High-Density HD 4/10 APPLICATION # __________ SUBMISSION REVIEW PROCEDURES Applications must be reviewed by the Technical Review Committee prior to submission for Planning Board consideration. A fee of $300.00 per application will be charged. This fee is payable to New Hanover County and MUST accompany this application. The application must also be accompanied by a site plan conforming to the requirements of Section 69.2, Section 69.4 of the Zoning Ordinance and a special use permit application. Applications for High Density Development are received and reviewed by New Hanover County Planning & Zoning and applicable to State, County, and Federal agencies. You are encouraged to arrange an informal pre-application conference with Planning & Zoning Staff at least two weeks prior to the date upon which you intend to submit an application for TRC review. By attending this conference, you will improve your chances of submitting a complete and acceptable application. You should bring a rough sketch of your proposal to the conference. Planning & Zoning staff will proceed to: 1. Advise you of possible environmental concerns. 2. Generally describe the required improvements. 3. Point out significant design problems. 4. Advise you regarding the required approval letters. 5. Generally guide you in preparing the TRC submission. 6. Once completed, the High Density application and 15 copies of the site plan are submitted. New Hanover County Planning & Zoning will send a copy to each appropriate reviewing agency. When written agency comments have been received along with water and sewer letters, the site plan will be placed on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled Technical Review Committee (TRC) meeting. Written agency comments must be received three (3) weeks prior to the TRC meeting. 7. The required special use permit application may be submitted for Planning Board consideration at the next published deadline following TRC recommendation on the site plan. A site plan checklist is available to guide you through this process. I certify that all information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. ____________________________________________ _________________________________________ Signature of Petitioner or Property Owner Print Name Petitioner Information Property Owner(s) If different than Petitioner Subject Property Name Owner Name Address Company Owner Name 2 Parcel ID Address Address Acreage City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Existing Zoning and Use Phone Phone Proposed Zoning and Use Email Email Land Classification NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & LAND USE HIGH DENSITY APPLICATION FOR TRC REVIEW 230 Government Center Drive Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7165 phone 910-798-7053 fax www.nhcgov.com Page 1 of 2 HDC 05/10 Site Plan Requirements Scale no smaller than one inch to two hundred feet Vicinity or location map Name of designer, engineer, or surveyor North arrow and date Owner’s name, address, and phone number on plan Developer (if other than owner) and development name Boundary line of tract to be developed drawn accurately to scale with linear and angular dimensions Total gross acres in tract Total acres occupied by all structures including street right-of-way and parking areas Total acres & boundaries of land lying within the 100-year flood plain and below mean high water mark, plus delineation of 100-year flood boundary Boundaries of all open space areas Location of all existing and proposed structures Total number of dwelling units to be constructed with number of bedrooms per unit and location of all multiple dwelling units Location of right-of-way widths of all streets and easements (and other areas to be dedicated to public use) Location and width of all streets, plus names and designation Location and description of all recreational areas and facilities Location of natural features including topographical information (contour interval 2 feet), watercourses, approximate forest lines and topo source Location and size of all proposed utility and drainage facilities High Density Regulations Areas to be maintained by Homeowners Association clearly indicated on plan Physical Access to open space by all residents No economic restrictions on users Direct access to minor or major arterial Required buffer yards shown on site plan Compliance with Impervious Surface Ratio Compliance with Table of District Improvements (water, sewer, storm drainage, curb and gutter) Site in transition area Setbacks Parking complies with Article VIII of Zoning Ordinance Drainage plan approved Water supply/sewage disposal capacity approved Schedule for completion of improvements Conservation resources identified Air Quality/Complex Source Permit Approximate location of 404 Wetlands & Section 10 Wetlands Subdivision Requirements: The following items must be shown on plan. Unduplicated development and street names Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions, streets, adjacent property owners Roadway cross-section and drainage design Lot lines, lot numbers, and setback lines Location of Areas of Environmental Concern Block lengths greater than 400’ but less than 1000’ Blocks to have 2 tiers NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT HIGH DENSITY CHECKLIST & DENSITY CALCULATIONS Page 2 of 2 HDC 05/10 Cul-de-sacs less than 500’ Drainage easements not less than 30’ in width Utility easements at least 15’ Street intersect not less than 800’ apart Street jogs are more than 200’ Side lot lines substantially at right angles or radical to street lines Connections to adjacent streets (Street inter-connectivity) Significant tree survey TIA (100 peak hour trips or more) Water/ Sewer Capacity Letters Streetlights Fire hydrant and locations Sidewalks & Pedestrian easements Double frontage lots shall be avoided DENSITY CALCULATIONS To Calculate the Base Site Area Gross Site Area Less: ________acres/sq ft Land used as open space in prior residential development - ________acres/sq ft Land used for commercial, office and institutional, and light industrial purposes in the Planned Development District - ________acres/sq ft Water bodies and areas below mean water line if tidally or non-tidally influenced - ________acres/sq ft Previously approved open space - ________acres/sq ft Equal Base Site Area = ________acres/sq ft Density Allowance Base Site Area _________acres/sq ft District Density Factor R-10=17; R-15=10.2; R-20=4.25, O&I=10.2 PD Inside Urban Transition=4.25 PD Outside Urban Transition=2.5 x _______________ Equals Number of Units Permitted on Site = ________________