Z17-03 Staff Summary PBZ17-03 Staff Summary Page 1 of 12 STAFF SUMMARY OF Z17-03 EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN ZONING DISTRICT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z17-03 Request: Exceptional Design Zoning District (EDZD) in order to develop an independent senior living community consisting of 220 units Applicant(s): Property Owner(s): Lutheran Services Carolinas, Lutheran Retirement Center – Wilmington, Inc., & Lutheran Services for the Aging, Inc. Same as applicants Location: Acreage: 4900 block of Masonboro Loop Road 48.53 acres PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R07600-003-001-000; R07600-003-001-001; R07700-001-009-000; R07700-001-009-001; R07700-001-018-001; and R07700-001-018-000. General Residential Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Independent senior living community Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15 EDZD Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 2 of 12 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Residential – Masonboro Landing Subdivision R-15 East Intracoastal Waterway/Masonboro Island R-20 South UNCW Center for Marine Science R-15 West Residential – Vineyard Green Subdivision R-15 ZONING HISTORY October 15, 1969 Initially zoned R-15 (Area Masonboro) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer The development will connect to CFPUA water and sewer services. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Southern Fire District, New Hanover County Myrtle Grove Station Schools Bellamy Elementary, Codington Elementary, Myrtle Grove Middle, and Ashley High Schools Recreation Myrtle Grove Athletic Complex & Trails End Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation The eastern portion of the property contains salt marshes which are subject to the standards of the County’s Conservation Overly District. Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 3 of 12 Proposed Site Plan The proposed independent senior living development consists of:  220 dwelling units. o 120-140 units will be located within the main building. 80-100 units will be within 13 multi-family “villas”. These villas will contain 7 to 8 units each.  Amenities. o Dinning, wellness center, mini-convenience market, beauty salon, arts and crafts, 20 seat theater, multi-purpose, pub, library/pre-function space, clubhouse, community boating facility with 9 boat slips, and outdoor pavilion. o The amenities will not be open to the public and only be open to the Lutheran Services Carolinas community, their residents, and their guests. EDZD STANDARDS The Exceptional Design Zoning District (EDZD) is an incentive based district that promotes the conservation of water bodies, wetlands, floodplains, and open space. Development within an EDZD district is subject to additional standards such as incorporating Low Impact Development techniques, and in return, provides for higher density and greater flexibility to the property owner. In order to qualify for the EDZD, the proposed development must meet six core requirements and a number of additional requirements. This application complies with the below requirements, which are further detailed in the application: CORE REQUIREMENTS 1. Smart Location  Locate project on an infill site or previously developed site. Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 4 of 12 2. Proximity to Water and Wastewater Infrastructure  Locate the project within an area scheduled for water and sewer expansion where verifiable expansion plans can be provided and allocation of capacity can be confirmed with the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. 3. Significant Species and Ecological Communities  Install pet waste stations within required open spaces.  After consultation with the NC Natural Heritage Program map as found on the New Hanover County online mapping service, no species present or likely to be present that are listed under the federal Endangered Species Act, NC endangered species list or listed in the NC Natural Heritage Program as either Nationally, State or Regionally Significant. 4. Wetland and Water Body Conservation and Preservation  Locate the project such that pre-project jurisdictional wetlands, water bodies (including but not limited to intermittent and perennial streams), and land within 100 feet of such areas shall not experience significant destruction or lasting detrimental effects to water quality or other protected natural resources as a result of new development. 5. Floodplain Avoidance  Locate the project on an infill site or a previously developed site and comply with the NFIP requirements for developing portions of the site that lie within the floodplain. 6. Stormwater Management  Implement a comprehensive stormwater management plan for the project that infiltrates and reuses stormwater runoff. Stormwater shall be managed following the principles prescribed in the New Hanover County-City of Wilmington Joint Low Impact Development Manual and a determination that a project qualifies as a Low Impact Development shall be made by the Technical Review Committee (TRC). In addition to the core requirements, the EDZD includes a number of “additional requirements” to be met. The development is awarded a certain number of points for each additional requirement in which it qualifies. At minimum, an EDZD development must obtain 12 points from the additional requirements. Overall, there are 11 additional requirements that total up to a maximum of 28 possible points. This gives the property owner flexibility on the design of the project while still promoting environmentally responsible development. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS (DEVELOPMENT MUST OBTAIN A MINIMUM OF 12 POINTS) 1. Mixed-Uses  The project includes a residential component in the project that constitutes at least 25% of the project’s total building square footage.  The project is designed such that 50% of the dwelling units are within one half mile walking distance of at least three diverse uses. 2 points 2. Bicycle and Pedestrian Access  Provide an internal bicycle and pedestrian network; 2 points Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 5 of 12  Provide bicycle parking and storage; and  A planned bicycle network of at least 5 continuous miles in length is within one quarter mile of the project boundary. 3. Housing and Jobs/Commercial Opportunity Proximity  Include a residential component equaling at least 30% of the project’s total building square footage and locate the project such that the geographic center is within one half mile walking distance of jobs equal to or greater than the number of dwelling units in the project. 2 points 4. Certified Green Building  Design, construct, or retrofit one whole building to be certified through: LEED, NAHB Green Building Standards, North Carolina Healthy Built Homes, or Green Globes. 2 points 5. Minimum Building Energy Efficiency  90% of the new buildings must meet the HERO option listed within the Energy Conservation Code of the NC State Building Code. 2 points 6. On Site Renewable Energy Sources  Incorporate on-site nonpolluting renewable energy generation with production capacity of at least 5% of the project’s annual energy costs. 2 points 7. Water Efficient Landscaping  Reduce potable water consumption for outdoor landscape irrigation by limiting turf to 25% or less, incorporating rainwater catchment system(s) such as rain barrels or cisterns, installing drip irrigation and utilizing stormwater for landscape irrigation. 2 points 8. Building Orientation  Design the project so that a minimum of 75% of the building sites are constructed with the longer dimension of the structure facing 0-30 degrees of south. 2 points Total Points: 16 points Density The EDZD allows for a maximum density of six dwelling units per acre. This density maximum can be increased if the proposed development obtains more than the minimum 12 points from the additional requirements. Specifically, one additional dwelling unit per acre is awarded for each point obtain above the minimum. As this proposed development qualifies for a total of 16 points, it is allowed a maximum of 10 dwelling unit per acre. The subject property contains a net area of 33.03 acres, which at a density of 10 dwelling units per acre, allows for a maximum of 330 dwelling units. The density for this project can be calculated by dividing the proposed number of dwelling units by the net area. Net area is determined by subtracting areas classified as Rural Residential place type, Conservation place type, AE or VE special flood hazard area, or CAMA Estuarine Areas of Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 6 of 12 Environmental Concern from the gross area. This application is proposing a maximum of 220 dwelling units. Based on the gross area of 48.53 acres, the density would be 4.5 dwelling units per acre. Density of 220 units (du/ac) Gross Area 48.53 acres 4.5 Areas subtracted from Gross Area 15.5 n/a Net Area 33.03 6.7 TRANSPORTATION  Access is provided by Masonboro Loop Road (SR 1492), a minor arterial street.  The Wilmington/NHC Comprehensive Greenway Plan proposes a greenway to be installed along Masonboro Loop Road.  In accordance with the standards of the EDZD, a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the project has been completed and is currently being reviewed by NCDOT and the WMPO. The TIA can be viewed online at the Development Activity Page: http://planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com/development-activity/  Below is information taken from the TIA: Trip Generation LAND USE INTENSITY AM PEAK PM PEAK Senior Adult Housing (252) 220 dwelling units 42 51 Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 7 of 12 Level of Service Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 8 of 12 Recommended Improvements The TIA recommends that the following transportation improvements be installed:  A northbound right turn lane into the site with a 100-foot taper. ENVIRONMENTAL  The property does not contain any Natural Heritage Areas.  The eastern portion of property contains AE (BFE 13) and VE (BFE 15 & 16) Special Flood Hazard areas. No dwellings will be constructed within the flood areas. The pavilion will be constructed within a VE zone and must comply with applicable NFIP regulations.  Coastal & 404 wetlands are located on the eastern portion of the property. These wetlands are subject to the standards of CAMA, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and of the County’s Conservation Overlay District. The proposed development will construct a boardwalk, pavilion, and boat dock near and through the wetlands which will require review by the above mentioned agencies.  The property drains to the Intracoastal Waterway (SA;ORW).  Soils on the property consist of Class I (Suitable/Slight Limitation), Class III (Severe Limitation), and Class IV (Unsuitable) soils, however, this project plans to install public water and sewer service in accordance with the standards of the CFPUA. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the comprehensive plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 9 of 12 Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential Place Type Description Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Housing for the area is typically single-family or duplex. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Recommended types of uses include single-family residential, low-density multi-family residential, light commercial, civic, and recreational. Consistency Analysis The proposed development is consistent with the General Residential place type, as its mix of uses include the low-density multi-family residential and associated light commercial recommended by the comprehensive plan. Relevant Goals of the Comprehensive Plan Goal III: Promote fiscally responsible growth Desired Outcome: Growth patterns that achieve efficient provision of services and equitable distribution of costs between the public and private sectors Consistency Analysis: The implementation strategies for this goal include encouraging development where existing infrastructure is available and mixed-use developments where appropriate. Water and sewer utilities are available for the subject site, and the proposed development includes commercial services for the project’s residents. Goal VI: Conserve and enhance our unique sense of place to attract individuals, companies, and organizations Desired Outcome: Enhance our reputation as a desirable community to live and operate business based on New Hanover County’s rich history, natural environment, and unique features Consistency Analysis: The proposed development is designed to conserve the environmental resources adjacent to the shoreline and includes private recreational access for the project’s residents. Goal VIII: Integrate multi- modal transportation into mixed land uses that encourage safe, walkable communities Desired Outcome: A community with a mixture of land uses that allows for individuals to perform daily tasks without the use of an automobile. A community where individuals can safely walk, bike, and access transit. Consistency Analysis: The proposed development includes bicycle and pedestrian facilities and amenities. Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 10 of 12 Goal IX: Promote environmentally responsible growth Desired Outcome: Development that accommodates population growth while minimizing negative impacts on natural resources Consistency Analysis: Implementation strategies and guidelines for this goal encourage appropriate mixed uses and steer new development to infill areas in order to protect environmental assets. The proposed development is for a site between previously developed sites and provides a mix of uses and housing types, while protecting the property’s most significant environmental resources. Goal XIII: Preserve and protect water quality and supply Desired Outcome: Accommodating anticipated growth in a manner that is sustainable to New Hanover County’s water supply and water quality Consistency Analysis: The proposed project is designed to meet the criteria for a stormwater low impact development (LID) and will utilize water and sewer, both of which are recommended by the comprehensive plan to meet this goal. Goal XV: Provide for a range of housing types, opportunities, and choices Desired Outcome: Citizens are not overburdened with the costs or availability of housing, but have a diverse range of options that are affordable at different income levels Consistency Analysis: The proposed project includes a range of housing types and contributes to the range of housing opportunities in the county. Goal XVIII: Increase physical activity and promote healthy active lifestyles Desired Outcome: A built environment that encourages active lifestyles and increased health through walking and biking. Consistency Analysis: The proposed development includes recreational trails and provides bicycle facilities to encourage multi-modal transportation. Goal XXI: Ensure NHC remains in attainment for air quality, in support of clean air and improved health outcomes in support of continued growth Desired Outcome: New Hanover County to remain in attainment for air quality to protect public health and retain and attract development and industries Consistency Analysis: The proposed project includes a mixture of uses, which will minimize vehicle miles traveled for residents, and supports pedestrian and bicycle transportation options within the development. Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 11 of 12 Staff Consistency Recommendation The proposed EDZD project is consistent with the goals of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, which calls for a mixture of housing options and uses accessible for pedestrians and bicyclists. The proposed project is also designed to conserve environmental features and complement the adjacent low- density General Residential and Employment Center properties. COMMUNITY MEETING NOTES  In accordance with the standards for EDZD applications, two community meetings were held on March 22nd and March 23rd 2017.  The applicant has provided a summary of the meetings in the application.  In response to the meetings, the applicant made nine changes to the proposed development. These changes are detailed in the summary provided in the application. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the application with conditions. Staff concludes that the application is: 1. Consistent with the purpose and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the General Residential Place Type promotes a mixture of housing options. The proposed development will provide multi-family senior housing at an appropriate density in an area primarily consisting of single-family housing. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposed EDZD development promotes environmentally responsible growth and alternative forms of travel that will help reduce the dependency on the automobile. Conditions: 1. Trinity Landing will be restricted to residents who are 62 years of age and older with the exception that spouses residing in the same unit may be 55 years of age or older. 2. The Common/Commercial areas of the project – such as the proposed restaurant, mini- convenience market, wellness center, beauty salon and spa – will not be open to the public and only be open to the Lutheran Services Carolinas community, their residents, and their guests. 3. In addition to all other applicable setbacks, the development must comply with the following minimum building setbacks: a. Northern property line: i. 100-foot setback for Villa/Hybrid structures. ii. 200-foot setback for three-story structures. iii. 30-foot setback for all other structures. b. Front property line (Masonboro Loop Road): i. 200-foot setback for three-story structures. Z17-03 Staff Summary Page 12 of 12 4. A 30-foot vegetated buffer must be provided along the northern property line. Existing vegetation must remain within the buffer to the maximum extent practicable or be supplemented as necessary to provide for a fully opaque screen. An intermittent berm with indigenous plantings must be installed along the northern portion of the development as illustrated within the buffer strip section detail of the application. 5. The drive lane along the northern portion of the site must setback at least 90 feet from the northern property line, except along the Villa/Hybrid structures (Section B of the site plan), where the drive lane must be setback at least 30 feet from the northern property line. An additional row of native evergreen landscaping must be planted along the northern side of the drive row as illustrated on the site plan (Section B). 6. The development will use dry detention areas where possible as generally depicted on the concept plan based upon new BMP practices utilizing native indigenous planting and grasses. 7. A 20-foot wide access easement must be dedicated to the County along Masonboro Loop Road for the purposes of installing a future multi-use path/pedestrian facility in accordance with the NHC/Wilmington Greenway Plan. 8. The transportation improvements required as part of the approved Traffic Impact Analysis must be installed in accordance with NCDOT’s standards prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.