1972-06-12 Budget Meeting~~~ MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 12, 1972 - 4:3o P.M. ASSEMBLY - The Board of New Hanover County Commissioners met on the above date and time i:n the Commission Building to begin discussions on the budget £or the 1972-~3 fiscal year. The following were present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. r. Hall, Jr., John R. OxenYeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Commissioner H. A. Narks was not present. SCHOOL BUDGET - Members of the Board of Education; Dr. Heyward Bellamy, School Superintendent; and his staff were present for the discussion. Reouest for Trans£ers in Old Bud~et C1971-72) - Dr. Bella~qq reguested certain transfers in the 1971-72 budget. Mr. Williams moved re- quested transfers in last year's budget be approved. After discussion, Mr. Williams.with- drew his motion. B~ common consent, it was agreed these requests b~e_considered at the . regular meeting of the Commissioners on June 19, 19~2. Reauests for Additions To and Deletions From the School Bud~et (1972-73) Dr. Bella~y requested following additions to the budget be considered: Item Amount Amount 611-2e Regular-Salaries Business Manager $ 560 $11~690 618-2 Regular - Zegal Expense Civil Action '7,500 24,500 I,ocal Government 652 Regular - Insurance Glrongful Acts 9,500 45,870 Coverage . Special Accounts No Zocal Tax 2,500 13,400 See Project F~nds Dr. Bellamy requested folloo~ing .delet ion from the budget: 642 Regular - Rprs. & Rpl. Primary desks and 1'J,560 86,230 Ftiirn. & Inst. App. chair units This deletion offsets the additions. There will be no change in the total of the budget, but Dr. Bellamy requested permission to make these changes in the line items. Earlv Approval o£ Certain Items in Bud~,et - Dr. Bellamy requested, in his letter of June '7, 19'72, early approval of the following six items in the 19~2-~3 school budget in order to activate the items as guickly as possible: l. Capital Outlay 2. Capital Outlay 3. Capital Outlay 4. Capital Outlay 5. Bldgs. & Grounds 6. Repairs to Replace Heating, Lgt. & Plg. 2 Activity Buses $1'7,310 Preparation of Classrooms 10,000 from Existing Space at D. C. Virgo School Renovation - N.H.H.S. 30,000 Auditorium to Provide Library Space Land Purchase - Gulf 15,300 Oil Property Renovation of Kitchen 3,']10 Area of N.H.H.S. Oil Burners 28,050 Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, tentative approval of Items 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Motion carried unanimously. Items 20.402 and 20.403 - Q.uestion of whether two new positions were being created (Assistant Superintendents) was raised by Mr. Williams since no salary appropriation was shown for last year. Dr. Bella~p stated the two Assistant Superintendents shown, which were not in last year's budget, are positions of elementary and secondary curriculum directors that fill the post of Assistant Superintendents which is in line with other systems for this position. The reason why this is not in line with other salaries for that particular column is because of the source of the funds from which the salaries come; the State will pay two of these positions from a different budget; for example, Mr. West's and Mr. Simpson's salaries. These amounts were normally in the supplementary budget when they were classified as supervisors and as directors of instruction, so last year this amount came from the supplementary budget. The old positions have been eliminated. Item 20.409 - Clerical Salaries.reflected approximatel9 5% increase plus two new positions; one person for the Business Manager and one for the AB Department. Item 20.418 - ' ROTC Salaries - Question was raised on increase. E~tplanation was they are geared on active duty salaries. Item 20.420 - Vocational Salaries were up about $61,000. Dr. Bellamy stated this was due to State in- crease and three additional State positions. Mr. Williams inquired what the difference is in regular supplement and special supple- ment. Dr. Bellamy stated regular supplement is across the Board depending on experience and certification. Special supplement is for extra duties and responsibilities. Item 20.421 - Salaries of Secretaries were increased on same base of index scale. All but four o£ school principals are full time which necessitates full time secretaries, so more time is involved. 1 ~°~ MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 12, 19'72 (CONTINUED) SCHOOL BUDGET (CONTINUED) - Utilization of School Buildin~s on 12 Months Basis - Mr. Harriss questioned progress on this. Dr. Bellam,y stated there is no progress from the State level, but he hopes to see some permissive legislation on this from the next Legislature allowing the School Board to do something with State Funds. School Board is allowing students to take courses in the summer in order to graduate early. Also, they are moving into night programs. School is limited by what they can do with local funds and by tuition, and they do not have State money £or this purpose. Dr. Bellam,y stated he felt the State Department would welcome legislation in this direction; probably on a per- missive scale which would allow several counties to experiment with two or three approaches. Item 20.423 - Senior Hi~h Athletic Pro~ram - Mr. Harriss stated as he understood it, £or the first time, the School Board is trying to move into a completely supported athletic program; and the County would take as Un- anticipated Revenue a~y gate receipts. This would assure an athletic program of a caliber that is needed and would not necessarily represent an increase in expenditures, but it would assure those in charge of athletics they could proceed with an athletic program that is needed. Mr. Harriss stated this is reason for $24,000 budgeted last year, and $52,000 budgeted this year. Mr. Harriss stated- a group of interested citizens had recommended the entire amount be budgeted and the gate receipts turned over to the County as Unanticipated Revenue -$20,000 is anticipated in gate receipts. Item 20.424 - Wa~es of Janitors and Maids - Increase in bud~et represents 5% increase. Mr. Davis stated it is not anticipated decrease in fireman type personnel with the change over to oil burning furnaces. It.em 20.434 - Retirement and Social Securitv and Health Benefits Pro~ram - Social Security increased due to increased salaries. Health Benefits is a new program of the State. Mr. Williams questioned if County is providing same coverage for all. It was pointed out State will administer plan. County must pay $13.00 per month for medical and disability insurance. It will be considered whether other county emplo9ees are en- titled to disability insurance. Item 20.436 - Wa~es of Drivers - Mr. Harriss stated when he expressed himself as being against more buses, he also meant additional drivers. Dr. Bellaiqy stated he was trying to get adult drivers, especially for elementary school children. It was pointed out the drivers are doin~ other work in schools when they are not driving. Driving time for adults is paid for by the State. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion this item is not identi£ied correctly, since the drivers are also paid for other duties in the schools. Mr. Harriss felt this should be broken down. Mr. Williams pointed out other requests for salaries had increased, even though these drivers are to be used on the other jobs. Dr. Bellau~y stated this was the only way he could get adults since driving is not a full day job. Item 20.440 - National Defense Ed. Act. Title III - Matching F~nds - Money is used for social studies, purchase of books in variety of needs, help to build libraries. Mr. Harriss was of opinion more local government should be taught in schools; this also applies to teachers, as well as students. Item 20.442 - Trainable Children - Mr. Hall asked how long the schools worked raith these children before they are graduated. Dr. Clark stated for 12 years or until they are 21. Children are taught things they can use in 1ife; girls, sewing; boys, workship, etc. When they get in Senior High 6chool, children are placed in part time jobs. Item 20.445 - Salaries 15 Teachers @$7,480 and 6@$9,100 - This will allow 15 regular and 6 music. Dr. Bellamy stated the School Board will barely meet the accrediation standards for the State and Southern Association for this year with these additional teachers, plus the regular teachers hired in the supplementary budget, and plus the State positions. Following is breakdown of teachers: From State Budget 683 teachers, Supplementary Budget 55, Vocational 37, Exceptional Children 35,.ROTC 6, Drivers' Education 6, Elementary and Secondary Fducation 39, Special Projects 4, Total 865, not counting requested 6 music taachers. The twenty-one teachers requested, according to previous practice, would go in the supplementary budget rather t.han the regular. Dr. Bellamy stated if the supplementary budget would stand the traffic, this is where these teachers would be. Mr. Williams stated this would be going well over the ten cents supplement. Mr. Williams pointed out when the Board increased the assessment ratio to 100% the Board indicated that all items that had been authorized by the people would be reduced by 50% in order to bring in the same amount of money that the people had voted for. Mr. Williams stated it appears the School Board is transferring out of the supplementary budget into the regular budget and in effect doin~ the thing the Board of Commissioners had indicated it did not intend to do. Mr. Harriss stated the Board is not morally authorized to take more than 10 cents on a 100% valuation. If this is exceeded the Board is violating the spirit of it. Dr. Bellamy stated there is no item in the budget more important than these 21 teachers. Mr. Harriss stated the School Board will have to cut some other items out of their budget in order to keep this item. The Commissioners contended this itemtielongs in the supplementary budget. Dr. Bellamy stated this item cannot be transferred to the supplementary budget. Mr. Hall pointed out based on 10 cents per present valuation would raise approximately $690,000 for school supplement and there is shown in this budget now $942,965• Ms'- Shepard stated difference comes from delinquent tax collection $12,000, intangible taxes $34,698, Public Law 8']4 $120,229, and Fund Balance Estimated now to be $85,158. Mr. Harriss stated this item will have to be considered further very carefully. ~~O MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - ~TUNE 12, 1972 (CONTINUED) SCHOOL BUDGET (CONTINUED) - Item 24.401 School Books - Doubled because of revamping of social studies, mathematics, etc. School Board stated item had been reduced tv!o years at budget time. Student assessment was discussed. Dr. Bellamy stated this would work a hardship on some children. Ca~ital Outla~ - ~pproved with exception of activity buses which will be given further consideration. Meeting recessed for dinner at 6:40 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 8:00 P.M. CIVIL DEFENSE BUDGET - , General Aridrew Harriss was present for the discussion of this budget. Item 11.497 - Hospital Insurance - Mr. Williams questioned this item. General Harriss stated it was figured Yor three persons at $8.00 per month for 12 months now, but this o££ice will come under State requirements for insuranc e . Item 11.498 - Disaster Committee - Mr. Williams inquired about increased cost. General Harriss stated this is for 20-unit, 6 meter and 5-unit, 2 meter nets within Count~ for monitoring disaster protection and upkeep of antennas which deteriorate rapidly. Sets are reconditioned sets. Item 11.503 - 0££ice Expense - Mr. Harriss questioned $200 increase. Mr. Harriss stated due largely to postage. It was pointed out $13,123 will be received from State toward this budget of $2~,605. SHERIFF - Sheriff Millis was present for the discussion. Off-Dut~ Hours in Court for Deput.y Sheriffs - ' ~r. Will.iams asked Sheriff Millis to comment on this. Sheriff Millis stated the City Policemen have been paid for off-duty hours in court for sometime. The Sheriff feels like morale will be better in his department if this is allowed. This is limited - will not exceed 6 hours in District Court per week or 14 hours in both courts combined per week at $3.00 per hour. Mr. Giilliams felt explanation was reasonable. Sherif£ Millis stated compensatory time was hard to give due to workload in his department. Item 11.']31 Boat EScpense - ' Sherif£ stated department ran completely out of money this past year; boat reguires a lot of gas. This accounts for the increase. Salaries - " Salaries do not include any additional men. Two deputies have had to be assi~ned to Jail due to increased work load in the jail. ' Sheriff Millis pointed out Deputy Howe11 had been promoted to Detective and salary should be $8200 (same as other detectives). ~ Item 11.760 - Mr. Williams stated the Sheriff had requested 6 veh3cles and Auditor had reduced request to 4. Mr. Oxenfeld stated there had been discussion on replacing vehicles on a periodic basis. Sheriff Millis stated if the cars are ordered now, it will be December before they are received. The present station wagon has 92,3F31 miles and will have about 150,000 by December. Mr. Williams stated for the average automobile purchaser the best time to trade is roughly every three years or 50,000 miles whichever occurs first. Sheriff Millis stated the Department puts about 200,000 miles on a car in two years. B~ common consent it was agreed to budget for 5 sedans and 1 station wagon as reguested by the Sheriff. Transbortation of Mental Patients - Mr. Bowden asked the Sherif£ if the new law which becomes effective Julg lst on the handling of inental patients will affect him. This is being worked on now. Sheriff Millis stated it takes a minimum of two men to transport them. Photo Lab SuApl'ies = Item was added to Sheriff's Budget in amount of ~950. Position of Secretars - Mr. 4lilliams.discussed this position stating he £elt like they wi11 not be able to get one for less than $4800. By common consent it was agreed salary be same as Steno II, but with a different job descrip- tion because person will probably be deputized to be used in cases of emer$ency. Salary of ~4992 was agreed to for this position. Sheriff Millis stated she would probably have to go on. Drug Raids, and other duties unrelated to a stenographer. Sheriff Millis and Mr. Grubbs will get together on job description. School Guards - Sheriff Millis requested increase in salary of school guards to $b1.84. By common consent Board agreed to this provided it was permissible under government freeze. Outin~ for Traffic School Girls - Mr. Hall asked wk~y girls cannot be included as well as traffic boys on outin~ at end of school year. They are doing same job as boys. It was agreed this will be considered next year. JAII, BUDGET - Mr. Joe Johnson, Chie£ Jailer, was present for discussion. No changes were made in budget requests. 15.9 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 12, 1972 (CONTINtTED) RECESB - Meeting recessed at 8:50 P.M. until Wednesday, June 14, 19']2 at 1:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 14, 1972 - 1:3o P.M. ASSEMBI,Y - Bud~et Discussion Meeting was reconvened on the above date and time in the Commission Buildin~ with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss,.Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioner John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard, Mrs. Elizabeth Edens; \ County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; Administrative OfPicer Raymond Grubbs; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT BUDGET - Mr. Richard Epling, County Engineer, was present for discussion of this budget. 11.455 Auto Allowance - •' Increased in amount of $2,000 over last year due to anticipation of taking over the one-mile area now controlled by the City. 11.456 Repairs and Maintenance - Increased in amount of $450 due to anticipated increased maintenance on radios. 11.457 Office Supplies & Expense - Increased $620 due to increased duties of o£fice. 11.458 Telephone - Increased request from $1,200 to $1,800; Inspection Department has•assumed responsibility for intercom system in entire office. ~Mr. Harriss stated about two years ago he investigated putting all county phones in one switchboard, but found it would cost more than it does by having separate phones. Mr. Harriss requested Mr. Bowden review the telephone situation with view of con- solidating some of the county phones. 11.459 Salaries - Mr. Epling stated he was requesting two additional people without enough background to have a good understanding of how many people will be needed. The request does not provide for additional clerical help which will be needed. Mr. Epling stated County has been re- guested by the Heating and Ventilating people to extend inspection to cover heating, air- conditioning and ventilating. The State has issued Volume 3 of the N. C. State Building Code which covers Heating, Air-Conditioning and Ventilating. The inspection is being done now within the City and the one-mile area by the fire inspection people for a nominal $1.00 char~e. Mr. Epling pointed out there are gaps in the inspections now and with additional , personnel for inspection oP heating, air-conditioning and ventilation these will also be taken care of. 11.460 Travel - Increased over last year by $600. Mr. Epling pointed out travel is for training in- spectors. Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Epling had minimized his bud~et thinking he is going to use the personnel in various categories and he, Mr. Bowden, takes a dimmer view because he thinks realistically the Cbunty is very short in control of the subdivisions and en£orcement of the subdivision regulations £or the simple reason there are not enough people to see to it that the requirements represented on the plans are carried out. Mr. Bowden stated there is no person now, except the County Engineer, who is supposed to certify that all of the things proposed on the plans are done. This is a.pY~ysical impossibility with his other duties. Mr. Bowden stated going by the City's subdivision regulations is going to require more for the County to actually inspect than what it is doing now. Minimum Housin~ - Mr. Williams stated it was better to become involved in Minimum Housing before it be- comes an acute problem, and this should be cDnsidered before budget sessions are over. County-Wide Redevelopment Commission - Housina Authoritv - Mr. Oxenfeld felt two other items should be strongly considered: (1) County-Wide Redevelopment Commission, whether or not it be consolidated with the City Redevelopment Commission or otherwise and (2) Housing Authority. Whether these be set up separately or jointly will require study. Mr. Oxenfeld £elt these items go right along with Minimum Housing. Mr. Harriss stated it was agreed the County ~aill sooner or later have to get into housing and the establishment o£ a County Housing Authority has been contemplated for some time and this might be the time to come forward with it. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the Council of Governments be requested to have their Housing Study Committee give some thought to a Housing Authority for the un- incorporated areas. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded b9 Mr. Williams, the Council of Governments be requested to also have this Committee give some thought to a County-Wide Redevelopment Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hall joined the meeting at this time.