NHC_Future_Land_Use_Map_36x48BE A C H R D GORDO N R D I-140 RI V E R R D U S H W Y 4 2 1 I-140 C A R O L I N A SID B U R Y R D CA S T L E H A Y N E R D CO L L E G E R D MARK E T S T BLU E C L A Y R D OLEANDER DR HOLLY SHE L T E R R D MYRTLEGROVERD 3 R D S T MARTINLUTHER KINGJRPKY MAS O N B O R O L O O P R D EAST W O O D R D 23 R D S T PINE GR O V E DR MIL I T A R Y C U T O F F R D DAWSON ST PINER R D U S HWY74/76 WAYNICKBLV SHIPYARD BLV CAU S E W A Y D R WILSHIREBLV SANDERS RD L A K E P A R K B L V WRIGHTSVILLEAVE KE R R A V E I- 4 0 MARKET ST EAST W O O D R D SHIPYARD BLV N . C O L L E G E R D COL L E G E R D OLEAN D E R D R C A R O L I N A B E A C H R D SIDBURY RD MILITARYCUT O FFEXTENSION Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community BrunswickCounty PenderCounty PenderCounty 2 Miles ®HNC NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 FeetProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicLinear Unit: Foot U.S.GCS: North American 1983Datum: North American 1983Scale: 1:34,470 P l a c e T y p e EMPLOYMENT CENTER GENERAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE RURAL RESIDENTIAL CONSERVATION GROWTH NODES URBAN MIXED USE WATER FEATURES COMMERCE ZONE The Future Land Use Map is not legally binding like the New Hanover County Zoning Map.It is intended to be a general representation of the 25 year vision for New Hanover County, created by the citizens who were involved with Plan NHC, and will be used to guide future development decisions. Plan NHCCharting the Course New Hanover CountyFuture Land Use Map