MAY 22 2017 BUILDING APPSBl'lnv 1? 1r3lPI'l)cn-Se-l-) #NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER AI,L QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PI1OJECT "Project Responsibility'' t'1.!{E9 Date PRolEcT ADDRESS: 216 N 23rd Street SUBDIVISION: Chestnut Heiqhts tOT s: PT 58 & All 59 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: AaTon SCott IVaTIin PHONE #: 9'1 0-616-0405 OWNER'S ADDRESS:216 N 23rd Street clTY: Wilmin n ztP:28405-t d CoNTRACToR: Aaron S. l\,4artin CITY: Wilminqton BLDG LICENSE # ST: NC ztP: 28405ADDRESS: 216 N23rd Street 9 e $) {_ 6 tt--+- :l<a :F EMAIt ADDRESS: martinam@ec.rr.com PHONET 9'10-616-0405 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: X Alteration X Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence /& Addition to Exisring Residence :l Relocation ***PI-EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** l l Att Garage (SF)_ I Sunroonr {SF) ! Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF)Porch (SF) Storage Shed {SF)I Pool (5F) f Deck (sF)7 other {sF) lt,,d0t*r/Bnk ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? IA Yes i j No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:aq TOTAL PROJECT CO5T (Less Lot)S 7t,259 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I I Yes X No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure Lg Yes j No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr! Yes r I No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? lj( Yes L.l No Property Use/ Occupancy: F Singl€ Family L Duplex I r Townhouse Description of Work: T unheated: e- a.! 1 A Owner/Contractor "Licensed Quolilrcr" Print Nofie ls the property located in a floodplain? . i Yes lK No Existing lmpervious Ar"r, lbfi -sqrt {,U'- rr.! laws and ordinan(.s .nd regulations. Ihe NHC Dcvclopment Sorvrccs C.nrer will be notllird of any changos rn the approved plans and cif catrons or change in contraator information "'NOTlrA y work performed wthout the approprial!, per,nrts will be rn violation ol the NC State ald to Iines upto 5500.00"' 5itnature TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Are ", 1!4tr Sq Ft WATER: I CFPUA a Comnrunity System fl Private We I L-l Central Well i- Aqua SEWERT n CTPUA I CommunitySystem a PrlvateSeptic Central Septr. l l Aqua Zone: _, Officer: _ Setbacks {F) _ (LH) (RH) _ (B) Approval: _ City: _ Date: Flood: (A)__--_ (V) (N)__ BFE+2ft= _ Comment Permit Fee: S APPTICANI S NAME: Aaror S [.'a1ir crrYi wll[l nqton ztP:28405 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:AATON S, MATtiN PHoNET 910-6'16-0405 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: Yes [ ] No qu_- C{V,(7 Ao n.- 3)c,5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEAsE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" +++€ts1 APP LICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'5 NAI"IE: Halpern Enterprises fnc. HP oqden, l,lc DEVE LOPER :Hal ern EnLer rises fnc PROIECT ADDRESS: r116 l4arket st OCCUPANT,/BUSINESS NAI4E : O den MarkeE Pface Sho sC OI^INER'5 ADDRESS: s2o0 Roswell Road NE DATET a2121i1'l CITY: 14llminqLon PHONE # : -7 '/ o - 4 s 1 - o 3 1 8 ZIP i 2a4-.', I.ICENSE S: CITY:ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Kemp Roberts I kemp roberts?qmaiL. com ((he.k All That Apply) R ENOVATION lf Relocation, is therp a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?No 5 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shell Permit #:IS E PH: t-/o-6'74-25aa Nc REG #: 50496 PH. '7'7A-6'74-26AA NC REG #: 043347 PHONE *: PHONE f:910 - 262- 5150 IRS R E LOCATION BL PRIN KLE RED?flv"" E LL UP IT this Building n Yes 8,,,l0 IF Yes, lrhat !,/as the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIoNAL: Duane Rcof ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL I Nimlr lesarr DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Construct new mercant.ife/business buildi4g X nformation in this applrcation is correcl and allwork willcomdy wrlh lhe State Building Code and all olher applicable Slale utanons. t he N HC Develoomenl SeNrces Cenler wrll De notrfred ol anv cna noeq in lhe aoor oved olans a nd soeLri ca rronslormanon "'NOTE Any Wol Perlormed WO rhe Approplale Permrls w.ll b:e rn volduor of lhe NC Slale Blog Code and Kemp Roberts (owner'6 Rep) SIGNATURE: <;?(oualil56r) (Pnd Nah€) contain Asbostos or not. You ar€ required ro calllhe National Emlssion Srsndsrds for HaardousAir Polld6nrs (NESHAP) 3r (919)707-5950 atlsast l0days prior to the demoliiion of any facility or bu ildins. S€€ Asb€stos Wsb Sit€: hnp:/M/w.ePi stale.nc.us/epi/asbesros/ahmp.hhl ls food or beverages prepared or served in this struclure? DISCLAIMER: I hereby certfy ihal alli and locallaws and ord nances and regor.hanoe ln contractor or coniractor rn Subtecllo Fines Up To 5500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: I ves [ ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? E Yes I No # OF UNITS: 1 # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: ra6e sF #OF STRUCTURES: r PAYMENT METHOD: ICASH I cHEcK (eAvABLE To lucy Inuentclru exeness I MCA/ISA ! orscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE Approval OFFICERCitv: DATE: LH:_ RH:_ B:_ FLOOD:_-BFE+ N Comment PERMIT REV]SED DATE 4/11/12 #,o, iffil:'4'.} PRoPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Hp oqden, LLC PHONE tr: 770-451-0318 CITY: Arlanra ST: GA ZIP: 30342 CONTRACTOR: TBD sT: ZIP i EXIST CON5TRUCTrON: E ALIERATION E tr E]ro NEI^J CON5TRUCTIOI, @ ERCCT NEbJ STRUCTURE ! TIST T\ICX ! noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE i,r,*'i rs rlrs a cHANGE oF occupANcy user Ivrs flrrc ----- What is the Ne|, Occupancy fype? _ TOTAL PROJECT COST: rBp BUILDING HEIGHTi 27' TOTAL AREA SQ FT : -!-- SQ FT PER FLR: 1469 S! # OF FLOORS: l ACRES DISTURBED: -13--]Iqsre.!]- EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMTTZ I VeS I ltO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:94_13s--sEaaegLL-- SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NA SQ FT pRopERw usE: EoFFrcE lnesrnunnNr fluencnl\lrtre [eouc !anr [cor.roo orHER:r:usiness WATER: mcFPUA ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM ff WELL EZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: SEWERJ MCFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTIC L-] PRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNITY SYSTEM Ao n.-3)r,S ,#NEt^l HAIIIOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERiIIT aPPLICATIoN rYPr: CO}i}'IERCIAL PLE45t Ali5utR ALL QUESTlOl,l5 APPLICABLE lo YOUq PeOJtcT "Project Re5pon5ibiIity" +++€+ APPLICATION Number (offj.cc urc) APPLICAiIT, S NA',IE r, LLC DATE : OEVELOPER: 1a:oer r, strLerprrses rn PRO]fCT ADDRESS CITY: ;.;ZlPi.:i. PROPERTY OI.IYER'S tlAl'lE : OTi ER'S ADORESS: :,:CITY: : Pll()l,lE f : sI coNTRACToR: I Uhl, lnc LIcENSE 3: 62082 CITY: Wlminqton ztP PHOI'lt r: {.-r+.+! 4to-z?t- tgob ADORESS: P.O. Box 4,141 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSO : EXIST CONSTRUCTIOI{ lf Relocation. is thert a N ALTERATToT{ l-l nemvarror Gas Lrne on the Currenl Srle? Ll s l-l nr loclrron senn-xr-eneoz fl v", REPAIR alLrr6l No BLDG \: NEW CONSTRUCTIOII:EREcr NEtr srRUcruRE f] rrcr lrrcr LL uerrr f] aoD To ExrsT srRucruRES If UPFIT - Ihe she1l Pernit *:this Building E Yes E *o e,.J Ull ARCH OESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: ((h€(l All Ihat Alply) I5 E ENGR DESIGN pioFESSIot'/AL: r:. r r PHi 11C-€'14-25AA NC R€G S: 14 l DESCRIPTION OF I^JOR( I ls lood or beverages p{epared o. served in this stuclure?a ves I to ls Th6 Property Located tn Th€ Floodptain? E Yes I NO i..:, . : !', dhl, fw. OWNER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE loonbrr lP.rd nl{) Nol.i Odnot|.on ioofcsri(rr t !.46.10. rfio.d Ftilt tgdlcrto.E xo b b. i!bt'!.d uiE &. .rrtc.ttd Ltm (oHHs-3760 *i(,sl6. tto con6n t b..tot or i|.a yolr !.. rrquad to c.lr rE Nti'id E r-br sf!.'d! b tl6dos! An fru{r'lri (t€sHAP) .1 {919)707-5$0 r donolilroo o{ try h.Iy o. bu'l(lfr. saa A.bG ws sil.i iil! r;scur'3r''cu:'+-l'61'td''r'rt': TOTAL fPROJECT COST: - .T,' BUILOING HEIGHT. j--- TOTAL AREA SO FT SQ FT PER FLR: : TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: r..i6r s. # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED EXST TAND DISTUREING PERMIT?YES NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA] 'SO FI EXISTING IMPERvlOuS AREA: 'ri WATER: U)CFPUA SEWER: m CFPUA PAYMETIT METHOO CASH !CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC)AMERICAN EXPRESS ucnlse n otscoven ZoNE:...-OFFICER 1FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: BFE+Approval:- CltY:..- SQ FT pRopERrY usEi floFFrcE lnesrnumnr @uencmrrc [eouc f]mr I CONOO OTHER: r. ,. . . ,, f] ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: COMMUNITY SYSTEMNCOMMUNITYSYSTEM I]WELLE cerrnn- semc LI PRIvATE sEPTlc N I Comment FLOOD: .-__-AV PERMIT REvlsEo oA-rE a/11,12 PTONE f: .! r :. oCCUPANT/BUSINE55 NAflE: : . ST: NC ZIP: 28406 EttAIL ADDRESS : uci@ec..r.com Ptot{E [: --2311!06-- ACCESSORY STRUCTUR€: '.**r rs r1rs a Cgat'l6E or occupAt{Cy user Ives []m '....IF Yes, rhat ras the Previous Oc<upan(y TyPe? _ l6at i5 tbe I'leH oc(upan(y Type7 _ N( REC *: : ,!; # OF UNITS: * OF STORIES: : #OF FLOORS: l ( Loll--.+TtS RECEI'/EITWI)TftT" # RECEIVED MAT O4 ?M7 NEtd HAI{OVER COUNTY BUILDING PER}IIT aPPLrcarlott rvPE: RESIDENTIAL ftOBILE HOIiE *'*'':;'":'J ::T-i:"#:fl #t#'"*' APPL'.dfinsf--::-r:= [uaber 0ffl.e Us f tlL C,.I PHONE S:x\ zlP PHOi{€ *:sr:S zrca-llo { sr:l{.lP: -PHONE }: pr()NE #:c'{t -1-\ r\ DATE i Lrt1 APPLICANT'S I{A,,iE DEVELOPER: PRO ]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISIOT{: PROPERIY OWNER'S I'IA}IE : OIiNER, S ADDRESS: \o OtINER/coNTRACTOR: IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED PROPERTY USE/OCCUPAXCY: CITY: LICE crw: OC CITY: BLO(K S: SIGNATURE: rro \\ .d RES q\t COHTRACTOR:tlSE f : \,-\-A ADDRESS: PRO]ECT COUTACT PERSON:N\aC (CHEC( ALL THAT APPLY) f] rnsrall [Er., toBrLE HollE TIOTI OF USED I1OEILE HONIE DESCRIPTIO oF ltloRl:r1 0 \-19 o6.l.^NEn:lE66y.diyMoll'.b]fi!b,li..,dEl6n.dldd.{xfldtlc6,y9u'tssgEBtjltlngcd,daiklo.]ok3bi.sl*o'ne,lsdfut*d@1016'Th.Ni. ondrsFi s-6 c.s '.il t ndd c .., c[ry6 m e 'orro!'d od td 'pd rst@ d "i4' -'toIE /$v w'd p'lodtd wro Lr. ^'orc"& Pe tr! -'. E ,i vtrl.d d ft nC * edC Cod. t'l Soq6 n F 'd Up r' t5'O m"' ! A F LooDPLAIxI I Yes fr*.'ffiffi,::;+\tJcc LENGTH:-1 A SERIAL T: COLOR: r '. 'UC,tP HUD LABEL: YEAR IIADE: 'fiJ'-' l,,JIDTll: ,c,3 I SI.o(E DETECTOR SF PORCX: N YES NO n CASH I crtcx lnavmle ro uc1 #vrs I lro GARAGE: YEs NO 5F HURRICANE ZO E: I./AT €CFPUA PAYfiEtIT TETHOD: OECK: E YEs NO SEWER: E CFPUA COI+II,NITY SYSTEt4 CENTRAL SEPTIC 5F TOTAL ACRES DISTURBEO: EXIST LANO OISTURBING PERI'IIT: PRIVAIE I./E L L CE NTRAL I.IE L L COT}1UN ITY SYSTEMIVATE SEPIIC ANENICAN EXPRTSS ! rczrrto YES NO I orscortn SETBAC(S: F;- LH:- RH:- B:-ZONE OFFICER: App.oval:- CitY:-=-- DATE :- FLoOD BFE+2ft= _ PERMIT FEE: $3m- \J- II Comment: + \5}e.3\5 1l Ea LOT f: -- I TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less tot): ,- \lNry,UActp NK Fi co HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATION TYPE; COMMERCIAL 2ot1*Y+wa. c z i .L NEId PERMIT PLEASE ANSI.JER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (Office Use) APPLICANT,S I{AIIE: STEVEN HUNNICUTT - DEACoN/CAPE FEAP. CHRIsT].cN CHUP.CH DEVELOPER: PROIECT ADDRESS: B:i NcRrH L-OLLEGE ri.rAl CITY: wr LM TNGToN OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIiIE: .ApE FEAR cHliisrrAN .rrruRCH PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: a,ili:r aaAa a, ji.. -:i-,-Ii ::Ji:: OWNER,S ADDRESS: 811 NcPTH C.LLEGE PoAD CfTY: l,ir Lr'ir NGToN CONTRACTOR : t)-dha -(+/c,.-L/LICENSE #: ADDRESS:lrv: c..)i o^J <:- DATE: - l PHONE #: PHoNE *: 9 i .r -:9 9-r r i l ST: NC ZIP:2t.ta5 EIIIAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTAC sr:g:zrP: z-Zt+l( ,4.1 PHoNE #: g)o 524 r<3 PHONE #: 9ta -54f; - 29i l 7ERSON:STEVEN HUNNICUTT - shunnicuttGdesiqnele. com (Ch€.k Al1 That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? E Yes I No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I v".I No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit # IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ,t*i*** rs rHrs a cHANGE oF occupANcy usel Ives I Is Ele€t Power on this Building E Yes E ruO what is the Nelr occupancy Type? NC REG #:ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: l.t/A per Llai C..r SLar, drA-:3, .r-,r r c1 PH ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: W D. Jones/!iD Jcnes Engrneerrn.l PH: 910-523-5381 NC REG #t 25812 DESCRIPTIoN 0F WORK: REMovE r,rALLs AT vEsrrBULE DISCLAIMER: lhereby ordin certjfy that allanformation in this a plicalion is correct and all work will comply wrth the Slate Building Code and allother applicabe Stale ls food or beversges prepared or served in rhis structure? [ves I lo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainu I ves fl no or chanoe in contraclor or Subteclio Fines Up To $5 J odt(-C>re and local laws and and reoulalions. The NHC rmation. "*NOTE 00 00*' FT: s6o sF evelooment Services Center will be notified ol anv cha Any Work Performed W/O the Appropflale Permris wrll SIGNATUR to be su using th6 application form (DH h plans and specificalionsNC Stare Eldg Code andth p D es in lhe ap @rc ONTRACTOR:(Ouslmer) (PdntName) Note: Demolilion notificalions & asbesto6 rc.nov8l pemit gppllc€tions ore TOTAL AREA SO contaln Arb€olos or nol. You arc Gquircd b call the Natonal EmEslon staMads br Haarlrus Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 ar lest 10 days prior to tle domolition ot any facility or buildino. 56 Asb€stB W€b Sh€: htts:/ ,vrryr.od.slale.nc.udepi/ab€€todahmp.htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: $21,OOO BUILDING HEIGHT: 21 FEET #OFUNITS: the facility or building was found to SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: r.- r:F #OF STRUCTURES:#OF FLOORS: . ACRES DISTURBED: r. /A EXST LAND Drsrunerruc peRurru l]-'lves I r.ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERry usE: florrrce EnesrnunaNr MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHER:crl;r.cs WATER: ACFPUA SEWER: fn CFPUA *. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS *' flcoMMUNrTy SYSTEM fIWELL fIZONTNG USE CLASSTFTCATTON:fl CENTRAL SEPIC Ll PRrvArE SEPTTC fICOMMUN|TY sysrEM (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:_Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __BFE+2ft= Comment N PERMIT FEE: $ ffi zIP:284a5 # OF STORIES: PAYMENT METHoD: EoASH flcxecr leevneLE To NHc) fieuenrcaN expREss E McA/rsA E DrscovER REVISED DATE 4/1 1/1 2 Ke 4ryNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATI ON TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/' t) g,j q- Appll(rtlin firuu,rlJ? (otrice use) -ltAPPTICAN?S NAME: PROJECT AODRESs: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:@ Asr warfl'r SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER S OWNER'S ADDRESS: V \\ EMAIL ADDRESS:4nauit q-l(6eC.rftLoY\ c[Y: (y'/i \ rv'\zt Z LOT #: 19u 3 \hr)PHONE #: fY\ar\^ V4,YV (41 ro) 5rz - 3)Y0 CfY: I ,\ri \ v'.--.ue:ZY4O ,^^ r0. Lt( .BTDG I,ICENSE $:5 (, X76 CITY:Y*rrE+zlP,7-yyv) PHONE:d b\b NAME:\t s|.I LU }1^, rv\Sic PHONE:0 7tz-zz3PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation **IPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALTTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Att Garage (St) - rt Det Garage (SFl n Porch (SF) n Sunroom (SF)tl Pool (SF) ! Deck (SF) tr Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint?'Ii ves nl No ToTAI sO FT UNDE RRoot (Jor proposea wor*| ttea?e4: @ -7-N unheated: TorAt PRoJECI cosT (Less Lot): 5 2l ' D-bD I A n Greenhouse (SF)- ls the proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? E Yes El No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructuregYes!No tftheproiectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? g Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy;0 Sintle Famlly E Duplex D Tournhous€ Description of Work: {aws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Servlces Center wlll be notified of any chan8€s in the approv€d plans and specifications or change ln contractor information, '.'NoTE: Any work performed wlthout the appropriate permits will be in violation oI the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S500.00r.. 5 own er/contracto r:>r,r-- \-Uo[' e\^)Hvnc Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed: Existing land Disturbing Permit: I Yes I No WATER: n CFPUA tr Community System ! Private Well E Centralwell ! Aqua I SEWER| n CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic n Centralseptic n Aqua Zone: - offlcer: - Setbacks (tl - (tHl - (RH) - (Bl -Approval: - City: - Date: Flood: (A! - (Vl - (Nl - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S li .-- l- :1,;--I - :. Prinl. ir'l1,.1; "Ucensed Qualifier" P ntNo e ls the properw located in a floodplain? E Yes pNo Existing lmpervious Area: - sq Ft New lmpervious Area: - Sq tt RECEIVED t'4AY 1O 20fl ,. , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDTNG PERMIl APPLICATI0,.I ryPEr SIGNS / BILLB0ARDS EtrlAIL AgDnESS; hrvanm hee@southwoodcorp.com PROfECT CoNTACT P€Rsot : Brvan cGhee )ot1- 52s # APpL,iiA ttr)N llur$er PLIA5E P8nrr CltaRLy & Arisl{R alt Q{JESTroxs,PreJect Responslbllity" APPLICAIT'5 AI'IE:SolrthWood Coroo tion DEVEL0PERT Same as Above PRO]ECT ADDRESSI 2126 W- LAKE ShOrE Dr,CIWr Wilminoton NC OCCUPANT/BUSITIESS IAfiEI SECU LaKeside Reserve PROPERTY OflIER,S tIAfiE: Lakeside Partners of Wilminoton Oh,NEE'5 ADDRESS:Drive crrY: Wilmi CoNTMCfoRT tion LIIE SE #: X35130 acco'.ll *: ADoREssr 4700 Westinqhouse CITYr Charlotte (0r.rce U3e) ,ATEt 411P,117 PH0IE #: 7Od-6RA-5OnO 71P | 29401 Prfit E *, 910-7 63-4424 sr: NC zIP:28401 sl t t\tc 71PI uAu71 P{0 E r: 704-5gg-5000 Ptloil€ r: 704-588-5000 x'1 13 DESCIIPTIoII OF IDR(: Fahricale a Install (1) Dqqlle FAqe at the main entrance of the apa(ments (CHECK ALL I1IAT APPLY)fl enecr I rr-ren I nrnarn I ru-nnor fl curucr a-,r rs srcr{(s) oit oR oFF pREr.trsEs? I o{ florr DlSclAIlEni I frobY c.drv lt6l ar lr*o.Edcn o 6t! 3!.rrL.1 b c4..t rn .t r,qt lr.0 qrp, l^t6 tE srr. BdtdtrE c?dr $d rll om€. .pplr..bto s.r. ,! r..d Eq6End qri,ff 8nd rs$rEn49 nl. l.i'€ D€vcopar€i! s€fraE caE !r{l!. nolit6{, ot.ny ci.ra.s in 0r,rorolid pl*B a.d 6!€otcarto.li 6- crEn9. i..oi]!E&. orcdrt !ol€. t{onn lda t'NoTE: An, *tit acr6m.d wo ih.aer.lrilb Perr r b. irl vd3{a orrE Nc sllE adg cods!.d 6ubl.6 b Fr.6 u; 10!600 {6-'o'god,isduy,}Dkk --r.!:rrlj.0r.].11]:ul:!r!r - oWNER/C0tilRACTOR I Brvan cGhee S16i{AIURE ! +i+ta*,|+++:t+*:tatx******t*tr**,t*:.t*ar*t*:rt*+a+tat++++*rt++*+a****!t*+**j**t*rrr**,ll1aJ+a*+*+* TYPE OF SIGN(S ) KJ FREESTANDTT\re (Ground)I surruer-e TIARQUEE I,IALL f] mo:rcrrou n caropv f,il ROOF OTHER SIGN 1 thlght: 86.5" Srgn SIGN 2 Hel.ght:_ Sign SIGN 3 lhlght: _ Sign 5I6N 4 Helght: _ Slgn rco) ZONEr IIr r u OFF]CER: Dlnenslons: 72" W x 42" H Dlfi€nsl.ons; _ X _otmenslons: X _Dlmenslons: X -- Total SQ.F-. of Sfgn: 21 Total 50,FT. of Slgn: -- Tota1 SQ,FT. of Slgn: _Total SQ,FT. of Slgn: _ ToTAL PRoJECT cosr: g 3900.00 rs THE pRopERTy LOCATEo r e rrooonLaru? [ ves K no PAT4aENI nETtOD: I cmn **t*,|*,i*1***,*r******* cHEcr( (nAvADLE ro mc) fJ ari-r. rccourr fl rcTvrsl I orscown t,* *** + t*,r* + **+:r 1* r*t*+ * ** ar;+.t a *,t,t *:t:t * *,G* i. i., *'l,a * r *;i * )t,r * * *, *** * -r t' @\Yb:/ u elhl, SETBACKS I F LH:RH: .5'E:_ .--_:5 REirStD DAt E 3/36112 - BFF.2ft=Approval:_ CltV: UA-E: ' ^#h,t4",f'::4 t hdrrap eanq; Wi5Rt ',5 Lt' Coftnent: r )ity tnspeelurrRequreo 9.1fi-?54'0t-"- olCO \1-\57q utr Total t{umbep of Signs on this projectr -1* F LOOO: .L .+ l7 -/tr/ aPPLtCANT'S NAME: l\4ichael Brodeur RECEIVED APR 21 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N TYPEj RESID ENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" ClTyr Wilmington ))d z--.)) oate,04-19:?9]7yp 28411pRoJEcT ADDREss: 7300 Arlifact Court SUBDtVtstoN: Register Place LOT B: 10 coNTRAcToR: Bradford Products BLDG TICENSE i'48taV pRolEcT coNTACT ptRsoN: Spencer Peterson pHoNE: 910-617-3346 lf Att Garage (sF)_ fl Sunroom (sF)- fi Greenhouse {SF)- tr oet Garage {SF)_Ll Porch (SF) I0zFool (SF)540 sq ft {*,nrrrl 924 sq ft. ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E v", &o TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF llor propased work) Heatedl E Storage shed (SF) U#tner {sr) SPa = 69.5 sq ft TOTAT PROJECT COST (LPs1 Lot):S @ ls trc proposed work changiig the nurnoer of bedroorns? D Ves Wd ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structurc lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturar6as Line on the current srte? E Yes l( Ihprc Elpclr cal Power on lI s EuitdinB? ffYes D f,to ,,, Property Use/ occupdncy: Elzsingle Family E ouplex D Townhouse ,4 llzf'lo ENo ldws and o.dinanrcs and regulatlons. The NHC Development Services Ccnte. wiilbe noti,ied ofany chan8es rh approved plans and spec {acations ot change in coniractor fformatlon. +t'NOT€:Anywork pe.formed withoutth€ appropriate permiis wlllbe ln violation of the NC de and sublectto fincs up ro S5o0.o0'** f\trhr Ar.o*e.r SignatLrrerOwner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoliJier" s the property located in a floodplaln? E Yes Exlsting lmpervious Area: -1999- sq pt New lmpervious Area; .204 5q 91 SEW€R {*o TotalAcres Disturbedi WATER Zoner _ Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH)-. - (RH) - lB) -- Approvalr _ city:_ Datei-_ Flood: (A) -__ (V) _ (N) - BFE+2ft= -.-commcnti Permit Fee: s Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: E yes E No &rruo O community system E Private Septic E central septic 2 aquavA^r-daa U".t* S r^-rr<,1 ) pRop€Rw oWNER,S NAME: l\y'ichael Brodeur pHoNE fl: 910-352-7216 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 7300 Artifact Court CtrY: Wilmington 7p. 28411 ADDRESS: 2'101 Enterprlse Blvd _._ ctTy: Leland sT:.N!_ztp: 28451 EMA|LADDRESST Spenc€r@bradfordproducts.com pHoNE: 910-617-3346 -,,.EXISIING coNsTRUcTloN: ynlteration E qcnovation fl Gereral Repai's NEW CONSTRUCTIoNT [,] Ercct Ncw Residence Ei'fdditlon ro Existing Residence l] flelocation **i.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**'I I j l i unheated: Description of work: Addition of pool/sp 9 NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLI.ATION rYPE: COMMERCIAL )t;t-Sr55 PERMTT ll- - t*qt APPLICATION Number (office Use) C Z APPLICANT, S NAME : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAflE : PROPERTY OWNER's NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: I o € PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" CITY:rt( C, 'l ./.-^^ U<.(q (-ztp: 5Tt.p<:ZtPtse?O/ .L A ,s1s. s-'Z'/)fb 3 ,. CITY: L:,I n< CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS :SI IP:'42 9/o ).)7//.-r-att(EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: LICENSE #:>2/ )f4CfiY: Z),\ PHONE #:i PHoNE s: 9 /a->< 1-3<-*7 EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Natural NEw CONSTRUCTTOru: ! enecr NEt.l STRUCTURE ! rnsr rmcr I sxer-l ! unrrr f] ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE If UPFIT - The SheII Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E nO ****{! rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usrr Ivrs fiNo ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type?hlhat is the New occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: PH: PH: NC REG #: NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF UJORK:ll .-b.-Ab-E ls food or bsvoragos preparod or s6rv€d ln this sruaure? [Ves I r'lo ls Ths Proporty Locatod ln Tho Floodplaina I v"" I no pplicable Slate The tionsCode and (Check All That APPIY) ALTERATToN [!l neuovatroru l-l ceuenal neparns l-l RELocarroN Gas Line onthe -cwrenr sitez fivl-flruo tseLoc sp;l xleneoz@v". fillo lrl4 i<<- t- OWNERYCONTRACTOR:(Ouaffier) (ftint NsrB) Note: Demolitjon notficalions & asbostos removal permit applications are to b€ submitted using lhe applicstion form (DHHS-3768) whether lhe fscility or building was found to contrain Asbestos or not you are roqulred to callth€ Nodonal Embslon Standards br Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) st (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to lh6 demolition of any lacility or building. 566 Asbeslca Web Sits: htgr xww.epi.sbte.nc.us/epi./asbesbs/Ehmp.htnl TOTAL PROJECT COST:/)iua BUILDING HEIGHT: TOTAL AREA SO FT :s )SO FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RO # OF STRUCTURES:J ACRES DISTURBED:tt)EXST LAND DTSTURBTNTC peRr\4rra n ves [l No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERTuSE: Elorrrce E RESTAURANT luencmtrle [eouc nnpr E CONDO OTHER: WATER: BCFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA.' SEPARATE PERI\,{IIS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, IVECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS '' pAwtENT METHoD: EcAsH [CneCx leeVasLE TO NHC) fleUenrCaru o<eneSS I tr,tCnnse I otscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) REVISED DArE 4/11/12 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: AVN # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: l-l coMMUNtTY SYSTEM Tl WELL fIZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: - CEI.{TRAL SEPTIC fI PRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNIry SYSTEM SQ FT L Q Comment PERMIT FEE: $- PHONE #: PHoNE s: 9/'J-J3/'/f3s ACCESSORV STRUCTURE: # OF UNITS: / o z a NTv.&:11-SAGcl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" AppLICAI{T,S NA}1E: Sunny Ftores on behatf of AT&T Wiretess AT&T Site: SouthlTthSt(3C) #478_171 L7 -L392 APPLICATIOiI Number (office Use) oare:4128117 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI4E: AT&T Mobilitv PROPERTY OWNER's NA E: CAPE FEAT PUbIiC UtiIitV AUthOTity CONTRACTOR:IvlasTec Network Solutions 70037 PtlotlE *: 9 l 0-322-6739 sr: NC zrP: 28403 sT: NC zIP: 27513 LICENSE #: CITY:caryaDDREss : '1000 Centre Green Wa Ste 300 EI1AIL ADDRESS: Bradley.Conn@mastec.com pRolEcT coNTAcT pERsoN: Bradley Conn pHoNE *: 919-674-5901 pHoNE #: (678)-995-6314 (Che.k All Ihat Apply) RENOVATION tr GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION Current Site?Yes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Yes No EXrST COI{STRUCTION: E ALTERATIOiI lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the trtrtr tr NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAsr rRAcK fl snrr-l f] uerrr p mo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shel1 Penmit #:Is Elect Pol,er on this Building EI yes E to ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOT'IAL:PH:pH,CiFSSriI=iZ NC REG #: NC REG f:P-1390ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOI.IAL: FDH VEIOC|IEI DEscRrpTroN oF t^loRK: lnstall 3 Additional 30-amp Breakers for LTE RRUs;Add (3) KMWAntennas: (3) RRUs-32 ls food or beverages prepared or served in this *ruaure? [ ves I no ls The PropGrty Located ln Tha Ftoodplain? [ ves ! to DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify thal allinformation ln and local laws and ordrnances and requlations The or chanoe in contractor or conrraclor inlormation. "'Subjectio Frnes Up To $500.00"' rhrs appl,(arron rs correcr drd a I wo.r w,t compty with the State Buildinq Code andNHC Developmenl Servrces Cenlerwill be noUfred ol anv chanoes ln th6 aoorovedNOTE' Any Work Perlomed W'O lte AooroDnate Permils will 6e in Viotatidn of the plans andNC Slare all other apdicable State Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Bradley Conn SIGNATURE:(otllm.d ed N!n]€) Not€: Denolhion nodfrc€liom & asb66los romoval pemit applicallons arc b b€ submitted U3lng the applicalion loin (DHHS-3768) wtlohor d16 o. bdldlno wos toond to cont8ln Asb$tos or no! You are Bqulrcd to call tho Nedonel Embslon S'landsrds ior lh2ardous Alr Pollutanb (NESHAP) d (919)707-5950 6t loost 'tO dry! Flor b {1o d€rnolition of 6ny hcility or building. S€€ Asbsto6 Web Site: httpJ ,vww.epi.sbt6.nc.us/6pi/esb6tos/ahmp.hunl TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2O,OOO BUILDING HEIGHT:135.6'# OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:_ # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsruRsrruc peRurrl l-lyES E No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IN4PERVIOUS AREA:SO FT pRopERry usE: lorrrce f]nesraunnrr lr,lencrNr[e !eouc APT Ecotoo oTHER:Existing Water WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: T-l CFPUA Tank Tower *. SEPARATE PERIVITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. I\4ECH, PI3G. GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' PAYMENT METHOD:flcrsn f]cnecK (eAvABLE ro NHc) EAMERIcAN ExpREss fitlllcrrrrse florscoveR (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISED OATE IVlV12ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_Approval:_ City:_ DATE: FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2ft=AVN EcoMMUNrry sysTEM flwELL flzONtNG USE CLASS|F|CAT|ON: flCENrRAL SEpTtC Ll pRtvATE SEpTtC fl COMMUN|TY SYSTEM Comment PERMIT FEE: $tm otlNER' s ADDRESS: 235 GOvernment Center Dr.crrY: Wllminqton DEVELOPER: PHONE #:,*rraat o* r.r**,'. rS THrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usel IveS [l1n ..-.' IFYe5,whatwasthePreviou5occupancyType?-Whatisthel'leUoccupancyType?- .-\)at1-Sz U7 I /,i/ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAfloN TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PTEASE ANSWIR AL], QUESTIONS APPL'CA8IE TO YOUR PROJECT"Project Resporsibility', L7 -158s Application Number (office use) oa'f-:5116117PROJECT ADDRESS: 7895 Champlain Drive ctly. Wilminoton 71p 28412sUBotvtston: Bass Lake @ Woodlake LOT S: 38 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: D.R. Horton PH0NE a: 910-612-7127OwNrR'S ADDRESS: 7483 Chiptey Drive Clry: Wilminqton 719.28411 CONTRACTOR: D.R. Horton s1p6 U6px5s s 29676AODRISS: 7483 Chioley Drive C[y: Wilmington Sr: NC Zrp. 284'11EMAILADDRESS; Sdqunn@drhorton.com PRoJEcr coNTAct ppq5gN. Ryan Willis EXISIING CONSTRUCTTON: ! Alteration fl Renova on [] General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTOT{: \d Erect Ne,r, Residence E Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation d Att 6arage {SF) 429 "ar rra E Oet Garage (SF)--d Porch tsFl 115 E Sunroom (5F) ---...--E Storage Shed {SF) -- n Greenhouse {SF)U Deck (sF)115 15 the proposed work changing the existing footprint?{ yes I No TOfAt SQ FT UITIDER ROOF lfo( proposed wotkl Hg31s6;3126 gnhs31s4;779 TOTAI PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 206985 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms?dr", tr no PHONE: 910-612-7127 PHO,{I:910465-1906 ! Pool (5F) ..-*_-- ls any Electrical, PlumbirS or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Strulf the proiect is a Retocadon, is there a Natural Ge D Property Use/ Occupancy: ,nf M.ingle Family D Ouplex D Townhous€ Building? E) yes s Lir€ on the current site? E"ols there Electrical power on .,r." /r", ves $ to n No Descrip tlon of wo.kr New Sinqle Family Residence DISCIAIMER: I herebycenifothat allthe lntormation in thisappflcalon k correat and a,lwork wi claws a6d odinances and regutations. ThetlHC Oeyetopment Servi.es Center wlltOe notiOea oranyinformation.r.NOT!:Anywo*pertoroEa,withouttheapp.oprhtepermi,a*ifiOui"",ot",ionof owner/contractor: Slewart Gunn signature'Licens.d Qudlifier" p nt ltome ,s the property tocated in a ftoodplain? d v", tr rc ExistlnS lmpervlousArea: _ Sq Ft omply with the State Euitding Code and altotherap chanees in the approved plans and specitications or pllcable State and loral chanSe rn contraator to fines up to S50O.OO..' Iotal Acres Disturbed: .35 New lmpervious Arg3; 3577 Sq Ft Exlrting Land Disturbing rermit: y'yes D wo WATER: E/cFpUA D Communrty System E private we E Ceotrat well E Aqua SEWER: M CFPUA E community System E private Septic El Centratseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Offtcer: _ setba€ks (r! _ (LH) _ (RH) -- (8, --- Approvalr =.-. Crty: _ Date: -* Ftood: (Al _- {V} _ (Nl *.--. 8rt+Zft= _,17'7 t (--'-permh Fee; S €omment: APPLICANT,S NAMEI Stewart Gunn / otner 1sr1 1eo NEW HANOVER COTINTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70WILMINCTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone. 910.798.7308 Fur; 910.798.7g1 t Intet ne l : wu,w. n hc.gov. co m 4 to 7 woRKlNG DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FoR pERMrr rssuANcE S TEME TOF NDER STAND ING Stewart Gunn am submitting an application for a residential buildi ng permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submittingthe application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: lhave attac hed an official CFPUA receipt or document that has ..,,.''t;.iffi: acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFpUA. tl I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the city of wilmington, for this work that wiil be done in the city of wilmington. n I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and ifthere are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, l!!_d iflnere are nofurther clarifications required by New Hanover county; New Hanover countycan guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped dateltimenotation made by the Building safety Department on the application or submittaldocument). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only beginswhen the applacation is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Stewart Gunn 5/16/17 Signature Printed Name 7895 Champlain DriveAddress for the proposed residential work: Date I, RECEIVED t,lAY 12 20f bt%>g-^b-&ll-sal / l7-ts(2 APPLICATI(x{ Number (offi.e us!) APPLICAI{T'S NAltE: rrsran Bros rnc m }.IATER: SEtIER: DATE: .,// t'l DEVELOPER:PHONE #: PROJECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISIOiI: 3il creoorv Road CITY: wi.Iminot on ZIP: ZgAl&_ CITY: wi lnlnct.n ST: _]]s_ ZIP: lljlj_ 5T: Na ZIP: 28433 PROPERTY Oi{{ER'S tlAfiE: ciarence 6 Ano cc1-weLl ol.llER'S ATDRESS: 31r sreoorv Rcrd CO{TRACTOR: Ingra::1 Brcs Inc ADDRESS: 1706 aastle street EfitAIL AITORESS: Dr:o iecLsGinorambrcs . ner LfCE SE S: 66480 CITY: xilrinltclr P}O E $: PK)NE *: 910-'162- 9695 pROIECT COI{TACT PERSOiI: .err .;ererrs EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL RE PAIRS RELOCATION 910 - 4,13 0299 NEI.I CONSTRUCTION: fI ERECT NEI.I RESIDENCE Or ADDITIO{ TO EXISTING RESIDENCE T.,TPLEASE CHECK AM' AI{SI{ER BELOI{ ALL THAT APPLY TO Y(ruR PRO]ECT: I rrr elnaee - sF ! oer eanace sF D poRcH - sF ! suunoou _ sF POO L SF l-l sronace sxeo SF SFf| onerrHorse SF ! orcx SF OTHER: BDRI,[, BATH, closEr TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:4c5 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: aos TOTAL AREA SQ FT: .r05 TOTAL PROIECT COST tr*. r.rr : $* OF STORIES: i50.000-00 Is Any ELECTRICAL, plt llBlt{6 or tIECtUflICAL [ork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? Etr Ves I m If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current site? [ ves @ uo Is there Electrical Power on this Building? [lv"s l-l Ho PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMTLY I trUerrX I roUUnoUSr DESCRIPTION OF UIORK: Stirr< bur.Ld room add:r.rcrr J0' r 13'5" OISCLAIMER lhereby certily hatallintrmauon an his appkal,on is conectand all work willcomply wih t'e StaG &ii able Stats and localla s and ordin an ces and regulalions The NHC Dewbpmen t S€ rvicrs C€nE. will be noafed of any ctlanges in he contacbr inbrmalion '"tlOTE: Any Work Perromed w/O he Applopri8b FamlE will bs in ViohCon of he NC Bldg s Lb To $500.00"' O{|{ER/CONTRACTOR: .1e6; sq5...S16T{ATURE: (rrlnt I'l:i€)++++ +t**++,* ++++ *+++ +a+++++ a++ +*+* +,1+ + + ++ + ++++ +++ +,t' + + + +,i,1 i!,t,t ,t,t *,t**,* *,1+ *+++ ++ + + ++ IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED II{ A FLdIT'PLAII{? EXISTII{G Il,tPERvI(ruS AREA: _ SQ FT E YES Eno EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERIiIIT:fl ves @ noNEt{ I!.IPERVIOUS AREA: 4cs SQ FT CFPUA E Co!$4UNITY SYSTEI'4 N PRIVATE I.IELL cFpuA E CENTRAL sEprrc [-l pnrvlre seprrc I cerurnar well fl couNuurw svsreu *I* SEPATATE PERTIITS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, I1ECH, PL8G, GAS EqJIP, PREFABS & IiISERTS **l. pAyirEirT rlETHoD: E csr E cxrc( (payABLE ro Hc) E $ERrcAr{ ExpREss E uclvrso ! orscwrnIr:i++i|**:*:t:t*+,**+++:+*:**+:t*i*****:*t*:a*r:.*+t++,t******+*************,t*:*,*t:*+:t++t:a*a+***tt**,t*,** (FOn OFFICE USE Cnt-Y) REVISED DATE 04l1r/12 ZoNE: oF F ICE R:SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLmD: _ BFE+2ft= AVN Conment I PERI,IIT FEE: $d NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI.,IIT APPLI cATIott rYPE: RESIDE TIAL PTEASE At{ShrER ArL QUESTIONS AppLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility'' BLOCK }:LOT #: _ PIO E #: 9-!a-39e-632a TOTAL ACRES OISTURBED: -$\N \+.\55\ RECETyED t4Ay 1 1 lz,Jff ), l:_S]-l Clear Form Print eMa il NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A PPLI CATION TYPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEAST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PIlO]ECT "Proied Responsibilit/' ,fo iffni4a APPI.ICANT's NAME:FS llC.l Date:511212017 PRoJECT ADDRESS: 391-0 S!ryeqtbdalB,oacl. ClrY: Wilmingtonllc- zlP : 28403 sUBDlVlSloN: Lincolm Foresl Sec D P tD R06109-0fJ4-01 4-000 CONTRACTOR F.S-. L..C. dba RamJack BLDG LIcENSE #: S7f8- ADORESS 4122 B nnett [,4emorial ed CITY: Durham-sr: NL zlP: ZZQS qr q-30q-9727 PRO,IECT CONTACT PERSONr Charlie Lewis PHONE: 919-309- EXISTING CONSTRUCTIoN: D Alteration ! Renovation g4eneral Repats NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence ffidition to ExistinB Residence E Relocation .r+PtEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*+ I l-l Det Garase ISF)tr Porch {sF) TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor prcposed work) Heated roTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 00 unheated D Storage Shed (SF)- Gd fl Pool (5F) ! oeck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? D V.e' WG 3 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes E (6 ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicat work being done to the Accessory Structure fl Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes D-Xf ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin C? W{es I no/- Property Use/ Occupancy: g"Single FamilV D Duplex ! Townhouse oescription of Work: -Install helical oiers stabilize lion as de ioned bY structural enoineer OISCLAIMER: I herebY certifY rhat a the information in this apptication as corra.t and allworl willcomply with the slaie Euildins code and allothet applicable state ahd local laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Developm€nt services cente.willbe notified ol anychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor up to 5500.00"'information. "'NOTE: Any wo* performed without the aPPropriate P Owner/Contracto "Licensed QuoliJie/' r: Charlie Lewis Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes [f No Existint lmpewious Area: -Sq tt New lmpervlous Area: - - -- Sq Ft erm ts wil be anviolation ofthe NC Srit (v) - lN) - BFE+2ft= - e and >ry.| rcrne'-4 /-'--Z---\ Total Acres Oisturbed: Existing Land DisturbinB Permit: I I Yes I l No Ll CFPUA f] Community System D Private Well f] CentralWell D Aqua tr CFPUA n Community System D Private Septic E CentralSeptic D Aqua Otlicer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - tB) -Approval: - CitY; - Date: - Flood: (A) WATER SEWER: Zone: Comment:P€rmit Fee: S S LOT .22O pROpERWOWNER,S NAME: Euoenia Lennon PHONE #: 910-262-8555 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 3910 Sweetbriar Road CITY: Wilmington NC ZIP: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: charlie@ramiackusa.com ' PHoNE: D Att Gara8e (sF)-- E Sunroom (SF)- -- fl Greenhouse (sF)=-D Other (SF) - ?r NEw HAN,VER cou*w BUTTDTNG p#n[ri-"av'l APPLICATTON TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER AI,L QUESNONS APPTICABIE TO YOUR PROJECI 'Prolcct Responslblllit/ L7 -L'526 Application Number (office uee) Anchor Homes, LLC 6316.5-10-17APPI.ICAT{T'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:915 Anchors Bend Way cmr. Wilmington aP. 28/.11 SUBDMSIOIS: Anchorc Bend tor #. 123 PROPERW OWNER'S NAMg. Anchor Homes, LLC OW ER S ADDRES5, 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 180 PHOI{E *: 910-821-8398 ory, Raleigh 71p. 27605 CONTMCToR: RH Mcclure Builders of SBl, LLC gtDG ttggxg5 6. 721404 ADDRESS: 302 Jefferson Street, Sulle 180 CITY:Raleigh st: NC ZIP 27ffis EMATL ADDREss: lynette@foreverhom€llc.com PHONE. 91G,279-3403 PROJECT CONTACI PERSON:Robert Jordan PHOtrtE. 91G.279-3403 EXISnNG COI{STRUCIION: E Alteration 0 Renovation E General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCnO:UErectNewResidenceEAddltiontoExistingResidenceERelocation '*.PLEASE CHECK AI{D ANSWER '' E Att Garage (Sr) 46 E Det Garage (SF) E porch (SF)133 D Sunroom (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF) _ n Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the exlstlng footprint? D Yes B No TOTAL 5q FT UNDE?R@F lJot proposed work) Heated:2547 Unheated: 775 TOTAI PROJEET COST (Less Lot): S'185,000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyEle€trlcal,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesElto lfthe project is a Reloetlon, istherea NaturalGas Une on the current site? E yes El lrlo lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E slngle Famlly E ouplex E To*,nhouse Descrlption o; q616rg New residenUal conelructon DSO-AIMEn: I hereby cenify that all fe information ln thle appllcetion is co..ect and allwork willcomplywith the State Suilding Code and .ll other.ppllcable state and locat lafls and qdinances and rcgulations. The NttC Developrnent SeMces Center willbe nodfied of.nV changgi in the or drange ln contractor lnformation. 'r.NOIE: Any rvork performed without the approprlate per0its wlll be in vtolation o{ the up to 5500.00"' otYner/conlracto ri Robert W. Jordan Slgnature: 'Licensed Qwltiel Prlnt None lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E yes E No Exlstlng lmpeMous Arca. 6845 sq R New tmpewlous Area' 2683 sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: Exlstlng land Dlsturblnt Permlt: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community system E private well E entralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA O Communlty System E prtvatesepticECentralsepticEAqua zorE: _ Oficer: _ Setback (f) _ (tH) _ InH) _ (Bl _ Approual: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ {V) _ {N) _ BFE+2ft- _ comment: permlt Fee: S tltG - and subiect D Storage Shed (SF)- El other (sFl Patio 196 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT'ON TYPE : RESIDEI{TIAL PI,-EAsE ANSWER ATI QUESTIOI{S APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect R€spon3lblltt/ L7 -L46L Apdication Number (office use) Anchor Homes, LLC Date: #17APPTICANT'S NAME: PROJECI ADDNESS:1036 Baldwin Park Drive 6Ty. Wilmington aP.28411 suBDlvrstoN . Anchors Bend ror $. 162 pROpERTy OWNER5 gylys. Anchor Homes, LLC owI{ER S ADDRES5: 302 Jefferson Sheet, Suile 180 PHO E#: 910-821{398 CITY:Raleigh ziP. 27605 cotfTRAcTOR: RH McClure Builders of SBl, LLC BLDG LICENSE #:7MO4 ADDRESS: 302 Jefierson Street, Suite 180 CITY:Raleigh sr. NC aP. 27605 EMAtt ADDRES$ lynette@foreverhomellc.com p119xs. 91G27$3403 PROJECT CONTACT PER!OI{:Robert Jordan PHONE. 91G279-3403 EXISTIIIIG CONSTRUCTTO :E Alteration E Renovation E General Repai6 I{Ew CO STRUGTIOI{: E Erect New Residence E Additlon to Exlstlnt Residence E Relocatlon ..'^I CASE CHECI( AI{D AI{SWER BETOW Al'J. IHAT APPTY TO YOUR PNO.,ECT"' E lttearage (sr) 531 E Detcarage (sF)- G Porch (sF) 378/3cr€en porch E Sunroom (5F)_ E Greenhouse (5F) _ D Pool (sF) D Deck (sF) E storage shed (5F) _ G Other (SF)Patio-266 ls the proposed wo* changing the existinS footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT SQ FI UttlOER R@F Aor proposed wort) H€aled:4M9 Unh€.led:439 TOTAT PROJ€Cr @ST (tess lot): 5 305,0m.00 ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? Cl Yes B No ls any Hecrdcal, PlumblnE or Medankalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E YG5 E o f the project ls a Belocatlon, isthere a NaturalGas Line on the current site? El Y6 E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? B Y6E o Prop€rty th€/E Townhouse DescrlBion of lrlsctalMER: lhereby certit that allthe Information in thlr appllcltlofl b rorrect and all work will comply with the State Eulldlnt all other applkable State and local laws and ordinances and retlrlatlon5. the NHC t|evelopment SeMces Cent€r wlll ba notlffed ofanv intormation. "ttlOTE: Ary wo* p€rfonn€d withoot th. appropriate p€rmlts wlll be h vlolation ot NC Stats BldS or ahange ln contractor up to SS@.0O"' Owne/Contractor:Robert W. Jordan SlSnatune: "Licensed Quofifier" Pdnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ycs E o Exlstlng hp€rylous Arca' 1 '1998 sq Fr I{ew lmp€rvlous Area: 4067 sq Ft E{stlrrg l,.nd Dlsturblng P.rmlt E Yes Et No WATCR: E CFPUA E Community System E Prlvate well E Gntral Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA El Community System E Private Septlc E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: - gfflcer: _ setbadc (Fl - lLHl - (RHl- lBl -Approval: - City: _ Datel - Flood: (Al-(Vl -ltu - 8FE+2ft= - Total Acres Distufied ..28 t44 c subject to Comment:Permlt Fee: $ _ tr OONSU orres( DU NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUII.DING PERMIT APPUCA1 ION IYPE: RESIDENTAT PIEASE ANSiWER ALI OUESTIONS APPLICAsLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Rerponslbllly 2on-s 77 -1,460 Application Number {of{ice use) o?t,.e. 4-2$17 1i'' Anchor Homes, LLCAPruCAIIT,S '{AME:PRO'ECT ADDRESS:1125 Baldwin Park Drive oTy. Wilmington ztp. 28/.1'l SITBDwE1ON: Anchors Bend 1g1s. 201 PNOPERTY OWNER'S AMEI Anchor Homes, LLC OyI{ER,9 ADDRESS. 302 Jefrerson Street, Suite 180 PHOI{E S: 9104214398 ctw. Ralolgh ztP. 27605 coNTMCToRT RH Mcclure Buildors of SBl, LLC BLDG UCENSE #: 74404 ADDRESS;302 Jefferson Street, Suite 180 CITY. Raleigh sr' NC ztp:27605 EMAtt ADDRES9T lynette@for€verhomellc.com PHONE:91C279-3403 morEct cot{TAcI psx591r Robert Jordan PHONE;91&279-3403 EXEnr{G CO SrRUCIION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repalrs NEW COr{SIRUCnOT{: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation ...PtEASE CHEO( AI{D AIISWER BE " EI Att Garage (SF) ffi E Det Garage (SF) E porctr (sr1 398 [] Sunroom (sF) _ E Greenhouse {SF)- tr Pool(SF) tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed wo* changing the existint footprint? D Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT U DERrcOF Vor proposed work) Heated:3363 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less tot): S 285,000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? 0 Yes t3 fo lsanyElcctrfual,PlumbingorMechanhalworkbeln8donetotheAccessoryStructureEyesElrlo ftheprojectlsaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EyesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildhg? B Yes E No D Storage Shed (SF) _ E other (sF)Patio-238 Property Us€/ D€scrlptlon of Occupancy: E 51ry1a Famlly D Duplex E Tof,nhousGqyorp New residential construction DISCIAIMERT I her€by certlfy that all the information ln tiis applkatio. ii co.rect rnd all wqrk wlllcomplywith th€ Stete BulldlngCode and all other applicable Siate ard local orchange in contrectoalavr! and o.dinancesand reguhtloni. The NHC Oavelopment S€rvices Center willbe notifled of any chanSes in a lnformatjon..+. OT€: Any work p€rformed without tie appropriate p€rmltt wjll be in vlolarton of the Ouvner/Cont actor: "Llcehsed Qudl$ef Robert W. Jordan Sltnature: Prlnt Nome up to $5oo.0o'.. lsthe prop€rtylocated in afloodplain? E Yes E tto Exlstlu lmpervbus ^r.",22486 5qR Total Aci$ Olsturbed: IIew lmpervious Area:5178 Sq Ft Eristl]l8 tend DbrurtlnE Permh: B YGs E o ITVATER: El CFPUA El Community System E private Well E Centralwell B Aqua S€WE& E CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic O lqua Zone: _ Offlcer: _ Setbads (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Appronl: _ Oty: _ O.tei _ Fhod: (A, _ (V, _ {N, _ BFE+2ft, _ Cotnmcnt: permh Fee: S and sublect to Unhc.red. 227 <1 ,r: ffi -)c NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PL I CATI O N ffP6: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AIL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Prolect Responsibillt1/' t'/-.. t(II L7 -L348 Appi,cation Number {of{i.e use) Ancfior Homes, LLC Date. 4-25-2017APPLICAIIT'5 NAME: PROiECT ADDR€Ss:912 Anchors Bend Way ctTy. Wilmington ztP. 28411 sUBDtvtstON: AnchorsBend LOT f: 90 PROPERW OWNER'S NAME; OwNER,s ADDRESS, 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 180 PHONE f: 910-821{398 sry. Raleigh 2tP. 27605 CONTMCT9R: RH Mcclure Builders of SBl, LLC BroG L|CENSE *. 74404 ADDRESS: 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 180 sny. Raleigh sr. NC zrP. 27605 EMATTADORESS: lynette@foreverhomellc.com PHONE. 910-279-3403 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pppg6p' Robert Jordan PHoNE. 910-279-3403 EXISTING CO,{STRUCIIO : n Alteration I Renovation I General Repairs NEW COI{STRUCIION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Rebcation '+'PLEASE cHEc( ALoANsw "* E Att Garage (Sr1 425 Det Garage (SF)- E Porch (5F))o) I Sunroom (SF)--. i Greenhouse (SF)-_ n Pool(SF) ! Deck (SF) E Storage Shed (SF) _ G other isF)Patio-132 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ Yes G No TOTAT SQ FI UNDERROOF \for propased work) Heetedl 3179 Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 240,000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes G ftlo lsanyEbctrical,PlumbingorMechaaicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the project is a Reloaation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E lilo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? El Yes E xo Property Use/ Occu pancy:Family E Dupler fl TownhouseSingle residenDescript1s6 s11Ars11; New tial construction laws and ordinances and re8ulataons. The NHC Oevelopment S€ ices Centetwillb€ notifled otany cha es in the specifications or change in aontrdctor inform3tion. ".NOTE: Aoy wort p€rtormed without the appropriate permhi will be in violetlon Iiner up to s500.0or.. Owne/Con$actor:Robert W. Jordan SiSnat "Licensed Quolifie/' Print Nome lsthepropertylocated in afloodplain? E Yes E Xo &isttnt lmpervious Area. 7007 sq Ft New lmpervious Area;3149 Sq Ft €xisting land Disturbing Permit: El ves E ttto WATER: E CFPUA E community system E Private well Cl central well El Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System D Private Septic E Central S€ptic 0 Aqua Zone: -- Oflicer: _ Sctbacks tF) _ (LlJ) -- (nH) -* (B) _ Approval: - Crty: - Date: - Flood: (Al _- (Vl - tN) - BFE+2ft: - TotalAcres Disturbed: and suState Comment:Permit Fee: $ Anchor Homes, LLC a (1(A Y:\ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/ t.t-ll4b \( APPI.ICANT'S NAME: B=n.i.",nBgrllraif, Ramsey p36. 4-6-2017 pRoJEcT ADDRE5S: Scteefledffiie \ 5 ,s.t- SUBDtvtstoN: Daniel's Trace i.( ctTy: Wilmington 71p.2M'11 LOT #: 1 CONTRASTSR: Beniamin Ramsey BLDG LICENSE # ADDRESS: 150'l Misty Oak Lane 6lTy Wilmington sr: NC ztp, 284'1 1 EMATL ADDRE55: BenRamsey.CCC @gmail.com pROIECT CONTACT p6j5gp; Benjamin Ramsey EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence (Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *'*PLEASE CHECK AND AI.I. THAT APPLY TO tr Pool (SF) p116xs. 845-728-6460 pnorr: 845-728-6460 tr Deck (sF) tr Porch (5F) n Storage Shed (SF)_ \o,i,"r1sr1 287 .5 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl Yes n No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S /ltru:,,rrl gnhg3gg6;287.5 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n V"[ffo \ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yesX No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gt Line on the current site? tr V"rrEgo / \ ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr veslNo Property Use/ Occup"ncy,{ Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: Buildinq screened-in patio on existinq concrete palio DISCIAIMER:1 hereby certify that allthe information in this application is correct and allwork willcompty with the State Buitding Code and allotherapplacable State and local laws and ordinan.es and regulations. The NHc Development Services centerwill be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. '" NOTE: Any work p€rformed without the eppropriate perm its wall be in viotation of the NC State cod d subjectto fines up to S50O.001..Bldg fc,<QdTn\nOwner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifie/ New lmperviou5 Area: signature: TotalAcres Disturbed: ls the property located in a floodplain? D yei4No Existing lmpervious area: J, li t.5 Sqft Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: El yes E No WATER; ACFPUA E Community system E private well E central Well E Aqua SEWER: XCFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setback {F} _ (tHl _ (RH} _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Oty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ {V) _ (N} _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment, permit Fee: S 3,J f )at pROpERTy OwNER,g pagg; Benjamin Ramsey pH6xg g; 845-728-&60 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 1501 Misty Oak Lane 6gy; Wilmington y1p. 28411 ! Att Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF)_ o tFaU] NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N fYPf; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICASLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" 2on-sX8 L7- 1605 {office usei APPLICANT,S NAM€; SICWATI Gunn p31s1 5118/17 pROJECT ADDRESS: 7869 Champlain Drive CtW. Wilmington 71p 28412 SUBDtvtstoN: Bass Lake @ Woodlake LOT s: 32 pROpERTv O6NER,S trtl1tt: D.R. Horton pnOrue r 9'10-612-7127 OWNER'S ADDRESS:7483 Chiplev Drive CITY CONTRACTORj D.R. Horlon groe Ltcrilsr s 29676 ADoRESS: 7483 Chipley Drive CtTy. Wilminglon Sr: NC Ztp. 28411 EMAIL ADDRESS: sdqunn@drhorlon.com pnoNe: 910-612-7127 PROJICT CONTACT PERSON Ryan Willis pxOtr: 910-465-1906 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration n Renovation ! General RepairsI NEW CONSTRUC]'ION: V Erect New Residence il Addition to Existin8 Residence tr Relocation *'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECfi' T y' att earage 1sr1 407 [ sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF| ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Det Garage (5F) _/eorctr 1sr) n Pool (sF) n Deck {SF} d v", I r,ro Unheated:650 123 ed (sF) _ 120 E Storage Sh /o,n",,r, TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor prcposed work)Hq31s6;2643 dls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ls any Electrical, Plumbing or M€chanicalwork being don lf the project is a Relocation, i5 there a Natural Gas Vne o rsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Ves S lo P.operty us€/ occupancyr / singrc ramily fl Duplex E Townhouse eto nth Yes D No J the Accessory Structrre S ves E tlo e current site? E ves El l{o Oescription of work: New Sinqle Familv Residence laws and ordananaes and.eg!lation5. The NHC Development Services Centerwi'l be notified ofanychangeJ io tlte approved plans end specifications or change ifl contractor informaion. "'NOTE: Owner/Contractor "Licensed Quolifte/' Aoy work performed without the aDoropriate permits will be in : Stewart Gunn Sigratu Cocle and subiect to fines up to 5500.00"' ls the property located in a floodplain? d r", tr *o Exlstlng New lm WATER: SE\^,ER: lmp€rviossArea: 5q Ft Total acr€s Disturbedr .23 at 2524 Sq Ft E Community System E Private well E central well E Aqua 0 Community System E Private Septic El Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Offtcer _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (81 _ Apptoval: _ City: _ Oate: _ Flood: (A) _ {v} _ (N} _ BFE+2ft= _ '#:;r Existing tand Olsturb,", ***:f,t", O *o Comment:Permit Fee: $l'qb3.- .'' J. .,. t.#. Wilmington 71p.28411 IOTAI- PROJ€CI COST (Less l"ot): S 174615 NEW HANOVERCOUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINC SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUII'E I70 WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone; 910.798.7308 Fax: 91 0.798.781 I lnlernel : wu,w. nhcgov. com STA TE M E N T_At UNDEESTANDING Stewart Gunn , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submifting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: A I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. n I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. n lhave attached an official proofofan approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the applacation is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Signed in acknowledgment: t, Stewart Gunn 5/18/17 Signature Printed Name 7869 Champlain DriveAddress for the proposed residential work Date 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE t /.-/- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI- QUESTIONS APPLICASTETO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/ 2-ct'l-s'287 lV.+ ii .r!_,qry,? rs:l.n!l Application Number {office use) slnlnAppLtcAN1,s NAME: Stevens Fine Homes PROJECT ADDRESS:0 Date q1y; Wilmington y1p. 28412 59g91y151gN; Round ree Ridqe LOT f PROP€RTY OWNER,S NAME: Stevens Building Company owNER,s ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 pxoHr* 910-794-8699 gln; Wilmington ztP.2UO3 .0hrah I CONTRACTOR:Stevens Building Company 9196 11g6N5g s. 31626 ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 61ry' Wilmington 51; NC 21p. 28403 *'lPLEASE CHECX AT{D ANSWER ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*" O Det Garage (sF)_d Porch (sF)100 ! Pool (SF)n Storage Shed (SF) _ ! Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (SF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes I tto TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work) Heated:ep?Unheated:5e1 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)S120,000 ls the proposed work cha nging the number of bedrooms? E Yes [If to ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being doneto the Accessory Structure E Yes lf the project isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? D Ves d rc ls there Electrical Power on th is Bu ilding; E Yes d no d r.o laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified of any chanSes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. **'NOTE: Anywork performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State nd subject to fines up to S50O 00'.+ Owner/Co ntractor: Michael Craig Stevens Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/ Print None lsthe property located in a floodplain? tr Ves d ruo Existing tmpervious o.."' l0{l sqrt Total Aces Disturbed: 1/3 New lmpervious Area:$qt 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D V", dl'lo WATER; d CFPUA fl community system E Private Well E Central Well D Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E community System E Private Septic E central septic d Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date; _ Flood: (Al _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: $ gyall4pgXgg; snicholson@stevensfinehomes.com ptOte: 910-794-8699 pROJECT COSACT pgX561; Staci Nicholson pxOlr: 910-332-8515 O(STlt{G CONSTRUCTION: n Aheration ! Renovation D General Repairs tilEw CONSIRUCnON: d Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation d rtt a"r"e" (sr) 19{ n Sunroom (5F) _ koperty Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse tlescription of work Construct new single family residence. tJttc firv-2or1*+zt & *+--+25? APPLICATIOI{ Number (Offtce Use) APPLICANT'S NAME: 84 :umber ComDany DEVELOPER: 84 r,umber Company PROJECT AITDRESS: 17oo Hatl Dlive CITY: w:tmi1ctson OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAfiE: a4 Lumber company pROPERTY ohNER'S NAr,lE: wilrinqton lnternatiolraL Airpcrt oti ER'S ADORESS: 174oAir.porr BLVD, surre 12 CITY: wilminqton CONTRACToR: Ed Baer LICENSE #: 670? o ADDRESS: 1019 Route sr"9 CITY: Eiqht]/ Four ElitAIL ADDRESS: baeie@e41umber. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: .-rm zaunrck (Check Al1 That Apply) OAfEr 4 /L2 /20].7 PHONE *: i24-228-aa2o ZlP: zatos ST:N_ZfP:2840s ST: lA- ZIP : Iflq P}oNE #: (8s9) ee2 - sss I PIONE S: 4L2-99't -oo6a rM S 'I nerovarrol irrent site? [ GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATIOiI KLERED? @ ves flruoYesENo lS ELDG SPRIN f-,4-une fl resr rnrcx f] sxrr-r- [ urrrr I aDD ro Exrsr srRrrcruRE Is Erect Pourer on this Building fl yes EI ,lo bqera arrtcE oF occupaNcy usrr flve s f] No ***** q ype i Merchantile What is the Nel, Occupancy Type ! Buaine6 s lnq PH PH i124-ios-l4oo NC REG #: 36092 i '724-705 1-400 NC R€G *: 36092'1ne c{- (Oidi.4 flint N6n6) Ndlr Ddrdlton ndnaatom & s!b6to6 rdllovd padlt appkallonE ar! to ba $lbmln€d r]3lnC 016 applka{ofr conbh A&oa o. mt You sre roqu.€d lo crll lho Na{onsl Emlsslon Slrndlrda fur Hezardous Ar Pdllrtsnts q. ft. of retall 6Dace i.nto off ices aurez I ves [} ruo b The Propsty Located tn The Floodgatnz I ves [} xo :ar,on rs coffecl and all work wllcomdy with $e Slale Buildino eloomenl Services Cente. w{l bs nolified d aov ch€noes in thary Wo'k Perfoned WO $^e ApOropriate Permlls wH 6e ifl Viola aDoroved Dlans endtion o, heNC Sble and Cod€ and all o*ler spplic€ble State SIGNATURE:OWNERYCONTRACTOR: ;i:n zau., ci TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 33-359_ ACRES DISTURBED: o fia ftdllv or bulldhg w8s frcund to al (g !8)707-5850 Bt be8t 10 &y! p.lor E th. dario$oi d sny faclllv o. bdldno. S€€ fub$tos Wbb Sna: TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125, ooo BUILDING HEIGHT; t8, at eawe # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT : 23,8s0 SO FT PER FLR: 2l. Bso # OF STORIES: I # OF FLOORS: r NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA 197 _ 4'7 0 ". SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, M€Ctt, FL8G. GAS EAUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS ". (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:Apprord:_Ot),:-DATE: FLOOD:-_ I Exsr LAND DrsrunerNo penurrr l-']ves [Juo SO FI pBopERryUSE: AoFFrcE EResraunerr luencrurrru fleouc [aer f]cotoo OTHER:M, B, and s PAYMENT METHOD ficnsn flcnecK (pAyABtE ro Nxcl flauenlcnN B<eREss ! uclrse florscorrn BFE+2h N Comm6nt:PERMIT FEE: REVIAED O TE 4/11/.t2 NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE.. COMIqERCIAL PLEASE ANSUIER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICABLE TO YOIJR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilj.ty" PHONE *: (e1o) 34r-412 #OF STRUCTURES: r WATER: ECFPUA [ICOMMUNITY SYSTEM fl WELL flzONlNG USE CLASSIFICATION: sEwER: Ei CFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTrc E P-R|VArE SEpTtC SdOrr,lrr,lUNrW SrCreU \1-\o3o KEv dtc@ tL hus00 o {ln'x e H.e\tr- PLiAS€ AI,IsKER AlL QU6SIIONS APPLICASLE TO YOON PRC'ECT 2d+)1 APPLICATION Number (o{f-i(€ use) ,/,, NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|I)N TYPE; COMNERCIAL "ProJect Responsibility'' DATEAPPLICANT'S T.IA}IE: OEVELOPER: .llr :- "' 351 S (lo RdSAd pROIECT ADoRESSt +r+-?----+-',+.-1,--j4-.---j------CITY i OCCUPANT/EUSTNESS NAtlE: PHONE #: *ZlPr I PROPERTY otJNER'S Nr{ttE i OHIiER'S ADDRESS:CITY sT: : zl?i '' sT: : ZfP; -I\, 1+s, U S CONTRACTOR: ,'J:i ]. ADDRESS: ENAIL ADORESS:PHONE #: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERsONJ , . :, .:' - i:. -Jl'.ri A; lh.r r.4rll ) €XIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION if Relocation, is lhere a Nalural Gas Line on the Current S le?nYes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?nfl vu"No NEW CONSTRUCTTON' f] enrcr NEl,ll STRUCTURE Irrcr rucx SHELL UPFIT I eoo ro Exrsr sTRUcruRE LICENSE S; CITY: I! UPFIT - -he 5he].1 Pcrmi: #: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: c1C1 Is Elect Power on this Buitding Yes E XO r,.t+ t5 THxs a cHAltGE oF occupAli(Y ustt flves fim "--' fF Yes, u/hat eas the Previous Occupan.y Type? .-__- What is the New Oc<upancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOIAL: ENCR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL i I.]C FTG 'Nt RF6 4 OISCLAIMEq. | '1c'cb/ co.ht, lhnl tsll r.lo'n!noi r' rra{ Jol' 1 l'o1 rs .iiii*"1iJ.,. ,no ",0:' ,n(ei 1nd reclrrrion\ -re n qC oevn o: n'r i- i ,i ^"." i,i ii"tiiui or .o' rr.cr olirlorma o^ "Noi€'Ar wu'k Sibecr'1o FrnP3 Up To 55o0 00 " \.-s Prl nc ,,,nov. _ ls food or beverages prePared or served ln this srwture? [ ves I No ls The Propedy LocatEd ln Th€ Flooddaln? f] Yes I f.lo co(ect snd au work ullcoxrdy with lhe SlalF Brildho all othei {itpl,ceble Sl8lc olrn3 End suc( ficar,or,sl\C Stsrs Blno code eoa q) _l \Ix : sDtui.cs CErtrr lri1 U foliled ot Pelol.nEd w/O the ArProPr ale Pot OWNEFYCONTRACTO R: .SIGNATURE Ncl6 o€.iditton nonnc,tio r t asb.stoi .!.novol pqnil Eppl-relion! ar6 to bo subfriE€d usi.O llE .pgllcouon ,orn (OHHS tvh.lher $l. fadlti/ or bli ohO was lou.d !) conuln Asbeslo3 d not Yo! a.6 r6qutr€d io catr ha l.lsilonal Einbsion Sian lads to( Haltdous Ar Polltn6nE iNESHAP) !!(01 9)707-5950 sl lo6n 10 dlts pdor to tE dm. lon or.hy i.dliv or blildt g. S-a! b. o. w5b sil.: htlp;l^rr* 6p! -.t ie. nc us/op/asb.sbgahmp ht nl TOTAL PROJECT COST: j i'BUILDING HEIGHT # OF UNITS; $ OF STORIES: :ToTAL AREA SO FT : '- , SO Fr PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: "' - foFSTRUCTURES #OF FLOORS: l ACRES DISTUREED: - Exsr LAND DrsruRatruG nrnutrr Ives I to NEW IMPERV OUS AREA SO FI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT PROPERTY USEI TOFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE eouc leer f coruoo orHER_ WATER: ZCFPUA SEWER: U CFPUA TICoMMUNITY SYSTEM IWELL I]ZONING USE CLASSIFICAIION Ecerurmt senttc f] eatvnrE sEPTlc 13coMMLJNiT/sYslEM PAYMENT METHOD: [CnSx ICHeCK (PAYABLE TO NHC; fleuentceN exeaess I L,tcnrrsa I orscoven !I <COA.UTE .)EHi!:IiS REOU RED EC'] E-ECT MT:(JII, ?IgG GAS LOI'IP IRFFA']'' & INS:";iTJ " (FOR OFF]CE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ FH:- B:_ RsV SEO DAIC ,r/11/r2 zONE:-OFFICER Approval:- City;_-- DA FLOOD: BFF+2ft= AVN Comment PERMIi FEE; $ PHONE *: --H PH0IIE *r \t I_!r )-an-g3/Q RVLO78 AppLlCANT,s NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PLICATI O N TYP E : RESIDENTIAI PTEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPIICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibllity,, L7 -L620 Appllcallon Number (omce use, oate: 0511912017 pRoJEcT ADDRESS: 7832 Bristlecone Drive CtTyi Wilminqton 21p 28411 SUBDtVIS1ON: cable Run LoT f: 035 PROPERW OWNER,S NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC OWNER,S ADDREsS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C psOrur t. 910.219.1485 CtTy. Wilmington 4p.28411 CONTRACT9R: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC g1p6 U6pt!56 6. 74158 ADDRESS: 8209 Markel Street, Suite C CtTy: Wilmington sr: NC ztp. 28411 EMAIL ADDRESST iulicafferty hhhomes.com/ ierrybrennin g@hhhomes.com PROJEcT coNTACT pERSONT JJ Brenning EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: El Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence El Relocation pXOrur: 910.219.1485 PHoNE: 910.219.1485 CI( AND A E Greenhouse (SF) LL THAT AP tr Det Gange (SF) _ tr Pool (SF) I1 Deck (sF) R PROJ El Porch (SF)192 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? trl yes @ No TOTAL 5q FT UNDER ROAF Vor proposed workl Us71gQ7 2452 Unheated: 617 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 140,493 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberotbedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf th e proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descrlptlon of Work: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING iaws and ordinances and regulatlon,. The NHc Development serulces ceoterwlll be notified o{anychanSes In theapproved pla;sand speclflcauons oa chang€ ln cootractorInformation. *'*NorE: Any wotk performed withort the approprlate permlts wlll be in violation of the NC state Bldg code a;d subiect io 0nes up to S5oo.00... owner/Contractor: JJ Brenning Signature: "Licensed Q\olifiet" Print Ndme ls the property located in a f,oodplain? El Yes El trto Exlsting lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: .17 New lmp ervious Area: 2475 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes E No WATER: A CFPUA tr Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E private Septjc D Central septic El Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LHl_ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Cityr _ Dater _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: $ E Att Garage (sF) 425 E Sunroom (SF)_E storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)_ NEW HANOVERCOUNTY DEPAR'I'MEN'T OiI BUILDINC SAI'E]'Y 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTFI CAROLINA 28403 Tclephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Inler nel : wu+v. n hc got,. c om 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING I,JuliCaffe am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: a I have attached an official CFPUA recei pt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA tr lhave attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington I have ched an offici al proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. Juli Cafferty s/19/2017 Signature Printed Name 7832 Bristlecone Drive Date lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Address for the proposed residential work: