WRFC Minutes 2017-02-02MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION, INC. A North Carolina Non - Profit Corporation The Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc. (WRFC) held a special meeting at 8:30 AM, on February 2, 2017. Vice Chairman Honorable Bill Saffo, Honorable Jonathan Barfield, Ms. Carey Jones, Mr. Jimmy Smith, and Mr. William Vassar were present. In addition, Mr. Johnny Griffin was also present. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MEETING ON OCTOBER 27 2016. The minutes from the Board Meeting on October 27, 2016, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT A, were unanimously approved. 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2017. The following officers were unanimously elected. Honorable Bill Saffo - Chairman, Mr. William Vassar - Vice Chairman, Mr. Johnny Griffin - Secretary / Treasurer. 3. MEMBERSHIP UPDATE. Mr. Griffin reported that to date the WRFC has 2017 membership renewals totaling approximately $20,000. There is still approximately $15,000 in potential membership renewals outstanding. With a decline in production activity, renewing memberships has been a challenge. Some members have downsized their membership level while others have declined renewal. WRFC will continue to look for potential new members for support in order to reach our goal of $35,000 in membership support for 2017. 4. CREW PROFILES UPDATE. Mr. Griffin has contacted approximately 1,500 crew members with active profiles. 157 crew members have submitted updates. Mr. Griffin will continue to work with crew members in order to obtain additional updates to profiles. 5. PRODUCTION UPDATE. Mr. Griffin reported that the television series "GOOD BEHAVIOR" has announced that they will return to Wilmington for the production of season 2 with offices opening later this month and production beginning in April. The television series "SIX" is still airing and a decision is pending regarding a second season or where it will be located. We are hopeful that if "SIX" is renewed for season 2, that at least half of the series will be filmed in Wilmington based upon locations required. 6. OLD BUSINESS. There were no items discussed. 7. NEW BUSINESS. Ms. Carey Jones acknowledged the recent appointment of former Representative Susi Hamilton as the North Carolina Secretary of Natural and Cultural Resources. Ms. Jones recognized the previous efforts of Secretary Hamilton in assisting with efforts to maintain and improve the film incentive program. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:1S A.M. Respectfully Submi ed, / Honorable Bill Saffo, Chairman WILMINGTON MREGIONAL FILM COMMISSION, INC. 1223 NORTH 23rd STREET • WILMINGTON, NC 28405 www.wilmington-film.com • commish@wilmington-Film.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS Honorable Bill Soffo, Vice•Chairman Honorable Jonathon Barfield Carey Jones James L.F. Smith William Vassar BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION, INC. Agenda for Special Meeting February 2, 2017 8:30 AM 1. Meeting called to order 8:30 AM 2. Introduction of new board member, The Honorable Jonathan Barfield 8:32 AM 3. Approve minutes of October 27, 2016 WRFC board meeting (Attachment "A") 8:33 AM 4. Election of officers for 2017 (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Sectretary/Treasurer) 8:43 AM 5. Membership update 8:48 AM 6. Crew Profile update 8:50 AM 7. Production update 8:55 AM 8. Old business 8:56 AM 9. New business 9:00 AM 10. Adjourn Member of aYG1Aoft ASSOCIATION OF FILM COMMISSIONERS INTERNATIONAL ATTACHMENT 'A' MINUTES OF REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION, INC. A North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation The Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc. (WRFC) held a regularly scheduled meeting at 8:30 AM, on October 27, 2016. Chairman Hon. Beth Dawson, Hon. Bill Saffo, Ms. Carey Jones, Mr. Jimmy Smith, and Mr. William Vassar were present. In addition, Johnny Griffin and Kemmy Goodson, were also present. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MEETING ON MAY 24, 2016. The minutes from the Board Meeting on May 24, 2016, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT A, were unanimously approved. 2. PRESENTATION AND APPROVAL OF AUDIT OF FY 15-115 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Kemmy Goodson of Goodson & Taylor, CPA's, provided a brief overview of the FY 15-16 audit, which found no issues and all records in good order. The audit, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT B, was unanimously approved. 3. SELECTION OF AUDIT COMMITTEE. The new funding contract with the City of Wilmington stipulates that WRFC must have an audit committee. It was determined that the Audit Committee will be comprised of three members. Ms. Carey Jones, Mr. Jimmy Smith, and Mr. William Vassar were unanimously selected to be members of the Audit Committee for FY 16-17. 4. REVIEW OF NEW FUNDING CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. Mr. Griffin provided an overview of the new funding contract with the City of Wilmington and highlighted differences with the previous funding contract. 5. DISCUSSION OF CONTRACT WITH FETZER STRATEGIC PARTNERS FOR LOBBYING SERVICES FOR 2017. Discussion was had regarding the proposed contract with Fetzer Strategic Partners for lobbying services for 2017. The Board directed Mr. Griffin to negotiate with Mr. Fetzer regarding the fee for his services during 2017. Mr. Griffin will follow up with the Board regarding the results of his discussion with Mr. Fetzer. 6. DISCUSSION ON DELAYING WRFC MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS UNTIL EARLY 2017. It was decided that due to the lack of current production activity, it is better to wait until early 2017 to pursue memberships in hopes of increased production activity in early 2017. Mr. Griffin informed the board that the interest in memberships is directly related to the amount of production activity within the region. With an anticipated continued decrease in production activity, Mr. Griffin expects a decrease in membership interest. 7. PRODUCTION UPDATE. Currently there are two productions in the region, which have been here previously and have returned for additional shooting. These two productions are: BOLDEN and GOOD BEHAVIOR. Otherwise, production interest is extremely low. Mr. Griffin is hopeful that the television series GOOD BEHAVIOR and SIX will return in early 2017 to began work on their second seasons. At this time, all indications are positive. 8. DISCUSSION OF WIMINGTON REGIONAL ECONOMIC SCORECARD SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY— Mr. Griffin informed the board of an opportunity to be a sponsor for the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce event, "Wilmington Regional Economic Scorecard". Mr. Griffin stated that the 2015 Scorecard listed the local Film Industry in the four takeaways of the report. In acknowledgement of the Chamber's continued support of the film industry, WRFC will purchase a sponsorship opportunity. 9. RECOGNITION OF SERVICE OF CHAIRMAN BETH DAWSON. Hon. Bill Saffo expressed the board's appreciation to outgoing Chairman Beth Dawson for her years of service to and leadership of WRFC. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 AM. Respectfully submitted, Beth Dawson, Chairman