1972-06-14 Budget Meeting15.9 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 12, 1972 (CONTINtTED) RECESB - Meeting recessed at 8:50 P.M. until Wednesday, June 14, 19']2 at 1:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 14, 1972 - 1:3o P.M. ASSEMBI,Y - Bud~et Discussion Meeting was reconvened on the above date and time in the Commission Buildin~ with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss,.Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioner John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard, Mrs. Elizabeth Edens; \ County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; Administrative OfPicer Raymond Grubbs; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT BUDGET - Mr. Richard Epling, County Engineer, was present for discussion of this budget. 11.455 Auto Allowance - •' Increased in amount of $2,000 over last year due to anticipation of taking over the one-mile area now controlled by the City. 11.456 Repairs and Maintenance - Increased in amount of $450 due to anticipated increased maintenance on radios. 11.457 Office Supplies & Expense - Increased $620 due to increased duties of o£fice. 11.458 Telephone - Increased request from $1,200 to $1,800; Inspection Department has•assumed responsibility for intercom system in entire office. ~Mr. Harriss stated about two years ago he investigated putting all county phones in one switchboard, but found it would cost more than it does by having separate phones. Mr. Harriss requested Mr. Bowden review the telephone situation with view of con- solidating some of the county phones. 11.459 Salaries - Mr. Epling stated he was requesting two additional people without enough background to have a good understanding of how many people will be needed. The request does not provide for additional clerical help which will be needed. Mr. Epling stated County has been re- guested by the Heating and Ventilating people to extend inspection to cover heating, air- conditioning and ventilating. The State has issued Volume 3 of the N. C. State Building Code which covers Heating, Air-Conditioning and Ventilating. The inspection is being done now within the City and the one-mile area by the fire inspection people for a nominal $1.00 char~e. Mr. Epling pointed out there are gaps in the inspections now and with additional , personnel for inspection oP heating, air-conditioning and ventilation these will also be taken care of. 11.460 Travel - Increased over last year by $600. Mr. Epling pointed out travel is for training in- spectors. Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Epling had minimized his bud~et thinking he is going to use the personnel in various categories and he, Mr. Bowden, takes a dimmer view because he thinks realistically the Cbunty is very short in control of the subdivisions and en£orcement of the subdivision regulations £or the simple reason there are not enough people to see to it that the requirements represented on the plans are carried out. Mr. Bowden stated there is no person now, except the County Engineer, who is supposed to certify that all of the things proposed on the plans are done. This is a.pY~ysical impossibility with his other duties. Mr. Bowden stated going by the City's subdivision regulations is going to require more for the County to actually inspect than what it is doing now. Minimum Housin~ - Mr. Williams stated it was better to become involved in Minimum Housing before it be- comes an acute problem, and this should be cDnsidered before budget sessions are over. County-Wide Redevelopment Commission - Housina Authoritv - Mr. Oxenfeld felt two other items should be strongly considered: (1) County-Wide Redevelopment Commission, whether or not it be consolidated with the City Redevelopment Commission or otherwise and (2) Housing Authority. Whether these be set up separately or jointly will require study. Mr. Oxenfeld £elt these items go right along with Minimum Housing. Mr. Harriss stated it was agreed the County ~aill sooner or later have to get into housing and the establishment o£ a County Housing Authority has been contemplated for some time and this might be the time to come forward with it. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the Council of Governments be requested to have their Housing Study Committee give some thought to a Housing Authority for the un- incorporated areas. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded b9 Mr. Williams, the Council of Governments be requested to also have this Committee give some thought to a County-Wide Redevelopment Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hall joined the meeting at this time. MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 14, 1972 CCONTINUED) ... INSPECTIQN DEPAE?TMENT BUDGET (CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the Board request the County Manager, County Engineer, and Planning Department to study question of Minimum Housing Code and re- port back to the Board as guickly as possible. Motion carried unanimously. 11.459 Salaries - Mr. Epling went back to this item stating he ~,~ould like a person (office type) to act as a clearinghouse £or permit applications; permits for wells, septic tanks, building axid electri.cal would be issued only after this person would certify that the proposed use was within the land use. Also, the general public would be able to contact this person to find out proper procedure to follow to get a building permit or what permits are necessarq. P1r. Harriss felt the bi$gest problem is that there is not enough communication between Mr. Register, who is the Zoning Officer, and the Planning Department. Mr. Epling stated Mr. Register is spending more time as Zoning Officer and is not as effective as a Chief Building Inspector. Mr. Epling pointed out confusion public experiences in getting permits is not knowing which offices have jurisdiction over their needs. Mr. Harriss stated this comes back to what he has contended all along, all building functions should be consolidated under one office. A person should be able to go to one office and get information on what is required of him when he is going to build a house. Mr. Harriss stated no progress has been made on this situation for the last two years. Mr. Harriss reguested Mr. Bowden to institute some means to bring this about forthwith. Mr. Harriss stated he hoped he had the concurrence of the other Commissioners. Mr. 4Jilliams stated if it could be done legally. Mr. Harriss stated it could be done. 11.461 Cabital Outlas - Increase of $2,850 over last year's request. Includes items such as dictating equip- ment $900, etc. Anticibated Fees - Mr. Oxenfeld inguired as to Anticipated Fees; he asked if these £ees include increase permitted a few meetings ago. Mr. Epling stated he anticipates an increase of 40% in fees when the County assumes jurisdiction over the one-mile area. Anticipated fees now are Building $24,000; Electric $20,000; and Plumbing $18,000. Mr. Hall felt this department should be self-sustainin~. Salaries - Additional Electrical-Mechanical Inspector - • Additional Buildin~-Plan Clerk - • Mr. Grubbs stated these should have been entered as $7500 instead of $'7164 to be con- sistent with other inspector's salaries. Mr. Williams suggested Mr. Grubbs and Mr. Epling get together and work this out and report later. AIRFORT BUDGET - P'ir. Rodney Kidder, Vice-Chairman, Airport Commission, and Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, were present for discussion of this budget. 11.415 Gas and Oil Field - Consolidated with Gas and Oil Resale. 11.418 Labor and Professional - Increased $13,000 over last year. Mr. Westbrook stated $16,500 is for FAA Project and $8,000 for labor such as surveqing, etc. 11.423 Repairs Maintenance Equipment - Mr. Westbrook stated Cherr~ Point has donated two~fire trucks to the Airport and they will need repairs. ' Mr. Westbrook was complimented on working with governmental agencies in obtaining eguip- ment the County would have otherwise had to buy. 9629,583 Was added £or concourse contract. ~55o was added for Dumpster Labor. Head Fee - Mr. Kidder stated it is anticipated increase in passengers next year will be from 10% to 15%. Mr. Kidder stated there is some controversey on collection of head fee"in Raleigh- Durham and the Airport Commission is waiting to see outcome on this before proceeding further. Mr. Hall stated he felt something should be done immediately because Countg is losing around $6,000 per month by delaying. ' Mr. Kidder stated it has to be legal and this is wY~y the Commission is waiting; they want to be sure it is legal. SALARIES OF COUNTY EMPLOYEES - Mr. Williams suggested getting question of salaries o£ county employees settled in order that Mr. Shepard may be working on this part of the budget. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, a general cost of living increase of 4.']5% be granted to County employees under the County Personnel Plan; also, included are the Auditor, Coroner, Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, County Manager, Civil Defense Director, T~ Administrator, Tax Attorney, and all other employees not covered in the County Personnel Plan by adopting the New State Merit Pay Plan. Ek~ployees under the State Personnel Plan will be placed on the new pay plan. Raises for personnel in other departments such as the School Board shall not exceed 4.']5%. Motion carried unanimously. i s~: MINUTES OF BUDGET ~ISCUSSION MEETING - NNE 14, 1972 ~CONTINUED) SALARIES OF COUNTY EMPIAYEES (CONTINUED) - Discussion was held on Item 12 of Mr. Grubb's memo to Mr. Bowden regarding changes in Administrative Policy for Salary Plan. .This ite a person is hired at the minimum level (Step 1) of his particular job automatically, each year on his anniversary date, upon recommendation head, an increment increase of one step until he reaches the midpoint dated April 2'], 1972 n will provide when grade, he will receive, by his department (Step 3). Employees who are promoted from a lower classification to a higher classification and/or receives a rate increase will have their increment anniversary date changed to the effective date of the promotion and/or rate increase. After an employee reaches the midpoint (Step 3) he will be considered in the competitive merit area and will compete with other employees in his department for merit increases. Department heads will not recommend more than 60% of employees in the merit area for merit raises. Mr. Bowden stated it should be clarified if an employee has been employed for a year and has not been recommended for a raise, he should be terminated. Mr. Grubbs stated tYiis is the policy of the State Personnel Office. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he did not feel they should be dismissed automatically but should be carefully reviewed. Nir. Grubbs agreed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxen£eld, approval of Item 12 of the Personnel Plan as submitted by Mr. Grubbs. Motion carried unanimously. STATE MERIT AGENCY SALARY FORMS - Mr. Bowden stated County is in receipt of State Merit Agency Salary Forms for Social Services, Health, Mental Health and Civil Defense Departments for merit plans. Mr. Bowden stated Directors are on Standard; Professionals are on Standard; and Clerical and Sub- Professionals are on Minus 1. Mr. Bowden requested motion for Chairman to sign forms if the Board wished to continue this same pay plan. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the Chairman be authorized to sign the forms, keeping the same scale of pay as last year. Motion carried unanimously. COURTHQUSE BUDGET - Mr. Richard Epling, County Ehgineer, was present for discussion on this budget. Mr. Epling proposed change in maintenance and custodial services in the Courthouse. Mr. Epling proposed creating a Custodial Supervisor position in addition to the Building Maintenance Supervisor, each having a crew of two men. Also, they work on staggered basis covering the Courthouse and closing after Court. At present they alternate and take compensatory time with the other one filling in; it is not a clean operation at all. There have been complaints particularly about the ladies rest rooms needing care during the day. Mr. Epling proposed an additional person (a matron) be added to take care of dusting and light cleanin$. By common consent it was agreed to employ a Matron at beginning salary of $3852. Job descriptions will be written for the custodial supervisor and matron. MACRAE PARK BUDGET - No changes in budget requests. COUNTY GARAGE - No changes in budget requests. CORONER'S BUDGET - Mr. Robert Smith, Coroner, was present for discussion of this budget. .... _.Mr: Harriss thanked the Coroner for getting relations between the Medical Examiners and the Coroner's Office stablized. No changes in the budget requests as recommended by the Auditor. Meeting recessed at 3:10 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 3:25 P.M. BOAR- OF ELECTIONS BUDGET - Mr. Bill McEachern, Mrs. Ann Cochran, and Mr. L. M. Newsome, Board of Election Members, were present for this discussion. 11.5q5 Salaries - Office of Re~istration - Nr. McEachern stated this is increased because the Board of Elections does anticipate a tremendous amount of registration and also a tremendous number of absentee ballots in the November General Election runnin~ to as many as 2,000. This is for extra office help and is not anticipated in next year's budget. It was the feeling of the Board the 30 day registration requirement should be publicized because a lot o£ people are not aware of it. 11.599 Personal Service - Salaries of Mrs. Cochran and Mr. Newsome were increased from $600 to ~900 per year. 11.600 Precinct Personal Services - Decreased $3,000 due to fact there will be only one election this fiscal year. 11.601 Supplies - Increased $1,000 because they are running low on such things as poll books, etc. 11.610 Computer Service - lloubled over last year. Nir. McEachern said the Board o£ Elections was getting a lot of service free when they were updating. Mr. McEachern stated the books will probably be purged after the General Elections in November. The Board of Elections is authorized to purge the books every four years. This means removing all people who have not voted in the past four years. If persons vaish to vote the following year and have not moved, they are eligible to vote. MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 14, 19~2 (CONTINUED) BOARD OF ELECTIONS BUDGET (CONTINUED) - 11.613 Capital Outlay -. Decreased from last year. 11.606 Votin~ Machines Lease Purchase - Increased by $300 by Auditor's recommendation to cover interest. 11.612 Insurance - $100 was added for insurance on the five voting machines that will be purchased. Frei~ht on Votin~ Machines - $500 was budgeted on 5 voting machines that will be purchased. 11.597 Advertisin~ - Mr. McEachern stated this amount was left in the budget for advertising for registration and voting. Mr. Williams was of the opinion it might be a mistake to purchase advertising. Once you start buying advertising you will have to buy from all news media and the Election Board does not have that much money. The news media has been most cooperative in giving coverage. It was suggested the Board of Elections advertise only when legally required to do so. 11.609 Votin~ Machine Custodian - Mr. McEachern stated their custodian had resigned. One possibility o£ getting this work done is to use service technicians from Shoup; this type of voting service is expected to be organized throughout the State. Mr. McEachern stated Mr. Bost has advised him once the ballot is Oked, they would have ballot printed, put on the machine, machine put into precincts in working'condition, all equipment delivered, all trucks secured, all help secured. They k~ould transport machines back and probably have some type of maintenance on them such as a yearly cleaning. This would be one item, and Mr. McEachern said the figure he had gotten was $4,500 but this would eliminate truck.rental $200, printing ballots $1,000, Custodian Fund $2,000, and helpers $500, or $3'700, so there coill be only an$800 increase. Budget was altered to reflect these changes. Mr. McEachern stated the Board of Elections are in favor of this. Sale of Computer Print-Outs - Mr. McEachern advised the Board that his Board received filing fees o£ $946.00 and $1,'752.53 was returned to the County for sale of print-outs. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADVERTISING BUDGET - Mr. Ed Menke of the Chamber of Commerce; Mr. James Saf£ord, Chairman, Tourism & Pro- motion Committee; and Mr. Bill Burns, also of the Committee, were present. Mr. Saf£ord made the presentation. Mr. Saf£ord outlined the methods used in advertising to get tourism into the County. According to Mr. Menke's figures, this meant 31 million dollars income as a result of tourism last year. Requests £or in£ormation from the Chamber have increased approximately 50%. This is due to advertising in the TV Guide. Mr. Harriss pointed out this is County Advertising which the Chamber of Commerce handles at no cost to the County. There i.s no contribution to the Chamber. Budget request of $39,000 was approved tentatively. Mr. Hall was excused from meeting at this point. JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITIES BUDGET - Mr. Ronald Knopf, Director, was present for budget discussion. It is anticipated £acility will be opened_on August 1. Budget prepared this year "by ear" since there was nothing to base expenses on. It was pointed out $24,936 will be received in matching funds. Budget reguests not changed. OGDEN RESCUE SQ.UAD - ~' Mr. Harriss stated he would not be at the evening budget discussion, so wanted to go on record as being opposed to the Ogden Rescue Squad spending any County money £or ambulance services. . . . Mr. Harriss felt study should be made on ambulance service. Mr. Grubbs stated study is being made, and the Committee making study for ambulance service will present a report to the Commissioners in about two weeks. Mr. Grubbs stated £our major problems need to be corrected: (1) the relation between Ogden Rescue Squad and the private companies; there is no way the private service can exist in competition to non-profit organization; (2) terrible problem in coordination of communications with the police, sheriff and Highway Patrol Department; (3) coordination oY services, allocating areas of service and responsibilities; and (4) obviously the need for some type of franchise. • It is estimated Ogden Rescue Squad is answering.90% of emergency calls in the County: The only thing keeping the private firms in business are the Social Services contracts. PERSONNEL POI,ICY CHANGES - Changes in the County Personnel Manual as suggested by Mr. Grubbs in his memo of April 2'7, 1972 to Nir. Bowden were presented to the Board by Mr. Grubbs. After discussion, it was consensus of Board as follows: Items 1 and 2 approved as written. Item 3 modified by inserting "with concurrence of Department Head" MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 14, 1972 ~CaNTINUED) 163 PERSONNEL POLICY CHANGES (CONTINUED) - Item 4 approved with modification by inserting "subject to approval of Department Head". Item 5 approved. Items 6, '7, 8, and 9 not approved. Items 10 and 11 approved as written. Item 12 approved. (approved earlier in the meeting) Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, changes in Items of Personnel Plan be approved as modified with exception of Items 6, '7, 8, and 9 which were not approved and which may be reviewed at a later date. Motion carried unanimously. Items approved are as follows: "1. Article II. Section 3. _Changing the responsibility of maintaining the classification plan from the County Administrator to the Personnel 0££icer. "2. Article III. Section 2. Changing the responsibility of keeping the salary plan up-to-date £rom the County Administrator to the Personnel 0£ficer. "3. Article IV. Section 2. Authorizing the Personnel Officer with concurrence o£ Department Head to make the personnel selections £or all positions subject to the New Hanover County Personnel Plan. "4. Article V. Section 4. Changing the vacation policy from ten days of vacation per year on a non- cumulative basis to the following vacation schedule: Years of Emplosment 1 through 5 years 6 through 15 years 16 years and over This vacation leave shall be cumulative, limit of that amount which could be accr subject to approval of Department Head. Accrual Rate 1 day monthly lYw days monthly lfz days monthly allowing a maacimum accumulation ued within a two year period, "5. Article V. Section 4. Subsection 5. Elnployees will be paid for any amount of accrued vacation upon separation. "10. Article V. Section 12. Compulsory retirement. In the future, it will require the recommendation of the individual's immediate supervisor in order for him to receive an _extension in service. "11. Article VII. Section 1. Minority groups. Inclusion of a nondiscrimination policy of New Hanover County in the personnel plan. "12. Administrative Policy for Salary Plan. A rewording was done on the policy for automatic increments and merit in- crements. The following policy should be clarified: (1) When an employee is hired at the minimum level (Step 1) of his par- ticular job grade, he will receive automatically each year on his anniversary date an increment increase of one step until he reaches the midpoint (Step 3). Employees who are promoted from a lower classification to a higher classification and/or receives a rate increase will have their increment anniversary date changed to the effective date of the promotion and/or rate increase. (2) After an employee reaches the midpoint (Step 3), he will be considered in the competitive merit area. He will compete with other employees in his department for merit increases. The department head will review each employee's per£ormance and will recommend a merit increase for the em- ployees he feels are most deserving. The merit increases will also be given on the employee's anniverSary date." Mr. Harriss stated County is being criticized for removing Civil Service Commission, especially by blacks. Mr. tililliams stated more blacks have been hired since the Civil 6ervice Commission was abolished, and it is the policy of the County to hire qualified persons. Meeting recessed until 7:00 P.M. Meeting reconvened at ~:30 P.M. with the followin~ present: Vice-Chairman Berry A. 4lilliams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. Oxenfeld; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Vice-Chairman Williams presided in the absence of the Chairman. i~~~ MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 14, 197~ (CONTINUED) VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTP9ENTS - Mr. M. A. Abernatt~y was present £or budget discussion. Mr. Abernatl~y stated they are requesting 15% increase Or 40% of their total budget of $108,000 amounting to $4'7,400. Mr. Williams pointed out necessity for the County Auditor to be furnished statements before he issues check to the Fire Departments. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, last year's appropriation be increased 15% bringing appropriation to $4'7,400 this year. Motion carried unanimously. OGDEN RESCUE S~UAD - Mr. Hall stated in years past he was opposed to Ogden Rescue Squad using County appropriation for ambulance service but he withdraws this opposition. Representative from Ogden Rescue Squad stated no County funds are used in their ambulance service. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. OxenYeld, that the budget request for ~5,133 which re- flects a 5% increase be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Williams stated it re- mains the policy of the Board no funds appropriated by the County are to be used to provide ambulance service. SALARIES OF PERSONS NOT COVERED BY PERSONNEZ PLAN - Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out there are a number of elected and appointed officials not classified by County or State Personnel or Merit type plans and he felt these salaries should be kept in line with those approved. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. 4Jilliams, that a 5% increase be granted to the Auditor, Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, County Mana~er, Tax Administrator, Coroner, Tax Attorney, ancT Civil Defense Director. Motion carried unanimously. OTHEE? ERPENDITURES (PAGE 12 OF BUDGET ESTIMATE) - Page 12 approved with follovaing changes: 11.518 Erosion Control Berms and/or Easements - Increased $10,000 over last year due to necessity of obtaining easements on rives. 11.528 PropertY Tax Foreclosures - Increased from $5,000 to $35,000 for purchase of County property that will be foreclosed in July. This will be resold. This will be a wash out item. Mr. G~~illiams stated this should be shown as estimated income. 11.535 Wilmin~ton Port WaterN~av Development Commission - $1500 reduced t,o $1200. 11.540 Trash Disposal Contract - Deleted - City I,and£ill closed. 11.554 Lower Cape Fear 47ater and Sewer Authorit.y - Deleted since they have been funded. 11.557 Capital Outlav - Do~ Pound - Deleted. 11.~67 Bi-Centennial Committee - $200 added for this item. CAPITAL RESERVE - IACAL GOVERNMENT BUILDING - $10,000 added for purpose of study. SAI,ES TAX - No change in request. SUPERIOR COURT - No change in requests. USO CLUB - • Mr. Bowden requested to investigate location of the USO Club and whether or not it is still in operation. COMMISSIONERS AND STAFF Mr. Bowden recommended increasi:ng Commissioners' salaries due to number of ineetin~s attended and number of other boards they serve on; Chairman to $4200 and other members to $3,000. Mr. Bowden recommended the Chairman be given travel allowance of $']5 per month and each Commissioner $50 per month. . Mr. Hall expressed feeling travel might be all right but did not know about increase in salary. By common consent travel £or the Commissioners, as outlined by Mr. Bowden, o~as approved. JOINT BUDGET SESSION - CITY-COUNTY - By common consent it was agreed to hold joint budget discussion meeting with City Council on June 23rd, if possible. - RECESS - Budget discussion was recessed until after regular meeting on June 19, 1972. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs