1972-06-19 Budget Meeting16~ MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 19, 19']2 - 12:50 P.M. ASSEMBLY - Budget Discussion Meeting was reconvened on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Hlilliams, Commissioners John R. Oxenfeld, J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Manager.I,aurence 0. Bowden; Administrative Officer Raymond Grubbs; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Soard. AGRICULTURE & ECONOMICS BUDGET - Mr. llur~~ood Baggett, Agriculture Extension Chairman, was present for discussion of this budget. 12.403 Fuel & Liahts - Mr. Baggett advised the Board this item included heat and air conditioning and it might be necessary to provide more BTU next winter in order to provide suf£icient heat. 12.411 Salaries - Salaries were discussed, particularly salary of Mrs..Pope. Mr. Harriss pointed out Mrs. Pope had been recommended for a larger percentage (nearly 20%) increase than aryy of the other employees. Some of the others were increased 15% and others 10%. Mr. Williams was of the opinion these employees should be treated the same as all other County employees which would be 4.`]5% increase plus an,y special consideration by the Department Head and the County ranager, if they are above what would normally be the mid-point. Mr. Bowden stated he had discussed with Mr. Baggett the possibility of putting these employees on the equivalent of the Personnel Plan for the County and have these job descrip- tions evaluated and salaries determined accordingly. The average raise this year £or County employees amounts to 4.']5, plus one increment which amounts to approximately 5%, making total 9•75~ increase. Mr. Marks suggested employees of the Agriculture & Economics be increased to the 9•75% figured on County portion of their salaries. Mr. Baggett requested this be allowed in the overall budget and permit him and Mr. Bowden to work it out according to the individual. By common consent, it was agreed the 9.'75% increase will be given each employee who is entitled to it based on County share. Whether a person has reached mid-point will be taken into consideration. Those reaching mid-point, only 60% of the employees will receive raise based on recommendation of Department Head. At this point it was clarified that the 9.~5% would be figured on present salary of all County employees; 4.~5 to be given July 1, 1972 and increment of 5% on date of their anniversary. Other items were approved as requested with adjustments to be made in Social Security and Retirement which will be based on amount of salaries. Meeting recessed at 1:15 P.M. for lunch. Meeting reconvened at 2:10 P.N. TAX ASSESSING, LISTING AND COLLECTION BUDGETS - Mr. Zarry Powell, Tax Administrator, was present for discussion of this budget. 11.785 Public Audit - $'7500 was budgeted rather than $8500 requested by the department and recommended by the Auditor. 11.786 Auto Allowance - $3,000 was budgeted rather than $4,000 requested by the department and recommended by the Auditor. This covers t~ collectors in the County. 11.790 Of£ice Supplies and Expense - $14,000 was budgeted rather than $16,000 requested by department and recommended by the A_uditor. 11.792 Travel - $2500 budgeted rather than $3,000 requested by the department and recommended by the Auditor. 11.7~5 Data Processin~ 19~1-72 - $4,000 budgeted rather than $8,000 requested by the department and recommended by the Auditor. Data Processing will be requested to sign contract for six months in order to have it budgeted from one fiscal year to another. 11.793 Salaries - $160,252 budgeted as recommended by the Auditor instead of ~161,690 requested by the department. 11.807 Boat Re~istration - $100 was budgeted which had not been requested. Mr. Harriss felt this was a necessary item. 11.796 Capital Outla~ - Approved but requested investigation be made on cost of scale. 11.822 Wells Far~o Service - By common consent it was agreed to investigate and determine if it would be more economical for the County to consolidate this service with service they render the Social Services Department. Mr. Harriss felt both services should be included in one contract. SALAR2ES - Mr. Williams moved 4.'75%, the Attorney for one. Mr. Harriss voted not because he objected on a fee basis and shou seconded by Mr. Hall, that in addition to the general increase of the Tax Office be given an additional 5%. Motion carried four to "No" and reguested the record show that his vote against motion was to the increase per se but only because he felt the Tax Attorney is Ld not be covered by the County's salary plan. MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - NNE 19, 1972 (CONTINUED) HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET - Dr. J. C. Knox was present for discussion o£ this budget. 16.401 Attendance Board o£ Health - It was pointed out increase was granted for board members at mid-year. The ex officio members are not paid. Amount budgeted this year amounts to $1440. Last year $600 was budgeted. 16.404 Biolo~ical - $500 was budgeted instead of $1,000 requested by the Department and recommended by the Auditor. 16.405 Contin~ent - Request eliminated since there is a General Contingency Fund in the overall County Bud~et. 16.406 Epuipment - $2,000 budgeted instead of $3,000 as requested by department and recommended by the Auditor. Most of this fund will be spent for dictatin$ equipment for nurses, which Dr. Knox anticipated would enable the nurses to spend more time in theefield. 16.413 Minor Maintenance - $1200 budgeted instead o£ $1500 as requested and recommended by the Auditor. 16.419 TB and X-Ras Clinic - $5,000 budgeted instead of $6,000 requested and approved by Gounty Auditor. 16.422 VD Clinic - Dr. Knox stated $3,000 requested because he plans an intensified effort this 9ear. At present clinic operates only one day per week because Dr. Knox has been the only physician in the Department. Dr. Knox.stated there ~aill be Federal funds for this purpose also, but it will be area wide, including Brunswick, Pender, and New Hanover Counties. Salaries - • Dr. Knox was advised overall increases were ~ranted in amount of 4.'75% and one step increment upon recommendation of Department Head to all County employees. . Dr. Knox stated employees were raised only 4.'75% as reflected by his budget. Dr. Knox stated Congress has passed a bill which has been signed for the next biennium of 250 million dollars, and North Carolina will get some o£ this. It is for providing £ood and nutrition for the elderly which will give them one hot meal per day, five d~ys a week. Dr. Knox requested position of nutritionist be reinstated in the budget because his depart- ment will be involved in this program. Salary will be $8592 (Grade 65, Step 1). This was added to the budget. Mr. Bowden advised Dr. gnox the County maintains the same status as last year; Directors and Professionals;.~ on Standard Basis and the Clerical and Sub-Professionals on Minus 1. Health Administrator - Mr. Harriss stated $9,000 vias"budgeted last year for•an Administrator. This was not intended to include the vrhole year's salary but simply to set aside that much money to pay someone for the balance of the year a%ter obtaining someone. Mr. Harriss noted this item was not included in the budget this year although it is the recommendation of the Health Board and as far as he knew had not been rescinded. Nir. Harriss stated reason for this position is to have someone trained who can fill Dr. Knox's place when he is no lon$er available. Mr. Harriss stated this is no reflection on Dr. Knox at all, it is simply to provide Yor an orderly transition when Dr. Knox retires. Mr. Harriss stated the range for position of Health Administrator I(Grade ~2) is $11,340 -$14,412 under present plan. $10,000 was added to present budget for'this position. Draina~e Pro~ram - , 14.443 Repairs and Part's - $8500 was budgeted instead of $10,000 as requested and recommended by the Auditor due to old piece of eguipment being replaced with new which will require less maintenance. Mr. Bowden stated the garage mechanic advises old dragline should be sold immediately. 16.44~ Material & General Supplies - 3b2,500 was budgeted instead of amount reguested by department and recommended by Auditor. 16.448 Labor - $~,500 was budgeted instead of $8,500 r.equested by department and $3,000 recommended by the .Auditor. Dr. Knox stated reason for request of $8,500 was that this is part of $10,000 County put in the budget to replace prison labor. Insect & Rodent Control - Mr. Hall raised question that Mr. Rogers, member of Taxpayers Association, had raised wk~y $4,500 was budgeted for insecticide materials and the County pays termite people to do the job. Dr. Knox stated this is different material; the.Health Department gives out material for rat control and the other material is for mosquito control, not pest or termite control. 16.487 Trucks Maintenance - $2,500 budgeted instead of $3,500 requested by department and recommended by the Auditor. Percolation Tests - Dr. Knox stated this is carrying itself, and the reguested amount was budgeted. 16.502 Gas & Oil - ' $500 was budgeted instead of $~50 requested by the department and recommended by Lhe Auditor. ' MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION P'iEET2NG - JUNE 19, 1972 ~CONTINUED) HEAIfPH DEPARTMENT BUDGET (CONTINUED.) - 16.503 Repairs & Maintenance - $300 budgeted instead of $500 requested by department and recommended by Auditor. I,andfill Bud~et - ~Line items were eliminated - Total budget reduced to one-half ($41,674). Action based on fact land£ills will be under contract within six months. Medicare & Medicaid - Salaries reguested will be lower this year due to positions being transferred to Regular Budget. Budget reouests accepted as requested by department and recommended by the Auditor with exception of adjustments in Social Security and Retirement. Tuberculosis Control - Budget requests accepted as requested by department and recommended by the Auditor. Dr. Knox pointed out salary of this person is paid by the State so there is nothing County can do about amount o£ increase. School Dentistr,y - Mr. Harriss pointed out reason for a dental assistant is that Dentist stated he could see a greater number of people if he could have someone to do the clerical work. Budget accepted as recommended by department and recommended by the Auditor. MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET - Mr. John Wilson was present for discussion of this Budget. 18.402 Dru~s - Item was removed from the budget since dispensing of them at the Clinic has been dis- continued. This was based on Mr. Mark's recommendation. 14.404 Le~al Audit, Bond & Insurance - , $2,000 was budgeted instead of $3,500 requested by the department and ~3,000 recommended by the Auditor. 18.409 Supplies & Materials - $1,000 budgeted instead of $2,000 requested by department and recommended by department. 18.411 Travel - $3,500 budgeted instead of $4,500 as recommended by department and recommended by Auditor. 18.416 Salaries - Mr. Marks advised the Board Dr. Angelina Knox's resignation becomes effective July 8th. Programs will have to be rearranged. substantially. Persons will have to be referred to professional psychiatrists. A fee will have to be negotiated per call. Mr. Marks stated a substantial number of these persons should be able to pay for this themselves. Mr. Marks suggested one-half budgeted for position of a psychiatrist would be in order and suggested a contingency be put in for a psychiatrist on call. $15,000 was budgeted for full time psychiatrist. $15,000 was budgeted for professional fees. 18.147 Equipment - Reduced drastically due to elimination of position of Alcoholic Coordinator;$280 budgeted instead of $6,'721 reguested. This was done at:.Mr:..~Wilson's suggestion. 18.425 Consultants and Communits Pro~rams - Mr. Marks suggested elimination of triis saying fund had been used £or the past three years for conferences with guidance counsellors in the high schools. Several have lePt high school and gone to work £or psychiatrists. Mr. Marks stated he had learned the guidance, counsellors have the same gualifications academically, and £rom the training they have gotten from Dr. Vernon, they can intelligently determine those cases of children that need to be referred to a professional psychiatrist and they can so be referred. This item was deleted from the budget. 18.412 Dru~ Abuse Fees - This was increased over last year due to fact funds were received from the State, therefore, it is necessary to budget it. Actually, County does not spend a~ything. T.he Drug Abuse Committee turns this over to County in order that it (The Drug Abuse Committee) can receive matching funds. $3,962, according to the Auditor o~ill have to be budgeted, but this will be a washout item. Comprehensive Mental Health Center - Mr. Marks stated the department is in the process of preparin~ an application for a grant for the Mental Health Center. Mr. Marks stated he did not know wt~y the request of $50,000 had been reduced to $30,000. Mr. Marks stated he had voted on the Health Board for $50,000. Mr. 8hepard stated Mr. Marks had approved it in his office with Mr. Oxenfeld and asked him (Mr. Shepard) to cut it to 9b30,000. This is subject to 85% matching funds unless money gives out. Mr. Narks estimated facility will cost about one-half million dollars. $30,000 was budgeted instead of $50,000 requested by the department. CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BUDGET - Mr. Mci,eod, President, and members of his staff were present for this budget discussion. 607 Re~airs - Buildin~ - Budget request was amended due to needed repairs on the pier. ~5,50o taas budgeted for this item. 611 Replacement Motor Uehicles - Increase over last year due to need for additional vehicles. MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETIATG - NNE 19, 1972 (CONTITNED) CAPE FEAR TECHINICAL INSTITUTE BUDGET (CONTINUED) - 705 Insurance Other - Increase over last year due to premium increase and additional insurance on Alton Lennon Lab. 805 Health Services - Local employees did not elect to participate in the Health Services; therefore, Board was requested to reduce previous request from $50 to $150. $150 was budgeted for this item. 1001 Salaries - Janitors and Maids - Increased salaries 5.5% plus salary for maintenance man and one additional custodian for the Alton Lennon I,ab. Mr. McLeod was advised by Mr. Harriss that Mr. Bowden and Mr. Grubbs will work with him to try to establish job descriptions and get a comparable personnel plan. Mr. McLeod stated they have job descriptions. Dred~in~ and Bar~e Renovation - Mr. McLeod stated this is a new request. The estimate for this work will cost an additional $35,000. This was budgeted. Parkin~ - $10,000 was budgeted for paving new parking area as requested. Mr. McLeod advised the Boar.d that Cape Fear Tech, out of the ten lar~est institutions under the Department o£ Community Colleges according to initial full-time equivalent student allotment for 19'72-73 State Budget Purposes, ranges fourth largest in'.the State and insofar as budgets are concerned ranks tenth. Mr. McZeod also pointed out the local budget for 19~1-72 represented 4.3% of total budget - State was $1,630,216, County $~2,852, Total $1,'703,068. For 1972-73 local budget will be 4.5% of the total budget - State $1,954,815, County ~92,294, Total $2,04'],109. Mr. McLeod stated accrediting agencies recommend local percentage 12%. Mr. McLeod also pointed out in addition they receive about $500,000 in Federal Grants each year. Mr. Shepard stated County cannot by law exceed 2'~o valuation. Mr. Shepard stated to put the $35,000 in the budget he would have to recommend using $35,000 from Sales Tax Income. Member of Mr. McI,eod's staff pointed out new law was passed in last I,egislature makin~ it possible for the County Commissioners to increase ta~s levy without having to go to the State for permission. This $35,000 will be approved subject to clearing with the County Attorney. SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET - Miss Hall, Social Services Director, and Messrs. hjalton and Moore were present for this discussion. 13.401 Aid To The Blind - Countv Portion - Decreased this year. 13.402 AFDC - Countv Portion - Increased by $26,888 this year explained b9 Miss Hal]. as being due to inflation, more desertions and case loads being too high. Recommended case load for this category is 60 cases per worker and her department aver•ages•125. When the County took it over about 6 or 8 years ago, they were able to hold case load down until the eligibility requirements were broadened which is done in Washington. Last y.ear 2,200 persons were on rolls and now almost 2,'700 are on the rolls. Also, two years ago by law the County went on simplified method. which means Social Services not allowed to investigate everytning. As of Jul3r l, the law will change back where ever9thing can be checked. Miss Hall pointed out request covers 100% o£ needs for this category whereas now they are meeting only 85%. Miss Hall stated she never can know when TrJelfare Rights might take the County to court and County be required to meet 100% of needs in adult categories. It was pointed out minimum is figured on what a person can exist on and 85% of this is given them. 13.411 - Boardin~ Home for Children - Countv Portion - Miss Hall stated 50% of neglect and abuse to children has come from residents living in the County less than six months. 13.416 - Vocational Rehabilitation - Counts Portion - Miss Hall stated '75 persons have been taken off of roll by this item. 13.418 Public Assistance - Medical Indi~ent - $30,000 was budgeted instead of $40,000 as requested. 13.419 Medical Indi~ent - Out Patient - $3,000 budgeted instead o£ $8,000 as requested. Medicaid Pasments - Miss Hall stated on July lst her department will be paying Mental Health for Medicaid patients. They are paying Health Department now. 19.403 Of£ice Equinment - Miss Hall stated this is not realistic~figure. If additional case workers are approved as requested, they will have to share desks. 169 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 19, 1972 (CONTINUED) SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET (CONTINUED) 19.405 Board rember - Mr. Williams stated he knew Board Members are not serving for the money they are re- ceivin~ but wondered if the Commissioners should not consider increasing what they are now getting. After discussion, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, Chairman of the Social Services Board be paid $35 and the other members be paid ~25 per meeting. Motion carried unanimously. $2400 was budgeted for this item. 19.40? Addressograph - Miss Hall stated as of August 1, 19~2 the department has to give the people an opportunity to get stamps by mail. Mr. Marks stated this will save a lot of congestion. Persons re- ceiving checks from Social Services must agree payment for stamps be taken out of their checks. 19.409 Salaries - Miss Hall asked what plan the Board had adopted. Nr. Harriss advised her 4.~5% general ` increase plus one step up to the mid-point. After employees have reached mid-point 60% are eligible for increases. Renovation 4th Floor - $50,000 budgeted £or renovation of 4th floor. 19.416 Food Stamp Protection - Miss Hall was advised investigation will be made as to whether or not a contract can be worked out with Wells Fargo to cut cost since they do handle money for the Tax Depart- ment as titell as Social Services. Salaries - Mr. Shepard stated salaries in Miss Hall's Department will have to be gone over and re- worked. Mr. Oxenfeld questioned Miss Hall as to sta£f; she advised there are.two vacancies. Miss Hall stated next year Social Services will be required to add more staff due to Federal Staffing pattern. Protective Services (neglect and abuse) Case I~oad will have to be 30; they are 45 now. In AFDC case load will be 60; they are 125 now. In adult categories case load will be 90; Miss Hall has one k~orker now with 325. Miss Hall stated this is mandate by July, 1973 in order to get Federal money. Mr. Marks advised Niss Hall the Board of Commissioners have ap roved general increase of 4.~5% plus one increment (upon recommendation of Department Head~ for all County em- ployees up to the mid-point after which 60% of employees can be recommended for increases. Miss Hall's salaries are not worked on this basis. RECESS - Budget Meeting was recessed at this time. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 22, 19~2 - ~:30 P.M. ASSEMBZY - Budget Discussion Meeting was reconvened on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Manager Laurence 0. Bowden; Administrative Officer Raymond Grubbs; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Mr. Williams presided in the absence of the Chairman and called the meeting to order asking Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. REGISTER.OF DEEDS BUDGET - Mrs. I,ois LeRay, Register of Deeds, was present for the discussion. 11.682 Binders and Record Books - Item increased greatly this year. Mrs. LeRay explained it had been a number of years since the department had new index binders; not since 1954; then data processing loaned them binders until such time as they were to have a print-out. Therefore, this is.a•necessa'ry~item in this budget. 11.685 Arcata Service - Increased by $1,000 this year due to increase in instruments. Mrs. LeRay stated she is exploring a new recording system by using a Xerox ']000 whereby the office can record their own without having to send them o£f. It will give instant service and they can film from Xerox copies. She thinks it will work within this budget and give better control o£ their operation. She is hopeful b~ next year to develop their own film thereby having all the money used in the department rather than sending it to Winston-Salem. 11.688 OfPice Supplies and Expense - $3193 budgeted instead of $3'793 as requested by department and Auditor. This $600 had been budgeted for Janitorial Service which was deleted. rrs. LeRay stated each clerk is assigned housekeeping week.