEWER: zone: fY w,::ia,iw" C'fi lnpeclion Requrreo, g I G2S4.S$r,] Approval: Comment: : (A) _ (v) _B E+2ft= 64 CFP /t- //) Permit Fee: S /l {tiv i:l>'','-'.-tl' fl \.\.h+, \.--\ ffi, i\ ExtsTtNG coNsTRUcTloN: n Alteration ! Renovation feneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** $\s- X-Otzc : , -Tfia-o 5e+riq4r=-3 tSintwt,,< Pl -T;€ypg€ tgnkS Areouo<-tD-i>orzn4E7?7 b kTpis ru c*snEie-><;D T3A^1D (*7rros axt,,) K;7t*ae zr.q p/d-*?s / ,t pq taa Ea-lil pN Rtqrzz_s / zoem.ezz ui*h>ax.,- f-r.rr;r;b (zxl) TcVt*c 4 s lievln/ Lry R ar /7pca / stn,-iazr- )ot-} 4trl? ,<...NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILOING PERMIT APP UqnON TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPI.EAEIE TO YOUR PROIECI "Proiect Responriblllhf - Logan Homes 611y. Wilmington *7+1t19 Apdj.2 on (offi.e us.) Date:t1APPLICATfS NAME: PRoJECT ADDRESST ZlPi SUBDlVlSloNr Cleanryater Presewe t-ol #:3 coNrRAcToR: Logan Home6 a991555; 60 Gregory Rd on. Belville g Det Garate (sB - Il Pool(sF) O oe* (sF) lsthe proposed work chargingth€ exininS footprint? Gl Yes D No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF llor prcposed wo*)xcatca: JJ *--1 urheated: s196 gggggg x; 34408 sr: NC zt 28/-51 EMAIL ADDRESS:mlogan@loganhomes.com px6x6. 91 O.{52-71 75 pROJECT colwAct pgrsoN. Mary Logan PHONE:910-1152-7175 E(|mNG CoIISTRUCTION: trl Alteration E] Reno\.ation O General Repalrs EW CONSIAUCTTON: E Erect New Rerldence E Additionto Existing Residence D Relocauon ***PLEASE CHEO( AND ANSWER BELOW AIL "T E mt earage (sR *StA- fl sunroom (SFI - E Greenhouse (5F) _ (e"r"trfsO 3U't Q Storag€ Shed (SF) _ TOTAL PROTECT OOST lt ss Lotl 5 I 7 5t @ ls thr propos€d work changlngtlE number of bedrooms? E Ve ffi ffo I5 any flcctrk l, Plumbing or MedEnlcsl work being done to the A;essory structure. D ves fr lo lftheproiectlsaR€locadon,lsthereaNaturalcasuneonthecurrentslte?EVesfilo lsthere ElectrlcalPow€r on this Bulldlng? E Vcr { lo Property Use/ Ir€.crlpdon ot occup.nrs E slngh llltllly E ougkx El Tqunhouse wodc SFR - new conslrudion DISCIAIM:i: I h€r€ty c.rifv that 3ll tfi. lnlormagon tn thh .pplLzdon b GorEct end .1, ydl will compty yiti th. sntt 9ulldlDS Cod. .nd a[ orher .p?{ebl€ 5tei! .nd lo..thws .r}d ordh.ncs .nd litubl-rons. Th! NHC DeElopmGnt SrM...3 C.nt .rvfllt! lrotifild of rtly6:qfe. ln th. afDrov.d pLnr rlld ap€dfiEtiooj s dBUe h.oFtr.ctorltlfonnrtlon. "'llOTE: Aiy vorl perforr*d $[rhout th€ .pproprht! pcrfirtts wfll b€ h vlohuoi ofth.l{C stt. BldS Code ubl.ct ro fm!! up to S5m.m... Ormer/Contrsctor:D L@an Slgmture: "U..nscd Quofifl.t- Pdht tlctne lstheprop€rtylocatedln.floodplain? tr ycE F No 6(lstlnt lmpcrvlous Area; 0 Sq Ft t{.w tmp.rvious arca, 3 ?53 ,o o TotrlArres Dlsturb€d, . QO WATER: E CFPUA E Communny System E prt\Ete Well El Centrat Well n Aqua SEWE& E CFPUA D Community System tr private Septic E Centralseptic El Aqua zonei -'-- Omcerl _ S€tbrdc (f) _ {LH} _ (RH} _ {S} _ Appro\al: _ 6rS _ Drte: _ Boodr (l)_M _ (N) -_ BfE+2ft _ Edsttng tand Dlstuttng perltlh: n ye6 El t{o b+5 k0 Commenll Permit + **s ) .tY35 pRoptRTy owHEps norr. Clearwater Preserve LLC pHoNE f. 9.l 0-452-7175 91 rx61,g ADgpEssl 60 Gregory Rd o11: Belville a?: p!!! tr other (SR _ $\ }) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAT lO N W P E : RESI DENTIAL PUA5E ANS,I^,ER A[ qUESTlol'lS APPUc]sLt To yOUR PRoJECI "Prorect ResPonslbllltL 2.AD- flt*lb +J:+"4.48- Applkrtlon loffice u!c) 5l a lrrAPPUCAIfS t{ArYl PRO'ECTADDRESS: e Mary an Homes Hslms Port Date: OTYi Wilmington zrp, -*409 suBDlvtstot{:r.or *: (o I CONTRACTOR:Logan Homss BLDG gggy56 s: 34408 aDDREss: 60 Gragory Rd 67y. Betville EMAIT ADDRESS:mlogan@logarhomes.com pxsNg; 91G.452-7175 ExlSnNG CO!{SIRUCIION: E Aheration B [enovation E GenrralR€palrs NEW CONSTRUCTIOI{: El Erect Ncw R.sldene E Mdition to Existlng R6idenc€ D Relorauon raa ta SI: NC 28/51 t? Att Gangc (sF) \rq,E Det Garase (sF) - EI Pool{sF} - El Deck (Sr) - E Sunroom (sF) El creenhouse (sF) - ls the proposed work changintthe e{sting footp.lnt? E Y€s Cl No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER RoOl lJot ptoposed wo*l H.at di rorAl PRoiEcr cosr (uss Lotlr $ QgO, qD Property Use/ occupancy: E SryL t.mlly tr Duplcr u Tounho{s. tl.tls unrre*a: 58 ts the proposcd work chsn8int the number ot bedrooms? E ves { lo ts any Elcctrkrl, Plumblnt or Mccll,trlcal work b€ing done to the Alisrcry structure, E Vcr $ u lftheprojecti5aRdocadon,isth$eaNaturalGastloeontheqrlrentshe?nYesHNo lr there Electrlcal Power on this Buitdlng? tr Vcr S ro Desc ltlon of Wott:SFR - ns$, construction DlsctAlMln.I herlby crrllfy thit.[ the Inaom.don ln thh tpplkrlion Is @n!d and.ll x/ort wlll aolnplyv{it ih. Sbt4 lulldlnf Codc and an othr.plllobL Strtc:nd lot l llwi ird ordh.ncts ond rttuht-roar. The NHc oewlopm.il SrMc.s c.nt r *ln b. nodfi.d ol .iy dBhg.r h ih. rpprovld phi. .rld 5p€d6.at-rorB or dDnt. h contrrrtor tnforr,atlon. ..'l{OTEr loy wort P.rrotm€d wilhqlt Ol. .pFropri.t p€rmflrwrllbc ln vlohthn olth! ICStrt Eldt CodG.nd ru$edto fio.. 14to 3500.m'r. SlInaturc:-tt2Own€r/Contr!dorl D Logan "Dcensed Qlraltlef ls the property located in a floodplaln? E Ye5 Existlng lnpGrvlour Arual 0 sqR Naw lanp€rviout or-, l]qbD 5q Ft .,1-' TotalAEcs Olstulbed: . I I Eisdnf trnd DEtultlng Pernhr E Yes E t{o z (* WAIER: E CFPUA E) Commurttysl6tem El Priyate Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA EI Community Synem tr Priyate Septic E C€ntralsaptic E Aqua <T1 eaD_ zooe: _==- oficer: - Sttb!.b (r)- (Ur!-(RH)- {8} - *} ,( rJ Y , Approvat- orv! - Dste: - Floodr (At - lv) - (t{) - BrE+zrtE - (9A' C.omm€trh pennit pRopERTy owNEtrs r{ora. SEL Property Investors LLC pHoNE s, 910-452-7175 6s1x6p,519pqs55; 60 Gregory Rd 611y1 Belville zp 28/151 pRoJEcr corracr pEns6N, Mary Logan pxont: !19its2!f9-- (,..'"nrtR-k8- tr Storage Shed (SF) - tr other (sF)- .ffi,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII.DI]TG PERMIT AP PLTCATAN TIPE : RESIDENTIAt PTEAST AIIISWER ALL qUESTIONS APPI'ICA8I.T TO YOUR PROJECT -Prorect Responsl,ilv Aoll LlSt\ APPLICAITS NAME:OAt-l ^-l t PROJECI ADDRESS:a rv( OU r.: i CITY:uJt L.l)o az,?ole .5-n-t rne. -rvL ?c AcesuBDrvrsloN: PROPERTY OIA'NER'S NAME I F.zxe-<-:t € t q-l Bva68e-PHONE ':Qro-4og-'lo s) -)tl)tQ \ .J ltrf, N e,CIIY:tJ lLt-.u u a* Jt+t -L-OWN€R5 AODRESS: COAIIRACTOR:DPl.ts-)tC- Oouxt I BLDG UCEHSE ,6-J sr,tzp,2?4r z-,ADDRISS EMAIL ADDRESS; t>€< e-t>Dq C]TY PHONE:4to ;3.3 E)<c PHONE:rzlO z.)5 '< Z 3(22 (e 6- PROJECT CONIACT PERSON lcrr'llrorg GottPl EXlSni.6 COI{STIUCnO :f, A,tcr.tion E R"nordtion NEW CONtTnUCnO : n Erect New Resldenc! E Addltion to Eristint Resldcnce [l Relocitlon ..?TEASE CIICCX AI{D ANfl'T'ytR BITOW ATI N.IAT APPTY l1o YOUi IiO'tG?.4 r'1 Det Gara.e fSFl D Porch (SFl f ecncnl ncoalrs fl Atl G.r.se (SF)- n Sunroom (SF)- E Greenhouse (5F) - tr Pool(SF) tr Deck (sF) fl Stordse Sh.d {SF}- tr Other (sF)- rr ls th. proporcd wo.k chlrEing tfic .xistinS footprint? E Yes q No TUTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jor propored wort) Hclt€d: Property Urd Occupancy: lrfi Sirgh Famity : ,guplex : Towrhourct\ A !!--;j, ) f> F*,. 1' h^ ^.L' ls the propos.d wo.I chan3lng the numberof bedrooms? a Vo flXo k any EIEtrkrL lllttn rf, or ildrlcd *st beinS dqlo to th€ A€ce5so.y Structu.r. E YG F: i5 lfthG p.oi€ct ls a Relocadon, E thetE a N8tural6as Line on tho curent slte? DYe3E o Ir there Eleerical Power on th'rs Bulldlng? fl ves C tto UnlE ted o * Erz-.n *- e I 4 4p aR-Y C/-$gtr-Dcrcription of wo*: tl €E-<-- D6O lltt I hr.bf c!rd, drt.0 thc infDrrn.tbn in thii.p9li6tbn ir corrcci..d d,wort wllcornply wl$ the Stnc AuiEiq codc lrd d dE ?fl..uc 5t t rrd to.al .ptlDFEt perlrrts wlll be i rlol|doll of iha ircUe,Yea4-to ffrE 'lp b 9s@-d..I SlgnrtrrEi ?.icens.d Quolifiea ls tho property licclicd in r ffoodpbin? D Y€a Eristlnt lmFrvlous Ares: _ 5q Ft t{cw lmperubss Are: _ Sq Ft Tot l A116 Disturbrd: _ Extstlng Land Dlihr]blnt pertrft: E yG, I No f NO WATER: $ CFPUA ! Community Systern D priv.te We[ D Centrdlw€]l O Aqua SEWEnr fl CFPUA E Community Sy*em tr privaG Septic ! Central Septic tr AquB zon.: _ Offfclr: _ S€t!.cb (F) _ lrHl_ (RHl _(B) _ Appro d; _ Ory: _ Dater _ Ftood; (A) _ (V) _ (t{} _ BFE+rb _Commeflt:Permtt Fee:I @r*13--.&!43JJ- oo Tgr r PRIOJBCI OOsr (Less Lor): 5 / (" , o D/) \,vGIt045 AppLtcANT'S NAME: H & H Constructors oi Fayetteville, LLC @ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL,CAT,ON fYPf; RESIDENTIAL PLEAST ANSWER AIL QUEsTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility" Aaft Vbqo+#*2+ Application Numb€r (office use) sa1El OSlO2l2017 PROJECT ADDRTSS: 6013 Otter Tail Trail ctTy: Wilmington 71p. 28412 sUBDtvtstoN: Willow Glen Estates PRoPERTY oWNER,S NAME: FI & H CoNStTUCtoIS of FaYetteViIIe, LLC toT #: 045 pHoNr fl: 9'10.219.1485 ADDRES5: 8209 Market Street, Suile C CtTy. Wilmington ST: NC ztP: 2841 1 EMATL ADDREss: julicafferty@hhhomes.com/ jerrybrenning@hhhomes.com pHoNEr 910.219.1485 pRoJECT CoNTACT pERsoN: JJ Brenning prolrr:910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: O Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI-L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Att Garage (sF) 428 E Det Garage (5F) - E Porch (SF)215 E Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (5F)E Storage shed (sF)_ E Greenhouse {SF)tr Deck {SF)D other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing iootprint? E Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF Aor prcposed wotkl 11g31s6;2865 Unheated:643 Property Use/ Occupancy; E Single Family El Duplex E Townhouse Des$iption of Work: SINGLE FA[/lLY DWELLING laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developm ent Servlces Ceol€r willbe notlfled ot anychanges in the approved plans and speclllcal lon5 or cilange in contractor informalion. a"NOTE: Any work performed without the approp.late permits will be ln vloletlon of the NC State Bldg Code ind subject to flnes up to S5OO.0O,.* Owner/Contractor; JJ Brenning Signature; "Licenscd QuoliJiet" Prlnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes EI No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotafAcres Disturbe d: ^42 . 71 New lmpervious Area: 2674 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E private We| E Centralwe[ E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Septjc E Centralseptic EI Aqua Zone: _ Offlcer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (LH) _ (RH) -- (B) _ Approval: _ City: _.- Date: _- Flood: (A) _- (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= $\, T 558 ko Ql d5 Comrnent:Permit Fee: S r€l s( owNER'S ADDRESS: 8209 Market Street, suite c C[y: wilminglon 21p. 28411 coNTRAcToR: H & H Conslructors of Fayetteville, LLC g1s6 U66t!5g 9 74158 TOTAL PROJECT COST (tess tot): S 161,897 lstheproposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes EI lto lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes El No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? A Yes E No G}:2c+-4tcs (: :) 2 Ir,' 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IypE: DEI14OLITION PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & ANSIIER ALL QUESTIONS"Project Responsibility,, APPLIC T ION Num be r (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAfilE: r,:.".oreen Cfearin Inc DEVELOPER:PHONE #: PROIECT ADDRESS: 19G2 Farfey Dr CfTY: 14ilmington SUBDIVISION:BLOCK #: LoT #: - PROPERTY oWNER'5 NAME: Bilt E11e dqe 5T: Nc ZIP: 28a2e PHONE #: s7o -.77.1'50.7I PHoNE #: 910 - 519 - 613 9 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 1952 Fartey Dr CONTRACTOR: Everqreen c'l earinq Jnc LICENSE f: ADDRESS:3 301 Castle Ha\,'n e Road CITY: ca stle Hayoe EIitAIL ADDRESS: k. hammoeve rqreencLearinq. com Brian Benford DESCRIPIION OF WORK: oemo L650 sqft brick house (|,/hat lype of Suildlng Do you lnant To rr€rio]ishi) and ordinances and regulalions The NHC Developmenl s€rvices cenier willbe nolified ofany changes in the approved plansand specillcations or change incontraciororcontraclor ln'ormalion. "'NorE: Any work Perfonned wo rhe Appropiare Permirs witt be iniiotaii;n of the NC srate Bidg code a;d subjecr i; Fines up To $500.00-. oWNER/CONTRACTOR: David B. Benrord SIGNATURE: (Pr1nt xane)*'l x 't* + 't + 't+* *x +*+ ****++,r****+ )r**+ *)i )**rt**** +,t** + +)***+ + )**** + + *,r ,l ,* + *,*** )* ***)i *+ ******* )* )i:*** *IS THE PRO]ECT:t REsTDENTTAL / [ commrncml TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: TorAL PRolEcr cosr lress ro1: g rooso.oo ExrsrrNc LAND DrsruRBrNG pERrlrr? [ ves [ ruo PAYI'IENT I4ETHOD:I crsH I cHEcK (eAvABLE ro NHc) flmenrcan exenrss I mcTvrsn I orscoven ZONE ; {"* x** * +***+ +**t:}*** x 't,lr,* * *,* ,*,t,} *,*,* + * *,* {.,t,** )i:i,* ,* x:*******:r.*x+,. )t*****,i**,8,t )t:f:i*,**,***)t*** +x**:r.,t * (FoR oFFI(E USE ON!Y) OFFICER: PRIVATE WE LL PRIVATE SEPTIC I comrururrv svsrrN Not6: The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air pollutants NESHAP) Regulations Require that you contact them at (91 9)707-5950 at least 1odays prior to rhe demolition of any faciljty or buildinq, whether the lacility or building was found to contain Asbestos or not. De molition notifications &asbestos removal permit applications are to be submitted using the application form (DHHS-3768). Thjs form can be tound on the web site shown belowNoter Obtaining a demolition permit from the NHC lnspections Depl. does NOT salisfy or meet the notilication requirements of the HHCU (HealthHazards Contro Unil).,Keep in mind that an asbestos survey is required by a NC accredited asbestos inspeclor prior lo any renovation or demolition ofa facility. Please see the Asbestos Web Site i.sta Approval:_ City: DATE SETBACKS: F: LH: RH:B: F LOOD:BF E+2ft= AVN PERI,IIT FEE:Comment:+v OATEi 4/28/ t7 ZIP i 284c], PHONE #: 91a -262 -tsss CITY: wilminq.on ST: NC Zfp: 28401 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: DOES THIS STRUCTURE OR BUTLDTNG CONTATN ASBESTOS? [ yEs E NO rs rHERE A NATURAL GAS LrNE CONNECTED TO THrs BUTLDTNC? f] yES E NO rs THERE ELECTRTCAL POWER oN THrS BUTLDTNG? [ves p r,ro llaTEn: ! cFpuA E coutyuNrTy sysrEM Zl SEhIER: IJ CFPUA L-J CENTRAL SEPTIC A \N *l.Jo flans*RECEIVED MAY O12017 Clear Form prinl sMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMiT AP P U CATON rypE; RESIDENTTAL PLEASE ANSU/aR AIL eUEST|ONS AppLtCABLE TO yOUR pROlECr,,project Responsibility, 2ot+.- 4bsz loifice use) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: s u gD tvtsloN 313 Date: 04127117 CIIY: Wiimingion ZIP:28449 LOT 4 PROPERTY OWNER' OWNER'S ADDRESS 5 NAME: Chris Dun n PHONE #r 512-626-2590 CITY: Wjlmington Ztp..-29409 CONTRACIOR:AT T)uildino G tlo lnr:BLDG LICENSE #:2807/ADO RESSr 2206 cia Drive CITY: Wilmington ST: l[ Ztpr 28403EMAIL ADORESSi Rudv tdbuildino m PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Rudv rn b roskl EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT - Alteration g Renovation I General Beparr. NEW CONSTRUCTiONi I ErecrNew Resicience - Adcjitionto Exisring Resicjence [: Relocation *T*PIEASE CHECX ANO ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOuR PROIECTIa+ -l Att Garage (SF)-__ : Sunroom (SF)_-.-- f Greenhouse (5F)-_ E Det Garage {5F)--- PHONE: q 10-620-3263 PHONE: ql O-6rn-?r6'1 .' Pool {sFj .--l Deck (SF) f Porch (SF) . Storage Sheci (Si)_ J Other (5F) ls the ftroposed work changing tlte existrng footprint? tr yes : No TOTAI SQ FT UIiDER ROOF got ptoposed wotk) Aeatedt Z4gO Unheated: 500 TOTAI- PROJECI COST (Less [ot); S lsthe proposedworkchangtngthe numberof bedrooms? I yes & No ls any electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure g yes f No if the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? : yes * No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? e yes I No Propefty Use/ Occuprncy:rE Single Family I Dupl€x: Townhouse Description of Work: ll DISCLAIM€Rr I herebycerlrfyrhar att rhe iniormation !n !his appti. laws and ordifancer and reSulaiions. The NHC Devetopment servi inlormetrcn "'NCTET Any y.,ofli pe.{ormeC y.,rthou1 the rpqroo.t ation is .o.r€rr and allwork wiI compty wirh rhe Stare Building Code and a other ap e13 peri'1ils *il be in vict3t:on cft!.e ilC c€s Centerwillbe rotitied ofany cha:rges ln th€ approved plans and spe.iiicatrons or pilc:ble 5r.te .nd tol:.l ch3n3e in coitractor Owner/Contractor : RU.l\/Sighature: "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property io€ared in a floodplain? Xl yes L No Existlng Impervious Area: 2g0O Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: 0.lI Sq Ft Existing land Oisturbing permit: : yes E No WATERT & CFPUA I Community Sysrem [] privateWell f Central vveli J Aqua SEWER: i.l CFPUA = Communitv System I prjvate Septic f Centralsepric L Aqua Zone: -=-*- Otficer: =- Setbacks (F) _ (U{} _ (RH) _ (B) _ App.oval:_ City:-- Date:_ Ftood; (A)_(V) -_{N)_SFE+zft= TotalAcres Oisturbed:0 5Comment:Permit Fee: $5qo- Clear Form t [O'P(ur\3 or :dz k!^-a-<>ct Aot+. Wes+ Print NEW HANOVER COUilTY BUIIDING PERMIT APP LICATION TY PE : RESIDEilTTAI PLEASE ANSWIR ALL qUESTIOI{S APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJ€CT 'Proied R6ponsibilitr SHiY l7 !r47fltlI PROJECT ADDRESS: suBotvlsroN: APPLICANT'S NAME {"sL <z Date (offi.e use) "lr/',3 G cr:t: t)i|.. i<h,\J tot *' zt?: 23401 PHoNE{: 7lO- Gt6-q7CPROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:c. at owNER'sADDREss: 239 5;L ctTY: L) ;l^^;< ,r2,.\ztp %llO1 L-T- | - J- CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: Ak lo,n.< . o^.Q lQc,rottaf,b,/.. BL',c LtcElrsl ,it*ru3eL- cnY: Ct.l,\ &"4 sr: C ztPt Z8'l?8 EMAIL ADDRESS:PHoilE: qlq - 7.lS -6zt 3n PROJECT CONTACT PERSON e-q/o /..22 29./fPHON E EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E[ Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOI{: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation .*.PI"EASE CHECX AND AI{SWER BEI.OW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT*I* F Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage {SF) _ ! Sunroom (sF)X Pool(sF)2'1D ! Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? L:l Yes q No TOTALsQFrU DER Root lJor proposed work) H€ated: ZOZO TOTAI PROIECT COST {Less Lot): S lD Oa).'u Description ol Work: Uhheated sd ls the proposed work chanSing the number of bedrooms? n YesI o ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes lf the proiect is a Rclocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the curent site? D ves p trlo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? [ Ves tr ,{o Property Use/ Occup"n.yrfi Single Family I Duplex n Townhouse f( n" U ") b".(t I L a DISCtA|MCn: I herrby certifythat allthe informataon in thrs application as (orrect and allworl wiltcomplywith the State Buit Code rnd allother appli.rble Stat€ and locallaw. end ordinancctend regulations. The NHC D€velopment Serviaes Centerwillbe notified of any ahanges in the approvcd plan5 and speaifications or change in Eontractorihformation- "'Nort: Ahy worr perfoimed withorrt the approprrare permits w l b€ in vioration of the Nc srate Brdg to fines up to S500.0r0... owner/contraGror: ht DVc-W fut& trl sisnature 'Licehsed Quolifiet" lsthe property located in a floodplain? D yes El No Erlsting lmp€Mous X.., 31 f sqFt Total Acres otsturbed: New lmpervlous Area:Sq Ft ExistirS Land Disturblng permit: D Ves fi No WATER: I CFPUA tr Communitysystem ! private Well n Centratwell ! Aqua SEWER: I CFPUA tr Community System D private Septic n Centralseptic ! Aqua zone: _ fficer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tHl _ {RH} _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Ftood: {A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:$ sPermit Fee: ,-lt 1-- eMaal E Porch (SF)_ i Storage Shed (SF) _ ! Other (SF) _ %ot+%bt NEW HA]IIOVER COI,NTY BUILDING PERI{IT Aw LI cAtlott TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PL€ASE AXSXER ATT qJESTIOIIS APPLICABLE TO YOI'R PRO]tCT -Project Responsibility" znv i7 8r:0Ftl1 APPLICATIOI{ flullber (office t se) APPLICAI{T'S lollE: Greq Moore DATE:05 - 02 -l'7 DEVELOPER:P}() E I: PROIECT ADDRESS : lbV..cnase tn CITY: wi lm]'nqton ZIPi 2B4r1 SUBDMSIOiI: wendover North PRoPERTY Ga{ER'5 fGr{E: BreLt Paxton oT Ei'S ADORESS: 7132 chase Ln CITY: wi lmington ST: NC ZIP: 28411 CO TRACTOR: EG3 construct ion LICEiISE l: 6 51ss ADDRESS: 80? carolina sands Dr CITY: carolina Beach ST: I9_ ZIP: 28428 EIiAIL ADDRESS: qmdzrm@hotmai I . com PHO C t: 9La 622-1s66 PROIECT COiITACT PERSOI{: Greq Moore PHOa{E t: 910 G22 -r966 EXISTITG COISTRUCTTO :A LT ERATION I nerovarror ! eexenal RenarRs RELOCATION I{EI.I COT{STRUCTIOI.I: ! TNECT NEI RESIDENCE O" I MOITTOII TO EXISTII{G RE5IDEIICE .TPLEASE CHECX AI{D AI{S{ER EELO}I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ! oer eanaee sr I eoncn -sF E POOL 7oo SF STORAGE SHED 5F SF! oecx 5F OTHER: BLOCX l: LOT l: 20 PtldlE t: s4s-8oo-31s0 [arr eanace _ sF I sulnoom _ sF I on:enrouse _ sF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 3oo. oo * OF SToRIES:TOTAL PROIECT COST lress r-on : $ Is Any ELEGIRICAL, PLt.FBDrc or iECIUINICAL Hork Eeing Oone to the Accessory Structure? [l V"t I Uo If the proje€t is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Current Site? flVes @rcIs there Electrical Porrer on this Building? EYes I No PRoPGRW r,sE / OcCTPAl{Cyt I Srruele raUrrV f] O:erU TOWNI]OUSE DESCRIpTIO OF [OR(: rnstall inqro\rnd vinyI liner pool 20x35 DGCllEt lhsEbyc€.tify hllall inblmllion n h16 lppllcaton is conscl lnd !l work wiU compry wfi h6 SEE Eu ding C!d. 'ld dlot€r Epptcabb S6b lnd krcli tav6 and ordhacas a.ld tBguLltons. Th6 NHC Oevobpmont SorYaas Conbrwllb€ notf€d or ychagosln 'l€ apprcv€d pErsald €pocificrEns or drang€ ncooracDrdconr-br inbmaton "' OIE: Any Work Portrmod w/O tl6 Appopnab FWm 16 w l b€ in Viol6&rn of $e NC Stab BlJg Code and Sub,ect b Fnss Lh To S5m Of .' O {ER/CONTRACTOR i creq r.roore SIGI{ATURE: (P.1nt r e)+ ++ t+ l* *t tt,t*** *** ***+ a* + + * *:l rt ,lt,|+ *t * ): * * * a** * *****)*,: *:t **,t*:l *++ +*+*,| ** t* aa il * t:! *,t,i*+ t*t a * * 12 rs n{E pRopERw LocarED rN l rlooocurrr f] vcs EXISTIIIG ItlPCRvIqrs AREA! _sQ FT I{Et', D{PERVIOUS AREA: _ SQ FT I I'P TOTAL ACRES OISTURSED: B FE+2 Exrsr LAriD orsruRBrNc pERlirr: fl yEs l-l ip }.IAT ER : SEWER: K E creur I cENTRAL sEprrc I rnrvare seerrc ! comrNrry sysr Er,4 CF PUA CO NUNITY SYSTEM PRIVAIE lJELL CETITRAL IIELL ZoNE: _ OF FICER: (FOr OTFTCE USE CLy) REVI5E9 OATE 64111/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ St:_ B:_Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLmD: _ CoDent: *.. SEPARATE PERITITS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, I{ECH, PLB6, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & II6ERTS 'Tt'pAyltEin iEmoo: EcAsr Eorec( (PAYABLE ro nrl f] alrucA ExpREss ft nc/wsa E orscoven*)r,|*,r'*)t++*,|,t,l,i:|:i**)t*+:l.l*,|*)i*:l:.:**,i:l++*)i*,l,r,l+)trt*:r*a,t+t**,|a***)a,r++:l,i**)a*:*t*+,t)t+:t:i+:t+*t+,rt,ia N -T a ltl PENfiIT FEE:;ffi__ L NEh, HATiIOVER COI,NTY BUILDI]re PERI|IIT PP LICATIO'I TYPE.. RESIDEIiITIAL PTEASE AI{S}IER ALT QUTSIIO'{S APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]TCI 'PPoject Respoosiblliqf Greq Moore PROIECT AIDRESS: 1009 Adams Landinq Dr CIW: wi lmington SUBDMSIO : Adams Landins BLOCK I: PRoPERIY q IER'S !.AllC: Laura Bielaski OI{ER'S AOORESS: 1009 Adams Landrag Dr CITY: wi lminqton Cd{TRACT'0R: EG3 const rucLion LICENE t: 651se ADDRESS: 807 carolina sands Dr CfTV: Carolina Beacq gotY'4lo,ff,Yr**, APPLICATIOI{ xurbel" (offlc. t sc) APPLICAT{T'S ArtE: DEVELOPER: p7a DATE: 05 or 1l PHO E *: ZIP: 41 2412 LOT *: PHOiIE t: 410 4s9-es96 ST: NC ZIP: 28412 ST: Jg_ ZIP: 28428 BTAIL ADDTESS: qmdzrm@hotmai 1 . com PROIECT CO{TACT PERSoII: Greq Moore EXTSTTTG CorlsTnircTto: I aUreUrror'r ! ntrcvnrrolt GENERAL REPAIRs RELOCATIOT'I NEI{ COISTRI CTTON: f} eneCr Et. RESTDENCE o" E} aOOrrtOt TO EXTST {G RGSTDEIICE +.PLEASE C}IECX A'I' AT{*Efl BELhi LL T}IAT APPLY TO YOUf, PROJECT: llrr eanaee _ sF I oer crnase sn fl eoncH -sF f] surinom _sF a POOL 3so SF STORAGE SHED PHOTIE ': P}PT'E ': 910 622 -7956 9L0 622- L966 SF SFG R E EN I.IOUS E SF DEC(SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: - TOTAL 5Q FT UI,IDER RooF: - TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: - TOTAL PROIECT COST (ts" roq : | :r,roo * OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLIHaIM or iBCIUr{ICAI }aork Eeing DorE to the Accesso.y St.Ucturc?I ves I uo If the project ls a Relocation, is thene a Natural 6as Line on the Current Slte? [Ves [i! Uo Is ther.e Electrical Po|,er on this Building? ff ves firo PRoPEiw t sE / occ|PArcY, I srrue le FAMILY f] uJpLEx n ro.rMr)usE DESCRIPTI0 OF IORK: Insta11 frberqlass insround Dool DEC(AER I h.Eby c€.nt hat all mbm.ton n nl6 lpplE.lon ts cor.€ct lnd st wort wrll compry wrh tre St E &rldng Code and dl on6. rpplcsbi€ SrBb and bcd laws .nd oft,nanoa€ rfi r9gulato.s The I.IHC DaEbpment SarvEss C€nbr wrll b€ noffod otstychmgosln t16 appo\r.d ptans spscrncatians or chsnge rn con n-acbr or coolacbl inbmaton "'taOIE Aay work F.rbmed Wro t€ Appopnab F'amrrs w{l b€ in Violaton of th€ N C Srab BHg cr b Fnss Llp To 35@ G€r" olr{ER/CONTRA€TOR I Greq Moore SIGNATURE; **r * *.* **,i,1jl +,r,r ** * * *r* r* * * *(IlTl JiTl** * * ** + )t ** * ** ++l * ++ *,t +t * )t*,t * *** ** ** t* *+ t * * t+ )t* t * * * IS THE PROPERW LOCATED tX A FLOOOPTAIN? n yES I m EXISTII{G IITPERVTOUS AREA : [ET'I IIIP ERYIOI.Is AREA: -SQ FT -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LATO DISTUREING PERfiIT:l-l ves l-l rrp (Fm oFrrcE usE ty) REVISED DAII O4l11l12 SEIEACKS: F:_ LH:_ Rlt:_ B:_ BFE+ }.IATER : I-lI CFPUA SEI'IER: 7I CFPUA COI.IUI{ITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC E fl PRrvArE uELL fl cE[rRAL IIELL I enrvlre sEpuc E coi${JNrry sysr Efi *t. sEPAtUr€ p€R,tITS REgJIRED FOR ELECi, t{Fcit, pLB6, 6A5 EgJIp, PREFAES & IiEERTS ..'r pAyiEirr iEmoo: ftcsr., flc*rcx (PAYABLE To rrcy fi^Irrrcm exmrss I rcmse E orscorr* ,l ta,t:* )t * *:* lt t t,t * ,i:t *t **a +*r:l * * *+,|t.| + ,i,i t att *,i + * t,|:r *,irt a * + t* t:r+* *t:l + *,| ,|:t I + :*:i ,i:| :a * t* + +:l ** rr{ta a + Approval :_ City:_ DATE:_ FL@D: _ Co*nt:N PE$ITT FEE: . .,:.; .* : ',,&'' ZONE: _ OFFICER: _