FY17 Envir Mgt NCEQ Contr 6893 Amend 1K. - r.0. L n vironmen ral Quality June 7. 2017 AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT NUMBER 6893 BETWEEN New Hanover County AND THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ROY COOPER C—, MICHAEL S. REGAN 4,1-1, Pursuant to the North Carolina General Contract Terms and Conditions (Contractual and Consultant Services) Clause pertaining to Amendments of Contract No. 6893 the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and the Contractor mutually agree to change the contract ending date from 06/30/2017 to 09/30/2017. This no -cost time extension is to allow the Contractor to complete the project. Please see attachment A. THE TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE UNDER THIS CONTRACT REMAINS THE SAME. It is the intent of this amendment to address the provision(s) noted only, and in no way should this amendment be construed to further modify this contract. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Please indicate acceptance by your signature below. New Hanove ounty n_ �� Tommy Kirby, Purchasing Director j i �v of Vui i)4� u l0 ta Tf Return one (1) original- signed documents to the address specified below for execution by the Department: wanda.andrews @ncdenr.gov This amendment when fully executed by all parties will be forwarded to the Contractor. cc: Rob Taylor, DEQ DEACS Wanda Andrews, DEQ Financial Services Division, Purchasing and Contracts Section ORIGINAL Sux d Noah C Or. rlrvlfOlYMNd{ Q"i, 217 V t ) x Sl— 1 MOI M,11 Sm W, C-im I Raklgh Nw Ih L. 1d 27u4Q IWI 919 707 &,00 Attachment A Amd 1 no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 Form 6100 - DENR Contract Form - revised 8119115 DENR CONTRACT NO: 6893 CONTRACT DENR • ' • (Assigned by Contract Coordinator DENR Division & Section: DEACS Address (MSC /Street): 1639 Mall Service Center City lRaleigh T21119-1639 Zip Contract Administrator (TechnIcal expertise): Phone No: 918 - 707.8139 E-mail address: IMLta Or ncdenr. ov PURCHASING AND CONTRACTS ONLY FSD Purchasing Agent: Date Received: Requisition No: PO No: AMENDMENTNO: Contract Coordinator Contract Process expertise Rob Taylor Phone No: 919 -707 -8139 E -mail address: Irob.taylorangdemr.mv CONTRACT INFORMATION: Contractor: New Hanover County Check one of the following: Minority (51% ovmed) Contractor Key Contact / PI:: Kim Roane strewpo Box# 3002 US Highway 421 North Woman (51% owned) Handicapped (51% owned) X None or the above Cfty/StatelZip: Wilmington, NC 26401 Phone No: 910 798 -4402 E- 11 Address: kroane nhc ov.com at Address (Mail Contract for Execution): (University? / N /A) Address (checks are mailed d different from Contract Execution address): Name: Kim Roane (910-798440 Name: StreeUPO Box # 3002 US Highway 421 North street/PO Box # city/state2ip: Wilmington, NC 28401 Ci /stat.0p: Contract Period (Work cannot begin until fully executed contract is in place) Stan Date: 07/01/16 jEnd Date: 06/30/17 DENR Contract Amount complete for initial contract request only): $ Amendment Amendment Type: No -Cost Tme I Increase or Decrease Revised Scope of Work Attached (check one): No: __J_ JE.ten sion --I— lContmet Amount _ Yes _ No _-x— NA (Required) Explain why amendment is necessary: New Hanover County grant establishes a Mobile HHW Program and permanent Compost facility.Equipment has been purchased. Delays in securing a vendor has compelled the county requests a 120 day extension to 9/30/2017 to complete Time Extension from 7/1117 Time Extension to: 1 9/30/17 Amendment Amount: $ 1 Revised Contract Total (Initial contract amount plus all amendments): Is ENCUMBRANCE (Actual or Estimate Per FY): UNENCUMBRANCE: co: __: cenrer Mu. _a co: _AOn: C.., Co: _AaL ce.xei PO Une S Ca: Acct: center Co: _AU.i' cents. PO Une a Lo: _A 1: Cents FY - a Co: AuL Cents PD Line a Co: Aa Center PAYMENT SCHEDULE Check one): Reknburse for agpwetxe expenditures amordng to amount spec'f*d In Scope of Work / a minimum of 10% Wthhelti until DENR accepts Mal work. Reimburse 9D% of all invoices for allowable expenditures with 10% of each invoice withheld until DENR accepts final work. Reimburse actual Invoices submitted with a minimum of 10% of DENR Contract amount withheld until DENR acca1ris final work. A Lump sum payment when DENR accepts contract fulfillment. Other (Specify): MANDATORY SIGNATURES: By signature, I certiN that the above budget information is correct, appropriately budgeted & currently available in the Division's budget as specified in the Akove encumbrance information. DIVISION BUDGET OFFICER: 9 _.. Si nature - at DIVISION DIRECTOR: Signature Date DEQ Financial Service Division 1611 MAY 2b A 9,' 42 Purchasing and Contracts Section D m 3 m D O D pn 2 $ rn " co 3 wm Attachment A Amid 1 no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 Memorandum To: Allison Phipps, Purchasing Section Chief From: Joseph Fitzpatrick, Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service /2 Date: April 10, 2017 11 Subject: No Cost Time Extension of 120 days for New Hanover County, Contract p 6893 New Hanover County was awarded a community waste reduction and recycling grant (CWRAR) to purchase equipment to support the establishment of a compost facility. The county is requesting a no cost time extension to allow for additional time to complete the project and to make best -use of the available state funds supporting for this recycling effort. The equipment has been ordered but delays in procuring a vendor have significantly delayed the start date for processing materials for composting at this facility. Due to the reasons cited above, the county is unable to complete the work before the contract expires on June 30, 2017 and have requested an extension for this grant through September 30, 2016 (120 day extension). This will give the county time to complete construction, finish installation, determine volumes of materials managed, and to complete a final report as required by the staff and the application guidelines. The Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service supports this request and feels that an extension through September 30, 2017 is justified. I request that this no -cost contract time extension be granted. Please feel free to contact me Joe Fitzpatrick at 919 - 707 -8121; email; joseph.fitzoatrick @ncdenr.aov if you have any questions or concerns. I appreciate your assistance in expediting this request. Attachments • April 10, 2017 Memorandum from New Hanover County requesting a time extension • Form 6100 • Request Letter from New Hanover County • Revised Application with revised Timeline Attachment A Amd 1 no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 Attachment A Amd 1 no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 0 c; Y NEW HANOVER COUNTY o �y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT z 9 3002 US HIGHWAY 421 NORTH x 3 ° Wilmington, NC 28401 -9008 Z a2 Telephoner (910) 798 -4400 • Fax (910) 798 -4408 E -Marl Address: isule.yman@nhcgov.com F'T�eu :NEO`� 1 8 JOE SULEYMAN Director or Environmental Management April 7, 2017 Mr. Joseph Fitzpatrick North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service 1639 Mall Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1639 RE: CWRAR Grant Extension Request Mr. Fitzpatrick, I would like to formally request that the CWRAR grant period for New Hanover County's in- vessel composting system be extended for an additional one hundred and twenty (120) days. The purpose for this request is to ensure that adequate data is collected on the system's performance and operational effectiveness to provide your office with meaningful metrics. The delay in meeting the original grant timeline is primarily due to procurement - related issues. There was a delay in getting contract approval once a vendor was selected, and delivery of the composting equipment is not expected until mid -July, 2017. Thank you for your time and consideration Regards, y^ Joe Suleyman Director Attachment A Arnd 1 no-cost time DEQ Contract 6893 Attachment A Amd 1 no -cost time DEO Contract 6893 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 0,NOVER co �t< `v RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE 2016 COMMUNITY WASTE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING GRANT APPLICATION Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Mobile Site Expansion and Implementation of a new Composting Pilot Program Attachment A Amid 1 no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 New Hanover County — HHW Mobile Site Expansion and New Composting Pilot Program Applicant Contact Information: Kim Roane, Business Officer New Hanover County Environmental Management Department 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 798 -4402 Fax: (910) 798 -4008 Email: kroane(&nhcgov.com Federal Tax ID: XX- XXXX324 II. Date of Proposal Submittal: February 2, 2016 III. General Requirements: CERTIFICATION: The Director of the New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management certifies that all NC Solid Waste Disposal Tax Proceeds are used only for solid waste management purposes within the county. All Proceeds are used only for recycling collection and processing, landfill operation and maintenance, Household Hazardous Waste collection, and Construction and Demolition Debris diversion and recycling. Further, attached is a written statement from the New Hanover County Chief Financial Officer certifying the proper use of tax proceeds. RECYCLING SERVICES AVAILABILITY New Hanover County (NHC) provides for recycling collection at all key government buildings. Receptacles for the collection of recyclable materials are positioned in high - traffic areas at the following locations: Government Center, all Libraries, Property Management, NHC Parks, Health Department, Airlie Gardens, Cape Fear Museum, Senior Resource Center, Animal Control, Juvenile Detention Facility, Old Courthouse, Judicial Building, Cooperative Extension, Department of Social Services, Register of Deeds, and Hoggard High School Baseball /Softball fields. Employees at all locations are encouraged to recycle materials and are, for example, provided receptacles to separately dispose of recyclable materials for their regular garbage. Materials collected for recycling include mixed paper, cardboard, glass, aluminum beverage containers, and plastic Attachment A Amd 1 no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 beverage containers. NHC maintains a contract with a private hauler for the collection and transportation of the materials to the County's recycling processing facility. Additionally, battery collection containers have been placed at the NHC Government Center, all four (4) NHC public libraries, the NHC Senior Center, the Fort Fisher Aquarium (State facility), UNCW and at two campuses of the Cape Fear Community College. These sites are all serviced at no charge by the NHC Environmental Management Department. NHC has a program in place for the collection of fluorescent lights and mercury thermostats from the County's public buildings. These materials are collected by the NHC Property Management Department until sufficient quantities are available to be sent to Cleanlites Recycling, Inc., for proper handling, including recycling and /or disposal. Additionally, the NHC Environmental Management Department operates a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) program for the general public, through which fluorescent bulbs and mercury thermostats, among other HHW materials, are accepted from the public at no charge. The mercury- containing materials collected from the public are sent to either EcoFlo Inc. or Cleanlites Recycling, Inc. for proper handling, including recycling and /or disposal. IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Description and quantities of items to be purchased with grant funds: A. HHW Mobile Site Expansion Program The County is seeking to enhance its service delivery through an expansion of the existing HHW program by providing mobile HHW and E -Waste collection to NHC residents for whom access to the existing collection facility's location is inconvenient. Customer Satisfaction Surveys have indicated great community acceptance of this program, with the only issue being the travel time to reach our primary location situated at the far western edge of the county. The current collection and storage site for this program is located at 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North, Wilmington, NC, in a newly renovated warehouse at the northeast corner of the department's Recycling, HHW and Administration campus. The newly renovated warehouse provides a covered, secure facility for processing and storing collected materials. Hours of operation at this primary facility are Monday - Friday from 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m., and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. — noon. Proposed expansion of this program will provide a mobile van with an enclosed trailer to be taken one (1) day /week to each of three (3) sites in the County: Wrightsville Beach, Carolina /Kure Beach and Ogden (in the northern portion of the County) providing improved access to citizens. The hours at each community site will be 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m., to mirror our primary site's operating hours. The employee will then transport the sorted materials to the primary HHW facility for final processing and packaging. Attachment A Amd 1 no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 Our goal with this program expansion is to provide improved access to residents for whom access to the existing primary HHW collection site is inconvenient. Mobile collection will increase the amount of collected materials (reducing landfill disposal of toxic, combustible, corrosive, or reactive materials), improve satisfaction rates for services offered, expand awareness of the HHW program and reduce the pressure on the main collection facility during operating hours. Grant funds will be used to offset a portion of the cost to expand the HHW Program to include the following: o Funding to partially cover the cost of the purchase of a high roof mobile cargo van. Additional funds are being requested from the Mercury Grant Program for the purchase of this van, and New Hanover County will fund the remainder of the cost via the Environmental Management Enterprise Fund. B. Composting Pilot Program New Hanover County plans to develop a composting pilot project to provide a beneficial end -use for the landfill's yard waste and clean wood waste generated from the Construction & Demolition (C &D) recycling program. A pilot program has been established in partnership with UNCW, which will supply the pre- consumer food waste from their cafeteria to provide an important source of nitrogen for the compost mix. This will assist UNCW in meeting their goal of zero waste. The NHC landfill currently receives over 4,000 tons of yard waste annually, and 2,000 tons of clean wood waste from the C &D recycling program. Both waste streams are expected to increase dramatically with the receipt of the City of Wilmington's yard waste (14,000 tons annually) and full implementation of the automated C &D recycling system (providing an additional 6,000 tons of wood waste annually). Yard waste is currently ground by a contractor and passively composted. This material is used for erosion control during rainy conditions. Clean wood waste is ground by a contractor and used to either generate colored mulch or boiler fuel. The Attachment A Amd 1 no-cost time DEQ Contract 6893 site does not have any on -site soils suitable for sustaining vegetation, so all topsoils must be imported from offsite at significant cost. New Hanover County intends to purchase an invessel composter with loading conveyors and a vertical mixer, along with associated feed and discharge hoppers, chutes, and screens to process the material for composting. We will be seeking bids for the equipment, but have quotes from two vendors, both of which include similar composting units. The two quotes are nearly identical in price, within $75 of each bid, with an overall cost of approximately $195,000. This pilot project is intended to demonstrate that a permitted compost operation can generate high quality, grade -A organic compost for use as a soil amendment onsite or for sale to the public. Permitting applications must be submitted to NCDEQ, in order to implement the composting project. This permitting is expected to be initiated in February, 2016, and completed by May 31, 2016. Additionally, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be initiated with UNCW to document respective responsibilities with regard to the composting process. This MOU process is expected to be completed and fully executed by May 31, 2016. The pilot program will be successful if the site is able to consistently generate compost that meets all state requirements for sale to the public. If successful, the program can be easily expanded to generate sufficient volumes to reduce the cost of importing topsoil for cell closure projects and daily cover needs for outside cell slopes at the landfill. Example of In- Vessel Composting Equipment Description of the anticipated life of service for the items or materials to be purchased with grant funds (estimate how Iona the project will continue to serve the community): A. HHW Mobile Site Expansion Program Attachment A Amd 1 no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 The expected service life of the equipment, with proper maintenance, is ten (10) years, at which time a replacement will be budgeted in order to continue providing this service to the community on an ongoing basis. B. Composting Pilot Program The expected service life of the composting equipment, with proper maintenance, is ten (10) years. At this point, we anticipate that the program will have significantly expanded, necessitating larger equipment to increase throughput. VI. An estimate of the number of households or businesses that will be impacted by or have access to the recycling services associated with the proposed project: A. HHW Mobile Site Expansion Program Current traffic count to the existing facility exceeds 500 visits /month. Many customers must make a 45- minute round trip to utilize the service due to our remote location. The implementation of mobile sites at the farthest reaches of the County is anticipated to increase resident participation in the program while reducing the volume of residents driving to our primary HHW site. This is important due to the traffic congestion at the primary site due to the recent addition of a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) on the same campus which has increased commercial vehicle traffic fivefold, creating confusion for customers traveling within the campus to the HHW facility. Reduction in traffic count to the existing facility, while increasing overall program participation year- over -year is the goal. We anticipate greater utilization of our HHW program with the introduction of mobile sites within the community, reducing the amount of hazardous waste being placed in the garbage to be picked up by waste haulers and transported to the NHC landfill. HHW and Electronics recycling services are available to every resident within NHC. With a current population well over 213,000 — and growing — this program has a wide reach. Increased diversion of hazardous waste from the landfill is expected to result in lower operating costs due to efficiencies gained. These savings are passed on to residents and businesses in the form of reduced fees. B. Composting Pilot Program The pilot program's primary goal is to establish a method by which food waste can be diverted away from landfill disposal. The short-term benefit is directly related to reduction of UNCW's food waste from the waste stream. Long -term, this program can benefit schools, hospitals, and grocery stores in achieving their waste reduction goals. Attachment A Amd i no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 VII. An estimate of the waste reduction impact of the proposed project: A. HHW Mobile Site Expansion Program Using current operating practices, the NHC landfill diverts, on average, 240 tons per year of HHW & E -waste away from disposal. With expansion of the HHW program to include mobile sites, the diversion goal is an increase of 15 %, for a total goal of 26 tons of diverted HHW and E- waste. Reducing hazardous waste disposed of in the landfill will reduce long -term liability of the site, improve leachate quality, and reduce worker exposure to corrosive, toxic, reactive, and combustible chemicals. B. Composting Pilot Program In the pilot phase, it is expected that the waste reduction impact will be 25 tons /week (1300 tons /year). This includes pre - consumer food waste from UNCW's cafeterias and vegetative debris and wood waste from the NHC landfill's yard waste and C &D recycling programs. VIII. A description of whether the grant project will create anew service, enhance or expand and existina service. or support an existina recvclina service without expandina that service: A. HHW Mobile Site Expansion Program This grant project will expand as well as enhance an existing service. Our existing HHW program serves over 500 visitors /month at our primary site. The goal of this mobile expansion is to increase the utilization by 30% while reducing the number of visits to our primary HHW site. The efficiencies gained will expand the amount of waste diverted from landfill disposal from 240 tons per year to an estimated 276 tons per year. Letters of Support from the Town of Wrightsville Beach and the Town of Carolina Beach are attached. B. Composting Pilot Program This is a new program in New Hanover County. The grant funding will be used to support the implementation through the partial funding of the purchase of the composting in- vessel equipment. IX. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Attachment A Amd 1 no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 Receipt of proceeds from the State of North Carolina's Electronic Management Fund: New Hanover County has received Electronics Management Fund distributions in the past and hopes to continue to receive these funds in the future. One hundred percent (100 %) of this funding has been used to support our local electronics management program, only partially covering the cost of labor to process the incoming and outbound electronics for recycling and disposal. The rising cost of electronics recycling processing fees local governments in North Carolina are experiencing in FY15 -16 makes it even more essential that we utilize all funding available from the state to support the increasing cost to manage our program at the local level. New Hanover County plans to continue to use the funds that will be distributed in February 2016 and February 2017 to support the cost of labor for the county's local electronic management program. X. PROJECT TIMELINE: A. HHW Mobile Site Expansion Program • Submit grant request to BOCC for approval: February 1, 2016 • Submit grant application: February 2, 2016 • Establish Interlocal Agreements with the Towns of Carolina Beach and Wrightsville Beach for collection sites: April, 2016 • Purchase van, trailer and supplies: July- August, 2016 • Employee training: August, 2016 • Begin mobile collections: September, 2016 • Submit final NC DEACS report: September 30, 2017 * ** B. Composting Pilot Program • Submit grant request to BOCC for approval: February 1, 2016 • Submit grant application: February 2, 2016 • Permitting: February — May, 2016 • Establish Memorandum of Understanding with UNCW — May, 2016 • Issue RFB for Composting Equipment June, 2016 • Purchase Equipment: August — October, 2016 • Begin composting operations: November, 2016 • Submit final NC DEACS report: September 30, 2017 * ** Grant Timeline • September 26, 2016: Complete purchase of van for HHW program and initiate mobile collections. • October 31, 2016: Complete purchase, installation and permitting for composting equipment and initiate composting pilot program. Attachment A Amd 1 no-cost time DEQ Contract 6893 September 30, 2017: Prepare and submit final report to state. " Revised April, 2017 PROJECT BUDGET Item State Grant NHC Funds Total Award — CWRAR Grant Caro Van $15,000 $3,000 $18,000 Composting $15,000 $180,000 $195,000 Equipment and installation Total 1$30,000 $183,000 $213,000 Attachment A Amd t no -cost time DEQ Contract 6893 Hewett, Teresa From: Roane, Kim Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 4:56 PM To: Hewett, Teresa Subject: FW: NC DEQ contract 6983 Attachments: no -cost time.pdf Hi Teresa, The state has asked that we return this signed acknowledgement (extending our grant deadline) back to them immediately. I found an error in the first document she sent this morning, and she has sent a corrected document (attached). Since she had asked for it back in one day, I called her and let her know that it might take a few days longer than that for us to get it signed and returned. Wanda said to try to get it to her by next Wednesday. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help facilitate the signing of the document. I know you like to process these for the grants, so I have not initiated any process. Thanks much, Kim Kim Roane I Business Officer Environmental Management - Administration New Hanover County 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401 (9 10) 798 -4402 p 1 (910) 798 -4408 f www.nhcgov.com From: Andrews, Wanda [ mailto :wanda.andrews @ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 12:25 PM To: Roane, Kim <KRoane @nhcgov.com> Subject: RE: NC DEQ contract 6983 Sorry about that. Please use this one and thanks for catching that From: Roane, Kim (mailto:KRoane @nhcgov.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 11:18 AM To: Andrews, Wanda <wanda.andrews @ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: NC DEQ contract 6983 Importance: High Hi Wanda, The cover page for signature refers to dredging. This is not a dredging project. The attachments are correct in their description of the project, and the contract number is accurate. How should this be addressed? Thank you, Kim Kim Roane I Business Officer Environmental Management - Administration New Hanover County 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 798 -4402 p 1 (910) 798 -4408 f www.nhcqov.com From: Andrews, Wanda [ mailto :wanda.andrews @ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 11:12 AM To: Roane, Kim <KRoane @nhcgov.com> Subject: NC DEQ contract 6983 Importance: High Good morning, Please find attached an amendment for a no -cost time extension. Please sign it in BLUE INK, scan it in and email it back to me, today, if at all possible. This is a time sensitive matter. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Wanda Andrews NC Department of Environmental Quality Financial Services Division, Purchase and Contracts Section 217 West Jones Street, Suite 5422M Raleigh, NC 27603 Phone: 919 - 707 -8538 Email: wando.andrewsPncdenr.gov Grant Document Routing 134 Start date: 6/9/17 From: Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Signatures required: � I l,f ( k Tim Burgess, Assistant County Manager 0 Return to Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Type(s) of document(s) attached: 1 original — Grant extension amendment Explanation of document(s): Attached is a grant extension amendment for Environmental Management's grant to purchase equipment for the compost facility. The amendment will extend the grant from 6/30/17 to 9/30/17. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. ----------------- or finance department use-------------------------------------- - - - - -- DATE ADDED TO LASERFICHE PICKED UP BY: Print Name & Date Signature