JULY 19 2017 BUILDING APPSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL I CATI O N rYPf: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" Zoll-no0 Number (office use) APPTICANTS NAME {Pa^ F-zua4 oate: 7- /1' / PRojEcrADDRESS,3TS S, Jrut/ ' 5Va+t SUBDIVISION Lun l"/,ltr,rr@ ?.P: 2CITY 4 PHONE #703 CITY yvt rh o 7 ztp. z el o PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: ft ha I /(eiF ) D€a/-\ Cn,^J BLDG LICENSE 1iCONTRACTOR ADD RESS:( - 3i6'S. frr--I S{-;*.. E]\.^-srtgll.zre 204a1 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON Aei! tAc,l PHONE ,o , EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:@ Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence ,Zf nddition to Existrng Resrdence E Relocation ( fo o I *,}I.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER SELOW ALLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** ) n Att Garage (SF) _ tr Greenhouse isF) E Det Garage (SF)I Porch (SF) tr Other {5F) I Su nroom (SF){eoot$r) ! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? A yes ffio TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Uor proposed work) Heated ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on th ls there Electrical Power on this Building? /Yes ! No Property Use/ Occupancy tr/Single Family I Duplex! T ouse Description of Work: Yes ryNo / the Accessory Structure dYes n No e current site? D Yes E No E Storage Shed (SF) _ Un heated:y'+ t e laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information- "'NOTE: Any work performed wilhout the appropriate permits will be in vrolation of the NC State BldS Code and subject to fines up to SSOO CtO" * ,///fr,-.2-lr"^Owner/Contractorl "Licensed Quolifier" 4tt f.Signature:7 ls the property located in a floodptain? A ves /no Existing lmpervious Area Sq Ft New lmpervious Areal Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I I Yes ' I No WATER: rEf CFPUA n Community System E Private well fl Central well ! Aqua SEWER: TdCFPUA E Communitysystem I PrivateSeptic E Central Septic I Aqua zone: _ officer: _ setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval:_ City:_ Date:- Flood: (A)-(V) -(N)-BFE+2ft=-Comment Permit tee: S il LOT #: .>.9 <'tl - EMAILADDRESS: PHONE:_ TOTAT PROJECT CO5T (Less Lor) S 3, 063 TotalAcres Disturbed: )ona S.-I.f r t - 71410 Applicalion Number (office use) Date 7-3-17 al"^)NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPU CANO N TYPE.. RESI DENTIAL PT€ASE ANSWTR ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsiblllt!/' APPLTcANTS NAME' -lCff..V 6Luf .-'-- PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDTVtSTON: 2-*22 PT, k A-, Arla,- B 1"., cr\, @aI*^,., /".-ztP [o:r e PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:/o 4v,1 owNER,sADDRESS 26 ZZ PaeL Z-C CONTRACTOR: .l PHoNE#: ?l O-5q1- LSql ctw, UuJ,^^.*D ZlPl 3+-..'-'-,-BLDG I-ICENSI f CITY: (>J ^..^1/,n sr:l)L ap: Z&.1 t1 PHONE I to'zz-t:z=9 I PHONE:9lo- zz*-zzst ADDRESS: ?o( EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONIACT PERSON D txlsTlNc coNsTRUcTloN: E Alteration fizRenovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation **'PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BEI.OW ATT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**I' tr Porch {SF) D storage shed (SF)_ D Other (SF) TOTAT SQ FT UNDTR ROOF Aot proposed work) Heated:Unh€ated: l4+ TOTAL PRO.IECT COST (Less Lot): S CO ls the proposed work changinB the number of bedrooms? Ll Yes Z/No ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes Z/No lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Lin€ on the current site? tr Yes Z/No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Buildingl Z'ves tr tto Property Use/ Occupancy: g/Single family E Duplex D Townhouse Description ot work: L n DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that all the information in this application work will comply with the State Sualdins Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofeny changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work pe th riale permitswillbein violation ofthe NC St B]Code and c1t fines up to S50O.00"' Owner/Contractor: 'Licehsed Quolifiet" L Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes €f No Exining lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturb€d: New lmpervious A.ea Sq Ft txisting Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes D No WATER: fZ/ CFPUA f] Community System f] Private Well n Central Well f] Aqua STWER: gaCFPUA E Community System I Private Septic E Central Septic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Feer S .v*i'.q# D Att Garage (SF)_ E Detcarage(SF)_ n Sunroom (St) _ D Pool (SF)_ D Greenhouse (st) E-Deck (sF) I !'/ Ll ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? fl Yes D No UI ts U) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICAT|O N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" t 1."ii'';1 Application l -4s0t"li gr r;*fi(oltice use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC s^s. 0714512017 PROJECT ADDRESs Z2-O vlOYCr' I AW\ V) Y\v U crrY: wilmington zP. 28401 sUBDtvtstoN: Hanover Lakes PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC pHoNE #: 910.350.1744 OWNER'S A9ggg5g; 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 glly.Wilmington z,P.28403 coNTRAcToR: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC g1p6 U6sx5g g 34586 ADpt655; 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 61ry. Wilmington Sr: NC 2tP 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS:cbain@billclarkhomes.com EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E ,/ NEw CoNSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residen ***PIEASE CHEC Renovation E General Repairs ce ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation K AND AN P PHONE; 910.350.'1744 psorue: 910.350.1744 ***t-tt- lll Porch (sF)sl.rr'<<A(a-\ n Storage Shed (SF)_ y'o,n", (rr)3,"1-,o - KY V1C-t I'LOPa A- t t-,e PROJECT CONTACT PERSON. CbAiN@billclarkhomes.com lY Att Garage (SF)qqo D Det Garage (SF)_ n Su nroom (sF)! Pool (sF) E Greenhouse (sF)-tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S lv3 24 unheated: b9O ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr v", E/rtro ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E_- Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Litp on the current site? E Yes EfNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes EI No Property Use/ Occuprn.y, Et{ingl" Family E Duplex E Townhouse d^o Description of work: new construction of single family residence OISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that all the information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable Slate and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTET Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject lo fines up to S500.00'*' 0U^^+- An Alrv1Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New tmperviousAr""' ?,( l'l' I sqrt'-'-'-r----- Owner/Contractor:Cou rtne Bain "Licensed QudIilier"---u Zou Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E}-fio {*, TotalAcres Disturbed: WATER: EfCFPUA E community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua seweR: EI{rpuA E community system E Private septic E central septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer:setbacks (F)_ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Dater_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ l3r c Comment:Permit Fee: S l5cu q\\ W ,' i."' ffi tor s: I f., TOTAL SQ FT UNDERR}OF lJor proposed work) lleated: 2,2-ZU )utl-'ls>;1 NEIJ HANoVER C0Ul\Iry BUILDING pEnMIT AppEtCArZaN IypE: &ESIDENTfAL PrE St rf,$fi aLl qJEsnDr9 lrpucrrlE I0 your p8olEcr nProJect RcsponsthlllBp CITY: 8L0C( {: t7 - zztT APPLfCATIOIII I " ,,,, itrlnber (offt.. Ur.) 17 4:ltpt APPLICAi'I' S DEY!LopEFr PNO]ECT ADDRESS: sUEDI'ISI0r.l; PEOPERTY OI,,TIEN'S O+}NEfi'S ADDREsS: CONIIIAfiOR; ,DDfiE55i EHATL ADDRESS: P80 E r; PIIONE f, ACCOUff fr ST: PIoNE tl z\.P ,ATE: LOT t: E: CITY: L E $t1 CIfYr ST:a;Pi 7 PRoJEfi coMracr pEnsoi,:fn -t nne.tfn rn plor'E I' Qb-33k-t73 | 13 ECrsIIr,r6 coirsmucnoxr E ATTERAEo I narvruou I eareMr. nEParrs. fl RELocATrcsr !a{ toirsrHffmr,: [l fircl rE}l REsrDEr,cE o" D mom&r to ocsr$rc REsrDEr,lcE .,pLEAsr cltEc( r& rx h pEtda tu rltAr apply lo yon pro:icrr flarr camar 5?k srI st"l*oot _srI eneaHosr _ sr D orr camor _Epool....--sr'! orcr -- sr TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:TOrAr sQ FT TOTAL PROJECf C05T&..io0 : g o PioPERry UsE / occ.UPtqcY, DESCBIPTTON OF I,JORI(: sr El'porq1 tl-*? st I sromee sHEo ...."..-..- sF OTHER: uDEn RooF: 3q 6 rorAt AREA sQ Fr: * oF sloffrEs! 1.5 FA.l4rLy I ou*or . I ro,luro:se Is ArEr ELECTaIC4, eUfpd oc,|ECH IEC L ,torl Brth8 DolE to th. Acc.r6ofy Strrictlr.f I Ve" I lbff the prcJsct lc a ftelotatbn, is there a NatuFar. Gls r.ine on the crtment sillt [Jil t] xoIs there ElestFical Peper on this Suildtng? f,fVes firu . rs nrE pfiopErry LoarEo rr,t I nooapurrrl IJ yrs E ul p(lsTlfiG JJiPERWOIIS AtrEA: --s0 rT roTAL.AcBEs )IsIthBED; rrlE rlrpEiurotls anEA: _ sQ rr 16r Ln D DrsrunEgr linm,-63 ves E rm MrEn: f] crrua E coru rTy svsrra fl rnrver lru .E cananl petr s!r,lEE: I cFHjA [f cEjfi&4t sEpIJc f] pRrVA?E sEprrc n counrrv sfqu ... SErt!-aTE t pER dlrs rrQUIxtD FOX E{.ECr, flE(t. pL8E, C S EqJIp, pnEFlas & IllsEl.IS '_'pAyr.tE r llErHoo! LJ E|slt LjJcH€cx-(ltyatr! ro mr1 [o:lr 4corr fluc/ylsr fiorscovrl*'3ri*rtr'*Jrtt*!**l,*tt*ittrtlt*rt+trt*ttliJi+*tr*ar**i*ar**,*aarataa*ttrtaa*.+ *r*.+*:|fi .i rr+r*:r*t*r*r..*.9SlJSJ*tt*++a*tt*r***i;*a*ttt*r+ta*tt**tr*a1?+rt (toi orfJa! uJ!cty) rrrrsra a*a attlr,r,{ u;i,_ur# a,:!Lzotez R-15 orrucaa,v disnc(s r appt o vat r __0t_ c tt,y,-!L[_ DAr E I FLOOO: - X BF6r2ft- fF$*rr.rr,u Q2-corfltent rj? i:E lnspeciiffi Requrreo, 9l S2id-S,$ ol'INER/CONTRACIoR :STGMTURE: b f7--1\-3 5- t'7- Al(J Applicalion (ofJic€ usel UvrJ 6nn__ [2-"^L,aG NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPL'CATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPI-ICABLE TO YOUR PROJTCI "Proiect Responsibilitl/' APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:CITY Date: / zl,l" SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:\.lrrc o o owrurn's aoonrss, ({o A EgO A.E 'l-r-a*. Dfrrzc CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ? {O IMAIL ADDRESS: a c^av r\.)L (D r w,..o...\ .co"-- zlPt^8 .1t I LrcENSt f sTr Ar( zlP: 26q( I sPHONT f CITY: L a a CITY PHONT PHoNE:Qro 2f,q L16? u/ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ! Greenhouse (SF) ,f,bdb EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: &Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ,"PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*I* tr Porch (Sr) I storage Shed (SF) _ n Other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAT SQ FI UNDER ROOF Vor prcposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S Ob.n ls the proposed work changing the n umber of bedrooms? D Yes EpNo lsany Electrical, Plumblnt or Mechanicalwork being donetothe Accessory StructureA yes ! No lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes E No Property Us€/ Occupancyi E Single Family fl Duplex E Townhouse Description ot Work o{C DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all the informalion in lhh application is correct and alt work will compty with State 8ui laws and ordinances end re anformation. "*NOTE: Any gula The NHC Development Services Center wilt be notified ol any changes ldinS Code and allother applicable State and local plans and specifications or change in contractor nd 5ubject to fines up to S50O.0O'.. Owne./Contractor: "Licensed Quolifrer" f hout the appropriate permitswillbe in violation ofthe NC ldc ,...LL Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes B No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft txisting Land Disturbing Permit: f yes D No WATER: ZFCFPUA fl Community System ! private Well ! Central We E Aqua SEWERT bCFPUA ! Communitysystem D private Septic n Centrat Septic D Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (f) _ (t H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Ctry: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BrE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S ' j t-1,' '"" 6S,rr LOT #: D Det Garage lst)_ tr Pool(5F)_ hDeck(sF) 9fO ! Att Garage (SF)_ D Sunroom (SF)_ BII 2ot-t-ts3? NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILOING PERMIT A PPUAT O N TY PE : RESIDENTIAt PI.EASE ANSWER ALI qUESNO S APPUCASI.€ TO YOUR PROJECI 'P.oloct R€sponslblllV, L7 -2242 Number {offl.e ure) APPLICANI'S NAMgr S West Bulldsrs, lnc. PRO.lECT AODRESS: Date '',lroll4 clTY: VUilm nar}n ztP: )X4l}t SUBDMSIONI PROPEETY OWNER/S NAME: owNER,S ADDRESS: I e:1 et(dt e- .di* 4'1 PHONE flr q t)-3L+-M41 CONTRAcToRi Seventy West Bullders, lnc. cw, W;lmrn.fi\y'l zrpr d?461 EtDG LlcENsE r: 64926 ADDf,ESS:127 Grace Street ctfy: Wilmlngton 51; NC 21p; 284O1 EMAILAOORESST melissa@T0wostbuildsr6.com ps6xs; (910) 324-4447 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE:qlb'M1-q4o}- EXISTING CONSTRUCIIONT E Alteration O R€novation B General Repahs NEW CoNSTRuCTION: (€rect trtew Resldence 0 Addirion to Existlng R€sidence t] Reloca on *"PLEAS[ CHECI( ANO ANS rr* )(rtt earage 1sr) 5l U tr Det Garase (ss) -- M porcrr (srl 35? -[] Sunroom (sF) ---=- tl pool(SF) -, 0 storageshed (sf}_ D Gr€enhouse (SF)_C Oe.* (sF)tr Other{Sf}-- ls the proposed work chanSlnS the Exlstlng footprtnt?fi Yes B tto TOTAL Sq Ff UNDER ROOF {fot proposed workl au'.a, 2130- unheatedr 3@lo TOTALPRO'ECT COSI (tess tot): $--< E/.1@- ls the propos€d workchanging the number ofb€drooms? O Ves S lc ls any Electrl.d, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work belnS don€ to the Accessory Structure E yes lf the proiect ls a Relocatlon, k there a Natural Ga3 Llne on the current site? fl v.s f eto ls there Electrkal Pouer on thts Building? D ves I rfo F nro Prop€rty Use/ occupancv: d slngle ram[y [] ouplex E Townhouse Descdptlon ofWo.k! OISCIAIM ffi. I hereby certt that all th€ In rormatton to thk a ppltcition b corrc.t .nd all woft wlll aoflph vrith the State ,rlldlng Code ead all other apglkable Strte aru local laws etl(l ordlnin.er and regllatlons. The NHC OevelopDent Seavke! Ceote. vdll b6 $o(fl€d o, alry lnformatloo. ...NOTE &ryw6rk pcrfo.m€d Mthout the spp/oprirte pern{tr wll b6 lll violation of d pbng and speclli.atione or.h.nge ir.ontfctorchanSas ln thc l.lc sbj..t to finei up to 9s00.00"' oumer/Contrsctor: Gralg Smith t1rnoor"."Llcented@tolw PtlDt lto,/r.e lsthe property located ln a floodptatn? El Ves X ruo fxlrtlng lmpervious Aru", ----.1Q- Sq r,TotalAcres Dlrtu(bsd:o.t4 New Imp ewtous ereat 31Ul Sq ft Exlstlnt Land DlsturblnS Permltr Cl Ves (Ho wart* ts cfpuA E communtty system E private welt El cenhatwel E Aqua SEWER:CFPUA E communlty System E p.ivate Septlc 0 Centralseprlc O Aqua Setbacks # tut * trr.l # tsr XZone: Approval: Comment ollket, rlood: {Al_ lv}_ lN) X BFE+2ft=l2city:Date: L4 Permlt Feei S RLq'I NEWHANOVER COI]NTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTERDRIVE . SUITE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 91A.798.7308 Fax: 9t0,798.28t I In tern e, : tnmv.nlrc gov. cont 4 to 7 woRKlNG DAYS TURNAROUND T|ME FoR pERMlr rssuANcE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an application for a residentialbuilding permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submlt8ngthe application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tr I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFpUA. a I have attached an officiar proof of a Zoning sign-off from the city of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. EI_ I have attached ah officiar proof of an approvar granted by the New Hanovercounty Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approvalfrom Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and ifthere are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and iflhere are nofurther clarifications required by New Hanover county; New Hanover county can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building safety Department on the application or submittat documenl). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) worklng days onty begins when the applicatlon is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Signed in acknowledgment: Smith Signalure Printed Name Date +587 oATo{,ttY* t15m Address for the proposed residential work: t, /?-tsL{ c Tff ili"i*?l#-}x*lHffi fj::j' (ofrlc. use)APPITCANT'S NAME: S West lncPRO.IECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISION; PROPERTY OWNERS NAME: OWrurn's Aoonrss, -l &? CONfRACIORi ADDRESS:127 SevenI Wes lnc. Grace Skeet EMAIL AODRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSOit: EX,Sr|NG CONSTRUCTTON; O Atterauon O Renovation 0 GeneralRepairsNEW COTTTSTRUCTIoN; X Erect New tesidence D Addition to Existing Residence D Relocat t] Det Garase (SF) _.--_ Cl Poot(sF)D Greenhouse (SF) --O Deck (sF) ls the proposed work chan8lng the exlsung footprlnt?I v"s tr r,ro CITY O"t", ?l ttl l-j zlP zrp,9t4ol . ug26 fl Pror're t, Ql0 - ClWi CITY 21p. 284O1 PHONEI 324-4447 PHONE;-541-q l. tott IOTAL Se FI UNDTR R OOF (Jot proposed wotkl lleated: fOTAL pROrECr COSI (tess tot),s-&la_N}- 15 the proposed lr,ork changing the number of b€drooms? E ves Xnols any Eledrlcal, plumblng orrtrechanlcal work belnt done to the Accessory Structure E yes lf rolf the project is a Relocatlon, ls there a NaturalGas Llne on the curreht site? E Ves ,(,tto,s there Electrlcal power on thls Bnldtng? u yesfruo Property Use/tr Duplex 0 TowrhouseDercrlptlon of /A otsctAtMtRl lnfofmation. r..NoIt Owner/Contracto "ltcented euoifie/ I herebl cedify th.t alt the .eguhtlorl9. The NHC eltlurt th. approp.t t plrmltJ will b. tn vtotalion o, th! l.lc .ppikaiioo ls wli comptywith lheDevelopm€nt5?ntcei Center wtll be notthd ot e.ry changes h SlBte Syitdii,rg Codc and afl othe,apdkibla State .nd localplaoi and spealfcatknc ot chsnta in aontracto. 9soo.oo...r: Craig Smlth ls the property tocated in a floodptatn? tr Ves [ ruo Signature: Existing lmpervious Area: New lmpervlous Area: AO frlcer; 3 5q tt sq Ft systam E private septic D central septlc E Agua WAfER: E CFPUA E Communtty system Exlstlng IrM Dtsrurbing permib E Ves fftoE pflvate Well O Centratwel, E AquasEwER:. U( cFpu zonu,,f1x o a_(rnt * ,*r,* orFLApprovel: Comment: Clty; \t Date: + tlood:.- lvl -(N} X SFE+2ft= Permlt Fee; S L7 -224L Epor"r,tsO 294 B storaSe shed (SFl .......--"- D orher (sFl unheated: 195tr' I Hntt eanee (s0 5l (r' [] Sunroom (St) F Total Acres Dtstu6ed, 0,l8 I t I I I I I R.Lfr l, NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SATETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTERDRIVE - SUITE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 2WO3 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I hiern et : tmmv. nhcgov. cottt 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR pERMtT TSSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING West Builders lnc., am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover county. And, as the appllcant or person submltflng the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: A I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an appraval of the payment made to CFpUA. tr I have atached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. E I have attac,hed ah official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover county Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. If the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover county; New Hanover coungr ,can guarantee that the building permit wlll be lssued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the officia! submittal date/time (the stamped date/fime notation made by the Building safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the aoplicatlon is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Craig Smith Signature Printed Name Address for the proposed residential work: Date EEI lot-t-t<\z- NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT\ON WpE: RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ATI QUE$IoNA APPIICASIE TO YOU R PROJECT "project Responsibiliv, West Builders, Ioc. L7 -227 2 Applkadon (offlc€ use) APPUCANT'S NAME: PROIECTADDRESS:CITY: SUBDIVISIONI PROPERW OWNERS NAME: O!{i{ER'S ADDRESS: lM CONTRACTOR:West Builders, Inc. ADDRESS: 127 Grace Street EMAtLADDRESST melissa@T0westbullders-com PROJECT COtfiACT PERSON: fOIALSQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor prcposed wotkl Heated,l 22 q CITY:Wirmington sT: l{C Ztp: 28401 t PHONE f:q -31A-er'.4t CTTY:ztp:J84ol slDG Ll6gil5s p. 64926 EXISIING CONSrRUC'ION; U Alteration fl Renovat.ron E GeseralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOT{: ts E.ect New Residence e Addidon to ExistinS Residence U Relocation .-*PIEASE CHECI( AXD ANSWER 8 + il att o"."e" fsfl 5l L, E Det Garase (sF) _ Nporch {sF) _ [J Sunroom(s#)_ D pod {SR ._-_ 0 6reenhouse(5F)_ D Deck (SF)_ ls the propos?d work char6ing the existing footpantl(, Ves tr Xo PHoNE: (910) 3244447 pnor're, 910-54'l - 4eto d- *)4- D Storage shed (sR _ rorAl PRorEcr cosr lLess tot): S-!|J*(O,D__ 15 the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E y6 o ls any Elect kal, plumblng or MedEnical \rork being done to the Accessory Structure tr yes D(fOlf the project k a Relocatlon, is tl.ere a NaluEI Gas ll_ne on the current site? tr yes X tols there EHrical power on this Building? EI yes X( No Property Use/ Oc$pancy & Shgle ramily E Ouptex O Torrnhouse Descrlptior of Work: OIS{I,AIMER; I hereby cE rtify rhat alt th€ lnlornefbn in this aIaws 6nd ordinanaes and regllatbns" Tha NHc Sel\,lce3 c..rer wilt ba notifi.d ot ru/ chaogr. klinforoatlon.... OIE:Anyworkp.rfo.rn.d .pp.op'bt rc,'ilr eiltb. in ybt.tion of th! NC Craig Smith Simature: I PPllaation Is cor.ed and all work wi[ comply u,nh the St te BtlldiE Codr and alt other .pplk"bte SEte and to6t i I and spedffc*iors or chln€€ h .oritr.ctor to fin€5 up to 5500.m'.. Ourner/Contractor: "licentcd Q@ffier, ls the property lo{ated in a floodplain? E yes ExlstiiE lmperyious Area:Sq rt llew lmpervlous Area:Sq Ft WATEft X CfpuA E Community SlEtem E Totel Acres Disurbed t 0 ,ll Ext6dng Land Dlsturbing permih E yes ENo Private Well 0 Gntralwell E Aqua X*. SEWER: X cFpuA E ,n", l,li o*0(0 setaa Commurity System E Private Septic [J Central Septic*-wt *n*l f r.r El aqu:+Approval:(A)-{v}--{r,t} x BFE+2ft=/{n-Pernit Fee: S Comment: City:Dater t Cily lnWeclion Requrreo, 9 I 0.254.0i:i I I I I I I i I I I Sotrr..1sr1 6lO una."tea, ?54n t, RL+L NEW HANOYER COLINTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAfETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTERDRIVE . SUITE I7O WILMINGTON,NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I hterfi et : vww, n h cgov. corr 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDIhTG am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the appllcant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: B I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. A I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. A I have aftaclned ah official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmential Health Department, for this work that reguires an approval from Environmental Heafth. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there ars no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit wil! be issued wlthin 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made hy the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Craig Smith Printed Name ,7 lb lrl Signature lnc. Address for the proposed residential work: Date NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responslbilitl/ =E ), rt-n sq y ;E+ 46s1 ,(office use) AppLtcANT,S NAME: Stevens Fine Homes Date:tlnln PROIECT ADDRESS: sUBDtvtstoN: Round Tree Ridge 61Ty; Wilmin Z'P. 28412 LoT#: 5L pROpERTy OwtilER,5 11g1yg; Stevens Building Company OWNER,S ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 p11sxg s. 91 0-794-8699 CITY : Wilmington aP.28403 CONTRACTOR Stevens Building Company BLDG UCENSE r. 31626 ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 61Ty. Wilmington st: NC zp. 28403 *+*PLEASE CHECK Al,lD ANSWER APPLY Jonu"r"r"6r) tl(/0 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes [I1 tto ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes d Xo ls there Electrical Power on this Bu ildingZ tr yes d no Porch (SF) ,lE Det Garage (5F)_ ! Sunroom (SF)! Pool (sF) ! Greenhouse (5F)tr Deck (SF) 6olUnheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):120,000 dno laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development services Centerwillbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and sp€cifications or change in contractor information. * * +N OTE: Any work performed without the a pp ropriate perm its will be in violation of the NC State d subjectto fines up to 5500.00.** Owner/Contractor: Michael Craig Stevens Signature; "Licensed Quolifief Priht Nome lsthe property located in a floodplain? E Yes El No Existing lmpervious Areat L52g sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 1/3 New tmpervious Are at X520 !4Ft Existing t-and Disturbing permit tr yes dro WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Well E Centralwelt E Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Offcer: _ S€tbacks (F, _ (tHl _ (RHt _ (Bl _ App.oyal: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+Zft= _ Commenti permit Fee: S lorr - EMATL ADDRE5S: snicholson@stevensfinehomes.com pg9x6. 910-794-8699 pROlEcT CONTAST pgpg61; Staci Nicholson pHsxs. 910-332-8515 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs t{EW CONSTRUCflON: d Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation fi Storage Shed (5F) _ n other (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes D No ToTAL sQ FT u DE RRcxtF (lor proposea *o*l ae"teat l$ b0 Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descdption of work Construct new single family residence. )UT $\(/\1-? tt1 RE.ET'ED ruN z e zo17 )o el5,y {.- . C&crr tdrtr p.lni NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP9L|CAIO* TWE : RESI DE},LAL t-:f,€.t citS r*ff .!Ll c'-':r"t-1l.t nir.r-l:A'l r li '?f r:, rFl:Jf l"r -Frcieaa ;i.$ponri$ltty" : !i'.':. : tr:., :- ' ;1 . . ,- -lra ''' Le|Y lnl'ewiorr, AtGt: . ga Ft tri*in6 lrnd Ekturhi:g I.rrrlir: : YG3: o wAtr* * {Fp,JA _ {rrrnrunify $151fr,. ,- tii,,rf."?,'rri: {r..r,nl1t.rr * ;ri:-, S€Wtft: : CIpUA: afriunay Syr!c.: - ?.iv.!4t ?4ia - Ca.r!-el\!ai,. - .4cre lon*:.,. !t6!".: _t.b&Ls{fl_{lxt_{kt}.----*l8l_ Arpr*vrl: _ Ctty: _ a).t€r _ nood: (Al _ M _ (Nl _ Brt.tti" * __. )orfl sq? L7 -L609NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proj ect Responsibility" APPLICANT'S MllE: Munqo licmes cf Norch Caroiina, rnc DEVEL@ER: Munqo tiomes cf Nort,h Carolina APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATE: 5,'rr,/2r1r , r nc PHONE #: .et9-4rE-]96E PROIECT ADORESS: 601 Be:::aveI: Driv -- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAr'lE: Munqc Homes of Norr,h carotina OI{NER'S ADDRESS: 25i4 Relian:e A,en,.re CITY: h-i lmr notorl ZIP i 28411 LfCENSE #: rirr66 CITY: -::,: PHONE #: 919-la3-8s2. ST: ria ZIP: I :i r ,l ACCOUNT #: SF SF 2 '-12 , rnc CITY: eoex CONTRACTOR: Iiunso Hones of North CaroLina , rnc ADDRESS: 2 514 Retian:e Averue ST: .]j: zIP : lljla EIiTIAIL ADDRESS: kiiisk!rlrrnqc..on PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: .r. i r:,, , (,rj ect manaqer )PHONE #: 8t3-6r r-15:l EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCAI]ON NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE OT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE 'i'*PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOTJ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRoIECT: ATT GARAGE 430 SF PORCH 61 5F suNR00t4 120 5F GREENHOUSE SF DET GARAGE - SF POOL 5F TOTAL HEATED SQ STORAGE 5H ED ER:DECK SF 3cr1FT:21-4 TOTAL 5Q FT UNDE 2 )- 2 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: ToTAL PROIECT CoSTrLessroo : $ ,r:, !rE rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, PLUl.lBrl{G or ttEcH$lrcAL work Being Done to the accessory structure? [ v"r [ ruorf the project is a ReLocation, is there a Naturar 6as Line on the current slte? [ ves [ ruoIs there Electrical Power on this Building? l-'l V"s l-'] to PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: t:;:ri -: : r : .,.:- t l t/ Residence DISCLAIMER: I hercby ce(ify hat all inicnnation in his appticadon is corect and and odinances and legulations The NHC Devetopmenr Services Center wiI be n contsactcr inftlrmalion '*NOTE Any Work Performed w/O he Appropriale pem all work willcomplywih he Stab Aliuing Cod€ atd dt oh6r apptbabte SiaE and bca ae/s oljfied ofany changes in he appoved plens and specifcatbns orchango in conlracbror its w llbe in Violataon ofrhe NC Srab Btdg Code and Subiect b Fines Up To $500.00,.. Kafl1pl, i,A.o L u,t*,. T NO SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ,r++*x:r*++*x:f,r++************(llTllil"l************++++**+**+,r:i*,**t:i:i,i,*,r*,r**x*j*,|,***rr(,r***,1,r* IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? I-''1 YES EXISTING IIVIPERVIOUS AREA: NE}T IfiPERVIOUS AREA:18 8. SQ FT COMMUN]TY SYSTEM IT5 u WATER : SEWER: CF PUA CFPUA I crrurnal sEprrc n pRrvATE sEprrc ! commururrv svsreN EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:[-l HorYES *,** SEPARATE PERI{ PAYiIENT I,IETHoD: EI cas, {. i. * * * * *,t * ** * x,* *,*,* )* *,* * * ZONE: _ OF F ICE R: +*)*)r*+****,*****,*+*****,t,**jt,t,**,ix+***,k*+*x**+****+***;**rxx+*****+*** PRIVATE WELL CENTRAL WELL REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** CHECK (payABLE rO NHC) E BrLL ACC(ITNT I r.rclvrsr I orscovrn (FOR OFFICE USE ot.lLY) SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B LApproval:_ City: _ DATE:_ FLOOD: AV N I BFE+ REV .:i.: ,m SUBDIVISION: Marsh .a;(s BLoCK S: LOT #: lI:_ PHoNE #: 919-Iu l 8525 # OF STORIES: :] OWNER/CONTRACTOR i lrun,ro Hcmes cL. Karher:ine Lusi SIGNATURE: CPRO49 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PL'CATION TYPEI RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWEB ALI qUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResPonsibilitY" 2qt-7 jlL( L7 -2239 {olfice use) AppLtcANT,s NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC oate: O711112017 pRoJEcT ADDREssT 4808 Barrows Creek Lane CtTy: Wilmington ztP.28411 sUBDlVtStoN: Clearwater Preserve toT fl: 049 oWNER'S ADDRESS: 9209 Markel Street, Suite C CtTy: Wilmington 21p. 28411 CONTRACTOR H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, l-LC s1p6 U6gt'tgg g. 74'l58 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON JJ Brenning ExlsTlNG coNsTRUfiloN: El Alteration E Renovation B General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: El Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation E CHECK AND ANSWER SELOW E Att Garage (sF)E) Det Garage (Sr) 528 E sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) p11sxg;910.219.1485 E Porch (SF))o1 E storage shed {sF)_ tr other (sF)[f Greenhouse (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROoF lfor proposed wotkl Nsale* 2272 TOTAL PROJECT COST (1e55 Lot): S 137 351 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbein8donetotheAccessoryStructureDYesENo lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? B Yes @ No ls there Electrical Power on this Euild ing? E Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E singl€ Family E Dupler E Townhouse Description otWork: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING "-..THE PLAN IS AN OLIVER - A ELEVATION'-" lawsand ordlnances 6nd reSulatlons.Ihe NHC De\r€lopment Servicas center will b€ nollfied ol any chanSes in the approved plans and sp€ciflcatlons or chante in contractor lnformetlon. "'NOTET Any wo* 0erformed wlthout the approprlate permits wlll be ln vlol.tlon oI the NC State Bldt Code and subjed to faner up to $5m.m... Owner/Contractor: JJ Brenning _ Signatu.e: 'Licensed Quoltler' Print Nome lsthepropertylocatedlnafloodplain? D Yes E No Existing lmpervlous Area: _ Sq tt TotalAcres Dlsturbed: .17 New lmp€ryiqu5 41s3; 3094 Sq Ft Existing t.and Disturblng Permlt: E Yes E ruo WATIR: El CFPUA n Community System E private Well E Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: El CFPUA El Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic EI Aqua zone: __ officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B)_ Approval: __ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A)_ (V) _ (N)_ _ BfE+2ft _lZ?'?-Conrment:Permlt teel $ pRopERTy oWNER,s NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayelteville, LLC pgonr r: 910.219.1485 ADDRES5T 82Og Market.street, Suite C ctTY: yilllgton st: NC zlp: 28411 EMA|LADDRESS! julicafferty@hhhomes.com/ ierrybrenning@hhhomes.com pHoNE: 910.219.1485 unheated:8'19 I NEt^l HAN0VER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAtIott iYPE: COitllERCIAL PLEASE Arls$EN ALL QUE5IIOI'5 APPLICA8LE TO YOUR PRO]ICT "ProJect Besponslblllty" /tr t1-1\loO L7 -L845 APPLICATIO{ llunber (Offlc. U3!) PROIECT AIXTRESS: 3:5 lie!$iiase aoad OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: . PROPER TY 0tlilER'S l{AllE: s:eve ?e!::r'ar: DEVELOPER:Pt$lE *: 91c-612-5;94r OSIER'S ADORESS: 326 HelmiL3qe Road CO{TRACTOR: x:J.t'e!iy 8!iE}. ADO*ESS 3 186 SouLhporL slpoD iv Rd CITY: PHO{E S: 13j 69e3:.1 ST! $c ZIPi 28429 LICENSE *: 63 5:3 EfiAIL AIDRESS: br i::s:ee PtlqlE f : 9'ia6'i2i941 PHOttE *:910512i947PRO]ECT C(X{IACT PEflSON: Exrsr cor{srRucrro{, I ALrERArro,, 5..#il$'fi1?1il*'- nrmrns I REL(Arrd{ r Rolo6r,on, is ther6 a Natural Gas Line on the ;;rrenl sde? [ ve?[ r.ro ts gt-oc spiifxrrpgpr n ves I No NEW CO STRUCTIoiT:EREcr riEr{ srRUcruRE fl rlsr rnrcx f] sxer-r. ! unrrr fl aoo ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Adc s:.rase sx::,J If UPFTT - Th€ shGll Permit s: IF Yes, l*rat Has the Prevlo{s Occupancy Typel'..* rs rHrs A cl{AMiE oF occrJpAr{cy usrl [ves I Is Elect Pouer on this Bulldlng Ives Eruo t{tet ls the r'rad o(cupancy TyPe? PH:9:-C8160375 C REG *: 02546e Ptr 56i?21660C tlc RE6 *: 043599 t8lbod orbangrag ! prupar€d tr ssv6d h us *uaur? lver plto u me eroperty Locat d ln Th6 Floodgah? flYes [lr'lo all other appllcable Slate olans and aoecificat onsNC $atc Bldg Cod6 and OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Ki.I}Jce r I SIG l,loaa: o..rlo,l!dt rlodtlclddl. I r*b. rlndval p..hlt .pClc.dq! sr! !o b. aubmli.d udng Ou +pllc.ilon hl.m {hatr h. trdllty d tulldhg wsr too.rd toco.tth tu!..*o. or not YolJ dt trqulrad b c.ll $. lddral Bnb.lon Slafitlrdr tur H&ridql. AIr pollrrdtr lftlESHAP) st (e10P0?-Se50 at le.t l0 dryr Fig' to rl.ddr'd o.l c, anytcuty 6 hrlk h0. Saa Alhr Wbb slb: http'r,\rwr €!, stste ic us,/ep.6b6ro6r€r!mp hfi TOTAL PROJECT COST: e6ccc ARCH 0ESI6ll PRoFESSIq{AL: -:::r:::: :es:;r. ::r-, -!. Etl6a OESIGI{ PROrESSIS{AL: li?,rr: i;..ce D€SCRIpTION OF hORK: Addrnq 40,{50 Sio::aqe tsuj.Ldj^ns S!.and A:oile to Exist].ng Busrness Property I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: S OF STORIES: : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 2}01-] ACRES OISTURBED: . C 6 fOFSTRUCTURES: : # OF FLOORS: : Exsr LANo DlsrunarNc penutrr I-'l ves SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 2;:: trtfCOMMUNTTY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC sofi WATER: I CFPUA SEWER: E: CFPUA EwE[ EfzoNtNG usEcr.AsstFtcATloN: PRMATE SEmC D COMMUNTTY S\|STEM*. SEpaRATE peR tTs HEoutFEo roR ELEcT. MECH. pLgO. GAS EOUte PRETAB$ A tNSefrrS -.pAyMENrMErlto& gcrsn f]cxecK(pAyAgLEroNxc) ErusnnuEtpREss fiucrvrse Eoscoven (F(n oFFtcg usE or.lLY)REVISE0 oAtE a,/t 1/12ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:RH: B:ApprcMd:_Clty:_ DATE: FLOOD: Cornmern BFE+2ft= N ( PERMIT FEE: tl DATE: a-:-:a-.--APPLICAT.IT' S T{AfiE : ZIP : 2-r 12 9 CfTY: suDD L v ST:NC ZIP:28.162 BUILDING HEIGHT: j!__ # OF UNrTS: TOTAL AREASO FT.2,CC SQ FT PER FLFI: 2.c. pRopERTyusE: DoFFEE Enesraunmn fluencar.rnr-e [sorrc f]ur fimHoo o.tHER:."io;,.._ a t5 z < NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT zrrr4.\ appLrcarroN rvpE: GoMMERCTAL ' 0 0^?^), ANswtR aLL QUESrIoNs applrcaBr.E To youR pRolEcr "Project ResponsibilitY" -L o APPLICATION Numb€r (Office Use) APPLICANT, S NAI4E : DEVE LOPER: Dq",'..' 3"I PROIECI ADDRESS: 'z(,\{ L (!Ar.L:..,*-B r.L. twlo, S t( CITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI4E: L:++1. C* qa,.r PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME; OWNER'5 ADDRESS: zIP:zQ\tL OR: DATE : - ST:_ZIP:_ PHONE #: CONTRACT ADDRESS:1 $, l$o CITY: LICENSE \ #: <6lut sr:d c zrP:E_.!-! -7e El"'lAI L ADDRESS: 1e., ii Aar'.r..r lL( @ A6L. Co^/\ PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: DA,, iO EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION PRIN RELOCATION KLERED? [v"" ! r'rolf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cur (Checr alI rh.t apply) RENovATToN l7l-crurnal REPATRs renr site? LlYes LlNo ls BLDG s If UPFIT - The SheI1 Permit #: rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupANcy use I fivrs I r'n .*.-. ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: WATER: SEWER: m ry CFPUA CFPUA fl coMMUNrrY sYsrEM flWELL f]CENTRAL SEPTIC L]PRMATE SEPTIC PH:NC REG d: NC REG #:PH: DESCRIPTION OF NORK: trls food or bsvorages preparod or s€rvod ln this structuro?D Yes tr No ls Th6 Proporty Located ln Tho Floodplaln?Yes c OISCLAIMER: I hereby certrty that all information in and local laws and ordinances and reoulations. The or chanoe tn contractor or conlraclor ihlormation. "'Subiectlo F'nes Up To $500 00-' this applicalron rs cofiecl and all work wllcomply wrlh lhe Slale Burldrng Code and NHC DeveloDmenl Services Cenler wll be nolitred of anv chanQes in lhe aoDrovedNOTE Any Work Perlormed W/O lhe Appropriale Permils will bie in Vlolation ol lhe Dlans and soecrfrcations NC Slare Bldq Code and all olher applicable Slale SIGNATURE: (oidm€4 (Ptbt NsnE) Note: Demoliton notfic€tons E asb€slos r€moval p€mn appli:elions are to b€ submitled using th€ application form ) whether the facility or blilding w8s Iound to contsin Asbestos or not You are requked to csll the Nslional Emission Standards for Hazardous Ajr Pollulants (NESHAP) at (9'l 9)707-5950 al least 1 0 days pdor !o ihe demolition of any facllily or bullding. Soe Asbestos Web Sk€: http/w$/w.epi.sraie.nc.us/epi/6sbestos/ahmp.htnl s so.' ,oo BUTLDTNG HETGHT: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : # OF STRUCTURES N SQ FT ortr ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?YES NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERry USE: fIOFFTCE E neSreUnnM MERCANTILE [eouc []eer fl CONDO OTHER: nzoNrNG usE CLASSTFTCAT|ON: DCOMMUNITY SYSTEM ." SEPARATE PERIVITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. N,IECH. PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS 8 INSERTS "' PAYMENT METHOD:ficasr flcuecx lenvaeLE To NHc) flauentcml o<cness I r'acnrrse I orscown (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL'REVISED DATE 4/11/12ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:_Approval:_ City:FLOOD: _ BFE+ft=_AVN Comment PERMIT FEE: $_ CITY: PHONE f: PHoNE f :gl9:91-tj-?nl f PHoNE #: aI\j-:!-!!:-L1L-I NEr{ coNsrRucrroN: n EREcr NEr^l STRUCTURE f] resr rmcx f} sxrr-r- [ uPFIr fl aDD ro Exlsr srRucTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E ruo IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? - Nhat is the New Occupancy Type? - OWNERyCoNTRACTOR: DA.,, ;o Joh,uJ.J TOTAL PROJECT COST:# OF UNITS: SO FT PER FLR: _ # OF STORIES:_ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:# OF FLOORS:- rcn-tsbj- t. ffi Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT APruCAT,ON TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PI.TASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPUCABLE TO YOUR PROIECT 'Prciect Responsibllitlf Numbe. (ofilce us€) AppLtcANTS NAME: Christopher Yermal by Old School Rebuilder & Co pROrEcT ADDRESS: 2111 Bamett A\renue 94g715117 clTy: Wilminglon 21p. 284O3 suBDtvtstoN:LOT#: pROpERTy OwNEfifS 1ap1g; David and Holly Nieberiine pxolr *. 4zlil-562-4974 coNTnAcToR: Old School Rebuilder & Co BLDG UCENSE #:76746 ADDRESS: 2110 Metts Avenue g5y; Wilminglon sT: NC zl EMAll, ADDR€SS: !{@mac.com pxotr: 9102286531 pRoJEcT cotylAcT p6x5gN. Christopher Yermal pxotr:9102286531 EX|STING COI{SIRUCIIoN: D Alteration j Renovation n General Repairs NEW COI{STRUCnON; ! Erect New Residence / Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ..TPI.IASE ctIECK A'{D A'{SWER BEIOW ATI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' O Det GaraBe (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)n Pool(SF) E Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? Ef Yes n No Unheated: TOTAL PRO.IECT COST (Less Lot)S 35,711 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? [ Yes g No lsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenyesONo lf the projed isa Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? D Yes E! t{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? 0 Yes D No Pmpe.ty Use/ Occupancy: 6/ Single Family ! Duplex D Tosmhouse Description of work: Build 288 s.f. addition to rear ol existi hom ernodel bathroom and kitchen Ithe information in this application is correct and allwork will comply with the State Buildiry Code and allother applicabl€ State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC oevelopment Seryices Center willbe notified of any chanSes in the approved plans afld sp€ciffcations or chanSe in contra€tor anfomation. 'a*NOTET Any wort performed with(xrt the apgropriate permtts will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.m.ra O.rner/Contractor: Christopher Yermal signaturc: 'Licensed Quolifel Print tlome lsthe property located in a floodplain? tr Y6 El ,{o Eridlng lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acr6 Disturted: New lmpervious Area:288 Sq Ft ExistinS Land Dlsturbing Permit: ! Yes fl No WATER:d OrrO O Community System fl Private We ! Centratwe ! Aqua SEWER: d CFPUA ! Community System trl Private Septic n :"l"f,ili9li Zone: Approval: Comment: c T] Aoua e xls+r',,\-C,Bl 14 " V\r)atr\K-5 se&acrs (Fl $lC (r.x) *'^(RH}*tOfrice I V art+2ft= J".-itr*,$ C'rty:oate: ?-5-l ?Flood: (A)(v) _ (N Crtv hsleclhn Res:ret 9 I 0.?5:r.l{S '--Add*rcy\ 11" A.TD I owt{EtrS ADDRESS: 107 Hatton Drive oTy: Severna Park, MD 71p:21146 28/,03 tr Att Garage (SF)_ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER Root (lor proposed wotk) Heated: 288 tr Porch (SF) _ E Storage Shed {SF) _ ! Other (sF) _ NEW HANOVERCOUNW BUITDING PERM]T APPU AATION Tf PE: RESIDENTIAI PTEASE ANSI/TER AIL QUESIIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'ProFct R€eponslb tl|" 2otIt5-);. 'JUL r7 4!3oPr' L1: L\@5 Application Number (omc€ us€) -lla.i L'u tlate /-:- )'7APPI.ICA TS I{AME: PROIECT ADDRESS:a Ctrlt: lDi) -' ,.4 *a^ ZIP z(90 <ffi#.',/ PHONE #r qty L64 291 6 ; |.e,'t^,^"t n AP Zt4t5 SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'SADDRESS:I ADDRE55:clttt i.t)i l^,r,;lo.n sl NC ah z{qoqptorr/-ru.-rs3-LJ.r-{-EMAIL ADDRESS: Ex miac co smucnol$ E Atteration E Renration E Gerenl Repairs I{ES, @ilslRl,cnoil: E/E €ct f&w Rsrideflce EI Addition b B('sting Reddence E Relocation ot t* (1.1tr Att Gatage (sfl JoU tr Det Gange (sfl- tr Po|dt (sR tz{ i E Sunroom (sF) - E Greenhouse (5F) - ,{ew lmpervious Nea: :la 00 sqft D other (sF) bdsUng Land Disturtang Permih E Yes tr No tr stor€F 5H (sF)-tr Pool(sF) tr Deck (SF)7zo ls the proposed work chandry tte existing footprint? tr Yes E No TOTALSQFr U DERRCXTF W p,oposed r,ork) Heated,\71#,Urfieated:4 E(q Descn'pdon of work: rorAl PRorEcr oosr lte!'- Lotl: $-!f\Ql)ll ts the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes O/ o / ls any El€ctr'rcal, Plumbirg or Mech'tt'cal wort beilrt done to the Accessory StIucuJr€ E Vec El' fo f the Foject is a Relocatkrn, is there a Natural G6 Une on the cunent site? E Ys El'ltlo lsthere Ele€trical Poweronthis Building? E Y€s E flo ,/ Property lrse/ Oauprcy d frgle ramiy EI Dupler El Tourdlouse then*dQroltw mtbnE /. lsthe property located in a flooddain? E Yes Er o Bisting lmp€n iorrs Ar€a: _ Sq ft lotal A.res Dtuturbeal: I,J DISCIAIMB: I haEby c€rtiry tEt dl lhe hforrBtirn in this .pCicatioo b co.rect aod all lrorft wfll cqnply sith ltl€ Stats Buddiry Code and aI oth€r appHk Sbte and lo€l Ews and o.diEnces and r€gulatitls- Th€ l{HC oevdopmeit S€wk€s ceiter wil b€ notifed of arry dEn€e5 h the approved plarE and Setfiaations or dEn€e in contractor hiorfiatin "'I{OTE: Any vrork perlofined wi8urt the apprqriate permits wfl be in viohion of $e NC Stat€ ddg Code ard subi.rt to tn€s up to Ss(E.@... oi,[.t€rlc,f,f,r'.clfr:o,l,l l-r-I..5ignatwe: WAq:iIr: {C,WUL E Community System E Private Well E Centrelwell tr Aqua SEUVER: EI GPUA E Community System E PrirEte Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua z*r?-\5 omoer DAb sou.rcp1 30 1txl tO'(RHI t- p1 25' apeto,nt 0L &yt lll1,t r,ru,-l)61i7 Fbod! (A, - (vl _ (,u x BFE+2ft= _ LCommsrt:ut5 a CF, l*rg:ltln ?e:::let 9! 0-25+SS P€fmlt Fee: I \r-l \,-coennacron, ax ugjtt5,.*, 1toI7 pnolEcr oo[rAcr pEnlro t fia Lut, " ptror{E 1]d--Lit)l-f l/f ? 2onas'"11 ?,Iu t7 I!-?'gF ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION ryPE,. RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponsibilitY' Li sF-NEcflflt, ?€? tTt_Zs,2 loffice use) APPLICANT's NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: }RVD oat", 06/o9 /Zoll suBDrvrsroN: lJoRtHc ilA9 € - C.tARfM-po $rit rtrilerN ztP LOT # c PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR frH6 Den,o L€ stPe c-,.{A.L PHONE H 5to-Lgt-l+5a5 ctrY, WtLh i N et-oN ztP BI.DG LICENSE # ADDRESS: 't Lo € )-.,-*t-t EMAIT ADDRESS: )_- P CITY l.\ ST tAJ(ztP: J89aS- PROJECT CONTACT PERSON DC*ri5 L g St',zc+lRc EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation f General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION:DErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidencenRelocation I.I,I.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*,|.* PHONE PHON E 9to q3i -sos \drT- E Det Garage (SF)n Porch (SF) ! Pool (SF)n Storage Shed (SF)_ E Deck (sF)3g'1 n Other (SF) tl lA [-rnheated:38lt S0Fr (K{z\) ! Att Garage (5F)_ ! Sunroom (sF) tr Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes ( ruo TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated ToTAt PRoJECT coST (Less Lot): 5 tl5OC> ls the proposed work ch a nging the num ber of bedrooms? ! Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re n Yes fiNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes F No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes Ef No Property Use/ Occupancy: El Single Family tr Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work GRouvr>-LEvEL DE'R ExrFa/srah/ DISCLAIM€R: I hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and all work wrll comply with the State BuildinS Code and a other appli ble ate and local contractorlawsand ordrnances and regulations.The NHC Deve lopment Se Nices Ce nte r willbe notifred ofany chanSes inthe ap information. '**NOTE:Any work performed without the appropriate permits wilt be in viotation of the NC State Btdg Dflvt1 L sEIJs44L Signature: specifications or Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" f: ls the property located in a floodplain? I Yes f, No Existing lmpervious Area 5q Ft TotalAcres Disturbed New lmpervious Area Sq Ft Existing Land Oisturbing Perm WATER: { CFPUA n Community System n private Well n Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E(CFPUA E Communitysystem D private Septic ! Central Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: -- Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Oate: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) -_ B Comment: it: D Yes n No FE+2ft= -' Permit Fee: S 7: CITY: I 7/0- 71tr-7 f // ?aga-. g,'na',1 -NE Dot-t--ts?? i iSo-frai qu'C-lo9Ag)l @ yo-huc carn tiJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT APPLTCATIaN TyPf: RESIDE}ITIAL II,I0BILE HOI{ E PIEA'E PEIN' CLEANIY & AI.ISWEi AT! OUfSTIONS"nroJeii Re+;,i;'i;iilti,q|i;' g 1 l O L\ | 11- Aorl(o APPLICATION Numbor APPLICANT'S NAI.IE: DEVELOPER; s --- PHONE fl3CITY: BLOCX #: CITY I sr. _ zrD, LICENSE Sl crTv:sr ! N( tap | ?-? { 'O) 0o-erorue *r ?roJKz-6f ?2 PHoNE f | 1t<l W- 6C7Z (offd.e U5c) DATE I LOT S:IePf,olECT ADDRESS T EIiIAI L PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSONI C DE5CRIPTION OF MRI(: (CHECK ALL I rlrsrar.l NEr"l r'loBrLE Hol4E e THAT APPLY) ffi nrrocarroru oF usEo MoBTLE HoflE , SUEDIVtrSION: FROPERTY OIIINERJS NAT1C: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR : ADDRESS; zoNE: -. oFFIC ER: Approval, :-- City Comment: 4 OIBCL IM€F| | hrrehy .f,Ui x\.r .tl lnlo,ftnr.i ti rN. .p!tr.!6. lr cod.d 3rd i[ *dr *lr $mOrr.lspnrii 3.ai..! C!dt,,] hndt l.d.t.., ciDr!..1^ir..p!.ov!d pt..r rnij rr.ctll..r ,ly r'''rhrlr.ri Bur.InD cod. r.d .l .rh...rd.ntrl. 6..r. .d, b<t od ^!nM i! IrBuLrlon.. nEl.l]lcH odr,l.l^.oDrtrclo, or rDnr,o(( nhm!t|on.r! !. ln vlor!,n or rrr Nc ar r 014 cod.!o lhd upro!000,00". Ol,lNER/C0NTRACT0R:A?SIGNATURE:(Frlot rlra) + + * t'*'l * r* * * *,t )i' ***t 'r***** !t+:l,r*,|. **!r,i{rtr+*r+**t* * ria44 +!i,i,i*x*r *+ ,l)a**a,r**,r* r,}** r* ***** * {,iIs THE PROpERTy LOCATEo IN I rlooopt"llt'D l-1 v o \o[T{.-9,trt /P,i1f f [t' F R E s r DE Nc E I ori-r n I / uuD r-rBEr: I I I g ic t" i io, 'r.u,,rurlcrunrR./ YEAR l'1A0E : t 4 33 t WIO\H: L9 "rffiruo : CLIAM sEnrAL s: Q )t t;xDt.s.91. cotoR:LEN6TH: '7a vrs@ ,urrrro*, v{I ves ffiioves [ ruo eaneer: I ves fi no -.- sF HURRICAi'IC ZoNEr E 1 tr 3 smoKE2 0ECX r tr N0 -,- sF PORCH: TOTAL PR0lEcr COST (1e,. roD: I ' I Kl 0 NATER: SEhlER r C FPUA CFPUA E COMI,IUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL 5 EPTIC PAYIIENT fiETHOD! TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXT5T LAND DISTURBING PERI,IIT: rf VIS III IrIO SF fl eRrvnre werl }(lnrvnre seer NrRAL NELL X ,tau-f. coMtvluNITY sYsTEtt CE IC (f0n orarca UJE or/tY ) SEI BACKS: F:_ LH: RH: rclvrsA E orscorr* ilvIsE0 {/12/:2 8: _-*- BFE+2ft. t{ PERIIIT FEE: g *T,* SEPARATE PEEI,{ITs REQUTRED FOR EI.ECT, HECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFAES & 1N5ERT5 'T*E casn fl orecr (payABLE ro MJc) E nr,lEnrca rxpness tr i DATE FLOOD: )ot'v15 eMailClear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT ION TY P E; RESIDENTIAL PlEAsE ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPI-ICA8I.E TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responslblllty" Appllcatlon l{umber (ofiice u'e) PROPERTY OWNER's NAME: Ctuisti Seiole-Gole PHONE #: 570-259-4003 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 761 3 Vancouver CL CIIY Wilminnlnn ZIP: 28412 CONTRACTOR: Southem Exposure Sunrooms _ SLDG LICENSE s:68138- ADDRESS: Po Rov 12oo7 CITY: Wilminoton Sr:NL zlP: 28405 EMAIL ADDRESST iohn(Asouthemexoosuresunrooms .com PHoNE: 910-793-2762 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: John Hickev PHONE :91O-793-)76.2 O Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (SF) El Sunroom (SF)228 tr Pool(sF) E Greenhouse (SF)_tl Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed wort) Heated Unheated;228 TOTAL PROTECf COST (Less Lot):15897 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? [] Yes El No ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes El No lf the proiect is a Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? E yes E,No ls there Electrlcal Power on this Building? RYes I No Property Use/ Occupancy; E Single Family fl Duplex n Townhouse Oescription of Work: DlscLAlMEn: I herehy certtfy that allthe Inlormatlon ln this application ls corect and allwork will comply wlth the state Bulldlng cod€ and all othe.appllcable State and local laws and ordinanc€s and reSulations. The NHC Oevelopment SeMces Center wlll be notilled of anv change plans sp€ciflcatlons or ctlange In .ontractot inIormatlon. "rNOTEtAny work performed without the approprlate permlts wlllbe ln vloladon ord)e NC nd es up to $soo-oot+{ Owner/Contractor: John Hickey Signature: "Lk8nsed Quolilief Pdnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes B No Exlstln8 lmpervious Area: 2674 Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Areat 2822 SqFt Exlsting tand Disturblng permit; El yes fl No WATER: frCFPUA fl Communitysystem E private Well E Centralwell I Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System n Private Septic fl Centralseptic I Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RHl_ (B) _ Approyal: _ City: _ Date; -- Flood: (A) -- (V) -_ (N) _ BtE+2ft= -_ 3 (a-. 5Comment:Permit Fee: S L7 -2L8L APPLICANTS NAME: Southern Exposure Sunrooms _Datq 71512017 PROJECT ADDRESSI 7613 Vancouver Ct clly: Wilminqlor zl?.-28412_ SUBDIVISION: Lords Creek LOT fli 252 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration U Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence E Addltlon to Exlstlng Residence f] Relocation "*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI-OW AtI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT''* E Storage Shed (sF)_ tr other (sF)_ ?D/l-a \/7*2//' I Print 'rffi.} NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PU Ano N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PI.I.ASE ANSWER ALt QUESNONS APPLIC SLE TO YOUR PROJECT ?roJecr R..pontlbllly Applic2thn (ofii€€ t}re) APPUCANT,S NAME:Mary Logan - Logan Homes gTy: \lvilmington Date 1 2rP: I l1 LOT*54 PROPERTY OWNEtrs NAME:Clearwater Preserve LLC PHONT *:910-452-7175 OWNER'S ADORESS:60 Gregory Rd crw: Belville 21p;28451 COI{TRACTOR:Logan Homec BtDG 969;16g g; 34406 AoDRESSI 60 cregory Bd IMAILADDRESS:mlogan@loganhomes.com p116,Np1 910-{52-7175 O0SING CONSTRUCnON: D AlteEtion 0 RenoY{tion E Gene6lRepalrs t{EW coNSTRUCItoN: El Erect New R.sldence E} Addition to Edstlng Residence E Reloetlon t. ' B rtt eange (s0 {1{ E Det Garase (sR - [ ro..rt tsr)Jl3 0 sunroom (sF)- n Pool(st) - EI creenhouse (sF)- n Ded (sF) - ls the proposed wo* drarging th€ existinS footprint? El Yes r] No E storage Shed (sF) _ D other (sF) ToTA sq FI UNDER RooF (Jot ptoposed wort) He.tedr rorAr pBorEcr c{rsr (t2s.Loi] rlJS/DZ_ 3Sa \uDheaiedl ?51 gn; BeMlle srr !q aP 28/51 ls the pmposed work chln$og the oumber of bedrooms? El vr5 fi rf o ls any ElcctrL.l, Plutflblnt or Medlanlcsl work being done to the airessory struaure. p ves S r'ro lfthep.ojectlsaRllocaton,isttereaNaturalGa5LirGonth€curr$tske?EYeiqilo lsthere ElectrlcalPowcr on this Bulldln8? tr Vu $. m Prcpcrty Use/ ocsup.rr$ E sinsl" r.n y tr DuDhtr Tqnfiou.G De.c pdon ol woit:SFR - new construction l ls ljld odhlntte.nd rltul.tlon!- Thet{HC lhrelopm.rtSrrvlc.sC.nterrill b. noUf.d of.nydt:niE lh thc rpprov.d PLm rhd $€dhtloos or drtn!. h lontn.tor htortnrttoh..r.NoTt: arry wo* performld wilhout th€.pproprbrc pdrnfts rrll b€ h vlohbn of the llc St.t lldg c.d.to frnci up ro Ssm.m"' Owner/Contrecton L Stllrtrrrel "uensed @ahn€i Pdnt Ndm. lsthepropertylocated in afloodplaln? n YG5 E No ErlstlrE tmpcrvlorls Areal 0 5q Ft Total Acres Dlsturbedr . 20Y crf, lmpcrviou3 An", J1to 5 X n E drttng tand D! urblng Prntrhr E Y€s Etr o WATER: Et CFPUA E Community System 0 Priydte Well E Cefiral Well E Aqua S€l rEi: E CFPUA 0 Community System E) Priy6te Septic 0 &ntral Septic E Aqua Zona: -_ Offc.r: _ S.tbscks (F) _ (tH) _ lrH)_ (31_ apprcy.l: -- dty: _ D.tei _ rbod; (A)_M _{tt}_8FF+2ft._ commentr permit Fee: $l?rV I pnoJEcI coi[TACt pgRsox. Maty Logan p1161191 91G452-7175 t6;iil )ot1lS BCI NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT I ON ryPE, RESIDENTIAL PtEAsE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABIE IO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responsibility'' L7 -2248 APPtlcANrs NAME: PORCH CONVERSION Oate:07 11 17 clTY: WILMINGTON ZtP 28411 sUaDlVlSlONi POTOMAC WOODS PH 1 l-OT f :43 PROPERTY owNER's NAME: DENNIS & MEGHAN RACHOCKI PHoNE #: 910-399-1990 owNER'S ADDRtss: 917 POTOMAC DRIVE clrY: WILMINGTON ZtP 28411 cONTRACIoR: PORCH CONVERSION BTDG IICENSE #7A)i7 ADDRESS: 6821 MARKET STREET CITY: WILMINGTON ST: NC ZIP: 28405 EMAIL ADDRESS: porchconversion@qmail.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSOI: BRIAN WALSH E Sunroom (SF) n Greenhouse (sF)_ PHONE: 910-777-3363 PHoNE:910-777-3 363 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration D Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence &/nddition to Existing Residence E Relocation *I*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTI*I n Att Garage (SF)_n Porch (5F) n Storage Shed (SF) /orher {sF)200 sTooP ls the proposed work changing the number of bedroomsl tr Ves / f,fo ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure F yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natupl Gas Line on the current site? D yes d llo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildins? gl yes I-l No Property Use/ Occupancy: /Single famity n Duplex fl Townhouse {"" Description of work: REMOVE EXtSTING BEGK BUttB ETEVATED MASONRy STeep DISCIAIMIR: I herebY certify that all the informalion in thls application is correct and all work wilt comply wtth the State BuildinI Code and allotherlaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Cente. wilt be notifjed of any changes in eap information. "+NOTE: Anywork performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC BldB Own€r/Contractor: AGENT JEREMY MARTIN Sitnature: "Licensed Quolifie/' print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes /frfo Existing lmpervlous Area: 4747 Sq Ft ln" applicable State and local or chanSe in contractor $s00.00.. ' Total Acres Disturbed: 0.0045 N€w lmpervious Area: 200 sq Ft WATER: EfrFpuA D community System SEWER: dCFpuA E Community system Existint Land Disturblng permit: n yes n Private Well D Central Well n Aqua n Private Septic ! CentralSeptic n Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (t-H) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) -- BFE+2ft= --a^mrn.nt. permit Fee: S /u' ,Application Number (office use) PRoJEcr ADDRESS: 917 POTOMAC DRIVE _ E Det Garage (SF) n Pool (SF) _ tr Deck (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? d yes I trto TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOT (for proposed workl Heate* O Unheated: 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 56.075 NEW HANOVERCOUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTERDRIVE - SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet : www. nhcgov. com t, RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION THAT HAS NO PRIOR APPROVALS STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: A I did not attach an official CFPUA receipt or document that acknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. E I did not attach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. A I did not attach an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And because I did not attach the official proof of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover County canno guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittatdate/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: AGENT JEREMY MARTIN Signature Printed Name 917 POT AC DRIVE A t \2--/'tr Address for the proposed residential work: Date ._ )If t5 F- t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsibilitY" Nrzo ttA- CITY: /$u o^ o-(Lsyr.- CITY: LICENSE #: r.h,a.l-c ct Lww- PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:R-G, 2o/trsPv Pu+ tT zDsza. ZI APPLICATION Number (Office Use)!i PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OWNERJS NAME : OWNER,S ADDRESS: ,{TO APPLICANT'S I,IAJ,4E : DEVE LOP ER : CONTRACT ADDRESS : eL.J oar:7-3 -t -7 *nne *, ?tO -zj,/-bs87 ztP: Z,l%?7 PHONE fl:?/o 6'1{-3b6o t1. tt< 71p7 )18-/27 sr.lvL zrPt 2?7YJ PHoNE #: ?/0'26/-ltCt? PHONE *: ?to - Ztel-G?y7 OR: o EIVIAIL ADDRESS: t PH DESCRIPTION OF WORK lwr,,n-h ls food or bev6rages Eoparod or sorvsd in this struaure? ffVes fi ruo b The Propalty Located ln The Roodplainf I V"" I lo ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL; ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: DISCLAIMER: I hereby certjfy that all information in this applcatron is correct and all work will comp,ly with the an.i local laws and ordinance! and reoulations. The NHC Develoomenl SeNices Cenler will be nollfred of any 6r ihanoe ln ionrractor or conlractor iifolmation. "'NOTE: Any Work Perlormed W/O the Appropriale Permils Subjecllo Fines Up To $500 00*" State Burlding Code and all oiher appl,cable State chanoes in rhe aDDroved olans and sDecificatiolswill 6'e in V'olarion ol rheNC Slale Bldq Code ano OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Koss f -G;Ar srGNAruRE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is E1ect Power on this Building ffives n no PH: (oualfid) (Pdn rante) Note: Demoliton notjicstions & asbestos €moval permit applirtions are to be submitted using the applicatjon form tacility or building was lound to contain Asbestos or not You are required to callth6 Nalional Emission Standsrds for Hazsrdous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 al least 10 days ptior to lhe demolition of any facility or building. Sos Asbestos Web Sit€: httpr/wwwepi.state.nc.us/epi./asb€stos/ahmp htnl roTAL pRoJEcT cosr: /eooo.? BUILDING HETGHT:/b'# OF UNITS: / TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SO FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - #OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED: II/A.EXST LAND Drsrunerruo renurrz f] ves NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: i//A-SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT pRopERw usE: noFFrcE E nesrauRaHr @uencmtrLe [eouc flapr fl CONDO OTHER: pAwrENT METHOD: ECASH [CneCX leeVeeLE TO NHC) [nUenlClN O<eneSS I tUCrutSe I O|SCOWn WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA ZONE: OFFICER: flcoMMUNlrYSvsreu ffweulf] CENTRAL SEPTIC IXI PRIVATE SEPTIC flzoNrNG usE CLASSTFTCATTON: fICoMMUNTTYSYSTEM BFE+m= PERMIT FEE: ." SEPARATE PERT4ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, [,4ECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & ]NSERTS '' (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: REVISED OATE 4/11i12 ADoroval: CiN: DATE: FLOOD: N Comment o+ CITY: r (check Al1 That Appty) _ ExrsT coNsrRucTroN: EJ ALTERATTON f] neruovnrton E.g;lennt REPATRS ! nrlocarroru tf Rolocation, is there a Natural cas Line on the rent sner I vel-ffino ls BLDG SpRtt'l-xrengoz I v"r fi r.ro NEW coNsrRUcTroN: E ERECr NEl^l SrRUcruRE I rrsr rnecx fl sxer-r- f] unrrr ! ADD ro ExIsT srRUCruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: rF yes, what *, .n" ,"",rll,t;.:fi:":rtiil$ oF occuPANcY usEltFtt.rF" t:: ;X;,* rvpe? - NC REG #: NC REG #: F(, Srt -?.1*^ >,t*u-J-llb )o i-r ---r f.i.}- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APTAT@N TY PE : RESIDENTIAI- lV ED JUL - 7 p0l& nrswrn u euEsnoNsAppucABtE ro youR pRorEcr 12'.3c p.n b-"ftolrt Re6ponsb0itff 17 )tK T Application NumS€t (offic€ use) APPUCANTS i,IAME:Date: PROJECTADDRESS:o CTTY:9,.t.'/.to,ar ? trrloZ SUBDTV|slo : IOT S: - 7 -1^ /7 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:/{* Hp A tc' .-----,^PTIONE #:7 OWNERSADDRESS:CITY: ..-- BTDG TrcE 5E #:CONTRACTOR:2r iu)<.u ADDRESS:lcD .-r-s7 PJ-cnY o).'1,"-5r:zip:.274+,J EMAIL AOOR€ss: E sunroom (sF)- E Greenhouse (sF)- Descriptlon of Work: PHONE: tr storate Shed (5f) - tr other (5F) _ Emsfl G CoI{sIRUcnoI* E Aherdtioo *te**rtlyt E GeneralRepairs l{EW co SIBUCnO : E Erect Nef,, Res iturce {e tionto Existing Residence E R€location at+ aa E Att Garate (sF)- tr Det carage (srl- Wpo'a, tn j A-- ls the proposed work changing the existing too'trrint? D ves p ruo fUfAL SQ FT UIIDERfrTOOF W Nopsed rork) Hearecl: - Unheed: roTAL pKrJBsr @5T (|dlsar,tltl j4 du.- ls tfie proposed uork changirg the number sf bedoorns? tr Yes r[to ls any Ecctrlcal, PlunbirE or M€dronaal wort beiru done to tfie Ai&sory StructuE E Yes AroFtolf the proiect is a nclction, is ttEre a aturglras Une on the curent site? E Yes ls there Eectical Pourer on this Euilding? EI fs E tb,,.. Propenv rrsd ocu rrlrrrvilg,&a^fly EI ouptsr tr Tounhoue hnrs and ordinances ard r€Sulatins. The NHC tlevdopment s€rviaes C€nter wi[ be notifi€d of any dErEes in the approved plans and spEifaations or drang€ in contractor informathrl. "'NOTE: Any erork perfooled wiftoljt t le .pgr@riate permiE w{ b€ in vidation of ddg to frEs r-p to SgE.@**+ Ot aer/Contractor:b,v /(u)so,"Signatule: 'Lkehsed Quollfiel nwo,,ar, 0l- crw Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes Rtto Ef,isting tnpendous xezt 30 sqFt Total Acres Dishrted: - IIew lmpewioqs Nea: )l{sqft Existhg tand Distrrting PermiE E ves fr rfo qs D zlaSrT W,tr* q/cfp-Ua E Community System E priyate Well E centrelwell E Aqua,,- SEWER: ErCFPUA E Community System E kivEte S,efiic E Central Septic E Aqua l- BFE+2ft=I mG1 enc(oaLVn) fioce tUan 8ft i.,to tve Q",..t- Comment: -etu^41. C[, llt:leclr^ Pr:lec qlit!51{,S Permit Fee: I @F- PROTECT OOI{IACT PElSOtt: Po* flrlr.'* PHO[{E: - zorcr?-'\5 omcen DTu 3o tr Pool (sF) - D Deck (sFl - I S',i'lr ilc11+ d)NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPTICASTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilitl/' >0nrsfl Date 6 zlP CITY BLD6 LICENSE # crIY l.l ctm Psts.o i sr: MizrP EJUL t7 91428 L1- x roo Number (office use) APPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: ( / LLL--Lz:^ ctry in suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTORI ADORESS: TMAIT ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Co,t,,+ H t+0 ztP: n Lkqq l J om pndnr, \-ao- ?[a0 tto 6 ll "tn'lPHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration fl Renovation M General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **'PICASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BETOW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTI** ! Att Garage (Sf)_E Det Garage {SF) _ ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) E Greenhouse (SF) ! Deck(SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes M No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF (/or work) Heated: TOTAI PROJECT COST {L€ss l-ot): S ls the proposed work chanBing the nu mber of bedrooms? D Yes Description of Work: d ls any Electdcal, PlumblnS or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes lf the proj€ct is a Relocation, is there a Naturt4 Gas Line on the current site? n Y€s M/ No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? M/ Yes D No Property Use/ occupancy: a Single Famtty 3 ouplex /fownhouse Unheat€d: d^o */*. ( laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Servaces Center willbe notified ofany changes jn the a inlormation. ...NOT[: Any work performed wnhour ih€ apgropri.te permls wiI be rn violation ot the NC State Btd a'- - --, / / ownerlconvaclor =) / L, t4; V dfu E/l I signature: pprove! plans and specifiaations or chanSe in aontractor g Co# and subject to fines up to 55m.00... "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes D No Existing lmpervious Areai _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbint Permit: X ye5 n No WATER: g'CFPUA ! Community System D private Welt n Central Well D Aqua SEWER: 7 CFPUA I Community System I private Septic n Central Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (f) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Datei _ ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit tee: S Yf, oD .,1")'',. t( PHONE #l tr Porch (SF)_ E Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)_ ffi NEt'l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE I RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT ct Respo i1i d tt), 2onns7?- *q - atql APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANTJ S NAJ'J]E :li; CITY: BLOCN #: PHONE S: i/L _oorr, 0'lo'{/ DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS SUBDTVISION: PROPERTY OWNERJS NAI'IE :/2re I Adt,ey',t/e tdhlfu ZIPt2' ot^INER'5 ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS; o ah CTTY:t y',c #2/,9-ACCOUNT f: PHONE *:3D-//'7'{t* ST EztP,iTr'aB ST zTP I PHINE r: ,27 q '^ pnaxe *,279)y'3f, RE LOCATION /n a(&vzltt J LICENSE cIrY: /r EIi{AII- ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT < coe.1 PERSON:2(ck4l EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:A LTERAT]ON ffinrnovanon ! crnrnal nenarns fl NEW CONSTRUCTION;ERECT NEW RESIDENCT or n ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECX AND ANSHTR BELOTJ ALI THAT APPIY T0 YOUR pROIE(T ATT GARAGE - SF SUNROOM _ SF GREENHOUSE - SF I orr canner - s, f]PORCH _ SF STORAGE SHEDPOOL DECK 5F 5F SF5F OTHER: TOTAL HEATED sq n: !9OD TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF )4ro TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT COSTtT*.roo : $160,fru # OF STORIES:/ Is any ELECTRICAL, PLUI'IBIN6 or MECHANICAL l^Jork Being Done to the accessory Structure) [ V"t fi f'fo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? flves fl r'ro rs there Electrical Power on this Building? lXlv"t l-'tr ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUP'NCY:E aLa /*//r- conuacro, ilbrmadon "1!OTE Any W,or kiPey'ormt4y/O he Appropriate PemiB will De 11 Viola'ion ol lhe NC owNER/coNrRAcron,/'bJV FecCfu2rtJ'') srGNAruRE >,N SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF I.JORK: 9"il,'/,\- DISCLAIMER: lhereby cedify lhal all inlomaiion in his applicadon is correcl and allwork willcomply wjh he State 8u and ali oher applcable StaE and local laws snd ordinances aod regulations. The NHC Development Servac€s C€nEr willbe nolilied ofany changes To $500.00"" / t""'nt ta'"t*****rr*{)r*,kr++rrlf***+***)t{-+,t+**tt*.i*****i****'**+,k*)f+!t!t'*+** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A F larnr ll ves X* uo EXIsTING IHPERVIOUS AREA:sQ Fr SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DIS *,t *:k** **,* *,t !* * ** *,* 't*,r*** ED: I'l PERMIT FEE: $ ING PERMIT:I ves l]11 uoNEW II4PERVIOUS AREA: tt EXIST LAND DIs d PUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE IdELL CENTRAL NELLNATER: SE ER:creua I cENTRAL sEprrc I-l enrvare seerrc f] coMMUNrry sysrEM *'** SEPAITATE PERI4ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, HECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFABS & IiISERTS **' pavHEr,rr ilErHoDr I cesri ficnec( (pavaBLE ro rac; [a:lr nccorur f] ncZvrsa I orscoven ,i** t,* *,* )k!k** *i.,i*,;*** ++ ***t<****r* rt *,* ,t +,k )t *,*+t:)ti<)a{t**++*,F**++*,t *r* **+ *,c !t*,f )*,t* * ** )t **r*,t ***)* *'t,f * *)* ,orr,Q- ls oFFrcER:"'/fl *,ilfL * ,Nfr", /fl'-t'o D^r E o4 / 77 / t2 BFE+2ft= Ort approvat;---:0l- city : I L t4 oli-r: co*n"nt, /n{ctu unrl ,'r,,/o (FOR OF'ICE IJSE ONL s CKS: F: io FLOOD: oSJo h -1='oo.-... L/.1) --/-City lnpecllm Requrreo 9 I S2S4.Crl',J LOT #: _ I )ait+q37 -N\ e..I ,/NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PI-EASE ANSWER ALt qUESTIONS APPTICABT€ TO YOUR PRO,'ECT "Prorect Responsibiliv' 1/.>,* br-skt t6c,t (-tl*tot t*eo z2r(t utZ Date ClTr: U I \-.tq' t a$r/c'v 71p. 7 6.7 o3' i'? - att"1 Applicataon Number (office use) o >loa/,?APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: suaDtvtstoN:'-rt<.e PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:L- K*e1s OWNER'S ADDRESS: i 6c'l (Ar-9t .*tv 2/. PHONE }z ?6 - q?/'5722 CtTy: L) .L-<..,vCaA,4 ztq._48:1 E- CONTRACTOR /+ro Bqtzarat ADDRESS:c-t t+ TMAIL ADDRESS:a oth ELDG TICENSE d:77c,7,1 Cll\t a)tLl!, t aera>+St t',2-ap 2 64o3 PHONT 9,O-62",'1263 PHONE 6 2o -3263 ctlLDt G, bzo)(<tPROJECT CONTACT PERSON ) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration /4lenovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ".PIEA5T CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW ATI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'** tr Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (SF) D Pool (5F)! Sunroom (SF)! Storage Shed (SF) _ ! Other (sF)I Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changinB the existinB footprint? [ TOTAT SQ FT UNDER R@F Vot proposed wor*) Heated: tr Deck (5F) \eslE No - fr-ytt7l^-"@ ' unheated: TOTA| PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S a*) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Y€s ENo ls any Electrical, PlumbinS or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure K Yes D No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes A No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E, Yes tr No Pioperty Use/ Occupancy; $ Single Family fl Duplex D Townhouse Description of Work:REno,,,rc /z) c-tx-u5 laws and ordinances and regulations.Ihe NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be nolified of any changes in the approved plans and ipecifications or change in conlractor information. "'NOTE: Any work p€rformed withoul the appropriate permits willbe in violation of the NC State Code and to fines up to S50O.00"' brosloOwner/Contractor; "Licensed euolifret" Signatur€: TotalAcres Disturbed .- ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes El No Existing lmpervious Arear 4aO sqrt New lmperviou5Area:.-Sq Ft Exining Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes,/!/ No WATERT ;( CFPUA D Community System n Private Well fl Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: 6 CFPUA ! Community System ! Private Septic D Central Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ 61L- Comment:Permit Fee: S \5 oc lt f{ LOTf. ?€*)v6tpe Ka.T.t+6il/,.214-78< lihTtt z HALL R'f4 Ktr2o,alc- F.zztr