JULY 5 2017 BUILDING APPLICATIONffi APPLICII{T ' S DEVEL(PER; ,,*" firy!4 t (oo*t/C",v/) ilEW HANOVER C(x,ilTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIfiI TypT; RESIDENTIAL APPLTCATIC{ MSer (Offlcc t..) PLfA5E AXStrR ALL QUESTIOE APPLICAALE TO YOT'R PiO]ECT "Project ResponsibtlitlP ?ot+-.- (!1 lfi-,r *Ed,F DATE : PBoflE *: PRO]ECT AI'TXESS: SUBOIVISIO'I: PR@ERTY tr{ER'S ff{En,s AooREss: EITAIL AIDRESS: PRO]ECT C$ITACT PERSOI:*eddo,t BLOCK f:LOT #:'-Joa? t*80CITY: LICENSE #: CITY: 'rCO st:[(ue: &l/]*: ?/O Zbl-BZ? r*)t, P}OIE PI(T{E f: Exrsrrrre cq{srnucrro : fl alrrnarron f] ReruArro-n I oilrnal neruns fl RELocATToN ET COISTRT'CTICT, /CNTCT EI RESIDETGE Or I ADOrrrOr TO EXISTIiT RESIDEIICE ..PLEASJ C ECI AX) AXSXER BELfl ALL TI{AT Apply TO yoln GG ^**, 41Ll s, I oer canaer PRO]ECT: -sF ffin <G?', ! sronaee sxeo OTHER: f]sur.rnocn _sF! cnrrt,tuarsr _ sr E poor fl orcr SF SF SF_ 5F rorAL HEATED tq rr, 2ollY, ]grg_ra Fr trrDER *r, 3781_ rorAL AREA 'a r-r, ?7&) ToTAL pRolEcT cosTlr-escr-ay , t Llb), Otb * oF sTffirEs: 2_ rs Any ElEcrRr€AL, prursrre or Bctuuarca! ri"r eeing Done to the Accessory structurc? ffv., ffrf the proJect ts a Relocation, is there a l{atural Gas lltr€'on the cument slte? [ ves Effi-Is there Electrlcat power on thls Bullding) EIv", El-no pReEnry usE / occlrpar{cy , fftrete rarulv I urnlrx DESCRIPTId{ OF HORX: DE|CLALER r hei.by c.riry t'at sr hbnnatoh rn hb eprcalon b co''Ecr d d work w coflDry wrfi h6 staE Brldt,g ciodca$o.dh ce3 'td l!gd6ton6. Th€ t{HC conlacDr hbm6lofl. .nl{OTE: Any OS{ER/CO{TRACTOR: IS THE PNOPERTY LOCATED II{ A EXISTIIIG IIIPERVICI,S AREA: iIEhI IIIIPqBVId'S AREA: r+ ** *,|*,rt:|,r +*++ **** * ** ** * * Jiltl Scrvlc$ Canbr wia b€ mtftd of '|y drru63 h I,!€ +prDrld Dhn3 wll b. h VbLttrl ot thc NC Sbb SIG ATURE: SQ FT SQ FT (FOi OFFICE USE qtLY) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: r€) _.-- ' Zr-./-+ * * + * * * a *9b{* ** *,r'r,t *,}*+ + * ai.,*t ***Itr*** trr**,r)r :t,tr* :*rtra,r uw flves EIro REVISEO OATE 0al11/12 - B:_ BFE+2ft- ,Or* O.*r, DTSTURBED: fr627 S; Exrsr LA, DrsruRBrG r.oiffl ,r[ aa- rortER: Ugfra f] ccmururfv svsren fl pRrvArE I{ELL ! crlrnal rrer_l .*. SEPARATE ETWS rydECO FOR ELECT, rtECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFAAS & '*"I' -"'' pamE r irErrorr: fJclsn D6:c (pAvsLE ro rr1 [urnr.^*.il.ir tr-** - g Drsc(mR*rt*,t'|'it,l:l**'t:*t++**tl****!*,t+:t***ttaaat+t*:t,at+a+***t+*ta.*t,t+r,i*++*t**:t*t*tt+t*a+,l,r,*+,a,l*+,1r.** zor'rE :OF FICE R: Approval :_ City:_ DATE:FLOOD: ADDSESS: Cq{TRACTOR: ZTP: ,*\ fffiir NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATIO N TY PE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,JECT "Proiect ResponslbiliV' eot+aqz!?ear#z ApDllcatlon Number (offlce use) Oate: June 14, 2017AppLtcANT,s NAME: Blanton Construction Services, lnc. pRoJEcT ADDREsS: 4614 Terry Lane g;1y; Wilmington 71p 28405 SUBDtVtStON: Spring View Estates IOT f; 4 pRopERTy owNER,s rueur: Reilly, Robert F. & Susan B.pxotr r: 910.796.9613 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 4614 Terry Lane Ctw: Wilmington 71p. 28405 coNTRACToR: Blanton Construction Services, Inc.BLDG LICENSE #:72937 aDDRESS: P. O. Box 4008 Ctw: Wilmington sr; NC ztp: 28406-10(U EMATTADDRESS; dgpendergraph@yahoo.com pxort: 910.465.0438 pRoJECT CONTACT PERSON: Danell Pendergraph pxotr: 910.228.0159 ,/ EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: M Alteration I Renovation J General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation fl Att Garage (sF)_E Det Garage (sF)_tr Porch (SF) E Sunroom (SF)D storage Shed (sF) n Greenhouse (sF)d otner lsrl Conc. Pad 81 sft ls the proposed work changing the existinS footprint? n Ve, N/tlo TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed wor*) Heated: 60 sq ft Unheated; TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $23,000.00 / ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes / rrro I ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ry Yes E No lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natury' Gas Line on the current site? E ves d lo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? dves E tto / Property Use/ Occup"n"yr d Slntle Famlty E Duplex E Townhouse Descriptlon of Work Enlaroe two existinq inlerior door openinqs to 36', modify existing M Bath vanitv for wheelchair accessibiliW add 81 sf conc. pad, install wheel chair lift al rear stoop, add H/C ramp at garage door, add electrical outlet for wheelchair lift n Pool (SF) tr Deck (sF) anformatlon. +**NOTE: Any work perfonned wlthout the appropriate permits willbe ln vlolation ofthe NC State Bldg Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quoliliet" slgnature: ls the propeny located in a floodplain? fl Yes E No Exirting lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbedi Exislint Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: YCFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua sEwER:)& CFPUA tr Community System E Private septic El centralseptic E Aqua setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= Pint Nome $+ro- Comment:Permit Fee: S lott bqSz APPLICANT,S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT lO N TY PE : RESIDENTIAL PI IASE ANSWER AI-t QUESTIONS APPLICABI.E TO YOI.JR PRO]TCI "Project Responsibility" Appli ratron Nir,li)r)r {olt,r l rr',i,) I,,,r,1 - ---a;,j-- ZlPl Date P Ror E cr AD D R Ess : -l 11: l.'.-1;;1 dtr I SUBDIVISION: CITY: LOT #: n I (L l,r,., pR6JECTCONTACTpERSON: --r"'.--'r-l ' ' ',.. __ __-__pHoNE, ,' ' 1 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration . Renovation . ' General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence--* Addition to Existin8 Residence I Relocation f*TPLEASE CHECK AND AUSWER BELOW ALI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTTT+ E Det Garage (SF) _ , r,1\.E Pool (SF) ' _I Storage Shed (SF) I Deck (SF)Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I Yes -: No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl Heated:f !, TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $ l: the proposed work changing the number of oedrooms? E yes E trto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structirre I yes f] ruo lf the project isa Relocation, is there a Nat.ural Gas Lineon the current sitei [] Yes E No ls there tlectrical Power on this Building? E Yes fl ruo Property Use/ Occupancy: E.Single Family f Duplex I Townhouse Description of Work: laws and ordinances arrd reguiations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notiriecl of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change tn contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed wrthout the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Stale-8ldg/Code 0ild'5ubiecl to ,ines up to 5500.00r*' Att Garage (SF) __ Sunroom (SF) _ Greenhouse (SF) _ -- trorch (5F) Unheated: JT ). Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier"Print Nome ls the property iocated in a floodplain? n yes l Existin8 lmpervious Area: __ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: - _,__-- Sq Ft WATER: & crPun I Community System I SEWER: Q Cf eua f Community Systerr I Zone: Officer:Setbacks (F) Signature: Ewo Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Ves E t'to Private Well i-l Central Well I Aqua Private Septic Il Central Septic I Aqua .- (LHl_ {RH} {B)_ Approval: City: -_ _ Date: _ Flood: (A) (V) _-__ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S +S- J-, APPLICANT,S NAMT: PRO'ECT ADDRCSS: \,, lzl):,p L r Ast ^ ffi ff lffi ,llli,,1,1i,".,', ; ffi pR ort c I ry,ff,#,'"Proiect Responsibility" i"ffi 24t,1lt,l t? t t:2lftt{ PHoNr o Lt L- +23 -o7L? ClTl: Lr'l L-* ZP ??f BLDG tlctNst fi- .- tzr./ I r-+ sr.t-r{zteZ-fu1- PHONT toT # SUBDIVISION: LllPROPTRTY OWNER,S NAIOE:I OWNER'S ADDRTSS: CONTRACTOR ADDRTSS: TMAII, ADDRTSS: PROJICT CONTACT PERSON TXISTING CONSTRUCTION: NEW CONSTRUCTION D D att Garage (Sr)- f) Sunroom (5F) D Greenhouse (St) - , -\ ,, \' ' (,(,( PH.NE D Alteralion D Renovation D General Repairs trecl New Residence p oor,,,on to txistin8 Residence f n"to."rion ''lPLEAST CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW At[ THAT APPIY TO YOUR PBOJECTTT' fl Det Garage (Sr)- D Pool(St) D Deck (sr) D Porch (Srl.-- D Storage Shed (5f) D ottrer (sr) ls the proposed work changing the existing lootRrint?fl Yes E No roTAt sq p1 SNDER RooF {/or proposedwork) Heated' I JtQ unheated: O TorAt PRorEcT GosT (Less rol, S 4 @ ls the prglose{work changing the number ol bedroomrf D v"rXuo ;r;ffi,ffjrir-i,.r or Mechanicat work being done to the lccessory structure {v", CI nro rf tnllroffia Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on rhe current site? D ves Atub ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes F*, 0 Property Use/ Occupancy: Zone:Ollicer amily D DuplexD TSingle oCz,EDescription ol Work: f e 6r,Ui DISCI-AIMIR: I hereby certify that all the inlormalion in this applcetion is correcl and all worl will comply with lhe srale Buildin8 Code and all olh€r applicablt laus and ordinances and ,egutalions. The NHC Developmenl services cenler will be nolitied ol any changes in lhe approved plans and specilication3 ot chanEe incof,ltatlc intormation. '. . NO-It: Any work perlormed wilhoul lhe apptopriat€ permils will be in violalion o{ lh€ro 5500.00"' ,7 "Ltcensed Quolifier" Prinl Nome ls the property located in a {loodplain? D Yes {*" txisting lmpervious Area: _ 5q ft New lmpervious Area: __=-=- Sq tt wATER: d CrPuo D communrty System STWER: dCfPva E Community System Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes D tllo D Pilvale well f) Central well E Aqua E Privale Septrc E Centlal Septic E Aqua {r) - (t H) - (RH) - {B) -City: - Date; - Flood: (A) {V) _- (N) - Bf t+2lt= Ser b acks $tr19- Approval: Comment e Bldg Code and ?bt p{alr o^€'(e Permit f ee: $ _4 )ot1(,q,./ t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaN rYPE: COiIiIERCIAL PLEASE AI{S}IER ALL QUTSTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOIJR PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsibilitYP WL,n rzllrJ 6uO 5att406tL5 Ct). APPLICATION ituiuul,l 1? l:l,iPN (Offlce Use) s1122 'zr/z/ttAPPLICAI{T'S NA}IE: DEVELOPER: L5 5outut j{LJ ,Ta€(T NAr,tE: 9i-. Jttl€s l?t r-oPrL auuEr.! MrrtE 3 9f' JAqe, Efu YoerL ctJ.tBca 'zq ,aqfur t"g ,7nEEi ClfY I Ul / L4 I o{.fc 'J CO TRACTOR: \4A LO{z lt?ttJ Aul AuN0cU) ZO -LrcENsE #: ' t37?z' ADDRESS: Pc tacx tll/t1 crry.- n/tL.1tuuTo\l EitAIL ADDRESS: t, 'Oal{Vit"ch ?, ae, PROIECT COI{TACT PERSON: we! rr4,o \Jt Lok leclt ptONE f: z€l-lbra vltLqtqlio{ ZIP I z.A+o tPRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPAI'IT/BU5II{ESS PROPERTY o[/'INER'S ONNER'S ADDRESS: Pro E #: '|Ot^Itz8 PHONE PHONE sftye ztP. zgacl Sf : Ua Z,:P | ?OloZ s1 2f l-iLgo *z zr l -qLgo (Che(k All lhat 4)ply) Exlsr consrRucTron: I alrERArron [f nercvarror El-s]Enenar- lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ ve" [ ruo nrplrns l--l RELocarroril ts aroc spi xlEneoz I ves pfruo NEhr coNsTRUcTrof{: ! enecr ilEr.r sTRucTURE ! rasr rmcx ! sxer-r- ! urrrr ! aoo ro Exrsl STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shell Permit #:Is Elect PoUer on this Building AYes f] HO Occupancy Type? p* 1Lr'' S13q ilc REc *. 1ZZ4 IF Yes, h,iat ARCH OESIGN ETIGR DESIGiI PROFESSIO AL: PROFESSIOt,lAL: {.**{.. IS THIS A C}IAI{GE ras the Previous Occupancy Type? laLi JrHq5ro4 _,/ oF occlrPAr{cY usEt LIYES L {rs tarat is the eu PH:t{c RE6 #: DESCRIPTION OF WORK:CLo I ttvtl r4EPArR g - EE g-@F efruR.gT.tcLo B&r t.n{(,' bFCtlr ll L.lJf tD G all other apdicable State rz.lsu ctLo \5, r-l4e0EtecrJ SIGNATURE:. Aa^.-Ltr. d,///-"*^_OWNER/CONTRACTOR' z.rcrJ o{t4 g, t lAt-oklec{ (qd lJ) (FlnNrn ) Nd€ll Dqnol o.l .|.dicat(rE E .rrb.sbs tenoyd p.nn[ aoCidqE ro b bo aa,n}Iod r.ldiC iho apdlcador fdrr (DHHS-3788) fl.J itb lsciliv 6 hlldE wa9 fu|d to contaln Albd6 o. n ,t YdJ ar.rqdl€d to cdl tlo tlatqlal Emksiql S.ndrds lbr Hardo! Ar f|oIutrlE (NESIIAP) st (919)7(r,-5S0 at t6t 10 dsys dq to tlo # OF UNITS:u/a # OF STORIES: r,/a #OFFLOORS: qr\ Exsr LAND DrsrunerNe penu[rF"rs ffio SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOTJS AREA:15O pRopERryusE: floFFrcE lnesmuRmrr luencexrrr-r leouc [ner f]coxoo orHEFc\t !t4e(4 WATER: EICFPUA f] COMMUNrY SYSTEM fl WELL IIZON|NG USECT SS|F|CAT|ON: sEwER: EJcFpul I cerurneL seerrc [ fr--vlre sEpflc E-coirMuNlry sysrEM *'SEPAMTE PERMITP REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERIS "' PAYTTENT METHOO: [CrcX flCXeCr pevaslE To NHc) flnuenrcaN o<eness ! ucrusa I orscown (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REV}SED DATE ,Ifl 1N2 zoNe l{D oFFtcER: Prb SETBACKS: F:_-t_LH: * RH: l+ B: * Approval: OK Cityr I Lttil DATEi FLOOD: SO FT X BFE+tr -l-, oh', L^urrr.=F ls food or bc,\rs"ag6 pr€par€d d ssrcd h tis *uctreZ I ves flNo s rrre a,openy Located tn The FtoodCainf f] yes druo DISCIAIMER: I herebt and local laws and ordi or d|anoe in conlraclor Subiecl lo Fines Up To domdltdr of dly lldlty d hrlldlno. 9e As!€d6 lir6b S[e htF:/l{x,w.6d.state.nc.usJopi/asb€slos/ahmp.htmtf TorAL pRoJEcr cosr' tk),ooo BU|LD|NG HETGHT: // TOTALAREASQFT: 160 SQ FT PER FLR:'150 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: -i9U-. #OF STRUCTURES: / ACRESDISTURBED: o NEw IMPERVIoUS AREA O DISCIAIMER: I hereby cenily thal all informaton rn hls aoDlication is correcl ald all rl/ork wllco.ndv wilh lhe State Buildino Code and atl other aodicable State and local laws and ordinances and requlatims. The NHC Oevelooment Services Cenler w l be notfiA ol anv chanoes in th; aooroved olans and ;;ecifications or d|anoe in conlraclor o( cDnlractor informalion. *NOTE: Any Work Perfonned w/O the Appropriale Permils will & in Molat6i of lhel{C State Bldg Code sndsubjedlo Fines Up To $s00.00* ,,-, o t-Ot< rZiJli.io SaU,tO€llj CO Commont Clty lnsoeclion Requreo, 91 0-254-0i3i \Ut..- FHq{s' APPUCAI{T'S NAME: ?roiect ResPonslbllitY' Pocr-- R>y t1qa sgp LLq-Date: !-tt-t1 PROJECTADDRESS:t \ + l*/\&(-rr-r(3N'-€ LA.br€CITY: \j ..!rts="6 *=.ZtP: 3 t3 4o't- SUEDIVI$IONI:[or s: PROPERTY OWIIEHS IIAME: l;tlS8r.re et ivt rerlt.r "StrtTtt PIBI{E *r 9 ts 3} } - OWNE8I'SIOORESS:1\+ ,tn*ef,*:<.:.*.e .a-.< OTY: tr)rr-F.*rr^-rns \oS4?- ZIP: Z9 (OQ cOlrlTRAcToR; Bo-: \3x ttr+, tEo, ur-c EtDGucElsEl' '!3tB {r- ADDRESS:41 9 ta(Lr.s r€ ( L*s CIW: S-Ppu\ SI: $LZIP:BIgA EMAITADDRESS: )e.FF €,, ?o<>t->rB.< a\+€.ieE - *lET PHONE: ar9 -alq],:5Xel29 PRO'6CT CONTACT PERSONI \e.re IVA:J >c-1t<.E p;19pE' 6) to "LLa *<}, {sre9 EXSflaGCOI,ISTRUCTION: pl-ilteration f] Renovation E General Repairs NEW COIISTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence J Addltion to Existing Residence I Relocation rTIPlgA$I CHECX AND AT{SWER EELOW AII THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'T l'1 Det Garase (SF) peool (sr) 19o EL Deck (sFi 3 S c> 's the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? D Yes 8. No ! AttGarage(SF)_....- il $unroom (Sf)_ I Greenhouse (SF]_ TOTAL SQ Ff UNDER ROOF ffor proposed wo*l Heated: TOTAL Pf,oJECf COST (Less Lot): S 3* r oo O Q Other(SF) /* .. ix unheated: *r/ e Qn+^ T,,.tn ! Porch (5F) fl Storage Shed tSF) '** ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes ELNo ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Meclranical work being don€ to the Accessory Structure E( Ves I lo lf &e project is a Relocadon, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes D tlo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? n Yes n t{o Property Use/ Occupancy:y, d Singl" farrlly ! Duplex I Tmrnhouse;Ja=i.,. f.E=ar-.*s. Sr..:tt{rrtr-l-. E-. - a'.>.--1Ler:rr€- PA.v- ?<ZDescription of Work: \*-S Fe... -g OlSCtAlMfi: I hereby certify that a,l the lnformation in this applketion is correct and all work will comply with the State Suitding Code and all other applicable State end local laws and ordinances and retulations. Th€ NHC O€ relopmeol S€rylces Center wlll be notified of any changes in the aprotred plans and specifications or change in contr.ctor information. 1.'NOTE: Any work performed without the apgropriate p€rmits will be in violation of the Nc State Eldg code and subj€ct to fines up to S500.m... o)o ^'r1, n "Licensed Quolifie/'Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplainl 6( Ves I Existlq:lmpeiliousAr€l: Z1'7 b *ft Nev lmperviousArea: 3*) Sq rt WATER: n CFPUA [] Comrnunity System [] []No Total A€rtr Dlsturbed: EristlrU Land Disturblng Permlt: n Yes tf ilo Private Well C Central Well fl Aqua (office use) SE1aIER: n CFPUA n Crel'r*rlqty System n private Septic [] Cenral Septic fl Agua zone, F-4 0 omcer: ti#tf se$acb rrr rl tS rxt il, - tnHt . rtl (Bl \ a ' $15- Itvtl rcr+- GIL{6*4+-+740 APPIICANT'S NAME: PORCH CONVERSION Application Number (office use) Date: 05241 7 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 702 STONES EDGE LOOP ClrY:WILMINGTON ztP:28405 sUBDlVlsloN: STONES EDGE PH 2 tOT S:9 PROPERW owNER's NAME: GREGORY & KIMBERLY GRIGSBY pHoNE #:318-675-9072 owNER'SADDRESS:1702 STONES EDGE LOOP CrTy: WTLMINGTON ZtP:28445 CONTRACTOR:PORCH CONVERSION _ BrDG LtcENSs4.Z6)a7 ADDRESS:6.821 MARKET STREET C|TY: WILMINGToN ST: NC zIP:28405 EMAITADDRESS: porchconversion@gmail.com pHONE: 910_TTT_3263 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Brian Wa|sh PHONE: 910-777-3363 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAT I ON TYPE : RESt DE NTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration f Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: f Erect New Residence g/ RaAition to Existing Residence I Relocation *T.*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}* n Att Garage (5F)E Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (SF) qzcQa{u? ffsjtmoom (SF)182 tr Pool (SF) ! Deck (SF) ? fl Greenhouse (SF) _ E Storage Shed (SF) tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? y'yes D ruo TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work) Heated: 0 Unheated: 182 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S1 1,950 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes {*o ls any Etectricat, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure '{r", D No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? g1 Yes g/wo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? g(V", I No Property Use/ Occupanqr, /Singte Family I Duptex I Townhouse Description of Work: PROPOSEB I€2 SF SeREENFteeM ABDtTtgN laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. rttNOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Sta to fines up to s500.oo*rr Owner/Contractor: Aqent JeremV Martin Signature: "Licensed QuoIifier"Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? [ Yes {*" Existing lmpervious Area: 2915 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 0.001 New lmpervious Area:42 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permitl I Yes D No./ WATER: VgSeUA n CommunitySystem I PrivateWetl t] CentralWeil [] Aqua/ SEWER: M Cf pUn E Community System D private Septic I Centrat Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer:Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) -_ (B) _ :T:::l: citv: - Date: - Frood: (A) {v) - (N)_ BFE+2ft= $t5- Dar*i+ Eaa' C NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICASLE TO YOUR PROJECT,,project Responsibility,, lotl=Loq Vl Application Numbe. {office use) APPI.ICANT'S NAME: Date:053117PRoJEcr ADDRESS: 804 SpyGLASS CouRT %rrdte: sueorvrsroN, sut{ coasr vtrLAh clrY: wILMTNGTON tOT #: 18 ztP:28411 CONTMCTOR: AoDREss: 6821 MARKET STREET BLOG LTCENSE #.76rd7 ctTy: WILMINGTON SI: NC Ztp: 28405 PHoN€: 9 10-777-3363 EXISTING CONSrRUCTTON: n Alteration I Renovation f] General Repairs NEW CO^ISTRUCTION; ! Erect New Residence g(Oddi,ion ,o ,*irting Residence I Relocation **TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTi*I n Att Garage (SF) /5rnroo, (SF) 207 n Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? Myes n ruo TOTAI- SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl Heated:207 _ Unheated:45 "fNTOTAL PRoJECT CoST (Less Lot); S42.432 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I yes /ltlo ls any Electrlcal, plumbing or Mechanicalwork being don",o,h" A.."rrory Structure /yes D Nolf the pro.iect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current.it"i I v", d"t;- " '* lsthere Electrical power on this Building? dyes ! No Property Use/ Occuprn.y, p/Singl" r"mity E Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work E Oet Garage (5F) tr Pool (5F) ! Deck (SF) I Porch (SF) I Storage Shed (SF) /other (sF)45 DISC.AtMER: Ihereby cenify that al the information in this application i, correct and alltaws and ordinances and rerrlaii^^( rfi. tulr. ha -worl r /ilt comply with the State Buildjng Code and allother applicable State and local information. *..N.TE: Any wor* performed without the appropriate perrir, "lii" l" ,"',lo""i lliii'i,T to fines up to SSOO.OO**. owner/contractor: AGENT JEREMy MARTIN signature:"L(ensed Quolijiet' W' ls the property located in a floodplain? n Ve, g/Xs Existing lmpervious Area: 2434 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 0.006 New lmpervious Area:252 5qpg Existing Land Dlsturbing permit: ! yes n No WATER; M/CFPUA E Community System n private We fl Centrat We ! Aqua sEwER: dcFPUA E communitysystem E privateseptic E centratseptic E Aqua $q\ 0-..- Zone: -- Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (rHl _ (RH) _ (B) *-- Approvali _ City; --- Date: .- Ftood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) ..- BFE+2rt= Comment: PRoPERTY owNER,S NaME: DARREN & REBECCA GROVE pHoN€ #: 712-816_5866owNER'sADDREss:804 Spy GLASS CoURT :,,rr,irfu PROJ€CT CONTACT PERSON: e,ai, Ao)1_WLtl Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Shane Smith Date:05i15/2017 PROJECTADDRESS:5126 Long Pointe Rd. CITY: Wilmington ZIP: 28409 SUBDIVISION:LOT #: PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: Bobby & Sandra Crocker PHONE #: 91G23Q-3459 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 5126 Long Pointe Rd. CITY: Wilmington ZIP: 28409 coNTRACToR: Coastal Buildinq eoneepts BLDG LICENSE #:73'151 ADDRESS: 518 Trails End Rd.CITY : Wilmington ST: nc ZIP:-29499- EMAIL ADDRESS: shane@coastalbuildingconcepts.com PHONE: 910-798-2880 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Shane Smilh PHoNE: 91A-264-2075 kes;ueA d'Lv'fl PrintClear Form NEW HANOVER COUNW BUIIDING PERMIT AP P LI CAT, O N TY PE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResPonsibilitY" EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: El Alteration I Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** I Att Garage (SF) _l Sunroom (SF) - n Det Garaee (SF)U I Porch (5F) I Pool (SF) E Deck (SF) ll Storage Shed (5F) I Greenhouse (SF)[] Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ts *o TOTAL Sq FT UNDER RQOF (for proposed workl Heated: 0 Unheated: 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $25840 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes h *t ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Atiessory Structure f, Yes 3 No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? f, Yes 'fi' tto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? b Yes I No Property Use/ Occupancy: I Single Family ! Duplex f, Townhouse Description of Work: Rcmorlel exisiino kitr:hen install oas line for new ranoe laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approve/rplans and information. t*TNOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Sltate eWy{and subiecl owner/Contractor: Shane Smith Signature: --U * 'ra"Gil) ior/s or change in contractor "Licensed Quolifie/'Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? [] Yes .K No Existing lmpervious area, ) ,) 1{ sqst New lmpervious Area: /' Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes D No WATER: fi' CfeUn I Community System {J Private Well I Central Well l] Aqua SEWER: N Cf pUn I Community System f Private Septic l] Central Septic D Aqua Zone: - Officer: Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: CitY: - Date: Totat Acres Disturbed: C' $Ll \0- Comment: Flood: (A) (V) - (N)- BFE+zft= Permit Fee: $ ffi Clear Fonn 3o)1-loqSt Application Number (office use) Date:06/16/17 zrPjlS{Q9._ PHONE f: 91G297-5689 CITY: Wilminoton ZIP: 28409 BLDG IICEHSEfi:78474 CITY: Wilminglon SI: NC ZIP:-?48Q3_ CO|{TACT PERSON : Eudv Dombroski CONSTRUCITON: tr Alteration X Renovation E General Repairs I Erect New Residence B Addition to Existing Residence [] Relocation .T*PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO'ECT*II tr Porch (SF) PHONE: 910620-3263 PHONE; 910S2q3263 n Storage Shed (5F) {otner gil Aoa /,'til sa;T' BEC / ii Y;'a* tf."*t TOTA|. Sq FT UI{DER ROAF lfor proposed workl Heated: 2SS8 Unheated: TOTA|. PBOJECT COST {Less Lot}: 5125.000.00 work changing the number of bedrooms? je Yes I No ls anyiElectrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure S Yes fl No is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes K t{o Electrical Power on this Building?;Q Yes E No Use/ Occupancy: F Single Family I Duplex I Townhouse of Work: I hereby certifo that all the information in this application is corre€t and all work wilf comply with the State Euilding Code and all other applicable State and ,ocal ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specificetions or change in contractor+r'NOTE' Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State to S500.0Orr' Rudv Dombroski Signature: rotar A*es Disturbed: 0.1 X lg ltt NAIJ NewlinperviousArea; 1Q00 Sq Ft Existingl.and DisturbingPennit: n Yes E No tr , ^ - ..L *ord*, fficrrun D communitysystem I privatewelr D centratwelt I Aqua \ *[\-LtpST'5 I SEWEI: F CFPUA ! Community System [] Private Septic [] Centralseptic I Aqua IZone:;_ Officer: Setbacts{F}_(LH}_{nH)_(8}_ IApprd,val: City: - Date: - Flood: (Al - {V} - (N} - BFt+2ft=l- Comnrent: _ 1c $1 , 023- Permit Fee: $ ) ,,,llTl, 't,&,, APPLkAIUT'S NAME: Rudv Dombroski iIEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LiCATION TYP E: RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUEfiONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit/' PROTfCTAODRES$: I SUBUVISION: 6234 Greenville Sound Road LOT #: PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'SADDRESS: NAME: Richard Sniffin 6234 Greenville Sound Road ATD Buildinq Grouo 2206 Acacia Drive Rudv@atdbuildino.com i Is the lnroposed work changing the existing footprint? D yes il No I Quolifier"Print Nome DQ, NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT ION ryPEj RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/ Application Number loffice use) 6-7-17APPUCANT,S NAME: Pulte Homes pRoJEcT ADDREss: 3759 Old Sand Mine Dr ctw:Wilminqton 71p 28412 SUBDtvtstON: Del Webb Riverlighls rct r: 01 119 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: PUITE HOMES pHoN! #: 843-353-51 19 owNER'S ADORESS: 3504 Faringdon Court Cry: Myrtle Beach z'P. 29579 CONTRACTOR: Pulle Homes CtW: Myrtle Beach St: SC PHoNE: 843-353-5119 s1p6 Us5rlss s. 1931 1 71p. 29579ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court EMATL ADDRESS: Tiffany.Bowie@Pulte.com pROJEcT CONTAcT prnsoru: Tiffany Bowie EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration I Renovation I General Repairs ./ NEW CONSTRUCTION: E /Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation pxone: 843-353-5119 htt Garage (sF) 487 317 n sunroom (sF)Pool (sF) Deck (SF) D storage shed (sF) D Greenhouse (5F) _i other (sF) Yes U No 2094 gnhg2lgd;804 TOTAL PROTECT COST (Less Lot): S 137682 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E tto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure El Yes E No lfthe projectisa nebcation, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? E] Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E t{o ./ Property Use/ Occupancy: E/single Family O Duplex E Townhouse oescription of Work: Martin Ray Elev LC'l8 with garage e)dension, bdrm ILO garaqe storaqe, screened porch, master bath #1 tr n ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF lJor proposed r/ork) Heated: laws and odinances and re8ulations. The NHc Development Servic€t Center will be notlfied of any chan8es in the approved plans ard spe.mcations or.hange in contractor information. "+NOTE: Any wo* performed withoutthe appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC to fines up to ss0o.00*. + Owner/Contractor:Tiffany D Bowie Signature: "Liceosed Quoliliel Print Nane / ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes EI lto Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Sq rt TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Existing Land Disturbint Permit: E Yes fl o setbacks (r) _ {tH) _ (RH} _ (B}_$r, Approval: -- Clty: _ Date:_ Flood: (Al _ {V} _ (Nl Comment: WATER: E CFPUA E SEWER: E CFPUA E Zone: Officeri Community System E Private Well D Central Well n Aqua Community System E Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua BFE+2ft= Permit Fee::a#1_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect R€sponsibiliV' )ot+ w5b Appli.ation Number (otfi.e use) Oate: 6-22-17AppICANT,S NAME: Pulte Homes pRoJEcr ADDRESs: 3720 Old Sand Mine Drivo cfw: Wilmington ap. 28412 lOr *: 01 'l 14sUBDtVtstoN: Del Webb Riverlights PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Pulte Homes prOrurs:843-353-5119 OwNER's ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court clTYr Myrtle Beach 71p. 29579 filSTlNG COISTRUCTION: n. Alteration n Renovation I General Repairs./ NEW CONSTRUCTION: !/kect tlew nesidence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation !/r'tt Garase (sF) 528 drunroo^(sF) 148 Det Garage (SF)241 n Pool(SF)n Storage Shed (SF) n Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (SF)n other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF lfot proposed workl Heate* 1572 gn1r"31g6;769 rOTAt PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 107,992 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure D yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E t,to ls there Electrical Power on this 8/ddin8? E Yes D No/ Property Use/ occupancy b/Singte ramily E Duplex E Townhouse Oescriptlon ot Work: Taft Str8et Elev LC1C,4'garaqe extension, sunroom wilh covered porch, walk-up attic storage coNTRAcToR: Pulte Homes g1p6 1166x5g g. 1931'l ADDRESs: 3504 Faringdon Court ctTy. Myrue Bea6h sT: SC pxonr: 843-353-5119 tp. 29579 EMATL ADDRESS: Tiffany.Bowie@Pulte.com pROJECT CONTACT pERsoN: Tiffany Bowie PHONE: 843-353-51 19 laws and ordanances and regulations. The NHc Developm€nt Services Center will b€ notified of any changes in th€ approved plans and specilicatrona or chan8e in contractor information. "'NOTE: Anywork perform€d without the appropriate permit5 willbe in violation ofthe NC Code and lubject up to 9500.00"' owner/contractor Tiffany D Bowie Signature: "Licensed Quolifier' P nt Name ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E Existing lmpervious Ar€a: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbint Permitr E Yes WATER: E CFPUA n Community System n Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: EI CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic a Central Septic fI Aqua ZoIlei officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City; _ Date: Comment: TotalAcr€s Disturbed: ti,ut], Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= ;-$"1,1 l0b NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPUCATTON fY E : RESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE ANSWER A[ QUESTIoNS APPLICASI.T TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolcct R6ponrlbllly Applhation Number (offce use) 6-2t17Date:__:==j_,,.. 28411 APPUCA T,S T'AME: PNOJECT ADDRESS: SUBDNIsION: 4'"h9ry B!4 clrY. YYrIrr Iu rgrur r lgr*: 159 pRopERTy ow{E8,5 x41146, Anchol !g.g+LC _ pHot{E #. 91G'821-8398 ow Ers ADDRES5' !02 ,leff c;nr. Raleigh CO TMCTOR:RH Mccluro Builders of SBl, LLC Anchor Hom$, LLC appXg5gt 302 Street, Suit€ EMAIT ADDRISS: pROJECT COTTACT pgtrgg1. Rotrrt Jordan B(ISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Aheration E Renovation D General Repairs t{EW @ STRUCIIO : El Erect N€w Residence D Additlon to ExistinS Residence n Relocation ...PIEASE CHECX AI{D ANSWER BEI.OW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT"' E ett earage (Sr) 820 I D€t Garage (SF)_E Porch (SF)135 E Sunroom (5F)fl Storage Shed (SF) E other (5D Screen Porch 157 gtoG UGE SE s: 74& 51' NC 21p' 27605 Pt{oNE: glG279-303 pxonr: 91q?ft9103 tr Pool(SF) f] Deck (SF)E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work chanSlng the exlsting footprint? E Yes El No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF (Ior proposed wort) Heated: 3931 unheeteo:-\LIA- TOTAT PROJECT COSr (Less to11; 5 29O'000'00 ls the proposed work changinS the number of bedrooms? E Yes B tto lsanyEbcricel,PlumbtntorMerhanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesElto lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesEtlo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E tto PropGrty Use/ Occupancy: E Slngre Family O Dupl.x E Tormhousc Desc pdon ofwork! Neu, residen{al construction DlSCl fiEi: I hereby cffify that all the lnformation in thb appllcation k conect and all wo(k lxill comph wlth the Statr Building C.dt and all other appllceble State and local lnformatlon. "'NOTE: Any worl performed wlthout the appaopriate perhlts will be in vlolation of the q.rn./contrector: Rob€rt W' Jordan SEnature: 'ucansed Qusl$ct'Pdnt llome broct to fines 'rp to S500.00.r. ls the property located in a floodplain? EI Yes El Exlstlnt lmp.ivlous or."' 13006 sq rt Total Acres Dlsturbed: t{ew lmpcwious Arca: -!!!&Ft Exlstl|u Lend oisturblnt Permlt: El Yes E No WATER: El CFPUA E Community System D Private Well El Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community system fl private s€ptic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zon3: - Otflc.r: _ Sctb.d(s (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (81_ Approval: _ City: _ Date _ rlood: (Al _ (Vl _ (t{l _ BFE+Zrts $ ),,21s- Commmt:Permi FEe: $ laws and ordlnances .nd reSuhtlons. The NHC Dcvllopmeit S€Mc.s C.nter *lll be nogrled of any ahange5 ln the Aot+*1gS APPLIC IIT'S MtrlE: Forevergone Buildinq Corpa$y, LLC DEVEL@ER: ForeverHome. tlc PRoIECT AITITRESS: ?23 A'rch"." Bend w"v CIW; SUBDIYISIOII: lochors Bend PfiPERTY ff{ER' S tr{ER'S AMESS: llhrtlE: ForeverHome Bqlldlrrg codpany, LLC 302 Jefferaon srrqeL-fu1le 190 CITY: Ra1ej.ch C0 TRACTOR: R H MccLure Builderc pf sBr, IJI,C NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERITIITpPllc^frc TYPE: RESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE ATS}IER ALL qUESTIOIIS APPLICABLE TO Y!t'R PRO]ECT "Project Responslbility- Wi Iminqt on ZIP | 337n_ BLoCK *: LOT *; ]?!_ APPLICATIOI llunber (O#tcr U!c) DATE:__S=:lq_ LICET{SE *! 74404 CfTY: Bolivia PIOflE *: 9r9-i2o-1636 PHnE S: 9L9-720-1636 ST: Nc ZIP: 2? 605 sTt EzIPt M #: -g-],.9.4.!.!-qt- S:-9f9-Jll4!3_ ADD*ESS: 634 AEhbury Drive EIIIAIL ADRESSI robert@f oreverhonelLc. com PBolECf COITTACT PERSOI{: RoberE .rordan Ptot{E Ptot{E tru s uN Root'1 GR€EI'IHOJSE Exrsrl G CO STRUCTTOiI: ! llrrnerror I nrno,rarrot I ctremr- nermns ! RELOCATTO ltEI CO STRUCTTOT: @ entCt r{Etl RESIDET{CE or fl mrrrol To EXISrING RESIDEICE *.PLEAsE CHECI( AiD A STER 8ELfl ALL TllAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT:plrr eanrce {40 sF ! oer emae e sr [ eoncn L- sF I-l srome e sxeo .sF 5FSFOTHER: Patio- 164 rorAl HEATED sq rr: ,,s, r#lG;IPffi:^ *#J& ,,0',t;;r^ sQ Fr: ae72- TOTAL PROI ECT COST (rees Ld) : I :-g-C-9.9,9_ # OF STORIES : J_ ts Any ELECTRIOTL, Pu,ltBIXc or IECHITIGAL Uork Seing Done to the Accessory Structurei flIf the proJect ls a Relocation, ls there a Natunal. 6as Llne on the Current Slte? Is there Electrical Poler on thls Buildtng? lilves lf uo pRopERry usE / ocGjpAl,rcy, I srrcre rarur-v f] ounlex fl roNr*tousE ves I to flves I No DISCI ER I horBby c.dly ftat rl htnnrUolr In $ls Tpllcabn b concct r'ld a! worlw conply iitl I|o 61rb &rthtnC Cods ard d ofisr rpdcsbt6 stsb ld bcd la,y6 and odhallcG drd lEgulalbne Thc NHC O€\€lopmenl Servbc. cgatr wt! ba notll!(l ol aly cian065 h tha apgaoEd pbns drd Epocific.tion6 or chsEe h coni,l*tor or contlcbr hbmelir.r. "'tlOTE: Any Woa Ftrtomad w/O ihe ADploorisb Permtb v9] t € h Vto]rton ofth6 NC Hat BEg Cod6 and &rbFct b Fh6s up To isoo.o(r.. 0}I{ER/COI{TRI[CTOR: noberr ,rordan SIGMTURE : p*,.*J,,A"- (Prtft rlare)***t *+ + r!** * +l}** tr* 'l ri** *,1I * t:i +:.* DESCRIPTIo{ 0F UOBN: New ReEideEtial Constructlon . - _ .. * t,l,l * * rl rl ,l *,t|*.1 * * * * *tl***r** ***t *l+rr+* IS rHE PROPEiW LOCATED rt A FLOOOPLAIN? @ VeS EXISTIiE I!.tPERyIolrS AnEA: seoo 5Q FT l{E}l II{PERYIOUS AREA: 272s SQ FT lrarER: @ creua I coo.rwrTy sysrer E pRwATE uELr I cerrnal well (V sErER: [t cFprrA f] cErrML sEprrc I rnrvarr sEprrc E co,tlrritrry slrsrEr Y \ 5 5b--+.. sEpAnATE IERI{ITS REQITREO FOR ELECT, i{ECt{, 0186, 6A5 Equlp, eREFABS & '*5X6 *JrJ - pAylE r irETroo! ! osn I cxrc( (PAYABLE ro rr1 f] ArrEnr.* or*rss EI ncfvrsr ! orscom t*,t * !tt * * * ** *rl.|* * 't ** a*.1*,1** ++l'}+,i**:i****+*+***tt ttt**|ti***rt****,t *rt*** **** *********,t*++++ ++ (FOi OFfTCE t5E (,ltY) SETBACKS: F: Approva 1 : SF E poor SF f] oecr SF Ero TOTAL ACRES DTSTURBED: EXIST LAII) DIsTUR8I 6 PEilr,rrr: f] YEs f-] rc LH:_ RH:_ rEVrsEo Dlr: eal11/12 B:_ZONE :OFFICER: BFE+2ft. t{ PEN IT FEE: '- Cqlrllent: - Clty:-DATE:- FLMD: