JULY 13 2017 BUILDING APPS\No 1t;6NS {)ot1a-Lt r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSW€R ALL OUISTIONS APPTIC}BIE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibillty'' ?U+ r+-.2l5o,, Application lotfice use) 3122t APPLICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvtsloN: // o.n t r) D. S)//^ry D fZ A S Ct Ca,t>Jruili or e o"t"a ztpJS t-oT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMC:Ms, De/dres f. Eiart OWNER'S AODRISS:o CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:/ Casf. EMAIL ADDRESS:. La*t ! Att Gara8e (SF)_D Det Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)D Pool (SF) n Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? A \es Wfio pxone a:(V)a) ,/8- ad ,q CITY StC Art art (o CITY aPeZ3L1 rr d BLDG I.ICENST # ztP:28'/.t I 7r' PROjECT CONTACI PERSON IXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration E.,fenovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: fl Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation *T*PIEISI CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJ ECT* *{' PHON 2 22a -au7;' tYforch (SFl Rr/^i. D Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF)Rd TOTAT SQ fT UNDER ROOF (/or TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot) propo_sed wotk) Healedi ,s ).0, loo' o-t' Unh€ated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? O les W{lo lsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechenicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurelYesDNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturarcas Line on the current site? tr Yes do ls there El€ctrical Power on this Build ing? E/Yes tr No Property Use/ Occu pancy: g'Single f amily D Dupl€xE Townhouse ,rr.t atl2, AlcDescription of Work: laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Cenler will be notified of any chan8es in t approved plans and specifications or change in contraclot ?, lltl lty Pearl,',t<, 1, i?tai r L-rtBrq tA f, Lotun,ts, Deek, anel Sttps6, t^1,'tila-s a41/ea)\1" information. "'NOTt: Any work perlormed wit L/ur lcl houttthe appropriate permilswillbe in violation ofthe NC ,Li/6*nt Sitnature: dg Cod ct to fines up to S500.0o'*' / y,^//-Owner/contractor: "Licensed Quolifrer" Approval: Comment: - i;;N";; --T ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes Z/'No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbint Permit: E Yes fl No WATER: ZTCFPUA [] Community System f] Private Well n Central Well E Aqua SEWE Community System E Private Septic n Central Septic ! Aqu Zone:b setbacks (r) citv, lLlA oate:tlood: {A)(v)(N)* R: fYTFPUA v R-s ('s);,da w NfAon N/A p1 NA a BrE+2ft= _ rr9 n City lnWeclirxr REureo, 9l $254{i*l Permit Fee: S orulA ln' 1cr!\L -- , " qt=fu, stS '.rq..,, :y n. t-,{ff, ,llru .) .-lro4 ?.r.f T)t+ tlLDtli-J ,-7't bG ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TY PEj RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: CITY CITY PHONE PHONE Date )!,1 ia sugDtvr5roN:.-,J. PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADoRESS: q (r toT $ PHONE #i rl9 "J3l -1 ''t' ztP at-1( t,i .)..4o- ," il BLDG LICENSE # 1.3 ST zrp, i(,ll.i.. f,t(' EMAIL ADDRESST PROJECT CONTACT PERSON 4 t'I t.l 1i;1'"1(:\ tii:t 1.. 1 J tn \ \"1"1{c,\i r".y ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration X Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: [:] Erect New Residence faddition to Existing Residence ! Relocation [- Att Garage (Sf)_ L Sunroom lSF) Il Greenhouse {5F) __ H AND ANSWER BELOW AtI THAT APPTY TO UR E Det Garage {5F)_ ).t't Unheated: I Porch (SF) I storage Shed (SF) I Other {SF) (noot tsr) ll Deck (sF) ls the proposed work chanSing the existing footprint? F Yes n No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfot proposed work) Heated: TorAl" PRolEcr cosr f L"r, Lott' S 3] ,$i{ - ls the proposed work changing the number of bedroorns? tr Yes \J No ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to ihe Accessory St ructu re QVes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Nqtural 6as Line on the current site? D Yes q No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E ves I t'to Property Use/ occupancy:single Family D ouplex fl Townhouse Description of Work: I olsctAlMER: I he.eby certily thar all the informat,on I is application is cor.ect and alhJork willcomply with the State Suilding Code and all other appllcable State and local be notified ot any changes in the app.oved plans and speaifications or change ln contractorlaws and ordrnances end regulations. The NBC Oevelopment Serv;.es Centerwiil information. "'NOTt:any work performed without the appropriate permits wil Owner / (.\"i.t I 1-.Contractor: "-:- \ \- \-l "Licensed Q0oIilier" s at,or o( rhe NC Srate Bldg{ode and subjecl ro fine5 Lrp to 5500.00"' -^ .. (-- /inature: -\ I ''- ,, ''>v\ \-\,ig ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes Existing lmpervious Area: ____ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: WATER: N IotalAcres oisturbed: Existint l-and Disturbing Permit: n Yes [] No \) \No Sg ft CFPUA D community System [] Private Well ! central Well D Aqua CFPUA ! community System n Private Septic D central Septic E AquaSEWER: Zone:Officer: __ Setbacks (F) - (tH) - {RH)-. (B) -Approval: _ City: _ Date: - Floodr (A) - (V)- (N) - BFE+2ft= - g Commentl P€rmit Fee: S ctry. v,' , i lr r-g'Ir,r - ztp i, ( .a) il{ (/q ,. 2t^b\)on:-tU s NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESf]ONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' APPLICAT{T'S NA}IE: rns:-am Bros rnc DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADORESS: /38 sltver Lake Roacr SUBDIVISIol,I:BLOCK *: PROPERTY OtlNER'S tlAfiE: .rai.c Rr.wa OhIrlER' S AIDRESS: 73s si.Lver I-ake Rcac CITY: wr lminsr on Cd{TRACTOR: rn(rran Bros rnc ADDRESS: 1706 aastle street CITY: LICETEE S: 66480 Wi 1mi nqton ElilAIL ITDDRESS: nr. ie.r sr| ndramiir^s rci PROJECT CCTiITACT PERSON tu APPLICATIOI{ Number (Office Use) DATE: 6/ 14 / t .1 PHONE #: LOT 8: ZIPi,aa:, 156 PHONE #: 9: ) -t,a2-.''.2 ST: JS_ ZIP: -2-9l_12_ 5T: N. ZIP: 28aC3 P}ONE #: pHo E #: 910-162-9695 : DalF AlhrF.hr 9ro 162 9695 EXISTTNG CCNSTRUCTTON: ! lrrrnArrOr f] nrNOVlrroN I Oeruennr nrnrrns I RELocATToN NElal CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEl.l RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE '|*PLEASE CHECK AM) At{StlER 8EL0t{ ALL TIIAT APPLY To YOUR PROJECT: I arr oanaee _ sF l-l surnoorq - sF f] cn ee uHor;s r 5F PR(PERTY UsE / OCCUPANCY: DESCRIPTIo{ OF WORK: sri. tr DET GARAGE SF lponcH -sF STORAGE SHED 32c SF OTHER: fl eoor ! orcx SF SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT3 _ TOTAL SQ FT U DER R0OF: .rzo TOTAL AREA SQ FT: r20 T0TAL PROIECT COST rr-""" r-oo : $ zs. coo S OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBII{6 or IIECHA{ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure} fl V"s [ ruo ff the project is a ReLocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site? [Ves P ruo Is there Electrlcal Polrer on this Building?I ves I lto SIN6LE FAMILY k bu11t 16rx20r detache DUP LEX d bui Id TOIdNHOUSE with studio-srvle r.j6fi ilq on each leve1 and 4rx5r .athr om. Insulation in wal-Is and cei DISCLAIMER lhercby cortify d'tatallinbmaUon in ttis applcation is conecl and allwork willcomplywih ho Slate Building Code and attoh6r and ordinanc€s and regulations. The NHC Developmenl Services Centsr will be nolified of any cnanges io he approved plans ard speciticationscont4br inbmal,on. "'NOTE: Any Work Pe.brmed Wr'O he Apprcp ab Pe.miis will be in Vk lation of rhe NC Siab Etdg Code a|d Subiect OIdNER/CONTRACTOR :SIGNATURE : SlaE ar}d locaila$/s To 5500.00"' TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERIiUT:l-''l vrs lE'l rcNEI{ IMPERVIoUS AREA: 320 sQ creul f] cdfiuNrry svsrer'r ! pRrvATE wELL creur I CENTRAL sEprrc l-l pnrvare seprrc Drlo Al hre.ht ,i *,* + * i(*.** + * * +* * ** * ** * * *** *(Ii'Il lil1+++*,t******,r,i*+,*+++++ i.**tt **,tr*)r+++*:t,**,t****** * * *+ +* ** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN I TIOOOPUTI? I_I YES I NO EXISTING III,IPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT FT TJATER: SEhIER: I crnrnnl well I co+lurrw svsreu (FOR OFFICE USE OI{IY) REVISED DAfE O4l1tl12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: *'' SEPATATE PERTITS REqUIRED FOR ELECT, N€CH, PLBG, GAS EqJIP, PREFAAS & IISERTS 'T* PAYiIEI{T }IETHOO:E crsx Ecxecr (PAvABI"E ro rrrcy I A,I'IIERICAN EXPRESS E titc/vr5A f] orscoven **,1* ******* *it** 't** r* *,lt +**++** *,t)** **,t* * rt*:i****,r** )**,*****r* *:t* *** r***** )t*** ** ****++**+ **** ** ZONE: OF FICER: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: _ BFE+2ft= AVN Coflnent :PERITIT FEE: I CITY: wirm;not." APPTICAN?S NAME:W,tl q Vo\? RECETvED l)N 22 2sv 2c t7:1'2-11 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYP E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAEL€ TO YOUR PROJECT "Proj€ct Responsibilitl/' e CIW: L{ t L *1t NEi-r'n ZIP Z PHONE #:7/a^sqg-tzfa Date Application Number (office u5e) t"/zzf,> PROIECTADORESS: SUBDIVISIONI o PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME; Y.t t LL l4ztt OWNER'5 ADORESS:o tlc D< ln Ourt- C|TY: ..4 L*L/4 6 7Zr-L)Zl?: ^t ( @ 39 5 H tP ta> B UD EMAIL AODRESS;e,-l PROJECT CONTACI PERSON lk'i D Greenhouse (5F)_tr Deck {SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl Yes BLDG LICENSE #;lzzq{ Cfi: y,-trt-n< r ".4To6t: ,t.la Ztp: Ltrl t-l ll,tq PHO NE:zz0 , "/ PHONE:1z(, qril CONTRACTOR ADDRESSI ta Y v s EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration D Renovation [] General Repalrs NEW CONSIRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence E}/66ition to Existing Residence ! Relocrtion *'*PI.f,ASE CHECK ANDANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'TT tr Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (5F)_ n Sunroom (SF) aAaa"tb-' \ { N \) @ I Storage Shed (SF)_ W6rhet (sFl €B odstpEOJ o 84t14 4 oz'- TOTAT Sq Ff UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated:Unheated:3[4 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S Zf, o'oo, oo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work beinB done to the Accessory Structure ,4", o *o lf the project isa Relocation, is therea NaturalGas Linej}n the current site? f] Yes E No ls there ElestricalPower on this Building? tr Yes E/-No Property Use/ Occup ancy; V/single famiry n ouplex n Townhouse Description of Work:A'a,to 4 t,)'X zb' 642Ee o ^/+{'x7' 6iru 4.u (ro,.er 'xz 'L/F1' Prt *1f -TO Se,)Por* e €?A QEL laws and ordlnances and regulations.The NHC oevelopment Servlces Cent€rwillbe notifled ofanychanges in the approved plans and spealricationr or change in contractor information. +*rNOT€i Any wo* performed without the appropriate permlts will be In violatlon ofthe NC State and subject to fines up ro SSOO.0O.., 7., 4 tlq Owner/contractoc hl,ll*.4 r\"/lr,""oq Signature; "Licensed QuoliJie/';;iGJ ls the property located in a floodplain? f] Yes fl No Exlsting lmpervious Area: _Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbedr New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft WATER: SEWER: s f, Existing Land Disturbing Permit ! Yes ! No CFPUA E Community System f.l Private Well n Central Well D Aqua CFPUA n Community System fl Private Septic ! CentralSeptic D Aqua Zone: _ Offlcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _(Rll) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Oatei _ Floodr(Al_(v)_(N)_BFE+2ft=_1j-- Comment:Permit Feer S LOT #: ! Pool (sF) _ n Porch (sF)_ -( APPLICANT'S NAME: ESS: \,fl'hffltrw HANovER couNry BUTLDTNG pERMrr )( I I - t APP LICATI ON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,,ECI "Proiect Responsibility'' @ 1il/ E,slkt^ -/a-o 22D apditi&ti ; f I :?6Pt Number (office use) : ptCt/CITY U, Date: 6-/9- l7 ztp. 2?!oSPROJECT ADDR suBDtvtstoN: Z6 P", PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:E"b.r* B"-.Lno^ OWNER'S ADDRESST lZ 05 Va,^/ cr, h-".,r: l F I CONTRACTOR F,eaalvt P. ADDRESS:7ol LOT #tl {-"1" - PHoNE#: qto- 271 -i715 crv: L,a/r Z,P: ZZ os4 /.-< BrDG uC(NSE s: I ro ?g CrY: G'eat.q /L $: lup ztp. Z,l(t{ pHoNE: 'l tO- LllO- t1 51EMAIL ADDRESS:,l w€ PROIECT CONTACT PERSON -T-,ld 6,rl'Jo^ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence (aaaition to Existing Residence n Relocation I.I*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW AtL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT* *A ! Att Garage (5F) _E] Det Garage (5F)! Porch (SF) n Sunroom (SF)( eool (sr) ! Deck (sF) t75' PHoNE: 1 Lo''/7o't'751 E Greenhouse (SF)_ ! Storage Shed (5F)_ ! other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOTAT SQ Ff UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S bq,1tu ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ves ff to ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf theprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes D lto Property Use/ Occup"n.y,/mily E Duplex E Townhouse I 16 -7e g'Description of work:s (' laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC oevelopment Services Center willbe notified ofanychangesin the approved plans and specification5 or change in contractor information. r "'NoTt: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be an violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00*** Owner/Contractor: "LicenseE QuoIilier" ls the flroperty located in a tloodplain? E Yes E ttlo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft CFPUA E Community System CFPUA D Community System Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes fl No E Private Well E Central Well ! Aqua D Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Signature: WATER: SEWER: # m zone, R-AD officer: Of(^ setb approvat, * ciry, iLll4 oate, acks (F)/oNf 4 wt lo' 6tt i0 @t Commenti tl Flood: (A) - (v) -(N) X BFE+2ft= Permit Fee: S I I rcnanlinn D6nt tlla/It t t1'Xob\2onaLzt APPLICATION Number (office Use ) RECETVED JUN 21 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI.IsI,.JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Res pons ibil ity" APPLICANT's NAME: HampsLead Pool spa & patio Inc.OAfEt a6 /14/2atj DEVELoPER: PHONE #: PROIECT ADDRESS: 901 Pocomac Dr CITY: Wi lminqcon SUBOIVISION:Potomac Woods BLOCK #: ZIP: 2e41', PROPERTY OI4N ER'S LIAME: RoberE & Diane Blake CITY:Wilmington LOT fr 35 PHONE #:910 409-5375 sr: .!l!_ zIP :31lll- ST: I!- ZIP : 2814.1 ol^lN E R'S ADDRESS: 901 PoEomac Dr CONT RACTOR: Hampstead Poo1,Spa & Patio Inc LICENSE *: 569 /5 ADDRE SS : 16547 US HwY. 17 cITY: Hampstead ElllAIL ADDRESS: wendy@hampsteadpool . com PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: wendy Purser EXISTING CONSTRUCTION :AI TERATION R ENOVATlON 6ENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION ERECT NEW RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOtri ALL THAT APPLY T0 YOUR PROIECT NEI^J C0NSTRUCTION: ATT GARAGE - SF suNRoor,t _ 5F GREENHOUSE 5F DET GARAGE - SF PORCH _ sF STORAGE SHEDP00L l!:_ sF DECK SF OTHER: Apron 588 SF 5F TOTALHEATEDSQFT:-TOTALSQFTUNDERROOF:-TOTALAREASQFT::":: DESCRIPTION OF [.lOR|(: lnsLa11 In Ground poot with concreLe paEio/wa]k DISCLAIMER: hcrebycerrirylhalallinformaloninlhisapplcaloniscorreclandal !!orkwLlcomplywihU'e ilding Code and all oher applicab c Stale and loca lawssrare 8u NC Stare RE: and ordrn;nces and regulalons The NHC Oevelopment Services Cenler willbe noli{ied olany changes in he conlraclorinlormaton.'-NoTE:AnyWorkPedormedvv/otheApprcPriarePem]lswillbelnViolalionoflhe d phns and specrlicalions orchanqe in contactoror Up To $500 00.'' OTJNE R/CoNTRACT0R:Hamp a & Patio rnc SIGNATU IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXT5TTNG fl4PERVTOUS AREA: :fl]-- sQ FT NEtd II'IPERVIOUS AREA: -l!3-- 5Q FT WATER CF PUA COI4I4UNITY SYSTET,l PRIVATE WELL stead Pool, SP ,* * *,r ** * * * ** *,* *;r ,* * * * *** *** * *(ii'l! Jil"J * * **** **** **,* **,r(r( * ** * r( ** ** * **** * *)*** *)** *)tx* ** +* *'*** r:* YE5 I NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERIL1IT: LI YES LI NO CENTRAL WELL sEWER: m creun ! cENTRAL sEPTrc fl enrvnre senrrc ! coMMUNrrY sYsrEI\4 *** SEPAIIATE PERIVIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I4ECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP' PRE pAyr4ENT T,IETHOD: ICasn Icxec( (PAYABLE rO IHC; I UrenrcaN EXPRESS ,**** *** * *,r*,k** * *** '* )** * 'i)t* 'k )*'i* * **i( * * ** **'t'* **i(* * ** * * * * * ** 'k *** 't* * **i('* * FABS I & INSERTS **1 r{c/vrsa I orscoven * * * **** x*** * *** * * (FOR OFFICE L]5E O ILY) SETBACKS: F :- LH :- RH;- B:- BF E+ 2ft= REVI5ED DATE O4l11/12 ZONE OFFICER: Approval:- CitY :- DATE:- FLOOD PERI4IT FEE: $ PHONE #: 9ro-270 1199 PHONE f: 91O 2'79 - 7540 TorAL PRolEcT cosT lress Lo1 , S SOrXOg # oF SToRIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, pLUIilBrNc or ilEcHAi{IcAL l^Jork Being Done to the Accessory Structure} [ V"t [ ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [Ves I tlo rs there Electrical Pourer on this Building? nv"t lEl ruo pRopERTY USE / OCCUPANCY' @ SrUCL-e rnurlv I ouerrx ! ToWNHOUSE -a( Comment: 2cna7y'l r IoRr 27 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE., RESIDENTIAL PI.EASE ANSWEN ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROITCT "Proiect Responsibllity" L7 -222L Application Nuniber {otfice use} oate: 0711O12O17APPLICANT'S NAIVIE:H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, l.l-C pRoJEcT ADDRESS: 1512 Eastbourne Drive SUBDIVISION: Sanctuary at Hanover Reserve PROPERTY OWNER,s NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC ctTy: Wilmington yp.2B41'l tot x: 127 owN[R's ADDRtss; 8209 Market Streel, Suite C 611y; Wilmington 71p. 28411 ADDREss: 8209 Market Street, Suite C g;1y. Wilmington sr. NC 2tp 28411 EMAIL ADDREsS: julicafferty@hhhomes.com/ jerrybrenning@hhhomes.com puorur:910.219.1485 pROJEcT coNTACT pERSoNr JJ Brenning p11sxp.910.219.1485 EXISTING CoNSTRUCTION: D Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIoN: EI Erect New Residence O Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation NSWIR BELOW AI.I. THAT EI Att Garage (sF) 462 E Sunroom (SF) ..- fl Greenhouse (sF) ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footprint? E Yes EI No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER RooF lJor proposed workl 11s3gg6;3273 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $183,573 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes A No ls any Electrical, Plu mbing or Mechanical work bein8 done to the Accessory Structure E Yes EI No If the pro.iect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? 0 Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? A Yes E No Property use/ occupancyi A single Family E Duplex EI Townhouse Description of Work: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING information. ...NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate pe.nrits will be ln violation of the NC Stale Eldg Code and subjeqt to fioei up to S5m.O0"' 0wner/Contra€tor: JJ Brenning Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" P.int Nofie ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acles Disturbed; tr Det Gara8e (SF)_ tr Pool(SF) tr Deck (SF) EI Porch {SF)225 E storage sh€d (sF)_ 1B pnonr l: 910.219.'1485 g6p1pq616x; H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC gt-p6u6gx569 74'158 - tr other (sF)_ unheated:98] New lmpervious Arear 3433 --SqFt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: EI Yes E No WATER; EI CFPUA D community system n Private Well E central Well n Aqua SEWER: Ul CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E centralseptic 0 Aqua Zone: -. ,.- Officer: -- Setbacks {F} --- (LH} - (RH) *-- tB} --.- Approval: -*- City: - Date: -- llood: (A) - (V) - (N) --- SrE+zft= - I -) comment: permitfee: $ J l lZl I, NIlW I.IANOVER COUN'IY DEPARTMENT OIT I]UILDING SAFDTY 2]O GOVIIRNMF)NT C[N]'IiR DRIVU ' SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NOII,TH CAROI,INA 28403 'l'elelthone: 91 0.798.7308 Fax: 9 10.798.78 I l Internet: vt $,vt,. nhcgov.cont 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEM ENT OF UNDERSTANDING JuliCaffe , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: B I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. ; I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. n I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover Gounty can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal dateltime (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the aoolication is submitted Drior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Sig natu re JuliCaffeny 7 /10/2017 Address for the proposed residential work:15.] 2 Ea5tbourne Drive DatePrinted Name ItoRl2.6 APPUCANT,S NAlVtEr H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL, CATTON f YP6; RESIDENTIAL PI,EASE ANSWER AtT QUESTIONS APPLICASTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responslbility" hll.lzqb L7 -2223 Applicalion (olfice u5e) a61ai 0711012017 t pRoJEcT ADDREss: 1516 Easlbourne Drive suBDtvtstoN: sanctuary at Hanover Reserve pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC OWNER,s ADDREss: 8209 [ilarket Street, Suite C pHoNI f,r 910.219 1485 ctTy. Wilmington 71p.28411 CONTRACT0Ri H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC g1p6 ;166p5E g. 74158 ADDRESS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C 511y; Wilmington St; NC ZtP: 28411 EMATL ADDREss: julicaf te(y@hhhomes.com/ jenybrenning@hhhomes.conl pgOtrlr:910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIoN: E Erect New Residence [] Addition to Existing Residence f] Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOI,]R PROJECI*** EI Att Garage (sF) 478 [] Det Garage (SF) __E Porch {St)445 E sunroom (5F)tr Pool{SF)tr storage shed (SF)_ [] Greenhouse (5F)tl Deck {SF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? E Yes EI No ToTALSQ FT UNDER Root (fot proposed workl Hsslgd;2574 unt1s31sd;923 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)r S '155,467 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? [ Yes E No ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure D Yes El No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the aurrent site? E Yes E) No ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? gI Yes n No Property Use/ occupancy: EI single Family. E Duplex EI Towrhouse Descriptio n of Work: SINGLE FAIVILY DWELLING information. ".NOTEj Any work performed wlthout the approprlate permlts willbe in violation ofthe NC State BldgCode 3nd subject to lines up to S50O.00r" Owner/Contractor: JJ Brenn Signature: 'Licensed Qualifiet" Pint Nome ls the property locatedin a floodplain? E Yes EI No Existing lmpervious Area: _ sq Ft Total Acres Disturbedr .18 New lrnps1ylsu5g1s2;3474 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit; EI Yes I No WATER: El CFPUA fl comrnunity System E Private well n central well C Aqua SEWER: A CFPUA n community system EI Private septic n central Septic [f Aqua Zone: - officer: -- Setbacks (F) --- (tH) - (RH) --.- (Bl -- Approvali -- city: - Date; - Flood: (A) - (V) -- - (N)- BFE+zft= - -- lsv? --- Permit Fee: S - r---i:E L:olrnrent: crrv, lryjEllglg!- 4p' 28411 tOT d: 126 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pERsoN: JJ Brenning puorur: 910.219.'1485 i! a t, NtiW IIANOVER COUNTY t)I.]PAR'TMF]N1' OIT BI.JII,DIN(; SAF'L'I'Y 2.]() GOVERNMENl'CEN'I'F)R DI{IVE - S(]ITE I70 WII,MIN(;TON, NORTH CAROI,INA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 l;'ux: 910.798.7111 I I nt en1e i : lytitw.n hcgot). con1 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Juli Caffe , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the boxlboxes below to acknowledge that: I have attached an official CFPUA recei pt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tr I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the aoolication is su b m tted onor to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: JuliCafferty 7 /10/2017 Signature Printed Name ;ffi)-7< Address for the proposed residential work:1516 Eastbourne Drive Date ;\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT A PPLICATION TYP E: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPL'CABLE TO YOUR PRO]EcT "ProJect Responslbilit/' Zop:12-YE L7 -2225 Application Numbea loffice use) AppUcANfs NAME; Pulte Homes p31s;7-6-17 pROjECT ADDRESS: 3442 Laughing Gull Tenace suBDtvtstoN: Del Webb Riverlightssu BDtvrs ro pROpERTy OwNER,g payg; Pulte Homes owNER's ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court ctTy: Wilminqton s1p. 28412 pxorur *: 843-353-51 19 ctTy: Myrtle Beach vp. 29579 CONTRACTOR: Pulte Homes ALoe UCtilSe + 1931 1 ADDREss; 3504 Faringdon Court tTy. Myrtle Beach ST: SC ZtP: 29579c EMAtr ADDRESS: Tiffany.Bowie@Pulte.com PHONE: 843-353-5119 pRoJEcT coNTACT p6p5gp; Titfany Bowie pnorur. 843-353-51 19 EXISTING CONSTnUCTION: tr Alteration D Renovation [f General Repairs/ NEW CONSTRUCfION: E/Erect New Residence [] Addition to txisting Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BEI.OW AII. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT* {',,/ TAttcarase(sF) 433 E oetcarage(sF)- [,z6orch {sF)72 dsunroom (sr)150 ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Greenhouse {SF}! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes n No Unheated:505 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 96915 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Elertrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D yes n No lf theprojectisa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No n, / >\4l-6-) Property use/ occu p"n y, {s^gt" t"mity E Duplex D Townhous€ Oescriptiofl of work: Steel Creek Elev LClA with sunroom, master bath option #1 laws aod ordioancesand regulations. The NHC oevelopmeot Services Center willbe notilied of any chanSes in the app.oved plans and specifications or chang€ in contracto. informetion. *r'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropri.te permits will be in violation of the NC State Code and su !o fines up to t500.00r" owner/contractofi Tiffany D Bowie signature: "Licensed Quolifiet" Print None ./ ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes E/trto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua sEwER: E CFPUA fl Community system fl Private septic n centralseptic E Aqua zone: - Offlcer: - Setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RHl - (B) -Approvali - city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - 8FE+2ft= -Comment Permit Fee: $?? ?- IOT#:01020 U Pool (sF)_ n other (sF)_ TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOT (fo. p.oposed work) Heated: 1505 NEW }IANOVER COTINTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet : vww.nhcgov.com l, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Tiffa Bowie Pulte , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: Q,z I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has ac owledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. n I have attached an official proofofan approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Tiffany D Bowie rg14-041 Signature Printed Name 3442 Laughinq Gull Terrace ,Etuu Date ,4\'r'', , W Address for the proposed residential work: $u t1- \$q? Clear Form /on-121o2-Print e tula il NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Lt CAT| O N IYPE; RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT,S NAME: Ocean BIue PooIs Soas of NC Date: 6/712017 PROJECT ADDRESS 1066 Roscoe Freeman Ave.CITY: Wilminoton ztP:28412 S U BDIVISION PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEr Carl Biqqs PHON E H OWNER'S ADDRESS: 1066 Roscoe Freeman Ave CITY: Wilminoton ztP 28412 CONTRACTOR oceen Blue Pool and Soas of NC BLDG LICENSE # ADDRESS:30 Covil Avpnlle CITY: Wilminaton 5T: |1f, ZIP: 2B403 EMAIL ADDRESS: oceanbllrewilminotonrAomail-com PHONE: 910-799-3022 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Susan Rowland PHONE 914-799-3022 EXISING CONSTRUCTION: n Alte.ation E Renovation ll General Repairs NEW CONSfRUCTION: - Erect New Residence :- Additionto Existing Residence I Relocation *.*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*'* n Att Garage (SF)- :l Sunroom {5F) n Greenhouse (SF)_ f'l Det GaraEe lsF) F Pool {sF} d Deck (sF) I] Storage shed (5F)_ D Porch {SF) -l Other (SF)556 ts the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes P No TOTAL 5q FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heatedi TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S55.924.00 Unheatedi ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes F No ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure If'Yes n No lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? - Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinS? fl Yes &-No Property Use/ Occupancy:&Single Family a Ouplex I lownhouse Description of Work: nformatlon. 'r'NOTE: Any work pe.formed without the aPPropriate permits D laws and ordinances and reBula!ions. The NHC Development Services center Sn\i*"hr\4,rr-tr"I) ls the property located in a +loodolain? I Yes {ltol" ExistintlmperviousArea:3245 SQFt New lmpervious Area: ill3.ql- Sq Ft \ c.1cl.mply wlth fie State Bulldlng code and a1l oiher app icable st.te a.d local ed of.ny.hans€s in the approved pla.s and specafacations or chan8e in cont.actor will b€ in violation of the NC Sl.te BldB code and subiect to fines up to 5500 00*" Owner/Contractor: Pauline Dunne Signature "Licensed Quolilier" Print Nome Total Acres Disturbed: 0 Existing Land Disturbint Permit: 1 Ves 1( ruo wAfER: E/CFPUA ! communitv system D Private well X cent'al well fl Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA a Community System ! Private Septic :j CentralSeptic D aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - {RH} - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Floodr (A) - {v} - (N} -. B"*'n= -a"n* ,"", , 1{" Comment: tuqs rnrd _ z-v ) APPLICANT'S NAME:&ruh"z^ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility' CITY l^,/;'l'*, t i.lrIUtl l7 I I r 41filt t '1 - e(tq Application Number (office use) Darc. 6-t6 -l'1 tp: Z€y'o1 0t o5. PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:0 roo La4/t PROPERTY OwNER'S NAME: T" -Brub.'^ OWNER'S ADDRESS:/< cL,ct)La CONTRACTOR Gr"^.ft- ADDRESS <,-v /c5 LO],*: ly' PHONE #to- 262-ozzl CITY U t zrp:25 7 o'l BIDG ucEilsE r: lSoZS Cll,Y: Frazn<v, I /z-Sf: MCJP: z'1959 EMAII- ADDRESS a e pHoNE: 7 {O - 111o - l7 57 PHONE lLo- qru-ns1PROJECT CONTACT PERSON -f;,U E,,L-/-- EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ff addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation/\ LEASE CH€CK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.T THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** El Der Garage (SF)tr Porch (sF) ,.lCO E Att Garage (sF)_ E Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)_ Property Use/ Occup Description of Work: fleoor (sr) tr oeck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! ves fl no TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work) Heatedi TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less tot): S 3)4{o ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr v"r @ ftro ls any-E!gE!E|/ Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure { ves tr ruo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? p Ves E tto "nry,{Single Family El Duplex E Townhou T p.$t-p--"oc ?'- 4 lai{s and ordinan€es and regulations. The NHC Development services Center willbe notified ofanychanges in theapproved plans and specifications or change in contractor informalion. *r'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BldB Code and subject to fin€s up to S500.00... Owner/Contractor:Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print Nome ls the y'loperty located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing li.npervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Affes Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq tt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D yes E No WATE SEWE Zone: JR: F CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua UA E CommunitySystem f] Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua oricer: VLt setuacr<s(r) N/A tW i0 rrn)0 $l to CFP a-cD) epprovat, CJP city: ILtlA ,^r",blllhlFtood:(A)-(v)-(N) X BFE+2ft=-.l 5 Comment: Permit Fee: S I Storage Shed (Sr) _ n other (sF)_ Unheated: _ APPUCAIT,S HAME:Rrrn.lf!nTh^lan cl|r.rFotrn Print . .ll NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT APP LtCAf tON tf PE: REqDErnAt PI.IASE ANSWTR AI.I QUISIIO',IS APPLKABTE TO YOUR PROJECT-ProF Responslblfitr/ 2o if- 7268 L7 -2036 (o{tkr u.., Oztc' 7DQ17 PROJECT ADDRESS: 3558 Chicora Dr CITY ztP: 28429 suBDrvtstoN:River Rl, rfic roT PROPERTY OWNTR'S AME: Jenkins PHONE S: OWNERS ADDRESS: llsEA Chirnr^ l-lr crTv LlP: 28479 CONTRACTOR Th.rlcn ETDG LICENSE 70 Il Att Garage (SF) - PLEASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BELOW T APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.T' E Det G r) 484 ! Porch {SF) tr Pool(SF) AODRESS:l2OR Ra.rali, [] Sunroom {sF)122 C Greenhouse (sF)D oeck (sF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? n Yes Ll No CITY: Leland ST: AIC- ZIP: 2&451 n storaee shed (St) n Other (5F) unheated:4FA TOTAI PROTECT cosr (Less Lot): 5 tQTJ tCcL) ls the proposed work changinE the num of bedrooms? n Yes E o ls any Eleslrlcal, Ptumbh8 or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure El Yes [ ] No It the project is a Relocatio0 is th€re a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes 8l No ts there Electrical Power on this Suilding? El Y.s [J o Propcrty Us€/ Occupancy: E Siltgla Famlly U Dupl'ex fl Townhouse Dessiption of wotk: OSO-A rER: I heteby cert,ty that all the iDformat'oo in this arplkation b 6.rect .rd all wort will comply wlth th€ Stete Buildin8 Code ind all othar applicable State aod loc. l.ws and o.dlnanccs and re$rlations. rhe l{8C D€vel@'nent S.rvicei Ccnta. wlll be lrotffled of anY dlan8cs ln the approved plans aM spe.ification5 or chanSe in contra.lo' info.rBtion. "'NOTE: Any work p€.fonned without the approprlat€pe.mit5 will b. anviolation of the NC Co.,e and subject to finesup to S50O.0O"' SiSnature:TholenOwlrer/contractol: 'Licensed Quolifiel ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes E o ExlsdE lmpcMous At .:3221-- Sq Ft cw lmpewlous Are.: gt00- 5q ft WATER: r] CFPUA tr Community System fl Private Well E Centralwell Aqua SEWER: El CFPUA D Community System ! Private Septic fl Centralseptic E Aqua zonc: - otflc.r: - SGtbadG (R - (tH) - (nHl -- (Bl -apfrovdr ---- otlc - Drtcr -.- Hood: (l|--(v) -(xl _- BfE+2ft= *- Pertnlt fec: $ Total Acles Disturbed: .3 Exlstlng Land Dlsturbing Permit: ! Yes [] t{o /1 Comment: {i ' 'A t'.-, qft,f EMATL ADDRESS: branrtonlholen@omail com PHONC: 910 52O-8665 PRoJEcr coltTAcT PEnso : BranCon Tholen PHo E: 910 520'8665 Exftn G @I{SInUCTIOr: E Alterdtion Ll Renovation C GeneralRepairs l{EW CONSTRUCI|OI{: I Erect New Resldence E] Addition to Existing Residerce . Relo<ation TOTAL 5Q FT UND€R ROof 60r proposed wotkt Heatedt !ZL-- /..;!!i.\.ii.(ffi char Fonr Prir .lldl NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERM]T APPUCATION TYPEi RESIOEiITIAL PTITS€ ANSWER AfT QUTSIOT'S APPLKIATT TOYOUR PROJECT '?rolc.t ne3ponslblliv 2o if - 7247 L7 -2036 APPUCAnT'S NAME: BrandonThoten gatet 6n 12017 PROJECTADDRESS: 355a Chi.nra nr CITY: Castl,e Hayne l?: 2&429 SUBDIVISION: Rive. Blufls tol r:34--- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:PHONT 'OWNEtrS ADDRTSS: 3558 Chicora cfi C.^ztP 28429 CONTRACTOR: Th.ren r.Jion BIDG LICENSE fl:72420..- ADDRESS: 1208 Regalta - ow: LelatrL '- sr: AlC- zlP:-&451- EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE qlo 5 5 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Brandon olen PHONE:qlo 52o-a565 EXLfitaG COiaSTRUCTIO :8l Alte.ation Ll Renovation f GeneralRepai.s t{Ew cOttStRUCTloN: O Erect New Reiidence El Addition to Existrng Re5idence . Relocation ' ..PLEASE O{ECX AND ANSWI R BELOl,l, All T[{AT ApPLY TO YOUR PROIECT"i E An Grrage (SF)- El Sunroom ISF)122 D Greenhouse (sF)-D oeck (SF) ls the proposed wo.k changing the eristing footprint? [f Yes L] No IOTAT SQ fT UNDER RoOF tJot proposed wor*) Heated;Ek-unheated:484 TOTA PROJECT cosr (ess totl: s4fid-u9-0-!.o ls the proposed work changin8 the numbe. of bedrooms? C Yes E No ls any El€-ctrlcal, Plumblng or Medlankal work being done to the AccessorY Structure lE Yes i-.1 t{o lftheprojecti!aRelo€tior,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecutre.tsite?nYes&No tsrher€ tlectrical Poweronthis Buildint? E YGr f] tlo Property U5e/ OccuPaoGy: E Sittgle Iarnlly C DuPler E Des€ription of wo*: osaJlMt8: I her.bY ..rtify that .I ti. inforft.ti$ in thii.gplk:tldr b GDrr..t.nd .llwo.l vrill .ornply wrth th€ Sul. 8lrldint Cod€ .nd all otl|.r appl.2ble 'tat. .nd lo.t lars and ordl^an(es and r€Sulatlor5 T'ta |"E Davet grna{rt slrviaet ccnrar wlll be .atinad ot eny ahan8er h the apgroyed plrn9 and rpecifi.ati$t o. chanSe ln conlralro. informatioo. t "NOIE: Anv wod perfom'd *ithout th! atDaorrl.te pltmits will bc ln viol.Uon ol thc tlc stal Code.nd trbiec( lo fin6 uD to 550O.0O"' SBnature:Orrncr/Contractor; "Licensed Quolifier' ls the propertY located in a floodplain? E Yes tr tlo ErHln! lmpcrviou3 Ate.: jl223- sq rt New lmpervlous Aieat 3gXI- sq Ft Exlstlnt land DlsturbinS Pennlt: ! YQs fl No WATIRT ts CrPUA fl CommunitY Syttem D Private Well E Ccntralwell n Acua SEWER:E CFPUA n Cornmunlty system E) Private Septi€ D ccnt'alsepth fl Aqua Zonc: - ofrlccr: .- setbed$ (F) _- (ul) - (RHl - tB) -Approv.l: ---- Total Acret Disturbedr.3 1s=- Commsnt: City -- Drte : -.- Flood: (A) - N) - (N) * '- Brtt'* i.r-n ,"., S E oet Garage (SFl lHgL_ tr Pool(sF)- n Porch (sF) -=-- D Storage shed (SF) - D Other (5F)- ,4€**- )rtp:lzf .,,.:i---:,:\ l#;NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICIETE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Proiect Responsibilitl/' L7 -2L77 Applicatjon Number (office usel AppLtCAM,S NAME: Stewart Gunn 921s.716117 pRotrcr ADDRrss: 7929 Champlain Drive ctTy: \Mlmington y1p. 28412 suEDtvtsroN:Bass Lake @ Woodlake LOT S: 50 pROpERTy OryNER,5 pag6; D.R. Horton puote s: 910-612-7127 OwNER,S ADoRrss: 7483 Chipley Drive CONTRACTOR: D.R. Horlon g106 rJctr{s: s. 29676 ADDRESS: 7483 Chipley Drive ctry. Wilmington sr: NC ztp 28411 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Ryan Willis d Att Garage (SF) 389 ! Sunroom {SF) TOTAL SQ FT UNoER ROOF llot proposed wotkl Hss1s6; 31 '13 TOTAT PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 193760 psOtrr:9'10465-1906 EXlStlNG COIISTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation fl General Repairs/Ew CONSTRUCTION: V Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation r*'PLEAST CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW ATL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI+*' El Det Garage {5F)-( eorcir lsrl D Pool(SF) 112 a Storage Shed (sF) - ! Greenhouse (sF) D/Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existint footprint? @ Yes -No Unheated:501 ls the proposed work chanBing the number of bedrooms? ls any tl€ctrical, Plumbint or Mechanlcalwork being don lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Une o lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes$ lo Property Use/ occuo"n.r, d Sintle Family Duplex fl Townhouse / v", n r,ro / eiotheAccessorystruaure S Y€s n No n the current site? tr ves f mo Description of Work; New Single FamilY Residence taws and ordtnances.fld re8utations. Tie NHC D€velopmem SeNices Centerwillb€ notifi€d ot.ny ch.n86 in the approved plans and spe.ilitatlons or change in coht6cior infonnation. ...NOT!: Any work performed wtthout the appropriate pe.mits wlll be in violation of th! NC State BldB Code .nd sub,ect to tines up to S5m.0O"' Owner/Contractor; Stewart Gunn Signature:N!^. "Licensed Quolifer" Priht Nomc ls the property located in a floodplain? / ,o O * ExistinS lmpewious Area: - Sq tt 1,127;2750 Sq ft Tolal A es Disturbed: .22 Existing Land Disturbing Permit:New lmpervious wArER: d cFP uA fl Community system fl Private well E Central well n Aqua SEwEn: S CFPUA O community System n Private Septic D Central Septic D Aqua zone: - officer: - S€tSaclG (F) - (tH) - (RH) -- (B) -Approval; - OtYr - oate: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (f{) -- BrE+2fG - 1S3aComment:Permit Fee: $ crY: wilmington ,lp. 28411 EMATLAOORESS: sdgunn@drhorton.com pxoNe: 910612-7127 D other (sF) _ Yes fl No an-1 /-78 er,*ffi N umb'er APPLICA NT,s NAME: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT, O N fYPE: RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" PE+t+-- ({ffif'ff r:,:spfl s21s. 0710512017 PROJECT ADDRESS zt"-o ?q+-DVo LaY-e Lc,aA 61ry. Wilmington 71e. 28401 SUBDtVtstON: Hanover Lakes OWNER,S ADDRESS: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington 71p 28403 LoT#: lof= coNTRAcToR: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC s196 1166x55 s. 34586 A99pg55; 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 611y. Wilmington sr: NC ztp. 28403 EMATL ADDREss: cbain@billclarkhomes.com pRoJEcT coNTAcT p6x56p. cbain@billclarkhomes.com puOrue:910.350.'1744 p11sxs 910.350.1744 n Su n room {5F)n Pool (sF) tr Deck (SF)n Greenhouse (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work) Heatedi Z.= gn]r""1s6; -13! TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s lzl ts the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes El-trto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E-fio lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line n the current site? E Yes E-l{-o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes No n storage Shed (sF)_ ,/-llf Other (SF) rd4no - l acl =- LLx ('1 r! ,., Property Use/ occupancy: EI sintle Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of wo rk: new construction of sinqle family residence laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center wjll be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. t.4NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BldE Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00*** owner/Contra61s1; Courtney Bain "Licensed Quolifier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr v", dlllo Existing lmpervious Area: ..- Sq Ft WATER: SEWER: {,, e)cy\;T,"44,1(^^^/\Signature:u r \) Total Acres Disturbed: U I '> New lmpervious Area:2 511 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes fl'ttto UA E Community System E Private Well E central well E Aqua CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: - officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approvalr - City: - Date:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - C(oq- Comment:Permit Fee: S 16 t li, pRopERTy OSNER,5111lvg; Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC pxoner: 910.350.1744 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs ,2 NEW CONSTRUCTION: El'Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *'**PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*|*- y- t4'-.t t I'v q'lr E'At, G"r"e" (sil )ba tr Det Garage (sF) fl"Porch (sF) t^V(r(rl - IZO - Clear Form Prirt NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMTT ##€- APPLTCAT ION ryPEi RESIDENTIAI PTEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICAtsLT TO YOUR PRO.JECT "Proiect ResPonsibilitY" , o )+ lznl (oifrce use) Date: 6i 8117a;orooraAPPTICANT'S NAME: Adve n CITY: VVil atp. 28112 PROJECT ADDRESS:330 Yulan Dr LOT itl NASUBDlVlSl0N: $LlYa,lerta-. PROPERW OWNER',S NAME; [d.uIs-!sgA- OWNER,S ADDRESS PHONE si 910.612.0746 ClrY V,iil ZIP:28445: Al 11 BLD6 LICENsE 3 CITY: Wilmington - ST: trlc- zlP PHONE: 910 264.0573 - EMAIL ADORESS: dg{roPelaragmail .om PROJTCT CONIACT PERSON na EX|ST|NG CONSTRUCTION: 1-l Alteration Ij Renovation al General Repairs NEW CONSTFUCTTON' d rr.ct New Residence :,: Addirion ro Existing Residence _r Relocation *" * PLEASE CH€CI( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.'€CT** * PHONE: 910.2G4 0573--- I Ati Garage {5F) j Sunroom {5F) i r hreennoL'ie (>-, D Det Garage (SF) ir Pool (SF) *- L:l Porch {5F) ,- i:l Storage Shed (SF) .----- - Deck (sFi Qi ls the proposed work changisg the existing footprint? : Yes [] No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERP.OOq Vor propo;ed work| Heated:.14 TOTAL PRoTECT CoST {Less Loti; S oofl100. ls the proposed work cha nging the nu m ber of bed rooms? :: Yes i:l No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure : Yes I No lf the p!'oject isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Lifie on the cur'ent site? Ij Yes : No Is there Electrical Power on this BuildinS? :l Yes Il No I Property Use/ occrpan.y' g{ Single Family i-- Duplex -' Townhouse gescription of work : 3lsedfoem-?1r#hsinsler'amily-residenee---' DISCIAIMER: I aeriify ihat all the inforrrlalion rn ihis app|cat;on is co ir.l reRulstiorls. the NHC Developrlcnt Services Center rrect a.1d all work w;llconrply \rith ih€ State Euildi69 Code 3nd all other applicable Stale and locai w ll be nctrfied of an'/.hanges i e ,rpproyed plans and specrflcationt or 'hnnge rn contEctor Pct to lines !rp to S5tl0 00'"1,*NCTa. Any wort 0eri6rmeli wilhout tht 3rpiopriate pe!nrrts Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Qualiliet f'),rvi .1 Cnoel Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? : Yes I/No Existing lmPervious Area;sq F!Total Acres Disturbedr zl New lmpervious Area: 1500 --SqFt ExistinB Land Disturbing Permiti : Yes - - No warER: d cf puA al community Sysrem al private we i: Cenrral well ,I Aqua SEWER: L{CFPUA i--., Community System : Private Septic I central septic tl Aqua S\oto zone: - ollicet: - setbacks (F) .- (LH) -- (RHl - (Bl -Approval: ---,-- citv: - oatei -- rlood: (A) --- {v) - (N} -- tttt'n= ;; *"", , CoNTRACToR;$d,rentBuildingCorporation -'.----ADDRESS: 42'17 Province Dr U* NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMEi.!T Of. BUILDINC SAFETY 230 COVERNIVlENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WIL,MINC;TON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Tel.eplutne. gt0.798-7308 Fttx Ql() 79t1 781I I ntertt{'t' tt rt'tt. nhc gttt''cont RESIDENTIALAPPLICATIoNTHATHASNoPRIoRAPPRoVALS STATEMENT AE UNDERSTANPINC l, E-''q!epqr-uoq_:--:-,-l am submitting an application for a residential ou,rolng p"'*it to New H,**|. county. And, aS the applicant or person submitting tne appilcation, I check the boxlboxes below to acknowledge that; trtdld-o_o'ta-tlaqhanofficialCFPUAreceiptordocumentthatacknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA' A Ldidrr-otA$al;h an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington' El I did-nplattaah an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover county Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. the official proof of approvals along with my anover County cannQl guarantee that the building {four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official ped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: And because Idid not atta,ch application for Permit; New H permit will be issued within 4 submittal dateltime (the stam avid Copeland Signature Printed Name /82A17 Address for the proposed residential work:lio Yula n Date B /) vt G L?rcu )o)+.-TzT7 ffit# APPLICATION umber (Office Use) NEI{ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIt,IIT APPLICAII$I TYPE.. COiT ERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,IER ALT QUTSTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAIIE: Chariblrss and Rabil Concractor's OCCUPAi,T/BUSINESS IJAIIIE : w; Ir.I n DATE: s.3l.il ton HeaIth Associates PROPERTY O ER'S llAltE: w.ilninqrcn Heali-ii Associates O{tlER'S ADDRESS: i202 Me.ticat cenrer Dr CO TRACTOR: ChanJrliss & RabiI Con!ractors I nc ADDRESS: 6426 C windmill way E AIf ADDftESS: robGchambirss-rabii. ccrn PROIECT CotiTACT PERSoN: Iiob Napper (Ch!.k All rh.t Atply) EXIST COI{STRUCTION:ALTERATToI{ J-l naovrrrol l-l crxeml neplrns l-l RELocArrot{ Gas Line on the current sire? EyeaflNo rs erDG spRtNxleneor [lve" ! r'ro CI'Y:1'!rilLlngton LICE SE *: 1s82s CITY: !i Jqrlngton 5T: NC ZIP::84C] ST: NC ZIP: 284C5 PHOlrlE S: 9i0-35C-0554 PHOi{E #: 91c-35c-0554 f Rolocation, is there a Natural t{E}, colsrRucrroir t I enecr Er srRUcTuRE I resr rmcx f] sxer-r- [ urrrr ! eoo ro Exrsr srRrrcruRE ACCESSONY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *:Is E1ect Power on this Euitdine EI Yes I No ARCX OESI6I{ PROFESSIOML: lavid E,a1.} -Bolrna n, Murray, Hemm Arch.974--/ 62-2621.PH; PH: NC REG #: 1116 9 NC REG #: 8433 / 1a592EITGR D€SI6{ PROFESSIG{AL : Duncan l.tcFa,lyen./ Jim Benson per plans DESCRIPTION OF UORK: upfit Second Floor space and Add Geneaator-Need to do upfit in separate phase ls food or bevrages gep€.€d or s€rved in 0 s slnrtra? fl ves Q uo b nre Pmpo.ty Locat€d tn Ttn Roodflatn? f] ves [l No OISCI IMER: I hereby certt thar allinlormal,on in and local laws and o/dinances ano regulallons. The or chanoe in contracbr or contr*tor firormatron "'SubFcllo Frnes Up To 3500.00"' c and all other appkable Stale the olans and Code and REVISEO DATE d1Y12 (oidrd lPi.r xlr!.) Nd6: Dqnolliql ndllcdol!' & 63b6!6 rrnovd poinlt lppllcado.ts ar. to bo submbd lalno rla lF!ffcat,on ,onn o. bdldl|g wa3 folnd to cquin Artaio. o. no( Yoo .rb EqrrrEd to cdl thr tkdon l E {3llon Serxhrda ior fl.:!dor,! Ar PolhianB (NESHAP) st (913)707.5950 .t hr.t 10 {hyt p.ior to tlc darnoliloo of aiy fuflty o. bulldao. Saa Aat*lc Wab Slto: htqJiirvw.oti stal6.nc ug.prasb€6rotahmp.hr$l TOTAL PROJECT COST: s30c, coo BUILDING HEIGHT: ex::# OF UNITS: l TOTAL AREA SO FT :364C SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ # OF STRUCTURES: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:c Exsr LAND orsrunarNe eenurre I ves fl r.ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE [nesrnunnrr [uencer.nrue I eor.rc [eer [coNoo OTHEFtMedi cal offic€ WATER: EICFPUA fl COMMUNITY SYSTEM flwELL flzoNlNc USE cl.AsslFIcATloN: sEwER: E CFPUA ECENTRAL SEPTIC E PRIVATE SEPTIC ncOi,lMUNrY SYSTEM OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Norman Chambliss IIl SIGNATURE: (FOR OFFICE USE OI.ILY) ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Appoval:- CV:-DATr: FLOOD: -- BFE+ N 5lr-)Comm6nt PERMIT DEVELOPERT wilminston Health Associares PlOt'lE *: 910-341-33cc PiOIECT AOORESS: 2421 sitve. stream Ln CITY: 'r{rtrilnqron ZIP:2B4af PIO E *: 97A-i41-J1C0 .*r,. rs rHrs a ciralcE or o€arpancy user fivrs fi m ..'*. IF Yes, $rat lras the Prevr,ous Occupancy fype? _ t{hat is the t{er Occupancy Type, _ PAYMENT METHOD: ICASN [CreCx leeVeeu TO NHC) f]eUentCar exeRESS E McA/lSA E OFcovrn Nttc frrt- fr,v ll !*c e erp\JA ,01+ +t5+ APPLICATIOI{ l{umber (Office Ur€) oz NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERilIT APPLTCArIOI,I rYPE: COi,ttIlE RC IAL PLEASE AI,ISI'ER AIL QUESTIOIIS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responslbility,, l Vlrlaqe tncAPPLICA T'S NA'.IE: DEVELoPER; owner PIONE ,: 719 49e t3?3 PROIECT ADDRESS: 472 GoldenRd CITY; wi lmlonoton ZIP | 29412 OCCUPAI{T/BUSIi{ESS l{A}'lE : cape !.ear Cessori VilLaqe PRoPERTY OI,'INER'S Ml,lE: caoe Fear MonEessori vi l laqe PHONE *: OT.IER'S ADDRESS:atolina Bea RT CONTRACT0R: vanoaurd 1ar Sy6tems CITY: wilminqtotr ST: Nc ZIP:2s412 ADDRESST ?28 rhree sisrers Rd ST: NC ZIP; 27s4s E|.4AIL ADDRESS: sreve@sre ahuttlel,,orth - com PHONE #: ?1e 4ee 13 73 PRO]ECT CO TACT PERSOI{:Steve Shuttieworrh ptoilE t: ?19 499 1373 LICEiISE *: 46267 CITY: Knj.qhr.daLe Exrsr corsrRucrror{, n ALTERATT.N n .rrJifril# Titltii*,- neparns fr RELocArror{ ll Rolocdon, is there a Narurar cas Line on the currenr sre? ! v* ff m rs aL oc spfrifxr eReoz I ves ff r.ro t'lEl.J CoNSTRUCTIoN r ERECT r{Errt sTRUcruRE f} rasr rnlcx I Snrlr- f] urrrr I mo ro Exrsr sTRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f: IF Ycs, rrhat Has the prevlous occupancy T),pel ARCH DESTG'I PROFESSIO'{AL: *i.'i!r* rs THrs a clrArcE oF occupArrcy usrr flvrs ffirc **'," Is Elect Poler on this Building E Ves EI ,O ldiat is the Ne ocrupancy Typet PH: E'{GR DESIG}J PROFESSIO AL:.lameE E radley PH: 912 384 756s NC REG #t osss 9 DESCRIPTIoII 0F tORK: InsrallaEton of nee noatuLar clas ls tood o. b€verages prepued or served in ttds annuref I ves [l No b Tho Prop€,ty Lmetd tn Tha Ftooddainf f! ve [t r.ro SIGNATURE: lloi€: Domoll{on no! artons & as!63b! romovrl 9ermlt rppllcr0gnr alB to bo lubmlt!6d uring tho appllcation hfm DISCI"AIMER: I h€€by certly that all inlormation in this aDotlcaxon is co,,ed aod alt work wil comdv wtlh rhesnd bcal ,as 6nd ordhencos €nd roouladons. Th€ NHC boveloom€ Seryices Cenler wil be no f;d of an,or cnange in contracb{ or co.Eacto. intormarion. '*NOTE. An} Wort Perromed WO the Appropnats pemtls SubEc't ro Frnes UD To3500.00"' TOTAL PROJECT COST: 24sooo TOTAL AREA SO FT : 5984 Slate AUibIng Code 6nd allolhor rvhelher lhe lEclll9 0r Slare found lo x, tofibh A!t6$6 o. Dot Yot) ro rBql&d b.dl6e l,&rooalEmBslon $.n@rdr to H.z..rrolJ3 A, Pdtur.rE (I€STHAP) at {919)707-5950 Et teo 10 doftlolllon.(lny b.tlt orblrlldlng- S.. A!be3ro.WS SXor pJ rwrl.opl.sbb.nc.us/epuasbosroe€hfip,hrint pdor to tr6 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R@F: ss 8a ACRES DISTURBED: 1.4s ac SQ FT PER FLR: ses4 # OF STRUCTURES: * OF STORIES: r EXST r-AND DlsruRerNc peRMrrz filves f] Ho NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA; .s7 ac SOFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o pRoPERTyuSE: Eorrrce flnesmunam [urncarintu f]eouc DAPr DmNoo OTHER school WATER: mCFPUA SEWER: @ CFPUA SQ FT pAyMENr METHOo: ftCesn fiorecx pnvmu ro Nncl fleuenrcAN EXPRESS I UCnn* f] "" SEPARATE PEB]VITS REQUIRED TOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS & INSEFTS '' n CoMMUNITY SYSTEM TIWEI IfZONING USE CIASSIFICATION:lf cerrner- semc fl e-ruvere semc EdoirMuNtry sysrEM fi)t\o1DtscovER {^adtr, DATE:5-3i-201? I{C REG *: OWNIEFUCONTRACTOR: cape tear t'tontessorr vrllaqe BUILDING HEIGHT: !_ll_ f OF UNITS: f OF FLOORS: 1 ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN TyPE; Co II4ERC IAL piEASt a skfn ALL QUIStTONS ApptICAALE T0 yOLrq pRO]a(r .,p.oject Responsibility,, 2oit ?is+ APPLICATION Number (0ffi(e Use) APPLICANT'S NA E: DEVELOPER: .*: ,.r. r'ai? -ea- i4oi. - esldr r Vr_ taqe Jrc DATE PIIONE f: ::" 5-3 ) PR0IECT ADDRESS: :, r:.t r,.. r-,.1 CITY: wi I mi*rqr or1 oCCUPANI/BUSINESS NAfiE: .-:l pROPERTY OWNER'5 t,lAi'tE: .arre ien! uu!r.esrcr PHONE fol,lNER'S ADoRESS:CITY: .- CONTRACIOR: ADDRESS: !l':AI r ADDR[55: PRoIECT CoNTACT pERSoN: ti .,: : .i LICENSE f: CITY: .,-, ,. 5T: :;.- ZIP: - 14 i, ST: r' ZIP: t,ni-- PHONF 4 PHoNE #r :, ,i..t rrl ((he.k alt rhat Appty)EXIST CONSTRUCTTON: I aLTERATTON E RENOVATION 6ENERAL REPAIRS I nrrocarroru lf Relocation. is there a NaturalGas I ine on tne Current Sile? E Yes E*n ts eL DG spRlNxrrneor I ves I r.io NEW CONSTRUCTTO{, I rnrCr NELll sTRUCTURE f] rASr rnacx ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: SHELL UP€IT I aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE If UPFIT - The Shell permit #Is Elect PoL,er on this Building E yes u0 ***+i IS THIS A CHANGEIf Yes, u/hat was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH O€SIGN PROFESSIOiI,AL:Ptl ENGR DtSI6N PROFESSIOiIAL | .-inrr:3 . i.,,i ,,.,NC RE6 f DESCRIPTIoN 0F I^IORK: -i:i!at i a!:r I ls food or beverages prepared s s€rved in this structure? E yes I No ls The Property Located tn The Flooddatn? [ ves No D]!,clalMEl r-rrer.v,.,Lry rhar a[ nro,mar on,- rr-sipDrraron \.orrrdn.,aI*orknr.(ompyw,rrh.r1'rtrarra*sa-lorJrrJ-.es.-!j(!urar,ons The Nr,c D|vetopmear seryrLesccnrer dltbc no |eoolan!..' .trnqe n Lo r,rcror o, ( onr,ncro, ito,nar,Jn. -..No-a Aryrlo i te.ro;;; i,,,;ii i;;iffi;pl""i""p!#iLSubtecl lo Etr,es Up io 5500 00"' Srale Aurrdrng Code and allother appt,cabre Sl,re CS o Code ani OWNER/CONTRACTOR: io".'lnsr Noi6. Demolido. norlilcstioos t asb€sros SIGNATURE: !!eb Slre: http]Arww.ep{.stsl€.n€.us/epi/asOesbyanmo han BU]LDING HEIGHT: :: TOTAL AFIEA SO FT : : e,r.i SO FT PER FLR TOTALSOFTUNDERROOF: :.8.; #OFSTRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED f OF UNITS, EXST LAND DISIURBING PERMIT?ves I roa SQ FT ,s.noval p€'r.it applicalions .r s !o b€ siJbml €d !3lng ths appltca{on form {DHHScont ln Asb€sros or nor Yo! sro.equirod lo call tle Ns0onal EmE lo. Stsndards ior Hazad@s Air po utanrs (NESHAP) at (919)707-5960 al t€asr 1Oday5 Florrofi.d€nblnlon ot any laclllty of buiHho. S€e Asbestoc TOTAL PROJECT COST: 24!oi:) NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: ,.r .:1.SQ FT EXISIING II\4PERVIOUS AREA PRoPERTusE: f,OrrrCe EnesreuRer.rr lrlltencmrlLE Ieouc ner f coNoo orHER: . :i, WATER: [ACFPUASEWER| E CFPUA CoMMUNTTY SySTEt\,t fl WELL fIZON|NG USE CLASSTFICAION: CENTFAL SEPTIC L-I PRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNITY SYSTEM PAYMENT METHOD: [CasH cHEcK (eAvABLE To nncl [lvrarcAN ExeRESS I ucnnsn I orscownI (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: REMSED DAIE 4/II/]2ZONE:_OFFICER _LH:_ RH: _ B:_Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD:___ BFE+2ftr AVNComment PERMIT FEE: $ I Dan oF oc.uPANcY usrl Ivts Ino -.".- lrhat is the Ner/ Occupancy Type? lJa 8a6 ': ,(-\I ^--/1 , OF STORIES: : # OF FLOORS: i BUILDING PERMIT CONMERC IAL Aot+'7;oL -aH+g' :NEW HANOVER COUNTY APPLICATION TYPE:APP LICATION Number DATE: l/13/201? PHO E S:910 .l.i1 .7600 zlP i 2a412 PLEASE AIISI'IER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pnolect ResPonsibllity" 1kAPPLICANT, S NAT1E ! OEVE LOPER:CITY: 1{i1nrl PRO]ECT ADDRESS 680 shipva r:d ts lli 1nr i n-M ion No 5 NA}IE t cit of E: c il:of lril N s! OCCUPANT/BUSINESS PROPERTY O!]NER' S NA}I OI.INER'S ADDRESS: 51t -.ZlP'. - CITY: CONTRACT ADDRESS: EiIAIL AO LIC E CITY: NSE sl q sr'\JCzrp'A8f-l\{\S0Ri'a8 DRESS PAYIIEtT METHOD PHONE f,I PHoNE *i **ffiB ExrsT CON5TRUCTToN: n aLTERATToN ir nefocatron ls there a NalulalGos Line on lh PRO]ECT CONTACT PE NEUJ CONSTRUCTION: AcCESSORY STRUCTURE i ARCH DESI6N PROFESSIOT{AL: ENGR OESI6N PROFESSIONAL I RENOVATION GE e Current Site?Iv"" EREcr NEN srRUcrlJRE [-] rasr rnncr PRINKLEIIED? f sHrr-r- [ uerrr ! aoo ro Exrsr STRUcTURE NO (he.k Alt That APPLv) NERAL REPAIRS No lS BLDG S YES is PHr PH: hat the N RELOCATION ct PoHer on this Euilding No Yes If UPFIT - The 5he11 Penmlt *: rs E1e **++r rs THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USEI IF Yesr vJhat uas the Prevlous Occupancy Type? l/l NO +*+t'* evr occupancY TYPe? 61^ rar ?600 NC REG 1li;iEi;;- '. one u 2359t DESCRIPIION OF WORK:j lstood or bsvsrages prep?red orserved ln lhls $ruciur€'l Yes No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplaln?Ycs Noey fire E DISCLAIMER S!Lr p IoS50! 0o-' k vnll comolY wilh thc villbc Lrotillad o( an7 e APProPri6le Pe(mrls Ruildin! Code a olher aoplicablc sla€ NC Shle Bldq code and Cocd,oC\ eriormed ;\Ij\ han0e Rc\9\ RACTOR :L rNiIk 6A) Nots; D€molldon notfica uons & asbeslos rernov6l P ro b. submitted usin! ll (NESHAf) al (919)707 conlaln Asb6slos or mL NaUonalEml3slon SE .l.m olilion of any fBciliv Slle: htlDrh^! w.ePl s'€!e nc.us/ePUasbeslos/ahm P.htnl d oF UNITS BUILDING HEIGHT Wi"y; NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA E SO FT 26',.I'OTAL PROJECT COST TOT TOTni so rr uuoea RooF: rr" 154 ACRES DISTURBED st.+14 ALAREASOFI:10.?'/4 ,a2 EXST LAND DISTI]RBING PERN'1IT?YES NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAr 1 . 1.1 eouc leer []couoo o'IHER:Eire SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES # OF STORIES: 1 # OF FLOORS PROPERTY USE: t]OFFICE f nesreu anHr Ir'lencnnrtle WATER: [ACFPUA COMMUNIfi SYS-TEM trWELL SEWER: E CFPUA CENTBAL SEPTIC PRIVATE SEPTIC r\1Ectl PLEG G\li Eoulr. FFEFASS J lfls€n15 ro nucl I AMERICAN EXPRESS f, ucrutsa I otscovenAIE PEET1I'IS FEOUIgED TCR TLECI r-]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: 5Eovuulttw svsrela ScesH il CHECK (PAYABLE REllSEO OArE411n2 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:'-ou B: N l,FtrTZIL-LH:-- ZoNE:-.=- Approval:........-.--- OFFICER: ---FLOOD: - City:'-..--..--DATEI,- II E Com ment PERMIT FEE: $ PHONE *: 910 619 _ 5 518 E L. I'lalk LoudelmiIk' AIA Neal 91. Andre'r" PE Aa+ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N IYPE; RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility"1/ Application Number (orfice use) APPLICANT'S NAME: -OS PRoJECT ADDRESS, 3l .2Q tT,o,r'ctw Date 7-b -/ 7 zte:.1t?// SUBDIVISION: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:/, OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE #: 6 CITY CITY sf ztP:JX./// -qbz/ EMAIL ADDRESS: -J",L 'Tr,, E sunroom (sF)n Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes t'No TOTAL sQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed workl Healedi t PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 0a0 BtDG LICENSE #7bx /ci sT: t!(ztP: J{'t ?1 PHONE gto-btb - 353r- PHoNEq/0- bt0- 3s3{ t5 L4 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON yn ti5 ExlsTlNG coNsTRUCTloN: E]-6iteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTloN: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation M r'+ **'TPLEASE CHECK AN D ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT* * * tr Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (sF)! Porch {sF) n Greenhouse (SF)- E storage Shed (sF)- Lg-Other (SF) Unheated: TOTA ls the ls any tf the ls the p pr sa ion, is there a Na re Electrical Power on this Building? Yes d< tura!.lges l-ine on the current site? t'Yes E trto dw ging the number of bedrooms?trrl@work being done to the Accessory Structure Zi"t E trto EvesBNo ancy Lf Sinsle Family Ll Duplex E TownhouseProperty Use/ Occup Description of Work:(v c I t (t f - ilcu.tcn . lectrica umbin DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all the rnformation in this application i5 correct and all work will comply with the State BuildinS Code and all other applicable State and local hange s in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractorlaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development 5ervices Center will be not information. at *NOTE:Any work perfo ropriate permits will be in Total Acres Disturbed: up to 5500.00*r* $ro Pa ified of any c violation of t Signature: he NC Sta de and subBldg Jos rmed without the app L, / homr; JOwner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E community system E Private Well E central well E Aqua sEwER: E cFPUA E Community System E Private septic El central septic E Aqua zone: -- otficer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - V€ 5. Comment: Permit Fee: S t{,0 6 a/ tOT #: _ L ffi e.?- t'f i'J.\c{irC rrnv t-l ?ctp 7r_s t+-- ozg- APPLICAT]ON Number NEW HA]SVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI0ATIaN IYPE; Co|4,I|!ERCIAL PIEASE ANSHER ALL QiJESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAIqE: Michael Martin DEVEI.OPER; PRoIECT ADDRESS: 1,1c 5 Barcla Pointe Blvd uni.9c1 CITY:'.{1t:rir: occuPAnlr/BUs Il.lESS tlAltE : starbucks Coffee PROPERTY OI{NER'S tn E: charleB Thrift - collet! OHNER's ADoRESS: 1L r.1 Me!roioli.tan Ave. stse.?00 CITY: cliarloLLe CONIRACToR: ^ii1 i ldir Co lnc LICENSE *: 7 82218 ADDRESS: 45 veterans Blvd CITY: xenner EIIAIL ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Michael liarLi:: {(he.k All Tnat Apply) RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION e Current Site?t]Yes n I DATE: 4.): 20,r :c:i PHONE #: ZIP i ?i/,-) PHoNE *: ?04 206 8346 ST: NC ZIP r:j2j3_ 5T: I,A ZIP: ?CC62 PHONE S: PHoNE #:608-40?-9oe! EXIST CONSTRUCTTON: n ALTERATTON t Rclocation is there a Natu.al Gas Line on th ves flro NE!,J CONSTRUCTTON, f| eneCr NEW STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ! rnsr rnncx I sn:ll [} ulrrr I ADD 10 EXISI STRUCIURE If UPFIT - The SheII Permit f: 2017 1o5B Is Elect PoHer on this Building I Yes Eruo *ii*** rs rHrs A cHAME oF occupAncy usrr flves flm .--.. IF Yes, what ras the Pnevious oc<upancy Type?Hhat is the i{ew oc(upancy Type? A2 Assemt l ARCH DESIGIi PROFESSIONALI NCRR PeleI D.Jbiin PA] 312-424-24aa Nc REG #: 9186 ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIO lllALr r4i 1i iam Alken-,e..'er ?H| 314-7'72-11a2 NC REG *: o247oc DESCRIPTION OF !iORK: Tenanrr rnrerior. UEfir of New Landlord Shel.L; Si,rnale r;ermiated serara.el. b bod or lerrragrc prepdsd s€n ed In tiis grrct""z E v"" E No b The Prcp€{ty Lrcaed h The Ft@dgalnr I ves No ing Code and allother applicable State Dlans andsDeclricalions|rC Srare 8ld0 Code and OWNEFI/CONTRACTOR:.a.** l,/c./i tt I SIGNATURE: (aisrihd (PrhNr ) Noto: O6l'lollion nodtaions & ssb6ro5 rsflovEl pornh 4lislio.ls 6It to b€ submltEd ljslng tl6 tppllc€Uon brm (DHBSn76a) ',ttetn€r ots ladliv or htllrlio was .oobtn alb€lbi or nor you 6rE .BqutE(t b csn $o Nsidt t E ntsston stsnder6 tor Hszadour Alr PoiluiBlns (NESHAP) d (91s)7075s6o d l€!.st 10 dlvs prlo. b tho d.lrDlton ol any bdlry or bdldhe. sec A!b.3b3 u/.b slE: nftri/^r** 4!! 5!.1e. .. ,""r.p- a5bes']r:r3 r ii' ':' TOTAL PROJECT COST: $24O.OOO EUILDING HEIGHT: 26,-0, #OFUNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT 2 204 SO FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: r TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: - fOF STRUCTURES: r ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsruRatruc penurrzf-lves flruo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA;-SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAI SO FT PROPERTY USE: DOFFICE lneSmumr*r I MERcANTLE neouc f] lrT [cotloo OTHER: cot Iee Sho: WATER: ACFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA IFICATION: RB cj] pAyMEhrr METHOD: ficnsn ficreo< lervmu ro Hxcl [ntenlcAN D(PRESS I uovsl fl otscown r] COMMUNITY SYSTEM NWELL DZONING USECLASS fJceunn- semc fl i-nvere semc flcoMMUNlwsYsrEM (Fffi OFFEE USE OI{LY) SEIBACKS: F:-LH: RH: B: BFE+tr FEVTS€D OAIE {11112 ZONE:_Of FICER: Appro\ral:- CIIY:-DATE- FLOOD: -- AVN Comrnsnt PERMIT FEE: $ DISCLAIMER: # OF FLOORS:- +- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION |YPE; COMIiIERCIAL PIEAsE ANSI{ER ALL QUEsTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Ia i+* ?z*;*a-t32& APPLICATION Number (Offi€e Use) DEVE LOPE R: APPLIC ANT'S tlAIitE: Michael. Mart rn PHONE *: OATE| 4/2t/20|'t PRO]ECT ADDR OCCUPANT/8US E55: _}lgg_EgS.l=r--Ep:!!S_ c., unr: e4'. CITY:--__--INESS tlAllE: starbrckE coffee wi lminq!on PRoPERTY oWNER's NA E: chartes riri:! - ccl leti OtdNER.,5 AODRESS: rltl Met.r.opoliLan Ave., sce.7o0 CITY: CITY: realre:: PHoNE B: "? 04 - 206 - 8346 ST: Nc ZIP: 28204 5T: LA ZIP: 10062 PHONE #: PHONE #: 6og-40?-9090 Charlof; te ^ CONTRACTOR: At I ied Buildlnq co. ADDRESS; 45 veaerans Blvd EIilAlL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Michael Mari-in (Che(k A11 Ihat Apply) EXISI CONSTRUCIION: N ALTERAT ION RENOVAT ION 6ENERAL R EPAIR5 R ELOCATION IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?fl v"" f]rio ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE lf Relocadon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site"u Yes ilto NEI.J CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK fl sner-r- fi uarrr I ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: 2017-1058 Is Elect Power on this Buildj.nB I Yes il*o *.'*,! rs rHrs A clrAr,rcE oF occupANcy user Ives a IF Yes, what was the previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DEsIGt'i pROFESSIoIIALi NoRF perer lubr:n 312-124-24co c REG f: 9tB6 ENC* DESIG{ PROFESSIOTIAL : !.l1i1 ia.n Aikeneyer 3t1,1'72-t782 NC R€6 *:024700 DESCRIPTION OF 'JORK Tenaatt Tnrerlor Up:rE of New La:icil.ord shell; Slgnaqe pe!:mitted separ.ate]y PH PH ls tood or beverages proparad or sewsd in thls sfucture?I OWNEFUGONTRACTOR: {O'Jlrid) Nole:Oomolldoi notllcatons l! ssb€slos Grnovalp€rmit applkadons aroto b6 ves [ rc ts The ftoperty Locded In The Floodplaln? ff Yes No lllraq all olher applicable Stale Dlans and soecifiEalronsi,rc srare Sldq code d df SIGNATURE: appilcaton torm (DHHS-3768) whrlh.r lha faclllly o. bl/lHhg was lound lo contatn Albsstos or not. you ar6 requk.d io call ths Nalonrl Emi$lon Siandards 60r Hazado@ Alr PolluLnts {NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 sl l€asl 10 days p.lot to tho atamolhJon ot sny fad$ly or bulldlng. Soo fub€stos Wob Silo: httsJ ^'./w epl.slaie nc.us./.91/ssb6los/ahmp.ht'nl TOTAL PROJECTCOST: S24o,oco TOTAL AREA SQ FT SO FT PER FLR # OF STRUCTU # OF STORIES: r.'_ 2 .200 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - RES: r # OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED: - NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:....-..- EXsr LAND DrsruRetNc pentttrz l-1ves f] uo SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT pRopERTYUSE: [orrtce f]nesrnuneNr luenceNrlr [eouc [apr ncouoo OTHER:Coffee shop flzoNrN G USE CI-ASSIFICATION: RB cDWATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA aa NCOMMUNIWSYSTEM f]WELLfr cexrneu seertc fl entvrre seertc D COMMUNITY SYSTEM ]'',:i pAytvtENr METH6D: ficest flcneCx leavaaLE To NHc) [euentCeN e<eness fi trlcnrtsa flolscoveR REVTSEO DAT€ 4lll12 ToNF OFFICER: SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:- ;;;"--city: ----Ere--FLooD:- BFE+2fi=- AVN dir..t6i6 (FOB OFFICE USE ONLY) I Comment PERMIT FEE: $ ZIP , xat2 LICENSE *: 7622s8 tr u l4hat ls the Nen occupancy Type? A2 - Assemblv OISCLAIMER: BUILDING HEIGHT 26' -A" # OF UNITS: ? IN] Y o PA NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT aPPLIcATI0tt rYPE: COI{]IERCIAL PLEASE A}TSI{ER ALL gJTSTIOTIS APPLICABI.E TO YqJR PRO]€CT "Project Responslbility" An+-?z+i 4ts=:88€ APPLICATION NumbeP (Offl(e Use) 0 DEVELOPER: univer6ity PTONE *: PRoIECT ADDRESS: 4r.s s coLleqe Rd uniE 14 CITYi wilminqron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS l,lAllE a Icicle Rol.1 lee cream PRoPERTY O,JNER'S tlAfiE: chunde4q ! Od ER's ADDRESS: 413 s colleqe Rd unit 14 CIfY: wilftinqron ST: IL zIP:!!g!L CONTRACTOR:Tirnelegg ProDerEies Inc LICENSE #: 6s784 ADDRESS: gs2 BedminlBrer Lane CITY: wilminqton 5T: Nc ZIP: 2s4os EMAIL ADDRESS:t ony@t i me 1e a ertiescc,com PtSt{E *: 910- s47-0541 PROIECT C0 TACT PERSON: vic Fralev PtOt{E *: 910-s47-oE{1 ACCESSORY STRI}CTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Pefinit #:rs Elect poler on thls Buitding EI Yes f] ro *a..* rs rHrs A cHAr{cE oF occt palacy user frvrs flio ...*. IF Yes, uhat Has the Previous Occupancy Typel - lihat ls the 6{ Occupancy Type ? rce cream Exrsr coilsrRrrcrrd{: D ALrERArr. g rrffii'l'fi'EEil** nrnrrns I RELocArro It Rctocdon, is rhere a Naturatcas Line ofl rne -Currenr Sitee [vei[Ho tseLoGspii xlrneol Ives fllto Er{ consrRucrroN, fl enrcr irEr{ slRUcruRE I rasr rucr ! sn:tr- f] unrrr n aoo ro Exrsr srRt cruRE ARCH oESIGN PROFESSIONALT coodr ich Architecture PH PH NC REG f: NC REG *: 9107993990 ts fiood or bev€rag* prearcd q so.r/€d ln thb onowe? S ve" I Ho r rrt" fropo,ry Locatod ln T}l€ Roo@lan? fl ves [l Ho all SIGNATURE: (adrl..) (Pid llh.) tlot : Da(I|ol$on notltcrdo & rrbcoB rsinovtl F.mlr rpptlca{oltt lreto bo lubrnltlod urlr8 rre lppllaaton ir{m (OHHS-,88) f,llolhor llty or bulldk! war iound lo codrh Arbaaur or iot Yoo lro Gqulr€d b callta l,bdo.d Emhalo.l &!|t(b.(lt ft( Hazan ou! A& Poluranl. (NESH P) rt (01S)707€g5O al hltt 10 (iyt F*or b tE &rnotilbn ot rny hdllly or bullrho. 569 Asbastoa tvab 8i9: hl9r ,v'.vw.aPl.dat ,rc.'J3faeuatba.b!,/dmp hunl TOTAL PROJECTCOST:4oooo BUILDING HEIGHT:20,# OF UNITS: 1 TOTAL AREA SQ TT :1400 SQ FT PER FLR # oF STORIES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:1400 # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS:- Exsr IAND DrsrunerNc neRutrrflves f] No SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT WATER: mCFPUA SEWER: El CFPUA -. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIREDFOR €LECI. MECH. PLBG, GAS COUIP, PFEFABS E INSERTS -' pAyMENr MErHoo: ficesn flctecx leavaarE ro NHc) flnuenrce1r a<eness I mcrusa ff otscoven (FOR OFFTCE U8E ONLn ZONE OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approvd:- C|I)4-DATE- FLOOD: -- BFE+2fr N ACRES DISTURBED: - NEW IMPERVIOUS ARE U- T-lCOrilUNlTY SYSTEM nwELL IZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: - Ecirrnnr-srptrcEp-nrvrresePTrcfl-corMuNtrysYsrEu REVISED DATE {I 1112 0 Crmm6nt PERMIT FEE:t aPPLICANT'S Mr{E: DATE:__!!4!l:f_ ZIP:2s403 PHoilE S: 646-677 -'7545 EI*GR OESIG PROFESSIOML: DESCRIPUON OF }'IOR(: OWNEFUCONTRACTORi nnthonv .rotrneon pRopERryusE: EoFFrcE nnesrruunr [uencermr.e f]eotrc f]epr noomo orHERrce3s-am XA?(I Nt+o-t- ilIEhi HANoVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPLTCATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilitf' trs ITY: Zoi+ +?-7<14-il+3 APPLICATION Number (office use),l o^r* e /e/ /20 a z1, APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: t17+ wnreR: EcFPUA tUl,*sEwEn: ECFPUA PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OWNER'S NAI,IE: OWNER'S ADDRESS:c CONTRACTOR ; ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CITY: LICENSE #: 5 a CITY: PHONE *: 1 tct - JAO --1 '1 t t zIP:eQq1.l sT | 'l0O Zwt A?t/0 4 srt /lt/ ztP,: e?q1<' PHONE #: l rrt - Jt.to -1 ! ? ( PHONE S: 1/o- AOa 7t/(f STRUCTU /2 C L EI,IAI L ADDRESS : PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: (Check AII rhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL RE PAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED? NEW CONSTRUCTION: tr ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: - ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit *: [v"" ffuo PH: PH: NC REG *: NC REG *: ERECT NEW STR URE FAST .TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST rl It ,m.rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usrl I ves fr*o ***** €4 to -)1'1-3) i) ,{t,,tl Lf L COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRALSEPTTC n flWELL PRIVATE SEPTIC ls ,ood or boverages propared or s€rvod in thls structuro?Evu" M to b rhe Property Located ln The Floodptain? [ ves rhe srare Building Code and all other applicabl s andlion ol the soecdrcatons Bldg code and (*" e Slale es in lhewill OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (ouame') L SIGNATURE: (Prl Nar*) Note: Demolilion noliricatons & asbostos removal pemit applicstions are !o be submitted using the applicatjon torm (DHHS-3768)th6 tacilily or buildinq w8s found to contain Asbestos or noL You ar6 requk€d to calllhe Natonal Em,ssion Stsndards ior Hazsrdous Air Pollut6nts (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 ot lessl l0 days prior lo lh€ demoliton of any tacility or building. Soe Arb€stos Web SiE: httpr ^,ww epl p.hunl T9TAL pROJECT CaS\, A?0,0o0,, " BUTLD|NG # OF UNITS:4- TOTAL AREA SQ FT :7,edA TOTAL SO p1 rrxppp RooE;er16 ACRES DISTURBED:6 EXST LAND DlsruRetNo peRlirtrr l-'1ves ffi ruo NEWlMPERVloUSAREA:-SQFTExlSTlNGlMPERVloUSAREA: PRoPERTY usE: floFFrcE flnesraupanr MERcANTLE f]eouc f]mr lcoxoo orHER:Lo {o,,lT'l SQ FT flzoNrNG usE CLASSrFrcATroN: fl coMMUNrrY SYSTEM ..'SEPARATE PERI,4ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECI [IECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSEHTS "' pAyMENr METHoD: tfcAsH flcnecx lerveeLE ro NHc) fimlentcen e<eness fficnrrsr E orscoven OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: REMSED DATE 4/11N2 ity:- DATE:- FLOOD: --- BFE+m= AVN Ar AoDroval: C "ora"n, 6 PERMIT FEE: $ PHoNE *: q ic -n( - '/q0 ) n tr Is Elect Por.,er on this Building E Yes IFYes,whatwasthePreviousoccupancyType?-whatistheNewoCcupancyType?- SQ FT PER FLR: ?6OO #OF STORIES: 4 * or srnucrunE*f- *or rlooRs: -Z- fT ZONE: 2bLlotl71rl2PI NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcArIqt rvPE: SIGNS / BILLBOARDS PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & ANSWER ALL QUEST]ONS"Project Responsibilitf' 5,q^ (o'-t.-* - -_APPLICANT, S t,IAitE : DEVELOPER: 5--!l-'<rn APPLICATION Number (office use) DATE:5/3otttTPHONE #: '|t o - <67 -6??( rno:rcr mo-nrss, 1-O0?(rv6uE:[, o,r C\ Cf <.r-' I CITY: t-lr\ \--.\ r ! tst /.\ J C-LC PHONE #: ZTP i z<cr r 12-- OCCUPANT/BUSINESS I,IA''IE :<> PROPERTY OWNER,S NAIIIE: OWNER,S ADDRESS: ?"..'.c\ T r<-t @,.-\1a CITY: CONTRACTOR: !- slll< rn ADDRESS: EII,IAI L ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: LICENSE #: CITY: ST: _ ZfP:_ Sl ':/u<- ZIP: Z Yq t 7t1 3 k, (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)fi*,,tr ALTER tr REPAIR rrurancr I cHANGE our . <_o <.r= PHONE *: 9/o -Zre -ts rQ3 PHONE *:- 36 -C tc tr\€, r.<.! ( \ 6 /-'.e.- f\e, v! l-? / !.) r-^-^ .\ En*,--,^c--".DESCRIPTIO OF WORK: Cra -,.--.- and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Doveiopment Servicss Cenlerwillbe notified ofany changes in the approvod plans and sp€cirlcations or change in contracior or contraclor information. "'I{OTE:Any Work Performed WO the Appropriate Pemits willbe in Violation ol the NC State Bldg Code and Subject to Fines UpTo $500.00-' _ IS SIGN(S) OI{ OR OFF PREI.IISES?{o* lo* otllNER/CONTRACTOR :Q-\.u-t- L-) r.\so...- 5TGNATURE: (print Name) *t*:F,t **++ ** + rtlt *+ + )t* )r )* r* )* *x x )**** **+:t **+t:t* rt rt * *{. rt * it:t :* {. *,t *tr '* +** '*,* )*** **,*** *)i )i*)t )*+ )i:f * r* )*,i:} * * rt rt* wPE OF SrGN(S) FREESTANDING ( Ground ) SHINGLE S MARQUEE l^lA L L trE PRO] ECTION CANOPY ROOF OTHER Total Number of Signs on this Project: _ sign Dimensions, 30" x ^ l(,so Total 5Q. FT. of Sign Dimensions: _ X _ Iotal SQ.Fr. of Sign Dimensions: _ X _ Total SQ.FT. of Sign Dimensions: _ X _ Total SQ.FT. of N -6.I-aSign: si.gn: Sign: sign: SIGN 1 Height: SIGN 2 Height: SIGN 3 Height: SIGN 4 Height: TOTAL PRO]ECT COST: $4L IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLooDPLAIN? E Yes EIuo *** SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I4ECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIPJ PREFABS & INSERTS A'A pAy,,lEilT r,rErHoo: E crsx I cxrcx (payABLE To NHc) [ Alirenrcar rxrnrss ! r,rclvrsl I orscoven )trt)t** )t * *,i,i )t ,* * )t *,f *+t **+:t**,***++ +t+ r* **:t**,t *,t**)t )t *,i )t )t )t:* )* * * )t*** )i **+*+*+i+ + + *,*,t****,t )t *,i )i )i )**** ZONE : _ OFFICER: (FOR OFFI'E U5E ONLY) REVISED DATE 3/]0/12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B; Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft= Coment :PERMIT FEE: +--ffi^ trtr tzce $'2ct1-Tzzt APPLICATION Number NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIqN TyPEj RESIDENTIAL iIOBILE HOME PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & ANSI{ER AI-L QUESTIOiJS "Project Responslblltty'' APPLICANT, S !,lAIitE: Jackj.e pase (ClFfice Use) DATE :6/L/17 DEVELOPER:Cfavton Homes of Wilminqton PHONE f:910-799-1119 PROIECT ADDRESS: 308 Brookdale Drive BLOCK f: LOT *: 2 PHONE #:9r.0-515-6833 SUBDMSION: Brookdale Acres PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAIITE:Joel and Sal1y Banks Ol.lNER'S ADDRESS: 308 Brookdale Drlve CONTRACTOR:Herrinq Mobj-le Home Movers ADDRESS: Po Box 1240 LICENSE #: 219 6 CITY: castle Hayne sr: I!_ zIP ::!_!!_9_ sT: NC zIP: 287s1 PHoNE #: 910-742-5161 CITY: reland El.lAIL ADDRESS: i ackie. paseG cl avtonhomes . com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Jackle Paqe- Proiect r DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Place Ne!, nobife home on propertv ln .oracrd or ME .ror hlm.uoo. "'NoTE: OWNER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE : (Prlnt Nane) *i.)irl.)** ******** +* + + + r.:1.:f + ,l ,*,i *,* + + + + + + + +,lr + {. '1. + i.,* t*,* * *,* N!+++++*+ +:lr,* *,t,l,t 'l:t,} *r|:* ,* *,* * ,* **+++ir+ ++ T NO O.!.loplnMl Sdk .C€ntrwllhn dn.d ol.rry dlnlE h O. @.w.d dar.nd rtr b. rn vrd.nr or in ilc sLt Brd! cod. .nd subi.cr io Fls uo To 55m.(r)-'H'ffi COMI1UNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC PRWATE I.'ELL PRIVATE SEPT NTRAL WELL COI4I4UNITY SYSTEI.I HUD LABEL: TBD I{ANUFACTURER:Claytoo Oxford oHN02 66 6 0NC YEAR i4.ADE: 2017 WIDTH:16 LENGTH:76 TAN HURRICANE ZONE:!r 2 tr 3 SMOKE DETECTOR:yrs E Ho GARAGET E vrs fi ruo - sF DECK:I ves E NO SF PORCH:tr YES NO SF rs rHE pRopERw LocATED rN A FLooDaLATN? p ver ! ro pRopERry usE/occuPANcY: lll nESroEHCe /OTHER? nesidence SERIAL #: COLOR: ToTAL PRoIECT C05T Gass r-oU: $ts,zta ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: less 1 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: IJ YES I{ATER: E CFPUA 5EWER: E CFPUA CE IC *.I' SEPARATE PERIiiIT5 REQI'IRED FOR ELECT, tIECH., P186, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & IiISERTS *** pAyMEr[T rilErHoo: I clsx I cxecr (pAvABLE ro r,rgc) [ arenrcm exnness E tlcl*to ! orscoven .1 aEylSEO 4/17./!2 (FOR OFFICE UsE OILY) zoNE: _ oFFICER:SETBACKS: F :- LH: - RH:- B:- Approval: - City:- DATE:- FLooD: - -BFE+2 av Comment: PER IT FEE: i U^VH Z -T?etl+' CfTY: caslIe Havne ZIP i 28429 PHoNE #: 910-?99-1119 (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) @:usralr NEt^t MoBTLE Hor4E f] nelocarrol oF usED MoBTLE Hol\E E 0 1 ( NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PL' CAT'O N TYPE RESI DENTIAT PLEAST ANSWER ALI- QUESTIONS APPLICIBTE TO YOUR PROJECT "ProieGt ResPonsibiliV, ,OlF t"Ll71 Numb€r (otfice u5e) APPLICANT,S NAME:At\En,..9u ,h Date: '7 CITY ztP ,?ttt PROIECT ADDRESS: OWNER'S ADDRESS:q CONTiACTOR LOT #suBDrvlsloN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:PHONE 8 TG CITY: 1,1 ztp. ;t tlil n BI,DG LICENST T SI: k aP, iltl( 5 NE: nl lr --!lu->nTI PHONE: - . .,/I 0 - )'"-rt' ADDRESS:) PROJECT CONTACI PERSON t,\\il.ilr,f CITY: l, J EMAIL ADDRESS: (' IXISTING CONSTRUCIIONT tr Alteration fl Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: I Erect New Residence ln Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECI"T ! Att Garage (SF)- E Sunroom (SF) D Greenhouse (SF) D Oet Garage (SF) - D Pool(SF) ! Deck (5F) tr Porch (5F)-......--- D StoraBe Shed (SF)- xott'er{sr)rn )o 3N ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes D No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOI Vot ptoposedwort) Heated: -......-.- Unheated TorAL PRoJECT cosr {Less l-ot): 5 56f\. OO ls the proposed work changing the number o{ bedrooms? tr Yes D4o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tl Yes f] ls there Eiectrical Power on this Building? tr'fes tr No Property Use/ OccupancY: EJ Single famlly Duplex fl Townhouse Yes Ef' o No Oescription ot Work:,l ("lo "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes XJ No Existing lmpervious Area: _- Sq tt Total Acres Distulbedi - New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes D No WATER: U/CFPUA n Community System fl Private well n Central well trl Aqua sEwER: g/CtpuA E community system D private septic f-l central septic E Aqua zonei _ offic€r: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: -- Date: - Flood: (A) -. (V) -- (N) - BFE+2ft= -- Permit Feer I h€r applicable State and local ons or chanSe in contrador p to 5500.00"' Comment: 1<-:-]..: \---,v 20 t7- Tzro NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMI APPU CATI CIN TY PE : RESIDEIITIAL PI.fASE AI{SWER AU. qUESTIONS APPI.rcAALE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Prorrct R€rpondb0ly e CITY: JUl,l l7 I ! | l6Ptl Applicdti,on Number {oftc€ use} APPUCA TS i.IAME:Date:(".7 l7 ZI?:za// a3PR()JECT ADDNESS: suBDtvlslo : 25A r.oT f : PROPERTY OWNER,S T{AME: OU'NER5 ADDRESS;5o',r*{-- @NTRACIOR:0LOAe./f AI'DRESS: E Att Garage (sF) - E sunrmm (sF)- [1 Greenhouse (SF] Property t se/ Occrrp'rcI fl tr Duder I l*lc. 6rJl PHOiIEf:ZSL ,)7-q70? bsDzqt -fto{ \\ OTY:......''..''.....,-ZPt- BTDG PHOt{E: clfi EMAIL ADOREiS: PROJECT COIVIACT PERSOII:ow^r/- Ohr^rl< a^\l EISTII{G @ SIBUcnOn, f Alt"t*lon /nenowtion E General Repairs l{EUl, COIISIRUCnO : E Erect New Residence fl aaaiti- to a*tirg Residence E Relocat on *.*OLEASE CHECI( Af{D A SIA'ER BE ** 0 PHOIIIE: tr D,et Gange (5F) - El Pool (sR- tr Deck (sR - F'tr F Urfieat€d:L08 Pordr (50 Lo8 Storate Shed Other (SF| (sF) - 3b'/ BedT otl'\- ls the proposed wor* dErEing the numb€r of bedrooms? fi vo O I{o lsanyElectricd,PlumbhgorMed€nicatwortbeirEdondtotheAEcessoryStructureffvotrffo fthe prolect is a Relocat'ron, is ttEre 3 Natural Gas Line on the currEnt site? tr Yei F ilo ls there Elect ical Power on this Euildine? f, Yes E o oescrlpton of wort:fctyTL r'n OlgOrnimt I h€Gby ce.ffy th.t r[ rh€ hfo.nrt!6 ln lfi&.pdietion is corrEct and sll rp.k wil cdrply Iiul dE StaE BliUkE Crde and el olh€r.ppHle St E.rd lo.al hws and odllances ard ar8rlhti,ls The t{HC Derdofment S€rvkes Cer*er wll be notifd o, Eny dEnEls h rrr€ approvcd plart and lp€cmcadons or drrng€ h contraclor lniomat o.L ...tlOIE &ry {rort perromed wltla t th€ @.Wbte penniB wll be in vldaddr of dE C de and to up to S50o.@"' *r/ Chules B"/lOurn€r/Cont acw: 'lkened Owfrff ls tfte property located in a flooddain? E Yca Edlllng tmp€rviorr3 Ar€e: _ sq Ft ilsw lmpeniola Araa: - SC Ft Sitnatwel Totel A.1e3 Dlrt rtcd: Edsdng tand Disturthg Pemft: tr Y€s E o M-0{TLBFE+zfr=- I t+int Nome wlfn p CFPUA tr commmity sy6Em El P.iEte well Cl csrtralwdl tr Aqua or** $ CFPUA E community syite.n tr kiEte s€ptic tr centalsepdc tr Aqua un ofrer: OIb s.te.ro14 3d 1r.q lo- 6q lo' 1s; 26' t '$" Hood: (Al _ 910-254.0)5 Perrrft Fee: $'/oo i ll ir l.'ll ls the proposed wort changing the existing foohrirlt?E Yes E No IITTAL SQ FI UiIDE RRrr)F W flopo*d ,o*1 tt"ru*t, 3 b 4 roTAL PRoJBcr @sT (ws totl;|-D) @ O- lLt',\ Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/' 2OtZ- 7 Lz3 ?sruNtT !:IePr! fl-t%+ Application Number SUBDIVISION: Figure Eight lsland tOT #: 10 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Scott and Halev Poole PHONE #: 704-236-9140 OWNER'5 ADDRESS:?12 Ridlrpw^^.] Ava CONTRACTOR: Kingoost Design & Construction BLDG IICENSE f:52564 ADDRESS: 4022 Market St. Suite 203 CITY: Wilmington ST: trlL zlP 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: kinooostiodd6omail.com PHONE: 910-616-1 1 73 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Adam Butler PHoNE:910-367:9323 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONi ! Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation ***PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Att Garage (sF) 959 ! Sunroom (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (5F) D Det Garage (SF)_ fl Pool (sF) 396 tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No Unheated:959 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 1-525_000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes n No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenYesnNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes D No Property Use/ Occupancy:(single ramily E Duplex D Townhouse Description of Work: laws and ordinances and regulatons. The NHc D€velopment services center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contraclor New sinole familv residence and swimmino oool information. +r'NOTE:Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State ldg Code and subiect to fines up to S50O.0O+*r Owner/Contractor: Todd Plocharczyk Signaturer "Licensed Quolifie/' Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes ! No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: .14 New lmpervious Area: 3200 SqFt Existing Land Disturbing Permit; n Yes U No WATER: tr CFPUA Hcommunity System fl Private Well fl Centralwell n Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA ! Community System KPrivate Septic ! Central Septic n Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ lru - t\5 Comment:Permit Fee: S 2 O'v APPLICANT'S NAME: Kingoosl Design & Construction Date:612012017 PROIECT ADDRESS: 10 Backfin Point CITY: Wilmington ZIP: 28411 CITY: Charlotte ZIP 28109 (corch (sF) 1771 E Storage Shed (sF) _ n Other (SF)_ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heatedi 4711 APPLICANI'S t,lAI'E: DEVElOPER: PROIECT ADORESS r OCCUPANT/BUSINESS TIAitE :C 2c t7 -72/z L7 -2022 7- NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAII(N ryPE.. coITiIERcIAL PLEASI A,ISI{ER ATL QUESTIOXS APPI.ICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT..project R€sponslb11ity,, LUI4INA BlULp€es rryc 230 Government Ctr. Dr.* 190 CIIY: PROPERW OI{flER'S TIA}iE : Orr&{ER,S ADoRESS., ?.0L ru5,^) APPLICATIO'i llumber (off DATE :("Zo ZotT Pl{O[tlE * ZIP:03 PHo E ': glc ?gg/330sriffi@) sr:${z*:4rla3 PIONE *: PfONE *: clw: LICE SE *:0acrw:t,co I COI'ITRACIOR: ADORESS: EIIAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECI CONTACI PERSON: If UPFIT The sheLl permit #: IF Yes, xhat Has th€Prev ARG}I DEsIGN PROFE5SIOI|AL: EN6R DESIGiI PNOFESSIOflAL: UIL,{ Type I :lrir lgi'srRucrro{: n ALTERATT* tr *iliH!;li tf Rdocdon, is there a Natural Cas Line on me 6 rent SiteZ fi r{El{ corsrRucrror{: ! rRecr Ehl srRtrcTURE f] rlsrACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Ih.t &ply) DESCRIPTIOITI 0F I^JORK :t(0 trfft\tt>4 N€trJ b€s GENE RAL REPAIRS f] nrloclrron Yes &No lS BLDG SPRTNKLERED?ves firuotl rucr I srell i_ UPFIT D ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE t&at i,s the Nen Oc<upaacy Type I ea,70 297 zfui$ r, ^rn {z Iplt: c REG *: 7)L{ Is Elect Powen on this Buitd ing fu v", flHor..** IS THrS A CHAllcE oF ocarp/u{cy usE?I vrs [*.....lo(rs o(cupan(y l4ntTilltJ UJltLk ZONE:_OFFtCER: Approval:_._-otr- (FOR OFFTCE r.tstE oNLY-) SETBACKS: F:-RH: B: BFE+2flFFLOOD: LH: N PERMIT FEE: $ REVISED OATE {,I V12 C 18 tuod or belsageo prcpe€d a seftEd h tr6 sructref flves S r.ro B TOTAI PROJECT COST: PROPERry USE: tc1 # OF UNITS: WATER:rhcrpua Qcreun El,ro # OF STORTES: / * OP ruoonS: -7----_- I nesraunexr f]urncru,rrru fleouc [arr f]cor.roo OfiER: EICoMMUN|TYS\€TEM T-lwELLLJ cENTRAL sEptc fl pR-MArE sEplc Eorscor,rn tti SEWER: comrn€rt A v NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON rYPf : COIIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSL]EA ATL QUESTIONS APPLlCASLE TO YO!N PBO]ECT "P.oject Responsibility" 2o )]- ?t51 APPLICATION Number (offi(e use ) APPLICANT' 5 T{A}IE CaDe Fear Montessori Vtllaqe Inc DATE: I rr; i' DEvE LoPER: owne CITY: wi I mionq!on PHONE #: ?19 499 1lr3 ZIP i 2B/,r'iPRoJECI ADDRESS: 42 cotden iid oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA E: ca Fear Montessori ViII PROPERTY OWNER'S NA E: cape Fear luontessori vi11 oWNER'S ADORIsS: 633e Carolina aeach RD C0NTRACT0R :Se!e-.rees49!!sss9s-y!L!cge ADoRESS : ij:J:eEqL!!s-9c3sL&L EIiIAIL ADDRESS: S!eve@sleveshu! t lgrorrb- c!!l PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: steve shuttlewor:h ((h..< A)l rh.t ADDIy) PHONE f: C ITY: eritminoton ST: NC ZIP: 2s4 i2 5T: NC ZIP:28q12 LICENSE f: nrlA_ _ CITY: rii tmi!g!q! PHON€ S: ?19 a99 1l7l PHoNE f : ,19 r99 1:lrl EXIST CONSTRUCTION: ll Relocation, is there a Na ALTERATToN l--'l nerovartor I-l crrutnar eeplrns fl RELocATror'r Gas Lrne on tne C,.:,renr Srrea !vei !Uo tS BLDG s/RrN(L L LrrO, I ve5 [polural NEW CONSTRUCTION EREcr NEw sTRUcruRE I rlsr rnacx ! sxell ! uerrr f] aoo ro Exrsr sTRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shel.l Permit s: ....r rs rHrs a cH/lx6f oF o((upar{cy ustl flvts I IF Yes, rhat ras the Previous Occupancy Typel ARCH OTSIGN PROFTSSIO|\TAL: ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIOML: Jdmes E B]:ad1ey oESCRIpTIoN 0t WoRK: tnsraltation of new modular ctassroom Is Elect Power on this EuildinE E ves NOI Hhat is the Ner,, O(cupancy Typel NC RE6 S PH:912 384 ?565 NC REG s: 05889 ls tood or beverages prepared or served in this sruaure? [ves I No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? E Yes I No OISCLAIMER fltr)r ro tie s500 00-' lhis applicalon is core.l and allwork NHC Oeveloone^t ServEes Ce.rer *NOTE Any Ulork Perlormed w/O lhe y wilh lhe Slale Burlding Code and all olhe. applrcable Slalelhar all in,ormation in Cape Fear ,'!onressori vi Il.a SIGNATURE: r3€*or chanoe in cmlractor SuoEcrloFrnes [Jp To OWNEFYCONT (o,lrllr) RACTOR: ,E 4 S-376E) whelhsr $e f3ciliv t, Nol.: Oemdalon norlllcadons t asb€stos mrnolal pemlr applcato.s a,€ ro bo submnred using h€ appl'carion or b cDn6ln Albesbs or nor You arg rgqulr€d o call lhe Natooa' Embdon slandar6s ,of Ha2ardous Alr Pollubnls (NESIIAP) 31 1919)707-5950 a! lea 10de oemorrlon oi anv t€cirrlv o, bunor.o soo Arb.sros w6b srre. hrio //w eo' sra'e nc ue6o'/Jsb€slos/ah4o hrT TOTAL PROJECT COST:- 245ooo BL,ILDING HEIGHT' I7 II A OF UNITS: r TOTALAREA SQ FT : se84 SO FT PER FLR: .es4 , OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SQFT UNOER ROOF. 5qB{f OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FLOO RS ACRES DISTURBEDT 1.4s I NEW IMPERVIOUS AFTEA;.57 ac pRopERTy usE: EoFFrcE f]nesraumNr flnencnrurtre Eeouc Enpr ECONDO OTHER: €chool WATER: SEWER: aaCFPUA CFPUA trECOMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC flwELL PRIVATE SEPTIC EzoNlNG usE cLASSlFrcATroNr flcoMMUNrTY SYSTEM EXST LANO DISTURSING PERMIT? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAr 0 ves E No I cHEcK (pAyAaLE To Hxcy fieuenrcaru sxeness I rtrcrvrse I orscoveRPAYTVTENT METHOD: ECASH SO FT I fiegs 1 ,$'t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSbITR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' L)tt - l Zoo .Y|- t 11> APPLICATION Number (offi.e use)fr APPLICANT'S N'IIi1E : DEVELOPER: BlanEon Buifdinq, fnc CITY: wi ]mingron oATE: 6/2a/t'7 ZIP i 284a3 PTONE *: PROIECT ADDRESS: 560 Rose Avenue SUBDIVISION:Coll,eqe Acres LOT *: 8 CONTRACTOR: BlanEon Buildins, rnc LICENSE *: 37481 ADDRESS: P.o. Box 3L22 CITY: wilminqton sT: 19_ ZIP: 2 8,10 6 EIi,IAIL ADDRESS : chri s@blantonbui 1dinq. com PK)NE f: 9ta 264-o94a PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: crrls tslanton PK)NE *: 910 264 o94o EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALIERATION ! Renovlrroru ! crrurnnr neenrns RELOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTTOT: I enrCr NEW RESTDENCE o" I mOrrrOU TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE *"PLEASE CHECK AND Ai{SI'JER BELoW ALL THAT APPLY T0 YOUR PRoIECT: flnrr canace 48s sF suNR0014 SF DET 6ARA6E _ SF PooL _ sF DECK SF I noncu 316 sF ! sronacr SHED _ sF OTHER: SFfl cnerrurousr _ sr TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: 33a8 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: a1a9 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: a1a9 TOTAL PROJECT COST lress ror) : $ zeo,ooo # OF SToRIES: 2.s Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUltBIl,lG or I4ECHAIIICAL l,lork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ver ! ruo If the project is a Retocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the current Site? [ ves [ ruo Is there Electnical Power on this Buil.ding?[v"r l--l r'ro PROPERTY UsE / OCCUPANCY: I SrruCle rarlrlV ! OUerrX TOI4 NHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF I^IORK : construct new sonqle famify residence DISCLAIMER: lhereby certify tat all inlormalion rn his applicalion is correct and allwork willcomply wih he Srare Building Code and att oher appticabte Strr-o and tocal taws and ord Ln ances and reg u laiion s. The NH C Development Se rvlces Cen br will be no t fed oI an y chanqes n he approved plan s and specifcatron s or change tn con racb r or contraclDrhbrmaton'*,i{OTErAnyWorkPerformedWOheApprop.iabPemiiswillbeinVblationofheNCSta€BldgCodeandS!bjecrbFinesUpToS5O0ocf" OWNER/CONTRACTOR: chris Blanron, Btanlon Brdq rnc SI6!,IATURE: ++i<+ i<**,i*** r( *,r,* *********** *(ii'{i }il"J * * ** * * ** * * )* )i( )r )* )r * * * )* )* *,r.,*,* x+i( i.r. )k )r* )*)*)*****,*+++,r,r,ri( )r)rxx xx t IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTIT'IG IIi,IPERVIOUS AREA: !_ 5Q FT NEl,'l IMPERVIOUS AREA: +/-34s0 SQ FT ZONE: - OFFICER: l-l ves E] *o ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: +/-.4s ,1') ry EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:l'-'l ves @ ruo MTER: I creun ! coMMUNrry svsrer,l ! pRrvATE t ELL ! cellrnal wrrr sEr.rER: E creua ! CENTRAL sEprrc ! cnrvnrr seerrc I coMt4uNrry sysrEM **!T SEPAIATE PERIiIITS REQUIR€D FOR ELECT, TIECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS :*:I':I' pAyritENT liETHoD: I casn I orrcx (pAyasLE ro mrcl I ar,rrnrcaN ExpREss I r,rcTvrsa I orscoven )t,t*** +i(*++,*,(**,t,ii(+,tr(r()t )t )t,t )i )t*****)* r*)*** *r****+** *,t )t )t)t)i* **** t***,*)* +******** ****i(** )t i(,t,t ,i ****)* (foR oF,rcE usE o{Ly) Ra!,rsED DATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ _ BFE+2ft= Comment:J.*rr rrr, $J3-1J- BLOCK #: PROPERTY O{NER'S l,lAflE: BlanEon Buildinq, rnc. PIONE *: 910-538-7888 OIINER'S ADDRESS: P.o. Box 1122 CITY: Illg:!g!9!_ ST: I!_ ZIP::jl!!_ w V] ffi APPLICAI'IT'S NAl',lE : DEVELOPER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI ,! TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUEST]ONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibi!.itf' ZoiT- 7zo2- APPLICATION Number (Office Use) Blanton Building, Inc CITY: wi lminst.on DATE: 6/2a/tj PHONE #: PROIECT ADDRESS: 510 Rose Avenue SUBOIVISION: Colfeqe Acres BLOCK *:LOT *: 8 ST: NC ZIP: 28406 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: P. BlanEon tsuildinq, Inc CITY: wilminqtonO. Bax 3122 EMAIL ADDRESS: chris@blanEonbui laling. com PHONE S: P I.ON E #: 9lo 264 A94A PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: cilrrs Blanton EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: f] nrrrnarrOru !R ENOVATION ! crr're nal neearns !RELOCATION NEI.J CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE or Ll ADDITIoN TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELoI^I ALL THAT APPLY T0 YoUR PRoIECT: 9la -264- O94A @ rrr camor !22__ sF DET GARAGE - 5F POOL SF PoRCH l:a_ SF SU N ROOI4 SF STORAGE SHED SF GRE ENHOUSE SF ! orcx SF OTHER:SF ToTAL HEATED SQ FT: 30a6 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R00F: 4o7e ToTAL AREA SQ FT: aoTe TOTAL PROJECT CoST lress r-oq : $ zeo,ooo # OF STORIES: 2.5 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI.IBING or |4ECHA'{ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ VeS I Ho If the project is a Relocatj.on, i.s there a Natunal Gas Line on the Cunrent Site? [Ves ! to Is there Electrical Power on this Building? l-']ves l-] ruo pRopERry usE / occupaNcyr I srruele ral,rrrv ! oucrex f] TowNHousE DESCRIPIION OF WORK:Construct new sonole famil y residence and ordinances and reguiations. The NHC Oevelopment Services C€nEr will be nol,ried ofany chanqes in he approved plans and specrfcarions or change in conrracrDr or conracbr inbmalion "'NOTE:Any Work Per,ormed W/O ihe Appropriab Permils wiilbe in Violation ofthe NC Slare Btdg Code and Subpct lo Fines Up To $5OO.ocr'. (p.lnt Nane) rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN a rloooeurrt I ves NO EXISTII{G II{PERVIoI,,S AREA: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: I^IATE R :CF PUA E coNNurrw svsr:m ! pRrvATE wELL ! cerurRnl wrrr ZONE :OFFICER: Approval :_ City :_ DATE :_ FLOOO: _ TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: - -., EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:l-l vrs lTl rc REVI5ED oAtE 04l11l12 0 + / -2900 SQ FT SQ FT sEIalER: El creua I CENTRAL sEprrc ! enrvrrr senrrc f] coMMUNrry sysrEM **' SEPARATE PER ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IitECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & IiISERTS *I', pAyrirEl{T i'rErHoD: IcAsn IcxecK (PAYABLE ro urcl I mrenra* ,ror.i, E r,rclvrsa E orscor.***** *** )* )*,t,t ,i )t)t* * * )* * *,t + ,t,t,* )t ***)***+ *)*)t)* r*,****+)t***)* )* +,t,t )t** *****+* )k**,*+ ***)t )t)***+****xx x,*,*,t +* (FOR OFFICC UST ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH: RH: B: N I Comment:PERMIT FEE: $/6 o.otJ AUV ZIP i 28403 PROPERTY OIII{ER'S tlAfiE: BlanEon Buildinq, rnc. PK,NE *: 910 s38 7888 olrirERr s ADDRESS: L CITY: Illgi!g!g4_ ST: ILZIP:28406 LICENSE #: 37481 OWNER/CONTRACTOR: chiis Blanron, Btanron Bl.dq rnc SIGNATURE: BFE+2ft= _ o \Y--1)59 1@ Application Number (offl.e use) nd- :NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P LI CATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPI.ICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect ResponsibiliV' /)4 o Date 7 -/3-/ 7 ztP &E4/z LOT f PHoNE #: E/O 39g* 43re APPI.ICANT'S NAME: PROJECI AD SUBDIVISION: DRESS: &D4 A,,lr/. e-f u -rz CITY OWNER,S ADDRESS:CITY C'CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:\,\^ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Q/lo rvqt t{qqs_-__--_- .\r EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: A Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Addltionto Existin8 Residence ! Relocation **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI"OW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}'}* PROPERTY OWNER'SNAME: DAVI) 4 '.('6^/ f{nttcarage (sr) qQPro N2\0 S{E Det Garage (5F) E Sunroom (sF)tr Pool (sF) n Greenhouse (sF)-tr Deck (sF) ST ztP 28?/Z PHONE cl0- 43i..008q PHONE 110 -rl3l"-003 + BLDG LICENSE # ztP &t9/7 /u4 tr Porch (SF) n storage shed (sF) _ tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Ves { ruo TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF llor proposed workl Healedi \*ZL unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less tot): S /500 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ves Qf+to ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes ANo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Aves E ruo Property use/ occup"n.y, & single Family E ouplex E Townhouse Description of Work:6qrq.,-- z',ootJe,,=ti1 /te &ntt1 Poa't'^ eaSt has be Lewr MLS P DlsctAlMER: I h€reby cenify that allthe information in this application is correct and allwork will comply with the state Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and re8Ulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications o. change in contractor information. *r +NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bl sub fines up to 5500.00*" Owner/Contracto @-,4/Signature: "Licensed Quolilie/' P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes B-trto Existing lmpervious Areat lq9o SqFt TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area;c Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E private well E Centrat Well p_3qua SEWER: P CFPUA n CommunitySystem E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Cityr _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S * ^/ rl., .l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPF; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANS'\'ER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility,, PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BU5INES5 NAME :Z.< APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAI4E: OWNER'S ADDRESS: n Clf Y; |y't! PH1NE #:?/C 83 1/t77 zrP | ?3 /a/3 PHONE f: ST:CITY:ZIP:_ CONTRACTOR:r'R ADDRESS: .1/ zz<'LICENSE *: 7 CrrY: ())04 sr:ll)(zre :!fut o PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: =.- , .,-H,,^Eqtl PHONE #: PHONE f;1b ?oz .s2'do DIS Sub ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL I ENGR DESIGN PRoFESSIOiIAL ! DESCRIPTION oF I^IORK; Co. <1r-<l:n(U < o/ LOaSA iqgs Occupancy Type?Da-:/ L;s/< If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #Is Elect Power on this Buj.lding EJ yes E ,o **'*** rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usE? EyEs Im ****" IF Yes, l.rhat was the Prev What is the New 0ccupancy Type? P*1/a'Z/b76&NC REG # NC REG * 72a3 PH: ^,t a{1 t- ls tood or beverages prepared or served in this strrclure? Evests ruo ls The Properry Located lnThe Ftoodplainz I ves Iuo lhrs applNHC De icalion is correci and allwork willc Center will be omply with the State Euildrng Code and all other anlheapNc stare pplicable State Bldg Code andv OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (oulfi.4 Nole: Demolilion notlfications & asbeslos rernovat p€nnit apptications are to b€ submltted th€ application lormconlain Asbeslos or nol. You ar6 rcqulr€d to catt th€ Nationat Emisston Standards for H&ardous Ar polutants ( demolitlon of any facllily or bulldlng. See Asbostos Wsb Sfts: http:/ /vww.epi.stal€.nc.us/epyasb€slos/ahmp.htmt TOTAL PROJECT COST: BUILDING HETGHT: 6#*orr*., NESHAP)al (919) (DH whoth€r the facility or bulldlng was found to 707-5950 at leas! 1 0 days prior to lh6 TOTAL AREA SQ FT TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: _ ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE # OF UNITS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? TI YES TI NO OTHER: flzoNtNG usE cLASStF|CAT|ON:fl coMMUNTTY SYSTEM SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA [orrrce lnesreunnnr luencerrtrr !eouc flacr lcor.roo WATER: [CFPUA ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM TIWELL SEWER: -cFpuA -CENTRAL sEpTlc E P-RMATE sEpTtc SQ FT SEPARATE PER[{ITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS '. PAYMENT METHOD flcnsH f]crecK (eAvABLE ro NHc) f]AMERtcAN ExeRESS EMc^/tsA I orscoveR (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE 4/1]/]2 ZONE OFFICER:SETBACKS: F LH: RH: B:Approval:_ City:_DATE: FLOOD: ___ BFE+m=AVN-Comment pERMtT FEE: $_ ao ("1-51'Y'1 EMAIL ADDRESS: ) APPLICATION Number (office us€) DArE 7-/7-/> -), \ Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: n ALTE ('heck AIr rhat applv) rrRerocarion, istherea NatrErcas rnt"t"T"tr"-,3.T3r'i"fl""t1" fi['J* :T.iHrH-i::?T]ffi"* g*. NEW coNsrRucrroru: Irnecr NEt,t srRUcruRE !rnsr rnrcr I snrr-l ! ucrrr f] noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: # OF STRUCTURES: _# OF FLOORS:_ l,l AW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP! I.C}fiI)* TYP' RESIOE'; I IAL i{1r;iir i-L jl.ritti' iclr3 rrrLti!61: "r {,.1,i] ri!)t:ai "iroi ecL Fesponi ibi I it\r ;-o/b - /4 a1 I //2 P€e (to ]Yb+ IPPLICAlIOI,I iiulllb€. PFOPERTY O/iI]ER,S OI.JNEN'S ADDSISS] aPPLiCA,\l',S iii].t : DEV€LOPEI:PIJONE A: BLCCK I; :1". n C--.+ *\r*7(pa1l -ri.o-. Mo.. PHONE I': PHOi!E i:{\9.?.p a-l FXIST]NG 'OI,]S'IRUC: ICN :at lERr.Trcr\r L] nEr.tc'i^Tiorr n ti rt ti t! (oNl_rRUcT l0\'l*j enrcr Ntll REsrD€ricE o" l__l ncurr.ron ro ExrsrrN6 flEsro€r{c€ ..piEAs[ cntjx rlD aNsrER o€Lo,,l A|L rl^r Atply ro yo{r,t piojaar it 5F I''-....-,",-r,!"- I T0TA| SQ FT UNDER ROo'-TOTAL AREA SQ FT: LC I..r. ts tlrere a.lr:aar'iaal ?orer arn tri! art -Ningi pRopEnTy usE / orCUpANcy: [f] Srlicts rr,r.rrLv O€SCRIPTION CT ves f ro tLp r ax r.r,.,ii.rCl5 a Jr.S"^r^"f: r., StpAtnTE ptrr,t PAYIIE|T :l[Trioi; f] CaSr, rls IS THE PROPERTY LOCATIO IT] A TLOOOPLAIIJ} iXTST ING IT4PtRVIoUS AR[A I irt1., I+r, .vI0-5 AntA: ; a,; i i r.i,, TOIAL ACRSS DIS]UNtsED J EXJ ST IAHD CISIUROIN6 FERItlIT: llAIIB: sri,(€[: tr E !!QU:nlO nd8 lLlC1, 14fCHr 1)rlJG, i;i! tQUIr, oi[cx (pAynsLt ro nrc; [_1ai.re rlrrri !xper5s ;NO f:t I r. nLrs , IfisEi rs ... lrclvrsA f orscover , r.3i'r I i _vt'