1972-06-23 Special MeetingJOINT BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - CITY COUNCIL-COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, JUNE 23~ ~g~2 - 9:0o a.r. ASSEMBLY - - Joint Budget Discussion Meeting was held by the Wilmington City Council and New Hanover County Commissioners on the above nate and time in the City Council Chambers with the following present: City: Mayor John C. Symmes, Councilmen B. D. Schwar.tz, L. M. Cromartie, Benjamin Halterman; City Attorney Cicero Yow; and City Manager John Jones. County: Vice-Chairman Berry k. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Manager Laurence 0. Boti~~den; County Auditor Perry Shepard; Raymond Grubbs, Administrative A_ssistant; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Mayor Symmes called the meeting to order and asked County Mana~er Bowden to give the invocation. PLANNING AND ZONING BU-GET - City Manager Jones stated Mr. Neil Mallory, Planning Director, would review the budget. Mr. Jones announced there were changes in the original budget requests of the Planning Department that would not be reflected in the County's format. Mr. Mallory stated the revision basically is there will be two divisions of the Planning Department. One plan is Account 14~0 of the City Budget. Budget reguests have not changed. This is Planning Division. The other division is Community Development Plan o~hich is Account 1471 of City Budget. Total budget requests in Account 14~1 of City Budget for Community Development Plan for the older sections of the City of Wilmington,where groblems are being experienced as a result of deteriorating social and physical conditions;, represents a total o£ ~b29,800; however, ~13,800 of this is anticipated to be from a Planning Grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development under Section ~O1 0£ the Housing Act. The balance, $16,000, is not~an additional appropriation from Council. It is a transfer o£ $16,000 with the Urban Renewal Account transferred to the Planning Department. The reason for this transfer is that this ~16,000 was requested to be used for planning nature, and since it will be used for planning nature, it is the consideration and thought of the Manager's Office, the Planning Department, and the Urban Renewal Development Commission it should be processed and administered through the Planning Department. This will not represent any increase in the total budget; only a transfer from one department to another. Mr. Mallory spoke from the City Budget, since it represented a more detailed breakdown of the line items. Mr. Mallor~~ stated the County's budget for. the Planning Department will be r.educed. Total Budget for Planning Depart~ent is $81,'726 which is an increase of $23,215 over fiscal year 71-'72. Of this increase $19,607 is £or salaries. This increase is for an additional Planner, a Secretary to be shared with the Mayor, and making existing part-time planning technician a full time planner trainee in December of 19']2. Account 14'71 contains salary for another staff planner, making total increase in staff of Planning Department 2 Planners, a secretary to be shared with the Mayor and a planner trainee. Mr. Mallory stated of the $23,215 increase requested for the Planning Department for next year, 85% is for additional personnel. Nr. Mallory outlined reasons why the Planning Department and Planning Commission feel an increase in staff is necessary. There has been an increase in the existing work load of the Flanning Department. Mr. Mallory gave the following figures to shoh increase in number of rezoning and special use permit requests which have been processed: 1970-71 City Countv Total Rezoning Requests 26„ ._ 3 ~ .29:. Special Use Permits 3 10 ~ Grand Total 42 1971-72 Cit.y CountY Total Rezoning Reo,uests 64 1`7 81 Special Use Permits 8 18 26 Grand Total 10~ Mr. Mallory anticipates a further incr.ease in these requests next year because o£ two things (1) more of the area of the County is being zoned. During this fiscal year Areas 6, ~, and 8 have been zoned, and the territory within the one-mile area which will come under control o£ the County on July 1, 19'72. There will be more areas of the County subject to zoning, consequently more rezoning reguests in the County and more requests for special use permits. (2) The County will assume control of the one-mile area on July l. Mr. Mallory pointed out there are a number of items the Planning Department should become involved in. This will include future planning for the City. Mr. Mallory stated there are a number of studies that should be done by the Planning Department for the City and for the County and also on a joint City-County Basis. Mr. Mallory outlined studies needed by the City: 1. Revise Land Development Plan 2. Capital Improvements Plan 3. Coordinate Workable Program Activities 4. Revise Neighborhood Analysis 5. Apply for and Coordinate Flood Plain Insurance 6. Revise Zoning Ordinance '7. Revise Subdivision Regulations 8. Coordinate Revitalization Program in "Old Wilmington" 9. Revise Sign Ordinance Y~~.~ JOINT BUDUET DISCUSSION PIEETING - CITY COUNCIIrCOUNTY COMMISSIONERS, JUNE 23, 1972 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) PI,ANNING AND ZONING BUDGET (CONTINUED) - Studies outlined as being needed by the County: 1: Community Facilities Study 2. Capital Improvement Program 3. Land Use Survey and Analysis 4. Revise Land Development Plan 5. County Drainage Plan 6. Continue County Zoning Program Joint studies need for both City and County: 1. Revise Population and Economy 6tudy 2. Recreation and Open Space Plan 3. Visual Appearance Study 4. Commercial Area Study 5. Planned Unit Development Ordinance 6. Revise Street Directory 7. Initial Housing Study • 8. Flood Plain Ordinance 9. In addition to these projects, the monthly processing of rezoning, applications for special use permits, subdivision plats, and mobile home park plans must continue £or both the City and County. Mr. Mallory stated above work load cannot be accomplished by the existing staf£ of the Planning Department, and the Planning Commission instructed the Planning Director to request increase of two professional planners in fiscal year 1972-73. Without the increase, several of the studies vaill have to be delayed or withdrawn. Mr. Mallor~ further pointed out portion of a letter Mayor Schwartz received from Mr. Charles L. Sellers, Assistant Director of Planning and Relocation for HUD, on December 14, 1971. Mr. Sellers stated in that letter it appeared there had been an inability to meet target dates for updating general plan elements due to an apparent lack of sufficient staff in the Planning Department. Mr. Sellers stated it is absolutely necessary that there be sufficient staff in order to responsibly handle the planning workload of not only the City of Wilmington but New Hanover County as well. Mr. Mallory outlined line items in the budget, pointing out most of the increases are in salaries, social security, hospital insurance, retirement and advertising items. Mr. Mallory pointed out all advertising notices of hearings or zoning requests and special use permits processed by the Planning Department will be paid for out of the Planning Depart- ment Budget next fiscal year. Other items increased were telephone and equipment. Mr. Mallory stated Community Development Plan budget will be 100% City's expenditures. ~r. Mallory pointed out the Planning Commission, for the first time since he (Mr. Plallory) has been here,has been actively involved in the budget of the Planning Department. A budget committee was appointed by the Planning Commission, and Mr. Leslie Boney, Jr., was elected chairman of the committee to work with the Planning Department. Mr. Boney stated the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Department is in many orays ahead of the rest of the State. Mr. Boney stressed the needs for the additional personnel re- quested by Mr. Mallory. Mr. Boney pointed out New Hanover County is increasing in population growth as well as economic growth, and the County will have to plan Por it. Mr. Boney, speaking for the Plannin~ Commission, urged the governing bodies to consider this budget carefully. Mr. Mallor~ announced to the County Commissioners it is projected $52,1~1 shown on the County's budget as the County's share of the Planning Department will be reduced to $44,238; a reduction of $7,933. Mr. Williams stated he was sure he was speaking for all the County Commissioners in expressing deep appreciation to the Planning Commission and Planning Department for the excellent work they have done and are doing and their dedication to the orderly development o£ New Hanover County. Mr. Williams thanked and complimented the members that make up the staff now and those who made it up in the past. Mr. Williams discussed. salaries of employees in Planning Department asking if they are on a plan similar to the State Merit Plan. City Manager Jones stated the City has never appropriated funds for merit increases. Mr. Mallor,y stated only 5% increase had been re- quested. Mr. Williams stated the County ~,~ill probably have to go alon~ with this, since the Planning Department is under administrative control o£ the City. He advised them the County is granting their employees a 4.']5/ general increase plus one increment. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the County agree to abide by one-half of the general expense,other than the expense of the Community Development Plan~when the City has determined what its oroportion will be. Motion carried unanimousl5. Mr. Williams pointed out the Planning Commission members are spending a lot of time and will be spending more in the future on plannin$, and he and Mr. Hall had discussed ~ allowing the members "pocket money", if it is legal to do so. It was pointed out by Mr. Llilliams the Board o£ Health draws a token amount and the School Board dra~~s a salary. Mr. ~~illiams felt it was worthy of consideration because he did not know of any board putting in any mor.e time than the Planning Commission. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, if it is found to be legal expense, £ees for the Planning Commission members in amount of $50 per month per each member be included in the Planning Department Budget, subject to approval of the City, and the County pay one- half of fees. Motion carried unanimously. Y'lb JOINT BUDGET DISCUSSIOId MEETING - CITY COUI~TCIIr-COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS, NNE 23, 1~'72 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) PZANNING AND ZONING BUDGET (CONTINiTED) Mr. Cromartie pointed out the impact of industrial groVith is upon the City and County now, and if ever there was a need for adequate and good planning,. it is at the moment. P'1r. Cromartie spoke for himself and the City Council expressing appreciation for the work these volunteers have done in serving on the Planning Commission. Mr. Hall offered a supplementary motion, seconded by Mr,. Oxenfeld, that the Chairman of the Planning Commission receive y~'75 per month, subject to same provisions as first motion authorizing fees for the members of the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Nr. Marks pointed. out this is the policy of the County in this type of service. Mr. Tinga, Chairman o£ the Planning Commission,~stated they did not expect to be paid for their services; each member that serves does so because o£ their interest in the community. Mr. Tinga stated he was not going to refuse the money, but felt a pat on the back once in awhile and told you are doing a good job was sufficient. Mr. Boney spolce, agreeing with Mr. Tinga, and stated he would not like to see an9thing else added to the City and felt the members could continue to serve on a volunteer basis without compensation. Mr. Boney stated they wouTcl really like to have more staf£ members to help do the job. • Mr. Schwartz complimented Mr. Tinga and Mr. Bone9 on their stand on compensation for their work. • WELCOME TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Mayor Symmes stated he was remiss earlier in not tiielcoming the Commissioners and did so at this time. LTBRARY BUDGET - Miss Howell and Mrs. Robert Williams, Chairman of the Library Board, were present for this discussion. Mrs. w'illiams spoke in behalf of the requests pointing out the City ~ags two-thirds and the County one-third. 5% raises in salaries were given across the board and only slight increases were noted in the other line items. Miss Howell stated this is a"holding budget". She stated she needs additional personnel, especially an assistant, but there is no room in the building for needed stafS. Mr. bdilliams stated the County was ready to hand.le the County's side of the budget. The total budget requested was .~1']9,541 and this is recommendation of the County Aud,itor and stated motion would be in order on the part of the County. Mr.. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the budget be approved as recommended. by the County Auditor, subject to the concurrence o£ the City Council. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Schr~artz wanted the record to show that o£ the $1`79,541 the County pays $48,446. MUSEUM BUDGET - Mr. Gary Eyster, Museum Director, and his board, Mrs. Manley Williams, Mrs. Billie McEachern, Mrs. Ida Kellum, Mrs. Killingsworth, Dr. Aeyward Bellamy, Mr. Charles Boney, and. Mr.. Sam Hughes, were present for the discussion. Mr. E~ster explained the $2,100 requested for Capital Outlay and Renovation will be used to renovate basement which will cost $1,500 and the other $600 for renovation of the front of the building. Salaries were up - included new employee Secretary-Registrar. Mr. Williams and Mr. Marks discussed this budget. It does reflect employees are on step and it might be in order for the Commissioners to approve the same increases that all other County employees have been given subject to concurrence by the City Council. Mr. Hall ~oved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that even in the event the City does not see fit to go along with it, the Museum employees get proportionate share of increase; that the County increase tYie County share of the salaries by 9.`]5% and the budget be adopted by the County Commissioners. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Williams asked that some of the Museum Board discuss proposed purchase of pr.operty adjacent to the Museum. Mr. Charles Boney spoke on this. Mr. Boney stated there is a need for parking area and displayed sketch of property which might be purchased. Mr. Oxenfeld suggested it might be available for lease. Mr. Boney was asked to try to negotiate lease purchase agreement. Mr. 4]illiams felt purchase of property should be de- ferred in view of proposed governmental complex, but stated he felt property adjacent to the Museum would enhance the value of museum if and k~hen museum is sold. Mr. Williams stated if the Museum Board could get some concrete proposals as to a Lease Purchase agreement on the property that is adjacent to the building the County may be able to find its part of the fund later on in the year. Mr. Williams thanked the Museum Board for their fine work and stated he felt proud to show the Museum. kNIMAL CONTROI, BUDGET - Mr. J. ki. Johnson was present for discussion of this budget. Mr. Johnson advised the governing boards that during the past eighteen months New Hanover County has ranked No. 5 in all dog activities with all the other counties in North Carolina. Mr. Johnson reguested an additional $9,858 £or another warden which covers gas for truck, e~e. The overall budget is $44,3'70 plus $1,500 for a radio in truck. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seccnded by Mr. Marks, the County's share of this budget.be approved. Motion carried unanimously. ~ Y~ Y JOINT BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - CITY COUNCIL-COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, JUNE 23, 1972 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) EMPIE PARK - Mayor Symmes stated the City Council agreed to maintain same percentages when con- solidation talks began even though they felt they t•~ere not eguitable. Mr. Symmes stated the City Council asked the Commissioners last year to take over Empie Park which the City Council feels is a County operation. Mayor Symmes requested the County again to share in the cost of this facility this year. Mr. Williams thanked Mayor Symmes for the reminder and stated if the Commissioners feel they can do anything about it they will let the City Council know. ADJOURNPYENT - There being no further business, the Joint Meeting m~as adjourned. Respectfully subm.itted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board. /hs MINUTES OF THE MEETIATG - JUI,Y '7, 1972 - 9.00 ~.M. ASSEMBZY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the nTeo-~ Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Auditor Perry Shepard was absent from the meeting. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Re~ular Meetin~ - June 19, 1972 - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Special ~oint Meetin~. Cits Council-Counts Commissioners - June 14. 1972 - Mr. 6Jilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Joint Bud~et Meetin~, Citv Council-Countv Commissioners - June 23~ 19~2 - Mr. Williams requested correction on Page 4, Fifth Paragraph. Fourth Sentence should read: "Mr. 4lilliams stated the County will probably have to go along with this, since the Planning Department is under the administrative control of the City." Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. Special Meetin~ - June 28. 1972 - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Bud~et Neetin~ - June 12, 1972 - Bud~et Meetin~ - June 14, 1972 - Mr. Glilliams requested following corrections on Fage 9: First Paragraph should include: "Items approved are as follows: (Items will be copied in Minute Book)". Thir.d Paragraph from bottom of page, Third Sentence should read: "Nr. Williams stated it remains the policy of the Board ..." Bud~et Meetin~ - June 19. 1972 - Budaet Meetin~ - June 22, 1972 - P1r. Williams requested correction on Page 4. First Paragraph, word "salary" should be changed to "fee". Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, approval of minutes of the Budget Discussion Meetings of June 12, 14, 19, and 22, 19'72 as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. CLERK TO THE BOARD COMMENDED - Mr. Oxenfeld stated he would like to commend the Clerk to the Board for the job she did on the minutes; a:tremendous number of them in a very short time. Mr. Harriss moved to make official the commendation of the Clerk by the Board for the job she did on the minutes. Mr. Oxen£eld seconded the motion. Moi;ion carried unanimously. EARI,Y PHAS~IN OF WASTE INDUSTRIES~ INC. INTO THE PRESENT TWO LANDFII,L SITES - Mr. Bov~den reported he had met with officials at Sunny Point, and the County has re- ceived permission for phase-in by Waste Industries, Inc. to take place on the Carolina Beach Zand£ill site. Mr. Bowden stated operation of the site now is not as good as it will be under the control of the contractor. The City of k~ilmington has requested the operator of Waste Industries, Inc. to give consideration to phasing in earlier because of the cost involved to them. The advantage of an early phase-in to the County r;ould be better control of the operations and be in better position to clean up the County. The disadvantages to the municipalities that are not participating is the cost that ~,rould be involved. _ Mr. Poole advised Mr~. Bowden the 35 cents per cubic yard is a br.eak-even figure to get tk~e operation started, but he felt free use by casuals should be permitted until he establishes his own site. The County had recommended a 50 cents and one dollar charge for casuals. Mr. Poole came to this conclusion because of the administrative responsibility of collection. Mr. Bowden recommended to the Board it look upon the phase-in concept and phasing the County out of both landfills as soon as practical. Mr. Poole requested confirmation of this at the Commissioners' meeting today so he can proceed immediately.