JUNE 1 2017 BUILDING APPSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIVIIT aPPLI.ATIoN |YPE; C0l1lt1E RC fAL PLEAsE AIJSWER ALL QUEsTIOII5 APPLI(ABLE TO YOUR PRO]€CT "Proje(t Responsibility" 2017,3479 APPLICATION Nunber (offi.€ u3a) APPLICANT'S AME: ., ".,, 1,.,:1 fye:.DAfE| 4/t'1/rl DEVELOPER: N PROIECT ADDRESS: 2tlt s. 17rh s!reer CITY:W i lmingLc:l PHONE #: 744-;r58-6ri l ZIP | 2a4nl OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAJ'IE: Ne,, Hanover Re iona I Medical Center PROPERTY OI,IJNER'S NAJ4E: New Hdnover Reqional Me.lical ('entei OWNER'S ADoRESS: 2r l1 s. r?!h s!reeE CITYi lii Inington ADDRESS: 2 508 lndependence Blvd CITY: 1,lilmiDqEon (ahe.i all Ihat AroIv) PHONE #: 5T: nc ZIP: ,,.8,1i) l ST: !S_ ZIP: 28a12 EI',IAI L ADDRESS: j byers@rodqersbui lders . com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: JonaLhan Byers PHONE #r 70,1-2s8-6311 PHONE f: 704 -2s8 5111 EXIST CONSTRUCTION ALT€ RATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCAIION lf Rslocatlon is lhere a Naiural Gas Line on the Current Site? E Yes I No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?ves flto NEl,,] CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEl.] STRUCIURE FAST TRACK 5I{ELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: I If UPFIT - The Shell Permit # *r1** rs THrs A CHA^GE OF OCCUPANCY USE] f]y€S Nio *+'+* l.ihat is the New 0c<upancy Type? ENGR DISIGN PROFESSIONALi SYSXA Hennessy DESCRIPTIoN OF l,.loRK: orLh.,pedic verEical expansion and addition and r:enovation \t\ I DISCLAIMER lhoroby cetuty lhalall,nrormanon rn th,s apphcalron is corr€cland allwork willcomdy wlh lhe Stale Building Code and allolher applicable Slalc a|d local laws and ordinances and 'eoJlatjons. The NHC Develoon enl Servrces Cenler w,ll be nor,lied ol anv clranoes rn the aooroved olans and qoec,frcanon! or chanqe rn conlra( Io' or conkaclor ,-nlo'rnalron. "NOTT Ary Wor( Perlormed W/O rhe appropriare Pe,T,ls wll 6a 'n Violdr on o' lheNC Srare Sldo Code ardSubiecllo F nes Up To Ss00.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: .ronathan eyr:,s SIGNATUREI (O!.|'tld) (Pdnl N.6.) contaln Asbostos or not. Yorr 8rc r.quird lo callth€ l{alional Eml'$lon Sr6rld3da lor Hazar&os Alr Pdlutanb {NESHAP) sr (9t9)707-5950 al l,cact 10 dE}r prior to lhc donrclirioo ol sny facility o. buildlhg S€€ Asb6ros W6b Sir6: httpi^flrw.6pi..rrr6.ft us./op/a6bosro6/ahmp.hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST: 69,OOO,OOC BUILDING HEIGHT: 88, '6, #OFUNITS; N/A ls food or beverages prepar€d or se.ved in this slrwture? [ Yes No ls The Pmperty Located ln The Flooddain? E Yes )s\ W TOTALAIIEASQFT: 1?5 0c0 SQ FT PER FLR: I I OF STORIES: 5 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: -1ll-.9!j_$OF STRUCTURES: r ACRES DISTURBED: : E EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T-IYES [--I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: r2!.ri5-r SOFI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA J SO FT ot .:. - (;\ Lc) <= G. =C'olaa.Co g C, PROPERTY USE: DOTTICE E RESTAURANT luencnrurrre leouc !aer !CONDO OTHER: tt,:, s-o i:i I WATER: mCFPUA SEWER: f,n CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM ffWELL I]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: CENTRAL SEPTIC L-I PRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNITY SYSTEM pAyMENr METHOD: ICASU f]CHeCK (PAYABLE TO NHC] EAMERTCAN EXPRESS D MCTflSA n OTSCOVEn .. SEPARAIE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT MF(:H. PI TI(; (NqS FQL]IP, PHF|AES & INSFRTS '' €YPAw q,r o.u / 1z t* o v/-1a n olv L\ nF/lSEO DATE ,t/11/12 N PERMIT FEE: $_ OFFICER. J T^(FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)\r. SFTBACKS'F. LH: Y RH:Y B:Y crtv:\11..[Y* DA1E: RZONE Approva I FLOOD: } BFE+2ftsYComtndnt sxLLvotNG PllA|g tl(. / q,4 / rg At lNo** o,w , tt€L:( 0-oo1 .v il\/,totNv (u,qns t T I ! fr,r$, ffiE aOl1" bttr1 Lffi-;lr-ev.2 $ CONTRACToR I itodqers EuiLders, lnc .LICENSE tr: )941 Is Elect PoHer on this Building fl Yes E to IF Ye5, what lras the Previous oacupancy Type? _ AR(H DESIGN PROFESSIoMI: LslP Associales Ltsd PH: 910 ',790-9901 NC RE6 8: 5041? PP,t t04-910-A164 NC REG *: l'0997 f OF FLOORS: 5 ffiW""b5qn APPLICATION Number (office Use) a z 2 1- NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibili.ty" APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: ]:,; Jonathan Byers DATE: )/tt t.- PROIECT ADDRESS: 2t3I s. lrth srreer CITY:Wilmington PHoNE #: - '.i : ZIP : 28 A', r OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI{E: New Hancver Reqronal t4e.li.a1 cer,r-er. PROPERTY OLJNERJ S NAI'4E : OWNER, S ADDRESS: .:, New Hancver Reqional Medicaf Center PHONE #: s. llth street CONTRACTOR: F.r, i e r's Builde L5, Inc CITY: l"Ji lmrnqt cn ST: nc ZIP: 2 3.1-i 1 ST: r,c ZIP:26412 LICENSE #: 3 e.l'/ CITY: 'rr lminctcnADDRESS: 25C8 In.iependence Bl/d. EmAIL ADORESS: ib!ersl-ircdsersbuilders. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Jonnt,.iarl Byer:i PHONE *: ra.t-258-6lrl PHoNE #: lat-258 6i1l (check All That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes !No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?ves I No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHEL L UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: I If UPFIT - The SheII Penmit #: ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: l: ri, .,r::..ir r' ..r :-,::.PH:911 t9!-99!1 NC REG f: PHi 704-910-8764 NC REG #: 5011r F099?ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: SYS(i, Henne:r.iv DESCRIPTION OF |,,/ORK: crt-h.rleci. ".erti.al expansion and additj.on and renovation ls food or beverages prepared or served in this srructure? flves I No ls The Property Localed tn The Ftoodptaint I ves [l ruo DISCLAIMER: I hereby certrfy that allinformalion in this,application is correcl and all work willcomply wrth the State Buitdrnq Code and allother applrcable Stateand local laws and ordrnances and regulalions. T1e NHC Developmenl Services Cenrer wrll be nolifiad of anv chanoes in lh; aDDroveo otans and sbe.ifr.ation\or channe rn conlraclor .1r .oarra.tor inrormation. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed w/O lhe Appropriate Permris wtll 6e rn V otanoi ot the flc Stale Bldg Code andSubiect'io Fines Up To $500 00"' OWNERYCONTRACTOR : Jonathan Bvers SIGNATURE:(ou.ffied (PdnrNams) Notei Demollton notmcations & asboslos removal pomil applications ars to be submitted usino the spplic€lion form (DHHS-3768) whether the facllity or building wss iound to conhln Asbeslos or not. You 610 required lo callthe Nalonal Emlsslon Standerds for Hazsrdous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (9'19)707-5950 at least 10 days prlor to tho demolition of 6ny fadlity or buildino. See Asb€sto€ Web Site: lttpJ ,!ww.epi.statg.nc.utepi/a€b€oto6,/6hmp.hunl TOTAL PROJECT COST: be,tit,nii BU|LD|NG HEIGHT: 8s' - 6" #OFUN|TS: lr/A SQ FT PER FLR: ]2 28a # OF STORIES: 5 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 115,Iir. #OFSTRUCTURES: r ACRES DISTURBED: . . NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: :: , EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? - YES l_l NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: , :, ,553 SQ FT PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE ! nesrnUnnrur MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHER: q: sc I WATER: ZCFPUASEWER: 7l CFPUA E coMMUNrrY SYSTEM flwELLE CENTRAL SEPTIC L] PRIVATE SEPTIC : aL REVISEO OATE 4/11N2 "'SEPARATE PER[,4ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHoD: ECASH flcuecr lenvneLE To NHc) flxrrenrcnlr expRESS E N4cA/tsA E DtscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B: --LW.-revz Is Elect Power on this Building [l yes E ruO IFYe5,what*,.*,""J]]J,,:.:ii:":,.ifi$oFoccUPANcYUsE;FI'.,F",::;:;;"".,Type?- TOTAL AREA SQ FT: , # OF FLOORS: 5 f]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: flcoMMUNtTY SYSTEM Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2ft=AVNcomment pERMlT FEE: $_ : Ce' Ef RECEIVEDt'4AY2s2OlT NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P UCAIO N rY PE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECI ,-Proi.ct ResPonsibilih/' CITY: PHONE #: clTYi io tT5lo07 S DatclAPPLICANIS NAME: PROJECT AODR€SS:zl I Sunroom (5F)- E Greenhouse (SF)- 5 Pool(St)...-- ! Deck {5F)- Tf zlPt 2 74// ? BLDG T]CEl.lsE #: tr' hr( 71e, 3 ?1/ ? D D StoraSe Shed (5F)-- tr Other (5F) qD SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNERS NAME: OWNER'S ADORESS: NnCONTRACTORI ADDRESS CITY; EMAIL AOORtSS:P HON€ PROJECT CONTACI PERSON:tsh ol)c v1 PHONEVlz ta L o ...PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRgJECT.. ' D AttGarage(sF)- g ,",0.,"r"1"1 ------ElIi 611cev'e te':! {c^ ( - p or.l. ls the propoted wo(k chanting the existir8 footprint? E ves g/no TOTAL SQ FI UNDER R}OF lJor Foposed wotk) Hcat'd: _.--- Unh'rtcd: roTAL PRolEcT CosT (Less Lot)i S 7Do ts the proposed work changiog the number of bedrooms? D ves lz/ft.o ls any El.crlcal, Plumbini or M€chanic'l work beint done to the Accessory Structure D Yes 6't(o ii ttre project is a ncro..tlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Ycs E'-No i, ir,"i" ii"ori..' ,orer on this Build ing? J vcs b/uo prppcrty u3e/ occepancy: h/Sindc FamiV tr oupl'r tr Townho!" ion ot WorklDescriPt eru/C0n D sctAlMERr I herobv (.aifo lh.t allthe inform i:na orOina,r.r rnO rcgutations lh" NHC D 'NOItr Any *ort P.rfsmed wlthout the tppropn' lral on it corr..t.nd.ll workwill ;ompry with the 5t.1. EulldinB Cod..nd all orh.. applk.bl. Stat..nd Lcc.l !i c.nr.r wlllb. notifi.d ofEnychant.r ln the.pProv.d Pl.nt.nd 3pRif.'tiontor chrnge in conn.(tor r. pdmitr will b. in vkrlation otth€ NC state Sldt cod..^d eubi.ct to nn.3 up to S5oo.0o"' Na .h R si1r,laturct -,'4'z-e /oII ^n',,t ( Clwnar/Contractori ,,Ltc.fised euollfict' PtiDt Name 15 the property located in a floodplain? 3 Ycs !(ruo Exirtint ,mpcrvious A r"., (9 soe' Tot'lAct's Disturb'd N.w lmp?rvlour Ar!. , t? scfl. ExistinS tand Ditturbinr Prrmit: E Yls€-No WATER: D CTPUA D Community System y'Private W€ll E CentralWell tr Aqua SEwtR: tr CFPUA tr community System E PrivateSeptic E CehtralSeptic E Aqu' zon.i - otfk.r: .+ sctb'cki (F) _- ltH) - IRH) - lB) -Approv.l: - CitY: - D.tc:.- tloodr(A)-lV)-(N)-8FE 'n';;nr.",$ Comm?r{i 1s- EXISTING coNsTRUcTloN: ! Alteration . Renovation E General Repairs NEL/ CONSTRUCIION: ! Erect New Residence O Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PI-EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Prolect Responsibilitl/' APPLICANTS NAME: J Serens Construction Datet 5-22-17 PROJECT ADORESS:4307 cainpsfo&l ct CITY: Wilm ZIP 28412 A- luo p\ ans *2or1-.569,1 Application (oftice use) l0rI6Bl SUEDrVlStON LOT * PROPERry OWNER'5 NAME: Tom Nettleman PHONE #: 910-233- 1329 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 4307 crinesfor.l ct CITY: Wilm zlP: 28412 CONTRACTOR .l Serens Constnrciion BtDG LICENSE #:48655 CITY: Wilm 5T: NC ZIP: 28405ADDRESS:Po Bnx 12526 EMAIL ADDRESST iserensconstruction@omail_com PROJECT CONTACT PERSONi Jeff Serens PHONET 910.443.0299 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E ErectN€w Residence ! Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation I*I.PLEAsE CHECK AND ANSWER 8EI.OW ATt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTI** D Att Garage (SF) _D Det Garage (SF)_n Porch (SF) n Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF)n Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (5F)_n Deck (SF)tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes R No TOTAT SQ FI UNOTRROOF Aor ptoposed work) Heated: 3000 Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less tot): S 250.000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes E No ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure B Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? \1 Yes fl No lsthere Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? NYes n No Property Use/ Occupancy: B Single Family n Duplex n Townhouse Descrlption of Work; o[]mhin., insulation floorino. trim and Daint. DISCtAIMER: lhereby certifythat allthe information in this application is rorrect and allwork willcorhply with the State ilding Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC oevelopment Services Center will be nottfied of any changes in d information- "'NOTE: Any work p€rformed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Owner/Contractor: .leffrev R Sarens Signature "Licensed Quolilie/' Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes A No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq ft s and specifications or chanSe in contractor fines up to 5500.00." TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land DistutbinS Permit: ! Yes I No WATER: E CFPUA n Community System E Private Well n Central Well I Aqua SEWER: I CFPUA tr Community System n Private Septic f] Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ {RH} _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: {Al _ U} _ (Nl_ 8FE+2ft= _Comment; Permlt tee: S $l,U-- PHONE: 910.443.0299 -)r-\.-:-\ \ 4*,0)l- aos .L 1',,1,18f 17 tlrlSFN NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TTPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI,JER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YoUR PRoIECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANTTS r'^ME. Tribute Construction, Iac DATE: _t-1.2,o-i) DEVELOPER:' PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY: wilminqton PHoNE f: 910-2s1-so3o SUBDTVISION:Mvrt Ie Landin BLOCK #:LOT #: Myrtle Ventures LLC PHoNE #: 910-2s1-5030 Caldina1 Dr CITY: Wilminqton sT: .llq zIP: 28403 CONTRACToR: ?ribute coosLruclion Inc.LICENSE #: 5 oo or- ADDRESS: 10 s. cardinal Dr C ITY:Wilminqt 5T: Ig_ ZIP I 2!3!l EI4AIL ADDRESS: cl ane@t ribut.econstrucc ion . com PHONE #:910-251-2381 mOIECT CONTACT PERSON: Kent Tanner PHoNE #: 910-612-8148 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI^J RESIDENCE Or ! NOOTTTOII TO EXISTTNG RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: PROPERTY OI,INERJS NAIiIE: O!.INER'S ADDRESS: 10 s ATT GARAGE - SF suNR00r'1 sF DET CARAGE _ SF POOL SF PORCH 13s 5F STORAGE SHED SF 5F ToTAL HEATED SQ FT: 127a TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: lElLt_ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: lnlo_ TOTAL PROIECT COST6essrorl : $84600 # OF STORIES: 2 rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, PLUI'IBrNG on l4EcHANrcaL work Being Done to the Accessory structure? [ vur I r,rorf the pr oject is a Relocation, is thene a Natunal Gas Line on the curnent site? flves I no Is there Electrical Powen on this Building? tr-'lVes l-.Iruo pRopERw usE / occupANcyr ! srlrclr FAMILY E DUPLEX DESCRIPTIoN OF LIORK: construct new townhome TOI{NHOUSE DISCI-AIMER rhereby certit that aI inbrmaton tn lhis appticaton is correcrand a[ and ordlnances and regulallons.The NHC Oe vetopmenr Se rvices Ceoler wil be not workwill comply wlth the Stare Building Code 6ed ofany changes tn lhe approved ptans and and aI olher applicable Stale and tocal laws specllicafons orchange in conlractar orconuacrDr inbrmation. '-NOTE: Any Work performed W/O lhe Approprtaie permits Sla Code and Su OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rribure consrmcrion , rnc +*+*****++**)F+:******** * * * * Jli'll {ili} * * * * ** * * * * *+ +*)r++ ***)r x** )*++*+x:r,r** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? E YES I NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SQ NEI,I IMPERVToUS AREA: 12?4 sQ willbe in Viotaiion olrhe NC SIGNATURE bjecLrq Fines |,jjlo 9500.00'.e-'K- FT FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXI5T LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: ITI YES T-'i NO )t +,F* **+t *****+ WATER:CFPUA ! comuurrw sysrEM f] pRrvATE wELL CENTRAL WELLsrnen: I cFpuA n CENTRAL sEprrc l-l PRIVATE SEPTIC I coN|ururw svsrtm *.I.* SEPARATE PERI{ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IITECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** PAYI.4ENT IETHOD:! casn T cHEcK (pAyABtE To NHC) E Ar,tERrcAN ExpREss tr MClVISA I orscoven+ ***,* +* **** *,t** * * ** * * * * )**,t )k++**** ** )*,t,t *** x +,*,* x** +,* x * *x+* **)t *** **+****** **)t,t*+**,*** +*:t+ ** APPLICATION Number (office use) ZIP i 284t2 ! cnreruuouse _ sr I oecr _ sr orHER: nE\,1tsED DATE O4l11/12zoNE: - oFFrcER: t'Itlfil'-'r'i ?ii LH: RH: R.Approval: City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: .__- BFE+2ft7+ I - _ _-)conment: a v N \T;a 1-- PERflrr FEE: $ JY -/ J -)rY\cr-\ \ ^tzb',o? sQKb,11:14,: NEt,{ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI.ISWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" -H APPLICATION Numben (office Use) APPLICANT'S (^ME ' Tribute constluction Inc DATE:_k.2'o-() DEVELOPER: . CITY: wilminqton PHONE f: 910-2s1-so3o PRO]ECT ADDRESS: . , SUBDIVISION:Mvrcle Lardinq PROPERry Oh'NERJ S T,I,AITIE: oWNER's ADDRESS: 10 s i4yrqle Ve4tulqq, LLC PHoNE #: 910-2s1-s030 CITY: wilminqton 5T: M ZIP: 28403 CONTRACTOR: Tlibute construccion, rnc. ADDRESS: 10 s. cardinal Dr. LICENSE #: 5oooI CITY: I"Iilminqton ST : .l!!: zIP: 28403 Ei4AIL ADDRESS: clane@tribut.econs trucEion . com PHoNE S: 910-2s1-2381 mOIECT CONTACT PERSON: Kent Tanner.PHoNE S: 910-612-8148 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE on ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT; cardrna-L Dr ATT GARAGE SF DET GARAGE POOL SF -SFZ PORCH 13s SF STORAGE SHED - 5F5UNR00|,1 _ SF GREENHOUSE SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:12?a TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lor) : $ B4Goo # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUHBING or iIECHTTNICAL l,lork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? f] Vur I lO If the project is a Relocation, i.s thene a Natural Gas Line on the Cunnent Site? [ Ves I lto Is there Electrical Power on this Building? X_lVes [lruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCYT I SrrCrr rnmrLV DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF IdORK: Constrxct new cownhome and ordlnances and regulalions. The NHC Devetopmenl SeNices Cenler willbe noiifed ofany changes ln the approved plans and spectticalions or change in conllacbr or cont'aclor inbrmalion. '-NOTE: Any Work Pedormed WO ihe AppropriaE Permllswittbe in Viotarion ofrhe NC Sra d0 Code and Subje OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rribure consrrucrion fnc.SIGNATURE ct ra Fines l-fT6 $500 0o"n '12\-- A-- fP.int ane)+*++,t*+:1.++,r**,** *x***** ++**+++* ***{*** x**x **+***,N,}*,r* **** ** j* *++ *,t,a*+,r****rr *r*+* ++***+ IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? E YES NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SQ FT ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: o NEl,,l IMPERVIoUS AREA: 1274 SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERTUT:YEs f-l No ITIATER; I CFPUA E CoMMUNIT SYSTEM PRIVATE WELL CENTRAL I,,JE LL sEr^lER: E CFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTTC fl PRIVATE SEPTTC I COUwUTIW SVSTem *** SEPARATE PERI4ITS REqUIRED FOR ELECT, I'4ECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** PAYIt1EMI IETHOO: I CISU I cHEcK (payABLE ro NHc) E Al.tERrcAN ExpREss E rclrrso I orscoven *+*x,**+*.i.:t,t*,**,*x,t,*+:!** ++++*:*,t+*,t**,r:*****,*,*+)t* +.t***x* *,i.,* * *,t:* :* * * **,***+****,+* )t*********)i* ++ (FOR OFFICE UsE O{LY) REIAsED OATE O4l11/12 ZONE:OF FICER:SFTBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft=v T r Comment: N PERMIT FEE: ZIP i 2a4L2 BLOCK #: LOT S: - ! oecr _ sr orHER: rorAl sQ Fr UNDER RooF : I ElLt_ TOTAL AREA sQ Fr: la lo_ :v M+ @fir,rrvrir'r;srt,1t- ')" APPLICANT,S NTAI{E: Tribute construction, fnc - APPLICATION Number' (office Use) D^r*_q.*.) DEVELOPER:',J PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY: wilminston PHoNE #: 910-2s1-s03o SUBDIVIS ION: Myrtle Landinq BLOCK #: PROPERTY OI.'NER, 5 I,IAI'IE : oLlNER'S ADDRESS: 10 s. Myrtle Ventures. LLC cardinal Dr CONTRACTOR: tribute constrlrctioo, rnc - ADDRESS: 10 s, caldiual Dr. CITY: wilminqton PHONE #: ST 910-251-5030 LICEI',|sE #: 60001 CITY: willlrinoton Nc ZIP: 28401 ST: Ig_ ZIP: 28403 ET'IAIL ADDRESS:clane@tributecoosC!u ctI com PHoNE #: -a-2sL-23ar PROIECT CONTACT PERSoN: .Kent ?anner PHONE #: 910-612-8148 STORAGE SHED 5F OTHER:SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 127A TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: i?-.)I TOTAL AREA Sq TT: ISSI TOTAL PROIECT COST(LessLoD : $ sleoo # OF STORIES: 2 rs Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI,IBING or IVIECHANICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ V"r f] f,fo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natunat Gas Line on the Curnent Site? [Ves Ilo Is there Electrical Power on this Building? l--lVer f,]ruo pRopERTY USE / OCCUPANCYT ! SrrCLr rlNrLV DUP LEX rOI^JNHOUSE DESCRIPTION 0F l^l0RK: construct new tori'nhome DISC-LAMER lhereby ceftry Ual all informaUon in $is spplicalion is conecl and allworkwiI complywith ihe SEle Euildhg Code and a[ olher appttcabte SEle and tocal taws end ordinances and ,egulatons. The Nl-lC Oevelopmenl SeNices Center wi! be notifed ofany chahges in the approved pbns and spectficatons orchange ln conraclrr or conEador hbnnalion. '-NOTE: Any Work Perfomed WO theApproprialE Permftswittbe in Vtotarion ofrhe NC Code and Subjec!lo s500.00-' OWNER/CONTRACTOR t TribuEe con struction,Inc SIGNATURE: ,r* r.!r ***)*,8,8*,r.,*:l+*********** *(I itll IiI1* * **** ****++++,r,r+ **** x+* +ii*:i*+* * ** suNRooM _sF GREENHOUSE SF PooL _ sF DECK SF rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN A FLooDnLATN? Ef yEs OGSTING IMPERWOUS AREA: -q- SQ FT NEI,J IMPERYIOUS AREA: 1274 SQ FT ,*,r ++ * ++ * * ** + *+ I NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED; o EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERItTT:r YES [--'i ruo (FOR oFFICE USE ot't!Y) REyrsEO DATE O4l11l12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ t4lATER;CFPUA COI4MUNITY SYSTEM PRTVATE I^]E LL fl cenrnt we ll sewrn: I crrua ! CENTRAL sEprrc l-l earvrre sEprrc n coMMUNrry sysrEM *** SEPARATE PER]Y PAYI,IENT l,lfiHoDr I cnsn REQUIREO FOR €LECT, I'4ECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** cHEcK (IAvABLE ro nuc; I anrnrcAir ExpREss [f mcnrsn f] orscoven IT5 I :*,t*,f, *r(*****,*,t,tli **rr* * ** *)i)*,k )k*** *{<* **,i,* *,*,** * +,t,},**,t **+,* !t)t** ** * *** ** *x * ** ** *** x **+ rk*+,} **** ** ZONE:OFFICER: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _,A Connnent:$ _ BFE+2 N PERMIT FEE: reNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilitf' ,--)-)ZIP | 28412 LOT #: EXT5TTNG coNSrRUCrrON: I nlrrnarrou I Reruovarror'r f] eeruenal REPATRS E RELocATToN NEr^r CoNSTRUCTTOH: @ eneCr NEW RESTDENCE o" ! noOrrrOlt TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: I arr cnnae r - sF ! oer ennncr sF E poRcH -lS3- s, 2At1,,.-5G1,*,,,_,"r{-4 {)',')"Lll' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIVIIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSI,IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO Y0UR PRoIECT "Project Responsibilit/' lribute CoAstruc tior1, fnc. APPLICATION Number (office use) APPLICANT, S I{AfiE : DEVELOPER: ,._* PRO]ECT ADDRESS: DAr*_q.4}.) /J , CITY: wiLminqton PHoNE #: 910-251-s030 SUBDfVISION: Myrtle Landinq BLOCK #:_ LOT #: OI^JNER'5 ADDRESS; 10 s. cardinal pr CITY:wilminqtoo 5T: IL ZIP: 28403 CONTRACTOR: Tribute coostructioq Inc -LICENSE #: 60001 ADDRESS:10 S. Cardinal Dr CIry: wilminoton ST: Nc ZIP: 28403 EIViIAIL ADDRESS:clane@tributeconstructi.on - com 9AO-2St-238LPHONE #: PHONE #:9t-0-612-8148molECT CONTACT PERSON: .(ent ?amer EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION NEt^,t coNsTRUcTrou: [l rnrcr urw Rrsroeruce o" f]ADDITTON TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND A|,ISWER BELot^l ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRoIECT: ATT GAFAGE SF DET GARAGE SF PORCH -DSLsr STORAGE SHED SF OTHE R:5F TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 1274 TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: I ?lt1- TOTAL AREA Sq TT: ISSI TOTAL PROIECT COST 1r-ess roq : $84600 fs Any ELECTRICALT PLUI.IEING or I,,IECHANICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Stnuctu.e? [ Ves f] no If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? fl Ves f]Uo rs there Electrical Powen on this Building? l--lVes F-'l ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY, E StlteLe raUrry DESCRIPTION OF WORK: colstrucb r1ew to\r,D}lone DUPLEX TOtiINHOUSE and ordinances and regulatjoniThe NHC Development SeNlces Cenler wil be nolifieo of any changes in he approved plans and speclficaions or change ln contEcbr or contacld inbn alion-'-NOTE: Any Work Perfomed w/O lhe Appropriaie Permic willbe in Violation ofthe NC Code and Subject lo $500_00-. OWNER/CONTRACToR: rribuEe coDsrrucEion lnc SIGNATURE: lPrint Name)*,t,t*,t*******i.**************.*** *x* **** **** ******!*,r**,* *xr(,* *** xx* *x)t**,*** suNRoor"l _sF GREENHOUSE 5F P00L _ sF DECK 5F ***)r,t*+***+)t +* IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? [l YES I NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: O SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: g_ NEN IMPERVIOUS AREA: 12 ?4 5Q FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:I YEs [--i No I,JATER:CFPUA COMMUNIry SYSTEM PRIVATE I,]ELL CENTRAL l^lE LL sewrn: I cFpuA f] cENTRAL sEprrc ! enwarr sEPTrc n coMMUNrrY sYsrEM **' SEPARATE PERT.{ITS REQUIREO FOR ELECT, II]ECH, PLBG, GAS EqUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS **' PAYF1ENT IIETHOD: I COSH cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) fl Ar,4ERrcAN ExPREss lE "c,r-so tr DISCOVER ***,tr*,** '**,t+ 't++:t *1.,1* *,t* **!t )t )t** !t,t,*,* '* +,*+,**** *,* if,*,i,*,t,**,1. 't 'tr.,ti( ++,+,r**,t+ ***,k**+ **,* * *,* *,1,t*,t **rt+ *,t (TOR OFFICE U5E ONLY) REV'SED DAIE O4/11/L2 zoNE: OFFICER: Approval:- city:- DATE:- FLooD: - _ BFE+Z .AVN Comrent: PERMIT FEE: T SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH;_ B:_ )ZIP i 28412 PROPERTY OWNER's NAI'IE: Ml.rtle ventures, LLC PHONE #: 910-25L-5030 # OF STORIES: 2 v )o15b1,6,,, APPLICATION Numben (office use) ,{_zo'I I : 16,911 APPLICANT'5 ^IAI4E: DEVELOPER: .', . PRO]ECT ADDRESS: Trib ute coflstrucEion, Inc.DATE: _\a>t) +)crw:wilminqton PHoNE #: 910-2s1-s03o ZIP i 284t2 SUBDIVISION:MrEEle Lalldinq BLOCK #: POOL SF STORAGE SHED LOT f: CONTRACTOR: rribuce construcEion Inc -LICENSE #: 50001 EIIAIL ADDRESS: clane@tributeconstruceion.con PHONE #: 9to-2s:.-23at PROIECT CONTACT PERsoN: Kent Tainer PHONE #: 910-612-8148 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATIO N GENERAL REPAIRS ! nerocarroru NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISIING RESIDENCE r*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ! oer oannce sr I eoncH _E83-sr SF OTHER: SF 5F TOTAL HEATED SQ 74 I orcr Ff:. tz TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: i?lI TOTAL AREA Sq TT, I5S1 TOTAL PROIECT COSTIr-essLog: $ sasoo # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI.IEING on I,4ECHANICAL Work Eeing Done to the Accesso.y Structu.e? [ V"r I ftfO If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Cunnent Site? f] Ves [ ruo Is there Electnical Powen on this Building? X--ly"t l---n r,lo PRoPERW USE / OCCUPANCYT ! StrCre rAUtrV DESCRIPTION OF l..iORK: construct new to!,r:*rome DUPLEX [] rowunouse DISCLAIMER lheteby cenii/ lhal a! inbmafon in thls applica$on is corecl ancl all wo.k willcomply wirh rhe Stare Bullding Code and a[ olher appttcabte Slale and tocattaws and ordlnances and regulatoni The NHC Oevelopmenl SeNIces CenGr willbe nolified ofany changes in fie appoved ptans and spectfcatons orchange tn conrracDr or conracror htDrma{on. '-NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O lheAppropriare Pemirswiltbe invlolaton offie NC Code and Subjectlo o$500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACToR: rribute ConsEruction, Inc SlGNATIJRE: (Print Name)**r.!t *)t* +++* +***,**,*)t'**+ +*** flt!F*,***+,[ +* r,++* +*** *+* +++++)*)t***x,t***,t+{<+ +r<+*:** **** )**** ** I5 THE PRoPERTY LocATED IN A FLooDPLAIN? E YEs E)(ISTING II',IPERUIOUS AREA: o SQ FT NEt4l IMPERVIoUS AREA: 12?4 Se FT I NO ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: o EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:I YEs f-tr No warER: E] creua I coMMUNrry svsren ! pRrvATE WELL CENTRAL WELL sEwER: E creun f] CENTRAL sEprrc l-l pRrvarr seerrc ! coMMUNrry sysrEr4 *I* SEPARATE PERI\i PAYHENT t'rETHoD: I clsU REQUIRED FOR ELECT, II4ECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS '*' cHEcK (nAvABLE ro nHc; I arenrcAN ExpREss f,] mcTr.rsl I orscov.* IT5 I ********'ti.*,***,k****i<*******,t**+**,t*****,k****r.,**!**:t,**!k,***,t***,t+***x**,t** ++*,t *** **+* *+ ++*)t ZoNE: OF FICER: (FOn OFFICE USE C1{ty) iEvIsEO DAT! O4l1j!/12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _o- Corunent: _ BFE+2 N PERMIT FEE: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TTPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pnoject Responsibilit/' 1a4ffi PROPERW oWNER's tlAI{E: M}.rrle ventures, LLC pHoNE #: 910-2s1-s030 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 10 s. cardinal pr CITY: wilminqton ST: !g- ZIP:2!3!3- ADDRESS: 10 s, carclipal pr. CITY: -Ei]gi!S!g!- ST:IS-ZIP; 28403 I nrr eanaee _ sF ! surunoou - sF I eRerruuouse - sr UK Fire env H NEW APPLICANT'S NAiIE: Prll sar:irxassi )ot+ 57ot' APPLICATIOT{ Number (offi<e use) <!i>- HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN T},PE j COiI ERCIAL PIEASE AISI.IER ALL OUESTIONs APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" *t7-{-292 o,JEt tl- 13-l'7 DEVELOPER: CITY: rriLningron PHONE *: ST: ZlPi ST: !,rc ZIP: 2as4o PROIECT ADDRESS: 54aa Carct,i..a Bea.h Rd i.tr.i:+l OCCUPANT/BUSINESS t,lAl,lE: tsaqei ver PROPERTY OHNER'S NA'{E: OttlNER'S ADDRESS: P}O E $: CIry: ADORESS: i92 Staaicn s: LICENSE S: 326ee CITYi Jackson'/i11e EfilAIL ADDRESS: delph1b,..: il ders ?5G yahoo. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Dino Ps:ios EXIST CONSTRUCTIOI{: lf Ralocstion, is there a Natural RELOCATION KLERED? [ ves I r'ro NEI'J coNsrRucrrot, f] enecr NErr srRUcruRE f] rasr rmcx f] sxru f] urrrr f| ADD ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: (Chect AIl Tnat Apply) aLTERATrorrr l-l nercvlrrou l-l crruenaL npparns Gas Line on trre cu-rrent sirez f-'l vI-[ to ts BLDG SPRIN If UPFIT - The SheII Permit *: 'AI*+ IS THIS A CHAIIGEIF Yes, what }ras the prevlous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTAL: Merrick F!:edrrarl ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL i Is Elect Pouer on this Building I Yes E nro :rfives ftto.**.*Bhat ls the ilex Occupancy Type? OF OTCUPAI.ICY US pH:?o3-SLt-tl7l Nc REG *: PH:NC REG # with the Stale Buildi ng Code and allother applhabte Staterhapiaos and aoecifcalonsNC Slate Blds Codo andof rhe OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: (c](t x!L.) lCo SIGNATUR (Pllln N.m.)tl,ot6: Dc.nolldon ro[rlc€ttons & asbetor rglrc{sl pernlt ipdlcadoais so to b€ aubrnhbd u6&g *E apptkadorj flnn lh€ot bdldh€ ws6 loond lo.onDain Aab€ato3 or not. You are reqqirod b ralt tho Nrnonsl Emirsloa turdadr br ttrzardoBlJr tuluboB (NESHAD .r (019)707-5950 .t tos.t i O days Fto. to ttlodanrolidon d.ny trdtty or hrtldirg S€a Aataab TOTAI PROJECT COST: 13c, 03c TOTAL AREA SO FT l,tEr rrr.6pi.sttla.rE.usJ€pr6b6toe/ahm BUILDING HEIGHT: W6b Sib:p lrtnl SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: 1TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _# OF STRUCTURES: T # oF FLooRS: 12C A ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: :i; WATER: E CFPUA SEWER: @ CFPUA Exsr LAND DrsruaerNc penurr f]ves fi no SO FT EXISTIT.IG IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT PROPERWUSE: [Orrrce RESTAURANT fluenceNnr-e fieouc f]arr lcoNoo orHER flcoMruuNny s\4srEM flWELL flzoNtNc USE CtAsstFtcATloN:Ll CENTRAL SEPTIC LJ pRrvATE SEmC EcoMMUNrn/ S\€TEM., SEPANATE PERMITS REOI]IRED FOR ELECI, MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP PREFABS A INSERIS PAYMENTMETHoD: flcAsH fieuo<pnvnalEroNHc) flnuenrcmoeness fltucnnsa floscoran (FOR OFFTCE USE OfiLY) ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:-RH:-B:Appmval:_ Ctty:_DATEL_FLOOD:_BFE+2ft= NCommentPERMIT FEE: REVISEO DAIE 4T fi2 !..!i -/ ZI? i 2!1'-2 PHOI'IE *; 91C-3s2-5457 PHONE f:910-352-6.15, CoiITRACTOR: )etph: Cons iruct i. or a n DESCRIPTI0N 0F l'rORK: Co:rverEinq Space f!cr, retail :f, leslaulant la food or beveragse prepared or sanred h thle *uctnea fi ve" f] ruo s rre eropaty Located In The Floodflaint f| ves I No # OF UNITS: .)$Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N TY P E : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibilit]/ crw: L0 l In;N ITJ AP LOT#r PHONE S: CITY:vlt r-\) LICENSE # Aot+-5Tto -1+1= Application {oftlce use) Date:/zJo/7 0/6 3 L APPLICAN?S NAME:oe-\ors PRO]ECT AOORESS: suBDrvrSroN: r p1 o PROPERTY OWNER' "O", (hT los ItorD OWNER'S ADDRESS:2b flowr 4 KT CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:o CAP.Oti,ttL Cry^eeil u ,'ldle Dre 57' 'Q ZlPl CITY: PHONE o sr: tLlLztp.2*rot o t3 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:e- ExlsTlr{G CONSTRUCnoN: I Alteration E Renovation f] General Repairs I{EWCONSfRUCTION: E ErectNewResidence n AdditiontoExistingResidence ! Relocation rli*PtEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALI- THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECT.*} E Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (5F)_ EMAIL ADDRESS:CG ELtll ,(6 1..1 C Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse {sF}tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes { No TOTAT 5Q FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated: ,ron,?/0 ?'J0 ?z/3ao F fther(sF)5ohr Pl ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes 4 No ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accassory Structure X Yes n No lfthepro.iectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?trYestsNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fizves A to ae Property Use/ Occuprn.yr$ Single Family E Ouplex ! Townhouse Description of work:LJ5;/^r d"s 7v laws and ordinances and regulations. Tte NHC Development seffices center willb€ notified ofany cianges in the plans a specifications or change in contrador info.mation. "'NOTE: Any work performed without th lbe in violation ofthe Nc State to fines up to S Owner/Contractor://oe /e appropriate p€rmits wil Braaks "Licensed Quolifiel Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? l ves fi ruo Existing lmperyious Area: - Sq Ft Totat Acres Distube ot e Signatu.e: zn New tmpervlous Are"r L) SqFt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr Yes !( trto WATER: F/CFPUA fl Community System n Private Well n Centralwelt E Aqua SEWEn: S CFPUA Il Communitysystem fl Private Septic E centralseptic ! Aqua zone: - Officer: - s€,tbacks (f) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approyal: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - {N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: 5 H D Pool (SF) _ n Porch {SF)_ ! Storage Shed (sF)_ Unheated: _ rorAt PRoJEcrcosr(Less LoU: S, 8, OOO RVLO3I AppUcANT'S NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL, CATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEAS€ ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibllity" Jotl571z 1-74€'g+ Appllcation (otflce use) oate: 0512312017 PROJECT ADDRESS: 3552 Shell Quarry Drive ctTyi Wilmington 21p. 28412 SUBD|VIS|ON: Riverlights pRopERTy SWNER,S NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC OWNER'S ADORESS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C toT r; 031 pHoNE $: 910.219.'1485 ctTy: Wilmington 21p. 28411 CSNTRASTSR; H & H Constructors of Fayettaville, LLC ss96 Uggll5g g. 74158 ADDRESS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C 91ry. Wilmington ST: NC zlp. 28411 EMAIL ADDRESS:iulicatferty@hhhomes.com/ ierrvbrenni ng@hhhomes.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON JJ Brenninq EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation [1 General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: El Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *!*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BE ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*"* E Att Garage (5F)538 tr Det Garage {5F)_El Porch (SF) pnorue:910.219.1485 ptOrur:910.219.1485 E Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (sF) tr Pool(sF) O Deck (sF) E Storage Shed (5F) _ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ fT UNOERROOF Vor proposed workl Hss1g6; 2596 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $ 145,402 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re EI Yes El No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E ttto lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes D No Propeny Use/ Occupancy: E Sintle family EI Duplex E lownhouse Descriptlon of work: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING -"JONESY PLAN - B - Elevationt'. laws and ordioa.aes and regulations. The NHC Development Services center wlllbe notified ofany chanS€s ln the approved plans and specttlcations or(hange In contractor lnformation, **'NOTE: Any work performed wlthout the approprlate permits wlll be ln violation of the NC State SldB Code and subied to fines up to $500.00.. . Owner,/Contactor: JJ Brennin Signature: "Licensed Qudlilier' P nt Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .17 New tmpervious Are4 3217 5q Ft Existlng Land Dlsturblng permlt: E yes E No WATER: EI CFPUA tr Community System El Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CTPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic EI Aqua Zone: _ Otficer: _ Setback (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Cityr _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+zft= _$1,343 Comment:Permit Feer S tr other (sF) 208 Patio Unheated:538 I, NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMDNT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRI\'E - SI]ITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 ]tax: 910.798.781 I In tern et : vywu,. n hcgov. com 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERS TANDNG JuliCa , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tr I have attache-d an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. n I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tl l-haueattaeIed an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal dateltime (the stamped dateltime notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the applica tion is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: JuliCafferty 5/23/2017 Signature Printed Name 3552 ShellQuany Drive Address forthe proposed residential work Date Aot+-E+ts NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL Ptr,{SE ANSWER AI! QUEST1ONS APruCAELE TO YOUR PROICI "Prorect R.spontlblllhf ++=:f@5- Appficadofi {ofic. '$e) ''r:) APPLICAN?S NAME,Mary Looan - Logan Homes Date:slrrlrr PROJTCT ADDRESS:CITY:aP: ZBLI I ( suBDlvtstoN:Cottage LOT *: owNER,s ADDnEss! 60 Gregory Fld CITY:Belville ztP: 28451 469s6s51 60 Gragory Rd sr./. BsMllo st: NC 28/.51 ET,AILAODRESS:mlogan@@anhomes.com pXoxr: 91G452-7175 PROJSCT COt[ACr PERSON:Mary Logan p116xg. 91H52-7175 EXISnNG CO,{STRUCnON: 0 Alteration Et Renovation E General Repal6 NEla, CONSTRUCIIOI{: El Ereit New Reildence E Addition to Erdsthg Residence E Relocation aaa ar Et rtt earage (sr) ({.?O tr Det carege (5r) - E Porch (sr) lf sun.oom (sF)El Pool{sF)Il Storage shed (5O_ E Greenhouse (SF) - D oeck (sF)_trj other (sF) ls the proposed wotk changingthe edstlng footprht? El Yes D No TOTAT sQ FT UNDER R,AOF Vot ptoposed wo*l Hc.r.dr ,CIla*qs{unheatcdl TOYAL PROJECT COST (Lcss Lot):q JSD rCt)O ls the proposed work changhg the number ofbedrooms? E ves {no ls any Eectrl.al, Plumblot or Mcdrrnkal work belnS done to the Ac&ssory Struaure tr vcs S no lf the project ls a Rclocrdon, ls there a Natural Gas L,Fc on thc clncnt sltc? E Ycs { tlo ls there ElectrlcalPower on thls Eulldlng? tr vcr {lo Propcrty t rGy' occupancy: El sln8ic f.nlly tr DuplGr tr Torvnhoutc ares.rlptlon o{ wo*: SFR - nsw conshuction lay/s and odlnanccs and Egulalbnr. The fC D€lclopmlnt SerYks C.otrr will b. notlf.d ol rny dr!n8.. in th! lpproEd phos .nd speclfic.{ohJ or ch.re ln toDtrdctoi lnfo.mrtlon...'IloTE: Ahy $,o* p.formrd whhoot tlte appropi.t€ p.rmlt! wlllbc h vlohtbt of the C Stat Bldt Code.nd lqbledro fna! sp to S500,@... Own€r/Contractori L Signature: 'llen*d Qrofrfcr' Prlnt ly'd,fit. lsthe proprrtylocatedin alloodplain? D Yes F l{o Elistlru lmpc.Ylout Area, 9- Sq Fr llcv lmpcrvlour Atca:Lttz.o SC rt EfflDe Lnd obturblng Prtmhl f] Y.5 E No WAIERT El CFPUA EI communlty systern D Prlvate well O central WEll E Aqua SIWER: E CFPUA E Communtty System El Prtuate Septic EI central s€ptic [] Aqua zonq --.-- offic€r: - $tnacb {r) - (ul) - (nHl - p) -Approvalr _- Gty: - Dat€: - Hood:(A)-M-{ )-BrE+2ft.- Total Acrct olrturtcdr it $\,bf6 Commenti Perrhlt FGc: S pRopERTvoff{Etrs AME. Logan Developers LLQ pHotrE s. 910-452-7175 ggrnAcTol. Logan Homes g196 ugEr$g g. 3440E -a:-'. '.NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUCAT ION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI P I.EAsE ANSWER AI.L OUESIIONS APPUCABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Pro.lcct Rrsponslbllh/ an-Homes CtTyr Wilminglon aln- 5?T -1-7--159;L Appll(ztbn (offc! ll3el APPLICA'{TS NAMEr Mary PROJECI ADDRESS:5 Drte r1 r-1 API SUBDIVTStON:Clearwater Preserve tor#r.r-31 OWNER's ADDRESS:60 Grogory Rd clTY: Belvllle 21p1 28451 COI{TRACTOR:Logao Homes ADDRESS:60 Grsgory Rd s1n. Belville g1p6 ggENgg 6s 34408 st: NC z 28r'51 EMAIL ADDRESS:mlogar@loganhomss.com PHOflE:91 0-452-71 75 PROJECI COI'TACT PERSON. Mary Log6n pgsx6. 91G.152-7175 E(I5IT G m]iSIRUCIIOiI! E Aheratiqn E Renqrration 0 General R€palrs N€W CONSTRUCIIoI{: El Er€ct New R$idence E Additlon to Edstint RerideDce E Relocation ar,l aa <t-1E Att GarsSe (SF) J uU- E) sunroom (sF) - E Gre€nhouse (sFl - tr Det GaEte (5R - tr Pool(sF) tr De* (sF) {r*"t6rl 11a* E storage shed (sB - D other (so _ ls the propored work changinS th€ exi5ti68 footprint? B TOTAL sQ FT UNDER RoOF (ror prDposed iyork) Haatcd: roTAL PRoJEcr cosT (t ess tot): $..[$..1@- Yes El No 3\ rs unteetra: -l-J* ts th! proposcd work chlngin8 thc nlmber of bedrooms? E vcs S rfo 15 any Elcctrlcrl, Plumbln3 or Mcdranlcal work being done to the Accessory structure. E ves { No l{the proiect ls a Rcloc.doD ls tiere a NaturalGas llneon the current slte? El V!. fi ffo ls th!r. Electrlcal Powcr on this BulldirE? ft Vrs fl. ffo Prcpe.ty Usc/ occgp.ncF El slntlc Famtty E *r9lex O Townhou$ Dcsqlptlon olwort: SFR - new mnstucdion DEOITUE* I h.r.by ltrttty th.t.ll thc |rifonnaton ln thb appliz$on b Eo.rt t rnd.[ *dk wlll .ompv with t]t Stst BlllHlnt Cod. and rll oth.r.p?lLzbL shE.nd lo<rl taws .rd ordti.nlls end rctul.ilo.B. The NHc D6/elopm.nt S€ryic.s C.nt r *lli be nodi.d of .ry chrue. in the rPDrovld phns rnd rpadff.atim! or dr.ntr h conlnctor Inlorm.llon. ,..NoTE: ,ny work plrform.d without rfie approPdat! plrmlB $ll be h viohtlon of the C St t. gldg ro fn.! 0p ro 5500.m'.' owoer/cootrrcton L SEndulll 'u@nscd qfiW,' ktnt llctne lsth€ property located lh a floodplain? D Ver ffl tto Erlsthg Impervlous A."a, 0 sq Ft l{.w lmpcrviou3 o*., 3t1\1 Sq Ft Bdltlng trnd Okturblng Ponnh: EI Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Communitysystem E Privatewell E centr8lwcll U Agua sEwEk B CFPUA E community system E) Pri\6te Scptic f) centralseptic E aqua zotre; -- otflcer - Seoacfs (Fl - {tl{} - (RH) - (Bl -approval: - Cty: - Datei - Flood: (A)-M - (N) - BtE+2lt= $rli NSls3- Comment:)3v pRopErrv owitEps IJvlE, Clearwaler Preserve LLC pHot{E *. 910-452-7175 Tot lAcres Dlsturbcd, 'aO |or+- 5+17 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUCAT lO N TY?E: RESIDENTIAI PITASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABI-E TO YOUR PROJ€CT 'ProJcGt Rcsponslbllty -*7-t698 Appll.2ilon lofli.! us.l ,..", 5l\lltlAPPLICANfS NAMEI PR(),ICI ADDRESS: Mary Logan - Logan Homes ory' Wilmington ZlPr z.b1\ suBDlvtstoN:earwater Preservecl r,or lr 13 CottTRACToR: Logan Homes 9196 ggExgp x; 34408 ADDRESSI 60 Grsgory Rd 61n, BeMlle st: NC zt 28r',51 gio\t1 lggREss; mlogar@log?qhomas,!q!l p11p1gE1 910452-7175 E OSTING @I{SInUCTKTN: E Alteratlon EI Renovation EI 6eneral Rapalrs NEW CO,{STRUCfION: El Ered New Residence 0 Addldon to EGting ResidEnce E} R€location .tTPIEASE!flEEf,AltD A SWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PNOJECI"' Ca Att G8..se (sFl Flb3 tr D€t Garare (sR - {"t*a.n 33t, pROJECI CONTACT pg6SON. Mary Logan E sunroom (sF) - Il Pool(sF) E creeohouse (SF) - tr Decf (S0 -- ls the proposed work dranging the exlstirlt footprint? trl Yes E No TOru Sq FI UNDER ROOI ltor proposed wo*) Heatrd:,13$ unrr""t"a, Bl1 PHONET 91 G.452-71 75 E Storage Shed (SF) _ tr Other (sF) 15 the proposcd work chlnglngthe numberof bedrooms? El Vrs fi ffo ls.ny Elcctrk l, Ptumblng or Mcd!.nkrl work being donetothe AJesrory Structure. tr Ves S Ho lftheprojectls.Rlloclton,isthcteaNaturalGasllneonthecurcntshe?trVcsQXo ls ther! Electrical Power on this BuildirE? u Vcs {m P.opcrty Ur./ t ctrrpency: El Slrglc Famlly tr OuDhx tr Tqunhoul. D€.crlpdor of wort:SFR - nsw construdion hwr and otdhrnes and retuhili.ns. The NHc D€vclopillnt slrvits c.ntcr wit b. ndif.d ot rny dierlgB In thc .pprol,d phn! lnd ip€dfc.tio.rt or dtint. tn conrra.torlnlorhrtlor ...NoTI: Arly worl 9lrtorm€d l.,ithot)l th€ .ppropdart p.mlB wlll bG h vloL$on ot th€ iic sut. Bldg subJe.tto tines 0p to S5m.0o"' o{nrr/Contacton D Logan $nrtsre; 'U.Enscd Quo fl.t' Pdrt N.mc lsth€ propertylocatedlnalloodplain? tr YGs m No Erlstiry lmpervlous Areer !-- sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbedi .z\ llaty lmpsvlout l."., 3{61 sqFt Erlnlng tend Dlsturblnt Pcrmh! EI Yes E tto WATERT E CFPUA E Community System D Private Well E Cental Well E Aqua SEWE& E CFPUA f) Community System E Priyate Septic E C€ntralseptic El Aqua Zone: _ Off,c€r: _ Setnacfs (Fl _ (t}ll _ IRH) _ (Bl _ Approv.lr-......-...- city: - Dat€: - Flood: lA)-M -(N)- BFE+2ft. ----y'- {,31; Crmrnentr Permit Fee: I $1,315 pRopERTy owNEtrs non a. Clearwater Preserve LLC pHonE*,9,104S2-7175 6u,xsg5lppXEss; 60 Gregory Rd cry: Belville zp:28451 roTAL PRoJEGI oosr (r.r. Lott, $ / 7-1 &O NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLtUfl ON rY PE : RESI DENTIAI PI.EASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,IECT 'Proiect Responsibllit/ ao ).J- lQ-lfov ',Sr2sPll Date tolnce tt'lt'l use) Stevens Fine Homes 5APPI.ICA[T'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:1,501 Noodltc Loil CtW: Wilmington Ztpt 284ogt, sUBDtVtstON: Tralee Place LOT #:z1 pROpERTy OWNER,5 1ay6. Stevens Fine Homes OWNER'S ADDRESS: 5710 Drive Suite zoo pHoNE i. 910-794-8699 c]ry: Wilmington 21r. z84og 6g1pp461gj. Stwens ADDRESS: 5710 BLDG UCENSE s. 31626200CITY: Wilminston sr: NC ztp'284o3 E Sunroom (SF)D Pool (5F) E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D yes d tto TOTAT SQ Ff UNDERROOF lfor proposed workl Heabdl to 10 unheated: b q'l TOTAL PROJECT COST ( Less Lot) : 5 12o,ooo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyBectrkal,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesEtto lf the project is a Relocadon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E! to lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Euilding? E Yes E lrlo Property Us€/ Occupancy: E Slngle Family E Duplex D Tof,mhous€ Description of Work:New residential single family home. laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHc Development Services center will b€ notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. **TNOTE: Any work performed withoutthe appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State and subject to fines up to 5500.00... EMAIt ADDRESS: snicholson@stevensfinehomes.com PHONE: pROJECT coNTAcT pgpgg1. Staci Nicholson pHO E. 910-332-85$ D(|ST|NG CONSTRUCTIO :tr Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEWCO'{STRUCTIO:EErectNewResidence!AdditiontoExistingResidenceDRelocation .*.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AII THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'I+* d att e"rag" (s0 { 17 tr Det Garase (sF) - d porch (sF)10 Owner/Conuactor: "ucensed Quolifier" r,tichrel Crni4 trtt,ttno Signature:piAt uoii lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? D Yes d lo Eristing lmpervious Ar."t Llql qR Total Acres Disturbed . tl 5 lrlew lmpervious Area:2.1ttl Sq Ft Exlstlng Land Dlsturbing Permie tr Ves d m $tWATER: E CFPUA tr Community System D Private well D Central Wett d Aqua SeWfn, d CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ Crty: _ D.te: _ Flood: (A| _ p) _ (il) _ BFE+2ft= _ )b -+3$Comment:Permit Fee:, Application Number tr Deck (SF)_ n Storage shed (5F) _ d otner (sr) l2 0 AppucANT,s NAM[: Herrington classic Homes, LLc NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL'CATION WPE: RESIDENTIAT PI-€AST ANSWER ALT QUE'IIONS APPUCAEIE TCYOUR PROJECT 'Project RcspoNlbility" Aot+-1>74 1- {offfce ui€) 5Date:t'l l1 pRoJECT ADDRESS: 4805 Goodwood Way ctTy. Wilmington 21p.28412 5ggp1y1g16p. Fortune Place at Johnson Farms pROpERTy OwNER,s NAM[. Paul & Susan Reish OWNER,SADDRESS: CITY: coNTRAcroR: Henington Classic Homes, LLC 1996655, PO Box 538 LoT g:28 PHONE f: ZIP: _ 9196 U56til55 6 68106 oTy. Wrightsvllle Beach $. NC aP. 284i)0 SMATL ADDRESS: hoathar@hsnlngtonclassichorn€s,com PHoNE- 910€99-5688 E(lsTlt{G CONSIRUCTION: D /rlteratton U Rerovauon E General Repalrs NEW CONSTRUCTIoN: El E.ect New Re.idence E Addition to Existing R6ldence E Relo(ation .*.P[T/ASE CIIECK ANO A'{SI,Y€R BELOW AIt TI{AT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT"' 0 auearage (sr)5@ tr oet GaragE (sB - El porch (sq 301 [:] Sunroom (SF] _ D G.eenhouse (SF) _ D storage Shed (sF) _ ls the proposed work changlng the existing foosrint? n Yes U No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER AAOF Var proposed wotkl 11s3te6.2628 IOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot}: S265,000 ls the proposed workdrangingthe number of bedrooms? fl Yer E No lsanyEl€drical,PlumbintorMechankalworkbeingdon€totheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the project is a Rslocadon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D yes E No lsthe.e Electrical Poweronthis gullding? E Yes I ttto E Pool(sF) E Deck (SF) ProperW Use/ De*rlption ol occupancy; El single Family E 0uplex E Townhouse q,yert, Construct sirqle lamily residence laws and ordhances.nd .€SLditlon!. The NHC Oetelopm.rt Senlces Center wfll be notlfied of any ififormatoo. "'|OTE: Arry work ,e#orrned f,,ktlout tfie appropri.te permit! * l b. ln vlol.tbn c, plans and 5r€cifiaatlofla or alun8e ln contrdcto. srbje.t to lines up to 9500 00"' owner/contractor: Cralg Johnson slgnaturc: "Ucensed Qudlnet" hlnt Nsme Is the property located in a floodplain? rf Yes E ttlo fxlstlng lmpervious Arear _Sq Ft TotalAcres Dlsturbed: New lmp€rvious Are ",t 315L Sqft Extstint Land obtu.blry Permlt E Yes E No WATER: El CFPUA E Community system E Private well E centralwell D Aqua SEWEf,: E CFPUA E D 8) \1,511 /F8FE+2ft: Permit FeeiComment: System - tA) _ (v) _ Cry inpechm hqureo ql 0-254{h t?:-1?+3 pRoJEcr coNTAcT p6xg6 . Cralg Johnson pHoNE. 910442-7500 tr other (5F) _ Unherted: 8N APRrL 26,2017 s-$%NO.ES r. nis LoT 6 ucrTED N ZOr€ X PfN FRE ol{ TnI TTP XI.['BER, t72O3rJ{OO J aAIED rPRrL J, 200a 2. DIS LOT IS gJA'ECI IO A!€lsEr,EXrS, REsmEnOr,tS. OR c(l/EI\l^ItaE of REcoio. D€ig 3. 116 tS A PLOT Pt-^,t Of A LOIT}AI HTS NgI SEEII RECORO€DIO OAIE IrlP TO AE RECIROEO IN REAR RITIIRE.[t. ru Xo. l--{5tB |.]EI.sua6srttslrtf4trdtur enol. lrftfY. nErlo?ir0 r |s@ urt tDElE m ltEo r&llts IMPERVIOUS CALCUIATIONS Housf/PoRcHES c$mRm/l{vAc 2,E2E S0. n. 524 S0_ FL J.J62 S0. fi. !oIAL tpER!,loos it6oaY.,rolDEM, -r=€ HtrsE I$cno{ 0 FffiNHE PUCI z I &rz'zr'e r2o.oo, 4 HoB IPEIt:*:r .16 6-Ex BHE<E- ^2gIi;I?ardo F nootsooo Qd ofl0lo- P F I I I , I I I I I , I IL.. l ;!.;!? = I I I I o I I 81.r15J, I I I I I I I I tEt'|=,>tE I>.,6,Its,,Er,51lEt I O tm.w' I PIASI I sEclpil Tr0 FOflTUNE PTACE II I I PLOT ruil FOR HERRINGTON CLASSIC HOMES, LLC LOT 28 PHASE 1 STCTION TWO TORruNE PLACE AT JOHNSOil TATilS MAP tO BE RECORDED - ,+605 GOODWOOD WAY WLII|INGION TOWNSH'P NEW HANOVER COUNT{ NORIH QCROUNA -J5,J' , PROPOS€D L0cAll0 E DANFORD &ASSOCTATES r.AND 5URVEYIITIC, P C, .Dgir: d&nro.dAo6loEIr!tu.y'.9-con APR|L 28, 2or7 30015JO 0.t94 ACRES 60 I INCH = 30 FEET OATFORD & TSSOCIAIE LATTO SURVEYING, rco Lond ProjGct{FORTUNE PIICE PH I SEC CNE PLOT pt xs\drg\LoT 28.dr9 ,*ltB IrE tt6 tStu I;t?l3tg I 3ifii-trtt^ I,9i I I li !I I I I I I t I I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryP6, RESIDENTIAL PIEAST ANSII!/€R ALt OUESTIONS APPUCAEII TO YOUA PRO'€CT 'Froied R6ponslbilltf aOl'| {:T't; {oftic€ 0s€) L7 -L7t2 AppLtcANT,s NAME: Herrington Cla$slc Homes, LLC Date:rl rr lrr pRot EcT ADDRESS:4807 Gate Post Ln cry. Wilmington ztq.281112 sUBDtvtsloN, Foflune Place at Johnson Fams lol l: 37 pRopERTy owNER,S NAME. Witliam & Rhonda Watsh PHONE fl OWNER'S ADDRESS: _ Cry: 6gt{1RACTgg. Herrington Classlc Homes, LLC ADDRESS. PO Box 538 CtTy. Wrighbville B€ach sr: Nc zt 28480 API g1s6 116Er{56 s. 68106 EMATL AoDREss: heatler@heringtonclassichomos.corn PHONE. 910-399-5688 pRoJEcT coNTACT ptiSON. Craig Johnson pHoNr. 910-442-7500 EXISTING COtlSTRUCTlOlli I Alteration D Renovation n General Repalrs NEW CONSIXUCTION; E Erect New Residence D Mdition to Exlsting Residence E Reloca on .'"PI€AsE CHECT AND ANSWER B ..' E nu earage 1sr)j$- fi oetcarage (SF)- Gl porch (sF)267 n Sqnroom (sF)_ I Greenhouse (SF] _ n Storage S,hed {SF)* 0 Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existint footprint? n Yes [f No TOTAL SQ FI UNOER ROOF (fot proposed workl p6s1e6.2566 TOTAI- PROJECICOST (Less Lot): S268,000 ls the proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? D Yes E No ls any Elecidcal, Plumbl gor M€chanicrl workbeingdofle to the fucelsory Structure E yes E No lf $e proiect is a Relocation, is th€rc a Natural6as Une on dle current site? 0 yes El t{o ls there Electrical Power on thB BulldinS? E Yes E l.lo Property Use/ Occupanryl E Slngle Famlly single fami n Pool {SF} tr Deck (St) E Duplex n lo$rnhouse ly residenceD€sqrlption o, wortr Construct qscrAlmE* I h.retY c€rll& lh3t.llttle hlortr€don h thit apdkati,sl h coned.nd allv.ort wllcomply nt$l the state Bundllu codr aad alt oth€rtpBcable 5t.te.nd |ocat liws aod o.dhanc6 and regulationa. Ih€ N}}a Develog[ent Se.vlc€5 Goter yr{l be nodftd ot aiy lnlorm.uoo. ...NOIt: Any wo.k p€rform.d yrhhout the appropriat! permitr w{[ be h lidation ot phns and rpedfic.tlrnr or chanSe ln coiE.ctor Code and 3lbrect to Rnes up to Ssu).(nl'.. owner/co ng""1or. Cralg Johnson signa 1ken .d QoolM" P,lnt Nome lsthc property locatedln afloodplain? E Yes E No Existin8 tmpervlous Area: _ Sg tt TolalAcres Disturbedi Nfl, lmplrvlous Area.3224 Sqft Exlsttng Land Dlsturbtng permit! E yes E No WATER: E cfPUA E Community system El private well fl Centratwell E Aqua E Private seotic EoEuy'/E AouaE'{\L\tbity System Central BFE+2tt=G Permlt Fee; $Com Communez{Setbacks (A)(v) [iry inmeclion flequrreo 9']SI ^f^ -)\u Unheated: 755 SEWTR: E \? -\ btg ,o)?Stcrct tgilffi t? 2 | 50PH ,J- / 7-aorznPr-2zZZZAPPI-ICANT'S NAME PRO.IECT ADDREsS: SUBDIVISION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LIC AT|O N TY PEi RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' A t4 ( o--YRAclaes CITY: U,r Ilmi PHONE # D ate e <, Lt.-c a)* c1- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:oe^,i5 { peFfinla-* OWNER'S ADDRESS: 7.? A<2 L-o '* 7 u c ''7 €:f LOT # C ITY u) /.-ni..,V)1-o-,- zrp:26 /a9- CONTRACTOR AODRESS:167 ,-y e,r/ t4 u e&V C czrvYt<,+<t * 'o/Z s BI-DG LICENSE # CITY ST: ZIP EMAIT ADDRESS:o rnL PHONE '/0-7 PHONE ilt- 352 Yzz f ro - z7/ -t7rA PROJECT CONTACT PERSON I A/vY r'' .: , l{2<'.o,!cq niT EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration Ufenovation ! Ceneral Repairs NEw coNSTRUcTloN: tf Erect New Residence E/mition to Existing Residence D Relocation * * * PI.EASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* *+ )S; z unheated tr Porch (SF) E Storage Shed (SF)_ ft6er(st) TOTAI- SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed work) Heated: TOTAT PROJECT COS, t "rrrorl, S j{K ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms?4 JNo ls any Eledrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure s--{ a *o lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural_,jgas Line on the current srte? ! Yes E-{(o ls there Electncal Power on this Buildine? E4es ! No Property Use/ Occup ancy, dngb Family E Duplex ! Townhouse D€scription of work: ,.\_ laws and ordinances and regulations. The N8C Development Seruices Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specificarions or change in contractor information. '+'NOTE: Any work perform€d without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00... Ownea/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" n vl O,w t O 4 7t,-*l Signature ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes n No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmperuious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes I No WAIER: F CFPUA E Community System - private Well E Central Wei E Aqua SEWER: f CFPUA ! CommunitySystem E privateSeptic ! Centralseptic ! Aqua/Zone: Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (t-H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V)_ (N) BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S f Att Garage (SF)_ E DetGarage(St)_ n Sunroom(5F)_ ! Pool (SF)_ D Greenhouse {SF)_ tr Deck (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes G# $+rI)