Place_Types_22x36© OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA, Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Esri, HERE, DeLorme, TomTom, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS usercommunity 2 Miles The Future Land Use Map is not legally binding like the New Hanover County Zoning Map. It is intended to be a general representation of the 25 year vision for New Hanover County, created by the citizens who were involved with Plan NHC, and will be used to guide future development decisions. Provides areas for employment and production hubs,predominantly composed of light and heavy industrial uses, though complementary commercial uses are also allowed. Residential uses are discouraged. Commerce Zones require arterial or major collector road accessconnecting them to areas outside their boundaries. URBAN MIXED USE Developement Intensity Massing/Scale Recommendations Desired Uses - Commercial- Office & Institutional- Industrial Types Zoning CategoriesTypes of Uses/Projects- Light Industrial- Heavy Industrial- Office- Recreational COMMERCE ZONE Promotes development of a mix of residential, office, and retail uses at higher densities. Types of uses encouraged include office,retail, mixed use, small recreation, commercial, institutional, single-family, and multi-family residential.Desired Uses Types of Uses/Projects - Retail - Office - Mixed Use - Small Recreational Developement Intensity Massing/Scale Recommendations - Single & Multi-FamilyResidential Types Zoning Categories - Mixed Use - Commercial- Office & Institutional - Moderate to High-Density Residential Serves as employment and production hubs where office andlight industrial uses predominate. Can include residential, civic,and recreational uses, but should be clearly delineated from rural and conservation areas. Commercial uses designed to servethe needs of the employment center are appropriate. Developement Intensity EMPLOYMENT CENTER Desired Uses - Commercial- Office & Institutional- Industrial- Low & Moderate Types Zoning CategoriesTypes of Uses/Projects- Office - Industrial- Single-Family Residential- Multi-Family Residential- Commercial/Retail- Recreational Density Residential GENERAL RESIDENTIAL Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Housing is typically single-family or duplexes. Commercialuses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Developement Intensity Massing/Scale Recommendations Urban Design Recommendations Street Pattern:Warped Grid &Limited Cul-de-sacs Urban Design Recommendations Setbacks:Residential: Near sidewalkNon-residential: Far from sidewalk Street Pattern:Grid or radial Urban Design Recommendations Pedestrian Amenities:Sidewalks, street furniture,street & shade trees, lightingbike racks, crosswalks, plazas, pedestrian malls Street Pattern:Arterial & local;grid or partial grid Block Length:200 - 800 ft Massing/Scale Recommendations Desired Uses - Low Density Residential- Medium Density Residential- Office & Institutional- Planned Unit Development Types Zoning CategoriesTypes of Uses/Projects- Single Family - Light Commercial- Low-Density Multi-Family Residential- Civic-Recreational Setbacks:Varies CONSERVATION Covers areas of natural open space and is intended to protect the natural environment, water quality, and wildlife habitats thatserve the public through environmental education, low impactrecreation, and in their natural beauty. Protection may also extend to important cultural or archaeological resources and to areaswhere environmental hazards are known to exist. Increased densitywould be discouraged, and low impact development methods would be required. Such requirements place limits on development to ensure the protection of resources. GROWTH NODES Growth nodes are intended to be focus areas of development,encouraging high-density developments that promotepedestrian activity and alternative transportation options.The growth nodes pertaining to the Future Land Use Mapare individualized focus areas within the unincorporatedcounty that have seen and/or are seeing expenential growth.The intent is to cluster growth in these areas so that publictransportation connections can be accomplished. · Urban Design Recommendations Street Pattern:Grid or radial RURAL RESIDENTIAL Focuses on rural areas where new development occurs in a manner consistent with existing rural character, while also preserving theeconomic viability of the land. Residential uses are the predominant,but not exclusive, use. Agricultural and rural recreational uses areintermixed with large-lot residential areas. Desired Uses - Very Low Density Residential- Agricultural- Recreational Typical Zoning CategoriesTypes of Uses/Projects - Single-Family Residential- Small-scale Agricultural & Forestry- Recreational - Open Space Developement Intensity Massing/Scale Recommendations Urban Design Recommendations Street Pattern:Organic &Sparce Block Length:0.5 - 5 miles Setbacks:Residential: Away from streetPedestrian Amenities:Recreational trails,open space, shade trees COMMUNITY MIXED USE Focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patternsthat serve all modes of travel and act as an attractorfor county residents and visitors. Desired Uses - Moderate Density Residential- Commercial- Office & Institutional- Mixed Use Typical Zoning CategoriesTypes of Uses/Projects- Office - Retail - Mixed Use- Multi-Family Residential- Single-Family Residential- Recreational Urban Design Recommendations Street Pattern: Setbacks: Pedestrian Amenities: Grid or radial Residential: Near sidewalkNon-residential: At sidewalk Sidewalks, street & shade trees,street furniture, bike racks Block Length:200 - 500 ft Developement Intensity Massing/Scale Recommendations Block Length:300ft - 0.5 miSetbacks:Residential: Near sidewalkNon-residentialin: At sidewalkPedestrian Amenities:Sidewalks, street & shade trees,street furniture, bike racks Block Length:300ft - 0.5mi Pedestrian Amenities:Sidewalks, bike racks,street & shade trees,street furniture Pedestrian Amenities:Sidewalks, open spacestreet & shade trees Setbacks:Residential: Away from street orin line with existing developmentNon-residential: Away from the street Block Length:1000 - 2500 ft New Hanover County is a vibrant, prosperous, diverse coastal community, committed tobuilding a sustainable future for generations to come. With this in mind, citizens, electedofficials, appointed officials, stakeholder groups, and planning staff have developed the firstComprehensive Land Use Plan for New Hanover County, titled Plan NHC. The plan is morethan a document that provides land use policy recommendations. It is a series of reports,including statistical and historical information that incorporates extensive community input andprovides a detailed implementation plan that will help achieve the overall vision for thefuture of New Hanover County. New Hanover County is expected to experience a high level of employment and populationgrowth. By 2040, population is projected to grow to 337,000. This represents an increase of123,000 (57%) from current population levels. With growth comes the need for responsibledevelopment and redevelopment of land, as well as thoughtful consideration concerning theCounty’s infrastructure and natural resources. HISTORIC POPULATION GROWTH:NEW HANOVER COUNTY POPULATION FORECASTS FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY Population 20102040 BaseLow Growth High Growth New Hanover County202,667249,026337,054 Unincorporated85,973105,639152,157 Wilmington 106,476130,832167,904 Beach Towns 10,21812,55516,993 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 1940195019601980199020002010 +32%+13%+16% +25% +33% +26% Use Number of StoriesIdeal Density Office 1-2Moderate Retail 1-2Low/Moderate Mixed Use2-3Moderate Multi-Family Residential 2-3Moderate (12-15 du/acre) Single-Family Residential 1-3Moderate ( 8 du/acre) Use Number of StoriesIdeal Density Office 1-2 Low Retail 1-2 Low Planned Development 1-3Medium Low- Density Multi-Family 1-32-6 du/acre Single-Family Residential 1-31-6 du/acre Use Number of StoriesIdeal Density Office 3-7Moderate/ High Retail 1-3Low/Moderate Planned Development 2-7Moderate/ High Residential2-5Moderate/ High Commercial/ Mixed Use 2-7Moderate/ High Use Number of StoriesIdeal Density Office 1-7 Low-to-High Industrial 1-3Low/Moderate Single-Family Residential 1-3 Low Multi-Family Residential 2-3Moderate (12-15 du/acre) Use Number of StoriesIdeal Density Office 1-7 Low-to-High Industrial 1-3Low/Moderate NEW HANOVER COUNTY FUTURE LAND USE MAP N E W S