1972-06-22 Budget Meeting169 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 19, 1972 (CONTINUED) SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET (CONTINUED) 19.405 Board rember - Mr. Williams stated he knew Board Members are not serving for the money they are re- ceivin~ but wondered if the Commissioners should not consider increasing what they are now getting. After discussion, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, Chairman of the Social Services Board be paid $35 and the other members be paid ~25 per meeting. Motion carried unanimously. $2400 was budgeted for this item. 19.40? Addressograph - Miss Hall stated as of August 1, 19~2 the department has to give the people an opportunity to get stamps by mail. Mr. Marks stated this will save a lot of congestion. Persons re- ceiving checks from Social Services must agree payment for stamps be taken out of their checks. 19.409 Salaries - Miss Hall asked what plan the Board had adopted. Nr. Harriss advised her 4.~5% general ` increase plus one step up to the mid-point. After employees have reached mid-point 60% are eligible for increases. Renovation 4th Floor - $50,000 budgeted £or renovation of 4th floor. 19.416 Food Stamp Protection - Miss Hall was advised investigation will be made as to whether or not a contract can be worked out with Wells Fargo to cut cost since they do handle money for the Tax Depart- ment as titell as Social Services. Salaries - Mr. Shepard stated salaries in Miss Hall's Department will have to be gone over and re- worked. Mr. Oxenfeld questioned Miss Hall as to sta£f; she advised there are.two vacancies. Miss Hall stated next year Social Services will be required to add more staff due to Federal Staffing pattern. Protective Services (neglect and abuse) Case I~oad will have to be 30; they are 45 now. In AFDC case load will be 60; they are 125 now. In adult categories case load will be 90; Miss Hall has one k~orker now with 325. Miss Hall stated this is mandate by July, 1973 in order to get Federal money. Mr. Marks advised Niss Hall the Board of Commissioners have ap roved general increase of 4.~5% plus one increment (upon recommendation of Department Head~ for all County em- ployees up to the mid-point after which 60% of employees can be recommended for increases. Miss Hall's salaries are not worked on this basis. RECESS - Budget Meeting was recessed at this time. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 22, 19~2 - ~:30 P.M. ASSEMBZY - Budget Discussion Meeting was reconvened on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; Administrative Officer Raymond Grubbs; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Mr. Williams presided in the absence of the Chairman and called the meeting to order asking Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. REGISTER.OF DEEDS BUDGET - Mrs. I,ois LeRay, Register of Deeds, was present for the discussion. 11.682 Binders and Record Books - Item increased greatly this year. Mrs. LeRay explained it had been a number of years since the department had new index binders; not since 1954; then data processing loaned them binders until such time as they were to have a print-out. Therefore, this is.a•necessa'ry~item in this budget. 11.685 Arcata Service - Increased by $1,000 this year due to increase in instruments. Mrs. LeRay stated she is exploring a new recording system by using a Xerox ']000 whereby the office can record their own without having to send them o£f. It will give instant service and they can film from Xerox copies. She thinks it will work within this budget and give better control o£ their operation. She is hopeful b~ next year to develop their own film thereby having all the money used in the department rather than sending it to Winston-Salem. 11.688 OfPice Supplies and Expense - $3193 budgeted instead of $3'793 as requested by department and Auditor. This $600 had been budgeted for Janitorial Service which was deleted. rrs. LeRay stated each clerk is assigned housekeeping week. ~.°~o , MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 22, 1972 CCONTINUED) REGISTER OF DEEDS BUDGET (CONTINUED) - 11.689 Telephone - • $1400 budgeted instead of $1300 as requested by department and Auditor. 11.699 Posta~e - $2400 budgeted instead of $2,000 requested by department and recommended by the A_uditor. Salaries - The Board advised Mrs. I,eRay salaries of employees vaill be increased 4.'75%, plus one increment upon recommendation of the supervisor up to the mid-point, increment to be paid on anniversary. Mr. Bowden stated if a person is not worth approaching mid-point then they are not worth keeping. Mrs. LeRay stated she had one employee who had been absent three months out of twelve. By common consent it was agreed increment should not be recommended until person has been on the job twelve months. Mr. Williams suggested Mrs. I,eRay and Mr. Grubbs get together and work this out. Mrs. LeRay asked the Board if they ever were going to do anyt}iing about longevity; Mrs. LeRay stated it had been discussed year in and year out. Mr. Williams advised Mrs. LeRay if and when the Board does, she will be one of the first to know about it. Mr. Williams pointed out the County has made great strides over the past two years and everything can- not be accomplished overnight. INTERIM BUDGET RESOLUTION - '• Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the following Interim Budget Resolution be adopted, effective July 1, 19'72. Motion carried unanimously. "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF NE4] HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS "Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July 1, 19'72 to date of adoption of the 19'72-'73 Budget Resolution, appropriations are hereby made £or the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness and the usual ordinary expense o£ the County and its subdivisions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the 1971-~2 Fiscal Budget Year. "Section 2- This Resolution shall cease to be effective from and after the adoption of the 1972-73 Budget Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with this resolution shall be chargeable to appropriations made in the 19'72-'73 Budget Appropriations." AUDITOR'S BUDGET - 11.440 Advertisin~ - $500 budgeted instead of $100 as requested by Auditor which will cover advertising for bids. , Salaries - Mr. Shepard requested Mrs. Edens be reclassified t~so steps higher because of added duties he planned to assign her, since he has to redesign the entire Accounting System for the County which is required by the Fiscal Control Act be~inning July l, 19'73 and which, N1r. Shepard said, must be completed by July 1, 19'73. The Board advised Mr. Shepard this request should have been handled through the Personnel 0£fice. He stated he had been to them; the Personnel Officer stated it had not come through his office. Mr. Shepard stated he had to make an investment officer out of Mrs. Edens; she is going to have to handle $15 million dollars, investing several times a year with the Executive Of£icer of the Bank. Mr. Marks questioned whether he would want to add that responsibility to Mrs. Edens. Mr. Shepard stated he has to spend five weeks in Ralei~h and Chapel Hill in connection with the additional work he says has been added to him. Mr. Shepard stated he had the right to fire, hire and sup:ervise his entire sta£f. At this-~time Mr. Shepard stated he had withdrawn his resignation, which was to have been effective August 1, 1972, and withdrawal has been accepted b~ Resident Superior Court Judge Bradford Tillery. Mr. Shepard stated Mr. Bowden has an assistant and he did not. Mr. Bowden advised Mr. Shepard he did not have an assistant. rir. Williams stated two members of the Board have indicated:they wanted to defer action and since there were only four present no action can be taken at this time. Mr. Or.enfeld stated he hoped the matter would be ~iven further consideration and not closed tonight. Mr. Marks stated he would have to have more information than he has now to feel she is a competent Auditor. Mr. Shepard stated he was not saying she is an Auditor. Mr. Marks stated he knew nothing of her qualifications of being an Auditor of any kind but this did not mean she does not have them. By common consent the Board agreed this matter should come before the Personnel Depart- ment, as other jobs do, for its recommendations. COURTHOUSE BUDGET - 11.590 Contracts - Major Renovations o~ere added to this budget in amount of ~16,693. COURT OF JUSTICE BUDGET'- 14.407 Major Renovation Contract - $18,048 added to budget. CONSTRUCTION OF FACIZITIES - 33.401 Juvenile Detention Facilities - iJnfinished contract in amount of $116,214 added to Budget. SALES TAX - 11.850 Sales Tax - $16,500 bud~eted instead of $14,000. This is a washout item. SUPERIOR COURT BUDGET - Accepted as budgeted. MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 22, 1972 CCONTINUED) COURT OF JUSTICE BUDGET - 14.402 I,aw Librar.y - $6900 budgeted instead of ~6600 to take care of increase in fee for Miss Idelle Jolley £rom $50 to.$'75 per month. 14.401 Furniture~ Fixtures and Maintenance - By common consent it was agreed Mr. Mc%eithan be required to £urnish list of items be- fore final adoption. Mr. Shepard stated he would get this from Mr. McKeithan. 14.403 General Renovations - • $11,000 was budgeted for renovation of the seats and benches in Courtroom. 14.404 Su~erior Courtroom Renovations - $10,000 was budgeted instead o£ the $15,000 requested and $5,000 recommended by the Auditor. BONDED DEBT - Accepted as budgeted. REVALUATION - Mr. Bom~den recommended this be increased due to mapping and revaluation. Mr. Bowden stated it is estimated cost will be $10 per parcel and roughly there are about 45,000 to 50,000 parcels and the costs are going up approximately 10% per year. This will be over a period of two years. Question of whether or not entire funds have to be available before contract is awarded was discussed. Mr. Shepard stated he could not verify contract until £unds are available. It was believed contract can be broken down over a period of two years. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Board take the necessary steps to have the specifications for mapping and revaluation approved by the State Board of Assess- ments, and submit them for bids at the earliest practicable time. Motion carried unanimously. USO - Mr. Booaden reported this is still in same location and operating. Mr. James E. L. Wade, President, advises they are still serving an extra load on weekends. Budget accepted. G.~iv~xAL CONTINGENCY - By common consent $90,000 was budgeted. PREPAID TAX DISCOUNT - $25,000 budgeted this year. CHARTER COMMISSION - Mr. Hall stated the Charter Commission did, over his personal objection, but within their rights, vote overwhelmingly that it would be improper and ill-advised to have this election at the same time as the General Election. , Board recessed for brief period to contact Mr. McEachern to determine orhat special election would cost. Board reconvened. Mr. Aall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Board of Commissioners authorize the election for the consolidation of local governments on the fourth Tuesday in February, which will be Februar~ 2~, 19'73, and that $10,000 be budgeted. Motion carried three to one. Mr. Williams voted "No". GOVERNMENTAI, CCMPLEX Mr. Oxenfeld stated hope£ully the study on the Governmental Complex will have been completed and some plans will have been formulated as to which way to go on this project, and he vaould hope a bond issue could be held sometime during the fiscal year on this. Mr. Hall did not think it advisable until next budgetary year due to outcome of election on consolidation. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board appropriate funds for an election on a bond issue for governmental complex in the year 1972-73 in amount of $10,000. Motion carried three to one. Mr. Narks voted "No". JAIL CONSTRUCTION - Budget approved. SCHOOL BUDGET - REGULAR 20.445 Salaries 15 Teachers @$7,480, 6@$9,100 - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by`Mr. Oxenfeld, the $166,800 now in the regular budget, Item 20.445, be transferred to the Supplemental Sudget, and if the Attorneys rule it is illegal, it be transferred back to the regular budget, and Mr. Shepard be permitted to raise supplemental tax and lower regular tax. Motion carried three to one. Mr. Marks voted "No". Capital Out1aY - Activitv Buses - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the two activity buses be approved. Motion carried unanimously. r--- COMMISSIONERS AND STAFF - ( Travel was approved for County Commissioners; $'75 per month for the Chairman an~l $50 per month for the other members, Total $3300. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, salaries of the County Commissioners be in- creased as folloi~s: Chairman to $4200 and other members to $3,000 per year. Motion carried unanimously. AID TO THE BLIND - Mr. Shepard reguested $2,'75'7.39 be traneferred from Medical Assistance to cover bill he has for Aid To The Blind within the Public Assistance Budget. Mr. Oxenfeld moved , request be approved. Motion carried unanimously. 1~~ MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 22, 1972 (CONTINUED) DELIN~,UENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES - Mr. Shepard stated back in 196~ the Board approved showing on the records uncollected personal property taxes and there is now about $200,000. This makes the County's bond Triple A look bad, because this has to be sent in as uncollected taxes which hurts the County's uncollected percent. Mr. Shepard requested permission to remove these items from the books. The Institute of Government and Local Government Commission recommends this; that is, keep all uncollected taxes off of financial statements as much as possible. This is shown on the scrolls in the Tax Department. Mr. Ha11 moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Auditor be authorized to eliminate from his books the item of unpaid insolvent personal propert9 taxes for the years 196'7, 1968, 1959, and 1970, and.he be permitted not to put the 1971 taxes on his books. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Williams stated this will not lessen the effort of collection, but will improve our credit rating. . ' IAWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF THE ARTS - Mr. Oxenfeld moved,:seconded by Mr. Hall, Motion carried unanimously. that $5,000 be budgeted for this organization. ST. JOHI6' S ART GALLERY - By common consent appropriation was increased to $1,000. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE - Mr. Bowden reminded the Commissioners the Soil Conservation Service will be occupy~ng two rooms at the County Farm for o£fice space,on August 1, 19'72. LANDFILL - Mr. Bowden stated the Chairman has advised him e£forts on refurbishing of the two artificial reefs and the extension of them is going to cost quite a bit o£ money. To take these tires and car bodies to the sites, the Chairman has suggested a figure of $20,000 be put in the landfill budget. Mr. Williams suggested waiting to learn more about this. No action taken on this. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS - I Mr. Bowden called attention to fact in letter from the Volunteer Fire Departments they reguested $4'],400 and 9b4'],400 was approved, however figure in budget shows $4'7,000. Budget was changed to reflect $47,400. INSPECTION OFFICE - Mr. Bowden advised the Board when Mr. Eplin presented t Offices, the Chairman instructed him (Mr.. Boc~~den~ to work out persons of having to go from office to of.fice seeking various build. Mr. Bowden recommended hiring person who would be one all phases of inspections and;.a person who can advise persons routine to follow. Mr. Booaden stated job ~,*ill be established $8,988• The person will be able to coordinate all permits. ze budget for the Inspection something forthwith to relieve types of permits in order to who will be familiar with , seeking permits the exact as Grade 66 iaith salary of Mr. Hall voiced the opinion the Inspection Offices, with exception of Mr. Epling's ~ salary, should be sel£-supporting; persons receiving service should pa,y for it. If the office is not self-shpporting, Mr. Hall felt the fees should be adjusted to make it so. Mr. Bowden stated he did not think any inspection office throughout the State is self-supporting because of additional salaries o£ clerks, overhead, etc. By common consent this position was approved (Inspection Permit Coordinator - Grade 66, Salary $8,988) SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Mr. Bowden presented request of the Sheriff requesting funds le£t over from the Feasibility Study Grant for Juvenile Detention Center be used as Matching Funds for the pur- chase of training eguipment for the Sheriff's -epartment. Matching funds £rom LEA.A were turned down due to a rule which prevents them from.transferring £unds £rom one program to another. Since the department was unable to get this much needed equipment through this channel, it is requested $1200 be added to the Sheriff's Budget in order to purchase this equipment. ~The Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit office has advised they will help the Sherif£'s Department as much as possible with matching funds, although it was not planned for ahead. By common consent the $1200 was approved and it was agreed to request the Law Enforce- ment Unit to return the unused portion of the funds as requested. Item was budgeted in Sheriff's Budget. PARgS Mr. Oxenfeld stated since the County is rapidly urbanizing and open spaces are becoming more scarce, or will be, he felt the County should be acquirin~ some of this space for parks. Mr. Oxenfeld did not know where location should be but felt item should be considered for land acquisitions which could be converted into parks. Mr. Williams pointed out t vt money cannot be used for this purpose. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he wasspeaking of maybe $50,000. Mr. Shepard stated there was not that much money available. By common consent it was agreed to budget $15,000 for land acguisition for parks. PURCHASE OF JAMES WALKER HOSPITAI, PROPERTY - $35,0~0 was budgeted for purchase of James Walker Hospital property which was approved at regular meeting of the Board on June 1°„ 19~2. MARQ.UIS HILI,S, SECTION 8 - Mr. Bowden requested extension of bond of Suggs & Harrelson Construction Company which expires today for a period of 90 days. Even though the State has written a letter of acceptance on the roads, the County has £ound deficiencies. By extending date of bond it will allow them time to complete the installation of improvements. , Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, the extension be granted. Motion carried unanimously. 1~~ MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 22, 1972 ~CONTINUED) MAP FOR THE AIRPORT - Mr. Bowden stated the Chairman met with the City Council back in November and with the Chamber of Commerce who made a presentation to make a mosaic map for the Airport. $200 was obligated on behalf of the County at the City Council meeting. Bill has been received from the Chamber of Commerce for the $200. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that bill be paid from General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. MINIMUM HOUSING - Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out the County will be getting more and more into Minimum Housing and will be faced with certain amount of expense this year. Mr. Bowden stated the County Engineer, Planning Department and him are going to get together with the Council of Governments Housing Group: Mr. Bowden stated there might be some leg work that is going to have to be paid for. Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out this mi~ht fit in well with other possible programs which the County is going to become involved in such as the County Redevelopment Commission, whe~her or not it will be a•.part'of'._the Wilmington Commission or separate he did not know. The County will also be involved in a Housing Authority. $500 was budgeted £or Minimum Housing Study. Mr. Williams advised the Board the Planning Department is getting about $13,000 in ']O1 Planning Funds to be used during.the next year, and some o£ the studies that need to be made for the County and Cit~ might possibly be paid for out of the 701 funds. PERSONNEL RETIRING IN TAX OFFICE - Mr. Grubbs asked for approval of the Board to pay one of the two persons retiring in the Tax Office for two and one-half days compensatory time. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. Kenneth Johnson be paid Yor the two ~'... and one-half days compensatory time upon his retirement from the County. Motion carried unanimously. VACATION POLICY Mr. Grubbs advised the Commissioners when he presented the they approved vacation accruing on a monthly basis according to Grubbs requested permission for persons to be allowed to take v for example, if a person has been with the County three months, days vacation, and Mr. Grubbs requested persons be permitted to supervisor approves. Vacation Policy to them, the length of service. Mr. ~cation during that year; he has accumulated three take these days, if the Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, vacation be accrued on a monthly basis, and it be allowed on a monthly basis as accumulated, after persons have been employed for three months. Motion carried unanimously. CREDIT UNION - Mr. Grubbs reminded the Commissioners of inemo he had furnished them concerning estat~ lishin~ a credit union for employees. Mr. Grubbs;reguested'~the~,:Boari3:'..s'permission to contact the employees to determine if they are interested and if so to proceed with instituting a credit union. Mr. Shepard stated all banks in Wilmington are opposed to this. Mr. Grubbs replied this was all the more indication it is needed. Question of whether County would pay for the operation was discussed. Mr. Grubbs stated the only cost to the County would be getting it set up initially with supplies which would be a minor amount. After six months it would operate on its own and a full time employee would be employed, all being paid for out of the credit union's earnings. It would have no connection hihatsoever with the County or City oY G,'ilmington insofar as liability is concerned. Mr. Grubbs stated he was going to inquire whe:ther.:EEA funds can be used £or position of person for first six months. By common consent the Board did not go along with establishment of a credit union on the basis it is tax free and banks are paying money into the County to operate the same kind of business. Mr. Marks mentioned the fact school teachers are considering a credit union. Mr. Bowden, by common consent, was requested to find out from the School Board if they are using school _ personnel, being paid by New Hanover County, to get their credit union going. RECESS - There being no further business to come before the Board, budget discussion meeting was recessed. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs