MAY 16 2017 BUILD APP2cn-q7ttr , .,1 :. , .,).- I .. .., & ADDRESS: EMAIT AD NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L,CATIO N TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASTT TO YOUR PROJECI "Ptoiect ResPonsibility'' 3llnr 17 lat.all/,ti ztP l9,Lt 05- fl-L\ou ^.t J \<Date APPI-ICANT,S NAME PROIECT ADDRESS: SUBDlvlslON I PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEi 5 C-,^.L CITY rJil-.;.to' t LOT #: t0l lo I f ovr..t j <. PHoNE #: ql 1-60 1 rl6 3 CITY 7lP. 2-q\q o 5'(-c<- OWNER,S ADDRESS 2Ll 4+aa .at\1 t6.L] * l=t BTDG tiCENSE H Dr-LJ. t v.--sr.LEzltr aBLt t\ S, ** -d qto 2-oo ?stLtL,oa - eo PH ONE DRESSI Ro^.n-,a PHONE q to 2-oo 8<lLl PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ./ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: /Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: E ErectNew Residence E Addition to ExistinB Residence n Relocation E Att carage (5F) _- D Det Garage (sF) .- tr Porch (sF) ll rl G (d6) o^r5 D Sunroom (5F)-......--- ! Pool (st)_=.'-- D stora8e shed (sFl -E Greenhouse (st) _- tr Deck (sF)-.....=..-- ! other (st)....-..--....-- ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? E Yes t ruo Unheated:38q TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated ToTAL PROJECT cosT (Less Lot): S t5'(bo ,/ lstheproposedworl(hangingthenumberof bedrooms? D Yes A No ls anv Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structur " 6"' ' no lf the project is a Relocation, is tnere l-i tt'2J-ct' in" on tt'e current site? I l Yes Z/fio ts there Electrical Power on thi5 Building? tr Yes tr No Property Use/ Occup ancy, {s'ngle lamily tr Duplex D Townhouse ,.1 ".SDescriPtion of Work: $ 4e,...r € t eC-c^( ation is correct and allwork willcomplY with th .lt c ^1-t ,"*- gnature: (. € State Euildrnt Cod€ and all oth€r applcable Slate and lo'al lans and specifications or change rn contraclo' L,brc.rto fines uP to )5UU uu o\^ DISC|AIMIR: I herebY cerlifY laws and ordrnances and regul inf ormatio.. " TNOTET Any work that allthe information in this applic ations. The NHC Development Servrces Center will be notifred of aov change! in lh€ approv llbe rn vlol ion of the NC State BldBCode ayxw.lJ "Licensed Quotilier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplarn? D yes Z1'lo t/ Existing lmpervious Arca: Y/ /\ sqFt r/k Owner/Conttactot: New lmPervious Area Sq Ft WATER: ! CFPUA ! Community SYStem SEWER: I CfPUA D CommunitY System Total A.res Disturbedl Existing Land Disturbint Permit: Ll Yes Z No //+ f e7v"t" w"tt /a"n,r"' *"" 3 oo'u {ert.te sePr;r I centlal sept;( n Aqua zonei--officer:.-.-setbacks(F}-(LH)-(RH)--(B)- Approval: -- City:-- Date:_- Flood: (A) -- p) -- (N)'- BFE*2ft= ;Ir-n F.e, S Comment \ CONTRACTOR CITY NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT ION ryPE.. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QU€STIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Proiect ResponsibilitY' )on-qq72- L7 -L455 application Number {office sse) APPTICANT,S NAMt: PORBCH CONVERSION Date: 05-03-17 PHoNE #: 910-233-3650 owNER'S ADDRESS: 644 BELHAVEN D RIVE clTY: WILMINGTON ztP 28405 BLDG LICENSE S.742A7 n Att Garate (SF)-fi Det Garase (SF) n Pool (SF) ! Deck (SF) fl Porch (SF) n Storage Shed (SF)- . Other (SF) d Sunroom (5F)157 n Greenhouse (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n ves / ruo TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work)Heated: '157 TOTAT PROjECT COST (tess Lot)s8750 Unheated: ts the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes El/ ruo ./ lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAacesseryStructuregYesnNo lf the projectisa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Lineon thecurrentsite? n Yes M No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? M Yes n No Property use/ Occupancy: d Single Family E Duplex D Townhouse Description of Work: enclose existino screen oorch with sunroom wall system and windouls laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any chanSes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. ...NOTE: Any worl performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldt Code and subject to flnes up to S50O @*'* owner/Contractor: AGENT JEREMY MARTIN Signature: "Licensed QuoIiliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: 3381 sq Ft {*. y * Q,1'l TotaI Acres Disturbed: 0 New lmpervigus Area: 0 Sq Ft Existlng Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes f] No wATER: E1 CFPUA n Community system n Private well ! central well n Aqua SEWER: MCFPUA E Community System n Private Septic n Central Septic Ll Aqua zone:- Officer: - setbacks (F)-(tH) -(RH)-(B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A)'- (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Permit Fee: S PROJECT ADDRESS: 644 BELHAVEN DRIVE CIW: WILMINGTON ZIP:28405 sUBDtVtstoN: MARSH OAKS SEC. 11A Lor f:655 PRoPERTY owNEtlls NAME: LARRY & SHERRY SANDERFORD CoNTRACIoR: PORCH CONVERSION NDDRESS:6821 MARKET STREET CITY: WILMINGTON ST:NC ZIP: 28405 EMATL ADDRESS: oorchconversion@omail.com PHONE: 9 10-777-3363 PROJECT CoNTACT PERSON: Brian Walsh PHONE: 910-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration EJ Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.'ECT*** )o5lJi?z= L7 - 9L7 NEt^,| HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Res pons ibility" BLOCK #: PROPERTY Oi^INER'5 NAI'IE: iau:ie a:r.l Peter La F.lld APPLICANT,S NAflE:The P oneer Group, lnc DEVELOPER:The P oneer Group, lnc PHONE #:9104433681 PRO]ECT ADDRESS:2822 H.,,dranqea Place CITY: APPLICATION Number (office Use) zLP | 231!3_ \14 PO Box 15474 ETIIAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Slephannie Covington SUBDIVISION: ,: ': i.l OhINER'S ADDRESSi 2822 H,,.1r.lnsea Paace CONTRACTOR :The Pioneer Group lnc DECK TOTAL HEATED SQ LOT f: PIONE #: 4i8 442 6 ia b] C ITY:ST: LICENSE #:7A322 Wilmington PHONE #:9104433681 PHONE #:9104433681 SF STORAGE 5H ED EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:A LTE RATION R ENOVATION GENERAL RE PAI RS R E LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: PORCH:{-DET GARAGE _ 5F POOL SF SF OTHE R: 5F SF ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: 56: ToTAL AREA SQ FT: ii.r, # OF STORIES: rTOTAL PROIECT COST tr""" roo : $250000.00 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI.IBIIIG or I,IECHANICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves fi ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the current Site? [ ves [ ruo Is thene Electnical Power on this Building?ves [ ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAIYI LY DUPLEX TOI.]NHOUSE DESCRIPTIoI{ 0F WORK: Add co'/erecl Por:ch and master suite and lemodeL kitchen and ordinances and regulations The NHC Development Services Cenler will be notfied oi any changes an he approved plans and specitications or change ifl coniractcr or conEacto. nformation "'NOTE Any Work Performed W/O he Appropriate Permitswillbe in Violation of theNCSlate Bldg Code and Subieclb Fines Uplo $50000"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR :SIGNATURE: )kxx*:*******,*,r***********)*r.***)r++++i{.t+'1.*+++++*)i*******,***++*++j},tit+:t++i.*+t*+++**x,**,fx*,*,t,t IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? T: YEs I NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: WATER: SEWER: add 665 SQ FT SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED:no chanqe CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEI4 PRIVATE WELL CENTRAL WELL CF PUA CENTRAL 5E PTIC ! enrvarr sEprrc E coplMuNrry sysrEr4 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:f-'l ves lTl r'ro (fOR OFFICE USE ONLY) REVISED DAIE O4l1Tl12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:- *** SEPARATE PERIiTITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, i'1ECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pAyr.rENT METHoD: I crcr [ 6rcK (oAvABLE ro NHc) E amERrcAN ExPREss I nctvrsa I orscover ******,*+r.****i.***++,*+x*xx*r.,*,**++***r.*,****+,**+***,1*,1,1.*****xx'********++++*x*+**********+'*+ Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLoOD: - , N BFE+2ft= hel )thepioneergroupnc.com I Ste n DATE: 'i i i4 / 11 ffi Jttc I zlp: :s.1.i: sr: Ndl zrp : Pra-6ElADDRESS :CITY: ! rrr canacr _ sF ! surnoor,t _ sF I cn e rrunous e - sF FT: a 18 ZONE : _ 0F FICE R: IWlim,lq.-ion tril.11s1.- Clear Fonn Prinl An-??zt- L7 -L522 Application Number (offfce use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUIIDING PERMIT APPLICATION |YPE : RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALt qUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proied Responsibillt/ APPLICAM'S NAME: John Leonard Dete: 5l5lZO17 PROIECT ADDRESS: 1008 Shallowtord Drive CITY: Wilminnl^n ztP 28412 SUBOIVISIONi LOT # CONTRACTOR; Emerald Energy - General Contractor BLDG LICENSE #: 59879 ADDRESS; 8673 Hams Mill Rd CITY: Raleigh ST: NC ZIP: 27615 EMAIL ADDRESST PHONE q1q-247-aA7n PROJECT COLACT PERSON; John Leonard PHONE: 919-247-3670 EXISnNG CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration Ea Renovation E General Repairs NEw cot{slRucnoN: E Erect New Residence Ed@sting Residence D Retocation *ITPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtT TI{AT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROIECT"' E Att Garage (SF) _E Det Garage (5F) _! Porch (sF) D Sunroom (SF)n Pool (SF)- Storage Shed (SF) _ D Other (SF)Roof Mounted Solar TOTAT SQ Ff UNDERROOF {for prcposed work) H€ated: TOTAL PROJECT CoSf (Less Lot): S 24,000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes R No ls any Elect.ical, PlumblnS or M€chanical work being done to the Accessory Strudure Dt Yes E No lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?nYesnNo ls there Electrical Poweronthis Buildin8? m Yes I No Property Use,/ Occupancy: fX SlnBle Family E Duplex I Townhouse oescription o, work: 28 Solar Panels Mounted to Roof. Grid tied Solar system with Duke Energy Progress law. and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developrn€nt Services Center willbe notified of any chanSes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. ''*N0TE: Any work pe.formed without the sppropraate permits will be in violation of the Nc code and to fines up to S5(n.0o... ohn Signature:Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Qudlifiel ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes -No Edstlng lmperaious Area: - 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: t{ew lmpervious Area: -*-_-Sq Ft Existlng land Distuolng Petmit I Yes n No WATER: ! CFPUA n Community System D Private Well fl Central Well E Aqua SEWER: i CFPUA n Community System fl Private Septic n Centralseptic I Aqua Zone: - Offlcer: - Setbacks {F} - (t}l} - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ City: - Datei - Flood: (A) - (V) - (lU - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permlt Fee: S PROPERW OWNER'S AME: Patricia Nelson PHONE d: 84i)-858- 1936 OWiIEB'S ADDRESS: l OOR Shallow{orcl Drive CITY: Wilmington ZIP: 28412 [] Greenhouse (SF) tr Deck (SF) _ ls the proposed lvork changing the existing footprint? E Yes Ot No Unh.ated: : NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE AI{S!{ER ALL QUESTIOi]S APPIICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "project Responslbility', )ot)-r.l1z) L7 -L523 APPLICATION Number (Offi(e Use) APPLICAT{T'S M}lE: chris Baker (NC solar Now Inc. ) DEVELOPER:PIONE #: et9-833-9096 4 510 Lord Elkins Road CITY: wlrmi nqLon zlP i 2a405 BLOCK #: LOT *: PROPERW o|{I{ER, S MI|IE: Heike c OIS{ER' S ADDRESS: 4G1o Lord Elkins Road CITY: wi lmlnqton ST: Nc ZfP: 2840s CoIITRACTOR: NC solar Now Iflc LICEIlsE f: 5esB3 ACCOUNT *: ADOf,ESS: 34 01- to t Arlanric Ave CITY: Raleiqh ST: Nc ZfP: 2?603 El,lAIL ADDRESS: permj. tr inq@ncso1 arnor4, com PIO E *: 919-833-909G PRoIECT CoNTACT PERSoN: chris Baker PTONE #: 919-833 9096 EXISTII,IG CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATToN ! rerovarror ! orrrnar reearns fl RELocATrori PRO]ECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISIO: NEI.I CONSTRUCTTON: ! ENECT NEH RESIDENCE Or ! 4gP1116g TO EXISTII{G RESIDENCE r*PLEASE CHECI( AI{D AI{SI{ER BEI"OI{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOJR PRO]ECT: f] nrr camce _ sF fl sulnoon _ sFI cnrrruxousr _ sr f] oer came e sr I eoner _ sF I roor- _ sr I sronace sHEo _ sF O ECK SF OTHER: sol.ar Pv Array 5F TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: - TOTAL 5Q FT UI{DER RooF: - TOTAL AREA sQ FT: 190 TOTAL PROIECT C0STqr-"""ia1 z g n,tzo # OF STORIES: rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, pLt fi'BrilG or fiEcHAr{rcAL tJork Being Done to the Accessory structur€? E v"t [ rcIf the project is a Relocation, is thene a Is there Electrical Power on this Building? PROPERTY UsE / OCCUPAT{CY: fl Srrclr ramrlv ! ruer_ex I Tou,NHousE DESCRIPTIOI{ 0F I{ORK: rns!a1larion of a residential roof -mounte d solar pv array ral 6as Line on the Curnent Site? [ves Iuoves [Ho Nat u I volarion oflhe Nc sl,aE Btdg code SubFcl b Fines Up To 3500 0O,' O}|I|ER/CONTRACTOR: chris saker SIGNATURE: Ip.int tran€),t,* *:t + * * * * *)i *rt+ + * *,!* * )i,t ir ** 'i r** )i **+ *,*** **** ***,*,*++ *,i :t * ,t,i,t + ,* *,t ***'t)*+*,*:*,t ++ t+,f * )i,i,t ++)t*:**a*t,l rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN l rloooplarrl l-''l ves EXISTII{G Iif ERVIOTJS AREA DISCLAIIIER: lh6rBbycertify thst a[ inbrmatron in his applicalon is coflect and dtwork wil and ordinences trld €Outatiorts, Tne NHC Det€topfii€nl Services C€nEIwii be notfed olan conracbr inbmalion. '-NOTEtAny Wori Perforrned w/O lhe Appropriab pe.mitswiltbe In complywih fie Sl]aie Buihing Code and a oher appliaabte Sta€ and loc6llar/s y chan€€s in t}e Aproved plans and specificatons or change in conracbr or EIro TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DT5TURBII{G rrRurr: f] vrs [ rcNEI{ II,IPERVIoIJS AREA: _ SQ sQ FT FT [{ATER: ! creua I cowuNrry svsrrm I pRrvArE WELL I crtrRal wrll sE!'rER: f] crnun ! CENTRAL sEprrc ! rnrvare sen[c f] coi4HuNrry sysrEM *** SEPARATE PER}IITS REQIJIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PLB6, GAS EQIJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pAyrtrEr$ ErHoo: I clsx I ctec( (payABLE ro n,ry ! .rri *.*n, - [ rcurrio I rrr.orrr+*'l* *,r )r,t * +,t 't **,*,* * jr,* *,r,* *,* *)* *+r*t *,*:t,t * +ri+*,**,|r,i+,i:*:****+,1***:t* jt+++,i**,r**+!***,t *,|:f *,t,|,r,*,f +*+,* *,r ZONE:OFFICER: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ Coflnent: (FOR OfTICC UsE OI{IY) REVIsED DATE O4l11l12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= _ N PERMIT FEE: ,- DAIE| s/28/t5 PlPt{E *: (9to) 274-27a't wGE044 Appt-tCANT,S NAME; H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PLI CATION rYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" )o nJ{Qx L7 -L532 Appli€atlon Number (office usel s71s 0511112017 pRoJEcI ADDRESS: 6017 OlterTail Trail sUBDtVtstoN: Willow Glen Estates PRoPERTY oWNER's NAMEr H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C clrY: lryllmington zp. 28412 Lo-l t: 044 pgOrur t: 910.219.1485 ctTy: Wilminoton C6NTRACTOR: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC g1p6 ;16Ex5g g. 74158 ADDRESS: 8209 Market Skeet. Suite C ct1y Wilmington Sr: NC ztp 2841 1 EMAtt AoDREss: julicaf{erly@hhhomes.com,/jerrybrenning@hhhomes.com puOnr: 910.219.1485 pROJECT CONTACT pEp56ry. JJ Brenninq pp61r16.910.219.1485 E Sunroom (SF)E Storage Shed (SF)_ El Greenhouse {SF)0 Deck (sF)E other {sF}144 SF - Patio ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes EI No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed workl lls1lsl; 257 4 LJnheated:812 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $ 152,248 lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? EI yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes EI No lf the pro.iect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes EI No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? EI Yes E No Property Use/ O€cupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Desffiption of Work: SINGIE FAI\,4,LY DWELLING laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development S€rvlces Center will be notifled of anychanges ln the app.oved plans and specificatlons or change jn contractor informatjon. "'NOTE: Any work performed withoul the approprlate permlts wlll be in vlolation of the NC State Eldg Code and subied to fines up to 5500.00..+ Owner/Contractor: JJ Brenning Signature: 'Licensed Quollfiet" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 288 New fmperulous Areat 2772 SqFt Exlsting Land Disturbing Permit: El Yes El No WATER: E CrPUA n Community System E Private well E Central well A Aqua SEWER; E CFPUA E community system EI Private septic E central septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: - Setbacks(t)-(LH)-(RH)-(B) Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood; (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+zft: -Comment:Permit Fee: S lsDq 71p 28411 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: O Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence El Relocation i.**PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AtL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'*** E Att Garage (SF) 478 O Det Garage (SF)_ El porch (SF) 334 tr Pool {sF)_ ?trt14173 1llfiY t7 t l:4!Px NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L, CAfDN WPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASI ANSWER ALT QUTSTION5 APPLICABTT TO YOUR PRO]€CT "Proiect Responsibilitty'' b\e^o Date otAPPI"ICANT'S NAMI PROJTCT ADDRESS; suBotvtsloN: rQ CITY P LOI il t .,on,o l{loJ Eqq-&da ol't: V(t PROPTRTY OWNEA'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:zp 9[V93 CONTRAc'OR ,;l 0h ADDRESS EMAII- ADDRTSS toG UcENSE d 7'llt) sr, *zp, )84oQ€ITY "i4 Doui&. &\m"' PH ONE -l PHONE -7o 4 a-tllo-bs ) e PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Oes.ription of Work: a\ EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: D Alteration /Renovation IJ General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCnON: il Erect New Residence E Addition to Eristing Residence n Relocation .i.PI.EASE CHECI( ANO ANSWER BELOW AI.t THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROIECI't' n Att GaraSe (sF) _ [] Greenhouse (sF)- fl Det Garage (S!)_I Porch (5t) i_l Sto.age Shed {SE)_ l r other (sF) tY Ll Sunroom {SF)a Pool {Sti ll Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the eristing footprinr? n tes {no IOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROO! lJor proposed work) Heated:)7 0a unheated, 126 TOTAL PROIECT COST {tesr Lot): S \U:rooo Property Use/ Occupa nvd Sintl€Dupler i) ls the proposed work changing the number o1 bedrooms? tr Ves /f,lo 15 any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechaniaal work being done to the Accessory Structure /yes t-l ruo lf the project ir a Relocation, is there a Natural cas Line on the current site? ; Ves p/t'to ls there Electrical Power on this Brrilding? d Yes tr No Ar g\n/ lawt and ordln, nces a nd r€Bulatoot The N NC Davelopment Seryi.er Cenle. wrll be no trfred of any chan8es in the approved plans a.d rpeaific ation! o. chrnge io tont.(t or il;::":'-"rrtr-"""rr**-.*-'"'*';:;:::'::"r'"""^"'izy-- "LEensed Quolilier" tuint No.ne ls the property located in a floodplain? [] Yes fl No Existint lmperviou! Area: - Sq ft Total Acr€s Disturbed N€w lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft €xisting land Disturbint Petmit; n Yet I No WATER: \CFPUA X Comnunity System f,r Prrvate Well - Centralwell il Aqua SEWER: \ CFPUA D CommunrlYsystem n p,ivate Septic :l CentralSepti. f] Aqua zoner -- Officen -_ Setback (F) - (lH) -* (R8) - t8) -Approval: -- --- city: - Date: - floodr (A) - (v) - {N} - BFf+2ft= -Comment Permit Fee: S 1-lgI I \1- (\7\,4/2, ./zz*,2 45 /gr7 qq 3'7)ot'?- DATE: c NEW HANOVER COUNTY APPLICATION TYPE:coumrncral5 fb/ L2- BUILDING PERMIT PLEASE ANSI,{ER ALL QUTSTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]EC] "Project Responsibility" NtrtL 7A,f i 2 HFPR l7 9:26Fli L APPLICATION Number (office Use)!1] APPLICANTJ S NAME: DEVE LOPER: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS : /7 PROJECT ADDRESS:PL OCCUPANT/BUsrNEss NN4E: a/l? PL/ t PftR T PROPERTY OWNER, S I,IAME :< *rr,1 f,L( t e/*A OWNER'S ADDRESS: CITY: )4//L /\7 /NE,€5 k^,/ah/ LL. PHONE #: rO,L, ,1,/€ztPt.294Z2 + ,ro*, o, ?/2 ?7?{t *r PHoNE #: ZrZ F?Z- ,8'q-7 ,, L A 9 t,/ ,t/f u/ 14.illPA /lf )/ a srt y'/cztP l 7 7 LICENSE S:tr/ 316 CITY: LI L TA,//)sf tuzrPtSEz:*z PHONE #:7 IL /-)4/ EI',IAI L ADDRESS: // PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: e a Check AlI That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R lf Relocation, is there a NaturalGas Line on the Curre PRIN NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEhI STRUCTURE FAST TRACK sirer-r- [ uerrr ! ADD To Exrsr srRUcruRE ENovArroN l-l cerurml REPATRs nt site? Ll Yes LlNo ls BLDG s RELOCATION KLERED? [v"" I r.ro IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL : lrtrc,{ lE ***r* rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupar{cy usel Ives Is Elect Power on this Building l.lhat is the New Occupancy Type? /6rJ 5 *21 pa /lt REG #: # OF UNITS:4 6<{ a"o 2 PH:NC REG *: DESCRIPTION OF WORK:3zz ls tood or bevsragos pr€parod or served in this struaure? [ ves ls The Propdty Locatod ln Ths Floodplain? f] ves El6' DISCLAIMER: I hereby certfy that all informalion in lhis applicalion is co-necl and-all work will com and local laws and ordlnance's and reoulalions. The NHC Development SeMces Center wrll be not oi ctrinoein coniraitor or contraclor iilormation. "'NOTE: Any Work Perlormed w/O lhe Appropri Subjedlo F'nes Up To $500.00"' ply wilh the State Buildinq Code and all other applicable Stale rfred of anv chanoes in the aDoroved olans and soecrficatrons are Permrls will bt ln Vrolali6n ol the NC Slate Bldg Code and o L T*FYOWNER/CONTRACTOR://E /SIGNATURE: (o0alh€r) (PIht Nent) Nole: Demolilion notifcstions & asbes@s re.noval permlt applicatons sr€ to bo submltled using th€ applicslion iom (DHHS-3768) whalhor lhs faci conrain Asbeslos or not You ar6 requirod to cslltho Nalional Emisslon Standards for Ha2srdous Ar Pollutants (NESHAP) st (919)707-5950 8t least 10 days p.ior to the Asb€slos Web Site: htlp/ xww.epi.stato.nc.us/6pi./3sb€s!os/ahmp.y'demolition ol sny holiiy or building. $re TOTAL PROJECT COST:/BUILDING HEIGHT L TOTAL AREA SO FT :3t TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - #OF STRUCTURES: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: -..1-A '<r((-1 s@ o ACRES DISTURBE EXST LANo DISTURBING PERMIT? EYES E NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS pRopERwusE: [orrtce nnesraunmlr f]uencnHrtle f]eouc CONDO OTHER: -o- - coMMUNrry SYSTEM l-l WELL flzoNlNc usE cLASSlFlcATloN: ficeunnlseertc fle-Rvnre sEprtc fl coMMUNtry sYsrEM (FOR OFFICE USE ONLYT SETBACKS: r:6 ta:b au 6 EcK (eAvABLE To ttucl fieuenrcaN EXeRESS I ucnrtse I otscown WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA Comment .' SEPARATE PERMITS RE D FOR ELECT.IIECH. PLAG. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS 8 INSERTS "=ad.Ceo *c REVISED DATE 4/11/12 ER:B FE+2ft= N >. *,5 U. DATE LOOD: _ PERMIT FEE:Q>rg tr n ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheII Permit #: 96.--.-- saFr PERFLR:2-/{1/- PAYVIENT METHOD: EICASH ( )zrTnzqo NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L IC AT ION IYPE.. COPIIVIERCIAL PLEASE AN5IiER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 11_rur k APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: Hiqhland Rooii PHONE #; OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA E: AAA L!.ave1 insurance Ehrouqh ome.ra sporLS PROIECT ADDRESS: tsol oleancier. Dr PROPERTY oWNER'S NAIiIE: The oleander company / .lames C. smilh oL.JNERJ S ADDRESS: 1303 rndeDendenc CITY: rrr 1mi:rqLon PHONE #: e BIr.d STi NC ZIP: 2840i CONTRACTOR: HrchIand RocfI ADDRESS: 4310 Deer creek Lane LICENSE S: 57180 CITY: wilminqron ST: \c ZIP: zE405 Ej\4AIL ADDRESS : chase.ahidhr androof inqcompanv. ccm PHoNE *; 910 ?es-a:s5 (ahe(k Al1 Th.t apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVAT ION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? fl Yes Eruo IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?[ves !No NEW CONSTRUCTION: I TNICT NEW STRUCIURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: FAST TRACK 5HE LL UPFIT ADD I'O EXIST SIRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit fJ: IF Yes, lhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes nro ***'r* rs rHrs a cHANcE oF occupalcy usrr flves NO +,r +* str t hat is the New occupancy Type? PH EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL:PH TJC RE6 *: NC REG #: DESCRIPTION 0F l^loRK: Roofover existinq bui:dinq ls roM or beverages prepared o{ served in this structure?I vesINo b The Property Located tn The Roodptain? f]yes I No DISCLAIMER: I heieby certly that all iniolmaIon n thrs applcalron is correct and allwork wllcomply w(h he Stdre Bu.lding Code and all olher appicabte Stareano locallaws andoldrnances and requlalro,s, Tte NHC Development Servces Centerv/'llbe no!fi6d ofdnv chanues,n tha aoDroved olansand ibecttcariansor chanqe in conuaclor or contaclor iifornalion. "'NOTE: Any Wo oerformed WO the Appropriare Permris wilr bie in Violarion ol rhe l.tc Slale Bldo Code didSubreclio Frnes lJp To S500.00_' OWNEFUCONTRACTOR: cn"=. !iillramson SIGNATURE(OElIls) (P.int ilam) Note: Demoljton nolific5lions t asbastos remo6l Pormlt applistions arE io b€ st bmhed uslrE dro applhslbn tonn (DHHS-3768) whsrhor lho facillty or bul dlng was hund to clntaln Asbesto3 or no! Yo! are r€qulrEd to calllho llalonsl Embslon Stondards tor Hazadous Alr PolluEnB (NESHAP) ar (919)707-5950 ar Easl 10 days prlor b lhe domoli on of sny facllhy or bLrlldlng. Ss6 Asbestos Wsb Slle: htlpr rww.epl.slEt€.nc.us./Epuasb€stoysh p.htnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 543O,oo].OO BUILDING HEIGHT: 25 # OF UNITS: TOTAL ARFA SO FT: 78820 # OF STORIES: I ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LAND DrsruRBrNG pERMrr [-l ves I r'ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FI WATER: ICFPUA SEWER: ECFPUA coMMUNrry sysTEM fl WELL IIZONTNG USE CLASS|FICAT|ON: CENTRALSEPTIC L]PRIVATESEPTIC f]ooMMUNIIYSYSTEM PAYMENT METHOD: [CnSn [CneCX leaVneU rO UnCl [eUenlCAN EXPRESS t-trcnlse E orscovrR .. SEPARATE PEBMITS FEf,UIBED FOB ELECT, I\IECH, PLBG GAS EOUIP, PREFABS A INSEAIS "' ZONE:OFFICER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: REMSED OATE I/1I/I2 Approval:- Cit$- DATE: FLOOD: - a v- ll BFE+zftr Comment PERMIT FEE: $_ <J.7 DAIEi 4 / 25/ t'l CITY: rrr trinq.r. ZIP:, )a)ar PROIECT CONTACT PERSoN; chasc williamson PHONE #: si,o-44a-!44! SQ FT PER FLR: 78820 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: ?8820 #OFSTRUCTURES: #OFFLOORS:L pRopERTy usE: florrrcr E nesraunelrr fluenceNrru leouc Imr [mltoo orxeR: APPLI DEVELOPER: Retd'.ved..5-(-&(-1 NEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI)N IYPE: COmMERCIAL PLEASE ANSNER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICAELI TO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responsibility" 7at7-r6q6 n-Lt1b APPLICATION Number (Office Use)ffi CANT'S NAT1E:Hlqhfand Roofinq ComDany DATE : 1/ 2a l tt pHoNE #: PROIECT ADDRESS: 3501 Cteander: Dr CITY: witmino OCCUPANT/EUSINESS NAI,IE: AAA rravel insurance rhrouqh omesa sporcs PROPERTY OLJNER'S NAI1E: O|,^,NER'S ADDRESS: I rol The Oleander Company / James C. SmiEh lndeDendence Bl v.l CONTRACTOR: Hiohlan.l Roof i no c ADDRESS: 4310 Deer Creek Lane EltlAIL ADDRESS: cha se 2h i qh l androof inqcompany . com PROIECT CONTACT PERSONi Chase williamson (Check A11 lhrt Apply) PHONE *: CITY: wilrningr,on ST: NC ZIP: 2s4os PHONE S: 910 ? 9e o't 55 PHONE *: 9r o 448 1..14l EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: I ALTERATTON lf Relocation, rs there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?tr Yes GENERAL RE PAIRS RE LOCAI IONR ENOVATION No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?!v"" [ro NEI^l CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI.I STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHE LL UPFIT ADD IO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The 5he1l Permit #: IF Yes, what rJas the Previous Occupancy lype? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOI,JAL: ***:r* rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usrr f]vrs I Is Elect power on this Buildine E Yes E tO l^/hat is the New Occupancy Type? PHr ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:Pll I DESCRIPTION 0F lrORK: Roofover exisLino bu:L ldinq DlSClAl[rER: I hcteby certly lhal all rnlornalron in lhis applical,on is correcr ard arl work willcompy wllh lhc Srare Buildrnq Code a1d all orhcr aDDlcabte 5talcand local aws and ordindrccs ard 'equlations. Ihe NlrC D.vclopnent Serviccs Cenler w,ll be ']olif:ed of anv chanoes rn lha aooroved Dtans and ;becrrrc"r onsor -hdroe n(oruacloror conlraclor 'i'ormalron " \O , l : Any Work l)crlo,med W/O lhe Appropnaro Pera)ris wrll bie in Vioranon o' rhe NC Siar. ttldq Codo dnoSubjeclio I ines Up 1oS500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: chase trrilriamson SIGNATURE:(o0di6.4 lPri N.me) contain Asbestos or nol. You are required to call lhe Nalional Emission Standards for Hazardous Ajr Pollutants (NESHAP) at {919)707,5950 at teast 10 days p.ior to rhe demoliton ol any lacilily or building. See Asb€slos Web Sile: hltpT/www.epl.stale.nc.us/eprasb€stos/ahrnp hlml ls food or beverages prepared or served in lhis structure?r ves I No ls The Property Located ln The Floodptain? UYes t No TOTAL PROJECT COST .t l0 oo!..0c BUILDING HEIcHT: 2s # OF UNITS: r.i TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 7I32..SQ FT PER FLR: 7Bs2o # OF STRUCTURES EXSr LAND Drsrunarruo ernurrz I vrs l-l NO pRopERTY USE: lorrrcr f] nesreunerur ffiurncnrurrrr Ieouc APT CONDO OTHER WATER: DCFPUA tlcoMMUNlTY SYSTEM fIWELL flzoNlNc USE CLASSIFICATION; SEWER: flCFPUA fICENTRAL SEPTIC L_l PRIVATE SEPrlc flcoM[4UNlTY SYSTEM PAYi,4ENT N.4ETHOD: f]CnSr !CrrCX leaVealE rO NHC) [nVrnrCnn EXPRESS I MCA/|SA n DTSCoVER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE 4/11N2ZONE:_OFFICER SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval:_ City:_ DATE: FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2tt AVN Comment PERMIT FEE: $ ZIP i 2Bqa CITY: irilminqLorl ST: NC ZIP::84!j LICENSE #: 67r sr NC REG *: NC REG #l # OF STORIES: r # OF FLOORS: lTOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: reB:o ACRES DISTURBED NEwlMPERVloUSAREA:-SQFTEXlSTlNGlMPERVloUSAREAj-SQFT Clear Form Print e Mail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE: RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilitl/' CITY: Wilminoton &otl-'{?tl I t(Tll's'"' Application (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:Oate: 4-26-17 PROJECT ADDRESS SUBDIVISION: ztP: 28403 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: Haoood Homes. Inc PHoNE #: 910-256-8284 OWNER'S ADDRESS: PO Box 1369 CITY: Wriohtsville Beach 7tP: 28480 coNTRACTOR: Haoood Homes. lNc BLDG LICENSE #:36868 CITY: Wriohtsville Beach 5T NC zlP:zE4EL-ADORESS: PO Box 1369 EMAIL ADDRESS: kirb!,ttAhaooodhomes.com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Jes \,/sn frsn tr Deck (SF) TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heated ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! ves f,-1 No L3 PHoNE: 910-256-8284 PHoNE: 910-443-1642 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alte.ation ly' Renovation ! General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation I.*"TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}'}'} ! Att Garage (SF)n Det Garaee ISF)tr Porch (5F) I Sunroom (SF)D Pool (SF) ll Greenhouse (SF) E Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF) Unheated:Y ls the proposed work changing the number of bedroomsZ n ves If,lols any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure tr Yes ! No lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes n No lsthere Electrical Poweron this Building? tr Yes ! No Property Use/ Occupancy:Single Family D Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work: Remodel- olumbino. hvac. electrical. .. . --..new windows laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor informanon. 'r'NoTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC I Code !nd subje Ssoo Owner/Contractor: Haoood Homes. lnc.Signature: "Licensed QuoIifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? n V". {No Existing lmpervious Area: New lmpervious Area:No Sq Ft Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes FCNo WATER: E[ CFPUA E community System n Private Well f Central Well n Aqua SEWER: ! cFPUA n communitysystem E Private septic E central septic ! Aqua :ity lnspection Requreo, 91 0-254-0i zone, E-10 omce,, DIG setbackslrlN/l 1wN/ArnilN/A $l rpprovat: r1E ci.v' ll-irA o"t"' -s /S/tl Ftood: (A) - (v) - (N) comment: frrr,odn-( ,.r,'l q ,1\)'3'1 t,o,q1 ,1.. lle,ldttte t A)//+ ( BFE+2ft= _ ).L-, ,rf Permit Fee: S aI J Lor#: 27 t. TOTAr PROJECT COST (Less Lot): s lr, 00, ,,,.. #' APPTICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CATIO N TYPEi RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' --o t?-V?4 4 1'l- (5to Qt/t Date I Bt'tfiY l? t6 | IBflt'l CITY toT #? PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME 14 PHONE #Qto -s',tc-./qtr owNER's ADDREss: 59t7 e CITY ztP'- U,ll;.r,'...CONTRACTOR ADDRESSI EMAII- ADDRESS PRO.,ECT CONTACT PERSON [J Sunroom (SF) ..1. L CITY BLDG I.ICENSE d 5T ztP PHONE LJi\\ Ccor,,-r,*o -5'qo-41y5- EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration D Renovation ! General Reparrs NEw coNsTRUcTtoN: n Erect New Residence Lf Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation D}=. pCrcg e PHONI *PTEASE CHECX AND A ER BETOW ATT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT*** E Att Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF) D Deck (SF) Det Garage (SF)_ll Porch (SF) ! Other (SF) D Storage Shed (SF)_ fl Greenhouse {SF)_ ts the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes 6.{o TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROO! lfor proposed work) Heated: rorAL PRoJECT cosr (Less Lot): S lG,loO ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes AiNo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes zuo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes RNo Unheated fta d{" Property use/ Occupancy: - Single Family ll Duplex ! Townhouse (:Description of Work laws and ordrnances and regulations. The NHC Dev€lopment Services Center will be notified ol any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change rn contra.tor owner/co Signature: "Ljcensed QuoIilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes ! No Existing lmpervious Areai Sq Ft Total Acres oisturbed; ntractor: rilwr "fiT'iliU"'t"'n"ts$'t,,"r,rj)w"l.he NC fines up to S500 00'*' New lmpervious Area Sq Ft WATER: D CFPUA I Community System SEWER: :l CFPUA ! Community System zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: --- City: - Date:- Flood:(A)-(V) -(N)-BFE+2ft=- / Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No d Plvate well D central well fl Aqua /Private Septic J Central Septr( - Aqua Comment Permit fee: S F/o-tznr ;iW& ,//r/,r- 2ot'l4Qq b t ,,,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATI O N ryPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responsibility'' ctw 11- l.ht Aib.arion APPTICANT'S NAME PROIECT ADDRESSI suBotvtsloN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWNER,S ADDRESS: ;<Date )9 r7 ztP Jen g-? 4Y q t ttt?.iZ 1..1 a3 LOT H (e 6)c <caPHONE # CITY PHON PHON E aP:78V/J CONTRACTOR ADDRESS .o EMAII- ADDRESS:^<3t @ PROJECT CONTACT PERS CITY SLDG TICENSE # o t 11(,tr,73l l) {ee h40 3<t a"D6eotcc/ ExlsTlNG coNSTRUCrtOru: prlteration n Renovation X General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTlON: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *,I.*PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT*** zE. Att Garase (sF) I3U tr Sunroom (SF) n Porch (5F) n Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)X Greenhouse (5F)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? O t"r!'ro TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (t'or proposed work) Heated:Unheated TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S thK ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms?p!", o *o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure & ves a tlo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes gNo lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? &Yes ! wo Property Use/ occupancy:,$5ingle Family n Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work:2,,,(A w?.lt,+ DISCLAIMER: I hereby c€rtify that all th€ information rn thrs applicatron is correct and all work will comply with the State Burldlng Code and allother appllcable State and Local laws and ord,nances and resulations. The NHC Oevelop ment Seruices Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specificali Code and subiect to f, r change in contractor information...NoTt:AnyworkperformedwithoutrheappropriatepermitswillbeinviolationoftheNcstateEldS Owner/Contracto "Licensed QuoIifier" eL/ ls the property located ln a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious Atea: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes J No I No WATER SEWER: CFPUA f] Community System ! Private Well ! CentralWell D Aqua CFPUA D Community System ! Private Septic I Central Septic E Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City:- Date:- Flood: (A)- (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment Permit Fee: S ffi E Det Garage (SF)_ :l Pool (5F)_ f Deck (St)_ '. _t:: _ ,,, .- : ,'\".&; APPLICAMrT NAME: Stewart Gunn NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII-DING PERMIT APPLI CATION N/PE RESIOENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "prorect Responsibllity,, 2oQ4?qq L7 -L544 Application Number (office usel Oate 5111117 PROJECT ADDRESS; 121 Prestey Lane crY: Wlmington 71p. 28411 SUBDtvtStON: Reserve at West Bay Cottages PROPERTY OWNER'5 114p1p; D.R. Ho(on PHONE #: 916612-7127 OwNER's ADDRESS: 7483 Chipley Drive CITY: Wilminqton 4p. 28411 CONTRACTOR: D.R. Horton g1p6 Usgps5 6. 29676 ADDRESS: 7483 Chiptey Drive Ctry. Wilmington ST: NC ztP: 28411 EMAIL ADDRESS: SdOUNN@drhorton.com PHONE:9'10612-7127 PROJECT CONTACT PERSONI SEAN REYNOIdS EXISTING COT6TRUCTION: NEVU €OrVSrRUCrrOt: S ,d Att Garage (SF) 434 ! Greenhouse (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint puOrvt:910-524-1689 n Alteration E Renovation D General Repairs Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence [] Relocation ***PLEAST CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECT*.* EI Det Garage (5F)--r/ Porctr (sr) ! Pool(SF) tr Deck (SF) "d Yes n No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfot proposed workl xeated: 2174 ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structur ENo ,f the proiect i5 a Relocation, is there a Natural Ga rOTAL PROTECT COST (tess Lot): S 140540 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms?dv",ono ls there Eledrical Power on this BuildinS? E yes s Line on the current site? EI yes U*o Propefi Use/ occur"n.r' f ,,nr" ,rmIy E Duptex E Townhouse "#r",Uno Descriptio n of work: New Sinole Familv Residence DlSCLAlMtl: lhereby certify th.t attthe information in this apptication ir aorrect and a[ *ort wi comply with the State BuitdingCode and aI other appticabteState and lo(,tlaws end ordinences and regutations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center wifl be notified ofanythanges in the approved plans and sp€ctrications or chan8e in contractorintornalion. '..NOTE: Any work p€rformed without the app.opriate permits wiI be in violation of the Nc state Bldg Code and rubjecl to lines up to S500.0O... Owner/Contractot "Licensed Quolifie/' Stewart Gunn Signature:,tllru ls the property located in a floodptain? e v", / ffo Exlstlng lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervjous Arg3; 1 978 Sq Ft Existlng Land oisturbint permit:rf- WATER: S CFPUA D Community System [] private Welt D Centra,Wefl E Aqua SEWER: S CFPUA E Community System fl privat€ Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: -- Offlcer: _ Setba.k (F) _ (rH) _ {RH) _ (B} _ TotalAcresDisturbed: 08 y've, o ruo Approvali _ Crty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (w) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comm€nt: permit Fee: S 1616; 135 E Sunroom (SF) _D Storage Shed (SF) _ n Other (5F)_ Unheated; 466 fF., 'ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BU]LDING PERMIT AP PLICAT|O N rypE; RESTDENTTAL PIEAS€ ANSWER ALT QUESIIONS APPI.'CABI.E TO YOUR PfiOJECT.,project R€sponslbility- 2 o r?r.l?ro 17-1545 Application (office ure) APPIICANT,S NAME: Stewart Gunn 921s,511'll'17PROJECT ADORESS: 7875 Champlain Orive CITY: Wlmington 71p. 28412SUBolvlslONr Bass Lake tOT #: 33 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAMEi D.R, Horton PHONTE 910$12-7127OwNER's ADDRESST 7483 Chipley Drive Cnry: Wlmington 71p 28411 CONTRACTOR: D.R. Horton groe uCrNsr s 296764s9Xg55; 7483 Chipley Drive EMAI| ADDRESS; sdgunn@drhorton.com CtTy. Wlmington 5T: NC Ztp: 28411 PHONE 910$12-7127 PROJECT coNTAcT PERSoN Ryan WiI|is p1igxs.910*465-1906 EXEniaG CONSTRUCT|OII: E Alteration D R€novation a General RepairsI NEW COI{STRUCTION: U Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation d Att Garage (SF) 389 D Sunroom (SF)--..- B Det Garage (SF)_ D Pool(SF) d*.*trrr 105 fjNo R E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing tootprint?,/ yes n No TOTAI SQ Ff UNDER ROOF (Jor prcposed workl Heate4 3221 Prop€rty use/ occuo"n"rr$ sinSle Famt ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? d ye, D fVo ls any El€ctrical, flumbing or frfechani€al work being don€ to the Accessory Strr.trr" / V",lf the project is a Rerocation, is there a Natural Gas une on the curren,,n"i r ,", -dno-- ls there Electricat power on this Buitding? tr ves# No 96hgs1s6;759 Descrlption of work: New Sinole Family ly E Duphx n Townhouse R€sidence DISCLA,M[Rt I hereby certify that a the info laws end ordinances and regulaton5. The NH information. ...NOTE] Any wo* performec, Owner/Contractor: Stewart Gunn "Licensed Qualiliet" New Impervious Area: 2860 Sq Ft ls the property locatea in a ftoodptain? / yes 0 No Exlsting lmp€rvious Area: _ . Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: .26 &lstint tand Okru6ing eermn:fr yes E wo rmation in this applicatloo jscorrect and altwork wi,lco Vwith theState &.ritding Code .od alt other applicable State andC Deyelopment Services Centerwj be notjfied of aoywithout the appropriate permits wilt be rn violaflon of changes in the approved planJ and speaifiaations or (henge in contractorthe NC e Bldg Code and rubjectto fanes up to S Signature: Wlren: / SEWrR: S CFPUA E Community System D private Wel D Centratwell fl Aqua CFPUA E Community System D private Septic E Centrat Septic D Aqua tone: _ Officer: _ Setback (F) _ (tH) _ (Rxl _ (Bl _ Approval: _- Oty: _- Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft3 Comment: Permit Fee: S Porch (5F) 105 tr Storage Shed (SF) --ly'other(sF) 160 TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): 5211310 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility"(office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:ctw Date 5 -D - aol,/ wiltr.lnmr't ztP zgtlo{ suBDrvrsroN: Dnrninr an P laf/ N 0d+1 51,d;r-...f PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME: OWNER'S ADORESS:e CONTRACIOR: ADDRESS:o f tr sunroom (sF) PHONE #q3L1 a qAilo ctw BLDG LICENSE f crw: aJ r lmtna-Vn sr:/Ve zrp pnor'r/ PHONE %q qbb +€qtl m,)?45O ()I EMAIT ADDRESS: PRO.,ECT CONTACT PERSON *tirl Nu.,t ! Pool (SF)ffiorageshed tsil 142 ! other (sF)D Greenhouse {sF)_! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes tElfio TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor ptoposed work) Heated:unheated: lqA rorAL PRoJEcr cos t (tess totl, 5 W@ 56qA'11/,. ls the proposed work changin8 the number of bedrooms? E) ves fno ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natura I Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Ves Ef trto lsthereElectricalPoweronthisBuilding? E ves E lo {^. Property Use/ occupancy: E singletamily - DuplexD Townhouse Description of Work: x laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Develop m ent Services Centerwill be notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contrador information. "'NOTE: any work p€rformed without the appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC State Blds Code and subiectto frnes uo to S500.00"' Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIilier" Shirl t\hrD Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Ar"", O Sq rt TotalAcres Oisturbed:,lfl {* New lmpervious Are", 0 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D yes ID4o WATER: U(CFPUA E community System E Privatewell E Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: /CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A)_ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S v .i : r ; ,-r,,' ,i. ':i-,). .,&.-flH,qB )ot1-'t?G I'l:15C? EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONi ! Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect NewResidence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ,}I.*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THATAPPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'I'I''I' ! Attcarage(sF)_ El Detcarage(sF)- ! Porch(sF)- I \7 - \11x Clear Form )on t1a(RECEIVEDMAYO92OlT Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P P Ll CAT I O N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTION5 APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResponsibiliV' rl,l*lhett Cerr Co srfu.tdbn LtcAPPIICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS:22 Date 20.Lr CITY ztP 2r SUBDIVISION . /u/4 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:kc r,rl Anrrort owNER's ADDRESs: 2 ?,?O ,l . L lut Oak P*LV PHONE fi CITY ztp:2ttlo3 BLDG I.ICENSE #il/a sr: l!f". ut;l-lw,l.llfl Carr Gn'(lvurhon t r LCONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:L ctfi 0 EM^|L ^D}RESS fi\Ak@-ar,r,' C.ofl .ltvucfiorl . Cow oNE: gn- tz'/P - ot3./ EXISTING CO STRUCIION: B Alteration E Renovation E GeneralRepairs NEw CONSTRUCTIoN: n Erect New Residence AAddition to Existing Residence [] Relocation +"PLEAsE CHECX AND ANSWER BEIOW ALITHATAPPLY TO YOUR PROIECT*** D Att Garage (St)m Det Garaee ISF) /'_) FlPoot\stl Xd) s{. [f Greenhouse (sF)tr Deck isF)fl Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ts No TOTAL SQFT UNDER R OOF Vot ptoposed workl Heated: tJlB- Ll sunroom {5r, \-/n storaee shed (SF) ToTAL PRoJECT COST (Less Lot) 15 the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? U Yes 8tr No ls any Ele.tri.al, PlumbinS or Mechanical work being done to the Acc€ssory St,ucture X Yes tr No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes il No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? 6l ves 3 No Property Use/ Occupancy: Etr sin8le Famlly f] Duplex El Townhouse Description of Work: law<and odina.ces !nd regutarions. The NHC Devetopment S.wts Center willbe notilied of any changes in the aPpr@ed plaDs and specificitions or ch.nEe in cont.actor iDformation. "'NOTE: Any work periormed witholt the aPproPrlate permiltwill be in violation oftie Blds code and subjed ro finer up to Ssoo 0o"' Owner/Contraator: "Licensed Quolilier" flln#hqt &rr S;Snature ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes E(No Exiiting tmpervious Ar "., ,llfft *rt total lcres oistr.rrbed: 2 / New lmpervious Area:o Sq Ft Existing lrnd Disturbing Permlt: [] Yes ( uo WATER: d CFPUA E CommunitySystem a Private Well E CentralWell [f Aqua SEWERT ( CFPUA fl Communitysystem fl PrivateSeptic D CentralSeptic fl Aqua zonei - Olficen - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -a^^.^v:r. ali,. at,rc. ct..vl'lAt ,\/l lNl ecEt'}}- / /' t '-t::.#qEil roT f: pRorEcr coNrAcr pE *ron /l,t # Gt, p,.oue, 1t1'524-ot3'l r] Porch {SF) O unheatedtAl/4'--f-- Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTCATTON TYPE: RESIOENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit!/' "*7o n-q1-bul -rELt+ - H#n Number loffice use) APPLICANTS NAM E: An.lrew Gates Date ,1 PROJECT ADDRESS: 138 N,lark Twain Drive CITY: Wilminoton ztP 1',! suBDtvtstoN:Traasr rrp (:nva CONTRACTOR; Andrew Gates BtDG TICENSE f ADDRESS: 138 Mark Twai[Dive CITY: Wilmington ST: NC ZIP: 2841'l EMAIL ADDRESS:Andvm.lalo./A)drnail .nm PHoNE: 803-553-3868 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Andrew Gales PHoNE: 803-553-386€ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration I9 Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCrION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence [] Relocation .**PLEASE CHECK AI{D AI{SWER BETOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'*'?BPR l7 4:4?Pi E Det Garage (SF) _ L Pool (sF) ! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Heatedi Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): SaL300 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes D t{o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes ! No lf the project isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes [] No ls there Electrical Power on this Building?{ Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E,Single Family D Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwill be notified ofanychanSes in the approved plans and specifications orcha nge in contractor information. +**NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC State nd subject to fin up to 55 Owner/Contractor: Andrew Gates Signature: "Licensed Quolifief' Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft WATER: ! CFPUA tr Community System \ SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System I Private Septic E Central Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Otficer: _ S€tbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al_ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No Private Well E Central Well ! Aqua \) \! /-.1 /:t9t I LOT f: 53 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME; Andrew & Virginia Gates PHOI{C #: 803-553-3868 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 138 Mark Twain Drive CITY: Wilmington ZIP:.28411 n Att Garage (SF) n Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_ tr Porch (sF)_ n Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)_ Lw l?- \1 NEId HANOVE q3^ R COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT t1r+?("? c z ?8f,PP l7 9r ?7Fi,APPLICATI0N TYPE; COIIiMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (office Use) ,UE lc Tk F -7- APPLICANT'S NAflE: DEVELOPER:PHONE #: PROJECT ADDRESS:CITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: C u PROPERTY oWNER,S NAME: Cen /U,lITATNERf UT/Cd LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 7*/rtkvn c TP G v: )QtQJ LL' PHoNE s: ?/? 777 54Y* I srtNczrPtvTSlT srtQfezrP:)8 y4; / PHoNE #: "O? 4q 7 *8 +7 PHoNE #: 72 tL y ? 7 t/t+ 7 coNrRAcroR: NE ) L TT LICENSE #', (13 ? ADDRESS: q 7 8 /wtYN 5 CITY: LELAN t) EI"IAIL ADDRESS: NEIL T bFre6A*)t-,1 O .tl PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:NE)L T*FT EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation. is there a Natural If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: ,/' (check all ALTERATToN liKnrHovarroru Gas Line on the -Current Site? [ applv) GENERAL REPAIRS E No IS BLDG SPRIN RELOCATION KLERED? [ v". flr.ro UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE es Eruo That Yes NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE ! rrsr rnecx ! srrr-r- ! ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: **r.r!* rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupAr.rcy usel Ives Is Elect Power on th s Bui lding ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: -,fITCH DT /zN 1 /,/OP pa ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:PH: 331 70 lotrac aee *, DESCRIPTION OF VIORK \7Y & ls tood or bsvorag€s propared or sorved in this *ruaure? flves o ls The Property Locatsd ln The Floodplain? lding Code and alloiher NC REG #: fr'*@G' applicable StaleDISCLAIMER: I hereby cenjfy that all information in this application is correct and all work will comp_ly with the State Bui and local taws and ordinances and requlations. The NHC Oevelopmen! Services Ceqler will be notified_of any chaiges i or chanoe rn conlraclor or conlractor i-nfomation. "'NOTE: Any work Per,ormed wo lhe Appropnate Permrls wll oe ln Subtecllo Frnes Up To $500 00"' Violation ol the olan NC SIGNATURE: (on6lrft€.) (Prttt Namc) Note: Demolidon notjfcstjons & ssbesbs rsnovsl pemh applbations are to b€ submitl6d using ths Bpplication frorm (DHHS-3768) wfle$er the fucility or conrEin Asb€stos or no! You 8re rsquirod to csllth€ NatonalErnbslon Stsndards for H6zsrdous Air Pollutanls (NESHAP) 8t (919)707-5950 al le6st 10 days prior to !h€ demolitjon ofany faolrty or building Arb€stos Web Sire: ht9J ^/vvvr.epi.sbte.nc.uyepi/Esbestos/ahmp.hlrnl BUILDING HEIGHT:25'# OF UNITS:+TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SO FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBE NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:o SQFTPERFLR: / 7 5'O # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: 7 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? N YES E NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIO AREA: EDUC flcoNDO OTHER: # OF STRUCTURES: FT D:'O PRoPERTY uy2 EoFF WATER /C'PUA T-l SEWER: ffFPUA -EWELL f]ZONING USE CI4SSIFICATION: PRTVATE SEPTTC [f COMMUNITYSYSTEM tcE RESTAURANT llaencmlr-e ! COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRALSEPTIC fI PAVUENT METHOD: NCASH (PAYABLEro NHc) EAMER|CAN D(PREss t]Mc /lsa f]orscoven ...SEPARATE PER D FOR ELECT, I',AECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS ".uls yl,:nt ffcnecx ::,g:€ l-t) (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL\1 ,Kst.* LH:f- RH B:*"*aao o -,rr,, $:+zoN Approval: OFFICER: DATE OOD:_-E+2ft ( Comment *z City: -, N PERMIT FEE: $ oorr'' '//?8/ t 7_7--------7- IFYes,whatwasthePreviousoccupancyType?-whatistheNewoccupancyType?- OWNER/CONTAExOA: N E / L TAFZ- (:) /+/ at( t7-\\7t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIqN TYPE: COMITERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO Y0UR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" 2ct1*u?17 4flfffi[f,11r,:;Ril Number (office Use) -L l.s \.) APPLICANT'S NAIT1E: DEVELOPER: NE IL ,4trT DAT E ,1 nr" 7 PHONE #: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY: OCC UPANT/ BUSI N E SS NAI4E:c,4ml s PART-NE r uucty'LLC PROPERTY OWNERTS NAME: c A rt) P t< 5 PM.TM ER < tt Nct,.,LLc PHoNE #: oWNER's ADDRESS: 72/ fif toEL Zt/4D,2, clfY I cRo. CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: tJE ) L rk,tr f LICENSE S:*/ 3//6q7tr6w*YNE 5 crTY: LE /4 NO sr:@zw. /Va zlP I 2940 3 7/ 7 ?275yy-+ PHONE #: /O+ +q7 441a7 PH}NE #')7O* *q7fg4-ZEMAIL ADDRESS:nrE/L F f e Gr{1A tL c2 pRolEcr coNTAcr PERsoN: l, 6 t z- rt4'F'r- ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Is Elect Power on th Building gd"' E roIf UPFIT - The shell Permit # ***** rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupANcy usrr fives IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARcH DEsTGN pRoFEssroNAL: 5 rt rc* ozsl DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ls tood or bevorages preparod or sorved in this strucluro? EYes What is the New Occupancy Type? e/ tHo? pui36Tololry'NcREc#: ls The Proporty Located ln The Floodplain? [ Yes EG- h the stale Building code and all other applicable SlateDISCLAIMER: lhe and local laws and ons or chaooe Subjecllo Fjnes Up To $500.00"' andin conlra M{ /L SIGNATURE:OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (cdEe.) (P n N3BE) Note: Demolition notificstions & ssb€stos r6.noval pemit applicsiions are to b€ submlttod using th€ appllcarion form (DHHS_3768) whsther th€ fucll ildjng wEs found to contain r€b€stos or not you sre requirod to callth€ Nalional Emission Standards br Hazardous Ajr Pollutants (NESHAP) st (919)707-5950 6t least 10 days prior to the demolition of sny facility orbuilding Asb€stos Web Sit6: htlp/ ^,ww.6pi.s!ato.nc.uJspi/asbeslos/ahmp.hunl TOTAL PROJECT COST:0 BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS:4 TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SQ FT PER FLR: ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsruRetruc eeRutrz Ives I r.,ro <.LJ)c\l NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: - O SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS EA:SOE PROPERry USE lorrrce EResrnuparr MERCANTILE EDUC CONDO OTHER: rebv certfv that all information rn this applcalion is cofiecl and all work will comply wit ordlnance; and reoulations. The NHC Development Seruices Cenler will be notfied of ctdr or conuactor iiformalion. "'NOTE A1y WoIk Performed W/O the Appropriale Pe anv chanoes in lhe aoo rmrls wllSe rn Vrolaton roved olans and soecrficatior rhc\ra- sraie Bldo code /2/7ra --'-P -r WATER: SEWER: T-ICOMMUNIW SYSTEM NWELL f]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: I celrrner- seertc ! e-nvnre sEPTtc f]coMMUNlrY sYsrEMFPUA =ge,Co <) z9P*EB(j pAwtENT METH6D: EqASH ficHecx lenvleLE To NHc) flauenrcel ExPRESS I rvrcnrtse I otscoven *'SEPARATE PERlvllTS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, IVECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP PREFAaS & INSERTS "' ICER: (FOR OFFICE SETBAC N r:i:w:USE ONLYL,xs:r:E LHLau{-a:o: _ _ .ilkr t REMSEO DATE 4/11/1 Commen E+2fi= *o ity LOO PERMIT FEE: $V2o8 ST: fiELIP t 2t () / Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: I ALTERATToN E{6ffi!6'[EIL*. neearns f] RELocArroN I Retocation, is rherea Naturar cas Line onrhe-Current site? [ vei-[ r.ro tS BLOC Spii xreneoZ Iv"r [ruo NEN CONSTRUCTTOru: ! enecr NEhl STRUCTURE ! rASr rnaCr fl sxelr ! unrrr ! aDD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: PH: NC REG #: TOTAL Sa FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES: - # OF STORIES: 2 # oF FLOORS. 2 I gHR'/ l7 1: l6PH NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N ryPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 20/?-77?) tT - ts''1 Number (office use) sUBDtvtstoN: Gray Gables 1s1s. 15R pROpERTy OWNER,5 114yg; Cynthia Babka PHON E f oWNER,s ADDRESS: 7200 Gray Gables Lane CtTy Wilmington 1p 284O3 coNTRACToR: Stone-lvlontgomery Construction Co s1p6 U66x5s s. 281 30 ADDRESS: 1 15-5 Hinton Avenue CtTy. Wihington ST: NC 2tP 28403 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jor prcposed work)Hg31gd; 150 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 15,000.00 lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes B No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes El No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? B Yes E ruo laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the a information. +'*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wlll be in vlolation of the NC State AId pl and specifications or change in contractor !ubject to fines up to s500.00." Owner/Contractor: Joseph Stone Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Ptint Nome lsthepropertyiocated inafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes ! No WATER; [0 CFPUA f] Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: $ CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: I AppUcANT,s NAME: Stone-Montgomery Construction oate: 511012O17 pRoJEcTlDDnrss: 7200 Gray Gables Lane ctw: Wilmington 21p. 28403 EMAtt ADDRESS: jennifer@stonemontgomery.com pHoNE: 799-3939 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Josh Stone pxOtrtt: 520-9168 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration d Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation **I.PLEAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**T tr Attcarage(sF)_ E Detcarage(5F)_ n Porch (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)_ ! Pool (sF)_ n Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Greenhouse(SF) ! Deck(SF)_ ! Other(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes M No Unheated: O Property Use/ Occupancy: $ Single family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: Remodel the existing powder room 2otT4 ?1-) .ii;'"'.\. :.&:ii ". ES,)' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE.' RESIOENTIAL PTEASE ANSW'fi ATL OUESTIONS APPLICABLT TO YOUR PRO]T'i "Proied ResponribiliV' ('1 - t5,.1 AppUcANT's NAMt: Stone-[rcntgomery Consttuction oate 511012O17 PROJECT ADDRESS:7200 Gray Gables Lane cn'{: Wilmin n ztp: 2UO3 suBorvrsroNr Gray Gables LOTf: 15R PHONE F owNER,S ADDREss: 7200 Gray Gables Lane clTyi Wilmington 71p 28403 CONTRACTOR: Stone-Montg omery Canrtruclion Co ADoRtSS: 1 15-5 Hinton Avenue CtW lvilmington _ sr !q.7p. 284Q3 €MAtL ADDRtss: jennifer@stonemonlqomery.com pnorui 799-3939 PROJECT CONTACT pERsoN: Josh Stone PHoNE: j!p-9168 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: Ll A,teration d Renovation f GeneralRepairt NEW CONSTRUCTIONi f Erect New Residence I Addition to Fxisting Residence 1:- Relocation ..TPIEASE CHECI( ANO ANSWER SELOW ALI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJTCT'T' - Arr Garaee (SF) tr Det Gr.i3e (St) - - Po:ch (SF) * Sunroom {SF) - -:- Greenhouse (SF),,. ..-, t: Pool(sF) tr Oeck (sFl E Storage Shed (5F) - ; orher (5F) __ _ ls the proposed work chanSing the ex;stin8 footprint? : Yel I No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ffo' ptoposed '.uatk)9."1"6. 150 Unheated c ToTAL PROTECT COSI (Less Lot)S 15,000 00 lsthe proposed'/orkchangin8thenumberof bcdrooms? f ves E ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbln8 or Me.hanical work beinS Cc.e to lhe Accesiory Structure E Yes E No lf the project is a Retgcation, it there a Natural Gas Lioe on the c.rrert site? Yes E] No ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? E Ye5 E No Propert use/ Occupancy, $ Single Family ! ouplex X Townhouse 0e5cription of Work Remodel the exisiinq powder room OISCLAIMI8: ] h€r€by ce'lilr lhat all the Daotmrtioo i^ ltri rppiication rtcorrecl taws.^d oid,n.ns6 and r.arlerionr. The il!'1C D?velopmenl SeNi.Qs Cp.!€'wnl rnlo.m3tlon'i'NOT€:Anyworl' t.ao-.:iwrilcul lhe r:iroF:ile ti,r lswil "Lren\ed Quolitar" fuint Na?1? ls the property located in a floodplain? D Y€9 E Existing lmpewious Atea: - Sq ft New lmperviotrs Area: _ Sq Ft a.d all work wilfcomplyrirh the srarc Euilding code and rll olher sppli.eble strle..d io.al aed ol any.h.ng6 in rhe ?p/oved and rr.cifcario.r orOa.ge rn conn.aor vii rt cr of t e NC 5r3r. 8iC rLbje.r to nn?5 up ro 5500 00"' SiSnature: Total Acres Disturbedi fr*- Existing Lrnd Disturbirt Permit: 3 Yes E No WATER: m CFPLA E Community System C Private Well D CentralWell E Aqua SEw[Rr S CFPUA n Community Svstem D Ptitnte Septic f) Cent.alSeptic I Aqua Lnl st\A, rnut rt\t rardA (A)(v)- tN) Y-BtE*2ft $G?roL \,lntt\(Permit tee: S oNrt. \Al il!€.1 Ci8 hmeclron tequreo tl(t-?5q'h PROPERIY OwNER'5 NAME: Cynthia Babka . Eloc LlcENsE I: ?!110- --- owner/Contraaor: ;!!!9!tr 9!9!e-- zon", R-Z-D officer: oB epproval:0L city:tAlr6- )on-{? zK /&' EfrI PROJECT ADDRESS SUBDlVlSlONl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CATIO N TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' CITY n-@ Number APPLICANT'S NAME:J Date ztP oT# PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS EMAIT ADDRESS: c -5 6Z e ctry HONE H ztP: 2-9//o i B DG I-ICENSE Hn:[i-zrp: z,tr4Al PHON Qto- lz srurCITY il )r.rr/ hb,,k q/1- 7?0 *?{lzPROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHONI EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration EfRenovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation * ** PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* * * D Att Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF) - Greenhouse (SF) D Det Garage (5t)_ MDeck (SF) ! Porch (SF) D Storage Shed (SF) a Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes D/No . Unheatedi TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S '1, ah 0 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes /-No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure tr Ves M/No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E-T{o ls there Electrical Power on this Buildine? Ei.Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: I Single Family ! Duplex p/Townhouse Description of Work: <e e J laws .nd ordinances and regulatrons The NHC Development S€rvices Center will be noiified ol any chang€s i lans and speclfi.ations or chante rn .ontractor information. "TNOTE:Any work performed wIhout the appropriate permits wrll b€ in violatron of the NC S e Bld8Code a d subj€.t 10 lines up to S5oo 00"' il l.tr^io tnulroc{:,nOwner/Contractori "Licensed QuoIiJier" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes /No Existing lmpervious Arear f, 1) Sq Ft_i-Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area q0 Sq Ft Existing land Disturbing Permit: t1 Ves Q/No WAfERt P/CFPUA D Community System fl Private Well ! Central Well ! Aqua SEWER CFPUA D Community Systern fl PrivateSeptic D Central Septic [] Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks(F)_(LH)_lRH)_(B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Datei_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment Permit Fee: S s/c//> v, D Pool (sF)_ ToTAtsQFTUNDERRooFaorpropo5ed!,ork)Heated:- t\\$RECEIVED MAY O9 2017 9oDqy?3 \1 - \5\1.,:i+1lir,t;:. W NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTCAT ION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER A[ qUESTIOT{S APPIJCABIi TO YOUR PROJECT 'Pror.ct Reipon3lblfhf (or6ce u*) D.E 5 - n'tl OTY:l>iL!AY-roa ztp'Ei[ia-' LOT #i lq B.-E * lt - Jos) Do*-,^r,bAPPI,ICAHfS NAME: PROJEcr ADDRESS:f/\(Ts suBDlvtsloN:AcZ PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:bxe.<-tt €cL)et- E>uaG Ve- pnol16n, Q lO - 4o 5t <o i-hf, N e>Cfi:L-Ht L)-7D L iJt t* J9*t z-OWNERS AODfESS: CONTRACTOR:ou.,lJtc-Gou"t I (p(lniD .ADDREIS:t>Co rz--o oQ. EMAIT ADDRESS; PROJECT COMIACT PERSOT{:Dor.-trr.rr(- eot rAl OTY:!0t u_r-l A tt,rt 75e, 2Q4t z--- BI.DG UCETISEf: PHONE:4to t xr<L- PHONE:ato 233 * ZsL EXlSTlilG COI{STIUCTION: fl Alt.Etion E Renovation ( ecncralRcpaln/' NEw CONS nUCflON: E Erect New Resldenc€ n Addition to Existiru Resldence n Rslocatlon ...PLEASE CIITCK At'lD Al,rSWrR AttOW AU. n$r APPLY nO YO{ri FiO.LCr*' E Det GaraSe (SF) - ! Porch {SF)E Att Gerag€ (SF)- E Sunroom (5F)- E Greenhousc (sF)- Ll Pool(Sr) E Oeck (sF) tr storase Shed (SF)- tr Other (sF)- t/ 15 the proposed wo* chrnging thG .xlstinS footprint? 0 Y.s q No TOTAL Sq fT UNDEI ROO! Wr proposed wort) llc*ed;lNt o0 IOTA PBOJECT COSI (Less Lot) :Dl)lb.o ts the propoEod work chenging fte number of bedrooms? 3 ves flfo k any Ettfrk f, gbtnt&q or raG.t[r&d wort b€ing dqlo to tha Ascessoty SttuEturi n Vc I Uo lfthE prEfect i5 3 Reloation, i5ther€a N8turalGas Lrne on the curent site? D Yes E No lsthere Electrical Porveronthis Euildins? M ycs tr lo Propertl Ur,e/ Occupancy:h tr fl Townhourc Etz.n u--, g I 4 "cp a e-/D6cription of woit: €P- .Ez>t hr'6; t,t t-1 €.a-E-l-,L 1<sr.u/(-r O[SOIItlrk h.r.4 clrtlfY thrt.tt ttu inforynathn in this.pplietioo ir @n!.r.nd dl mrl wlll cD ply rvith lhe St lr EuildiB Cod. .nd Cl odtr.pfabbL St t .nd lool l.wr and ordln&.?. and retulatlotE. The NHc Developrneft scM.aa C.ntrr wlll b. notlfrad of .nv d.nges in 1fi. aPPrsvod plans end $cdltc.{ont 6 d.[. in 6rlt_e tofonn Uffi. "'NOTI: tuyYWW the .ppiDpri.tc perFlts will be ln vioLtloo ot th. NCL,,beo6e?' to firE up tD ssm-Clt."f orncr/Cortractpr:Du, 'Uc.ns.d Quolifkt- sISnatrrre: ls thc propedv loc-eted in a floodplain? C vcs q! t{o frlstlng |mpcrvlious ArGs; - s4 Ft | ,* *16 Disturbed: _- New tmpcrviou3 Ar!a: -Sq Ft Exlstln8 Land Dlshlrblni Permh: E Yr' D No UTEn; $ CrPUA n Communw Syst€m tr Private Well B Centralw6ll C Aqua SEWER: q GPUA D Communitysyst€m D Privates€ptic E Centr'lseptic E Aqua zona: ofic.r: - s.tb.cks lf) - ltx) - (RH) - (B) -Atuwd: - CttY; - D.t€i - Flood: (A) - (v, - (l{} - BFE+2G Crmrnent:Permh Fer: I Unhe:rird; O hn+rro NEtit HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERfiTT APPLICATIoII ryPE.. COIIIiTERCIAL PLEASE AI.IS}IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOTJR PRO]ECT 'Project Responsibility" L7 -LL99 APPLICATIOT{ l{umber (offtce Use) APPLICANT'S MllE: clennirood Brad whire DEVELOPER: Cardj-nal Hotdinqs r_LC PIloNE *: s1o 2s5 oo44 PRO]ECT ADORESS: 123 Drive 100 PRoPERW OfiER's MltE: cardlnal HoLdincs LLC Oh[tlER' S ADDRESS: 1133 l4i iEary Cutoff Rd Ste 100 CITY: wilminqton CONTRACTOR: clennwood Brad whi.te CITY:wl1&inot on ZIP: 29a65 PIP E *: 910 2s6 oo44 ST: NC ZIP:28405 LICENSE #: i2299 CITY: wilmipqrop ST:JLZIP: 28405 occt PAI\rTIBUSII{E5S rutrE r tx,+Pn 5l n-r ADORESS ! 1133 Mifir ary Cutoff Rd Ste 10 0 E!.IAIL ADORESS: Noahzi.nmeroan2 @qna j-1 . corr Plo E *: e1o 443 4346 PtE E *i 91o 443 4386PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Noah zimnerman Exrsr cor{srRucrror{: fl ALTERATToN D *.r,Jfiil;ii 'fi f Reloc6nio , b there a Natural cas Line on the Cunent Site? Eyes apPlv) GENERAL REPAIRS n RE LOCATIONINo lS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Evo No ilEl{ coltsrRucrrol{: fl enrcr NE}t srRlJcruRE I rasr rnacr I saetl I uerrr I ADo ro Exrsr srRrrcTURE ACCESSORY STRITTURE: AIO.I DESIGiI PROFESSIOiIALT Becker Morqan GrouD Inc PH:910 341 ?doo i,lc RE6 *: {s3?El,l6l DESIGT{ PROFESSIONAL: wD JoBes Enqineerinq PI,LC PH; 910 523 s381 NC REG *: 02s8s2 DESCRIPTIOI'I OF IIORK: NEW rci-al ConstrucLion t b bod or be\reragm F€psed or sarred h thts strrcuef f]Ves I No b llr ftroperty tocatd n The RooOpainZ f] ves r No all othe.Stateafidand lrC,dl.,)(PrnN-E) l*ote OqldIql not'brtql8 & d6bq asrc\d pdrnlf Aohdql! rBro be qnlied u!&! tE 4tclton enn (DHHS3@ wtt€trs. tEtc ry qtuktrO iaehuldtocodah A.b6b q not Yo, ro Eqdr€d io cd t|tHdrl Brl3Elon Sql(S b( Hado,5 At Po0tfr (NESHAP) d (oiq7rr-Se nlset 10 &yr Flo. b oiedgnoAql., rU lb.IV d b6dtt0. Eee A!6e S,bb S[q ht!pr'i9,$rir.api.netg-m.'$/Bpr$be.:!skhmp.t$nt TOTAL PROTECT COST: 1o1o8o zuILDING HEIGHT: 22 ft # OF UNITS: 1 # OF STORIES: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RooF: 2s27 # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: 1 rcRES DISTURBED;E(ST I.AND DISTURBING PERUTN I YEs nro NEw IiIPERVIOUS AREIU :azos SQ FT B(STII{G tUPERVtOt S AREA 83706 SO FT pf,opERryt sE: EFFFEE flnesnunerr f]usncnrnle fleouc flarr flcomo OfiER: WArER: [flCFPuASEWER: EICFPUA f:l@rfl{uNnY sysTEM f]wEr- EzoN|]G rrsE cr..AssFtcATlotu ECENTMLSEFTE LIPRTVATESEPT|C fICOMMUNIITSYSTEil PAYMENTMETHoD: lcasn f]orecxleevnasromrcl f]eueRrcAr,tD@REss f]uqvrse f]oscorrn (FOR OFFTCE t SE Ot!&Y)ZONE:_OFFICER SETMCKS: F:_l}l:_ RH:_ B._AFpror/al: Citf._DATE: FLOOD:___BFE+ N Comment A PERMIT FEE:t1Q - I J-..fi^eEff.<E , OATE2 4/6/1,j If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *: 2o.t-6-7aa.77 Is Elect poHer on this Buildlng n yes E rc {'*t.* IS THIS A OiAI{GE OF OCCUnINCv usf f [Vfs fi lO .**.* IF Yes, uhat Es the prrvious Oscupancy TlDel . f*r.t i," tl;-lfs Occupancy Type? -.- TOTAL AREA SA FT : 2s27 SQ FT PER FLR: zszz REV}SED DATE 1/1fi2 ),_ :. v )ot1-r1? s ) L7 -992 APPL ICATION Number (offi.e Use) 1- DEVELOPER: Ccas--aL ChrisLian Hirh SchooI PHONE #: (9tt)j9:, 9995 PROIECT ADDRESS: rL5r rh-- Krnss po.,d PROPERTY OWNER'S NAltlE: acasral Chris!:an Eiqh school O[^,NER'S ADDRESS: tr!! ihe Kin.rs Hi CITY: r\rrtmrnqron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAli'lE: ao!:traf chri:iiia:, Hi(t. :r.hc.l grrr,ir!CITY: w rtmrn.rron CITY: ,,: :::: I PHONE #: rr I ,r. li: ST: ri:r ZIP: -. . - CONTRACTOR: -r!'.' r.,. r.,- ADDRESS: EIIAIL ADDRESS: c.r-rIeGLr.ct-a,rIor. conl (910) 251-1181 PRoJECT CONTACT PERSON: .h, Lir c.re (910) lr?-8825 (Ch€ck Atl Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVAIION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?il Yes f,l r.ro IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I ve.T No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: PHONE f: PHONE #: If UPFIT - The SheII Permit #: ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIOiAL: L{ari .ir--r]elL Is Elect Power on this Building n Yes I NO PH: (9r0)233-1051 NC REG #: ?438 ENGR DESIGN PRoFESSIOIIAL: i{d I-.n.-s F,I]oi n--..1I PH: (910) 5:3-538 NC REG #: 25s-c2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: iiei/ Pd.r1r.r. anl DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all information in this application is correcl and all work willcomply with lhe State Building Code and all other applicable Stateand loca' laws and ordirances and requlalions The NHC Develoomenl Services Cenler wrll be norified of anv chanoes rn lhe aDoroved olans and soeL licationsor cl"anoe rn co'ltraclor or conlracto. informarron " 'NOTE: Any Work Perforn ed WO rhe Appropnale Permris will 6e rn Vro atron ol the NC Slate Bldg Code andSubtecl-to Fines Up To $500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: chris core SIGNATURE: (Oualmed (Pd Nams) contain Asb€stos or not. You are requied to c€ll tl|€ Nelional Emjssion Standards ior Hazardous Alr Pollutants (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 at l€as! l0 days prior to the demolition of any facility or building. S€e Asb€sto9 Web Sit6: htp:/Arrtvw.epi.stat€.nc.urepa/asb6stos/ahmp.htnl ls food or beverages prepared or seNed in this structure? [Yes No ls The Property Locared ln The Floooptain? [ ves fl no TOTAL PROJECT COST: 28, !. i TOTAL AREA SO FT SQ FT PER FLR: ,,-. s # OF STORIES: l TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED: < I a:re NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: , .! # OF STRUCTURES:#OF FLOORS: - PROPERTY USE: lOrrtCe ! neSrnUnenr MERCANTILE EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I SQ FT EXISTING IN,IPERVIOUS AREA: EDUC APT CONDO OTHER: pa'.'r i .:.:. (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE 4N 1/12: RH: B: YES nNo SQ FT PAYMENT TVTETHOD: ECASH I CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) ilAMERTCAN EXPRESS IUCmSa IOrSCOven *, SEPARATE PERMIIS REOU RED FOR ELECT, MECI.I PLBG, GAS EOU]P. PREFABS & INSERTS -' ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:- LH Approval:_ City:- DATE:- FLOOD: -- -BFE+2ft=- I Comment N PERI\4IT FEE: $ NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI'ER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAIIIE: r:1. r;trl-: DATE: _j._:j_:::j_ ZIP i :84a9 ST: NC ZIP : :8l ir 9 LICENSE #: ,e!s5 IFYe5,!,hat*,.*,"],ij,,,;.:x;:":,.iil::oFoccUPANcYUsE;,Fr.H::;::;;"",Type?- BUILDING HEIGHT: 15 , # OF UNITS: WATER: ECFPUA ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM flwELL EzoNlNG USE cLAsSlFlCATloN: SEWER: E CFPUA ff CENTRAL SEPTIC Ll PRIVATE SEPTIC ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUATDN TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PITASE ANSWER AtL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prol.ct Responsiblltt/ >ol1-4?37 17 -1508 Applkatlon llumber (offc€ usel ,",", 5l ltlMary Logan - Logan HomesAPPUCAN?S NAME! PROJECT ADDR.ESST .511 NAQ(S -fxr-6gy. Wilminglon il,Fqos-- SUBDIVISION:t*t'>Fftl-L Lor#: iDR PROPERTY OWNIR'S NAME:s{t}tnr l\ui.tl PHoNET: 1lO 9Sa--11"S OWNEPS ADDRE5S: \1ZI t'{ru}AITPJC LN ctrY: t )lt ArNLiToA)zrP:dttl({ cot{TRAcro1: Logan Homes g1p6 ggEr[s6 x. 34408 ADORESS:60 Gregory Rd 61n1 Belville 51; NC 1p, 2E451 EOST|NG COI{SIBUCIION: D Alteration E Renovation f} GeneralRepaln ilEW CONSTRUCTION: El Erect New Resldence 0 Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocatlon l'*a aaa El Att carage (sF)55-E Det Garage (sF) _ff eor"r,lsrl Ul.r3 C Sunroom (sF)O Pool (sF)D storage shed (sF) _ D Greenhouse (SF)-D Deck (5F)C other (sF) ls the proposed wo* changing the exinlng footprint? E Yes E No TOTAf SQ FI UNDER AOot Vor proposed wo*) Heatld:33oa unhlatcd:\LIIb TOTAL PROTECT OOST (Les5 Lot): 5 tlDo,coo lsthe proposed workchangingthe numberof bedrooms? Gl Yes E No ls any Electrkel, Plumbing or Maatanlcal work b€ing done to the Accessory Stucture f] Y€s E lilo lf the project is a Rolocadon, isthere a NaturalGas Une onthe current site? E Yes El No ls there Electri(alPower on this Building? E Yes E ,{o Property Us3/ o€.upancy E Single Famlly E Duplex E Torrnhoosc Descrlptlon ofwork: SFR - new construc{ion laws and or.linan es and regularions lhe NHC Developmenl Scrvic.s Crntcr will be notirhd of .ny chan8.s an thc .!prov.d pltn! rnd sp.dlket-ront or dant. in co ractor Informatioh. .'.tlOIE: Any work psfor.ned without the appmpriate perm tu wlll b€ ln vlol.tlon olthe Nc rublect lo ro S50o.00"' owncr/cor*raclor: L slgn ure: Acensed Quohler' P.fuit Nome ls the property located in a tloodplain? E Yes Exlsthg lmpeffio{s Area; !-- Sq ft total lcres oisturbed: ' 31 (no New lmpeflious Atea:b4e1 Sq ft Exlstlng Lard Dlsturblng Permhi n Ves [l No WATER: E CFPUA n Community system fl Private Well E Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA EI Community System E Private Septic E] central Septic E Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacls (Fl- (tHl - (RH! - (81 -Approval: - city: - oate: - Flood: (Al -M - (N) - 3rEr2ft= -Comment:Permit Feer $ _ gry61119p6ggs. mlogan@hganhomes.com pxonr: 910{52-7175 pROJECT COiTTACT prnSOn: Mary Logan p6gXs. 91H52-7175 ,,rj\..j\ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT t ON rYPE; RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResPonsibilit.ly'' 9ott-cl?1 ) L7 -L452 Appiication Number {office use} PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:JOHN HOLDER & JADE BIGG to PHoNE s:919-614-2001 CITY WILMINGTON ZIP:28411DRIVEOWNER,S ADDRESS:364 WHISP ER PARK BtDG TICENSE f .76,2 7 CONTRACTOR PORCH CONVERSION KET STREET CITY WILMINGTON ST:Nq ztP 28401 ADDRESS: 6821 MAR PHoNE: 910-777-3363EMAIL ADDRESS:oorchcon vers ion omail.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Brian Walsh d Sunroom (Sr)451 n Pool (SF) ! Deck (sF) TOTAT sQ FT UNDERROoF (Jor proposed work)Heated:451 PHoNE: 910-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration d Renovation E General Repairs NEWCoNSTRUCTION:EErectNewResidencelAdditiontoExistingResidenceDRelocation *'*PLEASE CH ECK AND ANSWER BELOW AtT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT' * * n Det Garape {SF)tr Porch (SF)! Att Garage (SF) --- D Greenhouse (5F)- n Storage Shed (Sf)-- n Other (SF).- ToTAL PROJECT cosT (Less Lot)i 516090 / ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes EJ No - ./ ts any Electrical, plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the liatesssfy structure u. Yes D No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturrl Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes g No ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinS? E Yes n No Unheated: Total Acres Disturbed: 0 / Property use/ occupancy: g/ Single Family f] DuPlex E Townhouse Description of Work: ENCLOSE AN EXISTING SCREE N PORCH WITH SU NROOM WALL SYSTEM AND WINDOWS DISCIAIMER: I herebY certify thatallthe information in this application iscorrect and all work will cotnply with the State Building Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of anY changes afl the approve information. '+'NOTE: AnY work performed without the approPriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC BldB Code Owner/conractor: AGENT JEREMY MARTIN signature: "Licensed Qualifier" P'int Nome / ls the property Iocated in a floodplain? fl Yes EJ No Existing lmpervious Area: 2709 Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: 0 sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes n No n Private well D Central Well ! Aqua ! Private Septic n Central Septic I Aqua zone: - officer: --- setbacks (F) - (LH) --- (RH) - (B) .- Approval: - City: -_ Date: -- Flood: (A) --(v)-(N) -BFE+2ft= Perritt ree: S WATER: SEWER; / ,rruo C communitY sYstem { rrruo D communitY system APPLICANTS NAME: PORCH CONVERSION DAIC: 05/03/17 PROJECT ADDRESS: 364 WHISPER PARK DRIVE ClrY;WILMINGTON ztP:28411 SUBDlvlsloN: DEMAREST VILLAGE SEC 1 LoT s: 9R ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Ves o n-1n3 L7 -L454NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPL'CATI ON ryPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICAELE IO YOUR PROJECT,,project Responribility,, Application Number (offi.e use) APPI-ICANT'S NAME: PORCH CONVERSION PROJECT ADDRESS: 7007 TRAILMARK ROAD Date; 05-03-17 CITY:WILIT/IN GTON ZtP 28405SUBDIV|StON: COVTL CRO qe ING @ COVIL ESTAT ES SEC. 2 LOT #: 33 PROPERry OWNER,S NAME: MARy KOWAL PHON€ f:910-392-1613OWNER'S ADDRESS:7 IL K D CITY: WILMIN TON ztP:28405 CONTRACTOR: PORCH CONV ADDRESS: 6821 MAR ERS ION BLDG LICENSE #7ET STREET clTY: WILMIN GTON Sr: [Q Ztp 28405EMAI| ADDRESS: po conversion @ ma,l.com PROJECT CONTACT PERsoN: Brian WaIsh EXISTING CONSTRUCnON: n Alteration /Renova on D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON; D Ered New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *I*PI"EAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT**iI E Det Garage (SF) PHONE: 910-777-JJbJ PHONE: 9'10-777-3363 n Porch (SF) D Pool (SF) ..".-=---D Storage Shed (SF)-.- OISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and allwork will compty wath the State Buil ding Code and ellother appticeble State and tocatlaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Develop&ent Services Center will b€ notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contrac[orinformation. ..rNOTE: Any work performed withou tthe appropri8te permits willbe in violation ofthe NC s e Bldg Cod to fines u .00*.. Owner/contractor; "Licensed Quolilier', ls the property located in a floodplain? [ yes Existing tmpervious Area: 2906 Sq ft New lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Aoent Jeremy Martin Signature: {,. Total Acres Disturbed: 0 Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes ll No WATER: tr/CFpUA D Community System n private Well D Central Well n Aqua SEWER: tr/CFpUA f] Communitysystem n private Septic ! Centratseptjc n Aqua Zone: --- Officer: -- Setbacks (Fl _ (rH) _ (RH) -- (B) _ Approval: _ City: _- Dat€: _ Ftood: {A} (V}_ (N)_ BFE+2ft=Comm.nl. 2...'j:i'. ]ffi, ,Eg n Art GaraSe (sF).--. dsrnroorn (5F) 196 n Other (SF)D Greenhouse (5F)-'- n Deck(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? a ves /No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl Heated;196 Unheated: TOTAI PROJECT COST (tess Lot): 510100 lsthe proposed work changing the number ofbedrooms? a ves ffto t ,ls any Electrical, prumbing or Mechanicar work being done to the Aettssorr structure fres D Nolf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n yes tr/Nols there Electrical power on this Building? dyes tr No Property Use/ Occupancy: ff Single Famlly D Duplex E Townhouse Descriptlon of Work: /._;.t _:.:.i ,.--...':Air ,,i *fl! ,-.1':,,ffi.1., qE,, Print NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEA9E ANsWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponsiblliV' )oD-vfiJ- L7 -L456 APPIICANT's NAME : Tonoue & Gralove I LC (ott ce u5e) oate: 4126t2017 PROJEfi ADDRTSS:CITY: [t/i16i66166 Zl?: 28403 SUBOIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: John & cina Fimbel PHONE f OWNER'S ADDRESS:6OA Wavnc Dr CITY: Wilminoton Zl?: 28403 CONTR.ACTOR: Tongue & Groove LLC BLDG LTCENSE #:54432- ADDRESS: 6331 Oleander llr CITY ST:NL ZtP 28403 EMAIt ADDRESST kvlo/At^n^r'a-a PHONE 864-3A0-6383 PROJEC' CONTACT PERSON Kvlp hrill<PHONE: 86438O6383 EXlSTlt{G COI{SIRI CIONi D Alteration M Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCflON: i Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation TATPTEA9E CHECK ANO AT{SWER BETOW ATT TIIAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO'ECT..' - Att Garage (SF)_/rorcn 1sF) : Sunroom (SF)i Storage Shed (St)_ [] Greenhouse (SFi_ ls the proposed work chanting the existing footprint? ! other (SF) TOTAI 5Q FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl Heated:3000 Unheated: firpnit .lrivpwav ,n.l lan.l<.ari o D|S(LAIMER: lhereby ce.tirthrt allti€ hform.ton in thir epplication i6 (o(art.nd allwoIl willcomply wthth€ St te Euildint Code and allother applicable St.te a nd to<,l lawsand ordiiances enrt tegulationt. The NHC Development S€wicer Cemer willb€ notified ofanychangea ln the approved plans and 3pecification3 or chaoge in contractor inforrliation. "'NOT€: Any worl perform€d v,ithout the appropriete permits will be in violation ofthe NC Stare 8ld8 Code .nd subiact to tin!5 up to 5S0O.OO.. " Owner/Contractori Mark Batson Sitnature: TOTAI PROJECT COsT (Less Lot): 5300.0010 / ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? 5 ves f lo / ls any El€ctrical, Plumbint or Merhaoical work being done to the Accessory Structure E/Ves I tto lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Naturjfcas Line on the current site? l Ves 5/lo ls there Electrical Powe. on thfuilding? M Ye5 I lio Prop€rty Us€/ Occupancy: V Sintk family tr Duplex ! fo*mhouse Description ol Work: 'Licented Quohfie/' PtintNone // ls the property located in a floodplain? f, Yes Urc €xisting lmp€fvious Area: _ Sq,t filew lmp€ruieus Area: . Sq Ft'/ WATER: b gfPUA t] Community System-/ SEWER: d CFPUA f, Community System TotalAcres Disturbed: Exirting Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes n No E Private Well ! Centralwell D Aqua I Private Septic D Ce zon", &l ) officer: Approval: Corr.nent: _ /9_ (*, ntral Seotic tl6l@t ./o [] Aqua )_(v)(N) X 8FE+2ft=r Permit Fee:s City: City lnspection Fequrco gl0-254-0(,r .r LoT 8: Yes D No 2t tt - ??z Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPIICAEI-E TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/ L7 -L459 Ioffice l',s€) Skva nrnnin.l / R'ril.'lin.l Parf.lrmrn.p S alists oqtet 5lA2O17 CITY: Wilmingl^n zJP'._?8,05__ SUBDIVISION: L /+ N.r l,+ Le PROPERTY OWNEtrS NAME: .lohn Glockn6r PIIO E #: 9'10-231 -6446 OWNERS ADDRESS: 17OB Pembrodk .lones Dr OTY: l,.i i ZIP)-Xlof CONTRACTOR: Skye Dunning / Blilding Performance Specielists BLDG LICENSE *:+l(&- ADDRESS:12A \/i^t^ri^ n/i,a CITY: Wilmi.rnton Sr'Nf,zlPt z8"4,O'l EMAIL ADDRESS: ckye@l.frsgrcenhomes eom PHONE:q1l]-7qq-r RR5 PROJECT CONTACT PERSOIII: Oanny lrlorrnw PHONE:ql n-47n-R APPI.ICAUT's NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: ,,. EXISTI G CONSTRUCIION:6 Alteration E Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSrnUCnON: El Ered New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ...PI.IASE CHECI( AND AI{SWER BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOI.|R PRO.,CCT" E Att Garage (5F)_ E Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse {5F} n Det Gardse lsF) D Pool(sF) D Deck (sF) n Porch (SF) B Storase Shed (sF)_ ls the proposed work changingthe existing footprint? fl Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed wotkl Heated: _jm90_ Urheated: TOTAT PROTECT COST (Less Lot): S 11.353 ls the p.oposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? tr Yes d o ls any Eleclrkal, Plumbing or Mechanical woIk being done to the Accessory Structure D Ves FlolftheprojectisaRdocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesEI{o ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? ffies D ffo Property Use/ Occupancs Df'Slngh Famlly tr Ouplex D Townhouse Description of Work: €eaHtti OISOIIITEE I h.reby cerlify that allth. anbrmation in thb appliciton ir.orEct and all sork willcomply rNith the State Euilding Code end alloth€. applicat . State and locat laws and ordinancet and regulations. Tte NHC Oelrelopmeht SeM.es Center wlll be notlfled of eny chantes ln the approved plans and specltlaatlons or dlarye in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in vblatlon of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to llnes upto S5OO.0O... Ourner/Cot'rt6ctor: Skye Dlnning Signatur€:) "Llcensed Quoliflef Print No.'i,e lsthe propertylocated in afloodplain? C Yes D t{o Erlning lmpervlous Area: _ 5q Ft Total Acras Dlstulb€d: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existirg Land Dkturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: I CFPUA D Community System D Private Well tr Centralwell D Aqua S€WER: O CFPUA n Community System E Prl\rdte Septic D Centralseptic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbads {F} _ (lH} _(RH} _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (l{} _ 8FE+2ft. _ Comment:Permit F€e: S -'.]-r:]:,'. i,/. J; ,(i,ffi,,, TOT {: 17 BLK 8 LANDFALL D Other (5F)-- v 2oD-Se+ NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATIaN TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI'ER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT,S NAME: L7 -962 c 2 APPLICATION Number (office Use) l'rke Lo, Le DATE: 3/r 2011 DEVELOPER: ,i = i, l CITY:Wilmingt.n PHoNE #: 3=r , ,l ZIP:281i:PROIECT ADDRESS: 614 Lyrebird Larie OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IE: DeI'r'\rebb a: RixerLiqhts Ameni: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Pul:e G..r rD ! a ent-- r OIINER',S ADDRESS: 400! Faber place Drive, ste 110 CITY: North Charlesrcn CoNTRACTOR: Monteith Consl, r ucticn Cor-p LICENSE #: =::-9 ADDRESS: 32 r.i . Fr.rrLt, st CITY: wl fmi nor on Eli'lAI L ADDRESS: :rcl.rieErcnteirhcc con PROIECT CONTACT PERsON: ll:.:: l (Check Al1 Ihat Apply) PHoNE #: 8!3 ?l!r. r29.1 sT: sc zI P: : -!.1 r. ST: Na ZIP:284rr1 PHONE #: 9rri.79r 8rtl PHONE f : !l- a-1i .l-- i EXIST CONSTRUCTION: ! ALTERATTON lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?il Yes GENERAL REPAIRS No lS BLDG SPRIN RELOCATION KLERED? [ v". I r.ro R ENOVATION tr NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permi.t #Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E ruO ***** rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupArcy usel fivesIF Yes, lrhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ., ..::,, rnc ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiAL: united St,ru.tur:aL Ccrsulr-an-,s DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Clubhouse (Part of Amenity Center) PH; 713.8r 1 . 9191 NC REG *: 1064 0 PH: 713 . 996.7915 NC REG #: 03r182 I ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? EYes a No ls The Property Located ln The FloodplainZ I ves [l no DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all informalion in this application is correci and all wort wll comply with the State Burlding Code and all other applicabte Staleand loca laws and ordrrances and requlatrons. The NHC Develoomenl Services Center will be norified ol anv chanoes in rhd aooroved olans and sDecificarions or change in conlraclor or conlraclo' iilormalon. " \O-E: Any Wo* Perfo,.ned w/O the Appropriate Permiis wrll b:e in Vrotanon of the llc State BIdg Cooe andSubiectjo Fines L/p To $500.00"' dlwaq*SIGNATURE:(O@mO en N.trE) contaln Asbestos or not. You are roquired to callthe Nadonal Emission Standards ior Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707'5950 at l66sl 10 days pdor to the dsmolition of any facility or buildino. See Asb€stos Web Site: http:/ Mflw.opi.state.nc.usL/epi/asbesto8/ahmp.html OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Mlke Doyre TOTAL PROJECT COST:BUILDING HEIGHT: --'# OF UNITS: : # OF STORIES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: ; r.EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?T YES ENO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 96,6!i SQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: !SQ FT WATER: @CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM fIWELL SEWER: [7 CFPUA f]CENTRAL sEPTlc Ll PRIVATE SEPTIC tr ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: n: iir E coMMUNTTY SYSTEM "'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH PLAG GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & NSERTS *' PAYMENT r\irErHOD: ECASH [lCHeCr lenvmlE rO NHC) fiNuenrcaru EXPRESS [uCn4Se I orSCOven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE 4/11/12 ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:- DATE:- FLOOD:--- BFE+2ft=- Comment N PERMIT FEE: $ What is the New Occupancy Type? _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT : -EJj|l- SQ FT PER FLR: - TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: I8I !#OF STRUCTURES: t # OF FLOORS: l pRopERry usE: lorrrce Enesreunerur luenclr.rrLe ! eouc I ner lcottoo oTHER:;.sser Ly f 2ot?-506? APPLICANT' S NAME : r':tke :i.ry1e NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" z :a a 1- DATE: 3,/r 2r1r- DEVELOPER: :ut:e ilrrrr' CITY:tril fmr nqt cn PHONE *: !-i.-ir :rl ZIP:;,R4r,lPROIECT ADDRESS: 624 Lyrebrrit Lane OCCUPANT/ BUSINESS NAfiE: e ;relri: -:: i- .,:--r.:. -i:--:.r-,\' ie.:e: PROPERTY OL^INER'S NA[!E: 'rr].i. l..rrl PHONE f: 813.l4 a . 12 9t OWNER-,S ADDRESS: 1:a: F.rber Place f:ri.e, s:e l1a CITY: Irrr-1, Char,esr,.rr CONTRACTOR: llti:rte r t ]' a - I r s t, r'.r ( r, : . r i'..]]LICENSE f: ]J: !, ADDRESS: 32 ii. F:.nr- sr CITY: ,ri lmr nor.n EI4AIL ADDRESS: :rcor'l e:anont e r t hcc . c i-in ST: -i ZIP: : - a PHONE #: 91-i. 791. tsl',r1 PHONE *: 9ir.899 2.rt6 If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIoiIAL: , r --i .: , rr : : ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Uni.e.l SL:u(:LLrraL Cor,:,rrrlta:rril Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E to PH: r 13. 8?1 . 9191 NC REG #: 1064 0 PH: 713.996.7915 NC REG f: 031182 DISCLAIMER: I hereby certrfy that allinformataon in this applicalion is correct and all work wllcomply wlh the Slate Buildrng Code and all other applicable Stale ano local laws and ordrnances and reoulalions The NHC Develoomenl Services Center wlll be nolified ol anv chanoes in the aDoroved olans and sDecrlicalronsor.hinop rr.onrra.hr nr nonrra.rn' riformation. "'NOTE Any Work Perforned w/O the Appropflate Permris wrll 6e rn V,olatior of the NC State Sldg Code ard Sublectio Frnes Up To $500 00" r/ , , . _ OWNEFyCONTRACTOR: t'4 r^e Do\ -a SIGNATURE: /':^udq'L TOTAL PROJECT COST: 5T, i!i,.BUILDING HEIGHT: I]' 6.. TOTAL AREA SQ FT : ACRES DISTURBE # OF UNITS: r D: b.ll EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? EYES E NO NEw IMPERVIOUS AREA: s., '.r,- SQFT PROPERW USE: [OrrrCe E nesrnUnnUr MERCANILE !eouC lner !CONDO OTHER: i-s:re,Lb iv WATER: SEWER: ECOMMUNITYSYSTEM DWELLf] CENTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC ECFPUAE CFPUA AoDroval: Citv: flzoNrNG usE cLASSTFTCATTON EcoMMUNTTY SYSTEM R7 'D PAYMENT METHOD:flcnsn ficnecx leevneLE ro NHc) fleraenrcmr EXeRESS I rvrcrutsa I otscoven ". SEPARATE PERIVITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT I\,1ECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & NSERTS "' (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:_OFFICER:_SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:_ FLOOD: BFE+2ft= AVa^--o^t N PERMIT FEE: $ REVISEO DATE 4N1112 L7 -963 APPLICATTON Number (Office Use) sT: NC zrP: :!l!i PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: :,]i<.. ].,1. Exrsr coNsrRucrror: ! ALTERATToN tr -rilifi;l;il 'E^:?'i'r*^. REpArRs E RELocArroN lf Relocation. isthere a Narurat cas Line onthe -Current Site? [veiflruo tS BLDG SPR'iiKLEneoz Ives INo NEt,l coNsTRUcTroN: E ERECT NE[i STRUCTURE ! rnsr TRACK E sxer-r- ! upFrT E ADD To ExIsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: IFYes,what*..n"o""",",,,;.::;:":,.i#::oFoccUPANcYusE;'Fr.F-H;::;;,,.,Type?- DESCRIPTIoN OF WORK: autcoor Ki--chen (Par: cf imenit-y Cenl,er) ls food or beverages prepared or served in this struaure? [ ves fl no ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainu I ves [l uo (Crualho.) (Pn Namo) contaln Asb€stos or not. You ar€ requked to callthe Nadonal Emlsslon Standards br Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at l€ast 10 days prior to the cl€molition of any facility or buildino. See Asbestos Web Sit€i htp:/ rww.epi.st8ta.nc.us/oprasbeslo€/ahmp.ht nl SQ FT PER FLR: - #OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF STORIES: 1 # OF FLOORS: ITOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 225 EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: I SQ FT L7 -964Cz -r. NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Numbe r (office use) APPLICANTJ S NAME :Mike Doyl e DATE: j " :.r- DEVELOPER: ?.rtre G:.up CITY: PHONE #: 3.l3. r.ln. -r29il ZIP i 28 A r'rPROIECT ADDRESS: 524 Lyrebrr.L Lar.e OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: Detl,rebb ar RiverLiqhts Amenirv Cenr,er PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Pul:e riL..,uri OWNER,,S ADDRESS: 4!.i: Faber Pla.ie L1ri,.,..ste 110 CITY: North Charleston PHONE f: E13 l.ir.r:9il CoNTRACTOR: l.1or t el th Construction Corp LICENSE #: .]]]I1 ADDRESS: , r r"--:r-ST: i;: ZIP: .rb.1 ri EI4AI L ADDRESS:PHONE #: !: rl : PHoNE #: l-. i,:!' :,-, (check A1I That appry) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?il ENo IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?ffives [r.roYes NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: CITY: iImingron If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #Is E1ect Power on this Building E Yes ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOT,IAL: .::: :....: I:, l nc ENGR DESIGN PRoFESSI0iIAL: -i:: :r .i .' , r r:l-.-: : DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Pco.I House (Part of Amenirv cenrer) NO PH:71J.811.9191 NC REG *: 10640 ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? [ves fi no ts The Property Located ln The Floodplain? flyes T No OISCLAIMER: I hereby certjfy lhal allinformation in this application s correct and all work willcomply with lhe Staand loca laws and ord nances and reoJlalrons The NHC DeveloDment Servrces Cenler will be notified ol anv chaor chanoe in contractor or (onlractor rnformation "NOTE. Any Work Perlorned WO the Appropriale permiis wrSublecl-to Fines Up To $500.00"' le Burlding Code and all other applcable Statenqes in the approved plans and specrlicalions be in Violation oflheNC State Bldg Code ard drt*q*SIGNATURE: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1, OWNERYCONTRACTOR:Mrke DoyLe (OlJ8lne, eint Nanp) conlain Asbeslos ornot. You are required to callthe Nstional Emission Standards for Hazardous Ajr Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 1O days prior to lhe demolitjon of any facility or building. See Asb€stos Web Site: http:/ re$,w.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbeslo6/ahmp.htrnl BUILDING HEIGHT: :: ' . "# OF UNITS: I TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: I TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: . , : -L # OF STRUCTURES: I ACRES DISTURBED: , i-T YEs nNo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: -'.69i SQ FT WATER: ZICFPUA fICOMMUNITY SYSTEM EWELL EzoNtNG USE CLASSTF SEWER: 17 CFPUA f] CENTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC DCOMMUNITY SYSTEM ,,, SEPARATE PERI\,IITS REOU RED FOR ELECT MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' ICATION: n; cr PAYMENT METHOD:Icesn T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) EAMERTCAN EXPRESS I UCnrrSA flOrSCOven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD:__ _ BFE+2ft= AVN CF , LL, H-^ l{-L t C€4)'.^.a T Comment PERMIT FEE: $ REVISED DATE 4/11/12 2o)t-90/0. ST: sc ZIP: z9l|!r PROIECT CONTACT PERSoN: .--<= - j,-. rF yes, !,hat *, .* o"lJii,,';.:X;:":r'ifr:: oF occuPANcY usE;rFXt.H::0..,r""., ,*, NC REG #: l3'i t12 TOTAL PROJECT COST: . , # OF FLOORS: : pRopERTy USE: EoFFtcE lnesrauRnNr lvencarur[e !eouc !eer lcoNoo orHER:esser,bly Y!\)o D-Sot t .,; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" L7 -965 ?Z 1-APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DEVELOPER: p,Lre :r, r,rl PHONE #: 811 . , .r r-r . 12 9!1 PROIECT ADDRESS: 6:.1 L,,.rebir3 Lane oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAmE : te l;{e)-.b a :- Rl,re :L i.rht- s AxLen 1 i: PROPERTY OhJNER'S NAME: Puite Gi.,-r1, OWNER'S ADDRESS: -1a'.0 Faber pl;lce L'rrr!e ste 11C CITY: Nc11,h charleston CITY: ti,tr::.qt:::ZIP: r8; t: y Ceot-e r PHONE#:3.,i,,,.-291 CoNTRACTOR: Mo.,teit h Ccnstruction Corp ADDRESS: , r. :.,-r.' .i' EMAIL ADDRESS: mclo\,le!anoni-eithco com CITY: -ri lmi nor on ST: :i. ZIP: : !- r q ST: r'r. ZIP: 284-11 PHONE #: 91,1 .19i.8r!l PHONE #: 91t E99.2146PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: I{rk. Doyl- (Check a]l That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION It Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes Iro rs BLDG spRtNKLEneoz I ves [ ruo NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIoI'IAL: :,-: :..:, r-l ENGR DESIGI'I PROFESSIOTIAL: Unite.l strrr.rural Cor.suftan!s What is the New Occupancy Type? **,r** rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usE? EyEs NO ***** PH: ? 13 . 871 . 9191 NC REG #: 1C64:r PH:713.995.7915 NC REG #: -i ,r a I82 ls food or beverages prepared or seryed in this structure? Eves fl uo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? [ yes T No DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Tennis Re::tioom Buildrn.r (Part of Amenity Center ) Ff : :a. DISCLAIMERT I hereby cerlify that all information in th s application rs correct and all work wll comply with theand local laws and ordrnances and reoulalions The NrlC DeveloDmenl Servrces Center will be notilea ot an,or chanqe in contractor or conlraclor information. "'NO-E Any Work Performed w/O the Appropriate permris Sublecr-to Frnes Up To $500.00"' Slale Burldrng Code ard allot'rer apptrcabre Slalecharqes rn lhe approved plans a1d soectlicaltonswill be in Vro atron of the NC State Bldg Cooe and {lruh*OWNERyCONTRACTOR: r::ke Lj. !., e SIGNATURE: (Ouel er) (Pdnt Name) conbin Asbestos o. not. You are r€qukod to call the Nadonal Emission Stand6rds br Hszardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 al least 10 dsys p.ior to thedemolilion of any fadllty or building. S€€ Asb€stos W6b Site: htF:/ rvww.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asb6tos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: I: L] , LT - !.BUILDING HEIGHT: i./ , 6 ,,# OF UNITS: I TOTAL AREA SO ACRES DISTURBED: SQ FT PER FLR: 6.37 # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: : EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? TiIYES E NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 9iJ,69I SQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: t] PROPERry USE: [OrrrCe ! nesrnunnNr IVERCANTILE EDUC APT ECONDO OTHER: rssen:r-v WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: fTICFPUA REVISED DATE 4/11/12 SQ FT ICATION: a; c:., -'SEPARATE PERIV]ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT. IVECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT I\,IETHOD ficesr ficuecx lervmLE ro NHc) fiaraenrceru ExeRESS I ucnrrse fl orscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) f:lcoMMuNtry sysrEM flwELL flzoNtNc usE CLASS|F L_l CENTRAL SEpTtC LJ pRtvATE SEpTtC DCOMMUNtry SYSTEM ZONE: . OFFTCER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approvat:_ city: -----Elie - FLooD: - - -B;E-+2ft=AVN pERMtT FEE: $_ T Comment APPLICANTJS NAIIE: t,]r k., r-.ryle DATE: r - 2],- LICENSE #: ]: ] Is Elect Power on this Building E yes E ruo TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: , #OFSTRUCTURES: , Nlv.9or-t-=)(>-L7 -967 !1 z I NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (Office Use) APPLICANT'5 NAtlE: l: ,= ' DEVELOPER: t,u1i e G:.ru. CITY: wr tmrr:gton oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: DelTJebb at RinerLiqht-s ArLenitv Cent-er PROPERTY OI,INERJS NAME: . i - OIINER'S ADoRESS: 4..0C Faber P:ace Drive, sre 110 CITY: Norrh Charlesr-on CoNTRACTOR: Mcrt-eith Const r ucr- icn Corp LICENSE #: rl:,e CITY: ,^ i lminot.r EI4AIL ADDRESS: rndo, le Bmont e hco . ccm PRoIECT CoNTACT PERSoN: l.1rk.: l.--!la DATE: r :'l PHONE #: 8.ri rl-r.r29 PHONE S: 8.rl l4a.129l ST: .- ZIP:.:': . ST: NC ZIP:284C1 PHONE #: qi-r.l91 8r!1 PHONE *: 911 699.2116 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheII Penmit #:Is Elect PoHer on this Building E Yes *'I*'I**'* rs rHrs a cHAl'lGE oF occupANcy ustr Ives P ro ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: sT.j Deriqn, rrc ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL : !-n i --e.l sr- r r.l,,i raI aor].r |rI:an-,s DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Mail Pavllion(Part of Amenltv center) OWNER/CONTRACTOR: !NO PH: 11t.811.9191 Nc REG #; 1t64a PHi 113.9,46.'1915 NC REG $: 031182 ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? [ves fi no ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? [ yes r No DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify lhat all information in this,application is correcl and all work will comply wirh the State Burtding Code and allother appticable Stateand loca laws and ordinances and requlalions. The NHC Developmenl Services Center will be nolrfied of anv chanoes in th6 aooroved olans and s;ecit'car'on<or chanoe in contractor or.onirach. inlormalion. "'NOTE: Any Work Pedormed w/O the Aopropflare Permits w| ble rn Vrotat,oi of thehlc State elAg CooeindSublect-to Fines l.lp To $500 00"' STGNATURE: l*$q-Mike Doy le(au€ffier) (Pdnr Nah€) Note: Demolilion nolifc€lions & esbeslos re.noval pomit applications are to b6 submitted using the application form (DHHS-3768) whether the fcility or building was found ro conlaln Asbestos or not. You arc required to callthe Natonal Emission Standards for Hazardous AIr Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5S50 al least 'lO days prior to the d€molition of any facility or building. S€e Asbestos Wob Site: http:/Awrw.spi.state.nc.us/epi/asbe3tos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: 65, ..i TOTAL AREA SQ FT:a ACRES DISTURBED: , ri EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1.] APT CONDO OTHER:A:i:reill - v REVISED DATE 4/11/12 T YES ENO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: e 6 PROPERW USE: EOFFTCE ! neSmUAnrur MERCANTILE EDUC SQ FT FICATION: , *'SEPARATE PERIVITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS -, PAYMENT METHOD: I]CASH I cHEcK (eAvABLE ro uucl [nrvreRtcAN EXeRESS I urcnrrsn f]orscoveR (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) WATER: SEWER: ECFPUA f] COMMUNITY SYSTEM I-IWELL IIZONING USE CLASSI ECFPUA fICENTRALSEpTtC E p-RtvArE sEpTtc flcoMMUNtTy sysTEM ZONE:_OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH: RH: B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE: FLooD: _ - -grE*2ft=Comment AVN pERMtT FEE: $_ PROIECT ADDRESS: 524 Lyreblr.t Lane ZfP: :81 r: (check 411 That Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: ! ALTERATTON ! nrruOvarrOru E.15tenel REPATRS n RELOcaTToN lf Relocation. is therea Natural cas Line on the current sitez IYes Ilo ts gLoc spdtNxleRED? E ves [ruo NEW coNsrRucrroN: E EREcr NEw srRUcruRE ! rasr rRAcK E SHELL E upFrr E ADD To Exrsr STRUCTURE What is the New Occupancy Type? _ BUILDING HEIGHT: 2,,r ' # OF UNTTS: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: B. SQ FT PER FLR: _ # OF STORTES: : #OF STRUCTURES: r #OFFLOORS: 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,]ECT/ "ProjectResponsibility' fr{+ Kro/t n_sor3lzrsa \ Application Number (office use) A-L) Date d'/b- /?APPI.ICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:, A/,'' Cre-l,'2-CITY ztP ZPv'.9 SUBDlVl5lONl PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:1".+L Anru /Juttt PH.NE#: ?h- rylt- "7{31 toT f OWNER,S ADDRESS:{rt Dla,tea^L D\CITY ztP Ar.t CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO.IECT CONTACT PERSON (BtOG LICENSE f tzdC'7 ACC_CITY lD, /*t ST:,i Vc 7lP:4YtJ PHoNE: q/r - 272-9fat' E sunroom (sF)tr Pool (sF) D Greenhouse (SF)_n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? &es Z no TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Heated: TOTAT PROJ€CT COST (Less Lot): S PHONE (a^ < D ANSWER BETOW AtT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT** * E Det Garage (5F)L/ Porch (SF)2oa n Storage Shed (SF)_ Efother (sF) -) Unheated:,lJ 1prd.C0,il.*J-/+: ExISTf NG CONSTRU Cfpn: d/elterction D Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence !.+d-dtion to Existing Residence ! Relocation }*,I.PLEASE CHECK AN E Att Garage (sF)_ /,5C, cut. - ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? d7., I no ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure El-yes E No lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNatural,GasLineonthecurrentsite?EyesDNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E4es E f,to Property Use/ Occupancy:Family E Duplex EI Townhouse Description of Work: DISCIAIMERT I hereby certify that allthe information in this applicatio laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services information. "'NOTE: Any work erformed without the a n is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State and local Center will be notifjed of any changes in the approved plans and s ations or change in contractor riate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC Sta Code and subject to fi .to Ss00.00*+* Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes E No J Owner/Contractor: "License.d QuoIiIiet" Signature: l ls the Aroperty located in a lloodplain? E yes U/ttto: Existing lmpervious Area: -'l b( L SqFt TotalAcres Disturbed: New tmpetvious Arear J l,L sqrt J WATER: d CFPUA E Community System E private Well E Central Welt fl Aqua,/ SEWER: d CFpUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic ! Aqua Zone: _- Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: -- City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ {N} _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit fee: S /i \\\,\ i7 lr I