2017-07-17 RM ExhibitsExhibit Book %Page NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION APPROVING THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S ACQUISITION OF RIGHT OF WAY AND PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT AT 7375 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, NC WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) has contacted New Hanover County (NHC) regarding the acquisition of .036 acre of right of way and .01 acre of permanent utility easement at 7375 Market Street as part of the Market Street Access Management Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, construction of a new fire station to replace the existing Ogden Fire Station located at this address has already been approved and awarded by the Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the design for the replacement fire station has taken into account the land required by NCDOT for the easement and right of way for the project; and WHEREAS, according to an appraisal commissioned by NCDOT, the value of the right of way is $14,580 and the value of the permanent utility easement is $3,645 for a total value of $18,225; and WHEREAS, NCDOT has agreed to pay the County the full appraised value of $18,225 and also to pay all associated closing costs; and WHEREAS, NCGS 160A -274 authorizes any governmental unit, upon such terms and conditions as it deems wise, with or without consideration, exchange with, lease to, lease from, sell to, or purchase from any other governmental unit any interest in real or personal property, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners approves the sale of .036 acre of right of way and .01 acre of permanent utility easement to NCDOT for $18,225 and the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. ADOPTED this the 17th day of July, 2017. NEW HANO Woody White, berleigh G. well, Clerk to the Board Exhibit �(� 1-� Book Page _q, ____ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ORDINANCE Amendment to County Code, Chapter 53 The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina hereby ordains and decrees modification of the County Code, Chapter 53, "Traffic and Vehicles," Article III, "Parking" as follows: 1. Section. 53 -112 — "Penalty; impounding and repossession of vehicle." (a) Any person violating any provision of this article shall be subject to civil penalties in an amount specified in the current Fee Schedule. (numbers 1 -3 are deleted). 2. Except as specifically above amended, Chapter 53, Article III, Section 112 shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. ADOPTED this the 17th day of July, 2017. ATTEST: JKberleigh G46dwell Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book Page 3�_-- New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for April 2017 Current Year 2016 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 146,004,124.90 $ (124,912.83) $ 2,259.26 $ 14,281,743.55 $ (409,981.46) $ 3,461.96 $ 9,291,160.08 $ $ $ 169,577,028.53 (534,894.29) 5,721.22 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ $ 145,881,471.33 145,333,721.46 787,438.09 (222.68) $ $ $ $ 13,875,224.05 13,125,668.41 36,282.64 (913.30) $ $ 9,291,160.08 9,291,160.08 $ $ $ $ 169,047,855.46 167,750,549.95 823,720.73 (1,135.98) Outstanding Balance $ 1,334,965.28 $ 784,924.98 $ - $ 2,119,890.26 Collection Percentage 99.08 6,112.94 94.34 $ 100.00 $ 98.75 YTD Interest Collected $ 186,038.59 $ 14,978.44 $ 74,124.52 $ 275,141.55 $ 25,613.33 $ 159,010,454.13 *Refunds $ 813,286.13 $ 53,333.51 Total 2016 Collections YTD 167,201,970.77 Prior Years 2006 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 147,611,763.76 $ 17,504,489.66 $ 1,032,508.08 $ 166,148,761.50 Scroll Abatements $ (129,305.50) $ (572,779.20) $ (702,084.70) Adjustments $ 2,301.00 $ 3,811.94 $ 6,112.94 Total Levy $ 147,484,759.26 $ 16,935,522.40 $ 1,032,508.08 $ 165,452,789.74 Collections to Date $ 146,002,118.85 $ 12,982,721.95 $ 25,613.33 $ 159,010,454.13 *Refunds $ 813,286.13 $ 53,333.51 $ 3,260.78 $ 869,880.42 Write -off $ (269.97) $ (986.55) $ (137.56) $ (1,394.08) Outstanding Balance $ 2,295,656.57 $ 4,005,147.41 $ 1,010,017.97 $ 7,310,821.95 YTD Interest Collected $ 274,704.75 $ 35,660.56 $ 11,171.20 $ 321,536.51 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 158,462,110.22 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 325,664,080.99 Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW AN ER COUN Ch ' n Cj Clerk the oard /1// 2 0 - Date Exhibit U Book _ Page 3 ° 3 New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for April 2017 Current Year 2016 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 6,856,791.01 $ (1,365.97) $ 2,917.26 $ 765,426.49 $ (20,308.97) $ 142.08 $ 571,317.57 $ $ $ 8,193,535.07 (21,674.94) 3,059.34 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ $ 6,858,342.30 6,788,390.22 162.26 (18.58) $ $ $ $ 745,259.60 709,140.39 138.38 (71.34) $ $ 571,317.57 571,317.57 $ $ $ $ 8,174,919.47 8,068,848.18 300.64 (89.92) Outstanding Balance $ 70,095.76 $ 36,186.25 $ - $ 106,282.01 Collection Percentage 98.98 3,059.34 95.14 $ 100.00 $ 98.70 YTD Interest Collected $ 8,522.70 $ 790.47 $ 3,771.66 $ 13,084.83 $ 1,013.90 $ 7,528,001.80 *Refunds $ 227.61 $ 559.60 Total 2016 Collections YTD 8,081,933.01 Prior Years 2006 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 6,937,114.16 $ 933,724.84 $ 50,434.37 $ 7,921,273.37 Abatements $ (1,431.32) $ (25,784.98) $ (27,216.30) Adjustments $ 2,917.26 $ 142.08 $ 3,059.34 Total Levy $ 6,938,600.10 $ 908,081.94 $ 50,434.37 $ 7,897,116.41 Collections to Date $ 6,818,541.49 $ 708,446.41 $ 1,013.90 $ 7,528,001.80 *Refunds $ 227.61 $ 559.60 $ 787.21 Write -off $ (22.74) $ (77.10) $ (10.85) $ (110.69) Outstanding Balance $ 120,263.48 $ 200,118.03 $ 49,409.62 $ 369,791.13 YTD Interest Collected $ 12,590.75 $ 1,658.82 $ 474.19 $ 14,723.76 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 7,542,725.56 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 15,624,658.57 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW ANOVERCOUN C �rman Cl t e Bo rd Date Exhibit Book X L Page L1 3 C New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for April 2017 Current Year 2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll /Billed $ 18,175,686.26 $ 1,737,562.16 $ 846,394.73 $ 20,759,643.15 Abatements $ (15,197.40) $ (48,707.06) $ - $ (63,904.46) Adjustments $ 387.84 $ 431.19 $ - $ 819.03 Total Taxes Charged $ 18,160,876.70 $ 1,689,286.29 $ 846,394.73 $ 20,696,557.72 Collections to Date $ 17,977,644.94 $ 1,592,460.92 $ 846,394.73 $ 20,416,500.59 *Refunds $ 2,359.22 $ 355.69 $ 2,714.91 Write -off $ (34.56) $ (115.47) $ $ (150.03) Outstanding Balance $ 185,556.42 $ 97,065.59 $ $ 282,622.01 Collection Percentage 98.98 94.25 100.00 98.63 YTD Interest Collected $ 22,094.29 $ 1,554.14 $ 3,537.19 $ 27,185.62 Total 2016 Collections YTD $ 20,443,686.21 * Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office Exhibit Book Page '39,0 New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for May 2017 Current Year 2016 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 146,004,124.90 $ (125,946.59) $ 2,259.26 $ 14,281,743.55 $ (428,656.32) $ 3,461.96 $ 10,576,758.82 $ $ $ 170,862,627.27 (554,602.91) 5,721.22 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ $ 145,880,437.57 145,767,188.99 912,293.87 (222.68) $ $ $ $ 13,856,549.19 13,162,351.69 46,441.24 (913.30) $ $ 10,576,758.82 10,576,758.82 $ $ $ $ 170,313,745.58 169,506,299.50 958,735.11 (1,135.98) Outstanding Balance $ 1,025,319.77 $ 739,725.44 $ - $ 1,765,045.21 Collection Percentage 99.30 6,112.94 94.66 $ 100.00 $ 98.96 YTD Interest Collected $ 203,149.73 $ 16,471.16 $ 73,441.75 $ 293,062.64 $ 32,279.54 $ 159,546,198.17 *Refunds $ 939,390.55 $ 72,529.07 Total 2016 Collections YTD 168,840,627.03 Prior Years 2006 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 147,611,763.76 $ 17,504,489.66 $ 1,032,508.08 $ 166,148,761.50 Abatements $ (130,339.26) $ (619,509.46) $ (749,848.72) Adjustments $ 2,301.00 $ 3,811.94 $ 6,112.94 Total Levy $ 147,483,725.50 $ 16,888,792.14 $ 1,032,508.08 $ 165,405,025.72 Collections to Date $ 146,465,652.56 $ 13,048,266.07 $ 32,279.54 $ 159,546,198.17 *Refunds $ 939,390.55 $ 72,529.07 $ 8,146.02 $ 1,020,065.64 Write -off $ (269.97) $ (986.55) $ (137.56) $ (1,394.08) Outstanding Balance $ 1,957,193.52 $ 3,912,068.59 $ 1,008,237.00 $ 6,877,499.11 YTD Interest Collected $ 298,339.52 $ 40,215.20 $ 13,390.78 $ 351,945.50 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 158,878,078.03 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 327,718,705.06 *Detailed information for Refunds can be fowad in the Tax Office Exhibit � , Page Book � Pa e New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for May 2017 CurrPnt Year 2016 Total 2016 Collections YTD 8,166,408.79 Prior Years 2006 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll /Billed $ 6,856,791.01 $ 765,426.49 $ 636,852.20 $ 8,259,069.70 Abatements $ (1,365.97) $ (20,777.63) $ 50,434.37 $ (22,143.60) Adjustments $ 2,917.26 $ 142.08 $ 3,059.34 Total Taxes Charged $ 6,858,342.30 $ 744,790.94 $ 636,852.20 $ 8,239,985.44 Collections to Date $ 6,804,596.69 $ 710,739.80 $ 636,852.20 $ 8,152,188.69 *Refunds $ 162.26 $ 358.01 $ 1,269.01 $ 520.27 Write -off $ (18.58) $ (71.34) $ (89.92) Outstanding Balance $ 53,889.29 $ 34,337.81 $ (10.85) $ 88,227.10 Collection Percentage $ 99.21 $ 95.39 $ 100.00 $ 98.93 YTD Interest Collected $ 9,230.24 $ 851.59 $ 4,138.27 $ 14,220.10 Total 2016 Collections YTD 8,166,408.79 Prior Years 2006 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 6,937,114.16 $ 933,724.84 $ 50,434.37 $ 7,921,273.37 Abatements $ (1,431.32) $ (26,747.97) $ (28,179.29) Adjustments $ 2,917.26 $ 142.08 $ 3,059.34 Total Levy $ 6,938,600.10 $ 907,118.95 $ 50,434.37 $ 7,896,153.42 Collections to Date $ 6,836,015.09 $ 710,599.49 $ 1,269.01 $ 7,547,883.59 *Refunds $ 227.61 $ 798.84 $ 1,026.45 Write -off $ (22.74) $ (77.10) $ (10.85) $ (110.69) Outstanding Balance $ 102,789.88 $ 197,241.20 $ 49,154.51 $ 349,185.59 YTD Interest Collected $ 13,506.03 $ 1,864.21 $ 603.59 $ 15,973.83 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 7,563,857.42 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 15,730,266.21 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office Exhibit Book Page 4, 0 C-- New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for May 2017 Current Year 2016 Total 2016 Collections YTD $ 20,634,669.68 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office EW A 0 RCOUNTY ma' W. CI r to the oard P) Date Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll /Billed $ 18,175,686.26 $ 1,737,562.16 $ 975,505.97 $ 20,888,754.39 Abatements $ (15,326.15) $ (50,706.59) $ - $ (66,032.74) Adjustments $ 387.84 $ 431.19 $ - $ 819.03 Total Taxes Charged $ 18,160,747.95 $ 1,687,286.76 $ 975,505.97 $ 20,823,540.68 Collections to Date $ 18,032,886.38 $ 1,596,049.97 $ 975,505.97 $ 20,604,442.32 *Refunds $ 2,359.22 $ 861.21 $ 3,220.43 Write -off $ (34.56) $ (115.47) $ $ (150.03) Outstanding Balance $ 130,186.23 $ 91,982.53 $ $ 222,168.76 Collection Percentage 99.28 94.55 100.00 98.93 YTD Interest Collected $ 24,232.29 $ 1,717.42 $ 4,277.65 $ 30,227.36 Total 2016 Collections YTD $ 20,634,669.68 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office EW A 0 RCOUNTY ma' W. CI r to the oard P) Date Exhibit � Book __A�-L � 2 Page J� S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE CAPE FEAR REGIONAL BICYCLE PLAN WHEREAS, cities, towns, and regions around the country are increasingly recognizing the benefits that bicycle - friendly communities offer in terms of physical health and quality of life to residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, with the Cape Fear Council of Governments serving as the lead agency, representatives from counties, municipalities, transportation agencies, planning agencies, bicycling clubs, trail organizations, and multiple North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) divisions in southeastern North Carolina have worked cooperatively for over a year on the Cape Fear Regional Bicycle Plan (the Plan) in order to make bicycling a safe and accessible form of transportation and recreation; and WHEREAS, the Plan will improve the quality and safety of bicycling through new and improved infrastructure, policies and programs, for all types of bicyclists; and WHEREAS, the Plan will increase transportation choices by improving connectivity of the bicycle network while increasing accessibility to transit and key destinations throughout the region; and WHEREAS, the Plan will improve health and wellness by increasing access to bikeways, thereby offering more opportunities for recreation, active transportation, and physical activity; and WHEREAS, the Plan promotes bicycle- related tourism and economic development for communities in Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, and Pender Counties as well as southern Bladen, western Onslow, and southern Sampson Counties; and WHEREAS, this Plan included an open and participatory process, with over 500 online mapping and public survey comments, with outreach at dozens of public events; and WHEREAS, 97% of survey respondents said they would bike more often if more bicycle lanes, trails, and safe roadway crossings were provided for bicyclists; and WHEREAS, it is envisioned that a more bicycle - friendly Cape Fear region would offer multiple quality of life benefits to residents and visitors by increasing public safety, supporting health and the environment, expanding choices for mobility, and diversifying the strength of tourism in local communities throughout the region; and WHEREAS, this resolution does not replace any local plans nor dedicate any funding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby accepts the Cape Fear Regional Bicycle Plan for planning purposes not inconsistent with the Wilmington/New Hanover County Comprehensive Greenway Plan which was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on March 11, 2013. ADOPTED this the 17th day of July, 2017. ATTEST: Kb6berleigh G. owell, Clerk to the Board Exhibitv1 Book r Page q, NEW HANOVER COUNTY ORDINANCE ALLOWING FOR THE SALE OR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BEFORE NOON ON SUNDAY MORNING The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, NC does hereby ordain that Chapter 2, Administration, New Hanover County Code, is amended by the addition of an Article V, to be captioned "Sale or Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Before Noon on Sunday Morning." Except as specifically amended, Chapter 2 shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect: WHEREAS, The North Carolina General Assembly AMENDED N.C.G.S. §18B -1004 entitled, "Hours for Sale and Consumption," which sets forth the allowed times for sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages; and WHEREAS, section (c) of N.C.G.S. §18B -1004 provides it shall be unlawful to sell or consume alcoholic beverages on any licensed premises from the time at which sale or consumption must cease on Sunday morning until 12:00 Noon on that day; and WHEREAS, as amended section (c) of G.S. §18B -1004, now reads, "Except as authorized pursuant to G.S. §18B- 112(61), G.S. §153A -145.7 or G.S. §160A- 205.3, it shall be unlawful to sell or consume alcoholic beverages on any licensed premises from the time at which sale or consumption must cease on Sunday morning until 12:00 noon on that day;" and WHEREAS, Article 6 of Chapter 153A of the General Statutes was amended to add a new section, N.C.G.S. §153A- 145.7, entitled "Hours of Certain Alcohol Sales," which now reads "In accordance with G.S. 18B- 1004(c), a county may adopt an ordinance allowing for the sale of malt beverages, unfortified wine, fortified wine, and mixed beverages beginning at 10:00 A.M. on Sunday pursuant to the licensed premises' permit issued under G.S. 18B- 1001;" and WHEREAS, G.S. §153A -122, authorizes the board of commissioners to make any ordinance adopted pursuant to this Article applicable to any part of the county not within a city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, under the authority of N.C.G.S. §153A -122 and N.C.G.S. §153A -145.7 that it shall be lawful to sell or consume alcoholic beverages beginning at 10:00 A.M. on Sunday morning in any unincorporated area within the County pursuant to N.C.G.S. §18B- 1004(c) as authorized by the licensed premises' permit issued under N. C.G.S. §18B -1001. This [SEA i shall take effect ATTEST: 1 K berleigh G rowell, Clerk to the Board